HPCL-Tank Truck Locking System (HPCL-TTLS)
HPCL-Tank Truck Locking System (HPCL-TTLS)
HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) TENDER FOR HPCL –TTLS (HPCL Tank Truck Locking System) For Western Zone Locations Prepared by MIPL, Security & IT Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 6 2. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................ 8 4. PREQUALIFICATION (BID QUALIFICATION) CRITERIA ............................................................................... 9 4.1 CONSORTIUM .......................................................................................................................................... 11 5. EXISTING LOCKING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................... 14 6. SYSTEM OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 16 7. SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................... 17 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 8. SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF HPCL-TTLS ............................................................................. 17 SYSTEM INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................................... 17 TT MODIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 17 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................. 17 SYSTEM TRAINING .................................................................................................................................... 18 USER MANUAL ........................................................................................................................................ 18 DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 18 ADDITIONAL SERVICES............................................................................................................................... 18 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 19 8.1 9. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 19 GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 21 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 21 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................................. 21 SOFTWARE.............................................................................................................................................. 22 INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 23 10. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 25 11. SYSTEM COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................................... 27 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 13. 13.1 ELECTRONIC PADLOCK SYSTEM ................................................................................................................... 27 SECURED KEY HOUSING (SKH) ................................................................................................................... 27 GPS SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................... 27 COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................... 27 INTEGRATION .......................................................................................................................................... 28 PROPOSED PROCESS ......................................................................................................................... 29 AT THE TERMINAL .................................................................................................................................... 29 AT THE RO ............................................................................................................................................. 30 EMERGENCY OPERATION ........................................................................................................................... 30 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 31 ELECTRONIC PADLOCK SYSTEM ................................................................................................................... 31 Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 2 Strictly Confidential 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 KEY PROGRAMMING UNIT ......................................................................................................................... 36 SECURED KEY HOUSING (SKH) ................................................................................................................... 37 TTLS SOFTWARE...................................................................................................................................... 43 SERVER .................................................................................................................................................. 49 GPS SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................... 50 WIRELESS ACCESS POINTS ......................................................................................................................... 51 CABLES & LAN ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................... 57 TT MODIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 59 SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................ 59 SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING & TERMINATION OF LAN, POWER AND CONTROL CABLES ........................................ 60 14. APPROVED MAKES ............................................................................................................................ 65 15. BID SUBMITTAL ................................................................................................................................. 67 15.1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 67 15.2 OPENING OF BIDS .................................................................................................................................... 67 15.3 PROPOSAL FORMAT & CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 68 15.4 INNOVATIVE PROPOSALS............................................................................................................................ 71 15.5 TWO BID SYSTEM..................................................................................................................................... 72 15.6 SCHEDULE OF TENDER/PROJECT EVENTS....................................................................................................... 74 15.7 PRICE VALIDITY ........................................................................................................................................ 74 15.8 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) .............................................................................................................. 75 15.9 ACCEPTANCE / REJECTION OF BID – PART OR FULL .......................................................................................... 75 15.10 PRE-BID MEETING ............................................................................................................................... 75 15.11 BIDDER’S COMMITMENT ....................................................................................................................... 75 15.12 INTEGRITY PACT................................................................................................................................... 76 15.13 ARBITRATION CLAUSE FOR INDIAN BIDDERS............................................................................................... 76 15.14 ARBITRATION CLAUSE FOR FOREIGN BIDDERS ............................................................................................ 78 15.15 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL BIDDERS ................................................................................. 79 15.15.1 Prequalification Criteria .............................................................................................................. 79 15.15.2 Commercial Proposal Format ..................................................................................................... 79 15.15.3 Format of EMD BG, CPBG & CAMC BG ....................................................................................... 79 15.15.4 Commercial Bid Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 79 15.15.5 Prices .......................................................................................................................................... 80 15.15.6 Payment ..................................................................................................................................... 80 15.16 CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................................................................ 80 16. BID EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................... 82 17. STANDARD CONTRACT TERMS .......................................................................................................... 84 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 COMPOSITE PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (CPBG).................................................................................. 84 IMPLEMENTATION PHASES ......................................................................................................................... 84 DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD / WARRANTY PERIOD ............................................................................................. 85 DELAY IN COMPLETION: LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ............................................................................................. 85 RISK PURCHASE ....................................................................................................................................... 86 THIRD PARTY INSPECTION [TPI] .................................................................................................................. 86 PAYMENT TERMS ..................................................................................................................................... 87 MODE OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................................................. 88 POST-WARRANTY COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (CAMC) ............................................... 88 Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 3 Strictly Confidential 17.10 17.11 BANK GUARANTEE FOR CAMC .............................................................................................................. 89 GENERAL............................................................................................................................................ 89 18. ANNEXURE I - SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES .......................................................................................... 91 19. ANNEXURE II - PRICED BID FORMAT – INDIAN BIDDERS .................................................................... 93 20. ANNEXURE III - PRICED BID FORMAT – FOREIGN BIDDERS ................................................................ 95 21. ANNEXURE IV - UNPRICED BID FORMAT – INDIAN BIDDERS .............................................................. 97 22. ANNEXURE V- UNPRICED BID FORMAT – FOREIGN BIDDERS ............................................................. 99 23. ANNEXURE VI – TEST CASES FOR THE POC ....................................................................................... 101 24. ANNEXURE VII - FORMAT FOR DRAFT BANK GUARANTEE IN LIEU OF BID SECURITY (EMD) ............. 103 25. ANNEXURE VIII - FORMAT DRAFT COMPOSITE BANK GUARANTEE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT/PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE ........................................................................................................ 105 26. ANNEXURE IX - AGREED TERMS & CONDITIONS .............................................................................. 108 27. ANNEXURE X - MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM ............................................................ 114 28. ANNEXURE XI – FORMAT FOR BIDDER INFORMATION SHEET& UNDERTAKING ............................... 115 29. ANNEXURE XII- CHECK LIST .............................................................................................................. 117 30. ANNEXURE XIII - PROCESSES ........................................................................................................... 119 31. Annexure XIII – Parent Company Guarantee……………………………………………………………………...119 Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 4 Strictly Confidential TENDER NOTICE HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED GLOBAL NOTICE FOR INVITATION FOR BIDSFOR HPCL TTLS Tank Truck Sealing System Tender No:- 12000115-HD-10002 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) invites sealed bids under single stage, two bid system under International Competitive Bidding for Supply, Installation, Testing, Integration, Commissioning and warranty & post-warranty support services of HPCL TTLS (Tank Truck Locking System) for approx. 1822 Tank Trucks in the West Zone as per details given in the bid document. Bid Security (EMD): Rs. 24,00,000/- (USD 43,500) Date, Time & Venue for Voluntary Pre-bid Meeting: August 09, 2012; 11:00 HRS (IST) at office of the Deputy General Manager, Procurement, nd HPCL, Gresham Assurance Building, 2 Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001 Bid Due Date, Time & Place of Submission: Upto 15:00 HRS (IST) on September 05, 2012 at the office of the Deputy General Manager, Procurement, HPCL, Gresham Assurance nd Building, 2 Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001 Detailed IFB along with Pre-qualification Criteria, Bid Document and Pre-bid Meeting Minutes & Corrigenda can be viewed and downloaded from HPCL’s website : http://www.hindustanpetroleum.com Deputy General Manager – Procurement HPCL, Mumbai Fax: 0091-22-2264 2352, Tel: 0091–22–22608530/20 Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 5 Strictly Confidential 1. ABBREVIATIONS ANSI API ASME ASTM ATEX BASEEFA American National Standards Institute American Petroleum Institute American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials Atmosphere Explosible British Approval Service for Electrical Equipment for Flammable Atmosphere BEDD CENELEC CPM DT EEIC EIA FAT GSM GPRS GPS HCA HPCL HMI HWC I FAT IP ISA ISO LPG MOP MOV NIST PESO PIM POD POI PSU QMS RAS RP RT RTU SAT SCADA SIT TSP Basic Engineering Design Data European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Computational Pipeline Monitoring Despatch Terminal Energy Industries Council Environmental Impact Assessment Factory Acceptance Test Global System for Mobile General Packet Radio Service Global Positioning System High consequence area. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Human, Machine Interface Hard Wired Cable Integrated Factory Acceptance Test Ingress Protection Instrument Systems and Automation Society International Standards Organization [International Organization for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Standardization] (org.) maximum operating pressure Motor Operated Valve National Institute of Standards and Tolerances Petroleum Explosive Safety Organisation (Formerly known as CCOE) Pipeline Integrity Management Probability of Detection Probability of Identification Power Supply Unit Quality Measurement System Risk s Assessment Study Recommended Practices Remote Terminal Remote Terminal Unit Site Acceptance Test Supervisory Control and data Acquisition System Integrated Test Telecom Service Provider Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 6 Strictly Confidential 2. INTRODUCTION Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL), is a Government of India enterprise with Navratna status and a Fortune 500 company, with an annual turnover of Rs. 1,78,336 crores during FY 201011, having about 21% marketing share in India, among PSUs and a strong market infrastructure. HPCL operates 2 major refineries producing a wide variety of petroleum fuels & specialties, one in Mumbai (West Coast) of 6.5 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) capacity and the other in Vishakapatnam, (East Coast) with a capacity of 8.3 MMTPA. HPCL holds an equity stake of 16.95% in Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited, a state-of-the-art refinery at Mangalore with a capacity of 9 MMTPA. In addition, HPCL has commissioned a refinery at Bhatinda, in the state of Punjab, as a joint venture with Mittal Energy Investments Pvt Ltd. HPCL also owns and operates the largest Lube Refinery in the country producing Lube Base Oils of international standards, with a capacity of 335 TMT. This Lube Refinery accounts for over 40% of the India's total Lube Base Oil production. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 7 Strictly Confidential 3. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE HPCL intends to install an intelligent Tank Truck Locking System (TTLS) for 1822 tank trucks in the Western zone for monitoring & controlling the locking & unlocking of the tank trucks for every trip. These trucks load fuels from 14 HPCL terminals in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Goa and distribute the same to 1826 retail outlets & 129 consumers. The following is a list of HPCL terminals that will be in the purview of this tender: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Akola Bhopal Gwalior Indore Jabalpur Loni Miraj Nagpur Panewadi Sagar Sholapur Vasco Vashi Wadala Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Goa Maharashtra Maharashtra Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 8 Strictly Confidential 4. PREQUALIFICATION (BID QUALIFICATION) CRITERIA 1. As per the audited balance sheet and Profit and Loss account, the average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three financial years ending March 31st, 2012 (20112012, 2010-11, 2009-10) should be at least Rs. 3.31 crores (USD 600,000). For the bidders following financial year closing at the end of June, September or December, the last three financial years ending with the respective quarter of 2011 will be considered. 2. The Net Worth of the company should be positive during the last three financial years ending March 31st, 2012 (2011-2012, 2010-11, 2009-10) 3. Bidders during the last seven years reckoned from 31-03-2012, should have successfully executed “Similar Works” (defined in clause 4 below) a total of multiple orders for an amount of at least Rs 4.41 Crores (USD 7,99,350) 4. A Bidder may be a System Integrator, who will procure Electronic locks from reputed vendors and develop software to meet our requirement or an Electronic locks manufacturer or his authorized representative, who will have a tie up or in-house capability as System Integrator 5. The definition of “Similar works” for a System Integrator includes: a. Automation system for POL installations/Retail Outlets/LPG/CNG Dispensing Stations b. Communication systems work in Telecom/Mobile Companies c. GPRS/GPS enabled systems d. Access Control System for Facilities 6. The definition of “Similar works” for an Electronic Locks manufacturer or his authorized representative includes supply of a. Electronic Locks/Security locks for POL transportation b. Electronic/Security Locks for Cash Chests in Banks, Reserve Bank Branches c. Electronic/Security Locks for Bullion Markets/ Jewellery Manufacturing companies d. Electronic/Security Locks for NBFC’s approved by RBI. 7. Mandatory documents to be submitted in support of the above PQ criteria include: a. For Item 1 above i. Indian Bidders: Audited Balance Sheets, Annual Reports and P&L Accounts, along with all schedules and annexures for FYs 2011-2012, 2010-11, 200910. ii. Foreign Bidders: Turnover of the last three financial years ending with the respective quarter of 2011 shall be considered. The acceptable document Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 9 Strictly Confidential shall be duly audited balance sheet/Profit & Loss Accounts. Turnover as certified by a Public Accountant appointed as per laws of the land where the bidder is situated. b. For Item 2 above i. Auditor’s Certificate indicating Net Worth for the last 3 FYs. c. For Items 3 above i. PO and Work Completion Certificates issued by clients totaling to the above stated value. d. For Items 4 above, any one of the following documents to be submitted. i. Work Orders towards Supply, Installation and commissioning of Automation System of POL locations/Retail Outlets/LPG/CNG Dispensing Stations ii. Work Orders towards Supply / Installation / Commissioning / Integration of Telecom Network/Servers/Modules/Equipment with Telecom Towers/OFC Network/Underground Cable Network. iii. Work Orders towards Supply / Installation / Commissioning of GPRS/GPS enabled systems iv. Work Orders towards Supply / Installation / Commissioning of Access Control Systems for Buildings, Factories, Warehouses, Defence Establishments, Banks, Hotels etc. v. Work Orders towards supply of Electronic/ Pad locks for TT Valves/Disc type locks/Abloy locks/Godrej locks/Key Restricted Way Padlock/Security Locks/Key Depository Services/Key Management System vi. Work Orders towards supply of Electronic Locks/Pad locks/Locking facility at any of the Scheduled/Cooperative/Grameen/Rural Banks and Reserve Bank Branches vii. Work Orders towards supply of Electronic/Pad Locks/Locking Facility/Locking System/Integrated Locking System to Bullion Markets, Commodity Exchanges and Jewellery Manufacturing companies.(Companies established as per Companies Act) viii. Work Orders towards supply of Electronic/Pad Locks/Locking Facility/Locking System/Integrated Locking System to NBFC’s approved by RBI. Copy of the RBI approval/Reference of RBI approval in work order is mandatory. 8. Note: For foreign bidder, List of Purchase/Work Orders/Invoices executed with Values duly certified by TPIA/Certified Public Accountant/Chamber of commerce. In case the bidder is not in a position to provide values of PO/ Invoices. Details in Completion Certificate shall mention Detailed Work scope, Location of work with address, e- mail & Contact Numbers, PO /Contract Reference, Value of the payments made reference the above scope, Time Period, Satisfactory working of the system Approved TPIA: DNV, LRIS, TUV Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 10 Strictly Confidential 9. Please note: a. All the documents in support of the PQC submitted by the bidders should be notarized. b. Without the submission of the above mentioned mandatory documents, HPCL is liable to reject the bid outright. c. Please note that it will be the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that all supporting documents in respect of the bidder’s prequalification criteria are submitted in the bid document. 4.1 Consortium 1. Parties who are affiliates of one another can decide which affiliate will make a bid. Only one affiliate may submit a bid. Two or more affiliates are not permitted to make separate bids directly or indirectly. If 2 or more affiliates submit a bid, then any one or all of them are liable for disqualification. However unto 3 affiliates may make a joint bid as a consortium, and in which case the conditions applicable to a consortium shall apply to them. 2. “Affiliate” of a Party shall mean any company or legal entity which: 2.1 controls either directly or indirectly a Party, or 2.2 which is controlled directly or indirectly by a Party; or 2.3 is directly or indirectly controlled by a company, legal entity or partnership which directly or indirectly controls a Party. 3. “Control” means actual control or ownership of at least a 50% voting or other controlling interest that gives the power to direct, or cause the direction of, the management and material business decisions of the controlled entity. 4. Bids may be submitted by: 4.1 a single person/ entity (called sole bidder); 4.2 a newly formed incorporated joint venture (JV) which has not completed 3 financial years from the date of commencement of business; 4.3 a consortium (including an unincorporated JV) having a maximum of 3 (three) members; 4.4 an Indian arm of a foreign company. 5. Fulfilment of Eligibility criteria and certain additional conditions in respect of each of the above 4 types of bidders is stated below, respectively: 5.1 The sole bidder (including an incorporated JV which has completed 3 financial years after date of commencement of business) shall fulfil each eligibility criteria. 5.2 In case the bidder is a newly formed and incorporated joint venture and which has not completed three financial years from the date of commencement of business, then Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 11 Strictly Confidential either the said JV shall fulfil each eligibility criteria or any one constituent member/ promoter of such a JV shall fulfil each eligibility criteria. The roles and responsibilities of each of the members of the JV shall be clearly identified in the form of a written guarantee. The guarantee shall cover inter alia the commitment of the member/promoter to complete the entire work in all respects and in a timely fashion, being bound by all the obligations under the contract, an undertaking to provide all necessary technical and financial support to the JV to ensure completion of the contract when awarded, an undertaking not to withdraw from the JV till completion of the work, etc. 5.3 In case the bidder(s) is/are a consortium (including an unincorporated JV), then the following conditions shall apply: 5.3.1 Each member in a consortium may only be a legal entity and not an individual person; 5.3.2 the Bid shall specifically identify and describe each member of the consortium; 5.3.3 the consortium member descriptions shall indicate what type of legal entity the member is and its jurisdiction of incorporation (or of establishment as a legal entity other than as a corporation) and provide evidence by a copy of the articles of incorporation (or equivalent documents); 5.3.4 One participant member of the consortium shall be identified as the “Prime member” and contracting entity for the consortium; 5.3.5 This prime member shall be solely responsible for all aspects of the Bid/Proposal including the execution of all tasks and performance of all consortium obligations; 5.3.6 Prime bidder has to fulfil all the pre-qualification criteria. 5.3.7 A commitment shall be given from each of the consortium members in the form of a letter signed by a duly authorized officer clearly identifying the role of the member in the Bid and the member’s commitment to perform all relevant tasks and obligations in support of the Prime/lead member of the Consortium and a commitment not to withdraw from the consortium; 5.3.8 No change shall be permitted in the number, nature or share holding pattern of the Consortium members after pre-qualification, without the prior written permission of HPCL. 5.3.9 No change in project plans, timetables or pricing will be permitted as a consequence of any withdrawal or failure to perform by a consortium member; 5.3.10 No consortium member shall hold less than 25% stake in a consortium; 5.3.11 Entities which are affiliates of one another are allowed to bid either as a sole bidder or as a consortium only; 6. Any person or entity can bid either singly or as a member of only one consortium. 7. In case the bidder is an Indian arm (subsidiary, authorized agent, branch office or affiliate) of a foreign bidder, then the foreign bidder shall have to fulfil each eligibility criteria. If such foreign company desires that the contract be entered into with the Indian arm, then a proper back to back continuing (parent company) guarantee shall be provided by the foreign Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 12 Strictly Confidential company clearly stating that in case of any failure of any supply or performance of the equipment, machinery, material or plant or completion of the work in all respects and as per the warranties/ guarantees that may have been given, the foreign company shall assume all obligations under the contract. Towards this purpose, it shall provide such comfort letter/guarantees as may be required by HPCL. The guarantees shall cover inter alia the commitment of the foreign company to complete the entire work in all respects and in a timely fashion, being bound by all the obligations under the contract, an undertaking to provide all necessary technical and financial support to the Indian arm or to render the same themselves so as to ensure completion of the contract when awarded, an undertaking not to withdraw from the contract till completion of the work. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 13 Strictly Confidential 5. EXISTING LOCKING SYSTEM Petroleum products are distributed from HPCL storage locations, i.e. depots terminals/ TOPs (Tap-off points) to retail outlets for further sale to the end customer. The products are transported from depots to retail outlets in tank trucks. These tank trucks may be company owned, dealer owned (owned by the retail outlet dealer) or contractor owned (third party). The dealer and contractor trucks operate under an agreement with HPCL. Such agreements are typically for 3 years. The tank trucks may be of varying capacities e.g. 10 KL 12 KL, 16KL, 20 KL etc. Recently, a few 25 KL Volvo trucks have been introduced by HPCL. The no. of compartments may be 3, 4 or 5. The distribution of no. of TTs all over India with 3,4 or 5 compartments is approximately: TTs with 3 Compartments: 20 % TTs with 4 Compartments: 70 % TTs with 5 Compartments: 10 % Each compartment has an opening at the top and an outlet valve at the bottom. Apart from the main opening meant for filling, there is also a small hole at the top for the dip rod. The openings are provided with threaded caps and are covered with a hemispherical dome cover or lid. The dome cover may be of aluminum or steel. The dome covers are hinged at one end and have a locking arrangement at the other end. Tank trucks may carry a single product or mixed load or a load of variants of the same product. Typically, a number of outlets are attached to one depot/terminal. In exceptional cases other outlets may also be fed. There is also a concept of “bridging” which means stock transfer from one depot to another. The depot receives indent from the customer (retail outlet with or without cheque/DD) (as per payment terms/credit allowed to each customer). The depot fills the truck as per the indent. Most of the locations have only top loading facilities. Some locations have recently been provided with bottom loading facilities for filling of Volvo trucks. After loading, the TT top hatches (dome covers) and bottom valves are locked withAbloy/Godrej locks. A delivered supply means it is the responsibility of HPCL to supply the product of correct quantity/quality at the receiving location (i.e. the retail outlet in this case). Each dome cover and bottom valve is locked. A particular set of Abloy/ Godrej locks is assigned to a dealer. One set of key(s) of this set of locks is with the dealer. The depot incharge has one master key of all locks within his jurisdiction. After the truck is sealed/ locked, the driver collects the invoice and proceeds to the destination. At the destination (Retail outlet), the locks are opened. The dips of each compartment are checked. The sample density/ temperature is checked. After the dealer is satisfied with the quality and quantity, the product is unloaded into the underground tank. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 14 Strictly Confidential In the West Zones, the following number of TTs are expected to be functional, on which the proposed TTLS will be installed: Terminal Location 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 15 Vashi, Maharsahtra Wadala, Mahasrahtra Indore, Madhya Pradesh Nagpur, Mahasrahtra Akola, Mahasrahtra Sagar, Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Sholapur, Maharashtra Loni, Maharashtra Miraj, Maharashtra Vasco, Goa Panewadi, Maharashtra Total Projected TT Requirement for 2012-17 12KL 75 ≥ 18KL 155 Total 230 28 17 45 100 35 135 91 14 105 70 18 88 52 0 52 132 0 132 120 0 120 60 0 60 118 32 150 173 114 287 107 22 129 50 180 17 42 67 222 1356 466 1822 Strictly Confidential 6. SYSTEM OBJECTIVES With a view to address the inherent lacunae and potential for tampering in the current tank locking system HPCL wants to deploy an additional secure mechanism, which would provide indications and alerts in case of tampering / subversion. We have called this system Tank Truck Locking System or TTLS. The objectives of TTLS are: To provide a secure locking mechanism for Top Dome covers (TDC) and Outlet Valves (OV)/Discharge Faucets of every tank truck carrying HPCL fuel To generate and disseminate (real time) alerts in the case of unauthorized handling / opening / closing of the locks To provide post evidences in the event of unauthorized handling To track & record the process of locking and unlocking for every trip of the Tank Truck To centrally monitor activities and alerts of the locking & unlocking processes Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 16 Strictly Confidential 7. SCOPE OF WORK The detailed scope of services & various deliverables under it for the selected vendor for the HPCLTTLS project shall be as follows: 7.1 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of HPCL-TTLS The indicative Schedule of Quantities for various hardware & software components of HPCL-TTLS is provided in Annexure I. The scope of services for the selected vendor shall be supply, installation, commissioning & testing of HPCL-TTLS components (Indicative) as per the specifications & makes mentioned in the Technical Requirements section of this tender document. The vendor shall also provide the GPRS & GPS services in collaboration with a telecom service provider (TSP). The vendor shall sign a tripartite agreement with HPCL, alongwith the TSP, which will include a detailed service level agreement, guaranteeing the 99% availability of the telecom service. 7.2 System Integration The system should be capable of interchanging data from and to the JD Edwards ERP system of HPCL to ensure that operational data are reflected both ways. The main points of integration will be exchange of destination values on truck arrival into the terminal (JDE to TTLS), intimation of completion of the truck locking operation (TTLS to JDE) and completion of truck unlocking & locking operations (TTLS to JDE), at the RO. The Interoperability parameters will be provided for import and export of data and the system should be capable of doing this in real-time. 7.3 TT Modification The TTs which are to be provided with the proposed TTLS will have to undergo modification for a common locking system on the top (for the top dome covers) as well as at the bottom (for the unloading valves). The exact scope for the same is mentioned in Section 13. 7.4 System Maintenance 12-Month System Warranty - All the components of HPCL-TTLS shall carry a comprehensive on-site warranty of 12 months from the date of its successful installation. Successful installation signifies the commissioning of the TTLS project at the last TT and HPCL location. 48-Month Post-Warranty AMC - In addition to the standard 12-month warranty, HPCL-TTLS components shall also be under a comprehensive on-site Annual Maintenance Contract for a period of 48-month post warranty period. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 17 Strictly Confidential The vendor shall provide the necessary Operations & Maintenance support, for the one-time as well as recurring lock configuration. For this purpose, the vendor shall depute one no. qualified engineer at each of the terminals for the total contract period (including the AMC period). 7.5 System Training The Scope of Services under System Training shall include a) providing 1‐week system operation & maintenance training in Hindi & English language to at least 4 HPCL personnel from each location, along with providing the proper training material, in soft as well as hard copies. 7.6 User Manual The vendor shall supply system Users’ (Operations & Maintenance) Manual in English & Hindi languages in soft (MS Word and PDF), editable formats. 7.7 Documentation The vendor shall prepare & maintain proper project documentation, such as Project Management Plan (Complete as well as location-wise) system drawings, test plans, test results, minutes of the review meetings, training plans etc. 7.8 Additional Services Customer Support/Help Desk - The selected vendor shall provide a 24x7 operations & maintenance help desk support throughout the contract period, for a minimum period of 5 years, including the AMC period. Note: Notwithstanding anything contained in this document, regardless of what appears in the indicative schedule of quantities, it shall be the responsibility of the vendor to supply, install, commission, test & maintain all the components required to make HPCL-TTLS a) total & fully functional b) function as per the functional requirements set in this document without any financial or any other obligation to HPCL. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 18 Strictly Confidential 8. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 8.1 System Description HPCL-TTLS shall have a centralized architecture with a centralized server system hosted at the core (Central Data Center) managing the locking operation at remote locations. The data center shall be in premises assigned by HPCL within a location in India. It shall deploy a very high level of encryption technology, minimal points of failures, scalability & industry standard redundant architecture and an extremely essential conformance to a well-documented failure-to-safety policy-framework. The central location shall have a robust server (with an enterprise level software and an enterprise level 32-bit/64-bit operating system), a Fail-over server and a database server with the latest version of MS-SQL/Oracle/mySQL DB. The system being the backbone of the security of the establishment, a formal Business Continuity Policy [BCP] framework shall be set up by the vendor in conjunction with HPCL within which a site would be identified for redundant Disaster Recovery Center fall-back. The proposed Tank Truck Locking System shall preferably be a web-based system with central level administration that will involve setting up of Electronic padlocks (henceforth mentioned as just padlocks) for every TT, for the Top Dome covers (TDC) and Outlet Valve Box/Assembly Unit (OV) of the TT. The electronic key to the padlocks shall travel in a securely held key housing, located in the cabin of the tank truck, which shall be released only on suitable authentication. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 19 Strictly Confidential TTLS shall comprise following components: Electronic Padlocks & Keys Key Programming Unit Secured Key Housing (Smart Box) Vehicle Tracking System / Journey Management Software RFID Transceivers Communication system including wireless access points & GPRS devices Integration with HPCL legacy systems, including JD Edwards Electronic Padlock System GPS System TTLS Secured Key Housing (SKH) Central Server Integration GPRS The unlocking operation at the terminal as well as at the retail outlets shall be governed using following parameters: Smart Card Mifare DESFire EV1 cards with highest levels of encryption, to be used for smartbox opening Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 20 Trip Code Random trip-based code to be generated for every unloading trip and sent to RO via a secure communication mode Time of Operation The key from the smartbox can be extracted only during a particular time interval based on expected time of arrival of the TT Strictly Confidential Latlong Coordinates The key from the smartbox can be extracted only if the actual GPS coordinates match with records. 9. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 9.1 9.2 General The system shall provide future system expansion capability, through the use of scalable hardware and software solutions and with the provision of nonproprietary external interface integration points for the database and application functions. The power supply available to the electrical loads of the system is 230V, 50 Hz, single phase AC, and sufficient isolation shall be provided from the loads. The electronic circuits used in the system shall be of solid state fail safe design and be provided with proper coating to have resistance to humidity and corrosion which enables the operation from being impaired by dust and dirt. The system shall have flexibility for upgradation and expansion in all respects depending on future requirements with standard modules. All the TTLS security equipment installed at all the locations will be interconnected and function as one system. The system shall support up to 50000 electronic locks System Architecture The system shall adhere to a centralized architecture, with centrally located application and database servers, connected to web-clients at remote locations. Network connectivity shall be via HPCLWAN. Network communications shall utilize TCP/IP network communications protocol. Sufficient resilience / redundancy and logic shall be provided to assure that the availability objectives can be met without manual intervention. The hardware shall be designed so that there is no single point of failure that can cause operations to be disrupted. System components shall be independent and capable of co-existing on the system to allow for an increased level of capacity. Modular design and flexibility shall be provided for easy expansion of the system to the extent specified without degradation of the system's performance. The vendor shall also clearly specify the requirement for disaster recovery, including the details of the hardware and software that would be required for the same. The vendor should also clarify how the replication of data and software will happen and what would be the connectivity requirement for the DR centre. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 21 Strictly Confidential 9.3 The specifications for central servers & terminal workstations suggested in the tender document are the minimum specifications sought by HPCL. Bidders are advised to suggest suitable upgraded versions of these equipments that are required for the quoted solution so as to deliver the required response times. Software Software provided shall be a 32-bit/64-bit based application. Software shall be based on an operating system as defined herein. The vendor shall deliver all required system and application software for a fully functioning system. Each shall be identified by the generic, off-the shelf name. The software provided by the vendor to operate the system shall be delivered in a ready-to-run form, including all necessary utility programs and documentation. The system shall use industry standard application development software and APIs. All software licenses shall be provided as required. Renewable or subscription licenses shall not be used. The vendor shall ensure that updates and upgrades to the application software are provided and applied without any cost implication and that upgrades are compatible to the customisation of TTLS including interfaces. The TTLS Software shall be a highly scalable enterprise level software solution, capable of integrating with the HPCL ERP solution. About 100 users are likely to work concurrently on the iBACS application software. The TTLS software package shall be fully parameter driven and operate within the offered OS environment. The Vendor shall provide the source code of all customisations, reports, applications, Database & table structures and interfaces to JDE-ERP, AMS and any other application to HPCL IS Department. The vendor shall conduct knowledge transfer sessions / training programs for HPCL IS staff, with the perspective of system administration and application management. All software provided by the vendor should be licensed to HPCL. In case it is discovered that the vendor has provided HPCL with unlicensed software, the vendor should replace this software and install licensed software, at no extra cost to HPCL. If any third party claims that a solution component supplied hereunder infringes a Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 22 Strictly Confidential patent or copyright, the vendor will defend HPCL against that claim at vendor’s expense and pay all costs, damages, and attorney’s fees that a Court finally awards. If such a claim is made, vendor shall enable HPCL to continue to use, or to modify or replace the product. If it is determined that none of these alternatives are reasonably available, vendor shall be required to give HPCL a credit for such Product for the value of the order. The bidders shall quote/supply all developed software modules (Commercial offthe-Shelf) and should not supply any modules which are under development/testing. However, customisation of a pre-developed software product, to HPCL’s needs shall be acceptable. In case bidder has proposed any third party software components as a part of solution, he is required to declare/confirm the following: o o o 9.4 Clearly identify/list all such components in response to the tender Confirm that the bidder is authorised to supply and distribute such components Confirm that HPCL will get the AMC support similar to other modules of the solution. Interface Requirements The TTLS software shall be seamlessly integrated with the JDE ERP system. The design and development of an adaptor for this integration shall be carried out by the vendor. The vendor will manage the integration effort for systems interfacing including the following: Manage the design &development of all interfaces, including the development of Interface Control Documents (ICDs) for TTLS and legacy systems. The vendor will manage and control all ICD until sign off by all interfacing parties. Coordinate and manage meetings/workshops, to ensure all parties have a clear understanding of the interfacing requirements and the information to be provided from each party. Be responsible for developing and managing all interface test procedures until full integration is satisfactorily signed off. The integration work will include the provision of all necessary hardware and software, operational/production licenses, software development kits and any additional license required for the implementation, in order to undertake full Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 23 Strictly Confidential integration between iBACS and the legacy systems. The vendor shall be responsible for: Ensuring all operating systems and software purchased under their contract shall be compatible with and capable of implementation with the Integration Architecture. Attending all workshop meetings and contributing to the development of the ICD and provide any other information required for the system integration. Installing any additional interfacing software required for successful integration with the legacy systems. The vendor shall be responsible for the procurement and installation and commissioning of such software. Providing equipment and system software for testing within the Integrated Test Facility (ITF). Providing all necessary support and attendance for interface testing within the ITF, on site testing and commissioning and Project Operational Trials. The vendor shall develop, and shall contribute to and implement, the following Plans and Procedures: i) Risk Management ii) Interface Management iii) Project Management (SBU-wise, Location-wise & Overall)iv) Integration Management v) Maintenance & Operation Plan vi) Standard Operating Procedures vii) Training Plan viii) User Manuals and other standard plans & procedures as specified by HPCL The system should have capability of integration with existing fire alarm system. And should follow NFPA guidelines requiring that a)the activation of the fireprotective signaling system must automatically unlock the egress doors and b) the doors must remain unlocked until the fire protective signaling system has been reset Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 24 Strictly Confidential 10. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Electronic padlocks shall be employed for locking the top dome covers & the bottom outlet valve box / assembly unit, with 2 padlocks being used per TT. 2. Modification will have to be carried out for each tank truck to secure the top dome covers with a common cross bar as well as the bottom valves with a common valve box, both of sturdy quality. 3. Every padlock will be uniquely identified and the keys will operate based on the unique code for every lock. Each key will programmed such that it can open several assigned padlocks 4. The keys and the locks shall be programmed one-time and assigned to a particular tank truck, utilizing the key programming unit. This programming will be done at a central location – one in each zone, which will allow HPCL to control the key management and issual mechanisms effectively. 5. The key shall be housed in a secure key housing (smart box) which will be mounted on the TT. The key will be locked into position in the smartbox, until an authentication event (smart card) triggers the release of the key from the smartbox. The smartbox shall also have a keypad for dual authentication, which will be used to type in the trip based codes at the RO end / fixed codes at the terminal end. 6. The smart box will be in communication with the central server at all times through GPRS (when outside terminal) or wireless (when in terminal). 7. The smartbox will have own geofencing capability, alongwith capability of integration at a later date with any additional VTS installed on the TT. The smartbox shall allow the release of the key only when the tank truck is in the desired latlong position / geofence at the terminal / retail outlet. The GPS/GPRS capability shall be such that it if the home network is not available it shall catch the next available network. 8. The trip based codes shall be transmitted securely over the system, via SMS to the authorized person in the RO. Simultaneously, the system should also send the code to a registered email id. 9. Additionally, a GPRS-based mobile app will be created, which has to be downloaded on the dealer’s mobile. After the truck leaves the terminal, the system will push the trip code to the respective dealer as a webpage, which can be accessed by the dealer on his GPRS enabled phone, via suitable login. This will avoid inconvenience in situations wherein the SMS has not been received. The “app” can be deployed on the dealer’s mobile through a system SMS or through an email he can be asked to download via a particular secure domain. The app can be designed for Symbian, Java, Windows Mobile and Android phones, which will cover most of the phones in the marketplace. However, we can still keep the SMS as an optional / emergency service. 10. The key shall be retrieved from the smart box for only a specified time-limit. If the key is not returned within the time-limit, suitable system alarms shall be generated. Alarms shall be in the form of sufficiently audible beeps on the smart box and the central system, as well as visual event indicators on the smart box and the central system. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 25 Strictly Confidential 11. The keys shall be non-duplicable. The keys shall have both mechanical patterns as well as electronic coding. The electronic code shall reside on a chip with proper encryption. The padlocks shall also have a unique chip for proper authentication. 12. The smartbox, keys & locks shall have an embedded clock function to enable synchronization of events with the HPCL central server. 13. Both the key & the locks shall maintain audit trails of events (such as lock opening, closing, tampering, vandalism attempts) associated with it. 14. The lock shall have internal memory of at least 500 (transactions of about a month) transactions. The transactions will be defined in such a way that for a particular trip there will be 4 “open” & 4 “close” processes allowed for each lock. The locks should preferably not have any battery (to meet Atex criteria) and should be activated either through contact with the key or through mechanical motion of the key. However, if padlocks with battery, are able to meet Atex criteria the same will also be acceptable. 15. The system shall have the capability to generate alarms & alerts of various events in the form of GUI representations as well as via SMS, automated phone calls & emails. 16. The padlocks, keys & the smart box shall be suitable for outdoor use with IP65 ratings. 17. All keys (including the master keys) shall have RFID tags so as to ensure that key displacement beyond permissible distances shall generate system alarms. 18. The system components shall have the necessary statutory safety compliances & certifications - Indian (PESO) as well as international (ATEX and /or IECEX). The padlocks shall be intrinsically safe. In case a participating bidder/OEM meeting the desired specifications does not have the PESO certification at the time of the submission of the proposal, the same company will be asked to provide a self-declaration to the effect that the PESO certification process has been initiated. 19. The system shall enable deliveries of part loads whenever required. This shall be done through separate identification of part-load trucks (which will have separate padlocks per compartment). 20. The system shall generate all required alerts and reports such as trip based event summary, active (open) locks, active keys, keys / locks in transit, vehicles in transit, abnormal events, and so on. 21. The entire system shall be managed by a secure call centre operation which will be run 24 x 7 and which will have a toll free number and adequate authorizations for requesting information. The call center may be brought into play even in case of trip codes not being delivered to the retail destination. In such scenarios, multiple security authentications will be designed into the system so that the trip code is verbally handed over to the right person at the RO. 22. The system shall have the capability to release the key in emergency situations, when the truck is not either at the terminal or at the retail outlet. This shall be done by remotely managing the smartbox, wherein on activation of an emergency mode, the key should be released using the TT smart card and the emergency code. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 26 Strictly Confidential 11. SYSTEM COMPONENTS 11.1 Electronic Padlock System Electronic Padlock System shall offer dual security of both mechanical and electronic validation for operation of the locking system. Programmable keys shall utilize electronic technology and encrypted communication. The locking system (both the padlock & the key) shall maintain an audit trail of all the vents associated with locking & unlocking of inlets & outlets. The lock & key configuration shall be undertaken through a centralized software. The padlock system shall integrate with GPS system for recognition & validation of the loading & delivery location. 11.2 Secured Key Housing (SKH) SKH shall be a secured housing for storage of electronic key in transit. The housing shall use a secured access mechanism utilizing Mifare DESFire EV1 technology. The smart cards used for HPCL centralised biometric access control system (iBACS) shall be used in the SKH access mechanism. 11.3 GPS System The GPS system shall be used to recognize the LatLong coordinates of the tank truck’s geographical location. The same shall be provided to the SKH & Electronic Padlock System for verification & validation. 11.4 Communication The system shall use GPRS communication interface for communication with the central server. The access control reader on the SKH shall use 13.56MHz secured transmission for smart card communication. The system shall also be capable of handling various advantages like Firmware on the Fly, GPRS and SMS mode interchange, Home network handling capability etc. The system shall be based on a heartbeat message concept, with a intelligent queuing and handling system. The protocols for use need to be custom for usage and operation. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 27 Strictly Confidential 11.5 Integration The system should be capable of interchanging data from and To the JD Edwards ERP system to ensure that operational data are reflected both ways. Interoperability parameters will be provided for import and export of data and should be capable of doing this in realtime. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 28 Strictly Confidential 12. PROPOSED PROCESS Currently, most of the TTs operate with a Top loading / Bottom unloading mechanisms and they may carry more than one grade of product in different compartments. As a part of the new locking system it is expected that a sturdy cross (link) bar will be passed through the dome covers so that only one lock is required on the top (Common Locking system) and the other for the valve box that covers the outlet valves at the bottom (OV) Thus, each TT is expected to have two padlocks. The following process is expected to be followed once the proposed TTLS is commissioned. 12.1 At the Terminal 1. New TTs shall need to get registered in the system and be assigned padlocks & keys. Also, a smartbox with unique serial number will be fitted within the cabin to house the key. The smartbox will draw power from the truck battery and will be fitted in a non-tamperable manner. In case of tampering/power disruption, the system will detect & record the time and the location where the event has occurred. 2. Empty TT will arrive at the terminal gate and will be allowed entry into the Terminal after document verification and biometric authentication of the TT crew. 3. The TT will be taken to the queuing area, where the key-in-charge (KIC) of the Terminal will open the smart box (fitted on the TT) using his biometric smart card. 4. This action will erase the previous trip authentications in the smartbox. This will also trigger the data exchange between the wireless transceivers on the smart box and in the terminal control room. 5. The smart box will recognize the geofencing coordinates of the location and only then allow the key to be extracted from the smart box. (In case the padlocks have GPS capability, then this feature can be applied directly to the padlock itself). 6. The KIC will use the key in the smartbox to unlock the padlock(s) on the TDCs. The key cannot be taken out, with the padlock in unlocked condition. 7. A master key will reside in a secure key cabinet within the control room, secured using biometric identification and will require two person authentication for opening. The extraction of the master key shall also generate adequate audit trails. The master key shall be used only in exceptional circumstances, when the key on the TT is lost or not working. 8. The smart box will be programmed in a way that the system will generate an alarm in case the key is not returned into the smart box within a specified interval. 9. The SKH will also perform the role of programming and reprogramming the keys as well as communicating various events to the central server via a wireless access point within the Terminal. 10. After the loading operation is complete, the TT will be taken back to the queuing area where the KIC will release the key from the smart box and use it to lock the TDCs. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 29 Strictly Confidential 11. This activity will signify the completion of the loading process (the KIC may be provided an additional button on the smartbox to indicate the completion of the activity) and prompt the system to interact with the JDEdwards system for receipt (from JDE) of destination data and intimation (to JDE) of the completion of the loading operation, so that exit documentation for the tank truck may be prepared. 12. Simultaneously, the smartbox will be reconfigured by the system to be used at the consignee retail outlet. A trip based code will be sent to the authorized person at the retail outlet via SMS / email for releasing the key from the smartbox. This will also serve as an intimation of the truck leaving the terminal. 13. Once the truck leaves the terminal the fixed codes for the smartbox (to be used when TT is in the terminal) will be rendered invalid. 14. All the events will be communicated to the central server. 12.2 At the RO 1. Once the TT reaches the RO, the dealer or the authorized person will extract the key from the smartbox, using his smart card and the random, trip based code received via SMS/email. The system will also verify the latlong coordinates to enable the key extraction. In case the SMS / email has not been received, the dealer can call the toll free number to check the status of the SMS/email delivery. 2. The dealer will open both the TDCs and the OV and will do so in combination with the geofencing capability of the system. 3. The disengagement of the key from the SKH will be recorded by the system to generate an alarm for disengagement beyond a specified period. 4. Oncethe unloading operation is complete, the dealer will perform the system operations by locking the TDC’s and OV’s. Before the empty truck leaves the RO, the engagement of the keys with the smartboxwill ensure that the trip-codes are rendered invalid and the locks can be re opened only at the Terminal. 12.3 Emergency Operation 1. In case of emergencies, the TT crew / authorized person from the TT operator will dial the call centre support. On verification, the call centre personnel will escalate the matter to the appropriate location in charge. 2. The system shall have the capability to enable the location-n-charge to transmit the code to an authorized person that will enable emergency opening of the TT valves, using the key in the SKH. An appropriate workflow shall be defined in the system, for at least two-level escalation. 3. This can be done by remotely activating the emergency mode for the smartbox (with suitable authorization) and enabling the TT smartcard with a code, to open the smartbox. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 30 Strictly Confidential 13. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13.1 Electronic Padlock System Particulars Functional Specifications General Mechanical Specifications Specifications The system should be capable of being used with an electronic padlock system that should offer dual security of both mechanical and electronic validation for operation of the locking system. The system should be capable of remotely downloading audit trails from lock and key when needed. The system should be capable of being programmed remotely usage and time zones for usage if needed. The device shall be based on Power over Ethernet module that remotely downloads audit trail. The electronic locking technology shall integrate the mechanical key system along with electronics that allow time and date functions, audit trails and easy retrofit into any application without the need for batteries in the locks. These keys should operate mechanical only locks and can operate the intelligent electro-mechanical locks. Padlocks shall be chrome-plated brass body and shackle. Padlocks shall be manufactured with heel & toe locking. Stainless steel ball bearings dead-lock the shackles at both ends for a strong hold. Padlocks shall be assembled with a hardened, free-spinning protection plate to prevent drill bits from penetrating the lock through the keyway. Padlocks shall be available in both rekeyable and non-rekeyable cylinder option. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 31 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Particulars Specifications Rekeyable option shall allow changing of key and disc combination by authorized representative due to lost, stolen or damaged key. Padlocks shall be designed with key removable in locked position only. Padlocks shall be tested for protection against corrosion according to SFS-ISO9227, corresponds to ISO9227:1990 test (Annex 2) Key and key blanks shall be protected by patent. Key shall be a full metal key made of nickel silver. Key shall be designed with symmetrically reversible key for user-friendly operation. Key shall be cuts on two radii Ten different colour inserts shall be available for easy identification. Key should offer strict key control with three levels of security: Authorized Level where keys shall be provided by authorized representative. User has the option to upgrade to Factory-restricted Level where keys shall be control. Where applications require, customer will be given exclusive keyway at Customer-restricted Level to allow total control. Cylinder mechanism shall offers extensive master-keying possibilities with 1.97 billion different key combinations per keyway. Keying configuration shall be customized to meet user requirements. The unique, patented construction of the rotating detainer disc mechanism shall ensure that the cylinder will be virtually pickproof. The cylinder shall incorporate a unique disc blocking system to stop any attempt to Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 32 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Particulars Specifications manipulate or bypass the cylinder. The cylinder shall offer a smooth, durable and reliable operation that shall be resistant to wear, dirt, moisture, corrosion and freezing. The cylinder shall not contain springs or pins to wear out. The products shall be designed to meet and exceed several international standards for high security including UL437 and EN1303. Electronic Security Shall be based on the High Security Rotating system specification Disc Technology High Security Heel & Toe locking shackle Master Keyed as per the system need Marked with customer logo if requested by customer Shall employ a hardened boron steel shackle Shall be equipped with a color insert for easy identification May utilize a customer specific key profile on request Padlocks shall be designed with key removable in locked position only Padlocks shall be tested for protection against corrosion according to SFS-ISO9227, corresponds to ISO9227:1990 test Padlocks shall meet and exceed requirements of CEN standard EN12320 Grading: Designed to fulfill EN12320 class 3 requirements Weather proofing: Interior sealing arrangements against water, moisture and dirt Shackle: 8 mm hardened boron steel Cylinder housing: Interior housing made of hardened steel Padlock body: Brass Cap: Waterproof brass cap attached on the padlock with a stainless steel cable ATEX APPROVAL meeting standards EN Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 33 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Particulars Specifications 60079 : 2006 EN 60079 11: 2007 EN 61241-0 : 2006 EN 61241 -11 : 2006 ATEX Rating of II 2GD EX ib IIC T4 ibD A21 T35’C PESO APPROVAL Communication RJ45 connection to Ethernet, can be powered over Ethernet (PoE) Audit Trail System should be capable of downloading Download audit trail from locks and keys. Audit trail should provide for trail of usage attempts without authorization also. Power Supply Aux power connector Power supply: 7-24V AC or DC 2W) Power supply PoE: 42-57 V DC referral to standard IEEE 802.3af Note: connect the PoE unit in series with the Wall PD Ethernet cable. Specifications for Programmable keys shall utilize electronic Electronic keys technology and encrypted communication Usage of keys shall create audit trail in key and in cylinder Key shall employ the 3V lithium battery (type CR 2032) needed to power-up the electronics located in both the key and cylinder. Lifetime of battery in average shall be 2 years (subject to frequency and conditions of usage) Key shall give out an audible sound signal to user during operation. All key holders and cylinders shall be EN1303 and UL 437 listed for high security drill, pick and bypass resistance and patent protected key blanks. There must be the ability to combine large numbers of different keys into a single cylinder. Mortise cylinders must be made of completely hardened steel or Brass material with a tapered face to resist drilling and Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 34 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Particulars Specifications wrenching. Rotating disc material must be of bronze alloy. Cylinder gates must incorporate sidebar gates, which will align the discs when the proper key shall be inserted and turned 90 degrees either clockwise or counterclockwise. A fixed sidebar shall then drop into the side bar gate(s) disengaging the plug from the cylinder housing and opening the lock. Cylinder must have the option that keys can be facilitated to turn either clockwise or counterclockwise only. A patented disc controller shall be in each cylinder that prevents the discs from turning until the key has been fully inserted. All keys shall be made completely of nickel silver and be able to receive color ID insert in the key bow. The key shall the convenience feature of being reversible. The same key must be able to operate a complete range of products including replacement cylinders, deadbolts, padlocks, cabinet locks, cam locks, switch locks, key deposit locks and rim locks. Power Supply for Battery in the key, size ø 20 x 3.2 mm. keys 3 V lithium battery (type CR 2032). Lifetime shall be about 20000 key operations. Speed of the Cylinder can be operated after 0.4 seconds electronic from the key insertion. functionality in Sound indication shall be given when key operation turning can be started. Environmental Use temperature: Key -10°C to 50°C restrictions for use Use temperature: Cylinder -30°C to 70°C Cylinders shall be not suitable to be used in continuously wet conditions, unless the Access of water into the keyway shall be prevented. Communication Communication between the cylinder and security key shall have minimum 112 bits DES encryption. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 35 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Particulars Memory structure of cylinders and keys Audit Trail of the usage of Physical key in operation Specifications Cylinder: 200 authorized key groups and programming keys together, Theoretically maximum 65535 keys in each group 3000 unauthorized or denied keys list 1000 last events audit trail 20 last events audit trail for other systems’ keys Physical usage audit trail should be generated with respect to who used the key. Key removal should be possible only when presented with Electronic token and pin. Further input of Transaction id shall be required to remove the key. System should provide control of usage using a system of Time control over operations, duration control and frequency of removal for the duration specified. System should be driven with a Delivery point specific Transaction ID that will be used for using the product and can be used only once. Continuous flow of data to validate the system should be available for usage and verification. Compliance (Y/N) 13.2 Key Programming Unit Particulars General Specification Compliance (Y/N) Specifications A key programming unit will serve as the bridge between the information in the central server and every key and lock (cylinder) in the system. Each terminal will hold a KPU to enable dynamic programming of the keys and the cylinders attached to the particular TTs attached to that terminal. The KPU will be wall mounted with an Ethernet connection and power through 12 24 V adapter or PoE (Power over Ethernet). Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 36 Strictly Confidential The KPU will also have the facility (via an RFID transceiver) to sound alerts in case the key travel beyond a specified distance away from the KPU. Operating Temperature -10 0 to 50 0 C Certification – CE / UL 13.3 Secured Key Housing (SKH) Particulars General Specifications the Electronics Compliance (Y/N) Specifications The key from the Locking system shall be transported in a secured manner with recognition of the key real-time in cognizance with latitude and longitude. This means that the operation of the system shall be integrated to recognition of the key and geo validation for the operation of the system. for The system should ensure the storage of key and recognition of the key. The recognition of the key should validate the mechanical head of the key and validate that the system shall be accessible only with proper authentication and authority validation. The authentication should be in a position to be conveyed remote and monitored for usage in terms of the time and duration. The Key requirement characteristics of the system shall be as follows: The Controller unit shall be manufactured in an all-metal casing and be based on a solid-state microprocessor, operating on an open source technology. It shall include a built-in web server that provides full access to all control parameters. The Controller shall be capable of storing all data in the storage SD card and be capable of retrieval on demand. The M2m communication module should include intelligent synchronization and quick delivery of data. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 37 Strictly Confidential Particulars Compliance (Y/N) Specifications Every activity of delivery should be governed with a transaction id that should be required for input along with the electronic token. This ID should in addition to the standard electronic token with pin input. The Transaction id should be capable of being used only for one delivery iteration , of the system. System should use a 32 bit processing system capable of encryption in communication and storage. Local storage with SD card shall be required on the system with optional can bus interface. Heart beat message should be provided to the user every few minutes and the system should be capable of handling these at preset time intervals. The Controller shall be able to provide continuous monitoring and shall respond on demand back to the control server all details. The Controller shall be equipped with a GSM module and at least 2 alarm inputs and 2 control outputs providing status information. The GSM module should be capable of operating in temperatures of 85 degrees C and should be capable of Calling identification presentation and restriction, capable of connected line identification presentation and restriction, USSD feature, Network identity and time zone management systems. The modem shall have the following regulatory approvals Regulatory and Approvals • R&TTE • GCF • FCC/CE • PTCRB Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 38 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Specifications • IC • RoHS • IOT The modem should have the following data handling features including : 1. Firmware on the Air feature. 2. Internal TCP/IP & UDP/IP 2. Embedded FTP GPRS 3. Multislot Class 10 4. Download up to 85.6 kbit/s 5. Upload up to 42.8 kbit/s 6. Coding Scheme CS1 - CS 4 CSD 7. CS data calls (transparent / Nontransparent) up to 9.6kbps 8. Modem type V.32, V.110 SMS 9. PDU / Text mode 10. Cell broadcast The Controller shall be equipped with an RS-232 connector providing connectivity to charger systems. The Controller shall be equipped with a Micro SD card of 2GB capacity. It should support 20,000 RO users and their cards. The Controller shall be equipped with a minimum of four LED’s on the front, providing visible status information in green, red when keys shall be taken and removed. The Controller shall operate using DC-based power supplies providing 8 – 24 Volts, min 80W. Firmware should be capable of being updated on the fly and have strong M2M methodologies in implementation. MIFARE DESFire EV1 Particulars Electronic Authentication usage for Capable of writing specific sectors with encryption and password. Storage of 400 events on the card on encrypted basis. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 39 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Specifications Capable of reading out thru USB system. Recognition of key in Electromechanical recognition and SKH electronic validation of key. System should be capable of validating the mechanical portion of the key. The system should be capable of validating mechanical keys as well as electronic keys. Access to key possible with MIFARE DESFire EV1 or HID iCLASS (To be decided by HPCL at a later date) Strong holding and turning resistance to the extent of 40Kn System should be capable recognizing key removal and key return. Non return of key should also be recognized. System should recognize incorrect return or non return and raise local alarms and escalate. The key holding system should meet and exceed the testing standards given under EN 12320, UL437 and EN1303. Battery backup The primary power of the system comes system from the truck battery. However the system should have a DC to DC convertor capable of handling 8 to 30V and a battery charger. The secondary battery should be capable of operating the system for two full days and finally a Lithium ION battery that ensures it shall be always alert and awake. Firmware design The system should be designed for use in the following basic methodology of usage. The system should have ability to store up to 20,000 users. The data should store all info including the card info and pin numbers. These users need to be activated on demand for allowing access to the key storage system. The level of Particulars Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 40 Strictly Confidential Particulars Firmware testing VTS Unit Compliance (Y/N) Specifications key access should be definable for times of usage and duration. Transaction ID should be provided for every operation and this should be required as a onetime input for removal and return of the key. The key storage system should be programmed with capability to have heartbeat message to the reporting server and queuing for sequential access when delivering data. The firmware should be based on a complete user menu for usage and operation at the end user point. Functionally testing should be done throughout the product development process, the purpose being to verify that the product shall be optimized for its purpose. Documentation should be provided on Open Source standards. Life cycle tests should be performed to guarantee that each product meets the demanding requirements for providing the same functionality over a long time of period and for the user's safety. The testing should be for mechanical interface including key return, key removal over 500,000 cycles and thermal resistance test for quality control of performance in conditions of heat. Documentation should be submitted and provided when required. The VTS unit should be fully integrated within the SKH. The satellite GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver for determining the vehicle location, traveling speed, direction and altitude. The device should receive the GPS data and send the data via GSM (Global System for Mobile) / GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) wireless network to Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 41 Strictly Confidential Particulars Standards Other Specifications Compliance (Y/N) Specifications the web application. If no wireless coverage is present, the GPS data should be stored and sent to the web application on availability of the wireless network. The GPS data is to be recorded and stored in a secure database by the web application. All electrical wiring should be covered through Steel Armored Coils. The battery back-up of the SKH shall be applicable for the VTS unit as well. Detailed specifications for the VTS (GPS) unit are provided separately in this section. EN 61000-6-3 : 2007 Emission standard for residential, commercial and Light industrial environments. EN 61000-6-1:2007 Immunity for residential, commercial and Light Industrial environments. Conforming to EMC directive 2004/108/EY The product should fulfill the essential safety requirements for CE conformity marking according to the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC). The product should be certified for us by PESO, for Zone 0 conditions Stainless steel mounted box with inbuilt electronics and GPRS Antenna. Housing to have IP 66 protection. Insulated connector to the power line Built in dual level battery backup SD card based storage inside box. DC to DC convertor integrated for step up as and when required. Dual fuse based system LED indications for status Alarms for status Display for identity Mechanical validation of the key for presence Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 42 Strictly Confidential Particulars Software on the box Firmware Compliance (Y/N) Specifications User module Zone module Time module All data shall be encrypted with AES M2M Software Heart beat message Sequential response curve Duplicity answer 13.4 TTLS Software Particulars System Capability Specifications Compliance (Y/N) The TTLS software shall be a modular & networked system having centralized architecture, capable of handling large corporations with multiple remote sites. The system shall allow for easy expansion or modification of inputs, outputs, and remote control stations. The system control at the central computer location shall be under a single software program control, shall provide full integration of all components, and shall be alterable at any time, depending upon the facility requirements. Reconfiguration shall be accomplished online through system programming, without hardware changes. The software program shall be a true 32-bit (should also be compatible with 64-bit OS & hardware), ODBC compliant application. The software program shall support multiple server configurations including, but not limited to, Access Control Server, Fail-over Server, and Database Server. The system shall have the capability to communicate with the control panels via LAN/WAN connections utilizing industry standard communication protocol. The Software shall be a highly scalable enterprise level software solution. The software package shall be fully parameter driven and operate within the offered OS environment. It shall provide graphical user interface functionality for the display and operator control via on-screen site graphic maps. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 43 Strictly Confidential Particulars Specifications Compliance (Y/N) Diagnostic checks shall be done by the system periodically for the proper functioning of the locks. The system shall have an administrator’s interface to manage data and the individual applications. The system shall support a pointing device, touch screen, keyboard, and camera control keyboard interface. The system shall provide context sensitive, on-line help capabilities. The online help system shall contain enough information to inform the user of the nature of the current form/window, and provide a reference for the user to gather further information. The vendor shall populate the on-line help messages prior to Site Verification Testing and provide a tool for maintenance and update of online help. The software shall be capable of interfacing with HPCL’s ERP. Server Operating System: The system servers shall use Latest edition of 32-bit/64-bit Windows Server or Linux OS and shall include network capability with the TCP/IP data communications network protocol and hardware. Client Operating System: Client devices shall use the Windows based operating system with latest service pack. System database platforms shall be based on latest version of Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle. The database management system shall be capable of storing and retrieving relational data, text, images, video and audio as an integrated system. The database shall be SQL and ODBC compliant, certified for the offered OS platform. The TTLS application shall maintain a full audit log of every change made to the TTLS database, including all programmed and operator requested transaction history. System shall include comprehensive report facilities of on-line activities and a permanent (or for an HPCL-defined time-period) record of key/lock activity. System shall provide investigation reports to generate event and activities pertaining to card, system operator and alarms according to the given search parameters with respect to date and time. The system shall provide an audit trail function that is intended to record all permanent changes in data Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 44 Strictly Confidential Particulars Specifications Compliance (Y/N) configured by system operators. The audit trail shall record permanent changes made to the configuration database by manual operator data entry, import/export or other system controlled devices, such as portable data entry devices. Temporary changes, such as running a report, and querying the cardholder database need not be recorded by the audit trail function. The audit log shall consist of details of any database changes, when they were made and the username of the authorized TTLS user who made the changes. A search tool shall be provided to allow authorized TTLS users to examine the audit log files. All database modifications recorded by the audit trail function shall be stored in the historical journal, and shall be available for selective searching, reporting and replaying. Reports shall be initially displayable on the authorized TTLS user screen, and then be saved as a pdf file or in the CSV format. The system shall allow an authorized TTLS user to design, save and generate customized report templates. The TTLS shall provide the following standardized reports as a minimum: Transaction Reports; Alarm Reports; Device Reports; Configuration Report; Card Report; Access Rights Report; User audit Report; TT Report, Lock Report, Key Report, Card Holders onsite Report and Personnel Reports. The software shall be configured to enable full monitoring including display of alarms and access control activities. An unlimited number of user-definable alarms shall be able to be added to the system. These will be assigned to the change of state of an input. It shall be configured in such a way that the alarm will only be cancelled when the input returns to its normal state. Alarms shall be generated for various locking / unlocking transaction. These alarms shall include but not be limited to: Invalid Key, Biometric Mismatch, Expired Key, Wrong Time zone, Card/Key blocked This display shall be in English language and shall not require undue interpretation of information displayed. The alarm queue shall have minimum capability of 1000 events. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 45 Strictly Confidential Particulars Specifications Compliance (Y/N) The system should be able to send SMS/email/Emergency Voice Call Messages defining the alarm details, location etc. to pre-defined telephone numbers / email ids (defined as per the alarm location) without requiring Manual/Operator intervention. All connected workstations on the LAN/WAN shall have a simultaneous operating capability. The system programming shall be user friendly, and capable of being accomplished by personnel with no prior computer experience. A quick start wizard shall allow the operator to easily program a system including basic time zones, access panels, card activation to a general purpose access area and deactivation date. The system software shall not use a hardware dongle unless required by the system hardware and then only on the PC where the database server resides. No dongles shall be required at any workstations. Unrestricted number of operator workstations and multiple alarm monitoring stations shall be supported as a standard feature of the access control software. System upgrades shall be accomplished by software key codes and not require installation or re-installation of any access control software. Basic System Capabilities Provide storage of all system transactions in a retrievable file. Log all events by time and date. Provide capability to store all or selected system transactions to a disk file. Allow operator to enter a response to an event when acknowledging it from the alarm view window. Allow acknowledged alarms to be automatically cleared. Provide mode of system operation where when an acknowledged, but not cleared event will be reissued requiring acknowledgement when the event changes to an alarm or trouble state. Provide ability to automatically display stored “video image” of cardholder at user defined card reader locations for specific card usage. Provide a means for scheduled automatic backups of any or all database system files. A means to restore these files from a simple menu shall exist. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 46 Strictly Confidential Particulars Specifications Compliance (Y/N) Card frequency report defined by reader(s), over a defined period of time with disposition options to automatically report or report and de-activate card or change the access level of the card. Frequency shall be defined as Never, Now, Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Once per 2 weeks, and Monthly. Provide the ability to initiate an email (via SMTP) or SMS (via SMS Gateway) based on a transaction state. Provide a simple card and card holder database import utility. The utility shall be password protected and accessible only to administrators of the access control system. Information that can be imported shall include but not be limited to: First Name, Last Name, card number, activation date, deactivation date, status, up to 40 note fields and photo images. A simple CSV (comma separated value) file shall be used for the importing of data and image file names. Provide a key trace function, based on the RFID tag embedded on the key. Provide a display of the most current transactions in real time. Provide default language to be used based on operator’s login. Provide specified time periods that the operator can log in. Reports: Provide reporting capability for printing of selected system transactions from the disk files by specific time and date selection, range from time and date to time and date, or from start time to end time each day of the selected date range. Provide a means to create report templates. Report templates shall include, but not be limited to, History and Card Holder information. The templates shall be able to be assigned to a scheduler to run automatically per the scheduler settings. Provide networking capabilities via LAN or WAN. The workstation shall have the same UI (user interface) functionality as the Server, except the workstation shall not be able to perform database maintenance functions. The application should enable reports to be sent through email to the specified users. The application shall have database browse/search functionality/utility to browse the database tables as a part of its database management features. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 47 Strictly Confidential Particulars VTS Software Specifications The system architecture should be web based. The software should be a web application, accessible through the Internet using the logon facility through multiple levels of security. The basic features of the software should be: Real Time Tracking – Should provide real time information on vehicle status based on location, speed and time. Online Alerts - Should provide critical alerts such as o Over Speeding o Acceleration/deceleration o Unauthorized stoppages o SOS alerts Trip Replay – Should provide replay of the routes traveled by vehicles plotted on the map. Reports – Should provide reports by date, vehicle ID or Driver Name. Generate standard reports on criteria such as Vehicle stoppages, vehicle speeding or trip summary. Communications: Should maintain control of all drivers with two way voice communication. Vehicle and Group Management - Update driver and vehicle profiles, as well as manage vehicle groups and vehicle types. The following are the detailed requirement from the software: The real time location of the vehicle should be available on the MAP The route undertaken by the vehicles should be shown on the MAP. All the specified points (way points) mentioned by HPCL to be shown on the MAP. Responding to a poll command Total Distance traveled, distance traveled between stops. Total time, time taken between stops, time taken during a trip. Server should be capable to maintain historic data for at least 02 months Stoppage reports with Stoppage time. Facility to download / Direct upload into a local SQL / Oracle data base. Over Speed alerts on the web application. Predetermined (Dynamic) customized trip reports and exception reports Various Zoom levels of the MAP at least 05 zoom Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 48 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Particulars Specifications levels Dynamic ETA (expected time of arrival) of each vehicle at the destination. On road vehicles route wise. View reports consignor and consignee wise. View vehicles / loads by Invoice Number / transporter ID or name / LR number. View and track vehicles by place of origin wise or destination wise. View the vehicles reports by Material code or material name (e.g. Kerosene or Petrol or Naphtha) View by dispatch date. Location accuracy of +/- 10 meters View delayed consignments, live consignments, on time consignments. Facility to create / modify / delete and view all the above parameters Facility to Email any of the above reports to other departments / individual within the organization straight from the software. Capability/ flexibility to change Communication Service Provider at any point of time for better service options. Compliance (Y/N) 13.5 Server Particulars PROCESSOR NUMBER PROCESSORS CACHE MEMORY STORAGE NETWORK INTERFACE RAID SUPPORT Compliance (Y/N) Specifications Quad-core Intel Xeon 2.66GHz/8MB/1333MHz or 2.40GHz/8MB/1333MHz) or Intel Core i3540Dual-Core (3.06GHz/4MB/1333MHz) or Intel Pentium G6950Dual-Core (2.80GHz/3MB/1066MHz) or Intel Celeron G1101Dual-Core (2.26GHz/2MB/1066MHz) OF 2/2 8MB (Processor) 10GB DDR3 1333 MHz double data rate. 2.0TB SATA Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) Embedded RAID-0,-1 or integrated 3Gigabits Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 49 Strictly Confidential Particulars Specifications per second (Gbps) hardware RAID-0, -1 USB, SERIAL, VIDEO Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Compliance (Y/N) PORTS OPERATING SYSTEM OPTIONAL PACKS Internet Information Services NEEDED DATABASE Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (any version Express to Enterprise Editions) PORTS TO BE Team will provide the details at the time of OPENED installation. IP DETAILS Static IP. SERVER SOFTWARE Organization based hierarchy Complete visibility dashboard Configuration and guidance Exception closure Report formats SQL server security Encryption with AES 13.6 GPS System Particulars General Technical Specification Specifications Compliance (Y/N) All delivery locations will be provided with a GPS LAT LONG ID. The system needs to ensure that removal of key shall be not possible unless the box shall be well within the coordinates. This ensures that the operation of the key storage system cannot be done unless it shall be within the geo coordinates programmed. This information shall be collected on real time basis continuously and should be processed before removal and return of keys. This ensures that operations shall be possible in geo locations that shall bepre approved for operation. Chip should be SIRFSTAR III Standard or equivalent. Fully self-contained GPS receiver. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 50 Strictly Confidential Particulars Specifications Compliance (Y/N) Fully shield. Full implement of SiRFstarIII™ GPS architecture. GSP3f (GPS Engine with integrated Processor and Flash) GRF3w (A Highly Integrated GPS RF) Low noise amplifier SAW filter TCXO 32.768KHz RTC X-tal Reset & Regulator, etc. GPS receiver in a micro-component package Postage stamp type package Fully automatic assembly: Reflow solderable Fast TTFF (time-to-first-fix) Usable I/O port : Six GPIO port Advanced low power mode 13.7 Wireless Access Points Specifications of Wireless Access point (Base):Particular General Specifications Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 51 Compliance (Y/N) The 802.11 N Access Point (3x3) MIMO, dual-radio (concurrent 802.11 a/n OR b/g/n) wireless access points. The Access Point should have dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet interfaces. 802.11n Access Point should be able to power up using standards 802.3af POE input, and at the same time operate in full MIMO mode. Should operate in both frequency 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz. Access point transmit Power: 18-20 dBm / 100 mW( within country regulations). Support upto 300Mbps Data Rates. Should Support 20MHz & 40MHz Channel separation. Strictly Confidential Particular Characteristics:- Specifications Compliance (Y/N) Should Support DSSS, OFDM & Spatial multiplexing (MIMO). Should have LED indicators to indicate the status of activity Should support different VLAN assignment to individual SSID Should support up to 4 independent BSSID per single radio thin AP, or 8 in dual radio AP Should support dynamic VLAN assignment to individual users based on configurable rules. Should support automatic channel selection – interference avoidance It should be 802.11 a/b/g/n functionality certified by the Wi-Fi alliance Draft2.0. It should be able to be powered over 802.3af standard Power-over-Ethernet (PoE). Auto-sensing, 10/100 on the network port. It shall have two Auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports. Shall have options for dual-band dualradio APs which can perform dedicated RF scanning using a single radio while serving WLAN clients on the second radio. Minimum of 8 SSIDs and BSSIDs available on each AP. Capable of multi-function services including: data access, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, location tracking, real-time non-disruptive packet capture, RF monitoring with no physical "touch" and no additional cost. AP should support Self-Healing, Self forming Wireless MESH function. MESH function should support multi-hop mesh network. Inother words it should not be limited to a wireless bridge function. MESH link should support QoS– WMM. MESH link should support AES encryption on the MESH link. MESH link should support extending corporate network with VLAN Tags and VLAN priority tags to the remote site. Should support Internal and external Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 52 Strictly Confidential Particular Specifications antenna options. Compliance (Y/N) Regulatory Environment Network features Security Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 53 AP standard compliance should be Wi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/n WPA2,WMM, WMMUAPSD(planned Q2 2008). Product certification should be UL / cUL 60950-1, IEC / EN60950-1, UL2043, RoHS. Access point radio approval should be FCC(USA), Industry Canada, CE(Europe), TELEC(japan) AP operating temp should be -4°F to 122°F/-20°C to 50°C. AP storage Temp should be -40°F to 158°F/-40°C to 70°C. AP operating Humidity should be 5 to 95% RH non-condensing Should support multiple VLAN’s with intra-subnet routing Should support DHCP server Should support NAT Should support Access Control Lists to configure policies The AP should be WPA2 enterprise certified Should support the following encryption mechanisms o WEP 64 / WEP 128 o WPA – TKIP / AES o WPA2 – TKIP / AES Should support the following 802.1x authentication mechanisms o PEAP o EAP-TLS o EAP-TTLS Should support hardware based AES encryption Should support internal RADIUS server to perform local authentication Should support local management of user database. PEAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-GTC authentication Integrated RADIUS termination. Must support EAP-PEAP, and EAP-TLS using EAP-MSCHAPv2 or EAP-GTC. Should support configuration of WLAN access policies Strictly Confidential Particular Specifications Should support user based VLAN assignment Should support integrated Router, gateway, firewall. Should support DHCP,AAA Server, Hotspot features. Should support on-board rogue AP detection Should support creation of Secure Guest Wireless Access Should support Stateful packet Inspection Firewall Should support IPSec VPN QoS Should support WMM. Should support configuration of separate WLAN for voice applications. Should support prioritization of Spectralink voice protocol. Should support DTIM per BSSID configuration for voice/video. Should support configuring Multicast Mask for prioritizing multicast applications. Management Ability to configure multiple users with different privileges Should support HTTP, HTTPS, Telent, SSH Should support SNMP V1.2 and V1.3 Should support Syslog. Network Standard Should support802.11a,802.11b, 802.3,802.11g, 802.11n Draft 2.0. Supported Data Should support 802.11g: 1,2,5.5,11,6,9,12,18,24,36,48, rates and54Mbps; 802.11a: 6,9,12,18,24,36,48, and 54Mbps; 802.11n: MCS 0-15 up to 300Mbps Compliance (Y/N) Specifications of Wireless Access point (TT):- Particulars Basic Compliance (Y/N) Specifications The 802.11 N Access Point (3x3) MIMO, single-radio (concurrent 802.11 a/n OR b/g/n) wireless access points. The Access Point should have single Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 54 Strictly Confidential Particulars Characteristics Regulatory Environment Compliance (Y/N) Specifications 10/100/1000 Ethernet interfaces. Access point transmit Power: 18-20 dBm / 100 mW( within country regulations). Support upto 300Mbps Data Rates. Should Support 20MHz & 40MHz Channel separation. Should Support DSSS, OFDM & Spatial multiplexing (MIMO). Should have LED indicators to indicate the status of activity Should support different VLAN assignment to individual SSID Should support up to 4 independent BSSID per single radio thin AP, or 8 in dual radio AP Should support dynamic VLAN assignment to individual users based on configurable rules. Should support automatic channel selection – interference avoidance Should support one band as Wi-Fi client & other band work as a dedicated Sensor. It should be 802.11 a/b/g/n functionality certified by the Wi-Fi alliance Draft2.0. Minimum of 8 SSIDs and BSSIDs available on each AP. Capable of multi-function services including: data access, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, location tracking, real-time nondisruptive packet capture, RF monitoring with no physical "touch" and no additional cost. AP standard compliance should be Wi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/n WPA2,WMM, WMMUAPSD(planned Q2 2008). Product certification should be UL / cUL 60950-1, IEC / EN60950-1, UL2043, RoHS. Access point radio approval should be FCC(USA), Industry Canada, CE(Europe), TELEC(japan) AP operating temp should be -4°F to 122°F/20°C to 55°C. AP storage Temp should be -40°F to 158°F/40°C to 70°C. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 55 Strictly Confidential Particulars Network features Security Compliance (Y/N) Specifications AP operating Humidity should be 5 to 95% RH non-condensing. Should support multiple VLAN’s with intrasubnet routing Should support DHCP server Should support NAT Should support Access Control Lists to configure policies The AP should be WPA2 enterprise certified Should support the following encryption mechanisms WEP 64 / WEP 128 WPA – TKIP / AES WPA2 – TKIP / AES Should support the following 802.1x authentication mechanisms PEAP EAP-TLS EAP-TTLS Should support hardware based AES encryption Should support internal RADIUS server to perform local authentication Should support local management of user database. PEAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-GTC authentication Integrated RADIUS termination. Must support EAP-PEAP, and EAP-TLS using EAP-MSCHAPv2 or EAP-GTC. Should support configuration of WLAN access policies Should support user based VLAN assignment Should support integrated Router, gateway, firewall. Should support DHCP,AAA Server, Hotspot features. Should support on-board rogue AP detection Should support creation of Secure Guest Wireless Access Should support Stateful packet Inspection Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 56 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Specifications Firewall Should support IPSec VPN QoS Should support WMM. Should support configuration of separate WLAN for voice applications. Should support prioritization of Spectralink voice protocol. Should support DTIM per BSSID configuration for voice/video. Should support configuring Multicast Mask for prioritizing multicast applications. Management Ability to configure multiple users with different privileges Should support HTTP, HTTPS, Telent, SSH Should support SNMP V1.2 and V1.3 Should support Syslog. Network Standard Should support802.11a,802.11b, 802.3,802.11g, 802.11n Draft 2.0. Supported Data Should support 802.11g: rates 1,2,5.5,11,6,9,12,18,24,36,48, and54Mbps; 802.11a: 6,9,12,18,24,36,48, and 54Mbps; 802.11n: MCS 0-15 up to 300Mbps Particulars 13.8 Cables & LAN Accessories Particulars CAT-6 Compliance (Y/N) Specifications CAT 6 Cable; 4 pair UTP Cable 23 AWG Solid Bare Copper polyethylene insulation. Applicable standard TIA/EIA 568.B; Insulation Resistance 100MOhm Capacitance <5.6 nf/100m. Supply of UTP CAT 6 Cable shall include cabling from Switch to individual outlets in Casing Capping/PVC Cable Duct/PVC or HDPE Conduit as per requirement, supply & installation of Information Outlet at the equipment end, factory crimped patch cords of required length at both the patch panel Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 57 Strictly Confidential Particulars CAT-6 (Outdoor) Power Cable (LV) CAT-6 I/O CAT-6 Patch Cord Patch Panel Rack (if required) Compliance (Y/N) Specifications end as well as equipment end, including material, fittings & fixtures, screws etc. Armored CAT 6 Cable; 4 pair STP Cable 23 AWG Solid Bare Copper polyethylene insulation & armored. Applicable standard TIA/EIA 568.B; Insulation Resistance 100MOhm Capacitance <5.6 nf/100m. Supply of UTP CAT 6 Cable shall include cabling from Switch to individual outlets in Casing Capping/PVC Cable Duct/PVC or HDPE Conduit as per requirement, supply & installation of Information Outlet at the equipment end, factory crimped patch cords of required length at both the patch panel end as well as equipment end, including material, fittings & fixtures, screws etc 3-Core, 1sq mm, with annealed electrolytic copper conductor with resistance > 8.2 Ohm/Km; PVC insulated (0.3 mm inner+1.8 mm outer sheath) For Outdoor: Armoured with galvanized steel wire with 90% coverage; IS 694:1990 reaffirmed 1995 or latest compliant. Shall include all the accessories with termination & testing. The RJ45 connector shall be screened to ensure protection against EMI and for Alien cross-talk compliance. It offers the 500 MHz performance required to be used to form a 100 meters Class EA channel as specified in ISO/IEC 11801:2002/A1:2008 and EIA/TIA 568 B2-10. All outlets fitted with shutters. Factory-crimped Patch Cords (1m/2m) CAT 6; 4 pair UTP Cable 23 AWG Solid Bare Copper polyethylene insulation 12/24 Port Cat-6 Patch Panel; All Ports ISO/IES 1801:2000 &TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 & FCC Compliant; Rear wire Manager Wall Mount; Height - 9 U, Width - Depth: 600mm*600mm minimum Powder quoted steel Body with Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 58 Strictly Confidential Compliance (Y/N) Specifications front door of glass. Completely covered & have security locks Uninhibited access to all mounting points inside the racks Proper ventilated with One fans Power cable management One Power strips having 6 - 5A/15A sockets each OF Patch Cord SC to SC OM3 Patch Cords ( 3 Mtrs); Optic fiber patch cords should be suitable for multimode SC/ST type fiber cable connectors with plastic moulded plug type connectors in compliance with latest industry standard. Optic fiber patch cords should be of standard make. Min. Return Loss>50 db HDPE Conduit (if 2” HDPE Conduit Pipe with required required) accessories (couplers etc) for underground/wall mount cable laying. GI Pipe (if 2” B-Class GI Pipe with required accessories required) for road crossings. Particulars 13.9 TT Modification Particulars Compliance (Y/N) Common Locking System : All the TT’s are to be provided with common locking system with SS 304 pipes of 22mm OD (3 mm wall thickness ) in line with the typical drawing attached so as to have one lock for top dome covers and one for the bottom valve box. The Bidder has to prepare the Final detailed drawing and obtain approval of HPCL authorities before progressing with supply and Fabrication works of the Common Locking system. 13.10 Services Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 59 Strictly Confidential Cable laying (Indoor) Cable laying (Outdoor) Installation, Commissioning equipment Testing, of all Documentation & Training One Time Personalisation Recurring Card Charges Site Preparation Card Printing Integration with JD Edwards Attendance Management System This will comprise laying of all TTLS cables in a structured format (including fitting of casing/capping, I/Os, Crimping, Testing, termination & installation costetc) within the security cabin and the control room. This will comprise laying (all labour for digging, refilling & resurfacing) of TTLS cables in a structured format (using appropriate quality piping) from the access control devices (boom barriers/turnstile/flap barrier) to the security cabin and from the security cabin to the control room (including laying of conduit, I/Os, Crimping, Testing, termination & installation costetc) within the security cabin and the control room. The vendor shall produce appropriate documents mentioning successful installation, testing and commissioning of all equipment within TTLS, and take the approval of the respective plant manager for the same. - The vendor shall create a user manual for each process within the new system. - The vendors shall also provide user manuals for each component in the system - The vendor shall provide adequate local level training to HPCL employees in terms of the system usage The initial scope for the vendor includes the enrolment and printing of smart cards for all RO personnel under the purview of TTLS The vendor shall quote a per card rate for printing of additional cards (beyond the initial one time card personalisaton) All the onsite civil, electrical and mechanical works required in terms of the laying, installation and commissioning of the various components of TTLS will be in the scope of the vendor. HPCL uses JD Edwards ERP and attendance management system. It will be the TTLS vendor’s responsibility to suitably integrate with the JD Edwards system, as per the specifications mentioned in the tender document. 13.11 Specification for laying & termination of LAN, power and control cables To the extent possible, cables should be laid underground. Materials supplied and workmanship shall be of the highest quality available and all work carried out to meet the requirements of IS codes of Practice, I.E. Rules and to the approval of the Engineer and Local Authorities. The following specifications give guidelines, but not limited to the quality and scope of work expected. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 60 Strictly Confidential SCOPE This specification provides for laying, termination, testing and commissioning of LAN, Power & Control Cables LAYING OF CABLES Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 61 The Vendor will unpack the drum if required and then transport it to a convenient spot near the overhead tray/trench so that laying of cable becomes easy. Most important thing to bear in mind while laying cables is that there should not be any twisting while unwinding it from the drum, since this is likely to damage the insulation. Any repairing/replacement arising out of this negligence will be to vendor’s account. Also it can lead to blacklisting / disqualification. Power & Control Cables shall be laid between various equipment as per Cable Schedule (which will be given to the successful vendor). Entry of cables from underground trenches, to the buildings shall be through pipe sleeves. Necessary precautions shall be taken to make entry point fully watertight by properly sealing the pipe sleeves. Adequate length of cables shall be pulled inside switchboards, control panels, terminal boxes, etc. so as to permit neat termination of each core. While laying cables parallel to buildings or utility pipelines, drainage, etc. minimum clearance shall not be less than 1000 mm. At the turning & tee off point of the cable trench, suitable chamfering shall be done in accordance with bending radius of the cable. The vendor shall quote for laying of cables on 'per meter'basis which should include following parameters: o Laying of cables in cable trays/trenches/ on walls/ in excavated trenches o Pulling of cable through hume pipes and G I pipes and sealing ends including unused sleeves, including cleaning of pipes, if required (pipes billed separately). All entries shall be sealed with Sealing Compound. o Supplying and providing of M S clamps of required sizes to hold the cable firmly to structure/tray. Such clamps also include wooden bushes if required to be placed around cable, sealing compound, etc. o All entries shall be sealed with sealing compound. Before the cable is cut, exact route length shall be measured at site. Then extra length of about 1.5m, or as directed by the Engineer, shall be allowed at both ends. Based on above lengths, “Cutting Schedule” for each drum to be prepared by Vendor& approved by the Engineer prior to cutting of cables. Strictly Confidential Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 62 Cable ends after cutting shall be protected from dirt and moisture by wrapping with PVC tapes/caps. Rollers and pulling socks shall be used while pulling the cable into the trench/trays. This will be strictly enforced for large size and long routes. Bending radius of cable shall be minimum 15 x D in case of H T cable and 12 x D in case of LT. cables (where D is the overall diameter of cables). Cables shall be neatly laid, with no crossing over of cables. Any civil work or plastering work required as apart of cable laying work shall be done by the Vendor within the quoted rates. The finish should be that of the other works or the same will be redone by the Civil Vendor and the amount deducted from the Electrical Vendor's bill. Any re-laying of cable required to be done due to wrong method of laying (for which Vendor is responsible) shall be without any extra cost to the Owner. Engraved labels of cable numbers shall be provided near the terminal block in MCC/Distribution Boards / Switch boards & cable identification tag number punched on G I. strip shall be provided on both ends near equipment. For main power cables loops shall be provided near terminations. The Vendor shall supply and install ferrules for multicore cable connections. The ferrule markings shall be identical to the terminal marking to which the core is connected. Cables laid direct in the ground shall be laid on a bedding of 75 mm compacted clean river sand and covered by 75 mm layer of clean river sand. On top of the sand protective layer of red bricks are to be provided. At this stage trench is to be inspected by HPCL Engineer. The excavated cable trench shall be refilled only with good earth in successive layers of 150 mm & rammed. A heap of about 150 mm should be left over the filled cable trench & no blocks of stones or any other heavy materials shall be used for back filling. Cable joints shall be mechanically & electrically sound and except for buried cables they shall be accessible for inspection. Underground joints shall be specially protected with a double layer of bricks and cast iron joint markers (marked joint) shall be installed at ground level to indicate the position of the joint. ALL CABLE JOINTS SHALL BE WITH PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE HPCL ENGINEER. Cable Tag carrying the cable number shall be provided and fixed to the cable at intervals of 20 mtrs. for underground cable and 30 mtrs. for aboveground cables and at all bends and routes changes of the cable run. Material of tag shall be G I for above ground cables and lead for buried cables (included in rate). Cable route markers to be provided for underground cable Strictly Confidential TRENCH FOR CABLES TERMINATION OF H.T. & L.T. POW ER & CONTROL CABLES TESTING OFH.T.& L.T.CABLES CABLE PROTECTION PIPE CABLE RACKS Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 63 routes at an interval of 30 M and at intersections / bends (Included in rate). Vendor shall lay cables in a zigzag fashion to cater to any settlement of the soil. Depth of trench shall not exceed 1000 mm below grade. Width will depend on the number of cables For H .T. Cables termination shall include supply of H .T. Pushon type termination kit. Termination of cables shall comprise of stripping of cable, glanding with com pressed type glands, crimping of lugs on conductors and fixing the lugs on the terminals excluding supply of cable glands and lugs. Conductors of control cables shall be crimped with pin type or ring type lug. Power cables shall be provided with single hole lugs. Crimping Tool to be used shall be ratchet type and correct dies for each size of cable shall be used. Hammering of lugs shall not be permitted. Cable termination shall be done in a manner so as to avoid strain on the terminals. Insulation Resistance Test for low voltage control wiring and cables operating at a voltage below 250 V shall be carried out with 500 V megger. Insulation Resistance Test for medium voltage wiring and cables working at a 415 volt shall be carried out with a 1000V megger. All medium voltage wiring and cables working at a voltage exceeding 1100 V shall be tested for insulation with a 2500V m egger. High voltage test shall be carried out on all cables working at a voltage exceeding 1100V after laying and jointing according to relevant Indian Standard IS-1255. The Vendor shall provide G I pipes of required sizes for protecting the cables while emerging out of the floor or ground. The cost of these pipes shall be paid separately. Racks and other supporting steel shall be painted with 2 coats of red oxide primer and two coats of enamel paint within quoted rate. Order of laying of various cables in racks shall be such that control cables are located at the uppermost tier and power cables on lower racks. Strictly Confidential OTHER Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 64 All hardware shall be galvanised or zinc passivated. Cable shall be fixed to structure using galvanised strip clamps or run in cable trays wherever they are available. Spacers and cleats shall be of suitable size to accommodate the cables and shall be approved by Engineer-in-Charge before fixing at site. G .I. saddles to be used will be 22 gauge thick ribbed type and G .I. spacer will be of5mm thickmadeoutof25x3mm M.S.flat. The cost for cable clamps, metal spacers, non FLP J.Bs, Ball & Socket Suspenders, anchor bolts, screw s etc. shall be deemed to have been included in the installation of cables. Strictly Confidential 14. APPROVED MAKES The following is the list of makes approved for the HPCL – TTLS tender: System Component Approved Makes Electronic Padlock System Assa, Abloy, iLOQ, Medeco, Salto, Simons Voss, Videx Assa, Abloy, iLOQ, Medeco, Salto, Simons Voss, Videx Assa, Abloy, iLOQ, Medeco, Salto, Simons Voss, Videx Dell, HP. IBM Dell, HP. IBM Mifare DESFIre, HID iClass Motorola, CISCO, Alvarion, Wavesight ADC KRONE, Anchor, Finolex, Havells, Polycab, RPG, Digilink, R&M Key Programming Units Key Cabinets - Terminals Terminal Workstations Servers Smart Cards Wireless APs – Terminals & TTs Networking Accessories Quoted Make / Model Please note: 1. The above approved makes/brands have been mentioned in this document with the intention of ensuring certain minimum standard of compliance. 2. However, if the bidder desires to recommend any other make, he will have to demonstrate the suitability of the product and its market & technical standing. Criteria for approval will include, but not limited to, make reputation, market share statistic if any, installation lists, customer references & testimonials, and certifications. 3. The requests for the brand approval shall be made by an email sent to HPCL designated recipients (mentioned in Section 15.16) within two days after the the pre-bid meeting. 4. After receipt of the approval request, the companies will have to make presentations on the date prescribed later by HPCL. 5. HPCL’s decision with respect to the inclusion of brands in the approved makes/brands list shall be made a part of the Pre-bid Meeting minutes/clarifications document. HPCL’s decision in this regard shall be final & binding. 6. The appearance of a make in the approved makes is NOT tantamount to its automatic compliance to the technical specifications. Bidders are advised to independently verify & Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 65 Strictly Confidential note the deviations from technical specifications for all quoted makes, even if the makes appear in the list of “approved makes” in this tender document. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 66 Strictly Confidential 15. BID SUBMITTAL 15.1 General Instructions Bidder can download the Bid Document from HPCL’s website http://www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Bidder shall intimate in writing his intent to participate after downloading the document. Corrigendum(s), if any, shall also be available on the referred web sites. No extension in the bid due date shall be considered on account of delay in receipt of bid document by mail. Bids received after stipulated due date and time, due to any reasons what-so-ever, including postal delays, will not be considered. The bidders have to quote for each line item mentioned in the schedule of quantities. Partial quotes will be summarily rejected. Bids complete in all respects should reach HPCL's office on or before the BID DUE DATE AND TIME. Fax/Telex/Telegraphic bids/E-Mail bids shall be rejected. FOREIGN BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THEIR BIDS THROUGH THEIR COURIER / FREIGHT FORWARDING AGENTS ON FREE DOMICILE SHIPMENT BASIS (WHERE ALL THE CHARGES INCLUDING CUSTOMS DUTY TO BE BORNE BY THE BIDDER) ON FREE DELIVERY TO HPCL. Tender document complete in all respects must be submitted in the tender box provided at the below mentioned address before due date and time Deputy General Manager-Procurement Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 2nd Floor, Gresham Assurance Building Sir P.M.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 INDIA 15.2 Opening of Bids Bids will be opened by Deputy General Manager, Purchase at HPCL, Gresham Assurance Building, (Gresham Assurance House), 2nd Floor, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001,in Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 67 Strictly Confidential the presence of bidders/bidders authorized representatives (duly authorized by a competent person and having the letter of authority). 15.3 Proposal format & contents HPCL discourages lengthy and costly proposals. Proposals should be prepared simply & economically and provide a straightforward, concise description of the Bidder’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this tender. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content. Bidders must follow all formats and address all portions of the tender set forth herein, including all the Corrigenda issued, providing all information requested. Bidders may retype or duplicate any portion of this Tender Document for use in responding to the tender, provided that the proposal clearly addresses all of HPCL's information requirements. Bidders must respond to every section/subsection of this document under the Technical (Unpriced) Proposal. All information presented in a proposal must be relevant in response to a requirement of this document, must be clearly labeled, and, if not incorporated into the body of the proposal itself, must be referenced to and from the appropriate place within the body of the Proposal. Any information not meeting these criteria shall be deemed extraneous and shall in no way contribute to the evaluation process. All responses, as well as any reference material presented, must be written in English. All proposal pages must be numbered & sections appropriately cross‐referenced in the Table of Contents. Commercial Proposal and pricing information shall not be included in the Technical Proposal. Inclusion of Commercial Proposal amounts in the Technical Proposal shall make the proposal non‐responsive and the proposal shall be rejected. The unpriced bid shall contain a table mentioning various extra charges, taxes & duties in percentages to be loaded on specific price break-ups. A detailed format of such declaration has been provided in Annexure IV (For Indian Bidders) & Annexure V (For Foreign Bidders). Bidders shall provide a detailed table of contents and compliance chart (as per the checklist provided in Annexure XIII) for their proposals with correct references to the page numbers. Bidders must organize their Technical Proposals as defined below to ensure consistency and to facilitate the evaluation of all responses. All the sections listed below must be included in the proposal, in the order presented with the Section Number listed. The information provided herein should unambiguously enable HPCL to evaluate the prequalification of the bidder as per Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 68 Strictly Confidential this tender document, as well substantially aid the technical evaluation process. The required proposal sections are: Table of Contents: A table of contents providing a listing for each section of the proposal is required, including the appendices and any additional material submitted. Executive Summary: The executive summary should provide a concise summarization of the products and services being proposed to meet HPCL’s needs and why it is the solution HPCL should decide to implement. The Bidder should also summarize how large‐scale, government, public sector and private business use this product and how this experience indicates that the Bidder’s solution is suitable for HPCL. Company Overview: This section should provide information about the Bidder’s company, services, and corporate structure ‐including an organizational review, key contacts, and customer relations. This section must include the following information: A brief description of the company Company history Current size of company Company location Length of time in business Length of time providing type of service outlined in this proposal Pre-qualifications of the company to respond to this tender Names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses of principal company contacts for this RFP response. Experience and References: In this section, the bidder should discuss the firm’s experience in executing similar projects. References must include: Contact Name Contact Address Contact Telephone Number Contact E‐mail Address Proposed System Overview: A brief description of the proposed system must be provided so that HPCL can gain a basic understanding of the standard capabilities of the system. System strengths and weaknesses should be clearly noted. The system overview should include a detailed system description, detailed system architecture diagram showing part numbers used, detailed specifications and quantities of parts / components used and solution features etc. Compliance/Exception to Specifications: Although the specifications in the requirements section represent HPCL’s anticipated needs, there may be instances in which it is in HPCL’s best interest to permit exceptions to specifications and accept alternatives. It is extremely important that Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 69 Strictly Confidential Bidders make very clear where an exception is taken to the specifications and how alternatives will be provided. Therefore, exceptions, conditions, or qualifications to the provisions of HPCL’s specifications must be clearly identified as such, together with the reasons, and inserted in this section of the proposal. If the Bidder does not make it clear that an exception is taken, HPCL will assume the proposal is responding to and will meet the specification as written. If, during the technical evaluation, HPCL finds out that some exception was not recorded with the sole intention of misguiding the Technical Evaluation Committee, HPCL may decide, at its sole discretion, to treat such proposal as non-responsive. Please note that the Compliance Statements shall be duly signed & stamped by the bidders with counter-signatures of the OEMs. Additional Information: All additional information the Bidder deems as pertinent to their proposal, must be included in this section. This includes quality certificates, documentary evidences of various claims made, Manufacturer Authorization Letters (from the OEMs of all the system components), technical sheets & any other document required to be furnished under various sections of this RFP. This section may also include test reports, marketing materials, case studies etc. Please note that all the MAFs are mandatory and should specifically be marked to HPCL. A format for the MAF is provided in Annexure XI. The following documents are required to be submitted along-with the Technical Proposal. Non submission of any of the documents may result in the proposal being treated as non-responsive. Manufacturers’ Authorization Letter Declaration that they have not been banned/delisted/blacklisted Bidders are required to submit soft copies (on a CD) of datasheets of all the equipment proposed. In the absence of datasheets, the compliance statement shall be considered unsubstantiated. Bidders are also advised to provide web link (in the format given below) where additional technical information can be sought (Note that the web address provided shall be pertaining to the product data/specification page & not the generic OEM website address line). It is for the benefit of the bidders to substantiate their compliance claims. In the absence of the necessary information, the compliance statement submitted against such product/component shall be considered unsubstantiated & the bid may be rejected. Sr. No. 1 2 3 Component Name Quoted Make Model/Part Website Address No. Bidders shall provide a comprehensive but abridged system description mentioning all the components proposed. A System Architecture denoting all the proposed components shall also be provided. Please note that this is a mandatory requirement for the Consultants to evaluate the proposals. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 70 Strictly Confidential Bidders are required to furnished sufficient documentary evidence to substantiate their desired valuation under the Technical Evaluation Criteria (Annexure VI of the Tender Document). Bidders shall furnish all the self-certified documents in support of their valuation claim. Please note that it is the responsibility of the bidder to provide all the necessary self-certified documents to substantiate on each of the above technical evaluation parameters. The evaluation will be based solely only on the documents submitted. 15.4 Innovative Proposals Bidders are encouraged to offer creative and innovative ideas in the form of alternative proposals in addition to the baseline proposal. HPCL shall consider & technically evaluate such proposals only if It meets the HPCL functional requirements and the goals & objectives. The solution workability is demonstrated/established by way of available use cases/case studies. The idea is NOT in its early conceptual stages that require further development and support for planning and implementation. The proposal is complete in all respects with full process description, assumptions, dependencies & challenges properly listed, various components well described & properly techno-functionally specified, the availability & maintainability of the components/spares offered satisfactory, etc. All the background Intellectual Property Rights belonging to him and/or, sub-contractor and/or a third party, which he intends to use during the execution of the contract are properly identified and listed. At the minimum the following functional requirements will have to be met by the innovative proposal: Geofencing-based locking & unlocking processes Audit trail Alerts & alarms for various events The system components shall be capable of being moved from one TT to another Capability of handling (unlocking) the opening of locks in emergency situations. Easily operable with minimal training and interface Software Integration with the HPCL ERP system (JDEdwards) Internal memory on the lock & key for events and user data including Time Stamp, Open, Close, Tamper, Set and Electronic Signatures Capability to store information during movement in areas where GPS in not available Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 71 Strictly Confidential Intrinsically safe components which have a suitable international certification for use in explosive atmosphere (PESO and ATEX/IeCEX) Vandal resistance for padlock and secured key housing Key management completely controlled by HPCL. Software at HPCL central location and the source code to be owned by HPCL. Ability to blacklist lost keys / smart cards Kindly note that HPCL reserves the sole right to accept individual OR any combination of base proposal or alternative proposal. 15.5 Two Bid System Bidders are required to submit their offer in 2 (Two) bids, namely “Technical (Unpriced) Bid” & “Commercial (Priced) Bid”. The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bid document. The Invitation for Bids (IFB) together with all its attachments thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and accepted by the bidder, unless deviations are specifically stated seriatim by the bidder. Failure to furnish all information required by the bid document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bid documents in every respect will be at bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of his bid. Bidder to note that if Bid Security /EMD (in the proforma attached with these documents) in original and/or Bid document fee (if the Bid Document is downloaded) is kept in any other envelope and not found in envelope no. 1, the offer of the bidder(s) will be REJECTED during opening. Bidder to note that prices are to be quoted in the Format provided in the price schedule formats provided along with the tender and as given in Annexure II (For Indian Bidders) & Annexure III (For Foreign Bidders) without any conditions. Price bids submitted in any other format and conditional price bids will be liable to be rejected. Price bids received in open condition (not in sealed envelope) or kept in any other Part of the bid (i. e, Part - I or II) will also be liable for rejection. Kindly note that the components mentioned in the indicative Schedule of Quantities are indicative in nature & the bidders should indicate the exact components, their quantities & unit prices in their commercial proposals. Every single component (both supply & services) shall be separately listed & quoted for, please note. If the outer envelope is not sealed and not marked as required, HPCL will assume no responsibility for the Bid's misplacement or premature opening. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 72 Strictly Confidential Bidders in their own interest shall ensure that they send their bid complete in all respects well in time to reach the specified office within the specified bid due date and time. No relaxation shall be given for delay due to any unforeseen event in submission of bid. Bid Security (EMD) strictly in the proforma attached (Annexure VIII) with these documents shall be submitted in Original along with the Bid. Bids received without original bid security, shall not be opened for evaluation. Tender document complete in all respects must be submitted in the tender box provided at the below mentioned address before due date and time: Deputy General Manager-Procurement Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 2nd Floor, Gresham Assurance Building Sir P.M.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 INDIA The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence/ drawings and documents relating to the bid exchanged by Bidder and the Owner shall be written in ENGLISH language, provided that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language so long as accompanied by an ENGLISH translation, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the ENGLISH translation shall govern. The bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the bidder on all pages of the bid. Such authorisation shall be indicated by written Power of Attorney accompanying the bid. The name and position held by each person signing must be typed or printed below the signature. The person or persons signing the bid shall initial all pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature. Addenda/Corrigenda to the Bid Document, if issued, must be signed and submitted along with the bid. All the pages of the priced bid shall be signed by the authorised signatory. In case all the pages of the priced bids are not signed, the bid shall be rejected. Each Bidder shall submit only one bid. A Bidder who submits more than one bid will be rejected. On the day and time of bid opening, Bid security/EMD (Envelop 1) and Unpriced Bid (Envelope 2) shall be opened in presence of bidders. The Bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign a register/attendance sheet evidencing their attendance. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 73 Strictly Confidential The Bidder(s) names, presence or absence of requisite bid security will be announced at the opening. Bidder (s), whose bids are not opened for any reason, including non receipt of original bid security, will not be allowed to be present during bid opening. Only those bidders whose bids meet the qualification criteria and are technically acceptable shall be called for opening of Priced bid (Envelop 3) at a later date, informed at least 3-days in advance. The Bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign a register/ attendance sheet evidencing their attendance. Bidder(s), whose bids are not opened for any reason, will not be allowed to be present during bid opening. 15.6 Schedule of Tender/Project Events Following table shows the schedule of important events associated with this tender. Please note that HPCL may, under unavoidable circumstances, modify/change the schedule at its sole discretion. All such modifications/changes shall be posted on HPCL website. Bidders are, therefore, advised to visit the website regularly to keep abreast with the latest updates, if any. Important Events Schedule Date of publication of NIT 27 July 2012 Date & Time of Voluntary Pre‐bid Meeting Last Date for Submission of Tender 9 August 2012 05 September 2012 Date & Time of Technical (Unpriced) Bids Opening To be announced Date of completion of Technical Evaluation To be announced Date on which the PoC of Technically Qualified Bidders Begins To be announced Probable Date of Commercial (Priced) Bid Opening& Release of LoI To be announced Completion of Project 6 months Project Stabilisation 1 month 15.7 Price Validity Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 74 Strictly Confidential All quoted prices & rates shall be firm & valid for a minimum period of 12 months from the placement of order. 15.8 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) An EMD of Rs.24,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Four Lakhs only) /USD 43,500 in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited shall be submitted along with the tender in line with provisions of the General Terms & Conditions attached to this tender. 15.9 Acceptance / Rejection of bid – part or full HPCL reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or, reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. Further, HPCL shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept any or, more tenders in part. Decision of HPCL in this regard shall be final and no disputes can be raised. 15.10 Pre-Bid Meeting Voluntary Pre-bid meeting will be organized as per the schedule mentioned in the Schedule of Tender Events section of this document. The time, date& place of the pre-bid meeting shall be as per the tender notice. During the pre-bid meeting, salient features of the tender will be informed and techno-commercial clarifications pertaining to the tender will be answered. However, participation in the pre-bid meeting is optional to the bidders, and non-participation in the Pre-bid meeting will not be construed as likely non-participation of the bidder in the tender. The language of communication for the pre-bid meeting shall be English & Hindi. However, the minutes & the clarifications shall be made in English language only. All the issues & discussion happened during the meeting shall be noted & properly addressed while issuing the clarifications. The minutes of the pre-bid meeting &HPCL clarifications on the queries raised during the meeting will be posted on the HPCL website. 15.11 Bidder’s Commitment Proposals submitted in response to this invitation will be considered as a contractually binding undertaking on the part of the Bidder, should the Bidder’s proposal be found acceptable to HPCL. All materials received by HPCL as a result of this Bid become the property of HPCL and are not returnable. HPCL accepts no financial responsibility for any cost incurred by any Bidder Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 75 Strictly Confidential in responding to this Bid. Regardless of the Bidder being selected or not, HPCL reserves the right to use any information presented in the Bid to HPCL’s requirement. Proposals submitted in response hereto should not be construed as an obligation on the part of HPCL to award the Order for any or all items/services or a combination of services or items. The bids submitted by the bidders should be clear & unambiguous. Non specification of the Make & Model of the product/s offered as a part of the proposed solution OR specifying multiple brands shall be treated as an intentional ambiguity kept with the malafide intention of post-award changes & shall be considered non-responsive. 15.12 Integrity Pact Bidders should sign the Integrity Pact (As per the format provided by HPCL) with HPCL. 15.13 Arbitration clause for Indian Bidders All disputes and differences of whatsoever nature, whether existing or which shall at any time arise between the parties hereto touching or concerning the agreement, meaning, operation or effect thereof or to the rights and liabilities of the parties or arising out of or in relation thereto whether during or after completion of the contract or whether before after determination, foreclosure, termination or breach of the agreement (other than those in respect of which the decision of any person is, by the contract, expressed to be final and binding) shall, after written notice by either party to the agreement to the other of them and to the Appointing Authority hereinafter mentioned, be referred for adjudication to the Sole Arbitrator to be appointed as hereinafter provided. The appointing authority shall either himself act as the Sole Arbitrator or nominate some officer/retired officer of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (referred to as owner or HPCL) or a retired officer of any other Government Company in the Oil Sector of the rank of Ch. Manager & above or any retired officer of the Central Government not below the rank of a Director, to act as the Sole Arbitrator to adjudicate the disputes and differences between the parties. The contractor/vendor shall not be entitled to raise any objection to the appointment of such person as the Sole Arbitrator on the ground that the said person is/was an officer and/or shareholder of the owner, another Govt. Company or the Central Government or that he/she has to deal or had dealt with the matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his/her duties, he/she has/had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 76 Strictly Confidential In the event of the Arbitrator to whom the matter is referred to, does not accept the appointment, or is unable or unwilling to act or resigns or vacates his office for any reasons whatsoever, the Appointing Authority aforesaid, shall nominate another person as aforesaid, to act as the Sole Arbitrator. Such another person nominated as the Sole Arbitrator shall be entitled to proceed with the arbitration from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. It is expressly agreed between the parties that no person other than the Appointing Authority or a person nominated by the Appointing Authority as aforesaid, shall act as an Arbitrator. The failure on the part of the Appointing Authority to make an appointment on time shall only give rise to a right to a Contractor to get such an appointment made and not to have any other person appointed as the Sole Arbitrator. The Award of the Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to the Agreement. The work under the Contract shall, however, continue during the Arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable to the concerned party shall be withheld (except to the extent disputed) on account of initiation, commencement or pendency of such proceedings. The Arbitrator may give a composite or separate Award(s) in respect of each dispute or difference referred to him and may also make interim award(s) if necessary. The fees of the Arbitrator and expenses of arbitration, if any, shall be borne equally by the parties unless the Sole Arbitrator otherwise directs in his award with reasons. The lumpsum fees of the Arbitrator shall be Rs. 40,000/- per case for transportation contracts and Rs. 60,000/- for engineering contracts and if the sole Arbitrator completes the arbitration including his award within 5 months of accepting his appointment, he shall be paid Rs. 10,000/- additionally as bonus. Reasonable actual expenses for stenographer, etc. will be reimbursed. Fees shall be paid stagewise i.e. 25% on acceptance, 25% on completion of pleadings/documentation, 25% on completion of arguments and balance on receipt of award by the parties. Subject to the aforesaid, the provisions of the # Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder, shall apply to the Arbitration proceedings under this Clause. The Contract shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws in force in India. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Mumbai for all purposes. The Arbitration shall be held at Mumbai and conducted in English language. The Appointing Authority is the Director- Marketing of Hindustan Petroleum CorporationLimited. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 77 Strictly Confidential 15.14 Arbitration clause for Foreign Bidders Disputes or difference arising out of or in relation to this agreement shall be settled by Arbitration in India. The arbitration shall be by a Sole Arbitrator appointed by HPCL. The Sole Arbitrator will adjudicate the disputes and differences between the parties except those in respect of which the decision of any person is by the agreement expressed to be final and binding. In the event of the Sole Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred to, is unable to act or he/she vacates the office, HPCL, shall nominate another Sole Arbitrator to settle the said disputes and differences. The second Sole Arbitrator shall be entitled to proceed with the arbitration from the stage at which it was left by his/her predecessor. The award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the parties to the agreement subject to the provisions of the # Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, as in force in India and the rules made thereunder and for the time being in force. This agreement shall be covered by the laws of India. The award shall be made in writing and shall be published by the Sole Arbitrator within six months after entering upon reference or within such further time mutually extended by the parties. The Sole Arbitrator shall have power to order and direct the parties to abide by, observe and perform such directions as the Sole Arbitrator may think fit and proper to issue having regard to the fact that the arbitration proceedings have to be completed within the specified period solely on the principles of Natural Justice. The Sole Arbitrator shall be at liberty to appoint, if so necessary, any Accountant or Engineer or other person to assist him/her and act by the opinion so taken. The Sole Arbitrator shall have powers to make one or more awards whether interim or otherwise in respect of the disputes and differences, and in particular, shall make separate awards in respect of each claim or cross claim of the parties. The Sole Arbitrator shall be entitled to direct any of the parties to pay the cost of arbitration in such a manner and to such an extent as the Sole Arbitrator may in his discretion determine and shall also be entitled to require one or both the parties to deposit funds in such proportions to meet the arbitration expenses. The parties to arbitration, whenever called upon to do so, shall be bound to comply with such directions without any demur. Notwithstanding anything contained to any other law, the parties hereby agree that the courts in the city of Mumbai alone shall have jurisdiction in respect of all or anything arising Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 78 Strictly Confidential under this agreement and any award(s) made by the Sole Arbitrator hereunder shall be filed in the court in the city of Mumbai only. 15.15 Special Instructions for International Bidders The following provisions are binding for all international bidders, quoting directly to HPCL in foreign currency. 15.15.1 Prequalification Criteria The conversion of bidder company’s turnover & completed value of orders in USD to INR will be done on the basis of TT selling rates on the date of as available in State Bank of India, Mumbai on the date of un-priced bid opening. In case, exchange rate is not available in State Bank of India (Mumbai), alternative sources viz. Economics Times shall be considered for all the currencies. 15.15.2 Commercial Proposal Format In their commercial proposal, foreign bidders shall include all the applicable charges like freight (marine & inland), insurance (marine & inland), port levies & port handling charges (load port & disport), applicable taxes and any other charges like LOC etc., to ensure that the quoted price is a net delivered price for HPCL. 15.15.3 Format of EMD BG, CPBG & CAMC BG The Bid Security shall be in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee (as per AnnexureVIII) issued by any Indian Scheduled Bank (other than Co-operative Bank) or by a reputed International Bank duly confirmed by an Indian Bank, acceptable to HPCL. Bid Security shall be issued in favour of “M/sHindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited”. The CPBG & the CAMC BG shall be in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee (in the format at AnnexureIX) issued by any Indian Scheduled Bank (other than Co-operative Bank) or by a reputed International Bank duly confirmed by any scheduled Indian Bank. Bank Guarantee shall be issued in favour of “M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited”. 15.15.4 Commercial Bid Evaluation Conversion to Single Currency: To facilitate evaluation & comparison, HPCL shall convert all Bid prices of foreign bidders expressed in USD, to Indian Rupees at the TT selling rates on the date of the Unpriced Bid opening, as available in State Bank of India, (Mumbai). In case, exchange rate is not Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 79 Strictly Confidential available in State Bank of India (Mumbai), alternative sources such as the Economics Times shall be considered for all the currencies. 15.15.5 Prices Foreign bidders shall quote their prices in US Dollars. For component of services (Supervision of Installation & Commissioning, AMC) to be rendered in India, the bidders shall quote in Indian rupees only. The Indian component of prices shall be inclusive of all Indian taxes, duties, levies, etc. and also no taxes, duties, levies and /or any variation thereof shall be payable by HPCL. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to pay applicable service tax to Government of India (GOI) as per prevailing rates. HPCL shall deduct applicable taxes and deposit the same to the concerned departments of the GOI before making payment to the successful bidder. Certificate for such statutory deductions shall be provided to the successful bidder. 15.15.6 Payment All foreign currency payments (for supplies) to foreign Bidder shall be released through an irrevocable Letter of Credit, which shall be opened through Govt of India Nationalized Bank and hence shall not be confirmed. In case any Bidder insists on confirmation, charges towards confirmation shall be borne by him. LC shall be established within 30 days after receipt of unconditional acceptance of Letter/ Fax of Intent together with Contract Performance Bank Guarantee. All remittance of Rupee component shall be made directly to the bidder, payable within India against Bills duly certified by the Bidder. For this purpose, bidder shall undertake necessary formalities including opening of bank account in India. All connected liabilities on account of this shall be to bidder’s account. Only the charges of HPCL’s Bank in India shall be to HPCL’s account. All other Bank charges including those in Bidder’s country shall be to Bidder’s account. All payments shall be made in the Currency quoted (USD / INR). No Interest charges for delay in payments, if any, shall be payable by HPCL. No variation in payment terms shall be accepted for Foreign Bidders and deviation from above will make their bid NON-RESPONSIVE. 15.16 Contact Details Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 80 Strictly Confidential All general queries in connection with the tender process including submission of EMD / copies of documents in connection with credentials etc. shall be directed to: CHANDRAKUMAR J D Manager, Procurement, HPCL Gresham Assurance Building, 2nd Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 email: jdchandrakumar@hpcl.co.in smunawar@hpcl.co.in Phone: 022-22608530/20 All technical queries / clarifications in connection with the scope of work, technical specs, prebid meeting, inclusion of brands, etc. shall be directed to: Mr. Praveen Chandra, Sr. Manager (Operations), O&D, Hindustan Bhavan, Shoorji VallabhMarg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-1 Email: dpchandra@hpcl.co.in Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 81 Strictly Confidential 16. BID EVALUATION a) The bids of only those bidders shall be technically evaluated who stand qualified in the prequalification stage/criteria. All proposals shall be reviewed by the Project Consultants to determine compliance with basic proposal requirements as specified in this tender document. If HPCL determines that a proposal may be missing one or more such requirements, they shall review the proposal to determine: a. if it meets requirements for further evaluation; b. if HPCL shall request clarification(s) or correction(s); or c. if HPCL shall determine the proposal non‐responsive and reject it. b) HPCL reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to request clarifications of technical proposals or to conduct discussions for the purpose of clarification with any or all Bidders. The purpose of any such discussions shall be to ensure full understanding of the proposal. Discussions shall be limited to specific sections of the proposal identified by the Project Consultants and, if held, shall be after initial evaluation of Technical Proposals. If clarifications are made as a result of such discussion, the Bidder shall put such clarifications in writing. HPCL’s intent in this regard shall be communicated to the bidder/s at least 3 days in advance. c) As a part of the evaluation process, the pre-qualified bidders shall be required to demonstrate their solution by carrying out a Proof of Concept (POC) at their own costs, at a location specified by HPCL. The purpose/objective of the POC shall be to determine that the solution proposed by the bidder meets the overall functional & technical requirement of the project. Please note that a successful PoC is a pre-requisite for technical qualification in the tender process. Please note that the PoC will be conducted with the exact same set of equipment / software / makes proposed by the vendor and will be based on functional capabilities of the vanilla version of the software proposed. d) HPCL will not be responsible for any customs formality for the PoC which will have to be handled independently by the bidder. e) The total time for testing provided will be 1-week or till the satisfaction of HPCL, whichever is earlier. f) HPCL may request: a. An interview and/or open forum meeting with the technical teams of the Bidders or the OEMs. b. Physical verification of bidders’ technical compliance claims by way of system demonstration. c. A visit to the OEM facilities or reference sites as per the benchmarking schedules set with the individual bidder/s. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 82 Strictly Confidential d. A reference checking meeting with the clients provided by the Bidder. e. A visit to the office/facilities of the bidder. g) The commercial bids of only those companies that successfully meet the PQC & technical criteria will be evaluated. h) Please note that the mere receipt of any communication seeking clarifications, invitation for POC or demonstration of the proposed equipment should not be construed as getting technically qualified. The purpose of any such discussions shall be to ensure full understanding of the proposal. The proposal can be determined non-responsive at any evaluation stage if non-compliance in any of the criteria is observed. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 83 Strictly Confidential 17. STANDARD CONTRACT TERMS 17.1 Composite Performance Bank Guarantee (CPBG) The bidder(s) with whom the contract is decided to be entered into and intimation so given will have to make a Performance Bank Guarantee inclusive of Security Deposit for an amount equivalent to 10 % of the Purchase Order / Contract value (excluding the CAMC value), which shall be valid for a minimum period of 3 months beyond the expiry of the CAMC period (Since the value of the BG for both performance as well as CAMC are equal to 10 % of PO value). The Bank Guarantee on stamp paper of requisite value shall be accepted only from Scheduled Indian Banks (other than cooperative banks). All Bank Guarantees shall be unconditional and encashable on presentation to the issuing Bank. In case successful bidder fails to submit a valid CPBG of required amount within 15 days from the date of intimation of acceptance of its tender, HPCL reserves the right to cancel the order and forfeit its EMD. On receipt of CPBG, the EMD of the bidder will be returned by means of A/c Payee Cheque payable at Mumbai. 17.2 Implementation Phases The successful bidders will have to complete the project in two phases. Two separate purchase orders will be issued for the same: In the first phase (pilot phase), the purchase order will be placed on the successful bidder for two locations. The bidder will have to roll out the pilot project at two terminals (Vashi & Wadala) & their associated TTs. This will have to be completed within three months of issuing the LOI / PO, whichever is earlier. It is expected that the complete scope of the project, except for the call centre operation will be delivered during this phase. After the completion of the pilot, a committee appointed by HPCL will evaluate the performance of the commissioned system based on its compliance to the functional requirements. In case the pilot installations are not successful (that is the installation does not cater to the functional requirements), HPCL will not place the purchase order for the second phase. In such a scenario, o HPCL will only reimburse the payment for the electronic locks, keys, smartcards & the TT modification delivered / undertaken as a part of the installation at the above mentioned two locations. o HPCL will not make any payment for any of the other components as per the scope. In case the pilot installations are successful, the purchase order shall be issued for the balance locations in the west zone. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 84 Strictly Confidential The entire work/ job should be completed within 6 months from the date of LOI or purchase order. 17.3 Defect Liability Period / Warranty Period Unless specified separately for individual components for longer duration as per the Specification Sheet, the entire system including all supplied materials shall be warranted for 12 months from the date of commissioning of the system covered under the purchase order. During the warranty period, the vendor shall be liable to replace / rectify any item / component / equipment found defective / malfunctioning. All spares & consumables required during the warranty period shall be under the scope of the vendor. The vendor shall arrange to rectify / replace the defective parts or, the complete set within 48 hours of such telephonic / email/fax intimation from the respective Location in-Charge or, the Project in-Charge of HPCL, failing which HPCL, in addition to a deduction of Rs. 1000/- per truck per day of default and may get the defects rectified / replaced on its own or, by any other agency/ party, debiting the cost to the vendor. The vendor shall ensure the presence of at least one exclusive service engineer at designated HPCL premises during the warranty period. The service engineer shall be experienced and competent to handle all service queries related to hardware, software, networking & training requirements. The CV of the proposed service engineers may have to be submitted during the implementation stage. The vendor shall also ensure that a replacement engineer is provided within 2 days, in the case of extended absence from duty of a regular service engineer. Please note that all expenses of the service engineers, including salary & wages, statutory obligations, travel, lodging & boarding charges shall be borne completely by the vendor, during the warranty period. Other conditions related to service expectations, penalty & spares during the warranty phase shall be as per the CAMC conditions set forth in this document. 17.4 Delay in Completion: Liquidated Damages In case of delay in execution of the order beyond contractual delivery date as stipulated in the order HPCL at its option can either i) Accept the delayed delivery on price reduced by sum equivalent to half percent (0.5%) of basic PO value (excluding CAMC), per week of delay or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 5% of basic PO value (excluding CAMC). OR ii) Cancel the order in part or full and purchase such cancelled quantities from elsewhere on account at the risk of the seller without prejudice to its right under (i) above in respect of goods delivered. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 85 Strictly Confidential All costs and expenses incurred by HPCL, if any, resulting from cancellation of order shall be recovered from the seller. Bidders should note that the LD will be applicable to the pilot installations in the first phase as well. 17.5 Risk Purchase If the Party fails to complete the assignment or if the quality of the assignment is found to be unsatisfactory, HPCL shall have the right to get the assignment completed through another Party and any extra cost incurred in doing so, will be recovered/ made good by the Party to whom the Assignment has been originally awarded. 17.6 Third Party Inspection [TPI] All materials / components / spares supplied against this order shall be inspected by any of HPCL approved 3rd Party inspection agency [Bureau Veritas / Lloyds / DNV / IRS / EIL] at vendor’s cost before shipment of material to the respective destination locations. Third Party inspection shall be carried out to establish conformance to the required technical specifications & the deviations if any shall be clearly recorded by the inspecting authority. HPCL shall review the deviations for acceptability, only for good & sufficient reasons which shall be duly recorded in writing, else such material shall be summarily rejected. Decision of HPCL in this regard will be final & binding on the vendor/ vendor, which cannot raise any dispute on this count. Further all cost implications on account of such deviations will be on the vendor/ vendor. The vendor/ vendor will give clear notice period of 1 week to both HPCL & the 3rd party, offering its material / components for inspection, and HPCL may or may not wish to witness such 3 rd party inspections. 3rd party inspection reports & dispatch clearance shall be submitted to HPCL in both hard & soft copy for all the items as indicated below: PC/Workstations/Servers Secured Key Housings Padlocks & Keys Networking Accesories As a minimum, following checks shall be included during in the inspection: Conformance to tender/ PO specification(verifiable parameters) In absence of above, conformance to approved data sheet of manufacturer Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 86 Strictly Confidential o o Material of construction Make & model No. verification For above verification, vendor shall produce necessary documentations like manufacturers Test reports, raw material inspection certificate & any other statutory certificates as required. Delay, if any for verification & approval by the TPI agency shall be on account of vendor and HPCL shall not be responsible for the same. 17.7 Payment Terms Payment shall be made as per the following completion schedule: Phase 1 o o If the pilot is successful, 80 % of the amount applicable for the delivered equipment/software shall be payable after the completion of the project. If the pilot is not successful, the vendor shall only be paid for the cost of the Electronic Locks, Keys & Smart Cards. Phase 2 o 40% of the payment shall be released on receipt of equipment at site. Payment against invoices shall be made against submission of following documents along with the vendor’s Bill / Invoice: Delivery Challan / Lorry Receipt duly acknowledged by our site Manufacturer Test Certificate Third Party Inspection / Clearance Certificate Manufacturer Warranty Certificate o 20% payment will be made on completion of installation. o 30% payment will be made on completion of commissioning, testing & training and Site Acceptance Testing duly certified by respective location in-charge. o Balance 10 % payment will be released on successful completion of the mandatory system stabilization period of 30 days from the date of commissioning. Billing will be done in the name of HPCL. The Vendor will submit the bills in quadruplicate to the concerned project in-charge. Bills shall be settled based on actual quantities supplied on each site. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 87 Strictly Confidential 17.8 Mode of Payment The payment will be made as per provisions of the General Terms & Conditions of this tender. 17.9 Post-Warranty Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) It is mandatory for all the vendors to provide CAMC support to HPCL for all the supplied components & whole system for a period of 4 years beyond the completion of regular warranty period of 1 year. Vendors shall therefore quote lumpsum charges towards composite rate of 4 years of CAMC, as part of its offer without which their bid will be considered invalid & summarily rejected. The post-warranty CAMC amount will be reckoned for commercial evaluation of the bid. The above composite rate for 4 years CAMC shall be split year-wise in the following percentage for payment of annual CAMC charges: Year 1: 10% of composite CAMC cost Year 2: 20% of composite CAMC cost Year 3: 30 % of composite CAMC cost Year 4: 40 % of composite CAMC cost In case HPCL decides to extend CAMC beyond the fourth year, the AMC amount for the fifth year onwards shall not be higher by more than 10 % of previous year’s AMC cost. Post-warranty CAMC shall be a separate contract on the successful bidder(s) for individual job elements for 4years period and shall be awarded by HPCL at the beginning of each year. HPCL reserves the right to sign the Post warranty CAMC for all the 4years or, part of it or, none or, extend the contract further beyond 4years. Post warranty CAMC charges shall include cost of all spares, equipment, instruments & services (preventive & break-down) for maintenance during the AMC period. Vendor’s service engineer shall check & service each instruments/equipment/components & its accessories and maintain them in good working condition. During AMC period, vendor shall maintain inventory of minimum spares at site required for such maintenance. 4 Nos. normal visits (once in 3 months) and any no. of Emergency visits (as & when required) per year per location shall be included in the scope of the CAMC. HPCL will have the right to reschedule the visits and adjust the total no. of regular & emergency visits. In case of failure to resolve any reported malfunctioning within 48 hours days of telephonic/email/fax intimation, HPCL reserves the right to a) deduct Rs.1000/- per day per tank truck of default and/or b) get the defects attended through alternate agency at vendor’s risk & costs and/or c) In case of any other specific issues such Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 88 Strictly Confidential as lack of spares availability, or inability of the engineer to resolve the service issue, the successful vendor must clearly indicate the escalation matrix of the responsible authorities. Payment for the post Warranty CAMC charges for each year shall be made in 4 equal installments after completion of quarterly visits including emergency visits, if any within 15 days of submission of certified bills from the respective pay offices as indicated in the P.O. placed for the CAMC. [ ] [ ] For example if in any quarter servicing was carried out only for 100 tank trucks out of 230 tank trucks estimated for tendering, and the payment is for the first year, where in prorata payment is 10% and CAMC rate as per the PO is Rs.10,00,000 amount payable per quarter [ ] [ ] 17.10 Bank Guarantee for CAMC The vendor shall furnish CAMC Bank Guarantees (BG) equivalent to 10 % of the Purchase Order / Contract value (excluding the AMC component). Each CAMC BG shall be submitted 2 months before the expiry of warranty period, failing which the Composite Performance Bank Guarantee shall stand forfeited. The CAMC BG shall be valid for a minimum period of 48months or, till the end of the 4thyear AMC whichever is later. 17.11 General Bidders are required to accept the payment terms without any deviations, and submit priced bids accordingly. Unconditional acceptance of the order and submission of Composite Performance Bank Guarantee is a pre-requisite for release of any payments. Bidder to specifically note that HPCL will not issue any Form C or, D. Where any portion of the General Terms & Condition of Contract is repugnant to or at variance with any provisions of the Special Terms & Conditions of Contract, unless a different intention appears, the provisions of the Special Terms & Conditions of Contract shall be deemed to over-ride the provisions of the General Terms & Conditions of Contract and shall to the extent of such repugnancy or variations, prevail Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 89 Strictly Confidential It is the clear understanding of the bidder that the complete scope as defined or, as may be required for the intended objective of this tender is included in the quoted price. No extra payment apart from the quoted price will be made in order to achieve the intended objective. Any activity not specifically mentioned in the tender enquiry/ tender but required to be carried out for achieving the intended objective, will not form basis for considering extra payments. The submission of any bid connected with these documents and specifications shall constitute an agreement that the Bidder shall have no cause for action or claim, against the Owner for rejection of his bid. The Owner shall always be at liberty to reject or accept any bidor bids at his sole discretion and any such action will not be called into question and the Bidder shall have no claim in that regard against the Owner. Special Terms and Conditions of the contract shall be read in Conjunction with the General Terms & Conditions of Contract, Specification of Work, Drawing and any other documents forming part of this Contract wherever the context so requires. In case of an irreconcilable conflict between Indian or other applicable standards, General Terms & Conditions of Contract, Special Term s & Conditions of Contract, Specification, Drawings or Schedule of Rates, the following shall prevail to the extent of such irreconcilable conflict in order of precedence: Letter of Intent (LOI) / Purchase Order (PO) Schedule of Rates as enclosures to LOI /PO Special term s and conditions of the Contract Drawings Technical / Material Specifications Instructions to Bidder General Conditions of Contract Indian Standards / Other Applicable Standards Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 90 Strictly Confidential 18. ANNEXURE I - SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES The indicative schedule of quantities is provided as under. Bidders should note that the names of the system components supplied by different OEMs to meet HPCL’s functional requirement may differ & hence, the actual components, their exact specifications & quantity requirements should be explicitly mentioned in the commercial proposal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Component Padlocks (2 per truck) Keys (1 per truck + 1 per terminal) Key Programming Units Smartbox (SKH) - TT Key Cabinets - Terminals Application Software Mobile App Terminal Workstations Application Server Database Server FO Server Smart Cards Wireless APs - Terminals Wireless APs - TTs Networking Accessories - Terminals Networking Accessories - TT Common Locking System for TT Installation Services Integration with Legacy Systems Comprehensive Annual Maintenance for 4 years including FM services, Call Centre Services , GPRS / GPS operational expenses Unit pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs Lumpsum Lumpsum pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs lot lot pcs per instance Lumpsum Lumpsum Qty. 3,280 1,654 1 1,640 14 1 1 14 1 1 1 2,000 14 1,200 14 1,640 1,640 1,654 1 1 Note: Notwithstanding anything contained in this document, regardless of what appears in the indicative schedule of quantities, it shall be the responsibility of the vendor to supply, install, commission, test & maintain all the components required to make HPCL-TTLS a) total & fully functional b) function as per the functional requirements set in this document without any financial or any other obligation to HPCL. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 91 Strictly Confidential The Bidder’s scope for includes Design, Engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Integration, Factory/Shop Testing, Packaging, Forwarding, Supply, Insurance, Custom clearance (if any), Unloading at site, Storage, Calibration, Field-testing, Installation/Erection, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, Stabilisation of the complete system, supply of Spares, Documentation etc. on a turnkey basis for successful operation of HPCL-TTLS. The complete requirements shall be executed on a turnkey basis with single point responsibility. Bidder shall include all the items as per below mentioned “Schedule of Quantities". To make the system complete in all respects & to meet the requirements which have not been explicitly identified, but required for the completion and efficient performance of the entire HPCL-TTLS. The quantities indicated are tentative, and it is provided to facilitate the bidder for estimate. The quantities of individual item can vary as per the OEM solution. All tools & tackles including, PPE, ladders, scaffolding, structural steel or consumables like cable glands, cable ties, lugs, ferules, tag plate etc.. which are not listed, but required for carrying out the work in uninterrupted manner, shall be provided by the bidder. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 92 Strictly Confidential A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Padlocks (2 per truck) Keys (1 per truck + 1 per terminal) Key Programming Units Smartbox (SKH) - TT Key Cabinets - Terminals Application Software Mobile App Terminal Workstations Application Server Database Server FO Server Smart Cards Wireless APs - Terminals Wireless APs - TTs Networking Accessories - Terminals Networking Accessories - TT Common Locking System for TT Installation Services 18. 19. Integration with Legacy Systems Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 93 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs Lumps um Lumps um pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs lot lot pcs per instan ce Lumps um Strictly Confidential B 3,280 1,654 1 1,640 14 1 1 14 1 1 1 2,000 14 1,200 14 1,640 1,640 1,654 1 C=(AxB) Domestic Value Addition in Percentage (%) CIF Value of Import Content included in FOT Despatch point price(in Rs.) Total Price on FOT Despatch point basis (in Rs.) Unit Price x Qty Supply & Provisioning of Unit Price on FOT Despatch point basis (in Rs.) Total Quantity Unit Sr. No. 19. ANNEXURE II - PRICED BID FORMAT – INDIAN BIDDERS 20. Comprehensive Annual Lumps Maintenance for 4 years including um FM services, Call Centre Services , GPRS / GPS operational expenses 1 Note: Notwithstanding anything contained in this document, regardless of what appears in the indicative schedule of quantities, it shall be the responsibility of the vendor to supply, install, commission, test & maintain all the components required to make HPCL-TTLS a) total & fully functional b) function as per the functional requirements set in this document without any financial or any other obligation to HPCL. The Bidder’s scope for includes Design, Engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Integration, Factory/Shop Testing, Packaging, Forwarding, Supply, Insurance, Custom clearance (if any), Unloading at site, Storage, Calibration, Field-testing, Installation/Erection, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, Stabilisation of the complete system, supply of Spares, Documentation etc. on a turnkey basis for successful operation of HPCL-TTLS. The complete requirements shall be executed on a turnkey basis with single point responsibility. Bidder shall include all the items as per below mentioned “Schedule of Quantities". To make the system complete in all respects & to meet the requirements which have not been explicitly identified, but required for the completion and efficient performance of the entire HPCL-TTLS. The quantities indicated are tentative, and it is provided to facilitate the bidder for estimate. The quantities of individual item can vary as per the OEM solution. All tools & tackles including, PPE, ladders, scaffolding, structural steel or consumables like cable glands, cable ties, lugs, ferules, tag plate etc.. which are not listed, but required for carrying out the work in uninterrupted manner, shall be provided by the bidder. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 94 Strictly Confidential A B Supply & Provisioning of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Padlocks (2 per truck) Keys (1 per truck + 1 per terminal) Key Programming Units Smartbox (SKH) - TT Key Cabinets - Terminals Application Software Mobile App Terminal Workstations Application Server Database Server FO Server Smart Cards Wireless APs - Terminals Wireless APs - TTs Networking Accessories - Terminals Networking Accessories - TT Common Locking System for TT Installation Services 18. 19. Integration with Legacy Systems Comprehensive Annual Maintenance for 4 years including FM services, 20. Call Centre Services , GPRS / GPS operational expenses Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 95 pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs Lump sum Lump sum pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs lot lot pcs per insta nce Lump sum Lump sum Strictly Confidential 3,280 1,654 1 1,640 14 1 1 14 1 1 1 2,000 14 1,200 14 1,640 1,640 1,654 1 1 Total Price FOB port of Shipment (Currency) Unit Price x Qty Unit Price FOB port of Shipment (Currency Total Quantity Unit Sr. No. 20. ANNEXURE III - PRICED BID FORMAT – FOREIGN BIDDERS C=(AxB) Note: Notwithstanding anything contained in this document, regardless of what appears in the indicative schedule of quantities, it shall be the responsibility of the vendor to supply, install, commission, test & maintain all the components required to make HPCL-TTLS a) total & fully functional b) function as per the functional requirements set in this document without any financial or any other obligation to HPCL. The Bidder’s scope for includes Design, Engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Integration, Factory/Shop Testing, Packaging, Forwarding, Supply, Insurance, Custom clearance (if any), Unloading at site, Storage, Calibration, Field-testing, Installation/Erection, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, Stabilisation of the complete system, supply of Spares, Documentation etc. on a turnkey basis for successful operation of HPCL-TTLS. The complete requirements shall be executed on a turnkey basis with single point responsibility. Bidder shall include all the items as per below mentioned “Schedule of Quantities". To make the system complete in all respects & to meet the requirements which have not been explicitly identified, but required for the completion and efficient performance of the entire HPCL-TTLS. The quantities indicated are tentative, and it is provided to facilitate the bidder for estimate. The quantities of individual item can vary as per the OEM solution. All tools & tackles including, PPE, ladders, scaffolding, structural steel or consumables like cable glands, cable ties, lugs, ferules, tag plate etc. Which are not listed, but required for carrying out the work in uninterrupted manner, shall be provided by the bidder. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 96 Strictly Confidential 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Supply & Provisioning of Padlocks (2 per truck) Keys (1 per truck + 1 per terminal) Key Programming Units Smartbox (SKH) - TT Key Cabinets - Terminals Application Software pcs pcs 3,280 1,654 pcs pcs pcs Lu mp su m Mobile App Lu mp su m Terminal Workstations pcs Application Server pcs Database Server pcs FO Server pcs Smart Cards pcs Wireless APs - Terminals pcs Wireless APs - TTs pcs Networking Accessories - lot Terminals Networking Accessories - TT lot Common Locking System for pcs TT 1 1,640 14 1 Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 97 Third-party (as applicable) Octroi,if any G H I K L 1 14 1 1 1 2,000 14 1,200 14 1,640 1,640 Strictly Confidential (Pls Specify) Service tax F (Pls Specify) In transit Insurance E (Pls Specify) VAT / CST (please specify ) Charges Freight D Inspection Excise Duty Any Other Charges for Door-delivery of goods/services Packing & Forwarding A Unit Sr. No. Total Quantity 21. ANNEXURE IV - UNPRICED BID FORMAT – INDIAN BIDDERS Installation Services per ins 18. tan ce Integration with Legacy Lu Systems mp 19. su m Comprehensive Annual Lu Maintenance for 4 years mp 20. including FM services, su Call Centre Services , GPRS / m GPS operational expenses 1,654 1 1 NOTE: Bidders to note, quoted price should be inclusive of octroi. Unloading at location will be in HPCL’s Scope. Various charges quoted above will be evaluated as mentioned in the table below (FOR Destination basis). DESCRIPTION APPLICATION Basic Price incl. TPI Not Applicable Packing & Forwarding (P & F) Included in Basic Price Excise Duty (ED) On (Basic Price + P & F) Sales Tax (ST) - VAT / CST On (Basic Price + P & F + ED) Freight On (Basic Price) Third Party Inspection (TPI) Included in Basic Price Transit Insurance (TI) On (Basic Price) Octroi (wherever applicable) On (Basic Price + P & F + ED + ST + Freight + TPI + TI) Service Tax will be applied on the charges quoted against Supervision of Installation & Commissioning jobs, if any mentioned in the tender. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 98 Strictly Confidential 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Unit Sr. No. Supply & Provisioning of Padlocks (2 per truck) Keys (1 per truck + 1 per terminal) Key Programming Units Smartbox (SKH) - TT Key Cabinets - Terminals Application Software Mobile App Terminal Workstations Application Server Database Server FO Server Smart Cards Wireless APs - Terminals Wireless APs - TTs Networking Accessories - Terminals Networking Accessories - TT Common Locking System for TT Installation Services Integration with Legacy Systems Comprehensive Annual Maintenance for 4 years including FM services, Call Centre Services , GPRS / GPS operational expenses Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 99 Strictly Confidential pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs Lumpsu m Lumpsu m pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs lot lot pcs per instance Lumpsu m Lumpsu m Total Quantity 22. ANNEXURE V- UNPRICED BID FORMAT – FOREIGN BIDDERS 3,280 1,654 1 1,640 14 1 1 14 1 1 1 2,000 14 1,200 14 1,640 1,640 1,654 1 1 TAXES & DUTIES FOR FOREIGN BIDDERS Description Rate in % TPIA charges, in % Packing and forwarding charges, in % Ocean freight from loading port to Mumbai/ Nhava Sheva, India,% Marine Insurance from port of shipment to port of entry, % Port/Landing charges in Indian Rupees, Clearing charges in Indian Rupees, Inland freight per unit, inclusive of any other taxes, INR Inland Transit insurance per unit inclusive of any other tax or duty, INR Any other charges / duty (please specify)in % Any other charges / duty (please specify) in % Notes:NO CONDITION SHOULD BE MENTIONED ON THE PRICE BID Bidder to indicate all Taxes and Duties in Percentage in Un-priced Bid. The application of the taxes & duties shall be as per enclosure. Vendor to quote in US $ OR in the currency of country of origin. Port of Entry in India would be NhavaSheva Port JNPT, Mumbai Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 100 Strictly Confidential 23. ANNEXURE VI – TEST CASES FOR THE POC Sr. No. 1. Test Case Scenario Name Desired Result Truck Locking The truck locking happens as per the sequence specified. Trip code is generated & transmitted. Audit log created. Truck unlocking happens as per the sequence specified. Audit log created. The locks do not open; Audit Log created. 2. Truck unlocking at the Test RO location 3. 5. Truck unlocking at any unauthorized location enroute Truck unlocking at unauthorized time of the day/trip Emergency unlocking 6. Time Synchronisation 7. Key removed/away longer duration 8. Tampering Registration 9. Key Programming 10. Unlocking at the terminal 4. for Event Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 101 The locks do not open; Audit Log created. The SKH is opened using the emergency code generated by the system. Audit log created. The server time is modified. The system time is changed accordingly. The SKH do not re-lock against the time-barred key replacement event. Audit log created. Alarm generated. The locks are tampered with another key. Audit log created. A set of keys are programmed for a specific set of locks. The matching locks open while the nonmatching ones do not open. The truck, on arrival, gets unlocked as per the specified sequence & procedure. Data get transferred/synchronized using the wireless communication. Actual Result Pass/Fa il 11. Lock Transaction Memory Test 12. System Alarms The transaction memory on the lock is tested for the designated no. of operations/transactions. System generated alarms &alerts are seen on the GUI. The automated email shall be sent to the designated recipients. BIDDERS SHOULD NOTE THAT THESE ARE INDICATIVE TEST CASES AND THE TECHNICAL EVALUATION TEAM MAY EVALUATE & TEST THE PROPOSED SYSTEM AGAINST ANY OR ALL THE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE TENDER DOCUMENT. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 102 24. ANNEXURE VII - FORMAT FOR DRAFT BANK GUARANTEE IN LIEU OF BID SECURITY (EMD) (On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value) TO : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (Address as applicable) IN CONSIDERATION OF MESSRS. HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED a Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai-20 (hereinafter called "The Corporation" which expression shall include its successor in business and assigns) issued a tender on Messrs. ................................................ a partnership firm/sole proprietor business/a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at (hereinafter called "the Tenderer" which expression shall include its executors, administrators and assigns) against Tender no............ dated .................... (hereinafter called "the tender" which expression shall include any amendments/alterations to "the tender" issued by "the Corporation") for the supply of goods to/execution of services for "the Corporation" and "the Corporation" having agreed not to insist upon immediate payment of Earnest Money for the fulfilment of the said tender in terms thereof on production of an acceptable Bank Guarantee for an amount of R....... (Rupees ................................. only). We, ................................... Bank having office at ..................................................... Mumbai (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) at the request and on behalf of "the Tenderer" hereby agree to pay to the Corporation without any demur on first demand an amount not exceeding Rs........... (Rupees ...................................... only) against any loss or damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by "the Corporation" by reason of non performance and fulfillment or for any breach on the part of "the Tenderer" of any of the terms and conditions of the said "tender". We, ........................................ Bank further agree that "the Corporation" shall be sole Judge whether the said "Tenderer" has failed to perform or fulfill the said "tender" in terms thereof or committed breach of any of the terms and conditions of "the order" and the extent of loss, damage, cost, charges and expenses suffered or incurred or would be suffered or incurred by "the Corporation" on account thereof and we waive in favour of "the Corporation" all the rights and defences to which we as guarantors and/or "the Tenderer" may be entitled to. We, ................................. Bank further agree that the amount demanded by "the Corporation" as such shall be final and binding on "the Bank" as to "the Bank" 's liability to pay and the amount demanded and "the Bank" to undertake to pay "the Corporation" the amount so demanded on first demand and without any demur notwithstanding any dispute Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 103 raised by "the Tenderer" or any suit or other legal proceedings including arbitration pending before any court, tribunal or arbitrator relating thereto, our liability under this guarantee being absolute and unconditional. We, ....................................... Bank further agree with "the Corporation" that "the Corporation" shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said "tender"/or to extend time of performance by "the Tenderer" from time to time or to postpone for any time to time any of the powers exercisable by "the Corporation" against "the Tenderer" and to forbear to enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to "the tender" and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to "the Tenderer" or for any forbearance, act or ommission on the part of "the Corporation" or any indulgence by "the Corporation" to "the tenderer" or by any such matter or things whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of relieving us. NOTWITHSTANDING anything hereinbefore contained, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rs. ......... (Rupees....................................... only). Our liability under this guarantee shall remain in force until expiration of nine months (8 month validity + 1 month claim period) from the due date of opening of the said "tender". Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing within said period, that is, on or before .................................... all rights of "the Corporation" under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities thereunder. We, ........................................ Bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of "the Corporation" in Writing. We, ......................................... Bank lastly agree that "the Bank" 's liability under this guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of "the Tenderer". "The Bank" has power to issue this guarantee in favour of "the Corporation" in terms of the documents and/or the Agreement/Contract or MOU entered into between "the Tenderer" and "the Bank" in this regard. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank has executed this document on this ..........................day of ........................ For ........................ Bank (by its constituted attorney) (Signature of a person authorised to sign on behalf of "the Bank") Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 104 25. ANNEXURE VIII - FORMAT DRAFT COMPOSITE BANK GUARANTEE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT/PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value) TO : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (Address as applicable) IN CONSIDERATION OF MESSRS. HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, a Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai-20 (hereinafter called "The Corporation" (which expression shall include its successor in business and assigns) having placed an order on Messers ............................ a partnership firm/sole proprietor business/a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at ............. (hereinafter called "the supplier" (which expression shall include executors, administrators and assigns) vide order No....................... dated.............. (hereinafter called "the order" which expression shall include any amendments/alterations to "the order" issued by "the Corporation") for the supply of goods to/execution of services for "the Corporation" and "the Corporation" having agreed : a) not to insist upon immediate payment of Security deposit for the fulfillment and performance of the said order b) to pay "the supplier" as and by way of advance up to a sum of Rupees__________ (Rupees _____________________________ only) being ____% of the value of the order"; c) that "the supplier" shall furnish a security for the performance of "the supplier's" obligations and/or discharge of "the supplier's" liability in connection with the said "order"; and "the Corporation" having agreed with "the supplier" to accept a composite Bank Guarantee for the mobilization advance, security deposit, retention money and performance guarantee. We, .................................................... Bank having office at ............................................ (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" which expression shall includes its successors and assigns) at the request and on behalf of "the supplier" hereby agree to pay to "the Corporation” without any demur on first demand an amount not exceeding Rs........... (Rupees.............................only) against any loss or damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by "the Corporation" by reason of non performance and fulfillment or for any breach on the part of "the supplier" of any of the terms and conditions of the said "order". We, ............................. Bank further agree that "the Corporation" shall be sole judge whether the said "Supplier" has failed to perform or fulfill the said "order" in terms thereof or committed breach of any terms and conditions of "the order" and the extent of loss, damage, cost, charges and expenses suffered or incurred or would be suffered or incurred Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 105 by "the Corporation" on account thereof and we waive in the favour of "the Corporation" all the rights and defences to which we as guarantors and/or "the Supplier" may be entitled to. We, ................................. Bank further agree that the amount demanded by "the Corporation" as such shall be final and binding on "the Bank" as to "the Bank" 's liability to pay and the amount demanded and "the Bank" undertake to pay "the Corporation" the amount so demanded on first demand and without any demur notwithstanding any dispute raised by "the Supplier" or any suit or other legal proceedings including arbitration pending before any court, tribunal or arbitrator relating thereto, our liability under this guarantee being absolute and unconditional. We, .................................. Bank further agree with "the Corporation" that "the Corporation" shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said "order"/or to extend time of performance by "the Supplier" from time to time or to postpone for any time to time any of the powers exercisable by "the Corporation" against "the Supplier" and to forbear to enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to "the order" and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to "the Supplier" or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of "the Corporation" or any indulgence by "the Corporation" to "the Supplier" or by any such matter or things whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of relieving us. However, it has been agreed between "the Supplier" and "the Corporation" that there shall be only one Composite Bank Guarantee for both the advance and security deposit performance guarantee/Retention Money @ of ____% valid till the end of the defects liability period as per the terms of the P.O. No. _______________ dated _____________ and that in proportion with the recovery of advance @ ______% per bill the same amount/value automatically stands credited to the defects liability account/security deposit or retention money as the case may be and will continue to be credited/treated till the entire advance of Rs._______________________ is fully recovered from the running bills and from the date of full recovery of the advance of Rs.__________________ this guarantee automatically, shall stand valid towards the ____% retention money/defects liability, fully valid in all ® respects unto a further period of 3 (three) months, as per the Purchase Order of "the Corporation". Not withstanding anything contained herein above : Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed Rs.......... This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto and including .......; and We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before the expiry of 30 days from the date of expiry of this guarantee. We, ........................................ Bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of "the Corporation" in writing. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 106 We, ......................................... Bank lastly agree that "the Bank"'s liability under this guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of "the Supplier". "The Bank" has power to issue this guarantee in favour of "the Corporation" in terms of the documents and/or the Agreement/Contract or MOU entered into between "the Supplier" and "the Bank" in this regard. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank has executed this document on this ............................. day of ........................... For ........................ Bank (by its constituted attorney) (Signature of a person authorised to sign on behalf of "the Bank")* Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 107 26. ANNEXURE IX - AGREED TERMS & CONDITIONS This questionnaire duly filled shall be returned along with each copy of Un-priced bid. Clauses confirmed hereunder should not be repeated in the bid. All the commercial terms and conditions should be indicated in this format only. If required details including deviation to gpc, if any, should be indicated as an annexure to this format. S.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION Confirm Your Offer is in complete compliance with the scope of supplies as specified in the Bid document Confirm you have quoted your prices strictly in the applicable Price schedule format (enclosed with the Bid document) along with Unit and Total Prices Specify Country of Origin of Goods offered Specify the Currency of quote (in accordance with terms specified in Bid document) Indicate estimated shipping net and gross weight and Volume Inspection : Confirm your quoted prices are inclusive of all testing and inspection requirements as specified in the bid document. Please note that third party inspection charges is included in the Quoted Basic/ FOB price. Confirm acceptance / compliance with the following conditions /clauses of the Bid document (i) Confirm price basis of your offer is strictly in accordance with (iv) Confirm your Firm delivery period shall be strictly as per requirement specified in the Bid Document. (v) Confirm that Your offer will remain Valid for acceptance for a period of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DAYS from the Bid due date or extended due date (if the same is extended). (vi) Confirm that the quoted prices shall remain FIRM AND FIXED till complete execution of Order (vii) Confirm that Guarantee / Warranty shall be as per Tender . Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 108 (viii) Confirm that the Force Majeure shall be as per Tender (ix) Confirm acceptance of Price Reduction for delay in delivery as per Bid document. x) Confirm total acceptance to Payment Terms as per tender xi) Arbitration clause shall be as per General Purchase Conditions 8 9 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 Confirm Terms related to Taxes and Duties shall be as per Provisions of Bid document All correspondence must be in English Language Only This clause is for Indian Bidders only Indicate dispatch Point Confirm Quoted prices are exclusive of transit Insurance Indicate Rate of Central / Local Sales Tax (CST / LST) payable extra on finished goods (i) CST without Concessional Form C (ii) CST with Concessional Form (iii) Local Sales Tax (in case supplies are made from Originating state) without concessional form 10.4(i) (ii) 10.5 10.6 (iv) Local sales tax with Concessional Form Indicate Present rate of Excise duty plus Education Excise Duty : _____ % Cess applicable extra on finished goods Ed. Cess : _____% Confirm that Excise Duty amount shall be reimbursed to seller only against receipt of CENVATABLE copy of Excise Invoice by Owner. If there is any variation in excise duty plus education cess on finished goods at the time of Supplies for any reason, other than statutory, including turnover, Confirm the same will be borne by the Bidder. In case (10.5) above is not acceptable, indicate Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 109 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 maximum rate of Excise duty plus Education Cess chargeable. Statutory variation in Excise duty plus Education Cess and Sales tax during the contractual delivery period on Finished goods only will be to Owner's account. Confirm, if there is delay beyond contractual delivery date for reasons attributable to Bidder, any increase in Sales tax and / or excise duty plus education cess will be borne by the Bidder and any decrease shall be passed on to Owner. Confirm, in case of delay in delivery, due to reasons attributable to Bidder, any new or additional taxes and duties imposed after contractual delivery dates shall be to Bidder's account. If offer is based on certain imported raw materials / components required for goods offered, Please note and specify the following : (i) Owner will not provide any Import License for the same (ii) Confirm that you have quoted prices on: a. Merit rate of Customs duty essentiality certificate) (without (iii) Confirm you have furnished built in CIF import content in your price bid. Indicate rate of customs duty considered and included in the quoted prices (v) Indicate classification(s) Bidder intents to import under which (vi) Confirm that any upward variation due to wrong classification(s) considered in Offer shall be absorbed by the Bidder, whereas any downward variations on account of the same shall be passed on to the Owner. Merit Rate Customs Duty (vii) Please note and Confirm that any variations in Customs duty shall be to Owner's Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 110 Of account only as per terms specified in the bid document. viii) Confirm Bidder shall claim variation on account of Customs duty separately after receipt of goods at site, against documentary evidence 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 This clause is for Foreign Bidders only Indicate International sea Port of Exit (i) Letter of Credit shall be opened through a Government of India Nationalized Bank and hence need not be confirmed. (ii) In case You insist for a confirmed LC, confirmation charges will be to your account. Confirm acceptance. Confirm your quoted prices include transit Insurance upto FOB Port of Shipment All taxes, duties and levies of any kind payable upto FOB Port of shipment shall be borne by the Bidder. All Bank Charges and Stamp duties payable outside India in connection with the payments to be made under the Purchase Order shall be borne by the Bidder. All Bank Charges and Stamp duties payable in India (only Owner's banker) shall be borne by the Owner. In case of Foreign Bidder insisting for having Indian Agent, furnish the following : (i) The Unavoidable justification for engaging the Indian Agent (ii) Name and complete address of Indian Agent including Telephone & Fax number (iii) RBI Registration Number (iv) Agency's commission included in Quoted prices as % of quoted FOB prices (Payable in equivalent non-convertible Indian Rupees upon complete execution of Order and supplies are received and acceptable at sites. _________ % Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 111 11.7 12 13 14 15 16 17 (v) Submit Copy of agreement between Foreign Bidder and Indian Agent Please Indicate the name and address of your Bankers Please confirm that you have not been banned or delisted by any Government or Quasi Government agencies or PSUs. If you have been banned, then this fact must clearly be stated. This does not necessarily be cause for disqualification. However, if this declaration is not furnished the bid shall be rejected as non-responsive. Please confirm that you have filed in, signed and attached the enclosed “Proforma of Declaration of Black Listing/Holiday Listing” along with your Unpriced offer. Confirm acceptance to part order. Offer for items as per the terms specified in the bid document. For all items individual quantities will not be split. Owner reserves the right to make any changes in the terms and conditions of bid document. Confirm The Bidder is required to state whether any of the Director's Bidder is a relative of any Director of Owner or the Bidder is a firm in which any Director of Owner or his relative is a partner. (a) Confirm acceptance in Toto of the Terms and Conditions contained in the Bid document (i) Instructions to Bidders. (ii) Special Conditions of Purchase (ii) General Purchase conditions (GPC) (iii) All other commercial documents / attachments / Chapters of the bid document (b) In case of reservations, confirm that clause wise comments have been specified as annexure to this format. (c) All the terms and conditions have been indicated in this format (including Annexure, if any) and have been repeated in the Bid elsewhere. It is noted that terms and conditions indicated elsewhere including any printed terms and conditions shall not be Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 112 18 considered by the owner Furnish Financial Turnover figures of last 3 years of bidder / manufacturer and or trading company (house) which ever is applicable TURNOVER 2009-2010 (2009) 2009-2008 (2008) 2008-2007 (2007) In support of above Bidder shall enclose copies of its published Annual reports of preceding 3 years. Confirm compliance. BIDDERS NAME : ADDRESS : SIGNATURE & SEAL : FAX NO. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 113 TEL NO. EMAIL : 27. ANNEXURE X - MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM (To be provided by all Original Equipment Manufacturers) Date: To M/s HPCL, Mumbai Bid Reference No.: ____________ Dear Sir, 1. I, (Name & designation of the Person), am the authorized signatory of my Company, (Name of the Company). 2. Our company is a reputed manufacturer of (name &description of equipment), having manufacturing facilities at (address of manufacturing locations) and Indian/APAC head office at (address). 3. We hereby authorize M/s (name and address of the bidder) to submit the bid and sign the contract with your good self for the goods manufactured by us, for the above mentioned Bid Reference Number. 4. We are aware of the model numbers of our products quoted for this RFP and assure you that these are not end‐of‐life products. These model numbers are (product name &model numbers). 5. We are willing to provide a warranty of 1year on the above mentioned model numbers from the date of supply. 6. We assure you the availability of spare parts for the above mentioned model numbers for a period of 7 years, from the date of supply. 7. During the period of 7 years from the date of supply, in case the bidder fails to provide you the necessary service, we will be obliged to provide the same as per the CAMC rates quoted by the bidder. 8. We are aware of & have vetted the Technical Compliance Sheet with our counter-signature, submitted as a part of the tender submission by M/s ______. Yours faithfully, (Contact (Designation) (Name Person) of manufacturers) Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer with full address, phone number, email, and website address, and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally bind the manufacturer. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 114 28. ANNEXURE XI – FORMAT FOR BIDDER INFORMATION SHEET& UNDERTAKING (In case of Consortium, to be filled in by all the partners/members) About the Company Name of the Company: Postal Address (Regd. Office): Postal Address (Local Office): Constitution, Registration No./Date: No. of Sales/Service Offices (Pls Mention all the locations) Sr. No. Office Location State No. of Service Engineers 1 2 . n About the Authorised Signatory (PoA Holder): Name: Designation: Office Address: Email: Tel./Fax Nos.: Cell No.: Company Financials/Headcount FY 2011-12 Turnover Turnover from Security Solutions Turnover from Customer Support Services Net Worth Total Headcount No. of Certified Software Engineers No. of Certified Service Engineers Company Experience Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 115 FY 2010-11 FY 2009-10 VAT/PT Regn. No. Project Name Customer Name & Address Project Description Project Value Security Component Value Contract Period (FromTo) Project Status Contact Person, Contact Tel. No. & Email 1 2 . N Company Credentials QMS - Provide Details Blacklisted/banned/Delisted - Provide Details Undertaking On behalf of M/s....................................................... (Name of the Bidder), I, the undersigned, state that all the information stated above as well as in other parts of our bid is true. I do hereby affirm and undertake to abide by all the terms, conditions and specifications given in the Bid Document while performing the contractual obligations relating to theHPCL-TTLS project. Also, I do affirm & assure that the solution proposed by us is complete & total meeting all the functional requirements of HPCL-TTLS as stated in the Bid Document. Yours faithfully, (Authorised Signatory) Name, Signature & Seal of the Bidder Place: Date: Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 116 29. ANNEXURE XII- CHECK LIST Checklist of Documents to be submitted along with the Unpriced Bid for HPCL TTLS This checklist has been provided only as an assistance to the bidder to prepare their bids. Sufficient care has been taken to make this list complete. However, bidders should also independently verify the document requirement before submission. Non-submission of any required document on the pretext of its non-appearance in the following checklist will not be accepted and may lead to the proposal being considered as non-responsive. Sr. Section No. No. Unpriced Bid 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name of the Document Instrument of EMD Pre-qualification Documents Notarised copy of Audited Balance Sheets FY 2011-12 FY 2010-11 FY 2009-10 Notarised copy of Audited P&L Account FY 2011-12 FY 2010-11 FY 2009-10 Auditor’s Certificate for Net Worth PO & Completion Certificates (CC) for Similar Works executed by the Bidder Auditor’s Certificate indicating details of the Service Centers Other Mandatory Documents Bidder Information Sheet/s & Undertaking as per Annexure-XI Copy of document determining the authority of the signatory to sign the bid on behalf of the Company Certified copy of Partnership Deed / Memorandum & Articles of Association & Certificate of registration with the Registrar of Companies. Declaration that the bidder has not been banned / delisted Copy of Agreement Under Integrity Pact Compliance to the tender enquiry conditions (Technical Specifications) with deviation listing Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 117 Submitted (Y/N)? Page No. Comments, If any Sr. No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Section No. Name of the Document if any, as per Annexure 5; duly filled in, signed & stamped by the bidder & the OEM on each page. Architecture diagram clearly marking each component and brief functionality therein along with all data sheets of the products and components in soft copies. MAFs from OEMs Padlocks Smart Box Servers Software GPRS / GPS (TSP) Telecom Service Provider Signed tender document as a token of having read, understood and accepted all Terms and conditions. Certificate from the OEMs certifying that the offered products are not End of Life Products Declaration for NIL Deviation Duly filled-in Unpriced Bid Format Agreed Terms & Conditions Copy of all relevant product certifications Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 118 Submitted (Y/N)? Page No. Comments, If any 30. ANNEXURE XIII - PROCESSES New Process at the Terminal Empty TT arrives at the terminal gate Allowed entry into the Terminal after document verification and biometric authentication of the TT crew. TT taken to the queuing area, where the key-in-charge (KIC) of the Terminal will open the smart box (fitted on the TT) using his biometric smart card. This action will erase the previous trip authentications in the smartbox. It will also trigger the data exchange between the wireless transceivers on the smart box and in the terminal control room. The smart box will recognize the geofencing coordinates of the location and only then allow the key to be extracted from the smart box. The KIC will use the key in the smartbox to unlock the padlock(s) on the dome covers. The key shall be removable in locked position only. The smart box will generate an alarm in case the key is not returned into the smart box within a specified interval. After the loading operation, the TT will be taken back to the queuing area where the KIC will release the key from the smart box and use it to lock the TDCs. This activity will signify the completion of the loading process It will initiate interaction with the JDEdwards system for receipt (from JDE) of destination data and intimation (to JDE) of the completion of the loading operation Exit documentation for the tank truck is prepared. The smartbox will be reconfigured by the system to be used at the consignee retail outlet. A trip based code will be sent to the authorized person at the retail outlet via SMS / email for releasing the key from the smartbox. This will also serve as an intimation of the truck leaving the terminal. Once the truck leaves the terminal the fixed codes for the smartbox (to be used when TT is in the terminal) will be rendered invalid. All the events will be communicated to the central server. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 119 New Process at the RO The TT reaches the RO The authorized person at the RO will extract the key from the smartbox, using his smart card and the random, trip based code received via SMS/email. In case the SMS / email has not been received, the dealer can call the toll free number to check the status of the SMS/email delivery. The disengagement of the key from the smart box will be recorded by the system to generate an alarm for disengagement beyond a specified period. Once the unloading operation is complete, the dealer will perform the system operations by locking the TDC’s and OV’s. The engagement of the keys with the smartbox will ensure that the trip-codes are rendered invalid and the locks can be re opened only at the Terminal. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 120 The system will also verify the latlong coordinates to enable the key extraction. TT leaves the RO for the next trip / towards the terminal 31. ANNEXURE FORMAT XIII PARENT COMPANY GUARANTEE This GUARANTEE (“Guarantee”) is issued on the _____ day of ______ , ___ by _______________________, a Company organized and existing under the laws of ___________ having its Registered Office at ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Guarantor” and/or “__________________”), at the request and/or behest of _______________________, a Company organized and existing under the laws of _________________ having its Registered Office at ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Indian arm”), in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, a listed Public Limited Company organized under the laws of India having its Registered Office at Petroleum House, 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020 (hereinafter referred to as “Beneficiary” or “HPCL”). WHEREAS: The Beneficiary floated a public tender dated __________ inviting offers from Vendors for ________________(purpose). The Indian arm have submitted their quotation dated _________ and advised the Beneficiary that the Indian arm is the subsidiary/ authorized agent/ branch office/ affiliate* of the Guarantor. The Guarantor vide its letter dated __________ informed the Beneficiary that its Indian arm, will quote and participate in the tender in their place and desire that the contract be placed by the Beneficiary on the Indian arm. For this reason, the Guarantor is ready and willing to give a Parent Company Guarantee (PCG) inter alia for the performance of their Indian arm to the terms and conditions of the tender and on failure to assume the said obligations. We, the Guarantor are hereby recording the terms and conditions governing our obligations under this Guarantee with the intent of being legally bound by the same and hereby agree, covenant and bind ourselves as follows:1. The Guarantor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees to HPCL that its wholly owned Indian arm Company will perform its obligations under the terms and conditions of the tender, if the contract is being awarded to them in future for ___________ and agrees to provide further comfort letters/ guarantees, if so desired by beneficiary, in terms of the tender. 2. The Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to the Beneficiary that it will make available or cause to be made available to the Indian arm all financial, technical and other resources required to ensure that the Indian arm can carry out its obligations as per the tender terms and conditions and that the Indian arm at all times fully and effectively discharge its obligations under the terms and conditions of tender, including by discharging the obligations within the time and cost so stipulated. 3. The Guarantor hereby agrees that if the Indian arm shall in any respect commit any breach or fails to fulfill any of the terms of the Contract/Tender or complete it in all respects or if there is a failure to make any supplies or if any material, equipment or machinery under the contract so supplied is not of the required specifications or does not perform as envisaged under the contract, then the Guarantor will forthwith perform the same and fulfill all the obligations required under tender terms & conditions on behalf of their Indian arm, without any extra cost and time implications. 4. The Guarantor further undertakes to indemnify all losses, damages, expenses, claims, costs and proceedings which may be suffered or incurred Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 121 5. 6. 7. 8. by Beneficiary due to the failure or breach on the part of its Indian arm Company. The Guarantor assures and undertakes that during the term of the contract or of any guarantee for performance as per the contract, the Indian arm shall continue to be the subsidiary/ authorized agent/ branch office/ affiliate* of the Guarantor and the Guarantor’s liability shall not be affected due to any incapacity or lack of power or legal personality or change in the status of the Indian arm or the Guarantor. The Guarantor’s liabilities under this Guarantee shall not exceed the liability of the Indian arm under the tender terms and conditions but this shall in any manner not affect the Guarantor’s own responsibilities and liabilities under the Guarantee. The obligation of the Guarantor shall take effect from the date of this Guarantee and shall remain in full force until all the obligations of the Indian arm have been fully performed and discharged and/or all sums of money payable to Beneficiary have been fully paid under the contract being entered into by Beneficiary with the Indian arm Company. The Guarantor further undertakes to perform forthwith without insisting on any proof of breach of Contract by its Indian arm Company and purely relying on Beneficiary’ s written demand. The liabilities of the Guarantor shall not be discharged, diminished or otherwise affected by:(a) Any change in the Articles of Association or Bye-Laws or constitution of the Indian arm Company or the Guarantor. (b) Any time, indulgence, waiver or consent given to Indian arm Company by the Beneficiary. (c) Any amendment to the Contract or any security or other guarantee or indemnity to which Indian arm Company has agreed. (d) The dissolution, amalgamation, reconstruction or reorganization of Indian arm Company or Guarantor. 9. NOTICE: Any notice, demand, declaration or other communication to be given by the Beneficiary or the Guarantor to the other shall be in writing, in English language and delivered in person or by Air Mail or by Courier Services or by Facsimile or by E-Mail to the address given below :For Guarantor Attention of Mailing Address Email Address Fax No. For Beneficiary Attention of Mailing Address Email Address Fax No. 10. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION: This Guarantee shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws therein. No party shall take a plea that any forum is inconvenient. It may be enforced in terms of the Indian laws. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 122 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Any dispute arising out of or in relation to this Guarantee shall be resolved by arbitration of a sole arbitrator to be appointed as per the rules set out in the tender document. This Guarantee may be executed in one or more counterparts, all of which shall be read and construed as one document and any fax copy or scanned copy or print of a scanned copy of a signed Guarantee shall be deemed to be an original signature. No modification, alteration or amendment of this Guarantee or any of its terms or provisions shall be valid or legally binding unless the Beneficiary consents to the same in writing. No failure to take any action with respect to a breach of this Guarantee or a default by any other party shall constitute a waiver of the Beneficiary’s right to enforce any provision of this Guarantee or to take action with respect to such breach or default or any subsequent breach or default. Waiver of any breach or failure to comply with any provisions of this Guarantee shall not be construed as, or constitute, a continuing waiver of such provision, or a waiver of any other breach of or failure to comply with any other provision of this Guarantee, unless any such waiver has been consented to by the concerned party in writing. This document has been executed by a duly authorized signatory on behalf of the Guarantor having the requisite power to do so. IN WITNESS WHEEOF the Guarantor has duly executed this Guarantee as at the date first above written. For and on behalf of Guarantor, __________________________ (Signature) Witness Signature Name Designation Date : : : : Note:* Strike off that which is not applicable and retain the correct relationship Between Guarantor and Indian arm Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 123 ANNEXURE IX – CUT-OUT SLIP DO NOT OPEN- THIS IS A QUOTATION (Envelope No 1 SECTION 1 - BID SECURITY/EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD)) Client :Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Bid Document No. : 12000115-HD-10002 Item :Supply of Electro Mechanical Locking System for Tank Trucks, for HPCL West zone locations Bid Due date & Time : From : (name and address) To : DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER PURCHASE HINDUSTAN PERTOLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Gresham Assurance Building (Gresham Assurance House), 2nd Floor, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001, INDIA (To be pasted on the outer envelope containing Bid security) Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 124 DO NOT OPEN- THIS IS A QUOTATION (Envelope No 1 SECTION 2 – Unpriced bid) Client :Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Bid Document No. : 12000115-HD-10002 Item :Supply of Electro Mechanical Locking System for Tank Trucks, for HPCL West zone locations Bid Due date & Time : From : (name and address) To : DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER PURCHASE HINDUSTAN PERTOLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Gresham Assurance Building (Gresham Assurance House), 2nd Floor, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001, INDIA (To be pasted on the outer envelope containing “Unpriced bid”) Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 125 CUT-OUT SLIP DO NOT OPEN- THIS IS A QUOTATION (Envelope No. “2”- SECTION “3”- PRICED BIDS) Client :Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Bid Document No. : 12000115-HD-10002 Item :Supply of Electro Mechanical Locking System for Tank Trucks, for HPCL West zone locations Bid Due date & Time : From : (name and address) To : DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER PURCHASE HINDUSTAN PERTOLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Gresham Assurance Building (Gresham Assurance House), 2nd Floor, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001, INDIA (To be pasted on the outer envelope containing - Priced bids) Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 126 CUT-OUT SLIP DO NOT OPEN - THIS IS A QUOTATION OUTER ENVELOPE Client :Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Bid Document No. : 12000115-HD-10002 Item :Supply of Electro Mechanical Locking System for Tank Trucks, for HPCL West zone locations Bid Due date & Time : From : (name and address) To : DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER PURCHASE HINDUSTAN PERTOLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Gresham Assurance Building (Gresham Assurance House), 2nd Floor, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400001, INDIA (To be pasted on the outer envelope Security/EMD, Unpriced bid and priced bids ) Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 127 containing Bid INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid and Owner will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 2. A) Vendor is requested to submit their bids taking full notice of all the technical specifications, terms and conditions, forms & attachments to this tender. Bids must be submitted in Physical form only. B) The foreign manufacturers submitting their offers through authorized Indian Representatives shall ensure that the bids are submitted strictly on their behalf & in internationally tradable currency only. Such bids in Indian Currency will not be accepted. If successful, order will be on foreign manufacturer only. EMD shall also be submitted in Foreign currency as per Clause 22 a . 3. Owner reserves the right to accept / reject any or all bid qualification documents at their sole discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. 4. Owner is not responsible for any delays from bidder end. 5. Owner reserves the right to make any changes in terms and conditions of purchase before due date of bid submission and to reject any or all bids received incomplete. 6. Undertaking by the bidder: a. I/we hereby undertake that the statements made herein/information given in the bids through Physical Tendering system/annexures/forms referred are true in all respects and that in the event of any such statement or information being found to be incorrect in any particular, the same may be construed to be a misrepresentation entitling HPCL to avoid any resultant contract. b. I/we further undertake as and when called upon by HPCL to produce, for its inspection, original(s) of the document(s) of which copies have been annexed hereto. 7. The vendors who are already enlisted with HPCL should also bid against this Tender. 8. Owner, at its discretion reserves the right to verify information submitted by the bidders. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 128 9. Vendors to submit documents/information to satisfy the bid qualification criteria. Bidders should also be in a position to produce further information as and when required by us. 10. HPCL reserves their right to negotiate the quoted prices with lowest bidder. 11. Deleted 12. Vendors would be qualified based on data and documents provided by them and based on information available with HPCL with regard to their credentials. 13. Owner decision on any matter regarding short listing of vendors shall be final and any bidder shall not enter into any correspondence with owner unless asked for. 14. The vendors who are on HPCL holiday list or delisted will not be considered. 15.NAMES& ADDRESSES OF INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORS (IEM) 15.1 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF IEM OF M/S HPCL WILL BE INITIALLY FROM TENDER TO PRE-AWARD OF CONTRACT PERIOD ONLY .LATER ON FOR POST AWARD RESPONSIBILITY IS FOR HPCL ORDERS ONLY. A) IEM FOR ORDERS BY M/S HPCL SMT RANJANA KUMAR, SHRI D.CHATERJEE C/O HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORP LTD COMPANY SECRETARY DEPTT., 6TH FLOOR PETROLEUM HOUSE, 17, JAMSHEDJI TATA ROAD, CHURCHGATE, MUMBAI-400020 TEL.NO. (022)22863900 16. The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, attachments, terms and specifications in the tender document. The entire tender document together with all its attachments thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and accepted by the bidder, unless deviations are specifically stated seriatim by the bidder. Failure to furnish all information required in the tender document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the tender documents in every respect will be at bidder risk and may result in the rejection of his bid. The bidder scope of supplies as specified in the material requisition shall be in strict compliance with the scope detailed therein and in the bid document. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 129 17. Bidders in their own interest shall ensure that they submit their Bid, complete in all respects, well within the specified bid due date and time. No relaxation shall be given for delay due to any unforeseen event in submission of bid. 18. At any time prior to the bid due date, we may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bid Document. The amendment will be notified through our portal www.hindustanpetroleum.com to all prospective Bidders and will be binding on them. In order to afford prospective Bidder, reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, we may, at our discretion, extend the bid due date. 19. The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence/ drawings and documents relating to the bid exchanged by Bidder and the Owner shall be written in ENGLISH language, provided that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language so long as accompanied by an ENGLISH translation, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the ENGLISH translation shall govern. 20. Declaration with the bid qualification criteria that bidder has not been banned or delisted by any Government or quasi Government agencies or Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) as per declaration format (provided as attachment under Bank guarantee in lieu of EMD & declaration ) of the tender document should be downloaded & then suitably filled, signed, stamped & submitted along with the bid. 21. Bidders are advised to submit bids based strictly on the terms & conditions and specifications contained in the tender document and not to stipulate any deviations. Each Bidder shall submit only one bid. A Bidder who submits more than one bid will be rejected. Alternative bids will not be accepted. 22. The Owner may, at its discretion, extend the bid due date, in which case all rights and obligations of the Owner and the Bidders, previously subject to the bid due date, shall thereafter be subject to the new bid due date as extended. The same will be hosted in the web site. 23. Deleted 24. Telex/ Telegraphic/ Telefax/ E-mail/postal offers will not be considered and shall be rejected. 25. No bid shall be modified subsequent to the due date & time or extension, if any, for submission of bids. Bidder(s) to note that Price changes after submission of bid shall not be allowed. In case any bidder gives revised prices/price implication, his bid shall be rejected. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 130 No bid shall be allowed to be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval shall result in the forfeiture of Bidder s EMD. 26. Bids that do not meet the Bid qualification criteria as specified in the bid document shall be rejected. A bid with incomplete scope of work and/or which does not meet the technical requirements as specified in the bid document, shall be considered as non-responsive and rejected. Conditional bids will be liable for rejection. In order to be considered for the tender, the bidder’s offer should meet all technocommercial requirements for all items of the tender. 28. The Owner will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. 29. The bids without requisite EMD and/or not in the prescribed proforma and the time limit will not be considered and bids of such bidder Bidder(s) shall be rejected. 30. To facilitate evaluation & comparison, HPCL shall convert all Bid prices of foreign Bidder expressed in the amounts in various internationally tradable (in line with the Price Bid Format) currencies in which Bid price is payable, to Indian Rupees at the TT selling rates on the date of UnPrice Bid opening as available in State Bank of India, Mumbai . In case, exchange rate is not available in State Bank of India (Mumbai), alternative sources viz. Economics Times etc. shall be considered for all the currencies. 31. PRICE EVALUATIONCRITERIA:As award is on overall landed lowest basis, part offers will be rejected. Bidder has to quote for all items in the schedule for us to consider them. AMC & Supervision charges shall be also considered together with landed cost of material for evaluating the L-1 bidder. a) In case of Domestic Bidder the evaluated landed price shall include the following:i) Ex- works basic price + TPIA charges + Packing& forwarding charges as quoted by the Bidder. ii) Excise duty/ taxes / Education Cess as applicable on finished goods as quoted by the Bidder. Tax & duty set-offs as applicable will be considered during evaluation. iii) Freight Charges inclusive of all taxes & duties as quoted by the Bidder iv) Transit Insurance charges inclusive of all taxes &duties as quoted by the Bidder v) ) Octroi, if any b) In case of Foreign Bidder the evaluated landed price shall include the following:- Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 131 i) FOB Port of Shipment prices (Ex- works basic price + TPIA charges + Packing & forwarding charges as quoted by the Bidder). ii) Ocean/sea freight as quoted by the Bidder. iii) Marine insurance charges as quoted by the Bidder. iv) Port landing charges( should include port levies/ handling charges) and clearing charges as quoted by bidder. v) Import duties at prevailing rates in India as applicable on CIF value vi) Inland Freight inclusive of all taxes & duties as quoted by the Bidder. vii) Inland Transit Insurance Charges inclusive of all taxes & duties as quoted by the Bidder viii) Loading on account of bank charges @ 0.5% of CIF prices. ix) Octroi if any. 32. Prior to the expiration of period of bid validity, the Owner will notify the successful Bidder in writing or by e-mail, that his bid has been accepted. The Notification of Award will constitute the formation of the Contract. Delivery Period shall be counted from the date of notification of award (Letter/Fax/e-mail of Intent). 33. Any efforts by a Bidder to influence the Owner/ in the Owner bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of their bid. 34. ISSUE OF CONTRACT/ PURCHASE ORDER: After the successful Bidder has been notified that his bid has been accepted, the respective Oil Companies (Owners) will send to such Bidder a detailed contract/Purchase Order/s incorporating all the terms and conditions agreed between the parties. Within 15 days of receipt of the detailed Purchase Order, the Bidder shall sign and return to the Owner the duplicate copy of the order as a token of their Acknowledgement. 35. Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has developed the Grievance Redressal Mechanism to deal with references/ grievances, if any, that is received from bidders who participated / intends to participate in the Corporation tender. The details of the same are available on our website www.hindustanpetroleum.com 36. VERIFICATION BY OWNER: All statements submitted by Bidder regarding experience, manpower availability, equipment and machinery availability etc., are subject to verification by the Owner either before placement of order or after placement of order. If any data submitted by the Bidder at the bid stage is found to be incorrect, the offer is liable to be rejected or the Contract/order is liable to be terminated. 37. INDIAN BIDDERS: landed unit price method of calculation BASIC PER Unit IN INR =A Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 132 TPIA charges per Unitin INR= B Packing & Forwarding charges per Unit in INR =C Excise duty Incl cess (in %) =D Excise duty Incl cess in value =E= D x(A+B+C) Central sales Tax in % without C form OR VAT % = F Central sales Tax without C form OR VAT IN VALUE= G= F x(A+B+C+E) Inland Freight per Unit inclusive of any tax or duty in INR = H Inland Transit Insurance per Unitincl of any tax or duty in INR = I OCTROI if applicable = J = % OF OCTROI x (A+B+C+E +G+H+I) SET OFFs IF ANY= K UNIT LANDED VALUE PERUnit=A+B+C+E+G+H+I+J-K 38. FOREIGN BIDDERS: Landed unit price method of calculation BASIC PER Unit IN YOUR CURRENCY =M TPIA charges per Unit in your Currency = N P&F and any other charges including FOB charges per Unit in your Currency =O FOB PRICE IN YOUR CURRENCY=P=M+N+O Sea Freight per Unit in your Currency =Q Marine Insurance per Unit in your Currency =R CIF PRICE IN YOUR CURRENCY=S=P+Q+R CIF PRICE IN INR =T = S x currency conversion rate on date of price bid opening ASSESSABLE VALUE IN INR= a= 101% of T b = BASIC CUSTOM DUTY @ applicable RATE ON (a) c =CVD @ applicable RATE ON (a+b) d =EDU CESS @ applicable RATE ON (c) e =SEC. HIGH ED. CESS @ applicableRATE ON (c) f =CUSTOM ED. CESS @ applicable RATE ON (b+c+d+e) g =CUST SEC. & HIGH ED. CESS @ applicable rate ON (b+c+d+e) h =ADDITIONAL DUTY @ applicable rate ON (a+b+c+d+e+f+g) TOTAL COST per Unit in inr= U= a +b+c+d+e+f+g+h Port /landing charges per Unit in INR = V Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 133 CLEARING CHARGES per Unit in inr = W BANK CHARGES @ 0.5% OF CIF in INR = X Inland Freight per Unit inclusive of any tax or duty in INR =Y Inland Transit Insurance per Unitincl of any tax or duty inINR = Z OCTROI if applicable = J = % OF OCTROI * (U) UNIT LANDED VALUE PER Unit in INR=(U-a+T)+V+W+X+Y+Z+J BIDDER TO ACCEPT THE ABOVE 39.0 SEALING& MARKING OF BIDS 39.1 Bids shall be submitted separately in TWO PARTS in sealed envelopes superscribed with the Bid Document number, bid due date and time, item and nature of bid as under: Part - I (Envelope No. 1): Bid Security/EMD & Un-price bid Part - II (Envelope No. 2): Priced Bid: 39.1.1 (Envelope No. 1): SECTION - I Bid Security/EMD Bid security in accordance with tender document. 39.1.2 (Envelope No. 1) SECTION - II: Unpriced Bid: and documentary evidence establishing bidder’s claim for meeting qualification criteria as stipulated in IFB. This section/envelope should necessarily contain all the required back-up documents for Bid Qualification. BID complete with all technical and commercial details, covering letter and unpriced copy of price Schedule with prices substituted with ‘QUOTED’ or ‘NOT QUOTED’ or ‘NOT APPLICABLE’. Deviation sheet duly filled with deviations, if any, shall form part of unpriced bid. 39.1.3 (Envelope No. 2) SECTION - III: Priced Bid: BID WITH FULL PRICE DETAILS. The price bid shall contain prices only in the prescribed price schedule formats, without any technical and commercial details. Technical specifications or commercial terms given in unpriced schedule will only be evaluated and the same will be binding on the Bidder. The bids shall be sealed and kept in a single envelope with marking as Section - III / Envelope No. 2 : “Original’ Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 134 The bidder shall quote the prices along with details of taxes, Cess, duties and other levies in ‘PRICE SCHEDULE FORMAT’ of bid document ONLY. Prices quoted in any other format shall not be considered for evaluation. The Price bid shall be enclosed in the Envelope No. 2. envelope containing ‘PRICE BID’ shall be kept in a larger envelope duly sealed and pasted with enclosed CUT-OUT Slip and shall bear the name and address of the Bidder. 39.2 The envelopes containing Section -I, Section -II, Section –III of bid shall be enclosed in a larger envelope duly sealed and pasted with the enclosed CUT-OUT Slip and shall bear the name and address of the Bidder. 39.3 Bidder to note that if Bid Security (in the proforma attached with these documents) in original and/or Bid document fee (if the Bid Document is downloaded) is kept in any other envelope and not found in envelope no. 1, the offer of the bidder(s) will be REJECTED during opening. 39.4 Bidder to note that prices are to be quoted in the Format provided in the price schedule formats provided along with the tender without any conditions. Price bids submitted in any other format and conditional price bids will be liable to be rejected. Price bids received in open condition (not in sealed envelope) or kept in any other Section of the bid (i. e, Section I or II) will also be liable for rejection. 39.5 If the outer envelope is not sealed and not marked as required, then HPCL will assume no responsibility for the Bid's misplacement or premature opening. 39.6 Bidders in their own interest shall ensure that they send their bid complete in all respects well in time to reach the specified office within the specified bid due date and time. No relaxation shall be given for delay due to any unforeseen event in submission of bid. 39.7 Central Public Sector Enterprises and Firms registered with NSIC are exempted from submission of Bid Security. Central Public Sector Enterprises are requested to give a self declaration on their letter head to this effect, which should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked as Bid Security as mentioned in Cl no. 39.1.1 above. 39.8 Bidders registered with NSIC are also requested to submit self declaration on their letter head to this effect along with a copy of their Valid Registration certificate, specifying limit of volume and other details which should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope no. 1 marked as Bid security as mentioned in Cl no. 39.1.1 above. 39.9 Bid Security strictly in the proforma attached with these documents shall be submitted in Original along with the Bid. Bids received without original bid security, shall not be opened for evaluation. 39.10 Tender document complete in all respects must be submitted in the tender box provided at Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 135 the below mentioned address before due date and time 40.0 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BIDS 40.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components: 40.1.1 ORIGINAL BID SECURITY (Section - I) : Original Bid Security. - Bidders are advised to instruct their banks not to post Bid Security directly to Owner as the same has to accompany with the bid. 40.1.2 UNPRICED BID (Section -II): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Documentary evidence establishing Bidder’s claim for meeting qualification criteria as stipulated in the Bid Document. Notarized Audited Annual Report of previous three financial years. Documentary evidence establishing Bidder’s eligibility to bid and that the offered Goods conform to the Bid Document. Price Schedule (with Price figures blanked) completed in accordance with the requirements specified in the bid document. Agreed Terms & Conditions duly filled-in. Deviation Sheet, if any. Declaration with the bid qualification criteria that bidder has not been banned or delisted by any Government or quasi Government agencies or PSU's. Any other information/details/documents/data required as per Bid Document. Parent Company Guarantee, if applicable 40.1.3 PRICED BID (Section -III): Bid Form and Price Schedule (Both given along with tender) duly filled in. 41.0 BID FORM & PRICE SCHEDULE 41.1 The bidders shall complete the Bid Form and appropriate Price schedule furnished of Bid Document, indicating the required information for all quoted items. 42.0 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID 42.1 The Bidder shall prepare required number of copies of the bid, clearly marking each ‘Original Bid’ and ‘Copy of Bid’ as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the ‘Original Bid’ shall govern. 42.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the bidder Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 136 on all pages of the bid. Such authorisation shall be indicated by written Power of Attorney accompanying the bid. The name and position held by each person signing must be typed or printed below the signature. The person or persons signing the bid shall initial all pages of the bid, except for unamended printed literature. 42.3 The complete bid shall be without alterations, interlineations or erasures, except as may be necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be rewritten & initialled by the person or persons signing the bid. 42.4 All the pages of the priced bid shall be signed by the authorised signatory. In case all the pages of the priced bids are not signed, the bid shall be rejected. 43.0 OPENING OF BIDS 43.1 Bids will be opened by Owner at HPCL, Mumbai, in the presence of bidders/bidders authorized representatives (duly authorized by a competent person and having the letter of authority ). 43.2 BID SECURITY (SECTION-I) AND UNPRICED BID (SECTION-II): 43.2.1 On the day and time of bid opening, Bid security (SECTION-I of Envelope 1) and Unpriced Bid (SECTION-II of Envelope 1) shall be opened in presence of bidders. 43.2.2 The Bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign a register/attendance sheet evidencing their attendance. 43.2.3 The Bidder(s) names, presence or absence of requisite bid security will be announced at the opening. 43.2.4 Bidder (s), whose bids are not opened for any reason, including non receipt of original bid security, will not be allowed to be present during bid opening. 43.3 PRICED BID OPENING (SECTION -III): 43.3.1 Only those bidders whose bids meet the qualification criteria and are technically/commercially acceptable shall be called for opening of Priced bid (Envelope 2) at a later date, informed in advance. 43.3.2 The Bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign a register/ attendance sheet evidencing their attendance. 43.3.3 Bidder(s), whose bids are not opened for any reason, will not be allowed to be present during bid opening. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 137 44.0 EVALUATION OF BIDS 44.1 The Owner will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. 44.2 The bids without requisite Bid Security and/or not in the prescribed proforma will not be considered and bids of such bidder Bidder(s) shall be rejected. 44.3 Qualification of Bidder: The experience details and financial & technical capabilities of the Bidder(s) shall be examined to determine whether the Bidder(s) meet the Bid Qualification Criteria mentioned in the INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB). 44.4 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Un-priced bids, the Owner/ may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder clarifications on the bid. The request for such clarifications and the response thereto shall be in writing. 44.5 Prior to the evaluation and comparison of the bid, the Owner will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. For the purpose of this Article, a substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the bidding document without material deviations or reservations.A material deviation or reservation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the works or which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Document, the HPCL’s rights or Bidder’s obligation under the Contract and retention of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders presenting substantially responsive bids. The Owner’s determination of bid responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to the extrinsic evidence. 44.6 A bid determined as substantially non-responsive will be rejected by the Owner and shall not subsequently be allowed by the Owner to be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conformity. Note :1)The Bid Shall be submitted in English Language Only 2)For any Document submitted in any language other than English , The translation copy in English language shall be submitted. Tender for HPCL-TTLS - Page 138