Inglês Para Contactos Profissionais - Plataforma e
Inglês Para Contactos Profissionais - Plataforma e
Manual do formador - Recursos Inglês Para Contactos Profissionais Paulo Furtado | Susana Matias | Susanne de Graaf Recurso desenvolvido no âmbito da medida do POEFDS. Programa co-financiado por: Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS F IC H A T É CN IC A Manual do Formador - Recursos Inglês para Contactos Profissionais Paulo Furtado | Susana Matias | Susanne de Graaf Línguas Estrangeira Versão - 01 ISLA de Bragança Gabinete de Formação Depósito Legal 000 000/00 ISBN 000-00-0000-0 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 1. 1.1. ÍNDICE ......................................................................................................................... 1 PROGRAMA. ................................................................................................................ 1 2. TEMA ............................................................................................................................ 2 3. 3.A) 3.B) 3.C) EXERCÍCIOS ............................................................................................................... 3 EXERCÍCIO DE ESCOLHA MÚLTIPLA, VERDADEIRO-FALSO, RESPOSTA MÚLTIPLA. ................................................................................................................... 3 EXERCÍCIO DE ASSOCIAÇÕES. ............................................................................... 3 EXERCÍCIO COM RESPOSTA CURTA E FECHADA. ............................................... 4 4. GLOSSÁRIO ................................................................................................................ 5 5. VISÃO GERAL E RESUMO DA UNIDADE DIDÁCTICA ............................................. 6 6. ACTIVIDADES SECUNDÁRIAS .................................................................................. 7 7. SISTEMA DE AVALIAÇÃO .......................................................................................... 8 8. APRESENTAÇÃO DO PROFESSOR E DA LIÇÃO .................................................... 9 9. PERGUNTAS MAIS FREQUENTES (FAQ) ............................................................... 10 10. NOTAS DE APOIO AO FORMADOR E RECURSOS PARA SESSÕES DE ACOMPANHAMENTO ............................................................................................... 11 10.1. UNIT 1 ........................................................................................................................ 11 10.1.1. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AOS EMPREGOS........................ 11 10.1.2 O PRESENTE SIMPLES ............................................................................................ 11 O PRESENTE SIMPLES - EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÂO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO (1.1.3.) ....................................... 12 10.1.3 COMPREENDER VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AOS DEPARTAMENTOS................ 14 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 14 10.1.4 COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AO SALÁRIO, REFORMA, ETC.: 16 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 16 10.1.5 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÔES PRESENCIAIS E SINCRONAS – UNIT 1 ................................................................... 17 10.2. UNIT 2 ........................................................................................................................ 19 10.2.1. COMPREENDER O PRESENTE CONTINUO ........................................................... 19 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 19 10.2.2. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELACIONADO COM O PROCESSO DE SOCIALIZAÇÃO ......................................................................................................... 20 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 21 i Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.2.3. 10.3. 10.3.1. 10.3.2. 10.3.3. 10.4. 10.4.1. 10.4.2. 10.4.3. 10.5. 10.5.1. 10.5.2. 10.6. 10.6.1. 10.6.2. 10.6.3. 10.7. 10.7.1. 10.7.2. ii BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS – UNIT 2 ................................................................... 25 UNIT 3 ........................................................................................................................ 28 COMPREENDER O PRETÉRITO PERFEITO .......................................................... 28 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 28 TELEFONEMAS ......................................................................................................... 30 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 31 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS – UNIT 2 ................................................................... 34 UNIT 4 ........................................................................................................................ 36 COMPREENDER OS DOIS SECTORES: PRODUÇÃO E SERVIÇOS ..................... 36 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO ........................................................................................................ 36 COMPREENDER A VOZ PASSIVA (PRESENTE E PASSADO) ............................... 36 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 37 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS – UNIT 2 ................................................................... 38 UNIT 5 ........................................................................................................................ 40 COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO ÀS DIMENSÕES E CARACTERÍSTICAS DO PRODUTO......................................................................... 40 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 40 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 42 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 43 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS UNIT 5...................................................................... 43 UNIT 6 ........................................................................................................................ 46 O PRESENT PERFECT ............................................................................................. 46 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO – ANSWERS .................................................................................. 46 COMPANY STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... 48 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 48 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS .................................................................................. 50 UNIT 7 ........................................................................................................................ 52 CARTAS ..................................................................................................................... 52 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 52 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 54 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 54 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS - UNIT 7.................................................................... 55 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.8. UNIT 8 ........................................................................................................................ 58 10.8.1. COMPREENDER O CONCEITO DA CULTURA ....................................................... 58 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO – ANSWERS .................................................................................. 58 10.8.2. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AOS NOMES E AOS CARTÕES DE VISITA ........................................................................................................................ 59 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 59 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 59 10.8.3. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS UNIT 8...................................................................... 60 10.9. UNIT 9 ........................................................................................................................ 62 10.9.1. PRESENTATIONS ..................................................................................................... 62 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 62 10.9.2. PRESENTATIONS - ESTRUTURA ............................................................................ 64 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 64 10.9.3. ENDING A PRESENTATION ..................................................................................... 65 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 66 10.9.4. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS - UNIT 9.................................................................... 68 10.10. UNIT 10 ...................................................................................................................... 69 10.10.1. MEETINGS ................................................................................................................. 69 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSWERS ................................................................................... 71 EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO – ANSWERS .................................................................................. 72 10.10.2. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS - UNIT 10.................................................................. 76 11. iii CORRECÇÕES DOS EXERCÍCIOS ON-LINE DA APLICAÇÃO INFORMÁTICA .... 81 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS iv Neste manual apresentam-se, para além dos suportes a utilizar pelo formador na formulação de novos conteúdos programáticos, propostas de exercícios e actividades para o respectivo curso. Este manual é um suporte e não dispensa a leitura cuidada do Manual Base do Formador. 1. ÍNDICE Nome da matéria Breve descrição do curso onde será tratada a matéria: Nota: A matéria deve estar contextualizada dentro do curso. Isto é, convém elaborar uma justificação do programa completo do curso, explicando a relação entre as diversas matérias. Este realce servirá para clarificar os conteúdos, as relações de dependência, coordenação, etc. Objectivo de audiência Nota: Tipo de alunos para os quais especialmente se destina. Objectivo geral do curso Nota: O objectivo mais relevante que deve ter ser levado em conta por todas as matérias. Breve descrição da matéria: Nota: Áreas de conhecimento que abrange. Número de créditos (ou duração): Objectivos gerais da matéria: Unidades didácticas esses objectivos: que correspondem a 1.1. PROGRAMA. Objectivo de aprendizagem UD1. UDn. Título do tema Tipo Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 2. TEMA Título Tipo de lição ( Objectivo Autor Data e versão Ficheiros em anexo ( Palavras-chave Código da lição (a) Para o caso de utilizar mais do que um tipo de estrutura (ensino de conceitos, de procedimentos, etc.) (b) Ficheiros de imagens, texto, etc. 1º Bloco 2º Bloco 3º Bloco 4º Bloco … (a) Um bloco pode ser “Introdução”, outro “Estudo de caso”, um terceiro “Exemplos”, … 2 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 3. EXERCÍCIOS 3.a) EXERCÍCIO DE ESCOLHA RESPOSTA MÚLTIPLA. MÚLTIPLA, VERDADEIRO-FALSO, Código do exercício: Texto da pergunta Resposta 1 % Valor da Resposta 1 (a) Feedback da Resposta 1 (b) Resposta 2 % Valor da Resposta 2 Feedback da Resposta 2 Resposta 3 % Valor da Resposta 3 Feedback da Resposta 3 ... Resposta n % Valor da Resposta n Feedback da Resposta n (a) Pode ser 100%, 50%, 33%, 0%, -25%, … (b) O texto que quer que o aluno leia ao escolher esta resposta. 3.b) EXERCÍCIO DE ASSOCIAÇÕES. Código: Pergunta: Esq. 1 Dir. 1 Esq. 2 Dir. 2 Esq. 3 Dir. 3 Esq. 4 Dir. 4 Esq. 5 Dir. 5 Feedback para respostas correctas Feedback para respostas incorrectas 3 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 3.c) EXERCÍCIO COM RESPOSTA CURTA E FECHADA. Código do exercício: Texto da pergunta Resposta 1 % Valor da R1 Feedback de R1 Resposta 2 (a) % Valor da R2 Feedback de R2 Resposta 3 % Valor da R3 Feedback de R3 ... Resposta Rn % Valor da Rn Feedback de Rn (a) O habitual é haver uma única resposta correcta (por exemplo “Colón”). No entanto, se deseja considerar correctas, ou atribuir uma pontuação menor, a respostas como “cólon”, “colón”, (…), … deverá fazê-lo de forma explícita. 4 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 4. GLOSSÁRIO Curso Termo Definição Nota: Lembre-se que, no texto das lições, deve indicar as palavras do glossário sublinhadas e com (g) no final. 5 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 5. VISÃO GERAL E RESUMO DA UNIDADE DIDÁCTICA Visão geral e resumo da unidade didáctica Código Título Temas que a compõem Data e Versão Autor Blocos de informação da visão geral Introdução Esquema do capítulo Blocos de informação do resumo Ideias básicas Bibliografia recomendada 6 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 6. ACTIVIDADES SECUNDÁRIAS Dados Título Tipo de actividade (a) Unidade didáctica Lições a que corresponde Autor Data (a) Estudo de caso, jogo a participar, desafio de ideias, etc. Programação Meio óptico (a) Tempo (b) Sequência (c) Descrição (a) Fórum, correio, chat, … (b) Duração prevista para cada sequência. (c) Núcleo desta etapa: estúdio individual, discussão, análise em grupo, etc. Descrição da actividade aos alunos (1) Objectivos Descrição da actividade Tarefas dos participantes Recursos (a) (a) Especificar a localização dos recursos que se associam à actividade (URL, folheto, referência, caso, etc.). 1 7 A “programação” e os “dados” são breves. A descrição da actividade aos alunos pode estender-se por várias páginas. Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 7. SISTEMA DE AVALIAÇÃO Curso Área Procedimentos A. Domínio dos conteúdos do curso B. Participação e qualidade das intervenções nas actividades C. Exames tipo “ensaio” ou trabalhos de aplicação prática % (a) (b) (c) (a) Exemplo: Perguntas curtas com correcção automática: soma acumulada de resultados de resultados correspondentes a cada unidade didáctica. (b) Exemplo: O tutor classifica os exercícios de estudo de caso e de trabalho em equipa realizados ao longo do curso. (c) Exemplo: No caso de um professor optar por ambas as situações, deverá repartir 50% de acordo com o peso que considere cada uma das perguntas. Trabalhos (se aplicável) 8 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 8. APRESENTAÇÃO DO PROFESSOR E DA LIÇÃO Curso (s) Nome do Professor Fotografia pessoal (a) (b) Breve curriculum académico Palavras de saudação (c) Informação de contacto: - E-mail - Direcção pessoal - Horário - Telefone (a) Fotografia – é preferível não ser excessivamente formal, tipo “caderneta de identidade”; por exemplo, poderia ser uma fotografia em frente ao computador. (b) Breve curriculum académico – só os dados mais relevantes. Não exceda as 100 palavras, por favor. (c) Palavras de saudação pessoal – um parágrafo de boas vindas acolhedor (não mais de 100 palavras). 9 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 9. PERGUNTAS MAIS FREQUENTES (FAQ) Curso (s) Nome do Professor / Tutor Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta Lição correspondente Pergunta formulada Resposta 10 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10. NOTAS DE APOIO ACOMPANHAMENTO AO FORMADOR E RECURSOS PARA SESSÕES Business English is specially designed to ensure that students systematically acquire all of the necessary language to enable them to progress effectively. The units give great attention to teach the vocabulary that students need for their professional lives, but also for the social and travel situations that they might find themselves in. Business English also concentrates on grammar. Students will encounter new grammatical structures which are carefully explained. Videos and audio are supplied to improve understanding and pronunciation. 10.1. UNIT 1 10.1.1. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AOS EMPREGOS. Point out that you use “a” in front of a consonant (b/c/d/f/g/h/…) and “an” in front of a vowel (a/e/i/o/u and h when not read). Pay attention! When you use the plural answers to say what kind of job they do, you do not need to use “a” or “an”. Your job. Conversation Ask students what job they have and what kind of jobs there exist. Use questions like; what do you do? Where do you work?... Discuss the questions about jobs with students. The discussion about unusual jobs may provide an opportunity for humour. Have one or two examples ready to get the discussion going. (Magician’s assistant or perfume sniffer for example). 10.1.2 O PRESENTE SIMPLES Present simple: be Point out that the contracted forms are nearly always used when speaking. Indicate the two forms of the negative and tell students that both are common. Present simple: Point out that only the third person singular has a different form. Point out that the following adverbs and adverbial phrases are commonly used with the present simple tense: Always; almost always; usually; generally; frequently; often; sometimes; occasionally; rarely; hardly ever; never 11 DE Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS O PRESENTE SIMPLES - EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÂO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO (1.1.3.) |Exercise 1 Complete the sentences. Look at the example 1. I work on engines. I’m an engineer . 2. I take photos. I’m: I’m a photographer 3. I design buildings. I am an architect 4. I work in a hospital. I am a doctor 5. I work in a restaurant’s kitchen. I’m a cook 6. I deliver the mail: I’m a postman 7. I teach English. I’m a teacher 8. I paint. I am a painter | Exercise 2 What jobs do you see in the pictures? A doctor a plumber A veterinarian stewardess Secretary porter Post woman cleaner Surgeon optician Scientist accountant Carpenter dentist | Exercise 3 Write the questions for these answers. Look at the example. 1. What do you do? I’m a doctor. 2. What does he do? He’s a waiter. 3. What do they do? He’s an architect and she is a designer 4. What does she do? She’s a policewoman. 5. What do they do? They are salespeople. 6. What do you do? You are a nurse 12 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in present simple 1. I (get up) at 7.30. get up 2. My sister (get up) at 7.45. gets up 3. We (watch) TV every night. watch 4. He sometimes (cry) if the film is sad. cries 5. My sister and her friends often (go) to clubs. go 6. She always (wash) her hair before she (go out). washes 7. My parents (listen) the news every evening at six. listen 8. Anne (wake up) at 9.30. wakes up 9. Tom always (drink) a coffee after dinner. drinks 10. I always (sing) when I take a shower. sing | Exercise 5 Complete each phrase, using the correct form of the Present Simple. Attention, some are interrogative and some are negative. You/watch/much TV? Do you watch much TV? TV in your country/have/many American programmes? Does TV in your country have many American programmes? Chocolate / not be / bad for your health. Chocolate is not bad for your health. You and your friends/play/much sport? Do you and your friends play much sport? Chinese people / not have / blond hair. Chinese people do not have blond hair The place where you live/have/a sports centre? Does the place where you live have a sports centre? I / not do / the dishes at home. I don’t do the dishes at home. You / like / ice cream? Do you like ice cream? Ann and Mark / not like / potatoes. Ann and Mark don’t like potatoes. Tom and I / not go / to the cinema. Tom and I don’t go to the cinema. 13 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.1.3 COMPREENDER VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AOS DEPARTAMENTOS Students personalise the language of the lessons by asking a partner about what they do, in which department they work. What day to day activities they have. Choose suitable questions from below to ask and answer: • What’s your job? • Who do you work for? • Where do you work? • When do you use English in your job? • Do you travel a lot in your job? • What do you study? • Where do you study normally? • What are your plans in the future? • What job would you like to do? • … EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 Match the two parts of what people say about their jobs. 1. I work in the production department b a. I’m the boss 2. I work in Paris e b. I make televisions 3. I work in a college d c. I sell machines 4. I work at a head office a d. I teach French 5. I work in the sales department c e. I love big cities! | Exercise 2 Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions: IN/ON/AT 1. He is sitting ___on______ the bench. 2. He was born ___in____ Scotland. 3. There are maps and pictures ____on___ the walls. 4. They’ve got a nice house ___in____ the south of Portugal. 5. He has got a pencil ___in____ his hand. 6. The exam is ___on____ Friday 24th of November. 7. The garden is ___at____ the back of the house. 14 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 8. You can’t park ___at/on____ the corner of the street. 9. The name of the street is ___at____the bottom of the page. | Exercise 3 Match the speakers a-j to departments 1-10 a) I spend most of my day updating software b) I’ve just written an advert for new sales staff c) I look after all the contracts d) We develop new products and services e) We deal with people’s complaints g) Our campaign brought us ten new customers h) I’ve just updated the schedule for the new model i) We hope this campaign will improve our image j) We have to get the new designs into the shops by the first of December 1) Legal c 2) Customer services e 3) Production h 4) HR b 5) IT a 6) R&D d 7) Distribution j 8) PR i 9) Sales and Marketing g | Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with “in”, “at” or “on” 1. I work ___in____a shop 2. I don’t work ____on__ a construction site 3. You don’t work ____at___ home because you like to be with people all the time 4. She works ___in____ a factory 5. They work ___on___ a farm 6. He works ___in____ sales | Exercise 5 Complete each sentence with an industry. 1. I work for Shell. I’m in oil 15 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 2. He’s a teacher. He’s in education 3. We are tour guides. We’re in tourism 4. We are selling our company products. We’re in sales 5. They build houses. They’re in construction 10.1.4 COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AO SALÁRIO, REFORMA, ETC.: Make sure that students understand the difference between salary and wage because often there exist misunderstandings. Salary: the money you receive at the end of the month for working. Wage: is the money you receive every week if you work and get paid per week. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 Fill in the gaps by choosing a word given in italics Permanent job / colleagues / contract / overtime / part-time job / customers / suppliers / full-time job/ temporary job / employee 1. The people who buy your products are customers 2. If you work extra hours, you do overtime 3. I can work here as long as I want – I have a permanent job 4. Suppliers are the companies we buy products from 5. Your colleagues are the people that you work with. 6. If you only work 20 hours a week, you have a part-time job. 7. An agreement to work for a particular company is called a contract 8. My job finishes next month – it’s only a temporary job 9 I work 40 hours a week, this means I have a full-time job 10. If you work for a company, you’re an employee | Exercise 2 Complete the table 16 VERB NOUN retire Retirement resign Resignation dismiss Dismissal Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS NOUN ADJECTIVE Redundancy redundant | Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with the words in italics fire / wage / retire / salary / raise / bonus / redundant / resign 1. Your base salary will be 20.000€ per year 2. I don’t like what the company is doing, so I’m going to resign and find another job. 3. Well done!! You did an excellent job, you deserve a raise Your salary will go up. 4. There was no more work at the factory, so they made me redundant 5. When I retire at 65 I am going to live in Brazil. 6. You receive a bonus this year because the company’s sales went up 20%. 7. Ann stole money from the company, so they had to fire her. 8. I am getting paid per week, so I receive a wage 10.1.5 BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÔES PRESENCIAIS E SINCRONAS – UNIT 1 Exercise 1 Write down the correct Job after the description given. 1. Someone who types letters and answers the phone is an office is called a: _________________ 2. Someone who cuts men’s and boy’s hair is called a: _______________ 3. Someone who helps sick people is called a: _________________ 4. Someone who makes cakes and bread in a bakery is called a: _________________ 5. Someone who fixes your toilet and kitchen sink is called a: ________________ 6. Someone who helps people with the law is called a: ___________________ 7. Someone who designs houses and buildings is called a _________________ 8. Someone who delivers the mail is called a ________________ Exercise 2 Match each definition on the left with the correct word on the right. 1. Working 35-40 hours a week _____ a. full time job 2. Working half days _____ b. wage 3. Lowest wage an employer can legally pay _____ c. permanent job 4. Working for a short time _____ d. shift work 5. Having a contract for a long time _____ e. salary 6. Working two shifts a day ____ f. minimum wage 17 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 7. Work beginning at different times of the day _____ g. part time job 8. Money paid per hour _____ h. temporary job 9. Money paid per month or year _____ i. split shift Exercise 3 Write down the departments described. 1. This department is responsible for invoicing customers: _________________________ 2. This department is responsible for buying supplies: ________________________ 3. This department is responsible for paying the staff: _______________________ 4. This department is responsible for selling the product to the customer: __________________ 5. This department is responsible ______________________ for selecting and recruiting new staff: 6. This department is responsible for arranging courses for the staff: ____________________ Exercise 4 Fill in with the prepositions in/on/at. 1. I am working _____________ a new project. 2. Joss is working ___________ home for now, because he is ill. 3. Are you working ________ a new design? 4. My brother works _______________ New York _________ the head office. 5. Do you work ___________ an office? 18 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.2. UNIT 2 10.2.1. COMPREENDER O PRESENTE CONTINUO Stress that the present continuous is used both to describe what is happening at this very moment and also to describe something that s true at the time of speaking. Point out the two ways of saying the negative and that either of them can be used. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. See the example. 1. Could I ring you back in a few minutes? I am talking (talk) to someone on the phone. 2. Jamila is upstairs with Marco and Roy. They are having (have) a meeting about the new website. 3. What are you doing (you/do) here? I thought you had gone on holidays. 4. Could you tell Miss James that Miss Lang is here? She is expecting (expect) me. 5. Oh no, the printer is not working (not work). I’ll call the IT department. 6. This is a very bad line. Are you calling (you/call) from your mobile? 7. I am phoning (phone) to say that I’ll be home late this evening. | Exercise 2 Fill in the gaps with the verbs by using the present simple or present continuous. See the example. Interviewer: Do you usually organize (you /usually organize) the delivery of milk to the factory? Do the farmers bring (the farmers/bring) it here themselves? Bill: No, we are always collecting (we/always collect) the milk ourselves, and the tankers deliver (deliver) it to the pasteurization plant twice a day. Interviewer: What sort of quality control procedures do you have (you/have)? Bill: As a rule we test (test) samples of every consignment, and then the milk passes (pass) down insulated pipes to the bottling plant, which operates (operate) 24 hours a day. I’ll show you round a bit later, but the production line isn’t working(not work) at the moment because the employees are changing (change) shifts. 19 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 3 Write questions to go with the answers. Use either the present simple or present continuous. See the example. 1. Where do you come from? I come from a little town called Zug, near Zurich. 2. Who are you writing to? I’m writing to Markson’s to ask for an up-to-date catalogue. 3. What does he do? I think he’s an accountant. 4. How do you go to work? I usually cycle in, but sometimes I bring the car. 5. Where does your Sales Director go several times a year? Our Sales Director goes abroad about three or four times a year. 6. How is the factory doing? No, not at all well. In fact, the factory is doing a three day week. 7. Do you know each other? Yes, very well. We met in 1980. 8. Are you looking for new employees? No, not at the moment. But we’ll start taking on new staff again in May. 10.2.2. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELACIONADO COM O PROCESSO DE SOCIALIZAÇÃO | Welcoming visitors and small talk Set the scene by engaging in small talk with students. Ask questions such as: How are you? Did you have a nice journey? Was there much traffic today? Nice weather today. Explain that we call this “small talk”. Write a list of what people do and say when they welcome visitors to their company. Ask students what would be good topics for small talk and what would be bad topics for small talk. Here are some ideas: Politics, films, sports, accidents, music, smoking, books, family, weather, holidays, religion, personal problems, … | Eating out Be aware that some students will have had a wide experience of eating in restaurants and others will only have eaten in restaurants on special occasions and may have little knowledge of restaurant conventions or foreign cuisines. 20 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS It is likely that some of the students have already eaten in restaurants in English-speaking countries, so brainstorm their favourite foods. Make sure that students understand that a menu is divided into three main parts: starters, main courses and Desserts. It might be useful to talk about food in general. (names of products) | Extra activity. Give a menu and make a dialogue between the waiter and the client ordering food and asking information about the menu. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 Match the questions 1-4 to the answers a-d. 1. Do you live in Paris? a. Good idea! 2. Do you like commuting? b. No, I live in Reims, 2 hours from Paris. 3. What do you do in your free time? c. It’s ok. I do some work on the train. 4. How about a game of tennis tonight? d. I play squash. | Exercise 2 Match the small talk questions with the most appropriate response. 1. What was the weather like when you left? c. Pretty cold. It was only four degrees when I left home. 2. How do you find the weather? h. Lovely. Sunny skies. Nice and warm. 3. I suppose this weather must be a bit of a g. It is a bit. It was below zero back in the shock to you. states. 4. How was your trip? b. Fine. Everything went smoothly, thank you. 5. Did you have any trouble finding us? e. No problems at all. The map you sent me was excellent. 6. Did you get in on time? a. Just a little bit late 7. How is the hotel? j. Very comfortable, thank you. 8. Did you find somewhere to stay? 9. Have you got a room with a view? 21 d. Not yet. Could you recommend somewhere? i. Unfortunately not. All I can see is the factory Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS opposite. 10. How was the crossing? 22 f. A bit rough but not too bad. Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 3 Complete the conversation by filling in these polite expressions in the gaps. Visitor: _Could I possibly__ leave a brief message for Brian Martin in IT? Receptionist: __I’m afraid_ he’s away on business for the next two days. Visitor: Oh dear. Well __would you mind__ taking the message anyway? Receptionist: _No, not at all Visitor: I’ll just write the note on my business card. __Could you lend me a pen please? Receptionist: __Yes, certainly_. You can use this one. Visitor: Thanks. OK, I’ve written the message. __Shall I_ leave it with you? Receptionist: __Please__ do. I’ll make sure he’ll get it. Visitor: ___That’s very good of you___. I’m grateful for your help. Receptionist: _Don’t mention it__. It’s a pleasure. | Exercise 4 Listen to the recording in which Klaus Ervald arrives for a meeting with Lars Elstroem and Louise Scott of Evco S.A., a Swedish advertising agency. a) Is the meeting between Klaus and Evco formal or informal? Give reasons for you answer. b) Do they know each other quite well? c) Klaus has a problem. What is it? d) Louise interrupts Klaus at the start. Is this acceptable? e) Lars begins to talk about the program for the day. Is this appropriate at this stage? (For listening) Tapescript ex 4: Klaus: Hello, my name is Klaus Ervald. I’ve an appointment … Louise: Oh hello Klaus, I’m Louise Scott. We’ve spoken on the phone a couple of times. Nice to meet you. Klaus: It’s nice to be here Louise: Oh – let me take your coat. Klaus: Thanks. Louise: Oh, here’s Lars. No, not at all / Please / Could I possibly / Don’t mention it / I’m afraid / Could you / Would you mind / That’s very good of you / Shall I / Yes, certainly Lars, this is Klaus, he’s just arrived. Lars: Hello Klaus. Pleased to meet you… and welcome to Evco. Klaus: Thanks. Lars: Is this your first visit to Sweden? 23 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Klaus: No, I’ve been to Stockholm two or three times but it’s my first visit to Malmo. Louise: Klaus, let me get you a drink. Klaus: Yes, I’d like a tea, if possible, thanks. Louise: Sure. With milk or lemon? Klaus: With lemon please – and sugar. Louise: Right. Lars: Did you have a good trip? Klaus: Absolutely no problems. Lars: That’s good. You did fly didn’t you – to Gothenberg. Klaus: Yes that’s right, then I drove here. Lars: Oh that’s good. Malmo can be a little wet at this time of the year. .. You’ll have to come back in the summer. Klaus: Oh, I’d like that. I always like coming to Sweden – and ah! A problem! I need some fish. Can you advise me? I always take back some fish, some salmon. Lars: Oh yes, gravlax. Klaus: And pickled herring too, in tomato sauce and the other one with onions and dill and pepper. Can you suggest a good place to get some? Louise: Gravlax? It’s always wonderful… The airport might be the best place. And the herring too. Klaus: Ok, I’ll have to get to the airport early. If I am late, I might miss the plane. I can’t go home without the fish. Lars: No! Certainly not. Well we’ll get you some for lunch anyway! Louise: Ok, here’s some tea. Klaus: Oh, you are very kind. Lars: So, apart from fish, can I explain the program – I think we sent you an outline for the day – if you agree, we could start with a video which explains some of our services and then we could have a look at a few reports on campaigns… | Exercise 5 Listen to the recording of Peter Marwood’s arrival at SDA Ltd. In Sidney, Australia. He has to wait a few minutes and asks Stephanie Field for some assistance. Identify 2 things he needs and 3 things he does not need. 24 Needs: Does not need _______sending a fax_________ ______drinks___________________ ______sending flowers________ _____newspaper________________ Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS _____cab______________________ Tapescript ex. 5: Peter: Yes, that’s all right. I’m a little early – I can wait a few minutes. Stephanie: Well, can I get you a drink of something – a tea or a coffee perhaps? Peter: No, I’m fine thanks – but there is one thing – I’d like to send a fax – It’s rather urgent. Stephanie: Yes, of course. Shall I show you the machine or shall I take it? Peter: Oh yes, that would be better – and here’s the number. Stephanie: Fine. Would you like a newspaper to read or the Economist? Peter: No, it’s ok – I can prepare some work while I’m waiting. Stephanie: Right, I’ll get this off for you. Peter: Thanks. Oh – one other thing, I need to send some flowers to my ex-wife. Today is the fifth anniversary of our divorce. She didn’t like all the travelling I did. I think some flowers from Australia would be rather appropriate, don’t you? Stephanie: Er, perhaps! Right, I’ll get you a number for Interflora or something like that. Maybe you have a special message you’d like to send with the flowers? Peter: Yes, I’ll think of one. Stephanie: And this evening, will you need a cab to the hotel? Peter: No, it’s only five minutes. I’ll walk. 10.2.3. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS – UNIT 2 | Exercise 1 Complete the questions that two people ask a visitor. 1. Leslie: Take a (1) _____________. Would you like (2) _______________ to drink? (3) _____________ coffee, tea, and apple juice. 2. Leslie: Brian, (4) _____________ is Georgina Osborne from SPL in Dublin. Georgina, this is Brian, our production manager. 3. Brian: Nice to meet you, Georgina. (5) ________________ you (6) _______________ to Melbourne before? 4. Brian: Where are you (7) ________________? 5. Brian: What’s it (8) __________________? 25 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Then match Georgina’s answers below to the questions (1—5) in exercise 1 above. a. At the Hilton. b. Pleased to meet you. c. Tea, please. d. Very comfortable, thanks. e. Yes, I was here about ten years ago. 1 _____ 2______ 3 _______ 4_______ 5______ | Exercise 2 Match the questions (1—4) to the answers (a—d). 1 Do you live in Paris? 2 Do you like commuting? 3 What do you do in your free time? 4 How about a game this evening? a. Good idea! b. No, I live in Versailles, about 20 minutes from Paris. c. It’s OK. I do a lot of work on the train. d. I play squash. | Exercise 3 Fill in the gaps with the verbs between bracktes by using the present simple or present continuous A Trekking Journal November 12, 1997 Today (be) ___________ the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna. I am exhausted and my legs (shake) ____________ ; I just hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet (kill, really) _______________ me and my toes (bleed)_____________ , but I (want, still) _________________ to continue. Nepal is a fascinating country, but I have a great deal to learn. Everything (be) ____________ so different, and I (try) ____________ to adapt to the new way of life here. I (learn) 26 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS _______________ a little bit of the language to make communication easier; unfortunately, I (learn, not) _______________ foreign languages quickly. Although I (understand, not) ____________ much yet, I believe that I (improve, gradually)_______________ . | Exercise 4 Match the comments to the correct replies. 1. I’ve just heard. We’ve won the export achievement award. _______ 2. I’ve got a terrible headache. ______ 3. The director has had to go in to hospital for a few days. _______ 4. Be careful when you switch it on. ________ 5. I’m giving a presentation to the board tomorrow. _______ 6. I’m going to Florida on holiday next week. ______ 7. I can’t find my glasses. ______ 8. Well, here’s a successful joint venture. ______ 9. Thanks for inviting me, but I’m afraid i can’t come. ______ 10. You should have been at the meeting yesterday. _______ a. I hope it goes well for you b. Nothing serious I hope c. You poor thing. d. That’s nice. How long are you going for ? e. Congratulations! That is good news. f. What a pity. Some other time perhaps. g. Cheers! h. Oh dear. When did you last have them ? i. Why ? What happened then ? j. Why ? What’s wrong with it ? 27 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.3. UNIT 3 10.3.1. COMPREENDER O PRETÉRITO PERFEITO Be in past simple: Point out that there are only two positive forms of the verb be in the past (was and were) and two negative forms (wasn’t and weren’t). To reactivate what students know of the regular past simple, write a list of regular verbs. Model the infinitive and the simple past tense: Phone - last night I phoned my boss at home. Start – yesterday I started a new job Work – last year I worked for a Russian company. Elicit that the verbs ends in –ed and that the –ed can be pronounced in three different ways: Phoned /d/, worked /t/ and started /ed/. Point out that the positive formation of irregular verbs has no set pattern in the past simple. Students just have to learn the different forms by heart. Point out that the formation of the negative in the simple past is the same for regular and irregular verbs: didn’t + infinitive. Point out that the formation of questions for both regular and irregular verbs is: did + infinitive. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 Use past simple of the verbs in the box to fill in the gaps. 1. Oh, I’m sorry to disturb you, I __didn’t realize__ you had a visitor. 2. ____Did______ you ___study__economics when you were at university? 3. She __didn’t accept____ the job because the salary was too low. 4. Last week a number of customers ____complained_____ about the slow service. 5. __Did____ you __visit____ the Acropolis when you were in Greece? 6. I’m writing with reference to the order I __placed___ with you last week. 28 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 7. At last year’s launch party, who __did______ you __hire_ to do the catering? | Exercise 2 Make questions and complete each answer by using IN/ON/AT. See the example. 1. When/Estee Lauder/born? When was Estée Lauder born? She was born in 1908 2. When/she/marry Joseph Lauter? __When did she marry Joseph Lauter?____ She married him __on__ January 15, 1930. 3. When/they/have/first child? ____When did they have their first child?_____ They had their first child __in__ March 1933. 4. When/she/set up/company? __When did she set up the company?_____ She set up the company _at__ the end of World War II. 5. When/she/get/first big break? ___When did she get her first break? ___ She got her first big break ___in__ 1948. 6. When/Leonard/take over/CEO? ___When did Leonard take over the CEO? __ He took over as CEO _in__ 1982. | Exercise 3 Complete the text by using the past simple or the past continuous. See the example. ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS Although companies spend billions of dollars on research and development, new products sometimes come about just by chance. SAFETY GLASS – the idea of safety glass came to a French scientist, Edouard Benedictus, in 1903. He was working (work) in his laboratory one night when he suddenly ___knocked__ (knock) over a glass jar containing celluloid. The glass broke, but did not shatter because it stuck to the celluloid, and this led to the idea of safety glass – two sheets of glass with a central sheet of celluloid. TEFLON – Roy Plunkett _made____ (make) the first batch of Teflon while he __worked_ (work) for Du Pont. He __was carrying_____ (carry) out research into coolant gases when he __left__ (leave) one batch in a container overnight. He came back the next day to find that the gas had turned into Teflon, the slipperiest substance in the world. PFIZER’S LUCKY BREAK – Scientists at Pfizer’s laboratory in England __were testing___ (test) a new heart drug called Viagra when they _realized___ (realize) that, although it was of little use in treating heart problems, it had some unexpected side-effects. The result was a 29 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS hugely successful new product that has probably done more to save the rhinoceros than anything else in history. | Exercise 4 Read each set of information. Decide in which order they happened. Then write two new sentences based on the information. See example. 1. His car broke down. He went the rest of the way by taxi. He was driving to Bonn for a conference. a) When his car broke down, he was driving to Bonn for a conference. b) When his car broke down, he went the rest of the way by taxi. 2. We left the building. We were having a meeting. The fire alarm went off. a) When _we left the building, we were having a meeting__ b) When _we left the building, the fire alarm went off.____ 3. They took our company over. We were losing a lot of money. They made a lot of people redundant. a) When __they took our company over, they made a lot of people redundant____ b) When _they took over our company, we were losing a lot of money._______ 4. My secretary went to meet him. I was having lunch in the canteen. Mr. Hope arrived. a) When my secretary went to meet him, I was having lunch in the canteen__ b) When my secretary went to meet him, Mr. Hope arrived.____ 5. Sir James arrived at the airport. He came straight to the office. The chauffeur was waiting. a) When ___Sir James arrived at the airport, he came straight to the office_ b) When _Sir James arrived at the airport, the chauffeur was waiting.___ 10.3.2. TELEFONEMAS Students summarise the advantages / disadvantages of making arrangements in international business by telephone and by mail for example. Make sure that students understand take / leave a message. Check that they know what kind of answer is expected for leaving a message, for example, nervous, confident, bored. Get students to practise the conversations in pairs. 30 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 Listen to the extract from the recording and complete the missing information on the message pads below: EX 1: TELEPHONING Telephone message For: Mr. Brown time of call: morning Caller: Gerda Graff Company: in Frankurt Phone number_49-69-75-45-22_ Message: ___________________________ 1. (ring ring) Media: Hello, Media Publishing, good morning. Gerda Hoeness: Oh hello. My name’s Gerda Graff from Frankfurt. I‘d like to speak to Mr Brown please. Media: Oh I’m sorry – Mr Brown is not here at the moment. Can I er… could I have your name again, please? Gerda Hoeness: Yes, Gerda Hoeness, that’s G…E…R…D…A – Gerda and Hoeness, spelt G…R…A…F…F. Media: Yes, Ms Graff, from Frankfurt? Gerda Hoeness: That’s right. Could you ask him to call me when he’s got a moment? Media: Yes I’ll ask him to do that. Does he have your number? Gerda Hoeness: Yes, I think so, but in any case it’s 49-69-75-45-22. Media: I’ll repeat that - 49-69-75-45-22. Gerda Hoeness: Correct. Media: Okay, thanks for calling. Mr Brown will call you later today. Gerda Hoeness: Oh that’s very good. Many thanks. | Exercise 2 Listen and complete the script below by writing down all the phrases used by Dominique Peron to block the caller. TGC: Bonjour, ici La TCG Walter Barry: Good morning, Walter Barry, here, calling from London. Could I speak to Monsieur Le Grand, please? 31 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS TGC: Who’s calling please? Walter: I’m sorry, Walter Barry, from London. TGC: Er, what is it about, please? Walter: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant. My own company, LCP, Liquid Control, Products, is a leader in safety from leaks in the field of chemical processing. I would like to speak to M. Le Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time. TGC: Yes, I see. Well M. Le Grand is not available just now. Walter: Can you tell him when I could reach him? TGC: He’s very busy for the next few days, then he’ll be away in New York. So it’s difficult to give you a time. Walter: Could you ask him to ring me? TGC: I don’t think I could do that, he’s very busy just now. Walter: Could I speak to someone else, perhaps? TGC: Who in particular? Walter: A colleague for example? TGC: You are speaking to his Personal Assistant. I can deal with calls for M. Le Grand. Walter: Yes, well…er…yes…could I ring him tomorrow? TGC: No I’m sorry he won’t be free tomorrow. Listen, let me suggest something. You send us details of your products and services, together with references from other companies and then we’ll contact you. Walter: Yes, that’s very kind. I have your address. TGC: Very good, Mr er er … Walter: Barry, Walter Barry from LCP in London. TGC: Right Mr. Barry. We look forward to hearing from you. Walter: Thank you. Goodbye. TGC: Bye. | Exercise 3 Use the pairs of words in the box to complete the sentences 1. If I’m _busy___, I just let the phone _ring__. 2. If I don’t want to be _disturbed__, I tell my secretary to _hold__ all my calls. 3. If ___possible___, I try to _answer___ the phone before the fourth ring. 4. If I’m _expecting__, a call from the boss, I _pick up__ the phone immediately. 5. If I’m in the middle of something __important__, I __switch__ the answer phone. 6. If I’m having a __real____ crisis, I __unplug__ the damn thing! 32 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 Match the questions to the answers. 1. Who’s calling please? d a) no, C-O-double L-I-N-S 2. Can you spell that please? c b) John Collins and Associates. 3. Which company are you phoning from? b c) T-A-N-Y-A- new word H-U-L-L 4. Is that C-O-L-I-N-S? a d) Tanya Hull | Exercise 5 What do you say in the following situations? 1: You understand what the caller is saying. (3 expressions) Right, I understand, OK, I see 2: The other person is speaking too fast. Could you speak slower please? 3: You can’t hear the other person. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well? 4: You’re not sure how to write a name. Could you spell that please? 5: You want someone to say the word again. Could you repeat that please? 6: You confirm some information. OK, I see so that is…. |Exercise 6 Write the conversation below. Sophie Louis Give your number Say you can’t hear Repeat it Confirm the number EXAMPLE: Hi louis, Hi there Sophie, is this your number? No my number is 158162565842. Excuse me but I couldn’t hear you very well 158162565842. So that is 158162565842. Yes exactly. Ok thanks Bye Bye 33 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.3.3. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS – UNIT 2 Exercise 1 Fill in the gaps with the verbs between brackets by using the past simple or past continuous. A: What (you, do) _________________ when the accident occurred? B: I (try) ____________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out. 2. After I (find) _______________ the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately) ________________ to the police and (turn) ______________ it in. 3. The doctor (say) ______________that Tom (be) _____________ too sick to go to work and that he (need) _____________ to stay at home for a couple of days. 4. Sebastian (arrive) ______________ at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she (be, not) __________________ there. She (study, at the library) ____________ for her final examination in French. Exercise 2 Fill in the missing forms of the irregular verbs. 1. Dig dug dug 2. Withdraw __________ __________ 3. Shake _________ __________ 4. _________ _______ frozen 5. Bet __________ _________ 6. Mistake __________ ___________ 7. _________ forgave ___________ 8. Draw ___________ _________ 9. ________ swore _________ 10. ________ meant __________ 34 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Exercise 3 Match the expressions 1-6 to those with a similar meaning a-f. 1. Can I have your name please? _____ a. Can you hold please? 2. Just a moment please _____ b. He’s on another call at the moment. 3. I’ll put you through _____ c. Can I take a message? 4. This is Tony Markham. _____ d. May I ask who’s calling? 5. His line’s busy right now. _____ e. Tony Markham speaking 6. Would you like to leave a message _____ f. I’ll connect you Exercise 4 Match the two halves of these sentences from the conversations. 1. Would you mind if I … _____ a. put it on the schedule then? 2. She’d like to … _____ b. arrange a demonstration? 3. Would you like me to… _____ c. very kind 4. That would be… _____ d. have a look at your rolling mill. 5. Would you… _____ e. brought a colleague with me? 6. Would you mind… _____ f. showing her the rolling mill. 7. Would you prefer _____ g. the morning or the afternoon. 35 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.4. UNIT 4 10.4.1. COMPREENDER OS DOIS SECTORES: PRODUÇÃO E SERVIÇOS Point out how words forms can change depending on whether the word is being used as an adjective, noun, verb and so on. Ask students to talk briefly about the history of a company that they know. If students are in employment, this is an opportunity for them to tell a partner about the history of their company. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO | Exercise 1 1. property 2. telecommunications 3. cars 4. tourism 5. financial services 6. defence 7.leisure 8.pharmaceuticals 9. media 10. healthcare |Exercise 2 Encontra-se disponibilizado no documento > PDF pag. 62 10.4.2. COMPREENDER A VOZ PASSIVA (PRESENTE E PASSADO) Explain that we use the passive to describe processes, or when it is not so important to know who or what did the action: This building was built in 1929. (it doesn’t matter who built it) 36 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. The documents are printed. 2. The shoes are bought. 3. The car is produced. 4. The litter is thrown away. 5. The food isn’t eaten. 6. The machine isn’t used. | Exercise 2 1. This recipe was introduced to Europe by the famous explorer Marco Polo. 2. This frozen dessert was thought to have been developed by the Chinese but recent research shows that it was first made in India. 3. The ice cream vendor talked with the waffle-maker and an agreement was made. 4. This frozen dessert was called FROGURT. 5. Then, the ice cream was placed inside the cone. 6. The waffles were used as serving dishes for the ice cream. 7. The people at the World's Fair were delighted by this delicious combination. | Exercise 3 Base form (infinitive) Third form (past participle) buy bought distribute distributed fly flown grow grown load loaded make made manufacture manufactured sell sold ship shipped store stored unload unloaded 37 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 1. at 2. over / on 3. by, from 4. by, on 10.4.3. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS – UNIT 2 Exercise 1 Match each picture with one of the industries listed in the table. Write the letter of the picture next to the right industry. Some industries may match more than one picture. The first one is an example. defence construction aerospace media pharmaceuticals Telecommunications textiles 38 A Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Exercise 2 Match each statement with one of the service industries listed in the box. There is one extra industry that you don't have to use. The first one is an example. catering financial services property retail healthcare leisure telecommunications tourism 0. In our shop we sell high quality shoes from Italy. 1. We offer low-cost package holidays Retail in Spain, Portugal and France. in England. ______________________ 2. We manage the largest, and most modern, private hospital ______________________ 3. We have 22 executive flats to sell dose to the city's business district. ______________________ 4. We currently supply in-flight meals to seven international airlines. ______________________ 5. Our health and sports clubs can be found in over 130 hotels in the UK. ______________________ 6. We give advice on how to save money or where to invest it. _____________________ Exercise 3 Choose the best word from the brackets ( ) to fill each gap. 1 I spent 25 years in the US, working in the __________________ industry. (automobile / automo biles) 2 In Britain, shipbuilding and other _________________ industries found it hard to survive in the 80s. (light / heavy) 3 Telecommunications was one of the __________________ industries of the 1990s. (growing / growth) 4 We don’t build computers: we just write the _______________. (software / hardware) 5 We manufacture refrigerators, washing machines and other household _________________ (goods / parts) 6 Biotechnology is the new, _______________ industry of the 2lst century. (processing / emerging) Exercise 4 Complete the sentences in the Passive. 1. These clothes __________________ (make) in Vietnam. 39 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 2. For example, this type of T-shirt _____________________ (manufacture) in a factory in Hanoi. 3. The T-shirts ______________________ (load) into a container. 4. The container ________________________ (ship) across the Pacific. 5. The container ________________________ (unload) in San Francisco. 6. The T-shirts___________________________ (store) in a warehouse. 7. They ________________________ (distribute) by truck to the stores. 8. The T-shirts _______________________ (sell) in stores all over North America. 10.5. UNIT 5 10.5.1. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO ÀS DIMENSÕES E CARACTERÍSTICAS DO PRODUTO Write the words features and benefits on the board, and ask students if they know the words, and what they understand by them. Ask what kind of people might talk about features and benefits in their work. The aim is for students to practice discussing products more critically. In their work, as well as explaining features and benefits, students may also need to discuss the disadvantages of products, for example when deciding what equipment to use themselves or to purchase for their company. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. g 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. a | Exercise 2 Verb 40 Noun Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Weigh weight Adjective Noun Long length wide width thick thickness square square rectangular rectangle 41 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 3 1. wide, width 2. thickness, thick 3. rectangular 4. weighs | Exercise 4 1. what does it 2. easy to use 3. fast EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 a. Put your ticket into the slot. b. Pull the lever c. Put your ticket into the slot. d. Select a language e. Insert your card f. Turn the key to start g. Push the door to open | Exercise 2 1. f 2. g 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. e 7. a 42 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d | Exercise 2 1. guarantee 2. take it back 3. call centre 4. fault, repair 5. breaks down, under guarantee, replacement 10.5.2. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS UNIT 5 Exercise 1 Match each statement to a word pair from the list. Write the letter of your chosen answer next to the statement. A product catalogue B product range D product placement E product lifecycle C generic products 1 If you want a big Hollywood star to wear a shirt with your company’s logo on in a film, it will cost you over one million dollars. _____ 2 The latest edition contains pictures, descriptions and prices of everything that we sell. ______ 3 We aim to sell 500,000 units in the first year. Then sales will drop quickly to about 15,000 a year. We’ll have to launch a new model in four years’ time. ____ 4 Customers buy supermarket own-Iabel versions rather than branded products because they offer better value for money. _______ 43 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 5 When BMW bought Rover, it changed its products towards more expensive cars. ______ Exercise 2 Choose the best word from the brackets ( ) to fill the gap. 1 Our product ______________ includes tables, chairs and cupboards. (group / portfolio / package) 2 Next year’s product ___________ will also include hats and shoes. (range / make / model) 3 With this type of equipment in the US, product ____________ are so short that product launches are very frequent. (brand / lifecycles / line) 4 The new law will ban product _______________ of cigarettes in movies. (moving / placement / catalogue) 5 Our product _________________ is between the famous fashion labels of Italy and the ownbrand products of UK high street shops. (labelling / marking / positioning) Exercise 3 Fill in the gaps with vocabulary related to dimensions. A: How big is it? B: The box is 4 centimetres w_____ by 6 centimetres l____. A: How much does it weigh? B: It’s not heavy — it’s very light. It w__________ only 120 grams. A: And how t________ is it? B: It’s just 1 centimetre. Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box. call centre guarantees repair broke down replacement under guarantee problem I have a _______________with my CD player. It _______________ (= stopped working). The company ________________ our products for three years. You should phone our __________________. We ______________ the products but if there’s a fault again and it is still ______________________, we will give you a ___________________. 44 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 45 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.6. UNIT 6 10.6.1. O PRESENT PERFECT The aim here is to focus students on the use of the present perfect for past actions with no specific time reference, in contrast with the past simple when there is a time reference or when a specific time in the past is understood. Demonstrate the use of already and yet with some examples: We have already completed units 1 to 7. / We have completed units 1 to 7 already. We haven’t started unit 8 yet. / We haven’t yet started unit 8. Elicit the meaning of the words and the alternative positions of already and yet. Tell students that it is far less common to use yet between haven’t/hasn’t and the past participle, especially in spoken English. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO – ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs into the present perfect. 1. I’m going to send them a reminder. They _haven’t paid_ (not pay) us for their last order. 2. Some of these shares __have fallen__ (fall) by over 80% and they are not stable. 3. _Have you written__ (you/write) to them about our order, or do you want me to phone them? 4. We __have spend____ (spend) a lot of money on buying new machines, and now everything is working very well. 5. Unemployment is very high here because the factories __have shut__ (shut) down. 6. The lawyers _have drawn__ (draw) up the contracts, so that we can continue with the deal. 7. I haven’t spoken____ (not/speak) with our doctor about the appointment, but I’ll soon. 8. __have you found_ (you/find) somebody to replace our colleague, or are you still looking? 9. Marry __has just got__ (just/get) back from lunch. Why don’t you call her now? 10. Peter, _have you met__(you/meet) Jane Fareway? She’s our new director. 46 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 2 Read the following dialogues and fill in the gaps by using the Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. A: _____Have you ever been____ (you/ever/been) to Kyoto? B: Yes, I have. I ____went______ (go) there the last year A: How long _did you stay_ (you/stay)? ….B: I __was_ (be) only there for a couple of days for a meeting 2. A: _Have you ever been___ (you/ever/be) to Europe? B: Yes, I have. We had (have) a skiing holiday in the Alps last year. A: Which resort __did you go__ (you/go) to? B: We __went___ (go) to Wengen. 3. A: _Have you ever been__ (you/ever/be) to one of Durao Barroso’s seminars? B: Yes, I have. I __have been (go) to one a few month ago. A: What __was___ (it/be) like? B: I __thought____ (think) it _was__ (be) very interesting. 4. A: _Have you ever visited____ (you/ever/visit) Frankfurt? B: No, I _have never visited_ (never/visit) Germany, but I __have been _ (be) to France. A: Really. When __did you do__ (you/do) that? B: I __went____ (go) there two months ago. | Exercise 3 Some of these sentences are correct and some are not. Put a √ next to the ones that are right, and correct the ones that are wrong. See the example. 1. I am here since last week. __I have been here …_________ 2. I’ve had the same company car for two years. ___√______________________________ 3. I know Mia since we were at INSEAD together. ___have known________________ 4. How long are you with Microsoft. For how long have you been working for Microsoft 5. We have had an office in Sidney for several years. ________√_____________ 6. She has an account with SGFD bank since 1998. _________√_________ 7. PCT is in financial difficulties for several months. ______has had______________________ 8. How long has the office been vacant. _______√_____________________ 47 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks with for or since. See the example. 1. They have operated as joint directors since the company started. 2. Orders have risen _since_ the start of the new TV ad campaign in June. 3. Our sales executives have used the same hotel __for__ over 20 years. 4. I can’t get hold of James. He has been in a meeting _since_ 8.00. 5. When I joined the company, I worked in the NY branch _for_ six months. 6. Car prices have fallen _since_ the introduction of the new EU directive. 7. We have done all our business in Euros _since__ 2002. 8. It isn’t a new Mercedes. He has had it _for__ several years. 10.6.2. COMPANY STRUCTURE The aim here is to focus on useful language for describing your job. Check that students understand that be responsible for, be in charge of and manage essentially mean the same thing. Ask students what kind of job they have. Those not yet in work should think about a job they want to do. What are their responsibilities, and with what or whom are they dealing with. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 Use the terms in the box to complete the paragraph People at the head of an organization are __board of directors____ or senior managers. The __Chief Executive Officer____ is the person who has overall responsibility for the day-to-day running of an organization. In case of a limited company the CEO is normally the _managing director____,appointed by the __________________ on the authority of its members. The same person is usually the __Chairman______ of meetings of the ___board__, i.e. the people who are legally responsible for a company. The person responsible for keeping the minutes of board meetings is the__secretary_____. 48 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 2 Match each of the roles 1-4 to the correct definition a-d. 1. director 2. Executive director 3. Non-executive director 4. Board of directors a) A company director with a seat on the board who is also a salaried employee of the company, and actively involved of the running of the company. 2 – Executive Director b) A director with a seat on the board who is not a working employee of the company, sometimes brought onto the board for his or her specialist knowledge. He or she takes no part in the running of the company. 3 – Non-executive Director c) The management committee of a limited company, the members of which are appointed by shareholders whose interests they represent. They meet under the company chairman to decide on major policy matters and the appointment of key managers. 4 – Board of Directors d) A person who is appointed an elected officer of the company at the annual general meeting and manages the company on behalf of the shareholders. He or she acts by resolutions made at meetings of the board. 1 - Director | Exercise 3 Who’s who on this company board? “my name is Montebello and I’m president and CEO. We have some excellent people on our board, including 2 who are not involved in the day-to-day running of the company: Gomi and Jones” my name’s Smith and it’s my job to look after the accounts and balance the books. I work closely with Chang and Roberts, as they tell me what their departments need for marketing and research, and I allocate them an annual budget.” “My name’s Dawes and I head up personnel, on the same level in the company as Chang and Roberts.” Montebello Non-executive director Gomi & Jones ___________________ Smith ___________________ Roberts __________________ Chang ___________________ Dawes 49 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.6.3. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS Exercise 1 Fill in the gaps with the verbs between brackets by using the past simple or present perfect. 1. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?" B: I don't know. I (see, never) ______________ that movie. 2. Sam (arrive) __________ in San Diego a week ago. 3. My best friend and I (know) __________ each other for over fifteen years. We still get together once a week. 4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ________ ten very creative short stories in the last year. One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway. 5. I (have, not) __________ this much fun since I (be) ____________ a kid. 6. Things (change) ________ a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start) __________ working here three years ago, the company (have, only) ____________ six employees. Since then, we (expand) _______________ to include more than 2000 full-time workers. Exercise 2 Write down, behind the definition, which manager is described. 1. This person has the highest and most important job in an organization : __________________ 2. The most senior managers of a company who are meeting regularly to make important decisions about how i twill be run are called: _________________ 3. A person who has overall responsibility for the management of a company is called : ________________ 4. A person whose job within a company is to keep legal affairs, accounts and administration in order is called________________ 50 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Exercise 3 Match the job title with the best definition on the right. 1. CEO _____ a. manager responsible for creating goods or Services 2. Staff Development officer _____ for sale to customers. b. American English term for the top manager of a company. 3. Finance Director _____ c. manager responsible for personnel _____ d. person responsible for presentation issues. 4. Managing Director control of profit and loss. 5. Production Director _____ e. British English term for senior manager of a company. | Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps by using for or since. 1. They’ve been working ________ five hours. 2. Nobody has come to see us ________ we bought this house. 3. She has been a doctor _______ 1998. 4. Nobody has seen her _______ then. 5. They have all been ill ______ the last week. 6. My boss has been talking to them ________ seven hours. 7. He bought the car in 1998 and has driven it _____ then. 8. Peter went to the library. He has studied there ______ a long time. 9. It has been very foggy ______ early morning. 10. I´ve worked with you ______ seven years. 51 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.7. UNIT 7 10.7.1. CARTAS During the last few years, there has been a definite move away from the very formal, longwinded English that you used to find in business correspondence. Nowadays, you will hardly ever find phrases such as ‘We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 11th instant’. The tendency now is to be much more direct: ‘Thank you for your letter of 11 March’. Many of the strict conventions of letter-writing have also been relaxed and it is quite usual to find a lot of variety in the way letters are laid out or worded. Writers often use informal expressions and forms (e.g. contractions) whereas previously this would have been avoided. Some letter-writing conventions, however, remain very much alive. Presentation, for example, is still very important. Few people will want to do business with a company that sends out badly typed, badly worded, or badly laid-out letters. Seemingly minor details can also irritate the reader of the letter and give a negative impression. Your role will mainly be as a manager of the lesson and adviser to the students. You will need to direct the students’ attention to the exercises, help with problems they encounter and then finally discuss the answers with the class. For much of the lesson the students will be writing. During this time, go round the class helping out and giving guidance on the exercises. Obviously the kind and amount of guidance you need to give will vary considerably from student to student but, where possible, try to give hints or clues rather than direct answers. This should help the students develop the ability to write without your assistance. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. written 2. received 3. reply 4. got 5. read, replied 6.fax 52 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 2 1. informal 2. formal 3. informal 4. formal 5. formal | Exercise 3 1 (beginning) Dear Kay (ending) Best Wishes Tom 2 Dear Ms Lumsden Yours sincerely Tony Kent 3 Hi Kay Best Serena 4 Dear Ms Lumsden Yours sincerely Roger Olafsson 5 Dear Madam Yours faithfully Janet Freeman 53 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. Thank you for 2. I’m writing to 3. Could you 4. I’m 5. let me know 6. look forward | Exercise 2 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 4. f 6. e EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 From: To: Cc: Subject : Request for information Attachment : Sales report.doc Dear Tom I’m attaching the report you requested. Could you forward it to Sarah? I don’t know her email address - I think I deleted it by mistake! I’m copying this email to David too. Best wishes Mark 54 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 2 1. Enjoyed meeting you last week. 2. I’m so glad you had a nice trip back to London. 3. I’ve posted the brochure to you. 4. They are v. interested in working with you. 10.7.2. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS - UNIT 7 | Exercise 1 Choose the best word from the brackets ( ) to complete each sentence. • Pierre, I’m calling to see if you’ve finished the drawings. . Yes, Marina. Do you want me to _____________ them by fax? (e-mail /send / post) • Yes, please. Do you have our ________ number? (fax / address / code) . Is it 570 220? • That’s it. Oh, and could you fax __________ the specifications as well? (my / me / mine) . I’ll ___________ everything I’ve got. (fax / faxing / faxed) • That’ll be great. Thanks. . Bye, Marina. | Exercise 2 An e-mail program has the options A—F as shown below. For each situation (1—5) choose the option that the user should choose. Write the letters of the options you choose in the boxes. There’s one extra option that you don’t need to use. Address Delete Forward Reply Reply to All Book Message Message A B C D E 1 Last week, Henri wrote an e-mail to his brother. Now he wants to get rid of it. Attach File F 2 Ivan got an important e-mail from a customer. He wants to send it on to his boss in Paris. 3 Helen has received an e-mail from Vincent and she wants to send him an answer. 4 Marie has a report saved on her computer. She wants to send it to John with the e-mail she has written. 5 Paula wrote an e-mail to Mike, Tim and Lee. Lee wants to send an answer to Paula and the others. 55 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 3 Change the sentences from informal to formal. 1. We’re arriving in London on Monday. (contraction) _______________________________________________________________ 2. It was v. good to speak to you yesterday. (abbreviation) _______________________________________________________________ 3. Hope that your hotel is comfortable. (missing word) _______________________________________________________________ 4 I’ll be in touch again soon. (contraction) _______________________________________________________________ | Exercise 4 Complete the message. Dear Ms Brown (1)________ _________ very much (2) ________ your e-mail. I’ m (3) _____________ to let you know the details about the course. Please (4) __________ ____________ the programme for the training course. This is a PDF document. Please let me know what you think about the programme. I look (5) _____________ to (6) ______________ from you soon. Yours (7) _______________ Thomas Freeman 56 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 57 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.8. UNIT 8 10.8.1. COMPREENDER O CONCEITO DA CULTURA Cultural issues, are, of course, both potentially sensitive and impossible to ignore. The unit should begin with a fairly open discussion on the importance of the topic. The existence of international brands, etc. does give people more common ground these days, but people’s cultural background still affects how they act as individuals and their business relationships with others. Students who are experienced in international business may have plenty to contribute from their own experience here. If students have lots to say, the discussion may lead naturally into listing cultural issues. Different groups could be asked to research gift-giving traditions in different countries and suggest suitable gifts for business clients. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO – ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. macho culture 2.canteen culture 3.long-hours culture 4.corporate culture 5. macho culture 6. long-hours culture | Exercise 2 1a ABC 1b SBC 2a SBC 2b ABC 3a ABC 3b SBC 58 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.8.2. COMPREENDER O VOCABULÁRIO RELATIVO AOS NOMES E AOS CARTÕES DE VISITA Be aware that welcoming visitors varies considerably from country to country. In some countries it is very formal with ritual proffering of business cards, while in others it is quite casual. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. false 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. false 6. true 7. true EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 1. Gammaria 2. Betatania 3. Deltatonia 4. Alphaland | Exercise 2 1. x 2. x 3. √ 4. √ 5. x 6. x 7. √ 59 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.8.3. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS UNIT 8 | Exercise 1 Decide which of the alternatives (A—F) each speaker is talking about. Write the letter of your answer in the box at the end of the sentence. You will have to use some alternatives more than once. A- corporate culture B- macho culture D- hierarchical structure C- canteen culture E- form of address F- stereotype 1 ‘All CEOs over the age of 50 use an authoritarian approach to management. 2 ‘The top people were all men and they encouraged an aggressive management style.’ 3 ‘Our organization has five levels of management.’ 4 ‘Here we consult employees on all major decisions. We work by consensus. 5 ‘The people on the shop floor say that our managers don’t have any leadership skills.’ 6 ‘I want the people who work for me to be tough. If they are weak they can leave.’ 7 ‘I like all the people in my team to call me Steve rather than Mr Eastwood.’ 8 ‘Women make better managers than men because they are better with people.’ |Exercise 2 Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences. 1. We involve everyone in the decision- _ _ _ _ _ _ process. 2. This is not a hierarchical company. We only have two management _ _ _ _ _ _. 3. We work as a team of _ _ _ _ _ _. The newest employee’s ideas are just as important as mine. 4. The _ _ _ _ - hours culture here puts people under pressure. 5. I like it here because the company _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is to encourage people to use their initiative. | Exercise 3 Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a circle around the letter, A, B or C, of the word you choose. 60 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS ‘My name is Daniel Bertolino and I’m a software developer. In our department, we dress (1) ____________. We can’t wear shorts or dirty T-shirts so I suppose it’s “(2) ______________ casual”. People in Sales have to dress (3) ______________. The men wear dark business (4) _______________ and so do the women. They all look the same. It’s like a (5) _________________ really. At the end of each month we have a (6) _______________ Friday. It’s strange to see the CEO without a tie on.’ 1. A casualty B causally C casually 2. A smart B straight C special 3. A obligatory B remotely C formally 4. A shirts B suits C suites 5. A uniform B portfolio C logo 6. A dress-up B dress-down C dress-in | Exercise 4 Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given in the box below. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use. presenteeism punctuality humour business absenteeism gestures entertainment 1. Our overseas clients expect ______________________ when they visit so I take them out every evening. 2. He is very keen on_____________________, so get there early. 3. I don’t like____________________ lunches because they go on for too long. 4. There was a culture of ______________________with people at their desks even at the weekend. 5. You can learn a lot from watching the _____________________that people make when they are talking. 6. An important business meeting is not the place for ____________________. It can go horribly wrong. 61 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.9. UNIT 9 10.9.1. PRESENTATIONS The unit begins with some fairly extensive work on presentation technique. An effective route into developing presentation skills is to discuss the qualities of good preparation and presentation technique. The unit establishes some key principles concerning preparation and the audience before progressing to the vital area of giving a good introduction. Students produce their own introductions after considering two examples. As in other units, encourage students to reach their own conclusions and to contribute with their ideas. Your role is to support and guide learners through the material, channelling their responses. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 Put the sentences of Mary’s introduction into the correct order. e) My name is Mary Flinders. c) I work for Siemens in the marketing department g) Today I’m going to talk about a new product that we have developed. b) First, I’ll look at the technical side. f) Then, I’ll move on to the sales possibilities. a) And finally, I’ll say something about how we can work with your company. d) If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them at the end of my presentation. | Exercise 2 In any presentation the beginning is crucial. Certainly some things are essential in an introduction and others are useful. Here is a list of what could be included in an introduction. Mark them according to how necessary they are using the following scale: Essential 1 62 Useful 2 3 Not necessary 4 5 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Subject / title of talk Introduction to oneself, job title etc. Reference to questions and /or discussions Reference to the programme for the day Reference to how long you are going to speak for Reference to the visual aids you plan to use The scope of your talk: what is and not included An outline of the structure of your talk A summery of the conclusions | Exercise 3 Read the beginning of a presentation on the marketing plans for a new telecommunications system produced by Telco. “Thank you for coming today. As you know, I want to talk about the marketing plans. Brand identity is a key issue and what it means is how we are seen by our customers and how our products are recognised and what our consumers think of us as a company. And I should also say, what they think of our products and the name… what Telco means for them. And advertising is part of it of course, though not something I’m going to talk about now except to say that as for brand image, it’s important in that area too, advertising that is. a) Is it a good introduction? b) Why / Why not? c) Label the structure of the talk. Introduction Brand identity Brand name Advertising | Exercise 4 Suggest a possible phrase for each of the prompts below. a) Greet your audience. Good afternoon, welcome… b) Introduce yourself. My name is …. And I work for… c) Give the title of your talk. I am going to talk about … d) Describe the structure of your talk. First I am going to talk about, then… and finally… e) Explain that the audience can interrupt if they want. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate in interrupting me … f) Say something about the length of the talk. My presentation is going to take about 30 minutes… 63 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS g) Say a colleague will be showing a video later. Later on there will be a video shown to understand… 10.9.2. PRESENTATIONS - ESTRUTURA Elicit ideas on presentation technique. Have students write ‘What makes a good presentation?’ on a piece of paper. In pairs, get them to write notes for two or three minutes. Prompt them to think about content, appearance and style. Note: Even students with little experience of giving presentations will have ideas, especially as almost everyone has seen presentations, good or bad, in various contexts, if only on television or at school! Then get pairs to double up, compare notes and discuss. After two or three more minutes, ask for ideas from each group. Write suggestions on the board. Do this semi-systematically, grouping related ideas under key words like Organisation, Visual support, Voice, Content, Physical aspects (appearance, gesture, eye contact, etc.).You may paraphrase what students say but keep to their ideas. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 Lettle’s marketing manager is making a presentation. Look at his plan and write what she says atthe start of each section. Look at the example: 1. First, I’d like to talk about the technical side.________________________________ 2. ____Than I will use a slide show to show you the sales plan______ 3. _afterwards I’ll talk about Lettle’s branches ___ 4. __and finally I’ll conclude my presentation ___________ 5. ____and you can ask any question you like_________ | Exercise 2 Match the following pictures with the correct phrase Climbed slightly B Increased steadily C Dropped markedly D Declined a little A rose dramatically E a) b) c) d) e) 64 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 3 Complete and label the pie chart showing the information below. Cars sold in Albania in 2004 Model Number sold Percentage of total Delta 4.5 million 45% Echo 2.5 million 25% Alpha 2 million 20% Others 1 million 10% Total 10 million cars 100% 10.9.3. ENDING A PRESENTATION Ask students to brainstorm on what the end of a presentation contains. Elicit any of these: • recommendations • summary • conclusion • questions • discussion • thanks. Ask whether presentations always end with these items. They almost certainly do not but in what circumstances and how are the choices made? In business, thanks are fairly standard at the end of a presentation, as are questions. On differences between conclusions and summaries, elicit comments such as: • Summaries restate what has already been said. Remember the maxim: ‘In a presentation, say what you are going to say, say it, then tell them you’ve said it.’ Some are like this, but not all. • A conclusion is different: it often contains a message which grows out of the information described in the main body of the talk. It may contain lessons learnt, recommendations, next steps. Now students should practise all the language covered by the unit: • Ask the class to work in pairs to prepare a talk based on the information given. • Give help where needed, especially to understand the information. • Remind them to use listing, linking and sequencing where necessary. • Presentations should be no longer than seven minutes. 65 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS • Individuals perform for the class. With a large group, or if you want to allow extra time for an additional run through, allow five minutes’ preparation in pairs or groups of three before individuals present to each other and give each other feedback. Then you select some students to present a second time to the whole group. EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 What do you say in the following situations? 1. You don’t understand a question. “Sorry, I’m not sure I’ve understood. Could you repeat the question please?” “Are you asking if … ?” “Do you mean … ?” “I didn’t catch (the last part of) your question. If I have understood you correctly, you mean …? Is that right?” 2. You can’t answer a question because the information is confidential. “I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of my talk 3. You are ready to answer questions. “That concludes (the formal part of) my talk. Thank you for listening… Now I’d like to invite your comments.” “Now we have (half an hour) for questions and discussion.” “Right. Now, any questions or comments?” “So, now I’d be very interested to hear your comments.” 4. You want someone to say the question again. Could you repeat that please? 5. You don’t know the answer. - I don’t have much experience in that field… 6. You want to find some information and answer a question later. “I’ll have to come to that later, perhaps during the break as we’re short of time.” 66 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 2 Read the following text and try to find a) a potential problem at the end of a presentation and b) three ways to avoid the problem. A nightmare scenario is as follows: the speaker finishes his talk with the words “any questions?” This is met by total silence. Not a word. Then an embarrassed shuffling, a cough…. How can this be avoided? A possible answer is that if the presentation has been good and the audience is clearly interested, someone will have something to say. Another way to avoid the nightmare of utter silence is to end with an instruction to the audience. This should ensure immediate audience response. Giving an instruction is often useful in sales presentations and where the audience has special requirements. Here are two examples: A sales presentation After talking about his or her products or services, the speaker wants the audience to explain their needs and says: “Okay – I’ve told you about the ways Snappo can help companies like yours. Now for us to do that, we need to know more about the way you work. For example, tell me about your particular situation, tell me what in particular may interest you….” This places a responsibility on the audience to respond – unless of course they have a completely negative view of both the presenter and the message! Assuming they are welldisposed towards the potential supplier, it’s probably in their interests to offer some information and begin discussion. A Training Manager speaking to an audience of Department Managers, vice-presidents, or potential trainees, the Training Manager has outlined recommendations and explained what is available. He/She can end with: “Right! I’ve told you what we can offer. Now tell me what are your impressions, what are your priorities and what else do you need to know now?” Another option is for the speaker to have a question prepared. Ask something which you know the audience will have to answer. This often breaks the ice and starts discussion. It may be possible to single out an individual who is most likely to have a question to ask you or a comment to make, or it may be apparent from earlier contact perhaps during the reception or coffee break, that a particular individual has something to say or to ask. 67 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 10.9.4. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS - UNIT 9 | Exercise 1. Write down what is needed. 1. I want to be sure everybody can hear me. I need a ____________________ 2. I want to write on paper so that everyone can see. I need a _________________ 3. I want to know if there are enough chairs. I need to _________ _______ __________ 4. I want to use my computer to show information. I need a ________________ 5. The audience doesn’t want extra information on paper. I don’t need _____________ | Exercise 2. Name the following objects. ____________ ____________ _______________ ______________ | Exercise 3. Match the following pictures with the correct phrase. Climbed slightly Increased steadily Declined a little a) 68 b) Dropped markedly rose dramatically c) d) e) Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 What do you say in the following situations? 1. You don’t understand a question. _________________________________________________________________________ ____ 2. You can’t answer a question because the information is confidential. _________________________________________________________________________ ____ 3. You are ready to answer questions. _________________________________________________________________________ ____ 4. You want someone to say the question again. _________________________________________________________________________ ____ 5. You don’t know the answer. _________________________________________________________________________ ____ 6. You want to find some information and answer a question later. _________________________________________________________________________ ____ 10.10. UNIT 10 10.10.1. MEETINGS As a brief introduction, ask students to brainstorm for two minutes on the functions of the chairperson in a meeting. Write ideas on the board. Students’ experience of meetings could be very varied as different nationalities adopt very different approaches to meetings. In some countries they rigidly follow an agenda item by item. In other countries they jump from item to item. In some countries it’s quite common to ask for permission to speak, whereas in other countries people just speak out and say what they feel. Students may work in pairs to talk about their experience of meetings. 69 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 70 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO - ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1. He __missed____ (missed/arranged) the meeting because he was late for work. 2. I decided to __cancel__ (cancel/arrange) the meeting because there was nothing to discuss. 3. We can _postpone_____ (postpone/cancel) the meeting until next week if necessary. 4. I asked Jean to __arrange_ (arrange/miss) the meeting next week but there were no rooms available. 5. They _attended__ (attended/postponed) the meeting, but they didn’t hear anything interesting. 6. This meeting is very important. Don’t ___miss__ (miss/attend) it! | Exercise 2 Complete the memo with words in italics. Venue minutes items attend agenda MEMO From: Chief Executive To: All managers Please find enclosed the _agenda_ for the next meeting. Please make a note of the __venue___ : we are meeting in room 7. Let me know if you are unable to __attend____. Please bring with you a copy of the __minutes_ of the last meeting. If you want me to add other _items__to the agenda, please let me know. | Exercise 3 Which verb in the following groups does not collocate the words on the right in bold. a) distribute; prepare; write; make; send out; circulate; read; check the agenda b) organise; arrange; attend; go to; open; close; visit; hold; postpone; a meeting set up; call off; cancel; have; plan c) leave; give; take; tell; send; receive; get a message d) accept; take; receive; do; make; expect; get a call 71 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 Suggest phrases which could be used by a chairperson in the following situations in a meeting. a) To welcome the participants to a meeting. - Thank you for coming…- (It’s ten o’clock). Let’s start…- We’ve received apologies from…- Does anyone have any comments on our previous meeting? b) To state the objectives of the meeting. - We’re here today to hear about plans for…- Our objective is to discuss different ideas…- What we want to do today is to reach a decision … c) To introduce the agenda. - You have all seen the agenda…- On the agenda, you’ll see there are three items.- There’s one main item to discuss… d) To introduce the first speaker. I’d like to ask Mary to tell us about …-Can we hear from Mr. Johnson on this? - I know that you have prepared a statement on your department’s views… e) To prevent an interruption. Sorry Mark, can we let Sonia finish? - Er, Johan, we can’t talk about that. f) To thank a speaker for his/her contribution. - Thank you for your contribution g) To introduce another speaker. Next is… next speaking is … h) To keep discussion to the relevant issues. - we can’t talk about that. i) To summarise discussion. So, what you’re saying is…-Can I summarise that? You mean…So, the main point is… j) To ask if anyone has anything to add. – does anyone has anything to add to that? k) To suggest moving to the next topic on the agenda. - Now, we continue with… l) To summarise certain actions that must be done following the meeting. (do research, write a report, meet again, write a letter) – for the next meeting it is necessary that… m) To close for a meeting. I think we’ve covered everything. -So, we’ve decided …-I think we can close the meeting now. -That’s it. The next meeting will be… EXERCÍCIOS RESOLVIDOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO APRESENTADOS NO MANUAL DO FORMANDO – ANSW ERS | Exercise 1 Complete the conversation from a meeting using the phrases a-g. a) I have an idea b) I disagree with Ben c) That’s a good idea d) Yes, but e) Do you mean? f) That’s right g) What do you think? 72 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Anna: So, who’s the best person for the job? Ben, __________G______? Ben: Lea Smith is very good. She has a lot of experience. Mary: ______B________ about this. Malcolm Jones may be younger, but he has a lot of experience too. Ben: ______D_________ Lea can start work next week. Malcolm can only start next month. Dan: Can I come in here? ________A_______. We can give them both a job as a sort of test for six months. Ella: ________E________ Keep them both for six months and then give one of them the permanent job? Dan: _______F__________. Anna: ________C__________! I hadn’t thought of that. | Exercise 2 Match what happens in the meeting 1-7 to what the people say a-g. 1. Naomie interrupts, and agrees with Linda G 2. Manuel gives his opinion B 3. Manuel makes a suggestion A 4. Linda disagrees with Manuel E 5. The chair, Chris, starts the meeting D 6. The chair asks for Manuel’s opinion C 7. Chris responds F a. I have an idea. Let’s tell them we’ll order more products if they can make the delivery more reliable b. I think Partco’s products are very cheap c. What do you think about Partco, Manuel? d. Is everybody ready? e. Yes, but they never deliver on time. f. That’s a good idea. g. Can I say something here? I agree with Linda – deliveries from Partco are always late. Now put the sentences a-g above in the correct order. | Exercise 3 Read the following text and identify 3 recommendations on how a meeting should end and what should happen after a meeting. 73 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Regardless of the type of meeting (information or decision making), it is important to close with a restatement of objective, a summery of what was accomplished, and a list of agreed action that needs to be taken. After the meeting, it is essential to follow up with the action. A brief memorandum of conclusions should be written and distributed. Inform appropriate people who did not attend the meeting about essential decisions made. Finally, each meeting should be viewed as a learning experience. Future meetings should be improved by soliciting evaluations and deciding what action is required to conduct better meetings. 74 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 4 Underline the correct word to complete the sentences. 1. Can I say / tell / talk something here? I think… 2. Excuse me, Mr Chairman, I want to interrupt / disagree / not agree with what Mr Jones has said. It’s not the case that … 3. I’m sorry, may I add / interrupt / opinion? It seems to me … 4. That’s not the true / true / sure! 5. I’m afraid / pardon / sorry but I’d like to go / move to / continue another point. | Exercise 5 Read the text and answer the questions that follow. The reason for having a meeting is to make a decision. Information may be given in a presentation followed by questions or discussion, but it is to get a consensus that the meeting has been arranged in the first place. Achieving this in the most time – and cost - effective manner possible is a goal that everyone attending (the meeting) must share. Marion Haynes (1988) maintains that decision making meetings need to follow a specific structure. The rational decision process includes the following steps: - Study / discuss / analyze the situation - define the problem - set an objective - State imperatives and desirables - generate alternatives - establish evaluation criteria - evaluate alternatives - choose among alternatives One other aspect of decision making is the necessary for participants in the meeting to be aware of one another’s needs and perceptions. If these are not effectively communicated, if there is an insufficient degree of understanding of one another’s requirements, then an acceptable conclusion is unlikely to be reached. There are four essential elements in decision making: awareness, understanding, empathy, and perception. It is only when we accept that communications are two-way process that any form of communication, including decision making will become genuinely successful and effective. 75 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Decision making is not always an identifiable activity. Frequently the discussion can evolve into the consensus which can be recognized and verbalized by the leader without the need to put things to the vote. a) What kind of meetings is the text about? Decision making meetings b) What structure does the text describe? - Study / discuss / analyze the situation - Define the problem - Set an objective - State imperatives and desirables - Generate alternatives - Establish evaluation criteria - Evaluate alternatives - Choose among alternatives c) What key point is made about communication? to be aware of one another’s needs and perceptions. If these are not effectively communicated, if there is an insufficient degree of understanding of one another’s requirements, then an acceptable conclusion is unlikely to be reached. Communications are two-way process d) Do you agree with the first sentence? e) Do you agree with Hayne’s suggestions for the steps involved in decision making? f) Find words / phrases for: - Common agreement get a consensus - Aim goal - Fix a goal set an objective - What one must have? - Develop evolve 10.10.2. BATERIAS DE EXERCÍCIOS ADICIONAIS A UTILIZAR EM SESSÕES PRESENCIAIS E SÍNCRONAS - UNIT 10 | Exercise 1 Read the agenda for a marketing meeting and decide on the best order for the items to be discussed at the meeting. 1. ______ 76 Marketing team meeting July 12th, 09.00 a.m. Room 45 Agenda: Marketing team’s activities last month (A) Minutes of last meeting (B) Apologies for absence (C) Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 77 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercise 2 Match the expressions 1-6 with those with a similar meaning. 1. What do you think? ___ a. Sorry, I missed that 2. Can I just say something? ___ b. Yes, please do. 3. Sure, go ahead ___ c. What are your thoughts on this? 4. Sorry to interrupt, but… ___ d. Let’s just recap 5. Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that ___ e. Sorry to stop you, but… 6. Shall we just go over what we’ve said ___ f. Can I add something? | Exercise 3 Match the advice about meetings 1-10 to the expressions a-j Before the meeting… 1. Tell everyone why you are having a meeting _____ 2. Find out when people can come ____ 3. Say when you can come ____ 4. Say when you can’t come ____ 5. Confirm the details of the meeting ____ At the meeting… 6. Invite other people to speak ____ 7. Ask others to clarify _____ 8. Ask if you can speak ____ 9. Review what people have said. _____ 10. Discuss who is going to do things _____ a. Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. What did you say? b. The meeting will be on Tue 10th of May from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 in Room 4 c. We would like to have a meeting to discuss the new brochure d. I can make it on Friday e. So, first of all, we need to decide who is going to prepare the survey. f. I can’t on Monday or Tuesday g. Can I just add something? h. What are your thoughts about this? i. Can you tell me if you are available on Thursday next week? j. Shall we just go over what we’ve said so far? 78 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS Exercise 4 Put the words from the box in the best columns below to make phrases used to describe preparations for a meeting. The minutes A date and time people’s availability Reception The agenda A finishing time A room The participants The restaurant staff A time limit Individual needs Prepare / send out / circulate check set/fix 79 organize/book Refreshments notify Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 80 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS 11. CORRECÇÕES DOS EXERCÍCIOS ON-LINE DA APLICAÇÃO INFORMÁTICA | Exercício 1 | Exercício 2 81 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 3 | Exercício 4 82 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 5 | Exercício 6 83 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 7 | Exercício 8 84 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 9 | Exercício 10 85 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 11 | Exercício 12 86 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 13 | Exercício 14 87 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 15 | Exercício 16 88 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 17 | Exercício 18 89 Manual do formador | INGLÊS PARA CONTACTOS PROFISSIONAIS | Exercício 19 | Exercício 20 90