St. Matthew Parish - St. Matthew Church
St. Matthew Parish - St. Matthew Church
St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road RECTORY & PARISH CENTER 630-469-6300 Fax Number 630-469-6302 Parish Website: School Website: Glendale Heights, Illinois 60139 MASSES - Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 1:30 PM (Español), 6:00 PM Daily (Monday through Friday) 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM Good news about our priests! Let’s start with Fr. Richard Cilano. As you probably know, he suffered some type of severe infection in his brain and spine. It has left him with a long road of recovery. He called me this week, apologizing that he is unable to help serve as a priest at this time at St. Matthew. Do you see his beautiful shepherd’s heart? He is worried about us when we should be concerned about him. I told him not to worry, to take his time and heal properly; we are not going to rent out his room. I know he is so grateful to his parish family here, for the prayers and cards he has received. He keeps improving day by day, but is not yet ready for public visitors. On to Fr. Franklin: He will visit his home in Bolivia from May 30 to June 11. The weekend of June 18 and 19 will be his last with us. The Knights of Columbus have offered to host cake and coffee in the narthex after all the Masses; I’m sure they would appreciate any help you could offer. This will be our chance to thank Fr. Franklin for serving here and also to shower him with prayers as he prepares to become pastor at St. Alexis in Bensenville. Next is our new priest: You may have heard that Fr. Michael Pawlowicz will join us on June 22. He has been a priest for three years, serving nearby at St. Mary in West Chicago. He is a homegrown priest but he is also fluent in Spanish. He visited here last week and is eager to begin his new assignment. But he is also studying during the summer, so pray for him also as he prepares to join us. He will introduce himself when he arrives. And now a brand new priest: You may remember Chris Lankford, who served as a seminarian intern at St. Matthew’s two years ago. Everyone was impressed by his spirit of joy and generosity. Now he is Deacon Chris, and on May 21 he will become Fr. Chris Lankford; he will be ordained a priest by Bishop Conlon at our cathedral of St. Raymond. Although he will be assigned at Immaculate Conception in Elmhurst, he wanted to visit here and celebrate Mass for us. On Sunday June 5 at 10am, he will offer a Mass of thanksgiving. Let’s pray for him also: may God give him enough grace for a lifetime of priesthood. God truly blesses us through his priests. And we bless them with our prayers. Let’s keep those blessings going. We should be constantly asking young men, “Have you thought about the priesthood?” There will be a dinner on June 7 from 6-8pm at St. Mary in West Chicago for men high school age and older, and their fathers. It’s a wonderful chance to have dinner with the Bishop and talk about priesthood; I would be honored to be there with any of our parishioners. Let’s keep those blessings going. Even better than asking about priesthood, we should keep everyone close to Christ—as we try to stay close to Christ ourselves, as we live and pray and work. Everyone who is close to Christ winds up where he wants them. With my prayers, Fr. Jerome Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 [I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. — 1 Corinthians 12:13a St. Matthew Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Parroquia San Mateo We, the members of the St. Matthew Parish community being many parts but one sacramental body, are sent by the love of God to make Christ present in the world. Nosotros, los miembros de la comunidad parroquial de San Mateo, siendo muchas partes, pero un solo cuerpo sacramental, somos enviados por el amor de Dios para hacer presente a Cristo en el mundo. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 7:00—HILARION AMBAYEC & FAMILY (Family) 8:45—† COLTON VILLANUEVA MITCHELL (Lettie Eclavea) TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 7:00—† ANNE DIPIRRO (DiPirro Family) 8:45—† JOHNNY FABIAN (Nina Fabian) WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2016 7:00—DOMINADOR & BALDOMERA AMBAYEC (Family) 8:45—† ERNESTO VILLANUEVA (Family) THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 7:00—† JOE KORCZ (Bernadine, Al & Tom Olsen) 8:45—† CHARLES McNAMARA (Family) FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016 7:00—† MATTHEW OUSEPH (Godchild) 8:45—† JOSE VILLAFLOR (Dolly & Vicky Villaflor) SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 8:00—† ANITO AQUINO (Sison Family) 5:00—† ALOYS METTY (Metty & Stann Family) SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 8:00—FOR THE PARISH FAMILY 10:00—† JOHN FRIAS (Phyllis & Family) 12:00—JAVIER QUINTERO & FAMILY 1:30—† HENRIETTA ROBERTS (Ron & Sue Metty) 6:00—† MARLENE NEPOMUCENO (MaryAnne C. Sioson) SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 5:00 PM—St. Matthew Parish School Teachers SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 8:00 AM—Barb Greene, Mary Cichantk, Wally Johnson, Edwin Islan, Annabelle Tumlos 10:00 AM—David Gravel, Nina Fabian, Phyllis Morreale, Alice Silva, Mel Sebayan 12:00 PM—Dolly Villaflor, Mary Ann Schlacks, Eloisa Simbol, Vicki Villaflor, Celia Yu 1:30 PM—Ana Maria Garcia, Gustavo Garcia, Jose A. Orozco, Gloria Corona, Salvadora Calvillo 6:00 PM—Barbara McCarty GREETERS SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 5:00 PM—Coleen Schwartz SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 8:00 AM—Larry Grogan, Lynette Hooper, Clarita Nelson, Jane Swiertz 10:00 AM—Steven Czernek, Anthony Czernek, Carolyn Lorenz, Alex Markiso 12:00 PM—Jaimee Marzan, Nelly Traynor, Linda Warner 1:30 PM—Gustavo Garcia, Triny & Maria Sosa 6:00 PM— Schedule of Events WEEK OF: MAY 15, 2016 SUNDAY 9:00 AM—Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group 10:00 AM—Spanish Catholicism 12:00-1:00 PM—Spanish Choir 3:00 PM—Baptism 3:00 PM—Spanish RCIA 6:00 PM—I.M.P.A.C.T. Youth Group MONDAY 7:00 PM—Bingo 7:00 PM—Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group TUESDAY 9:30 AM—Crafters 5:00-9:00 PM—Volleyball Clinic 7:00 PM—Legion of Mary Meeting WEDNESDAY 5:00-9:00 PM—Volleyball Clinic 6:00 PM—Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 7:00 PM—Cornerstone 7:00 PM—Confirmation Practice 7:00 PM—Knights of Columbus Business Meeting 7:00 PM—Parent Organization Meeting THURSDAY 7:30 AM—Eucharistic Adoration 10:00 AM—Small Faith Group 6:00-8:00 PM—Spanish Kids Ballet Practice 7:00 PM—Biblical Institute 7:00 PM—Cantors 7:30 PM—Traditional Choir FRIDAY 9:30 AM—Divine Mercy Group 11:30 AM—Priests’ Day of Recollection 7:00 PM—Hispanic Charismatic Planning Meeting 7:00 PM—Bible Study Group 7:00 PM—Bingo SATURDAY 10:45 AM—Spanish Kids Ballet Practice 7:00 PM—Marriage Encounter LECTORS SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 5:00 PM—St. Matthew Parish School Teachers SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 8:00 AM—Dennis Salonga, Maria Jacinto 10:00 AM—Christine DeStefano, Sylvia Quines, Geraldine Taylor 12:00 PM—Florencio Villegas, Therese Rosen 1:30 PM—Antonio Ruiz, Carmen Sandoval, Olga Tavizon 6:00 PM—Alice Silva, Jesselyn LaFauce ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 5:00 PM—Anna Gendusa, Michael Cornejo, David Reyes SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 8:00 AM—Thea & Jonathan & Matthew Martirez 10:00 AM— Alina Williams, Sergio Guzman, Teresa Gravel 12:00 PM—Samantha Landry, Brianna Rodriguez, Gian DeGuzman 1:30 PM—Isabella Escoba, Samantha Diaz, Izabel Garcia 6:00 PM—Julia & Natalia Hamberg BINGO Monday, MAY 16: Estrada, Hulak, Mach, Maletsky, Manella, Shears Friday, MAY 20: Hillmer, Hulak, Nicolas, M/M Sarli, Zabat Workers must be at the hall by 5:30 PM on Monday and Friday night. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Linda Warner, Ken Convalle, Joe DiPirro, Jean Dugo, Elena Cruz St. Matthew WYD and Cinco de Mayo committee wish to thank everyone who supported and attended the dinner dance event on May 7. The event wouldn't have been made possible without your help especially to the following: For your generous donations: La Rosita Grocery Store in Glendale Heights Samantha Decorations in Bensenville, IL The Knights of Columbus To our volunteers who worked many hours helping us sell tickets and getting the event ready: Guillermo & Carmen Infante Pedro & Elizabeth Alaniz Jose Luis Sanchez Jorge & Paty Ibarra Thank you very much! ANGEL FUND Rest In Peace Phil Oliveros II Lorenz Lemay & Manilyn Manalo Each day at Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet we meet individuals and families who need an angel—veterans who have lost their homes, single mothers who seek warm clothes for their children, and seniors who are forced to choose between paying rent and buying food. Thankfully, we have found someone who is so special and generous...that he is almost like an angel on earth. This anonymous donor wants to team up with you to continue to help our struggling neighbors. For every dollar you donate, our special angel will match it - up to $50,000. Please be generous. This is an opportunity to help someone who will have nowhere else to turn if Catholic Charities isn’t there to help. Please send in a donation by May 31st. Make checks payable to: Catholic Charities Angel Fund, 203 N. Ottawa Street, Joliet, IL 60432. Donations can also be made at or by calling Claudia at 815-724-1140. Bless you for your support. Sunday Collection Week of May 8, 2016 Collection Needed to cover expenses $ 14,500.00 Total Collection $ 13,818.86 ___________ - If you are planning surgery or are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, please call the parish office to schedule an appointment with one of our priests. BEQUESTS Please remember the good works of our parish in your will. Contact Fr. Jerome on how you can accomplish this. $ 681.14 ------------------------------------------Cumulative Report for Year ending June 30, 2016 Weekly Collection Needed to Date $ 638,000.00 Total Collection to Date $ 638,217.23 —————— $ 217.23 Difference ST. MATTHEW CONTINUING THE MISSION CAMPAIGN News from We are Losing Someone Special ~ ~ Come Help Us Say Goodbye St. Matthew Parish School invites you to join us in honoring 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Christine Staniszewski who will be retiring in June after 24 years of service and dedication to our school. You are invited to attend Mrs. Christine Staniszewski’s Retirement Mass & Celebration on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 5:00 pm at St. Matthew Church 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, IL The Mass will be followed by a reception in Hurley Hall All are welcome — parishioners, former students, teachers, friends, and current school families. Come help us celebrate this special event. March Previous Month Account Balance: $ 48,564 New Collections: $ 6,066 Total Amount Collected: $ 54,630 April $ 42,137 $ 6,379 $ 48,516 Expenditures, Current Month: Completed: Church-Full payment for Organ School-Boiler Replacement Weil McClain boiler In-Progress: $11,100 $12,500 Parish Landscaping: - Loan Payment—Parking Lot: $ 1,393 $ 375 Total Expenses $ 12,493 $ 12,875 Current Account Balance: $ 42,137 $ 35,641 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING GENEROSITY TO OUR CAMPAIGN. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS MAKE THESE REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS POSSIBLE. SCHOOL LOAN - TECHNOLOGY UPGRADE If you are interested in learning more about our school or would like to schedule a tour, please contact our principal, Mrs. Gina Pestrak at (630) 858-3112. COME AND PRAY WITH BISHOP SIEGEL You are invited to pray with Bishop Joseph Siegel on Wednesday, May 18, at the Aanchor abortion clinic, 1186 Roosevelt Road in Glen Ellyn at 9:30 AM. We will be thanking God that the clinic is for sale and praying for a speedy end to abortions in our community. We will also pray for the thousands of babies who have been sacrificed there and for the mothers who bear guilt and remorse. May they find peace in the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Cost: Diocesan loan: Monthly payment: Loan balance: $ 58,600.00 $ 22,600.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 9,708.23 CONFIRMATION PRACTICE Wednesday, May 18 7:00 PM in Church Child and Parent or Sponsor must attend KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saint Matthew Council #9893 Most often it is the rug you have been sweeping things under that gets pulled out from under you. In the pursuit of success, money and power—may you never get what you want—at the price of what you already have. K of C new Officers installation dinner June 26, 5:00 PM at Bloomindale Golf Club, $17.95 per person. Very good meal and a chance to honor the officers. K of C Honor Guard at Glendale Heights Veterans Park on May 30. Starts prompt at 11 AM suggest early arrival. Stand with us and help us honor our United States of America “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” If you have never been to the park, it will be a time you will enjoy. Business Meeting May 18, 2016 — 7 PM Parish Center Social Meeting May 25, 2016 “All are Welcome, Family and Friends Included” The Holy Family Candles this week are lit in memory of Kelly Mulkerin and Anne O’Neill, being remembered by the Mulkerin Family. “ you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 BLUESTEM EARTH FESTIVAL 2016 May 21, 2016 from 10 AM to 3 PM at the University of St. Francis in Joliet. Free Admission. Sponsored by the Joliet Franciscan Sisters & Associates. Over 70 justice-oriented and eco-conscious exhibits and vendors. Enjoy live demos, local food, entertainment, free ice cream and children’s activities. “Educational Encounter with Exotic Animals” -Show times: 11:30 AM & 1:30 PM. (Show is one hour.) Blacksmith Demo - 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM & Activity For more information visit: Visit our new website MAY GOD BLESS If you have a question about the K of C send me an email Bill Burger, Grand Knight, Children’s Faith Formation Classes ENROLL NOW and SAVE! Completed Enrollments between May 16, 2016 and July 1, 2016 will receive a $50.00 discount! Enrollment Requirements: • • • • • • Completed application packet (application packet may be picked up and taken home for completion) Copies of the child's sacramental certificates (Baptism & First Communion if applicable) Custodial proof if required (only parents or legal guardians may enroll a child) Fee Payment - Must be paid at the time of enrollment. The fees are as follows: ♦ One child - $175 ♦ Two children - $250 ♦ Three children - $325 ♦ Four or more children - $400 Confirmation fee of $60 will be due at time of enrollment. Stewardship (either a commitment agreement is made at the time of enrollment or the Stewardship fee must be paid) Family must be registered with the parish The Early Enrollment discount is only applicable to completed enrollments. Enrollment Deadline is September 2, 2016 Tuition assistance may be available. SAVE THE DATE St. Matthew Music Ministries Concert Wednesday, June 1st 7 PM In the Church St. Matthew Council of Catholic Women ALL LADIES OF THE PARISH New CCW President — Congratulations to Joan Morris. Joan has agreed to serve as CCW president and was installed Tuesday, May 3. One of Joan’s many goals is to reach out to all and invite them to be a part of CCW. There are many opportunities to serve Our Lord and Blessed Mother. Each of you have talents and we ask you to share them with the CCW. Tuesday Morning Crafters — Thank you for your “yarn donations.” Glasses, Jewelry, Rosaries, Stamps and Card Fronts — All of these donated items help others and you don’t have to spend a cent. Katy Moore Baby Shower — Items have been delivered to Care-Net. Mother’s Day Roses — All donations collected were sent to Illinois Citizens for Life. Look at all the good you do. Thank you! Thought for the week — Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you. Clases de Formación de Fe de los niños ¡ Inscríbase Ahora y Ahorre! Inscripción completa entre 16 de Mayo de 2016 y 01 de Julio de 2016 recibirán un descuento de $50.00. Requisitos para Inscribir: • • • • • • Paquete de aplicaciones completos (Puede recoger un paquete de aplicaciones y cumplirlos en su casa) Copias de los certificados de los sacramentos de los niños (De bautizo y primera comunión si es necesario) Prueba de costodia, si necesita (solamente los padres o tutores legales pueden inscriber un niño) Pago de matrícula – Tiene que ser pagado al momento de inscripción. Las tarifas son las siguientes: ♦ Un niño - $175 ♦ Dos niños - $250 ♦ Tres niños - $325 ♦ Cuatro o más hijos - $400 Cuota de Confirmación de $60 dólares será debido al tiempo de inscripción. Compromiso de Mayordomía (puede ser un compromiso al momento de inscripción o puede pagar la cuota de Mayordomía) Familia debe estar registrado con la parroquia La descuenta de inscripción temprana solamente se cuenta a las inscripciones completas. Horas de Operación de la Oficina de Formación de Fe: Durante el tiempo de Inscripción Temprana Lunes a Viernes: 8:30-4:30pm (cerrado de 12-1pm para almuerzo) El ultimo día de inscripción es 02 de Septiembre, de 2016 * Asistencia de Matrícula está disponible. Oficina de Formación de Fe de San Mateo 630-469-5178 Incluso estudiantes que regresan debe inscribirse! El 24 de Mayo, La parroquia de San Mateo estará facilitando Protegiendo Los Niños De Dios a las 7 PM en el centro Parroquial para aquellas personas que gustarían participar en la parroquia y que no estén apropiadamente certificados. Favor de registrase en línea antes de asistir ese día. Para más información comuníquense con Laura Vargas 630-965-6071 Ensayo para la Confirmación Miercoles 18 de mayo 7:00 PM en la Iglesia El niño debera asistir con uno de sus padres o padrino El Comité de la Jornada Mundial Juvenil de San Mateo desea agradecerles a todos los que apoyaron y asistieron a la cena baile del 5 de Mayo. El evento del sábado 7 de mayo no hubiera sido posible sin su ayuda. Un agradecimiento muy especial a los siguientes negocios: Por sus donaciones tan generosas: Supermercado La Rosita de Glendale Heights Decoraciones Samantha de Bensenville, IL The Knights of Columbus A nuestros voluntarios quienes trabajaron muchas horas ayudándonos a vender boletos y preparando todo para el evento: Guillermo & Carmen Infante Pedro & Elizabeth Alaniz José Luis Sánchez Jorge & Paty Ibara Muchisimas Gracias
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St. Matthew Parish - St. Matthew Church
Christ can offer. So ask our Lord to work a little miracle with your free time. You’ll be overjoyed to discover what he
can do.
With my prayers,
Fr. Jerome