January 4, 2015
January 4, 2015
T H E Sunday Vigil: Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30-4:15 p.m. C H U R C H O F SAINT ANSELM 12969 Chillicothe Road Chesterland, Ohio PARISH OFFICE Web Site: stanselm.org Phone: 440-729-9575 Fax: 440-729-9103 SAINT ANSELM CATHOLIC SCHOOL Early Childhood Education (Preschool) - Grade 8 Web Site: http://stanselmschool.org/ Phone: 440-729-7806 Fax: 440-729-3524 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) Grades 1 - 5: Saturday: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Grades 6 - 8: Sunday: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Phone: 440-729-0481 (during PSR hours) 440-729-9575 (all other times) WELCOME We are glad you are here. If you would like to join the parish, please call the parish office. If you are not Catholic and have questions or would MINISTRY TO THE SICK We regularly visit the homebound, the hospitalized and minister to the terminally ill. Please contact the parish office so that we may help. BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Please call the parish office. STAFF Fr. Thomas M. Sweany, Pastor Phone: 440-729-5123 Fr. Stephen M. Spisak, Parochial Vicar Phone: 440-729-5124 Deacon Bob Kovach Deacon Donald E. Sill Miss Joan Agresta, Principal Phone: 440-729-7806, Ext. 325 Mrs. Jean Fitzgerald, Pastoral Associate, RCIA Phone: 440-729-5130 Phone: 440-729-5120 Sister Ann Whitely, O.S.U., RCIC Phone: 440-729-5113 Mr. Eric Charmley and Mrs. Theresa Charmley, Youth Ministers Phone: 440-533-5943 Mr. David Fuller, Coordinator of Liturgical Music Phone: 440-729-5122 Mrs. Yu Sakamoto, Liturgical Music January 4, 2015 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD PARTNERS IN THE PROMISE As a society, during these days we can be in something of a “postpartum” depression. Our celebrations of Christmas and the New Year are over, and after today many of us will put away the decorations and the last visible remnants of the celebrations of the past weeks. The apostle Paul today uses the expression “partners in the promise.” This is an uplifting phrase for us to reflect upon, and to think of as our own calling in these days following the birth of the Lord. What is this promise? We can find it in the gifts the magi bring: it is a promise of being a royal priesthood (gold), a holy nation (frankincense), a people set apart for self-giving (myrrh). We find more of the promise in Isaiah—a light shines upon us! In the psalm we know a promise of a world of flowering justice, profound peace, the poor rescued, pity for the lowly and the poor. This is the promise; and one of the best ways for us to lift ourselves out of any possible low spirits we may be suffering is to live out our partnership in this promise each and every day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANSELM MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic family of believers committed to following Jesus by welcoming, celebrating, caring, evangelizing and growing in His image. THE ORDER OF MASS FOR THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD GATHERING HYMN LicenSing 601922 All right reserved. Used with Permission. One License A-724465 _____THE LITURGY of THE WORD_____ GLORIA Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; , have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. PSALM LORD, EVERY NATION ON EARTH WILL ADORE YOU. Owen Alstott, 1977,1990, OCP Publications. LicenSing 60192222 PENITENTIAL ACT (A) (CONFITEOR) I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, (striking their breast, all say) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. PENITENTIAL ACT (B) Priest: Have mercy on us, O Lord. People: For we have sinned against you. Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. People: And grant us your salvation. THE NICENE CREED I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (BOW ) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. UNIVERSAL PRAYER OFFERTORY PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS HOLY, HOLY, HOLY _____THE COMMUNION RITE_____ THE LORD’S PRAYER RITE OF PEACE LAMB OF GOD COMMUNION HYMN All right reserved. Used with Permission. One License A-724465 One License A-724465 _____THE CONCLUDING RITE_____ BLESSING AND DISMISSAL SENDING HYMN All right reserved. Used with Permission. One License A-724465 NOTES FROM FATHER TOM……..… Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. It is a day to recall that the Savior came for all people. It might be a good day to explain to children that the kings and the camels in the Nativity Set remind us that Jesus came for all of us. In fact, I know some people do not put You might have noticed over Christmas that we have a new carillon. The old one quit working and repairs were expensive enough that it was like having an old car that needs significant repair. It was time to buy a new unit with up-to-date technology. It is marvelous indeed. I hope you like it. Beside the existing outdoor speakers, we now have a speaker in the baptistery and one in the church. Right now we are playing the Angelus everyday at noon and 6 p.m., and a call to worship before every Mass but the 8:00 a.m. There is a huge selection of hymns and the programming is very simple so you will be hearing them more frequently. As we begin the new year, it is traditionally a time for resolutions. I invite you to make a spiritual resolution that is practical and doable. What I mean by that is simply if the resolution is too vague, it will probably never happen. To be holier is a noble goal but praying ten minutes a day or reading one half page of scripture every day just might happen. And if we do that, we will be holier. The saints in the baptistery project is getting a good response but we still need donations so whatever you can do will be appreciated. Happy New Year to you and your family. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANSELM SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH 4:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Sunday Masses 8:00 am 10:00 am Noon 6:00 pm LifeTeen Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am Friday 8:30 am Weekday Masses Monday thru Friday 6:30 am 9:00 am Saturday 8:15 am Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Confessions Monday 7:15-7:45 pm Saturday 3:30-4:15 pm 440-729-9575 www.stanselm.org Information 440-461-0066 www.stfrancisgm.org THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 4, 2015 Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Monday, January 5 7:30 a.m. Donald Junglas St. John Neumann 1 Jn 3:22-4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday, January 6 St. André Bessette 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday, January 7 7:30 a.m. David Stumpf St. Raymond of Penyafort 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday, January 8 7:30 a.m. Dorothy Fletcher 1 Jn 4:19-5:4; Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday, January 9 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 All Kings shall pay him homage, all nations shall serve him. ~ Psalm 72:11 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Saturday, January 10, 2015 Is 42:1-4, 6-7 Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 9-10 Acts 10:34-38 Mk 1:7:1 or Is 55:1:11 Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 1 Jn 5:1-9 Mk 1:7-11 4:30 p.m. Remo Ianiro January 11, 2015 8:00 a.m. Celebrant’s Intention 9:30 a.m. People of the Parish 11:30 a.m. Celebrant’s Intention NOTES FROM THE PRINCIPAL………………………. Happy New Year to everyone! We are pleased to announce that we have received a grant from the Diocese of Cleveland to upgrade and expand our wireless computer capabilities! The grant approved $20,000 toward the project, and we are so eager to begin. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE It was only after they entered the house that the Magi found Jesus. Today’s gospel challenges us to bring our gifts into our home and family. There we will find Jesus. Our spiritual search for God starts at home. MARRIAGE MOMENTS The feast of the Epiphany celebrates the three wise men bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. Why not be wise and bring your spouse three compliments on January 4th. Consider your beloved's physical appearance, a unique talent, and an act of kindness. PARENTING POINTERS On the 9th Day of Christmas 9 Ladies Danced. But dancing is not only for ladies and true love is not only for newlyweds. Try dancing with your children. It needn't be ballroom; it needn't have partners; it needn't even be good dancing. Share a dance from your childhood with your children. It could be serious or silly, from the waltz to the hokey pokey. Let them share their style of dance with you - if you dare. Moving together can be joyous. On enter ing the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother. (Matthew 2:10) Adult: When have you found the presence of Christ in an unexpected place? Child: Where and in whom will you look for Jesus this week? COLLECTIONS December 21 ………………………..$12,529.62 Next Week………………….Assistance Ministry And we are equally excited about exploring the possibility of offering a full day preschool. Stay tuned for more information on that. And one of the best ways to “stay tuned” is to join us for our Open House on Sunday, January 11th. The Open House shall begin immediately following the 11:30 Mass and will end around 2:30 p.m. The teachers and staff will be here to explain their program; students and parents will be available for tours; registration packets will be available; and waiting lists will be started. While many other open houses are scheduled for Catholic Schools Week (January 25), we know that it can be impossible to visit every one that is scheduled. But as your parish school, we believe you will find Saint Anselm a nurturing environment of excellence. Come and see all that we have to offer. Then, feel free to schedule a visit during school hours—or have your child shadow for a few hours or for the day. There are many ways to get to know us better, and we welcome the opportunity to let you know about this treasure in Chesterland! Our students will enter into the new year on Tuesday, January 6th. Monday is a meeting and work day for the teachers. But once back, we shall be involved in spelling bees, geography bees, high school applications, speech contests—and all kinds of special events for Catholic Schools Week at the end of the month. or send us an email at office@stanselmschool.org. Bring along a friend or two—you won’t be sorry! Now back to those New Year’s resolutions! Blessings to all! The Saints project is coming along very nicely. Envelopes are available in the baptistery. Hopefully everyone will feel like they are a part of this since it is our church. Remember we hope to get moving on this as soon as it is possible. GENTLENESS Feelings are everywhere—be gentle. —J. Masai DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN ARTICLES All articles for the bulletin have to be submitted no later than the published date that is found in the back of the bulletin. These dates are published every week. Our bulletin is being printed earlier than in the past beginning January 2015. Thanks for your previous cooperation on these deadlines. If your article is sent in past the date required and can be informative to our readers for the following week, then it will be published at that time. Thanks. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Every year, millions of Catholics across the country contribute to the National Collection for The Catholic University of America through their parishes. The collection raises millions of dollars that go directly to support student financial aid at Catholic University of America (CUA). Please remember them January 17-18 in the collection. LIFE TEEN Life Teen is open to all High School youth and provides a safe environment for teens as they are led closer to Christ. Life Nights start at 6:30 on Sunday evenings in the Hospitality Room. Upcoming SALT Events January 4 Christmas Break January 11 Fall Retreat Reunion January 18 How it Starts: God is the Creator January 25 Meet the Parents: Adam and Eve – Grace & Sin TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Epiphany celebrates the wake-up calls of life, the showings of God’s majesty and power in the person of Jesus. The feast alerts us to look for signs of the Lord’s grace and action in our lives today. In this context, the call of the Second Vatican Council to reform the sacramental life of the Church, including our pattern of care for the sick, is indeed a holy awakening. Prior to the 1960s, our care for the sick had collapsed in the popular imagination into something everyone called “last rites.” An immensely complicated ritual, with anointing accompanied by quickly muttered Latin prayers, was enacted for a marginally conscious person at “death’s door.” By the time a priest was called, the sick person might not be able to receive viaticum, or derive much personal benefit from the ritual. The healing effects of the sacrament, investing suffering with the dignity of a link to Christ’s cross, and the immense assurance of forgiveness for a person reviewing the life journey, were hidden. Suddenly, an epiphany swept through the Church, and the way we care for the sick was utterly transformed. It took several centuries, however, for the Church to reach that moment of renewal. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.. MOVING ON When members of our parish find the need to move on from Saint Anselm, they wonder whether to inform the staff or let the office know. We truly value your membership in our parish and encourage you to please call 440-729-9575 or email us at anselmst@aol.com to let us know that you are moving. We wish you well as you move to your new parish. Know that if, you are always welcome to return to The Church of Saint Anselm. THE HOLY STAR O Father, may that holy star Grow every year more bright And send its glorious beams afar To fill the world with light. —William Cullen Bryant SAINT ANSELM SCHOOL Open House on Sunday, January 11, 2015 immediately following the 11:30 Mass ending around 2:30 p.m. The teachers and staff will be available to answer any of your questions. Students and parents will be conducting tours. Registration packets will be available and waiting lists will be started. Everyone is invited to see all that our Parish School has to offer. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE HISTORY OF OUR DIOCESE The Diocese of Cleveland was created on April 23, 1847 for 10,000 Catholics. In 1848 the 1st Seminary, . On November 19, 1848, the first priests for service to the Diocese of Cleveland were ordained. The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist was constructed from 1848 until 1852 at the corner of Superior Avenue and Erie Street (now East 9th Street). It was dedicated on November 7, 1852. The territory of the Diocese would fluctuate with the creation of the Diocese of Toledo (1910) and then again with the creation of the Diocese of Youngstown (1943). Currently the Diocese of Cleveland encompasses 8 counties of northeast Ohio (Ashland, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lorain, Lake, Medina, Summit and Wayne). In 1912, the first Catholic Charities office was opened at East 9th and Prospect. In 1925, a new St. Mary Seminary was dedicated on Ansel Road in Cleveland. From 1946 until 1948 the cathedral along with adjacent diocesan buildings were rebuilt and remodeled. The new cathedral was consecrated on September 4, 1948. In 1977 the sanctuary of the Borromeo Seminary opened in 1953. In 1964, the Diocese opened a Latin American Mission in El Salvador. In 2014, the Diocese celebrated 50 years of ministry in Latin America. Get Mid-Week Announcements St. Anselm staff knows that receiving emailed information is a matter of individual preference. If you are among those who have said, “I didn’t know in time to attend a parishioner’s wake/ funeral” drop off the form below at the parish office to sign up to receive timely announcements from St. Anselm. We hold your time and privacy as precious, so we at the office make wise choices limiting the amount of information we will send you. I would like to receive occasional Mid-Week announcement emails from St. Anselm Parish. Name: ____________________________Email address _____________________________ Please repeat Email address______________________________ Tuesday, January 6 11:00 a.m. Young of Heart Brd. Pentecost 7:00 p.m. Scripture Study Chapel Wednesday, January 7 7:00 p.m. RCIA/RCIC Hospitality Pentecost Saturday, January 10 2:30 p.m. Shawl Ministry Pentecost Articles for the January 18th Bulletin must be at the Parish Center by Wednesday, January 7th Email to bulletins2@aol.com Subject: Bulletin TRAVELING CHARISMATIC MASS Sing and Praise God With Joy! Catholic Renewal Ministries’ Traveling Charismatic Mass for February will be held at Divine Word Parish on Friday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m. The church is located at 8100 Eagle Road in Kirtland. Fr. Dave Woost will be the celebrant. Healing prayer teams will be available after Mass for individual prayer. For more information, please contact Fr. Bob Franco at 440-327-2201 or CRM at 440-944-9445. NEW WAY OF LIVING Looking for peace and purpose in your life? Then try a New Way of Living. Come on Friday, January 16 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and Saturday, Seminary, Center for Pastoral Leadership, Issenmann Hall, 28700 Euclid Avenue. Open to all men and women 18 years old and over. Breakfast and lunch is included: a free will offering will be taken DIVORCED OR SEPARATED? STRUGGLING WITH THE HOLIDAYS? Join us on Thursday evening, January 8th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St. John Vianney Church, 7575 Bellflower Road in Mentor This special evening is intended to offer practical advice, support, and the skills to move forward in the new year. To register or email her at kjubeck@st-gabriel.org 8 WEEK SUPPORT GROUP Divorce Recovery for Catholics, designed to meet the needs of those who are divorced or separated will begin Wednesday, January 14th, and conclude on March 4th, 2015, at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 29850 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe, from 7-9 p.m. Sessions are designed to offer direction, support, and the tools for coping with this lifechanging experience. For more information or to register, call Catholic Charities at 440-352-6191 or 800-242-9755 or you can always email Karen at kjubeck@st-gabriel.org . There is no charge for this program and it is open to people of all faiths. Time Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. ~ Benjamin Franklin WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Married couples, do you know that more than 1,500,000 couples in over 92 countries have experienced a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend? They found something worth passing on. The next weekend is scheduled for February 13-15, 2015 at the Cambria Suites, Uniontown. For more information call Scott or Lori at 330-305-9963 or visit www.wwme.org WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE SAINT ANSELM FAMILY If you would like to be a member of our parish, please complete this form, and place it in the collection basket or send it to the parish office and someone from the parish will contact you. Name________________________________________ Address______________________________________ ____ I am interested in the marriage annulment process. Phone________________________ Zip__________________________ PRAY FOR THE SICK All U.S. Active Military All U. S. Veterans Dale Alexander Kathryn Angelone Emma Baker Charlie Bartzen Dave Benenati Victor Bernot Nancy Boutellier Elaine Boyer Joe Bright Bill Brooks Mary Jo Buehner Ron Buehner Rosemary Buehner Kathleen Burton Mary Lou Burton Glorianne Camburako Justin Carbera Ebe Chamblin Jan Cicchella Thomas Collins Richard Corrado Buddy Craven Rich D’Andrea Doris Dangelo Paul Dickson Dorothy DiLillo Rocco DiLillo Marilyn Dunlavey Debbie Edelman Coleen Gallagher Paul Gambrill Skip Giddings Maria Grassia Therese Gregg Ronald Hertzing Charles Horvat Julie Jaboni Mary Kenny Bernice Kirchner Suzie Knotek Margaret Kochis Jack Kotheimer Jenny LaMarca Colitto Francine Lamparty Pat Liebenauer Nick Loya Jutta Manherz Mary Lee Maniche Abigail Martin Francis Mavko Debbie McLaughlin Gladys McLaughlin Colleen McCurdy Bill McNally Tim McNally Marilyn Merlino Donald Mihelcic Eli Mihelcic Lisa Morek Diana Mott Keith Munich Dominic Nastasi Bill O’Brien Terry O’Brien Marylou Peck Jaci Pinkston Evelyn Pastoric Andrew Rice Richard Ruppe Charlie Robinson James Schill Patricia Serf Chuck Snider Renate Socha Emma Somers William Somers Lenny Stosel Sally Straka Bob Sullivan Jeanne Szczepanski Dana Teeter Pat Turske Laura Trusnik Dawn Verona Dawn Verona Vicky Vlah Cathleen Wilson For additions to the list or to have a name removed, please call 729-5111 and leave a message or email to bulletins2@aol.com REST IN PEACE Marilyn Delaat Eternal rest grant unto her, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Please remember in your daily prayers these individuals, who have been and are called to the priesthood. Sunday, January 4 ~ Father Sweany Following seminarians are at Borromeo: Monday, January 5 ~ Joshua A rbogast Tuesday, January 6 ~ Ryan Arto Wednesday, January 7 ~ Michael Bedell Thursday, January 8 ~ Gregory Boldin Friday, January 9 ~ David Chojnacki Saturday, January 10 ~ Alexander Clark CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Anselm Church #054150 12969 Chillicothe Road Chesterland, OH 44026 TELEPHONE 440 729-9575 CONTACT PERSON Jane Grisez EMAIL: bulletins2@aol.com SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 11 Windows XP PRINTER Canon ir C5051 TRANSMISSION TIME W#ednesay, December 23 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 4, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12
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