February 2015 - Brookland Baptist Church
February 2015 - Brookland Baptist Church
Editor’s note Did you notice how spectacular the covers of this edition look? It is the work of Shawn Glover our newest staff member. Glover is a December 2014 graduate of the University of South Carolina and he also served as the Chair of 2014 College Day. Glover brings a unique Gunby background and perspective to our staff that we are sure will translate to a GREATER publication for the young adults in our congregation. We are extremely grateful for Glover’s excitement and eagerness to design pages that are both informative and visually appealing. The Brookland Star staff continues to grow and we are already reaping the OVERFLOW of a year of GREATER not only in our church, but also in the expansion of our publication by regular contributors and a phenomenal group of ministry leaders that provide content for our monthly editions. We have had a few people express an interest in joining the staff and we looking forward to introducing them and their work in upcoming editions. In case you are considering lending your talents to The Star, please contact us for more information at TheStar@brookland.cc and we will provide greater insight into our process and the various roles that are available. Is there a woman in the Brookland congregation doing phenomenal work at church, in her career, or philanthropy? We would like to include her in the Brookland Women Making History feature. This story will share the great work these Brookland Women are doing to have a positive impact on our neighborhoods, state, and nation. Send her biography and photo to us at TheStar@bookland.cc by Feb. 13 to be included in the March feature. It is important that we receive a photo and biographical information, as this is not a listing of names. The Brookland Star is published monthly by the Brookland Baptist Church. Submit all articles, announcements, celebrations and photographs to TheStar@brookland.cc or brooklandstar1@gmail.com by Feb. 13. The March edition of The Brookland Star will be distributed on March 8. Brookland Star Staff Keisa Gunby, Editor & Layout Peggy Brailey, Co-Editor & Layout Shawn Glover, Graphic Designer Marcus Works, Print & Distribution P H O TOG RAPH ERS Calvin Reese (West) and Lin Johnson (BNE) P ROO FRE AD ERS Deaconess Sharon Dublin (BNE), Brenda Henicks and Annette Sello S TAFF W RITE RS Reginald A. Bess, Ph.D., Deacon Lenell Geter, Tré Tailor and Dr. Eric Schuleter C O N TRIBU TIN G W RITE RS Dr. Tisha Boston, Angel L. Malone, Dr. Reginald Parker, and Donna Thomas, RN Pastoral Staff Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr., Senior Pastor Reverend James A. Jamison, Assistant Pastor Reverend Charles B. Jackson Jr., Executive Pastor Reverend Chris Leevy Johnson, BNE Campus Pastor For past and color versions follow the link The Brookland Star (Newsletter) on our web site, www.brooklandbaptist.org, from the Home page at the bottom of the page under Contact Us. F or every aspect of human life there is some preparation and training that takes place. Before you can read a book, you learn the letters of the alphabet. Before you can ride a 2-wheel bike, you practice on a bike with training wheels. When you accept a new role or duty, you go through orientation or training. REV. JAMES A. JAMISON Assistant Pastor The same is true for your walk with God and to break down the parables of the Bible into smaller better understand the teachings of the Bible and His nuggets with real-world and daily application. calling on your life, you must prepare. One way to begin or strengthen your understanding of God’s Word and the responsibility of being a child of God is through Christian Education. Both campuses of Brookland Baptist Church offer Christian Education classes on Sunday mornings and Bible Study. There are age-specific Bible Studies and Sunday School classes, as well as some single-gender bible studies that create tailored curriculum on how to seek God, learn and understand the Bible, and challenge us to Go, Grow, and Glow as Pastor Jackson has taught in his most recent sermon series. Sunday School is not a cliché or a fad. It is a timetested and well-documented approach for all ages to We enthusiastically encourage you, your family, friends and acquaintances to become regular members of our classes. This quarter, Sunday School lessons are focusing on Acts of Worship. Beginning in March, we will be discussing The Spirit Comes. Classes are held on the West Campus from 10 - 11 a.m. At Brookland Northeast, classes are held from 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count). The season begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18. During Lent, Christians have traditionally engaged in practices of self-denial, like fasting, meant to orient their hearts and minds to the sufferings of Christ, who spent 40 days in the desert fasting and enduring temptations from Satan. While not specifically instituted in the Bible text, the 40-day period of repentance is also analogous to the 40 days during which Moses repented and fasted in response to the making of the Golden calf. Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. The Bible does not mention the custom of Lent, however, the practice of repentance and mourning in ashes is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21. God’s Greater For You Series A Greater Relationship, A Greater Faith, A Greater Hope, A Greater Love, A Greater Peace, A Greater Understanding, A Greater Encouragement, A Greater Authority PLUS Just Bible It Additional Series Also On Sale Playa Haters (4-part series) $20 CD - $40 DVD Going, Growing & Glowing G3 Series $10 CD - $25 DVD The Beatitudes (8-part series) $30 CD - $50 DVD All 9 sermons are available now $40 for CDs, $60 for DVDs Pick up your copies from the Brookland Book Corner or the Media Desk after Worship Services Reginald Bess, Ph.D. reports on the gathering of Brookland Campuses for the annual State of the Church Address. Bess In preparation for the Annual State of the Church Address, Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr. asked for choirs from the West Campus and the Northeast Campus to combine for this special hour of worship. At the rehearsal on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015, Jackson dropped in to have prayer and to explain the significance of the service at the Township Auditorium. He explained that the West Campus and the Northeast Campus had not worshipped together since the latter began having services in the auditorium of Ridge View High School led by Campus Pastor Christopher Leevy Johnson in 2007. Jackson continued that the 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services on the West Campus had not worshipped together since 2000, when that service was held at The Township Auditorium. He finally noted that he was changing the tenor of Sunday’s worship. He said, “I am not delivering an address. I am preaching!” And preach he did. Jackson began Sunday’s service by reading Exodus 19:1-8 which biblical scholars refer to as the parable of “The Wilderness of Sinai.” Next, the Praise Team led the Mass Choir and the congregation with four songs. The Mass Choir, which was seated on the stage, was comprised of at least 175 persons making it necessary to create a choir overflow section. Johnson made three announcements concerning the Northeast Campus. Because of an vehicle accident on Saturday, Jan. 17, a wall of the Northeast Campus’ sanctuary was damaged. Johnson shared that the wall had been repaired, Bible Study would resume on Jan. 28 and regular services would be held in the sanctuary on Sunday, Feb. 1. The title of Jackson’s sermon was I Believe, which was also listed as the Thought for the Week: Because Emmanuel Lives, I Expect Victory Everytime! Jackson highlighted 16 points of God’s favor on the Brookland congregation, but he mentioned there were so many more that he could have included. Jackson also announced three major projects for 2015: a $2 million capital campaign; the Phase III Building Project on the West Campus; and the expanding spiritual influence of the Northeast Campus. His penultimate point was that our beliefs must be rooted in God and that all things are possible if we only believe. His ultimate point was that Brookland Baptist Church is a believer’s temple of praise and the Miracle on Sunset. At the end of the service, I spoke with the Executive Director of the Township Auditorium Aundria Hollman. He explained that the auditorium seats 3,100 and he estimated the One Church, Two Locations Worship Service to be approximately 2,200. PHOTO CREDIT/ Keisa Gunby, Willinda Johnson & Antonio Peterson On Monday, Jan. 19 several Brookland members were recognized during a program celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dea. Tyrone Brown shares their story. T he City of Columbia’s 27th annual MLK Day proved to be especially memorable for five Brookland members who have shared their time, talents, and treasures serving the community. Dea. Durham Carter, a community activist and resident of the City of Columbia, has served as the chairman of the MLK Day program for 25 years and he was honored for his loyal service. Carter believes that the Martin Luther King Holiday should be a Day of Service and he is especially pleased to know that teenagers, including several from Brookland, share the same passion. Four Brookland teens were also recognized during the program. Tytiana Georges, a senior at Airport High School, is the daughter of Al Ravyn Cunningham, Dea. Durham Carter and Sandra Georges. Tytiana was awarded a $250 Dream Keeper’s and Taylor Cunningham. Scholarship. In her scholarship essay, Tytiana wrote about the volunteer work she has done for three consecutive summers at Palmetto Health Baptist as a candy striper. Tytiana expressed feelings about community service by stating “I feel there is a need for volunteer work because the changes we want to see in our communities start with us.” Tytiana is a member of several ministries including: Leading Ladies, Junior Usher, JM Youth Group, and has served on the Youth and Teen’s Day Committee. Taylor Cunningham, a sophomore at A.C. Flora High School, is the daughter of Dea. Richard and Deaconess Carol Cunningham. Taylor was awarded a $250 Dream Keeper’s Scholarship. Taylor is a member of the Ft. Jackson Boys and Girls - Key Stone Club which provided her with several options for community service. Taylor participates in supporting/interacting with nursing home residents; “HomeWorks”, a faith based organization that supports the Columbia Community by renovating homes, Columbia Mayor Steve and she participated in Jackson’s Closet clothing drive. Taylor will participate on the Benjamin and Tytiana Southeastern Teen Panel as the representative from the Ft. Jackson Boys and Girls Club. Taylor serves as a Junior Usher and in the JM Youth Group at Brookland Baptist Georges. Church. Ravyn Cunningham, a sophomore at A.C. Flora High School, is the daughter of Dea. Richard and Deaconess Carol Cunningham. Ravyn received the highest Dream Keeper’s Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Ravyn is the president of the Ft. Jackson Boys and Girls – Keystone Club. Raven has participated in community projects such as Sister Care and feeding the homeless. Ravyn serves as a Junior Usher and in the JM Youth Group at Brookland. Jonathan Cannon, a junior at Dutch Fork High School, is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Steven Cannon. Jonathan won first place in the Brookland Brotherhood Ministry’s 2014 Oratorical Contest. He was selected to deliver a speech at the MLK Celebration. In Jonathan’s speech Fast Forward he shared how he attempts to get others to grasp the concept of taking a moment to glance back in time, to realize the struggle that civil rights advocates such as King encountered for our current freedoms. Jonathan stated, “As a young, up and coming generation, we need to take the time to “rewind” and look at the previous movements that led to our Jonathan Cannon, 2014 generation’s ability to “Fast Forward” and envision a desegregated future for the Brookland Brotherhood world.” Oratorical Contest winner. Bernice Breeland shares the energy and excitement taking place at the Center. PHOTO CREDIT/ Bernice Breeland The James B. Adams Seniors are starting 2015 with a focus on entrepreneurship. The seniors have started several crafts projects that they plan to use to start a business for the Center. Barbara Garrett, a J.B. Adams Senior, and Volunteer Anita Dantzler have been teaching participants how to crochet and make other crafts. Volunteer Janice Harris held a session on how to protect against the flu with vaccines, exercise, and other means. Dantzler teaches crochet. Seniors are now enjoying games of ping pong and can exercise on a treadmill thanks to some recent donations. Jerry Free is a part of the group and donated the ping pong table. These additions are sure to bring hours of fun. Garrett teaches crafts. The James B. Adams Seniors meet each Tuesday in the Brookland–Lakeview Empowerment Center from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. The meetings are informative and provide seniors the opportunity to fellowship with each other. If you are a senior interested in participating, new members are always welcome, so come out and bring a friend. Mildred Norris shares the work of the Senior Missionaries. President Pinkie Caldwell and Senior Missionaries are making plans to attend the Red Dress Project on Feb. 14 at Ridgewood Baptist Church, 5326 Ridgeway Street, Columbia. The event itself is always an awesome affair, complete with a catered lunch. The sea of red hats and dresses has a dazzling effect. It appears as a sea because of the women are in movement. It looks like waves of color. Senior Missionaries are also making plans to attend the Harambee Festival at Benedict College on Sunday, Feb. 22, and the Gethsemane Women’s Executive Board Meeting at St. John Baptist Church on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 6:30 p.m. A number of Senior Missionaries attended the annual planning meeting of the Gethsemane Baptist Church at Saint John Baptist Church on Saturday, January 10. Members participated on several committees including: banquet, history, scholarship and music/worship. The Brookland Missionary Society made up a significant part of Gethsemane Women’s Choir under the direction of Helen Schumpert. The Senior Missionaries are an awesome and dynamic group. We are committed and dedicated to the service and the well-being of our fellowman. If you would like to become a part of our auxiliary, we meet every Thursday after the second Sunday at 6 p.m. in Room One of the West Campus Administration Building. Sundays at 10 a.m. ADULT CLASS Deacon Acy Suber, Jr. Small Sanctuary YOUNG ADULT CLASS Deacon Oliver Williams Fellowship Hall Classroom COLLEGE/CAREER CLASS Carolyn Feemster Book Corner TEEN CLASS Reverend Cheryl Williams & Mike Ferguson Fellowship Hall Classroom MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASS Bessie Mack & Faye Graddie Fellowship Hall Classroom JUNIOR CLASS Willie Mae Moses & P. Haggler Fellowship Hall Classroom JUNIOR CLASS Deacon Bill Randolph & Adrian Bowling Fellowship Hall Classroom PRIMARY CLASS Deacon Willie Morgan & Estelle Randolph Fellowship Hall Classroom PRE-SCHOOL CLASS Deaconess Sandra Randolph & Cassandra Conyers-Rush Fellowship Hall Classroom CORPORATE BIBLE STUDY Pastor Jackson Wednesdays Noon & 6 p.m. Small Sanctuary BIBLE INSTITUTE Rev. James A. Jamison Mondays and Wednesdays Banquet and Conference Center YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY Evangelist Crystal Evans Tuesdays 6 p.m. New Members Orientation Classroom JOURNEY THROUGH THE June Lewis BIBLE Sundays 4-5 p.m. New Members Orientation Classroom BIBLE INSTITUTE PRE-REQUISITE CLASS Deacon Thomas Johnson Sundays 6 p.m. Fellowship Hall Classroom WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Wanda Barr Sundays 5-6 p.m. Small Sanctuary The Brookland Baptist College Ministry serves God and promotes the spirit of excellence, while seeking to provide a positive environment where traditional college students will not only excel academically but spiritually. We are committed to working, worshiping God, and witnessing to others about Jesus Christ and what He can and will do. In addition, the goal of the College Ministry is to provide a Christian Baptist Ministry witness for students through activities on and off campus throughout the year. Objectives of the College Ministry include, but are not limited to, the following: a watch-care ministry under the Brookland Baptist Church, counseling and prayer (as needed with Rev. Nicky Wilson, Minister of College Students and Young Adults and/or other ordained Ministers of the Brookland Church), networking, transportation to and from Sunday Morning Worship Services, campus outreach at local college campuses, community service/ community service projects, and social fellowship with and beyond the Brookland Baptist family. The College Ministry communicates with collegiate students that register at no cost with the Ministry through telephone calls, text, and social media websites and applications. The Ministry actively serves in V.I.B.E. Teen Church, and the Young Adult Ministry. Undergraduate and postgraduate members/relatives of the church receive birthday cards, letters, calls or e-mail throughout the academic year. Each month, the committee meets to discuss business, and we strive to prepare care packages or envelopes for collegiate students. We, the Brookland Baptist College Ministry, are committed to serving God, worshiping God, and witnessing to the saved and unsaved. The Brookland Baptist College Ministry is actively seeking volunteers to serve on the 2015 College Day Committee. We will begin meeting each month beginning in February. If you are interested in serving, please email BBCollegeMinistry@gmail.com or call (803) 796-7525. applications, and a round table discussion on the College Campus Life. Food will be served and prizes will be given away. This event is open to all. 2nd Annual College Tour to various colleges, universities and major attractions in Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. This trip is open to all Brookland members and non-members. There is a non-refundable deposit of $50 per trip attendee. This trip is open to all. April 1-2, 2015 The College Ministry will host a campus visit to Benedict College, Claflin University, Morris College, South Carolina State University, March 8 the Citadel, the College of Charleston, Welcome Back Cookout (2015 High North Carolina Agricultural and and the University of South CarolinaSchool graduates and current college Technical State University - The Columbia. This trip is open to all. students) - Detailed information Brookland Baptist College Ministry will coming soon!!! host the North Carolina Agricultural College Student Care Package Driveand Technical State University’s Gospel The College Ministry will be collecting SEPTEMBER 2015 Choir and Mime Team at the 8:15 a.m. items for College Student Care Packages Community College Choir and worship service and the Ministry will during the months of June, July and Quartet Sing Out - Detailed worship with the V.I.B.E. Teen Church August. information coming soon!!! at their 10:45 a.m. worship service. September 20, 2015 College Day 2015 College Tour March 31 The College Ministry will host (June 25-29, 2015) – OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 an active and down to The Brookland Baptist College Student Thanksgiving earth symposium and College Ministry, Basket/Bag Drive - The College social for all students Brookland Northeast Ministry will be collecting items for interested in going to Youth/Teen Ministry, College Student Thanksgiving Basket/ college. We will and the Teen Ministry from Journey Bag Drive. discuss financial aid, admission United Methodist Church will host its Keirsten Hoyle is the daughter of Keith and Janice Hoyle. She is a Business Administration major at Hampton University. On July 1, 2014, I had the distinct pleasure of traveling to London, England, for the first time. The trip was part of a study-abroad experience at Kingston University located in the Royal Burrow of Kingston on the Thames River. Kingston is about a 20-minute Tube ride (London’s subway) from Central London. At Kingston University, I had the opportunity of studying two exciting courses: Introduction to International Business and British Culture and Society. I lived at Kingston University with many students from other countries including the United States who came to study abroad for the Hoyle at Hampton Court Palace. summer. Courses were a total of six credit hours that were transferrable to my home school, Hampton University. My classes had a mixture of both lecture and outof-class experiences. During our out-of-class experiences, we witnessed famous historic sites such as Stonehenge, the Roman Baths, the Gudwara Temple, Hampton Court Palace, Oxford University, St. Paul’s Cathedral, just to name a few. I also visited the Bank of England, the Royal Stock Exchange, Canary Wharf and the financial district of London to exchange U.S. currency into British Pounds. During our cultural experiences, our class attended Antony and Cleopatra at the historical Shakespeare Globe Theatre. We spent a day at Brighton Beach in East Sussex, UK where I visited the Royal Pavilion and toured the beach made of pebbles. I had the chance to ride the London Eye, a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, and witness the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, home of Queen Elizabeth of England and the royal family. Outside of class, I was given the distinct opportunity to attend the First Global Convention of Global Visionary Women Network hosted in Liverpool, England. During this convention and during the closing dinner, I had the opportunity to meet global-minded female entrepreneurs from multiple countries. It was a distinct pleasure Hoyle with Naa Tsotsoo to meet her majesty Naa Tsotsoo Soyoo, Queen of the Ga Kingdom of Ghana. We Soyoo, Queen of the Ga dined, took photos and engaged in pleasurable conversation with business women and Kingdom of Ghana. distinguished dignitaries from around the world! Being a business administration major at Hampton University, the experience and knowledge these women shared from their unique journeys to success was truly inspiring. My last weekend excursion was a four-day trip to Paris, France, the city of lights and love. I made memories I will cherish forever. While in Paris, I visited amazing sights such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Palace of Versailles, Pont de l'Archevêché, Musee d’Orsay, Champs-Elysees and a boat tour on the Seine River. Hoyle at Brighton Beach. This experience changed my life in so many wonderful ways. I am now an International Studies Ambassador at Hampton University. I encourage students daily, through my experiences, to make the most of their college experience and take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad. My desire is that students who read or hear about my experience will be encouraged to open their minds to global perspectives, open their hearts to cultural experiences and pursue their aspirations to explore the World! Hoyle at the Eiffel Tower. Brookland Academy Director Jennifer McConnell shares highlights of the growth and expansion of the program. The Brookland Academy Child Development Center will celebrate 10 years of providing a quality education to children ages six-weeks to four years old in August. We are guided by Christian principles and thrive to ensure the individual success of each child by providing a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment through age appropriate programs. Our goal is to provide for the enhancement of spiritual, cognitive, emotional, physical and social development of children while involving families in collaboration with the community. Brookland Academy CDC inception was August 5, 2005. Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Brookland Academy CDC is a full-time program for children ages six weeks to four-years-old. Brookland Academy CDC offers Camp Brookland for school age children during the summer and winter break for students from five to eleven years old. Current enrollment of 100 students. Qualified staff with years of experience. Licensed and regulated by the SC Department of Social Services. SC Department of Social Services ABC Voucher Program accepted. Rated Level B+ by the SC Department of Social Services ABC Voucher Program. An approved program by First Steps 4K. Lesson plans are based on the Creative Curriculum and aligned with SC Early Learning Standards. Additional tools used for academic achievement include Zoo Phonics. All staff members are certified in CPR and First Aid. Staff earns a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education yearly. Seven spacious classrooms with developmentally appropriate materials and learning centers. Three age-appropriate outdoor play areas. Media Center equipped with six iMac computers, lending library, and writing stations. Eight-bed garden to promote basic life skills, healthy eating, and the skills to observe. Classrooms are monitored by cameras. Two nutritious meals and snacks provided daily. Health room available for exclusion due to illness. Extracurricular activities include ballet and soccer Shots. The Academy provides Spanish and Music as an extension to learning. Continuous initiatives by the Academy Parent Teacher Organization and Board of Advisors. Fundraising to maintain special programs, teacher trainings, and program enhancements. Scholarships for currently enrolled families experiencing hardship. Strengthening our partnerships with community affiliates. The Family of Jesus Matthew 1:17, Luke 3:23-38 Holman Christian Standard Bible Jesus is the Son of God, which means that He is fully God. But when Jesus was born on earth, He had human parents too. They were named Mary and Joseph. That means that Jesus was also fully man. So, Jesus was both fully God and fully human – that makes Him different from any other man. Like all people on the east, Jesus’ family had a history – a family tree. It began all the way back in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. They had a son named Seth, and his son was named Enos. Enos was the great-great-grandfather of Enoch. Enoch walked with God and was also part of Jesus’ family. Noah was another member of Jesus’ family, along with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Years later, a man named Salmon was born into Jesus’ family tree. He married Rahab, who had saved the spies at the fall of Jericho. They had a son and named him Boaz. He, in turn, married Ruth, who had been so good to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Boaz and Ruth had a son named Obed. Obed’s son was named Jesse. Jesse was the father of King David, who was king of Israel and who was loyal to God. King David wrote many psalms, and some of them spoke of the time when Jesus would come to earth. Other people in Jesus’ family tree were King Solomon and King Jehoshaptha. Then, there were more fathers and more sons. One of them was named Matthan. Matthan had a son named Jacob. Jacob then had a son, and he named him Joseph. And it was this Joseph who became the husband of Mary. Mary gave birth to Jesus, who is called the Messiah. Ask your parents or guardians to help you fill in your family tree West Campus Children’s Worship Children’s Worship Theme 2015 “Bible Basics: Stories for Our Children’s Knowledge and Spiritual Growth, Part 2” In 2015, Children’s Worship will focus on Bible stories in the New Testament. This follows our great success in familiarizing the children with Old Testament Bible stories in 2014. Our goal is to help our children, ages 5 to 11, grow in basic knowledge and understanding of our faith through a child-friendly worship service. We meet during regular worship hours in the Children’s Worship sanctuary in the Administrative building on the West campus as follows: 8:15 a.m.: 2nd and 4th Sundays 11 a.m.: 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays We encourage all children who are 5 to 11-years-old to attend. New volunteers are also encouraged to join the Children’s Worship family. For information, contact Kenneth Campbell at KCampbell@sc.edu or (803) 4138949, or visit us. The Brookland Northeast Campus Youth Program is designed to encourage children to have a relationship with Christ and to promote an understanding of worship. The program will give children a safe place to have fun and to develop meaningful relationships at various age-appropriate levels. Both programs are located in Hope Academy directly across the street from the Northeast Campus. Northeast Campus Youth Program Children’s Church provides a worship experience for children ages 5 to 11 on the 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday whose parent(s) or guardian(s) is/are attending worship service. The Nursery is open every Sunday and is open to children under the age of 5 whose parent(s) or is/are attending worship service. guardian(s) bbneyouth@gmail.com “Then were there brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.” Matthew 19:13-15 KJV The Young Women of Excellence (YWE) Ministry will allow young ladies in grades 5-12 of the Brookland Baptist Church to showcase their gifts of story telling and oratory skills during its Inaugural Oratorical Contest. The theme for the contest is Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives: Celebrating Phenomenal Women. The display of talent will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 7 p.m. Deaconess Norma Brown, Director of the YWE, explains the purpose of the contest “The media portrays our African-American girls and women in such a negative way, we wanted to show the media and our community that we have young women who are aspiring to be ‘Women of Excellence’.” Deaconess Gwenda Greene is the Chair of the YWE Oratorical Workshop Committee. She says “Nearly five years ago, a core group of Brookland men initiated the Oratorical Contest for young men that continues currently as a key component of Men’s Day activities. Now in 2015, Deaconess Norma Brown is establishing the contest for the young women in Brookland. A sincere thanks is extended to Deaconess Ethel Suber, Tiffany Redmond, and Sabrina Moore for leading the way as workshop presenters for participants.” Deaconess Norma Brown describes to participants and parents the purpose of the contest. An orientation session was held on Saturday, Jan. 31. at 10 a.m. in the West Campus Fellowship Hall. Information about the purpose of the contest, public speaking, the preparation workshops and attire were shared with participants. A separate session was held for parents and volunteers to discuss the contest. Participants are required to attend at least three workshops and one practice session to be able to compete. Additional opportunities for the participants to meet with writing and public speaking coaches will be held on Feb. 9, 12, 16, 19, 23 and 26 at 6 p.m. in the West Campus Fellowship Hall. Participants can practice delivering their speech on the following dates: March 2, 5, 9 and 12. Deaconess Gwenda Greene goes over the agenda for the day. The deadline to register is today Feb. 8, 2015. For more information, contact Brown at nlnn@bellsouth.net or Greene at ggreene109@gmail.com. Parents and Volunteers Breakout Session. Participants breakout session of speech writing and delivery. Compiled from multiple sources. One in three students report experiencing some form of abuse, and more than two-thirds never report that abuse to a caring adult. One in 10 teens reported being hit or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend at least once in the twelve months. And nearly half of all teens in relationships say they know friends who have been verbally abused. Dating abuse isn't just a big issue, it's a growing epidemic. February is Teen Dating Violence Month to raise awareness on how teen dating violence affects not only the victims, but also their families, friends, schools and communities. Teens often think some behaviors, like teasing and name calling, are a “normal” part of a relationship. However, these behaviors can become abusive and develop into more serious forms of violence. What is Dating Violence? Dating violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a dating partner. Calling dating violence a pattern doesn't mean the first instance of abuse is not dating violence. It just recognizes that dating violence usually involves a series of abusive behaviors over a course of time. Every relationship is different, but the one thing that is common to most abusive dating relationships is that the violence escalates over time and becomes more and more dangerous for the young victim. Possible Signs of Dating Violence Less attention to academics. Increased exposure to drugs and alcohol. A greater likelihood of teen pregnancy. Growing isolation. Sexual assault. Even one of these things can have a profound impact on the physical, social and emotional growth of a young person. Together, they create a perfect storm that not only affects the victim of abuse, but their friends, families, schools and surrounding communities. And it goes beyond preventing the actual violence. Parents need to feel comfortable talking to their kids about these issues. Schools need to take steps to become better prepared to address incidents on campus. Communities need to rise up and say NO MORE. The Lexington Medical Center is offering free smoking cessation classes to members of our community who want to kick the smoking habit for good. The classes, offered at the hospital’s community medical center in Lexington, meet once each week for two hours and lasts eight weeks. The program is open to anyone who wants to quit smoking, and because of a generous grant from the LMC Foundation, there is no cost to participate. Classes will take place from March 24 to May 12 from 4 - 6 p.m. at 811 West Main Street in Lexington inside the Executive Conference Room on the 2nd floor. Lisa Lewis, an RN for Cardiac Rehabilitation at LMC Lexington, initiated the program two years ago to help others to quit smoking. She received her certification from the American Lung Association as a tobacco-cessation facilitator and began to build a program. Since its inception, 49 percent of the people who completed the smoking-cessation program at LMC Lexington quit smoking, which is above the national average. The classes provide helpful tips for quitting. The program doesn’t end with the completion of the eight-week course. Lewis and her team check on each participant at 30, 90, 180 and 365-day intervals for the first year. The American Lung Association also invited Lewis to become a facilitator trainer, which is a role usually reserved for its employees. LMC Lexington now has a team of five tobacco-cessation facilitators. If you or someone you know wants to quit smoking and participate in Lexington Medical Center’s smoking-cessation program, please call (803) 358-6180. You must register for the class in advance. Karen McNeal has been appointed Vice President of the Brookland Financial Ministry. McNeal, who also serves the Financial Ministry as the chairperson for Biblical Studies, took office effective in January 2015. McNeal is active in other ministries at Brookland. She serves as the Activities Coordinator of the Leading Ladies Ministry. She is a member of the Brookland Sisterhood, Women's Bible Study, and is currently enrolled in Bible Institute. McNeal is from Cheraw, South Carolina, and has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Winthrop University. She is a Contract Compliance Manager with BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. Her favorite scripture is Philippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV) McNeal The mission of the Financial Ministry is to help people grow closer to Christ by teaching biblical financial principles through education, empowerment and evangelism. The Executive Team members include: Jerome S. Nesbitt, President; McNeal, Vice-President; Dea. Tyrone Brown, Treasurer; Wanda Jenkins-Olive, Assistant Treasurer; Wytisha S. Carter, Secretary; Bernice Breeland, Assistant Secretary; and Margaret Warren, Historian. Rev. Betty H. Brown shares an opportunity for outreach during March. I n observance of Women’s History Month, the 2015 Women’s Day Committee and the Women’s Bible Study are sponsoring a Bedding Project to provide twin and full-size bed linen sets to women in comprehensive domestic violence and drug treatment facilities. The Bedding Project is one of our annual service projects that is communitybased and chosen specifically to enhance the lives of women and their children living in comprehensive residential family shelters and women who are in drug treatment facilities. This project helps us gain a broader perspective of what real need looks like, shining a different light on our own personal needs and desires. It also provides an opportunity to reach beyond ourselves to serve and meet some of the many needs that exist in the lives of women living in the Midlands. The bedding giveaway will take place on Saturday, March 21, from 8 a.m. - noon in the West Campus Small Sanctuary. The theme for the day is Women, Walking in the Overflow. Rosalind Glenn will be the guest speaker during the Gathering of Women Service. Guests will be served brunch before the linen is distributed. We invite you to make a donation of a new twin or full-size linen set to ensure that every family we sponsor leaves with new linen for their beds. For additional information on how to give, please Contact Rev. Betty H. Brown at (803) 796-7525, Wanda Barr (803) 920-8276, Evangelist Josetta Smalls or Sinthia Willis. If you would like to showcase your product or business to nearly 600 Brookland members and community partners, act quickly. Sponsorship opportunities are still available but the deadline is Feb. 13. Contact Katrina Bridgette at the number listed above, Adreane Burgess at (803) 741-6831, or you can email the committee at hwguild@brookland.cc. In addition to sponsoring an annual health fair, the Brookland Foundation’s Health and Wellness Program also provides scholarships to students pursuing a career in the medical profession, gives scholarships for sports physicals for middle and high school students playing organized sports within their district, and CPR/AED training. Anthony and April Silva Today's society is all about instant gratification! Instant gratification is defined as the satisfaction gained by more impulsive behaviors: choosing "now" over later. My husband and I are instantly gratified in our giving when we use Brookland's online giving option! We choose "now" instead of later when giving back to God what He has so richly blessed us with! By utilizing online giving, our tithes and offerings are already at work long before Sunday comes! The online giving option is very user friendly and can be accessed from your desktop or mobile device. We challenge every member and visitor to try online giving at least once! We did and it was the best option for us! Tithes & Offerings IN PERSON Use an offering envelope and clearly print your name and full address on the envelope, so your donation will be credited accurately for tax purposes. ONLINE GIVING Use the secure, convenient online giving through the church’s website to pay through your checking or savings account, debit or credit card. Use your financial institution’s bill pay service to send a check of your tithes and offerings. BY MAIL P.O. Box 2093, Columbia, SC 29202-2093. Print your name and full address on the envelope, so your donation will be credited accurately for tax purposes. ESTATE PLANNING Designate Brookland Baptist Church or one of our entities in your Last Will and Testament. Please contact a member of our Finance Department at (803) 796-7525 with any questions. Machelle Gantt was recognized by local television station WLTX as the Mom of the Day for Jan. 12, 2015. Celebrations Machelle is married to Samuel Gantt and they are the parents of Austine and grandparents of 9-year-old Nasir. Machelle was nominated by her daughter Austine. Austine describes Machelle as a blessing not only to her, but to her son as well. Austine says Machelle is kind, hardworking, and a strong individual. Machelle says that she thought of Pastor Jackson’s pleas to the church to work more toward the Fruit of the Spirit as she read her daughter’s comments about her. Story compiled from media reports. The Midlands Coalition of Churches chose Lt. Curtis Wilson of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department as the 2015 winner of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major for Justice Award. State Sen. John Scott presented Wilson with the award at a ceremony on Saturday, Jan. 10, during the 21st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast and Awards Ceremony held Wilson at the Wiley Kennedy Family Life Center. The award is given to a former or current law enforcement officer who is active in the community and is passionate about ensuring the integrity of the community, according to coalition Executive Director Willie Bryant. Wilson has worked as a radio personality and television anchor in the Midlands and has been a public information officer with the sheriff’s department for five years. His duties at the sheriff’s department include working with local media to get information to the public, participating in forums, attending and organizing community events, and speaking to a wide variety of groups of people, including students. Sheriff Leon Lott said he is “very proud of Curtis” and thinks he is very deserving of the award. Lott said Wilson’s “hard work, dedication and compassion are without a doubt instantly recognizable to anyone who meets him.” Wilson is a member of Brookland and has served on the 2013 Men’s Day Committee. Fred Barton Ann BinghamJohnson Waneika Black Lorraine B. Brister Frankie Brown Latasha Brown Janet Campbell Jacqueline Cherry Justice Collier Jazel Cook Aniha Davis Gwendolyn Dervin Valeria Green Chrystal Grimes Kelvin Hampton David Henderson Ricky Hill Tanya Hilton Alicia C. Johnson Mike Jones Gerard Lancaster Bridget Bennon Lytton Andrea K. Platt Tiffany R Spann LaTonya White Zaharah Wiggs Harriet Zanders Ronald E. Cleaves Cecil Foster Yolanda Harper Christopher Hemphill Ariel Hugine Allegra Manigault Idowu Lisa C. Jenkins James Lawton DanKeisha Leaphart Paul McCants IV Terry Allan McDuffie Latrina Morgan Cassandra Nelson Stedman Scrivens Bryan Singleton Chasmine Smith Cynthia Williams Robin Williams Alexander Alderman Ashley Bell Gregory Bell Priscilla Buckson Byron Calhoun N'Keyah Faison Algernon Goodwin Joyce Leaphart Cynthia Legree Long Gail Luqmaan Kevin Lyles Dionte Martin Ebonique Muray Ebanique Murray Gregory J. Nelson Alleyah Rice LaTonya Seawright Kenneth Stroy William N. Taylor Tracy Caldwell Thompson Tonya Washington Candice Oglesby Williams Bridget Wilson LaToya Bowman Portia Brooks Michael Brown Jr. Gwendolyn Coles Levi Deloach Wilodean B. Dreher Alexis Edwards Harriet Garrett Amanda H. Gladden Reagan Hannibal Alvin Hipps Craig Johnson Myrna Johnson Zuleika Jackson Jones Queen Linen James McQueen Arthur Stevens Everett Summers Terra Wright Reggie Beeks Brittany L. Brown Alisa Bryant Tracey A. Mobley Chavous Briana Adams Dawson Charlyn Doughty Breanna Gibson Dervel Gillins Velma Ishmal Green Shalonda Johnson Yolanda Lyles Nigel Mack William McCabe Jr. Reginald Mingo Marland Mitchell Katherine Moody Hannah Rivers Shakita Simpson Cindy Smalls Tiffany Spencer Reyniqus Torres Cassandra Wilson Flora Diaz Womack William Bennon Shewann Blake Joseph Boutte Anthony Broughton Stanzi Brown Jennifer Coleman Shatilya Feagins-Jacobs Lorne T. Grant Paul M. Green Ethan Johnson Tiffany R. Johnson Averylin Pearson Felicia G Stack Eunice Turner Stephanie Zimmerman Robert Benn III Brittney Burgess Kalei Colter Sylvia Evans Brenda Halley Jacquelyn Houston Robin Jefferson Ronnie Cedric Lee Leroy Mercer Brianna Norman Willie Robinson Demetrice T. Sheard Carolyn Sherald Roderick Tyrone Smith Quazisha Stanley Torri Toland Ryan Turner Linda Wilson Keisha L. Banks Deja Behling Pamela Brown Joshua Dreher Julia Evans Steven Farray Kia Evans Gibson Robert Honore' Rosalind Thompson Jacobs Vanessa Louis Jean Huriya Johnson Myron Johnson Johnny Kinloch Jr. Michael Cary Percell Thomas E. Rivers Jr. Rrazand Robinson Cathy Smith Morgan D. Walker Jacinda Washington Ronald White Patricia Anderson Demetres Andrews Frenche' Brewer Brittany Caldwell Gwendolyn S. Cook Monique Corbett Michael DeWitt II Sidney Evering III Valeria B. Farr Vontray Furgan Henry B. Greene Mary Haggins Porche Jackson Bernadette Moultrie Talia Singleton Penny Barnett Susana G. Beatty Kelly Brooks Vickie L. Brown Tarnisa Capone Mary H. Davis Toniea Denton Deanna Eggleston Anita Garrett James Wendell Gladden Beryl Good Samual Gortman Jr. Jacquelyne Jackson Vivian Mills LeTerria Murphy Precious Myers Ashton Narcisse Tameika Turner Noland Zaniyyah OBery Jessica Payne Nicholas Pearson Mark Peterson Derrick Richards Brenda Rickards Jacquelyne Riley Felicia Robinson Delores Rush Helen Sherrill Tanya Smith Tia Stewart G. Elaine Taitague Janie Youmans Philip Blackwell Sunny Broadus Anthony Brown Jr. Johnny Anthony Brown Jr. Jamel Bryant Cypheus Bunton Angela Cornelius Marcia Barnett Croom Mary G. Davis Shamari Earle Yolanda Gillen ShaKesha Gillens Kimberly Harley Andree' Hutchinson Gwen Inabinet Andrea' Johnson Terrence Johnson Kannia Leon Dobey Rivers Robin T. Roberts Errol Rochester Jr. Yolanda Scott Hattie J. Valentine Marie McRae Worley Loretta Young Ashlei Alston Frank G. Bell Jr Jerod Blake Pam Coates Amanda Colonneaux Cassandra Colonneaux Demetrius Davis Sonya Finklin Phillip Florence Jr. Troy A. Frazier III Yolanda Frazier Pamela Garner Ron Glymph Andrea J. Griffin Christina McIntee Miles Melanie R. McNeil LaTonya Middleton Allyson Murphy Fannie Outen Darlene A. Page Elizabeth Scott Albert Thomas Donald Alston Mary C. Barnett TiShonda Brown Elise Davis Derrick Durham Jasmine Garland Wilhemenia Garner Takiyah Green Len Hazzard Morris Hodges Jr. David Isreal Veronica Jackson Takiyah A. Joe Simon R. Kohn Sidney Lewis Marion Linen Jr. Trina Newton Calvin Payne Sr Graun R. Ross Brian Thomas Lakesha Wilson Tucker Bernice Stone-Wells Coretta Wilson Sonya Wise Sandra B Anderson Lizzie Bamberg Keaton Briscoe Amanda Brown Audrey Brown Pinkie D. Caldwell Kimberly Carmichael Sharon A. Daniels Ernest J. Feemster Karnell Gleaton III Chervon Grant Charney Housey Annette Johnson Arlene Johnson Lorraine F. Johnson Charlene Kenley Conchetta Lincoln Adrian Mccullough Serpico McKnight Nicole McKune Belinda D. Parker Asa Pressley Shakerah Sims Arlene Skelton-Johnson Shakita Spearman Phillip Whack Kenneth Betton Celina Buford Keneth Burton Glenda Davis Paul Dunbar Sr. Kerry Eaddy Douglas Gibson James W. Harvin April Glenn James Sydney Johnson Charles J. Kelly Jospeh Kinard Lela Leathers Raven Mathis, Brittany McRae Yolanda Mims Thomas Niles Jr. Robert Peacock Amber Reed Jaresa Reed Thomas Rush Bryan Simon Davion Williams Monique Williams Jemekia Wilson Kelsey Wilson Quincy A. Baker Fristella Branch Brianna Brown Alvera C. Butler Goldie Counts Mary Dixon Alice Etheredge Linda Henderson Fatina Hill Timothy Hunter Jr. Betty Ishmael Anthony Johnson Jesse McAllister Letisha Montgomery Natasha Pauling Anthony Poindexter Sylvester Redenburg Roy Smith Richard Snipes Sharon Sprauve Brenda F. Wilkie Gertrude Williams Damani Wright Brandon Young Wanda Williams Bailey Deborah Blanchette LaTrece Blanchette A. Jerrod Bracey Tony Brock J. C. Burns Larry Cartledge James A. Croffie Jr. Gregory Daniels Mauricia Dawkins Taiylar R. DeMoss Adrian Jackson Doris Jefferson James G. Long Jasmine Meggett Jackie Riley Agnes Rivers Nashay K. Samuels Coreth Stembridge Herman & Bessie Strickland Ciera Stroman Clarissa Vega Terrance Ward Obre Young JoAnn Aldridge-Rigell Jhavon Bryant Sheila Edwards Dorothy Gantt Cedric Jenkins Christopher Johnson Lisa Parker Scottie O. Parker Kandy Peacock Crystal Reardon Shakeem Robinson Thomas Spry Cynthia Sumpter Tammy Tyler Donya Wallace Berry Waymer Geraldine D. Williams Shayla Williams Stephanie Belvin Ethel Brewer Ethel David Marissa L. Genwright Carolyn P. Glymph Connie Green Destiny Gregory Jannifer Cheri Johnson Jamison Lewis Clacinda E. Mayes Roblynne McDuffie Reginald McGill Dedra Mitchell Walter Clark Napper III Reginald Ross Vickie Senn Selina Slater Maggie Strong Rana Tucker Harry Williams Nathan Etheredge Jr. Nicole Felder Michael Forbes Terri D. Strother-Davis Stephanie Vincent Sheila Vinson Diantor Adams Ayreial Aiken Annie Ball Zyaysia Brown Margaret Bryant Kevin Corley Shakirah Crawford Ebony Davis Tyree Engram Marcus Hannibal Valerie Holman Breanna Johnson Aisha Lawson Tommy Moore Sharon Pouncy Jessica Rush LaTasha Rush Jill Jackson Scott Robert Singletary Antionette Taylor Charles G. Tolliver Cedric Williams Mary L. Alston Lorine Austin Bridget Blackwell Kenyatta Bluford Gwen Bowers Harland Brown Lavene Brownlee Mary Cooper Frederick Daniels Jamie L. Devine Barbara Green Bryce A. Green Leon Hines Ashley M. Jackson Lenora Jordon Denean Ambersley Jacqueline N. Anderson Josephine Anthony M. Frederick Maria Bargas Blackmon Jaby Glymph Murrell Bolor Mary G. Hallman Larry N. Bennon Adrian L. Boston Earnestine Hutto Alexis Davis Brian Boyd Devin Johnson Rebecca Glover Pamela D. Brock Lori A. Lewers Steven Gratic Charise Burgess Khalel Louden Joy Hallman Vanessa Burgess Lisa McClary Daniel Harkness Gregory Domenikos Butler Anthony L. Parker Myra J. Haywood Doris V. Chaplin Ty R. Patterson Myra Heyward Wanda DeLeon Chelsea Randolph Melissa Manning Sandra Miller Evelyn Morgan Ty Patton Stephanie Quarles Wilson Remy Bobby Richburg Kathy Smith Nathan Stokes Jermesia Walker Clarence Wallace III Benjamin A. Washington III Barbara William Kaileigh Lambert Wanda P. Luckey Wanda Morgan Nathalie Muldrow-Cobbs Jacqueline Reid Erika Richards Daniel L. Satterfield Todd Shugart Anthony C. Smith Courtney Thompson Tevin Tyler Oliver Williams Gregory Adams Rhonda M. Bowman Chaz Brown Kamaria Chisolm Brandon Dingle Sheneka Etheridge Whitley D. Felder Eric Fitts Adrianne Graham Adams Gregory Tawayla Grimes Denee' James Maxie Joye Phyllis Lindsay Richard Patterson Michael Pringle Reginald Stewart Erika Williams Stephen A. Wright Ronye Cooper Tyrone M. Davis Nicole DeWitt Tiereney Gibbs Edgar Hawkins Ernesha Jennings Annie N. Johnson Yolanda V. Lewis Sabrina Moore Artis Parker Jr. Patricia W. Parson Darrell Payne Joyce Porter Sandra Randolph Malcolm J. Scott Lashell Snipes Zack Stapleton Shirley Tisdale Meisha Whitlock Darnell Aiken Whitney Barr Ollie Marie Best Nadine Bowman Shameika Brown LaTasha Salmond Darby Apollo Davis Ana Drummond Damina C. Geiger Lynda Gethers Imani Gude Nadine M. Harris Wanda Harris Jawanda Johnson Benita Knowlin Kim Stokes Lomax Carolyn McDaniel Ryan Miller Melanie Murry Horace Myers Marcia Nelson Mercedes Riley Taeilor Rumph Karen Stocker Paul Swann Jimmy Williams Ke' Asia Wilson Reginald Bess Crystal Brink Michael Broaden Corley Byers Linda Cooper Carolyn Davis Omeish N. Fogle Rodney Francis Cheryl Free Barbara Garrett Lakisha Gladden Sterling B. Harris Samara Hodges George Johnson Tosha Lucas Shameca McFadden Anthony McIlwain Paula McIntosh Bryan McLeod Jenna Mills DaJhuan Morgan Deron Pringle Sam Richardson II Deborah Stukes Kenneth Williams Sr. Alexander Adams Nayenday Blount Donnise Bonds Sophonia Yvette Bostic Elexis Bynum Beverly Byrd Samone M. Chapman Sammyark H. Coleman Meredith Collier A'aliyah Davis Alexis M. Dickerson Lillie M. Edwards Sherries Ellison Robert Green Marilyn Hazzard Shelly Johnson Wendarius Johnson Corlene King Earlene King Ra'Chel Lazenby Roosevelt McLamore Carolyn Percell Leslie Stewart Jamie Suber Walter Washington Princetta Weston Juanita Willis Daniel W. Boozer All birthdays and anniversaries listed on the previous pages are generated through the church membership database. If you find any errors, please contact the Church Office at the West Campus at (803) 796-7525 or the Northeast Campus at (803) 753-0610. FEBRUARY 13-15 Couples Retreat Jacksonville, Florida 22 22 27 8 14 S.W.A.G. - Teen Church Hope Academy 10 a.m. Black History Observance Guest Speaker: First Lady Robin Jackson 4 p.m. 21 Brotherhood’s Father-Daughter Banquet 21 Bedding Project Giveaway West Campus Small Sanctuary 8 a.m. - Noon 22 S.W.A.G. - Teen Church Hope Academy 10 a.m. 30 – April 2 Holy Week Services Spotlight On Youth Jam For Jesus MARCH V.I.B.E. - Teen Church Health & Wellness Center 11 a.m. Health Fair Health and Wellness Center 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4 12 APRIL Sunday School Annual Easter Program West Campus Small Sanctuary Noon Education Day
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