The Brookland Star Newsletter
The Brookland Star Newsletter
The Brookland Star Newsletter Published monthly by the Brookland Baptist Church November 2013 Volume 41, Issue 11 The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 2 Parent University A Learning Community encouraging Effective Parenting” Mission To partner with parents to improve the lives of all children and families by making positive Christians investments into their futures. Vision The Brookland Baptist Church Parent University will plan, advocate for, and sponsor quality training programs designed to strengthen the lives of children and their families. Parent University Guiding Principles and Values 1. We will respect and highlight the family in a encouraging manner. 2. We seek for all children the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. 3. We will target intervention and prevention services for the children and families in an effort to enhance the family unit and empower youth to become productive citizens. We will be responsive to the community and focus on supporting parents with the best possible, high-quality choices for their children and families. Examples of topics for discussion Positive Parenting Respect and Good Communication Conflict Management Enhancing Self-Esteem Discipline with Dignity The Educational System: How can you prepare your child for success? Our first event was held on Monday, November 4th. A panel discussion highlighting various perspectives of parenting Widowed Male Parents, Single Parents, Adoptive Parents, Two-parent Families, Blended Families, Grandparents For additional information, contact Deacon or Deaconess Denise Collier at (803) 957-8135 or The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 3 Brookland’s Girl Scout Gold Award Recipients Name: Adia Raichelle Louden Parents: Thomas and Bobbie Louden Year: 2013 Gold Award Project: Project Diabetes - A project to raise more awareness about Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and build healthier lifestyles in efforts to raise healthier children in our community. College: Currently attending Claflin University (Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry & Spanish) Activities at Brookland: Junior Usher Ministry, Youth & Teens Day Choir, Financial Ministry, Youth & Teens Day Committee, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth Praise Dance Ministry. Name: Keirsten Ja'nice Anderson Hoyle Parents: Keith and Janice Hoyle Year: 2012 Gold Award Project: Keirsten's Kreative Kid Korner - at the Kershaw County Foster Children's Association. College: Currently a sophomore at Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia Business Administration Major Activities at Brookland: Youth & Teens Day Committee Chair 2012 Junior Ushers Ministry, Girl Scouts, Young Women of Excellence-Youth Advisor, Homeless Ministry, Teens 'N' Praise, College Ministry, Junior Ushers Ministry Name: Jemia D. Keels Parents: Murphy and Jackie Riley Year: 2004 Gold Award Project: Organized a community health fair at the old Lakeview High School gym for teenagers. College: Winthrop University 2008; currently pursuing Masters with University of South Florida Career: Employed by Palmetto Health. Also, Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor. Activities at Brookland: Just Say No, Girl Scouts, Brookland Praise Dancers, and Jr. Usher Ministry Continued on Page 4 The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 4 Girl Scout Gold Award Recipients Name: Marquita Rose Heyward Parents: Lenell and Marcia Geter Year: 2004 Gold Award Project: Teen Health Fair. College: South Carolina State University Received: B.S. Psychology, South Carolina State University, Received: M.A. Rehabilitation Counseling. Career: Therapeutic Counselor at The Hearth Center for Eating Disorders, Columbia, South Carolina Activities at Brookland: Girls Scouts, Teens in Praise Name: Lauren Tate Parents: H.S. and Jean Tate Year: 2006 Gold Award Project: Nancy K. Perry Picnic Shelter Renovation and Teddy Bear Drive. College: Currently Attending Columbia College majoring in Accounting Current Career: University of South Carolina-Administrative Specialist II Activities at Brookland: Youth Choir, Teens in Praise, Jr. Usher Ministry, Girl Scouts, Junior Missionaries, Sisterhood Name: Nzinga Liza Robertson Parents: Lenell and Marcia Geter Year: 2006 Gold Award Project: Transformed a room at the Killingsworth Halfway Home for Women into a prayer closet and relaxation room and provided life-skills class for the residents. College: Graduated from The University of South Carolina Upstate in 2010 with a major in Biology and a minor in Spanish. Currently a third year medical student at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Activities at Brookland: Sunday school participant, Girl scout-from a Brownie to a Senior Scout, Teen's and Praise member, Teen and Young adult usher member, Teen and Young adult usher Continued on Page 5 The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 5 Girl Scout Gold Award Recipients Name: Tyrish Yoshiko Page Parents: Alton and Edith Page Year: 2003 Gold Award Project: Recipes for the Heart - For hypertension and diabetic patients, popular recipes from surrounding restaurants in the Columbia area were converted into low salt, low sugar or low fat meals. College: MA Social Science and Intelligence Analysis - The Citadel, Charleston, SC, May 2014, Certification Forensic Investigator - Trident Technical College, Charleston, SC, May 2010, BS Health and Human Performance- Physical Education - College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, December 2007, BS Health and Human Performance- Health Promotion - College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, December 2006 Career: Forensic Pathology Technician - Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Activities at Brookland: Girl Scouts, original member of Teens N Praise, Drama Ministry, Nursery & Sonrise Chorale. Name: Dara N. Hopson Parents: Glover E. and Marilyn Hopson Year: 1992 (1st Senior Girl Scout at Brookland Baptist Church to receive this award) Gold Award Project: Relating Mathematics to Everyday Life. College: B.A. - Mathematics Education - Columbia College; M.Ed. - Southern Wesleyan University Career: Taught mathematics in middle and high school 1996 - 2010. Currently a stay at home mom and Mathematics tutor. Activities at Brookland: Girl Scouts, original member of Teens N Praise, Drama Ministry, Nursery & Sonrise Chorale. The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 6 The Prison Ministry Angel Tree Program The Prison Ministry Angel Tree is a unique program to share Christ's love by helping to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the families with a loved one in prison. Angel Tree works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. We will start distributing the names of Angel Tree children on Sunday, November 3, 2013. Each child ranging from ages 1 to 17 years will receive two gifts - a clothing gift and a fun gift (toy, basketball, books, etc). When the gifts are delivered to the families, a Gospel presentation is made. Participating in Angel Tree is a powerful way for Brookland Baptist Church to lovingly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or you would like to volunteer to assist in Angel Tree, please contact Fred or Linda Stroy at 803-237-3407 or 803-447-6080. NOVEMBER IS HOMELESSNESS AND HUNGER AWARENESS MONTH The Brookland Baptist Homeless Outreach Program Reaching Out to Serve the Community According to the 2013 Homeless Point-In-Time (PIT) Count Survey Results, there are 6,035 homeless people living in South Carolina at the end of January 2013. This marked a 28.3% increase compared to the last count in 2011. Between 2011 and 2013, the total number of homeless persons in the state increased by 1,331 from a previous total of 4,701. The most dramatic increase was among those who were found to be unsheltered. The 2013 PIT identified 3,116 people living on the streets or in a place not suitable for human habitation such as cars, encampments or woods. This is a 72% increase in the number counted in 2011 (1,813). The count found 2,919 people in shelters such as emergency shelters, temporary winter shelters and domestic violence shelters as well as transitional housing units. The state total of sheltered people did not change significantly between 2011 and 2013 indicating that the overall capacity to temporarily house people in the state has not changed though there were increases or losses of capacity in some local communities. You can make a difference! - The winter months are coming and the Homeless Outreach Program is seeking donations for new or clean, very-gently worn T-Shirts for persons being served by the Program. All sizes are needed; small, medium, large, ex-large, & double extra-large. There is also a need for men’s pants of all sizes – but especially small to average sizes -- 30, 32, 34, 36, & 38. Donations can be dropped off at the Clothing Bank during the month of November and December. For additional information, please contact the Foundation office @ (803) 744-7914 or Deloris Cotton at (803) 8658275 or Thank you for your help - The Homeless Outreach Program The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 7 Annual Christmas Musical Drama “T’was the Night Before Christmas” Yes, it’s that time of the year again! Preparation for our 2013 production is in full swing. The Drama Ministry production, cast and crew members, the combined adult choirs, musicians, Sound Ministry, Youth Choir, Praise Dance Ministry, MIME dancers are all busy ensuring that everything is perfected and in place for your entire family to enjoy. Each year we anxiously look forward to celebrating the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for whom this marvelous occasion is all about. This year’s production promises to dazzle you as it opens with the classic story T’was the Night Before Christmas and skillfully recounts Biblical events surrounding the Christ child’s birth. A surprise cameo performance will feature one of Brookland’s very own as a major character! You don’t want to miss this! Come out and make this a night of family praise and holiday enjoyment! If you have a desire to lend assistance onstage or behind the scenes, please contact: Deacon Walter Brownlee (803) 463-2422, or Margaret Moore Mack (803) 530-3828, We look forward to seeing you there! Save the Date NOW: Occasion: 2013 Christmas Musical Drama Location: Brookland Baptist Church Main Sanctuary Date: Friday, December 13, 2013 - Time: 7:00 P.M. Sharp Doors Open: 6:00 P.M. Cost: FREE Congratulations Kevin! Congratulations to Kevin Morgan on the upcoming publication of his sixth book. Dialoguing The Bible is based on the premise that to fully understand the history of how the Bible came to be, one must grasp the sentiments behind its development. Knowing who, what, where and how as they relate to the Bible is only part of the story because this sacred book is more than the sum total of its historical facts. The goal of Kevin’s latest publication is to not only help the reader comprehend how the Bible evolved into the divine best-selling book that we recognize today, but also to FEEL the emotions that drove this process. The expected publication date of Dialoguing The Bible is late November 2013. The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 8 Financial Empowerment Sunday (FES) - November 2013 On the third Sunday in November, we will feature Ms. Wendy Wendasia Johnson and her book, No Weapons Shall Prosper. This book is about a little girl who faced negative events that caused her to develop a negative mindset. Daily she tried to escape her mind-set, but the negative events wouldn’t allow her. Although she didn’t understand why things were happening to her; her pain drew her closer to God and helped her to develop a sense of good character. She would often ask God, “Why me Lord?” She had to fight for her mind because Satan didn’t want her to use her creativity; he knew her destiny. Financial Empowerment Sunday (FES) is a monthly event that will feature businesses owned by members of Brookland Baptist. FES is part of an ongoing effort to promote African-American economic empowerment and all Brookland worship service attendees are strongly encouraged to financially support these featured businesses. Please stop by Ms. Johnson’s table in the narthex after worship service on November 17th. *************************************************************** For Business Owners or Non-profit Executive Directors Who Would Like to be Featured on Financial Empowerment Sunday Please note the following: 1. FES slots (third Sundays of each month) are filled months in advance. Businesses or non-profits cannot request a specific month to be featured. 2. FES is reserved for members of Brookland Baptist Church. 3. To be considered for FES, you must submit via email to A brief description of your business or non-profit A photo of your product(s) or logo (jpeg preferred) A brief listing of your activities at Brookland Baptist 4. Your business or non-profit will not be considered until you have submitted the above requested information. 5. If your business or non-profit is chosen, you must be able to display your product or services at the table provided for you after both worship services on your assigned Sunday. The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 9 Spirit Workshop: Matters of the Heart Leading Ladies Phenomenal Speakers The speakers discussed real topics that would enable the young ladies to make smart decisions. Attentive Audience The Young Ladies were interested in the topics discussed and were a captive audience during the workshop. United in Spirit At the end, the group joined arms together in prayer and unity. Leading Ladies What a lovely group of young ladies! They are actively seeking information that will be beneficial for their spiritual and emotional well-being. Awesome Group Pictured are the ministry committee members and the leading ladies in attendance. We look forward to more and more young ladies joining the ministry and benefiting from the awesome workshops and seminars planned! The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 10 The Next Level of the Young Women of Excellence – LEADING LADIES! This ministry will cater to your whole person – MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. Issues such as public speaking, sex, male/female relationships, and other issues are just some of the topics that will be discussed each month. Young ladies, in grades 9 thru 12, this ministry will provide REAL TALK for REAL TIMES. We will answer the questions that your parents or peers are unable or unwilling to address. The Leading Ladies Ministry will provide education, information, and guidance that will assist you in becoming the Woman God designed you to be. Additionally, we will provide lots of fun activities and events throughout your high school years. Upcoming Events: Please join us for our Mental Health Workshop entitled, Courage, Compassion, and Connection: Tools for making the Journey from “What will people think?” to “I am enough”. The workshop will be held on Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 9 AM – 12 PM at the Brookland Fellowship Hall. The Brookland Star Newsletter Brookland Academy Child Development Center Page 11 The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 10 Happy “November” Birthdays 1st Chandra E. Beasley Jerry Butler 3rd Continued Deloris James Brittany N. Jeffcoat 5th Continued Monna Dailey LaRhonda Davis 7th Continued Johnnye Britt Belinda Butler Jonathan Clary Toni K. Chalena Timothy Cannon Dowling forbes Franks German Dawn Horace Nathaniel J. Karen Latasha Pamela H. Debbie Lenell Nathaniel Douglas F. Davis Frazier Geter Gilmore Hall Beverly Louise Larry Olando Katrina Bing Courtney Cheryl June John Connie Amari Kassandra Roddy Candice Chris Bradford Steven Gwen Malcolm L. Urethia Goodwin Grant Jeffcoat Johnson Jr. Keller Martin McFadden McIlwain Murphy Neal Picot Vincent Washington Woods Woods Zariyah Afrika' D'Jon J. Josephine Barbara B. Tyresia Vickie Rivers Sawyer Scott Smith Spry White Wise 4th Lawrence Blume Brandon Brown Thomas L. Brown Nina Burkett Freddie Burns Sandra Gadson Sherri Jasmine Toya Tony Leon Tonya David Bianca Jabarie E. Krista N. Michael Jesse L. Maude Rickey Jones Lazarus Lee Lewis McWhorter Richardson Robinson Rumph Scott Smith Sowell 6th Bannister Belgrave Laddie T Howard Debra Taylor Ien Karen M. Jackson Sylvia Johnson Naomi E. Langford Lawrence McClintock Nykae Rivers Kimberly Singleton Carleisha Watkins Tehesha K. White Candace Y. Wisdom Adrienne Wright 8th Shakeria Chambliss Gardner Glover Harmon Hunter Middleton Quillin Rabb Ruff Samuel LaToya Peggy W. Brandon Randolph Jaquna Mark Lawana Tawana Rhyan Billups Brailey Branch Brown Dwyer Fleming Gayle Gayle General Novella Phyllis Tonya Alan Vincent Shanna L. William B. Carl James Davis Golston Hart Hartwell Holliday Hook Kee Jr. Lewers Minick Jiles Miller Moultrie Neely Nelson Conyers Faison-Smith Fowler Glover Goree Jennifer R. William Jacqueline Audrey Mack James Kelsey 2 Albany Browning Ford Gadson Glenn Glover Griffin Kaela Nicholas Eric Fredderick Sterling J James A. Michele Nicol Sherri Valerie Dwiyana Melvin Hatten Hill McCabe Jason Lauryn James Schlappich Shelton Simmons III Troy Cynthia Glover Hambrick Holmes Hopson Avis Shameka Nyzherelle Newton-Adams Rutledge Sanders Adrian McClerklin Les Sprauve Sr David Jeffcoat Terrell Staley Andrea T. Cayla Darren Juanita W Audrey Evelyn McCray Riley Seward Smith Stinchcomb Turner Bessie M. Michael Sharon Mary Gary Kechia Strickland Stukes Wade Whitten Williams Williams Sandra Deanna Sherry R. Eric Fernando Trent Jones Lott Manning Platts Posada Simpson Jr. Wilbert Tequila Chelsea Gail Smith Markita S. Sterling Wilson 9th Adams Alexander Black Faith Webster 3rd Alden Harold Works Young Dwight Norris Varnum Wallace III Shakira Michael Blake Brazzell Cornelia Watts Whitney Chisholm Jermaine Cliff Williams Wilson Kendra W. Meggett Colter Corey Bettye J. Foggie Donna N. George, Anthony Green Sr nd 5th Tolanda R. Able Dwayne Budden Demereo E. Daniels Monique Armstrong Theresa V. Brown Vanessa DeBarr Willie Mae Burke Fawn Foulks Naomi Coleman Sharita 7th Allen Steve Inabinet Eunice W. Cornelius Donald Bennett The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 13 Happy “November” Birthdays 9th Continued Willie Greene Ronald Hall 11th Continued Blondell Rice James E. Smith Jr. 14th Continued Marion Linen, Sr. Shana Mattison 16th Continued Staci Rutherford Brandis Singleton Derrick Marilyn Tyneisha Lionel Harris Jeffcoat Jenkins Kennedy D. Eric Chinequa Cooper Tony A. Tucker Whitaker Wiley Woods Brenda L. Bryan D. Antonio Kenneth Marjorie Kevin Cleo Kendra Mary C. Yasmine Michael T. Amanda J. James Levy Smith Wade Washington Watson 10th Atchison Brown Jr. Butler Conelly Cooper Evin Drake Webb Jessica Wood 15th Billy Davis Mark Davis Eboni Flores Felicia Gethers D'Marco Haley Quinda Irby Betina S. Jefferson Chana Jennings Floyd Harlan Roslyn Shelton Stephanie Ayres Daketa Denesha Gwenda Louis De'Agea 12th Adams Adams Canzater Clark Cook Dotson Fulton Greene Hall Hutto Kelly Kendall McWhite Miller Mitchell Jr. Odom Remy Spearman Wilson 13th Tydran Beaty Metrovelle Denmark Thomas Harris Elnora Johnson Geneva Johnson Leon Johnson Percell Shenecka Jaquetta Cortani Eileen Marie C. Christopher Marvin R. Rozell Carmen Livingston McCullough Middleton Mims Price Sims Smith Thomas Williams IV Wright 16th Erica Anderson Deandrus Best Temperance Bright Tiffany Brown Marcus Coleman Nelson Jordan Reginald L Shaquana Alicia Jeanette Patrick Ralph Mark Keith Wayne Felicia D. Taffrey Keenan T. Tonia Legette Mendenhall Parker Shuller Simpson Thompson Williams 18th Bryant Carr Etheredge Gaymon Harris Hooks Jackson Jones Donovan Ishmael Diane H. Barry Bobby Shantai Cunningham Erika Farr Kimberly B. Freeman Carolyn Green Amy Hall Frances J. Dorothy Peggy M. Sharon Gregory John Michelle Andrey Tammye Moses Singleton II Smith Washington Smith Ulmer Webster Woods Worley 17th Cal Barton Kimberly L. Beasley Debra Campbell Darlayna Gardner Valerie W. Henry James Jenkins III Alicia K. Johnson Kenyetta Johnson Kentrell Kelly Justice J. Christopher Shamauri William Keith Chancellor Annie G Cynthia Malita Valerie Vickilyn Hill James Jenkins Lykes Montgomery Motes Nelson Patterson Peltier-Littles Scipio Smith Matthew Wiiliams Lawrence Jones LaDawn Denny Gerald Lancaster Jr. Edna Zimmerman 11th Brooks Bryant Caulder Coleman Meredith Sabretta Robert Tanya Anthony Vicgledia Primus Ragins Reese Reid Silva Walker Joseph M. Tyler Cynthia L. Kenya Keith T. Chaston Dickerson Etheredge Gore Gridine Hopkins Huntly Melvine Keshia Keshia L. Dawn Isaac Adrienne Miller Moyd Moyd Ray Savage Jr. Smith Tomeka Davis Isaiah David Green Kiauntae Brenda Washington Williams-Washington Gregory Doris W. Jeffcoat Johnson Lashia Leila Washington Washington Reuben Gresham Celeste Wilson Justice S. Jones Carolyn Jevon Harrison Johnson Daisy 14th Dixon D. Frederick Knight Marina Lanzot Lisa Richard N. Adams Bowman Earl Jones III Shyeda Garrett Kimara London Delores A. Brown Derrick Moultrie Monica D. Jordon Damien Morton Sharon Cayruth Barbara Provard Kim Prentis Percell Ojetti Clark Nicole Travares Bernard John Linen 19th The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 14 Happy “November” Birthdays 19th Continued Gladys Coleman Timothy E. Davis 21st Continued Katrina Barnes Shemeek Blanchette 23rd Continued Tamera Hill Sandra Hodges-James 26th Continued Venora Bolden Ravyn Cunningham Kawanda Samuel Rebeca Taylor Fannie M. Teneane Dibbie Queenie Henry A. Tracy Connie Wanda J. Wanda L. Ashley Brittney Gail Glenda M. Etheridge Gortman Harsey Howell Jenkins Johnson McFadden Mitchell Motes Murphy Murray Oliver Oliver Robinson Robinson Sherrill-Bracey Thomas Vera Malita Na-Ik Rosemary Kymme Charlene Charlene Rita Ann Cynthia H. Brenda Angeletta Lawanda D. Fern M. Glenice Sheree Angela Gail Izetta Christina Lavonia Felicia D. Mildred Michael Michael Valerie S. Stacey Troy Vandy Beverly Kameka L. Isaiah Dyretta M. Chad L. Destiny Shaniqua Deborah C. Kennith LaTonya JacQuie Gary Michaelle Naomi Kevin Sallie Ira Lamiya S. Lovell K. Kevin Brittny Gregory Stephanie Darlene Glennis Marcia C. Dustin Denise Sharonda Mark Lesly Wilkerson III Wimberly Wright Wright 20th Benjamin-Savage Brantley Butler Geter Glover Green Hannah Huggins James Jamelle R. Crystal Elizabeth Marcia Paul Antonio P. Smith Tart Thompson Waddell Watkins Wilson 22nd Austin Addison Hilda M. Bronson Darlene Coleman Alfreda A. Dozier Edward Fashaw Marjorie H. Grant Leroy Hunter Daiza H. Loretta Richard Darian Warren Margaret L Alfred Timesha Charles E. Lashanda Melba Tivona Jennifer Jacole Johnson Kathrina Jacques Doug Bradley Brown Brown Childress Gadson Legree McFarlin Jr. Moody Moss Palmer Simpson Taylor Thompson 25th Adams Laney Darryl Wallace Raymond Dominique Sherita McClure Nelson Patterson Perkins, Jr. Rice Roach Theresa Patrese C. George Gregory Vincent Rodney Madison McCoy Miller Miller III Thornes West Kavetta Rakiya Cynthia Krystle Berry Cynthia T. Anderson Bearden Boyd Brown Butler Cooper Amanda Darryl Kent Markeshia Nala Rush Taylor Thompson Wilson Witherspoon Joyce Kevin Keisa B. Ashley 23rd Amaker Anderson Bacote Burch Eliza Danshai Leslie Venita Zachary Holmes O'Leary Patterson Sullivan Whitesides Wayne Kelly Donnell Angela Y. Cheryl Christina Wooden Young Brandon Kerry Lucinda Bush Etheredge Evans Leverette Crystal Williams III Willis 26th Melinda B. Robert Wilodene Green Hodge Hutto Amber Gilyard Clementine Behling Leslie M. Jenkins Blocker Blunt Bostick-Tindal Cobbs Davis East Etheridge Holloway Jackson Jones Josey Lawson McLain Moses Pearson Shelton Singletary Sherene Phillip Jabber Laroy Maple Montgomery Morant Norris Pressley Reed Rhinehart Scott White Williams Jr. Wright Wright 24th Agard Bowman Etheredge Fashion Gilbert Goodman Gregg Harris Johnson Sr Kerns Lee Oliver Patterson Patterson Pearson Roger Shy Smith 27th Jordan Belgrave Carlissa Brown Sakoya Bryant Ava Burrell Perceffenessee Cantey Tiffany Chisolm Gary Coates Jr. Ayman Eggleston Cherrelle Evans Julian Farris Francina Gerald Casey Gillerson Amelia Glisson Kevin Harley Laverne E. Jones James E. Avius Briana Shirley Leroy Susie Lott Owens Roberts Wages Ward Wright 28th Blake Brewington Coleman General The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 15 Happy “November” Birthdays 28th Continued Israel Nuhu Danaris Pearson 29th Continued Katanya Gilmore Charlean Glover 29th Continued Pinkie Whitfield Chantal Williams 30th Continued Connie Jefferies Fayette Kennedy Sharon Adrian Limica Monique Angela L. Aronna Nadia Lois Joanne B. Jeffrey Earl Cammananda Deni Ortega Kathryn Eudora Pameco Stephen O. Tiffany Chris Sha'kel D. Janet Sandra McKaren Randy Ryan Marquita Jasmine Deborah Sherrie Angela Louvenia Richardson Rivers Stewart Sutton Taylor Winston 29th Elda Aristhil Douglas G. Brown Christina Eaddy Geraldine Felder George H. Gatewood LaToya Gillins Hammond Hunt Jackson Johnson Jones Jr. Jones-Manning Jordan Missouri Scarborough Simpson Suber Sutton Turnbow Williams Youmans 30th Marinda Aiken Melvin Baker Judy R. Blakely Kierstyn Clark Jennifer A. Culler-Staley Alfonso Evans Jr. Shakil Fuller Mickey Gibson Sereatha Harris Candace C. Shiver Kimbrough King Lewis McCray McNeil Minor Monroe Perkins Prince Thom Whitaker The Brookland Star Newsletter Page 16 Brookland Northeast 1. Anyone interested in volunteering with the Angel Tree Program, please stop by the office and see Celia Hartman or call her at 803-753-0613. 2. Please join the Young Adult Ministry for the Bible Study on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. 3. The Military Outreach will be collecting non-perishable snacks and personal hygiene items to send to the soldiers in Afghanistan for the holidays. A collection box will be in the lobby thru November 24th. For information contact Wesley Dodd at 4. The Outreach Ministry has teamed up with the Rice Creek Elementary School Improvement Council to collect non-perishable food to help families at Rice Creek Elementary who need a helping hand. A collection box will be in the lobby thru November 24th. For information contact Cliff Wilson at 5. Adult Line Dance class is held each Thursday at 7:00 PM in Rooms 1 and 2 for anyone that is interested in attending. The Brookland Star is a monthly news publication for the members and friends of Brookland Baptist Church. Please submit all ideas and or suggestions to Deadline for article submission is Tuesday, September 24, 2013. Newsletter Staff Kevin Morgan, Editor Peggy Brailey, Layout and Design Marcus Works, Layout and Design Pastoral Staff Reverend Dr. Charles B. Jackson, Sr., Senior Pastor Reverend James A. Jamison, Assistant Pastor Reverend Charles B. Jackson, Jr., Executive Pastor Reverend Chris Leevy Johnson
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