The Claverite - Knights of Peter Claver


The Claverite - Knights of Peter Claver
Volume 100 • Winter Issue 2013-14 •
Black Catholics from Across U.S.
Pack Cathedral for Convention Mass
T h e
K n i g h t s
o f
P e t e r
C l a v e r,
I n c.
A Catholic fraternal magazine published by:
The National Council Knights of Peter Claver
and National Court Knights of Peter Claver,
Ladies Auxiliary
The Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond
Archbishop of New Orleans
F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Supreme Knight
Vertelle A. Kenion, Supreme Lady
Grant A. Jones, Executive Director
Debra Frazier, Assistant
Athanase Jones, Publisher Liaison
Sarah Jane vonHaack, Editor
KPC Public Relations Group, contributing
The Knights Of Peter Claver
Founded in Mobile, Alabama, in 1909
Headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana
All items intended for publication in The Claverite Summer
2014 issue must be submitted by March 3, 2014.
Please send your news items to
Text Submissions:
• Please send the text of your news submission in a Word document.
• Include your Council or Court number at the top of the page.
• The text of your news items should be no more than 200 words each.
• Up to three news items will be considered per Unit.
• Please do not submit a PDF, scan, fax or handwritten material.
Photo Submissions:
• Please send photos as an attachment to the email (as a jpeg file).
• DO NOT insert the photo into the Word document.
• The photos should be at least 300 dpi.
• Up to three photos with news items will be considered per Unit.
• Photos that are out of focus or too small will not be printed.
“TRUST IN GOD” is our password
“ONWARD” is our war cry
Pictured is: (left) Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights
of Columbus, (right) F. DeKarlos Blackmon at the KOC Supreme
Convention in San Antonio, Texas.
4 Message from the Supreme Knight
6 Message from the Supreme Lady
7 Message from the National Chaplain
9 Feature Story
10 Special Report – Poverty
12 District News
22 Holiday Message
23 2013 Award Winners
24 National and Junior Convention Photos
28 District News
35 4th Degree News
37 Junior Division News
41 Emerging Leaders’ News
46 2012-14 National Council and Court
Board of Directors
47 Privacy Policy
On the cover: Open since 1864, the Cathedral Basilica of Saints
Peter and Paul is the largest Catholic Church in Pennsylvania and
is the mother church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Its brownstone structure is ranked among the most beautiful and architecturally perfect structures in Philadelphia and the United States.
Attending the 2013 4th Degree and Ladies of Grace Awards Luncheon in Philadelphia, PA, (l-r) Auxiliary Bishop Shelton J. Fabre of
the Archdioceses of New Orleans, LA; Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of the Archdioceses of Philadelphia, PA; F. DeKarlos Blackmon,
Supreme Knight; and Vertelle A. Kenion, Supreme Lady.
99th Annual
National Convention
July 25-30, 2014
Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel,
The Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel and
the Mobile Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center
Knights of Peter Claver
Message from the
Supreme Knight
F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B., Supreme Knight and Chief Executive Officer
message from the supreme knight
y Dear Brothers and Sisters,
During the 98th annual Convention of the Knights of Peter
Claver in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I delivered my annual
report, which recounted the various activities of
the Order during the year. On behalf of the National Council Board of Directors, I conveyed our
goals and priorities of business operations, programs, and activities to more effectively meet the
needs of our membership and the communities
in which our Order functions.
tenure as National Chaplain. It is expected that the committee
would draw not only from his work, but also from the Order of
Christian Funerals concerning core Catholic beliefs about death
and the Paschal Mystery of Christ.
The Biennial National Convention of the Junior Knights and
Junior Daughters was a beautiful expression of the richness
our Order has to offer young people. Held in Indianapolis, the
Junior National Convention brought together young people
who conducted themselves in an exemplary manner as they
engaged in spiritual renewal, business sessions, competitions
and social events. I was particularly impressed with the camaraderie of the Juniors and the leadership they communicated
to the membership. I offer heartfelt congratulations to the Junior Supreme Knight and the Junior Supreme Lady on their reelection. On behalf of the National Council Board of Directors,
we congratulate them and all other officers on their election as
leaders of our youth division.
I would be remiss if I did not again offer my sincere appreciation to the Indianapolis Host Committee and the Philadelphia Host Committee for a job extremely well done in hosting
this year’s conventions.
Communications and Marketing Committee
Wake Ritual Revision Committee
As a result of the need to update the Wake Ritual, I have appointed a committee to present a new ritual – abrogating previous editions – in an effort to enable subordinate units to gather
with the community to pray for the deceased and to support,
in faith, hope, and love, the grieving family and friends. The
basic charge of the committee is to provide rubrics and instructions to enable each ceremony team to pray the ritual correctly,
with the dignity due the Order and the Faith. As you know,
Bishop Joseph Perry of Chicago revised the ritual during his
Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations
The Second Vatican Council recommended that parochial
communities further vocation awareness. In an effort to create
a more “vocation-conscious” culture, and to provide an atmosphere in which all eligible people may carefully consider Holy
Orders or religious life as a possible calling for themselves, I
have created a Joint Board Committee on Vocations. The chair
of this Joint Board Committee is William T. Everette, Jr., National Advocate.
We have spent the last few years collaborating with various
religious, secular and governmental organizations and agencies, and we are continually working to increase the presence
of the Order nationally and internationally. I have charged the
Communications and Marketing Committee to develop a comprehensive marketing plan in cooperation with the Executive
Director; aid in the review of any promotional materials in support of the Order; and design new media for sharing information about the Order, its goals and objectives and its work in the
community and society. The chair of this Joint Board Committee
is Renita Lloyd-Smith, Deputy of the Western States.
Family Expansion
As stated in my annual report in Philadelphia: “For the reason that it is imperative that we increase the presence of the
Order, we must develop an even more aggressive expansion
and retention plan by increasing social and networking events
among the six divisions of the Order. When concentrating on
expansion, we must recruit new members – for each division
– and retain and reclaim our existing members.”
While we praise God in thanksgiving for the expansion we
have realized, we must press on doing more to expand. I am
hopeful the great work initiated by this committee not only
meets, but exceeds our potential, as we must do everything
in our power to bring every eligible Catholic man and woman
into our ranks, and seize every opportunity to establish Junior
Branches and Junior Courts.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Pro-Life Activities
Phillips, Sr., and Arthur C. McFarland, for their support and
encouragement in this regard. This election has drawn public
praise from the membership, our Past Supreme Knights, and
Supreme Ladies and the hierarchy – most notably, Bishop
Shelton Joseph Fabre of New Orleans and Bishop Martin D.
Holley of Washington D.C. This election is a great testament
to the relevance of the Knights of Peter Claver in the universal
As you may know, the International Alliance of Catholic
Knights has 15 member orders, with a combined presence
in 27 countries. It was founded in Glasgow, Scotland, in October 1979 to advance mutual cooperation between member orders and to help expand Catholic knighthood, the alliance’s website says. It is a Vatican-recognized association
of the Catholic faithful. The Knights of Peter Claver and the
Knights of Columbus represent the United States in the alliExecutive Director
ance. Past Supreme Knight Gene A. Phillips and the Knights
The National Council Board of Directors hired Grant A.
of Peter Claver hosted the InternaJones, previously Deputy of the Gulf
tional Council Meeting in 2009 in
Coast and Interim Administrator in
New Orleans.
responsibilthe National Office, to the position
of Executive Director. Jones brings an
ity for the implementation
established working relationship with
During a plenary session of the Nathe staff of the National Office, the
Court, I stated: “Being the SuNational Council Board of Directors
the Supreme Knight, topreme
Knight is never without chaland the National Court Board and the
However, the challenges are
membership of the Order. His experinot
to this role, but to every
Council Board of Direcence and vast knowledge of organileadership
in any organization.”
zational management, personnel and
tors and the Executive
“It is my prayerful
convention planning will be invaluDirector,
see they matter to
able in helping to move our Noble
they are human
Order forward, as he directs the action in the development
the dignity of
tivities of the staff of the National Ofof
are entitled
fice in administering the business of
supporting subordinate units.
by the Supreme Lady and
Let each of us continue to move
the National Court Board
forward in hope while always seeking
Deputy of the Gulf Coast
is essential and imperative to introduce change and/or criticism
In accordance with Article II, Secconstructively for the good of the
tion 2 of the Charter, Constitution
to our success.”
Order. While each Claver must have
and Bylaws (2011), and in light of
a place at the table, each of us must
the confirmation of Grant A. Jones
speak appropriately and respectfully about issues of concern.
to the office of Executive Director, it became necessary for
I encourage each of you to read your respective minutes from
me, the Supreme Knight, to appoint a replacement to fill the
the National Council and National Court in Convention beunexpired term of office. I appointed Leonard V. Stiell, Past
cause there is much happening in the Order. Finally, on behalf
Deputy of the Gulf Coast, to carry out the duties expressed
of the entire Claver family, I offer heartfelt congratulations to
in the Charter, Constitution and Bylaws until the biennial
our own Bishop Shelton Joseph Fabre on his recent appointelections are conducted at the Gulf Coast District Conferment as the Ordinary of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux by
ence in 2014 in Jackson, Mississippi.
our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
Soon after having become the Supreme Knight, I created a
Pro-Life Activities Committee to teach respect for all human
life from conception to natural death and organize for its protection. As a result of the desires of the Joint Committee in
Convention, we have further created a Joint Board Committee that will function throughout the year. Tasked to develop
educational material on pro-life issues, conduct educational
campaigns in the Order, circulate information on critical issues and create opportunities to meet the needs of pregnant
women, children, persons with disabilities, those who are
sick or dying and all who have been involved in abortion,
this committee is being led by Gene A. Phillips, Sr., Past Supreme Knight.
As stated by various media outlets and at the National
Convention, “the International Council of the International
Alliance of Catholic Knights has elected me as its Deputy
President. I am grateful to my worthy predecessors, Gene A.
With every good wish,
F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
message from the supreme knight
Deputy President of the International Alliance of
Catholic Knights
Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary
Message from the
Supreme Lady
Vertelle A. Kenion, Supreme Lady
message from the supreme lady
beautiful gifts.
2014 District/State Conferences (Senior and Junior Divisions):
reetings my Claver Sisters,
• Western States – April 24-26, Albuquerque, New Mexico, MarThank you for your hard work! The
riott Hotel
2013 National Convention has come
• Central States – May 2-4, Nashville, Tennessee, Airport Marand gone and I thank you for your
riott Hotel
thoughtfulness, kind words and the
• Junior State Conference – June 13-15, St. Louis, Missouri,
Campus Facility
• Gulf Coast District – May 2-4, Jackson, Mississippi, Jackson
Words cannot express how much I appreciate the commitment
Marriott Hotel
and dedication each of you exhibited in your service as chairpersons,
• Junior Conference – March 7-9, Jackson, Mississippi, Jackson
advisers, consultants, committee members and members of our
Marriott Hotel
Noble Order. I also would like to give thanks
• State of Texas – May 2-4, San Antonio, Texto Gracious Lady Rebecca James for serving as
as, Hilton Airport Hotel
Parliamentarian. It was truly evident that we
Texas Junior State Conference – March 7-9,
“We must grow our
were all prepared to conduct the business of
San Antonio, Texas, Hilton Airport Hotel
effectiveness through
the convention from the beginning to the end
• Northern States – April 10-13, Bloomingnumbers as well as our
in a timely and professional manner.
ton, Minnesota, Crown Plaza Hotel & Suites
Special thanks to the National Court
Junior State Conference – June 19-22,
Board of Directors for your commitment of
Bloomington, Minnesota, Crown Plaza Hoservice and to Esteemed Past Supreme Lady
tel & Suites
Consuella Broussard for her continued support and wisdom.
• Louisiana State – April 25-27, Shreveport, Louisiana, Hilton
On behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary, I extend thanks to Bishop
Shreveport Hotel
Shelton J. Fabre for his spiritual guidance and the time he spent
• Junior State Conference – June 20-22, Lafayette, Louisiana,
with us in our meeting chamber.
Holiday Inn Holidome Hotel
Lay Board Members, Brother Paul H. Ledet, Jr., and Lady
Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for the invitations to variCandace Procter are commended for coordinating our conven- ous events. However, it is not always possible to accept due to prevition workshops and I thank each of the facilitators (State/District ous commitments, but I want you to know I am with you in spirit.
Deputies) for a job well done! A CD containing the information
I thank God for each of you, the National Court Board, National
presented at the workshops was provided to each Grand Lady in Council Board and the office staff for all that you do and will conattendance and, upon request, a copy is available to Grand Ladies tinue to do for our Noble Order. We are indeed stronger when we
who were unable to attend the convention.
work together!
We must continue to work harmoniously as Knights, Ladies,
Guided by our principles of friendship, unity and Christian charJunior Knights and Junior Daughters in spreading Claverism ity, I pledge to serve and represent the Ladies Auxiliary to the best
throughout our respective communities and the nation, if we are of my ability, always aware the image of our Noble Order is of the
to survive as a strong and viable organization.
utmost importance.
I commend Junior Supreme Knight Creighton Guillory and JuI challenge each of us to emulate the love and care for one annior Supreme Lady Kyleigh A. Chevis for their adoption of the Can- other, as St. Peter Claver exhibited for his fellowman. We are “KPC
cer and Sickle Cell Programs, respectively. They have had huge suc- Proud!”
cesses with their programs. We must give them our unconditional
Your Sister in Christ & Claverism,
support and love. I assure you they will continue to make us proud.
Additionally, I enthusiastically endorse Junior Supreme Lady
Chevis’ Adopt-A-Lady Program and encourage each Grand Lady
with a Junior Court to embrace the mission of the program in
preparing our Junior Daughters for future leadership in the Ladies
Vertelle A. Kenion
Division of our Order.
Supreme Lady
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Message from the
National Chaplain
Bishop Martin D. Holley, National Chaplain
wounds.] Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the
wounds, heal the wounds … And you have to start from the
ground up. The most important thing is the first proclamation:
Jesus Christ has saved you. And the ministers of the Church
must be ministers of mercy above all.”
As my episcopal motto says, “His Mercy Endures.” Let us
strive each day to be instruments of Jesus’ Divine Mercy and
spread His words and deeds of mercy to a broken world in need
of healing. Pope Francis finally states in his inaugural homily:
“For believers, for us Christians, like Abraham, like St. Joseph,
the hope that we bring is set against the horizon of God, which
has opened up before us in Christ. It is a hope built on the
rock, which is God. To protect Jesus
Pope Francis is the first pope to be
with Mary, to protect the whole of creelected from Latin America and it was
ation, to protect each other, especially
“And now, we take up this
the first conclave to be held in the age of
the poorest, to protect ourselves: this
journey: bishop and people.
social media. In the new supreme ponis a service that the Bishop of Rome
tiff’s apostolic blessing, Urbi et Orbi (To
is called to carry out, yet one which
This journey of the Church
the City and the World), he stated, “And
all of us are called, so that the star of
of Rome which presides in
now, we take up this journey: bishop
hope will shine brightly.
charity over all the Churchand people. This journey of the Church
“Let us protect with love all that God
of Rome which presides in charity over
given us! I implore the interceses. A journey of fraternity,
all the Churches. A journey of fratersion
of the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph,
of love, of trust among us.
nity, of love, of trust among us. Let us
Sts. Peter and Paul, and St. Francis,
Let us always pray for one
always pray for one another. Let us pray
that the Holy Spirit may accompany
for the whole world, that there may be
my ministry, and I ask, all of you to
another. Let us pray for the
a great spirit of fraternity.”
pray for me. Amen.” The pontificate of
whole world, that there may
With these words, Pope Francis bePope Francis was now underway. Let
be a great spirit of fraternity.”
gan his pontificate. As we approach the
us now follow the lead of the Pope as
end of this Year of Faith, we are remindhe follows and encourages the Divine
– Pope Francis
ed of the words of Pope Francis in his
Mercy of Jesus, to a world in need of
first encyclical letter, Lumen Fidei (The
love, healing and reconciliation.
Light of Faith), that, “the transmission of faith not only brings
It is my prayer that we become an instrument to share the
light to all men and women in every place; it travels through message of Divine Mercy to all we meet.
time, passing from one generation to another.”
May God bless you and Our Lady of Rosa Mystica protect you
It is through your service as Knights and Ladies of Peter and your family in the mantle of her maternal care.
Claver that you have, for so many years put your faith into
action through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. In
I remain,
other words, each of you live out the “New Evangelization”
Sincerely in Christ, For His Mercy Endures,
by applying the “social Gospel” teachings in our contemporary world.
Pope Francis, in his interview in America magazine, puts it
this way: “The thing the Church needs most today is the abilMost Rev. Martin D. Holley
ity to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful: I see
Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, D.C.
the Church as a field hospital after battle. [You have to heal
National Chaplain
message from the national chaplain
y Dear Sisters and Brothers in
Christ, for the first time in our
life-time, we have experienced
the resignation of a pope, and
then, on March 13, 2013, the
election of our new pope by a conclave of 115 cardinals: Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has
taken the name, Francis. On March 19, 2013, the
Inauguration Mass was held in St. Peter’s Square
for the official start of Pope Francis’ pontificate.
Shelto Rev.
name J. Fabre
d Bish
of Hou op
Thibod aaux
Photo by Lawrence Chatagnier photographer at Bayou Catholic of the Dioceses of Houma-Thibodaux
Most Rev. Shelton J. Fabre installed as Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Shelton
Joseph Fabre as bishop of Houma-Thibodaux.
Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon remarked, “Bishop Fabre has faithfully served the
particular churches of Baton Rouge and New
Orleans. He has been a great supporter of our
Noble Order, and I can attest that he is a remarkable pastor of souls.” The Supreme Knight received the news of Bishop Fabre’s appointment
from the Vatican Information Service while in
Gambia for the meeting of the Biennial Council
of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights,
and finished his comments by stating, “On behalf
of the whole family of Claverism, I offer heartfelt
support and prayers for Bishop Fabre.”
In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI appointed
Bishop Fabre auxiliary bishop of New Orleans,
where he was ordained to the episcopacy in
February 2007. Until now, Bishop Fabre had
been the Vicar General and Moderator of the
Curia of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Bishop Fabre serves as the Chairman of the
Subcommittee on African American Affairs
of the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity of the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
and is a native of New Roads, Louisiana.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Source:, by Lou Baldwin, a freelance writer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
t was possibly the most elegant gathering of Black Catholics in the history
of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints
Peter and Paul.
Almost 1,000 Knights and Ladies of the Knights of Peter
Claver filled the grand old cathedral on July 21, 2013, for
the opening Mass of Thanksgiving as part of their 98th annual National Convention, the first to be held in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia since 1986. Most other events took
place at the Downtown Philadelphia Marriott Hotel.
“The entire Church of Philadelphia rejoices with you as you
come for your assembly in our city,” said Bishop Timothy C.
Senior, the principal celebrant of the Mass, representing Archbishop Charles Chaput, who was on his way to Rio de Janeiro
for World Youth Day. “We are blessed to have you for this 98th
annual Convention and Supreme Assembly of the Knights and
Ladies of St. Peter Claver. Your Order is a great blessing to our
parishes and churches; our schools and other ministries.
“In Philadelphia, the city of St. Katharine Drexel, we treasure the great blessing of racial diversity and ethnic diversity
because diversity in our Church enriches everyone’s life in
the community.”
Joining Bishop Senior and other clergy on the altar were
Bishop Shelton Joseph Fabre, Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans,
and Very Reverend William Norvel, Superior General of the St.
Joseph’s Society
of the Sacred
Heart (Josephite
“What a joy it
is to be here, to
renew old friendships and make
new friendships,
and to share with
one another our
desire to serve
the Lord and to serve His Church,” said Supreme Knight F.
DeKarlos Blackmon.
“I’m pleased with the turnout,” said Supreme Lady Vertelle Kenion, who came from Charleston, South Carolina.
“We have a very full week of workshops here. We have
Knights, Ladies, Junior Knights and Junior Ladies. Our
mission is to serve the Church, as well as members of our
“It was a beautiful Mass, with an excellent homily by
Bishop Senior. I’m happy to see all this great gathering of
the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver. We are blessed,” said
Deacon Bill Bradley, Director of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for Black Catholics and himself a Knight.
There are approximately 10 Councils and Courts in the
greater Philadelphia area, according to Deacon Bradley.
feature story
Black Catholics from across U.S.
pack Cathedral for Convention Mass
KITCHEN: Sister Mary
Maloney, a member of
the Franciscan Sisters
of the Poor, chats with
"Brother" Guy Hargett
after Hargett ate lunch
at the CHIPS building in
the Park Slope section
of Brooklyn, New York.
CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz
special report
Poverty in America
n September 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau released the report “Income, Poverty and Health Coverage in the
United States 2011.” To say the figures were troubling is an understatement. In 2011, the report indicated
that a staggering 46.2 million people (15 percent of the U.S. population) lived in poverty (and every indication
is that these numbers have continued to grow). The percentages were even higher for the following groups:
children (21.9 percent), African Americans (27.6 percent), Hispanics (25.3 percent), the disabled (28.8 percent)
and women (16.3 percent). Additionally, according to a July 28, 2013, report by Hope Yen of the Associated Press,
4 out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness and near-poverty for at least a portion of their lives.
How has this happened in the “land of prosperity”? How can
such poverty exist side-by-side with such incredible wealth?
The Centre for Social Justice (based in England) has identified
five pathways to poverty that transcend national boundaries:
educational failure, economic dependency and unemployment,
addiction, serious personal debt, and family breakdown.
The social teaching of the Catholic Church has long highlighted the
“preferential option for the poor.” In short, the Church has advocated
that preference should be given to the poor and powerless since Jesus
taught that each person will be asked on the Day of Judgment what
he or she did to help the poor and needy. (Mt 25:31-46) In practice, this
means that each person should show solidarity with, and compassion
for, the poor through his or her words, prayers and actions.
One of the organized ways the Church responds to poverty is
through Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities USA supports local, especially diocesan, Catholic Charities “as they provide help
and create hope for more than 10 million people each year,
regardless of religious, social or economic backgrounds.”
By Doug Culp
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
The response
of Catholic
In response to the growing poverty crisis, Catholic
Charities USA has launched the “Campaign to Reduce
Poverty in America.” The program is a multi-year, multifaceted approach to alleviating poverty. The goals of the
program are:
To call upon the government to improve public
policies that strengthen and support families.
To educate policy-makers and the public about
the struggles of those living in poverty and the good
work of those who serve them in local communities.
To engage those who are most affected by government policies to be active participants in developing
solutions to reducing poverty.
To work with individuals and organizations
across the country to address poverty in our country.
“The family is the original cell of social life … Authority,
stability and a life of relationships within the family constitute the foundations for freedom, security and fraternity
within society.” Catechism of the Catholic Church (2207)
The Centre for Social Justice explains that stable, healthy families
are at the heart of strong societies. “It is within the family environment that an individual’s physical, emotional and psychological
development occurs. From our family, we should learn unconditional
love, understand right from wrong and gain empathy, respect and
self-regulation. These qualities enable us to engage positively at
school, at work and in society. Yet, tragically, half of all children born
today will experience family breakdown by the age of 16; this breakdown is particularly acute in the most disadvantaged communities.”
Other findings that affirm the relationship between the
breakdown of the family and poverty include:
• White, single-mother families in poverty stood at nearly 1.5
million in 2011, comparable to the number for blacks. Hispanic single-mother families in poverty trailed at 1.2 million.*
• The share of children living in high-poverty neighborhoods
– those with poverty rates of 30 percent or more – has
increased to 1 in 10, putting them at higher risk of teenage
pregnancy or dropping out of school.*
• The poverty rate for children living with cohabiting parents is five
times that of children with married parents. The poverty rate
for children living with single
mothers is seven times that of
children with married parents.**
• Children who grow up with
only one of their biological
parents are three times more
likely to have a child out of
wedlock, 2.5 times more
likely to become teenage
mothers, and 1.4 times more
likely to be out of school and
• Children who grow up with
one parent are twice as likely
to drop out of high school
than kids with both parents at
CNS photo/Jim West
the needy at a shelter in Mount Clemens, Michigan, Jan. 17. Poverty, joblessness and government
deficits have slowed down the economic recovery.
* S
ource: Hope Yen, Associated Press
(7/28/2013) with analysis by Mark Rank
being published by Oxford University
** Source: Hunter Baker at American
Reform Club
special report
The work of diocesan Catholic Charities across the
nation also contribute to the mission of reducing poverty
through adoption, housing, family-to-family partnering, pastoral counseling, outreach, student performance
enhancement, healthy eating, financial counseling, job
training and immigration service programs – just to name
a few. For more information or to learn how you can help,
The Breakdown
of the Family
and poverty
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2012-13 |
district news
northern states district
= areas where
there are no
councils or courts
central states district
gulf coast district
state of
state of
central states district
Unit #5
district news
Nashville, Tennessee
Court #5 celebrated its future leaders and Ladies with the inaugural “Pretty
Brown Girl Day” at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Nashville,
Council and Court #5 celebrated this year’s theme of “Recruit, Retain and Reclaim.” They have been blessed to continue
to host the annual events in Claverism: Founders Day, Community Health Expo, KPCLA Prayer Breakfast, Junior Retreat,
Mothers’ Day Celebration, Vacation Bible School, Blood Drive
and Holiday Baskets. They are also fortunate to continue with
their theme in Catholic leadership with the following:
RECRUIT: Court #5 launched several youth-oriented programs, highlighted by the celebration of our future leaders and
Ladies with the inaugural “Pretty Brown Girl Day.”
Elevation of (left to right) Sir Knights J. Callahan, E. Palmer,
M. Taylor, and A. Shelton from Council #5 to Assembly #28
at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
RETAIN: While they were honored with the conclusion of Sir
Knight Sam Sims’ tenure as CSD Deputy, they also saw the installation of Sir Knight James E. Callahan III as the new CSD Financial
Secretary at the 2012 CSD Conference in Louisville, Kentucky.
RECLAIM: They also welcomed additions to all divisions,
including the elevation of Sir Knights J. Callahan, E. Palmer, M.
Taylor and A. Shelton to Assembly #28.
Unit #5 hopes to extend its theme to fellow Clavers and to
welcome everyone to Nashville for the 2014 Central States
District Conference.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Council #150
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Matthew the Apostle Parish, in partnership with the
Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver St. Louis Central Committee, is pleased to announce the formal dedication of the Shrine
of St. Peter Claver. St. Peter Claver was a Jesuit priest who
was canonized and elevated to sainthood in 1888. He was
responsible for the “Catholization” of more than 3,000 slaves
who survived the treacherous “middle passage” from Africa.
He would meet the slave ships in Cartegena, Colombia, and
administer to the slaves both physically and spiritually.
Under the auspices of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the celebration and dedication were held on June 23, 2013, at a Mass at the
parish. National and District officers of the Knights of Peter Claver,
representatives of the Knights of Columbus and other dignitaries
joined Auxiliary Bishop Edward Rice for the celebration.
Sir Knight Vincent Wallace was asked by the pastor, Rev.
Mark McKenzie, to consider using one of the confessionals as
a place for the shrine. Through months of planning and hard
work, the shrine came into fruition. It is thought that this is the
only shrine dedicated in honor of St. Peter Claver, “slave of the
Negroes forever,” in North America.
gulf coast district
Court #6
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Court #110
Charleston, South Carolina
district news
Two members of Court #6 passed away. The
Court honored them at the Burial Ritual of the KPC
Ladies Auxiliary. Ladies line the entrance of St.
Rose De Lima Church in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
The Ladies process to the graveyard.
In May, Most Worthy F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Supreme Knight, and Lady Kanobia RussellBlackmon were among the honored guests at the 50th Founders’ Day Celebration and
Tribute to Most Esteemed Vertelle A. Kenion, Supreme Lady. Pictured (l-r): Worthy Arthur
C. McFarland, Past Supreme Knight; Lady Barbara J. Birds, District Deputy, Gulf Coast
States; Supreme Knight Blackmon; Lady Blackmon; Supreme Lady Kenion; Knight Melvin
Kenion; and Rev. Henry Kulah, Pastor at St. Patrick Catholic Church.
Court #110 charter member Gracious
Lady Ruth Duncan (center) was presented
the Lillian Magwood Lifetime Achievement
Award by Most Esteemed Vertelle A.
Kenion, Supreme Lady, and Grand Lady
Elease Amos-Goodwin at the 50th
Founders’ Day Celebration.
Court #110 was named the 2013 Gulf
Coast District and KPC National Court of
the Year. The Ladies and Junior Daughters
gathered after Mass on St. Peter Claver
Day Turnout September 8.
gulf coast district (cont.)
Council #278 received the 2013 Gulf Coast District Expansion Award.
Council #278
district news
Savannah, Georgia
Tevin D. Maxwell and Tyriq D. Maxwell were awarded Council
Scholarships for 2013. Both Tevin and Tyriq are members of
Branch #278. Tyriq is the former Grand Knight of Branch #278
and Tevin is a former Treasurer of Branch #278. Pictured (l-r):
Tyriq D. Maxwell, Arthur Barnwell, III (Council #278 Grand Knight),
and Tevin D. Maxwell.
Council #278 has been actively spreading the spirit of Claverism through activities such as: participating in the 2013 Chatham
County Relay for Life, and collecting more than $1,500 for this worthy cause; assisting their Parish Life Committee (Resurrection of
Our Lord) in preparing lunch for both the 2013 Spring Honors Day and Graduates Day and the 2013-2014 Back to School Mass;
and participating in the Parish Ministry Fair, where several men of the parish expressed an interest in the Knights of Peter Claver.
Unit #301
Atlanta, Georgia
Unit #301 celebrated its 25th anniversary on July 26,
2013. The celebration festivities began with a special Mass
on July 23, 2013. Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory was the celebrant. Grand Knight Pete Higgins and Grand Lady Sandra
Olivari presented a special gift to Msgr. Edward Branch. He
was recognized for his recent appointment in the Archdiocese
of Atlanta as the first African-American monsignor within the
state of Georgia and as an official member of Council #301.
The Unit concluded its celebration with a dinner and dance on
June 29, 2013. Gulf Coast District Deputy Barbara J. Birds
attended the Gala, along with other members of Gulf Coast
District Zone 7.
Over the years, Court #301 has provided service to the
parish and community through numerous acts of service, including: preparing and serving meals for the homeless shelter, interacting with residents; distributing clothing to more
than 100 needy recipients annually; providing monetary
Book Awards to graduating high school seniors; hosting the
annual Graduation Sunday Reception; and hosting the Senior
Christmas Dinner and social activities for parishioners ages
80 and older annually.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Council #313
the Gulf Coast District 2013 Grand Knight of the Year. Council
#313 was awarded the 2013 Council of the Year.
Members of Council #313 honored Rev. Bryan’s request
to assist with the demolition of the old cabinets in the rectory of Sts. Peter and Paul Church prior to the installation of
new kitchen cabinets. The Knights, along with members of the
Men’s Club, installed a ramp with railing to provide wheelchair
access to the Parish Center.
Congratulations go to Sir Knight Thomas Grant, Sr., Sir
Knight Walter R. Leslie and Sir Knight Willie Gude as recipients of awards at the National Convention. Sir Knight Grant
received the Gulf Coast District’s 2013 Gold Medal of Merit
Award. Sir Knight Leslie was awarded the 2013 Chris Pichon
Devoted Service. Sir Knight Gude was awarded the Gulf Coast
District’s 2013 Silver Medal of Merit. Unit #313 received the
2013 Millennium Service Hours Award.
Atlanta, Georgia
Council #313 representatives were actively involved with
planning for the 66th Gulf Coast District Conference, which
was held at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta, Georgia, May
3-5. Congratulations to Grand Knight Willie Gude for being
Council #313’s annual Milt Lincoln James Lewis Scholarship was presented to Junior Daughter Jannelle James on St.
Peter Claver Day on September 8.
Unit #376
Atlanta, Georgia
district news
The Ladies participated in a Habitat for Humanity
project, providing food for the volunteer workers
one day and offering a day of labor including
exterior painting touch-up, interior painting, installing
doorknobs, and bathroom hardware and installing
porch and ramp railings. Pictured are (left to right)
Norma Sonier, Lady Cynthia Simien, Lady Patricia
Matthews, Ms. Clark (homeowner), and Grand Lady
Elaine Greene.
Council #376 awarded a $500 college scholarship to Junior Knight
Nicholas Firmin. He graduated from Druid Hills High School and will
attend Georgia State University majoring in nursing. Nicholas has
been a Junior Knight for 10 years and during that time has served
as Junior Grand Knight, Treasurer and Warden. He participated in
numerous KPC and parish community service projects. Pictured
above: Nicholas Firmin (center) with Grand Knight J. Colquitt (left)
and Junior Knight Commander P. Firmin.
Clarence Lott, Jr., died on June 2, 2013.
He was the oldest continuously active
KPC member in United States. He joined
the Knights of St. Peter Claver in 1928
at age 16. Service to the community
was always important to him and was
reflected in his serving on the boards
of the Gulf Coast Rescue Mission and
Dearborn Street YMCA in Mobile and
Industrial Development for the City of
Prichard. He received the St. Peter Claver
Inaugural Founder’s Award for 85 years
of membership and outstanding service
to the Church and the Noble Order. He
continued as an active member of Most
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in
Atlanta and Council #376, participating in
monthly meetings up to his death.
gulf coast district (cont.)
Council #379
district news
Tampa, Florida
Council #379 presented the 2013 Herbert D. Carrington Sr.
Scholarship of $2,500 to two recipients following Mass on June 23,
2013, at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church. Junior Daughter Jessica
Ann Johnson (front right) and Junior Daughter Kethia Noel (front left)
were this year’s recipients. The scholarships were presented by Knight
William B. Robertson, Scholarship Chair (second from right back row)
and Grand Knight Thoreau J. Nellum (left front), along with the members
of the Council.
Court #379 presented the 2013 SFC Wilbert
Davis Memorial Scholarship and the 2013 Mother
Henriette DeLille Scholarship on May 19, 2013, at
the 2013 Graduates Recognition Mass at St. Peter
Claver Catholic Church. Junior Daughter Jessica
Ann Johnson (front left) and Junior Daughter Jean
Nwagbuo (front right) were this year’s recipients. The
scholarships were presented by Grand Lady Yvonne
Nellum (rear right), and Lady Gerri Drummond,
Scholarship Chair (rear left).
Court #1
Mobile, Alabama
Agnes Coleman Ladies of Grace are still about the
business of being Gracious Ladies in their Church,
community and the Noble Order. Since the last reporting,
they have collected and donated toiletries and clothing for
Mobile Waterfront Rescue Mission; held the August meeting
at California Dreamin’ Restaurant in Baldwin County (to
shorten the distance for their Florida members to travel);
collected and donated school supplies for the students at
Most Pure Heart of Mary; and celebrated Gracious Lady
Dolores Battle’s 102nd birthday in August.
The Ladies continue to volunteer and serve on their
church’s Parish Council, School Board, Bereavement
Repast Committee, Fall Festival Committees and CCD
classes. They are instructing the youth in their faith St. Vincent
DePaul officers and choir members. Several of the Ladies
are serving on committee to save the only predominately
African-American school (Most Pure Heart of Mary) in the
Diocese of Mobile. Chapter members are active in Zone 1,
serving as officers and actively participating in the 2013
Faithful Navigator Fannie Burden, officers and members
lend their support to many worthy causes within their
community and when called upon by the National Chapter
and the Noble Order.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Grand Lady Carmen Jenkins (second from left) joined the scholarship
award winners at the Court #300 Annual Prayer Breakfast. Award
winners (l-r): Beja Turner, Junior Daughter Renae Lee, and Junior
Daughter Brianna Brown.
Court #300
Atlanta, Georgia
Court #300 celebrated its 18th annual Prayer Breakfast in
Atlanta, Georgia, on August 10. “This was a joyous event with more
than 250 attendees this year,” said to Prayer Breakfast Chairperson
Lady Kizmet Charles. The attendees included Unit #300 Ladies,
Knights and Juniors, visiting Courts, parishioners, clergy, friends and
family. The Prayer Breakfast is the primary fundraiser to support
Court #300 service activities during the year. Proceeds from the
Prayer Breakfast are used to fund scholarships for college-bound
students in the parish.
The theme of the Prayer Breakfast was “Celebrating 25 Years
and Beyond, As God Orders Our Steps.” Grand Lady Carmen
Jenkins explained, “This year marks the 25th anniversary of our Unit.
Many of our charter members were present at the Prayer Breakfast
celebration, and they continue to be models of Claverism in their
service and leadership.” Charter members Janis and Chester Griffin
provided spirit-filled entertainment. Msgr. Edward Branch was the
keynote speaker and gave a thought-provoking address.
In the spirit of giving back, Court #300 awarded $2,000 in
scholarships to college-bound students with funds from the Prayer
Breakfast. The first place winner of $1,000 was Junior Daughter
Renae Lee (Barry University). The second place winner of $750
was Junior Daughter Brianna Brown (Hampton University). The
third place winner of $250 was Beja Turner (University of Miami).
In the last five years, more than $5,000 in scholarships have been
provided to support parish high school seniors.
northern states district
district news
Court #134
Chicago, Illinois
The Ladies of Court #134 are working to advance
the cause for canonization of Mother Mary Lange,
O.S.P. Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, O.S.P. is the
foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence. Many in
the Claver Family have been blessed to be educated by,
or cared for by, the Oblate Sisters of Providence. Their
mission to serve God and God’s people was evidenced
in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, New York,
Philadelphia, South Carolina and Washington, D.C.
Past Supreme Knight Arthur McFarland and his sisters
were educated by the Oblate Sisters of Providence in
Charleston, South Carolina. Oblate Sisters are now
present in Maryland, New York, Florida and Costa Rica.
Today, the Oblate Sisters of Providence number 125
Sisters, 20 Associates and 16 Guild members.
Prayer for the Beatification of Mother Mary Lange
Almighty and Eternal God, You granted Mother Mary
Lange extraordinary trust in Your providence. You
endowed her with humility, courage, holiness and an
extraordinary sense of service to the poor and sick. You
enabled her to found the Oblate Sisters of Providence
and provided educational, social and spiritual ministry,
especially to the African American community. Mother
Lange’s love for all enabled her to see Christ in each
person, and the pain of prejudice and racial hatred
never blurred that vision. Deign to raise her to the
highest honors of the altar in order that, through her intercession, more
souls may come to a deeper understanding and more fervent love of
You. Heavenly Father, glorify Your heart by granting also this favor (here
mention your request) which we ask through the intercession of Your
faithful servant, Mother Mary Lange. Amen.
northern states district (cont.)
district news
Chicago Inter-Council
The Bud Billiken Parade and Picnic has been an annual
tradition in Chicago since 1929. It is the oldest and largest
African-American event in the United States. The purpose of
the parade and picnic is to celebrate the end of the summer
and encourage the children into going back to school.
On August 10, 2013, more than 50 participants marched.
Knights, Ladies, Junior Knights and Junior Daughters attended
from across the Unit #134, 149, 154, 158, 176, 192, 236,
361 and 381. The Chicago Inter-Council (CIC) officers led
37 Juniors and 15 Senior members down Martin Luther King
Drive. Thanks to Holy Angeles Pastor Rev. Andrew Smith,
the KPC Marching Unit was able to be seen on Channel 7
A delicious meal was prepared by Knight Willie Lawrence
361 and the Picnic Committee. The marchers were greeted
in the park by CIC Vice President Grace Dawson (251),
Recording Secretary Guwan Talaiferro (198), and unit #93,
158, 176, 198, 236, 251, 361, 365 and 381. School
supplies were donated by CIC members and distributed to
the Junior marchers. Thanks to all who made the 2013 Bud
Billiken Parade and Picnic a joyous and wonderful event!
On September 8, 2013, at St. Martin de Porres Church,
CIC came together to celebrate its 60-plus years annual Claver
Day Celebration. It was hosted by Council and Court #149.
CIC Chaplain Father Antoine Leason delivered inspiring words
in his sermon. In attendance were Northern District States
Deputy Lena Young, District States Officers, Past National
Officers, Past Supreme Officers and all six divisions, as well as
NSD Junior President Jasmine Thomas (158) and Mistressat-Arms Brianna Butler (251).
Congratulations to Beulah Reed (236) and Michelle I. Tines
(176), who were recipients of 2013 Adele Stadeker Award.
CIC Committee members (l-r): Knight Joseph Bradfield
(176), Lady Lolita Slaughter (365), Lady Elizabeth Travillion
(361), Lady Vivian Clark (200), Lady Dr. Tonya Payton
Campbell (347), Knight Willie Lawrence (361); (front row, l-r)
Lady Dicie Moore (181), Lady Michelle I. Tines (176), and
Lady Gloria Johnson (361); (not pictured) Lady Rose Miller
Kemp (192), Past National Counselor Diane Asberry (181),
Lady Candyce Tines (176), and Lady Thomas M. Johnson
The annual Anna Cannon Junior Health Fair, sponsored
by CIC and Area Commander Joseph Bradfield and Area
Counselor Rose Miller Kemp, took place July 27, 2013. There
were representatives monitoring booths for blood pressure,
vision, hearing, diabetes, body composition, chiropractic care,
and HIV. There were outstanding speakers on strep throat
infection, organ donation, health coaching, fitness activities,
healthy eating, cellular health and anger management. Thank
you for their support and hard work!
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Court #154
On September 30, 2012, Court #154 celebrated
45 years of active participation in the Knights of Peter
Claver Ladies Auxiliary. Starting the day with Mass,
the celebrants were Rev. Frank Sasso, pastor of Saint
Thaddeus Church and Chaplain for the Court, and
Rev. Richard Andrus, pastor of Saint Elizabeth Church
and Chaplain of Chicago Inter-Council. The day ended
with a special luncheon for the members and guest.
The guest speaker was Dr. Andre Rawls, a member
of Court #347. Her beautiful and inspiring message
was totally in tune with the theme of the occasion
“Sisters Helping Sisters.” Celebrating with the Ladies
were: Northern States Deputy Lena Young, Northern
States Secretary Lady Stephanie Inis, Northern States
Mother of the Courts Lady Eva Leonard and Past
Northern States Deputy E. Annetta Wilson.
Court #97
On July 27, 2013, Court #97 held a Reflection
Day Program and all the women of St. Rita Catholic
Church were invited to attend. The subject of this year’s
program was “We Are All Sisters.” The guest speaker,
Fay H. Williams, Attorney at Law, spoke on the need
for all women to take time for themselves in various
ways and how it gives us the fortitude to carry on with
a little relaxation in thought and deed. Additionally, she
shared with the group several books by black author’s
she brought from her collection that would be beneficial,
such as Good Choices that Empower Black Women’s
Lives, by Dr. Grace Cornish, and Black Women’s Health
Book, by Evelyn G. White.
district news
Grand Lady JoAnn Combs was named CICOA 2013 Caregiver
of the Year. CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions is the premier source
of information and access to resources for seniors and persons with
disabilities living in Central Indiana. JoAnn Fowler Combs has been
a dedicated wife, mother, grandmother, day-care owner, child-care
director, volunteer and Church member. She also is a personal caregiver and has been for more than a decade. Widowed at age 32, JoAnn,
while raising her daughter Patrice and son Christopher, provided care
for more than 10 years to her second husband and her mother, both
of whom took their final breaths in her arms. After her former son-inlaw had a debilitating stroke, JoAnn became his care-giver, as well. In
2006, she took in a sister who is paralyzed and suffers from mental
illness. She also started caring for her first mother-in-law, who suffers
from Alzheimer’s disease. Today, JoAnn helps both of these women
with their personal care needs.
northern states district (cont.)
Unit #266
New Haven, Connecticut
district news
• G
rand Lady Sheila Jewell, Vice Grand Lady Edith
Rawls, Lady Muriel Curry and Lady Saundra
Stephenson attended the National Convention in
Philadelphia, along with Grand Knight Dan Santos.
• Several members of the Council and Court assisted
with the church picnic in August.
• The Knights and Ladies attended Mass on September
8 at St. Martin de Porres in celebration of St. Peter
Claver Day. (photographed at right)
• Upcoming activities include a luncheon to recruit
Junior Daughters and Junior Knights, a bake-less cake
sale, a walk to combat hunger and a Holiday Bazaar.
• A monetary donation will be given to a sickle cell
walk-a thon.
Unit #298
Columbus, Ohio
The Senior and Junior Council and Court #298 participated in several joint events in the
Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, during the summer of 2013.
In June, they attended and turned out at the Inter-regional African-American Catholic
Evangelization Conference in Columbus. Then, they turned out at the June 30th retirement Mass
of their sponsoring chaplain, the Very Rev. G. Michael Gribble, who retired after 32 years of
service to the priesthood
(photo at left).
In 1988, Father Gribble
celebrated the installation
Mass of the newly formed
St. Cyprian Council and
Court at St. Joseph’s
Cathedral in Columbus.
For the past 25 years, he
served as Court Chaplain
and presided over the
installation of new Court
August was time for
food and fellowship at
the annual cookout.
They commemorated St.
Peter Claver Memorial
Day with a turnout at
St. Thomas the Apostle
Church and presented
a monetary donation to
the parish. At each major
turnout, a presentation
of a monetary donation
is an ongoing tradition in
support of parishes in the
Diocese of Columbus.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Court #181
Chicago, Illinois
On June 29, 2013, Pastor Gregory Rom, Grand Lady
Evelyn Slater and 31 members and friends of St. Felicitas
Church, sponsored by Court #181, participated in the Greater
Chicago Food Depository’s 28th annual Hunger Walk, one of
the largest fundraising events in Illinois. The registration and
kickoff rally took place in Soldier Field. Chicago Bears lineman
James “Big Cat” Williams and ABC 7’s Hosea Sanders
greeted the walkers of all ages. Approximately 15,000 walked
along Chicago’s lakefront then enjoyed food and entertainment.
The principal sponsor for the 28th annual Hunger Walk was
McDonald’s Corp. The Greater Chicago Food Depository has
a network of 400 food pantries in Illinois and partnerships with
several programs to feed children and families, such as Healthy
Kids Market with the Chicago Public Schools, which serves
2,500 needy families each week, in addition to other initiatives
of feeding America’s poor.
The Ladies of Court #181, Junior Daughters, Junior Knights
and volunteers man the St. Felicitas’ Food Pantry every third
Saturday of the month. There has been an increased need in our
community for supplemental food – and the Court hopes it is
playing a small part and doing God’s work.
Court #364
Washington, D.C.
Council #362
Newport News,
Council #362 and
Assembly #37 celebrated
St. Peter Claver Day at St.
Vincent de Paul Church in
Newport News, Virginia.
district news
Court #364 continued to “Serve with a Heart Like Jesus”
at the 2013 graduating class of Living Wages. Living Wages
is a community-based, nonprofit organization that provides
adult education in southeast Washington, D.C. The objective of
the program is to enable lifelong learning that ensures a living
wage. The Living Wage class of 2013 graduated 39 men and
women from its GED programs at St. Thomas More Catholic
Church. Court #364 was proud to provide the hospitality at a
reception in honor of the graduates and more than 200 family
members and friends attended.
2013 award winners
Brother Craig Guillory
Sacred Heart, Council #31
Lake Charles, Louisiana
State of Texas
Brother John Eaglin
St. Peter the Apostle, Council #238
Channelview, Texas
Brother Christopher Pichon
Father Timothy J. Sullivan, Council #138
Fresno, Texas
Gold Medal Winner Msgr. John Cisewski
of St. Raymond, Council #78
2013 award winners
2013 National Claver
Family of the Year
Charles Bright and Deacon Charles
Bright, Unit #261
Denver, Colorado
2013 Knights of Peter
Claver Award Winners
2013 Gold Medalist
Brother Thomas Grant, Sr.
Sts. Peter and Paul, Council #313
Atlanta, Georgia
Msgr. John Cisewski
St. Raymond, Council #78
New Orleans, Louisiana
2013 Silver Medalists
Northern States District
Brother Eric M. Labat
Barrett-Newell, Council #279
Chesapeake, Virginia
Gulf Coast District
Brother Willie M. Gude
Sts. Peter and Paul, Council #313
McDonough, Georgia
State of Louisiana
Brother Anthony T. Collins
Bishop Harold Perry, Council #293
New Orleans, Louisiana
Western States District
Brother Wilfred Bocage
St. James the Apostle, Council #358
Henderson, Nevada
Central States District
No nominees submitted
Council of the Year Winner
Holy Cross, Council #284
Austin, Texas
Grand Knight of the Year Winner
Grand Knight Derek Phillips
Holy Cross, Council #284
Austin, Texas
Sister Sylvia Thibodeaux, S.S.F.
Submitted by St. Katharine Drexel,
Court #59
New Orleans, Louisiana
2013 Silver Medalists
Northern States District
Lady Diane T. Asberry
St. Felicitas-Saint Ailbe, Court #181
Lady Michelle I. Tines
St. Martin de Porres, Court #176
Central States District
Lady Ophelia Wilson
Tekakwitha, Court #68
St. Louis, Missouri
Gulf Coast District
Lady Louverta Cherry
Our Lady of Lourdes, Court #84
Moss Point, Mississippi
State of Louisiana
Lady Charlotte Crayton
Little Flower of Jesus, Court #160
Monroe, Louisiana
James A. Coleman Sr
Commander of the Year Award
Brother Warren J. Washington, Jr.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help,
Council #72
Houston, Texas
Chris Pichon Award Winner
Brother Walter Ray Leslie
Sts. Peter and Paul, Council #313
Stockbridge, Georgia
2013 Ladies Auxiliary
Award Winners
2013 Gold Medalists
Lady Marie Jacqueline Monroe
St. Lucy, Court #79
Church Point, Louisiana
Non-Member Gold Medal Winner Sister Sylvia
Thibodeaux, S.S.F., was nominated by St. Katharine
Drexel, Court #59 of New Orleans. Pictured is Supreme Comptroller Gail Barnes-Johnson receiving the
award on behalf of Sister Thibodeaux.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
State of Texas
Lady Linda Ridley
Holy Cross, Court #284
Pflugerville, Texas
Lady May Walker
St. Mary of the Purification,
Court #159
Houston, Texas
Western States District
Lady Aline Heisser-Ovid
St. Brigid, Court #259
Inglewood, California
Gold Medal Winner Lady Marie Jacqueline
Monroe of St. Lucy, Court #79
Lady Yvonne Hill Jackson
Wilfred B. Ricard, Court #116
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Lady Francine M. Collins
St. Rita, Court #36
New Orleans, Louisiana
Junior Daughter Counselor
of the Year
Lady Lydia Price
St. Albert the Great,
Junior Court #306
Los Angeles
Financial Secretary of the Year
Lady Inez Simpson
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Court #110
North Charleston, South Carolina
Grand Lady of the Year
Grand Lady Theresa ToussaintGrevious
St. Paul, Court #351
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Wishing you a blessed Christmas
and a joyous New Year!
– KPC/KPCLA Board of Directors
2013 award winners
Lady Stephanie Bernard
St. Theresa, Court #11
Lafayette, Louisiana
Gold Medal Winner Sir Knight Thomas P. Grant,
Sr., of Sts. Peter and Paul, Council #313. The
award was accepted by Grand Knight Willie Gude.
Court of the Year
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Court #110
Charleston, South Carolina
2013 convention highlights
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
2013 convention highlights
2013 convention highlights
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
2013 convention highlights
state of louisiana
Council #8
district news
Opelousas, Louisiana
(l-r) National Advocate William T. Everette, National Treasurer
Omar Jones, Grand Lady Elinor Nacoste Eaglin, Grand Knight
Alfred R. Dupree, Jr., Most Reverend Dominic Carmon, S.V.D.,
Most Worthy Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B,
Lady Kanobia Blackmon, Deputy Supreme Knight James K. Ellis, National Lay Board member Paul Ledet and National Director
General Tilmon D. King.
Council #8 had the distinct pleasure of honoring one of its
oldest members, Sir Knight Lawrence Zacharie, Sr., with 55
years of service to the Nobel Order. Brother Zach (as he was
called in the Council) was a true pioneer and was instrumental
in the building of Holy Ghost Catholic Church and Holy Ghost
School with his talent in cement finishing. With a commitment
to Church and community, Brother Zach joined the ranks of the
NAACP in the 1950s. He encouraged members of the local
trade school to help assist blacks with voter registration. His
bravery was exhibited by assisting in the organization of secret
meetings for workers who may be in danger. Brother Zach was
honored with a plaque for his contribution to the advancement
of justice for blacks during the Civil Rights Movement and was
the sole survivor of the original members of the NAACP in his
community. One of the proud moments in Brother Zach’s life
was being a member of the honor guard for Pope John Paul II
and receiving the Gold Medal of Merit.
Most Worthy Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon presented the KPC Commendation to Grand Knight Alfred Dupree, Jr.
On November 17, 2012, Council #8 celebrated 100 years
of dedicated service to the Knights of Peter Claver. Opelousas has the distinction of being home to the first council in
Louisiana established on November 17, 1912. The Principal
Celebrant for the Centennial Mass was Most Rev. Dominic
Carmon, S.V.D., Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of New Orleans,
Louisiana. Concelebrants were Rev. Jaison Mangalath, S.V.D,
Pastor of Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Rev. Siprianus Ola
Rotok, S.V.D., Acting Associate Pastor, and Deacon Charles
Richard. All other participants were Knights of Peter Claver,
Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Knights and Daughters.
The Centennial Celebration then moved to the Opelousas
Civic Center, where our fabulous program took place. The celebration was equally eloquent to our state conferences, but on
a smaller scale. The celebration may serve as an example for
other councils and courts nationwide planning events for 500
to 600 people. Building rental $950 (with discount); decorations $918.09; food and accessories $2,052.84; band
$1,500; music for Mass $550; programs for church and
ball, banners, stamps, invitations $603; flowers for the church
$105; labor $0. The total cost for the event was $6,678.93.
Thank you Steering Committee members: Grand Lady Elinor
Nacoste Eaglin, Lady Cecilia Dautrieve, Lady Dorothy Lastrapes, Lady Amilda Charles, Lady Carolyn Thomas, Lady Mary
M. Taylor, Lady Mary Davis, Lady Gloria Martel, Lady Debra
Reed, and Lady Katrice Brown. Thank you cooks and kitchen staff: Knight Alfred Dupree Sr., Knight Carl Breaux, Sr.,
Lady Mary Ann Lastrapes, Mrs. Gloria Dupree, Mrs. Darlene
Breaux, and serving staff who were all Ladies Auxiliary.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Court #21
New Orleans, Louisiana
Pictured (l-r): Lady Anna Everette, Financial Secretary.; Lady
Iona; Lady Ester Lawless, Recording Secretary.; Lady Loretta Davis-Gaines; Lady Sheila Vernell, Outer Guard; Lady Jeanne Lee;
Lady Tina Roby, Grand Lady; Lady Shirley Barra, Vice Grand
Lady; Lady Gail Watson, Immediate Past Grand Lady; Lady
Joan Alberts, Treasurer; Lady Jacqueline Everette-Williams; Lady
LaClaudia Everette. (Not pictured): Ladies Bettina Buval, Mollie
DeSalle, Keisha Gaudin, Aida Gray, Tokiwa Johnson, Diane Lacy,
Merline Lundy, LaVergne Pierre, Kim Polk, Carlyn Smith, Eunice
Smith, Bernadette Tyus and Angel Varnado.
Court #91
Alexandria, Louisiana
Unit #125
New Orleans, Louisiana
Unit #125 celebrated 60 years on
April 28, 2013. The Anniversary Mass
was celebrated at St. David Catholic
Church in the lower Ninth Ward. The
celebrant for the Mass was Rev. Godwin
Akpan, S.S.J., who stood in for Very Rev.
Oswald Jules Pierre, S.S.J., pastor of St.
David. A banquet immediately followed at
Jolly’s Restaurant & Banquet Hall. Honorees were Brother Calvin Young, Charter
Member; Brother Royce Williams, Knight
of the Year Award City-wide; Lady Elaine
Jackson for 55 years of service; Lady
Shirley Moses for 25 years of service;
and Lady Joyce Mumford for Lady of the
Year Award from the Court. Our Noble
Order challenges us to be of great service to each other, the Church and the
community. As we move forward, we are
encouraged by those from our past to
give more, do more and seek more.
district news
The Ladies celebrate Lady Bertha LeGras’ 71 years of service.
A celebration of Lady Bertha LeGras’ 71 years of service was
held at St. James Catholic Church. Photographed above are (l-r)
Sir Knight Herbert Jones, Lady Bertha LeGras, Grand Lady Millie
Price, and Rev. Remigius Owuamanam, S.M.M.M., Pastor.
state of louisiana (cont.)
Unit #144
Shreveport, Louisiana
district news
Family of Chad Babers along with Father Andre McGrath, Grand
Knight Tim Ford and Grand Lady Barbara Moran.
The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary held their
annual Senior Recognition Program on May 26, 2013, at Our
Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. Tim Ford, Grand Knight of Council #144, awarded scholarships to Chad Babers and Sean Woodfork. Both young men
were members of the Junior Knights.
(l-r) Area Deputy Paul Desselle, Mark Johnson, Melvin Edwards III,
Cedric Pinkney and Area Deputy Tim Ford.
Council #144 added three new members to its rosters at
an initiation held on August 24, 2013, in Alexandria, Louisiana.
District V Area Deputies Paul Desselle and Tim Ford initiated
Mark Johnson, Melvin Edwards III and Cedric Pinkney to the
Noble Order.
Court #338
Unit #206
Lafayette, Louisiana
Installation of officers in January 2013 in the newly rebuilt church of Our
Lady Queen of Peace. The church was destroyed by fire in April 2010.
The Knights and Ladies Auxiliary purchased furniture and glass double
doors for the church.
Houma, Louisiana
• The Court: Issued the second annual $500
Lady Rita Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship
to high school senior Junior Daughter Brianna
Travis, who graduated from Ellender Memorial
High School in May 2012. She is attending
Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana.
• Participated in its annual Thanksgiving food
drive and was able to donate nine boxes to the
Terrebonne Good Samaritan Food Bank.
• Provided donations of $100 to the Haven
Shelter and $75 to the MS Foundation in name
of one of our members who has MS. The Court
also sent cards with monetary donations to its
members who are ill and shut in.
• Held fundraisers selling mugs of coffee, tea and
hot chocolate on Mothers’ Day and raffled New
Orleans Saints basket on Fathers’ Day. During
the holidays, it sold Christmas mugs of hot
• Recruited and initiated three new members to
Senior Court in 2012 and, in 2013, will initiate
three new Juniors and reinstate four Juniors.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Unit #394
New Orleans, Louisiana
Court #394 spent three weekends during Lent visiting the residents
of St. Margaret’s Nursing Home in New Orleans. Each weekend,
the Ladies provided light refreshments for the residents and played
Bingo with them. Winners of each game received prizes and the residents also received door prizes. The residents of St. Margaret’s were
treated to an Easter Party the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Each
resident received an Easter care package from the Ladies. The residents truly enjoyed having the Ladies visit with them.
Reminded of the generosity shown to New Orleanians during
the recovery from the devastation of Katrina, the Knights and Ladies of Council and Court #394 banded together to spearhead a
second collection at Our Lady of Guadalupe/International Shrine of
St. Jude earlier this year to assist the victims of the massive tornadoes that plowed through the Oklahoma City area. The Knights and
Ladies, along with other contributors, were able to send $2,219 to
the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. The Ladies Auxiliary donated
$200 out of its treasury to assist the tornado victims. Our Lady of
Guadalupe/International Shrine of St. Jude was the only parish to
make a contribution to the victims of the tornado.
The Unit received a letter of gratitude from Archbishop Oakley
of Oklahoma City: “I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love
and concern shown by your good people at this time of such great
loss in the tornadoes and storms that ripped through our state. Your
generous donation in the amount of $2,219 has been received with
profound gratitude. Your gift will make a difference. Thank you for
helping to bring healing and hope to those who are suffering.”
Court #393
In June 2014, Court #393 honored all of
the altar servers from Holy Trinity Parish for
their outstanding service. They were awarded
according to their years of service. Pictured
(first row): Lady Tamarica Trent, Jon “Terrinee” Lewis, Rev. Albert G. Nunez, Chastity
Boyance and Grand Lady Sharolyn Boutte;
(second row): Torian Cain, Marcus Fruge,
Hallie Boutte and Melvishia Edwards.
district news
Washington, Louisiana
During June 2014, Court # 393 honored Rev.
Albert G. Nunez for his 10 years of service at Holy
Trinity Parish. He was honored with an award, donations, and a reception following Sunday Mass.
In May 2013, Council # 393
honored Brielle Readore of
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
for being valedictorian of her
eighth-grade class at Washington Elementary. Pictured
with her is Knight and Mayor
Joseph Pitre, Rev. Albert
Nunez and Grand Knight
John F. Boutte.
state of texas
district news
Houston Inter-City Councils & Courts
The Houston Inter-City Councils & Courts (HICC) annual St.
Peter Claver Day Celebration 2013 was hosted this year by St.
Francis Xavier Catholic Church, and Council and Court #138
in Houston, Texas, on September 8, 2013. Most Rev. George
A. Sheltz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston, was the celebrant of the Mass and Deacon Michael
Jenkins was the homilist. Many Councils and Courts from
Houston and the surrounding area were in attendance. After the
Mass, HICC hosted a reception in the parish hall.
HICC President Lady Norma Woodson presented the Paul
A. Stiner Award to Sir Knight James K. Ellis, Deputy Supreme
Knight of Council #159. Brother Ellis is the Immediate Past State
Deputy of the State of Texas and has been very active with HICC.
The Della Brooks Award was presented to Lady Norma Duhon
of Court #231. Lady Duhon is serving as the Lady of Prayer of
HICC and is Vice Grand Lady of her Court. She also is the
Immediate Past HICC Mardi Gras Queen. Congratulations to
this year’s award winners.
Court #89
Fort Worth,
Ashten Newton was
the recipient of the
2013 Florida Johnson Scholarship in the
amount of $1,000,
which was sponsored
by Court #89. Ashten has been accepted
at Indiana University
Southeast, where he
plans to major in education, then pursue
a master’s degree in
coaching and athletic (front row, l-r) Delores Newton (grandtraining. His career mother), Ashten Newton, Lady Sonia
goal is to become a McClendon (Chairperson); (back row)
Jodi and Vernon Newton (parents)
coach. He is a graduate of Saginaw High School.
The scholarship is named in honor of Mrs. Florida Johnson who
was a Charter Member of the Court. She devoted countless hours
in service to Our Mother of Mercy Church and the KPC for more
than 59 years. She served as a Christian role model for many
young men and women in the Fort Worth community.
Cadet Corps pictured with Knight Claude Platte (right) and Lady
Erma Platte (left) in front of the original Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church.
The Our Mother of Mercy School Captain Claude Platte Cadet
Corps was initiated by School President and Knight Michael Barks
on September 1, 2012. It was named in honor of Tuskegee Airman
Captain Claude Platte, an alumnus of Our Mother of Mercy Catholic
School and member of Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and
Knight of Council #89. It is the first cadet corps in the Diocese of Fort
Worth. The purpose of the Cadet Corps is to develop fundamentals
of self-discipline, integrity and a sense of responsibility, as well as
practice those attributes that are essential in a leader. Cadets are
required to maintain a high level of academic achievement and be
of good character. They are also involved in numerous community
service activities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Court #151
Houston, Texas
Twelve debutantes made their debuts at the 10th biennial St. Monica
Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #151 Presentation
Ball on July 27, 2013, at the Houston Northwest Crown Plaza Hotel.
Court #151 has raised more than $150,000 in scholarship funds
over the past 10 years and has presented 77 young ladies into society.
These 12 young women were presented in a formal ceremony under
the Chairmanship of Lady Gwendolyn Berry and Co-Chair Lady Sharon Slyde: Bria Adams, Me’Leeza Comeaux, Michaela Como, Billis
Gordon, Daijanique Greer, DeJia’ Gunter, Zarissa LeBlanc, D’Andrea
Lee, Ashleigh Rogers, Keyin Scott, Chelsey Spiller and Taylor Spiller.
Senior visitation is how the Court stays connected with their homebound members. They had a marvelous time fellowshipping on their
“Girls Day” sharing inspirational stories, good food, laughter, great
music, songs and prayer. Lady Nan Arceneaux is the chairperson.
Pictured (center) is Lady Doris Woodard with (l-r) Lady Athena Adams, Lady Dorothy Leday, Lady Betty Williams, Past Texas State
Deputy Nan Arceneaux, Lady Kimberly Fleeks, Lady Claudette Johnson and Junior Daughter Kayla Clayton.
Houston, Texas
Pictured (center) is Lady Stella Chambers with (l-r) Lady Katrina
Chambers, Junior Daughter Shynese Gunter, Lady Donna Anumudu,
Lady Betty Williams, Junior Daughter Ashleigh Rogers, Lady Athena
Adams, Vice Grand Lady Carolyn Williams, Past Texas State Deputy
Lady Nan Arceneaux, Lady Stephanie Woods, Junior Texas State Conference President Dejia Gunter and Chauncey LeBlanc Edwards, Jr.
During a visit to St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, Most Supreme
Knight DeKarlos Blackmon posed for a photo with members of Unit
Legends Awards Luncheon – April 27, 2013 – Houston, Texas.
Honoring Meritorious Lady of Grace – Martha Gardner.
Court #152 Attendees: Gracious Lady Hope Gloria, Gracious Lady
Marsha Fontenot, Vice Grand Lady Ivy Vallee, Sir Knight James
Fontenot, Gracious Lady Martha Gardner, Grand Lady Gwen Kelly
and Gracious Lady Rebecca Jackson.
At the Taste of the World Annual Tea, Lady Iris Glover (left) and
Lady Dolores Broussard represented the Italian group.
district news
Unit #152
state of texas (cont.)
Ladies and Knights with the Unit’s 2013 National Awards.
Unit #284
district news
Austin, Texas
The Knights and Ladies Council and Court #284 attended the
98th National Convention in July in Philadelphia and were recognized by receiving National Awards (listed on pages 22-23) and
the National Grants listed below:
• Human Development Grant – $593.93 for the Blackland Community Center
• 2 Sickle Cell Grants – $646 each for children with sickle cell
• Sickle Cell Grant – $646 for the Austin Sickle Cell Foundation
• Soaring High Grant – $1,335 for the 21st Century Learning
Center at Texas Empowerment Academy
• 4th Degree Ladies of Grace received $263 for Holy Cross Religious Education Program
The Knights and Ladies of Council #284 and Court #284 were
recognized at the 83rd Texas State Conference in Houston, Texas,
Good Neighbor Awards
in May by receiving the following State Awards and Grants:
• State of Texas Council of the Year
• State of Texas Court of the Year
• State of Texas Grand Knight of the Year – Derek Phillips
• State of Texas Grand Lady of the Year – Linda Ridley
• Holy Cross Council Knight of the Year – Jerry Wallace
• Holy Cross Court Lady of the Year – Linda Ridley
• 2nd Place – Membership Court #284 Expansion Award
• M.M. Hopkins Award Winner – Lester Johnson (State of Texas
Knights Division)
• Education Award Recipient – Holy Cross Religious Education
• State of Texas Human Development Award Recipient – Austin
Blackland (Neighborhood Center to assist the needy with food)
• Emerging Leaders Book Drive (Holy Cross donated more than
1,000 books to the book drive, which was the most in the State
of Texas. The books were donated to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic
School in Houston, Texas.)
• KPC 100 Club Grant Recipient – Austin Dell Children’s Hospital
– $2,300
Council #341
Baytown, Texas
Council #341 presented the Vernon Bernard
Memorial Scholarship of $750 to Nicholas Jacob Williams (center). Presenters were committee
member Joseph W. Singleton (left) and scholarship
committee chair Samuel Davis (right). Nicholas is
a graduate of St. Thomas High School in Houston,
Texas. He plans to attend the University of Texas in
Austin, majoring in accounting.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
4th degree news
Assembly #50
Assembly and Chapter #11
cation to his community and the
Church and ask the Holy Spirit to
guide and bless him throughout his
priestly ministry.
Congratulations to Markas Cunningham for becoming the 2013
National Junior Knight of the Year
recipient in the Northern District.
Markas has worked hard and is
very dedicated to the KPC. From
his hard work and dedication, he
was appointed and served as the
Parliamentarian for the Junior National Convention, a position he was
proud to hold and served to his fullest potential. Markas is a senior at
Detroit Cristo Rey High School in
Detroit and is looking forward to
becoming a Senior Knight and an
Emerging Leader in the future. In
the meantime, he is continuing his
quest to get Other young men into
the Order. Good luck in your future
Chapter #20
The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies
Auxiliary reestablishment of Chapter #20
Mother Teresa Exemplification took place
at Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church
on May 13, 2013, in Pass Christian,
Mississippi. Ladies met at the parish hall,
prayed together, shared a meal and attended Mass.
4th degree news
History was made in the Archdiocese of Detroit, with the first ordination of a black priest in nearly
20 years. Benedictine Brother
Gregory-David Jones, a native of
Detroit, became Father GregoryDavid Jones on July 20, 2013,
at St. Mary’s in Redford. The Sir
Knights and Ladies of Grace of Assembly and Chapter #11 were in
attendance for this auspicious and
august occasion. Father Jones celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving at
St. Benedictine Monastery on July
21, 2013. The Mass was attended
by many of Father Gregory-David’s
friends, some of whom traveled
hundreds of miles. During his homily, Father Gregory-David thanked
all those who provided prayer, support and encouragement along the
road leading to this moment.
Assembly and Chapter #11
would like to thank Father Gregory-David for his unselfish dedi-
Congratulations to the new Grand Assembly
#50. The officers are Faithful Navigator Jimmie Jones, Faithful Captain Steven L. Gregory,
Faithful Comptroller Wayne A. Crumbley, Faithful Purser Eddie Glass, Faithful Scribe Robert
Cooper, Faithful Steward Michael McCaskill,
Faithful Pilot Donald L. Sanders, Faithful Inner Sentinel Steve Ashford and Faithful Outer
Sentinel Walter Harrold. The Most Supreme
Navigator James A. Neal and other National
Officers were present.
• Twelve Gracious Ladies from Chapter #17
are in the progress of having a Grand Chapter,
as well. Of Gracious Ladies, four have been
4th Degree since 1997. The Gracious Ladies
of Chapter #17 made them feel welcome.
• On August 25, 2013, the 4th Degree Ladies
celebrated their annual Christmas Party in
Omaha, Nebraska. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship, exchange of gifts and games. Overall,
it was a great day.
• The Knights and Ladies hosted their 12th annual Sickle Cell Golf Outing on September 7,
• Court #308 hosted “Pink Day” for breast cancer awareness, October 6, 2013. They asked
all to wear pink on that day.
4th degree news
4th degree news
Chapter #39
Chapter #9
The Ladies of Chapter #39 donated, prepared and served breakfast on April 27,
2013, at the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Affairs Fisher House. The Fisher House is “a
home away from home” for family members, care-givers and loved ones of patients
receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. This is an ongoing
outreach for the Ladies.
The annual awards ceremony of Chapter #9, Fourth Degree Division, was held
on April 13, 2013, at St. Paul the Apostle
Catholic Church. Financial scholarships
were awarded for pursuit of academic
endeavors for the year 2013. The recipients are (l-r) Ivy Beauregard Scholarship Award Recipient Ladaya Deavis
James ($200), Junior Grand Lady from
Court #351; Constance Butler Scholarship Award Recipient Raven Renee Price
($300), Junior Court #116; and Bishop
Stanley Joseph Ott Scholarship Award
Recipient Samantha Catherine ($200),
Junior Court #12.
Chapter #39 celebrated its anniversary on August 18, 2013. They were graced with
the presence of Assembly #12, Assembly #11, National Treasurer Marie Johnson,
Northern States District Deputy Lena Young, Adele Stadeker Chapter #12, Sts. Monica
and Luke parishioners, family and friends, and Honorable Karen Freeman-Wilson, Mayor of Gary, Indiana. Rev. Mark Webber gave the homily. Photographed above: Honorable Karen Freeman-Wilson and her husband and members of Chapter #39.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
junior division news
Juniors of #97
Akailah Shepeard, a seventh
grader at Fall Creek Valley
Middle School, the Junior
Daughter Junior Vice Grand
Lady and first-time attendee
came in second-place in her
division in the talent show for
dancing at the Junior National
Juniors of #110
Juniors of #376
Charleston, South Carolina
Three of the six Junior Daughters of
Court #110 who participated in competitions at the 2013 Junior Conference in
July were winners. Pictured (l-r): Vernesia Moore earned third place in essay
writing; Leigha Cox won first place in the
poetry competition; and Callia Cox won
first place in science.
Nickolis Benford, an eighthgrader at Eastwood Middle
School, Northern States District Junior Sergeant-at-Arms,
and first-time attendee, came
in second-place in his division
in the Science Fair at the 2013
Junior National Convention.
Atlanta, Georgia
The Juniors of Court #110 community service
projects in July included preparing On-the-Go Meal
Kits for parents at the Ronald McDonald House.
In August, the Juniors served a lasagna dinner
they cooked for residents at the Ronald McDonald House. The meal included a salad, rolls, and
dessert. Pictured (l-r): Sieanna Harris, Leigha Cox,
Vernesha Moore, Callia Cox, Teonna Breeland and
Chyna Reese.
During the weekend of
April 26-28, 2013, Junior
Knights joined with Junior
Daughters for a retreat at
Georgia Red Top Mountain
Recreational Park. The group
departed Friday evening and
returned for Mass on Sunday
morning. The teens lodged
in two cabins on the lake
for this weekend outing and
were supervised their Junior Knight Commander and
Lady Counselor. The teens
enjoyed social, spiritual and
fun activities.
junior division
The Juniors from Branch #97 and Court #97 enjoyed themselves
at the banquet at the Junior National Convention. They participated in
the Spelling Bee, Arts & Crafts, Essay Contest and the Talent Show. It
was a wonderful experience for most, as it was their first time attending
a Junior National Convention. Pictured (front row, l-r) DonElla Dixon,
Nickolis Benford, Marissa Bardo, Akailah Shepeard, Joe Michael Wills,
Ashlee Wyatt and William Wills; (back row, l-r: Kennedy Phillips, Xavier
Wills, Braylan Guynn, Devin Smith and Lacey Jones, Jr.
junior division news (cont.)
Juniors of #121
Los Angeles
Juniors of #151
Houston, Texas
Juniors of #162
Los Angeles
junior division
2013 biennial Junior National Convention Western
States Junior Daughter Award
Winner: Gabrielle Dancy of
Junior Court #162. Gabby
is the Junior Grand Lady and
an honor student at Immaculate Heart High
School in Los Angeles.
Junior Knight William King of
Junior Branch #121, the newly
elected Junior Deputy Supreme
Knight, is the first junior to hold a
national office from the Western
States District. He has served
the Western States District
Knights of Peter Claver as Junior Grand Knight of his Branch,
President of the WSD Junior
Conference and on the CJBC
Executive Board. William attends Verbum Dei High School
in Los Angeles.
Juniors of #172
Pritchard, Alabama
Juniors of #151 held a Teen Summit, inviting members across the state of Texas and
youth in every community. It was a huge success. They had more than 100 people participating with open hearts to learn about all of
the issues hindering our communities, affecting
the world as a whole today and imprisoning
our youth. Among those who showed, a young
man, age 17, was able to open up and tell the
group his own personal experience with the life
obstacles he has faced. Counselors were able
to empower him by offering the concept of creating a support system in assisting him through
life challenges, resource information and clear
healthy alternatives in making good life choices.
Next summit will be in 2015. Planning will start
in January 2014.
Juniors of #171
Jackson, Mississippi
The Junior Daughters of Court #171 participated in a religious retreat April 19-20,
2013. The retreat was held at St. Moses the
Black Monastery located in Raymond, Mississippi. This year’s retreat focused on developing a stronger relationship with God, as well
as loving one another. They also participated
in Race for the Cure on April 13, 2013, in
downtown Jackson, Mississippi, to promote
breast cancer awareness.
Juniors of #220
Los Angeles
Junior Court and Council members (l-r): Junior Daughter Katherine Tinsley, Junior Knight Devin Swann, Junior Daughter Maderia Harris, Junior Daughter Kennedy
The Quiz Bowl Team comprised of Junior memMcCaskey, Junior Knight David Sylvester, Jr., Junior Daughter Rachel Waller, Junior bers from Units #121 and #220 finished a very
Daughter Chelsea Hubbard and Junior Knight Ernesto Coleman.
honorable fourth place at the 2013 biennial Junior
National Convention.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Juniors of #278
Savannah, Georgia
Juniors of #300
Branch #278 with Grand Knight Malik Walker, Commander David
Wilson and Assistant Commander Darrell A. Jordan
Atlanta, Georgia
Juniors of #313
Atlanta, Georgia
Branch #313 continues to engage in services and activities that have a positive impact on the lives of others.
The Junior Knights collected schools supplies for St. Peter Claver Regional School for incoming students. Junior
Knights collected shoes and funds for the District’s Soles
for Souls Project. They also collected toiletries, which will
be delivered, along with the brown bag lunches, to the Seven Bridges, which is home for many of Atlanta’s homeless.
Fifteen juniors from Branch #313, along with chaperones
and parents, attended the Junior National Convention.
Congratulations go to Damain Evans, the 2013 Junior
Grand Knight of the Year. The Gulf Coast District’s Debate Team won first place. Junior Knights Evans, Willard,
James and Griffin were members of the Debate Team.
Deputy Junior Grand Knight Nigel Sapp won second
place in the Spelling Bee for the age 13-14 group.
In the Passion Play, Maurice Hagan plays the role of Jesus and
Tyrese Small and Cody Brown are apostles.
Branch #278 continues to be actively involved in activities in the
parish and community, including: participating in the 2013 Savannah
Deanery Revival; volunteering at the American Second Harvest Food
Bank by separating food for the various agencies of the food bank and
preparing Brown Bags for distribution to the elderly of the community;
and participating in the Resurrection of Our Lord Church Ministry Fair.
Juniors of #306
Compton, California
A “Job Well Done” to Junior Court #306! The achievements
of #306 Juniors are a testament to Junior Counselor Lydia Price,
who also was named Counselor of the Year.
Awards received at the 2013 biennial Junior National Convention:
• Junior Daughters Chidi Oduma and Tonna Nnabue tied for first
place in the Essay Contest (age 15 and up).
• Junior Daughter Rashida Garcia – First Place, Essay Contest
(age 10-12)
• Junior Daughter Natalie Taylor – Third Place, Spelling Bee
(age 7)
• Junior Daughter Adaeze Oduma – First Place, Singing Contest
(She performed “It’s a New Day.”)
• The Praise Team (Tonna Nnabue, Adaeze Oduma, Rashida Garcia, Tamaira Lampkin, Natalie Taylor and Obiajuju Oduma) – First
Place, Talent Show (They performed to “Order My Steps.”)
junior division
Unit #300 Ladies and Junior Daughters worked together in
the annual Back to School drive. Pictured are Junior Daughter
Counselor Brandi Collins, Junior Daughters Caitlyn Jones, Dasia Evertsz, Jade Evertsz, Brittany Jones, Alana Buffor, Chantell
Brown and Junior Daughter Assistant Counselor Lisa Bufford
Every year, when August rolls around, Court #300 knows
it’s time to prepare for school. For the past 12 years, the Ladies of Court #300 have donated school supplies for all the
children of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. The Ladies Activity
Committee scours the websites of the various school districts
in the metro Atlanta area to get an idea of the supplies needed
for the new school year. The Ladies solicit the assistance of the
Junior Daughters to get the bags packed.
This past August, 52 primary bags and 81 bags for
secondary students were distributed after each of the four
Masses. This activity always allows the Ladies to bond and
engage with the Junior Daughters.
junior division news (cont.)
Juniors of #284
Austin, Texas
Junior Branch and Junior Court #284
participated in the 20th biennial Junior National Convention. Junior Daughter Olevia
Owens and Junior Knight Jason Okereke
had the following accomplishments:
Junior Knight Jason Okereke (left) and a friend
junior division
Junior Daughter Olevia Owens (left)
Juniors of #351
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
On June 29, 2013, Junior Daughters of Court #351
teamed up with Team Crestmark (Crestmark Bank) to assist
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul with their Bags of Hope Pro-
Juniors of #379
Tampa, Florida
Junior Daughter Counselor Lady Gerri Drummond and
Junior Daughter Court #379 have been actively increasing
membership. These are the newest members of the Noble Order (l-r): Elois Hannah, Merline Lamour, Julia Kamga, Kassie
Ihedoro, and Marqueline Cenatus. These five young ladies
were initiated on June 15, 2013.
• 1st Place in Dance – Junior Daughter
Olevia Owens
• 1st Place in Poetry – Junior Daughter
Olevia Owens
• Submitted $200 in donations for the
Pennies from Heaven Project
gram. The volunteers pictured at left prepared 600 brown-bag
suppers which contained a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
snack and drink. The brown-bag suppers were distributed to
the needy in the Baton Rouge area.
After preparing the sandwiches, the young ladies learned
about how the needy in the community depend upon these
simple meals. This community service project made them more
humble, appreciative and aware of how blessed they are. After
the young ladies completed the project, they were privileged
to return to a place they call home; home with the comforts of
preparing and sharing a decent meal with a family where there
is a variety of food selections and choices. On the other hand,
the less fortunate do not have this luxury. They also learned it is
necessary to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good
thing that comes to them, continuously giving thanks to God,
and the importance of helping those in need.
Volunteers from Court #351 Junior Daughters included: Ariel Skinner, Dominique Seals, Ladaya James, Rochelle Franklin, Sydney Brown, Junior Daughter Counselor Lady Myrtis
Rogers, Junior Daughter Assistant Lady Mary Martin, Lady
Amanda Skinner and Lady Debbie James.
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
Emerging Leaders’ news
A word from our National Representatives
Northern States
My name is Ricky Sassau, I am the
Louisiana State Treasurer. I also
serve as Junior Knight Commander, District IV Area Deputy and your
National Emerging Leader Chair.
My goals as chair are communicating on a quarterly basis with
fellow District EL Reps, develop
a metric to tally junior transfers,
and creating a welcoming packet
for new Emerging Leaders. For
more information contact me at:
Hello All:
I’m Christina Jones. I’m your National Emerging Leader Chair (Ladies Division). My goals as chair
are developing a National Mentor
Program and communicating
with my fellow District Emerging
Leaders Representatives. For
more information, contact me at:
Guess the District ...
• Read to school
children at Holy Spirit/
Our Lady Help of
Christians Schools.
• Volunteered at the
Weaver Gardens home
for young unwed
• Donated more than
2,024 books
• Participated in the
Feeding the Homeless
Project, and Brown Bag
Lunch Giveaways.
• Helped as needed
during their State/District
Junior Conferences ...
Holy Spirit/Our Lady Help of Christians School Service Project: This year’s
project consisted of going to an elementary school and reading to different
classrooms. The school we read at was
Holy Spirit/Our Lady Help of Christians
School, located in East Orange, New
Jersey. A total of five classes were read
to, and six Emerging Leaders were able
to attend this project. Participating in this
service project, as with others, is always
a rewarding experience. As Emerging
Leaders we would like to continue the
hands-on projects in future conferences
and conventions.
Western States
(Brother Jordann Singleton and Lady
Jere Carmon)
The ELs of the WSD organized a toiletry drive in support of ROOTS (Rising
Out of the Shadows). It is a young adult
homeless shelter in Seattle, Washington. They collected 765 items, including personal hygiene items, first aid kits
and gift cards. They also participated in
the Revlon Walk with the Juniors. In the
future, the ELs will host a recruitment
picnic for the Juniors of their district as
well as find time to have an EL Retreat
for current members.
emerging leaders’ news
(Brother Nolan Procter and Lady Paige
Emerging Leaders’ news (cont.)
Gulf Coast District
emerging leaders’ news
(Brother Will Jemison & Lady Esohe Asemota)
committee met in
“And pray in the Spirit
Atlanta, GA at the
on all occasions with all
66th Annual GCD
kinds of prayer requests.
Conference. In the
area of expansion,
With this in mind, be
the ELs of the GCD
alert and always keep on
have taken great
praying for all the Lord’s
strides to actively
be involved in planpeople.” Ephesians 6:18
ning and participating in annual Junior
Expansion Picnics. The Ladies have also hosted and participated
in local Jr. and Sr. initiations and expansion initiatives.
The ELs have also been busy serving the community. Projects they have done include: Serving bagged lunches to the
homeless (Junior service project), donating items to battered
women’s shelter and pregnancy centers, Soles4Souls (Junior
service project), Weaver Gardens home for young unwed
mothers, St. Vincent DePaul, Sickle Cell Foundation.
Louisiana State
(Brother Cursey Calais & Lady Arletta Chambers)
The Emerging Leaders of Louisiana have completed several
community service projects including Feeding the Homeless,
Brown Bag Lunch Giveaways and much more. This year this
ELs were very active and participated in numerous ways during Louisiana Junior and Senior Conferences. The served as
committee chairs and served in any capacity that was needed.
We would like to thank each EL of Louisiana for stepping out
on faith and assisting wherever needed.
WSD EL Community Service
Texas State
(Brother Darnell Ozenne & Lady Ashley Pellerin) The Texas State Emerging Leaders met during the Texas
State Conference. The Literacy Project is the state-wide community service project conducted every year by the ELs at the
conference. This year, they donated over 2,024 books to St.
Francis of Assisi School in Houston, Texas. Non-book items donated were then donated to the Junior Na(Brother Leslie Farr & Lady Stephanie
tional Convention to be used as door prizes.
“As each has
Other books deemed inappropriate for Catholic school distribution were donated to other
received a gift, use it
The Central States District ELs have
organizations in need of reading materials.
to serve one another,
been involved in many community service
Other community service projects that were
projects throughout the district. Many of
as good stewards of
suggested for the future were: School Supthese projects consist of working with youth
God’s grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 ply Donation, Angel Tree Project within each
in an after-school program setting. Many
church, Toys for tots and many more.
children in socially disadvantaged neighSuggestions for items to be included in
borhoods have responded well to this one-on-one tutoring style. the Junior Texas State Conference are: college fair and openThe ELs also help with the Juniors in requested capacities to be ing the post high school discussion to include all options (i.e.
an example of leadership and service to the Junior participants.
trade/technical, 2-year and 4-year colleges).
Central States
New Member Directory is Coming!
The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary membership is scattered across the country, and
even around the world. But, no matter where their lives have led them, Clavers all share the common
bond of Catholic faith and fraternalism.
That’s why we are working on a new project designed to help connect all Clavers, old and new. This new
membership publication will include comprehensive biographical listings with contact information,
career overviews and family highlights of our members. Plus, a special section about the history of the
Order will help you reminisce as you read about our past and learn what’s in store for the future.
To make sure our data is as up-to-date as possible, our provider, Harris Connect, will begin contacting
you by email and/or regular mail or by phone beginning in December 2013 to verify that the
information we will print is accurate and complete. Harris specializes in alumni and membership
publications and the data specifications involved with this type of project.
Please help us make this publication full of the latest information about you and your fellow Clavers!
Don’t be left out – be a part
of our member directory project!
New Member’s Only
area coming soon to
Register for online access to the new member’s
only section at
or Once your membership information
is verified you will now have access to update
your personal contact information, view your
current financial status and insurance beneficiary.
2012-2014 National Council
and Court Board of Directors
2012-2014 national council and court
Knights of Peter Claver
Mr. F. DeKarlos Blackmon
Supreme Knight
Mr. Tilmon D. King
Director General Junior Knights
Mr. Gregory Warner
District Deputy of Western States
Mr. James Ellis
Deputy Supreme Knight
Most Rev. Martin D. Holley, D.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, D.C.
National Chaplain
Mr. Curtis J. Guynn
District Deputy of Northern States
Mr. Athanase J. Jones, Jr.
National Secretary
Mr. Omar E. Jones
National Treasurer
Mr. William T. Everette
National Advocate
Mr. Paul H. Ledet, Jr.
Lay Board Member
Mr. Gene A. Phillips, Sr.
Past Supreme Knight
Mr. Leonard V. Stiell
District Deputy of Gulf Coast
Mr. Skip Riley
District Deputy of Central States
Mr. James A. Neal
Supreme Navigator
Fourth Degree, KPC
Mr. Alvin Wiltz
State Deputy of Louisiana
Mr. Grant A. Jones
Executive Director
Mr. Ron Mitchell
State Deputy of Texas
Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary
Mrs. Vertelle A. Kenion
Supreme Lady
Mrs. Katie Guidry Johnson
National Counselor Junior Daughters
Ms. Hilda L. Wiltz
Vice Supreme Lady
Mrs. Geralyn C. Shelvin
Past Supreme Lady
Ms. Debra Gray Bridges
National Secretary
Mrs. Cheryl W. Williams
State Deputy of Louisiana
Ms. Marie L. Johnson
National Treasurer
Mrs. Renita Lloyd-Smith
District Deputy of Western States
Ms. Candace Procter
Lay Board Member
Ms. Barbara J. Birds
District Deputy of Gulf Coast
Ms. Janice M. Gray
District Deputy of Central States
Mrs. Eva M. Volter
State Deputy of Texas
Ms. Lena F. Young
District Deputy of Northern States
Mrs. Audrey Woods
Supreme Navigator
Fourth Degree, Ladies of Grace
The Claverite | Winter Issue 2013-14 |
We respect your right to privacy, and maintain the confidentiality of any nonpublic personal information that we obtain. We
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We are required to inform you that you have the right to prevent us from sharing nonpublic personal information about you
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Collection of your information
We do not collect nonpublic personal financial information about you.
Information from applications: This is information you give us on applications and other forms, by phone or online (if
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Information maintenance and disclosure
We do not send information about you to third parties without your consent. However, any time disclosure is necessary for
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We may also disclose information about you for audit purposes. We will not share your information with non-affiliated third
parties for the purpose of marketing their products or services.
Our affiliates include, CPA firms, a bank, Actuaries, and may also include non-financial companies. The type of information
that may be disclosed may include your name, address, certificate number, benefit amount, payment history and similar
Special notice regarding consumer reports
We do not give consumer reporting agencies any information about you.
Any consumer reporting agency that gathers information about you may share this information with others who are
authorized to use consumer reports by the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act or by applicable state credit reporting acts. You
may obtain a copy of your consumer report by contacting the consumer reporting agency directly.
How to tell us not to share this information with our affiliated companies:
If you prefer that we not share this information with our affiliated companies, you may direct us not to share this information
by doing the following:
call us at (504) -821-4225
contact us in writing at 1825 Orleans Ave New Orleans LA 70116
How we protect information
We require all our employees to protect the confidentiality of your information. Employees may access information only
when appropriate-for example, to administer a service. To further protect your privacy, we also maintain physical, electronic
and procedural safeguards within the company that comply with all applicable laws.
Dispute resolution
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to our privacy policy, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in
accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, with our National Advocate and judgment upon the award
rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Our policy is a pledge – we pledge to protect your information!
We pledge to you, our valued member, that the information you have provided us to obtain appropriate insurance coverage
will be used for just that purpose and that purpose only. We will not share such information with nonaffiliated third parties.
privacy policy
State insurance departments, for their regulation of our business; other government authorities; your representative;
organizations that perform underwriting or claim investigations; insurance support agencies and law enforcement agencies;
any other third party, as permitted or required by law.
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Promotional and Gift Items
A. 2013 Solemn
Opening Convention
Mass of Thanksgiving
Commemorative DVD
B. 2009 KPC Hard
Cover History Book
Genesis of the
Knights of Peter
Claver $40
Order online at
IACK Deputy President DeKarlos Blackmon with IACK President
David Huppatz.
IACK Deputy President DeKarlos Blackmon with Kanobia
Blackmon and Supreme Knight James Gomez, Knights of Saints
Peter and Paul in The Gambia.
DeKa me Knigh
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IACK Deputy President DeKarlos Blackmon with Kanobia Blackmon and Supreme Knight Colin Walsh, Knights of the Southern
Cross in Australia.