August - Zion Lutheran Church
August - Zion Lutheran Church
Visit us on the web: Zion Herald Monthly Newsletter of Zion Lutheran Church, Leola Adult Faith Formation at 9:15AM on Sundays By Sue Orth Rumor has it that everyone has a hunger to know God better and to grow in their faith and trust. We were all created in His image so growing and learning makes us better reflectors of His love, grace and mercy. This year some of the new topics will be: 1. The book of John. For 6 weeks, the topics are: The Word made Flesh, Miraculous signs of Jesus, The “I AM” sayings of Jesus, The Farewell Discourse, The Arrest, Trial and Crucifixion of the King, and Eternal Life. (Adam Hamilton) 2. Vanishing Grace; Whatever Happened to the Good News. Five weeks of discussion on: We’ve Got Problems, What Can We Do About It?, Who Are the Grace Dispensers, Is It Really Good News, and Holy Subversives. (Philip Yancey) 3. Why in the World; The Reason God Became One of Us. In 4 weeks the sessions will cover: To Communicate and Demonstrate, Like Son, Like Father, Classless, and Putting Religion in Its Place. (Andy Stanley) 4. Defying Gravity; Break Free from the Culture of More. Four sessions will be on: Discovering Gravity, Breaking Free, Tethered to God, and When We Get it Right. (Tom Berlin) 5. Soul Keeping; Caring for the Most Important Part of You. These 6 weeks of conversation should have your soul in good shape: What is the Soul?, The Struggle of the Soul, What the Soul Needs, The Practice of Grace, The Practice of Gratitude, and The Practice of Growth. Keep your eyes open and watch for more information on dates and plan to attend and fellowship with the body of Christ. We grow in faith when we gather in His name! August 2016 Table of Contents Survey Reveals Lutheran Practices Community Garden Water Street Ministries New Ideas in Youth Ministry & Young Adults Youth & Preteen Kick Off Serving Meals Thank You Notes August Birthdays & Anniversaries Goldeen Zioneers Events Downtown Meal Schedule CVCCS Needs 2016 General Finances Prayer List August Calendar Volunteer schedule is attached. 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 Survey Reveals Lutheran Practices By Pastor Embley The results below were obtained by the Barnes Group. Religious Practices Attend church - 43% Read the Bible - 32% Pray to God - 84% Attend Sunday School - 13% Theological Beliefs Believe Satan is real - 21% Believe Christ was sinless 13% Believe God is all powerful 72% Believe faith in Jesus is the only way to heaven - 58% So these are the numbers but if you go a little further, 87% of Lutherans don’t go to Sunday School, also 87% don’t believe that Christ was sinless and 68% don’t read their Bible. Where do you fit in? Can we do better? I am sure we all can! Why would we want to? I believe that we all long for a deeper relationship with God. Here are some solutions: pick up Christ In Our Home or The Upper Room; devotion booklets, we also have Taking Faith Home that provides ways to practice your faith as well as readings. Join the Wake Up Call for men at 6:30 a.m. Sundays, and the Tuesday evening Bible Study and prayer at 7 p.m. At 9:15 a.m. we have learning opportunities on Sunday. Check out Zion’s Library for resources. Community Garden Located at the upper parking lot by the Trumbauer House By Sue Orth If you love tomatoes, you love the taste and flavor of home grown, off the vine, juice running down your chin tomatoes! The garden has been supplying the CVCCS Food Bank with tomatoes, lettuce and peppers. Soon there will be green beans, carrots, and more tomatoes and peppers, and potatoes. Have you ever heard of “Potato Barrels”? That’s what the brown barrels are beside the raised garden beds. You simply put in dirt, then potatoes, then a little more dirt. When you see green vines you add more dirt, potatoes and more dirt. You keep doing this until the barrels are full. After 8-10 weeks you dump the barrels and pick up all the potatoes! What a great way to use less space to grow more fresh food. If you are looking for something to do – feel free to come weed, water or harvest. Help will be needed in the future as 2 more raised beds are added and fall vegetables will be planted. YUM! Fresh cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and more. To volunteer or get more information, contact Sherri Patton at 717-656-9200 or sherri.l.patton@ Water Street Ministries By Sue Orth Have you ever wondered what all happens at Water Street? I knew a little about the ministry but after meeting with the church relations person, Maria, I was even more amazed. We had a great discussion and I learned where volunteers are needed the most. The other great opportunity is to tour the facility and see how clients are processed and what all is available to them while staying at Water Street. In January 2017, I would like to arrange a tour for anyone that wishes to learn more. I did not know that this operation takes up an entire city block. In fact they have a warehouse where they process donations. There is also a Guest Enrichment Center where the people can access computers. (I think my 90 year old dad and a few members of Zion are the only people that would not need this service!) Zion Herald Page 2 Some ways to volunteer include: helping at the Warehouse M-F from 10AM – 2 PM or the 1st Saturday of the month, Food Prep from 8-9 AM or 11-noon, servers are needed to serve at every meal, and if you love children, in the evenings from 6-8 there are enrichment opportunities for adults if someone is present to watch their children. Great ministry, great opportunities! New Ideas in Youth Ministry/Young Adults By Sue Orth Welcome to 2016! The ELCA has this slogan, ‘Always Being Made New’. They talk about it in terms of people but I think it also has to do with ministries. One of the most frequently used excuses for youth not participating is not knowing anyone. This problem has been magnified with the use of social media. Many youth have difficulty having conversations with people face to face. We tried something different this summer and had small groups (close in age and same sex) go out for breakfast and conversation. The goal was to help them connect so they could encourage one another to participate and learn more about each other. Another new thing was to take the graduating girls out for a nice dinner and conversation. Try to discover how we, as the church, could support them as they head off to college and help them stay connected to God and the church. Great conversation and great ideas for the future. The biggest change this year will be the format of the regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Since there is a large age gap between 7th and 12th grades, discussions will be much better by splitting the group. From 5-6 PM the youth in 7th – 9th grades will meet for the Youth and Preteen Kick Off Dates Youth 7th – 12th grades Sunday Sept. 11 from 5-7 (Not doing the new format the first meeting) This meeting is for the entire family. Great time to get to know other parents and connect. Watch for a special flyer mailed to you with details. Preteens – 4th – 6th grades Sunday, Sept. 18 Time to be determined but watch your mail for a flyer with details. Zion Herald Page 3 learning part, 6-7 PM everyone will meet for refreshments and activity (games and team building) and from 7-8 PM the 10th – 12th graders will meet for learning and dicussion. On July 28, a meeting was held for Young Adults at Zion. This group is interested in missions so next year there will be a mission trip for those that have graduated from high school and those who are college age. For 2017, the group will do mission work in the U.S. and in 2018 an international mission trip. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ~Mother Theresa Serving Meals to those in Need- a Zion Ministry By Patty Williams Recently, there have been changes to the way in which we will be serving meals, whether in Lancaster or here at Zion, which include the community meals, the New Years Day Dinner, and the Holiday Craft Show. Back in October, the Lancaster County Council of Churches, began implementing the new rules and regulations that are a part of the Feed America Program. The changes apply to any organization that uses food resources from the Food Bank on Queen Street to prepare and serve meals at any of the Churches in Lancaster that are opened to the public for free meals. The rules are 1. the serving organization needs to have at least one ServSaf certified person available at all times to ensure that meals are prepared in such a way as to prevent food borne illnesses; we have four certified people at Zion, Sue Orth, Jeff Wasilewski, Jackie Heise, and myself, Patty Williams; 2. our kitchen needs to be inspected; kitchens in Lancaster City are inspected by the City. Churches in the county are inspected by the Department of Agriculture, as of this writing we have not been inspected, but we will be; 3. all servers Grace In, Grace Out Adapted by newsletternewsletter The computer acronym GIGO “garbage in, garbage out” - describes how putting wrong code into a machine will lead to faulty output. Jesus offers a similar lesson in Matthew 15: “What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person” (V. 18, ESV) GIGO works the other way, too. If we put good things (including the good news of salvation) “in” our hearts, Jesus’ goodness will shine “out’ through our lives. And when God’s grace enters and changes us, we’ll also reach out and share that good news with others. are to watch a Civil Rights Video, we are requesting that anyone who volunteers to serve at Kingdom Life, Grace Lutheran, or Crispus Attucks, needs to watch the video and sign a self-certification document which we will keep on file and take with us to the meals. In regards to the video, it is long and very dry, for those who do not have access to a computer at home we have two options: 1) we can show the video on a Sunday morning, We will have the self-certification documents for you to sign, or 2) we will have a printed Power Point presentation for those who would prefer to read rather than watch. The video takes about 49 minutes. We will then reschedule the video prior to each meal we serve, for those who have not watched the video but would like to serve. All of this probably seems unnecessary to many, you may think that if we do not use the resources from the Food Bank then why do all of this? There are many reasons, the Churches that we go to serve in the city are being inspected and are attempting to comply with the new rules to the best of their ability to ensure that there is no interruption in serving those that need the meals; since these Host Churches are complying, then we need to comply as well. We at Zion are charging for two meals that are served to the public, the Holiday Craft Show and the News Year Day dinner, and there are times during the year that we are preparing and serving three meals a month, sometimes four, these are all reasons to be certified, licensed and to watch a video on Civil Rights awareness. If we are committed as a Church to serve those in need, and there are many people who are going hungry, not just the addicts, and all who live on the streets. There are working poor who go to work everyday, and go to bed hungry. We as a servant church, have chosen to comply with the new rules whether we use resources or not from the Council because it is the RIGHT thing to do. If anyone has any questions regarding any of the new rules please forward the questions to Paula McQuate or Patty Williams. We express our heartfelt thanks to all who prepare the meals, transport the food and to all of the servers who give of their time to come out and stand on the food line serving and bringing some bit of joy into the lives of all those they serve. The Master Puzzler Adapted by newsletternewsletter In Laughing in the Dark (Howard Books), Christian comedian Chonda Pierce calls God the Master Puzzler, because “in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). In his infinite wisdon, God “can organize the colors better than anyone (Have you seena sunset lately?) He knows where to fit every shape and size (Have you seen a mountain range?).” Until God places the last piece, the final picture is a mystery to us. But in the meantime, God offers order and purpose, providing his law as the puzzle’s edges. Pierce encourages people to let the “Master Puzzler” take over when life gets messy. Like the prophet Jeremiah, we can cry, “God, pick up the pieces. Put me back together again. You are my praise! (17:14, The Message). Zion Herald Page 4 A Small Laugh Adapted by newsletternewsletter “God warned a man named Lot to take his wife and flee out of the city,” said the Sunday School teacher, “but Lot’s wife looked back and was turned to salt.” A curious boy then asked, “What happened to the flea?” Dear Partners in Ministry, Thank you for your contribution in Mission Support! Your generosity is enabling us to advance the ministry of the Lutheran church here in South Central PA and across the globe. Truly, we have a lot of good ministry happening. We have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for. All this good is achieved with the help of your Mission Support. Thank you! God bless, James S. Dunlop, Bishop Lucinda Bringman, Synod V.P. Richard Jorgensen, Director of Evangelical Mission Dear Zion, Thank you for your thoughtful donation of $110 on June 9, 2016 in support of our mission. With the generosity of friends like you, we can help more families build and repair decent, affordable homes in our community. Your involvement in our mission of building homes, community and hope is appreciate. Thank you for giving and making a difference. Warm regards, Bill Dewan, Director of Development Lancaster Habitat for Humanity Answering God’s Call Adapted by During a 2010 trip to report on famine-relief efforts in Kenya, Kristen Welch observed conditions unfit for living. “How can you allow so much suffering?” she asked God. In return, he asked her the same question. That prompted Welch to put her faith into action by launching Mercy House, a nonprofit organization that rescues pregnant young women and their babies. The impact of Mercy House in Kenya - plus now in 19 other countries - is “miraculous proof that God is made perfect in our weakness,” Welch says. “Who would have thought a ‘yes’ in 2010 would make us the poster children that [prove] God can do anything with anyone?” Dear Zion, Thank you for your thoughtful gift to support the Friends of Lutheran Acres 2016 Project-Enhancements to the Sensory Oasis Courtyard. Your donation of $190.00 will help us add to the Sensory Oasis Courtyard - last year’s successful project. Connection is one of Luthercare’s core values, and we sincerely appreciate your generous support through this project. With gratitude, Christina Duncan, Director Mission Support, Luthercare “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer. ~Corrie ten Boom August 2 3 3 4 6 6 6 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 15 18 18 18 19 Gary Valinski Gerry Devlin Kevin Perreault Denny Rippy Karen Borten Melvin Eby Ken McCombs Tiffany Gehman Angie Sieber Barry Hoffman Amy High Deb Matthews Linda Wright Verna Youndt Laura Williams Brenda Leathery Sam Beitzel Virginia Bowers Ryan Stevens Seth Embley 19 21 23 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 Olivia Sapp Polly Miller Avery Heisey Sue Orth Ashley Hauck Darla Stambaugh Vickie Cunningham Marilyn Nettles David Bruce Steve Strohm Chris Engel Ann Rinier Cecelia Good Cathy Wasilewski Paityn Gerz Hailey Lehman Marisa Onderko Jane Pebly Zion Herald Page 5 6 7 10 11 13 17 18 22 26 26 29 30 30 30 August George & Marilyn Sorensen - 49 years Jeff & Cathy Wasilewski - 34 years Mel & Mary Eby - 72 years Nathan & Chelsea (Lemke) Fought Ralph & Phyllis Hutchison - 33 years Don & Tara Fausnaught - 25 years Bob & Vickie Cunningham - 37 years Joel & Barbara Miller - 46 years Paul & Krysta Barnhart Sherwood & Joyce Miller - 60 years Harvey & Donna Ruth - 57 years Newell & Vicki Embley - 41 years Alan & Ruth Ruby - 58 years Serge & Ariel Sarandinaki Leola Community Meal Friday, August 19 Served at 5:55 p.m. *Held here at Zion *Hosted by Zion Clothing Bank Work Days for Seniors August 17 & 31 September 14 & 28 Needs of the CVCCS Clothing Needs: *Ladies size 5 and 9 undies *Boy’s size 4, 6/8 and 10/12 undies *Men’s Plus Size underwear Food Needs: Downtown Meals 2016 Schedule *Carpool leaves at 4:30 p.m. from Zion. *Please sign up to donate food and your time. *Sign-up sheet is located on the Mission & Service bulletin board. Grace Lutheran Church (5th Wednesday of the month) August 31 November 30 Kingdom Life Assembly (3rd Thursday of the odd months) 225 West Orange St., Lancaster July 21 September 15 November 17 Family size cereals, canned fruits By Tom Richards The Grave Robber will be coming to Wake Up Call on August 7. This study is based on DVD presentations by Mark Batterson. The topic is miracles, the basis is the gospel of Saint John, and the scenery in the background of the DVD is the Holy Land. The Wake Up Call men’s group meets every Sunday morning at 6:30. Please join us. Questions? Please contact Tom Richards: t-richards@ Prayer Requests Members of Zion Adam Brown Bob Klinger Chuck Rathey Evelyn Brown Florence Benner Helen Brackbill Helen Strouse Jane Pebly Jeanne Fackler Jennie Roland Joan Wagner Judy Greiner Keith Shetter Mel & Mary Eby Nadine Gladfelter Pat Bunker Rosa Troians Russ Wagner Sharon Perreault Sister Sandy Lehr Ted Grumbein Service Personnel *Jacob Heikkinen (stateside) *Steven Wasilewski (stateside) *Davey Engel (stateside) *Rob Devlin (stateside) *Nick Chubb *Matthew Green (stateside) Prayer Requests Do you have a concern you want lifted to the Lord in prayer? Zion’s email prayer partners can be reached through Keri Bloom at bloomkg@ If you do not have email and would like to pray for concerns, please inform Pastor Embley at 717-656-9200. 2016 GENERAL FINANCES General Fund Income Month Year-to-date Budget June $29,146 $203,727 47.5% General Fund Expenses MonthYear-to-date Budget June $24,782 $205,34543.0% Zion Herald Page 6 Friends of Zion Amy Stump Barbara Byne Britany Foose Brandon Peters Bruce Bomberger Bud Hannah Corine Moore Coy McCustion Dave Meneely Donna Haines Doris Beitzel Ed Elliot Evelyn Nelson Gary Groff Harry Shenk Irvin Sensenig John Curran Kim Atkins Mark Faith Margaret Kuester Marvin High Nancy Bixler Nathanael Cassel Sherry Parker Overman Zion Happenings For August 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 6:30 pm Praise Practice 3 9 am Clothing Bank work day for seniors 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 18 7 pm Worship Planning Meeting 19 20 5:55 pm Leola Community Dinner hosted by Zion 25 7 pm Stewardship Committee Meeting 26 7 pm Prayer Group 7 6:30 am Wake Up Call Men’s Group 8 6:30 pm Council Meeting 9 6:30 pm Praise Practice 8 am Worship 7 pm Prayer Group 9:15 am Summer Electives 7 pm Mutual Ministry Meeting 6:30 pm Worship in Chapel 7:00 pm Women’s Book Study Group 10:30 am Worship 1-4 pm Community Waterslide Day 14 6:30 am Wake Up Call Men’s Group 15 8 am Worship 9:15 am Summer Electives 16 6:30 pm Praise Practice 17 9 am Clothing Bank work day for seniors 7 pm Prayer Group Meeting 6:30 pm Worship in Chapel 23 6:30 pm Praise Practice 24 6:30 pm Worship in Chapel 7 pm Prayer Group Meeting 7:00 pm Women’s Book Study Group 30 6:30 pm Praise Practice 31 9 am Clothing Bank work day for seniors 7 pm Prayer Group Meeting 4:14 pm Carpool leaves to serve meal at Grace Lutheran 10:30 am Worship 21 6:30 am Wake Up Call Men’s Group 22 8 am Worship 9:15 am Summer Electives 10:30 am Worship 28 6:30 am Wake Up Call Men’s Group 8 am Worship 9:15 am Summer Electives 10:30 am Worship 29 6:30 pm Worship in Chapel Zion Herald Page 7 27 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 18 QUARRY ROAD LEOLA PA 17540 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Email: Worship Services Traditional Service, Sundays at 8 a.m. Contemporary Service, Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Traditional Service, Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Communion is offered at each service. We gather to grow; we live to serve! Staff Rev. Newell W. Embley, III, Pastor Sue Orth, Director of Outreach & Youth Ministry Paula McQuate, Secretary Carol Chilcoat, Coordinator of Volunteers Forest Troyer, Custodian Becky Rairigh, 8 a.m. Organist Tracy Lash, 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Music Leader Bob Gates Ryan Stevens Jeff Wasilewski Leadership Luke HarrisChurch Treasurer Norman Weaver Assistant Treasurer Bob WilsonPayroll Bill MatthewsProperty Mike Proch Cemetery Luke Harris Stewardship Committee Sue Orth Christian Education Lorraine Smoker Social Ministry Patty Jackson, Nadine Gladfelter Library Cathy WasilewskiMutual Ministry Brian Good Financial Secretary Kelly Beitzel Altar Guild Bob Gates Worship Planning Bob Gates & Del Bard Building Coordinators Kathy Raffensperger Zion Archivist Council Council President Council Vice President Council Secretary Tayler Moyer, Luke Harris, Bob Gates, Martha Lefever, Jackie Heise Zion Lutheran Church 18 Quarry Road, Leola, PA 17540 717-656-9200