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Geen myne hier!
Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
VOLUME 38 NO. 24
Vossie-skoonhede skitter oorsee
SKOONHEDE van Amoné Modeling Academy het aan die Best Child Model of the World kompetisie in Bulgarye
deelgeneem: Ilne Myburgh, aangewys as eerste prinses in haar ouderdomsgroep, Leandri Schreiber, beste aanddrag
model, en Sheran du Toit, beste foto model. Die meisies was van 22 Mei to 2 Junie in Bulgarye en is almal leerders van
Hoërskool Ben Vorster.
Geen myne hier!
Deur: Bertus de Bruyn.
ONTSTOKE en onrustige inwoners
van Haenertsburg kan vir eers weer
asem haal.
Dit kom nadat daar aan Letaba
Herald bevestig is dat die Ndowana
diamant prospektering in die Haenerstburg area nie op grootskaal gaan
ontaard nie.
Ndowana is steeds besig om vas te
stel of die grootte en graad van die
kimberliet dit die moeite werd sal
maak om voort te gaan met prospektering.
Indien die graad en grootte nie
bevredigend daarna uitsien nie behoort die prospektering hier te stop.
Indien daar verder ondersoek ingestel moet word, sal ‘n volledige
omgewings impak studie gelas
Ndowana is ‘n aandele maatskappy tussen Mvelaphanda Resources Ltd en De Beers myne wat
tans vir diamante in Limpopo en
Mpumalanga eksploreer.
Volgens ‘n betroubare bron is daar
in die stadium nog geen planne om te
begin met myn bedrywighede in die
Vervolg na bl.2
R3.00 incl.
The boot of Samuel Baloyi’s wrecked car is the only whole part
after it was driven into a truck last Thursday.
Dies in accident
claimed the life of Samuel
Baloyi last Thursday.
Baloyi’s silver Toyota Corolla
collided with a freight liner
truck on the R71 road next to
Premium Trucking.
Rescue workers arrived on the
scene only to find their skills
unnecessary, as what little was
left of the car was wedged under
the truck. Baloyi is believed to
have died on impact.
The boot of the Corolla was
virtually the only recognisable
part of the shredded vehicle.
It is believed that heavy mist
prevalent on the evening in
question may have led to the
Samuel Baloyi was 58 when
he died. He was alone in his
An employee of G4S Cash
Solutions (a driver), Baloyi allegedly died in his uniform.
A case of culpable homicide
has been opened by the police
and investigations are ongoing.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
nie gemyn
Vervolg vanaf bl.1
nabye toekoms nie.
Die omgewing van Haenertsburg is uiters
omgewings sensitief. Waterbesoedeling en
die versteuring van die Fauna is van die
grootste kopsere.
Volgens die bron word daar nog gekyk na
die ekonomiese toevatbaarheid.
Sodra ‘n omgewings impak studie ter tafel
gelê is sal alle aandeel houers dit eenparig
moet goedkeur.
San oorlede
SANNIE Dique, ‘n jarelange inwoner van
Tzaneen, is op 19 Mei oordele.
Haar begrafnis was op 22 Mei in die AP Kerk
in Tzaneen gehou. Peet, Sereen, Louise en Erna
sal hul ma altyd as hul dansende vrolike
moeder onthou. Sy laat ook kleinkinders
Roedolf, Marina, Marcel, Lindsa, Louis en
Suné na.
Sannie se familie het die volgende bedanking saamgestel:
"Baie dankie aan Matrone Rina en haar
personeel van Goue Jare bejaardesorg van
Modjadjiskloof, vir veral die laaste twee
maande van Sannie se verblyf daar.
"Dankie aan Sarie van Vuuren. "Baie dankie
ook aan Kobus en Helene van Wisani - julle is
professioneel, vinnig en vriendelik. "Vriende
en familie, julle oproepe en hulp aanbiedings
word opreg waardeer. "Dankie aan Tannie
Daliena, ons orreliste. "Ons wil graag ook baie
dankie sê aan Walda Cambpell en die susters
van AP Kerk Tzaneen vir die reëlings en maak
van verversings vir die begrafnis. "Ds Aubrey
Gerty oorlede
GERTY Borton (100) is Maandagnag
oorlede. Burton was ‘n inwoner van die
Goue Jare tehuis te Modjadjiskloof. Sy laat
haar seun, dogter, ses kleinkinders, sewe
agter-kleinkinders en vier agter-agter-kleinkinders agter. Sy het vroeër vanjaar haar
100ste verjaarsdag gevier.
The acting Managing Executive of KNP, Abe Sibiya, and the Regional Manager, Ben van Eeden,
officially opening a new conference centre at Mopani Rest Camp.
Conferencing at Mopani Rest Camp
SANNIE Dique van Tzaneen is op 19 Mei
Haugh, dankie vir die boodskap en vertroosting, asook Woensdag se besoek by Peet en
Serena. "Almal van ver af, dankie dat julle die
begrafnis bygewoon het. Ons waardeer dit."
A new R5,2 million conference centre was
officially opened in the Kruger National Park
(KNP) last Friday.
The state-of-the-art facility at Mopani Rest
Camp was opened by the acting Managing
Executive of KNP, Abe Sibiya.
Sibiya proudly stated that the conference
venue offers a number of world class options
that will hopefully meet and exceed most
clients' needs.
Sibiya went on to explain that the KNP is
world famous for its high standards in conservation management and for its ability to
balance the needs of tourists with the demands
of conservation.
"Kruger's tourism business has always been
seasonal, with high season times coinciding
with South African school holidays. Conferences are seen as one of the ways in which
these huge drops during off-peak times can be
negated," explained Sibiya.
He said the construction was made possible
by Infrastructure Development Program (IDP)
funding from the South African government.
The conference centre can house up to 300
people, cinema style, in its main hall.
The facility was converted from the camp's
shop and storerooms and this work took nine
months to complete.
"As I stand before you, I can proudly say that
the establishment of this facility only had a
negligible environmental impact, and this was
short term. All these buildings were already
here and all they needed was to reorganise the
interior and equip them for conferencing," he
In addition to the main conference hall, the
facility also includes three breakaway rooms
which can house 21, 30 and 45 people respectively, and a tea area which includes a
wooden deck that overlooks the nearby Pioneer Dam.
The breakaway rooms also include 15 moveable panels that can convert the three separate
rooms into either two larger rooms, one hosting
67 people, cinema style, and the other housing
45 people, or one large venue which can house
150 people, cinema style.
All four venues, the main hall and each of the
three breakaway rooms, include screens and
full audio-visual aids.
He added that Mopani Rest Camp is one of
the newer large camps in the KNP and can
accommodate 506 people.
It is situated 74 kilometres north of the
Phalaborwa Entrance Gate.
In the KNP, other conference centres include
Berg en Dal Rest Camp, a small venue at the
Elephant Hall in Letaba Rest Camp, a small
conference centre at Shingwedzi Rest Camp
and a conference facility in Skukuza Rest
Camp, which is presently being upgraded.
For more information on the new Mopani
Conference Centre, access the SANParks website ( or contact Christa von
Elling on 013 735 6535.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
Wapens: Hernieu lisensies
DIE Bosveldjagters en Wildbewarings
vereniging se Letaba tak wil graag wapen
eienaars herinner om hul wapen lisensies te
Daar is wel hofsake wat sekere aspekte
probeer aanspreek maar wapen eienaars moet
nie daarvoor wag nie.
Al is jy laat met jou hernuwing, gaan dien
jou aansoeke in, boetes is ter sprake.
Wapens waarvoor nie aansoek gedoen is nie
Meet Maake crime fighters
MEET four of Maake SAPS Sector Managers and their second in command. The Sector Managers
will be responsible for reducing crime in their respective sectors. Their cell phone numbers are
included so community members can easily reach them in time of emergency. Front: Captain
Berry Shipalana of Sector A (Lenyenye). Contact him on 082 414 1980. Captain Matome
Makgoba, responsible for Sector B (Tickyline). Contact him on 082 541 6454. Captain Mokgadi
Raophala, responsible for Sector C (Julesburg). Contact her on 079 767 7650. Second in
command, Inspector Ntwampe Thobejane, responsible for Sector D. Contact him on 082 048
7894 (First in command is Captain Malesa). Back: Second in command for Sector A, Inspector
Sonatan Maake. Second in command for Sector B, Constable Mbongiseni Ndindane and second
in command for Sector C, Inspector Jacob Muhlare.
Maake Mall in their hands
SHOPPERS at Maake Complex in Lenyenye can shop without fear as seven of Maake SAPS
officers guarantee a crime-free complex. These police are responsible for monitoring the
complex to eliminate any illegal activities.
Front: Constable Masike Mogoboya. Contact
her on 083 485 6515. Constable Turny Ranollo. Contact her on 076 560 4207. Sergeant
Edith Mohale. Contact her on 083 595 1941.
Constable Cythian Motloutsi. Contact her on
072 124 4765. Back: Inspector Philip Modiba. Contact him on 076 234 2825. Constable
William Sekgotlaboraga. Contact him on 082
437 8537. Constable Mariam Malatji. Contact her on 073 886 5823.
Verdagtes weer
in die hof
Borg aansoek weer geweier.
Eddie Chauke, Alex Babunda, Rogero
Thambale en Marcy Nasser wat tans in
Gravelotte aangehou word as verdagtes vir die
moord op Dr. Paul Meyer verskyn weer op 10
Julie in die Phalaborwa-landdroshof.
Die vier is tydens ‘n uitkennings parade in
Februarie te Polokwane positief uitgewys as
die beweerde oortreders. Met hul vorige verskyning in die hof is daar aansoek gedoen om
borgtog. Die aansoek is geweier.
moet voor of op 30 Junie ingehandig word by
die SAPD.
Wapens wat van die hand gesit is en waarvoor die huidige lisensiehouer (verkoper) nie
aansoek gedoen het nie asook eksekuteurs van
boedels MOET vir ‘n Artikel 21 bergingspermit
aansoek doen (laat 7 dae toe vir permit om
goedgekeur te word.)
Volledige inligting kan besigtig word by
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Gaan skiet met windbuks
‘n SKIETDAG met windbukse word Saterdag
aangebied om die gedagte van ‘n Volksraad
Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) vir Afrikaners in
die Noord-Laeveld en Letaba-kontrei te bevorder.
Die skietdag vind op die Geloftefees terrein
van Tzaneen by die Wolkberg Akademie vir
CVO plaas.
Reëlings is soos volg:
Dit begin om 08:00 en duur tot om 13:00.
Neem eie windbuks. Indien deelnemers nie het
nie, sal organiseerders ‘n paar windbukse op
die terrein hê.
Oud en jonk kan deelneem, maar persone 18
jaar en ouer moet eers registreer vir die VVK
om te kwalifiseer vir deelname.
Daar sal ‘n tent met registrasie beamptes en
aansoekvorms vir registrasie op die terrein
Daar is verskeie kompetisies en inskrywingsfooie is R20 per kompetisie. Fondse sal ten bate
van die VVK aangewend word, na vereffening
van reëlings onkostes.
Koeëltjies (no 1’s) sal voorsien word. Indien
‘n deelnemer ‘n windbuks met spesiale
eiesoortige koeëltjies het, moet dit self voorsien word.
Neem eie skietmatte of gronddekentjies, eie
verversings, tuinstoele, sonsambrele, ens. Daar
sal vure wees vir die wat vleis en ‘n rooster wil
Aanwysings: Neem die Tzaneen/Phalaborwapad. Ry verby die skouterrein. Draai na
ongeveer 3 km regs op die Stasiepad, by
Venbeck. Draai na ongeveer 600 m regs by die
Wolkberg Akademie toegangspad.
Daar word beoog om in 2010 ‘n volksverkiesing te hou om ‘n ware volksverteenwoordigende liggaam vir Boere-Afrikaners te
Om die rede is ‘n VVK reeds in 2007 in die
lewe geroep wat tans landswyd werwingswerk
In 2008 is ‘n aantal VVK registrasie beamptes
in Tzaneen ook op vrywillige basis aangestel
om kieser registrasievorms beskikbaar te stel
vir ‘n VVK kieserslys wat saamgestel word.
Alle Boere-Afrikaner volksgenote word genooi om te gaan deelneem en die dag te geniet.
Selfs al wil belangstellendes nie skyfskiet nie,
word hulle genooi om te gaan registreer vir die
VVK en om saam te kuier. Alle vrae oor die
bedoelde volksverkiesing sal op die terrein
beantwoord kan word.
Skakel Dawid Grobbelaar (beskermheer) by
083 306 0809 en Johan Brummer by 076 042
3894 vir navrae. Ander VVK registrasie
beamptes is: Charles Tolmay - 082 348 8033,
Riaan Venter - 083 307 1555, Frank Honiball 082 781 1440, Piet Benadé - 083 459 7745 en
Donovan Beukes - 082 966 1451.
Kaartjies vir Laurika te koop
ENKEL kaartjies vir die Laurika Rauch konsert
op 24 Junie in Tzaneen is nou beskikbaar vir
slegs R300 per persoon, heerlike ete en wyn
Slegs 50 kaartjies is nog beskikbaar, maak
seker jy kry joune nou by Buzz Communications.
Hierdie uitsonderlike konsert is vir ‘n baie
besondere fondsinsameling vir die Ben Vorster
Inyati Rugby Trust vir minderbevoorregte
rugbyspelers. Ondersteun hierdie kinders deur
‘n aand van kwaliteit vermaak en smulkos te
Die ete begin om 18:30, met die konsert
direk na die ete. ‘n Kontantkroeg is beskikbaar
en CD verkope vind na die konsert plaas. Kom
ontmoet vir Laurika Rauch in persoon, en
geniet ‘n heerlike koppie koffie en soetgoed na
die vertoning. Navrae en bespreking Buzz
Communications: (015) 306 6264.
GLO jy, jy het dit wat dit vat om die jaar met
die kroon weg te stap?
SW Modelmanagement doen tans oudisies
vir Mej. en Mnr. Suid-Afrika sowel as vir Mej.
Suksesvolle kandidate sal ‘n werkswinkel
bywoon om suksesvol voorbereid te wees vir
alles aspekte van die kompetisie onder bestuur van SW Modelmanagement.
Mej. Tiener, 15-17 jaar. Mej. Suid-Afrika, 1825 jaar en Mnr Suid-Afrika, 21-35 jaar.
Vir meer inligting skakel Istvan Pretorius: 076
511 2893.
Wen lekker
DIE Hervormde gemeente Laeveld loods ‘n
jagkompetisie met wonderlike pryse.
Kaartjies kos slegs R50 per persoon.
Die eersteprys bestaan uit verblyf vir 12
persone vir ses nagte by Kolobé Safari’s. Die
jagpakket sluit ‘n buffel, eland, rooihartbees,
blouwildebees, koedoebul, blesbok, rooibokram en vlakvark in.
Tweedeprys: Verblyf vir ses persone vir twee
nagte by Kolobé Safari’s. ‘n Blesbok kan gejag
Die derdeprys, waar ‘n rooi- bokram gejag
kan word, sluit verblyf vir ses persone vir twee
nagte by Kolobé Safari’s in.
Skakel Freddie Coetzee by 082 804 5806 om
kaartjies te bekom.
Die sluitingsdatum is op 28 Junie en die
trekking sal op 5 Julie plaasvind.
Pryswenners sal in Letaba Herald bekend
gemaak word.
Urgent appeal to
all animal lovers
THE SPCA database contains many names of
old members.
Unfortunately the information, re addresses
and telephone numbers, are old and we need
to update all records urgently.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could
phone me before the end of June 2009.
Every member, old or new, is of great value to
the SPCA.
Thank you very much. Carol Spaans: 083
940 2531 or 015 307 2010.
NG Wolkberg het nog vleis na hulle basaar
beskikbaar: Kalahari sosaties, wors (vakuumverpak,) maalvleis (vakuumverpak,) rooiworsies, geurige gaar maalvleis, gerookte varkribbeties. Vir navrae kan u skakel met Elsa by die
kerkkantoor (015) 307-4062 tydens kantoorure.
Graag wil Goue Jare Bejaardesorg die volgende bedank vir donasies van groente, vrugte
en mieliemeel wat ons gedurende die afgelope
week ontvang het: ZZ2, tannie Lettie en
Montina Boerdery.
Congratulations to the teachers of Stanford
Lake College who are celebrating their birthdays this week: Michele Britton - June 15;
Denis Jack - June 20.
Baie geluk aan Marguerite Rijnen van Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat haar verjaardag op 20
Junie vier.
Congratulations to Martie Tremper of Merensky High School who is celebrating her
birthday on June 15.
Flo Sevenster verjaar op 17 Junie. Die inwoners van pionierspark wens haar hartlik
geluk. Sy is nie alleen een van die oudste
inwoners van Pionierspark nie, maar ook ‘n
trotse bewoner. Mag sy goeie gesondheid
geniet in haar nuwe lewensjaar en haar dag
saam met vriende en familie geniet.
’n Baie dankbare Helena Willems het Saterdagoggend ‘n koppie tee saam met haar
vriendinne by die lapa geniet. Helena het ‘n
moeilike operasie in Pretoria ondergaan en
was vir etlike maande daar vir behandeling.
Adriaan het haar bygestaan. Deur baie gebede
en sterk geloof kan sy nou by die huis aansterk.
Die Pioniers wens haar sterkte toe.
Ben en Jeanette, met julle groet van die
wildtuintoere, word daar ook met heimwee
terug gedink aan die Sondagoggende toe julle
‘n kombi vol Hervormers kerk toe geneem het.
Julle het voluit geleef en ‘n skatkis vol mooi
herinneringe bymekaar gemaak.
Winners of the bridge competition played
on June 8 at Macadamia were Di Lougher-Clarke and Nan Forrest. Second were Jane
Rochester and Arthur
Cowgill as well as
Pauline Burger and
Shirley Ivy.
Winners of the
bridge competition
played on June 11 at
Coach House were
Guy Matthews and
Pierre. Second were
Marie Liversage and
Ala Sussens. Hint: If
you are playing in a
suit contract, do not
trump into your own
hand if you can avoid
it. You will score
those trumps anyway
and you need them to
keep control.
June is a month of
birthdays for the
bridge players. Early
on was Ala Sussens.
we were all beautifully entertained at
Tshukudu Lodge, her
game farm near
Hoedspruit, and we
were introduced to
her tame cheetah and
Next the bridge
players are to go to
Letsitele, for Marie
Liversage’s birthday
and at the end of the
month they will be
wishing the very best
to Joan Graham.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
Body found
next to road
A Traffic official and a member of a local towing agency remove the motorcycle from the road
after an accident in Skirving street.
Lucky escape for biker
FRIDAY morning last week could have been
an unhappy day under different circumstances.
Dale de Lange of Letaba Locksmiths was
coming down Skirving street on a motorcycle
when he hit a Gasman delivery vehicle turning
out of Kew street.
Witnesses on the scene said that Dale tried
to break when he saw the other vehicle but
that it was too late. He couldn’t stop in time
and smashed into the right rear side of the
Damage to the Gasman bakkie was minimal
compared to the twisted remains of the motorcycle lying in the middle of the road.
The severe damage to the motorcycle led to
fears that Dale might have sustained serious
and/or internal injuries.
Fortunately these fears proved unfounded
and he was discharged from Tzaneen
Medi-Clinic a short while later.
Dead snake
causes stink
AN awful smell greeted the residents of Park
Street last Wednesday morning. The odour
seemed to originate in the small park nearby.
Upon closer inspection a plywood box was
discovered underneath a tree next to the small
dam, the contents? A dead indigenous Rock
Python which was approximately 3m long.
An anonymous call was made to the SAPS
who arrived on the scene. Without any indications as to whom was to blame they
contacted the SPCA, who promptly removed
the remains.
It is unclear whether or not the snake was
simply put in the box and left to die, though
that seems least likely, or if somebody decided
that disposal of the remains was a public
Pythons are an edangered species and a
VICTOR Nghamuni and Lucky Mhlari from
the SPCA with the dead Rock Python that was
found in Park Street last Wednesday.
permit is required to own one. If anyone has
information regarding this or any other python
in captivity, please contact the SPCA.
Leeu terug
LETABA Herald het verlede week berig oor
‘n rondloper leeu op die Graveloptte pad.
Die leeu is gepyl en teruggeneem na Croc
Ranch waar hy nou weer saam met die trop
op die 10 duisend ha plaas, en nie 10 ha soos
berig is nie, brul. Croc Ranch behoort aan
die Mashishimale Communal Property Association waarvan Piet Strauss die hoof
uitvoerende beampte (nie eienaar) is.
THE body of an African male, believed to be
aged between 50 and 60, was found along the
Tzaneen- George’s Valley road on February
The victim was discovered wearing green
trousers and a short-sleeved black shirt with
brown dots. He wasn’t wearing any shoes.
He is dark in complection with short grey
hair and a grey beard around the chin. He is
approximately 1,65m tall.
Anybody with information may contact
D/inspector Mkhomazi Abel Nghondweni at
076 576 7226 or 015/ 306 2000.
Any enquieries can be directed to Captain
Miyelani Simon Shikwambana. He can be
reached on: 082 469 0728, 015 306 2128 or
Fax: 015 306 2136
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Jagkursus hier
DIE BJV herinner lede aan die
senior kursus wat vanaf 26 tot 28
Junie sal plaasvind.
Skakel Carel Buitendag by 082
551 8114 vir meer inligting.
Die BJV bied ook op 6 Junie
weer 'n Chasa/Pinskietdag aan
wat by die BJV skietbaan sal plaasvind. Vir verdere inligting oor die
skietdag, skakel asb Dawie van
Vuuren by 083 454 5391.
Daar sal ook verversings te koop
wees. Die skietdag begin om
07:30 en die laaste inskrywing
vind om 15:00 plaas.
R30-00 vir nie-lede, R20-00 vir
lede en R10-00 vir juniors. Vir
meer inligting skakel Dawie van
Vuuren by 083 454 5391.
ELSCHKE Klinkert gaan volgende maand in
Los Angeles aan die Wêreld Kampioenskap
vir Uitvoerende Kunste deelneem.
Help Elschke
ELSCHKE Klinkert is verlede jaar gekies vir
die Suid-Afrikaanse span vir ballet en moderne dans om vanjaar aan die Wêreld
Kampioenskap vir Uitvoerende Kunste te
gaan deelneem.
Dit word vanaf 5 tot 22 Julie in Los
Angeles gehou en Suid-Afrika gaan teen 53
ander lande meeding.
Elschke het egter fondse nodig om die
droom te bewaarheid.
Sy doen ‘n beroep op enigiemand, veral
mense uit die Letsitele-omgewing, waar sy
groot geword het, om haar finansieël te
Skakel haar ma by 072 197 3975 vir meer
Dringende versoek aan
alle diere-vriende
DIE DBV se databasis het baie name van vorige
lede op. Ongelukkig is die adresse en telefoon
nommers nie almal korrek of relevant nie.
Ons moet dringend die rekords op datum
bring. Alle lede, oud en nuut, is van onskatbare
waarde vir die voortbestaan van ons
Ek doen dus ‘n beroep op u om my dringend
te skakel voor die einde van Junie 2009.
Baie dankie. Carol Spaans: 083 940 2531 of
015 307 2010.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
Dis weer Zirk en slang
‘n SSSSSlangerige affêre! Zirk Büys het
onlangs die amper
twee meter spoegkobra aan Letaba Herald kom wys. Dit is
op die stoep van sy
buurman van kant
gemaak. Letaba Herald het in die verlede
berig hoe Büys op ‘n
spoegkobra in sy
het. Hulle woon in
Glybaan 3.
THE Greater Tzaneen Road Safety
Forum hosted its second meeting last
Thursday at the new Disaster Management Centre outside Tzaneen.
This forum represents the first of its
kind in the country. It is a non-profit
organisation which aims to interface
between road users and officials and
reduce the danger currently rampant
on SA’s roads.
Represented at the meeting were
several interested parties including:
Sonco Towing, Sansui Towing, the
Tzaneen SAPS, the Tzaneen Municipality, the Disaster Management
Centre and the Department of Roads
and Transport, Tzaneen Traffic Station.
Details were given regarding combined efforts over the Easter weekend
to reduce road accidents and fatalities.
One of the strategies implemented
by this body was to organise the
procedure for busses coming from
Mpumalanga through Tzaneen, with
passengers headed to ZCC.
Specific areas were designated for
certain busses to refuel so that they
would not cause the congestion and
mayhem usually present during that
time of year.
There were several
road-blocks in and
around Tzaneen, as
well as active road
patrols along the
area’s roads.
An Arrive Alive initiative was also organised in conjuction with local towing
were handed flyers
designed to encour-
THE Chairman of
the GTRSF Mr.
George Sabela.
age safe driving.
Several issues were also raised in
regard to the state of the roads and
transport infrastructure in the area.
Key among these was the TzaneenLenyenye road which is in a state of
disrepair and needs to be enlarged
into a four lane road.
Another issue was the lack of bus
and taxi bays which have as a direct
result, the stopping of taxis and busses
in inconvinient or dangerous spots
along our roads.
Drunken and negligent driving and
driver behaviour were identified as
some of the main causes of accidents.
Some ideas tabled for the improvement of road-safety were to maintain
roads to a proper standard and keep
long grass and other impediments
under control.
Traffic officers need to be more
active and visible and road users need
to be educated.
Last year approximately 14 000
people died on the country’s roads in
the nearly half-a-million accidents recorded. For every death there are
about 50 permanent disfigurements.
These numbers combined with the
roughly 100 000 serious injuries per
year on the roads overwhelm the
Road Accident Fund’s capacity for
This year’s accident toll during the
Easter weekend (from Thursday afternoon till Monday midnight) in the
local area was as follows: 4 head-rear
collisions, 2 head on, one pedestrian
was hit as well as one animal.
This year saw the hand of mercy
over Tzaneen as there were no reported fatalities.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Tzn Eisteddfod begin
TZANEEN Eisteddfod skop vanjaar op
27 Julie af.
Besighede word vanjaar genader om
‘n wisseltrofee met die besigheid se
naam op, asook ‘n prestasie toekenning te borg. Dit sal as aansporing vir
jong plaaslike talent dien. Die trofeë
sal dan tydens die gala-aand deur die
sakelui aan wenners van verskillende
afdelings oorhandig word.
Vir professionele beoordeling en ‘n
regverdige kans het die kunsafdeling
‘n nuwe blaadjie omgeslaan. Vanjaar
neem kunstenaars, soos by stedelike
Eisteddfods, in ‘n aangewysde lokaal
deel. Kunstenaars gaan hulle eie medium saamneem en binne ‘n ontspanne atmosfeer hulle kunswerk
binne ‘n gegewe tyd voltooi.
Die kunssillabus en inskrywingsvorms sal teen 3 Augustus by plaaslike
skole beskikbaar wees.
Die dansafdeling word elke tweede
jaar aangebied en kry dus weer volgende jaar ‘n beurt.
Leerders van Graad R tot 12 word
genooi om aan die Tzaneen Eisteddfod
deel te neem. Inskrywingsvorms en die
sillabus vir Afrikaans is reeds by plaaslike hoërskole, laerskole en kleuterskole beskikbaar.
Ander afdelings se inskrywingsvorms en sillabusse sal ongeveer ses
weke voor die betrokke afdeling plaasvind, by skole beskikbaar wees.
Privaat skole en omliggende dorpe
se skole word genooi om deel te neem.
Skakel die betrokke sameroeper vir
Voltooide inskrywingsvorms kan by
Eileen Joubert by Laerskool Tzaneen
se administratiewe kantoor ingehandig word.
Afdelings vind soos volg plaas:
Afrikaans: 27 tot 30 Julie. Graad R 0 in die saal van SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool. Gr 1 tot gr 12 in die saal van
Hoërskool Merensky. Sluitingsdatum:
23 Junie. Sameroeper: Annelie Dreyer
- 083 585 5490.
Engels: 21 en 22 Augustus. Gr R - 12
in die saal van Hoërskool Merensky.
Sluitingsdatum: 23 Julie. Sameroeper:
Andrika Nagel - 083 452 3183.
Musiek, vokaal: 16 Oktober by The
Barnyard, Stanford Lake College. Sluitingsdatum: 16 September. Sameroeper: Eileen Joubert - 083 400 4545.
Musiek, instrumentaal: 17 Oktober
in die saal van Hoërskool Merensky.
Sluitingsdatum: 16 September. Sameroeper: Eileen Joubert - 083 400
Kuns: 4 en 5 September. Gr R in die
saal van die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool. Gr 1 tot 12 in die saal van
Hoërskool Merensky. Sluitingsdatum:
12 Aug. Sameroeper: Annelie Dreyer 083 585 5490.
Tzaneen Eisteddfod is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat deur
vrywilligers bedryf word. Om te
verseker dat die fondse korrek bestuur
word, het die nuut verkose komitee ‘n
artikel 21 maatskappy registreer.
‘n Tzaneen Eisteddfod rekening is
geopen en sal jaarliks geouditeer
Pieter sing Vrydag op Tzn
Hannes, Marené trou
HANNES van Deventer en Marené Swanepoel is op 30 Mei op die
Wild Life Estate in Hoedspruit in die huwelik bevestig. Hannes is die
oudste seun van Braam en Wellina van Deventer en Marené die
enigste dogter van Marius en René Swanepoel.
‘n PLAASLIKE talentvolle inwoner,
Pieter Kotzé, tree Vrydag by Fairview
Lodge op.
Hy gaan beslis die hartsnare roer, die
voete laat jeuk en herinneringe oproep
met sy vertoning: "Vensters ... van die
verre verlede tot die hede."
Die aand gaan bestaan uit ‘n
keurspel van liedere wat treffers was
oor die afgelope 60 jaar, vanaf 1950
tot en met 2009.
Met sy fluweelsagte stem gaan hy
vertolkings doen van gunstelinge soos
"All I have to do is dream" van die
Everly Brothers, "Bachelor Boy" van Sir
Cliff Richard, "Nikita" van Sir Elton
John, "Drift Away" van Dobie Grey en
ook nuwe Afrikaanse treffers van top
kunstenaars vandag, om maar net ‘n
paar te noem.
Die vertoning gaan in die Barnyard-styl gedoen word. Gaste kan
reeds om 18:30 begin om gesellig te
verkeer. Neem eie kos saam of be-
spreek verversings by Fairview. ‘n
Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees.
Geen eie drinkgoed word toegelaat
Die vertoning sal stiptelik om 20:00
begin. Kaartjies kos R100 elk en is
beskikbaar by Inge-Mari, 083 456
3465, Van Heerden Apteek, (015)
307-4301 of Tzaneng Apteek, (015)
307-4174. Tafels van 10 persone kan
ook bespreek word. Bespreek onmiddellik om teleurstelling te voorkom.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
Tuinbouers byeen
Steve baie gewild
KAARTJIES vir Steve Hofmeyr se vertoning verkoop vinnig. Nog net 12
tafels is beskikbaar!
Die eerste advertensie is verlede
Donderdag gepubliseer en 75% van
die tafels is reeds uitverkoop.
Volgens die organiseerder, Lizanie
Pohl, is hulle baie opgewonde om die
vertoning aan te bied vir die mense in
Limpopo omgewing.
Dit gaan spesiaal wees om
Suid-Afrika se grootste kunstenaar en
CD verkoper in ‘n dorpie soos
Mooketsi te hê.
Steve Hofmeyr bederf sy aanhangers binnekort met 'n reuse-geskenk, soos belowe, met die
uitreiking van nóg 'n album propvol
van Neil Diamond se treffermusiek.
Solitary Man - The Songs Of Neil
Diamond is 'n dubbelalbum, beskikbaar teen 'n bekosbare prys,
spesiaal vir die nagenoeg 150 000
bewonderaars wat die eerste album in
dié reeks gekoop het.
"Neil Diamond het die grootste invloed op my as 'n musikant gehad,"
sê Steve oor sy besluit om weer hulde
aan sy grootste musiekheld te bring.
"Ek is nie een van daardie kunstenaars wat wil eksperimenteer, opvoed en rigting wil verander nie; ek is
lief daarvoor om rock en popliedjies
te skryf en te sing waarby mense aanklank kan vind: die musiek waarin
Neil Diamond uitgeblink het."
Steve sê dit was regtig pret
om die repertoire vir sy
tweede Neil Diamond album te kies.
Tussen die Diamond-treffers wat op Solitary Man - The
Songs Of Neil Diamond ingesluit is, is die immergroenjuwele 'Solitary Man' , 'Play
Me', 'Don't Turn Around',
'Cherry Cherry', 'If You Know
What I Mean' en 'Crunchy
Die dubbelalbum bevat ook vier van Neil Diamond se grootste
treffers wat op Steve se CD Beautiful
Noise gehoor is; 'I Am … I Said',
'Sweet Caroline', 'Cracklin' Rosie'
and 'Holly Holy'.
"Ek het getrou gebly aan die gees
van die musiek en daarom weet ek
mense wat van my musiek hou en
mense wat van Neil Diamond se
musiek hou, sal baie genot uit die
nuwe album put. Dit was vir my regtig
'n briljante persoonlike reis," sê
Steve bring ‘n vol orkes saam met
klank en beligting uit die boonste
Die vertoning gaan baie eksklusief
wees, juis omdat daar nie ‘n vertrapping van mense gaan wees nie.
Die konsert word aangebied by
DIE Letaba Tuinbou Vereniging
vergader Vrydag (19 Junie) in die
tuin van Cecilia Labuschagne by
Macadamia Village.
Dit begin om 14:00 vir 14:30 by
haar woonstel, woonstel no 33.
Lede en gaste gaan verskeie van
gaan ‘n kort voorlegging doen terwyl
Johan Ueckermann, hoof van Stanford, die gasspreker gaan wees.
Hy gaan praat oor die sinergie
tussen skole en besighede in die
algemeen en sakelui behoort diè toe-
LETSITELE Biblioteek het op 1
Augustus tydens die Kaskarwedren ‘n stalletjie op Eiland.
Hulle gaan ‘n storie-uur en ander aktiwiteite vir kinders aanbied.
Shiloh Crown Lodge in Mooketsi en
beloof om die konsert van die jaar te
Kaartjies beloop R350 p/p en R3
500 per tafel van 10 persone, wat
insluit die Steve show, spitbraai ete,
en ‘n dans na die tyd waar die gewilde
Arno Jordaan ‘n paar van sy danstreffers sal sing.
‘n Beperkte aantal kaartjies is beskikbaar, dus bespreek vroegtydig om
teleurstelling te voorkom. Besprekings kan gemaak word by 072 822
8584 of 073 614 2831.
spraak baie interessant te vind.
Bespreking is noodsaaklik en kan
by Rona McGaffin gedoen word deur
079 898 0408 te skakel. Alert Staal is
diè maand se borge.
Hadassa konferensie hier
DIE NG kerk Morelettapark bied op 6 en 7
November ‘n Hadassa konferensie by
Tzaneen Country Lodge aan.
Dit begin die Vrydagmiddag om 17:00 en
Saterdag om 08:00. Dit sal Saterdag tot om
17:00 duur.
‘n Suksesvolle Hadassa Vrouekonferensie,
onder leiding van Antonette Struwig, is in Mei
op Giyani aangebied.
Salomé Meyer het nou die geleentheid gekry
om dit vir Tzaneen-vroue op hulle drumpel te
kan aanbied. "Wat ‘n besondere voorreg, want
alles is tot eer van Jesus Christus se heilige
wonderbare Naam."
Kaartjies beloop
R200 vir die hele
naweek om sodoende die geleentheid bekostigbaar te
maak. Dit sluit ook ‘n
groot bederf, wat nog
‘n verrassing is, in.
Alle etes vir die
naweek is gratis.
Om die geleentheid moontlik te
maak vir die vroue,
word ‘n versoek aan
die sakesektor asook
individue gerig vir
Baie vroue, bv enkelouers, het weens
finansiële omstandigehede nie die voorreg om die kosbare
die bejaardes se tuintjies ook besoek.
Almal is welkom. Gaste betaal
R20. Neem stoele saam.
Skakel Suzette de la Rey by 083
305 3816 vir meer inligting.
Bib ook by Eiland
Sakelui hoor van Moz en skole
DIE MAANDELIKSE ete-vergadering
van die Groter Tzaneense Sakekamer
vind Vrydag (19 Junie) by die Bosbok-kroeg op die Tzaneense skougronde plaas. Ontwikkelaars wat
eiendom in Mosambiek ontwikkel
geleentheid by te woon nie.
Daarom word daar ‘n dringende beroep
gedoen vir skenkings.
Sou daar fondse na die betaling van die
konferensie oorbly, sal dit oorhandig word aan
vroue wat nie elke dag weet waar hulle
daaglikse brood vandaan gaan kom nie.
Skakel die volgende persone vir skenkings
asook besprekings: Regina Ingram by 082 893
5253, Salomé Meyer by 082 920 8744, Juanine Jackson by 082 576 5716, Lauren Naudé
by 072 632 9684, Janette Barnard by 083 266
Daar gaan kerse gemaak word,
borde geverf word en selfs "sand
blasting" (sandspuiting) gedoen
Boeke sal ook te koop aangebied word.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Pa se snork ...
PA’S is daardie sterk mense in ‘n huis
wat mens veilig laat voel.
Dis lekker om hulle in ‘n donker nag
te hoor snork, want dan weet jy hulle is
Dit is ook die (enigste) mens wat
dorings kan uithaal sonder om seer te
Dis die ou wat klein mensies wat
moeg raak gedurende ‘n uitstappie
abba op sy rug of hulle aanspoor om
nog ‘n klein rukkie uit te hou.
Pa’s verstaan soms ‘n saak beter en
gee makliker toestemming, selfs al het
ma’s reeds ‘nee’ gesê.
Pa’s weet baie van baie dinge af,
veral as jy klein is. Hy kan jou leer van
die natuur, van visvang, van jag, van
vleisbraai, van kettie-skiet, kaskar-ry
en baie ander dinge....
Pa’s lag makliker vir jou kattekwaad
en deel soms skelmpies daarin.
Hy kan planne maak en goeters bou.
Sy hande staan vir niks verkeerd nie.
Pa’s kan ook streng wees en lekker
raas of ‘n klap of drie uitdeel - dis
wanneer hy nie dink jou kattekwaad is
snaaks nie! Maar dit is ook hy na wie jy
toe hardloop as dinge skeef loop.
Dis hy wat jou help besluit oor ‘n
toekoms wanneer jy volwasse raak.
Jou leer motor bestuur en jou selfvertroue gee om later alleen te ry. Jou deur
sy voorbeeld leer hoe om ander mense
te hanteer en te respekteer.
Dit is hy wat jou waarsku voor jy
uitgaan om nie droog te maak nie en
altyd in beheer te bly. Maar dit is ook
hy wat jy 03:00 in die oggend bel om
te kom help as dinge skeef geloop
Hy is ‘n eerste rolmodel van hoe die
lewe daar buite werk. Hy leer mens
om krisisse te hanteer, maar ook die
lekker en humor in die lewe.
Bederf hom Sondag veral, maar ook
elke ander dag van die jaar. Hy is jou
Maak dit vir Pa spesiaal Sondag
SONDAG is vadersdag en bied die
geleentheid om daardie spesiale man
in die gesin, nog meer spesiaal te laat
Hy bied daagliks sekuriteit, liefde en
Bederf hom Sondag met iets van
jouself. Dit hoef nie ‘n duur geskenk te
wees nie.
Laat hom spesiaal voel met ‘n koppie oggend koffie in die bed, miskien
‘n ontbyt-skinkbord versier met ‘n
Gee hom ‘n druk en vertel hom hoe
lief jy vir hom is en hoe alles wat hy
doen, waardeer word.
Spesiale tyd of gebare hoef nie tot
net een dag beperk te word nie. Maak
deur die jaar tyd vir jou pa.
Deel in sy belangstellings, hetsy die
natuur, motors, sport, lees of tuinmaak.
Loop saam met hom in die tuin en
luister na sy idees.
Kyk ‘n sportwedstryd saam met
Luister na sy mening oor onderwerpe en waardeer dit.
Betrek hom by jou belangstellings
en stokperdjies. Dit bied die geleentheid om iets saam te doen en van
mekaar se wêrelde en ook by mekaar
te leer.
Gee hom liefde en respek - hy
verdien dit.
So het dit als begin
‘n AMERIKAANSE meisie, Sonora Louise Smart
Dodd van Spokane in Washington het blykbaar
die vadersdag tradisie begin.
Sonora was die oudste van ses kinders. Hulle
is deur hulle pa, ene William Jackson Smart
groot gemaak nadat hulle ma met die geboorte
van die laaste kind oorlede is.
Sonora se pa, ‘n burgerlike oorlogsveteraan
wat op klein skaal begin boer het, het sy
kinders man-alleen versorg en groot gemaak
en Sonora wou graag haar waardering vir haar
pa se opoffering en liefde betoon.
In 1909 het sy ‘n dag in Junie (die maand
waarin haar pa verjaar het) voorgestel om hom
te vereer.
Die heel eerste vadersdag is op 19 Junie
1910 in haar geboortedorp gehou.
In 1924 het die Amerikaanse president die
dag ondersteun en as nasionale vakansiedag
President Lyndon Johnson het in 1966 die
derde Sondag in Junie amptelik as vadersdag
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Now is the time to be
very brave, says Seeff
COMMENDING and welcoming the latest
interest rate cut, Samuel Seeff says that the
good news has to be tempered against the fact
that the banks’ over-rigorous lending criteria
are still very much a reason for the stagnation of
the market.
"This and even a further interest rate drop
will, on its own, not relieve the situation.
We still have a glut of homes on the market homes which won't find buyers because of the
banks' strict lending criteria.
Since the introduction of the NCA 24 months
ago, the banks' reaction has seen a pendulum
effect - whereas before they were lending too
easily, they have now imposed what is, in my
opinion, an overly restrictive attitude towards
granting finance.
Show house viewings are up, the buyers are
there, but the banks' appetites for loans are still
very low, and at most a mere 50% of bond
applications are being granted.
"As soon as this part of the equation comes
into equilibrium and the banks find a balance
in their approach, we'll see a real turn in the
The strength of the property market as a
whole now rests solely on our financial institutions."
At the Seeff National Convention held at
Spier Wine Estate recently, Seeff gave insight
into the group's similarly bullish stance towards today's property market, saying that
2008 "may well be remembered around the
world as the worst in terms of performance for
the property market since the Depression of the
I don't believe that many would have pre-
dicted a drop of such severity as experienced in
our market last year and which endures right
up until now. And in truth, which will likely
continue for the remainder of the year, before
an anticipated and hoped for increase in
activity will be with us at year-end."
This set of circumstances led to Seeff giving
this year's Convention the theme of 'Survivor’, saying: "That which many in our industry have not managed to do.
"A drop in registered agents with the Estate
Agency Affairs Board from a high of 92 000 to
a current level of 35 000 testifies to the extreme
difficulties we are facing at the moment. In fact,
I don't know of any other industry that has
been so decimated over the period of the
downturn," said Seeff.
He continues: "So why then am I optimistic
for our group over the next year?
"The answer lies simply in that rather than
just sitting tight and waiting for the market to
improve, we are heading in a direction that will
ensure our survival and in fact strengthen our
brand going forward.
"Challenge and opportunity are the flip-side
to the coin called adversity and crises. Now is
not the time to sit down and be sorry for
oneself, but rather to understand the market
and deal with that which we can control.
"We have seen that there are licensees who
have bucked the downward trend and whose
sales are up this year over last. And we have
seen what is possible with a can-do attitude.
"Increasing our focus on specific income-producing streams over and above the
basics we are always concentrating on, may
just be the edge we need to survive going
"We have also focused on building and
financial support of the Seeff brand and upgrading of our marketing and presentation
SEEFF Tzaneen had a good showing and was a national finalist for the Most Improved Licensee
for 2008, as well recipient of the award for most units sold, and runner up for highest rand value
for OOBA. Samuel Seeff (Chairman Seeff Properties), Nicola Strydom (Office Manager Seeff
Properties Tzaneen), Rhys Dyer (Chief Operating Officer and one of OOBA's directors), Alan
Rubin (Executive Director – corporate, legal and operations).
"The refreshing of our logo and some of our
new marketing initiatives have already received wide acclaim and positive acceptance
in the market-place, and our confidence and
willingness to do this in this difficult market has
certainly not gone unnoticed.
"We will also reap the rewards of the hard
work and efforts in redesigning our website,
which is now state-of the art and recognised as
the market leader in its specific field.
"So, far from staying in a 'holding position’,
we are looking to implement actions and
activities that will strengthen the group and
improve our market share.
"Now is the time to spend wisely and invest
in ourselves to take the best out of the market
and significantly gain market share.
"I am proud to be Chairman of a group that
has not only accepted the market as it is, but
has taken positive steps to turn the adversity
into a challenge and the crisis into an opportunity.
"It is these attributes that will see us emerge as
true survivors indeed."
Donate blood here
THE South African National Blood Service
(SANBS) strives to adhere to the highest standards, nationally and internationally, to ensure
that patients receive quality blood and blood
products and blood donors are not harmed in
any way.
Due to the above and necessary staff training
the Tzaneen Donor Centre is closed from June 1
until September 1.
Date - Mobile Clinic - Time:
Thursday June 18 Standard Bank 9:00 12:00.
Friday June 19 Letaba Estates 10:00 - 14:00.
Monday June 22 Tzaneen College 10:00
Thursday June 25 Van Velden Hospital 09:00
- 12:00.
The mobile clinics scheduled for this period
will, however, continue. They ask for the
Tzaneen community's support during this time
by donating at these mobile clinics.
They apologise for any inconvenience
caused and trust that donors and the Tzaneen
community will keep on being committed
blood donors who help them to fulfill their
mission of supplying safe and sufficient blood
to patients in South Africa. If there are any
queries with regards to the mobile clinics the
following people can be contacted: Anna-Mari
Grobler (Head of Collections) or Dottie Pinn
(Public Relations Practitioner) on (015) 297
Gatsby-foto’s beskikbaar
FOTO’S wat tydens die Tzaneense Sakekamer
se prestige Gatsby-funksie geneem is ter viering van sy vyftigste bestaansjaar, is nou be-
skikbaar by Photo Frame.
Skakel gerus vir Lizelle Coetzee by 083 449
3743 om foto’s te bestel.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
Health leaflets here
SHOPRITE and Checkers stores have an exciting range of consumer leaflets to keep their
customers informed about aspects concerning
a better and healthier lifestyle.
The leaflets provide valuable information on
Toyota sterk
span by 4x4
DIE span van NTT Toyota Tzaneen wat die naweek aan die George’s Valley 4x4 dag deelgeneem
het. Hulle is van voor regs af: Christiaan Schoeman, Jacques Lambrecht, Ruddi Botes, Peet
Brummer, Magiel Pieterse en Schalk Swanepoel.
a variety of topical issues such as health care,
consumer information, as well as a recipe
The latest leaflet in the health care range was
Continued on p.14
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Giyani hosts their first show
THE Department of Agriculture won the Best Stall Award amongst the
30 that participated at the Giyani show. Greater Giyani Municipality
Manager of Dept of Agriculture, Jane Mudau, said she was excited and
will make sure she maintains the standard. Left: Acting Mayor of
Greater Giyani Municipality, Councillor Harasa Mabunda, Greater
Giyani Municipality Manager of Dept of Agriculture, Jane Mudau, and
Mopani District Agriculture Advisor Services Manager, Philetus
AN ecstatic young girl
gives a thumbs-up while
enjoying a merry-goround at the Giyani
show last weekend. Giyani produced a bang! of
a show as a first timer.
The show held at Giyani
stadium was packed
with entertainment and
stores galore to shop
from. Though the stadium was a bit empty on
Friday, people from Giyani certainly did not disappoint when they
came in masses on Saturday to enjoy the
BEANDRI Booysen wat aan progerie oftewel
vroegbejaardheid ly wat die VSA besoek en
deelneem aan die Progerie reünie.
Tzaneen maak harte
oop vir Beandri
DIE gemeenskap van Tzaneen het nie net groot
harte nie, maar is gewis vrygewig as dit by
liefdadigheid kom.
Daar is onlangs vir Bea, ‘n oud Tzaneener en
Beandri Booysen fondse ingesamel. Hulle sal
die 27ste jaarlikse Progerie reunie in Orlando,
Florida in die VSA bywoon.
Dié reünie het afgeskop in 1981, toe dit wyle
Fransie Geringer se droom was om Pinocchio
te ontmoet omdat hy geglo het hy lyk soos
Pinocchio. Die Sunshine Foundation het vir
hom en sy gesin dit moontlik gemaak om sy
droom te bewaarheid. Dié stigting staan borg
vir die reünie vir kinders wat ly aan die
progerie sindroom oftewel, vroegbejaardheid.
Die families is verantwoordelik om op eie
onkostes, paspoorte, visums, verversings en
ander daaglikse uitgawes te dek.
Die Booysens gesin wil almal bedank wat
Saterdag 30 Mei by Sherlocks Restaurant bydraes gemaak het vir Bea en Beandri se besoek
aan die Progeria reünie.
Marna van der Walt en Shireen Booysen het
die geld insameling op eie inisiatief begin en
behartig. Daarna het die twee met ‘n blink plan
vorendag gekom, en net soos tydens die bulle
se oorwinning by Sherlocks, ook die gehoor by
die Klipwerf Boereorkes opgekomandeer vir
Die organiseerder van die optrede het op al
die tafels die fondsinsameling inligting met
glase op die tafels geplaas om fondse intesamel. Klipwerf het ook hulle nuutste CD
opgeveil en al die opbrengste ook aan die
Booysens geskenk.
Die gesin sê dit is wonderlik dat mense wat
hulle van geen kant af ken nie, sulke groot en
goeie harte het. Hulle het reeds 18 Junie
(vandag) vertrek. Bon Voyage Bea en
DIE SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool kan, danksy geld van die Nasionale
Lotery, die kleuters van nodige dienste voorsien. Vele terapeute gaan
aangestel word om die kleuters met perseptuele, spraak en sielkundige
probleme by te staan: dr Gretha Bekker, spelterapeut, Hettie van
Nikkelen Kuyper, spraakterapeut, Helena Venter, ondervoorsitter van
SAVF Diensbestuur, Estelle Human en Luitha Herfurth, graad R
onderwyseresse, Adéle Groenewald en Lina Noel, arbeidsterapeute,
Annette Eastes, hoof en graad R onderwyseres, en ‘n groep kleuters wat
by die fondse kan baat vind.
Lotery help kleuterskool
DIE SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool
het baie welkome fondse van die
Nasionale Lotery ontvang.
As gevolg hiervan is twee
arbeidsterapeute, ‘n spraakterapeut en ‘n spelterapeut vir 16
maande aangestel om die kleuters
van die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool by te staan.
Die Nasionale Lotery het die
fondse aan hulle gegee, met die
voorwaarde dat dit aangewend sal
word vir spesiale dienste aan
graad R kleuters met perseptuele,
spraak en sielkundige probleme.
Die fondse dek ook ‘n nuwe rekenaarsentrum vir die graad R kleuters, met verrykende perseptuele
programme wat aangebied sal
Die SAVF Diensbestuur het dus
besluit om ‘n derde graad R klas,
soos in die verlede, te begin.
As u graag van hierdie dienste
gebruik wil maak, doen so gou as
moontlik aansoek, aangesien
twee graad R klasse reeds vol is vir
Supermarkets sponsor cuppa
Continued from p.13
created in association with the Cancer
Association of South Africa (CANSA)
to promote their annual Cuppa for
Cansa campaign which this year puts
the spotlight on leading a healthy
balanced lifestyle and eating healthy
foods to help fight cancer. The leaflet
provides healthy eating, cooking and
drinking tips aimed at reducing the risk
of getting cancer.
The Shoprite Checkers supermarket
group is proud to be the main sponsor
of Cuppa for CANSA, a nationwide
initiative hosted by volunteers, part-
ners and members of the public who
want to raise awareness and funds for
CANSA and show their support for its
mission to fight cancer and save lives.
In keeping with their campaign focus
on healthy living and eating nutritious
foods such as a rainbow of fruits and
vegetables daily in order to help prevent
cancer, the Cuppa for
CANSA theme this
year is “Host a colourful Cuppa”. Shoprite and Checkers will
be facilitating colourful Cuppa’s in its
stores countrywide
during June, and will
donate the proceeds
of all in-store Cuppa
events to CANSA. In
2008 Shoprite Checkers raised more than
R500 000 that was
donated towards the
expansion of its prevention programmes
and patient care services around the
Find attached the
full press release as
well as the CANSA
leaflet in .pdf format.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
SES Vossies het provinsiale kleure in rugby verwerf en is vir die Craven week span gekies, voor:
Sheriff Mthembi, Eugene Malepe en Maputo Dolo. Agter: Johan van der Hoogt, JJ Breedt en
Christiaan Buys.
Vossie-rugby gaan groot
SEWE Vossies het provinsiale kleure in rugby verwerf en is vir die Grant Khomo span gekies,
voor: Madala Ndinisa. Middel: Oswin Shirindzi en Don Mlondobozi. Agter: Lyvette Shikwambana, Tovi Nefale, Xander Liversage en Kefentse Mahlo.
VIER Vossies is vir die o/19 Puk week span gekies, voor: Martin Duvenhage. Middel: Renier
Reyneke en Adolf Buitendag. Agter: Antonie Beswick.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
DIE landlopers van Laerskool Duiwelskloof wat uitgeblink het, voor:
Deluxe Jooste, Johan Coetzee, Heinke Lubbe, Janco Coetzee, Herald
Opperman, Luandra Geldenhuys en Phillip Botha. Agter: Bernic Botha,
Lizaane Geldenhuys, Kesia Pohl, Lilly Pohl, Charlene Geldenhuys,
Jancé Geldenhuys, Renchie Joubert, Freddie Lubbe en Tomelo Ratsatse.
DIE o/11 A netbalspan van Laerskool Dr Annecke is
aangewys as die Mopani streekwenner.
Hulle klop Laerskool
Phalaborwa in die finale wedstryd en
dring nou deur na die
Limpopo kampioenskap op 19 en 20 Junie. Voor: Altacia
Gubitz, Nyasha Mathye,
Ndhlovu, Nthabiseng
Baloyi en Tsakani
Cynthia Mhlongo (afrigter),
Makanete, Miemie
Baloyi en Rulene
Stephens (afrigter).
LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke se o/9 rugbyspan is
aangewys as die Noordelike Streek se ligawenners. Hulle dring deur na die Limpopo
Kampioenskap te Bela-Bela. Voor: Vutlhari
Mashele, Jason Sanderson, Tlangenlani
Ngobeni, Thato Nkwana, Vusi Shipalana en
William Raolane. Middel: Enslin Sambo,
Nkateko Makumbila, Kgutatso Maenetje,
Nkhenso Hosana en Xongani Ngobeni. Agter:
Xander Botha (kaptein), Tertius Manganyi,
Leon Blessie, Francois Smith, Pieter van der
Merwe en Hendrik Massyn.
• DIE 1969 matrieks van Hoërskool Merensky beplan ‘n reünie te Brakpan. Die
reünie word beplan vir 12 September. Vir
meer inligting rakende die reünie skakel
Frieda Nel (Zaayman) by 082 378 8432 /
(016) 366 0943 of e-pos:
• DIE 1989 matrieks van Hoërskool Ben
Vorster hou op die naweek van 29 Augustus
reünie. Dit vind by ATKV Eiland Oord op
Letsitele plaas. Skakel Lizette Labuschagne
(Venter) op 082 944 9908 of e-pos haar by
• DAAR word ‘n reünie vir die 1979
matrieks van Hoërskool Merensky beplan
op 3 Oktober.
Vir meer inligting skakel Hester Burger
(Richards): 082-781-7359 of e-pos:
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Netbal finale vind
op Ben Vorster plaas
DIE netbal finale van die Limpopo Kampioenskap vind die naweek by Hoërskool
Ben Vorster plaas.
Die B-spanne speel Vrydag vanaf 14:00 tot
Die A-spanne sal Saterdag vanaf 08:00 tot
om 17:00 speel.
Anri, Wandri ry dat die stof staan
DIE twee Janse van Rensberg sussies van
Laerskool Duiwelskloof, onder, het albei in ‘n
uithou rit op Loskopdam deelgeneem. Anri
Jansen van Rensberg is 9 jaar oud en het ‘n
uithou rit van 81km gery. Haar sussie Wandri
is 6, en het 40km gery. Bo is hulle in aksie.
TSHEPISHO Mahasha en Karabo Moremi van
Laerskool Duiwelskloof gaan op 29 Junie op
Kimberly in die A span van die Craven Week
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
Nuus uit
LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke het vanjaar sommer 'n Bul 1ste span! Hulle is tot dusver hierdie
seisoen na 16 wedstryde steeds onoorwonne. Die span het reeds afgereken met Laerskole
Drakensig, Steelpoort, Louis Trichardt, Phalaborwa-Noord, Bergland (Nelspruit), Tzaneen,
Duiwelskloof en Ivypark (Polokwane). Die eerstespan is ook die Noordelike Streek Ligawenners en dring deur na die Limpopo Kampioenskap in Bela-Bela. Voor: Denzel Baloyi,
Dumisani Mushwana. Middel: Praise Stoltz, Louwtjie Venter, Thembinkosi Khumalo, Mynhardt
Bouwer, Andile Shibambu, Sibusiso Mlangeni, Tiyani Msimeki. Agter: Wayne Venter, Nsovo
Mthembi, Sagwati Mathebula, Jack Shingange, Nsovo Shandlale, Nhlalu Rikhotso, Bothale
Makwela, Tiaan Vorster, Vukosi Mabuza, Durant Truter, Duan Schoeman, Pietman Pieterse, BJ
Vorster (kaptein), Aldo Grobler, Elwin Mussmann (afrigter).
LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke se o/10 rugbyspan is die Noordelike Streek se ligawenners asook die
Limpopo kampioene. Voor: Shaun Mashabane, Tumi Mokoena, Stefan Pretorius, De Wet
Vorster (kaptein), JJ Davis, Edward Ngobeni. Middel: Malcolm Hougaard, Pieter Coetzer, Musa
Shibodze, Shumile Shipalana, Selebogo Mangena, Pelly Shingange, Nyiko Shiluvane, Xanani
Mbhalati, Lehlohonolo Malatji, Eugene Bouwer (afrigter). Agter: Chris Bill, Bernard Vermaak,
Brendan vd Schyff, Lethabo Shilubane, Nkonsinathi Khumalo.
DIE o/13 A netbalspan van Laerskool Dr Annecke is Mopani streekwenner. Hulle klop Laerskool
Phalaborwa in die finale wedstryd en dring nou deur na die Limpopo Kampioenskap op 19 en
20 Junie. Voor: Tsholofelo Bulala, Gavaza Mdumela, Katie Morgets, Noline Mkosa, Hope Khosa.
Agter: Shonny Thuketana, Karabo Ngobeni, Precious Mhlari, Dawn Zaayman (afrigter).
LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke se tweede rugbyspan is Noordelike Streek se ligawenners. Hulle dring
deur na die Limpopo Kampioenskap te Bela-Bela. Voor: Sfiso Shikwambana, Boitumelo
Mamiane, Lebo Rikhotso. Middel: Dzunisani Seweya, Mynhardt Bouwer, Vutlharhi Mthembi,
Lemuka Mashele, Stori Mametja, Louwtjie Venter, Andile Shibambu. Agter: Hendrik Badenhorst, Ntiyiso Nkhwashu, Lyndon Sambo, Trevor Thiba, Akani Hlungwana, Denzel Baloyi,
Makungu Shendelane, Ndzalama Mhlarhi, Sibisiso Mlangeni, Nsovo Mthembi, Wayne Venter,
Tembinkosi Khumalo, Sipho Ntsanwisi, Tiyani Msimeki (kaptein).
Klofies: Hennie
neem waar
LAERSKOOL Duiwelskloof se nuwe
waarnemende hoof,
Hennie Greyling.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Technical Committee strengthens Winners of the George’s Valley 4x4 day
implementation plans for 2010
With less than a year before the the big event
starts, Limpopo has passed the planning stage
in preparation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
The province is now at the implementation
stage, and there is nothing standing in the way
of successfully hosting the event.
These were the words of the Provincial 2010
Coordinator, Seipati Tlaka.
Tlaka was addressing members of the 2010
Technical Committee during a special meeting
held in Polokwane recently.
This was Tlaka's first meeting with members
since she was appointed the Provincial Coordinator following the departure of Pandelani
Ramagoma, who is now a Member of Executive
Council (MEC) for Public Works.
In this meeting, chairpersons of different
subcommittees reported on progress made,
and the committee assisted in charting the way
forward to make sure the province is ready to
host this prestigious event.
"Time is no longer on our side. We need to
decide on how best we can put Limpopo on the
world map. The success or failure of this event
is in our hands and, as a province, we know we
are going to stage the most successful event not only for our people but for the whole
continent," Tlaka emphasized.
Among many implementations, the committee recommends that all the people
seconded to assist in 2010 activities do so on a
full time basis.
The Director General will in this regard
appoint these people, and ensure that 2010
becomes a major part of their performance
management to make sure their focus is on
2010 preparations.
Although the province is not hosting the
2009 Confederation Cup, there is a move to
send some members to the hosting provinces.
This will assist members in understanding
their roles in preparation for 2010.
Nkowankowa stadium will also be used as a
pilot Public Viewing Area (PVA) from June
The opening of this pilot project will be
blessed by the presence of the Premier of
Limpopo, Cassel Mathale, who will be giving
the key note address.
It was again indicated in this meeting that
communication service providers, such as
Telkom, MTN and Vodacom, are being con-
sulted to make sure they improve reception
round the province.
This is one of the interventions of the 2010
sub-committee on Information Communication Technology (ICT).
Following the completion of phase 1 of the
Polokwane International Airport, the province
is now building a new tower and weather office
to spruce up landing and takeoff of the flights.
It was also announced that the airport is now
a category 7, which means it can now accommodate bigger flights.
The technical committee is however worried
about the slow pace of accommodation service
providers in registering with Match, a company
contracted by FIFA to deal with accommodation issues.
The decision was taken that both Match and
Limpopo Tourism and Parks (LTP) will go all out
to educate the communities.
The company Match also seconded that
Deliwe Radebe work full time in Limpopo. For
information, accommodation service providers
can phone her on 078 455 7459.
Following the identification of PVA's in the
different districts, an agreement was reached
with the Justice Cluster to provide their services
closer to the venues.
Identified PVA's are as follows:
* Mopani District: NkowaNkowa and Giyani
* Sekhukhune District: Hlogotlou Stadium
and Ntwambi Sport Centre
* Waterberg District: Shongoane Sport
Centre and Bela-Bela Showground
* Vhembe District: Makhado and Thohoyandou showgrounds
* Capricon District: Senwabarwana Showground and Polokwane Fan Park
The committee was reassured that the construction of the Peter Mokaba stadium is at
more than 69% and that it will be completed
before the end of the year.
ESKOM has indicated that they are not
anticipating any power failures during 2010.
They are also providing top security majors to
all power stations around the province.
In health, the Department of Health and
Social Development has already secured two
of the three EMS Disaster Management busses
they need for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Issued
by Provincial 2010 Coordinating Unit.
THE Class 1 division for standard vehicles
seemed to be a family affair. The winner of this
division was André Furstenburg. His daughter
accepted his prize. Second place went to his
son-in-law, Johan v d Berg (centre), and his
wife and co-driver, Jacqui v d Berg (right).
With them (left), a member of the George’s
Valley Association, Willem Oosthuizen.
GREAT excitement was the order of the day in
the Class 2 division for vehicles with one
modification at the George’s Valley 4x4 Competition held Saturday, June 14. Prizes went to
Dylan v d Spy, Rowan Deacon collected the
prize for his driver Johan Kuhn, and Harry
NO mountain was left unclimbed, and no mud hole left unchurned. Class 3 vehicles, super
modified machines, were out in full force at the George’s Valley 4x4 Competition held on
Saturday, June 14. From left: Willem Oosthuizen (member of the George’s Valley Association),
Mervyn Leslie(Winner), Nanette Wintershoven and her husband, Stefan Wintershoven (second)
and third was Schalk Grobler and his son, Ruan Grobler (front).
Busy season ahead for Tzaneen Marathon Club
THE Tzaneen Marathon
Club is having a busy year!
This year’s Annual General
Meeting will be held to coincide with the 10th marathon
in which they will participate.
Awards will be handed over to
Cor van Heyningen, Edward
Mathebula and Friedrich Lisse
for each completing their 10th
Comrades Marathon.
There will also be awards
for the best overall male and
female athlete of the year, as
well as the most improved
male and female athlete of the
club. Athletes will be nominated by the club for these
awards. The date and venue
are yet to be announced.
Finally, not forgetting that
the Comrades marathon has
come and gone, the Marathon
Club is still following the
same training programme on
This weeks training starts at
07:00 at Lannie Motors and
will include a run to Merensky
High School and back.
All interested athletes and
walkers are welcome even if
you are not a club member.
The club will be taking part
in the following half marathons: July 25- the Phosphate
Marathon in Phalaborwa. August 22- Vembe district marathon.
The club urges all members
to work hard and not to despair at their aches and pains.
Remember, the combined
event is being held at the end
of the year.
HENCO Delport, one
of the George’s Valley 4x4 Competition
marshals, was awarded a prize for having
to be recovered from
every mud hole along
the course. In his
case it was mud, guts
and finally, glory. The
competition was held
at the Hub on Saturday, June 14.
CALLING all co-drivers, The George’s Valley 4x4 Competition held on
Saturday, June 14, was not only for the drivers, but co-drivers as well.
No driver came off lightly, as co-drivers had the chance to shoot ten
paintballs at their drivers. Willem Oosthuizen, a member of the
George’s Valley Association, Johan van Rooyen (Driver) and his codriver, Wayne Dames.
DIE George’s Valley 4x4 kompetisie was nie
net vir die groot 4x4’s nie, maar vir enige
voertuig wat kon. Johannes Brits (links) het ‘n
prys gewen vir die enigste pypkar in die
kompetisie. By hom is Willem Oosthuizen van
Georges Valley. Foto’s: Claire Joubert.
THE standard four wheel drive vehicles all
proved what they could do at the George’s
Valley 4x4 Competition held on Saturday,
June 14. From left: Willem Oosthuizen
(Georges Valley Association), Len Brown,
(fourth in Class 1, standard vehicles) and his
fiancé and co-driver, Hannah Dunn.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 19 Junie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 19 June 2009
Second M2M Challenge soon
THE second annual Mountain2Mountain National Road
Cycle Challenge hits Tzaneen on July 15.
Last year this event consisted of a 108km National Classic
Road Race timed by Championship and a 34km Family Fun
This year, not only is there the 108km National Classic
and the 34 km Fun Run timed by WinningTime (timing
agents of the Argus), there is also a mini Mountain2Mountain for Pre-School children on July 24 (and a race for
primary-school children is also being planned - watch this
Added to this, the 108km race also has two extra categories - a junior and senior high school relay with
Merensky and Stanford having indicated that they will be
The 108km National Classic is sanctioned by Cycling
South Africa and enjoys the same status and exclusivity as
the Argus or the 94.7.
There are more than R60 000 in prizes and all cyclists that
complete their races will receive a medal.
The route for the 108km National Classic starts in front of
Highgrove Lodge.
Cyclists ride out of town and turn left up the Agatha
mountain en route to Coach House. At the top of the
mountain, cyclists turn left again and carry on past Coach
House, through Nkowankowa, until they hit the Tarentaalrand Crossing.
Here cyclists turn right towards Letsitele. At Du-Roi
Nursery, cyclists turn left on the Giyani road and continue
until they turn left again, back towards Tarentaalrand/Deerpark.
Cyclists ride past Bush Valley Chickens and, at the
T-junction, turn left to Tarentaalrand. At the Tarentaalrand
Crossing, they turn right towards Tzaneen.
Cyclists continue along this road past Zabana, Bosveld
Lapa and the Showgrounds, over the big intersection past
the Sasol Garage, until they hit the bridge leading up to
Georges Valley. Here cyclists turn left and end up back at
the finish line.
The route for the Family Fun Run starts off in front of
Riders ride out of town and turn off onto the Georges
Valley bridge. At the top of the bridge, cyclists turn right and
ride over the bridge, through the crossing, and turn left onto
the Deerpark road.
Cyclists continue around the Tzaneen dam and end up
back at the starting point.
This event will attract national attention and bring much
needed revenue to our community.
If you would like to get involved through sponsorship, be
listed on our accommodation database or enter the race,
call Johann at 082 823 1074 (online entries at This event is a joint venture between
Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk, Boulevard Cycles and
JUSTY Varkevisser en Ian Geldard, die wenspan van die Dash for Cash
visvang kompetisie. Hulle het R30 000 gewen.
Justy, Ian wen R30 000 in
Dash for Cash kompetisie
HENGELAARS van Tzaneen het weer die
afgelope naweek baljaar.
Die ‘Dash for Cash’ kompetisie wat op die
Tzaneendam plaas gevind het en deur die Bass
Masters Klub gereël is, het 44 spanne van so
ver as Johannesburg gelok.
Minder spanne as verlede jaar dalk, maar
nog steeds ‘n lekker dag op en langs die
Daar is Saterdag ‘n totaal van 170 visse
gevang en Sondag 135.
Dit was weer ‘n goeie jaar vir plaaslike
deelnemers wat meeste van die pryse opgeraap het. John Loesch van Johannesburg was
die uitsondering, hy het die grootste vis van die
byeenkoms geland - ‘n prag bass van
Die klub se beleid van "catch and release"
het beteken dat niemand ‘n lekker kompetisie
vis kon braai nie, maar die manne het nie gekla
oor die rooivleis nie.
Die top drie plekke is deur plaaslike hengelaars verorwer. Hulle het prysgeld van R4
000, R6 000 en R30 000 in die sak gesteek.
In 3de plek was Nico Oosthuizen en Reed
Eastman met ‘n totale vangs van 8,441kg.
Marius van der Merwe en Willie Stevens het
2de gekom met ‘n totaal van 8,652kg.
In die eersteplek, met ‘n totaal van 11,846kg,
is Justy Varkevisser en Ian Geldard van
Tzaneen. Hierdie twee het weggeloop met die
R30 000 wengeld sowel as die reg om tot die
volgende byeenkoms toe te spog.
DIE plaaslike hengelaars wat die naweek in die Dash for Cash vivang kompetisie uitgeblink het.
Hier staan hulle saam Mej. Limpopo, Tracey-Lee Kenney.