HTK is Alive in Him - HTK Kawana Anglican Church


HTK is Alive in Him - HTK Kawana Anglican Church
By The
Edition 14
May 2014
Jesus is Alive
HTK is Alive in Him
Welcome to the May Edition of our Parish Magazine! If you
are new to HTK, or just visiting the Church, please know, ‘You
will only be a stranger here once’. We are an energetic and
passionate people ready to share all the riches of Gods
kingdom together. I warmly invite you to join us each 1st
Sunday of the month after the 10am service to our ‘HTK
Connect’ free BBQ lunch for new people to meet the
leadership of the Church and discover opportunities to grow in
our faith.
Priest’s Pen
Our Easter season was an amazing time of worship and a great time of connecting with God and each
other. We saw a dramatic increase in the number of people attending our Easter Journey and the
response was moving and meaningful.
At Easter we took a Journey into the heart of God’s love for his people. We journeyed into the courage,
suffering, and ultimately the joy of God’s son ‘Jesus’ the Christ. By meeting with Jesus at the cross and
in his resurrection our lives can never be the same again.
So where too from here?
Having opened the eyes of our heart to Jesus at Easter we are now ready to take a look at how we live our lives. Does
our life reflect the meaning and direction that God wants for us? Does every step we take have purpose and value both
in this life and in eternity? These are great questions to be exploring and in May I would like to encourage us all to get
involved in studying God’s Word. This can be daunting which is why we have small groups, home groups, bible study
groups where we can explore God’s word together.
So often we accept less or settle for comfortable, but in this short life we are given a gift and are invited to explore
what it means to be truly human. Questions like ‘why am I here’? What is the meaning of life? All these questions
lead us to God and In Jesus we find the answers to God’s plan for our lives.
For those who took the journey at Easter can I encourage you to stay on the journey; it is about to become life
changing as we approach Pentecost.
Father Stu
Would you like to adopt a garden
We have a number of gardens at HTK
that are looking for someone to love them and care for them.
That may be you!
If we have a number of keen gardeners with a little time and a slightly green thumb,
the task of keeping our gardens in great condition will not be onerous.
The alternative is having our mowing roster blokes do it—with horrible results!!!
If you would like to adopt a garden, please see David Reid (he goes to the 8am
service) or call him on 5437 8171 or 0416 035 169.
Are you a photographer ?
A budding reporter ?
A budding feature writer ?
A desk-top publisher user ?
We need you!
Dianne and Don will be away mid-year, and not able to do the July, August and September editions of the
magazine. This is an ideal opportunity for others to step in and produce these publications.
It need only be for these three editions, but, of course, additional help is always
These are opportunities to use your talents in God’s work and to learn new skills.
If you can help in any of these ways, please contact
Dianne Henderson 0418 879 582
Don Henderson 0419 709 918, or Father Stuart 0419 287 414
Scott Windred
Sarah Moore’s
Engagement Party
29th March 2014
Scott practising servant-hood
at the Maundy Thursday Foot washing ceremony.
Pray for Scott and Sarah in this
final month before their marriage
and for their life together as a
married couple.
Please consider partnering with
them as a financial supporter of
their ministry at HTK
needed to start as soon as possible at Buddina State School
All teachers will be given up to date training, a Teacher’s Manuel with lessons & a workbook provided, a
music CD and many visual aids
to assist with the program each week.
Their are three lessons to be taught each week..
..the time and day could be negotiated.
Please contact Victoria on 54934006 or Nicky on 0402114788
if you are interested.
Lorna and I bought a house and moved to the Sunshine
Coast from Joyner in February of this year. In our previous
parish of North Pine we learned to value both prayer and the
scriptures. It was therefore logical for us to join HTK, where
these values continue to be upheld.
But to begin at the beginning - I was born in Wondai in
March 1937 and in 1941 my family moved to Brisbane. I
was educated at Sherwood and Yeronga State Schools and
Industrial High School. In 1955 I was awarded a PMG’s
Department Cadetship to study Electrical and
Communications Engineering at the University of
Queensland. After graduating, my first appointment was to
Roma where I spent four years “learning the ropes” as the
junior engineer in the south-west Queensland Division. This
was followed by three years in Melbourne at the PMG’s Dept. headquarters. I then returned to Brisbane, where I
spent most of the remainder of my working life in a variety of engineering positions with the PMG’s Dept. and its
successors Telecom Australia and Telstra. In 1994 I accepted the offer of a voluntary redundancy and retired.
I was an active member of The Institution of Engineers, Australia, rising to the rank of Fellow. I also served a term
as Chairman of the College of Electrical Engineers. I was chosen by the United Nations Development Program to
serve as a Senior Technical Expert Adviser to the Indian Post and Telegraphs Research Laboratories in New Delhi.
While there it was necessary for me to travel to most parts of India – a most rewarding experience.
At the age of 13 years I chose to begin to attend the local Anglican church at Yeronga (my parents were nominal
Anglicans but didn’t attend church). I was confirmed at age 15, and became an altar server at age 17. I met Lorna
while we were both playing badminton in the parish hall, and we were married in May 1962. Our daughter and eldest
son were born while we lived in Melbourne, and our two younger boys were born in Brisbane. These two now live
with their families on the Sunshine Coast – hence our migration to this region as we approach our senior years. (Our
daughter lives in Rockhampton and our eldest son is in Perth.) We are blessed with nine grandchildren.
At age 16 I was awarded a Flying Scholarship with the Air Training Corps and learned to fly Tiger Moths and Auster
aircraft with the Royal Qld Aero Club at Archerfield. While at University I joined the Qld University Squadron and
remained in the RAAF Reserve until 1975. I was discharged with the exalted rank of Flying Officer. Because of my
love of flying and having done my National Service in the RAAF, I am currently a member of the RAAF
I have been a member of various parish councils since the age of 26, and a member of the Brisbane Synod for 31
years. I was Chairman of Committees of Synod for 17 years and a Diocesan Nominator for eight years. I was a
member of the Archbishop Election Committees that elected the last three Archbishops. After retiring from Telstra I
spent several years updating the Parish Handbook produced by the Diocese. More recently I enjoyed my years as a
volunteer guide at St John’s Cathedral – a most magnificent building.
Although I have been a practising Christian since the age of 13 it was my experience of a Cursillo Weekend in 1989
(where coincidentally Don Henderson was the Lay Director) that changed my life and I began to know Jesus as my
Saviour. Subsequently I have tried to fulfil my role as a servant through being a Liturgical Assistant and by taking
Holy Communion to shut-ins in their homes and retirement villages. For me this has been a most rewarding and
fulfilling experience.
Sandra came to Australia seven years ago from England. She was
born in the east end of London at the end of the Second World War.
She has two daughters and four grand children, all living on the
Sunshine Coast.
Sandra had been a swimming teacher in England until her husband
became ill. When her husband died at the age of 40, Sandra became
disillusioned with God and the church. She worked as an auxiliary
nurse for 21 years before retiring and coming to Australia.
It was on the Sunshine Coast that she met Connie Parker at Chit
Chat, a ladies social group. Connie and Tom had recently joined
HTK and they invited Sandra to come to church with them. After
28 years of not going to church, Sandra came to HTK one Sunday
with Tom and Connie. Sandra was struck with the feeling that Fr
Stuart’s sermon that morning was speaking directly to her and her
Sandra is now a regular at the 8am service and is a member of the
Pastoral Care Team.
Although we were born in the same town – South Shields, in the north-east of
England, and grew up there, and had many friends in common, we never
actually met until our late teens. Connie was a St Mary’s girl and Tom was a
St Stephen’s boy. The churches were at opposite ends of the town. Tom was
in the last year of his apprenticeship as an engineer, working in the drawing
office. At 21, Tom was eligible for conscription and even had his medical for
the Royal Navy. He had a choice of Royal Navy for 18 months or the
merchant navy for three years. He chose the merchant navy, and actually was
sea-going for 11 years, ending as a Chief Engineer.
We courted for six years, saving as hard as we could. In those days, you had
to pay a 20% deposit to obtain a mortgage on a house, and we also wanted a
nice wedding which we paid for ourselves.
Thirteen months after our wedding, Connie gave birth to our son,
Christopher, while Tom was at sea. When Christopher was seven, Tom felt
he was missing the family life, and wanted to be home for good. We moved
down south to Wembley, as Tom was offered a job as an Engineer Surveyor
with Commercial Union Insurance. Meanwhile, Connie started a dog grooming business which proved very successful,
and seven years later we moved to a small village called Iver in Buckinghamshire, having bought a dog grooming
school attached to a large house. This business was very successful and we were there until Tom was offered early
retirement at 55. We now had two grandchildren, Kimberley and Thomas, both still living in the UK.
As we had always dreamed of travelling the world, we jumped at this offer, and for the next ten years we travelled from
country to country. There was no problem with visas. In 1985 to 1995, our British passport got us everywhere. We had
travelled all around Australia in 1987-8 in a four wheel drive towing a campervan. The campervan was Connie’s sister
and brother-in law’s, and the four of us had a great time together. We had seen quite a lot of Australia on previous
holidays, but hadn’t been able to stay long enough to go right around.
We came to Australia in 1996 for Connie’s sister’s golden wedding anniversary and were offered a house next door in
Kurwongbah. We made enquiries and found we could get a “retirement visa”. We went ahead and got the visa, bought
the house, and arranged to have our house-hold items shipped out to Australia. We lived happily in Kurwongbah for ten
years. When Connie’s sister husband died, and her sister moved to a retirement complex in North Lakes, we found a
house in Mountain Creek.
We had always said that if we moved home, we would go up to the Sunshine Coast. A few years later, we found HTK
on Sunday morning. We liked what we had found, and are happy to continue to worship there. This year, 2014, in June,
we celebrate our diamond wedding anniversary.
Winter Garments required - Get your knitting needles and
crotchet hooks out, and begin
to make garments for foster children that are cared for by
TRACC (Tufnel Rehabilitation And Community Care),
an arm of the Anglican Church.
If you can't knit or crotchet, winter pyjamas are also
required. All children's ages
to be catered for.
From Babies to 16 years.
Already one lot of garments
collected. Anyone
needing wool please contact
Noela Russell - 54931547
Holy Week A Journey in Faith
Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday we celebrated Jesus riding into Jerusalem. Many welcomed Him as a conquering King. But, Jesus, the Messiah,
knew that He was riding as the Sacrificial Lamb to die for our sins. On that day the crowd waved palm fronds. We held palm
crosses made by the HTK craft group.
Maundy Thursday
On Maundy Thursday, we joined together to celebrate the Passover Meal as Jesus did at The Last Supper. Following Jesus’
example of servant-hood, we washed each others feet.
Good Friday
Although He was without sin Jesus
died on the cross for our sins.
Although we are all sinners and fall
short of the glory of God, Jesus took
our sins upon Himself, and paid the
price for our sins with His blood. At
our Good Friday service we were
challenged to confront our sinfulness
and the enormity of God’s amazing
Easter Day
Jesus is Alive. He lives! And with His defeat of death, Jesus offers us the gift of eternal life—with Him. Thank you Jesus.
Our guided learning Day held at HTK on Saturday, 5th. April, and led by Rev. Ann Shepperson and Rev. Linda McWilliam,
was attended by members of other Parishes, from around the districts, Noosa, Maleny, Bribie, etc., and ourselves. It was a
positive working experience, as well as enhancing connections and fellowship.
At our own monthly meeting we appreciated Fr. Stuart’s Lenten devotions, song, and his input with us. We made welcome our
two new participants, as well as our faithful members. We continue to prayerfully intercede for those families awaiting medical
news, or making decisions, and those struggling with health issues, Delle Black, Don and Maurine Champion, Keith Cumes,
Ron Griffiths, Tony and Val Ham, Betty and Jurjen Hart, Wayne Adams, (Pat Hughes son) , Eileen Jobbins, Flo Jo, Kate
Johnson, Aileen and Ted Lowe, Tony and Pat Middleton, Pat and Joy Morrison, Mal Murphy, Cherrol and Roy Potter, Terry
Strath’s son, Adrian, James Warrington-Love and his family.
Thanks be to God for the life of Eddie Thompson, from Adelaide. We sent a comfort message to his wife, Anne, she and Eddie
were parishioners here, and wonderful that Janice Miller kept in touch. He played the trumpet, and was “a bit of a character”.
We give thanks for the healing for some of our people who were on the prayer list up till last month. It was uplifting to see
several frail folk, determined to attend Easter services. The whole Eastertide for me, was covered by the Holy Spirit.
We give thanks for the improved health for Wendy and Brian Rogers, needing to pace themselves after Wendy’s big
We give thanks for Col Miller’s faithful years, and presence at HTK, having his 90th. birthday on Monday, the 28th. April.
Birthday wishes and blessings, Col !
We give thanks for the new baby, youngest member, adorable bundle, Isobel Grace, daughter of Andrew and Lisa Wilson.
We give thanks for the engagement party for Scott and Sarah. We were blessed to meet Sarah’s family, and hope Sarah’s health
continues to improve.
Please let the Pastoral Care Team know any updates, needs, news, notices, that you require. Myrna
To all those who contributed to the bi-annual box opening, I extend my thanks on behalf of BCA, Australia. A total of $800.60
has been banked.
This generous effort will go towards outreach in outlying areas of our country. Our next box opening will be in September. If
anyone is interested in participating, please see Myrna to obtain a little box. The prayer notes and booklet, “The Real
Australian”, are posted directly to participants from the Brisbane head office. We send thanks to Marj Wellings , and wish her
well for a happy retirement, as she winds up her hard work in her time as Administrator. She and her husband intend to travel
within Australia. Hopefully Rev Ian McGrath will be able to attend HTK sometime, and update us with the Queensland news.
Thanks again, Myrna Beale, Box Secretary.
5.30pm to 6.30pm
every second Friday
during school term.
- Solar Specialists
"All Professional
Electrical Solutions"
Brad Moldenhauer
0423 232 519
- Eco Audits
- Home Theatre
- Data & Communications
- Commercial & Domestic
- Smoke Alarms
- Renovations and
- Lighting
Advertising Space Available
Would you like to buy space to advertise your business and support our magazine.
1 Standard 10x4 Box Ad (business card) $99 per quarter (black and white)
2 Standard 10x4 Box Ad (business card) $109 per quarter (colour)
3 Medium 18x8 quarter page, full colour $200 per quarter
4 Large 18x14 half page, full colour
$250 per quarter
5 Whole page full colour
$300 per quarter
6 For a one off (i.e. just for one month)
$125 half page, $150 full page
1 May
Eileen Jobbins
14 May Lorraine Jones
25 May Laurel Beaumont
6 May
Dot Wratten
19 May Marj Golsby-Smith
26May Lisa Wilson
7 May
Rae Reid
20 May Iris Von Bonin,
28 May Julie Lengren
8 May
Stephanie Waite
Mikayley Southey
11 May Don Mecklem
21 May Elizabeth Owers, Lyn Wenzel
13 May Olive Kunde, Sue-Ann Lang
23 May Joan Blake
29 May Ian Marshall
30 May Tony Middleton
At the time of publication “Pray with the Diocese for May had not been received from the Diocesan Office.
If you use these in your personal prayers or preparation for intercessions please contact the editor and a copy will be made
available to you.
Third Monday
Tuesday 12 noon
Tuesday 3pm
Cursillo – a group reunion for those who have attended
a Cursillo weekend (or would like to)
Lunch (12 noon) and bible study (1pm)
Bible study
Sylvia Griffiths - 54917028
Peter Best-Russell - 54446661
Tuesday 4pm
Bible study
Gary Campbell - 54933512
Tuesday 7pm
Bible study
Don Henderson 0419709918
Tuesday 7pm
Man Cave
Stuart Webb - 0419287414
Thursday 9.30am
Every 2nd Thurs
Every 3rd Thurs
Bible Study
Bible study and fellowship for mothers
Delle Black - 54914858
Michelle Webb - 0423914842
Pastoral care group
Myrna Beale 5491 5754
12 n to 2.30pm
Thursday 1pm
Craft Group
Janet Dyke - 0414704512
Thursday 7pm
Young adults bible study
Scott Windred—0431411137
Second Friday 7am
Informal men’s breakfast at Coco’s cafe, Currimundi
Ron Griffiths - 54917028
Friday 9.30am
WOOF (Women’s Only on Fridays)
Lynne Rew - 54376025
Friday 5.30pm
Junior Youth
Scott Windred – 0431411137
Working Mothers Bible Study
Michelle Webb-0423914842
Surf n Church at Caloundra—Surfing and bible study
Scott Windred—0431411137
Stuart Webb - 0419287414
Friday 5.30pm to
Saturday 6am
Sunday 4pm to
Wendy Jensen - 54923867
4th May
11 May
18th May
3rd Sunday of Easter
Acts 2, 14a, 36-41
Psalm 116, 1-4, 11-18
1 Peter 1, 13-25
Luke 24, 13-35
4th Sunday of Easter
Acts 2, 42-47
Psalm 23
1 Peter 2, 1-10
John 10, 1-10
25th May
5th Sunday of Easter
Acts 7. 55-60
Psalm 31, 1-5, 17-18
1 Peter 2, 11-25
John 14, 1-14
6th Sunday of Easter
Acts 17, 22-31
Psalm 66, 7-19
1 Peter 3, 8-22
John 14, 15-21
Our Parish Prayer
Renew in us, O God, the zeal of your love. Let our Parish come alive with the power of your Spirit.
Where we have failed, forgive us. Where we have persevered, encourage us. Where we are in doubt,
direct us. Help us to see new opportunities for witness & service for the sake of Jesus Christ, our
Lord & Saviour. Amen.
Prayer of Evangelism
Heavenly Father, set our hearts on fire to go into the world in your name. Grant us wisdom, and the
confidence to speak your word. Give us the strength & the will to continue through all
circumstances. Help us take the good news to all who will listen, so that they may know Jesus as their
Lord & Master. May we glorify your name in all we say and do. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Prayer—Youth & Children
Lord, guide us as we minister to young people in this place. Send families & children to us that we
can share with them your love for your children, that they may grow in love for you. We offer over to
you our Kids’ Club & children’s church, the leaders & all those who attend. We ask your continued
blessing upon our Youth and Junior Youth. Help us as we seek to nurture their faith, answer their
questions, & above all, lead them into a deeper relationship with you. Amen.
Pastoral Focus Prayer
God our Father, grant us the skills to serve your church; the ears to hear the calls for help; the lips to
speak your words of truth; the eyes to see the needs to fill; the feet to go to those in want; the mind to
meet the doubts we find; the heart of love to share your peace; the hands to work without reward; we
ask this only to do your will, through Jesus, our Redeemer & friend. Amen.
Special needs: Brenda B; Cath C, Lorelle T & family; Sarah K & family;
Please pray for healing for: Adele, Adrian S, Alton B, Amelia C, Angus, Athol T, Ben L, Betty A, Brenda B, Cheryl H,
Daphne McK, Dave R, Dean M, Don & Maurine C, Don H, Doras B, Dorothy T, Eileen J, Elizabeth O, Flo J, Gilbert N,
Gill M, James W-L, Jan S, Janice M, John W, Lyndy D, Mal M, Margaret H, Joy Mc, Mark S, Maureen G, May A,
Noel L, Nola B, Phillip S, Robyn T, Robert H, Roy P, Stuart Mc, Tom L, Toni E, Tony H, Trevor A, Tricia G. Wendy R
Thanks for healing: Beryl K and Eleanor G
Year’s Mind: 4th May Charles Harriott, 5th May Barry Anthony Wall, 9th May Christina Bingham,
10th May Wal Hale, 11th May Vera Muriel Murray,
Myrna would like to review the prayer list, please see her or call on 5491 5754 to clarify ongoing prayer needs
Craft Group
Fr Stuart Webb
Parish Outreach & Growth
Michelle Webb
Sunday School
Scott Windred
Wardens and Parish Council
Maintenance and gardening Team
Pastoral care Team
Parish Magazine
In-filling by the Holy Spirit
Music Teams
Aged Care Ministries
Hospital Visitors
Retired Clergy
Farmers’ Market
Trinity Tots
Bible Study Groups
Prayer Chain
Deb and Nigel Baron
Office Volunteers
Youth Ministry
Family Ministry
Morning Tea Roster
Seniors Ministry
LA’s Readers & Intercessors
Parish Finances
RE Teachers
(a bible study book by Janet Dyke)
This latest addition to the Lakeside Publishing list of study books was launched at HTK on 28 March by Fr Stuart
Webb. The author Janet Dyke has been a member of our parish for over eight years and is a warden of our parish.
Janet was joined at the launch by members of the parish, family and friends.
“I Believe” is Janet’s second bible study book published by Lakeside Publishing, and it explores the faith we profess
when we say the Apostles’ Creed. She uses passages of scripture and guided reflection on the ancient words of the
Creed to explore the relationship we have with God and His church here in Australia in the 21 st Century. The seven
session study seeks to help all members of Christ’s body understand more about the faith we share and how it is
reflected in our daily life.
Janet’s new book is available at HTK for $10 and is being studied by a number of our Bible study groups.
Every Wednesday at 10am there is a Holy Communion service at HTK. With hymns and a sermon, it is an
opportunity for parishioners who can’t come on Sunday, or who enjoy a quieter service with fewer people,
to worship our Lord and share in His meal mid-week. It is followed by great fellowship over a cuppa. If
you are looking for a communion service mid-week, this is the time to come. Bishop Jonathan came to join
us the Wednesday in Holy Week.
Growing in Faith together
Sunday Afternoons during the School term
4 – 5.30 pm
Stuart and Michelle’s Home
Bring a plate to share for afternoon tea.
Starting Sunday 18 th May
Please see Stuart or Michelle for More details
BBQ on the 1st Sunday of the Month
12 noon at the Church
Are you new to the parish?
Come and join us for a free BBQ and meet
new people.
How can we study our Bible?
One of the biggest gifts that I have ever been given is the tools of Bible study. We have all been told that we need to read
our Bibles more, but taking the step from reading à understanding can be a difficult one. So if I may, I would love to share
with you a basic method that I was taught in my Bible school, and one which opened my eyes to a world I did not know
possible… A world of actually understanding my Bible!!
Step #0 = Pray
Before we ever begin it is so important that we pray. This is God’s word that we about to read, so if we
are going to understand it, it’s probably best if we invite Him to teach us J
Step #1 = Observation
In this step we will only ask the question, “What does the text say?” This means that we are not yet
asking any ‘why’ questions. Just read and observe what the text is actually saying.
In this step we want to be like a detective. Before a detective comes to any conclusions they must
collect all the information. So we are going to look, look, look and look some more.
Some things that we can LOOK for as we read are:
People & places (who, when & where)
God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit
Repeated words
Emotions & descriptive words
Commands, warnings, instructions & promises
And many, many more…
Keep looking. There is always more to find
Step #2 = Interpretation
Once we have found what the text says we can ask, “What did it mean to the original reader?” We
are still not asking what it means to me!
There are 66 books in the Bible and they were written over a long period of time. From about 3500
years ago to 1920 years ago. God spoke words to various people who wrote them down - Moses, the
Prophets, Matthew, Mark, John, Peter, Paul – and these authors were writing to a specific people
Remember that these books were not written to us, but they were written for us
And also remember that back in this time the culture was very different!
In this step we are going to become like a little child again because we are going to ask, “Why? Why? Why?”
We are going to ask questions like:
Why is God commanding this?
Why is Jesus doing this miracle?
Why is Paul instructing the church in this way?
Why is this story/book even in the Bible?
Ask yourself, and ask God, “Why is this significant?”
To do this step well, we must understand the historical setting for each book
Step #3 = Application
Now that we have a firm foundation and context for what this passage of scripture is
actually saying, and was saying to the original reader, we can finally ask, “What does it
mean to me?”
Application is our goal of Bible study and is the reason we generally opened our Bible in
the first place.
In this step we want to, “Do, Do, Do” and put into practice all that we have been learning.
After we have studied God’s word and allowed it to affect us, we want to see it transform us, and the way we live.
We want to be like a caterpillar. A caterpillar eats, and eats, and eats, and then wraps itself in a cocoon… and then
transforms into a butterfly.
We want to eat, and eat and eat all of the truths out of God’s word, wrap ourselves in it and in His
presence through prayer, so that we come out transformed at the end into the likeness of
Finally, always finish your time of study with prayer. Thank God for being with you, for the things
that he has shown you and for continuing to walk with you through each step of everyday.
NOAH – An afternoon at the movies
On the afternoon of Sunday April 6th HTK held a private screening of Noah at the Sunshine
Plaza cinemas, which was generously attended, almost filling the entire cinema! There had been
a lot of hype surrounding the new Hollywood ‘biblical’ blockbuster and there was also a lot of
chatter throughout the church in the lead up to our viewing, which made it all the more exciting
that so many people came and engaged in this movie experience with a difference.
Each person was gifted with their ‘Noah survival pack’, which included drinking water, edible
animals (including freddo frogs) and other necessities for the long journey that lay ahead of us.
After the movie had finished we all took our seat in the cinema’s function room as we asked the
question, “Does this ancient story still have something to say to us today?”
The Q&A format for the afternoon’s conversation was led by a panel, which consisted of Stuart
Webb (who looked at how science met with faith in the story), Scott Windred (who looked at
how this ancient story was depicted and engaged with through our modern culture), and JD Goding (who gave insight into the
Biblical interpretation of the story, as well as men’s sinfulness in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ). The conversation was
engaging, entertaining, and sometimes confronting as we dug deep into this well-known childhood favourite.
All in all it was a very enjoyable afternoon that left us able to digest what we had seen and heard, as well as leaving us better
equipped to share to good news of God’s love with those around us.
Thank you Stuart & Michelle for organizing this wonderful afternoon!
Scott and Sarah are getting Married
31st May 2014 at 2.30pm
Everyone at HTK is welcome
to join us for the ceremony
To be held at ……
The Mooloolaba Spit
At the End of Parkyn Parade
Raffle for James
Thank you to all those who bought and sold the raffle tickets for
James. Thank you to David and Reid for their hard work in
organising the prizes and setting up the raffle.
The winning tickets were drawn on 20th April by Father Stuart.
The winners were:
Lorraine Hendy, Turtle Beach Resort Holiday
Tric Ross, Mobile Phone
David Reid, The Banquet Electric Frypan
Ben Dixon, David Beckham Classic Toiletries
Frances Lawrence, Half hour Wen’ells Therapeutics Treatment
Helen Whitbread, Chocolate Fountain
Leith Bartlett, Tea Set
Dianne Henderson, Necklace and earrings
If you didn’t buy a ticket and still want to support James you can
donate to:
Account: Kawana Waters Anglican Parish-Projects
BSB: 704901 Account Number: 00015136
Ref: James Warrington-Love
I am intrigued with those pictures that are made
from hundreds of smaller pictures. The ones that
appear as the face of someone when viewed from
across the room, but are in fact made up of many
smaller pictures when viewed up close.
As I read Colossians 3:3, "Your life is now hidden
with Christ," this is the image that popped in my
head. Pictures of our lives hidden within the bigger
picture of the risen Christ. Especially on this
Easter Sunday, I would emphasize the "now" of
the verse. Because Christ rose from the dead after
paying for our sin on the cross, when we accept
His gift of grace on our behalf, our lives are now
hidden in Him. And because of this, at judgment
day, God will not see the thousands of pictures of
us and all our faults and shortcomings;
He will only see Christ resurrected!
Troy Knechtel
(for over 55s)
Our first activity was a visit to the Queensland Air Museum at Caloundra. It is the largest civil and military air museum in
Australia. Those of us who had never been there before were astounded at the number and variety of aircraft, and those who were
regular visitors continued their love affair with this “best kept secret” in our midst. We were blessed to have Leon Lenz, the
Museum Tour Coordinator (and a member of the Caloundra Church of Christ) show us around. His entertaining and informative
commentary added to the enjoyment as we walked past aircraft ranging from a Tiger Moth, and Victa Air-Tourer, a Jindivik
target drone, and passenger planes right through to the F-111 fighter bomber.
The DC-3 we stood in front of had been used by General Douglas MacArthur during the Second World War when in Australia
planning the campaign against the Japanese forces. It had also flown twice under the Sydney Harbour Bridge by its Dutch pilots
who had been relocated from the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) during the war. The Caribou aircraft had been flown by Prince
Charles. The F-111 was an awesome and quite frightening machine.
Many of our group had memories of flying in some of the aircraft. Allan Lilley, for one, had done aerobatics in a Tiger Moth. We
had a great morning and look forward to the next Prime Time event!
Seniors exercise classes are returning.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30am to 9am
Commencing Tuesday 6th May
For more details contact Andrew Pye 0409 764 525
Join us for a FUN AFTERNOON.
You don’t need to know how to play Whist or any other card game.
The rules will be explained.
Wednesday 14th May at 2pm at HTK Hall. Finishes at 4pm.
Prizes and Afternoon tea
Cost $5 per person Invite your friends
Sign up at the back of the church.
Rev’d Stuart Webb…………………………………….0419 287 414
RECTORY...……………………...………..................5493 4851
CHURCH OFFICE…………..………….…………...5493 4774
Andrew McVittie.……………………………………..0403 116 061
Don Henderson.…………………...……………...….0419 709 918
Janet Dyke.……………………………………………0414 704 512
Michelle Webb.………………………………………..0423 914 842
Scott Windred………………………………………….0431 411 137
WEB PAGE…………………………………………
CHURCH EMAIL………………………………..…
CHURCH ADDRESS……………………….Cnr Meridan Street and Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina 4575
POSTAL ADDRESS………………………….PO Box 219, Wurtulla 4575
Office Hours
9.30am - 12.30pm
Holy Communion
Café Church and Children’s Church
Holy Communion
Monday to Friday
Trinity Tots Playgroup
Youth Activities
Ladies Craft and Fellowship Group
Farmers Market Stall
Bible Study Groups
9am to 11am every alternate Monday
from 4.30pm Fridays (check calendar)
1pm to 4pm Thursdays
7am to 12noon Saturdays
Various groups meet at different times,
locations and days around the parish each week.
Magazine Editor: Dianne Henderson…………0418 879 582
Cherie Beaumont-Tyson
Don Henderson
Email address:…… ……………………