school calendar - Montrose Primary School


school calendar - Montrose Primary School
14 February 2012
Wed 15
Thu 16
Fri 17
Tue 21
Information Night, Gr 1 to 6
Book Club orders due
Prep Picnic, 5.30pm, School Oval
Getting To Know You Interviews
Thu 1
Thu 15
Fri 16
Fri 23
Fri 23
Divisional Swimming Competition
House Captain Leadership Day
Round Robin Sports Day
House Cross Country
Twilight Fair
Recess: 11.00am to 11.30am
Lunch hour: 1.30pm to 2.30pm
Uniform Shop: Thursday 8.45am to 9.15am
Canteen Lunch orders to be in by 9am Wednesday
and Friday
2012 Term Dates
Term 1 – 3 February – 30 March
Term 2 – 16 April to 29 June
Term 3 – 16 July to 21 September
Term 4 – 8 October to 21 December
REMINDER: All newsletter items must be in
by Friday night in order to ensure they are
in the following week’s newsletter.
Message from the Principal
Hi Everybody,
It has been a terrific start to the term and a pleasure to be out and
about in the yard observing all the games being played with such
good spirit. Last weekend the second soccer goal was erected on
the oval and I look forward to the soccer games returning from
the budding ‘Victory’ and ‘Heart’ players.
Last Friday I had the pleasure of sitting in on grades 1-6 classes
sharing their goals and class agreements as to how they want their
grades to function during the year. The groups also drafted a set
of behaviours that they would expect their teachers to adhere to. It
is an amazingly empowering action that provides the framework
for our classrooms to be effective and supportive learning
environments. This week the children will be focusing upon more
bonding and team building activities. They will create their own
mural depicting what the grade’s vision as well as an
accompanying motto. These will be on display in the main
building later this week.
Last Friday our Parent Club met and focused on our fabulous
Twilight Fair which is to be held on Friday March 23. Please take
time to have a close look at their page in this newsletter… I am
sure there are items at home that you might be able to send along.
They will soon be sending out rosters for volunteers to assist on
the stalls. It will be a great night, again flowing along to Matt
Stone’s grooves. Not to be missed.
Student Leadership
Last Friday at assembly, our school captains Mitch, Jessica,
Miranda and Lachie presented our new house captains with their
flags. The new captains have already made a great start ensuring
the sports equipment borrowing is functioning efficiently.
Our grade 6 Junior School Council Leaders and Student
Leadership Team also received their badges and will soon
commence work on their projects. Congratulations to
Joel B
Ben A
Riley P
Ella F
River S-D Sarah F
JSC Leaders
Jake P
Hamish D
Rachel M Nicola J-C
Neil Pollard
Leith Road, Montrose 3765
Correspondence to: P.O. Box 123, Montrose
Ph 9728 2203, Fax: 9761 9359
Web site:
Principal: Neil Pollard
Assistant Principal: Kylie Fisher
School Council President: Jenny Herrick
After School Care 9728 5491
CCaanntteeeenn NNeew
Thank you Andrea Pryor, Rachel Fichtner and Sandra Anderson for helping in the canteen last
Friday and Darleen Larcombe for helping on Wednesday. This week’s helpers are Janice
Pedersen for Wednesday 15 February and Mary Ann Anderson, Kate Critchley and Natalie
Johns for Friday 17 February.
It was great to see that everyone took note of the price changes when making their lunch
orders last week – thank you. Keep bringing your Moosie wrappers back for a 20c refund and
to help keep the school grounds rubbish free.
Education Maintenance Allowance
Information for 2012
The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is provided to assist eligible families with the costs associated with the
education of their children.
To be eligible for receipt of the EMA you must:
be either a parent or guardian of a primary or secondary school student up to the age of sixteen; and
be an eligible beneficiary of a Centrelink pension, allowance or benefit within the meaning of the State
Concessions Act 2004or be a Veterans Affairs (TPI) pensioner or be a foster parent.
Consequently parents/guardians are able to access the EMA if they have a valid Health Care Card or valid Pension Card.
The eligibility criteria must be met as at the first day of Term 1 (1 February 2012 which is the first day for teaching
staff) and Term 3 (16 July 2012).
The EMA application must be submitted to the school by 29 February 2012 for the first instalment and 3 August 2012
for the second instalment.
The EMA provides an annual amount of $235 for primary students and $470 for secondary students and is paid in
two instalments. This amount is split evenly between the parents/guardians and the school. Students turning 16
years in 2012 will be paid on a pro rata basis.
Contact: School Office for application form and further information.
Value of the Week
Value of the Week: Fairness
Trysten R
Ivy C
Brodie P
Emily M
Sheldon J
Eythan H
Jack O
Lachie A
Cody B
Bailey Y
Anastasia S
Amelie C
Rhiann G
Lily P
Cayden M
Jaymie H
Practicing fairness is being fair in everything you do.
It is not judging someone or something by what
others tell you.
Fairness means that everyone gets their rightful
share. It is not fair to allow someone to take
advantage of you. Sometimes to be fair, we need to
stand up for our rights or the rights of others. When
you practice fairness, you treat each person as an
Congratulations to Mr Pollard on becoming a first-time
grandfather to Harper Louise.
* * * * * *
School banking forms will be sent home with the newsletter this
* * * * * *
On Tuesday 21 February, at 1:40pm to 2.30pm, we will be holding auditions for our
2012 School Choir, in the Music room. We ask that all interested students in years 36, please come to the Music room, right after having their name marked off their
class role. Students will be asked to sing a song and we suggest that our national
anthem would be the best option for showing their skills. Please understand that not
all students will be offered a place in the choir. We pride ourselves on our choir
which is of a very good standard.
For those who were in the 2011 choir at the end of the year, and wish to continue
with choir, will automatically be offered a place.
Choir students will rehearse each Tuesday afternoon from 2:30pm-3:20pm in the
Music Room and are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances, both in an
out of school, wherever possible.
We look forward to hearing some beautiful voices on the 21st!
Jacqui Walker and Jill Reynolds – Choir Co-ordinators
Twilight Fair
Friday 23March 5pm – 9pm
Fairy Floss
Snow Cones
Pop Corn
and Lots MORE FUN!!
We have a fun filled night planned with lots of stalls for you to enjoy. Below is a list of stalls
and the grades running them. Please consider volunteering 1 hour of your time on the night to
help man the stalls – it doesn’t have to be your child’s class stall! Your children will be
delighted to know that you are there to help on the night. A volunteer notice will go home
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Cake Stall
Pre-Loved Toys
Snow Cones
Lolly Shop & Glow Products
Pop Corn & Fairy Floss
Second Hand Books
Drinks, BBQ & Food
Action Arcade Games
The Pre-loved Toys and Second hand book stalls are on the look-out for used toys & books
(must be in good condition). If you are able to assist, please bring them to the school office or
Room 15 (main building, last room prior to exit near toilets). Due to lack of storage a photo
only is required with a description & your contact details attached for any large items (eg
bikes, dollhouses), we will then get in contact with you. So have a look around home and if
you have any toys, games or books that you are happy to donate to the school we would
appreciate it.
Start saving your pocket money to spend at the fair, maybe doing some odd jobs
around home will help ☺
***Thank you***
Thank you already to The Birchall family for arranging the meat for the Twilight BBQ, and the
Peacock family donating bread.
Boocock Discount Meats, 225 Stud Road Wantirna. Bulk orders a specialty
Bakers Delight Healesville
Entertainment Book
The 2012 Entertainment Book will be available for purchase in April / May this year!! Just in
time for Mother’s Day to treat those special women in your life. Tell your work colleagues and
look out for order forms beginning of term 2.
When shopping, don’t forget your Bayswater Bucks at Bayswater Good Guys, York
Hairdressing,Farmers Director Athlete's footas they all generously support Montrose
Primary School, which is very much appreciated.
Aussie Farmers
Twilight Fair – Friday 23 March
Bunnings BBQ – Saturday 12 May
Entertainment Books – Coming April / May
To be advised
Montrose Primary School – Twilight Fair
Sponsorship Form
A fantastic opportunity exists for businesses& individualswithin our
school community To Sponsor a Stall at the Montrose Primary School’s
Twilight Fair 2012.
For Your Generous Contribution, your Business will receive Advertising
in Our School Newsletter as well as Signage and Promotion on the
night of the Twilight Fair.
Nomination form
Company Name: _____________________________________________________
Nominated Stall: ___________________________________________________
Amount $: ___________________________________________________________
PrePre-Loved Toys
Snow Cones
Gr 1
Lolly shop & Glow
Pop Corn & Fairy Floss
Gr 2
Second Hand Books
Gr 4
BBQ & Drinks
Gr 5
Action arcade
Cake Stall
Jumping Castle
Pony Rides
Gr 3
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development does not endorse the products or services of any
private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development
for accuracy of information contained in the advertisements to claims made by them.
Montrose Netball Club Inc
Registrations and grading for Winter 2012
to be held on Montrose Oval (Netball
courts) on Wednesday 15 February from
4pm to 5.30pm.
Any enquiries, please call Mignon
Harrington 9728 1168.
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development does not endorse the products or services of any
private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development
for accuracy of information contained in the advertisements
to claims made by them.
Dads ‘n’ Lads Weekend
18-19 February 2012
(boys aged 4+)
Phillip Island Nature Parks, Phillip Island
Cost: *$165 all inclusive (dinner, breakfast, activities for one adult, one child). $65 per extra child.
Activities include: - camping at Churchill Island Heritage Farm – sleep under the stars, tell tales roundthe
campfire and enjoy a BBQ dinner and big breakfast (*own tent required) - join a ranger for a rockpool ramble and
beachcomb - take part in the farming
ng activities at Churchill Island Heritage Farm - get competitive with the old
time games
Phillip Island Nature Parks is a not-for-profit
profit organisation. All proceeds are re-invested
re invested into research, conservation
and education activities.
Bookings and information: Jade Cranton Tel: 5951 2802 email: