July 13, 2014 - St. Michael the Archangel / Mary Mother of Peace
July 13, 2014 - St. Michael the Archangel / Mary Mother of Peace
The Catholic Faith Community of St. Michael The Archangel and Mary Mother of Peace FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN July 13, 2014 ORDINARY TIME DEADLINE FOR THE BULLETIN: 11 AM Thursday— 10 days before the publication 202 Edward St., Georgetown, DE 19947 and 30839 Mt. Joy Rd , Millsboro, DE 19966 PASTORAL OFFICE: TELEPHONE: (302) 856-6451 Fax: (302) 856-2353 RECTORY/OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM Mon. – Fri. (except holidays) OFFICE/BUSINESS MGR: Deacon Jose Rodriguez-Trejo PARISH STAFF: PASTOR: Fr. Robert J. Burk, MSA ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Fr. Cesar A. Gomez, Fr. James E. Downs, MSA DEACONS: Martin Barrett, Kenny Hall, David McDowell, Philip Ricker, Jose N. Rodriguez-Trejo (retired) PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR SPANISH MINISTRY: Sister Maria Mairlot RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COOR. FOR FAITH FORMATION: Natalie Blakely MUSIC: C. Martin Staub WEBSITE: www.smammop.com, Tina Sonzogni E-MAIL: stmichrc@verizon.net TWITTER: @sma_mmop Parish Mass Schedule Line: (302) 945-4044 or www.masstimes.org, www.thecatholicdirectory.com THE SACRAMENTS: BAPTISM: Parents are required to attend a preparation session concerning the Sacrament of Baptism. Call the Parish Office for further information. RECONCILIATION IN BOTH CHURCHES: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated one-half-hour before Saturday evening Masses; other times by appointment. MARRIAGE: Diocesan policy requires a year of preparation. Please contact the Pastor at least one year prior to the wedding to begin preparation. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Parishioners facing surgery or struggling with serious illness may request the Sacrament of the Sick by calling the Parish Office. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: At St. Michael the Archangel suspended until further notice At Mary Mother of Peace first Friday of Every Month following the 9 AM Mass; Benediction at 10:30 AM READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Is 55:10-11/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9 Monday: Is 1:10-17/Mt 10:34--11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9/Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5/Mt 12:14-21 Next Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19/Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30 CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST: Saturday: 4:00 PM Mary Mother of Peace 5:00 PM St. Michael (Spanish) 7:00 PM St. Michael (English) Sunday: 7:30 AM Mary Mother of Peace 9:00 AM St. Michael (English) *9:00 AM Mary Mother of Peace* *Memorial Day through Labor Day only 11:00 AM Mary Mother of Peace 12:00 PM St. Michael (Spanish) Weekday Mass: 9:00 AM St. Michael (English) Monday/Tuesday 9:00 AM Mary Mother of Peace Wednesday and Friday Call 302-945-4044 for Holy Day Schedules Page 2 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014 AROUND THE PARISH St. Michael the Archangel Georgetown Mary Mother of Peace Millsboro Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Devotions will be held on July 13 at Mary Mother of Peace. The service begins at 2:30 pm with Adoration and is followed by prayers written by St. Faustina. At approximately 3:00 pm we begin singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet and conclude the service with Benediction. The mission of the Catholic Faith Community of St. Michael the Archangel and Mary Mother of Peace is to proclaim God’s message to the people of Sussex County and beyond with our example of the Christian life. We are all called to holiness and we dedicate ourselves to the ongoing mission of Christ through the celebration of the Mass, sacraments, and service to others. House Blessing How would you like to celebrate moving into a new or existing home with a religious celebration? Our Deacons are available to bless your new or existing homes. The occasion provides a special opportunity for a gathering of the members of the community to make the joyful event and to thank God, from whom All blessings flow, for the gift of this special blessing. If you would like to schedule a house blessing, please call the office at 8566451. A Deacon will contact you, after receipt of the information, to set up a convenient time. Volunteer Opportunities We are in need of catechists for St. Michael the Archangel. Classes are on Sunday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Rite of Christian Initiation Do you know someone who might consider joining or coming back to the Roman Catholic Faith? It could be a spouse, relative, friend or neighbor. The next RCIA session begins this coming Fall. Please call the Parish Office at 302-856-6451 for Information. St. Peregrine Cancer Society St. Peregrine is the patron saint of those who have Cancer. The next monthly meeting is Sunday, July 27, 3:00 pm at MarSt. Michael the Archangel. Questions, contact Deacon Dave at 945-8317. Coping with Grief Dinner Greeters are needed for the 9:00 am Sunday Mass at Mary Mother of Peace Come out and join us for dinner on Monday, July 14, at 5:00 pm. We enjoyed each other’s company. We all are suffering the same heartache, but when we are all together we find strength, faith and laughter. Contact Ann McGough, 302-947-4164. for information Altar servers are needed to serve the Mass at St. Michael the Archangel or Mary Mother of Peace Religious Education Registration Attendance counter is needed for the 7:00 pm Saturday Mass at St. Michael the Archangel Contact the office, 856-6451. We are accepting new registrations for school year 2014/2015. Please sign up your children going into first grade as soon as possible. Call 856-6451. New Registrations will end July 27, 2014. July 13, 2014 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekly Contributions Page 3 Food Donations Needed If you have been thinking about using online donations to contribute to your weekly parish offering, now LPi, the company who prints your primary communication tool— your bulletin—can also facilitate making your OnLine Donations easily. This summer Mary's Cupboard requests that each parishioner and visitor bring to Mass a bottle/can of pasta sauce, or a box of cereal, and placed in the box at the entry door. Call the Parish office, 856-6451, for details. See next weeks bulletin for FAQ’s. We will of course continue to accept any and all other non-perishable items donated throughout the month. Bereavement Check out the website http://smammop.com/ or call the Parish office, 856-6451, for info. No Summer Meetings Justin Jesko will not meet until further notice. Pro-Life will not meet in July. Columbiettes will not meet during July and August. No Socials on the third Tuesday of the months of July and August at Mary Mother of Peace. No Pastoral Council meetings until September Are You Registered? If you are new to the area (or maybe not so new) and would like to become a member of our parish family, you can register by completing a registration form, which can be found on the website www.smamop.com or in the vestibules of each church. The form can be deposited in the collection basket at any Mass, returned to the parish office at St. Michael the Archangel, 202 Edward St., Georgetown. DE 19947 or you may come to the Parish Office. If you are a registered member, this will enable our parish to best serve your pastoral needs. It is important if you need to request the Sacrament of the Sick in emergency situations; or seek approval to be a godparent at Baptism or a sponsor at Confirmation. Additionally, in order to be buried in a Catholic cemetery within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, you need a letter of testimony that you are a practicing Catholic. Religious Library Mary Mother of Peace has a lending library of Christian books available for parishioners use. The Library is open after every mass in the hall at Mary, Mother of Peace. Please come see, check out a book, and be inspired! Volunteers needed atMary Mother of Peace lending library. Call the office, 856-6451, for details. St. Vincent DePaul Society And Mary’s Cupboard In today’s Gospel, we hear the story of the sower and we know that “some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirty fold.” When you bring food for Mary’s Cupboard and put a donation in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, you know that together, they will produce fruit a hundred fold. Support Religious Education When you Shop for Groceries Redner’s is committed to the communities that it is a part of, and wants to help our parish whose members shop in our stores. Redner’s offers a 1% Save-A-Tape program. Stop at the store office or Customer Service area to get a 1% Save-A-Tape card. Your tapes will be collected and the Parish Religious Education program will get a check! Just place the tapes in an envelope marked “Redners” and place in the collection basket. Call the parish office at 8566451 with any questions. 4th Degree Knights of Columbus The Father V. R. Capodanno Assembly # 2413, Knights of Columbus, will conduct its monthly meeting on Monday, July 21st, commencing at 7:00 pm at St. Michael's Church in Georgetown. If there are questions, please contact Lou Anderson at 227-4871. Page 4 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014 WEEK IN ADVANCE — July 13 to July 20 Day Date Time Place Event Sunday 13 6:30 am 8:30 am 11:00 am 2:30 pm 3:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm SMAH SMACR SMAH MMOP SMAH SMA SMAH Monday 14 9:30 am SMA Tuesday 15 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:30 pm MMOP MMOPH SMA Wednesday 16 9:30 am MH Thursday 17 7:00 pm SMAC Lectio Divina HSP Friday 18 7:00 pm SMAH Emanuel Choir Practice Saturday 19 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 8:00 pm SMAC SMAH SMA SMA SMAH SMAH Exposition and Adoration HSP Literary/EASL Class HSP Wedding HSP Choir Practice HSP Baptism and Marriage Prep HSP Juan XXIII HSP Sunday 20 8:30 am 11:00 am 3:30 pm 5:30 pm SMACR SMAH SMAH SMAH July 14 Feast: St. Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680) Known as the Lily of the Mohawks, this Native American was the daughter of a Mohawk chief. During a smallpox epidemic she not only lost her parents, but also contracted the disease and was disfigured by it. After her baptism, she became known for her spirituality and simple lifestyle. She was revered by many of her own people as well as by the French colonists in what is now upstate New York. Eucharistic Adoration, Eucharistic Adoration will be suspended for the Summer months at St. Michael the Archangel. More information at a later date. Ushers Mtg Ministry HSP Adult Sacrament Class HSP Divine Mercy Youth Group HSP Exposition HSP Prayer Group HSP Rosary Folk Group Practice Knights of Columbus Social Rosary and Mass HSP St. Vincent de Paul Mtg Ministry HSP Adult Sacrament HSP Youth Group HSP Prayer Group HSP SMA-St. Michael the Archangel Church SMACR-SMA Conference Room MMOP-Mary Mother of Peach Church SMAC-SMA Chapel SMAH-SMA Hall MMOPH-MMOP Hall The Illustrated Gospel And he spoke to them at length in parables, saying: "A sower went out to sow? Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it. But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold. Whoever has ears ought to hear." Mt 13:3, 7-9 July 13, 2014 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy It's a little late in the season in most places to be planting seeds, although in a few weeks some folks will sow spinach and lettuce seeds for a fall crop. While we usually think of spring as planting time, there are some things that can be planted later in the year. Of course, if you're in the Imperial Valley of California, the planting goes on all year long. Nearly eighty percent of the winter vegetables consumed in the United States are grown in this one section of California. It is almost as if the sower and his seed found one place in the world that would always be fertile and produce fruit a hundred and sixty and thirtyfold. Page 5 This week our celebrants will offer Masses for the following Intentions: St. Michael the Archangel At Mary Mother of Peace Saturday, July 12 5:00 PM People of the Parish 7:00 PM All Unborn Children and Their Parents Sunday, July 13 9:00 AM People of the Parish 12:00 PM People of the Parish Monday, July 14 9:00 AM People of the Parish Tuesday, July 15 9:00 AM People of the Parish 7:00 PM People of the Parish Saturday, July 19 5:00 PM People of the Parish 7:00 PM Allen Schluck Sunday, July 20 9:00 AM People of the Parish 12:00 PM People of the Parish Saturday, July 12 4:00 PM Barbara Gemmill Sunday, July 13 7:30 AM Gwendolyn McLaughlin 9:00 AM Margaret Manning 11:00 AM David Marino Wednesday, July 16 9:00 AM John Szewczyk Friday, July 18 9:00 AM Brian McVey Saturday, July 19 4:00 PM Joseph Romeo Sunday, July 20 7:30 AM John Batura 9:00 AM Patrick McLaughlin 11:00 AM Clifford Allgor While most of the parables in Matthew are recorded without any particular interpretation, the parable of the sower and the seed is laid out with a specific explanation. The seed is planted, but it is vulnerable. Anyone who has ever planted a garden knows how true this is. The newly planted seed can be subject to all sorts of hazards as it sprouts and grows. And Jesus uses that vulnerability as an example of what happens to the word of the kingdom in people's hearts: snatched by the evil one, lost to persecution, choked off by worldly cares. For people who have been strong in the faith for much of their lives, it can be difficult to imagine the vulnerabilities of those who struggle with belief. They may be shaken by some tragedy, harmed by someone, unsure about their acceptance of the tenets of the faith. The little growth of faith that exists must be nurtured and cared for. Like the Imperial Valley, which sees planting all year round, there is no one time for sowing the seeds of faith. Believers are called upon to continuously spread the word and promote the kingdom of God. Community Assistance: Society of St. Vincent de Paul: (302) 945-2814 Mary’s Cupboard: Monday 10:30 AM—1:30 PM Prayer Line Numbers: Anne-Marie Juliano Maureen Gorman Irene McCormick Marilyn Walker Joan Vara 947-2258 947-0999 934-6956 945-3541 732-3601 Pray for the Deceased Please pray for the families and loved ones of our deceased members who now enjoy the everlasting life. Eternal rest grant upon them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen Perpetual Adoration Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, exposed upon the altar around the clock, from Monday 6 am until Saturday 12 noon, and on Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm. at St. Jude the Apostle parish adoration chapel. You do not have to be a member of St. Jude's parish or assigned to an hour of adoration to do so. If you do feel led to sign up for a specific hour of adoration, please call 302-703-2419 to make that arrangement. Page 6 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014 AROUND THE DIOCESE Vocations World Marriage Encounter Weekends In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells the parable of the sower whose seeds fall on different types of soil. What seeds are you planting? When the Master summons you, what harvest will you be able to point to? Are you nurturing the seeds He gave you? If you think you might have the seed of a religious vocation, call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113; vocations@cdow.org). Be sure to visit our website: www.CalledByTheLord.com! “Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.” Sometimes, as much as we love each other it seems like the thorns of life are choking our marriage and family. Take time to kill the thorns by taking time for your Sacramental marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 7-9 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more information, visit our website at: www.wwme-delmar.org or to register for the weekend, please call Dave and Cyndi Germack @ 302-220-9833. Being Admitted to Beebe? Why Choose Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School? (Part 1) To request an anointing by a Priest, have a family member or the nurse call St. Jude's, 644-7300. If after business hours, then press a number key indicated for a sacramental emergency and your call will go to St. Jude’s answering service who notifies the priest on duty. If he/she stated he/she was Catholic when he/she was admitted, he/she should be placed on the communion list automatically. St. Jude’s EMHC visits Beebe Hospital most days to distribute communion. Diocesan Healing Mass The Diocese of Wilmington’s quarterly Healing Mass will be held on Friday, August 1, 2014 at 7:00 pm at St. Mary of the Assumption Church, 7200 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, Delaware. Rev. Charles C. Dillingham, Pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption will be preside and give the homily at the ???? The Diocesan Healing Mass features a reserved seating area for the aged and infirmed and ushers are available to provide assistance if needed. St. Mary of the Assumption is handicapped accessible. Additionally, Father Dillingham will go into the congregation to bless those in the reserved seating area, and prayer teams will also visit all who cannot come forward to the altar for prayers. Confessions will be heard after Mass. All are welcome. The Faculty and Staff at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School would like to thank our families who have re-registered their children for the upcoming school year. We appreciate your family’s commitment to giving your children a Catholic School education here at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. All of our MBS families, who have chosen the path of a Catholic School education, have done so with the understanding that we are a faith-filled community of teachers, staff, and families, all working together to teach our children to become disciples of Christ and citizens of the 21st century. At MBS, our academic programs are developed to challenge students to achieve their fullest potential. A rich and comprehensive learning environment is provided by our fully qualified faculty. Our curriculum follows guidelines established by the Diocese of Wilmington and is designed to stimulate the intellect and curiosity of every learner. While every school in the Diocese follows the same standards, it is each school’s learning environment and ability to go beyond the standards that sets it apart. Our curricula emphasize the essential areas of reading, math, science, and social studies, while offering additional courses that challenge students to think critically and creatively, as well as expand their world view and live the Gospel message. On a recently administered nationally normed assessment of faith knowledge, MBS students outscored their Catholic School peers consistently in seven of the eight areas of Religious Education that were assessed. Contact MBSCS at 410-208-1600 for more information