November 2015 - Brookland Baptist Church


November 2015 - Brookland Baptist Church
Editor’s note
If you are new to the Brookland Church,
November is set aside as Stewardship
Emphasis Month. Our Senior Pastor Rev.
Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr. will preach a
series of sermons on how we can best
handle the possessions that God allows us
to use for His glory. Prepare to be
encouraged to give more of your time to
the building and fortifying of God’s kingdom in heaven and on
Earth. Expect to find a ministry or answer a calling on your life to
better utilize your talent, so that others will grow in their faith.
Listen for the various opportunities where your treasure can be
used to expand the outreach ministries to benefit our community
and impact the world.
In this edition, Contributing Writer Rosalyn Glenn shares her
personal testimony on giving God’s tithe back to Him. It is my
hope that you will not only see the joy that comes from being a
tither, but also come to know how your tithes help draw you
closer to God.
It was not by design, but by divine providence that this edition
features articles on youth collecting donations for flood victims
and the Brookland Foundation providing insight on National
Philanthropy Day. Both articles are examples of stewardship and
giving of time, talent and treasure.
The Brookland Star staff hopes you enjoy what we were able
to compile in this edition for you.
The Brookland Baptist Church Campuses will observe the
Thanksgiving holiday by closing on Thursday, Nov. 26 and
Friday, Nov. 27.
This includes the Administrative Offices, the Brookland Academy
Child Development Center and the Brookland Federal Credit
The Brookland Star is published monthly by
the Brookland Baptist Church.
Submit all articles, announcements,
celebrations and photographs to or
by Nov. 20.
The December edition of The Brookland Star
will be distributed on Dec. 13.
Brookland Star Staff
Keisa Gunby, Editor & Layout
Peggy Brailey, Co-Editor & Layout
Shawn Glover, Graphic Designer
Marcus Works, Print & Distribution
Calvin Reese (West) and Lin Johnson (BNE)
Deaconess Sharon Dublin (BNE),
Brenda Henicks
and Deaconess Annette Sello
Tré Tailor, Dr. Eric Schuleter and
Deaconess Cheryl Wilson (BNE)
Dr. Tisha Boston, Rosalyn L. Glenn
Angel L. Malone, Dr. Reginald Parker,
and Donna Thomas, RN
Pastoral Staff
Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr., Senior Pastor
Reverend James A. Jamison,
Assistant Pastor
Reverend Charles B. Jackson Jr.,
Executive Pastor
Reverend Chris Leevy Johnson,
BNE Campus Pastor
For past and color versions follow the link The
Brookland Star (Newsletter) on our web site,, from the Home page at
the bottom of the page under Contact Us.
Praise the Lord with us as we celebrate our 14th Intercessory
Prayer Conference!
Pray Until Something Happens
Director, Intercessory Prayer
Come discover the fruitful life that grows out of a heart grounded in prayer. You will receive insights and teaching from God’s Word
and experience for yourself the joy, peace, and power that God gives when we surrender our cares to Him.
The Intercessory Prayer Conference was a vision of our Pastor, Rev. Charles B. Jackson Sr., upon the request of a
few Intercessors to attend another prayer conference. Jackson decided it would be good for the Brookland Baptist
Intercessors to go forward with our very own conference. The role of an Intercessor is to pray for others.
Brookland Intercessors stand in the gap and pray for the concerns of our pastors, staff, members of the
congregation as well as the concerns of the church and the community.
Annually since 2001, the prayer conference has been a blessing to many. People have traveled from Atlanta,
Boston, New York, Philadelphia, as well as New Jersey and many other states. This is our 14th year and we are
elated that attendees still look forward and most return to the conference. It has held an average attendance of 300
to 500 persons. God has truly blessed in enhancing relationships with Him and the development of a more
powerful prayer life. The Intercessory Prayer conference is for everyone. Workshops and guest speakers provide
insight into the unique relationship that each of us can establish with God through the conversation of prayer.
This prayer conference has afforded us the opportunity to meet other Intercessors and to contribute to such
events as: The Global Day of Prayer, Gang Violence in the City and much more.
As the Director of Brookland Baptist Intercessory Prayer Ministry, I truly believe that this house is called a
“House of Prayer.” I truly believe our church is built on a strong foundation with a pastor who believes in the
power of prayer. I truly believe that a family that prays together stays together. I believe as one of my favorite
scripture states in (Jeremiah 23:3 NKJV) Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you
do not know.
God is a miracle-working God and He wants us to call upon Him in prayer so that He can work great miracles for
us. God is a good God and very generous. If we dare to call upon Him, He will move beyond our wildest
expectations. I believe God’s word where it states in scripture Ask, and it shall be given you (Matthew 7:7a KJV). For
we have not because we ask not (James 4:3). However, in order to release these great and mighty things, we have to
believe God, ask Him for what we need, and then do what He tells us. I encourage each member, friend, visitor to
join the Brookland Baptist Intercessors for the 2015 Prayer Conference as we P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something
Happens based on Luke 18:1.
I believe this world could be a better place to live if we would according to (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV) Pray. The
Scripture states: If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their
wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. We as Intercessors will stand in
agreement with other Intercessors in expectation of answered prayers. We will pray believing God to favor our
church in the Phase 3 Building Project, a Believing 2,000 and a church called A Believers Temple of Praise.
Join us for the Intercessor’s Prayer Conference on November 13 and 14 and receive a blessing.
Rev. Marilyn Bassfield
Deaconness Cheryl Wilson contributed to this story.
In just seven short years, the Northeast Campus has witnessed
exponential membership growth and amazing outreach ministry efforts
to show the way of the Lord to families in Northeast Columbia. The
vision to expand the ministry of the Brookland Baptist Church to
northeast Richland County was given to Rev. Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr.
in September 2006.
On October 11, 2015, Campus Pastor Rev. Chris Leevy Johnson led
his congregation in celebration to God for the great works that have
taken place since the first service was held on October 5, 2008, in the
auditorium of Ridge View High School. On Easter Sunday, April 24,
2011, God granted His favor and a ground breaking ceremony was held
on phase one of our new church edifice at 1203 Summit Parkway, just
five blocks away from the original location at Ridge View. Phase one
included administrative offices, Sunday School classrooms and a 600
seat sanctuary. On August 5, 2012, Jackson and Johnson led members
in worship at the new location in the Summit neighborhood.
Restoration Church of Prayer Pastor T. Renea Glenn was the guest
preacher for the anniversary. Glenn is a friend of Brookland and has
preached at the West Campus also. Glenn’s message was steered from
Leviticus 25 regarding the seventh year abundance and what is to come
for God’s people. The Restoration Church of Prayer choir sang
beautiful songs of Zion and dispersed an atmosphere of exhilarating
Highlights from the 7th Anniversary Celebration included Johnson
receiving an adorned pastoral garment in appreciation of his leadership.
Additional recognitions were presented to Jackson and Robin Jackson;
Northeast Campus Assistant Pastor Rev. Ronald Best; Dea. Leon
Williams who served as the first lead Deacon for the Deacons Ministry;
Music Ministry Director Rosalyn Glenn; Ushers Ministry Director Dea.
Michael Keels, who is now the Lead Deacon for the Deacons Ministry;
Executive Assistant Frenchie Walker and Media Ministry Director Dea.
Cliff Wilson. Dea. Walter Brownlee was also acknowledged for his
outstanding service to Children’s Church, the Drama Ministry and the
Christian Education Ministry. Tributes were also presented to Cynthia
Johnson and Sandra Best in a special presentation for their support as
the wives of the Campus Pastor and Assistant Pastor.
The glorious event was capped by a reception at Rice Creek
Elementary School.
Picture Captions - 1. Campus Pastor Chris Leevy Johnson receives new robe.
2. Pastor Charles B. Jackson Sr. presented gift. 3. Campus Pastor Chris Leevy
Johnson, Cynthia Johnson, Sandra Best and Assistant Campus Pastor Ronald
Best pictured during presentation to Pastors’ wives. 4. Dea. Walter
Brownlee’s daughters accept plaque on his behalf. 5. A picture of those in
attendance during the anniversary. 6. A glimpse at the reception at Rice Creek
Elementary School.
PHOTO CREDIT/Willinda Johnson
Deaconess Denise Collier and Katina Tarsha Hutto share the success of the Growing Kids God’s Way training.
Parents and members of the primary
village of nine infants recently completed a
four hour training session specially
designed for parents of newborns to
children 2 years old. The training sessions
were taken from the series Growing Kids
God’s Way (GKGW). One session took
place in March and April, and the final
session was held in October. The first
class was presented in four nightly onehour sessions. The October class was a
four hour session on a Saturday.
Rev. Dr. Charles B. Jackson Sr.
strongly encourages all parents who
desire to participate in a baby dedication
to attend a session. Participants in this
year’s sessions were from 2014 infant
dedication services as well as those
parents who desire to participate in 2015
GKGW is one of the programs
sponsored by Brookland’s Parent
University. GKGW is an interactive
group discussion highlighting biblical
truths related to parenting. Participants
listen to sermon excerpts, review
scripture and share ideas and practices
that can benefit them as parents and
thereby benefit their children. Topics
discussed include: dedicating children to
God; the link between a spiritual
foundation and a parenting foundation;
love and loving communication and
disciplining children. The program also
brings together parents of children in the
same age range, with the goal of building
and/or extending the village of supports
available to them in their parenting
Parent University committee
members are: Deaconess Norma Brown,
Dea. Dale and Deaconess Denise Collier,
Russell and Meredith Collier, Kotina
Tarsha Hutto, Cynthia Jones, Henry and
Patricia Motes, Dea. Raymond and Deaconess Valerie Perkins, Marilyn Shine and Renee Washington.
Our next class is planned for January 2016. If you have questions or need additional information, please
contact Tarsha Hutto at (803) 800-2422 or via email at
Members of Young Women of Excellence and Girls Growing in Grace sort
clothing donations during the Spread the Love - Disaster Relieve Drive.
Boy Scouts from Troop 74 and Jericho Road
Initiative members collected donations for flood
Members of the Young Women of Excellence that include the Rose Buds, Girls Growing in Grace and Leading
Ladies, as well as members from Boy Scout Troop 74 and the Jericho Road Initiative collected donations the week
of Oct. 11-17 to assist victims of the historic rainfall that saturated South Carolina Oct. 3 and 4. These young
people were up early on Saturday, Oct. 14, serving their community by sorting clothing, greeting members at the
curb of the West Campus Administration Building and transporting their donations into the New Members’
Orientation room where still other young men and women sorted the donations.
Donations were collected during both the noon and evening Bible Study sessions on Oct. 14 as well as Saturday
morning, Oct. 17.
The symbol for the Young Women of Excellence is the
cross. The vertical part, also called the stipes,
symbolizes having a close relationship with God and the
horizontal part, also called the patibulum, represents
reaching out and helping others. Our goal for the youth
during this project was to teach them how they can
serve those in need.
The Brookland Foundation will continue to coordinate
efforts to provide assistance to the flood victims.
For parents and guardians seeking more information
about the Young Women of Excellence Ministry, you
can contact Deaconess Norma Brown, Director of
Young Women of Excellence or Sherry Rivers, CoDirector.
The Brookland Food Bank was the recipient of frozen
meats and food products thanks to the efforts of a
Northeast Campus member. Helen Pleasant volunteers
with youth programs at the Northeast Campus and is
employed by Tyson Foods. Pleasant informed her
employer that Brookland could help distribute nearly 24
boxes of food to assist area flood victims.
The Brookland
Food Bank is
grateful to
Pleasant for her
and hard work
behind the
scenes to allow
her church to
additional food
to those in
Kevin Morgan contributed to this story.
She’s a mother, an avid runner and a community volunteer and now Eureka H.
Robertson can add author to this list.
On Sunday, Nov. 15, Robertson and her book will be the featured business
during Financial Empowerment Sunday. The book, Inspirations for the Soul from the
Sole, is based on more than three years of running, soul searching and optimism.
The compilation of affirmations in Inspirations for the Soul from the Sole comes from
Robertson’s own life. “Like many of you, I have been faced with different
challenges. At times these circumstances left me confused, unsure and sometimes
angry over my options and decisions. I’ve always been pretty optimistic and even
idealistic about life, but noticed negativity began to permeate into my spirit.
Sometimes my world felt unsteady and out of balance. As a Christian, this was
very difficult for me to comprehend. How do you take the love of God
everywhere with you and still feel this way? I continued to be prayerful but that
did not lessen my trepidation.”
Eureka H. Robertson
Robertson explains how running changed her life. “As I wrestled with different
challenges, running provided an outlet and even a temporary escape. I
joined a running group which provided me support, camaraderie and fun
while pushing me to become a better runner. But it was the times when I
ran by myself that played a part in healing my soul.”
Robertson is a member of the Brookland Foundation’s Homeless
Outreach Ministry and she participates in Women’s Day as a usher.
In the community, she serves on the Palmetto Health Foundation’s Walk
For Life/Race For Life Steering Committee and the Palmetto Health
Credit Union Board of Directors. She is a member of the Palmetto
Health Foundation’s Volunteers In Action (VIAs). She is a Run
Coordinator for Black Girls Run Columbia. Robertson volunteers with
Girls on The Run and the Lexington Medical Center Heart and Sole 5miler.
Robertson is a Life Member of the Gamma Nu Omega Chapter of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. where she serves as the Graduate
Advisor for the Theta Gamma Chapter at the University of South
Professionally, Robertson is a manager at Palmetto Health and a PRN Licensed Master Social Worker.
Her daughter, Aria Robertson, is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina.
Copies of Inspiration for the Soul from the Sole will be available for purchase after worship services on Nov. 15 as well
as on Amazon and at
Financial Empowerment Sunday (FES) features businesses owned by Brookland members. If you are a business
owner or the executive director of a non-profit that would like to feature your business, please contact Kevin
Morgan at
Northeast Campus Youth Coordinator Connie McClain Streater shares the highlights from their recent Lock-In.
PHOTO CREDIT/Connie Streater
More than 30 youth were locked in at the Northeast
Youth stretched to
play games.
Campus beginning on Friday, Sept. 25 for the 2015
Youth Lock-In. Youth between 5 and 12 years old
enjoyed an evening of Christian fellowship, food, and
fun. Parents also enjoyed the Lock-In as they received
a much-deserved night off.
As the youth arrived, they were welcomed with
music, card games, board games and a competitive
game of limbo. The children worked up an appetite
from the scheduled activities, just in time for dinner.
Children watched a number of age-appropriate
movies that were enjoyed by all.
Excited youth enjoy
dinner and a movie.
On full stomachs, the children then gathered
together to listen to the presentation by the Christian
edutainment group called “Very Special Individuals,”
for the second year in row. The troupe motivated and
inspired the youth with chanting exercises that had a
message of confidence as well as playing games and
reciting poetry.
After the presentation, the game truck arrived. The
children took turns playing video games on both the
inside and outside of the game truck. While
participants waited their turn for the game truck, they
enjoyed s’mores by the campfire, as well as more
board games and activities.
As the evening wore on, the kids enjoyed midnight
nachos, more movies, more dessert and snacks. Girls
and boys were then separated to prepare for sleep.
The girls held a dance-off while the boys engaged in
pillow fights. While it appeared that the kids would be
able to maintain their energy all night long and into
Two males enjoying a
pillow fight.
the morning, the children finally winded down and
drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, the children awoke, packed their
sleeping bags and other belongings, and were met
Very Special Individuals taking
with a healthy breakfast-to-go as they were dismissed
selfies with participants.
to their parents.
Thanks to the teamwork of all of the numerous
adult volunteers and security personnel who sacrificed
their time and worked in shifts throughout the night,
the youth enjoyed a safe and fun evening. Events such
as these cannot be successful without those who
volunteer their time and energy to serve the Lord in
the capacity of the Youth Ministry.
Rev. C.J. Butler, the Northeast Campus Youth
Director, is excited about the future of the Youth
Ministry. We hope that parents and guardians will continue to allow their children to participate in the Lock-In
next year, as well as more upcoming Youth Ministry events.
Brookland Northeast is
proud to announce
Children’s Bible Study
for youth ages 5-11 on
Wednesday at 6:45 p.m.,
which allows parents to
be able to attend Bible
Study at the same time.
Children’s Bible Study is an opportunity for our
children to learn the truths and parables of the Bible in
a relaxed, age-appropriate setting.
They will also be able to engage in purposeful
discussion that build upon activities acquired in
Sunday School.
Tiffany Redmond leads the weekly study and
Connie Streater is the Youth Ministry Coordinator.
If you have questions, Streater can be reached at
We look forward to seeing your children there!
The Young Women of Excellence are asking
women to clear their closets to get a jump start on New
Year’s resolutions while providing a boutique-style
shopping experience.
My Sister’s Closet is based on having the pleasure of
shopping in the closet of a family member or friend.
Anything you pick is new to you, and at the best price
because it’s free.
Collections for this annual event are underway now
and will continue until Dec. 6. Donations will be
accepted after worship services on the West Campus
and on Wednesdays at Bible Study. Sundays collections
will take place in the Health and Wellness Center,
Wednesday collections
will be in the
Administration Building.
Items being collected
include gently used
clothing, shoes,
accessories, inspirational books and Christmas decór.
“A Winter Wonderland,” the actual shopping
experience, will take place on Saturday, Dec. 12 from
10 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Troop Leader Jessica Wilson tells how much fun was had during the Lock-In.
PHOTO CREDIT/Crystal Fulmore
The Brookland Girl Scouts Ministry started their program year
with a Girls Night Out Lock-In. On Oct. 23, more than 55 scouts
from Brookland Girls Scout Troops, Girl Scout Troop 1577 at
Grace Christian Church on Harbison Blvd. and local schools were
in attendance.
The event was well attended and the girls had a blast. The night
was filled with games - like bingo, tug of war and sack hop - as well
as face painting, word search and a video game truck.
Most importantly, the girls had a chance to learn and grow with
other youth in a safe environment.
Article supplied by Palmetto Health.
miling faces surround the dinner table;
happy families beam at each other as
they decorate the Christmas tree. We've
all seen the soft-focused commercials that show
families enjoying the holiday season together in
peace and harmony. But, if your family
gatherings aren’t that way at all you're not alone.
For many of us, these lovely images of sharing
holiday bliss with the entire family are more
fantasy than reality. Sometimes sharing close
quarters with your parents or adult siblings for a
weekend visit can rekindle some of the family
conflicts and emotions you thought were long
behind you. But, there are ways to keep a smile
on your face and the “fa-la-la-la-la” in your heart.
Here are some tips from Palmetto Health Behavioral Care to help you enjoy your family gatherings.
Reevaluate your
traditions. Are you doing something just because it's what you've always done, or does it add
real meaning to your holiday? Consider starting new traditions that remove some of the burden that has been
shouldered by a single person.
common sense and avoid controversial topics like politics, religion and money.
a place where you can get away and take a breather from time to time. Offer to make a trip to the
grocery store for more eggs or sugar. Go alone if you need a little break.
a diversion. Whether it's a board game, movie or music, try to bring some entertainment to the
yourself permission to limit time spent with family members if that will ease your stress.
the holidays aren’t the time to resolve all the family’s conflicts and irritations. You won't solve 20
years of family issues over dinner, so don't confront those age-old issues.
the scenery. Get outdoors. Take a walk together with a loved one. Exercise and fresh air are great
stress relievers.
Church Responsibility
1 Corinthians 1-16
Holman Christian Standard Bible
Paul wrote a letter to the church at Corinth, telling them
many things about how to follow Jesus.
Running the Race
Paul said that living the Christian life was like running a race.
He said: “Don’t you know that all the runners race, but only
one receive the prize? You must run to win. You aren’t
running for a crown that will fade away. You are running for
an eternal crown in heaven.”
The Lord’s Supper
Paul reminded the church of Jesus’ words at the last supper.
Paul said, “On the night when He was betrayed, the Lord
Jesus took break, gave thanks, broke it, and said, “This is My
body. Eat this in remembrance of Me.’ In the same way,
after supper He also took the cup and said,, ‘This cup is the
new covenant established by My blood. Drink this in
remembrance of Me.’”
Spiritual Gifts
“There are many different gifts and ministries,” Paul wrote,
“but they all come from the Lord. Some have the gift of
wisdom, some have knowledge, and others have the gift of
faith. Still others might have the gift of languages or
prophecy. But all are gifts from God, and they are given to
each person as He chooses.”
Paul said everything must be done in love. “Love is patient,
love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not
conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not
provoked, and does not keep a record of wrongs. Love finds
no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in truth. It bears all
things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all
things. Loves never ends.”
Finally, Paul wrote: “Be alert and stand strong in the faith.
Your every action must be done with love.”
The West
will be
Hope and
during the
month of
Draw a path through the maze from the center to
the right side. Some of the words will be crossed
out by the line you draw. If a word is not crossed
out, write it in the “LOVE IS” list. If a word is
crossed out, write it in the “LOVE IS NOT” list.
College Ministry Director Demond Coleman provides study tips and the ministry’s upcoming events.
Are students ready for college? Studies say only 32 percent of high school seniors
graduate with the skills they need for college (Fries-Britt, 2014). About 60 percent of
freshman in the college system need remedial help in math or English. Students who are
heading to Christian colleges will appreciate the insights in Stacey Price Brown’s book
Stories Untold: College Preparation Through the Experiences of High-Achieving Students and Michael
Bozack's book Street Smart Advice to Christian College Students: From a Professor's Point of View.
Study Your Study Habits Few students, Christian or
otherwise, come to college with good study habits.
Primarily because they either come from high schools
where high grades could be achieved without studying
much or they were never taught how to study without
memorizing everything. However, effective study
habits in college require practice, work and discipline
all in one. The earlier in your freshman year you get
yourself alone in a library to study, the better you will
do in college.
Clock into College Suppose you are flame broiling
burgers at Burger King to help pay for college. What
would be required of you? At minimum, your manager/
supervisor would expect for you to show up on time,
do your job completely and be professional and
accountable. So, why would you do less as a student
when there is much more at stake than cooking
burgers? Why would you be on time for a job but cut
your classes, or be competent at work, then turn in
sloppy, careless homework in college? You wouldn't!
Treat being a student with the same loyalty and
respect as you would treat a job. You will make fewer
mistakes and feel better about your college
Learn the Curve You will save an enormous amount
of time and energy by understanding the grading
systems used by college professors. Most employ either
an absolute or a relative system commonly called a
curved grading scheme. Students seem to understand
an absolute grading system because this type of
grading system was and is used by most high school
teachers, but most students taking introductory
courses have a little to no notion how a curved system
works. If a student doesn’t understand how he/she is
graded, they will likely find themselves putting their
effort(s) where they less effective. Moral: students
shouldn’t shoot themselves in the foot by misplaced
effort(s)! Instead, learn to get ahead of the curve and
ask your professor(s) to explain the grading
system. Keep in mind that effort is costly and should
be placed where it matters the most.
Save Money-Ask the Pro(fessor) When the going gets
tough, it's amazing how many students turn to
everyone and everything except their college
professors. Sometimes it's because they have had a bad
experience with a professor(s), their professor(s) is not
skilled with effectively helping students, or they
simply don't want their professor(s) to know they're so
far behind the pace. Whatever the hang-up, Students
must learn that they have to move forward. I always
encourage students to ask for help early in the
semester. I mean really, why hire a Tutor or get a
Roommate to help when you have a Pro(fessor) in the
field whom has already been paid? It's true without
exception that when Student get in early for help, the
one-on-one interaction turns an F on the first test into
an A or B before the course ends.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.- 2
Timothy 2:15 (King James Version)
The Brookland Baptist College Ministry will be hosting a Community Wide College Fair with more than 30
Colleges/Universities on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The College Ministry will also host a series of events before and
after the College Fair that will serve students and the parents. We guarantee these planned events will open the
eyes of graduating seniors and college students to the freedoms and responsibilities that lay ahead. Please feel free
to contact Demond Coleman and the College Ministry at (803) 796-7525 or via email at
BBCollegeMinistry@gmail. com.
November 1-30 - Holiday Student Care Package Drive
November 10 - What’s Trending: A Discussion about Several Topics on Social Media
December 6 - Holiday Student Care Package Pick-Up/Delivery
For more information, call (803) 796-7525 or email
Rosalyn L. Glenn is a financial advisor with Prudential, offering securities products and services
as a registered representative of Pruco Securities, LLC. Her motivation is found in the
transformation of the lives of people as they come to know their life purpose and live up to their
fullest potential.
November is Stewardship Emphasis Month at
Brookland. As such, I thought I’d share my own
personal journey of my understanding of stewardship
and the blessings that I continue to experience from that
Stewardship is a principle that illustrates the
responsible planning and management of resources. It’s
a concept that we most often hear mentioned from a
financial perspective; when we are referring to giving.
However, biblically speaking, I’ve come to understand it
should also apply to us physically and mentally as well.
Financially, stewardship means being responsible in
handling our money and properly managing all our
financial matters. As a good financial steward, I pay my
tithes, I pay my financial obligations timely, I live within
my means, and I follow a plan to achieve my financial
goals and objectives. I understand that all I have is
God’s anyway and He is just allowing me to use His
resources for His glory. Therefore, I seek assistance to
ensure I am taking advantage of every opportunity to
manage His resources and to maintain financially
stability. People who have a proper understanding of
stewardship regarding their finances have a right
relationship with money and use sound money
management practices. Financial stewards trust God’s
Word relating to provision and supplying all of our
needs. We don’t mishandle the promised provisions and
use them for our wants. As a result, we live in a pleasant
place financially. Tithing is a required component of
stewardship that demonstrates our true love and
obedience to God. God then responds to our tithing by
opening up windows and pouring out blessings that we
don’t have room to receive.
Physically, stewardship means being responsible for
our body and managing our health to the best of our
ability. It is ensuring we possess our temple in a manner
that demonstrates we understand God’s love for us. His
love for us requires us to have that same love for
ourselves and each other. Therefore, He requires us to
take care of these mortal bodies. Stewardship as it relates
to our physical being means we are eating right,
exercising, and getting our proper rest. Inevitably, as we
age, we begin to reap how well we cared for our bodies
in our youth. I think this is a part of God’s plan for our
mortal (dying) bodies to put on immortality (neverdying). However, in the meantime, we should do what
we can to maintain our health. We speak volumes of our
own self-worth by how we take care of ourselves
physically. If we think well of ourselves, we do the
things that support good health consistently. In
addition to the list I mentioned earlier, we go to the
doctor, follow the doctor’s orders, take our medicine
consistently, and participate in our own physical
wellbeing. In the interest of full disclosure, I admit I
struggle in this area of stewardship. Nevertheless,
participating in our own physical wellbeing is yet
another required component of stewardship that
demonstrates our true love and obedience to God.
Because I do love God and want to obey Him fully, I
am working on this daily. As I do, God responds to my
efforts by allowing His Holy Spirit to dwell in me and
helps me to possess His temple in a manner expressive
of my love and obedience to Him.
Mentally, stewardship means being responsible for
our minds and managing our emotions in a manner that
leads to a peaceful existence. It is letting the mind which
is in Christ be in us; having the mind of Christ.
Stewardship as it relates to our mentality means we
are not conforming to the way the world thinks, but we
are transforming our thinking by the renewing of our
minds. We are reading the Bible daily and meditating on
His precepts. We are studying His Word to show
ourselves approved. We are seeking Him for revelation
of who He is and as He reveals Himself to us, we are
feeling more compelled to live obediently for Him.
Being a good steward mentally means we are not filling
our minds with negativity and worldly affections. We are
casting down imaginations and everything that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God. We are bringing
into captivity every thought to the obedience of God
Money Matters Continued from Page 16
and we are experiencing peace that
surpasses all understanding. As we
think on things that are true, noble,
right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent
and praiseworthy, His peace is
guarding our minds and our hearts.
Protecting our minds is still
another required component of
stewardship that demonstrates the
sincerity and seriousness of our love
and obedience to God. Here God
responds by staying with us and
keeping us in perfect peace.
As we observe Stewardship
Emphasis Month, I challenge you to
expand your definition of what
stewardship really means. Thinking of
stewardship in terms of talent, time
and tithe is fundamental, and yet
stretching beyond those terms brings
us in closer alignment to the will of
God. We can be better stewards of our
talent, time and tithe when we
genuinely love God and fully obey His
Word. We mature in our spiritual walk
as we take the limits off God and
understand that everything in the
heavens and the earth is His. This is
His Kingdom. His hand controls
power and might and it is at His
discretion that we are made great and
given strength. The Earth is His and
everything in it.
We have just been given an
awesome privilege and an immense
responsibility to take care of it until He
comes back for His Church, the body
of Christ. He will not trust us with any
more until we demonstrate that we can
handle what we already have according
to His plan.
It is God’s pleasure to give us His
Kingdom. As we develop our
relationship with Him and prove we
can be trusted, He will enlarge our
territory, give us success in everything
we do and give us increase…FOR HIS
GLORY! FIRST, we have to be good
Happy Stewardship Emphasis
Brookland Foundation Development Director Juanita Farmer contributed to this
Members of the Brookland Foundation Board of Directors were
invited to attend the National Philanthropy Day luncheon sponsored
by the SC Central Chapter of the Association of Fundraising
Professionals. Special individuals were recognized during the luncheon
for their outstanding philanthropic contributions of their time and
financial resources as well as the value they add to organizations that
depend on their support.
National Philanthropy Day® (NPD) is
November 15 and the day is set aside to
put philanthropy into action and to
recognize the change that philanthropy
has brought to our communities.
NPD is a celebration of philanthropy
(giving, volunteering and charitable
engagement) that highlights the
accomplishments, large and small, that
philanthropy, and all those involved in the
philanthropic process, make to our society and our world.
Philanthropy can be defined as a “love for humanity,” a love that
manifests itself through an act or gift for the purpose of promoting
human welfare. The true beauty of philanthropy lies within one’s
compassionate compulsion to contribute to the improved well-being
of their fellow man.
As we celebrate National Philanthropy Day, we, the Board of
Directors of the Brookland Foundation, thank those givers who have
consistently contributed to the efforts of the Brookland Foundation.
This is also a time for us to encourage others to become
philanthropists through support of our foundation. Close to 85
percent of all contributions given to the Brookland Foundation go
directly to supporting program initiatives. The Foundation’s program
initiatives include: Male Initiative, Health and Wellness Program,
Homeless Outreach Program, HIV/AIDS and the Tutorial Program.
National Philanthropy Day® is both an official day and a grassroots
movement. Every year, since 1986 when President Ronald Reagan first
proclaimed Nov. 15 as National Philanthropy Day®, communities
across the globe have celebrated by hosting events to recognize
activities of donors, volunteers, foundations, leaders, corporations, and
others engaged in philanthropy.
Online giving has been a lifesaver for
From time to time throughout the year,
my trucking business will cause me to
miss Sunday morning worship services.
However, having access to online giving
grants me the opportunity to fulfill my
Christian duty while I'm on the road
Timothy Coleman
Tithes & Offerings
Use an offering envelope and clearly print your name and full address on the envelope, so
your donation will be credited accurately for tax purposes.
Use the secure, convenient online giving through the church’s website to pay through your
checking or savings account, debit or credit card.
Use your financial institution’s bill pay service to send a check of your tithes and offerings.
P.O. Box 2093, Columbia, SC 29202-2093. Print your name and full address on the
envelope, so your donation will be credited accurately for tax purposes.
Designate Brookland Baptist Church or one of our entities in your Last Will and
Please contact a member of our Finance Department at (803) 796-7525 with your questions.
Chandra E. Beasley
Jerry Butler
Jonathan Cannon
Clary Dowling
Toni K. Forbes
Chalena Franks
Timothy German
Courtney A. Goodwin
Cheryl Grant
June Jeffcoat
John Johnson Jr.
Connie Keller
Amari Martin
Kassandra McFadden
Jennifer R. Albany
Sharon Brister
William Browning
Jacqueline Ford
Audrey Gadson
Mack Glenn
James Glover
Kelsey Griffin
Valerie Hatten
Dwiyana Hill
Melvin McCabe
Adrian McClerklin
Roddy McIlwain
Candice Murphy
Chris Neal
Paris Perkins
Bradford Picot
Marquis R. Scott
Steven Vincent
Gwen Washington
Montague Williams
SaQuan Williams
Malcolm L. Woods
Urethia Woods
Lawrence Blume
Brandon Brown
Darrell Brown
Thomas L. Brown
Nina Burkett
Freddie Burns
Sam B. Burris
Sandra Gadson
Kaela Gardner
Nicholas Glover
Eric Harmon
Fredderick Hunter
Ja'Leel G. Johnson
Sterling J Middleton
James Anthony
Michele Rabb
Andrea T. McCray
Kim E. Parris
Spencer Platt
Cayla Riley
Monique Armstrong
Darren Seward
Theresa V. Brown
Juanita W Smith
Willie Mae Burke
Audrey Stinchcomb Naomi Coleman
Evelyn Turner
Eunice W. Cornelius
Faith Webster
Monna Dailey
LaRhonda Davis
Pamela Hailstock
Debbie Frazier
Tolanda R. Able Latasha Nelson
Lenell Geter
Dwayne Budden Zariyah Rivers
Nathaniel Gilmore
Demereo E. Daniels Afrika' Sawyer
Douglas F. Hall
Fawn Foulks
D'Jon Jaymes Scott
Steve Inabinet
Josephine Smith
Deloris James
Barbara Benjamin
Brittany N. Jeffcoat
Dawn Jiles
Tyresia White
Horace Miller
Vickie Wise
Kevin Morgan
Alden Works
Nathaniel J. Moultrie
Karen Neely
JayDarius Risher
Nicol Ruff
Sherri Samuel
Jason Schlappich
Lauryn Shelton
James Simmons III
Les Sprauve Sr
Bessie M. Strickland
Michael Stukes
Sharon Wade
Mary Whitten
Gary Williams
Kechia Williams
Clovis Woodbury
Harold Young
Sherri Jones
Jasmine Lazarus
Toya Lee
Tony Lewis
Tonya McWhorter
David Richardson
Bianca Robinson
Jabarie Elliott Rumph
Krista N. Scott
Michael Smith
Jesse L. Sowell
Maude Bannister
Rickey Belgrave
LaToya Billups
Peggy W. Brailey
Brandon Branch
Randolph Brown
Jaquna Dwyer
Mark Fleming
Lawana Gayle
Tawana Gayle
Rhyan General
Troy Hambrick
Elizabeth N. Hatten
Cynthia Holmes
Glover Hopson
David Jeffcoat
Sandra Jones
Deanna Lott
Sherry R. Manning
Eric Platts
Fernando Posada
Timothy A. Ridenhour
Trent Simpson Jr.
Dwight Varnum
Norris Wallace III
Cornelia Watts
Jermaine Williams
Cliff Wilson
Gail Wilson
Sharita Allen
Donald Bennett
Johnnye M. Britt
Belinda Butler
Beverly Conyers
Louise Faison-Smith
Larry Fowler
Olando Glover
Katrina Bing Goree
Laddie T Howard
Debra Taylor Ien
Karen M. Jackson
Sylvia Johnson
Naomi E. Langford
Lawrence McClintock
Ashley M. McDonald
Nykae Rivers
Kimberly Singleton
Carleisha Watkins
Tehesha K. White
Candace Y. Wisdom
Adrienne Wright
Tillman J.
Baldwin, II
Sharon Brown
Octavio G. Cayetano Jr.
Shakeria Chambliss
Austin Garrick
Phyllis Golston
Tonya Hart
Alan Hartwell
Vincent Holliday
Shanna L. Hook
William B. Kee Jr.
Carl Lewers
James Minick
Avis NewtonAdams
Shameka Rutledge
Nyzherelle Sanders
Terrell Staley
Wilbert Sterling
Tequila Wilson
Chelsea Adams
Gail Alexander
Markita Shawnte
Shakira Blake
Michael Brazzell
Whitney Chisholm
Meggett Corey
Bettye J. Foggie
Donna N. George
Anthony Green Sr.
Willie Greene
Ronald Hall
Derrick Harris
Kendrick J. Henderson
Marilyn Jeffcoat
Tyneisha Jenkins
Lionel Kennedy
Mary C. Levy
Yasmine Smith
Michael T. Wade
Amanda J. Washington
James Watson
Kendra Worthy
Sherry Wright
Donovan Atchison
Ishmael Brown Jr.
Diane Hughes
Barry Conelly
Bobby Cooper
Shantai Cunningham
Alicia Doctor
Erika Farr
Kimberly Brunson
Carolyn Green
Amy Hall
Justice J. Hill
Ebone' M. Ivory
Christopher James
Shamauri Jenkins
William Lykes
Keith Montgomery
Chancellor Motes
Annie G Nelson
Cynthia Patterson
Malita PeltierLittles
Valerie Scipio
Vickilyn Smith
ShayNequa Sneed
Matthew Wiiliams
Edna Zimmerman
Nicole Brooks
Travares Bryant
Bernard Caulder
John Coleman
Tomeka Davis
Isaiah David Green
Reuben Gresham
Carolyn Harrison
Kieyon Hollis
Jevon Johnson
Harlan Adams
Roslyn Adams
Shelton Canzater
Stephanie Clark
Ayres Cook
Daketa Dotson
Tikeya S. Foster
Denesha Fulton
Gwenda Greene
Louis Hall
De'Agea Hutto
Metrovelle Denmark
Thomas Harris
Elnora Johnson
Geneva Johnson
Leon Johnson
Lawrence Jones
Meredith Primus
Sabretta Ragins
Robert Reese
Tanya Reid
Anthony Silva
Vicgledia Walker
Kiauntae Washington
Brenda WilliamsWashington
Celeste Wilson
Cal Barton
Kimberly L. Beasley
Niya Burison
Debra Campbell
Darlayna Gardner
Valerie W. Henry
James Jenkins III
Alicia Kenyatta Johnson
Kenyetta Johnson
Kentrell Kelly
Nelson Legette
Jordan Mendenhall
Reginald L Parker
Shaquana Shuller
Alicia Simpson
Jeanette Thompson
Patrick Williams
Daisy Dixon
Brianna T.
Shyeda Garrett
Monica D. Jordon
Kim Linen
Marion Linen Sr.
Shana Mattison
Brenda L. Moses
Bryan D. Singleton II
Antonio Smith
Kenneth Washington
Evin Drake Webb
Jessica Wood
Melvine Miller
Sylvia Pomare
Rodney E. Price Jr.
Dawn Ray
Isaac Savage Jr.
Adrienne Smith
Lashia Washington
Leila Washington
Billy Davis
Mark Davis
Eboni Flores
Felicia Gethers
D'Marco Haley
Quinda Irby
Betina S. Jefferson
Chana Jennings
Quinda Johnson
Percell Livingston
Shenecka McCullough
Jaquetta Middleton
Cortani Mims
Eileen Price
Marie C. Sims
Christopher Smith
John Taylor Jr
Marvin R. Thomas
Rozell Williams IV
Carmen Wright
Ralph Bryant
Keshia L. Byrd
Mark Carr
Keith Etheredge
Wayne Gaymon
Felicia D. Harris
Taffrey Hooks
Keenan T. Jackson
Tonia Jones
Gerald Lancaster Jr.
Lisa Adams
Richard N. Bowman
Delores A. Brown
Sharon Cayruth
Ojetti Clark
Gladys Coleman
Timothy E. Davis
Kawanda Etheridge
Samuel Gortman
Rebeca Harsey
Earl Jones III
Erica Anderson D. Frederick Knight Taylor Howell
Derrick Moultrie
Fannie M. Jenkins
Deandrus Elaine
Marina Lanzot
Barbara Provard
Teneane Johnson
Kimara London
Blondell Rice
Dibbie McFadden
Temperance Bright Damien Morton
James E. Smith Jr.
Queenie Mitchell
Tiffany Brown
Sharon Nettles
D. Eric Tucker
Marcus Coleman
Prentis Percell
Chinequa Whitaker LaDawn Denny
Willie Mae Reid
Daniel Ashley
Cooper Wiley
Joseph Maurice Dickerson Staci Rutherford
Darlene Brantley
Tony A. Woods
Katrina Dickey
Brandis Singleton
Bryan Bright
Tyler Etheredge
Chavis Smith
Glennis Butler
Ciarre L. Farlin
Marjorie Smith
Marcia C. Geter
Cynthia Linguard Gore Kevin Ulmer
Dustin Glover
Kenya Gridine
Cleo Webster
Ranada Jones
Denise Green
Kendra Woods
Frances James Kelly Keith T. Hopkins
Sharonda Hannah
Chaston Huntly
Floyd Worley
Dorothy Kendall
Mark Huggins
Peggy Malone McWhite Gregory Jeffcoat
Lesly James
Doris Wright Johnson
Sharon Miller
Jacole Johnson
Gregory Mitchell Jr. Justice Summah Jones
Laney McClure
John Odom
Darryl Nelson
Michelle Remy
Marlon Pariag
Andrey Spearman
Wallace Patterson
Tammye Wilson
Henry A. Motes A.
Tracy Murphy
Connie Murray
Wanda Jenkins Oliver
Ashley Robinson
Brittney Robinson
Gail Sherrill-Bracey
Glenda M. Thomas
Lovell Kobie
Wilkerson III
Kevin Wimberly
Brittny Wright
Gregory Wright
Raymond Perkins Jr.
Dominique Rice
Sherita Roach
Amanda Rush
Stephanie BenjaminSavage
Darryl Taylor
Kent Thompson
Markeshia Wilson
Nala Witherspoon
Cheryl Wooden
Christina Young
Katrina Barnes
Rufus Blackmon
Vera Blocker
Malita Blunt
Na-Ik Bostick-Tindal
Rosemary Cobbs
Kymme Davis
Charlene East
Charlene Etheridge
Tiara N. Evans
Jaimey Green
Rita Holloway
Ann Jackson
Cynthia Hailstock Jones
Brenda Josey
Angeletta Lawson
Lawanda D. McLain
Fern M. Moses
Glenice Pearson
Sheree Shelton
Angela Singletary
Jamelle R. Smith
Crystal Tart
Elizabeth Thompson
Marcia Waddell
Paul Watkins
Antonio P. Wilson
Clementine Behling
Venora Bolden
Ravyn Cunningham
Isaiah Etheredge
Dyretta M. Fashion
Chad L. Gilbert
Destiny Goodman
Shaniqua Gregg
Deborah Constant Harris
Kennith Johnson Sr.
LaTonya Kerns
JacQuie Lee
Gary Oliver
Michaelle Patterson
Naomi Patterson
Kevin Pearson
Sallie Roger
Ira Shy
Lamiya S. Smith
Vanessa Robinson
Regan A. Summers
Marinda Aiken
Jean Aristhil
Melvin Baker
Judy Richardson
Kierstyn Clark
Jennifer A. CullerStaley
Cicely Joy Delaney
Alfonso Evans Jr.
Shakil Fuller
Mickey Gibson
Sereatha Harris
Connie Jefferies
Fayette Kennedy
Janet Kimbrough
Sandra King
McKaren Lewis
Randy McCray
John McDonald
Ryan McNeil
Marquita Minor
Jasmine Monroe
Deborah Perkins
Sherrie Prince
Candace Celeste
Jackson Shiver
Angela Thom
Bryce Thomas
Louvenia Whitaker
Jordan Belgrave Amelia Glisson
Carlissa Brown Kevin Harley
Sakoya Bryant
Laverne E. Jones
Ava Burrell
James E. Lott
Avius Owens
Austin Addison Kathrina Jacques
Briana Roberts
Hilda M. Bronson Theresa Madison
Irene Stephens
Darlene Coleman Patrese Carroway McCoy Gary Coates Jr.
Shirley Wages
Alfreda A. Dozier
George Miller
Cherrelle Evans
Leroy Ward
Edward Fashaw
Gregory Miller III
Julian Farris
Mercedes Wright
Marjorie H. Grant
Vincent Thornes
Susie Wright
Leroy Hunter
Rodney West
Francina Gerald
Casey Gillerson
Joyce Amaker
Lavonia Montgomery
Kevin Anderson Felicia Dawn Morant
Dr. Wayne Blake Israel Nuhu
Keisa Brooks Bacote Mildred Norris
Gabby Bosket
Danaris Pearson
Ashley Burch
Michael Pressley
Kelly Brewington Sharon Richardson
Brandon Bush
Michael Reed
Donnell Coleman
Adrian Rivers
Kerry Etheredge
Valerie S. Rhinehart Angela Y. General
Limica Stewart
Lucinda Evans
Stacey Scott
Melinda Brown Green Monique Sutton
Amber Gilyard
LaShae I. Wallace
Robert Hodge
Angela L. Taylor
Tamera Hill
Troy White
Wilodene Hutto
Weldon W. Wallace Sr.
Sandra Hodges-James Vandy Williams Jr. Leslie M. Jenkins
Aronna Winston
Gail Jabber
Beverly Wright
LeTonya Kelly
Izetta Laroy
Kameka Legree Wright
Christina Maple
Dwalen Mitchell
Elda Aristhil
Terry D. Jones
Brandi Blackmon Cammananda JonesSherene Agard
Margaret L Legree
Douglas G. Brown
Elevontra Anderson Alfred McFarlin Jr. Tiffany Campanella Deni Jordan
Calvin C. Baldwin Timesha Moody
Christina Eaddy
Ortega Missouri
Phillip Bowman
Charles E. Moss
Geraldine Felder
Kathryn Scarborough
Daiza Bradley
Lashanda Palmer
George H. Gatewood Eudora Simpson
H. Loretta Brown
Melba Simpson
LaToya Gillins
Pameco Suber
Richard Brown
Tivona Taylor
Katanya Gilmore
Stephen O. Sutton
Darian Childress
Jennifer Thompson Charlean Glover
Pinkie Whitfield
Warren Gadson
Nadia C. Hammond Chantal Williams
Lois Hunt
Chris Williams
Joanne Bamberg Jackson Sha'kel D. Youmans
Doug Adams
Olivia Mickens
Jeffrey Johnson
Kavetta Anderson Danshai O'Leary
Earl Jones Jr.
Rakiya Bearden Leslie A. Patterson
Cynthia Boyd
Venita Sullivan
All birthdays and anniversaries listed on the previous pages are
Krystle Brown
Jordan Tart
generated through the church membership database. If you find
Berry Butler
Zachary Whiteside
any errors, please contact the Church Office at the West
Cynthia T. Cooper
Leverette Williams III
Campus at (803) 796-7525 or the Northeast Campus at (803) 753
Eliza Holmes
Crystal Willis
The Brookland Banquet and Conference Center
1066 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169
Office (803) 744-7956 Fax (803) 744-7925
2015 Holiday Dinner Catering
Order Form
Place a check on the line beside the item being ordered.
Baked or Fried Turkey Dinner
Serves 15 people
(Includes 10 to 14 lb. turkey, 2 lbs. gravy and 1 lb. cranberry sauce)
Smoked Turkey Dinner
Serves 15 people
(Includes 10 to 14 lb. turkey, 2 lbs. gravy and 1 lb. cranberry sauce)
Brown Sugar Spiral Ham
Brookland’s Fried or Baked Chicken
$1.50 per piece Minimum 25 pieces
Serves 15 people
Check side items (4 qt. pan/20 servings) to add:
Fresh Green Beans $25.00
Pecan Pie $25.00
Collard Greens $30.00
Pumpkin Pie $25.00
Macaroni & Cheese $30.00
Sweet Potato Pie $25.00
Candied Yams $30.00
Peach Cobbler $30.00
Cornbread Dressing $25.00
Giblet Gravy $6.00/qt.
Yellow Rice $20.00
Tossed/Potato Salad $25.00
Mashed Potatoes $20.00
Cornbread $9.00
**Other side items also available.
Rolls $7.50
Requested Pick Up Date & Time
Thanksgiving Orders are due by Nov. 23 with pick up on Nov. 25 by 3 p.m.
Christmas Orders are due by Dec. 21 with pick up on Dec. 24 by noon.
Orders can be submitted in person, by fax or by email to
For a complete listing of the
Book Corner inventory, view
their page on our website at,
select Entities, then select
Book Corner.
Buy One Get One
on Purchases of
$10 or More
Coupon Valid Through November 30, 2015
Don’t Forget
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Brookland’s Top Ten 2015
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