Tea Tree Gully Parish
Tea Tree Gully Parish
Tea Tree Gully Parish St DaviD’S, tea tree gully & Our Lady of Hope, Greenwith Under the Pastoral Care of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Readings This week: Dn 12:1-3, Heb 10:11-14, 18, Mk 13:24-32 Next week: Dn 7:13-14, Rv 1:5-8, Jn 18:33-37 15th November, 2015 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR CRUCIFIED SAVIOR: BECAUSE HE GIVES DIRECTION WHEN WE ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING DIRECTION Fr Frank Santucci OMI Conversion and discernment are not once-off events. We have major moments of understanding and conversion and commitment to a life direction and lifestyle – but these have to be renewed on a constant basis. Each day we need to renew our commitment. Each day we need to allow the Savior to look at us and to renew us in our journey. Admittedly it gets easier as one practices and grows in habits (and in age), but we can never let down our guard. For the first years after his conversion, Eugene struggled to maintain its effects. The following prayer is found in his notebook of that period: For a perfect conversion. How still imperfect, my God, is my conversion; the root of sin lives on in me; the thoughts and memory of the world are still powerfully at work; the things I have renounced retain their hold on my imagination, and reawaken threatening images. My heart, still weak, is quite disturbed by it, and in the midst of this disturbance it feels all its passions coming back to life; it takes but little for it to be ensnared. Is this what it is to belong perfectly to God? My inconstancy in the little good I do, my God, is no less humiliating for me; full of good desires, I am often satisfied with their formulation, almost all my zeal is used up in the making of plans; I fluctuate between yielding to grace and to my own desires, while time flows by, I journey swiftly towards eternity, and I am always the same. Shall I all my life be the plaything of the enemy of my salvation? Make firm, my God, my inconstancy, wholly change my heart; inspire within me, for my salvation, the same zeal I showed for losing myself. Sicut enim exhibuistis membra vestra servire … iniquitati … ita nunc exhibete … servire justitiae (Rm 6, 19) [ed. For just as you presented the parts of your bodies as slaves… to lawlessness … so now present them… to serve righteousness. Prayer for a perfect conversion, EO XIV n 24 “The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their faith in Christ, gather to know and love him better, and learn to love others as he designed.” Paul David Tripp RESPONSORIAL PSALM: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope Alleluia, alleluia! Be watchful, and pray constantly, that you may be worthy to stand before the Son of Man. Alleluia! PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR SICK Contact Parish Office for names to be included in this list. Names will be taken off after a short time unless otherwise instructed. Fr George Ryan OMI, Fr Brian Harris OMI, Fr Vin Ryan OMI, Fr Lewy Keelty OMI, Fr Anthony Colbert OMI, Fr John Archbold OMI Dan McNulty, Len DeBrenni, Judith & Graham Murray, Dawn Brohier, Ruth Davey, Sophie Rutten, Pauline Read, Robert Perry, Emma Perry, Nicholas Bucci, Michael Peete and family, Eden Wondra, Angela Beltrame, Velda Osborn, Anna Ayre, Pat Feutrill, Pansy Baker, Kathleen Rundle, Michael Grohs, Jo Phillips, Sr Mary Mercer SRM, Gloria Townsend, Angela Curley A N N I V E R S A R I E S Brian Hamilton, John Carr, John Toner, George Crawford, Eric Ardern, David Robb, Thomas Halleren, Harold Morgan, Mass Intentions for week commencing 14th November Bryn Davis, James McCusker, Frank Hemming, Saturday 14th - 9.15am - All Souls Barney Jackson, Frank McKee, Aurora Crisanti, 5.30pmElaine Smith, Noel Hackett, Jack Wilson B A P T I S M S Nathaniel Keith & Caelan Kenneth Tissen, twins of Craig & Hayley Sunday 15th 9.00am10.30am- Maire Mullarkey RIP 5.30pmMonday 16th 9.15am - Special Intentions - Sonya McNulty Tuesday 17th 9.15am - All Souls Wednesday 18th 9.15am - Intentions of McKee families Thursday 19th 9.15am Friday 20th 9.15am - ARCHDIOCESAN NOTICES As we continue to find ways across the Archdiocese to engage with and respond to Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, I write to extend an invitation to you and your parish to participate in the People’s Climate March. This event is a national and global day of action on climate change, which the Archdiocese and other Christian faith communities are supporting. It will be held in Adelaide on Sunday, November 29th on the eve of the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP21) meeting in Paris, where world leaders will gather to decide on the future steps to address the urgent matter of Climate Change. The March will be a significant event and is an opportunity for us to join with other multifaith communities in a public way to show our commitment to renew and deepen our response to being caretakers of God’s creation. With other multifaith leaders I will be leading the March which will commence from the Torrens Parade Ground at 11am. It will be a family friendly, ‘whole community’ event, concluding with a festival in Victoria Square. I recognise that the timing of the March, on the First Sunday of Advent, will conflict with the celebration of Mass in many parishes and communities. I would however appreciate you promote this march for those who are able might be present and participate in a concerted effort of solidarity. Parish banners are encouraged. Further information is available through Chancellor, Heather Carey on 8210 8210. With regards, Fr Philip Marshall Vicar General OBLATE NEWS WORLD YOUTH DAY JOURNEY TO KRAKOW 14 JULY-16 AUGUST 2016 In July 2016 Oblate Youth Australia will be travelling to Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day. The pilgrimage leaves Australia on 14TH July and returns on the 6TH August. We will begin our pilgrimage in Aix En Provence, joining the MAMI Pilgrimage in the birth place of St. Eugene De Mazenod, before heading off to Paris. Finally we conclude our trip with a couple of days in Rome before our departure home. The cost for WYD has been quoted at $7260 and this includes airfares, accommodation, travel insurance, registration for WYD and the inter-national oblate events, tours and most meals. We are inviting all young people (between the ages of 18-35) to pilgrimage with us and share in this incredible experience. All registration info is on our website (www.oblateyouth.com) and we encourage you to get this process started asap as there are limited spots on the pilgrimage. For more information on WYD 2016, please visit our website or contact Emma Rice on 03 9795 5077 or email oya@oblates.com.au. During the month of November, all dedicated November Mass Envelopes that are placed on the collection plate, will be placed in a ‘glass bowl’ which will be on the Altar. These people will be prayed for during the Monday and Saturday Morning Masses each week. MAMI CHRISTMAS GIFT CARDS In place of your normal Christmas gift you may consider supporting our, Tool Box, Goats, Chooks or our books for China or Bikes and Desks for India. How does it work? Simply make a tax-deductible donation of $10 to buy 4 chooks, $25 to buy books, $35 for a goat $20 to buy a tool box, $30 for a bike, $40 to buy a desk. You will receive a special Christmas card to give to someone explaining what you have done on their behalf. Your gift of a tool box to a young person studying to be a mechanic in one of our technical colleges, cared for by the Oblates in Indonesia, will help them complete their training. After finishing their studies the student will be given the 82 piece special ‘car kit tool box’ to help them find work. Our books program will help to provide support to the Oblate English School for Chinese orphans and migrant children supported by the Oblates. Desks and Bikes to help support students in seven different schools in some of the poorest areas of India. The income generated through the goats and chooks pays for books and school fees. Cards may be purchased by cash or cheque only, from the Parish Office during the week. (not Tuesdays) Receipts will be sent early 2016 from the Melbourne Office. PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES AVAILABLE IN THE FOYER TO COLLECT TODAY. THEY COMMENCE 6TH DECEMBER, 2015. If your set of envelopes is not there, please write your name and envelope number on the list provided. If you’re not giving regularly through envelopes or by electronic means and you would like to join, or if you have misplaced your envelopes and need replacements, please contact Denise on 8264 4694 (not Tuesday) or fill out the list next to the envelopes or email teatreegully@oblates.com.au Thank you Para Hills Modbury Catholic Parish CRAFT MARKET at St John XXIII Catholic Community Centre 50 Reservoir Rd, Hope Valley 5090. Saturday 21st November, 9 am to 3pm. Free entry and ample free parking. 50+ Craft Stalls, Free Silent Disco for children, Face painting, Devonshire Tea, International Food Market including Asian, Indian & Italian food. BBQ, Beer & soft drinks, Wine tasting by Schulz Wines, cake stall plus a specialist cake stall for children, Plant Stall, Produce stall, Vintage clothing, Bric-a-Brac, Secondhand books including children’s books, St Frances Xavier’s Rock band and much more. LITTLE ADVENT BOOKS The ‘Little Blue Advent Books’ - six minute reflections on the First Readings for daily Mass during the Advent/Christmas season, are now available from the Parish Office or Piety Stall. The cost is $4. St Vincent de Paul - TTG Conference: FOOD ITEMS NEEDED THIS WEEK: Tinned Green Beans, Peas, Carrots, Beetroot. Next weekend, there will be a collection at all Masses for the Christmas Appeal. The Christmas Raffle commences today and winners will be drawn after the 10.30am Mass on the 13th December. The First Prize will be a wheelbarrow full of prizes. "Vinnies News": Due to the increase number of migrants and refugees, Vinnies is experiencing a critical shortage of good quality clothing and bedding, homewares and furniture. Donations of these items can be made by taking them to a Vinnies shop, placed in our 'blue bins' , putting them in the box in the foyer at St. David's, or for large items and amounts by ringing the donation line on 8122 8777. Speak to a Vinnies member if in doubt P.S. The Vinnies shop is located on Grand Junction Road and Nelson Road, Valley View". Missionary Oblates Of Mary Immaculate PARISH PRIESTS Fr James Jeyachandran OMI (james@oblates.com.au) Fr Eric Alleaume OMI (ealleaume@oblates.com.au) PARISH SECRETARY -Denise Crawford (teatreegully@oblates.com.au) St David’s Church & Presbytery, 2 Vizar d Rd, Tea Tr ee Gully 5091, Phone: 8264 4694 email: teatr eegully@oblates.com.au Our Lady of Hope Chapel Cnr . Golden Way & Golden Gr ove Rd, Gr eenwith 5125 MASS TIMES: ST DAVID’S CHURCH: Rosary 8.50am daily - Mass Mon - Sat 9.15am, Weekend: SATURDAY 5.30pm, SUNDAY 10.30am & 5.30pm OUR LADY OF HOPE: SUNDAY 9.00am First Friday of Each Month: Holy Hour with Exposition and Benediction at 7pm at St David ’s Church First Tuesday of each month - 7.15am Mor ning Mass at St David’s Church (hosted by Antioch) [[ Reconciliation: St David’s - Saturday after 9.15am Mass until approx. 10.15am and 5.00-5.20pm before Saturday evening Mass. MARRIAGES: by Appointment only BAPTISMS: by Appointment 12 noon Sundays at St David’s Church ROSTERS Church Cleaners— w/c 16th November (Group 3) R Cunningham, J Grew, A Haymes, C Banning Linen Roster - November - A Byrne Counters This week —Team 6: 15/11 - B & M Stirling, R & J Crisanti Next week — Team 1: 22/11 - R Cunningham, F Laskowski, A Batson, P Kosters Morning Tea Hosts St David’s after 10.30 Mass This Sunday: 15/11 - Frances & Charles Next Sunday: 22/11 - Mary & Alf Our Lady of Hope This Sunday : 15/11 - Seidler/Maynard/Gaudio/Powell Next Sunday : 22/11 - Coolen/Bennett/MacDonald Minutes of last month’s Liturgy Meeting are available from the foyer near the Piety Stall. Next meeting is Tuesday24th November at 7.30pm in Gerard Room. All welcome New Rosters for Morning Teas and Counting, will be organised in the next few weeks. Please advise Denise at the Office if you would like to be placed onto either roster. During the Christmas Break, we do not have people rostered for morning teas, however, if you would like to volunteer please let us know. Thank you Diary Dates for November/December 2015 Each Tuesday: Gospel Discussion Group meet in the Gerard Room 10.30am-12noon. All welcome. Wednesday 18th November: ACH Nursing Home Mass ACH NURSING HOME MASS: Please join residents of ACH Nursing Home Tuesday 24th November: Liturgy Meeting 7.30pm Wednesday 18th November at 11am. Sunday 29th November: 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT All are welcome and the residents would enjoy your company. Monday 30th November: Finance Meeting at 7.30pm All Weekend Masses 5/6th December: Anointing of the Sick Tuesday 8th December: Oblate Feast Day celebrated at morning Mass and followed by shared morning tea. Tuesday 15th December: 2nd Rite of Reconciliation at St David’s Church at 7.30pm Located at Sirius Ave, Hope Valley Gospel Reflection Notes available from the Foyer. Southern Cross Newspaper: download at www.thesoutherncross.org.au