veritas - Rosary Primary School


veritas - Rosary Primary School
13 August 2015
Week 4 Term 3
Last Thursday we put on our black and white clothes and celebrated St Dominic’s day. The day started with a Mass in which the
children participated beautifully. After recess the students were divided into multi-age groups and participated in two activities. In
one the students created a ‘St Dominic figure and in the other Yr 6 students ’launched’ the first edition of the ‘Junior Veritas’. A
big thankyou to Mrs Vincent and Mrs Brotchie for organising these activities and to everyone who helped make the day so successful.
This Saturday (15 August) the Church celebrates the Feast Day of the Assumption of Our Lady when according to our faith, the
Holy Mother, "having completed her course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory".
Although defined as an article of faith by Pope Pius XII just over half a century ago, the Assumption of Our Lady into heaven has
been accepted from back to the earliest of Christian times.
The Assumption signals the end of Mary's earthly life and marks her return to heaven to be reunited with Jesus. (Taken from
John O’Brien
Religious Education Coordinator
John O’Brien
Fleming Street, Watson ACT 2602 ABN 14 964 349 708
Telephone: 02 6248 0010 Facsimilie: 02 6247 8777
First Edition of the
Junior Veritas
Congratulations to the editorial team, Chloe George, Anna Tran, Jack Watson, Jason
Norman, Ellen Rowe, Flynn Woodward, Jaime Withers, Krista Wynn, Maria Costanzo, Lucy Gao, Maddie Jiang, Aedan McCarthy, Matthew O’Kane, Maddie Bailey,
Sara Bockwinkel, Lia Mai’lei, Thomas Sharwood and Aidan Murray, who launched the
first edition of The Junior Veritas, last Friday to celebrate St Dominic’s Day. Students across
the school enjoyed reading the magazine.
In the next edition, we would love to see lots of contributions from everyone in the school.
The Year 6 students explained the many different ways everyone could add to the next
magazine. Entries are still open until Friday 28th August for:
Design a new front cover.
Draw an imaginary creature.
Create an art piece on the theme of nature
Tell us about your sports and hobbies outside of school.
Tell us your favourite joke or jokes.
Make a cupcake, decorate it and take a photo of yourself with it.
Your favourite recipe.
Other competitions are in the magazine, copies of which are available in every classroom.
Entries: All entries can be posted in the Magazine box at the Front Office. Entries must
state what the category is and name and class of the student. (Prepared entry pages are
available in classrooms but can be submitted on plain paper.)
Any questions please see Mrs Brotchie.
BOOK WEEK … will be a uniform free day Friday, August 28, 2015 for the children to come dressed as a book character. Please come to school dressed as your
favourite character from your Favourite Book, with your favourite book!
BOOK FAIR…. We will be holding the annual Scholastic Book fair in
the library from Mon-Friday—24 August though to 28 August so
come and visit the Library and enjoy the fair.
Mrs Sandy Vincent
Story Circle
“Trixie Belden books were my favourite as she was
a young girl like me investigating mysteries in lots
of different places with her friends. It was very
exciting to imagine doing the same myself. Altogether I had at least 10 different books! Joanne
(Cherry’s mum)
The first six books were written by Julie Campbell Tatham, then continued by various in-house writers from Western Publishing under the pseudonym Kathryn Kenny.
“My favourite story book when I was a little girl was
Noddy. I loved to sit in bed at night time and read my
Noddy books. I also loved to go to the bookshop, with
mum on the weekend and buy another Noddy book to
read for the week. I still have my Noddy book collection today! Fiona (Rhys’s mum)
Noddy books by Enid Blyton
Send your recommended reads (40 words or less) to Yvonne Solly.
Include an image of the book cover if you can.
Veritas Awards
Netball Newsflash
Players of the Day from
Saturday, 8 August
Jaime Withers / Maddie Bailey
Ashleigh Arundel / Chloe
Lucy Peapell / Charlize Crockford
Georgia Spencer / Mary Manu
MacKenzie Argaet / Alannah Arthur
Alex Barham / Billie Withers.
Eva Lehmann / Sophie Tonkin
Maddison Camilleri / Sophia
Clothing Pool open every Friday 3.00 pm—3.30 pm
Gala Day success!!!!!
Thankyou everyone from the Rosary community who came and helped make the ooccasion the success, it was. A
massive thankyou to Jodie Hamilton and Steve O’Brien for all their efforts and to everyone else who helped out;
Bakers delight, Dickson, Mel Smith, Dawson Heating and cooling, Jodie Dawson, Bill Frew, Dave Dwyer, Melissa
Thornton, Rachel Cannell, Marty and Jackie Brady, Helen Gunning, Joan Mary O'Brien, Matthew Dwyer for cooking
endless supplies of eggs, bacon and sausages, Grace Smith, Makenzie O'Brien, Kobe Smith, Nic O'Brien, Jamie
O'Brien, Grace Brady and Declan McKeown and anyone else we forgot you made it such a great day.
A huge thanks to the ACT Brumbies, in particular player Rory Arnold for spending the day with us, showing support for the kids and signing autographs. Brumby Jack, thanks for coming along.
It was great to see Father Kieran, proudly showing his support for rosary, sporting his rosary Eagles rugby jumper
and hat!
Rory was very impressed with our Rosary talent, in particular, our u12 boys who he thought showed great skill
and played well above their age level.
Raffle winners were: Rory Arnold, Joan Mary O'Brien, Brady family, Duncan Bremner, Melissa Thornton.
Match Reports:
U7s- it was very exciting to play at our gala day this week, we were visited by Brumby Jack just before taking to
the field. We took the win this week by 1 try, great team effort. Also thankyou to Stirling Doyle for his coaching
and refereeing.
U9s- Great teamwork from the boys this week, we took on a well drilled Gungahlin team and were just overrun in
the second half by 2 tries. One last game to go, let's hope we can take a win and finish in the top 4.
U12’s- An understrength Rosary Rams took on Gungahlin at the Gala day last Saturday. The team was without
three boys who were on representative duty at the Rugby League national carnival. Every player stepped up for
the occasion lifting their efforts in response which allowed the team to record a good win 40-12. Sean Harris and
Mitchell Gunning were voted players of the match. Thank you to Cody and Ben Love for their coaching assistance.
Matches this week: U7’s 8’s and 9’s are all playing at Southwell park at 8:45.
U12’s are playing grammar at grammar at 10:30
Information & Fundraising Booklets will be coming home shortly!!!
Rosary Primary would like to thank the following businesses who have already supported our Walkathon by way
of prizes: of prizes:
16 October 2015 Years 3-6
Notes available on the website
Payment and notes
due 19th August.
sorry late entries cannot be accepted.
Community Council News
On Wednesday evening an intrepid group of parents and staff braved the post-snow Canberra conditions to attend the Community Council Open Meeting. This meeting was an opportunity for the Council to formally report to the School Community on its
operations in 2014/2015. The Chair’s Report and a Proposal on alterations to the School based levies and fees at Rosary were circulated earlier in the week in order to promote discussion. Parents attending the meeting sought further information about the
fee proposal – how much would total fees rise and what are the plans for additional monies raised? These questions will be answered following the next Community Council meeting in early September.
Parents who attended the meeting were able to look at the Engine Room (between the Kinder classrooms) – our sensory awareness and gross motor skills development facility; options for changing the Rosary sports shirts; the variety of Pastoral Care initiatives that the School offers to students; and, the range and operations of our various Committees that support our community
in so many ways. A feature of the evening was the presentation and evaluation of the introduction and implementation of the
BYOD learning enhancement strategy. Philippa Brotchie and Amanda Jiang provided some excellent examples of how this
learning enhancement has assisted students to develop additional skills; more clearly and fully demonstrate their learning; and,
become more critically engaged learners. At the same time they engaged the parents who attended in an educational exercise
that unleashed their inner competitor (through which Ivo Matesic emerged as the victor winning every round and the overall
event – all in the interests of improving education!!!). As well, parents were provided with the survey responses regarding
BYOD from teachers, students and parents of Years 5 and 6 – these will be made available to the whole school community over
the coming weeks.
The Community Council endorses the School Leadership’s proposal to move beyond this trial phase of the BYOD strategy and
confirm its continuing in future years. In coming weeks, Year 4 parents will be invited to a meeting to have the strategy explained; the parameters and options for provision of the iPads; and, to see in operation some of the learning that has taken place
as a result of this key strategic initiative.
In the closed portion of the Community Council meeting, the Council authorised expenditure to enhance our natural setting and
surrounds that has been sought by the Environment Committee. By the beginning of next term we should see very greatly enhanced gardens and plantings – you will all be invited to take part in the working bees that will bring this transformation to reality.
As noted in my formal report – the first year of the operation of the Community Council has been incredibly busy and highly
productive. I want to take the opportunity to thank the members of the Community Council: Bostijan Savle (Deputy Chair);
Joanne Mitchell (Secretary); Melissa Petropoulos (Treasurer); Kirsty Saunderson (Committees Contact); Maureen Doszpot
(Principal); Melinda Hall-O’Brien (Deputy Principal); Anne-Marie Hinds (Staff Representative); and, Fr Kieran Adams (Parish
Priest). They have all contributed in a sterling way to the foundation of the Community Council and the ongoing development
of Rosary.
Patrick McArdle,
Community Council Chair
Friday 14 August
Year 6 Cairo Assembly
School Hall
Thursday 20 August
Year 3 Mass
ACU Chapel
Thursday 20 August
Wakakirri Year 5
24 and 25 August
Sacrament of Reconciliation
24-28 August
Book Week
Friday 28 August
Book Week Dress Up Day
Canberra Theatre
Holy Rosary Church