resurrection catholic missions montgomery, alabama
resurrection catholic missions montgomery, alabama
VOLUMN 86, NO. 1 WINTER ISSUE 2005 RESURRECTION CATHOLIC MISSIONS MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Temporary Headquarters of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. VOLUMN 86, NO. 1 WINTER ISSUE 2005 “TRUST IN GOD” our Pass Word “ONWARD” is our War Cry REMARKS FROM THE SUPREME KNIGHT ARTHUR C. MCFARLAND This issue of the Claverite reflects the highs and lows experienced by Noble Order since the Summer 2005 issue. In that issue, we profiled the KPC members of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church who have joined our cause. Several of those bishops and archbishops joined us at our 90th Annual National Convention in Las Vegas in July 2005. As in the past, Las Vegas proved to be an attractive venue for our convention. In fact, it was one of the largest and most productive conventions in the history of KPC. This was certainly a high point of the summer. Convention activities are captured in the photos in this issue. Another high point of our summer was the 2005 National Junior Convention held in New Orleans just two weeks before the Senior Convention. Over 1400 youth and chaperones gathered at the Hyatt Superdome for the four-day event. These young people conducted themselves in an exemplary way as they engaged in spiritual renewal, business sessions, competitions and social events. They elected new Officers for 2005-07 including James Coleman, Jr., Junior Supreme Knight, and Gabrielle Deculus, Junior Supreme Lady. We congratulate them and all other officers on their election as leaders of our youth division. Junior Convention reports and photos also appear in this issue. As the world knows by now, August 29, 2005 became a low point in the history of the Gulf Coast and KPC as Hurricane Katrina sent floodwaters over the levees of New Orleans and ashore along other parts of the Gulf of Mexico. Katrina and her cousin, Rita, transformed the talk of the town from “How far below sea level is your part of New Orleans?” to “How high did the water rise in your house?” From Gramercy, LA, just west of New Orleans, to Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian and Pascagoula, Mississippi and as far to the east as Mobile, AL, Katrina cut a path of immense destruction beyond the experience of most residents of that area. Rita extended this path as far west as Port Arthur and Beaumont, Texas. Your street address no longer defined simply where you lived, but, in the aftermath of Katrina, dictated whether your house or anything you owned was still there and recoverable. Katrina not only destroyed property, but more importantly, destroyed lives. The pictures of families stranded on rooftops, overpasses, the Convention Center, Superdome and Xavier are forever recorded in our memories. The Hyatt Superdome, site of our Junior Convention, was one of the most heavily damaged hotels in the business district. In short, on September 29, 2005, the good times stopped rolling in New Orleans. Organizationally, Katrina uprooted a major segment of our foundation. Members from over 70 units were displaced from their homes and parishes along the Gulf Coast. We continue efforts to locate these members. Please provide any information you have on the location of displaced members to the national office. Our prayers continue for those still waiting to return home. Our headquarters building on Orleans Avenue was not spared the floodwaters. Our flood watermark is located 38 inches from the floor. Thus, anything below the top of desks was completely destroyed. In the days and weeks after Katrina, mold and mildew crawled the walls onto the ceilings far beyond the watermark. Paper records and inventory were destroyed by floodwaters, moisture or contaminated by mold and mildew. We were fortunate because our financial and membership records were maintained in electronic form and removed prior to the hurricanes. Since the hurricanes, the building has been gutted. The Board of Directors has committed the funding to restore our property. We intend to return to New Orleans to help rebuild the city. While the hurricanes exposed the extent of poverty in our midst and the incompetence of government in the face of a major natural disaster, it created new opportunities for us to demonstrate why KPC exist. Clavers from north to south and east to west responded to the pleas for help from individuals known and unknown. Like other Americans, Clavers were generous with their time and money. Many opened their homes for weeks to those seeking shelter or aided children transitioning to new schools. Just as St. Peter Claver reached out to Africans arriving in Cartagena with nothing more than memories, Knights and Ladies greeted evacuees from New Orleans and other areas with the necessities of life. In the case of our Noble Order, I must thank Father Manuel Williams and Father Fred Briers, pastor and assistant pastor, respectively, and the people of Resurrection Church in Montgomery, Alabama for opening their parish facilities to KPC. On September 1, 2005, they invited us to relocate our offices to their property. By September 15, 2005, we had restored our basic operations. Because of their generosity, we have devoted the cover of this Claverite to them. There were many other volunteers who helped us recover. They will be appropriately recognized at our National Convention in Houston, TX. 2005 proved to be a year of mixed blessings-many highs and disturbing lows. As we approach the 2006 Hurricane season, we do not know what challenges the future holds for us. However, our mission as Clavers is to respond unselfishly to the needs of others as we meet them. That is what St. Peter Claver did. That is our call-yesterday, today and tomorrow. May God continue to bless all of you who daily define love through Christian service. 1 Greetings Clavers: It is with a heavy heart that I write my final article for the Claverite. Please allow me the opportunity to pen some of my empowerment tools used during my tenure of office. The theme chosen by the Supreme Knight and me, “Claverism: Defining Love Through Christian Service,” has served as a nexus for us. The Most Worthy Supreme Knight enumerated the tragic events of 911: the Anthrax scares, the ravages of war in the Middle East and in Africa and the discontentment spreading in other areas of the world. Life and the worth of humankind seem to be devalued at almost every turn. The Millennium ushered us into a period of needed change when the Supreme Knight announced, “The Supreme Lady and I have partnered to advance the mission of our Noble Order and we have adopted a theme that captures our goal during this administration.” It has been a privilege and a tremendous joy to have worked so closely with our Supreme Knight. There were times when I thought to myself - I cannot do this anymore, but he always knew just the words to say to make things better again. The recognition given by the head of our Noble Order set the tone for a cooperative spirit, which has been practiced throughout, and now I reflect upon the empowerment and its successes with all Clavers doing their respective jobs. The support of the National Court, Officers of the Auxiliary; Gracious Ladies, Ladies and Junior Daughters have worked with most of the National Programs approved by the Board of Directors and implemented them in their respective churches, schools and communities, rising to a new level of dynamics in our spiritual, social and Christian goals. Your responses individually and collectively have been a vote of support and respect which I shall always remember and treasure. I cannot call the names of our staunch supporters during this administration; therefore, allow me to categorize the activities and major initiatives that WE, TOGETHER SERVICED. • Expansion – All Divisions have conducted Initiations, Reclamation and Retention Programs. The election of energetic officers, encouragement of the younger members as Emerging Leaders; formulation of activities for the youth in our Order have all played major roles in our expansion. Some of our Emerging Leaders are serving as strong mentors for their Non-Catholic friends, and their participation in World Youth Day has become a blessed event for those attended. • Communication/Technology – The KPCLA Website Committee and the National Office Staff with their expertise and love of the Internet and their email savvy immediately brought information to our doors. Even Katrina could not impede their progress. 2 • Joint Leadership and Training – I enjoyed the opportunity to see Knights and Ladies working and sharing committee assignments with the ability to get the job done. The development of Manuals for the Senior and Junior Divisions were very much needed. We covered additional information with follow-up presentations in workshops. • Clergy Relations – This has very much improved with concerns for educating the Church Hierarchy, from the leadership in Rome to the local parish priest. • Monetary Support – Requests were made and contributions/donations are being given through the Disaster Fund set up as a result of Katrina. We are there for our family of Clavers. The UNCF/Xavier Fund is a program selected by our Noble Order to help develop the Saint Katherine Drexel Religious Center in New Orleans. • August 28, 2005 – A Dark Day in the Life of Clavers. The devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the other hurricanes/storms caused us to weep for all people and ourselves. Affected directly and indirectly, lives, homes, minds and bodies were destroyed in a matter of hours. The intensity of what followed is engraved in our minds. WE WERE HOMELESS – Our National Office home was destroyed. The News Media treated 9th Wardees all the same; lower, middle or upper everyone was trying to survive. Clavers were defining Love Through Christian Service, and some dedicated members and friends stepped up to the plate and dealt a blow to the seemly satanic events of that day and those that followed. We are operating in a temporary site in Montgomery, AL, with a limited staff and dedicated members like Rita & Charlie Ester, Rebecca & Amos James and of course, my hard working husband Fred Briers, Jr. We are doing the best that we can. Adding Gail Johnson to the staff has been a tremendous help to all of us. On our property in New Orleans, crews are successfully working with the Blessings of Almighty God so that we may return soon. If you can identify with any of this scenario, know that I thank you. God has truly blessed me in this office. A personal thanks to my husband, son, daughter, son-in-law and other blood ties. We know you, our extended family, love us. I am happy to know and have the opportunity to work with the Honorable Arthur C. McFarland, Supreme Knight, and his family, members past and present on the Board of Directors, Knights and Ladies, and other Clavers especially, Dorothy Henderson and W. Charles Keyes, Jr., who are no longer with us, but who have been blessed with the favors of the Almighty because of their dedication and sacrifices to this Noble Order. Just for me, reach out and touch that Claver family member who has helped you to understand your role as a Claver. If you can identify their contributions of Christian service, hug them for me. To the officers that will lead this organization for the next two years, I say you have an awesome job ahead. My prayers are with you and yours as each of you strive to continue the Christian commitment of Claverism. May God shower His blessings abundantly upon all Clavers and I anxiously await our coming convention in Houston, Texas. I hope to see you there! Yours in Christ and Claverism, Mary Louise Briers 3 2005 JUNIOR NATIONAL CONVENTION COMPETITION WINNERS 4 5 Despite the many challenges presented by the weather and the changing of schedules, the Juniors met each challenge with determination to do their best. Their convention received ratings of excellent and good. We would like to thank the Commanders, Counselors, Area Commanders, Area Counselors, Grand Knights, Grand Ladies, chaperones, and parents, for their support in getting the Juniors to the Convention. We would like to thank Supreme Knight Arthur McFarland, Supreme Lady Mary Briers and the National Boards for their support and their faith in the Junior Division. Special thanks to Mr. Athanase J. Jones and his Staff for the long hours and hard work put into the Junior Convention. Respectfully submitted, Elsa R. Phillips National Counselor Junior Daughters James A. Coleman Director General Jr. Knights 6 16th JUNIOR NATIONAL CONVENTION Knights of Peter Claver, Inc The 16th Junior National Convention convened at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana from July 7-10, 2005. Over 1400 members were in attendance. The convention theme “Claverism: God’s Gift to Youth” was visible throughout the various activities and competitions. Some highlights of the convention were a tour of the Knights of Peter Claver National Office, a tour of the Aquarium. Additional activities included Thursday Prayer Service, an Icebreaker/Fun-Fest, the Convention Mass, candidate’s forum and a convention banquet, Junior were able to compete in the following competitions: Quiz Bowl, Arts , Crafts, Science ,Essay , Spelling Bee ,Poetry and Speech .On Thursday night, Juniors from the six Districts/States competed in the Talent Show. Their performance was outstanding. The Business sessions of the convention provided the Juniors with an opportunity to plan for the future of their organization. They met in committee meetings where they presented positive recommendations and suggestions of ideas and programs to enhance the Junior Division. Officers were elected. 2005-2007 Junior National Officers Junior Daughters Junior Knights Gabrielle Deculus Jr. Supreme Lady John Coleman Jr. Supreme Knight Keyley Mable Jr. Vice-Supreme Lady Austin Richard Jr. Deputy Supreme Knight Zamara Thibodeaux Jr. National Secretary Desmond Taylor Jr. National Secretary Sheryl Carpenter Jr. National Treasurer Ryan Mallery Jr. National Treasurer Meghan Jackson Jr. National Mistress-at-Arms Keith Honore Jr. Sergeant —at-Arms 2005 JUNIOR NATIONAL CONVENTION COMPETITION WINNERS QUIZ BOWL WINNERS BANNER WINNERS 1ST PLACE BR/CT 151 St. Monica Houston, TX 1ST PLACE CT 28 St. Ann Beaumont, TX 2ND PLACE BR/CT. 164 St. John Port Arthur, TX 2ND PLACE BR/CT. 354 Fr. Bernard Hall Grand Rapids, MI 3RD PLACE CT. 276 ST. Anthony Atlanta, GA 3RD PLACE BR/CT. 26 St. Maria Goretti Pass Christian. MS 2005 OUTSTANDING JUNIOR DAUGHTER AWARDS CENTRAL DISTRI CT GULF COAST DISTRICT LOUISIANA STATE NORTHERN DISTRICT TEXAS STATE WESTERN DISTRICT Mallori Harrell Alicia Miles Raimy Living Jada Dougles Bianca Henny Jourdyhn Williams CT. CT. CT. CT. CT. CT. 188 313 166 167 139 259 2005 OUTSTANDING JUNIOR KNIGHT AWARDS CENTRAL DISTRICT GULF COAST NORTHERN DISTRICT LOUISIANA STATE TEXAS STATE Steven Robinson Myrick Nichols Corey Taylor John Coleman Austin Richard BR. 5 BR. 4 BR. 353 BR. 31 BR. 341 7 JUNIOR DIVISION NEWS World Youth Day 2005 With Pope Benedict XVI Bishop Joseph N. Perry Twelve of our emerging leaders participated in World Youth Day 2005 celebrated at Cologne, Germany and its neighboring cities of Dusseldorf and Bonn this past August 16-21. I felt privileged to be chaplain for the group and grateful that our supreme leadership of Knights and Ladies deemed it important that our young people be there. Given the few African American youth actually present, our Knights of Peter Claver group was conspicuous. I was impressed by the numbers of youth from the continent of Africa participating. In his effort to bring the Gospel to the world through unprecedented and large scale outreach, the late Pope John Paul II [1978-2005] focused his attention on Catholic youth from around the world of every race, nation and ethnicity. And the youth have responded in numbers unimaginable. It is fitting that our KPC youth should be in that number! WYD in its basic program was a week of prayer, catechesis, long-distance walking to the sacred places, grabbing trains and buses, meeting other Catholic youth from around the globe, welcoming the arrival of the Pope at the Cologne Cathedral culminating in a 12 mile roundtrip hike across German farm land in a long processional column of a several hundred thousand youths to arrive at Marienfeld, a farm stretch outside Cologne where Pope Benedict led a three hour prayer service the first night, then a concluding Mass the next day Sunday. Never before in history has the Pope of the Catholic Church been so visible to the church’s young folk. In these times, the successor of Peter has shown himself a true father to the young. They listened 8 attentively to him challenge them to be faithful in a world satisfied to live without symbols of God and religious faith and confident with making up their own rules for living decently or indecently. Five German households in the quiet village of Kalkum, about a half-hour’s drive outside Dusseldorf, took our group in as guests for the eight days. Four couples and one widow were extraordinary in their reception of us with hospitality, meals and other notes of generosity. The week began with strong prayer, the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God, August 15, and our group on the first night citing Revelations 12 and its proclamation of the woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars! I gave each a small Bible for meditation and asked them to bring along a rosary. Each day began 7.30am with Morning Prayer together with a group of 49 from Toronto, Canada who were lodged in the same village as we were. We were fortunate to celebrate Mass together later in the week. World Youth Days are classrooms of Christian diversity that have in mind to enlighten today’s young people to the reality of a global village in hopes that this generation might handle better the variety that is the human race and thereby sew the virtues of peace and harmony. I was particularly impressed with interest paid to us by youth from Korea, Palestine and Russia, to name several. No where else other than World Youth Day have I seen such depth of friendliness and mutual interest among people. The three cities hosted prayer before the exposed Blessed Sacrament, with opportunities for individual Confession and catechetical sessions in parish churches. We were fortunate to retrace our steps to just twenty feet from Pope Benedict XVI when he arrived at the Cologne Cathedral amidst some 800,000 young people from 160 nations gathered for an enthusiastic reception. We were also treated to a program given by Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed the Christ in Mel Gibson’s celebrated film, The Passion of the Christ. He and his wife gave strong talks to the English speaking youth about Christian virtue, fidelity, sexual integrity and constancy. They showed the film in its entirety after which the large gathering recited the rosary. We walked a huge Way of the Cross Torchlight Procession outside on Friday carrying a large cross through the streets of German hamlets. Pope Benedict held a long night’s prayer vigil with the crowds infused by a well orchestrated musical program Saturday, followed by a camp-out under the stars and forty degree temperatures leading up to the concluding Mass Sunday morning at Marienfeld. By then the attendance was estimated at about a million. I trust WYD-2005 left some lasting impressions in the hearts and minds of the members of our group. It occurs to me that we have an enormous responsibility to model our juniors along the riches of our Catholic traditions. Our 12 received an impressive dose of Catholicism bolstered by huge numbers of their peers from around the world who were baptized with the same ritual that they were and who feed upon the same Eucharist they feed upon. In our own discussions I learned that these juniors and emerging leaders are faced daily with the power and pull of the popular culture which in respects ignores piety and religion and sometimes mocks these. Reflecting on questions several of them posed to me, I came to understand our youth are inundated by questions and assaults on their faith by relatives and peers and the media who cannot put together the terms “black” and “Catholic”. Their questions of contrast and comparison between the free black churches and the Catholic Church are placed innocently in an effort to understand the specialness of the Catholic faith. All the while they witness the free and evangelical traditions being approached by some adults and youths in the manner of a consumer product or in the manner of entertainment … who has the best choir and musical execution, the best youth program, the best preacher and/or best dressed preacher, who offers the most popular mega church experience. Which Church is cool! World Youth Days traditionally afford young people a deeper understanding of the profound substance of our Catholic faith. Hopefully, our pilgrimage to Germany raises their self-confidence and nurtures a deeper pride in being Catholic. In our Catholic tradition is found perennial truths. Each generation of young black Catholics must try to understand those core truths. Our black Catholic youth are on the road to making personal decisions about their faith commitment in midst of a large menu of church offerings; some of them seemingly more attractive than the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons premised in cul- ture and history’s prejudice. We trust that with our adult example and explanation of the faith their decisions will lead them to remain among us. Pope Benedict sermonizing in his final Mass challenged the youth along this same idea, to remain faithful to their Catholic roots. Our KPC youth are not far behind being fine examples of Catholic faith. On the flight home I just happened to spy one from our group praying his rosary in low but audible words of the Hail Marys! $ Ryan Joseph Mallery, Junior Grand Knight of Branch #76 was elected Junior National Treasurer at the Junior National Convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Ryan is the son of Raymond and Edwina Sam Mallery. Ryan Mallery Junior Grand Knight Branch #76 Ryan attends Northside High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is a junior in the Engineering Academy and also a member of the basketball team. As a member of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church community, he serves as lector, altar server, youth council member, and mentor at the Village of the Arts & Humanities Summer Program. He is also a member of the Louisiana Stars, a 16/under basketball team, which recently placed 3rd in the National AAU Basketball Tournament that was held in New Orleans, Louisiana. 9 JUNIOR KNIGHT RECEIVES VERNON BERNARD SCHOLARSHIP Junior Knight Tony St. Julian (center) receives the Vernon Bernard Memorial Scholarship of $1000.00 from Grand Knight, Clarence Washington, Council #341, Holy Family Catholic Church-McNair, as Father Rodney Armstrong looks on. The council provides scholarships from the proceeds of their annual scholarship and charities golf tournament. It part of their community services. Tony is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest St. Julian. Respectively submitted by: Kenneth C. Simon Commander Council #341 Junior Knight Excels in Academic Performance Court and Council #238 St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Houston, Texas Desmond Fournier, Junior Knight of St. Peter Claver, is a 2005 high school graduate of The High School for Engineering Professions in Houston, Texas. He is the son of proud parents, Lady Bertha and Knight Johnny Fournier. Desmond’s GPA is 4.6 on a 4.09 scale. He is a member of the National Honor Society and will enter Rice University’s Engineering Program in the fall. Desmond was awarded a $1000.00 Scholarship by the Knights and Ladies, Council and Court #238. In addition to his scholastic achievements, Desmond has accomplished many noteworthy recognitions, awards and leadership roles in the community. He is a motivator and has displayed many leadership skills as Junior Texas State Treasurer. Please join us in congratulating Desmond Fournier as an aspiring, dynamic young achiever. Council and Court #238 have awarded a $1000.00 scholarship for three consecutive years to Junior Knights and Junior Daughters who are outstanding achievers. Respectfully submitted, Lady Bobbie Rossigion-Scholarship Committee Chair Knights Raymond & Lady Lorita Duke-Co Chairs Council/Court #238 Desmond Fournier 10 First Annual Tea Knights of Peter Claver, Jr. Daughters, Christ the King Junior Court # 371 Christ the King, Junior Court # 371 enjoyed their First Annual Tea on September 18, 2005. Guests were served chocolate covered strawberries, egg, chicken, and tuna finger sandwiches on homemade bread, a lovely assortment of desserts and a variety of hot flavored tea, all of which was served on fine china. During the tea, the Jr. Daughters displayed one of their service projects, crocheted quilts for premature babies. Lady Teddy Piña, Court #371, has shared her talent with the Juniors and taught them the art of quilting. A major highlight of the day was a dance by The Christ the King’s Boot Dancers whose members are Junior Knights, future Claver youth and Young adults. The performance was based on the history of how the workers communicated in the diamond mines of South Africa. Our second delight was that of the youth choir director, Rhonda Malone who enchaned everyone with her rhythmic voice. Our third charm, Charann Brown, a Jr. Daughter, recited one of her original poems “I Am A Girl.” Lady Maezella Grimes, Counselor and Area Deputy, Lady Rebecca Charles- Watts dedicate many long hours to the Juniors and has inspired others to give of their time, talent, expertise, and money to support the Juniors. Everyone enjoyed the door prizes and bided generously at the auction. The Juniors donated $100 to the Katrina survivors through KPC. Thank you to all the loving, volunteers who made this fundraiser possible! We couldn’t have done it without you!! HOUSTON AREA BROWN BAG PROJECT 2005 The morning of September 10, 2005 dawned gloomy, cloudy and overcast with intermittent rain. The spirit of the Junior Clavers gathered was not deterred by the day’s inclment weather as we prepared for the 7th annual Brown Bag Feed The Homeless Project in Houston, Texas. The 2005 event held at the Bread of Life Day Break Community Center was an expression of the dedication of Junior Knights and Junior Daughters from the Galveston-Houston Area to serve our brothers and sisters and mankind as did our Patron Saint, Peter Claver. Approximately 175 juniors prepared 300 sack lunches containing a sandwich, chips, fruit and juice. We also passed out hygiene packs which had been packaged the night before. As we issued these items to the homeless, we experienced a deep feeling of compassion unfolded as the realization that we were exhibiting the ideals of Peter Claver. As many of the homeless thanked us, we also thanked them for coming, realizing that except for the direction of our parents and senior Clavers we may also falter and fall into bad luck. As our guests went on their way, we had learned valuable lessons about service to others with food, clothing, a kind word or a smile. Junior participants were: Desmond Taylor #151 Junior National Secretary, Mykel Thomas #138, Brianna Batiste #151 Junior State Lady of Prayer, Kenneth Robinson #72 Junior Chairperson Brown Bag Project, Austin Richard #341 National Junior Deputy Supreme Knight, Sara Patterson #248 Junior State Treasurer, Christopher Pichon #138 Junior State Treasurer, Cambrian Pichon #138 Junior State Reporter, Zamara Thibodeaux #151 National Junior Secretary, and Carrie Newman #98 and members of the surrounding Junior Branch and Courts We were honored to have Senior Clavers present: Lady Elsa R. Phillips #231 National Counselor of Junior Daughters, Knight Gene A. Phillips, Sr. #231 Past National Deputy Supreme Knight, Lady Nan Arceneaux #151 State Deputy of Texas, LA, Lady JoAnne Henderson #138 Junior State Directress, Knight Adrian Adams #151 Texas State President, Lady Judy Edwards #151 Texas State Vice President, Lady Barbara M. Murray #222 Past State Deputy of Texas, LA, and Lady Viola John-Louis #222 Texas State Treasurer. Our Special Guest was State Representative Garnet Coleman. With pictures taken, area cleaned, the homeless went to their next destination and said good byes we took our leave knowing that Peter Claver is proud and smiling down on us. Thank you senior leaders for your guidance and support: Knight John Kennedy #159 and Lady Udavine Barnes #72 Senior Chairpersons, Knight Percy Creuzot #238, all Commanders and Counselors and Senior Claver Members. Until Next Year Submitted by, Cambrian Pichon #138, Junior State Reporter 11 FR. JOYCE FINNIGAN, JUNIOR COURT #61 KANSAS CITY, KA The Junior Daughters Receive Thanks for Giving – St. Ephegenia, Junior Court #188, Memphis, TN “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your home, naked and you clothed me;…” It was the words of this passage from Matthew 25:35-36 that served as an incentive for the members of Junior Court #61 when they visited the Shalom House in Kansas City, a shelter for homeless men. Thirty homeless men who live at Shalom on a temporary basis. On October 15, 2005 the Juniors donated sack lunches to the men and toured the facility. This was quite a learning experience for them and awakened an awareness in them that like St. Peter Claver, they are to render aid to those in need. The Junior Division of the Knights of Peter Claver adopted an initiative called the “Brown Bag Project” at the 16th Biennial National Convention held in New Orleans, LA in July 2005. The initiative was developed to encourage Junior Knights and Junior Daughters and other young people to feed persons in need by donating and distributing brown bags containing food items in their respective cities. The Junior Daughters of St. Ehegenia, Junior Court #188 of St. Augustine Catholic Church decided to adopt Hope House, a daycare center for children and families afflicted with HIC/AIDS. Instead of donating brown bags of food, they donated a brown van filled with the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal for each of the thirty-five families in the Hope House Daycare Facility. The food was delivered on the Monday before thanksgiving to ensure that all of the families would receive their food in time for the holiday. Sr. Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer, director of operations was on hand to greet lady Jennifer Harris upon delivery of the food items and extend her gratitude on behalf of Hope House for the generosity of the Junior Daughters. Submitted by, Members of Junior Court #61 Respectfully submitted by: Lady Jennifer Harris Mother Katharine Drexel Jr. Daughters Court #1 The Junior Daughters of Court#1 deliver stuffed animals to children at the USA Women’s and Children’s Hospital for “Operation Easter Bunny.” Pictured are: Jr. Daughters, Mayah Martin, Joi Russell and Lisa Henry. Mother Katharine Drexel Jr. Daughters Court #1 / Jr. Conference in Jacksonville, Florida ST. MARTIN DE PORRES, JR. COURT #266 Eleven young ladies were initiated into St. Martin DePorres, Jr. Court #266 in New Haven, CT on Saturday, April 9, 2005. The initiation was conducted by Area Deputy, Lady Rosilind Cobb, Ct. #311, Lady O’Kasamar Glover, Counselor and Lady Patricia Mason, Asst. Counselor both of Ct. #266 as well as Ladies from Courts 266 and 311. The new Juniors were presented to the parish after Mass on Sunday. The Juniors sponsored a Mother’s Day Tea and Fashion Show to raise money for charity and hosted a picnic at the home of Lady Glover for members of the Junior and Senior courts and family members. A great time was had by all. Submitted by, Lady Sheila Jewel, Lector 12 Katrina Stories St. Anne Court #44 and St. Edward Council #44 The members of St. Ann, Court #44 are proud to report that Claverism was at its peak performance in responding to the needs of hurricane Katrina evacuees who stopped in Orange, TX for shelter. Orange is the first town in Texas west of New Orleans. St. Edward, Council #44 and St. Ann, Court #44 provided approximately 700 hot meals to evacuees who were housed in shelters, hotels and private homes. Individual counseling, clothing and assistance in placing children in school and school supplies were also provided. As the evacuees strive to adapt to their new homes, we continue to assist them by whatever means possible. They ARE NOT a project, they are a part of our life. ral notebooks and crayons. The backpacks were donated to the Dream Center in Los Angeles. The Dream Center is a church that took in 300 families who were relocated to the Greater Los Angeles area as a result of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. St. Columbia, Court #127 Oakland, CA St. Anselm Junior Court #292 in Los Angeles, CA FILL BACKPACKS FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN WHO WERE VICTIMS OF KATRINA The Junior Daughters of Court 292 at St. Anselm Church, in Los Angeles, California, know all too well how important it is to be prepared with school supplies for the coming year, so much so, that they felt the need to help schoolchildren who were victims of Hurricane Katrina. The Junior Daughters took it upon themselves to collect donations from the parishioners of St. Anselm. The Junior Daughters collected enough school supplies to fill over 55 backpacks for students who were victims of Hurricane Katrina. The backpacks contained items such as pencils, pencil sharpeners paper, pens, rulers, folders, dictionaries, erasers, glue, spi- Lady Dolores Hill-Newman wrestled with the decision as to whether to attend the 8:00 am Mass at St. Columbia Church or the 11:00 am Mass at another church. She finally decided to attend St. Columbia, and it was there that she was unexpectedly reunited with a former teacher of thirty years ago, Sr. Judith Therese Barial, SSF. Sister is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family in New Orleans, LA who prior to hurricane Katrina was on assignment in Belize, Central America. She was visiting her biological sister and brother-in-law in Oakland. Lady Hill-Newman had attended St. Mary’s Academy in New Orleans and Sr. Judith Therese Barial was not only her math teacher but was like a family member. Seeing Sister at Mass and learning of her recent diagnosis of breast cancer and the necessity for surgery were both quite a surprise to Lady Hill-Newman. Sister Judith Therese explained to her former student that due to hurricane Katrina all of her medical records had been lost. It was then that Lady Hill-Newman realized why she had such a strong attraction to attend the 8:00 am Mass. Lady Hill-Newman is an X-Ray technician at the Alta Bates Summit Cancer Center in Oakland and was able to assist Sister in resolving her dilemma of having surgery. Sister had surgery on October 4, 2005. For Sister Judith, being reunited with Dolores was a blessing, and for Dolores the reunion was a miracle. 13 More Katrina Stories TEXAS CLAVERS ASSIST HURRICANE KATRINA EVACUEES ST. JAMES MAJOR COURT #172 PRICHARD, AL Clavers throughout Texas are involved in projects to assist people affected by Hurricane Katrina. In a citywide effort, Houston Clavers collected food, personal items, and school supplies to be distributed to those affected by Hurricane Katrina. St. Peter the Apostle Church was utilized as a drop off point. The project was supported by the following councils and courts: St. Benedict the Abbot #248, St. Mark the Evangelist #359,St. Bernadette #101 St. Mary the Purification #159, St. Gregory the Great #252, St. Monica #151 St. Peter the Apostle 238, Queen of All Saints #138. The items were picked up by the St. Vincent DePaul truck for distribution to the Houston Astrodome. The overflow was delivered to The Houston Star of Hope shelter. Clavers in Texas are still involved in services to displaced Clavers living in the various cities. The members of Court 172 were not significantly affected by Hurricane Katrina and felt blessed. Many have contributed time to the Red Cross, Salvation Army and to several shelters. They have taken in evacuee from Louisiana and Mississippi, providing a place for them in their homes and or in their rental property. The Ladies assisted in the clothing and food drives throughout the county and surrounding counties, helped distribute food to those parishioners and members of the community who were in need. They are still working to help with those evacuee who are without a place to live. LEGACIES OF LOVE AND SERVICE BISHOP JOSEPH A. FRANCIS COURT 297, NEWARK, NJ Members of our Court, like the rest of the country suddenly found themselves literally Leaning on the Everlasting Arm of Christ. Clavers and their relatives in New Jersey were in dire need of help and our college children were finding their way home from New Orleans and other areas as a result of hurricane Katrina, bringing with them those who now did not have a home because of the flood. Thus we began what has always been our work, Claverism, helping where we could. Immediate family members of three members of Court #297 and the grandchildren of several of the Ladies were part of the horror of the aftermath of the hurricane. Court #297 gave financial support to those in need and our churches also helped. We lifted all affected by the hurricane in prayer and remembered them at our annual Memorial Mass for our Precious Ladies and Precious Knights held the first Saturday in November of each year. We have families here in New Jersey and many Clavers, their friends and families have made contributions and will provide warm clothes for the winter to our southern evacuees. Submitted by Grand Lady Peg Henderson 14 The Chicago Claver Family celebrated a very inspirational Claver Day at St. Jude the Apostle Church in South Holland, IL on Sunday, September 11, 2005. “Legacies of Love and Service”was the theme for the Claver Day Mass which was hosted by Augustus Tolton Council and Court #375. Father Paul Weddington gave a very inspiring homily. The second collection was donated to the survivors of hurricane Katrina. One thousand one hundred seventy-eight dollars and thirty-nine cents was collected and forwarded to the KPC HURRICANE RELIEF EFFORT. The Emerging Leaders assisted with distribution of the Temporary KPC/KPCLA National Headquarters Location and Give to the KPC Hurricane Relief Effort Notice to all in attendance. After the Mass, everyone attended a wonderful banquet that was held at St. Michael Archangel Social Center in Lansing, Illinois. The Chicago Emerging Leaders sponsored an Angel Tree for donations that were given to the Katrina Survivors who were housed at Tinley Park Mental Health Center. The project was titled “Chicago Clavers Care.” All Councils/Courts were invited to adopt a family and provide Christmas gifts for them. The gifts were distributed on Saturday, November 26, 2005. Submitted by, Lady Anita M. Herron, Grand Lady Court #134 Several photos attached (not sure which photos to use) More Katrina Stories CHRISTMAS IN NOVEMBER – CHICAGO CLAVERS CARE ST. JAMES MAJOR JUNIOR COURT #172 PRICHARD, AL On Saturday, November 26, 2005, Chicago Clavers demonstrated their corporal works of mercy and reached out to the Katrina Survivors from New Orleans who were housed at the State of Hope Transitional Housing Site/Tinley Park Campus, located in Tinley Park, Illinois. We were happy to bring Christmas joy and love to the Katrina Survivors by sharing Christmas gifts with them. There were 13 children – ages 2-14 years old; and one family with five children. In addition to the gifts, we served cookies and punch and played Christmas music. When we announced that we represented the Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver, and that we understood their loss, because our National Office is located at 1825 Orleans Avenue, and we too had experienced a great loss and much devastation, many recognized the address and were familiar with the Knights & Ladies of Peter Claver. Many of the men were familiar with some of the priests and began sharing stories about them When our Emerging Leaders first suggested State of Hope as a project, there were 150 guests; and then in October there were 91; and when we began to collect gifts, there were 41 still housed at the State of Hope Transitional Housing. We were extremely grateful to Emerging Leader, Lady Zaneta Riley of Court #134, who made special Angels that listed the information for whom we were to purchase gifts. The Angels were presented to the members of the Chicago Inter Council and Ladies of Immaculate Heart of Mary Court #134 during our November meetings. The following members graciously participated in the Christmas Angel project are Ladies Diane Asberry, Antoinette Mullen, Ernestine Hutcherson, Muriel Stansberry, Bertha Wonzer, Sharon Starks, Shirley Simmons, Dawn Matthews, Lady Madeleine Cash, Paulette Grant, Gloria Johnson, and Knight James Lampkins; all members of the Chicago Inter Council. Members of Court #134 who donated children gifts are Ladies Pat Hopkins,. Sharon Binion, JoAnn Ball, Anitra Hutcherson, Estelle C. Baker, Catherine Sydnor, Yolanda Sydnor, Hortense Harris, Carolyn Hicks, Louise Johnson, Gladys M. Smith, Azeliea Mosely, Renee’ Allen, Thomas Ann Riley and Anita M. Herron. The Ladies who participated on November 26, 2005, to make a difference in the lives of those who were relocated from New Orleans were: Ladies Anita M. Herron, Coordinator, Juanita Burden, Ernestine Hutcherson,. Thomas Ann Riley, Zaneta Riley, Madeleine Cash, and Brother Aamond Robinson, Emerging Leader of Council #93. We are pleased to report that the family with five children was given a home that was renovated and had six bedrooms. The father was overwhelmed with the generosity of the people of Chicago and our surrounding Suburbs. On November 28, 2005, we received a Thank You Letter from Rita Lindsey-Stevens, Site Coordinator, Tinley Park State of Hope. We extend a special Thank You to Ms. Thelma Taylor, volunteer Activity Director, who assisted Lady Herron with this project. We truly believe that St. Peter Claver would be proud of each of us as we demonstrated our LOVE, CARE, and CONCERN! The Annual Founders Day Turnout was celebrated on Sunday, November 6, 2005 at St. James Major Church. The members have begun their annual food drive for Thanksgiving. This year the food will be given to families that were affected by hurricane Katrina. The Juniors will also have a toy drive in December. The toys will be given to the children affected by the hurricane. Graciously submitted by, Lady Anita M. Herron, Advisor, State of Illinois Emerging Leaders STATE OF LOUISIANA I am Cierra Paige Meche, the 18 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Meche of Sunset, LA, both of whom are active Clavers. I am enrolled at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette due to Hurricane Katrina. Prior to the hurricane, I attended Xavier University in New Orleans. In July 2005, I transferred to the Senior Division at the Junior National Convention in New Orleans. As a Junior, I held the position of Jr. National Secretary. I am proud to announce that I was recently elected Vice Grand Lady of Court #84 in Duson, LA, and my mother was elected Grand Lady. Now we have a “mother daughter” team in Court #84 This is the first time in the history of the Court that the offices of Grand Lady and Vice Grand Lady have been held simultaneously by mother and daughter. I am the youngest Vice Grand Lady in the history of Court #84 and in District 4 in Louisiana. Prior to transferring to the Senior Division, I was a member of Junior Court #34 in Grand Coteau, LA. As a member of Ct. #34, I served as Junior Grand Lady for two years after which I was elected Junior National Secretary. During my four years as a Junior my mother was the Junior Daughter Counselor. Her dedication and initiative enabled the members of the Junior Court to prosper. About a year ago, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She has been a Lady in KPC for 50 years at St. Benedict de Moor Catholic Church, Court 84. My mom transferred to Court #84 to be with her mother.. Meanwhile, I remained in Court #34 in order to represent the court as Jr. National Secretary. I intend to serve as a role model to the young in the community and KPC. My election to the position of Vice Grand Lady is the first step in doing so. I hope to dismiss the stereotypes that young people have about the Senior Division. The older people in the organization look to me to get more young people involved. By holding this office, I can prove to young people that no matter how young a person is, he or she can have the respect of their elders. 15 16 17 More Katrina Stories Knights of Peter Claver reaching out to hurricane victims By Lois Kindle, Tampa Thoreau Nellum When the levees broke in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, more than private homes and businesses were inundated. Organizations normally benefiting the mostly black population affected by the storm, such as the national headquarters for the Knights of Peter Claver, were also destroyed. Councils around the country forged into action, while the national office temporarily relocated to Montgomery, Ala. at Resurrection Catholic Church. "Our national headquarters was right down in the middle of the water," said Thoreau Nellum, Grand Knight of Tampa Council 379. "There was 4 to 6 feet of water in and around the building." He added most of the Catholic churches in New Orleans were also in the flooded black community. From its Montgomery location, the national office quickly waived membership dues for an estimated 92 councils across the hurricane-ravaged Gulf States and set up a Knights of Peter Claver Hurricane-Relief Fund to aid members and their families and to assist black Catholic parishes affected by the storm. "Please pray for our brothers and sisters who daily wrestle over an uncertain future," wrote Arthur McFarland, supreme Knight and chief executive officer, to the local councils. "More importantly, let us recommit ourselves to the meaning of Claverism — defining love through Christian service." Nellum said the Knights of Peter Claver are collaborating with the International Alliance of Catholic Knights, including the Knights of Columbus, to assist in the rebuilding of black parishes. Tampa Council 379, which has 25 Knights, immediately sent $1,000 in individual donations to the national relief fund. But more importantly, said Nellum, his council is setting up a local relief fund to provide ongoing support for four families who fled New Orleans and sought refuge and assistance from St. Peter Claver Parish in Tampa. "These families have six children who are now at St. Peter Claver School," Nellum said. "Some of the parents have already found work, but some have not. They have lost everything and are trying to rebuild their lives. So we want to establish a local relief fund to aid them. 18 "It's not a one-shot thing," he continued. "We need to set something up to aid these individuals once the (normal channels of) relief stop. Twelve to 15 months down the road from here, these families are going to have some financial hardships." Nellum said the Knights of Tampa Council is currently assisting the families by guiding them through the maze of governmental bureaucracies and red tape. Nellum said he never realized how difficult it is to go through county, state and federal agencies to get assistance. "There are so many things you just don't think about," Nellum added. "It's much more than losing a home or a job. It's about losing literally everything, except for the clothes on your back. Anyone who goes through something like this has a hard time staying sane and holding onto hope." The story gets more personal. Nellum and his wife, Yvonne, were born and raised in New Orleans. Because of Katrina, both of their families are now scattered across several states, having evacuated New Orleans as the storm approached. But Nellum's oldest brother, Griffin, felt he could weather the storm. The 65year-old and his wife, Linda, actually made it through the hurricane, but then faced the horror of being trapped in their home when the levees broke. "They took refuge in the attic, crashed through the roof and spent almost two days there before being rescued," Nellum said. "My brother lost his home, two cars, his business and even his teeth. "He was in a mental daze," said Nellum. "It has been like trying to pull someone out of quicksand." Nellum said ultimately it is faith that is lifting up his brother and the other families. "You hate to say (the ordeal) was God-sent, but out of all this devastation a lot of good things are coming," he continued. "People who used to be concerned about material things have found the only thing they really have is God. In order to deal with what they've been through, they have to turn to a higher power." Nellum said that is what kept his anger at bay. "At first, I was angry because I had been through Hurricane Camille and I knew what these storms could do," he said. "I begged my brother to leave." Then his anger turned to the situation in New Orleans, which Nellum said had been unchanged in 400 years. "What people don't know, what the media didn't report, is historically, the city flooded every three to four years. But the water always went down and we were able to just clean up. "If you let your emotions go, it's easy to get terribly angry," he continued. "Government agencies were ill-prepared; there was a lot of finger pointing. What was seen on TV was what the media wanted the country to see. Behind the scenes, there was much heroism going on in the black community." Nellum said his anger turned to terror when his old neighborhood flooded. "I thought my brother was dead. When I heard from him, I felt great relief and I thanked God for that. We did lots of praying — for him and all the families." Nellum said his brother Griffin, who recently learned he has cancer, is now going to church regularly and beginning to recognize even the smallest of gifts. "He never knew how much he appreciated water," Nellum said. The Knights of Peter Claver was founded in 1909 in Mobile, Ala., by four Josephite priests and three laymen. At the time, black men were excluded from joining the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Peter Claver, a predominantly black fraternal organization and its ladies auxiliary, serve others through parish and community activities, contributions to worthwhile causes, youth development and scholarships. _______ Copyright © 1996-2005 The Florida Catholic Newspaper - All Rights Reserved 498 S. Lake Destiny Road, Orlando, FL 32810 Phone: (407) 660-9141 • Fax: (407) 6602977 • Toll-Free: 1-888-275-9953. DISTRICT NEWS STATE OF LOUISIANA NEWS KPC Day A (Group) L-R Tim Ford, Grand Knight Council 144, Lady Maggie Green, Lady Carol Dean, Father Andre McGrath and Cedric Blackshire. KPC Day B Father Andre McGrath receiving monetary award from Grand Knight Tim Ford. KPC Day Knight and Ladies – council and Court #144 at KPC Day Celebrationin Mansura, LA 75th Anniversary Celebration Council & Court #144 St. Louis Chapel, Parks, LA was the setting for the 75th Anniversary Celebration of St. John Council and St. Cecile Court # 53, October 16, 2005. A 9:00 AM Mass was celebrated by Father Broussard, assistant pastor of St. Bernard Church, Breaux Bridge, LA. Members of St. Paul Assembly and Chapter #3, Lafayette, LA, and Court 49, Breaux Bridge turned out with Council and Court # 53. Family members lit candles to honor deceased members of the Council and Court before the Mass celebration. During the Mass, Junior Daughters Heredia and Julie Dauphine, winners of the 2005 Mildred T. Lyons Memorial Scholarship were recognized. Lady Cynthia Lyons-Jackson, State Deputy of Louisiana, presented certificates to Council and Court # 53 for their service to the Knights of Peter Claver, St. Louis Chapel, and the community of Parks. Grand Lady Anna Belle Reed presented a plaque to Lady Laurena Joseph, Charter member, and Lady Anna Mae Thibodeaux, 60-year member. Melvin 'Red' Solari was presented a plaque by Grand Knight Carol Dauphine. Following Mass, a breakfast was held in the church hall for members, guests and the St. Louis Chapel church family. John Potier and Parks Gospel Choir provided entertainment. On May 15, 2005, Council and Court 144 of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary honored graduating seniors at the 9:00 am mass at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Shreveport, LA. Junior Daughter Kimberly Tucker and Junior Knight Cedric Blackshire were the honorees. Kimberly received the Court’s annual scholarship award and the Council presented Father Andre McGrath with a financial award. Members of Council and Court 144 attended the annual Knights of Peter Claver Day Celebration held in Mansura, Louisiana on Sunday, September 11, 2005 at Our Lady of the Prompt Succor. Following the Mass, a luncheon was held in the Uganda Center. 19 GULF COAST DISTRICT NEWS Educational Gift from Huntsville Knights and Ladies Sir Knight Charles T. Smoot Council No. 286 – Huntsville, Alabama Saint Francis of Assisi Court No. 286 – Huntsville, Alabama The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary, Council and Court #286 presented a check in the amount of one thousand dollars to Holy Family Regional School in Huntsville on Sunday, May 8, 2005. Mrs. Mary Tomaine, Principa, accepted the check. Speaking on behalf of the Knights and Ladies, Grand Lady Kanobia Blackmon stated that the school is an integral part of Saint Joseph Catholic Community. “The school exists to promote a community of believers. It provides a viable and enriching learning environment which fosters tomorrow’s active citizens. It’s our privilege to support the school and its mission to educate our youth.” Thanks to the generous support of the community, Catholic and otherwise, the Council and Court are able to provide money to promote scholastic achievement. The Knights and Ladies sponsor an Annual Valentine Champagne Brunch in February and a portion of the proceeds are donated to the school. In keeping with their commitment to support youth and their educational endeavors, on Sunday, May 22, 2005, Council and Court #286 sponsored the 2005 Baccalaureate Mass for graduating seniors at St. Joseph Catholic Church. The Scholarship Committee, chaired by Lady Brenda Brown, expressed a desire to ensure that average students have the opportunity to compete for the major scholarship award. For this reason, this year’s scholarship program was open to graduating high school seniors who maintained a C average and planned to enroll in any postsecondary school. The recipient of the scholarship is Justin Folk of Saint Joseph Parish. Justin is the son of Dan and Jane Folk of Madison, Alabama. Justin is a graduate of Catholic High School in Huntsville. He has excelled academically and has been involved in many church and civic activities. He is attending the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Grand Lady Kanobia Blackmon reiterated the commitments of the Knights and Ladies in her address to the faithful. She exclaimed, “We are not only committed to encouraging our young people to further their education, but we encourage them to live the gospel values.” Grand Knight DeKarlos Blackmon presented checks in the amount of fifty dollars to each graduating senior, recognizing their noteworthy achievements. He then presented the scholarship award to Justin Folk of Saint Joseph Parish. Scholarship Awarded by Huntsville Knights and Ladies Sir Knight Charles T. Smoot Council No. 286 – Huntsville, Alabama Saint Francis of Assisi Court No. 286 – Huntsville, Alabama The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary No. 286 sponsored the 2005 Baccalaureate Mass for graduating seniors at Saint Joseph Catholic Church. On Sunday, May 22, the Knights and Ladies awarded gifts to graduating seniors, and a scholarship in the amount of one thousand dollars. The Scholarship Committee, chaired by Lady Brenda Brown, expressed a desire to ensure that average students had a fighting chance to compete for the major scholarship award. For this reason, this year’s scholarship program was open to graduating high school seniors who maintained a C-average and planned to enroll in any postsecondary school. The recipient of the scholarship is Justin Folk of Saint Joseph Parish. Justin is the son of Dan and Jane Folk of Madison, Alabama. Justin is a graduate of Catholic High School in Huntsville. He has excelled academically and has been involved in many church and civic activities. He is attending the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Grand Lady Kanobia Blackmon reiterated the commitments of the Knights and Ladies in her address to the faithful. She exclaimed, “We are not only committed to encouraging our young people to further their education, but we encourage them to live the gospel values.” Grand Knight DeKarlos Blackmon presented checks in the amount of fifty dollars to each graduating senior, recognizing their noteworthy achievements. He then presented the scholarship award to Justin Folk. Greetings from Archbishop Lyke Council and Court #340 – Hapeville, GA From left, Grand Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Mrs. Mary Tomaine, and Grand Lady Kanobia Blackmon 20 The Knights and Ladies of Council and Court #340 have been busy rendering service to church, community and the organization. Members have participated in the Eucharistic Congress, hosted a farewell party for our Chaplin, Rev. Glen D. Parker, C.Cs.R, and a farewell reception for our Redemptorists priests, in addition to a welcome reception for incoming Archdiocesan priests. The Ladies sponsored a Mother-Daughter Graduation Party for the Junior Daughters. Each graduate was given a gift bag which contained the book titled “Just One More Thing Before You Go.” The bags were the appropriate colors of the respective college to be attended. We celebrated our 11th Anniversary and turned out as a family at Mass followed by dinner at the Golden Coral in Jonesboro, GA. ST. JAMES, COUNCIL #172 – PRICHARD, AL The members of St. James, Council #172 have been actively involved with the church and their immediate community. Following hurricane Katrina, the Council donated clothing and can goods for the victims in the surrounding area. Knight Jesse Davis initiated the drive. Several of the men packaged donated food, beverages, water and toiletries that were given to the church by a vendor that services stores in the area. The parishioners and members of the community that were affected by the storm received the items. The Knights participated in the church’s Annual Fall Festival by setting up and manning booths, working with the ticket returns, games and clean-up following the festival. The observance of St. Peter Claver Day and Founders Day was in conjunction with the Ladies and Junior Knights and Junior Daughters. The Ladies of St. James Major, Court. #172 are very proud of three of their members. Lady Stephanie Danzy was presented the Claver Woman of the Year Award for 2005 at the Annual Gulf Coast Conference in April, Lady Valencia Liscomb received the 2005 Silver Medal at the National Convention in Las Vegas and Lady Luberta Portis, Faithful Navigator of Agnes Coleman, Chapter #1 was awarded the prestigious Categena Award at the Supreme General Conclave in Las Vegas. Community service projects undertaken by the Ladies include collecting used eyeglasses and cell phones to be donated to the Lions Club and Penelope House (home for abused women and children) respectively. The Knights of Council 172 following “Founders Day” turnout pictured with Fr. Linus Akpan. Women’s Day Celebration ST. JAMES MAJOR, COURT # 172 PRICHARD, AL Saint Francis of Assisi Court No. 286 – Huntsville, Alabama ST. JAMES MAJOR JUNIOR DAUGHTERS PRICHARD, ALABAMA St. james Major Junior Daughters of Court 172 have begun their annual food drive for Thanksgiving. This year the food will be given to families that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. The Juniors will also have a toy drive in december. The toys will be given to the young children who were affected by the hurricane. Saint Francis of Assisi Court No. 286 held its first Women’s Day Celebration on Sunday, October 16, 2005 at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Huntsville, Alabama. The theme was Fruits of the Spirit, found in the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, 5:2226. Mrs. Bobby Bradley, the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Computer Systems Technology, Inc. in Huntsville, was the guest speaker. Her address focused on the fruit, love. Mrs. Bradley’s words were inspiring and motivating. The event concluded with a reception in the Father Messmer Parish Life Center. 21 STATE OF TEXAS DISTRICT NEWS Queen of All Saints, Court # 138 – Houston, TX St. Veronica Court #89 – Fort Worth, TX The Ladies of Court #138 are proud to recognize Gold Certificate recipients, Lady Gladys Armelin and Lady Mildred Williams and Silver Certificate recipients Lady Lillian Randle, Lady Rose Ann Guidry and Lady Mary E. Brown. The combined number of years that these dedicated Claver Ladies have given in service and love total one hundred seventy-five years. May God continue to bless them for their exemplary life. A check in the amount of $600.00 was presented to Melinda McCullough of the Sickle Cell Foundation by Lady Janae Tinsley, Texas State President, on behalf of St. Veronica, Ct. #89. The donation will be used for research purposes. The Court sponsored a Health fair on March 5, 2005 for the Southside Community of Forth Worth. Services such as free testing for sickle cell, mammograms, environmental health information and blood pressure checks were provided. On July 13 the members attended the ordination and installation of Bishop Kevin W. Vann. Bishop Vann is the third Bishop of the Diocese of Forth Worth. Lady Shirley M. Foreman, Lecturer Lady Mae Smith, Lector NORTHERN DISTRICT NEWS “CHICAGO CELEBRATES 75 YEARS OF CLAVERISM” Sheer dedication was exhibited by the Chicago Clavers as we stood in the rain on Oakwood Blvd. to march in the 76th Annual Bud Billiken Parade. We chanted “Didn’t it rain children, didn’t it rain”; and “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day”! This was the first time in 76 years that it rained on the day of this historical Back to School parade. The Grand Marshals for the parade were Mickey and Minnie Mouse. The overall theme for the parade was “Education: A Family Affair”. The participation of the Chicago Clavers was not only A Family Affair, but one of the many activities that demonstrated our 75 years of Claverism in Chicago. We were surrounded by many groups, such as the Marching Band Youth Group from Clinton, Iowa. Their music and dancing inspired us to continue to stand in the rain with our umbrellas, rain coats and rain hats! Our Marching Unit included several first timers from Court #375 and Branch and Juniort #375, members from Courts # 134, 142, 154, 181, 236 and 356. Kudos to: Lady Mary Reed, Court. #356, who served as Marching Coordinator. We finally arrived at Washington Park with our soaked tee shirts that displayed St. Peter Claver on the front. We were greeted by our Picnic/Parade Committee who had prepared a very delicious meal. We, the marchers, began to dry off, as we dined on fried chicken, meatballs, spaghetti, corn on the cob, salad, watermelon, rolls, and soda. School supplies purchased with monetary donations collected from Claver Family were distributed to all of our Junior marchers. We thank God for allowing the sun to finally shine on us! Submitted by, Lady Anita M. Herron Reporter, Grand Lady Court #134 22 ST. JOSEPH COUNCIL and COURT #93 CELEBRATE 60 YEARS St. Joseph Council #93 was established on February 4, 1945 followed by the Court’s establishment on April 8, 1945. The occasion of the 60th anniversary was celebrated on Sunday, April 10, 2005 with a Mass and reception. Auxiliary Bishop John Manz officiated at the mass and delivered a most poignant homily with words of encouragement to the members to continue their works of charity and to service others as Pope John Paul II had done. Charter member, Lady Gertrude Hill was in attendance and added noteworthy jubilance to the celebration. She exemplifies the true meaning of Claverism through her many years of giving and service to this Noble Order. Lady Hill’s family was also in attendance. Her children were among the first members of Branch and Junior Court #93. A plaque was presented to Lady Hill at the Mass. During the past sixty years the Council and Court have had members to serve as Northern District Officers, National Officers, Officers on the Chicago Inter-City Council Executive Board, Supreme Navigator, Supreme Captain and Supreme Steward, Junior National and State Officers, members of the 4th Degree Knights and Ladies of Grace, Area Deputies, Area Counselors, Gold and Silver Medalists, recipients of various awards, such as Adele Stadeker, John T. Lane, Tolton and Elizabeth Seton and Sr. Thea Bowman. We have had a very busy sixty years in Claverism and we look forward to the future. James Cephas, Grand Knight, Cn. #93 and Wanda L. Massey, Grand Lady, Ct. #93 NEWS FROM BISHOP JOSEPH A. FRANCIS COURT 29,7 ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK, NJ Members of Court #297 along with the members of Junior Court #297 celebrated St. Peter Claver Day at Christ the King Church in Jersey City. The Court is regional and consists of many parishes under one unit, such as: Blessed Sacrament, St. Mary’s, Queen Angels, St. Antoninus, St. Leo’s, Christ the King, Sacred Heart, St. Rocco’s of the Archdiocese of Newark. The mass was beautiful and so were the Ladies. As the year continued we gave financial support to one of our own, Lady Joyce Smith Carter, who sponsored a beautiful Black Tie affair to help needy children and families with tutoring, food, summer camp any and all that keep families going with many things are missing. Bishop Joseph Francis Court became members of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN. This was a first and another opportunity for our Court to work in concert with the Archdiocese of Newark. Our Chaplin, Fr. Luke, O.S.B. celebrated 25 years as a priest and we had the good fortune to be able to present him with a “financial blessing”. Also during the year our Court gave another charitable gift to me for one of my projects at the Northern State Prison, Newark, NJ, “WE CELEBRATE SOBRIETY.” The 250 inmates who had remained clean and sober for over year had an opportunity to speak to other inmates as to why it is important to take this step and remain in that state and it was followed with a Popeye Fried Chicken and Dunkin Donuts Feast. We also financially helped St. Peter Claver Church Ghana West Africa this time last year with their need for censer, holy water sprinkler and incense boat and other needs. We are fund raising to support the KPC Hurricane Relief Fund and hopefully we will gather funds very soon. Grand Lady Peg Henderson CHICAGO CLAVERS CARE On Saturday, November 26, 2005, Chicago Clavers demonstrated their corporal works of mercy and reached out to the Katrina Survivors from New Orleans who were housed at the State of Hope Transitional Housing Site/Tinley Park Campus, located in Tinley Park, Illinois. We were happy to bring Christmas joy and love to the Katrina Survivors by sharing Christmas gifts with them. There were 13 children – ages 2-14 years old; and one family with five children. In addition to the gifts, we served cookies and punch and played Christmas music. When we announced that we represented the Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver, and that we understood their loss, because our National Office is located at 1825 Orleans Avenue, and we too had experienced a great loss and much devastation. Several of them recognized the address and were familiar with the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver. Many of the men were familiar with some of the priests and began sharing stories about them When our Emerging Leaders first suggested State of Hope as a project, there were 150 guests; and then in October there were 91; and when we began to collect gifts, there were 41 still housed at the State of Hope Transitional Housing. We are pleased to report that the family with five children was given a home that was renovated and had six bedrooms. The father was overwhelmed with the generosity of the people of Chicago and our surrounding Suburbs. On November 28, 2005, we received a Thank You Letter from Rita Lindsey-Stevens, Site Cooordinator, Tinley Park State of Hope. We extend a special Thank You to Ms. Thelma Taylor, volunteer Activity Director, who assisted Lady Herron with this project. We truly believe that St. Peter Claver would be proud of each of us as we demonstrated our LOVE, CARE, and CONCERN! Graciously submitted by, Lady Anita M. Herron, Advisor, State of Illinois Emerging Leaders CHRISTMAS IN NOVEMBER – 23 “YOUTH WALKING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST” Sunday, October 16, 2005, was truly ‘the Day that the Lord hath made.’ The Junior Knights and Junior Daughters of the City of Chicago and Suburbs came together to celebrate their Unity Day Mass at the home parish of Branch and Junior Court # 134, Holy Name of Mary Church at 10:00 a.m. Brother Anthony Irvin, is the Commander and Brother Robert Matthews, Assistant Commander; Lady Karen Britton, is Counselor, and Lady Sharon Binion is Assistant Counselor. The entire Mass was coordinated by the Juniors with an elegant elocution of the greeting, readings and reflection on the readings and gospel. Father Willy Mukucha served as our Celebrant Lady Diane Asberry, Northern District Directress presented a special plaque to Dr. Harth for her presentation on HIV/AIDS at the Jrunior Health Fair. Counselor Karen Britton, Assistant Counselor Sharon Binion, and the Junior Daughters presented bouquets of flowers to several distinguished Ladies of Court #134. REFLECTIONS FROM JUNIORS - MORGAN WILLIAMS & DOMINQUE LOTT: MORGAN: As teens, there are things in life that we put before God, things such as alcohol, drugs, sex and friends. We sometimes forget that we don’t need these things to be popular or to feel loved. What we do need is the realization that God is always at our side and will help us at all times. We also have our Church and Claver families who care about us and will support us in doing what is good and pleasing to God. DOMINQUE: Everyone is called to be a child of God. Some people choose to follow God and others choose not to follow Him. Regardless of the choice, God is a loving, caring God Who can turn anyone’s life around as is expressed in the song “Jesus Walks” by Kanye West. With faith all things are possible. It is our choice to believe and follow God’s invitation to be His child. Whatever our choice, God stills loves us and will never abandon us. After Mass, everyone joined together for food and fellowship at Beggar’s Pizza in Alsip, Illinois and dined on a delicious family style meal. The guest speaker for the evening was Lady Janean T. Johnson, Emerging Leader of Ct. #134, and 2004 Northern District Woman of the Year. Lady Johnson shared her journey from Jr. Daughter to Emerging Leader to Woman of the Year, a journey accomplished by always keeping God first , having the support of her family, her Faith Family of Holy Name of Mary, and her Claver Family. Submitted by, Lady Anita M. Herron, Grand Lady Immaculate Heart of Mary Court #134 24 RETRACTION This is a retraction from the article titled: “Lady Rosemary B. Butler Meets Pope John Paul, II” From the Claverite Winter Issue of 2004 - Page 56 Lady Rosemary Braziel Butler is a long time member of Katherine Drexel Court #1 of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Peter Claver in Mobile, AL. In September of 1983, she was on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome led by, now deceased, Reverend Father Oliver Adams of the Archdiocese of Mobile. He was well known by the pontifical staff and the group that he led was given a special place for pope John Paul II’s audience. As the Pope drew near location Lady Butler was forced forward to the front of the crowd. When he reached the area where the group stood, he noticed Lady Butler, as she was the only person of color in the crowd. He came to a complete halt, turned and approached the group. As he reached the barricade, he took her and into his and held it as he blessed those around her. The Vatican photographer took a photo of this momentous event and later brought the photo to her and Fr. Adams. Lady Rosemary Braziel Butler is a noted breaker of racial barriers. In 1946, she initiated the action that broke the color barrier at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Mobile, AL. She was the first person of color to be hired to a State position in Mobile but only after several appeals to the then Governor. Later, she was the first to be named to the Advisory Board of the School of Social Workers at the University of Alabama and the first to be named to the Board of The State Department of Human Resources. She also became the first of her race to serve as President of the Alabama Conference of Social Workers. Lady Butler was appointed to serve on Advisory Boards by Governors George Wallace and Fob James and was appointed to a National Board by President Lyndon Johnson. SPECIAL INTEREST SECTION 2005 SILVER MEDAL WINNERS KNIGHTS CENTRAL STATES DISTRICT: BROTHER EVERETT FREEMAN BENJAMIN GIVENS, SR., COUNCIL #57 KANSAS CITY, MO GULF COAST DISTRICT: BROTHER WILBUR JOHNSON, SR. FATHER PETER, COUNCIL #9 NATCHEZ, MS LADY ANDRA T. LUCAS ST. THERESA LITTLE FLOWER, COURT #52 NEW ORLEANS, LA WESTERN STATES DISTRICT: LADY THERESA LEMELLE SACRED HEART OF JESUS, COURT #121 WEST COVINA, CA STATE OF TEXAS: LADY MARY TERRELL ST. BENEDICT DE MOOR, COURT #72 HOUSTON, TX NORTHERN STATES DISTRICT: NONE SUBMITTED LADY JOYCE TYLER-WILLIAMS QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS, COURT #138 HOUSTON, TX STATE OF LOUISIANA BROTHER LIONEL CHARLES OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, CN. #132 JENNINGS, LA NORTHERN STATES DISTRICT: LADY SAUNDRA SPAULDING ST. JOSEPH, COURT #93 CHICAGO, IL BROTHER JOSEPH KENNER CORPUS CHRISTI, COUNCIL #60 NEW ORLEANS, LA LADY DOROTHY L. WESLEY ST. FELICITAS/ST. AILBE, COURT #181 CHICAGO, I STATES OF TEXAS BROTHER MARION DANIEL SACRED HEART, COUNCIL #83 LIBERTY, TX KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER, LADIES AUXILIARY WESTERN STATES DISTRICT: BROTHER MICHAEL HICKS HOLY NAME, COUNCIL #121 LOS ANGELES, CA LADIES CENTRAL STATES DISTRICT: LADY PERLIE WHTLEY SR. BARBARA BEASLEY, CT #308 OMAHA, NE * * * * * * * 2005 AWARD * * * * * * OUTSTANDING FINANCIAL SECRETARY ADY OLLIE DUPLECHAIN Queen of All Saints, Court #138 Houston, Texas 2005 Gold Medal Winners BROTHER GENE A. PHILLIPS, SR. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, COUNCIL #231 HOUSTON, TX GULF COAST DISTRICT: LADY VALENCIA T. LIPSCOMB ST. JAMES MAJOR, COURT #172 MOBILE, AL LADY LULLA EMANUEL-WILTZ EVANGELINE, COURT #49 BREAUX BRIDGE, LA LADY LILLIE R. WRIGHT ST. JUDE, COURT #148 MONTGOMERY, AL *************************************************** 2005 - GRAND KNIGHT AND GRAND LADY OF THE YEAR STATE OF LOUISIANA: LADY DIANA C. ALLISON WILFRED B. RICARD, COURT #116 BATON ROUGE, LA LADY SHIRLEY HARTFIELD ST. FELICITAS/ST. AILBE, COURT NO. 181 CHICAGO, IL LADY JOHNNIE MAE GREEN ST. AUBRY, COURT #119 MARINGOUIN, LA BROTHER GEORGE WILLIAMS ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, COUNCIL NO. 49 BREAUX BRIDGE, LA *************************************************** 25 FAMILY OF THE YEAR - 2005 WILFRED B. RICARD COURT AND COUNCIL #116 BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA 2005 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The Winners of the 2005 THOMAS R. LEE, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS are as follows: MR. COURTNEY PAPILLION CHURCH POINT, LA Mr. Papillion is the son of Mr. Anthony and Jermaine Papillion. He was a Junior Knight in St. Mathilda Branch #92. He is a graduate of Eunice High School in Eunice, Louisiana. He is attending Southern University, A & M. College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The winners of the WILLIE POLK, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP issued to the States and Districts are as follows: Gulf Coast District winner: Erien Watson Meridian, MS Rodgerick Wiggins Ocean Springs, MS Allegra Danzy Mobile, AL Courtney Trotter Meridian, MS Central States District winners: K’brini McGraw Wichita, KS Lauren K. Williams Eric K. Cazenave Okmulgee, OK Memphis, TN Western States District winners: Ijeoma Ezeh San Leandro, CA Marissa Garrett Seattle, WA Northern States District winners: Christopher D. Smith Chicago, IL Jessica Scott Chicago, IL Sharlese N. Peoples Chicago, IL Jenna Ferguson Pittsburgh, PA Olivia S. Casey Carbondale, IL Chaate’ Enyard Chicago, IL MISS TIFFANY TRENCH Ms. Trench’s guardian is her aunt, Janessa P. Oubre. She was a Junior Daughter in St. James, Jr. Court #135. She is a graduate of St. James High School in St. James, Louisiana and she is attending Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Marcus Brown Chesapeake,VA State of Texas winners: Cedric Johnson Beaumont, TX Jared W. Joseph Houston, TX Alesia Carmouche Houston, TX Geran T. Wilson, Jr. Houston, TX Shaunte’ Collins Austin, TX State of Louisiana winners: 26 Cierra P. Meche Duson, LA Joelle Brown St. Martinville, LA Derius Skinner Eunice, LA Ronald Demby Franklin, LA Erica Landry Welsh, LA Raimy Living Lafayette, LA Brittany Tucker New Orleans, LA Nicole Leonard Gretna, LA Rakita Reeves Harvey, LA FOURTH DEGREE DIVISION NEWS Geralyn C. Shelvin Supreme Navigator Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Greetings: It is indeed an honor and privilege to report to the membership regarding the Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Division. Since my last report to THE CLAVERITE there have been numerous Exemplifications held across the country and we welcome these Gracious Ladies to the Supreme General Chapter. I thank all the Chapters who have expanded our membership for following the guidelines and communicating so efficiently with the Supreme General Chapter. Most of all I thank you for your patience with the temporary changes in processing your requests for Exemplifications due to the lack of regalia and supplies and mail re-routing and delays post Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Please continue to keep in your prayers our Claver Brothers and Sisters and their families as they rebuild their lives following these events. It is hard to believe that we will soon be preparing for the 2006 Conclave and National Convention to be held in Houston, Texas. The Gracious Ladies from Inez Y. Bowman Chapter # 2 of Houston, Texas will be the coordinators of the 2006 Gospel Extravaganza. Tickets are still $10.00 each and we encourage all members of Our Noble Order to attend; as well as any relatives, friends, etc... they wish to bring as well. More information for purchasing tickets will be sent with the National Convention and Conclave Information packets. All proceeds for the Gospel Extravaganza are used for our Educate the Religious Project which assists persons pursuing vocations. Our Partners in Education Project continues to be funded annually by the membership where the Ladies of Grace Division provides assistance to institutions, facilities, or programs pertaining to our Roman Catholic Church. At the 2005 Conclave the membership approved a new endeavor, the Building Hope Project. Gracious Ladies will be bringing new teddy bears or stuffed animals to be given to children in local health care facilities wherever the National Convention/Conclave is held. All members of our Noble Order are invited to participate with the Ladies of Grace Division in this project if they choose. 27 28 Lady Audrey Jones Lady Bessie Swindle Lady Gladys Armelin Lady Mildred Williams Lady Lillian Randle and Lady Rose Guidry 29 MEMORIAM SECTION LADY MARY F. BYRD SUNRISE: 2/23/1908 SUNSET: 9/23/1005 MEMBER OF COURT #146 LADY SUSAN MARGARET McGRAW SUNRISE: 12/13/1954 SUNSET: 7/8/2005 MEMBER OF COURT #286 LADY ETHEL JULIEN SUNRISE: 6/17/1931 SUNSET: 2/22/2005 MEMBER OF COURT #75 LADY VIVIAN NAOMI CURTIS SUNRISE: 11/14/1927 SUNSET: 3/7/2005 MEMBER OF COURT #326 LADY MARGERY R. JONES SUNRISE: 8/31/1919 SUNSET: 10/4/2005 MEMBER OF COURT #146 LADY LOUISE B. BURT SUNRISE: 9/9/1924 SUNSET: 7/20/2005 MEMBER OF COURT #93 BROTHER FRED JOSEPH SOLOMON SUNRISE: 5/23/1952 SUNSET: 11/15/2005 MEMBER OF COUNCIL #163 LADY MAUD LEWIS LEAL SUNRISE: 6/4/1901 SUNSET: 7/3/2005 MEMBER OF COURT #266 30 KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER 2004-2006 NATIONAL COUNCIL – BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Arthur C. Mc Farland Supreme Knight Post Office Box 80609 Charleston, S. C. 29416-0609 H: (843) 577-4889 B: (843) 763-3900 Fax: (843) 763-5347 (B) E-mail: Mr. Emmett C. Orr Deputy Supreme Knight 4001 Frytown Road Dayton, OH 45418-2307 H: (937)268-6616 B: (937) 775-3467 Fax: (937) 775-3434 E-mail: Mr. Michael Taylor National Secretary 1061 Northwood Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452-7951 H: (757) 498-9376 B/Fax: (757)498-9274 E-mail: Mr. Louis Hawkins, Jr. National Treasurer 7218 Holder Forest Circle Houston, TX 77088-7431 H: (281) 405-8467 B: (281) 405-8312 Fax: (281) 405-8316 E-mail: Mr. Vincent Wilkins, Jr. National Advocate 1408 Canadian Geese Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20774-7062 H: (301) 249-7711 Fax# (301) 218-9327 E-mail: Mr. Robert E. Miller Lay Board Member 8505 S. Bennett Avenue Chicago, IL 60617-2256 H: (773) 375-0795 B: (312) 814-8727 Fax# (312) 814-7105 Mr. James A. Coleman Director General Jr. Knights 2702 Hinton Drive Lake Charles, LA 70615-6739 H: (337) 436-4881 B: (337) 437-7412 Fax: (337) 433-0896 E-mail: JACOLEMANSR@HOTMAIL.COM Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry National Chaplain Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Post Office Box 733 South Holland, IL 60473-0733 B: (708) 339-2474 Fax: (708) 339-2477 E-mail: Mr. A. Jackie Elly Past Supreme Knight 5912 Meadow Drive Moss Point, MS 39563 H: (228) 475-3132 Fax: (228) 474-6115 E-mail: Mr. Garry Bostick District Deputy of Central States 1804 N. W. 176th Place Edmond, OK 73003 H: (405) 341-1033 W: (405) 734-9088 Fax: (405) 734-9059 E-mail: Mr. Anderson F. Shaw District Deputy of Western States 4115 Don Felipe Drive Los Angeles, CA 90008-4206 H: (323) 293-6904 B: (323) 293-6904 Fax: (323) 934-8039 Email: Mr. Howard Crawford District Deputy of Northern States 1733 Patricia Lane Flossmoor, IL 60422-2057 H: (708) 957-2080 Fax: (708) 957-2081 Email: Mr. Leonard V. Stiell District Deputy of Gulf Coast 557 Farrell Street Mobile, AL 36607-1351 H: (251) 471-3741 Fax# (251) 478-8196 E-mail: Mr. Harry Beevers Supreme Navigator Fourth Degree, KPC 1548 Haydel Drive Marrero, LA 70072-3531 H: (504) 347-6628 W: (504) 347-8438 E-mail: Mr. Roosevelt J. Stevenson State Deputy of Louisiana 1080 Silverwood Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70807-3332 H: (225) 775-6112 Fax: (225) 774-9918 E-mail: Mr. Gerald W. Joseph State Deputy of Texas 11814 Lafferty Oaks Street Houston, TX 77013-5619 H: (713) 455-2134 B: (713) 674-1741 Fax: (713) 678-3114 E-mail: 31 KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER LADIES AUXILARY 2004-2006 BOARD OF DIRECTORS – NATIONAL COURT Mrs. Mary L. Briers Supreme Lady 4360 Sunnybrook Drive Montgomery, AL 36108-5042 H: (334)281-7316 Fax: (334) 288-9668 E-mail: Mrs. Elsa R. Phillips Nat=l. Counselor Jr. Daughters 22911 Palomino Creek Court Tomball, TX 77375-71981 H: (281) 370-1757 Fax: (281) 251-7920 E-mail: Ms. Loretta Richardson District Deputy of Central States 681 South Fulton Street Denver, CO 80247-1924 H: (303) 344-8728 Fax: (303) 343-3129 E-mail: Ms. Grace M. Dawson Vice Supreme Lady 16144 Wolcott Avenue Markham, IL 60426-4944 H: (708) 596-5099 B: (312) 325-6433 Fax: (312) 732-8014 Email: Ms. Leodia Gooch Past Supreme Lady 7743 Boardwalk Tower O’Fallon, MO 63366-4169 H: (636) 561-4872 B: (314) 792-7641 Fax:(314) 792-7654 E-mail: Mrs. Nan Arceneaux State Deputy of Texas 9203 Cornett Drive Houston, TX 77064-7601 H: (713) 937-3236 B: (281) 405-4064 E-mail: Ms. Lena F. Young National Secretary 1352 E. 76th Street Chicago, IL 60619-1448 H: (773) 643-9453 B: (773) 451-2072 Fax: (773) 624-8393 Mrs. Cynthia Lyons-Jackson State Deputy of Louisiana 103 Rain Tree Trail Lafayette, LA 70507-3711 H: (337) 232-5110 B: (337) 235-8523 Fax: (337) 235-8523 E-mail: Mrs. Yvonne H. Jackson National Treasurer 8921 Shady Bluff Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70818-4520 H: (225) 261-0959 E-mail: Ms. Micaela LeBlanc District Deputy of Western States 13428 Maxella Avenue, #185 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 H: 1-888-KPC-LAWS B: (310) 258-1932 Fax: (310) 568-9157 E-mail: Ms. Brenda Andrus Lay Board Member 939 St. Charles Street Lafayette, LA 70501 H: (337) 232-9088 B: (337) 291-5755 Fax:(337) 291-5816 E-mail: Mrs. Marion Smith-Reynoso District Deputy of Northern States 11311 Althea Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15235-1845 H:(412) 731-4847 Fax: (412) 731-5559 E-mail: Mrs. Geralyn C. Shelvin Supreme Navigator Fourth Degree, Ladies of Grace 121 Rimwood Avenue Lafayette, LA 70501-6559 H: (337) 232-8510 E-mail: Mrs. Vertelle A. Kenion District Deputy of Gulf Coast 1284 Marvin Avenue Charleston, S. C. 29407 H: (843) 571-0679 Fax: (843) 763-3030 E-mail: 32
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