July 5, 2016 - Rotary Club of Shreveport


July 5, 2016 - Rotary Club of Shreveport
The Rotaripost
R o t a r y
C l u b
o f
C ha r t e r e d
S h r e v e p o r t
1 9 1 4
2016-2017 Officer and Board Installation
Next Tuesday we will install our 2016-2017 Club Officers and Directors. Leading us during this upcoming Rotary year will be this team:
Club President:
Joseph E. “Jeb” Breithaupt, Jr.
Teri Haynes
Joe Littlejohn
Richard Brontoli
Immediate Past President:
Reginald Abrams
July 5,
T ue s d a y ,
1 2 : 1 3 p. m.
S hr e v e p o r t
C o nv e n t i o n
C e nt e r
Serving Others
Bobbie Brasher
Taylor Brown
Trey Giglio
Amanda Gouthiere
Jarrod Horton
Jeb Breithaupt
Don Howard
Merrill Wautlet
President Jeb joined the Rotary Club of Shreveport in 1998. He was first introduced to Rotary by Rotarian R.L. McCary who sponsored him in the Rotary Club of East Shreveport.
Jeb was a member in that club for 13 years and served as their club president in 1990-1991.
Jeb is the owner of Jeb Designs/Build, LLC. He holds the classification of Home Designer
& Builder. He has served on many committees in the club and was selected as a club director in 2010-2011. A Paul Harris Fellow since 1997, he was elected to the position of club
secretary-treasurer in 2013-2014 and moved up through the officer ranks. Among our current members, Jeb was the sponsor for Rotarians Don Razinsky, Amy Bloxom, Jarrod Horton and Scott Wysong.
One of his areas of focus for this upcoming Rotary year is “Saving Mothers and Children”
which aligns with one of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus. We will be hearing more on this
focus this year through our Gabriel’s Closet support project.
Jeb has been married to Robin Breithaupt for 38 years. They have four grown children and
one granddaughter.
Rick Bateman
Anna Maria
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The Rotaripost
New Member Introduced on June 28, 2016
Terry Moore, a Shreveport native, is a Senior Financial Advisor with
Merrill Lynch. After attending St. Johns, he graduated from Capt. Shreve
High School, then continued on to Northwestern State University where he
earned his journalism degree. He received his MBA from Centenary College.
As the incoming chair of the Bossier Chamber of Commerce, Terry serves on
several other boards: Executive Committee for the Norwela Council Boy
Scouts, 2015 chair of the Downtown Development Authority Board of Directors and the 2016 Biomedical Research Foundation Board of Directors.
He is an avid golfer with an emphasis on the “avid” as he serves on the board
for the First Tee of Northwest Louisiana.
Terry and wife Lisette have been married for 27 years and have 3 children,
two of them in college.
His classification is Securities and Financial Planning and his sponsor is Reginald Abrams.
2016-2017 Rotary Theme
Rotary International President John Germ has selected his year’s logo and theme “Rotary Serving Humanity”.
Similar graphics are included in the theme for the 2017 Atlanta Convention scheduled for June 2017. President
John visited our club in 2014 (our centennial year) to launch our Polio Plus campaign and to celebrate our club’s
accomplishment of reaching $1 million mark in all time giving to The Rotary Foundation.
The tradition of crafting a Rotary yearly theme is credited to 1949-1950 Rotary International President Percy Hodgson. In the decades that followed, RI presidents introduced theme logos, lapel pins, ties and scarves.
(Above) 2013-2014 club president Carol Barnes with current
RI president John Germ.
The Rotaripost
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(Above left) New member Terry Moore receives his red badge from President Reg who sponsored him.
(Above right) The sponsor board got filled!! Gard Wayt and Bob Hamm led the way with three members
(Bottom left) Katherine Dorroh checked in the members for the meeting
(Bottom right) Merrill Wautlet and Jennifer Pou (guest of Steve Roop) are seated as guests Nick Joles and
John Kallenborn visit with Steve Roop.
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* Paul Harris Fellow
+ Past President PDG Past District Governor
♦ Major Donor
July 1
Wishy Nolan♦
July 3
Sarah Collier♦+
July 11
Renee Petree*
Phone: 318-221-3053
Fax: 318-221-6093
July 12
Carl Thibodeaux
July 13
Kermit Poling*, John Tuggle*,
Follow us on Facebook
July 14
James Mayeaux*
July 15
Wayne Johnson*
July 16
Kristen Brown*
July 18
Katherine Dorroh
July 19
Darrell Rebouche*
July 21
Charles Ellis Brown♦+
July 27
Bob Fitzgerald*
July 28
Bill Huckabay, Tommy Williams*
July 29
Weber Hill
July 30
Pat Day*
July 31
Donald Crow*
Judy Bellew
Executive Director
P.O. Box 380
Shreveport, LA 71162
Raffle Winners Last Week
TRF Raffle—Larry Evensky
Thanks for donating to TRF—this applies to your PHF
Rose-Neath Flower Shop—David Ginsburg
Andy Shehee’s chicken eggs—Miles Hitchcock
Fresh tomatoes from Jon Lowe—James Blewett &
Robert Touchstone
John Parsons*
“Business is a Battlefield” book donated by author
Karen Johnson—Harold Denny
Program on July 12, 2016
A Tribute to the late Rotarian
Virginia Shehee
Shreveport Convention Center
(Left) Ready to board the RYLA
bus, here are two of our three
RYLA campers that we sponsored: Caroline Evensky (Larry
Evensky’s daughter) and her
friend Catherine Millen.

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