Revelstoke Economic Development Commission Community
Revelstoke Economic Development Commission Community
Revelstoke Economic Development Commission Community Futures Revelstoke Revelstoke English Language School Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce Revelstoke Tourism Revelstoke Business Mentorship Program Report to the Community Inserted in this issue is our annual report describing what the Community Futures program is doing to assist small businesses and facilitate community development projects in the Revelstoke area. For more information about the Community Futures program give us a call at 837-5345 or visit our website at Volunteer Revelstoke Campaign Some people volunteer because they make time to do what they want to do, rather than what they have to do. Some volunteer to share their skills and expertise while others give their time in gratitude for what they have received. Volunteering is a great way to put free time to good use. It will give you a new perspective on your own personal problems and challenges. Volunteering will introduce you to new people and new experiences. Think about getting involved in your community today! At the Volunteer Fair held September 19 many Revelstoke residents were recognized for their commitment to making our community a better place. See list on page 2. Visit for more information about volunteering. Debra Wozniak Celebrating Small Business Achievements Congratulations to the small businesses that received recognition at the Small Business Awards Night held October 21. Best Home Based Business Award — Hempster Alternative Business Excellence Award — Revelstoke Railway Museum Community Support Award — Canadian Mountain Holidays Service Excellence Award — The Modern Bakery Entrepreneur of the Year Award — The Nickelodeon & Zala’s / Comfort Inn Summer Tourism Look Inside ... The Chamber had a busy Summer with the Visitor Centres assisting close to 50,000 travelers again Community Futures Revelstoke cont. 2 this year. Although June was a relatively quiet month, visitor numbers increased substantially Chamber of Commerce & Revelstoke during July and August. It is also important to 2 Tourism know that Revelstoke is experiencing significant numbers of travelers during September and well Community Economic Development 3 into October. A high percentage of these visitors ... continued page 2 Revelstoke English Language School 3 are from various parts of Europe. As far as numbers go, Europe accounts for 26% of total travelers to Revelstoke Community Foundation 4 PAGE 2 R E V E L ST O K E D E V E L O P M E N T N E W S VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR: Sponsor Organization BC Interior Forestry Museum Rev Mountain Culture Society Rev Mountain Culture Society Rev Museum & Archives Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre Cycling Association Grizzlies Hockey Grizzlies Hockey Selkirk Sky Sailors Boxing Club Minor Hockey Association Revelstoke Youth Soccer Revelstoke Youth Soccer Revelstoke Elks Lodge Loyal Order of Moose Revelstoke Lions Club Revelstoke Rotary Club Revelstoke Toastmasters Canadian Club Canadian Club Crime Stoppers Family Literacy Okanagan College – Literacy Tutoring Okanagan College – Literacy Tutoring Okanagan College – English Language Revelstoke Bear Aware Revelstoke Bear Aware Revelstoke Child Care Society Revelstoke Community Foundation Rev. Awareness & Outreach Program Options for Sexual Health Options for Sexual Health Options for Sexual Health Options for Sexual Health Revelstoke Public Health Revelstoke Community Futures Community Connections Food Bank Community Connections Food Bank Revelstoke Hospice Society Revelstoke Hospice Society Revelstoke Hospice Society Revelstoke Hospice Society Moberly Manor Moberly Manor Moberly Manor Snowmobile Revelstoke Society Revelstoke Arts Council Revelstoke Arts Council Revelstoke Arts Council Revelstoke Arts Council Nominee Allan McInnes Heidi Bell Mike Irvine Jan Feldinger Mark McKay Ken Sakamoto Keith McNab Dinah Collette Greg Wagner Jerry Livesay Sam LeRose Brenda Jones Brenda Jones Kate McKenzie Don Osachoff Dave Kruger Jessie Olson Malcolm Bott Bob Loeppky Cy Hemus Lorna Duncan Judy Krywa Pat Sieber Pat Sieber Georgia Sumner Judy Silvester Loni Parker Jackie Morris Carolyn Duncan Geoff Battersby Alice Daniels Karen Dube Pat Punt Roberta Skalicky Whitney Konkin Jackie Heppell Mike Cummings Bernie Scott Karen Dadge Lois Masur Mary Carlson Jordie Anderson Jill Holoway Sandra Painter Irene Murphy Jean Takkinen Larry Streeter Carol Palladino Margaret Pacaud Suzanne Grieve Inge Anhorn Revelstoke. That is approximately double the provincial number. Although US numbers are down this year, visitors from other parts of BC, Alberta and Ontario have seen a significant increase. We are also seeing an increase in the length of stays in Revelstoke. That bodes well for a wide variety of businesses in the community, from accommodation to food service, retail to attractions. The new Info On the Go micro van was a complete success. Being the only mobile information center that we know of in Canada, the van traveled throughout the community assisting nearly 7600 visitors. Home, Garden & Leisure Show April 2007 Early bird booths are now available at a $50.00 saving per booth. New this year, all booths in the center of the arena will be corner booths allowing for much greater exposure. Several booths have already sold. With home renovation and new construction still strong in Revelstoke, this is a natural place for companies to display their new products and services. Tom Tischik Railway Days in August was a great success and drew lots of visitors. A big thank you to Roberto Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Revelstoke Railway Museum for the many, many long hours he spent in development, encouragement, fund raising and promotion. We headed to the Calgary Women’s Show in late October to showcase the many attractions and activities for women in our area. Things like spa getaways, hot springs, soft-adventure sports like cross-country skiing or snowshoeing and even our wonderful family ski hill. In November we will head to Saskatoon to promote snowmobiling and the Snowmobile Society will head to the Edmonton and Calgary Shows. Kootenay Rockies Tourism held their AGM in September at Three Valley Gap. Many guests toured around town and took advantage of a special offer we arranged for them to visit our attractions. Gerry Gardner PAGE 3 R E V E L ST O K E D E V E L O P M E N T N E W S NEW COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY GETS UNDERWAY The development of a new Community Economic Development Strategy will get underway in the next few weeks. The City of Revelstoke has a long history of developing and implementing plans and strategies which have helped to move the community forward. In 1985, the City developed one of the first local economic development strategies in B.C. This strategy was used to guide economic development activities in the area for the next 10 years. Many of the initiatives that were identified in the 1985 strategy were completed, including the revitalization of the downtown core, increased promotion of tourism, the development of the Revelstoke Railway Museum, and the creation of the Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation. All of these projects have made major contributions to the local economy, and helped to increase employment and expand the local economic base. Similar five-year strategies were developed in 1995 and 2001, and have been equally successful. The Strategy developed in 2001 incorporated social goals and objectives for the first time. In addition to economic and social goals, the 2006-07 strategy will also incorporate environmental objectives, many of which will derive from the Environmental Strategy developed just over 2 years ago. These community economic development strategies are extremely important to the community. The Strategy will provide direction for the community in terms of identifying economic, social and environmental priorities, allocating resources to achieve these priorities, and identifying agencies and organizations that will work to implement the various development activities. A critical component of the Strategy will be the identification of measurable objectives to ensure that the goals and objectives identified in the strategy are achieved. There will be an annual review of the Strategy to ensure that progress toward these measurable goals is being made, and to ensure that any new priorities can be incorporated into the overall Strategy. A key component of the strategy is input from the general public. The Strategy is intended to reflect the concerns, hopes and priorities of all residents of the community. We can only determine what these priorities are if we hear from as many residents as possible. There will be several ways in which you can give us your opinions and ideas. These will include a survey which will be delivered to every household; an opportunity to provide input online; and a number of focus groups and public meetings where community input will be solicited. Look for further information on the Strategy in the weeks to come. Alan Mason REVELSTOKE CARIBOU RECOVERY COMMITTEE City Council appointed a caribou recovery committee to develop local actions to assist with caribou recovery in the Revelstoke area. The committee has been very active in educating and promoting awareness about the caribou. To help WE NEED HOMESTAY FAMILIES! Please call us at 837-4239 or drop by the Revelstoke English Language School office at 1401 First Street West and Fern Hickerson or Keith Stevenson, will be more than happy to give you more information! Keith Stevenson Get Involved Today! with understanding more about our caribou the committee has implemented a caribou, wolf, wolverine and cougar sighting program. If you have seen any of these animals recently this information is important. Sighting forms are available online at caribou_form.php or in town at the following locations: Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation office, Ministry of Forests district office, and Downie or RCFC log scale shacks. Alternatively, you can phone in your sightings information to 837-7613. For further information, contact Del Williams at 837-5733. FOR INFORMATION ON MOUNTAIN CARIBOU Including reports, census results, maps, pictures and more, visit: PAGE 4 R E V E L ST O K E D E V E L O P M E N T N E W S Participating Development Organizations CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Business Information Centre 204 Campbell Avenue PO Box 2398 Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0 Phone: (250) 837-5345 Fax: (250) 837-4223 Email: Endowment quickly approaching $1 Million Many thanks to donors that have helped us get so close to this important milestone. Our strategy is to disburse 5% of the endowment annually to qualifying community programs and projects that seek to improve the lives of Revelstoke residents. A $1 million portfolio will distribute approximately $50,000 to these local charitable activities every year! A gift to the foundation is a gift forever. Only the income earned on investments is disbursed, thereby creating an everlasting community asset. To find out more about the foundation or make a donation contact us at 837-5345 or by email to or visit our website at Debra Wozniak Community Futures Development Corporation Small Business Loans Loans for small business start-up or expansion are available as well as business planning information. The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt Self Employment Benefit Program For individuals on Employment Insurance or who have been on EI in the last 3 years or on maternity in the last 3—5 years. Provides financial support, business counselling and business training. Community Lenders Since 1988 For Information Call: 837-5345 FOR FREE CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE Contact: David Royce Revelstoke Business Mentorship Program Suite D, 200 Campbell Avenue Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0 Phone: (250)837-5712 Email:
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