tenderdocumentation public procurement for grant users within


tenderdocumentation public procurement for grant users within
Krusevac 2016.
Empower! Socio-Economic Inclusion of Roma & Rural Poor through Recycling
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
According to the Decision to initiate the procedure of public procurement for grant beneficiaries in the context of
external actions of the European Union (Part. No. 1069/1 of 27/04/2016), which made the Supervisory Board of
PUC Krusevac, Commission for public procurement has prepared the tender documents for public procurement EU
1/16 collection cart.
1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT .......................................................................... 4
1.1. General information about the purchaser ................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Type of public procurement procedure ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Description of tender and the name ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Party, reserved public procurement, e-auction, the framework agreement ............................................................... 4
1.5. Contact person for public procurement ..................................................................................................................... 4
OF DELIVERY OF GOODS ETC. ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Тype of goods ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2. Technical characteristics, quality , quantity and description of goods ...................................................................... 5
2.3. Implementation of control and ensuring quality assurance ....................................................................................... 5
2.4. Term and place of delivery........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.5. The total amount for the duration of the contract ...................................................................................................... 5
3.TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION AND PLANS ...................................................................................................... 6
PROVE FULFILLMENT OF THESE CONDITIONS.............................................................................................. 7
4.1. Mandatory conditions for participation and instruction on how to prove their compliance ....................................... 7
4.1.1. Mandatory requirements for participation - the rule of nationality ......................................................................... 7
4.1.2. Instructions on how to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participation - the rule of
nationality .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1.3. Mandatory requirements for participation - rules of origin ..................................................................................... 7
4.1.4. Instructions on how to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participation - rules of origin ..... 7
4.1.5. The exception to the rule on nationality and the rules of origin .............................................................................. 8
4.1.6. Mandatory requirements for participation - general conditions .............................................................................. 8
4.1.7. Instructions on how to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participation - general
conditions ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. CRITERIA FOR CONTRACT AWARD ..................................................................................................................... 9
5.1. Criteria for the award of contracts .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.2. Spare elements of the criteria for the award of contracts ........................................................................................... 9
5.3. Methodology for awarding points .............................................................................................................................. 9
6. FORMS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Form No. 1 Offer ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Form No. 2 Technical specification ................................................................................................................................ 13
Form No. 3 Statement .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Form No. 4 Structure of the price offered ....................................................................................................................... 16
7. Contract Form ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
8. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS.......................................................................................................................... 19
8.1. Data on the language in which the offer must be made ............................................................................................ 19
8.2. Requirements regarding the manner in which the offer must be made .................................................................... 19
8.2.1. The way of submitting a bid.................................................................................................................................. 19
8.2.2. The time and manner of receipt and opening of tenders ....................................................................................... 19
8.2.3. Forms .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.2.4. Documents may be submitted with the bid ........................................................................................................... 20
8.2.5. Documents that must be submitted prior to the conclusion of public procurement contracts ............................... 20
8.2.6. Collateral ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
8.3. Lots........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
8.5. Mode changes, amendments and revocation deals ................................................................................................... 21
8.6. Self submission of tenders........................................................................................................................................ 21
8.7. The offer with a subcontractor ................................................................................................................................. 21
8.8. Joint bid / consortium ............................................................................................................................................... 22
8.9. Special customer requests ........................................................................................................................................ 22
8.9.1. Delivery................................................................................................................................................................. 22
8.9.2. Payment ................................................................................................................................................................. 22
8.9.3. The validity of the offer ........................................................................................................................................ 22
8.9.4. Price change .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
8.10. Currency and the way that must be specified and the price quoted in the offer ..................................................... 23
8.11. Data on type, content, manner of submission, the amount and terms of securing the fulfillment of obligations ... 23
8.12. Protecting the confidentiality of data which the client is placed at the disposal of the bidders, including their
subcontractors .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
8.13. For further information or clarification regarding bid preparation ......................................................................... 23
8.14. Additional explanations from bidders after the bid opening and controls the bidder or its subcontractor ............. 23
8.15. Using patent and liability for breach of protected intellectual property rights of third parties ............................... 24
8.16. Method and deadline for appeal ............................................................................................................................. 24
8.17. Conclusion of contract ........................................................................................................................................... 24
8.18. Other....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
1.1. General information about the purchaser
Business name
Abbreviated business name
PAK number
Type of ownership / Founder
Legal representative
Identification number
Tax Identification Number ( TIN)
Current account number and bank name
E-mail address
Internet adress
Real entity number
Public utility company "Krusevac " with full responsibility
PUC Krusevac
Republic of Serbia, 37000 Krusevac - Lazarica, Nikole Colovica 2
Public / local government
Director Boban Kostic
265-4210310003471-82, Raiffeisen Bank AD Beograd
1.2. Type of public procurement procedure
The present public procurement is conducted in accordance with the 2013 PRAG rules, single tender procedures,
according to a best practice procedures, or according to procedures established by the PUC Krusevac.
1.3. Description of tender and the name
Subject of public procurement of goods EU 1/16: Collecting cart.
1.4. Party, reserved public procurement, e-auction, the framework agreement
Supply is not formed by parties. Purchaser will conduct public procurement in order to conclude a public
procurement contract.
1.5. Contact person for public procurement
Name and surname
E-mail address
Stevanovic Vojkan, Public Procurement Officer
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
2.1. Тype of goods
Type of goods for which the public call the tin - wire carts to transport recyclable waste.
2.2. Technical characteristics, quality , quantity and description of goods
One feature and technical description of the goods which are the subject of public procurement are defined in Form
No. 2 Technical specifications and in Part 3. Technical documentation and plans.
2.3. Implementation of control and ensuring quality assurance
Quality assurance are Forms No. 1 Offer and No. 3 Statement.
2.4. Term and place of delivery
Place of delivery is the seat of the F-co PUC Krusevac, Nikole Colovica 2.
Delivery time is 45 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.
2.5. The total amount for the duration of the contract
The contract is concluded with a validity until the deadline for delivery of the entire quantity of goods.
Estimated value per piece trolley is 200 € excluding VAT.
Estimated value of the public procurement is 11,000 € excluding VAT, for 55 pieces of carts.
If the price per piece collection cart exceeds the estimated value of the contract will not be concluded until the
European Commission gives approval for the correction of the budget, or the estimated value or when the European
Commission gives approval for the reduction of the number of pieces of collection carts.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Data is requested sketch stroller.
Date and photographs have carts originally sold in previous years, which can be seen on the following pages:
http://www.rtk.rs/?p=26430 or http://www.jkpkrusevac.co.rs/novosti.htm and that bidders should serve as a
reference, since the trolleys should be required to have a mobile website ( Kanata ) , "cat's eyes" on each side,
pulling the lever on the tow rod ... Тhe bidder can offer good with a different technical solution, which must not
change the purpose or diminish the functionality and safety of handling.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Mandatory requirements are defined in detail in the provisions of 2.3.1 - 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to
contract procedures for EU external actions (Practical Guide to contract procedures for European Union
external actions) to PRAG 2013 that applies in this proceeding, which is available the following internet
4.1. Mandatory conditions for participation and instruction on how to prove their compliance
4.1.1. Mandatory requirements for participation - the rule of nationality
The right to participate in the proceedings of the public procurement has a bidder who meets the mandatory
requirements for participation in the public procurement procedure defined in section 2.1 of Annexes IV A public
procurement procedure for grant beneficiaries in the context of external actions of the European Union:
1) bidders must be all natural or legal persons from the IPA eligible countries (EU Member States, the Member
States of the European Economic Area, the beneficiary countries IPA funds, the beneficiaries have the state
Instrument European Neighbourhood and Partnership).
4.1.2. Instructions on how to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participation - the rule of
Compliance with the mandatory requirements for the nationality rule is proved by submitting the following
1) for legal entities - a decision on the registration of the undertaking from the APR or excerpt from the Register of
Business Entities of APR or extract from the register of the competent commercial court,
2) for entrepreneurs - the decision on registration of the undertaking from the APR or excerpt from the Register of
Business Entities of APR or excerpt from the relevant register,
3) for individuals - a copy of the citizenship
Evidence may be older than the date on which it is provided for the submission of bids.
4.1.3. Mandatory requirements for participation - rules of origin
The right to participate in the proceedings of the public procurement has a bidder who meets the mandatory
requirements for participation in the public procurement procedure defined in section 2.2 of Annexes IV A public
procurement procedure for grant beneficiaries in the context of external actions of the European Union:
1) bidders must offer good whose origins are from the IPA eligible countries (EU Member States, the Member
States of the European Economic Area, the beneficiary countries IPA funds, the beneficiaries have the state
Instrument European Neighbourhood and Partnership), which is defined by European law on customs,
4.1.4. Instructions on how to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participation - rules of origin
Compliance with the mandatory requirements for the nationality rule is proved by submitting the following
1) for legal entities – Form 3 Statement,
2) for entrepreneurs - Form 3 Statement,
3) for individuals - Form 3 Statement.
If the value of good exceeds 5,000 € VAT excluded, must submit proof from the Serbian Chamber of Commerce to
the origin of goods from the IPA eligible countries
Evidence must be issued after publication of the invitation to tender.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
4.1.5. The exception to the rule on nationality and the rules of origin
An exception to the rules of nationality and the rules of origin are defined in section 2.3 of Annexes IV A public
procurement procedure for grant beneficiaries in the context of external actions of the European Union:
1) if an agreement on widening the market for procurement of goods, services or works valid approach must also
allow citizens and goods originating from other countries under the terms of the agreement,
2) in duly justified cases provided legislation in force, the European Commission can approv access to citizens or
goods originating not only from the IPA eligible countries, but also other countries.
4.1.6. Mandatory requirements for participation - general conditions
The right to participate in the proceedings of the public procurement has a bidder who meets the mandatory
requirements for participation in the public procurement procedure defined in section 2.4 of Annexes IV A public
procurement procedure for beneficiaries of grants in the context of external actions of the European Union:
1) that they are not bankrupt or in the bankrpcy, that are not part of the court proceedings that have not
concluded an agreement with creditors to bisy suspended business activities that are not the subject of
proceedings concerning such matters, or that they are not in any analogous situation arising from a similar
procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations,
2) to a final court decision are not convicted of an offense concerning professional conduct,
3) not guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the beneficiary can justify,
4) that have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of
taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or in accordance
with the provisions of the beneficiary country or countries in which the contract is to be achieved,
5) that he or affiliated persons , which make decisions and have control over them, they were not subject to a
court for a final decision evasion, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization, money laundering or
any illegal acts harmful to the interests of the EU finance,
6) that are not currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in section 2.3.4 of the Practical Guide
to contract procedures for EU external actions.
4.1.7. Instructions on how to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participation - general
Compliance with the mandatory requirements of the general conditions is proved by submitting the following
1) for legal entities – Form 3 Statement,
2) for entrepreneurs - Form 3 Statement,
3) for individuals - Form 3 Statement.
Evidence must be issued after publication of the invitation to tender.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
5.1. Criteria for the award of contracts
The bid is made by applying the criteria - the lowest price offered.
5.2. Spare elements of the criteria for the award of contracts
If two or more bids have the same price offered , will be selected as the best offer those providers who, in order to
offer the best choice:
1. with offered shorter delivery time,
2. with a longer warranty period offered.
If the best offer and after the application of spare criteria should not be elected - best offer will be selected by lot.
5.3. Methodology for awarding points
The Purchaser shall compare the offered unit price of goods without VAT of those bidders whose bids are
The first-ranked bid will be the one with the lowest unit price, including the possible use of reserve criteria.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Form No. 1 Offer
Offer No. ____________ from _________ for public procurement No. EU 1/16 – Collection carts.
А) Bidder information:
Address and head office:
Registration number:
VAT number:
Name and surname of authorized person:
Bank account number and name of the bank:
Contact person (name and surname, phone – cellular and land line, fax and e-mail)
Bid is submitted (round off):
а) standalone
b) with subcontractor
c) as joint offer
B) Criteria for selection and other elements of the offer
Element of the criteria
Value of the criteria
Unit price
VAT excluded (RSD)
Total amount
VAT excluded (RSD)
Warranty period
Offer valid
- FIS PUC “Krusevac” head office, 2 Nikole Colovica street,
- successively, within ________ days
(demand: no longer than 45 days)
- cashless, within ____ days from the day the accurate bill was delivered
(demand: no sooner than 10 days and longer than 45 days)
- _____ months
(demand: no shorter than 24 months)
- ________ days from the day when offers were opened
(demand: no shorter than 90 days)
Place and date
Authorized person for bidder
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Form No. 1 Offer (part two)
C) Member of the group of bidders information:
Address and head office:
Registration number:
VAT member:
Name and surname of authorized person:
Bank account number and name of the bank:
D) Subcontractor information:
Address and head office:
Registration number:
VAT number:
Name and surname of authorized person:
Bank account number and name of the bank:
Place and date
Authorized person for bidder
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Form No. 2 Technical specification
Country of origin
Warranty period
Collection carts
Model details
Required technical characteristics
Min. 1,0 м3 with sides; min. 0,6 м3 without sides
With sides (length · width · height): 1.200 мм · 900 мм · 1.000 мм,
Without sides (length ·width · height): 1.200 мм · 900 мм · 600 мм,
Closed part (ground and lower part of the cargo part): galvanized sheet metal, min. 1 мм
Opened part (upper part of cargo part and sides: galvanized wire with panes 50 мм · 50 мм,
construction: box 20 мм · 20 мм,
towing pipe: cross section pipe
Sides linked with upper part of the cargo part – with hinges (two on each side),
Sides should open on the inside,
Back door opens on the outside; door and cargo part linked with hinges on one side and with
latch on the other (or other suitable mechanism for safe use and easy opening and closing),
Sides must be attached to each other with latches (or other suitable mechanism for safe use
and easy opening and closing)
Wheels with strengthened rims and spokes (for stronger bicycle, about 60 cm in diameter),
Traffic signalization (cat eyes): 6 red pieces, placed on lower closed cargo part (two pieces
on the left, two pieces on the right, two pieces on the back); 2 white pieces, placed on the
lower closed cargo part (both pieces on the front),
Towing pipe: length from lower cargo part to lateral mobile pipe about 1.000 мм; lateral
mobile pipe long about 20 cm with possibility of removal and placing on bicycle,
Sign board: galvanized sheet metal thick up to 1 мм, dimensions 400 мм · 300 мм,
Strengthening of the lower closed part: in the middle from all four sides,
color: lower closed part (sheet metal) – light green, profiles, pipes and wire – lemon yellow
Bidder can offer goods with different technical solutions, whose purpose shouldn’t be changed nor diminish
their functionality and safety of operation.
All work relating to the trolley for collecting recyclable waste must include accessibility for people with
disabilities , the following approach "for all".
Place and date
Authorized person for bidder
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Form No. 3 Statement
Name and address of the bidder:
1) standalone bidder
2) member of the group of bidders
3) subcontractor
VAT number:
Under full financial and criminal liability, as representative of the bidder, for the purpose of conducting public
procurement procedure No EU 1/16 Collection carts, I give:
I That the bidder fulfills mandatory requirements for participation in public procurement procedure as defined in
section 2.1 and 2.3 of Annex IV Public procurement procedure for grant contract beneficiaries within external
actions of EU, which refers to the rule of nationality:
1) head office of the bidder (citizenship – for individuals) is in IPA country (EU members, members of the
European Economic Area, countries beneficiaries of IPA funds, beneficiaries of European Neighborhood and
Partnership Instrument), respectively, head office of the bidder (citizenship – for individuals) is country
II that the bidder fulfills mandatory requirements for participation in public procurement procedure as defined in
section 2.2 and 2.3 of Annex IV Public procurement procedure for grant contract beneficiaries within external
actions of EU, which refers to the rule of origin:
1) bidder offers goods originating from IPA country (EU members, members of the European Economic Area,
countries beneficiaries of IPA funds, beneficiaries of European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument),
respectively, offered goods originate from country ____________________________________.
Submitting both sides of this form is obligatory.
Place and date
Authorized person for bidder
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Form No. 3 Statement (part two)
Name and address of the bidder:
1) standalone bidder
2) member of the group of bidders
3) subcontractor
VAT number:
Under full financial and criminal liability, as representative of the bidder, for the purpose of conducting public
procurement procedure No. EU 1/16 Collection carts, I give:
III That the bidder fulfills mandatory requirement for participation in public procurement procedure as defined in
section 2.4 of Annex IV Public procurement procedure for grant contract beneficiaries within external actions of
EU, which refers to general rules:
1) isn’t bankrupt or in bankruptcy, part of judicial proceeding, hasn’t made contract with creditors, hasn’t
suspended business activities; isn’t part of the proceedings concerning such matters and isn’t in any kind of
similar situation which arises from similar procedure
2) isn’t judicially convicted for violation of professional behavior,
3) isn’t guilty for serious violation of professional behavior proved in any way that beneficiary can excuse,
4) has fulfilled obligations concerning social insurance payments or paying taxes accordingly to legislation of the
country of origin, country beneficiary or country in which contract will be actualized,
5) the bidder or parties related, who make or control decisions, weren’t judicially convicted for fraud, corruption,
participation in criminal organizations, money laundering or any other illegal actions that can be harmful for
financial interests of EU,
6) are not currently subjected to administrative castigation mentioned in section 2.3.4 of Practical guide for contract
procedures for external actions of EU.
IV Тhat the bidder submits the offer independently, that he didn’t make deals with other producers or interested
Place and date
Authorized person for bidder
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Form No. 4 Structure of the price offered
Unit price
VAT excluded
Unit price
VAT included
Collection cart
Total amount
VAT excluded
of pieces
6 (3·5)
Total amount
VAT included
7 (4·5)
Unit price VAT excluded (RSD) is entered in form No. 1 Offer, in the table B) below No. 1.
Total amount VAT excluded (RSD) is entered in form No. 1 Offer, in the table B) below No. 2.
Place and date
Authorized person for bidder
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
7. Contract Form
N° 2015/371-795
European Unit Support to Inclusive Society
Firm Name PUC Krusevac
Adress Nikole Colovica 2, 37000 Krusevac – Lazarica
Official registration number: 07145667
VAT number: 100323011
Legal Entity Number: 6000538531
of the one part,
Firm Name _______________________________
Adress ___________________________________
Official registration number: ________________
VAT number: _____________________________
of the other part,
have agreed as follows:
Contract for Delivery of Collection Carts
Identification number EU 1/16
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
Article 1 Subject
1.1 The subject of the contract shall be delivery of collector cаrts.
1.2 The place of acceptance of the supplies shall be the municipality Krusevac.
1.3 The time limits for delivery shall be 45 (fourty five) days following the Contract commencement date and
the Incoterm applicable shall be form No. 1 Offer.
1.4 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the terms of the Special Conditions and the form No. 2
Technical specification.
Article 2 Origin
2.1 The supplies must originate in a Member State of the European Union or a country covered and/or
authorised by the specific instrument applicable to the IPA programme.
2.2 A certificate of origin for the supplies must be provided by the Contractor at the latest when it requests
provisional acceptance of the supplies. Failure to comply with this condition may result in the termination
of the contract.
2.3 The origin of the goods shall be determined according to the Community Customs Code or the
international agreements to which the country concerned is a signatory.
Article 3 Price
3.1 The price of the supplies shall be that shown on the form No. 1 Offer. The total maximum contract price
shall be in national currency RSD.
3.2 Payments shall be made in accordance with the form No. 1 Offer.
Article 4 Order of precedence of contract documents
4.1 The contract is made up of the following documents, in order of precedence:
- the contract agreement,
- the form 3 Statement,
- the form 1 Offer,
- the form 2 Technical specification.
4.2 The various documents making up the contract shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory: in cases of
ambiguity or divergance, they shall prevail in the order in wich they appear above.
Done in English in three originals: one original being for the Constracting Authority, one original being for the
European Commission and one original being for the Contractor.
For the Contractor
For the Contracting Authority
Name: _______________________
Name: _________________________
Title: _______________________
Title: __________________________
Signature: ___________________
Signature: ______________________
Date: _______________________
Date: __________________________
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
For detailed information you can find out through the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract
procedures for EU external actions , the PRAG 2013 that applies in this proceeding , which is available at the
following Internet address:
8.1. Data on the language in which the offer must be made
The bidder shall submit the forms on Serbian and English language. Valid forms are submitted in English.
All correspondence exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser must take place in writing, in Serbian and English.
Valid correspondence in English. It is not allowed to give oral information or arranging meetings during the
8.2. Requirements regarding the manner in which the offer must be made
All documents must be valid at the time of submission of the bid, unless otherwise noted, and the supplier is bound
to during the term of the contract extends the importance of all the documents submitted, if during the contract they
expire. If the supplier does not do this, the Purchaser has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.
8.2.1. The way of submitting a bid
The bidder submitted directly or sent by mail in a sealed envelope, sealed in such a way that during the bid opening
can be determined with certainty that it first opens.
On the back of the envelope indicate the name and address of the bidder and details of the contact person (name,
phone, email address).
In case the bid is submitted by a group of bidders, the envelope is necessary to indicate that it is a group of bidders
and list the names of all the participants in a joint bid.
Bids should be submitted:
- To the following address: PUC Krusevac, Nicole Colovica. 2 , 37000 Krusevac - Lazarica,
- With a note: "Bid for EU 1/16 Collection carts - DO NOT OPEN".
Indication can specify in another manner provided that unequivocally can determine what is meant by letter.
8.2.2. The time and manner of receipt and opening of tenders
The offer is considered timely if received by the Purchaser to 13/05/2016 until 09:30 h.
The Purchaser shall, upon receipt of a specific bid on the envelope or the box in which the supply is located, mark
the time of receipt and record the number and date of bids in order of arrival. If the offer is submitted directly, the
purchaser will bidder present your receipt of the offer, if the provider is required. The acknowledgment of receipt of
the contracting authority shall indicate the date and time of receipt of the offer.
The offer by the Purchaser is not received within the deadline set for the submission of bids, or which was received
after the date and hour by which bids may be submitted shall be considered tardy.
Opening of bids will take place 13/05/2016 at 10:15 h.
Public opening of bids will take place in the administration building (Nikole Colovica 2), in the conference room on
the first floor (room No. 3). The opening may be attended by any interested person. The bid opening procedure can
actively participate only authorized representatives of the bidders. Under the authorized representative of the bidder
means a person authorized to participate in the public bid opening (which must be at the opening of tenders before
the written authorization of the bidder and give an identity card for inspection) and the person authorized to
represent the company (which must be at the opening of tenders before photocopy of the registration where the
undertaking is clear that the persons authorized to represent and to give an identity card for inspection).
Place of opening bids can be changed or a new place of opening the bids must be on the same floor of the building.
Information on the possible opening of the new site will be posted on the door of the conference room prior to
arrival, which is slated to start opening bids.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
8.2.3. Forms
The offer must contain, depending on the type of bidder and his seat , filled , stamped by the authorized person of
the bidder signed the appropriate forms. Under the bidder means the bidder who submitted a bid independently,
supplier and subcontractors if the bidder submits the bid with the subcontractor or the consortium in the case of joint
tender is submitted .
Those are the forms that are required for submission , forms are not required for submission, as well as the
authorized person of the bidder which they are filled, have signed, stamped and sent to :
1) Form No. 1 Offer
- To be completed, signed, stamped bidder who independently submitted bid, a bidder who submits the bid with a
subcontractor and a member of the consortium which is authorized for filling in , signing and stamping patterns,
- Delivering independent supplier who submits a bid, the bidder who submits the bid with a subcontractor and a
member of the consortium which is authorized to submit a bid,
2) Form No. 2 Technical specifications
- To be completed, signed, stamped bidder who independently submitted bid, a bidder who submits the bid with a
subcontractor and a member of the consortium which is authorized for filling in, signing and stamping patterns,
- Delivering independent supplier who submits a bid, the bidder who submits the bid with a subcontractor and a
member of the consortium which is authorized to submit a bid,
3) Form No. 3 Statement
- To be completed, signed and stamped each bidder individually,
- Delivering independent supplier who submits a bid, the bidder who submits the bid with a subcontractor and a
member of the consortium which is authorized to submit a bid,
3) Form No. 4 Structure of the price offered
- To be completed, signed, stamped bidder who independently submitted bid, a bidder who submits the bid with a
subcontractor and a member of the consortium which is authorized for filling in , signing and stamping patterns,
- Delivering independent supplier who submits a bid, the bidder who submits the bid with a subcontractor and a
member of the consortium which is authorized to submit a bid,
4) Form costs of preparing a bid - because it is not necessary to create a pattern or model and both the form is not
an integral part of the tender documentation,
5) Form Model contracts,
- To be completed, signed and stamped bidder who independently submitted bid, a bidder who submits the bid with
a subcontractor and a member of the consortium which is authorized for filling in, signing and stamping forms or a
member of the consortium that is empowered to conclude the contract,
- Delivering independent supplier who submits a bid, the bidder who submits the bid with a subcontractor and a
member of the consortium which is authorized to submit a bid.
In the event that the required forms are not completed in a satisfactory manner , the offer will be rejected as
The term authorized person of the bidder and located in any form, means the authorized person of the bidder who
submitted a bid independently, the authorized person of the tenderer and subcontractors if the tender is submitted
with a subcontractor, and authorized persons of all members of the consortium if the joint bid is submitted.
8.2.4. Documents may be submitted with the bid
The document which is not required for delivery, or furnishing supplier whose advantage could be obtained by using
preferences is:
1) certificate of origin of goods from the IPA eligible countries for goods worth over 5,000 €, and which are subject
to public procurement, issued by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, at the latest when the first delivery of goods.
8.2.5. Documents that must be submitted prior to the conclusion of public procurement contracts
Purchaser did not foresee the submission of documents after the decision to award the contract after the expiry of the
deadline for applications for the protection of rights, and prior to the conclusion of public procurement contracts.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
8.2.6. Collateral
The Purchaser is not anticipated delivery of the supplier of the collateral as a guarantee of payment within the
stipulated period.
The Purchaser is not predicted by the bidder or supplier , search the collateral as a guarantee for the bid, refund of
advance payments, the good execution of the work, even for fault repairs within the warranty period.
8.3. Lots
The subject of procurement is not formed by the lots.
8.4. Bids with variants, reserved public procurement, e-auction, the framework agreement
Submission of a tender with variants eating allowed. In the event that a bid with variants, it is necessary to form each
(except Form No. 3 Statement) and on each copy specify to which the variant relates.
Public procurement is carried out in order to conclude a public procurement contract.
8.5. Mode changes, amendments and revocation deals
The deadline for submitting the bid, the bidder may alter, amend or revoke its bid in the manner specified in the
tender documents. Bidder shall clearly indicate which part of the offer changes, ie which documents subsequently
submitted .
Modification, amendment, revocation or amendment of the tender must submit:
- To the following address : PUC Krusevac, Nicole Colovica 2 , 37000 Krusevac - Lazarica,
- With a note: "Change (amendments, changes and amendments, recall) offers EU 1/16 Collection cart - DO NOT
Indication can specify in another manner provided that unequivocally can determine what is meant by letter.
On the back of the envelope or on the box indicate the name and address of the bidder and details of the contact
person (name, phone and e-mail address). In the event that the letter submitted by a group of bidders, the envelope is
necessary to indicate that it is a group of bidders and list the names and addresses of all participants in a joint bid.
After the deadline for submission of bids bidder may not revoke or make changes to its offer.
8.6. Self submission of tenders
A bidder may submit only one bid.
The bidder who submitted a bid independently may not simultaneously participate in a joint tender or as a subcontractor,
even the same person may participate in more joint bids.
In Form 1 Offer, the Bidder states that the bid is submitted independently.
If the provider offers by other relevant public procurement is a subcontractor and / or member of a consortium, all tenders
in which the person is being rejected and will not be taken into consideration and will not be ranked.
8.7. The offer with a subcontractor
The offer with a subcontractor If a bidder submits a bid with a subcontractor is obliged to Form 1 Offer, indicating that the
bid is submitted with a subcontractor, the percentage of the total value of procurement that will be entrusted to the
subcontractor, which may not be greater than 50%, as well as part of the procurement subject that will be made through
Bidder in the Offer 1 Form, indicate the name and registered office of the subcontractor, if partial performance of
procurement will be entrusted to the subcontractor.
If the public procurement contract has been concluded between the contracting authority and the bidder who submits the
bid with a subcontractor, the subcontractor will be reflected in the public procurement contract.
The bidder is bound to the subcontractor evidence of compliance with the conditions for participation (Form No. 3
Statement) where the subcontractor to be filled , signed and stamped in the necessary forms, which, along with other
documents submitted to the bidder, a bidder submits them to the purchaser with the offer.
Bidder entirely to the contracting authority for the enforcement of obligations under the public procurement procedure or
the execution of contractual obligations, regardless of the number of subcontractors.
The bidder is bound to the purchaser, at his request, to enable access to the subcontractor, to determine compliance
with the required conditions.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
If a subcontractor to other offerings by the relevant public procurement or supplier is a member of the consortium, all
tenders in which the person is being rejected and will not be taken into consideration and will not be ranked.
The Purchaser may, at the request of the subcontractor and where the nature of the case allows it to transfer amounts due
directly to the subcontractor for part of the acquisition, which is executed through this sub-contractors.
Supplier can engage subcontractors as a person who is not stated in the offer, unless it is on the side of the subcontractor
after the submission of the bid caused permanent inability to pay, if the person meets all the conditions set for the
subcontractors, and if it obtains the prior consent of the customer.
8.8. Joint bid / consortium
A bid may be submitted by a group of bidders.
If the bid is submitted by a group of bidders, an integral part of a joint bid must document that bidders from the group to
each other and commit to the Purchaser on the execution of public procurement, which shall contain the following
information :
• the group member who will be the main contractor or to submit a bid and who will represent the consortium before the
client and
• job description of each bidder.
The agreement must also contain the :
• the name of the bidder to the name of the consortium to sign a contract,
• the name of the bidder who will issue a receipt and
• obligations of each member of the consortium for the execution of the contract .
The agreement should also contain information on the bidder to the name of the group to sign forms in the tender
documents, with the exception of forms that must be signed by all members of the consortium .
The bidder who submitted a bid with a subcontractor subcontractors themselves prove compliance with the mandatory
requirements of the contracting authority by submitting Form 3 Statement, in which a member of a group shall be filled in,
signed and stamped in the necessary forms, which, along with other documents submitted to the member of the consortium
that is responsible for the submission of tenders and them Purchaser shall submit to the offer.
Bidders from a group shall have unlimited liability to the purchaser.
If a member of the consortium to other offerings by the relevant public procurement is a bidder or subcontractor of a group
of bidders, all tenders in which the person is being rejected and will not be taken into consideration and will not be ranked.
In the event that a treaty that does not contain the required information in an acceptable manner, the offer will be rejected
as unacceptable.
8.9. Special customer requests
8.9.1. Delivery
All shipping cost is borne by the supplier, and are included in the price , and the place of delivery is the seat of
PUC Krusevac, Nicole Colovica 2 , Krusevac – Lazarica.
Delivery of goods can not be longer than 45 days after the conclusion of public procurement contracts.
8.9.2. Payment
Payment is non-cash, payment to the supplier's account, which is listed in the invoice with reference to the account
number. It is not permitted to offer advance payment.
The deadline for payment: not less than 20 days nor more than 45 days from receipt of a correct invoice. The
accounts must be submitted for each delivery individually, if there are more deliveries.
8.9.3. The validity of the offer
Purchaser has determined that the validity period may not be less than 90 days from the date started opening.
In the case of the expiry of the Offer, the Purchaser is obliged to send a written request from the bidder extension of
the offer.
A Bidder who accepts the request for the extension of deals on offer may change .
8.9.4. Price change
Changing the price for the duration of the contract is not possible.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
8.10. Currency and the way that must be specified and the price quoted in the offer
The price must be expressed in dinars, without VAT (value added tax).
On the basis of the Framework Agreement between the FRY and the EU, signed on 25/11/2000 and ratified
31/03/2003 , the contractor is exempt from VAT, which means that all payments are made with previously certified
PPO Form (Certificate of tax exemption). The supplier delivers the purchaser an invoice on the basis of which the
contracting authority verifies the PPO form and submit it to the supplier, which form the basis of invoicing without
8.11. Data on type, content, manner of submission, the amount and terms of securing the fulfillment of
Purchaser is not required to provide collateral for good performance even for the elimination of defects within the
warranty period.
The Purchaser does not provide collateral to make the payment on time.
8.12. Protecting the confidentiality of data which the client is placed at the disposal of the bidders, including
their subcontractors
Course acquisition does not contain confidential information that is available to the contracting authority. If the
supplier deliver other documents, which are not explicitly required in the tender documentation can indicate which
parts of the document are confidential. Name of the signatory, the date of preparation, the subject of the document
and the period of validity of the document can not be confidential, and the regulation of mutual rights and
obligations in agreed prices, payments, penalties, etc. may be considered confidential work documents. Confidential
parts shall not be put to any other person nor mention in the acts of the contracting authority.
8.13. For further information or clarification regarding bid preparation
Any interested person may, in writing, request the additional information or clarification regarding bid preparation,
in which can indicate the ordering and possibly observed deficiencies and irregularities in the tender documents, no
later than five days before the deadline for submission of bids.
The Purchaser shall publis the answer, within three days of receiving the request for additional information or
clarification of the tender documentation, the answer published on its website.
The request for additional information or clarification of the tender documentation should be submitted:
- Personally or by mail to the following address: PUC Krusevac, Nikole Colovica 2 , 37000 Krusevac - Lazarica or
- The e-mail address: javne.nabavke@jkpkrusevac.co.rs or
- Fax: 037 443 073,
- With a note: "The request for clarification of tender documentation , EU 1/16 - Collection carts"
Indication can specify in another manner provided that unequivocally can determine what is meant by letter. If the
client changes or amendments to the tender documents eight or fewer days before the deadline for submission of
bids, shall extend the deadline for submission of tenders and the publication of a notice of extension of the deadline
for submission of bids. After the expiry of the deadline for submission of bids, the Purchaser may not alter, nor to
amend the tender documents.
Searching for additional information or clarifications in connection with the preparation of the bid by telephone is
not allowed. Communication in the procurement process is carried out in writing.
8.14. Additional explanations from bidders after the bid opening and controls the bidder or its subcontractor
After opening the bids, the Purchaser may, at the expert assessments that offer in writing to request additional
explanations from tenderers that will help him in the review, evaluation and comparison of tenders, and can control
(inspection) at the bidder or its subcontractors.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
If the contracting authority determines that further clarification is needed or necessary to control (inspection) of the
bidder, or its subcontractor, the contracting authority shall leave bidder appropriate deadline to comply with the
invitation clients or to facilitate the ordering control (inspection) of the bidder, as well as during subcontractors.
The Purchaser may, with the consent of the tenderer to perform the correction of computational errors observed
when considering the bid after the opening. In case of difference between unit and total price , the unit price is
authoritative. If the provider does not agree with the correction of calculation errors, the contracting authority shall
reject its bid as unacceptable.
8.15. Using patent and liability for breach of protected intellectual property rights of third parties
The fee for the use of patents, as well as the responsibility for the breach of protected intellectual property rights of
third parties shall be borne by the bidder.
8.16. Method and deadline for appeal
The appeal shall be submitted to the purchaser.
An appeal may be filed during the entire public procurement procedure against any action of the customer, unless
PRAG 2013 rules otherwise.
An appeal challenging the type of procedure, the contents of the calls for tender and bidding documents shall be
deemed timely if received by the contracting authority no later than three days before the deadline for submission of
bids, regardless of the method of delivery and, if the applicant pointed out to your home and any deficiencies
irregularity, and the contracting authority has not eliminated them.
The appeal which challenge the actions taken Purchaser prior to the deadline for submission of bids , and after
expiry of the deadline for filing an appeal challenging the type of procedure, the contents of the invitation to tender
or tender documentation, shall be deemed timely if submitted before the deadline for submission of tenders.
After the decision to award a contract or a decision to terminate the proceedings, the deadline for appeal is five days
from the date of publication of the decision on the website of the PUC Krusevac.
The appeal can not be challenged actions undertaken contracting authority in public procurement procedure if the
applicant was or could have been aware of the reasons for its submission before the deadline for filing an appeal
challenging the type of procedure, the contents of the invitation to tender or tender documentation if the complainant
pointed to the purchaser at any deficiencies and irregularities, a contracting authority had not removed as the appeal
which challenge the actions taken Purchaser prior to the deadline for submission of bids, and after expiry of the
deadline for applications challenging the type of procedure, the contents of the invitation to tender or tender
If in the same procurement procedure again appealed by the same complainant in its request can not be challenged
actions of the contracting authority for which the complainant knew or could have known when filing a previous
appeal. The appeal does not stay further activities of the contracting authority in the procurement process, or the
contracting authority may not make a decision on the award of the contract or the decision to suspend the
proceedings or may conclude an agreement on public procurement before making a decision on the filed complaint.
The authority shall decide on the appeal, the Commission for public procurement, which may issue a decision on
acceptance of the appeal, a decision rejecting a complaint or a decision rejecting the appeal.
8.17. Conclusion of contract
Purchaser will be a public procurement contract to deliver bidder awarding a contract within eight days of the expiry
of the deadline for filing an appeal. If the bidder to which the contract refuses to conclude the public procurement
contract, the contracting authority may conclude a contract with the second best bidder, and if the methodology for
allocating the weights necessary to determine the next-best bidder, the contracting authority will once again make a
professional evaluation of tenders and decide on award of contract.
In the case that only one bid the contracting authority may conclude the contract before the expiry of the deadline
for filing an appeal, provided that the offer is acceptable. If any interested person files a complaint, the contract will
be concluded after obtaining the legal requirements for the conclusion of the contract.
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse
8.18. Other
If a bidder in the Form 1 Offer in Table A), or indicate your e-mail address of the contact person for the public
procurement shall be deemed to have agreed that the correspondence between him and the customer can be made by
e-mail, and that the document sent by the weather the contracting authority is also an acknowledgment of receipt of
the document by the bidder.
Also, given that the contracting authority in section 1.5. Contact person for the public procurement cited e-mail
address of the contact person for the public procurement shall be deemed to have agreed that the correspondence
between him and suppliers can also be done by e-mail, and to whether the document sent by the bidder represents an
acknowledgment that document by the customer. For all that is not particularly specified in the tender documents,
the provisions of PRAG 2013 rules. In case of conflict between the text in parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the tender
documentation with the Form No. 1 Offer or Form No. 2 Technical specifications - the authoritative text in forms.
In case of conflict between text in any part of the bidding documents with text in Part 7. Model contract - the
authoritative text of the model contract.
In case of conflict between any part of the tender documentation with the Practical Guide to PRAG proceure
2013, the provisions PRAG 2013 rules.
The interested party is the preparation of tenders, tender documents required to study in detail and in all things act
upon it, as well as to monitor website PUC Krusevac, where the PUC Krusevac publish changes, additions,
clarifications of bidding documents and other documents.
For detailed information you can find out through the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract
procedures for EU external actions, the PRAG 2013 that applies in this proceeding, which is available at the
following Internet address:
Oснажити! Друштвено – економска инклузија Рома и најсиромашнијег сеоског становништва кроз процес рециклаже
of Roma га
& Rural
Poor through
Пројекат је финансиран
Европске Inclusion
уније а спроводе
ЈКП Крушевац,
Крушевац и УГ Treehouse
Project funded by the European Union and implemented by PUC Kruševac, Municipality Kruševac and CSO Treehouse