A Word From Our President
A Word From Our President
A Word From Our President... The other day a friend, photographer Bill Fenster, gave me a DVD that he called "a little surprise ." The surprise was a story we had done together in 1981 to mark the 10th anniversary of the year the Pike Place Market was saved from the wrecking ball. It was a unique piece for television news; it would be considered even more unique now: Five and a half minutes with no narration and only two supers, 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Our mentor at KING-TV, Phil Sturholm, told us an all-natural sound piece wouldn't work...so we had to try it. Mercifully, it was awarded an Emmy for editing. I'm not so sure it would be Emmy-worthy today. Times have changed. First, you have to ask if anyone would run this story today? Probably not. We certainly wouldn't get the many hours it took to shoot and edit. In 1981, some stations were still shooting on film, and "Live Coverage of a Breaking News Event" had not even been thought of as an Emmy category. Things are different now, but I don't subscribe to the idea that things are worse. One thing that hasn't changed is the need for a challenge. The challenge to write a better story than the other guy, to create a program that entertains while educating, or to make a commercial with a twist that makes people laugh. Everyone needs a challenge, and in this wonderful world of television, they are around every corner - if you're looking. The power to create quality television rests with each and every one of us . Although receiving an Emmy for "The Market" story was nice... it is the memory of working with Bill and the words "that works" from Phil that I'll remember forever. AVID Sponsors Emmy Awards Avid Technology, has become a national sponsor of The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Avid is making a $2,500 contribution to the NATASNorthwest Chapter. It is also donating a Newscutter XP Editing software package, worth $3,000, for auction. The proceeds will go to the NATAS-Northwest Scholarship fund. I want to thank Avid and everyone who contributed to our scholarship fund by participating in the 2005 Battle of the Bands. ~Scott LaPlante President NATAS Northwest Chapter Print, clip & save Inside this issue: Battle of the Bands! 2 Pat’s Back! 2 More Battle Pictures! 3 NATAS News—KIRO, KCPQ 4 NATAS News—UPN 11, KXLY 4 Scholarship News 5 NATAS Luncheon 6 2005 Nielsen Ratings Periods May Book: April 28 - May 25, 2005 July Book: June 30 - July 27, 2005 November Book: November 3 - November 30, 2005 Source: Nielsen Media Print, clip & save NATIONAL ACADEMY OF TELEVISION ARTS & SCIENCES MONITOR Battle of the Bands! The Palace Ballroom was the site of the Fade Up Mike and the Q-Tones from 18th Annual KCPQ delighted the crowd with hits like Battle of the “Mr. Anchorman.” Bands and Sadly, this battle was reported to be the Auction last appearance of “KID KOMO” who Courtesy: yourphotoz.com to bene- treated the crowd to its final rendition of fit the NATAS Scholarship fund. At the tune that made them famous, “Devil press time, it was reported the Battle with the Blue Dress.” raised just over $4,000. In addition to the The crowd of over 200 was treated to bat- antics and arias on tle cries from the Ad band, White Trash stage, attendees Compactor and The Fabulous VO/SOCs were invited to bid During breaks, the crowd fixed its attention on the big screen where this year’s Emmy nominees were projected. This battle is important to scholarships at NATAS because the organization will not be receiving match- on silent auction ing funds for the national chapter. So, while items that ranged yourphotoz.com from Mariners tickets coupled with a tape of those awardwinning Mariners commercials to season KIRO’s Steve Raible on the drums (KIRO picture) John Procaccino served as emcee (yourphotoz.com) there was no obvious victor in this battle of the bands, the winners were area students who will take home this year’s NATAS scholarships. ~Joanne Lisosky tickets to the Pacific Northwest Ballet. PAT’S BACK! Pat Cashman is back by popular demand. Pat promises to make the 42nd Annual Emmy Awards Ceremony an entertaining, memorable and fun-filled evening. We hope you will join us in honoring Excellence in Television. Bagley Wright Theatre 155 Mercer Street Saturday, June 25th, 2005 5:00-7:00 pm - Cocktail Reception 7:00-10:00 pm - Emmy Awards To register on the web: https://asi-seattle.com/agent/natase/register.php. To register by phone, call the NATAS NW office at 206-575-3444. To request a printed invitation, call the NATAS NW office at 206-575-3444 or email natas@asi-seattle.net. Be sure to include your name and preferred mailing address. THE FINE PRINT: Sorry, but there will be no refunds for reservations cancelled after the June 17 registration deadline. We will continue to accept reservations after the registration deadline at $75 per person. Page 2 MONITOR Battle Pictures The Ad Band Like what you see? There’s more! Buy it at: http://www.YourPhotoZ.com/contact.as p?eventID=1832 Q-Tones To see a complete list of 2005 Emmy award recipients, check the NATAS website after the Emmy Awards Ceremony on June 25th. www.natasnw.org KID KOMO MONITOR Page 3 NATAS News • • Jamie McDowell joins the Tribune Television Northwest Team (KCPQ, KTWB and KWBP) as Director of Creative Services • Jim Crownover has also come on board to Q-13 as Creative Services Manager • John Yeager has left Q13 FOX Margo Myers joins Steve Raible anchoring the 5, 10PM & 11PM newscasts. The anchor team also anchors the only local newscast at 6PM. News to work for World Vision in Federal Way, Washington. • Welcome to Graham Johnson joins KIRO from WPTZ-TV in Burlington, Vermont. Graham is a Seattle-area native. • Monty Webb returns to KIRO as meteorologist. Welcome back, Monty! • • Former KIRO anchor Kirsty Lee returned home to Boston, after three years in Seattle. • BeBe Emerman retired and is moving to be closer to husband, Steve, in Los Angeles. • Margot Kim is now the morning anchor at KFSN, in her hometown of Fresno, California. • Patrick Hammer joins KIRO sister station, KTVU, in Oakland as a meteorologist. Page 4 MONITOR The Tribune Television Northwest Regional Operating Center has expanded its station operation to include not only Q13 FOX (KCPQ) and Seattle's WB (KTWB) but now Portland's WB (KWBP). The Portland signal began broadcasting from Seattle on March 28. More News SCHOLARSHIP NEWS I had the great fortune to receive a NATAS scholarship in 2002, and then win an Emmy in 2003 from a story I worked on as an intern with Seattle's KING-TV Evening Magazine. KIRO producer Pat Witt moves to UPN 11 KXLY News Director Leona Wood and husband, photographer Brad Wood, welcomed twins on March 3, 2005 I've since headed back to my roots in Pierce County producing a weekly newscast about County government issues on C-RCC, channel 22-Comcast. as an executive producer. It's been a great learning experience, Former KIRO news photojournalist Dick Cole Braden & Macy Dianne were both born at and a big change from the one-hour arts program I produced before. I'm excited to be part of a 3 person team putting the show together--and as we call it--it's the Yakima experience hiding out in Lakewood. Hopefully, this experience can take me to a bigger market like Seattle. 6:06PM. Macy just seconds before Cole. Cole Marshall joins Witt at UPN 11 as photograweighed in at 2 lbs. 15 ounces. Macy tipped the pher. Dick also gets to drive this really cool scales at 3 lbs. 7 ounces van. Looking back, it's been a wild ride since Leona, Brad and the babies are doing ok. Cole ~Megan Freiling and Macy should be home in a few weeks. the NATAS scholarship helped me finish school. I never thought I'd be producing and writing a newscast at my age...so I can certainly say the next five years look wide open and exciting! Do you have news to share? Send it to us! Send hot tips, press releases, photos or other information by email to Ed Carlos at: Kelley Morris is a 1997 recipient of ecarlos@kirotv.com If you would like to drop Leona, Brad, Cole and Macy a greeting, e-mail them at leonawood@kxly.com MONITOR the NATAS Scholarship. A longtime Oregon resident and Duck fan, Kelley began her career in sunny Southern Oregon for six years of reporting. Kelley and her husband of 1½ years traded the western mountains for the Adirondacks. Page 5 NATAS LUNCHEON KIRO 7 News anchor Steve Raible is the co-author of the recently released book “Steve Raible’s Tales from the Seahawks Sideline,” an insider’s account that brings to life such household names as Jim Zorn, Dave Krieg, Kenny Easley, Brian Bosworth, Warren Moon, Steve Largent, Mike Holmgren and Shaun Alexander. 2005 Board of Governors Scott LaPlante, KIRO-TV, President John Sharify, KOMO-TV, Vice-President, Awards Co-Chair Willie McClarron, Jr., KING-TV, Treasurer Karen Scaffidi, Q13 FOX/WB22, Secretary, Newsletter Co-Chair Jamie R. Jensen, Hope Heart Institute, Nat’l Trustee, Awards CoChair Catherine Carbone, Highline Public Schools, Alt. Nat’l Trustee, Educ. Cmte Diane Bevins, ASI, Chapter Administator Peg Achterman, Grass Valley Alan Beck, KEZI-TV, Regional Committee Lee Bullington, KTUU-TV, Regional Committee Ed. Carlos, KIRO-TV, Newsletter Co-Chair On February 23, 2005, Steve appeared at the Embassy Suites in Lynnwood for a luncheon to benefit the NATAS Northwest Region scholarship fund. KIRO Anchor Steve Raible takes the podium at the Embassy Suites in Lynnwood . Joan Cartan-Hansen, Idaho Public TV, Regional Committee Denise Dowling, University of Montana, Regional Committee Walter Farley, KIRO-TV Dan Ibabao, Independent, Mentor Chair Phil Kane, Station Relations Jamie Kern, KNDU-TV, Regional Committee Maria Lamarca Anderson, Seattle Choirs, Sponsorship Chair After an hour of great stories and a lot of laughs, lunch attendees were able to purchase an “autographed” copy of Steve’s book. Books are still available! All proceeds benefit the NATAS scholarship fund. Joanne Lisosky, Pacific Lutheran University, Scholarship Chair Tim Lorang, UW TV Production Jerry Post, KXLY-TV, Regional Committee Howard Scott, Independent Dick Splitstone, NWCN Enrique Cerna, KCTS-TV Ken Morrison, Independent NATAS president and KIRO operations manager Scott LaPlante explains the importance of an “Emmy” and the NATAS Scholarship Program at the February 23rd luncheon. ~Kristina Moy Kristina Moy, KIRO-TV Peter O’Connell, KING-TV, Finance Chair Eric Riddle, KING-TV, Silver Circle Co-Chair Lisa Thompson, KING-5 Television Cleven Ticeson, KCTS-TV, Education Committee Chair Jean Walkinshaw, Silver Circle Co-Chair To order your copy of Steve Raible’s “Tales from the Seahawks Sidelines,” visit the NATAS website at: http://natasnw.org/news/frames.html Northwest Chapter 1006 Industry Dr. Seattle, WA 98188 Phone: 206-575-3444 Fax: 206-575-9255
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