january 2016 - Brookland Baptist Church


january 2016 - Brookland Baptist Church
Editor’s note
I am extremely delighted to welcome
our newest Contributing Writer Tammy
Epps. Epps has agreed to contribute to the
A Healthy Temple column. Epps is a Media
Communications Manager at Palmetto
Health, and she is also a certified Zumba
Instructor. Epps has already contributed to
previous editions of The Star by supplying
features from Palmetto Health.
Since August 2015, Deaconess Cheryl Wilson has served as a
Staff Writer for The Star covering events on the Northeast
Campus. As she leaves this position, we are grateful for her
contributions and pray God’s blessings on her work as she
continues to serve the Brookland Northeast Campus in other
As always, if you would like to volunteer as a staff member
for The Brookland Star, there is room for you to share your talents
with your church congregation to help us cover the more than 60
ministries on both campuses. The Brookland Star is more than
pictures and headlines; this magazine is an opportunity for
members and visitors to learn about our congregation and
ultimately come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
The Brookland Star is published monthly by
the Brookland Baptist Church.
Submit all articles, announcements,
celebrations and photographs to
TheStar@brookland.cc or
by Jan. 15.
The February edition of The Brookland Star
will be distributed on Feb. 14.
Brookland Star Staff
Keisa Gunby, Editor & Layout
Peggy Brailey, Co-Editor & Layout
Shawn Glover, Graphic Designer
Marcus Works, Print & Distribution
Calvin Reese (West) and Lin Johnson
Deaconess Sharon Dublin (BNE),
Brenda Henicks
and Deaconess Annette Sello
Tré Tailor, Dr. Eric Schuleter
Dr. Tisha Boston, Tammie Epps,
Rosalyn L. Glenn
Angel L. Malone, Dr. Reginald Parker,
and Donna Thomas, RN
Pastoral Staff
The entire Brookland Campus including Pastoral
and Administrative Offices, Brookland Federal
Credit Union, Brookland Foundation, Banquet &
Conference Center, and Health & Wellness
Center will be closed Monday, Jan. 18, in
observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr., Senior Pastor
Reverend James A. Jamison,
Assistant Pastor
Reverend Charles B. Jackson Jr.,
Executive Pastor
Reverend Chris Leevy Johnson,
BNE Campus Pastor
Since 1862, the African-American Church has observed the tradition of Watch Night Service. On Dec. 31, 1862,
free and enslaved blacks in the United States prayed and watched for news that President Abraham Lincoln had
signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in Confederate States and ending the Civil War. Since this
historical nights, African-American congregations have gathered to thank God for protection and covering
another year.
For the first time in the 113 year history of the Brookland Baptist Church, two Watch Night Services were
observed. The first service was held at 7 p.m. at the West Campus. The second service was held at 10:30 p.m. at
the Northeast Campus. Senior Pastor Rev. Charles B. Jackson Sr. preached at both services on the subject The
Rainbow After The Flood from Genesis 9:12-13.
The services mirrored each other; each started with praise and worship. The West Campus Praise and the Teen
Praise Team combined to set the atmosphere for worship. The Northeast Campus Deacons began their service
and the Adult Choir continued the praise and worship. Rev. Jeryl Salmond and Rev. Ronald Best conducted the
Opening both with recognizing the countdown to the new year. A seed offering and choir selections took place
prior to the Preached Word. When the clock struck midnight ushering in the beginning of 2016, Jackson was
preaching to a packed Northeast Sanctuary how to make God a priority in all 52 weeks of 2016.
Top row from West Campus
Watch Night Service.
Pictures above and to the
right from Northeast Campus
Watch Night Service.
Each year, the leadership of the Brookland Baptist Church holds a meeting during the first week of December
to provide details on the finances, organization and direction of the church.
On Tuesday, Dec. 8, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Charles B.
Jackson Sr. opened the 2015 meeting by leading us in singing the
hymn, Glory to His Name. Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry
Dea. Acy Suber Jr. followed with a moving prayer.
Jackson continued with the agenda by making the Pastor’s
Statement concerning the mission of the Brookland Church. He
said since building a large sanctuary in 1999, the mission of the
Brookland Church has been to win souls for Christ, transform
lives and make a difference in our community. Jackson shared
his appreciation and support shown to him by the Brookland
congregation for believing in the vision that God has given us.
The printed agenda specified the Pastor’s Assignment and
Brookland’s Assignment for 2016.
The Pastor’s Assignment is to “Encourage a Relevant
Ministry to Serve this Present Age without Compromising the
Integrity of God’s Word” with the biblical reference coming
Rev. Charles B. Jackson Sr. opens the membership
from Isaiah 42:9 Behold the former things are come to pass, and meeting.
new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of
Brookland’s Assignment is to “Build The Next Generation
of Believers” based on Psalm 78:4 (NIV) We will tell the next
generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and
the wonders He has done.
The next item on the agenda was the Challenge of Change.
Jackson says he appointed Assistant Pastor Rev. James Jamison
and Minister of Music Harold Brooker to head a task force to
identify opportunities to better engage our young adults in the
11 a.m. worship service. Jamison and Brooker developed a 15page document and those recommendations will be considered
as we prepare the next generation of believers for leadership of
our congregation.
Brookland’s Chief Financial Officer Rev. Veronica Bailey
Before allowing Chief Financial Officer Rev. Veronica
and Rev. Rev. Charles B. Jackson Sr. present the
Bailey to present the 2016 Annual Budget, Jackson announced church’s 2016 budget .
that in 2015 there was a 5 percent increase in tithes and
offerings. Jackson continued by saying that our hearts are in the right place in terms of giving unto God His tithes.
Bailey presented the details of the 2014 independent audit, and there were no material weaknesses noted. She
did indicate that based on the recommendation from auditors, ministries that have their own bank accounts will
need to transfer those accounts to the church Finance Team for greater accountability.
She also confirmed that all donations and contributions for the Youth and Teens are not being included in the
operations budget of the entire church. Those designated funds are being held in a separate account for activities
that support Youth and Teens.
The report on the Organizational Chart was led by Unetta Anderson. Since 2103, Anderson and her Ministry
Development Team have been working to identify duplication of services and inactive ministries. The team
presented their findings to Jackson and those recommendations will be considered. The team will continue to
monitor the ministries to ensure that they are maintaining the standards they have attained.
Jackson also provided information on Phase III that he will share with the congregation on Feb. 7 and
additional details will be published in the February edition of The Star.
The hour and a half meeting was closed with prayer by Jamison.
Deaconess Gwenda Greene and Willinda Johnson contributed to this story.
Celebrating a Season of Praise was the theme for the Brookland Northeast Campus’s Annual Christmas
Celebration on Thursday, Dec. 17. The celebration, sponsored by the Christian Education Department, displayed
spiritual and cultural modes of praise that involved the church and community. Spiritual praise included liturgical
dance, mime, songs, recitations, and oratory from Northeast youth members and visitors from the Life
Resurrected Ministries.
A lesson on Kwanzaa was a special feature of cultural praise. Sankofa African Museum on Wheels Owner
and Exhibit Curator Angela Jennings took the audience on a journey through the seven principles of
Kwanzaa. Jennings is a resident of Denmark and her exhibit has traveled across the US, West Africa, the US Virgin
Islands and Europe.
Under the visionary leadership of Sunday School Superintendent, Michelle Copeland, the program was a
reminder that the holiday is time to PRAISE Jesus and our African American heritage. Deaconess Gwenda Greene
and Jennings paused to take pictures with youth who displayed the real meaning of Kwanzaa.
PHOTO CREDIT/Willinda Johnson
Brookland Northeast Men's’ Fellowship member Dexter Ashford shares what the men have being doing this fall.
A fall filled with fellowship and service has kept the Brookland Baptist Northeast Men's’ Fellowship busy. One
of the primary missions of the Men's’ Fellowship is to encourage Brookland men to be active in the lives of the
children of our church as well as residents in our surrounding communities.
On Nov. 14, a group of us played paintball and held a cook-out for the young men of our congregation. It was
a great outing that allowed us to connect with the young men. The young men enjoyed it so much that they were
asking to have the next one before we finished having the one we were at that moment engaged in.
Due to the success of the paintball event, we are planning another trip for our male mentoring program,
The Fellowship also provided Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to individuals under the age of 65 who
needed assistance in providing a traditional holiday meal.
James Hamilton is the leader of BNE Men's’ Fellowship and he can be reached at hamiltonjamesh@aol.com.
Meetings are held at the Northeast Campus on the 4th Saturday beginning at 8:30 am.
Pictures below top row (l-r) are BNE Mens’ Fellowship members assembling Thanksgiving food baskets. Second row are pictures
from the Mens’ paintball outing and cookout.
PHOTO CREDITS/Dexter Ashford and Alonzo Oliver
Deaconess Norma Brown and Sherry Rivers, Ph.D. provide details on the 2nd Annual Young Women of Excellence Oratorical
Brookland Baptist Church Young Women of
Excellence 2nd Annual Oratorical Contest will be held on
Friday, March 25, 2016, at 7 p.m. in the Brookland
Banquet and Conference Center. This year’s theme is
Extraordinary Women: Inspiring My Generation to Serve.
Young women in grades 5-12 are expected to attend
an orientation on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. or
Saturday, Jan. 30, at 10 a.m. for more information about
the contest. Attendance during an orientation is
REQUIRED to participate in the contest. Registration
for the contest will only be held during the orientation
The stage and decorations for the Inaugural Oratorical
“It is such a blessing to witness the many talents of
our young ladies. The Young Women of Excellence
Ministry is so excited to give our young ladies an
opportunity to showcase their oratorical talents. Last year
was a huge success and we pray that young ladies will
take advantage of this incredible opportunity.” says
Deaconess Norma Brown, Director of the Young
Women on Excellence.
Young Women of Excellence Co-Director Sherry
Rivers, Ph.D. says, “We are excited about giving our
young women an opportunity to display their
presentation skills while focusing on the importance of
serving others. It is our desire that this experience will
help them in various facets of life including school,
church and community.”
2015 Winners in Grades 5-8 category pictured (l-r): second
place winner Cori Langford, first place winner Chisom
Emetu and third place Jamia East.
Workshops will be held to assist young women in
speech writing as well as speech delivery. Participants
must attend a combination of 6 workshops which must
include at least 3 writing sessions and 3 speaking sessions.
Speech Writing Sessions will be held on Mondays and
Thursdays at 6 p.m. beginning on Feb. 1. Speech Delivery
Practice Sessions will be held on Mondays and Thursdays
at 6 p.m. beginning on Feb. 29.
For more information, contact Brown at
nlnn@bellsouth.net or Rivers at
2015 Winners in Grades 9-12 category pictured (l-r): second
place Saudia Brownlee, first place Taylor Abel and third
place Sophia Emetu.
Soup Kitchen Ministry Volunteer Coordinator Donald Wood delivers a glimpse in how they serve the needy.
One of the many outreach ministries here at the
Brookland Baptist Church is the Soup Kitchen Ministry.
Since 1985, these men and women have delivered soup and
sandwiches each Saturday, from December through early
April, to the elderly, sick and shut-in and others in the
Cayce/West Columbia community.
The ministry is based on the biblical principal from
Matthew 25:34-35, Then the king will say to those on his right hand
Come, you blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave Me
food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you
took Me in.
Meals are prepared each Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1
p.m. at the newly renovated kitchen of the BrooklandLakeview Empowerment Center, 1058 Batchelor Street (new
location). Meals are delivered to the elderly, sick and shut in and persons in need in the Cayce/West Columbia
area. However, walk-ins are welcome from 10:30 a.m. to 12:3 p.m.
Sponsors who are willing to donate $160 per Saturday are needed to help us to provide these hot and
nutritious meals each week. All volunteers are asked to devote a minimum of one Saturday each month. If you are
interested in sponsoring a day or would like to volunteer, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Donald Wood
at (803) 414-8295 or dwood@capconsc.com.
Checks should be made payable to the Brookland Baptist Soup Kitchen Ministry and mailed to BBC Soup
Kitchen, Attn: Donald Wood, 1412 Westchester Drive, Columbia, SC 29210.
The JM Youth Group, Boy Scout Troop
#74, Cub Scout Pack #74, the Leading
Ladies of Excellence as well as the young
men in the Jericho Road Initiative and Boyz
II Men will collect monetary and food
donations on Sunday, Feb. 7, for the Souper
Bowl of Caring on both campuses.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is held in
conjunction with the NFL Super Bowl to
support the efforts of the Brookland Baptist
Food Bank and Soup Kitchen.
The youth collections will be supervised by
the JM Youth Advisors.
In 2014, $1,365.98 in cash and 470 food items were collected. In 2015, $1,077 and 67 nonperishable items were
collected and donated to Brookland's Soup Kitchen Ministry and Brookland's Food Bank.
Several Brookland Girl Scouts participated in an etiquette
lesson and were treated to a three-course meal to apply their
knowledge. On Nov. 21, 2015, Brookland member and business
owner K. Allen Campbell shared A Simple Guide to Good Manners
with the young ladies in their efforts to earn an etiquette badge.
PHOTO CREDIT/Crystal Fulmore
The annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale is now underway. Please
support the Girl Scouts in their only fundraiser, so their leaders
can continue to provide programs for our youth.
Cub Scout Pack 74 received new patches and activity
badges during a December 16, 2015, awards ceremony.
Cubmaster Enoch Wisdom presented the awards during
the ceremony at the Brookland-Lakeview
Empowerment Center.
On Saturday, Dec. 12, Cub Scouts celebrated the
success of their popcorn sale with a Fun Day at
Frankie’s Fun Park and a fellowship lunch at Ryan’s.
On Sunday, Dec. 13, members of the Cub Scouts
Pack attended the USC Women’s Basketball game
against Winthrop University. Brookland Member Alaina Cub Master Enoch Wisdom, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts that
Coates had a triple-double during the game where the
attended the USC Women’s Basketball game.
Gamecocks won 86-37.
The Cub Scouts are led by Cubmaster Enoch Wisdom and they meet each Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the
Brookland-Lakeview Empowerment Center.
Jesus Was Dedicated
Luke 2:21-40
Holman Christian Standard Bible
On the eighth day after Jesus was born, it was time to present Him to the Lord at the temple, as
the law of Moses said. Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus up to Jerusalem. At the temple,
they offered a sacrifice to the Lord as the law said: a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.
Now, there was a man at the temple whose name was Simeon (SIM ee uhn). He was righteous
and faithful, and the Holy Spirit was with him. The Holy Spirit had told Simeon that he would
not die before he saw the Lord’s Messiah, the Savior. When Mary and Joseph brought the baby
Jesus into the temple, Simeon saw them. He took Jesus into his arms, praised God, and said:
“Now, Lord, you can let me die in peace. For my eyes have seen the Savior, just as You promised.
You have sent Him to be a light for the Gentiles and a glory to Your people Israel.”
Mary and Joseph were amazed at the things Simeon said about Jesus. Then Simeon blessed them and told His mother
Mary: “This child will cause the fall and rise of many in Israel—and a sword will pierce your own soul.”
At the temple, there was also a prophetess named Anna. She was a daughter of Phanuel (FAN yoo el), of the tribe of
Asher. She was well along in years—for she had lived with her husband 7 years in marriage and had then been a widow
for 84 years. Anna never left the temple. She served God night and day with fasting and prayers. At that very moment,
she came up and began to thank God and to speak about Jesus to all who would listen.
When Mary and Joseph had done everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned with Jesus to their own
town of Nazareth. Jesus grew up and became strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s grace was on Him.
Jesus’ Birth and Childhood Activity Page
Look up the following verses to unscramble the
words and learn facts about Jesus.
1. Matthew 2:1—Jesus was born in
__________________. (HEETLEMHB)
2. Matthew 1:24-25—Jesus was the
__________________ (FSRIT) (OBRN) child in
His family.
3. Matthew 13:55-56—Jesus had
__________________ (TRSBORHE) and
_______________. (TSIRSSE)
4. Matthew 1:16—Jesus’ parents were
_____________ (PJHOSE) and
_____________ (RMYA).
5. Luke 2:39-40—Jesus was filled with
___________ (MIDWOS) as a child.
6. Luke 2:46—Jesus enjoyed going to the
________________. (LMEPET)
7. Matthew 1:18—Jesus’ mother, Mary, was a
_____________ (IRIVGN)
8. Luke 2:25-38 __________ (OESIMN) and
_________________ (NAAN) met Jesus as a
West Campus
Children’s Worship
Each Sunday, children who participate in Children’s Worship learn Old Testament and New Testament Bible
stories and an age-appropriate application
Our goal is to help our children, ages 5 to 11, grow in basic knowledge and understanding of our faith through
a child-friendly worship service. We meet during regular worship hours in the Children’s Worship sanctuary in
the Administrative building on the West Campus as follows:
8:15 a.m.: 2nd and 4th Sundays
11 a.m.: 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays
We encourage all children who are 5 to 11-years-old to attend. New volunteers are also encouraged to join the
Children’s Worship family. For information, contact Kenneth Campbell at KCampbell@sc.edu or (803) 4138949, or visit us.
The Brookland Northeast Campus Youth Program is designed to encourage children
to have a relationship with Christ and to promote an understanding of worship. The
program will give children a safe place to have fun and to develop meaningful
relationships at various age-appropriate levels. Both programs are located in
Hope Academy directly across the street from the Northeast Campus.
Children’s Church provides a worship experience for children ages 5 to 11 on the
1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday whose parent(s) or guardian(s) is/are attending worship
The Nursery is open every Sunday and is open to children under the age of 5 whose parent(s) or guardian(s) is/
are attending worship service.
“Then were there brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on
them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children,
and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he
laid his hands on them, and departed thence.”
Matthew 19:13-15 KJV
Kevin Morgan contributed to this story.
L. Kobie Wilkerson III
and Ashlye V. Wilkerson
are the owners of
Victory Executive
Suites. Victory
Executive Suites is the
featured January
Financial Empowerment
Sunday (FES) business.
Victory Executive
Suites provides the best
rates for office, meeting
and event space at 1053
Ashlye V. Wilkerson and L. Kobie Center St., in West
Wilkerson III
L. Kobie Wilkerson explains why they started the
Victory Executive Suites. “We wanted to provide the
opportunity for small business owners to expand their
professional services by providing them affordable use
of office, meeting, and event space. Our office building
comes equipped with receptionist, copy/fax,
technology, wi-fi, utilities, and cable services.”
Ashlye V. Wilkerson tells about a recent success
story. “We had several small companies host their endof-the year dinners/banquets in our facility. They were
thrilled to find a location that met their needs, offered
quality service, provided a professional and quaint
atmosphere, at very affordable prices. Quite a few of
those businesses have also expanded and are now
tenants of our office lease services.”
Ashlye V. Wilkerson is a member of the Winthrop
University Board of Trustees, a Ph.D. Candidate at the
University of South Carolina and a professor of
education at USC Upstate. Ashlye Wilkerson is also the
author of the Tori book series that includes: Tori Finds
Shapes All Around, Tori Finds Colors All Around, Tori
Explores South Carolina, Tori Visits the Farm and Tori Visits
the Zoo. She is a member of the Gamma Nu Omega
Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and the
Columbia Junior League.
L. Kobie Wilkerson III is a master teacher,
inspirational keynote speaker, national consultant on
workplace culture & relationships, captivating storyteller
and international award-winning author.
At Brookland, Kobie Wilkerson and Ashlye
Wilkerson have served as volunteers with the Brookland
Foundation Homeless Ministry. Ashlye Wilkerson was
the founder of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Sign
Language Ministry. She
continues to serve as a
mentor for the Young
Women of Excellence
Program. She also served
on the 2014 College Day
Kobie and Ashlye
Wilkerson are the proud parents of a daughter, Alana.
The Wilkersons will be available on Sunday, Jan. 17,
in the narthex after both worship services to share more
information about their business.
Financial Empowerment Sunday (FES) is held on the third Sunday and features businesses owned by members of
Brookland. FES is part of an ongoing effort to promote African-American economic empowerment.
If you are a business owner, the executive director of a non-profit organization or a youth or young adult business owner
and would like to be featured on Financial Empowerment Sunday (FES), please contact Kevin Morgan at
Two new webinars are being conducted this year by the State Library to help alert citizens to voting
procedures and to learn about proposed legislation in the SC General Assembly.
The first webinar, Getting Ready for the Elections, will be held on Monday, Jan. 25 at 11 a.m. Join Elaine Sandberg,
Information Services Librarian as she explores the resources of scvotes.org, the website of the South Carolina
Election Commission to find just what we need to be prepared to vote! The second webinar on Legislation Resources
will be held on Monday, Feb. 22 at 11 a.m. Sandberg will explore some resources on the scstatehouse.gov site, the
new scrfa.gov site and sccounties.org site that are freely available to help us learn about the legislation, the state
budget and state spending, and resources to help keep track of important bills. If you would like attend either
session in person at the State Library, contact Sandberg for information (803) 734-8625 or
God Saw Something - Aug. 2, 2015
Standing Against The Enemy (Part I) - Aug. 16, 2015
Standing Against The Enemy (Part II) - Aug. 23, 2015
What Did Joseph See? - Sept. 6, 2015
How Much More Can A Person Take - Sept. 13, 2015
Through The Eyes Of Pharaoh (Part I) - Sept. 27, 2015
Through The Eyes Of Pharaoh (Part II) - Oct. 4, 2015
What Do You Do With What You Know - Oct. 18, 2015
Interceding On The Behalf Of Another - Oct. 27, 2015
Too Good To Be True - Nov. 8, 2015
Thank God For My Children - Nov. 15, 2015
After Joseph Woke Up - Dec. 20, 2015
The Joseph Story is a story of destiny...the Land of Promise. In Genesis 15, God promised that He would give
this land to the seed of Abraham. From Genesis 37 to Genesis 50, the Joseph Story unfolds which led to the
exodus of God's chosen people from Egypt to Canaan. In this story we learn of "total forgiveness."
Learning to forgive is probably the most difficult lesson for the Christian to grasp. Joseph teaches us how to
handle adversity, step over stumbling blocks, overcome obstacles and opposition, deal with hurt and pain, discover
delight in disappointment, make an elevator in front of your hater, and use your setbacks for a set up to come back
stronger, wiser and so much better.
Join us for this Bible Study series which begins on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, at both Noon and 6 p.m. This
study promises to give insights and revelations from the Word of God that will enable and empower us to live in the
favor and prosperity of God's riches in glory.
Nominations are being accepted for our 3rd recognition of
Brookland Women Making History.
Is there a woman in the Brookland congregation doing phenomenal
work at church, in her career, or philanthropy?
This story will share the great work these Brookland Women are
doing to have a positive impact on our neighborhoods, state, and
Send her biography and photo to us at TheStar@bookland.cc by
Feb. 19 to be included in the March feature.
It is important that we receive a photo and biographical
information, as this is not a listing of names.
Information provided by Palmetto Health.
Palmetto Health, in conjunction with Dr. Philip Michels and
Dr. Gary Ewing, offers a free comprehensive, adult smoking
cessation program to residents of Richland, Lexington, Fairfield
and Sumter counties. Recent results indicate 74 percent of
smokers quit smoking by the end of the three-week program and
those who continued to smoke significantly reduced the number
of cigarettes consumed each day.
The program includes:
Free counseling and consultation
Free one-month supply of medication to those who
Six sessions within three weeks
If you are looking to quit smoking and need some assistance, the classes at Palmetto Health begin this month.
For more information or to register for Palmetto Health’s smoking cessation program, call 803-296-CARE
Adrian Humphrey
Because God's tithe is first, sacred and Holy before any bill is paid in my house, God's tithe is
Online giving makes it possible for this to happen;
it allows me to keep the ‘Main Thang, the Main
I pray over the resources that God has blessed me
with, click the submit button and it’s done. No
more waiting until Sunday morning to take care of
God's business.
Tithes & Offerings
Use an offering envelope and clearly print your name and full address on the envelope, so
your donation will be credited accurately for tax purposes.
Use the secure, convenient online giving through the church’s website to pay through your
checking or savings account, debit or credit card.
Use your financial institution’s bill pay service to send a check of your tithes and offerings.
P.O. Box 2093, Columbia, SC 29202-2093. Print your name and full address on the
envelope, so your donation will be credited accurately for tax purposes.
Designate Brookland Baptist Church or one of our entities in your Last Will and
Please contact a member of our Finance Department at (803) 796-7525 with your questions.
Matthew Adams
Cheryl T. Brannon
Demond T. Coleman
Reginald Epps
Jimmy Frazier
Shirley Gates
Thomas Anthony
Eunice M. Graham
Krista Greene
Kenneth Grimes
Stephen Holmes
Erick Dexter Hopkins Jr.
Sherry James
Beverly Jivers
Lorraine G. Johnson
Derrick W. Livingston
Jazzlyn M. Mack
Karen McNeal
Arline B. Murphy
Lynn Napper
Lorenzo Neal
Gregory Ray
Dwan L. Samuel
Doris Shahid
Kaelyn Singleton
Gloria Singleton-Evans
Sumita Stewart
Breanna White
Angela Williams
LaToya Willingham
Selena Anthony
Lizzie Borum
LaPorshia Boykin
Dorothy Brewer
Jacquetta D. Chatman
Adriane Clark
Cathy Gates-Shaw
Tanita Gilbert
Carlton Green
Susan Hall
William T. Hankerson
Jeanna Holmes
Christian Keith
Lester Myers
Tiffany Scott
Britney White
Crystal White
Cecilia Brooks
Lewis Broome III
Marilyn Dawkins
Janet Hutcherson Eldridge
Michele Starling Felder
Kimyonn Hughey
Santtana McDaniel
Willie Morgan
Jermaine Ransom
Nickolus Jon Stewart
Tara Taylor
Shanell Valentine
Dorothy Wilson
Robin Bennett
William Bethea Jr.
LaKimberly Burch
Marissa Campbell
Bryson Cannon
Felix Childs
Mary Darby
Shakquan Darby
Leon Hayward Davis
Marlon Ealey
Nicholas Ealey
Bernard Edwards
Charlene A. Brown Nicholas Johnson
Lynetta Carson
Lenora Jones-Green Dantigo Green
Melvin Hart
Julius Daniels
Ramadam Mercer
Diamond Henry
Jacquelyn Douglas Vincent Parker Jr.
William Lance Evans Terrance Wingfield Vonetta S. Hubbard
Nashia Whittenburg Jones
Sabrina C. Gaulman Bruce Wright
Kasia Keith
Major Malik Joe
Cortez Lagroone
Nadine A. Lewis
Nakoketa Mack
Dorothy Morant
Leon Maxwell Morgan III
Kayron A. Nesmith
Samantha Profit
Harry Robinson
Francine Simpson
Rashida Singleton
Catherine E. Smith
Linda Stroy
Cassandra Tolliver
Donald Turner Sr.
Alicia A. Williams
Alia M. Wright
Deatrix Zeigler
Lenise Bennett
Nicole Robinson
Shirley Bobo
Brooke Boyd
Bernice Breeland
Karen Cantey
Marcus Christian Chisolm
Inga Everson
David Foulks
Laurie Gilreath
Myleah Michelle Hodges
Mildred McGee
Jennifer Rogers
Floyd Savage Sr.
Liz Simons
Jacqueline Stephenson
Jesse Williams
Jarvis Wright
Jason Allen
Sandra L. Anderson
Javian Samuel Bellamy
Charles Brunson
Antonio Campbell
Gwen Daniels
Latonia T. Davis
George Flemming
Iris Jackson
Fred A. Johnson II
Jacquelilne King
Bryan Keith Miles
Reginald Reed
Nigel Samuel
Nicole Sanders
Essence Smith
Marcia Stephens
Connie McClain Streater
Ricky Eric Taylor
Dominique Williams
Desiree Addy
Jada Brown
Michael Brown
Tiffany J. Truitt-Brown
Marianne Daverman
Doris Davis
Jamila Davis
DeMarcus Frazier
Willie C. Gilbert
Allean Harris
Larry Hefline
Kotina “Tarsha” Hutto
Alexis Ishmal
Micaela Jackson
Nicholas Johnson
Ashley Perry Manning
Samuel Minor
Irene Morning
Shakena Pollock
Elouise Quillin
Alyssa Robillard
Marlena Smalls
Raven Smith
Jimmy Turner
Franquelletta M. Wallace
Eryn Symone Wright
Dylan Armon
Shirley Cantey
Jackie G. Carlton
Will Curtain
Glenn Evans
Wendy W. Fitts
Jordan Gamble
Valeta Rumph Geddis
Shalonda Evetta Gilford
Charlene Gleaton
Williams Jackson Jr.
Willis Langley
Melvin Malone Jr.
Chandler Shaun
Chandler McLeod
Brandon Muller
Ynieu Perry
W. Calvin Priester
Keith Ray
Carrie RichardsonWilder
Marilyn L. Torres
Hope A. Williams
Lauryn Wilson
Cynthia Hall
Shawna Barefield
Jacqueline Jones
Jacqueline Burns
Patrick Butler Jr.
NyAjah Drakeford
Maya E. Fields
Jessica Goodley
James Hallmon
Joyce Hart
Micheal Haynes II
Jonathan Huskey
Tamara King
Taurus Lewis
Michael Manning
Felicia March
Courtney Martin
Handy Miles III
Levar Miller
Richshique Prophet
Sytasha Simpson
Peggy Vincent
Wayne Baskerville
Alfreida Belgrave
Charlie Bess
Reginald Betts
Donna Bonds
Pamela Caldwell
Sharon Cooper
Melissa Garrick
Joe A. Glover
Edward Griffin Jr.
Brenda L. Hackett
Herbert King Jr.
Julius Mickle
Clinton Seawright
Tommy Simons
Wil Singleton
Jerome Thomas
Davenna Williams
Tolliver Wise
Keisha Aiken
S. Allison Baker
Cassandra Bellott
Shasstiny Brewer
Jacqueline Daniels
Pamela T. Davis
George A. Devlin
Jaleesa Dupree
Derek Fitts
Sydney Hannibal
Angela Cornish Hartwell
Janice Falye Hollis
Tamara B. Jacobs
Regina Lawton
Ryan Lee
Jessica Malone
Bryant O. Matthews
Sarah S. Middleton
Orlando Nelson
Alonzo Oliver
Gwynisha Pringle
Pedro Robles
Betty S. Taylor
Buster Williams
Dantuane L. Wright
Martha Alston
Mike Boynton Jr.
Bertha Brown
Kendrick Cowans
Bernice Dunlap Spain
Russell Fair
Elizabeth Felder
Christian Green
Noah Johnson
Bobby Lomax Jr.
Joseph Mack
Twanda Mickle
Ashley Nelson
Danni K. Priester
NaQuori Pruitt
Antoinette Pryor
Jabrea Rodriguez
Denise Simon
Jonathan Taylor
Lonnie Walker
Eric White
Carmelita Wise
Cassandra Tucker
Roy E. Alston Sr.
Daniel Bennett
Danielle Bethel
Walter Brownlee
Edwin “Troy” Causey
Odell Hydrick
Peggy Jackson
Cardell R. Jones
Tacauma Lettsome
Joyce Dowling
Jerome Nesbitt
Crystal Singleton
Jonathan Stroman
Reginald Wiggins
Michelle Williams
Shirley Williams
Jametza L. Bowser
Janaya Burgess
Eric Bussey
Courney R. Curry
Santago Lamenshio
Ashley Wilson Dean
Vernese Ellis
Anthony F. Gadson
Fred Hawkins
James Heyward
Voncelia Hollis
Keith Jacobs
Brittany Lazarus
Felissa Moore
Helena Pleasant
William Pratt
Lauren Primus
Charlene Smith
Christine Wallace
Nicholas L. William
Deke Adams
Ronita Adams
Jeremy Anderson
Clinton Bowman
Anthony Cabbagestalk Jr.
Lisa Jones
Steven Cannon
Jerome Kearney
Eleanor Davis
Malissa McNairy
Gerd Von Devlin
Christopher Mims
Rebecca Gates
Tiffany Monroe
Charles Andrews W. Tiffany Glover
Nayo Mack Harvin
Kimberly Johnson
Anthony Perry
Kai Revels
Taranne Lynette Roberts
Revonda Whitley
Janay Wilson
Sidney Wise
Kelvin Young
Celeste Jones
Dezmond L. Palmer
Du-Wonn Reuben
Bradley Slaughter
Mary Ann Smith
Renee Smith
Debra Tucker
Myra J. Washington
Sylvia Watkins
Travis Williams
Curtis W. Wilson
Noelle Winningham
James Boone
Nadia Egipciaco
Kalenna Ginyard
Kenneth Lewis
LaQuinta Lewis
Matte Lewis
Terri Logan
Sean Mosley
Charles Poindexter
Ayana Reid
Rodrick T. Shiver
Dollie Skinner
Trayona Sumpter
Richmond Taylor
Ericka Tucker
Jerone Wilder
Lerone Wilder
Yolanda D. Williams
Chad Wilson
Ja'Shaun Brailey
Brandon Brunson
Brandon Brynson
Malendrix Carrington
Alisha Charleman
Dennis Copeland
James Dunbar
Erin Elam
Jeanette Evans
Warren Farray
Elijah J. Frasier Jr.
JoAnne Guyton
Justin Hopkins
Anna D. Langley
Elvin S. Lewis
Etta Williams Linen
Kristin McConnell
Ashley Nash
Lisa Perry
Levias Peterson
Lenore Samuel
Jerome E. Smith
Roderick Smith
Christine Thompson
Denise A. Ward
Charles Watson Sr.
William T. Bethea
Amanda Blair
Andrea Blake
Martina Taylor
Melinda Treshenia
Kemaria Furtick
Angela P. Galloway
Regina Goff
Brandon Christopher
Julius Harris
Cheryl Hill
Debra Jacobs
Mattie Jennings
Eugene Johnson
Cynthia Little
Yolanda Pee
Cassie Portee
Malcolm Shade
Jared Tolliver
Mark Weeks
Shawn Bell
Erica Benjamin
Marlon Bennett
Kayla Canty
Layton Cofield
Jerletha A. Cosby
Patrick Drayton Jr.
Katrina Everett
Akeem Freeman
Derrick A. Gallion
Lois Goodwin
Emily T. Grant
Jessica Hampton
Tayler Johnson
Dianne Aiken
Lorie Anderson
Derrick Brown
Patrick T. Brown
Christopher Feaster
Mikayla Genwright
Zhane James
Harriet Little
Sherrel L. Mars
Erica Norris
Cedric Thompson
Cynthia Vaughn
Wanda Walker
Angel Werts
Tallent Williams
Justin Anderson
Miriam Andrews
Talmadge Bookert Sr.
Ebony Crenshaw
Alexis Georges
Sylvira Grady
Albert Harris
Franceina Hopkins
Karen Kinard
Jennifer O'Neal
Asia Pringle
Faye Robinson
Justin Scott
Justice Jesse Smith
Delores Clark
Daniel Yancey
John Butler
Ramona Williams
Taylor Cunningham
Thaddeus J. Davenport
Laura Funchess
Delicia Gillard
Glenn O. Gray
Geraldine Grissette
Earthly Haskell
Corey Johnson
Purnell Jones
LaRhonda McCray
Terry Millender
Francia Montague
LaDarryl Page
Terence Palmer
Tiffany Ray
Djwana Snider Reeves
Deedra Roberts
Wendy Adams
Curtis Singleton
Kendra Alexander
Briana Stansberry
Sam Bartley
Samuel A. Stewart Kaitlyn Blackwell
Theron Wallace
Helena Bridges
Anise Calloway
Candace Cannon
Bianca McCoy
Dominic H. Croswell
Brenda Middleton
Jerome Gamble
Tiffany Pearson
George Garner
Elliott Powe
Reggie Geiger
Pedro Rodriguez
Bria Simpson
Jaylaan Washington
Tracey Alexander
Chrisheena Williams
Therese Alford
Latanya N. Wright
Jenny Barber
Darlene Ziegler
Cyril V. Belton
Ishamel Byrd
Elizabeth Nuhu
Carrie L. Colley
Sharron Pappillion- Pamela Simmons Davis
Shayla Gortman
Jennifer Perkins
Rachel E. Jackson
Megan Robinson
Doris Jones
Keira Session
Loyd R. McClary Sr.
Alisha Simmons
Elainea Myers
Margaret Stewart
Tasha Talavera
Lauren Walton
John D. Weston
Aleesa Jones Able
Barrick Belton
Michael Clark
Lauryn Coleman
Richard Cunningham
Darlene Earle
Georgia Gandy
J. K. Laslene Glymph
Jordan Ashley Green
Rose Holmes
Emery L. Benn
Tormora Carson
James Daniels Jr.
Sharmella Deberry
Michael DeWitt
Gwendolyn Dwyer
Jeanette Gilchrist
Fred Gillens
Alachia L. Gilmore
Alexis M. Graham
Jenese A. Jackson
Kenneth A. Makins
Thomas Barr
Latonia Barrett
Michelle Bennon
James Brown
Zachary Butler
Dale Collier II
Mia C. Conelly
Roger Corbin Jr.
Marian Cross
Orlando Haggins
Sabrina Jackson
Jessica James
Tacara Jett
Kadetrix J. Marcus
Walter Napper
Bobby Odom
Tamiko Robinson
Waletha R. Short
Kenny Simmons
Willie A. Smythe
Travis Thomas
Richard Walker
Rosie Washington
Davita Williams
J. Michael Brown
Kendrick Brown
Floyd A. Burgis Jr.
Rianna Carroway
Delesia L. Crumblin
Justin Geiger
Daysia M. Grady
Janie Graham
Robert Hubbard
Terrie Slaughter James
Kenyatta Enevelyn
Paula Jordan
Christopher Miller
Leatrice Nelson
Dylan Reilly
Evangelist Rena
Walter Christopher
Cassandra S. Vaughn
Irvin A. Walker
Ebony Washington
Patricia Hall
Ahryona Johnson
Rose Jones
Richard D. Krider
Melvin McDonald
Daishia Robinson
Devin Simmons
Chezdent Thompson
Dennis White
Niasia Zeigler
Jacolby Nelson
Alicia Osborne
Elnora Payne
Dorothy Perry
Jackie Perry
Angela Sims
Caliah Sims
Ashante' Smith
Cynthia Smith
Joe Solomons
Mosetta Sullivan
Edwin K. Williams
John Alford
Vernetta Anderson
Barbara Coe
Latoya Cook
Bobby Davis Sr.
Santerria M. Davis
Khalil Eggleston
Anthony Fanning
Tarcia Flemming
Patricia A. Greene
Loel Heatley
Latoshia Lancaster
Shanitra Mason
Richardine Myers
Rodell & Maxene Nesbit
Aubrianna Pressley
Janella Rayford
DeAndra Scott
Cleveland Stokes
Cameron Javon Weston
Tre' Adderley
Tricia Douglas
Terry Fell
Tyler Gasque
Rosalyn Glenn
Charles Alex Greene
Douglas Harley
Shaniya Hughes
Christopher Lewis
Joy Mackenzie McGraw
Roberta H. Okoli
Trina Georgette Stevens
Chessnee Chantelle
Andrena Wilson
Booker Wright
Delores Wright
All birthdays and anniversaries
listed on the previous pages are
generated through the church
membership database. If you find
any errors, please contact the
Church Office at the West
Campus at (803) 796-7525 or the
Northeast Campus at (803) 7530610.
We will be open on Monday,
Jan. 18 for lunch on Martin
Luther King Day.
Join us for a delicious meal
from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Special meal pricing will be
2 for $15 and $1 beverages.
Reservations can be made
by calling (803) 744-7956.