D - Knights of Peter Claver
D - Knights of Peter Claver
T h e K n i g h t s o f P e t e r C l a v e r, I n c. Volume 92 • Summer Issue 2009 • www.kofpc.org The Seven Founders of the Knights of Peter Claver Rev. Conrad F. Rebesher, S.S.J. Rev. John H. Dorsey, S.S.J. Hon. Frank Collins Hon. Gilbert Faustina Hon. Frank Trenier Rev. Samuel J. Kelly, S.S.J. 100th Anniversary i n s i d e t h i s i s s u e Officer messages • District news • Junior division Rev. Joseph P. Van Baast, S.S.J. 2 The Claverite A Catholic fraternal magazine published by: The National Council Knights of Peter Claver and National Court Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Approbation The Most Reverend Alfred C. Hughes Archbishop of New Orleans introduction Gene A. Phillips, Sr., Supreme Knight Geralyn C. Shelvin, Supreme Lady Paul C. Condoll, Interim Administrator Debra A. Frazier, Claverite Coordinator The Knights Of Peter Claver Founded in Mobile, Ala., in 1909 Headquarters in New Orleans, La. All items intended for publication in The Claverite must be submitted by: April 10 for summer issue and September 10 for winter issue Please send your news items to debraf@knightsofpeterclaver.org, and include a photo. When taking photographs for the magazine, please make sure your camera is set on the highest resolution setting possible. Photographs should be 300 dpi or higher at full size for them to print well. Please provide stories in a Word document and photos as jpg files. T he Order was founded November 7, 1909 at Mobile Ala.; by four priests of the St. Joseph’s Society of the Sacred Heart (the Josephite Fathers) of Baltimore, Md. – Fathers: Conrad F. Rebesher, John H. Dorsey, Samuel J. Kelly, and Joseph P. Van Baast, S.S.J.’s and the three lay men of the Diocese of Mobile – Birmingham, Ala. Messrs: Gilbert Faustina, Frank Collins and Frank Trenier, all now passed to their eternal rewards; Incorporated July 12, 1911; the Fourth Degree was authorized in 1917; the Constitution for Junior Knights was compiled by the Reverend Joseph P. Van Baast, S.S.J. and his committee. The Ladies Auxiliary was authorized and their constitution adopted at Opelousas, La., August, 1922; the constitution of the National Council was revised by committee August, 1925; August, 1929; October, 1936; August, 1948; August, 1951; August, 1971 and August, 1979 August, 1989 and August, 1999. The Ladies Auxiliary was recognized as a Division of the National Council at Galveston, Texas, August, 1926; and the Junior Daughters was established in 1930; the Constitution of the Junior Knights was revised establishing the Junior Knights as a Division of the National Council, effective Oct. 1, 1935. The first official organ of the Order was The Shield published for the first time at Mobile, Ala., November 1910, with Frank Trenier, Charter Member and National Secretary, as Editor. The successor to The Shield is The Claverite, authorized in 1922 as a monthly publication, and its first Editor was Joseph H. Rieras who served until 1928. The Claverite changed to a quarterly publication in 1948 at which time it was edited by the National Secretary. Presently, The Claverite is published biennially by the Executive Director. The following excerpt from the Josephite Colored Harvest tells the story: An Important Movement For Colored Catholics – Article taken from The Colored Harvest Vol. VI, No. 2 - March 1910 “TRUST IN GOD” is our Password “ONWARD” is our war cry in this issue 4 message from the supreme knight 6 message from the supreme lady 7 message from the Bishop Perry 8 officer messages 24 fourth degree news 26 district news 42 junior division 46 board of directors “On Sunday, Nov. 7, 1909, in the city of Mobile, Ala., took place the “Initiation” of the first band of forty colored men, the nucleus of a fraternal society, which will be known as “The Knights of Peter Claver.” This is undoubtedly the most important movement for colored Catholics that has taken place for many a day. From the beginning, the missionaries to the colored people have been very much hampered by the fact that most all the men belonged to one or other of the fraternal organizations, which they would not, or could not, leave. They simply joined them for social and beneficial purposes. Time and again they have told the missionaries that they would gladly leave them if there were anything else to take their place. The missionaries tried in vain to have the ban to these secret societies removed, so that the Catholics could practice their duties. Finally, it was determined to form a new society for colored men which would be Catholic, and, at the same time, include all the fraternal and beneficial qualities of the secret organizations. This has been done, and the Josephite Fathers on the “Coast” (Alabama) are Most Pure Heart of Mary Church 100th Anniversary 1899-1999 This is the Church where the first 40 men were initiated. the leading spirits in this movement, with Father Conrad Rebesher, pastor of the Church of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, Mobile, Ala., as the prime mover. More than a year ago Father Rebesher spoke of the projected movement to his superior, and was promised all the assistance possible to carry out the plan. On the morning of the initiation, forty colored men (forty men in a small mission parish) went to holy Communion in a body in the presence of Most Rev. E. P. Allen, D.D., Bishop of Mobile, and Fathers Kelly, Rebesher and Dorsey. The Bishop was evidently pleased, as he is deeply interested in the work for colored Catholics. The congregation was very much impressed (for never before had any of them seen such a sight), and the work of making converts and of bringing back “the stray sheep to the fold” got a mighty impetus. Father Dorsey, the colored priest attached to St. Joseph’s College, Montgomery, Ala., preached the sermon, in which the reverend preacher endeavored to impress on his hearers the necessity of good Christian operation among the members, with an unflinching obedience to the laws and by-laws of the order. The “initiation” of the new members of the Knights of Peter Claver, “K.O.P.C.,” took place This house is the home of the at 5 o’clock in the evening. The ceremony was preceded by the Benediction of the Most Blessed Knights of Peter Claver Sacrament. The Josephite Fathers, Kelly, Van Mobile Council #1, established Nov. 7, 1909. cover story A century of blessings – Mobile, Ala. Baast, Dorsey and Rebesher, the pastor, were present. Two new councils more have already been organized, one of Mon Louis, Ala., 22 members, and one at Chastang, Ala., 20 members. The Josephite Fathers will do all in their power to organize and increase the membership in the Knights of Peter Claver. It shall be their endeavor to open councils along the “Coast” to New Orleans, La., through Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. The home of the national council is in Mobile, Ala. There are already two subordinate councils, one at Mon Louis, Ala., and one at Chastang, Ala. Subordinate councils may be formed in any city or state, subject to the National council, where fifteen men wish to form a council, by applying to the national secretary and complying with the constitution. The National Council and the two sub-councils are in excellent financial condition, having already a substantial bank account. The initiators are an intelligent body of men, many of them already well acquainted with organization business. The Knights of Peter Claver have a safe and practical constitution of laws and by- laws. The writer has personally met many of the members of the national and sub-councils, and he entertains high hopes of their ability to manage their business affairs. The address of the national secretary is Mr. Frank Trenier, 606 Dearborn Street, Mobile, Ala. He will gladly furnish any information desired.” Knights of Peter Claver Message from the Supreme Knight message from the supreme knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., 15th Supreme Knight O Fraternal Greetings: n Nov. 7, 2009, the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. will celebrate its 100th Anniversary. Just as our founders had foresight and determination to build a strong foundation, we, as Clavers, will continue their work by remaining committed to the Church, our organization and community service. On Sunday, Nov. 7, 1909, in the city of Mobile, Ala., at the Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church, 40 men were initiated into the Knights of Peter Claver. This began the long journey of Claverism. Knight Gilbert Faustina became the first Grand Knight of Council #1, along with being the first Supreme Knight of the Knights of Peter Claver. On July 12, 1911, the Knights of Peter Claver was incorporated under the hand and seal of Probate Judge Price Williams, Jr. from Mobile County, Ala. Please find the various establishment dates of the divisions with the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. 1909-2009 Divisions Knights Knights Fourth Degree Ladies Auxiliary Junior Daughters Junior Knights Ladies of Grace Established 1909 1917 1926 1930 1935 1979 As you know, the nation’s economic situation has been a difficult time for all of us. We have felt the impact of restructuring and refocusing the operational component of the Order to ensure that the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. will maintain a strong economic future. I have also been pleased to see that the Deputies, Grand Knights, Grand Ladies, Commanders, Counselors, Fourth Degree Knights, Ladies of Grace, Junior Knights, Junior Daughters and Members have worked hard to define new ways to encourage new membership to our organization. You are creating opportunities to strengthen our organization that will assure a long and bright future for us. The Junior Division is doing fantastic things and remains dedicated to the order. I commend Jr. Supreme Knight Desmond Taylor and Jr. Supreme Lady Jasmine Chavis for all of their tireless work in promoting the Junior Division. I, in turn, would like to encourage all Juniors to transfer into the Senior Division prior to their 19th birthday. I have appointed Knight Jerald Bass of Council #98 from Barrett Station, Texas, as the new National Emerging Leader Chairperson of the Knights Division. If you are between the ages of 19-35, please contact him. His information can be found on our KPC Web site at www.kofpc.org . Expansion report I urge each member to continue reaching out and inviting your family, friends and associates to join the Knights of Peter Clave, Inc. Our membership count has increased since our September 2008 report. The best recruiters are you, the members. Please note the membership report as of April 2009. First Quarter Census Summary 2009 Active Inactive Junior Junior Districts Units Units Knights Ladies Knights Daughters Central 71 11 378 630 46 103 Gulf Coast122 19 709 1365 185 254 Louisiana 253 33 2186 3449 333 604 Northern 216 48 905 2082 113 317 Texas 106 15 1036 1832 285 356 Western 80 10 387 904 32 112 Total 848 136 5601 10262 994 1746 Total Membership.......................................................................18,603 Total Active Units................................................................................848 Total Inactive Units.............................................................................136 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Activity report On Feb. 28, 2009, National Advocate Omar Mason and I attended a Neighbors Helping Neighbors summit on volunteerism in New York. The summit was sponsored by Fairfield University Center for Faith/Public Life and the Knights of Columbus. It emphasized the vital role of individuals who work together for the common good and the power that these efforts can bring to our communities. Additional events I attended since my last report are listed below: Activity Place Executive Committee Meeting New Orleans St. Peter Claver Day Mass Port Arthur, Texas Council and Court 76 KIA Spectra Lafayette, La. 4th Degree Memorial Mass Houston Council and Court 152 Christmas Party Houston Council and Court 252 Christmas Party Houston Council and Court 139 -50th Anniversary Houston Council and Court 138 Christmas Party Houston Area Junior Christmas Party Houston Drexel Society Presentation Charity Ball Houston 4th Degree Annual Christmas Party Houston 4th Degree Ball Houston Installation of Officers Council and Court 231 Houston Installation of Officers Council and Court 238 Houston Installation of Officers Council and Court 138 Houston 24th Annual Archdiocesan Celebration Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Houston 4th Degree Installation of Officers Houston Proclamation Presentation Mayor White of Houston Houston Houston Inter City Council and Court Mardi Gras Ball Houston Houston Inter City Council and Court Mardi Parade Houston 25th Anniversary Mass – St. Benedict the Abbot Council and Court 248 Houston Neighbors Helping Neighbors Summit New York Junior Louisiana State Conference Shreveport, La. Junior Texas State Conference Houston Western States District Conference Portland, Ore. Insurance report Web site All requirements are being met or addressed related to the insurance aspects of the order. We are working on using the NAIC Uniform Certificate of Authority Application process in trying to obtain certificates of authority for insurance for the states where we are not insured. Please keep us in your prayers. If you hadn’t noticed, the Web site has been updated and I encourage you to visit at www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. Financial Information Whitney Trust & Wealth Management – March 10, 2009 63.3% Fixed Income.........................$1,737,448.96 29.7% Cash and Equivalents................814,656.12 2.6% International Equity........................72,654.13 0.4% Small Cap Equity..............................9,675.69 4.0% Large Cap Equity....................... 109,449.22 100% Total Assets Value.............................$2,743,884.11 Whitney Bank Business Operational Account – March 31, 2009 Cash Balance............................................................$306,708.01 Trust and Wealth Management.........................$2,743,884.11 Total........................................................................$3,050,592.12 Finally, the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc is hosting the International Alliance of Catholic Knights Conference, Aug. 1-7, 2009, in New Orleans, La., at the Riverside Hilton Hotel. The opening mass will be held Aug. 1, 2009, at 8, at the hotel. All members of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. are cordially invited to turnout in honor of our guest. I would like to give appreciation and thanks to Interim Administrator Paul C. Condoll and the National Office staff for the dedicated and diligent work they are doing, especially with the coordination of three major events this year. Together, we can continue the success of our organization by remaining positive and respectful of each other. Please continue to say the St. Peter Claver Prayer. I look forward to seeing everyone in New Orleans for the National Convention. Yours in Claverism, Gene A. Phillips, Sr. Supreme Knight message from the supreme knight Date November 7, 2008 November 16, 2008 November 22, 2008 November 23, 2008 December 6, 2008 December 6, 2009 December 7, 2008 December 13, 2008 December 14, 2008 December 19, 2008 December 21, 2008 January 3, 2009 January 11, 2009 January 16, 2009 January 17, 2009 January 18, 2009 January 25, 2009 January 27, 2009 January 31, 2009 February 7, 2009 February 15, 2009 February 28, 2009 March 6-8, 2009 March 27-29, 2009 April 24-26, 2009 Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Message from the Supreme Lady message from the supreme lady Geralyn C. Shelvin, Supreme Lady A Very fraternal greetings: s we begin the next few months of anticipation of the 2009 National Convention, it is important that we keep in mind all the positive contributions the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver have made throughout the years. Our Founders had a vision of service to our Church, our communities and our Noble Order, which has endured for the last 100 years. The establishment of all our national programs, as well as our partnerships and affiliations and those yet to be brokered, are a testimony of the dedication and commitment of the members and leadership of our organization. The Ladies Division has had the following Ladies to previously serve in the Office of Supreme Lady: M.L. Lunnon 1926-1928, A.R. Aubry 1928-1952, E.B. Jones 1952-1958, Inez Y. Bowman 1958-1964, Thelma P. Lombard 1964-1970, Florence W. Lee 1970-1976, Mother Elise LeNoir Morris 1976-1982, Consuella M. Broussard 1982-1988, Dorothy B. Henderson 1988-1994, Leodia Gooch 1994-2000, and Mary L. Briers 2000-2006. I am thrilled to report that all past Supreme Ladies we are privileged to have still here with us are planning on attending the 2009 National Convention in New Orleans: Ladies Lee, Morris, Broussard, Gooch, and Briers. We salute these women and commend their courage as they continue to unite the Ladies Division to make a difference. We, as a Claver Family, live in “hard times,” where competition for employment and technology demands education; where the strengthening of family values is essential for survival; where there is so much poverty, homelessness, illicit drug use, violence, and so many other issues it boggles the mind. We need to focus ourselves to be advocates for shaping the kind of world in which future generations of people can live and prosper. All of us should not waste precious time and energy relishing in antiquated practices of the distant past. The theme of this administration is “Claverism: Empowering Membership through Committed Service.” At this year’s convention, the Constitution and By-Laws of the Knights Division, and the Charter & By-Laws of the Ladies Division are due for review and revision. I thank those who have submitted resolutions in order to have discussion and advance our Noble Order. During the last year, we have increased in the Ladies membership to 1,055 members. The Junior Daughter Division membership has increased by approximately 165 members. I am happy to report that we have rebounded well from 2007, where we experienced a loss of approximately 400 members in both divisions. The National Counselor and all District/State Deputies are to be commended for their diligence in expanding our membership. Along with their Area Deputies and Area Counselors, they have established new Courts and held initiations and workshops to have a more informed and knowledgeable membership. Knowledge freely shared empowers the membership to encourage other Catholic women to become a part of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary. We offer our sincere thanks to the National Office staff, the National Court Officers and you, the membership, for your generous giving of yourselves in support and service. Below is a partial listing of activities of the Office of Supreme Lady since the 2008 Convention: • National Black Catholic Congress Conference Calls • National Council Board of Directors Conference Calls • Area Deputies and Area Counselors Workshops • Junior Expansion Picnics • Site visits to location of Senior and Junior National Conventions • Visits to National Office • U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Subcommittee on African-American Affairs Meeting and Conference Calls • National Council of Negro Women Annual Affiliates Assembly • Centennial Pilgrimage to Cartagena • Investment Committee Conference Call • Texas and Louisiana Junior Conferences for 2009 Best wishes to the National Council Board of Directors and the Knights Division for a very spirit-filled and productive 2009 National Convention as they (and we) celebrate 100 years of dedicated service. Geralyn C. Shelvin Supreme Lady The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Cartagena, Colombia, S.A. Feb. 21, 2009 Message from the National Chaplain Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, National Chaplain motto: “I am the Slave of the Negroes forever!” So deeply had he given himself to this pastoral work. He willingly devoted his life to caring for the needs of people who were bought and sold in the slave market or sent to mines and plantation fields. Oblivious of his own safety and comfort, he walked among the sick, starving, despairing blacks and comforted them. He treated their sicknesses and bound up their wounds before teaching them about the merciful God. He advocated on their behalf, pleading the dignity of black skin. Peter Claver absorbed in his own person the suffering of his dark flock. Here lie Father Claver’s remains under the high altar, in your In his final years, Claver himself became paralyzed and depenviewing, vested in priestly vestments. How privileged we are to be dent on the care of others. A former slave whom he had befriendhere! This place stirs our faith and gives us renewed purpose in ed was placed in charge of the priest. This one-time recipient our Claver duties and service. of Claver’s kindness took out his resentment of his It seemed altogether fitting that we commence our own lot in the surly and gruff way he treated Father centennial celebration (1909-2009) with a visit to Peter We admire Claver. Claver patiently bore the insults and rough Claver at his place where he lived and ministered and treatment without a complaint. died. After all, this is where it all began for us. The first his courage and generosity and say Claver’s life echoed that of the apostle to the genClaver men and women were those who surrounded tiles in the Scriptures. St. Paul understood how his Claver and joined with him, ministering to unfortuthanks to Claver personal sufferings were united to the sufferings of nates with their faith, their hands and resources. by means of our Christ and of the Church. “Even now I find my joy One can imagine the tall ships docked at shore own devoted lives in the suffering I endure for you.” – Paul would tell here and the feverish activity and mercantilism asin service to all those first Christians. (Colossians 1,24) sociated with this place 400 years ago. who need assisPeter Claver had delved into the mystery of the This priest’s love for Jesus led him to enter the transcendent value to be found in unmeritorious sufSpanish Jesuits. He was sent to the New World, as it tance and who fering. We admire his courage and generosity and say was known then; this part of the world carved out of need to hear the thanks to Claver by means of our own devoted lives the suffering of blacks and native peoples brutalized word of God. in service to all who need assistance and who need to for reasons of greed and conquest and commerce. hear the word of God. Most people could not bear to go to the stinking We also learn from Claver’s example to be patient and tolerant holds of the ships. These vessels lacked sanitary facilities from with those who are intolerant or gripped in race prejudice and the beginning of the voyage. And so, so many men, women those who fail to show gratitude and appreciation for our goodand children packed together in so undignified fashion vioness toward them. lated every requirement of expediency, privacy and hygiene. God calls each of us to serve him and to respond to the needs of By journey’s end, dead slaves lay still chained to their places. others in a way measured to our own abilities and skills. Whether Those who were not dead were sick or terrified or both. To our efforts bring appreciation or ingratitude we follow the exthese, Claver ministered. He fed them, gave them whatever ample of Peter Claver in finding joy in the suffering we endure for medicines he could put his hands on and taught them about the sake of Christ. Jesus who suffered as they suffered. This priestly “human rights” pioneer, as historians label him, Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry spent more than 40 years at this work. He asked for no transfer or Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago change of assignment in that time. He had already announced his ‘‘ ,, message from Bishop Perry W elcome to this holy place! This is the closest we can possibly come to the actual person of Father Peter Claver, who labored here in this city and at these docks as our ancestors were disembarked off ships that robbed them from mother Africa. Message from the Deputy Supreme Knight officer messages Mr. Paul Jones, Jr., Deputy Supreme Knight G iving thanks to God for blessing to me as I do the work of the Knights of Peter Claver. Our focus as Clavers must continue to adhere to the Christian values for which our Founders established our noble order. The values of “WE ARE FAMILY.” Report of my particpation attendance: •Attended the monthly meetings of District #6 Southwest Central Committee •Attended the Louisiana State Junior conference meeting in Shreveport, La. •Attended the Louisiana State Senior conference in Lafayette, La. •Attended Court #119 anniversary in Maringouin, La. •Attended the council and court banquet in Baton Rouge, La. •Attended the annual banquet in Lafayette, La., for the fourth degree. •Attended the National Board of Directors meetings in New Orleans, La. •Attended ST. PETER CLAVER day Celebration. •Attended the Central States District Conference in Denver, Colo. •Attended the planning committee meeting of Louisiana for the Junior and Senior conference. •Attended Initiation and Exemplification in the Lake Charles area. •Helped at the Thanksgiving feeding of people in Lake Charles; feeding at Abraham’s Tent St. Martin Deplores and St. Henry Church. •Attended funeral service for K.P.C. members. •In the diocese of Lake Charles, I helped with parish charities. I hope to see you all in New Orleans for our celebration of 100 years. It is my challenge to build on the past works of the Knights and Ladies to help K.P.C. for the future. We need to keep moving forward with love and understanding. A special thanks to all the State and District Deputies who answered the call for expansion and retention. Respectfully Submitted, Paul Jones, Jr. Deputy Supreme Knight Message from the Vice Supreme Lady Yvonne H. Jackson, Vice Supreme Lady G reetings Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for the vote of confidence to elect me to continue serving as your Vice Supreme Lady of this Noble Order. You, the members, are the pride of this order as we continue to carry out the works of our Patron, St Peter Claver. He exemplified the strength of hope that we should follow to be positive, dedicated and totally committed to providing the work needed in our Churches, communities and our organization for growth. I have attended and participated in various activities since the 2008 National Convention that were rewarding, educational and inspirational. It is always disappointing not to be able to accept all invitations, but, rest assured, I am always with you in spirit. Some of the activities were: •Wilfred B. Ricard Court #116 monthly meetings. •Monthly meetings – Ladies of Grace, Constance Butler Chapter 9. •Serving at the Bishop Ott Center for the Homeless with the Ladies of Grace Chapter 9. •Serving food at St. Vincent DePaul Shelter to families with Junior Court #116. •LA State District II meetings. •Assisting and attending Court #116 Fundraiser (Casino Trip / Taste Fair / Health Fair). •LA Junior State Picnic. •LA District IV – St. Peter Claver Day Mass. •LA Junior State Conference, Shreveport, La. •LA Junior and Senior Initiations. I am looking forward to attending and participating in the following activities: •Northern State District Conference, Norfolk, Va. •Louisiana Senior State Conference, Lafayette, La. •Junior National Convention, Houston, Texas •KPC National Convention, New Orleans, La. God gives us the courage and strength to be stronger, wiser and better at what we are to accomplish. May God continue to send blessings to all of us. Respectfully submitted, Yvonne H. Jackson Vice Supreme Lady The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Messages from the Office of National Secretaries Lady DeLise M. Coleman, National Secretary M y living motto remains continuing to go forth serving within our Church, community and our Noble Order. Being mindful of our eternal reward, below you will find a synopsis of my past year. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. Ladies Auxiliary 2008-2009 Annual Report James Kelley Terry, National Secretary F raternal Greetings, my Brothers and Sisters in Claverism, I am honored and indeed humbled to submit my annual report as National Secretary of the Knights of Peter Claver. I am grateful and indeed thankful to our Claver family for their love and support, which enable me to be of continued service to our Noble Order. Since being re-elected to the National Council, I have been working on many issues that affect the future growth of our Order. The great majority of my service to the Order has dealt with fielding inquiry of members concerning the status of the Order, to which I have answered to the best of my knowledge. I have provided support to the Supreme Knight as requested. Since the departure of the past Executive Director, I have been working with the Web team and office networking team to assist with ongoing information exchange with the membership. I continue to encourage members to actively use all the features provided by the Web development team, which will enable our site to become fully functional. Since the beginning of the year, I have chaired the 100th Anniversary planning team in New Orleans. We are hoping that the experience we are planning meets your expectations for the celebration of our 100 years of service. I have been extremely blessed to serve as your National Secretary. I have been helped by so many of you. Your encouragement and friendships I will always value. Lastly, a heartfelt thanks to my Unit #325 Claver family and the New Orleans Central Committee for your wrap-around love and support during this past year – as you have done so many years past. Sincerely Yours in Claverism, James Kelley Terry National Secretary officer messages Community service: Care packages/contribution to the military and family; feed the homeless pantry for northern Virginia metro area; Democratic National Convention forum/ caucus participant; participant in presidential inauguration press; recipient of inauguration tickets and festivities; participant of National Day of Service; and soon to come marathon participant for the Leukemia Foundation. Financial support – AIDS Atlanta, Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South, Lupus Foundation-Houston, Texas, Feed the Children Foundation, National Alopecia Foundation, UNCF and Claver conferences/supplies. Claver service: Within the organization, I continue to be available for secretarial duties, court meetings, court fundraisers, official regalia turn outs, various prayer breakfasts, monetary support and being available to Claver sisters. Conference service: My year’s end was remarkable! Words cannot do justice to the experience of being able to witness and participate in two conferences during the 100-year celebration. At Northern District Conference – Norfolk, Va., we were fortunate to receive historical words by Father Emmons at the Basilica of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception. At the Gulf Coast Conference – Mobile, Ala., we felt a charge of inspiration being led by the Sir Knights in a march to the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception while reciting the rosary led by Father Vern Hughuley. We received an indescribable homily by Father Conwill Giles. This was truly rewarding while celebrating in the birthplace of Our Noble Order … I feel blessed to have partaken in the occasion. Special thanks: to Lady Helen Brown Court #261, Lady Thomas Ann Riley Court #134, Grand Lady Thayes Sturgis Court #300, Vice Grand Lady Carmen Jenkins Court #300 and GCD Vice President Donna Williams Court #171 for their hospitality during my travels. As always, thank you to the Ladies of Baltimore, Md. and metro Atlanta, Ga., for their help and support, with a special acknowledgment to Courts #331 and #340. May we continue to grow, learn and accept Gods wisdom as we strive toward our reward! 10 Message from the Office of National Treasurers Philip B. Stiell, National Treasurer G officer messages reetings, First of all, I thank you for your continued confidence and trust in reelecting me to the office of National Treasurer. I take my responsibilities seriously and will continue to serve to the best of my abilities. During the last year, I have attended each of the Executive Committee and Investment Committee meetings in New Orleans and have participated in several conference calls. I have coordinated the development of the 2009 operating budget with Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr. and Interim Director Paul Condoll. By the time this goes to print, I will have presented that budget to the Executive Committee and National Board of Directors for their review and approval. While reviewing reports on our investments, I noticed that some of our investments were rated lower than our investment policy allows. We discovered that there were some discrepancies between the ratings as reported by Whitney Bank, the custodian of the investments, and those reported by our consultant from Charles Schwab. I am currently working to reconcile those differences. I have also begun a process that will identify and record balances for each of our special funds and national projects such as UNCF, Soaring High, Scholarship, and Sickle Cell. I have had the pleasure of representing the Supreme Knight and National Board of Directors at the Gulf Coast District Junior Conference and the Gulf Coast District Senior Conference. I made a number of other appearances at local unit celebrations, including the Annual Banquet of Council #9 in Natchez, Miss., for which I was the guest speaker. I am also involved in planning the Gulf Coast Conference’s celebration of the Order’s Centennial Anniversary. I am happy to report that the organization remains financially solvent. The deficits experienced in 2007 have been drastically reduced. Our financial reserves (set aside to meet potential insurance payouts) remain at a level that exceeds statutory requirements and are mostly in long-term bonds – critical to maintaining principal in these times of fluctuating markets and interest rates. We continue to have our challenges. Once again, income from dues and mortuary assessments is down. At the same time, we experienced higher death claims, and payroll and salaries were slightly higher than budgeted. The result is that we continued to operate at a modest deficit in 2008. Our investments have not been immune to the financial crisis experienced by the nation. Fortunately, the investment profile to which we aspire has protected us somewhat from experiencing the tremendous losses incurred by others. System improvements to internal reporting and controls are being refined. We continue to address weaknesses identified during audits conducted by the Alabama Department of Insurance and Bruno and Tervalon, CPAs. I will continue to refine the budgeting process to allow more meaningful input from the State and District Deputies and others who work and spend money on our behalf. I will also propose a system to more effectively monitor and control National Convention expenses and profitability. I am grateful to those who have afforded me their guidance and advice. I ask that you keep me and the National Board in your prayers as we work to deliver on our promises and the promises of our patron, Saint Peter Claver. Yours in Claverism, Philip B. Stiell, National Treasurer Melissa Sias, National Treasurer G reetings, my Sisters in Claverism: I thank you for your faith in me and continued support as I embark on my second term as the National Treasurer of the Ladies Division. As I stated, Samuel 3:10, “Speak for your servant is listening.” I am hopeful the Financial Resource Guide has served as a tool to assist your Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Counselor and Finance Board Member in accurate recording of all financial transactions in your court. Psalm 17:5: “My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not slipped.” I pledge to continue working for the good of the Order and follow the path of God and our patron Saint Peter Claver. I am submitting a preliminary report. The complete re- port will be provided at the National Convention in New Orleans. I have attended the following Claver Celebrations, Church and community activities: District IV Annual Celebration, Annie Bell Hawkins Birthday Celebration, Day of Reconciliation Mass, Survivor of Violent Crime Mass, Court and Council #54 Annuals Award Banquet, Brother Juniper Crouch, O.F.M. Golden Jubilee Celebration, Mass and Celebration for Father Mike , St. Catherine of Sienna Chapter #16 Annual Luncheon, St. Paul Chapter and Assembly #3 Annual Banquet, St. Paul Chapter #3 “Read Across America,” St. Paul Chapter #3, provided breakfast and lunch for the Interfaith Council of Churches in the Diocese of Lafayette. 11 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org I continue to serve my Church parish as a volunteer in the following ministries: Sunday Choir, Lector, Parish Council, Eucharistic Minister and Finance Committee Chairperson of the Parish Council. I am the Financial Consultant for District IV Finance and Audit Committee and Chairperson for Audit Committee St. Paul Chapter 3. It was a pleasure to travel to Lombard, Ill., and share clinical knowledge and expertise as a presenter on “Health Issues” for the Junior Northern District Conference in June 2008. I plan to travel to the Louisiana State Conference, Junior National Convention in Houston and National Convention in New Orleans. A financial report will be provided with the completed report at the National Convention. I will continue to assist all members who require my help in maintaining accurate accounting of all financial transaction of the Noble Order. Sincerely, Melissa Sias, National Treasurer Message from the Office of the National Advocate Mr. Omar K. Mason, National Advocate D ear Claver Family: I want to thank you for having the faith and confidence in me and in my qualifications to elect me as your National Advocate. Your thoughts and prayers as I carry out my duties in office are always welcome and much appreciated. through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Though the uniform application process is tedious, we have begun gathering the documents and information necessary to complete the application, and we are anxious to get the uniform application on file in the near future. Otherwise, I have devoted much of my time and attention to researching and studying our Constitution and By-Laws and preparing memorandum opinions on numerous issues for the benefit and consideration of the National Council Board of Directors. I have also worked tirelessly reviewing and providing suggested revisions to proposed By-Laws of the various Districts, Conferences, Councils and Divisions of the Order. I have reviewed and/or revised numerous conference and convention-related contracts and forms and have drafted a number of disclaimers, indemnity and hold harmless agreements to help ensure that our legal interests are protected. I will continue to fulfill my dudes with you, the members of this Noble Order, in mind. I look forward to seeing each of you this summer as we convene in my hometown of New Orleans for our Centennial Celebration. In the meantime, I pray that the Lord blesses each of us as we continue to strive to carry out the honorable legacy of our Patron Saint, Peter Claver. I remain truly Yours in Claverism, Omar K. Mason National Advocate officer messages As I approach the end of the first year of my term, I must admit that I quickly came to the realization that my position is a challenging one; and seems, at times, unrewarding. However, when I work into the late hours of the night and into the weary hours of the morning, what keeps me motivated is the fact that you chose me to serve in this capacity so that I can put forth my best efforts to help ensure the interests of our Noble Order are protected. Immediately upon taking office, I was greeted by an order issued by a hearing officer of the Commissioner of Insurance for the state of Alabama requiring that we comply with certain recommendations set forth in limited and full scope examinations of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. and file a statement of corrective actions taken to comply with the said recommendations, subject to sanctions or administrative action for failure to so comply. I am proud to say that with the help of Immediate Past National Advocate Vincent Wilkins, Jr., and Interim Administrator Paul C. Condoll, we timely filed our Statement of Corrective Actions with the Alabama department of Insurance and, by letter dated Sept. 9, 2008, we were advised by the Alabama Department of Insurance that the only actions remaining to be taken are implementing and monitoring those corrective actions. The department further expressed that it looks forward to working with us into the future toward resolving all of the issues raised during the examinations. Among the matters for which we have been charged to take corrective actions and for which we strongly desire to address is securing certificates of authority to issue and maintain insurance benefits for members of the Order located in states in which we currently do not hold such certificates of authority. In that respect, the National Council Board of Directors has recently approved the preparation and filing of a Uniform Certificate of Authority Application 12 Message from National Lay Board Menbers George J. Williams, National Lay Board Member G officer messages reetings Knights & Ladies, As we prepare to celebrate 100 years of St. Peter Claver Knights and Ladies Auxiliary, let us not forget the true purpose and meaning of establishment of our Noble Order by Gilbert Faustina, Frank Collins, Frank Trenier, Conrad F. Rebesher, John H. Dorsey, Samuel J. Kelly, and Joseph P. Van Baast. Our long history of service and commitment to the Church and community has provided and played a significant role in meeting goals set by this wonderful organization. In the spirit of our Patron, Saint Peter Claver, let us continue to be committed to providing stewardship in serving our brothers and sisters throughout the United States and abroad. As your National Lay Board Members, we ask for your recommitment of service to our Noble Order and continue the positive, professional and generous service you have given our Knights of Peter, Inc. Million Hours Volunteer Charity Service Program. ‘‘ G ,, There is no real religious experience that does not express itself in charity. – C. H. Dodd 2008 Aug. 6 August Oct. 21 Oct. 26 Dec. 6 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 18 Mar. 6-8 Apr. 5 Apr. 8 New Conference call National Council Board St. Catherine Sienne Chapter #16, New Iberia, La. Conference call National Council Board Evangeline Court #49 Breaux Bridge, La. 80th Anniversary St Catherine Sienne Chapter #16 Ball 2009 Funeral service – Lady Yola Sylvester St. Paul Assembly and Chapter #3 Banquet Martin Luther King Mass, St. John Cathedral Louisiana State Winter Board meeting, New Orleans Funeral service – Knight Elmer J. Wiltz, Sr. Funeral service – Sir Knight Paul Carter, Sr. Funeral service – Lady Theresa Gordon St. Francis of Assisi #49 Valentine Ball Funeral Service – Sir Knight Sylvester Auzenne, Sr. Louisiana State Junior Conference, Shreveport, La. St. Francis of Assisi Council #49 Cluster Initiation, Breaux Bridge, La. Funeral service – Knight Joseph Lewis Yours in Claverism, George J. Williams National Lay Board Member Hilda Wiltz, National Lay Board Member reetings My Claver Family. It is only with the hand of God, and your support, that I am privileged to submit to you my third annual report. It is with a grateful heart that I thank you for allowing me to be of service to you one more time. Thanks to all who contributed to the National Service Projects. I am extremely grateful and thankful to God for 25 years of continuous service to our Noble Order First, I would like to thank all of you who lifted up my family and me during the death of my aunt, neighbors and so many of our Clavers. You have embraced me as your Claver sister, your daughter and your special friend. For your embrace, I thank God for all of you. Second, I would like to thank all those who graced me with an invitation to your various events this past year. I was honored to be asked and excited to participate. For those events that I was unable to attend, I extended my support and prayers of success to you. I have attended all local court (Our Mother of Mercy Court #75), meetings and turnouts and attended all meetings of St Paul Chapter #3, my chapter. It was a pleasure to accompany the Supreme Lady Shelvin at the National Council of Negro Women Affiliates meeting in Washington, D.C. Most Esteemed represented us with zeal and splendor. I thank her for all ways extending her talents and service as she empowers me and the membership. To the Deputies of the Western States District Conferences and to my Deputies of Louisiana State Conference and all those who assisted you: It was indeed a pleasure to join you at the conferences and participate in a well organized workshop. God had rendered a blessing on my life to experience your dedication and hard work. I truly wish I could have been to all of the conferences. To all my Clavers who participated in the broadcast and assisted in helping with the workshops, I appreciate all you do. To all of my Clavers who invited me to serve as mistress of ceremony, guest speaker or break open the word, it was a joy to be with you and to participate in your activities. Merci. Finally, I have been busy working with my counterpart with the capitulation of the service hours and the workshop details. Thank you, Brother Williams and Lady Williams for allowing me to be a part of your lives as you work for Claver. Remembering “that only what you do for Christ will last,” I present to you the other details of my report. I attended and participated in many events and workshops from January 2008-October 2008, which are too many to list. ,, Again with the Grace of God I thank you for your commitment to service. ‘‘ Only what you do for Christ will Last. Respectfully submitted, Hilda Lucille Edna Theresa Wiltz, National Lay Board Member Message from the Director General Tilman D. King, Director General F raternal Greetings: It is indeed a pleasure to address the membership and provide to you an update on the status of the Junior Knights. I would like to express my appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the membership for your confidence in electing me as the Director General, Junior Knights. Without your support and prayers, none of this would be possible. Thank you for your generous support and unwavering commitment to KPC. Thanks to the KPC members and other attendees at the 93rd Annual National Convention in Jacksonville, Fla., July 25-31, 2008. The last several months have been a busy time for the Junior Knights. I would like to inform you of some of my travels. In the last several months, I have attended the following events: Date Activity Place Sept. 20, 2008 Junior Initiation, BR 351 Baton Rouge, La. Nov. 22, 2008 Junior Initiation, BR 26 Pass Christian, Miss. Jan. 10, 2009 Junior Initiation, BR 144 Shreveport, La. Mar. 6-8, 2009 Gulf Coast Junior Conference Gulfport, Miss. Mar. 21, 2009 Junior Initiation, BR 123 New Orleans, La. Mar. 27-29, 2009 Texas State Junior Conference Houston District/State Central States Gulf States Louisiana Northern States Texas Western States TOTAL UNITS Central States Gulf States Louisiana Northern States Texas Western States TOTAL JUNIOR UNITS Aug. 2008 6 18 26 20 20 6 96 MEMBERSHIP 34 125 341 143 277 23 943 Mar. 2009 6 19 28 17 19 8 97 46 185 333 113 285 32 994 During the last eight months, the Jr. Knight Commanders throughout the organization have been busy with a number of initiations, which accounts for the increase in membership. I thank the membership for your commitment and dedication to the Junior Knights. As we prepare to celebrate our 100th anniversary, let us remain ever more focused on doing the work of our Patron Saint. Tilmon D. King Director General, Junior Knights 13 officer messages November 2008-December 2008 Several memorial services for the chapter and courts, district meeting Christmas parties, fall dances and activities for the holiday. Guest speaker Maurice Council and Court #70 – Maurice for Christmas with the elderly program. NCNW Affiliates Meeting Washington, D.C.; accompanied the Supreme Lady. Stole presentation to our Deacon while in D.C. January 2009 10 – St. Paul Chapter and Assembly #3 Installation and awards Banquet, Lafayette, La. 17 – Attended the Winter Board meeting at the LA State Conference, New Orleans. Installed local officers of Court #49. 24 – Participated in Our Mother of Mercy’s Anniversary Celebration Court #75. February 2009 5 – Mardi Gras dance St. Ben’s Council #84 and Maurice Court #70. 14 – Mistress of Ceremony Council and Court #49 Annual Valentine Ball. 15 – Attended Celebration/ Mass 75 years at Sophia Barett Court #34, Grand Coteau, La. 21 – Queen of peace Mardi Gras Ball. March 2009 6-8 – Attended La. Junior State Conference. 20 – Attended Retreats and spiritual events and a women’s conference. April 2009 April 18 – Guest Speaker Men of Excellence Banquet Court #76, Lafayette, La. April 19 – Sent a greeting telephone broadcast out to all the Clavers. Attended St. Arbry Court #119 anniversary Mass and reception. April 25 – Attended Western States District Conference, Portland, Ore. May 2009 May 21-23 – LA State Conference, Lafayette, La. 14 Message from the Junior Daughter Counselor Diane T. Asberry, National Counselor of Junior Daughters officer messages D ear Claver Family, ership workshop in Chicago in March, where I learned about the seriousness of juvenile obesity. It is indeed a great honor for me to In conversations and from listening to Counselors and Grand submit my report as your National Ladies within our districts/states, these seem to be the areas Counselor of Junior Daughters. of concern expressed by many (I listed them in the order of One of my goals as National Counselor was to importance): talk to, and learn about, our Juniors and meet •Support for the Junior Daughter Counselor and Assistant and have conversations with the Counselors, Counselor by the Grand Lady and senior court members. Assistant Counselors and Grand Ladies. •Support for the junior activities and events by the Grand Lady and senior court members. •Developing activities and programs that will sustain the The Junior Supreme Lady, Jasmine Chavis, and I traveled to interest of our juniors. Shrevepor and Houston to attend the Louisiana and Texas •Importance of keeping the lines of communication open to State Junior Conferences. Due to scheduling conflicts, we were all (parents, senior court members). unable to attend the Gulf Coast Junior Conference. The Junior I recently met with the Junior National Board to continue District Board of Directors and the State/District Directors/Dito plan for our 18th Biennial Junior National Convention, rectresses are to be commended for such excellent conferences. which will take place July 9-12 in Houston. Our board is The Junior Commanders/Counselors, Assistant Commanders/ planning what we hope is an exciting, educational and funCounselors, parents and chaperones are greatly appreciated for filled convention. We are asking all those who are planning the fantastic job they did in preparing our young people to atto attend to read the packets thoroughly tend the conferences and giving so freely of to prepare for the convention. We hope We need to highlight their time to travel, be mentors and commany of you will take part in the compemittee advisers and keep them safe! Thank and promote the posititions! you for all that you do! Our juniors are excited to be part of this Although each district/state is unique, there tive actions of our Juniors organization! Their pride is evident as is certainly a common thread that ties all of as they participate in comthey participate in activities, workshops, the districts/states together: our juniors. No munity service projects, reprojects, etc. They need us to continue to matter where I have traveled, I have found help them develop leadership skills, be that our juniors are bright and full of ideas! cruitment drives, liturgies and, mentors and role models and be the lisOne thing that has particularly stood out is particularly, Junior District/ tening ear to them and the voice for them their exceptional behavior! It is a very comwhen necessary. District State Conferences! mon practice throughout our country for I want to especially thank Most Esthe negative actions of youth to be sensateemed Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin for supporting me in tionalized on television and in newspapers. We need to highlight my efforts to travel to the many places within our Noble Order and promote the positive actions of our juniors as they particito learn as much as I could about the Junior Division. I want pate in community service projects, recruitment drives, liturgies to thank Mr. Rellis and Mrs. Johnnie Belle Chavis, parents of and, particularly, junior district/district state conferences! Junior Supreme Lady Jasmine Chavis, for entrusting me with Since our convention in Jacksonville, Fla., Pierre Toussaint, your daughter as we travel to different places. I want to thank Junior Court #278 in Savannah, Ga., St. Paul of the Cross, the other members of the National Board for welcoming me Junior Court #301 in Atlanta, Ga., Louis Hertzog, Junior Court and extending a helping hand as I traveled to your Districts/ #227, in Cleveland, Ohio, and Father Constantine Junior States for initiations, reactivations, workshops and District/ Court #57 in Kansas City, Mo., were reactivated. We have State Junior Conferences. welcomed #195 Junior Daughters into our Noble Order. I I would be remiss if I did not thank you, the membership, for must recognize and give thanks for the hard work of our Area the confidence you placed in me by electing me for this posiCounselors, Grand Ladies, Counselors, parents and members tion. Let us continue to work as a team to develop our youth in planning, organizing and carrying out the initiations. as leaders for today and tomorrow! It is my distinct honor to In January, I was invited to participate in a membership workserve as your National Counselor of Junior Daughters. shop and junior workshop in Los Angeles. I was also privileged ‘‘ ,, to participate at an Area Counselors workshop in Louisiana in March. I have been asked for input at our commanders and counselors meetings in Chicago. I attended a wonderful Lead- Sincerely, Diane T. Asberry National Counselor of Junior Daughters 15 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Messages from the Louisiana State Deputies Oscar Benoit, Louisiana State Deputy F raternal greetings: It is my privilege to provide my 200809 annual report for serving as your Louisiana State Deputy. One of my priorities is to provide leadership training workshops to the members. We must create and show the value of our organization to the youth, which will encourage them to join and stay in our Noble Order. My summary of activities since the 2008 National Convention: 09/10/2008 Attended District #7. 09/13/2008 Attended banquet in New Iberia, La. 10/18/2008 Attended board meeting in Opelousas, La. 10/18/2008 Attended banquet in St. Martinville, La. 10/26/2008 Attended initiation of new members in Lafayette, La. 11/02/2008 11/16/2008 12/06/2008 12/13/2008 01/10/2009 01/17/2009 02/07/2009 03/6-8/2009 Turn-out with Court #22 in New Orleans. Attended turn-out and banquet in Port Arthur, Texas Initiation new members in Houma, La. Attended ball in Baton Rouge, La. Attended banquet in Lafayette, La. Attended LA State Board Meeting in New Orleans. Attended meeting in Breaux Bridge, La. Attended Junior LA State Conference in Shreveport, La. Thanks to Most Worthy Gene A. Phillips, Sr., our committed staff at the National Office, my Area Deputies, Grand Knights, LA State Conference Presidents and to all who have reached out in my support. I pray for your continued support and prayers. Oscar Benoit Louisiana State Deputy Michelle C. Jackson, State Deputy of Louisiana It is indeed an honor and a privilege to submit my first annual report as State Deputy of Louisiana. These past few months serving as Deputy have been truly a humbling and exciting experience. The accomplishments during this year were a cooperative endeavor, with many thanks to all of the Ladies of Louisiana. Together we can achieve whatever task is presented before us as members of the KPC, Ladies Auxiliary. Newsletters were produced in October 2008 and January 2009. I implore each of you to be knowledgeable of the Constitution and By-laws of our Noble Order. Develop projects and activities to bridge the gap between the Juniors wanting to transfer into the Senior Division. Reclaim lost members by encouraging them to return and expand our current membership by encouraging Ladies to join. The report covers the period of August 2008 to April 2009. I would like to extend my thanks to the Courts who hosted an initiation and those who participated in expansion. There have been 62 new members, 1 Junior Transferee and 12 reinstatements – for a grand total of 75 brought into the order. Initiations attended: October 2008 – District IV, Lafayette, La. December 2008 – District III, Jeanerette, La. March 2009 – District VI, Lake Charles; and District II, St. James, La. Workshops conducted: “Area Deputies,” “Financial (Auditing) Procedures,” “Recruit-Retain-Reclaim,” “Duties of Officers and Members,” “Court By-laws,” “Writing Resolutions” and “Dress Code.” October 2008 – Area Deputies Workshop, Lafayette. November 2008 – St. Rita Court #31, Lake Charles. February 2009 – St. Rose of Lima Court #242, Cecilia. March 2009 – Area Counselors at the Junior LA State Conference, Grand Ladies of District III, Loreauville. In addition to attending regularly scheduled meetings of 3rd and 4th Degree and bimonthly meetings of SWCC District VI, I attended and participated in the following: August 2008 – Junior LA State Picnic; September 2008 – Transition meeting with Immac. Past State Deputy – Cynthia L. Jackson, District IV St. Peter Claver Mass, Lafayette. October 2008 – Our Lady of Good Counsel Court #78, 70th Anniversary Mass, New Orleans; meeting with the National Office Staff, New Orleans; LA State Conference Fall Planning Meeting, Opelousas; Evangeline Court #49 – 80th Anniversary Mass and reception, Breaux Bridge. December 2008 – Chapter/Assembly #6 and Court/Council #31 Christmas party, Lake Charles; IHM #141 Christmas party, Lake Charles; Court/Council #116 Christmas party, Baton Rouge; January 2009 – St. Rita Court #31 monthly meeting, Lake Charles; St. Paul Chapter/Assembly #3 banquet, Lafayette; winter board meeting, New Orleans; St. Augustine Court #41 monthly meeting, New Roads. February 2009 – St. Henry Court #168 Mardi Gras social, Lake Charles; Court/Council #49 Valentine ball, Breaux Bridge; Mass celebration for three 75-year members (what a blessing) St. Sophia Barrett Court #34, Grand Coteau; IHM Court/Council #206 Mardi Gras ball, Lafayette. March 2009 – Junior LA State Conference, Shreveport, facilitated elections for Our Lady of the Rosary (cont. on page 16) officer messages G reetings: 16 (cont. from page 15) Court #115, Broussard, Teche Central Committee District III meeting, Loureauville, La. I would like to thank everyone who invited me to attend or participate in Claver activities. It has been truly an honor to be in your presence. I want to thank my angels, Area Deputies-Lois Washington, Lena Blaise, Janet St. Cyr-Moore, Deola Ellis, Henrietta Robertson, Mary Elair, Debra Bridges, Christina Demouy, Betty LaCour, Barbara Potier, Minnie Finks, Augusta Rideaux and Paula Jordan, for assisting with expansion and whatever tasks were requested of you; the Area Counselors for their efforts in recruiting and encouraging juniors to transfer into the Senior Division; and also Lady Linda Moten of St Paul Court #11. I want to thank my counterpart, Brother Oscar Benoit, for his support, assistance, cooperation and challenges, all for the good of the state of Louisiana, as well as the Order. Most importantly, I thank the Most Esteemed Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin for her continued support, leadership and guidance. Yours in Claverism, Michelle C. Jackson Messages from the Central States Deputies officer messages Garry Bostick District Deputy, Central States District F raternal greetings: in June 2008, where I was able to observe again how well behaved and businesslike were their attitudes that It is my privilege to provide my anour juniors exhibited during the conference. I attended the St. nual report to the membership on the Peter Claver Day in Okmulgee, Okla., in 2008, where I had condition of the Central States District the honor of being one of the keynote speakers in an event and a summary of my activities since my electhat was well-attended by all the Councils in Oklahoma. We tion at my District Conference in 2008. Before had more than 150 Knights, Ladies, Junior Daughters, Junior I begin, I would like to express my appreciation Knights and guest in attendance. and heartfelt thanks to the Knights in the Central We in the Central States District are embracing more efficient States District for re-electing me as your District and economical ways to do business, such as when I held a virtual Town Hall Meeting via conference call with many of the Deputy in 2008. Grand Knights in the Central States District. Also, we are looking forward to the day when most, if not all, future conference Growth in our District, which is predominately non-Catholic, meeting call letters and associated conference package informais difficult, but we did have had an increase in our membertion will be delivered via e-mail to all the ship of approximately 2 percent, and have Councils in the Central States District. Our scheduled 30 more Knights to be initiated As we are marking current plan is to begin this for our 2010 in St. Louis in May 2009, of which I am our 100th anniversary District Conference in Memphis, Tenn. grateful. I want to thank my Area Deputies As we are marking the 100th anniverof our organization I urge who recruited and brought in new memsary of our organization, I urge the Central bers and reclaimed members through their the Central States District States District to plan celebrations to recdedicated hard work and service ognize this wonderful event in our Noble Our Junior Division needs to grow. I ask to plan celebrations to Organization’s existence. I encourage all the Councils to help develop branches in recognize this wonderful Councils to commemorate this momentous your parishes and support them spiritually event in our noble organi- juncture with some form of celebration and financially, and guide their developthat will be noteworthy enough to be long ment into Knights. zation’s existence. remembered. Also during this time, let us be mindful Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to serve of the participation in our Conferences and National Conas your District Deputy. Also, thank you for your generous ventions. We need to strive to improve our attendance and representation at these events, as your support is needed at the support and commitment to the Central States District of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. May St. Peter Claver be an exNational Convention, as well as the District Conference. Due to the financial status of the nation and our own organi- ample for us, show us the Love of God, the light of Christ, and the strength of the Holy Spirit. zation, including our members, I limited my workshop travel to my workshop at our District Conference in Denver, Colo., Yours in Claverism, in April 2009. Hopefully, later this fall, I will be able to go back Garry Bostick to a regular Fall Workshop, along with the well-attended Area District Deputy Cluster Workshops I held in the past years. Central States District I attended our District Juniors Conference in Denver, Colo., ‘‘ ,, 17 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Janice M. Gray, Central States District Deputy G reetings, It is a privilege to submit my first annual report as Central States District Deputy. It has been a busy, rewarding and challenging year. Activity Summary: • Celebrated St. Peter Claver Day with Councils/Courts in Oklahoma hosted by Council/Court #55, Okmulgee, Okla. • Founders Day – ‘Turnout’ and dinner with Court #261. • Met with Knights District Deputy in Oklahoma City for a Knight Garry Bostick and I have worked together in planning a focus for this District – one that will nurture the family environment of our Noble organization. I would like to extend my thanks to the National Office, Most Esteemed Supreme Lady Geralyn Shelvin and Micaela LeBlanc, Western States District Deputy, for their leadership and guidance this first year. Janice M. Gray Central States District Deputy Messages from the Western States Deputies Anderson F. Shaw, Western States District Deputy I n the past year, I have been blessed to have served our Noble Order representing the outstanding Knights of the Western States District. During the year, I have participated in the following activities: I attended and participated in many summits, events and workshops from April 2008-September 2008, which are too many to list. Oct.10-12, 2008 Western States District Conference Mid-year Board Meeting Oct. 14, 2008 Los Angeles Black History Mass Meeting Oct. 21, 2008 Los Angeles KPC Bishop Fisher Vocation Committee Meeting Oct.25, 2008 Southern California Coordinating Council and Courts Meeting Oc. 26, 2008 Turn-out Assembly 13 Memorial Mass Oct. 27, 2008 Bishop Clark Advisory Committee Nov. 8, 2008 LMU African-American Catholic Contribution Class Nov. 9, 2008 Nov.16, 2008 Nov. 22, 2008 Dec. 13, 2008 Dec. 15, 2008 Jan. 10, 2008 Jan. 15, 2009 Jan. 11, 2009 Jan. 19, 2009 Jan. 19, 2009 Jan. 24, 2009 Jan. 25, 2009 Feb. 14, 2009 Feb. 16, 2009 Turn-out Southern California Founders Day Mass Bishop Clark Advisory Committee Los Angeles KPC Bishop Fisher Vocation Awards Program LMU African-American Catholic Faith Formation Class Bishop Clark Mass and Christmas Dinner LMU African-American Catholic Spirituality Class Los Angeles Initiation LMU African-American Catholic Alumni Meeting Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast Turn-out Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass Southern California Coordinating Council and Courts Meeting Assembly 13 Meeting LMU African-American Catholic Bible Study Class Deceased Member Ritual (cont. on page 18) officer messages This year, I’ve worked with experienced and supporting Grand Ladies. New Area Deputies have been appointed who have been working on establishing new Courts and reinstating and initiating new members. I look forward to expanding our Central States even more. The Area Deputies are: Lois Scott, Anita Williams, Mary Mitchell, Louise Penman, Bernadette Hogue, Diane Huff, Tara Bradley, Anne Freeman, Patricia Faulkner and Mary Robinson. Our Area Counselors are Karen Mushily, Ruby Douthet, Pearl Fidel, Arlene Daces, Joyce Terry, Crystal Lovett, Brenda Jones, Belinda Anderson, and Sandra Thibodaux. Central States increased by 18 new members coming from Courts #343, #188, #224, #61, #261 and #308. planning meeting. • Monthly conference calls with Grand Ladies. • Invited by Court #61 to do workshop on ‘Duties and Responsibilities of Local Officers for the Kansas City Metro Ladies. This same workshop was given to Court #261. • Conference Call workshops: Central States District Secretary, Treasurer and Area Deputies. • Initiation for Court #261. • Attended steering and planning meeting for the Central States District Conference, attended and worked on the Black Advisory Council for the Archbishop of Denver and continued my classes with the Omega Cavaliers Parliamentarian Association. 18 (cont. from page 17) Feb. 22, 2009 Feb. 24, 2009 Feb. 27-March 1 March 7, 2009 March 10, 2009 Assembly 13 Meeting LA KPC Vocation Executive Committee Meeting KPC Booth Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Southern California Membership Campaign Workshop Bishop Solis Ethic Council Meeting March 11, 2009 March 18, 2009 March 21, 2009 March 25, 2009 March 27-28, 2009 LA KPC Vocation Executive Committee Meeting LA KPC Vocation Awards Committee meeting Council #389 Establishment Los Angeles Archdiocese Child Protection Up Date Workshop Northern California Membership Campaign Workshop Micaela LeBlanc, Western States District Deputy F officer messages rom the snowy peaks of the Rocky Mountains and the tumultuous shores of the Pacific Ocean to the borders of Canada and Mexico, I extend fraternal greetings to you all on behalf of the Western States District. I have noticed a trend among volunteer organizations nationwide that I believe will impact the perpetuity of those institutions should the signs go unnoticed or unchecked. This trend highlights the need to constantly encourage and expand the recruitment of volunteers to keep up the good work of the organization. The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary is acutely aware of this issue and I believe is ahead of the curve in its efforts to recruit, reclaim, and retain the army of volunteers needed to continue following the example of our patron saint, Father Peter Claver. We should be proud that we are the only Catholic fraternal order in the world, with an organizational structure that promotes Catholic service by the entire family unit – men, women, and children. I can also say that the Western States District is doing its part to continue that tradition. Through our efforts in training our volunteers (Ladies Auxiliary members), mentoring our Catholic youth and recruiting Catholics to follow St. Peter Claver’s example, KPCLA has put in place the key ingredients to continue our Noble Order beyond our lifetimes. The Western States District has continued to do its part for the expansion of our Noble Order over the last year. During ceremonies executed from July 1, 2008 to date, 53 ladies were initiated into the Western States District Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary; this includes the establishment of a new unit, Court #389, in Pasadena, Calif., on March 21, 2009. I, along with the District Deputy for the Knights Division, Brother Anderson Shaw, also launched a new District Web site, www.kpcwsdc.com and a new District-wide recruitment campaign, appropriately entitled “Empowerment Through Growth” in March 2009. This campaign promotes recruitment as a family unit, provided a newly developed recruitment tool kit given to every member in the District and promotes a friendly competition centered around recruiting among all units in the Western States. The 2009 Western States District Conference, held April 25, 2009, in Portland, Ore., was well-attended and highlights included training on the new District-wide recruitment campaign. Working groups established from those in attendance came together to develop action plans to address four critical issues facing the Western States District. Those critical issues were: • Leadership • Recruitment • Emerging Leaders • Marketing, Promotion, Image of KPC in the Western States The 2009 Conference Banquet saw the following ladies recognized for their contributions with the following honors: 2009 Western States District Humanitarian of the Year • Lady Connie Matthews, Court #175-Sacramento, Calif. 2009 Western States District Lady of the Year • Lady Mildred Simon, Court #155 – East Palo Alto, Calif. 2008 Western States District Grand Lady of the Year • Grand Lady Cheryl Blount, Court #121 – Los Angeles, Calif. I do want to give a special thank you to Lady Vernetta Bucknor of Court #230 in Richmond, Calif. and Lady Sharon Agnew of Court #220 in Los Angeles, Calif. for their efforts toward the development of the Western States District’s KPC Store, which will assist our District in increasing finances needed to expand Claver’s influence throughout the entire Western United States. I have strived to keep up the visibility of our Noble Order and the skills/knowledge of our members by providing quarterly workshops in various regions throughout the district on officer duties and responsibilities and on how to keep your court inspired and motivated. I was fortunate to be able to travel with the group that accompanied Bishop Perry on a pilgrimage to Cartagena, Columbia, in commemoration of our 100 year anniversary. It was a moving and spirit-filled experience that we will not soon forget. Recently, in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles African-American Catholic Center for Evangelization, I was invited to serve on the Bishop’s AfricanAmerican Catholic Advisory Committee as both a representative of the Knights of Peter Claver and with other leaders identified in the Black Catholic Community. The commitment to Claverism is closely tied to the work we do in our Catholic community, hence this appointment is good synergy with the work I am doing with KPCLA. 19 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org who are no longer with us including: Name Unit# 1. Lady Mabel Washington 175 2. Lady Virginia F. Wysinger 95 3. Lady Lita Barreau 121 4. Lady Patricia Buford 121 5. Gracious Lady Myrtle White 113 6. Lady Joyce Rhone 95 7. Lady Alice Singleton 121 8. Gracious Lady Eva Jackson 128 9. Lady Margaret Isaac 99 10.Lady Ferne Sevey 155 11.Lady Antonio E. Landry 96 Location Date Sacramento, Calif. 1-July-08 Oakland, Calif. 21-June-08 Los Angeles 11-Sept.-08 Los Angeles 11-Sept.-08 Los Angeles 21-Oct.-08 Oakland, Calif. 10-Nov.-08 Los Angeles 17-Dec.-08 Los Angeles 18-Dec.-08 Los Angeles 26-Nov.-08 East Palo Alto, Calif.6-Jan.-09 Los Angeles 13-Mar.-09 God Bless you all, as I remain your faithful servant in the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Western States District. Micaela LeBlanc, Western States District Deputy Messages from the Northern States Deputies Howard L. Crawford, Northern States Deputy I t is an honor and privilege to be the Northern States Deputy in this centennial year. The Area Deputies of the Northern States are doing a fine job and I, along with our entire District membership, am grateful for their service. Through March 2009, 19 men have been initiated, with even more initiations planned leading up to our Convention. In January 2009, 13 brothers dedicated themselves to our order and the work of St. Peter Claver at an initiation in Philadelphia, Pa. Our Noble Order lost a great friend since the last Convention with the passing of my Claver mentor and the Father of the District, Sir Knight Willie Kelley, in October 2008. In September, we were especially honored by having our National Chaplain, Bishop Joseph Perry, celebrate our Claver Day Mass at Holy Family Church. Our host Council and Court #381 did a wonderful job and welcomed more than 400 at the Mass and banquet immediately following. We are proud to announce the upcoming installation of two new Councils – Council #390 in Philadelphia, Pa., and Council #391 in Chicago. The Knights of Peter Claver Male Chorus of Chicago will celebrate 100 years of Claver service to all with an anniversary concert on May 31. I was fortunate to celebrate with the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies of Grace, Adele Stadecker Chapter 12, at their 28th anniversary Mass and luncheon at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. I was also with our National Chaplain Bishop Perry as he led a vespers service at St. Thaddeus Church. I was moved as the Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Peter Claver Court #181 held their 15th annual Archbishop James P. Lyke African-American Male Image awards ceremony, where they contributed $10,000 to Hales Franciscan High School to support Catholic education of young men and $8,000 in scholarships to deserving high school graduates continuing their education. This event marked a total contribution of more than $100,000 to help educate male African Americans. The Northern District is doing amazing things and working hard to make a difference in our corner of the world. I am humbled by the continuous generosity and service of our membership: food pantries, scholarships, lifting up our fellow man and woman with acts of kindness, seeking and giving forgiveness, patience and love. The example we set of love and reconciliation is what will keep Claverism strong for the next 100 years. Howard L. Crawford, Northern States Deputy officer messages Success of any kind is usually never achieved alone. There are many individuals on a daily basis who contribute to the success of KPCLA and the Western States District. I would like to personally thank my counterpart, Brother Anderson Shaw, for being supportive of everything I and the Ladies want to do in the Western States. The recruitment numbers would not be what they are, were it not for the Area Deputies I have all over the district. Special thanks goes to Ladies Doris Tims, Zackrea Jones, Lydia Price, Evelyn Payne, Karen Haynes, Katina Littleton, Kim Williams, Renita Lloyd Smith, T’Sonya Sanders, Elizabeth Roberts-White, Gilda Austin, Charlotte Canfield, Gladys Carter, Rebecca Charles-Watt, Ardella Roberts, Wanda Glover-Petite, Lena Hall, Martha Hanks, Patricia Gee, Edie Marie Clark, Velma Gaines-Miller, Vera Patterson, Sharon PitreWilliams, Aline Heisser-Ovid, Bridget Vavasseur, Juanita Cox, Marie Archer-Jones, and Cassandra Young for working with me in the Western States District. The “West is truly the Best” and the Ladies are continuing to prove that point on a daily basis. We cannot move forward if we fail to look back and remember those who have gone before us. I would like to close by remembering those Ladies in the Western States District 20 Annetta Wilson, Northern States District Deputy D officer messages ear Claver Family, With thanksgiving to Almighty God, we, the Area Deputies and I, submit this report, which shows our commitment, willingness to serve this Noble Order in friendship, unity and Christian charity. I must commend the membership for the role in expansion and retention, which are the keys to our continued existence. We have not had any new establishments since July 2008, and that has not met my expectations. However, the good news is that we have two up coming dates, for May and June, 2009 for which we are finalizing plans. Initiations Sept. 6, 2008, Milwaukee Oct. 11, 2008, Columbus, Ohio Oct. 25, 2008, Chicago Nov. 1, 2008, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 1, 2008, Baltimore Nov. 1, 2008, Norfolk, Va. Dec. 20, 2008, Chicago Jan. 3, 2009, Newport, Va. Jan. 11, 2009, Detroit Jan. 31, 2009, Wilmington, Del.; Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 14, 2009, Pittsburg, Pa. Workshops • Cleveland • Chicago • Columbus, Ohio Awards where presented to the following Junior Knights and Junior Daughters for the 2008 Ambassadors for Environmental Literacy Project. Scholarships ranged between $500-$150. Global Warming Winners 3rd-5th Grade 1st Place Junior Court #158 Jasmine S. Thomas, 2nd Place #363 Ramia Hobbs, 3rd place #146 Jaliyah Henderson. Junior High School 1st Place #146 Dominique Henderson, 2nd place #356 Anwuli Onwuta, 3rd place #109 Ikenna Stovall. High School 1st Place Junior Branch #109 Jeremy M. Wright, 2nd place #146 Mariah Jones Hick, 3rd place #363 Ayanna Sneed. Seminars It was a privilege and an honor to represent KPC at the invitation from the Religious Conference Management Association to attend the “Catch the Spirit’ held in Grand Rapids, Mich. Jan. 27-30, 2009. I hosted a leadership training for the Northern States District Junior Board, which included a presentation on the Fit for Life Obesity Project for the Junior Knights and Junior Daughters, as well as the Junior Knight Commanders and Junior Daughter Counselors. This project’s goal is to educate our youth and parents on becoming aware of how weight affects development. Due to the restriction of space available for reports in the Claverite, I will share a full, detailed report on how we can benefit and the possibility of the organization receiving better services at our Conferences and National Conventions. My activities have included, but not been limited to conducting initiations and workshops, attending Board meetings and also holding conference calls with Canada. With the help of Father Emmons, Northern States District Chaplain, we are making connections. In closing, my sincere gratitude to the members and Area Deputies for their hard work and support. I would be remiss if I don’t thank the office staff for their cooperation. Respectfully submitted, Annetta Wilson Northern States District Deputy Message from the Gulf Coast Deputies Athanase J. Jones, Jr., Gulf Coast District Deputy F raternal Greetings! The last year has been fast-paced and challenging for the Gulf Coast and the Order as a whole. We continue to move forward as our centennial fast approaches. I encourage all members of the Gulf Coast to continue our expansion efforts. I am very encouraged by the number of initiations recently conducted and we hope to reactivate several lost Councils in the upcoming year. In addition to my duties as District Deputy, I have been involved in several projects related to my role as public relations advisor to the Supreme Knight. Most notably, the new Claverite and KPC Web site, www.kofpc.org. I encourage everyone to visit the improved Web site and offer your opinions and recommendations to make your Web site a viable tool. We are truly overwhelmed by the positive feedback on the improved Claverite. We are extremely grateful to our own Ms. Debra Frazier and the staff of Faith Publishing for producing a quality publication we can all be proud of. The following is a report of my activities for the past year: 21 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org July 26-Aug 2, 2008 KPC National Convention (co-chair Host Committee) Aug. 9, 2008 Gulf Coast Conference board meeting Sept. 6, 2008 Zone VI annual workshop and centennial meeting Nov. 7, 2008 National Black Catholic Congress board meeting Nov. 8, 2008 Zone V annual workshop and initiation Dec. 13, 2008 Establishment of 4th Degree Assembly #48 Jan. 1, 2009 Unit #313 Atlanta annual New Years Celebration Mar. 6-8, 2009 Gulf Coast Junior Conference Mar. 20, 2009 Annual KPC Stations of the Cross – St. Pius V Mar. 24-25 National Office visit – Web site conference April 23-26 Northern District Conference April 30-May 2, 2009 Gulf Coast District Conference – Centennial Celebration June 7, 2009 St. Peter Claver Catholic Church – Centennial Celebration June 13, 2009 Operations and Management workshop – Unit #388 June 15, 2009 National Black Catholic Congress board meeting Reinstated unit – Junior Branch #6, Pass Christian, Miss. Reinstated members – 8 New Members – 23 Jacksonville, Fla. Mobile, Ala. Orlando, Fla. Baltimore Charleston, S.C. Savannah, Ga. Atlanta Gulfport, Miss. Jacksonville, Fla. New Orleans Norfolk, Va. Mobile, Ala. Atlanta, Ga. Raleigh, N.C. San Antonio Mrs. Gwendolyn Lewis, District Deputy of Gulf Coast My third year as Deputy of the Gulf Coast District has been just as exciting as my two previous years. I had the opportunity to return to San Andres’, Colombia, with my then-counterpart of the Knights’ Division, Deputy Leonard Stiell, to facilitate a two-day workshop for the Knights and Ladies of St. Mary Star of the Sea Court and Council #382. I also went on the Centennial Pilgrimage with Bishop Perry to Cartagena, Colombia, to visit St. Peter Claver Church. That was the most fulfilling experience of my life – to walk where St. Peter Claver walked; to visit the rooms where he lived; and look out of the same window where he watched for the slave ships to arrive; to pray in the Church where he prayed and is entombed under the altar. One can still feel his holy presence. Thanks to the assistance of Area Deputies: Vertelle Kenion, Mary Gaines, Lillie Jones, Brenda Brown, Padrica Mendez, Gwen Mason, Thayes Sturges, Mary Holley, Marva, Muir, Grace Jones, Rubeye Jones, Donna Williams, Marilyn Smith, Florence Nixon, Bernadette Poitier, and Meckila Pierce; Grand Ladies and you, the members, we have increased our membership in the Gulf Coast as follows: 82 new members; 9 reinstated; and 5 Junior transfers for a total of 96. Thank you for all that you do for Claverism. Expansion. 25 Courts participated in expansion during the past year. I extend thanks to the Grand Ladies and Ladies of the following courts for scheduling at least one initiation: Courts #1, 2, 4, 6, 26, 110, 140, 172, 199, 210, 223, 258, 272, 276, 278, 287, 300, 301, 313, 316, 352, 367, 376, 380. Father John Gavin Court #258, Macon, Ga., was re-established July 15 with 19 Ladies. Attendance & participation: From June 2008-September 2008, I attended several initiations and many celebrations and reinstated and re-established a few courts, among them: October 2008 5 – Initiation, St. Cecilia Court #140, Birmingham, Ala. November 2008 4 – Initiation, Prince of Peace Court #287, Mobile, Ala. 8 – Attended annual workshop and initiation in Charleston SC – participants – Our Lady of Guadelupe Court #110, Charleston, S.C.: St. Jude Court #316, Sumter, S.C. and Pierre Tousant Court #278, Savannah Ga. 11 – Initiation, Sts. Peter and Paul Court #313, Atlanta 15 – Initiation, cluster St. Stephen Court #26, Pass Chriatian, Miss. – St. James Court #6, Bay St. Louis, Miss. 15 – Initiation, St. James Major Court #172, Prichard, Ala. 15 – Initiation, St. Peter & Paul Court #313, Atlanta 22 – Initiation, Our Lady of Guadelupe Court #110, Charleston 29 – Initiation, cluster Father Edgar Ryan Court #272; St. Cecilia Court #140, Birmingham, Ala. December 2008 13 – Initiation, St. Felicitas Court # 223, Pensacola, Fla. 14 – Initiation, Our Lady of Lourdes Court #300, Atlanta January 2009 4 – Workshop and visit to Sister Thea Bowman Court #355, Canton, Miss. (cont. on page 22) officer messages G reetings: 22 (cont. from page 21) 10 – Cluster initiation - Father Anthony Bourges Court #171; Father Lawrence B,. Watts, Court #199, Jackson Miss. February 2009 7 – Attended Zone 1 meeting, Court and Council #223, Pensacola, Fla. 8 – Attended annual Awards Luncheon, St. James Major Court #172, Prichard, Ala. 17-22 – Traveled to Cartagena, Colombia., for Centennial Pilgrimage in honor of St. Peter Claver 28 – Re-instatement - Sts. Peter and Paul Court #380, Atlanta. March 20 – Re-instatement, Father Paul Williams Court #380, Columbia, S.C. 21 – Attended Zone 1 meeting, Prince of Peace Court and Council #287, Mobile, Ala. 28 – Cluster initiation - Drexel Court #1, St. Joseph Court #210, Prince of Peace Court #287, Mobile, Ala.; St. James Major #172, Prichard, Ala. 29 – Attended annual musical to benefit Most Pure Heart of Mary School sponsored by Agnes Coleman Chapter 1, Ladies of Grace, KPC Messages from the Texas States Deputies officer messages James K. Ellis, State Deputy of Texas W elcome to the 94th Senior National Convention of the Knights Of Peter Claver and Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary in New Orleans. I submit to the Texas Claver Family my third report as State Deputy of Texas. I thank you for the opportunity to serve our Noble Order in our Centennial Celebration. This has been a remarkable year in many ways for all of us. We have witnessed the election of our first African-American president, Barack Hussein Obama. “Yes We Can!” Nationally, this has been another challenging year for our Noble Order. The National Board has been occupied addressing many issues in our home office. As a member of the National Board, I know we are firmly committed to ensuring our Noble Order is an organization that ALL Divisions are proud of. I have endeavored to represent Texas and our organization, professionally and responsibly, while carrying out the duties of State Deputy of Texas. I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve you. I hope we use this convention to embark on the opportunities we identify and leverage the multitude of talent in our “Claver Family.” I ask God to “Order Our Steps” at this National Convention and always as we seek to do his WILL. My activities for Texas since the last Convention. August – October 2008 • Conducted initiation, St. Francis Assisi Council #231, Aug. 3, 2008. • Attended St. Peter Claver Day celebration coordinated by HICC, hosted by St. Phillip Neri Council #222, Houston, Sept. 8, 2008. • Conducted initiation, St. Monica Council #151, Oct. 18, 2008. November – December 2008 • Attended National Board Meeting via conference call, Nov. 2008. • Conducted an initiation, St. Mary of the Purification Council #159, Nov. 15, 2008. • Conducted a workshop on “Junior National and State Officers duties,” Council #151, Houston. • Attended 50th anniversary celebration, Council and Court #139, Dec. 7, 2008. • Attended Christmas party, Council and Court #138, Dec. 7, 2008. • Attended Houston Area Juniors Christmas party, hosted by Council #248, Dec. 7, 2008. January – February 2009 • Attended the Junior State Board Meeting, Jan. 10, 2009 • Conducted an initiation, St. Mary of the Purification Council #159, Jan. 17, 2009. • Installation of officers for Council #20 and Council #163, Jan. 4, 2009. • Installation of officers for St. Phillip Neri Council #222, Jan. 2009. • Installation of officers for St. Monica Council #151, Jan. 11, 2009. • Installation of officers for Our Mother of Perpetual Help Council #72, Jan. 11, 2009. • Installation of officers for Father Timothy J. Sullivan Council #138, Jan. 17, 2009. • Installation of officers for St. Peter The Apostle Council #238, Jan. 16, 2009. • Conducted an initiation, St. Phillip Neri Council #222, Feb. 7, 2009. • Turn-out for Diocese of Galveston/Houston Office of Black Catholics Martin Luther King celebration, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Jan. 18, 2009. • Attended HICC Mardi Gras dance, St. Francis Assisi, Council #231, Houston, Feb. 7, 2009. March – April 2009 • Conducted an initiation Father Timothy Sullivan Council #138, March 15, 2009. • Conducted an initiation Sacred Heart Council #32 (BICC), Port Arthur, April 19, 2009. • Attended the Junior State Conference, Houston, March 2729, 2009. 23 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org • Conducted an initiation, St. Mary of the Purification Council #159, April 19, 2009. • Conducted Houston area workshop on “New Grand Knight Duties” hosted by Council #238, Ron Elder, Grand Knight, March 21, 2009. • Conducted a workshop on “Parliamentary Procedures” hosted by Our Mother of Perpetual Help Council #72, March 14, 2009. • Guest speaker at KPC Annual Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by Council #231, April 4, 2009. I want to thank those who engaged in our Claver activity. I thank those who continue to serve our Noble Order and the communities we live and work in. You truly show that “Claver Pride.” May God bless you all and may God bless the great state of Texas. Respectfully submitted, James K. Ellis, State Deputy of Texas Lady Nan Arceneaux, State Deputy of Texas D ear Claver Family, I give praise and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, from whom all good things come. It’s in this spirit that I submit my fifth report as State Deputy of Texas. Some Texas accomplishments – July 2008-2009: • We continue to support “Claver Fighting Cancer.” We will present a check to the American Cancer Society. • Sisters Helping Sisters continue to help sisters in need. • We conducted 8 workshops covering a variety of topics • We conducted 2 Junior workshops. • We conducted 10 initiations. • Through our prayer circle, we sustained each other through prayers and expressions of support. • The Texas newsletter is well received and informative. • The Ladies turned out at the Co-Cathedral to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. • The KPC family participated in a Mass honoring African Americans at the Co-Cathedral. • Texas Clavers honored all invitations extended to them by the various dioceses. • I attended or hosted more than 45 events in Texas. In Texas, we have used every avenue available to showcase the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary. Our cardinal, Daniel DiNardo, and our bishops continue to extend invitations for us to be involved in diocesan events. They know that we will be available, always in a positive manner, and always in great numbers. A special thanks to those who hosted an initiation: • St. Martin DePorres Court #28 • St. John Court #164 • Holy Cross Court #284 • Mother of Perpetual Help Court #152 • St. Martin DePorres Court #98 and #341 • St. Bernadette Court #101 • St. Martin DePorres Court #28 • St. Monica Court #151 • St. Mary of the Purification Court #159 • St. Phillip Neri Court #222 “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.” Psalm 23 Lady Nan Arceneaux, State Deputy of Texas officer messages I’m proud to report that Texas is thriving and expanding. The members of Texas have been supportive in any and every endeavor that we’ve taken on. They’ve been especially supportive of invitations from our cardinal and the diocese. We’ve made ourselves visible by being among the first group to give services to the new Co-Cathedral in Houston. We were even a part of the gift offering. This event was televised in Houston and the surrounding area. It was a beautiful sight when the Lady Clavers came down the aisle with candles. I truly appreciate all of the support that’s given by the Ladies of Texas. We continue to share information through our KPC-L.A. Texas. The newsletter is still very informative. The Courts still submit articles and events, which include: articles from Courts, conference and national updates; Junior events; upcoming events; mini-workshops; tips for the quarter; Texas Claver seeking state and national positions; Diocesan information; and much more. We have also continued our Texas e-mail prayer request list. This is a way for the Ladies to know what’s happening with their Claver family. The Grand Ladies send an e-mail with the names and addresses of Ladies who are ill, hospitalized or deceased. These names and addresses are shared with all Grand Ladies, asking them to send cards, prayers and get well wishes. The Ladies are so appreciative of this prayer line. The emerging leaders in Texas have not only increased their membership, but they’ve piloted a children’s book drive, increased their membership and they’re very involved in conferences, community services and events. Through their visible presence, more Juniors are transferring to the Senior Division. In an effort to retain members, a welcome letter is sent to all new, reinstated and transfer members, along with information on our Noble Order. They’re also provided copies of the Ode and the Claver prayer. I’m always appreciative of the many invitations extended to me by the Junior and Senior Divisions throughout Texas. I have been able to attend most of them. 24 Messages from the Supreme Navigators Sir Knight James A. Neal, Supreme Navigator F raternal Greetings: fourth degree navigators I am submitting my first report as Supreme Navigator. I look forward to making the Meritorious Fourth Degree even better. We, the Fourth Degree Division, are now in a revamping process to be more sufficient and have a better working environment with the National Office of the Knights of Peter Claver. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff at the National Office for all of their assistance to this Supreme General Assembly Board in our first year to make our Conclave a success. James A. Neal, Supreme Navigator – R.U.D. In the last seven months, I have been stressing better communications between the Supreme General Assembly and the Grand Assemblies so that information can be received in a timely manner. With the age of electronics, I hope all leaders of the Grand Assemblies across the country will come on board to ensure that communication is submitted before deadlines so that the operation of the Supreme General Assembly will run smoothly throughout the year. I have attended numerous events – Special Masses, celebrations, balls, fashion shows, wake and funeral services for our Sir Knights. We established Saint Martin De Porres Assembly #48 in Orlando, Fla.; special thanks to Pierre Toussaint Assembly #45 Savannah, Ga. for their assistance with the exemplification along with S.K. Lawrence Sylvester – Supreme Captain, S.K. Paul H. Ledet, Jr. – Supreme Comptroller, and S.K. Harry Beevers – Past Supreme Navigator. Audrey B. Woods, Supreme Navigator 4th Degree G reetings to the Ladies of Grace 4th Division: The experience of being the Most Faithful Navigator of the Ladies of Grace 4th Degree Division has been very rewarding. It has afforded me the opportunity to attend many wonderful events. These events have included exemplification, anniversary celebrations and having many conversations with quite a few gracious Ladies. Your kind expressions and words of encouragement have meant the world to me. I am truly sorry I was unable to personally attend all events. Please know that I was there in spirit. Now is the time to complete your plans to attend the Conclave and National Convention. I am so looking forward to seeing each of you. Remember this is a resolution year. This is your opportunity to make changes needed to strengthen and enhance our Fourth Degree. I am looking forward to presiding over my first Conclave. There is no doubt in my mind that it will be a fantastic occasion. With your prayers, ideas and active participation, our Conclave will be an informative and memorable event. Have a safe trip. God is Good All the Time, Audrey B. Woods Faithful Navigator 25 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Ludlow K. Muir, Past Area Deputy, Zone 6 M y brother Sir Knights, fraternal greetings! More than two years ago, at our zone meeting in Fort Myers, I challenged you to charter the formation of a Fourth Degree Assembly. I had no idea that the process would have aged us with so many obstacles. Nonetheless, your patience, persistent and fortitude have triumphed. Ellen Marie Jackson Ladies Of Grace Chapter #13 provides Easter Baskets for battered women and children’s shelter The gracious Ladies of Ellen Marie Jackson Ladies of Grace Chapter #13 located in Los Angeles, provided Easter baskets to the Good Shepherd Center for Women and Children on April 4. Presenting the baskets were the following: Not shown in picture, but behind the camera that took this photo, is Gracious Lady Audrey Ina-Shaw. From left to right are: Gracious Lady Jeanne Wiltz, Gracious Lady Virginia Dalcoe, Gracious Lady Carolyn Perkins, Gracious Lady Cheryl Pyles, Gracious Lady Michelle Wilson, Gracious Lady Aline Heisser-Ovid, Gracious Lady Gloria Wiley, Gracious Lady Margaret Bell, Gracious Lady Sherry Porter, and Faithful Navigator of Chapter 13, Gracious Lady Doris Tims. Submitted by Gracious Lady Micaela Le Blanc, Western States District Deputy fourth degree news I extend to you, my brothers, “a prayerful congratulation” on your elevation to the Meritorious Fourth Degree Division of our Noble Order. As your coordinator, I was honored to participate in your exemplification and gratified to witness the formation of your Assembly – St. Martin de Porres, Assembly #48. Now that our Zone has an Assembly, I am looking forward to joining ranks with you at your turnouts. So let me take this opportunity to cordially invite Assembly #48 to make its debut turnout at the Diocese of Orlando annual Martin Luther King Eucharist Celebration. The commemoration honoring Dr. King will take place during the 11:30 a.m. Mass, Sunday, Jan. 18, 2009 at St. Andrew Catholic Church. Detail travel information will follow later. I am attaching your proud moment group photo – and you are looking very good – for your memorabilia. Sir Knights, congratulations!!! Ludlow Muir, Assembly Formation Coordinator 26 district news northern states district central states district western states district gulf coast district state of texas state of louisiana = areas where there are no councils or courts district news state of louisiana Knights of Peter Claver celebrate St. Peter Claver Day 2008 Lafayette The Knights of Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary, Acadiana District IV, celebrated St. Peter Claver Day 2008 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Lafayette. The theme of the celebration was “Empowering Membership – Through Committed Service.” As part of that celebration, Sir Knight Edward J. Sam, member of the Knights of Peter Claver Council #76, received his 50-year membership certificate. His service has included leadership positions in Council #76 as Grand Knight; Deputy Grand Knight; Secretary; Parliamentarian; Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Fourth Degree St. Paul’s Assembly; and Junior Knight Commander. He has also served at the national level as Lay Board Member and chaired several national committees. He has received the Silver and Gold Medal Merit Awards of the Knights of Peter Claver. Mr. Sam’s active role in the parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary has included liturgy; St. Vincent de Paul Society; NM Parish Council and school board; and various committees in support of the Church and school. He also is a veteran of the Korean Conflict and a member of American Legion Post 504. From left to right: Father Thomas James, SVD pastor of IHM; Sir Knight Oscar Benoit, Louisiana State Deputy; Sir Knight Edward Sam; Grand Knight Harold Antoine; and Father Michael Vu, Associate Pastor of IHM. The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org 27 Father John Council #8 Opelousas, La. donates food to the battered women shelter, donates food to the Lighthouse Homeless Shelter for men, prepares and donates food for the Christmas in April workers and provides unlimited support to many other community organizations. As an organized group, the Council provided pivotal support to many missions for Holy Ghost Church. They include Holy Ghost Community Diners, which provides meals three times a week for the needy; ushers, parish council, lecturers, eucharistic ministers; bingo to help support Catholic education; building committee; Ash Wednesday fish dinner sale; and the annual Creole Festival, which is the largest fundraiser for Holy Ghost Church. district news Father John Council #8 was the first organized council of the Knights of Peter Claver in the state of Louisiana. Father John Council #8 was established Nov. 17, 1912, in Opelousas. It is the largest Council per capita in the United States, with more than 145 members and still growing. Father John Council #8 produced two of the 15 outstanding Supreme Knights: Most Worthy Alphonse Pierre Auguste and Most Worthy J. Roland Prejean. The Council is complemented with three active supporting groups: Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Daughters and the Junior Knights, which supports each other. Father John Council #8 prides itself with true brotherhood in Christ. As a religious group, the membership comforts the sick at two local hospitals and nursing homes, 28 state of louisiana (cont.) St. Francis De Sales, Court #325 district news New Orleans St. Francis De Sales Unit #325, formed in 1991, celebrated its final eucharistic celebration at its historic location of 2203 Second St. in New Orleans on the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Oct. 26, 2008, as the result of the Archdiocese of New Orleans reorganization plan. The following Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, Unit #325, along with parishioners of the suppressed St. Francis De Sales Church, wearing T-shirts reading “Let’s get Together in Jesus’ Name,” marched to the new parish, led by the Pin Stripe Brass Band. The reorganization created a merger of two parishes, resulting in three Knights of Peter Claver Units – #47, #52 and #325 – within one new Church parish of St. Katharine Drexel. Each Unit contributes unique talents, gifts, ideas and goals in furtherance of the mission of our patron, St. Peter Claver. A joint installation of officers from the three Units was sworn in by Pastor John Cisewski the first Sunday of January 2009 at a 9:00 a.m. eucharistic celebration. Two events planned jointly, by Units #52 and #325, are: low Sunday Mass followed with breakfast and a Mass honoring graduates from kindergarten through college, graduate and technical school. Some activities sponsored by Court #325 were as follows: Thanksgiving holiday baskets were given to needy parishioners of our parish. Unit #325 adopted one or two senior citizens and presented each with a Christmas gift. Court #325 honors, by surprise, a senior citizen (Senior Salute) the fourth Sunday of each month at the end of 9 a.m. Mass, giving a brief biography of the senior’s life, along with presentation of a bouquet of flowers or gift honoring her/him. Upcoming events planned for Unit #325 are: presentation of a savings bond and scholarship to a selected Junior Knight and Junior Daughter of Unit #325, which will be presented at the Mass for graduates; a continuation of honors and holiday activities highlighted earlier; and a picnic for Unit #325. Court #325 will also adopt a kindergarten class in Ghana, West Africa. Respectfully submitted, Victoria R. Schofield, Lecturer KPCLA, Court #325 Council #78 New Orleans, Louisiana From left to right: Lawrence Sylvester, Earl Henry, a staff member of Odyssey House, Kenneth Cotton and Lionel Boswell. The Knights of Council #78 in New Orleans are very active in the community. The following are community service events that they have participated in: 1. Collected more than 800 hygiene products from parishioners of St. Raymond/St. Leo Church and donated these items to Odyssey House, a place that helps recovering drug addicts, and Lazarus House, an establishment that helps HIV and AIDS patients. 2. With the parishes help, provided more than 30 Thanksgiving baskets to the needy. 3. Fed over 400 hungry people at Ozaham Inn during the year. 4. Conducted a canned goods drive at the archdiocese’s Men’s Day Celebration. – Gregory C. Dandidy 29 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org central states district Greetings From Omaha, Neb. St. Benedict the Moor Council #308 and Sister Barbara Beasley Court #308 T he Knights & Ladies of St. Benedict the Moor Council #308 and Sister Barbara Beasley Court #308 held several activities this year. Among them were the annual Prayer and Healing Breakfast, the 10th Annual Mardi Gras Dinner Dance, annual fish fry, initiations for all units and one reinstatement. The 10th Annual Mardi Gras Dinner and Dance was held at the Holiday Inn Central Convention Center on Feb. 07, 2009. The event was wellattended and the red beans and rice were excellent. Co-chairs for this fun and festive event were Knight Jimmie Walker and Gracious Lady Judy Gregory. The outgoing Queen, Lady Eleazer Williams, and King, Grand Knight Robert Cooper relinquished their crowns to the new Queen, Lady Joyce Cooper, and new King, Grand Knight Robert Cooper (Bob did it The Council and Court sponsored fish fry dinners five weeks of the Lenten Season. Co-chairs Lady Joyce Cooper and Junior Knight Commander Jimmy Walker coordinated this event. Financial Secretary Lady Angela Hardin negotiated with Pegler-Sysco for delivery of most of the supplies needed for the event. This was an accomplishment since it eliminated the heavy lifting we had done in the past. A portion of the proceeds will be given to St. Benedict the Moor for Church Members and family expenses and the Bryant Center Youth participated in the heal- Basketball Program. Grand Knight Bob Cooper and Grand Lady (Gracious) ing service by asking God for Willa J. Midder encouraged all members to participate in the cooking, help to cope with illness and serving and cleaning. ‘‘ ,, children; prayers for our sick and shut-in parishioners and members – that they may find comfort. Our juniors have been active, as well. The Junior Knights and Junior Daughters sold pop during the fish fry dinners to help with their Conference expenses. Every fourth Sunday after Mass, the Junior Café is open and staffed by our young leaders. Junior Grand Knight is Abram Walker. Junior Grand Lady is Alyssa Daigre. The Junior Daughters attended an officer training workshop presented by the Junior Daughter’s Counselor, Gracious Lady Arlene Dacus, and their respective officers from the Senior Court. Junior Daughters will serve in several ministry capacity during the Lenten/Easter Season. Both Junior Units will help prepare baskets for the Easter Egg Hunt. Lady Barbara Glass of Sister Barbara Beasley Court #308, Omaha, served at the annual fish fry during the Lenten Season 2009. Submitted By: Lady Perlie M. Whitley Sr. Barbara Beasley Court #308, Omaha, Nebraska district news On Jan. 06, 2009, we held our annual prayer and healing breakfast; Gracious Lady Joyce Cooper and Deputy Grand Knight Steven Gregory led the service. Members and family participated in the healing service by asking God for help to cope with illness and children; prayers for our sick and shut-in parishioners and members – that they may find comfort. We asked God to bless us with upcoming activities and to provide guidance as we perform His services throughout the coming year. Afterwards, we were treated to a delicious breakfast in the Church’s social hall prepared by Gracious Lady Judy Gregory and Lady Yolanda Jenkins. again). A portion of the proceeds was allocated to St. Peter Claver Cristo Rey School. 30 western states district Knights Of Peter Claver Council #389 district news Establishment: March 21, 2009, Sacred Heart Catholic Parish Pasadena/Altadena, Calif. Knights initiated in the newly established Council #389 included the following: Rene Baquet, Warren Knox, Millard Murphy, Deacon Lawrence Palmer, Horace Williams, Emerson Stevenson, Lawrence Stevenson, James Polk, Willard Scott, John Goudeau, and Ernest Richardson. District Deputy Anderson Shaw presided over the establishment proceedings. This event was attended by more than 75 Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary members from Greater Los Angeles, San Bernardino/Riverside, San Diego, and Phoenix areas. A repast celebration for the new Council/Court establishment and new members was held following each respective ceremony. The meal was provided by the Knights and Ladies in the Greater Los Angeles area. Los Angeles-area Knights of Peter Claver members participating in the Council establishment festivities included: Brother Ronald Wilson, Council #96; Brother Harry Wiley, Council #162; Brother Darrell Coleman, Council #220; Brother LeRoy Titus-WSDC Financial Secretary, Council #121; Brother Gregory Warner-WSDC President, Council #220; Brother John WatkinsWSDC Vice President, Council #220; Brother Robert WilliamsWSDC Recording Secretary, Council #259; Brother Andrew Knox-Past President of CCC, Council #259; Brother Thomas St. Julien-WSDC Board Member Area 4, Council #220; and Brother Calvin Kemp, Council #259. Knights Of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #389 Establishment: March 21, 2009 Sacred Heart Catholic Parish Pasadena/Altadena, Calif. Ladies initiated from left to right: ROW 1 seated – Lady Sarah Ellis, Court #389; Lady Dolores Davis, Court #389; Western States Deputy Lady Micaela Le Blanc; Lady Lola Loudd, Court #389; Lady Ernestine Sara, Court #389; Lady Jammie Young, Court #259. ROW 2 – Lady Mary Ann Stevenson, Court #389; Lady Nora Agredano, Court #96; Lady Joan E. Reid, Court #389; Lady E. Gayle Perry-Nunley, Court #389; Lady Celecia Adepoju, Court 306; Lady Margaret Nnabue, Court #306; Lady Della Gallo, Court #389; Lady Cynthia Jones, Court #389; Lady Angela Brisco, (cont. next page) 31 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Court #389; Lady Gloria Scott, Court #389; Lady Carolyn Westbrooks, Court #96. ROW 3 – Lady Dorothy Moore, Court #389; Lady Enola Lastrappe Darnell, Court #389; Lady Sandra Verdugo, Court #389; Lady Regina O’Neal, Court #96; Lady Rayne Stewart, Court #389; Lady Michelle Harris, Court 389; Lady Edwina Clay (Grand Lady), Court #389; Lady Delia Johnson, Court #96; Lady Rozeller Marshall, Court #96. This event was attended by more than 75 Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary members from the Greater Los Angeles; San Bernardino/Riverside; San Diego; and Phoenix areas. A repast celebration for the new Unit was held jointly with the Knights and was provided by the Knights and Ladies in the Greater Los Angeles area. Ladies from the Greater Los Angeles area who participated in the establishment included: Grand Ladies – Faye House, Court #87; Leona Hilman, Court #259; Janet Mazes-Martin, Court #96; Cheryl Blount, Court #121; Tsonya Sanders, Court #371; Julia Le Blanc, Court #384, and Helen Cissell, Court #319. Conference Officers attending included: Barbara Childs, Conf Fin Secy; Faith Otis, Conf. Jr. Daughter Directress; Renita Lloyd-Smith, Conf Vice President; and Past District Deputy Doris Tims. Ladies Auxiliary members attending included Cheryl Pyles, Court #259; Franz Aubrey, Court #121; Stephanie IbarraColeman, Court #220; Gloria Wilkerson, Court #220; Lula Carmon, Court #220; Gertie Moncrief, Court #99; Gloria Wiley, Court #96; Maudell Williams, Court #259; Celestine Wright, Court #87; Audrey Shaw, Court #121; Joan Malone, Court #371; Gwen Files, Court #220; and Brideget Vavasseur, Court #121. Area Deputies participating included: Kim Williams, Court #259; Charlotte Canfield, Court #257; Evelyn Payne, Court #220; Katina Littleton, Court #87; Marie Archer-Jones, Court #369; and Karen Haynes, Court #319. Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. establishes a Unit at St. Rita’s Catholic Church On March 31, the Knights of Peter Claver’s highest officers came to San Diego to establish their new Council and Court #384 at St. Rita’s Catholic Church. Established in 1909 in Mobile, Ala., it is the nation’s largest African American Roman Catholic lay organization for black men, who had no significant organizational role in the Catholic Church and who were unable at the time to join the Knights of Columbus. The Order is named after St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit priest from Spain who ministered to the growing number of slaves being shipped from Africa through Cartagena, Colombia, in the 1600s. In his 40-year ministry, St. Peter Claver is said to have ministered to more than 300,000 slaves who then converted to Catholicism. Pope Leo XIII canonized him in 1988. A ladies auxiliary was established in 1922. There are more than 17,000 members in 58 dioceses across the United States. St. Rita’s Knights of Peter of Claver was organized through the efforts of Clifton Baughn Watts and his wife, Rebecca Charles Watts, and Monsignor Francis Patterson. This is the second Unit established in San Diego. The first Unit was established in 2001 at Christ the King Parish. Roughly eight men and 16 ladies were initiated into the KPC by Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin and Western States District DEputies Anderson F. Shaw and Micaela J. A. LeBlanc. The goals of the Knights of Peter Claver are to provide continued service to the community and work with other groups in this effort, help black youth stay out of prison, identify and grow up nuns and priests, become more visible in the black community, continue to support Xavier University (the only black Catholic university) and to continue to support the United Negro College Fund and other national organizations. district news Charles Jackson – Staff Writer – The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint This is a correction from the 2008 Winter Issue. 32 northern states district Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Sister Thea Bowman Court #364 district news Archdiocese of Washington – Black Catholic History Project – November 2008 Sister Thea Bowman Court #364 of the Archdiocese of Washington (District of Columbia) celebrated Black Catholic History Month, November 2008, by visiting Catholic Churches in our community. Our program was centered around an oral presentation on how November became the month for celebrating Black Catholic History, a vignette on the contributions Africans and African-Americans have made to the Catholic Church and the impact Saint Peter Claver, our patron saint, had on this Organization and black history. Although most of the information on black Catholic history is concentrated in the early 20th century, it is important to understand the origin of black Catholic history. Our mission was to bring awareness of our organization, as well as the contributions made by our patron saint to the community. Court #364 voted to visit a Church each Sunday during November. Because we had a previous engagement to turn out at Mount Calvary Catholic Church in Forestville, Md., celebrating the anniversary of Gabriel’s Network on Nov. 9 and our responsibility of attending Mass for All Souls Day on Nov. 2, we were only able to attend three Churches. Lady Lois Rocque Weber presented at St. Luke Catholic Church in southeast Washington, whose pastor is Father Joseph Del Vecchio, SSJ. Lady Vivian Rouson presented at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in southeast, Washington, whose pastor is Father Vincent J. Rigdon, JCL. Lady Jennifer Tilghman presented at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in southeast, Washington, whose pastor is Father Wil- Council #364 will focus on education Given the current situation with Catholic education, Bishop Leonard J. Olivier Council #364 has decided to focus its fundraising on education. The Council has established the Deacon Nerus O. Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund and has participated in Project Educate A Child in Haiti (Project EACH). In addition, the Council has begun a fund to support seminarians in the archdiocese. liam Norvell, SSJ. Lady Jean Stewart presented on Dec. 7 at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in southeast Washington. Father Raymond More is the pastor. Father William Norvell, SSJ, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and a strong advocate of the Knights of Peter Claver, combined his parish celebration with our Black History Program with the turning out of both the Knights of Peter Claver Council/Court #364 and Knights of St. John Council/Court #286, who are parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Father Norvell invited Deacon Robert White of St. Augustine Catholic Church to preach the homily. A young lady presented a speech by Sister Thea Bowman, and a group of young ladies presented a heart-wrenching liturgical dance. Lady Jennifer Tilghman concluded the presentation with our Black Catholic History oral presentation. The Knights of Peter Claver and the Knights of St. John were treated to breakfast after Mass. The Ladies Auxiliary Court #364 displayed a poster of the works and contributions of Council/Court #364, as well as handouts about the Knights of Peter Claver and Black Catholic History Month. The poster and handouts were presented at all of the presentations. Our presentation was well received at all the parishes. The parishioners were extremely accepting of our presentations and asked questions after Mass. We realized how strong the interests of Catholic parishioners are about their history. – Lady Lois Rocque Weber The initial recipient of the Nerus O. Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund is Issa Glivens, a graduate of Holy Comforter Parish School and a freshman at Bishop John Carroll High School in Washington, D.C. Issa’s aunt was very grateful for the scholarship because she is a “working mother” who doesn’t qualify for other financial support. Project EACH is the St. Teresa of Avila effort to support education in the Diocese of Jeremie in Haiti. Houston Roberson, a member of Council #364, is the project officer for the project. After learning that $100 would educate and feed a child for a year, the Council col- lected over a $1,000 which will be presented to Monsignor Ray East – the pastor of St. Teresa of Avila. Brother Houston Roberson will travel to Haiti in October to deliver the donation and provide other support. Project EACH is a subset of an archdiocese effort to develop a “Twinning “ relationship with the Diocese of Jeremie, through which we would share information, faith and resources to integrate ourselves into the “global Church.” Brother Roland Caldwell, Grand Knight of Council #364, feels that “Our effort may be small, but, with faith, it will grow.” 33 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Peter Claver news By Darlene Barnett, Grand Lady KPC/LA 201 ,, have to continuously think of why we do what we do. Several ladies have shared their thoughts with you: ‘‘ ,, ‘‘ ,, ‘‘ ,, ‘‘ My name is Lady Mary C. Armstrong and I belong to the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary because my grandparents, father, mother, aunts and uncles were founding members. My name is Lady Catherine Barrett and I was first introduced to the Clavers at a ministry fair and was attracted to the kindness of the booth spokespersons. My name is Lady Wanda L. Barrett and I belong to the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary because of the rewarding effects it affords me. We are a close-knit family. We need your support and your participation in order for the Knights and Ladies of this Church to continue the work of support and contribution. Please stop and talk with us and consider becoming part of this Noble Order. – REACH OUT Newsletter for St Andrew the Apostle Parish and St Andrew/St Rita Catholic Academy Congratulations to the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary Court #256, celebrating 25 years of Claverism Court #256 is celebrating its anniversary. For 25 years, they have been serving St. Peter Claver Church and the Greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Court #256 is active with numerous service events (The Family Place- Homeless shelter for families); Christmas baskets for needy families in the community, as well as the annual fundraisers of Jazz Brunch and Mardi Gras Dance. The Court gives out three to four scholarships every year. Congratulations. district news The Knights of Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary are the largest predominately African-American lay Catholic organization in the United States. Its members are of all races and the only requirement is that you are a practicing Roman Catholic. Our youth can become members starting at the age of 7 and will transfer to the Senior Division after the age of 18. During their time in the Junior Division, the young Knights and Daughters are offered a range of activities to meet their interests and needs. That includes, but is not limited to spiritual, social, educational, physical and civic-cultural. As the youth are our future leaders in Church and the community, it is important that they build skills and experience life situations to cultivate their natural abilities. They learn leadership, experience business-related situations and build a network that could last a lifetime. The Senior Division continues to develop members’ leadership skills and provides opportunities to increase business experiences. Attendance at the yearly District Conferences and National Conventions allows the senior members to participate in business meetings, share ideas and put their mark on an organization that will last a lifetime. The Council and Court at St. Andrew have a long history and the members work tirelessly at continuing that history. Working for St. Andrew is our No. 1 goal. Each member works in several ministries in the Church and they carry that work into the Claver organization. We have several members who are past or current District officers and during their tenure have enhanced the organization with their skills and abilities. Our membership stretches more than 60 years and includes people from all walks of life. We want our Church family to know about the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary so you will understand and know why we are so close to this organization. It is more than dressing in beautiful regalia and raising funds. We are a service organization and are in existence to support God, Church, community and family. Our creed states we believe in friendship, unity and Christian charity. It is important for us to know why we are in this organization. In order to recruit and maintain our own commitment we My name is Lady Dorothy Pipes and I belong to the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary because of the valuable friendships and relationships. 34 northern states district (cont.) St. Joseph - Council #363 Cincinnati, Ohio district news Christ the King Court #97 Christ the King Court #97 of Indianapolis, has been a member of our Noble Order since Oct. 26, 1947. Our Court received recognition winning the 1st Place Award for expansion in the Northern District at the annual National Convention in 2008. Our Ladies keep busy in our parish and communities by volunteering for St. Vincent de Paul and Habitat for Humanity; visiting nursing homes; being lectors, choir members, ushers, parish council members and eucharistic ministers. We also provide food and serve families of our deceased members in our Church. In addition, we joined our Claver Sisters in our city for a Fellowship Brunch and an AGAPE (Love Feast). Our Grand Lady, Clara Warner, was appointed Area Deputy for Indiana for the years 2008-2010. Lady Vivian Hill’s grandson, George Hill, was the 26th player picked in the first round of the NBA draft by the San Antonio Spurs. Our Court gives scholarships to our Junior Knights and Junior Daughters. St. Joseph The West End, Court #363 Cincinnati, Ohio – Lady Etta R. Hogan, Lecturer Christ the King Court #97 An affair to remember: From left are Norman Mitchell, Edward Chatman, Reginald Dues, (Grand Knight) Gerald Young, Earl Carter, John Buchanan, Howard Crawford, (Northern District Deputy) Ronald Griffin, Leon Wallace, James Simmons and Hosea Spates. Some members of St. Felicitas/St. Ailbe Council #181 gather for a photo shoot while attending the stage production of “Talking Bones.” The play was presented at the Eta theater in Chicago and served as a Valentine’s Day fundraiser outing. – Public Relations Committee, Council #181 Co-Chairs: Mayo Graham and David Oliver 35 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Lenten Novena The Ladies of St. Thaddeus Court #154 welcomed the Holy Season of Lent on Feb. 28, 2009, hosting their annual Lenten Novena with members and friends. This spiritual prayer service was divided into segments of rosary prayers, The Way of the Cross and a Spiritual Agape. Following the prayer service, the Ladies invited all attending the Novena to join them for lunch. Special thanks to Lady Vernon Hoskins Court #93 for leading the rosary; to Lady Lillian Holloman Court #192 and Lady Dorothy Granderson Court #93 in helping with the reading the Stations of the Cross and to Lady Elsie Poleate #192 for assisting with the setting up of the Agape; and to Lady JoAnn Ball Court #134 for her photographer skills. Court #154 Ladies participating: Grand Lady Marie Copeland, program director and mistress of ceremony; Lady Beverly Stewart music engineer; Vice Grand Lady Joycelyn Cameron and Lady Diane Couch, Way of the Cross readings and Lady Dorothy M. Thomas, Spiritual Agape set-up. We look forward to seeing all our friends next year on the Saturday after Ash Wednesday when we will do it all over again. We greet you once again with the love of Jesus Christ. It has been a very busy year. Court #143 has continued to carry out the spiritual and corporal works of mercy of the Church, but especially for the Ladies Auxiliary Knights of Peter Claver. I want to thank all the members for their participation in not only the housing program, but with “Fit for Life Obesity Project.” We have hosted workshops on diabetes and other issues that plague women. We have continued our involvement with the National Council of Negro Women Chicago Midwest Section. I am proud to announce that, through the collaboration with Sankofa Safe Child we have opened Sankofa House. The building consists of 59 units of housing – 23 units are for grandparents raising grandchildren and 35 one-bedroom units for homeless and etc. A special thank you goes out to Grand Lady Julia Bledsoe and Court #146 for their support and participation. – Grand Lady Marie Copeland On behalf of Court #143, I would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of the visiting Courts for their attendance and participation in the ribbon-cutting celebration. They showed up and showed out. Father Larry Dowling, community leaders and representatives from various organizations, many politicians and Congressman Danny K. Davis were among our guests. We are continuing our outreach work with women and children. We are working with Sankofa Safe Child Initiative on an enterprise project, which is a customer service and sales training program. Students will have the opportunity to have hands-on experience because of the opening of the “Sankofa It’s In the Bag Boutique.” We are asking for your prayers and support for this endeavor. In the Claver spirit, we have continue to support two priests with monthly financial assistance letters and cards. Respectively submitted, Deidra A. Wilson Grand Lady, Court #143 district news Court #143 news Guests enjoying themselves at the luncheon. 36 gulf coast district News from Archbishop James P. Lyke Council and Court #340 Hapeville, Ga. Sept. 2008 – Grand Lady Katherine Woodyard served as a volunteer for the Sickle Cell Foundation Awareness Month. In observance of St. Peter Claver’s feast day, our Unit dressed out at the 10 a.m. Mass. We provided publicity and participated in our annual Zone picnic at Welcome All Park. Also, we were active with pre-planning and participating in our parish outdoor Mass and Fall Festival. Our Juniors sponsored a booth and provided face and nail painting. All of us participated in the KPC Brown Bag Project. district news Oct. 2008 – Our Ladies prepared desserts and served food at the Black Catholic Men’s Conference. Breath-taking furs were added as part of our 7th Annual Fashion Show, held in College Park. Nov. 2008 – Our Unit turned out for National Founders Day. We prepared and served dinner, (Juniors provided lunches) at the Shrine of The Immaculate Conception Shelter. Dec. 2008 – Members participated in the Christmas Giving Tree. The Juniors held a bake sale. Council and Court #340 Family enjoyed a Christmas outing at Copeland’s in Buckhead. Our Ladies prepared and jointly served dinner at the Shrine of The Immaculate Conception Shelter. Court #340 Ladies who are members of the James P. Lyke Memorial Mass Choir participated in presenting a Christmas concert at the Morehouse College Chapel. Jan. 2009 – Members attended the Zone Mass (installation of officers) offered by Reverend Edward Branch at the Lyke House (Atlanta University Catholic Center). Members served on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Planning Committee; and others, including our Juniors, turned out for the MLK Eucharistic Birthday Celebration. This event was held at The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The next day, Juniors and other family members attended the MLK Youth and Young Adult Celebration (a prayer service) at the gym of St. Peter Claver Regional School. Grand Lady Katherine Woodyard was featured in the MLK souvenir booklet as being one of the original members of the Commission who helped establish the Office for Black Catholic Ministry. Court #340 hosted the KPC Atlanta Workshop, “Getting Ready to Start Anew: Kernels of Wisdom for the Spirit.” Our Ladies prepared dinner, and as a Unit, served the guests at the Central Presbyterian Church Shelter. We offered our annual free breakfast for our parish in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Feb. 2009 – The Juniors raffled two Valentine gift baskets, and held a bake sale as fundraisers for the Junior Conference. We jointly presented a Black Catholic History Prayer Service: “We’ve Come This Far by Faith.” Our Juniors participated as ushers/greeters/altar servers and praise dancers. This event was initiated by Lady Burroughs for the parish community. It was followed by a reception, with food prepared and served by Court #340 Ladies. Court #340 Ladies prepared and served dinner at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Shelter with our Juniors assisting. March 2009 – Council #340 held a fish fry on Fridays during Lent, and Court #340 served dinners to parishioners. Proceeds were donated to our Church. Four of our Juniors attended the Junior Conference in Gulf Port, Miss. April 2009 – Members participated in the Parish Seder Meal and Parish Tennebrae Service. ACHIEVEMENTS: Congratulations Juniors! Early Bird Award; Spiritual Challenge: Ariel Brawner, 1st Place, poetry; Gabrielle Brawner, 2nd Place, essay; Alexis White, 1st Place, poster; Michelle Asor, 3rd Place, 6th Grade Team SE Regional Spelling Bee Competition; and Alexis White, Junior Daughter District Secretary. Ongoing: Preparing and serving monthly breakfast the third Sunday following morning Masses; cleaning the Church; attending Inter-City Council meetings; participating in initiations; OBCM-sponsored events; Legion of Mary; Parish Outreach; parish Council members; eucharistic ministers; lectors; choir members; altar servers (Juniors); baby-sitting by Juniors during Senior Court meetings; and supporting our Church, each other, other Councils and Courts. God Bless! Grand Lady Fannie Joseph, Breedland Smith and mother, Clara Barial, Alice Bradley, Vice Grand Lady Louverta Cherry. Our Lady of Lourdes Court #4 Grand Lady Fannie Joseph presented Breedland Smith and her mother the 2008 Sickle Cell donation from the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Saint James Major Council and Court #172 Prichard, Alabama Cornelia Culpepper and Maxine Tinsley. Junior Knights Marcus Irby, Marcodius Irby, Justin Rander and Clayton Schynder attended the 2009 Conference in Gulfport under the direction of their Junior Commander, Knight Cornelius Hall. The 2009 Junior Knight officers are: Junior Grand Knight – Derrick Merriweather Jr.; Junior Deputy Grand Knight – Clayton Schnyder; Secretary – Dylan Merriweather; Financial Secretary – Marcodius Irby; and Inner Guard – Justin Rander. The 2009 officers for Junior Daughter Court #172 are Junior Grand Lady – Brooke Thomas; Junior Vice Grand Lady – Andrea Thomas; Secretary – Lauren Lipscomb; Treasurer – Jasmine McCaskey; and Guard – Ashlyn Danzy. The officers of Council and Court of #172 were installed in January by Father Charles Moffatt, SSJ. Their hard work and willingness to serve are what Claverism is all about. – Lady Carrie R. Blunt district news St. James Major Council and Court #172 held its annual awards luncheon on Feb. 8, 2009, at St. James Major Parish Center in Prichard, Ala. The theme: “Claverism: Empowering Membership Through Committed Service.” was eloquently delivered by our guest speaker, Lady Gwendolyn E. Lewis, Gulf Coast District Deputy and member of Court #172. Lady Lewis was introduced by Court #172 Vice-Grand Lady Stephanie P. Danzy. Committee members who helped to make the awards luncheon a tremendous success were Ladies Stephanie P. Danzy and Linda G. Thomas (co-chairpersons), Winifred Maiben, Dorothy D. Lewis, and Joyce Winbom, who prepared the scrumptious lunch. Participants on the program were: Ladies Nona Simmonsmistress of ceremony; Lady Cynthia H. Eaton – introduction of head table; Lady Valencia T. Lipscomb – welcome; Lady Luberta W. Portis, Gulf Coast District Past District Deputy – occasion. Father Charles Moffatt, SSJ and pastor of St. James Major Catholic Church, gave the invocation. The following ladies, knights and parishioners received special awards: “Lady of the Year,” Jennie Reese; “Senior Parishioner of the Year,” Knight Lee E. Portis – Gulf Coast District Past District Grand Knight; “Youth Parishioner of the Year,” Lauren Lipscomb; “Citizen of the Year, “ Prichard Mayor Ron Davis. Council #172 Grand Knight Tyrone Rodgers presented a plaque to Deputy Grand Knight Robert Blakeley, Sr. as “Knight of the Year” from Council #172. Five-year membership awards were presented to Knights James McBride and Frank Seltzer. A 15-year membership award was presented to Knight Lester Turner, and a 20-year membership award was presented to Knight Gregory Thomas. A hearty welcome is extended to three new members who were initiated into Court #172. They are Ladies Nona Simmons, Rochelle Blakeley, and Mary Finch. The Knights and ladies of Court #172 are always willing to help when called upon to do the work Christ has directed us to do. They are dependable and dedicated to the Church and their community. May He continue to keep us all in His care. The Knights and Ladies of Court #172 elected officers for the year 2009. They are: Grand Knight – Tyrone Rodgers; Deputy Grand Knight – Robert Blakely, Sr.; Secretary – Jesse Davis; Financial Secretary – John Finch; Treasurer – Chester Rudolph; Junior Knight Commander – Cornelius Hall; Assistant Junior Knight Commander – Derrick Tinsley; and Inner Guard – Lawrence Banks. Members of the Finance Board are Knights Willie Taylor and Herman Thomas. Knight Dave Alexander will serve as Warden. The Ladies Division officers for 2009 are: Grand Lady – Constance P. Taylor; Vice-Grand Lady – Stephanie Danzy; Secretary – Cynthia Eaton; Financial Secretary – Winifred Mitiben; Treasurer – Dorothy D. Lewis; Junior Daughter Counselor – Valencia Lipscomb; Assistant Junior Counselor – Allegra Danzy; Mistress of Arms – Deem Tinsley; Lady of Prayer – Dolores Washington; Outer Guard – Sharlotte Bonds; Inner Guard – Gertrude Johnson; and Lecturer – Carrie R. Blunt. Elected to the Finance Board were Ladies Emma Brinkley, 37 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Court #110 Charleston, S.C. Our Lady of Guadalupe and Peter Claver Council #110 hosted the Zone 5 Annual Workshop on Nov. 8, 2009 in Charleston, S.C. The workshop was facilitated by Gulf Coast Deputies Anthanase Jones and Gwendolyn E. Lewis for 102 Knights and Ladies. Prior to the workshop, the Ladies increased the Gulf Coast and Zone 5 membership with the initiation of 11 Ladies. The day’s activities were culminated with the Knights and Ladies of Zone 5 joining in the celebration of the Mass in commemoration of Founders Day. The Ladies of Court #110 continue to practice the virtues of friendship, unity and Christian charity through their support of various organizations in Charleston County: • The Shelter/Prison Ministries Committee continues to prepare and serve meals to the homeless. • The Public Service Outreach Committee supports and provides services to the McDonald House, the Florence Crittenton Residential Program for unwed mothers and the Carter-May Home for senior citizens. • The Membership Committee continues to recruit new members. Court #110 held an initiation on Nov. 22, 2008. At that time, the Court welcomed Lady Betty H. Laribo and Lady Marcella Holmes. 38 gulf coast district (cont.) Knights of Peter Claver – Pierre Toussaint Council #278 Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church Savannah, Ga. district news 2008 has been an active year for the Knights of Peter Claver Pierre Toussaint Council #278. The year officially began with the installation of council officers for 2008 on Jan. 20, 2008. Council #278 continues to let the spirit of Claverism shine both in the Church and community. Church Service: In March, the council sponsored a variety dinner to benefit both the parish Capital Campaign, “Resurrection is Rising,” and the council. In June, the Council participated in the Kick Off of Phase II of “Resurrection is Rising” by making a pledge and giving a contribution. In July, we collaborated with Court #278 in a successful fundraiser for the parish Capital Campaign. Junior Branch #278: A financial contribution was given to Branch #278 to assist it in attending the 2008 Junior Gulf Coast District Conference. Also, Council #278 distributed the annual back to school gift cards and words of encouragement to each member of Branch #278. A number of the brothers of Council #278 served as chaperons on the Branch #278 summer trip. Community Service: The council first activity of the year was the donation of over forty-five blankets to the Savannah Senior Citizens Agency for its annual blanket drive. The council secured the services of the physicians of Memorial Health University to sponsor a successful health fair at the parish with an emphasis on diabetes. Also, the council gave a donation to the Greenbriar Children’s Centers for its annual Christmas in July. The Council welcomed Brothers James Murray and Russell Williams, Sr. to its ranks by initiation. The Brothers of Council #278 are indeed an integral part of the parish for they are active in many ministries: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, music, ushers and Bible Study, Building Committee, Capital Campaign/Finance Committee, Holy Name Society, human concerns, parish council and youth ministry. Council #278 remembers two of it’s recently deceased esteem members, Brothers Lehwald Johnson, Sr. and Richard Simmons. They were faithful and supportive members of Council #278 and their presence and wisdom are deeply missed. May they enjoy the fullness of eternal life with our risen Lord. – Knights of Peter Claver Pierre Toussaint Council #278 IN MEMORIAM Brother Richard Simmons Sept. 24, 1921 – April 21, 2007 Brother Richard Simmons was born to the late Mr. Joseph and Lillie Bell Simmons on Sept. 24, 1921, in Savannah, Ga. He was a lifelong resident of Savannah. He was educated at Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic School and was a graduate of BeachCuyler High School. Brother was a U.S. Army veteran, serving two years of active duty in World War II. He was a member of the local Boiler Maker Union #26. He was retired from Savannah Machine and Foundry Shipyard. Brother Simmons also was a faithful and dedicated member of Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church. He was active in the following parish ministries: an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, the Holy Name Society, usher, Tuesday Evening Bible Study, Inner City Night Shelter Soup Kitchen and the Knights of Peter Claver Pierre Toussaint Council #278. He was one of Council #278’s loyal supporters. Brother Simmons leaves to cherish his memories a devoted wife, Ethel Simmons; daughters Marilyn Green and Linda Berry; son Anthony Johnson; sister Rachel Bell; sister-in-law Carrie Tillman; 19 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and the Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church Family. Brother Lehwald Johnson, Sr. Sunrise – Jan. 5, 1927 Sunset – June 24, 2008 Brother Lehwald Johnson, Sr. was born in Savannah, Ga. to the late Henry M. and Wilhelmina Williams Johnson on Jan. 5, 1927. He received his education at Saint Anthony of Padua School, East Broad Street School and Beach-Cuyler High School. He was a faithful member of Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church, where he was an active member of the Knights of Peter Claver Pierre Toussiant Council #278. Brother Johnson will always be remembered for his culinary skills in preparing the potato salad for Council #278’s numerous variety dinners. During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army and served more than 38 years with the National Maritime Union as a chief steward. Brother Lehwald Johnson, Sr. leaves to cherish his memories a devoted wife of more than 58 years, Mary Ford Johnson; daughter, Alethia Heidi Johnson; sons Lehwald Johnson, Jr. and Christopher Johnson; brother Lawrence McCloud; grandchildren; great-grand children; sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, other relatives, friends and the Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church Family. – Knights of Peter Claver Pierre Toussaint Council #278 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org 39 state of texas Council and Court #138 Father Howard with KPC Leaders 2009 Officers Timothy J. Sullivan Council #138 2009 Junior Knight Officers Branch #138 2009 Officers of Queen of All Saints, Court #138 2009 Junior Daughters Officers Jr. Court #138 district news As we prepare to celebrate our beloved and distinguished organization, Council and Court #138 celebrated their 50th anniversary in August 2008. The Mass was performed by Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, assisted by Rev. Kenneth J. Howard S.S.J., pastor of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. During the last year, the family of #138 has been busy with community projects, including feeding the homeless, helping a foster home, visiting nursing homes, working in the parish, working with the special needs kids and numerous other activities. On Jan. 17, 2009, the 2009 Senior and Junior boards were installed at a special turnout which was attended by special guests Supreme Knight Gene A Phillips, State Deputy James Ellis and Past National Jr. Daughter Counselor Elsa Phillips. On this day, the membership witnessed a special initiation of Rev. Kenneth J. Howard S.S.J into Father Timothy J. Sullivan Council #138. – Lady Mary Sias 40 state of texas (cont.) Knights of Peter Claver – Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts (KPC-HICC) Inspire the City of Houston On Jan. 27, 2009, Mayor Bill White and Councilman Jarvis Johnson proclaimed Knights of Peter Claver Day in Houston. Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts, along with Sir Knight Horace Young, was delighted to tell the city of Houston about such a Noble Order. Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr. and Sir Knight Horace Young proudly accepted the proclamation. district news – Lady Traci N. Owens, HICC Lecturer Grand Lady, Holy Family-McNair Court #341 Pictured: Councilman Jarvis Johnson, Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., Mayor Bill White and Sir Knight Horace Young. HICC Mardi Gras Parade and Ball The parade was held on Jan. 31, 2009, at St. Francis the Assisi Catholic Church. Brother Horace Young was the mastermind behind the planning of HICC’s parade route and participants. It was one of the largest parades in the HICC Mardi Gras history. In attendance were: Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., HICC President Lady Faye Marshall, Texas State Deputy Lady Nan Arceneaux, members from St. Francis Assisi Catholic School marching band, North Forest High School Band and Booker T. Washington’s Pictured back row Left to right: Bro. Roland Garza, Lady Louanna Richard, Lady Nikki Johnson, Bro. Jay Young, Lady Frances Garza, Lady Judy Simon, Lady Traci Owens, Lady Carla Coleman, Bro.Michael Lamonthe and Bro. Horace Young. Front row left to right HICC President Lady Faye Marshall, Lady Doris Eitenne-Jackson (Queen) Bro. Elvin Etienne (King) and Lady Judy Edwards, HICC Mardi Gras Chairperson. Jr. ROTC Color Guards. Councilman Jarvis Johnson served as the grand marshal for Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts Mardi Gras Parade and local Kashmere Garden neighbors. The Mardi Gras Ball was held on Feb. 7, 2009. Lady Judy Edwards, Mardi Gras Ball chairperson, along with her committee planned an exquisite evening for all. The master and mistress of ceremony were Councilman Jarvis Johnson and Lady Pauline Allen. Mother and son, Lady Doris Etienne-Jackson and Brother Elvin Etienne from Council and Court #72, were crowned Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts Mardi Gras 2009 King and Queen. Music was provided by Creole Lady Annette Metoyer & the Boys and they were outstanding. – Lady Traci N. Owens, HICC Lecturer Grand Lady, Holy Family McNair Court #341 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts Pictured from left to right: Lady Faye Marshall, President of HICC, Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., Sir Knight Horace Young, Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizzotto, Gracious Lady Maggie Broussard and HICC Vice President Elvin Etienne. At the 79th Annual Banquet of the Texas State Conference of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary, held in Houston, on May 1-3, 2009, the Texas KPC 100 Club presented a $10,000 check to the Very Rev. Henry J. Davis, SSJ, Area Director and Local Superior of Black Seminarians. Father Davis resides in Beaumont, where he is pastor of two Catholic Churches – Our Mother of Mercy and Blessed Sacrament. The $10,000 award will be used by the Josephite Society to assist in the education and training of single Catholic men to work in the African-American Community. This is the first charitable award granted by the Texas KPC 100 Club of the Texas State Conference of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary. The Josephite Society of the Sacred Heart is an interracial, intercultural community of priests and brothers who work to advance the teachings of the Catholic Church in African American communities by providing spiritual support and guidance. The Texas KPC 100 Club serves as a charitable arm of the KPC Texas State Conference Body. The Texas KPC 100 Club espouses the implementation of corporal and spiritual works of mercy. With that vision in mind, a perpetual fund of $100,000 St. Peter Claver Day was hosted by Council and Court #222 of St. Philip Neri Catholic Church on Sept. 9, 2008. The celebrant of the Mass was Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizatto, D.D., J.C.L. who was assisted by Fr. Emmanuel Agbor, M.S.P., pastor, Orrin D. Burroughs, deacon and James R. Brooks, deacon. The 2008 celebration was attended by more than 400 Clavers of the Houston-Galveston Diocese. The recipient of the Paul A. Stiner Award was Sir Knight Horace Young of Council #222. Sir Knight Young has worked tirelessly with his community, Church and the Noble Order of St. Peter Claver for morer than 40 years. The recipient of the Della Brooks Award was Gracious Lady Maggie Broussard. Lady Broussard is a member of the Forty Plus Models, Grand Lady of Court #72 and a member of Houston Inter -City Councils and Courts. She is dedicated to service in her community and has been a member of Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church for more than 30 years. – Lady Traci N. Owens, HICC Lecturer Grand Lady, Holy Family – Mc Nair, Court #341 has been established and the interest accrued from the fund will be used for grants and/or scholarships for persons pursuing religious vocations, for medical research, contributions to the United Negro College Fund and emergency charitable assistance. KPC 100 Club Committee members pictured with the Very Rev. Henry J. Davis and Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr., from left to right, are: Lady Viola Jean-Louis, Lady Ollie Duplechain, Knight Louis Carrier, Knight Hilton Steve Williams, Knight Johnnie Dorsey, Knight Joshara P. Edwards, Lady Anne C. Jones, Knight Mitchell W. Batiste and Lady Conseulla Broussard. Not pictured are Knight Adrian S. Adams, Texas State Conference President, Men’s Division and Lady Janae Tinsley, Texas State Conference President, Ladies Division. district news Texas KPC 100 Club donates to the Josephite Society 41 42 junior division news Junior Supreme Knight Report To:Most Worthy Supreme Knight, Gene A. Philips Sr. Director General of Junior Knights, Tilmon D. King National Officers/Junior National Officers Junior National Board 2007-2009 junior division Junior Supreme Knight Desmond Taylor Branch #151 Deputy Supreme Knight Alex Prince Branch #222 Junior National Secretary Benjamin Morale Branch #231 Junior National Treasurer Jacob Nixon Branch #31 Junior National Sergeant- At-Arms Malcolm Patterson Branch #141 Director General Tilmon D. King Council #325 State/District Junior Directors Commanders/Junior Grand Knights Membership Thank you for all your support and the confidence you have placed in me. It has been a tremendous honor to serve you as Junior Supreme Knight. During my tenure, I have traveled throughout the different Districts and have met many great Junior Knights and Junior Daughters, as well as Knights and Ladies. I am thankful for all the prayers, support, and love each of you have shown me in my term of office. I am particularly thankful for the two Director Generals of Junior Knights that have mentored me: Mr. James A. Coleman and Mr. Tilmon D. King. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. One hundred years of serving the Catholic Church and our communities. One hundred years ago, the members of our organization could not vote, but today we are proud to say that we have a president of African descent. “Change” has been made, and we must continue working, praying and serving one another in our Churches, families, communities, schools and jobs. One hundred years ago our Founders knew the importance of working in the Church, and that is why we are here 100 years later to continue this work. Many are no longer here to celebrate this milestone in our nation’s history and also our organization’s history, but they entrusted in us to be brothers and sisters of love and continue running our organization for another 100 years. As President Obama said on election night 2008, “If anyone out there doubts ... who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time ... tonight is your answer.” I ask each of you to keep the dream alive of our great Founders who wanted to make a difference in the Catholic Church and their communities. We can make a difference by participating in parish activities, working with other Clavers and volunteering at our schools. Our By-laws and the Constitution are good resources to build your knowledge. If you need a copy of the By-laws, see your Commander. Along with the By-laws and Constitution, I encourage each of you to purchase a sash through the National Office. They are $35. Remember, the sash is only worn with turn out attire: Black suit, or black slacks, white shirt, black tie, shoes and socks. The Junior National Board has been working to bring you an exciting convention. The Convention will be held at the Westin Galleria in Houston, on July 9-12. I look forward to seeing you there. Events Attended as Junior Supreme Knight 2007 Activities • Senior National Convention-Dearborn, Mich. • Our Mother of Mercy Church Houston, Branch/Court #72 Legends’ Banquet • National Brown Bag Project Planning Meeting held at St. Monica Church, Houston • City-wide National Brown bag Project Set-up held at St. Monica Church, Houston • City-wide National Brown Bag Project Bread of Life Center, Houston • St. Peter Claver Day City-Wide Turn-out held at Our Mother of Mercy Church, Houston • Our Mother of Mercy Church Bazaar, Houston • St. Monica Church Bazaar Volunteer, Houston • St. Phillip Neri Church, Bazaar • St. Mary the Purification Church, Bazaar • City-Wide National Brown Bag Project Wrap up meeting held at St. Mary the Purification Church, Houston 2008 Activities • UNCF Gala Attendee (Committee Member) • Junior Branch/Court #151 Dr. Martin Luther King Breakfast • City-Wide Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mass/Celebration, Houston • Junior Initiation held at St. Mary the Purification, Houston • Ground Breaking Mass and Celebration of St. Monica Church Council/Court #151 KPC Building The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Junior Supreme Lady Report Brianna Amber Batiste Junior Vice Supreme Lady Junior Court #151 Houston Brendolyn Raelynn Andrus Junior National Secretary Junior Court #151 Houston Amber Gabrielle Jones Junior National Treasurer Junior Court #72 Houston Ladies Auxiliary Junior National Officers Lady Diane T. Asberry National Counselor Junior Daughters (Junior Supreme Knight cont.) • St. Vincent De Paul Food Drive hosted by St. Monica Houston, Unit #151 • St. Mary the Purification Houston, Annual Fashion Show, Council and Court #159 • Council and Court #385 Establishment in Waco, Texas • Junior Texas State Board Meeting held at St. Peter the Apostle, Council and Court Junior Gulf Coast District States Conference, Huntsville, Ala. • St. Francis of Assisi Church, Houston, local branch #231 Turn-out/Meeting • Easter Egg Baskets Preparation for Local Nursing Home, Junior Branch/Court #151 • Christmas Caroling at the Nursing Home, Unit #151 St. Monica Church, Houston 2009 Activities • Knights of Peter Claver Court and Council #151 Fashion Show • St. Francis of Assisi Turn-out • Gulf Coast District Junior Conference, Gulfport, Miss. • Texas State Junior Conference, Houston • Wake Service, Sir Knight Lonnie Fyles • Junior National Board Meeting, Houston • St. Francis of Assisi Men and Boys Prayer Breakfast I attended many other functions, that are too many to list. Yours in Claverism, E. Desmond Taylor Junior Supreme Knight Greetings My Claver Family, It is a great pleasure to be representing such a prosperous organization. We are blessed to have so many active members in our Noble Order. As I visited various places throughout my term, I have to say that I am very impressed and appreciate your spirit, commitment, and love you have displayed toward our organization. As we continue this journey together, we must remember that, in order to keep this organization alive and thriving, we have to maintain and increase our membership. Our 100th anniversary is quickly approaching and it is very important that we keep the flame burning bright for our Noble Order if we want to reach another 100 years. In my term as Junior Supreme Lady, I have had the honor and privilege to receive your love, support and prayers. I have felt truly blessed to get the opportunity to visit all of you from conferences all the way down to Church bazaars. As I approach the end of my term, I have no doubt that all of you will continue to have determination and hard work with the guidance of St. Peter Claver to keep the future of our organization secure. Some of the activities and events I have participated in this year are: • Junior Texas State Conference, Houston • Junior National Board Meeting, Houston • Junior Louisiana State Conference, Shreveport, La. • Junior Texas State Picnic-Baytown, Texas • A Blessed Farewell at St. Philip Neri Unit# 222, Houston • Junior National Convention Hotel Tasting/Visiting • Local Mass turnouts, meetings and initiations • Easter egg hunt-Lake Charles, La. • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Mass and Ceremony • Easter bags give away-Lake Charles, La. • Delta Sigma Theta Easter Basket giveaway • Sigma Gamma Rho tutoring project • Junior National Convention Planning Meeting • Junior National Convention July 9-12, Houston I would like to give a special thanks to my family, for if it were not for them believing in me and for all their love and support, I would not be here today. Also, I would like to thank my Claver family of Unit #141 for their diligent work and support that they have shown me over the last two years. To Most Worthy Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips Sr., Most Esteemed Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin, Lady Diane Asberry and Brother Tilmon King, thank you for letting my light shine bright and never giving up on me. Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my wonderful counterpart E. Desmond Taylor. I will never forget this experience and journey that we have shared together, it was truly an honor and a privilege to have worked alongside you. In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a few words of wisdom: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” It has been an honor and privilege to have served as your Junior Supreme Lady. Your Sister in Claverism, Jasmine Chavis Junior Supreme Lady junior division Jasmine Nichole Chavis Junior Supreme Lady Junior Court #116 Baton Rouge, La. Brittany Terry Junior National Mistress-at-Arms Junior Court #341 Highlands, Texas 43 44 junior division news (cont.) junior division Saint James Major Juniors presented by Lady Allegra Danzy. “Procedures in Proper Etiquette” was presented by Vice-Grand Lady Stephanie Danzy. Prichard, Ala. The Juniors of St. James Major are very busy with several activities. They continue to work in the Church as lectors, altar servers, choir members, liturgical dancers and the youth group in the Church. They have completed several hours of community services during the year; and donated food to the needy in the community, especially on holidays and other special days. They held a “wingding” and hot dog sale during the Mardi-Gras season. During the school year, the young Ladies have made the honor roll, St. James Major Council and Court #172 attended school contests Junior Daughters and Junior Knights ant the conference in Gulfport, Miss. and participated in sports. Junior Daughter Counselor, Valencia T. Lipscomb on the far left. Junior Knight Commander, They also have had several Cornelius Hall on the far right kneeling. social activities. The Senior Division is The Ladies of St. James Major Court #172 hosted their extremely proud of our young Ladies, who continue to be annual Holiday Tea. The theme was: “White Christmas.” spiritually active in Church, their school and the community. The 2008 award-winning Holiday Tea table was won by Thanks to the Junior Daughter Counselor and Assistant the Junior Daughters. Junior Grand Lady Brooke Thomas Counselor Valencia Lipscomb and Allegra Danzy, respectively. graciously accepted the plaque from Grand Lady Stephanie Lady Linda Thomas, Grand Lady Constance P. Taylor and the Danzy. The Holiday Tea is hosted annually by Court #172 in Ladies of St. James Major Court #172 for their support; and December. Thanks to Lady Jennie Reese, chairperson; Lady for making the trip to the conference in Gulfport a rewarding Lucinda Morrell; Lady Linda Thomas, Counselor and Lady Christian experience. Valencia Lipscomb, Assistant Counselor. – Lady Carrie R. Blunt The Junior Daughters of St. James Major Council #172 attended the 2009 Gulf Coast District Junior Conference held in Gulfport, Miss., March 6-8, 2009. Attending our District Conference were Junior Daughter Maderia Armfield, Dorothy Crook, Ashlyn Danzy, Lauren Lipscomb, Jasmine McCaskey, Amber Schnyder, Ruby Spain, Andrea Thomas, Brooke Thomas, Annette Tinsley and Katherine Tinsley. Charleston, South Carolina The Juniors are under the leadership of Counselor Valencia Lipscomb, Assistance Counselor, Allegm Danzy and Grand As a result of many sucby working on various comLady Constance P. Taylor. At the conference, Junior Daughter cessful fundraising activities mittees at the conference Amber Schnyder ran for Mistress of Arms and Junior Daughand through the support of and successfully capturing ter Lauren Lipscomb ran for Secretary. Each Junior Daughter parents and the Ladies, the the office of Gulf Coast served on one of the committees at the conference and reJunior Daughters attended District Treasurer. Congratuported on their spiritually enriching experience during their the 45th Annual Juniors lations are extended to Junior regular March meeting. Gulf Coast Conference in Daughter Erin A. Cooke on The Junior Daughters prepared for the conference with Gulfport, Miss., March 6-8. her new position. the following workshops: “Parliamentary Procedures” were The Juniors continue to On April 4, 2009, the presented by Grand Lady Constance P. Taylor. “Appropriexhibit their talents and skills Juniors hosted an Easter ate Dress Codes for a Conference or Business Meeting” was Our Lady of Guadalupe Junior Daughters, Court 110 45 The Claverite | Summer Issue 2009 | www.kofpc.org Louisiana Junior State Conference Supreme Knight addressing the Juniors. Gathering with the Supreme Lady and the Junior Supreme Lady. St. Joseph the West End, Junior Court #363 St. Joseph, Junior Branch #363 Cincinnati, Ohio Egg Hunt for the children of St. Patrick Church, Our lady of Mercy Church and the community. All the children received treats, prizes and lots of good food. The Junior Daughters were pleased with the success of the event and are looking forward to many more community events. junior division Some state, district and local officers with the Supreme Knight attending the Junior State Conference. 46 2008-2010 National Council Knights Of Peter Claver 2008-2010 national council Mr. Gene A. Phillips, Sr. Supreme Knight 22911 Palomino Creek Court Tomball, TX 77375-7198 H: 281-370-1757 Fax: 281-251-7920 E-mail: genekpc231@aol.com Mr. Paul Jones, Jr. Deputy Supreme Knight 3123 Country Club Rd. Lake Charles, LA 70605 H: 337-477-8565 Fax: 337-477-8565 E-mail: pjonesjr47@yahoo.com Mr. James Kelley Terry National Secretary P. O. Box 56545 New Orleans, LA 70156 H: 504-913-2110 B: 504-302-9140 Fax: 504-324-5037 E-mail: jkelley@klmcompany.com Mr. Philip B. Stiell National Treasurer P. O. Box 7827 Spanish Fort, AL 36577 H: 251-621-1009 B: 251-433-6116 E-mail: pstiell1@bellsouth.net Mr. Omar K. Mason National Advocate 5219 Bathgate Lane Houston, TX 77084 H: 281-858-1680 B: 713-652-2525 Fax: 281-858-1680 E-mail: omason3900@sbcglobal.net Mr. George J. Williams Lay Board Member 828 Latiolais Dr P. O. Box 1267 Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 B: 337-291-8364 Fax: 337-332-5331 Email: gwilliams@lafayettegov.net Mr. James Ellis State Deputy of Texas 7702 Chasecreek Dr. Missouri City, TX 77489 H: 281-437-2136 B: 713-824-3521 E-mail: jellis2004@sbcglobal.net Mr. Tilmon D. King Director General Junior Knights 3713 Edgewood Court Avondale, LA 7094 H: 504-436-3066 B: 504-452-4109 E-mail: tdking12@bellsouth.net Mr. Anderson F. Shaw District Deputy of Western States Post Office Box 451909 Los Angeles, CA 90045-8524 H: 323-293-6904 B: 323-777-2106 Fax: 323- 934-8039 Email: ashaw4kpcwsd@aol.com Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry National Chaplain Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Post Office Box 733 South Holland, IL 60473-0733 B: 708-339-2474 Fax: 708-339-2477 E-mail: jperry98@aol.com Mr. Howard Crawford District Deputy of Northern States 1733 Patricia Lane Flossmoor, IL 60422-2057 H: 708-957-2080 Fax: 708-957-2081 Email: hcrawford1733@att.net Mr. Arthur C. McFarland Past Supreme Knight P. O. Box 80609 Charleston, S.C. 29416-0609 H: 843-577-4889 B: 843-763-3900 Fax: 843-763-5347 (B) E-mail: cecilesq@aol.com Mr. Athanase J. Jones, Jr. District Deputy of Gulf Coast 11065 Castlemain Circle E Jacksonville, FL 32256-2894 H: 904-565-2317 B: 904-357-4795 Ext. 74467 Fax: 904-565-2317 E-mail: ajones0962@comcast.net Mr. Garry Bostick District Deputy of Central States 1804 N.W. 176th Place Edmond, OK 73012 H: 405-341-1033 B: 405-736-2691 E-mail: garry3@cox.net Mr. James A. Neal Supreme Navigator Fourth Degree, KPC 14210 Torrey Village Drive Houston, TX 77014 H: 281-440-8665 B: 713-858-4089 Fax: 281-893-1593 E-mail: janeal1@sbcglobal.net Mr. Oscar J. Benoit State Deputy of Louisiana 201 Rue Des Etoiles Carencro, LA 70520 H: 337-886-8842 E-mail: oscarbenoit@bellsouth.net Mr. Paul C. Condoll Interim Administrator 1825 Orleans Avenue B: 504-821-4225 Fax: 504-821-4253 E-mail: pcondoll@knightsofpeterclaver.org 47 and Court Board of Directors Knights Of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. Geralyn C. Shelvin Supreme Lady 121 Rimwood Ave Lafayette, LA 70501-6559 H: 337-232-8510 B: 337-706-3427 or 1-800-5138772 Fax: 337-232-8463 E-mail: gshelvin@bellsouth.net Ms. DeLise Coleman National Secretary 2092 Mercer Ave College Park, GA 30337 H: 404-765-9056 Fax: 678-306-0668 E-mail: secretary@kpcla.info Ms. Melissa Sias National Treasurer 124 Castle Row Lafayette, LA 70506 H: 337-989-8182 B: 337-289-2442 Fax: 337-989-8182 E-mail: siasmel@aol.com Ms. Hilda Wiltz Lay Board Member P. O. Box 752 Rayne, LA 70578-0752 H: 337-393-2080 E-mail: hwiltz@live.com Mrs. Nan Arceneaux State Deputy of Texas 9203 Cornett Drive Houston, TX 77064-7601 H: 713-937-3236 B: 281-405-4064 E-mail: nan_arc@yahoo.com Mrs. Mary L. Briers Past Supreme Lady 4360 Sunnybrook Dr. Montgomery, AL 36108-5042 H: 334-281-7316 Fax: 334-288-9668 E-mail: mlbriers4360@aol.com Mrs. E. Annetta Wilson District Deputy of Northern States 4241 West 21st Place Chicago, IL 60623 H: 773-521-4033 B: 773-542-8634 Fax: 773-542-9817 E-mail: annetta.wilson@sbcglobal.net Mrs. Michelle C. Jackson State Deputy of Louisiana 2316 13th Street Lake Charles, LA 70601 H: 337-474-6120 B: 337-437-9132 or 1-800-752-6706 Ext. 132 Fax: 337-478-7610 E-mail: michannjack@aol.com Ms. Micaela LeBlanc District Deputy of Western States 13428 Maxella Avenue, #185 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 H: 1-888-KPC-LAWS B: 310-646-1245 Fax: 310-568-9157 E-mail: mleblanc@lawa.org Mrs. Gwendolyn Lewis District Deputy of Gulf Coast 518 Rawls Ave. Prichard, AL 36610-2049 H: 251-452-2735 Fax: 251-441-6486 E-mail: gel518@comcast.net Mrs. Janice M. Gray District Deputy of Central States 20668 E. Hamilton Circle Aurora, CO 80013 H: 303-400-8713 B: 720-493-6633 Fax: 303-400-8714 E-mail: jgraycsd@yahoo.com Mrs. Audrey B. Woods Supreme Navigator Fourth Degree, Ladies of Grace 5435 Providence Place New Orleans, LA 70126 H: 504-304-7677 Cell: 504-952-0027 Fax: 504-304-0381 Email: abwfaithinthefuture@yahoo.com 2008-2010 national court Ms. Yvonne H. Jackson Vice Supreme Lady 8921 Shaddy Bluff Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70818-4520 H: 225-261-0959 B: 225-344-0315 Fax: 225-346-1317 Email: yvonnehjackson@bellsouth.net Mrs. Diane T. Asberry National Counselor Junior Daughters 8253 S. East End Chicago, IL 60617-1739 H: 773-734-3961 Fax: 773-734-3962 E-mail: dtasberry315@yahoo.com NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 135 MIDLAND, MI 48640 The Claver Prayer God, our Heavenly Father, You have given us life through the death and resurrection of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ; Jesus, our Saving Lord, You came into a world darkened by A man’s sin and gave it light through your teachings; Saint Peter Claver, who became an example for us, You showed us the love of God, the light of Christ, and the strength of the Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit, the Breath of God within us, You guide and enlighten us and give us the strength of our convictions; We pray now that all we say and do, in your honor, be a continuation of your work here on earth. St. Peter Claver, Pray For Us FOR ADDRESS CHANGE Moving? Please notify us four weeks in advance. Cut your old address label from the magazine and attach to this coupon. Fill in your new address at right, and mail to: New address Name Address City/State/Zip The Claverite Magazine 1825 Orleans Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116-2825 Council # or Court # Insurance Certificate #
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