Zion Hi-Lites - Zion Lutheran Church


Zion Hi-Lites - Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Hi-Lites
June 2015
Volume 20
Issue 6
In This Issue:
Vacation Bible School
Church Picnic
Zion Booth at Fair
School News
“Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking to
Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2
The Scripture compares several times the Christian life to an athletic
contest. Through all our life, we are competitors. And we struggle; not
against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness...against Satan
himself. He uses every temptation, and every trick he knows, to keep us
from winning.
So we are told to run with patience the race set before us. The Christian
is not lived in short spurts. As Luther said, “The old man must daily be
Birthdays & Anniversaries
drowned and died with all sins and evil lusts.” Day by day we seek His
blessing, and fight the good fight of faith. Every day, even in summer, we
 June Calendar
need to be in the race.
 Parish Records
The victory is not won by those who claim an inner strength of their
own. The prize belongs to those who keep their eyes on the goal, looking to
 Hispanic News
Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Satan tries hard to distract us.
But in His life and death, Jesus has already given us the victory. It’s ours as
 Meeting Minutes
we patiently, day by day, keep our eye of faith and trust on Him. Our Lord
Jesus promises that those who overcome will obtain the prize, the crown of
 Bible in a Year
life. And so we need His Word: “Hold fast what you have, so that no one
may seize your crown.” We thank God, for the victory through our Lord
 News from Uruguay
Jesus Christ.
In His service,
Page 2
What is Scrip?
Scrip is a “fundraising” program that turns everyday shopping into cash for Zion School when
families use retail gift cards to pay for everyday
purchases (like gas and groceries) instead of the
usual credit/debit card or cash. Purchase these
gift cards at face value; use them at face value;
Zion gets the 1%-15% (varies by retailer) profit!
It’s that simple! See the chart at left to see just
how much one family alone could earn the
school in one year! Over 400 national retailers
and many local options available online or
through the Zion office. Check it out today!
Why send your children to Zion?
“Teach the words I command you diligently to your children. Talk
about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the
way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up”
Deuteronomy 6:6-7. Christian schools do not simply add religion
to the curriculum, but teach all subjects in the light of God’s
Word. We are not to choose specific times to focus on God’s
Word. Instead, it is to become a vital, natural part of our lives. We
teach our children this by Word and example. Our children are
being given a complete education along with a right, whole, and
wholesome view of reality and life. At a Christian school a child’s
mind is not artificially split into a “secular” and a “religion”
compartment. Instead, the child’s outlook, shaped and guided by
the Word of God, is solid, meaningful, and practical. We can see
that our school is an answer to our Lord’s command. Invite your
family and friends to start the education of their
children here at Zion.
What a wonderful 2014-2015 school year we
had! We look forward to seeing all of our
returning and new students in August. Zion
School will start on Monday, August 24th. Registration is Monday and Tuesday, August 10th
and 11th from 2:00pm to 7:00pm (both days).
See you there!
Page 3
In loving memory of Hazel Thies a gift of $50 was given
to Zion Lutheran School.
July 12-18
Camp Okoboji
for kids who have
completed grades
3, 4, 5 or 6.
Register online at
or call
In loving memory of Deb Fink a gift of $50 was given to
Zion Lutheran School.
In loving memory of Ann Lorenzen a gift of $120 was
given to Zion Lutheran Church and $35 was given to the
Cradle Roll.
In loving memory of Phyllis Hagge a gift of $125 was
given to Zion Lutheran Church.
In loving memory of Melvin Baker the following gifts
were designated as follows: Zion Lutheran Church, $101;
Thy Strong Word broadcasts, $5; and Cradle Roll, $25.
In loving memory of Harold Baedke a gift of $25 was
given to Zion Lutheran Church and School.
In loving memory of Tom Cooper a gift of $50 was given
to Zion Lutheran Church and School.
Church Pictorial Directories
We still have many directories to be picked up. If you
had your picture taken, please stop in the Zion office to
pick up your free directory. If you submitted a picture,
directories are $5. Extra directories are $10 each.
A very special thank you to Shari Bailey for providing
the pictures on the front page and the 3 pictures on the
bottom of the second page. We thank her for sharing her
photos with us!
Joy in Ministry
The “Joy in Ministry” initiative focuses on recruiting
future church workers and providing them financial
assistance. These workers are being trained now and
will be witnesses to future generations. Thank you for
your past support! We would be honored if you would
join us on Sunday, June 14th at 5:30 p.m. at Boulders
in Denison for a banquet and guest speaker, Dr. Mark
Blanke, professor at Concordia University in
Nebraska. There is no charge. To make reservations,
please call Sue at 515-579-7666 or email at
Electronic giving doesn’t take vacations. This summer, if
you can’t make it to church due to travel or other
commitments, we encourage you to automate your
regular donations. The church relies
on the consistent financial support
of the congregation, and electronic
giving offers an easy (and free) way
to give on a recurring basis. Pick up
an authorization form in the office.
Call the Zion office to get started.
We thank you for your continued support!
Read the Entire Bible in a Year! Clip and Save. Look for July’s schedule in next month’s newsletter!
June 1: Job 1-4
June 5: Job 14-16
June 9: Job 29-31
June 13: Job 40-42
June 17: Psalm 21-25
June 21: Psalm 40-45
June 25: Psalm 66-69
June 29: Psalm 80-85
June 2: Job 5-7
June 6: Job 17-20
June 10: Job 32-34
June 14: Psalm 1-8
June 18: Psalm 26-31
June 22: Psalm 46-50
June 26: Psalm 70-73
June 30: Psalm 86-89
June 3: Job 8-10
June 7: Job 21-23
June 11: Job 35-37
June 15: Psalm 9-16
June 19: Psalm 32-35
June 23: Psalm 51-57
June 27: Psalm 74-77
June 4: Job 11-13
June 8: Job 24-28
June 12: Job 38-39
June 16: Psalm 17-20
June 20: Psalm 36-39
June 24: Psalm 58-65
June 28: Psalm 78-79
Page 44
“Stewardship” looks like a noun, sounds like a noun, but
it is a word that is full of action. It is using our time for
prayer, sharing our talents with the people around us, and
giving gener ously of our tr easur es. In essence,
stewardship is “our love for God.”
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave
His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may
not perish but have eternal life.” Our Creator was generous
and shared the power of His love. Generous stewardship is
characterized by God’s relationship with us. It is a sacrificial sharing and life-giving purpose. It spares us from the
budget mentality; one that views stewards more as a resource than followers of Jesus. We are followers!
Please help make our Zion food booth at the Crawford
County Fair a success again this year! To make the fair
booth run, we need 6-8 volunteers each day, along with one
shift supervisor for each shift. Look for volunteer sign-up
sheets in the narthex or call the Zion office if you can help.
Also...look for the pie sign-up sheet! Our booth wouldn’t
be the same without pies!
Four points that characterize the core value of generosity:
God... gave His Son for the wor ld and put us in a loving relationship with Him.
God... gave fir st. God loved us fir st so we can love. In
other words, God shared so that we can share.
God... for feited His only Son. God gave sacr ificially so
we are free to give sacrificially, not for our salvation, but
in joy and thanksgiving. Jesus is the only example that we
God’s... gift was pur poseful. God’s gift was life-giving,
and our giving can be intentional and reflect our faith in
God, our trust in the Gospel and our belief in the ministry
at Zion.
When we arrived in midsummer, we
couldn’t identify the tree in front of
our house. But as the summer turned
into fall, the smell of the fruit was
unmistakable...guava. I cracked one
open, but had no idea what to do with
it. I didn’t know they were ripe until
they started falling off of the tree and
began to rot. By then it was too late.
Our complex’s gardener told me that
the lady who used to live in our
house made all kinds of things out of
guava. He told me he would show me
how to make things with guava next
The sign in front of the grocery store read “Día de Noquis.” I had no
idea what that meant. Day of the what? So I sounded it out... “Nyuh-oh
-key.” Like gnocchi? I went into the market. That’s what it was. The
29th of every month is “Day of the Gnocchi” in Uruguay. Gnocchi are
little potato-based dumplings that are Italian in origin. Italians were
one of the major groups of immigrants to Uruguay. The tradition of
eating gnocchi on the 29th of the month arose because the people here
usually get paid once a month...on the 30th. So money was tight at the
end of the month, and gnocchi were cheap and filling. The tradition
continues today in Uruguay, even with people who have no trouble
getting food together at the end of the month.
Five things the Sharps are working on in May:
Finishing setting up the ‘essentials’ like local
mobile phone service.
 Immigration paperwork (and immigration lines).
James working into the regular preaching rotation.
Starting some English-based outreach ministries.
Hosting some visitors!
Below: Once we got settled in, one of our fir st tasks was to sign
up for Spanish classes. Every morning, after we drop the kids off at
school, we catch the bus across the street from the girls’ campus,
and go to the edge of the old city to spend the morning in intensive
Spanish courses. Here I am with Lucia, my Spanish teacher.
 communion service
5 5
6:30 Women’s
Bible Class @
6:00 Board of
7:00 Board of
10:00 Bible Class
1:00 Craft Time
6:30 Worship
10:00 Bible Class
6:30 Men’s Bible
Class @ Cronks
6:30 Operation
1:00 Nifty
1:30 Sewing Group
8-12 Hispanic
Garage Sale
6:30 Worship 
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Bible Classes
10:30 Worship
8:00 Worship 
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Bible Classes
10:30 Worship 
1:00 Nifty
6:30 Board of
7:00 Board of
1:30 Ladies’ Aid
6:30 Men’s Bible
1:30 Sewing Group
6:30 Men’s Bible
Class @ Cronks
8:00 Worship 
Scrip Orders Due
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Bible Class
10:30 Worship 
7:00 Fellowship
7:00 Evening Guild
1:00 Nifty Needles
1:30 Sewing Group
6:30 Worship
10:00 Bible Class
1:00 Newsletter
1:00 Nifty Needles
6:30 Men’s
3:00 Weidt/Rausch
6:30 Worship 
Scrip Orders Due
1:30 Sewing
David Weidt on Apr il 26, 2015.
Angel Gael Piceno, son of Thomas and Blanca (Piceno)
Plagge, on May 9, 2015.
Marshall Deangelo Plagge, son of Thomas and Blanca
(Piceno) Plagge, on May 9, 2015.
Nicholas Alexander Plagge, son of Thomas and Blanca
(Piceno) Plagge, on May 9, 2015.
Easton Nickolas Schwenn, son of Nick Schwenn and
Tahara Johnston, on May 9, 2015.
Spencer Joseph, son of Chr istopher and Cassie
(Steinkuehler) Ball, on May 17, 2015.
“On Main Street”
A Christian talk show on today’s issues sponsored by
Lutheran Hour Ministries. Aired on KETV channel 7 on
Saturdays at 4:00 and 6:00am and Sundays at 5:00am.
Marty Anderson died on Apr il 27, and his funer al ser vice was held on May 4, 2015.
Transfers and Releases
Andrew Casperson, r emoved fr om member ship.
Scott Sewing, r emoved fr om member ship.
Rick Lorenzen, tr ansfer r ed fr om Faith Luther an,
Penni, Triston and Kia Coenen, tr ansfer r ed fr om Our
Savior, Denison.
...before going to hospital
…birth of your baby
...death in the family
...wish private counseling
...making wedding plans
...address or name changes
...desire private communion
...entering armed services
...desire to serve your Lord through the church
“Zion Worship Service”
A recording of Zion’s worship service is aired on
Denison’s local cable channel 13, Sundays at 4:30 p.m.
Call the Zion church office to sponsor a broadcast.
“Thy Strong Word”
Monday – Saturday, 6:25 a.m. KDSN (107.1 FM) These 34 minute devotions are sponsored by the local LCMS
congregations. This month’s schedule:
June 1-6
June 8-13
June 15-20
June 22-27
Rev. Marcus Manley
Rev. Ross Fritz,
(Vacancy Pastor)
Pastor Kaiser
Rev. Timothy Frank
June 29-July 4 Rev. Ross Fritz
St. Paul, Ute
Faith, Deloit
Zion, Denison
Triple Parish,
Charter Oak
Trinity, Manilla
If you would like to financially support these broadcasts, please send
donations to Zion and earmark for “Thy Strong Word.” Thank you!
“The Lutheran Hour”
… aired Sundays on KDSN-FM (107.1) at 6:30 a.m.
and on KDSN-AM (1530) at 10:30 a.m. It can also be
heard on satellite radio, XM Family Talk Radio 170,
Sundays, 1p.m.
“The Good Shepherd Hour”
...broadcasts Sundays on: Fort Dodge-KVFD (1400
AM) 8:00 a.m.; Sioux City-KSCJ (1360 AM) 8:00 a.m.;
Storm Lake-KAYL (101.5 FM) 10:30 a.m.
“The Word Today”
...aired on KDSN-AM or FM, Sundays at 9:45am
Page 7Page 7
2 Karry & Jennifer Schurke
3 Keith & Carol Jensen
Ritchie & Cheryl Meeves
Please call the
church office with
any additions or
4 Lori & Mike Wight
6 Joe & Marla Ahart
Tim & Diane Goslar
Dan & Jackie Haase
Jeremy & Julie Schroeder
8 Alan & Callie Nemitz
9 Karen & Ed Gast
10 Brian & Carol Boeck
Doug & Deb Haase
11 Dennis & Marlene Bergstadt
12 Glenn & Sarah Carlson
Matt & Terra Winey
13 Bill & Charlene Gehring
Curt & Joanne Sachau
14 Don & Georgene Eggert
Brad & Tami McCollough
1 Annette Boeck
Trisha Guggenmos
Brittany Schraeder
Jonathan Segebart
Jeff Thies
Joyce Thies
2 Jacob Bramley
Renee & Dale Reis
15 Curt & Sandra Stender
16 Chris & Tonya Eller
Darwin & Christina Meyer
17 Dana & Melissa Boeck
Aaron & Deb Gress
18 Josh & Ashley Brown
Ron & Jill Jahn
Terri & Brian Shives
19 Scott & Lisa Bowker
Kevin & Bev Fink
21 Justin & Heather Hoffman
Rick & Theresa Schramm
22 John & Mickey Bernholtz
Bob & Melanie Coenen
Clay & Jamie Henningsen
Jared & Tammy Kropf
23 Pastor & Colene Kaiser
Doug & Linda Thede
24 Bryce & Denise Meeves
25 Mark & Tammy Langfield
Garry & Rita Quandt
26 Chuck & Diane Ettleman
27 Merlin & Ruth Maack
28 Dale & Janine Keim
29 Blaine & Bonnie Bohlmann
Brian & Katie Christensen
30 Troy & Mindi Baker
Rick & Marla Franck
Henry & Marsha Kolls
Allen & Sharon Schau
Pat Evers
David Keim
Grace Asmus
Brooke Brown
Cathy Jacoby
Jay Knudsen
Shelby Pieper
Craig Sachau
Sheila Schulte
Lois Murphy
Natasha Adams
Marlene Bergstadt
Trista Curnyn
Amanda Goering
Curt Jensen
Mark Lutz
Deb Potts
Pam Soseman
Sharon Marquardt
Cody McCollough
Renee Miller
Cory Pieper
Katie Sharp
Destiny Berner
Ron Brown
Melanie Coenen
Dennis Huebner
Jay Mead
Jessi Schillerberg
8 Michelle Friedrichsen
Hagen Huebner
Betty Jacoby
Dianna Jepsen
Rebecca Johnson
Brady Lutz
Gage Miller
9 Ashley Brown
Kevin Fink
Barbara Killeen
Laurie Lingle
Alyha McCartney
Dena Nemitz
Todd Neuhaus
Lo’An Schneller
Brandon TenEyck
Jerad Young
10 Amy Blackman
Pam Martin
Hans Neumann
Rod Olson
Debbie Sieve
11 Devon Auen
Connie Christiansen
Martin Hansen
Mary Harvey
Jenni Stevens
13 Laura Crum
LaVerna Ewoldt
Nathan Fastje
Ross Iversen
Brittney Johnson
Justice McCartney
Jeff Nemitz
Ron Preul
Jean Taffae
Laura Trauffler
14 Dorothy Friedrichsen
Ann Hikins
Lisa Klink
Jessica Luvaas
Pete Segebart
15 Tim Deiber
Wes Gray
Andy Gustafson
Kathy Kahl
Allison Muhlbauer
Bill Potts
Kylie Ricketts
16 Kyle Brodersen
Lloyd Deiber
Mary Halterman
Sam Jepsen
Chleo Koch
Molly Meyer
Nate Smith
Ryan Sonnichsen
Sara Swafford
17 Tom Eller
Chianne Fenn
Luke Meseck
Lorna Petersen
Cassie Steinkuehler
Cara Tiffey
Brooklyn Winey
18 Nick Lackman
McKenzie Neumann
Zeth Petersen
Donna Sonnichsen
David Weidt
Madison Wight
19 Lexie Dorhout
Joe Griffin
Gaylon Reetz Sr.
Kay Schurke
Tammy Sharon
Larry Thompson
Michael Weltz
20 Austin Davis
Karisa Denker
Mike Krajicek Jr.
Kay Voss
22 Amanda Follmann
Marvin Jeschke
Darwin Meyer
Rashelle Olson
Crystal Reed
Marvin Schneller
Diane Smith
Kathy Vore
23 Mariah Carlson
Tricia Davis
Jim Neumann
Ron Paulsen
Tatum Schneckloth
Nick Trainer
24 Jason Boeck
Terry Brockman
James Buss
Keaten Hartwig
Cindy Hoffmeier
Ron Hoffmeier
Dewayne Krueger
Bob Matthiesen
Sherri Schurke
Todd Slechta
Janice Steinkuehler
25 Shelly Auen
Melissa Bernal
Tim Goslar
Roger Reimers
Marley Stevens
26 Samantha Aldag
Tammy Brodersen
Brandon Hansen
Lyla Johnston
Megan Miller
Keith Schmadeke
27 Amy DeMey
Monte Eggert
Nicole Howard
Chris Klink
Bobbi Salzkorn
28 Charles Beam
Brailey Brockman
Laura Hall
Richard Petersen
29 Mindi Baker
Lauren Bowker
Corey Curnyn
Megan Lackman
Bill Neumann
Ross Petersen
Lyrisa Wiese
30 Richard Meyer
Erwin Moeller
Emily Rogers
Page 8
Ladies’ Aid by Lanette Matthiesen, Secr etar y
We met on May 1st. We attended the Zion Lutheran
School play, “Peter Pan,” before starting our meeting.
Sandra Stender read a prayer from St. Francis of Assisi.
We had 18 members and one guest, Sharon Peters,
present. The April minutes were read with a correction
that Monday’s sewing group had given 2 quilts, 2 crib
quilts, and 1 crocheted crib blanket for the Lori Petersen
benefit. Susan and Norma reported they had 2 funeral
lunches in April, Deb Fink and Phyllis Hagge. The May
work committee will be Sandra and Dena. Norma visited
Lorraine Groth, Anna Harm and Joe Griffin. Marie
reported that she had called one member and sent one
card. She also said that they had to cancel sewing the last
two weeks as they did not have enough help and they need
donations. The treasurer’s report was given with a current
balance of $2,477.22. Shirley reported that we had 11
members attend the Spring Rally. We presented red roses
to Shirley Schneider for 50 years of service in Ladies’
Aid. Her daughter Sharon was in attendance. Sandra
reminded everyone about collecting stamps. Marion
reported $45 for April mites. We will be serving the
Denison Fall Rally, and Sandra asked for some casserole
recipes. On Saturday, May 9th, we were asked to serve at
Melinda Schwenn’s memorial funeral lunch. A reminder
was given for St. John’s in Kiron for the salad luncheon
supper on Friday, May 8th at 6:00pm. May birthdays are
Marion Petersen, Betty Griffin, Pat Plagge Jorgensen and
Pastor Sewing. Sandra thanked Loretta, Dena and Bea for
serving lunch. The June serving committee will be Marie
and Marion. Norma thanked everyone for helping
assemble newsletters. There were 16 helping. We closed
with the Lord’s Prayer and the meal prayer.
Operation Barnabas by Car ol Segebar t
We met May 18th with 8 members present. March
minutes were read and approved. Veterans’ picnic will be
July 12th. This is a free meal for all active military,
veterans and family members from Crawford County.
Gift cards have been purchased to use as door prizes for
the picnic. Lanette will ask the ladies’ groups if they have
any quilts to donate. The decision was made to table the
Moving Veterans Forward furniture donations until after
the picnic. We will have the same menu for the picnic as
last year. George will ask the secretaries to print posters,
and Bob will distribute them. The goal is to have them
out by the beginning of June. Pam will contact the radio
station and have a short on-air promotion with Mike Earl.
The picnic will be from noon to 2:00 p.m. Last year we
served 81 people. We will plan for 200 this year. A list of
purchases and duties were assigned to committee members. Pam will check into a $250 gift card from Thrivent
Action Team to help with expenses. George will ask
Mark Segebart, Steve Engelhardt and Steve Holt to be
guest speakers. There will be no June meeting. We will
meet on July 6th at 6:30 p.m.
Evening Guild by Annette Boeck, Secr etar y
We met on May 7th with 15 members present. Pastor
Kaiser opened with devotions. The April minutes were read
by Annette. The treasurer’s report was read by Deb Green.
Arlene Wessel reported that 70 items were donated to our
shoe drive. Arlene Wessel and Betty Bilsten shared that
they visited 12 Evening Guild members and friends with
May baskets. Edrie Wellendorf arranged the following
volunteers: Deb Green on May 10th, Edrie Wellendorf on
May 17th, Janice Weltz on May 24th and Betty Bilsten on
May 31st. Delores Meyer reminded us that the Camp
Okoboji quilt auction will be on June 13th. Committee
members planning the fall celebration of the 50th
anniversary of Evening Guild are Deb Green, Judy Hintz,
Marcella Schneller and Edrie Wellendorf. Evening Guild
will serve communion at Eventide on May 20th. Members
helping are Lisa Meyer, Joleen Ricketts and Edrie. Plans
were made to prepare and serve salads at the farewell
dinner for Pastor and Nancy Sewing on May 31st. Those
serving will be Marcella, Joleen Ricketts and Sharon
Peters. Marcella and Joleen volunteered to take care of the
gift. Motions were made and carried to pay $50 to Zion for
office supplies, and give $25 to Mission Central in memory
of Gary Thies’ mother. May birthdays are Shari Bailey,
Judy Hintz, Susan Salmon and Pastor Sewing. Judy Hintz
and Janice Weltz served desserts tonight. Those serving in
June will be Lorna Johnson and Janice Weltz, with Virgie
Henningsen as alternate. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer
and the table prayer.
Altar Guild by Mar lene Ber gstadt, Secr etar y
We met May 13th with nine members and Pastor Kaiser
present. Pastor led our devotion. The March minutes and
treasurer’s report were given. We discussed the procedure
for members who want to resign; they should send a letter
of resignation, and we will send a thank you note for their
services. We discussed the purchase of new silk flowers for
the altar area. It was suggested we get the flowers in lighter
colors. We need both spring and fall arrangements. We will
be cleaning the altar area on May 26th at 9am. The silver
also needs to be cleaned and polished. Marlene Munson
will order red flowers for Pentecost. The Paraments need to
be changed this month on the 24th and 31st. May servers
are Helen, Florence and Laurie. June servers are Carol,
Bonnie and Phyliss. We will give Pastor & Nancy Sewing a
farewell gift. Our next meeting is July 8th. Our lesson was
on Paraments and Linens. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Fellowship Club by Lois Gr eder , Secr etar y
We met May 3rd with 8 members present. President Delores Meyer called the meeting to order. Pastor Kaiser led
devotions. The minutes and treasurers’ reports were read
and approved. Four ladies volunteered to make brownies
for Pastor Sewing’s farewell dinner. We voted to give a
gift certificate to Hy-Vee. We closed with prayer.
¡ A m ig o s E n C r i s t o !
Above: In Apr il, the Cr awfor d County Right to Life
held their annual Pro-Life Conference. I counted 8
LCMS pastors and a Vicar from our Denison area in
attendance in this defense of the unborn and human
life. It was a special day with about 50 people from the
community participating. Pastor Chris Maronde,
formerly of Kiron, now pastoring in Lincoln, Nebraska
was one of the speakers. God bless our leaders.
9 9
At right: J asmin and Moises
Mendoza are adopted twins and
students at Zion School in Denison.
They have had quite a life in their
14 years. After a life in which they
had little control over the decisions
made for them, last month they
each made a powerful decision.
They shared their Christian faith
and witness before friends and
members of Zion Lutheran and also
our church, Amigos en Cristo. They
were confirmed with 15 other youth
from Zion. It was a wonderful
witness to the community of God’s
work in all the world. We thank
Zion church and school for the
relationship that we have with them
to teach our children the good news
of Jesus as Lord and Savior.
At left: Luis is a member of the
Denison High School Mariachi Band. It
was a joy to again this year attend their
dinner and concert with Luis’ family,
other folks from our church and about
200 others from the community. Luis is
another youth of our church. I counted
70 students in the 4 mariachi bands
from Jr. High and High School sharing
this special music.
If you would like to support our new
church, please send checks to:
Amigos en Cristo, 1004 1st Ave. So.,
Denison, IA 51442. Thank you!
Below: Sunday, May 10th was a histor ic Mother’s Day, as it fell on the same
day in the U.S. and also in Mexico and
other Hispanic countries. Following our
service, our mothers received flowers, and
the men made banana splits for the ladies.
It was a great day!
“Dealing With Troubles”: Last month as I was visiting with workers on lunch break, I noticed a worker who seemed to be upset. I
approached her and asked if I could help. She started to cry and
told me how worried she was about her husband who also works at
Tyson. He has a number of health issues but continues to work and
not see a doctor. I asked her if she had a church and a pastor that
could help her. “Yes,” she said, but hadn’t been to church for a
long time. I asked if I could call her pastor for her so he could visit
her and her husband. She gave me permission, so I spoke to her
pastor, who happened to be from one of our Lutheran churches.
She was so nervous and anxious that I took her to the HR office to
recommend that she be allowed to go home for the day. Thankfully, she was allowed to leave and the next time I saw her she was
much more hopeful about her work and husband, as he is visiting
the doctor.
Rev. Daniel Vogel
32678 Aspen Ave.
Manning, IA 51455
712-653-2354 or Cell: 712-309-1292
or email daniel.vogel@ziondenison.org
Hispanic Services at Zion:
Sunday Worship 12:45 p.m.
Sunday School
1:30 p.m.
Thursday Family Night 6:00 p.m.
For the blessings this past month: from attending the Denison high school
Mariachi concert with our Hispanic families; to presentations at the
Denison/Mapleton pastors and the Denison Ministerial Meeting. For our
Spring evangelistic campaign to more effectively reach the Denison
Hispanic community. For my work as a Chaplain at Tyson, and for
opportunities to share the Gospel. For our Hispanic Mission Festival at
Mission Central this month. In thanksgiving for the mission hearts of the
many individuals and congregations of the Iowa District West who
monthly support the Lord’s work among Hispanic immigrants in Denison
and in our other 3 Hispanic missions.
Fun & Fellowship!
Zion Lutheran Church
1004 1st Avenue South
Denison, IA 51442
Worship Times
Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Saturdays 6:30 p.m.
Education Hour
Sundays 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Church Office 712-263-2235
School Office 712-263-4766
Fax 712-263-6010
E-Mail: info@ziondenison.org
Website: www.ziondenison.org
Non Profit
U.S. Pstg. Paid
Denison, Iowa 51442
Permit #176