veritas - Rosary Primary School
veritas - Rosary Primary School
R OSA RY P RI MA RY S C HOOL VERITAS 24 September 2015 Week 10 Term 3 Dear Parents Congratulations to many of our Year 6 students who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Friday evening. Their sense of reverence and awareness of the importance of the sacrament in their lives was very visible. Our sincere thanks to Archbishop Christopher Prowse; to Father Kieran; and, to Philippa Brotchie, Amanda Jiang and John O’Brien for their dedication in preparing the children so well. Thanks also to Debbie Deighton and Ann-Maree Barbaro for the uplifting music and singing; to all the teachers who attended on the evening. Thank you To all the parents who made the Learning Journey with their children on Tuesday afternoon and to the dedicated teachers for preparing the children so well and giving their time so willingly. I trust you enjoyed the Writer's Festival where each student was able to display a piece of their published writing. Parent Satisfaction Survey A reminder that the parent satisfaction survey is located on the following link. Could you please take the time to complete the survey by tomorrow, Friday, 25 September. Your support and prompt responses will be greatly appreciated Fleming Street, Watson ACT 2602 ABN 14 964 349 708 Telephone: 02 6248 0010 Facsimilie: 02 6247 8777 Years 3 and 4 Choir Congratulations to the choir for singing so beautifully on Stage 88 at Floriade on Tuesday morning. Luckily the rain held off and the children enjoyed the experience of performing a medley of entertaining songs for the public. It was great to see so many parents in the audience. A huge thank you to John O’Brien for his expertise, commitment and energy; to Lucy Gao (a Year 6 Rosary student) for her brilliant keyboard accompaniment; to the teachers Julie Godfrey, Greg Williams, Jodie Dawson and Beth Clarke; and, to all the parents who were able to help on the day. Thank you to… Greg Williams for his great work with 3 Barcelona this year. We wish him well as he takes some well deserved leave next term. Nicole Nolan for teaching 1 Hague over the past four weeks while Elisa Pavlic was on leave. the amazing Rosary staff for all their hard work this term. Through their professionalism and generosity of spirit, they provide a wonderful learning environment for our Rosary students. This term we have celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Reconciliation, St Dominic’s Day and Book Week; held the Book Week Fair and Learning Journeys; participated in Wakakirri, ACT Primary School Chess Championships and the choir performed at Floriade; we entered teams in the Tournament of Minds, Maths Olympiad and North Gungahlin PSSA Athletics Carnival. As well as this, we have held our regular whole school, grade and family Masses and prayer celebrations, class assemblies, attended numerous excursions and incursions… and, continued to teach the curriculum!! all the parents who have contributed their time to the school walkathon. Welcome Next term we welcome Matthew Maher to the Rosary staff, as the 3 Barcelona teacher. Uniform The beginning of Term 3 is the changeover time from winter to summer uniform. Children need to be wearing their summer uniform by Monday, 26 October. Until this time, they may wear either their summer or winter uniform but not a combination of the two. Please ensure your children wear the correct uniform at all times. Holidays I trust that each and every family will enjoy the forthcoming break from school. Stay safe! We look forward to seeing you refreshed and relaxed next term. Kind regards Maureen Doszpot 2 SPONSORSHIP CARDS AND DONATIONS Rosary Walkathon News Our major school fundraiser for 2015 Last Week’s Winner – Congratulations to Diarmid Year 4 ARE NOW OVERDUE Please return FRIDAY to be in the draw for prizes Reminder to wear sports uniform, bring a water bottle and your hat Sausage sizzle will be provided for lunch Thank you for the support you have given to this major fundraising activity for 2015. Thank you for your support The 2015 Walkathon Committee Religious Education News CONFIRMATION Congratulations to our Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Friday night. I would like to commend them on the respectful way in which they participated in the ceremony, it was a credit to them. Archbishop Christopher commented that he was very impressed with their preparation and participation. Thank you to the parents for being active and committed in the faith formation of your children. Thank you to Fr Kieran, Philippa Brotchie, Amanda Jiang and the Parish Sacramental team for preparing the students so beautifully. Thanks also to Debbie Deighton and Ann-Maree Barbaro for their wonderful musical contributions to the Mass. There are many extra jobs that pop up when preparing for a sacrament. I would like to acknowledge the Rosary staff who are always willing to contribute when needed. Thanks to Nicola George, Helen Gunning, Sonja Falconer and Margaret Corcoran for their sausage cooking expertise at the retreat day last Thursday. Regards John O’Brien Religious Education Coordinator 3 Congratulations to the Rosary Riots and the Rosary Roses! It was a very exciting Grand Final Daywith two Rosary teams going for the ultimate prize. First to play were the Rosary Roses with the girls keeping within in 1 point of victory. It was a very competitive game but this year runners up with the final score 14-11. There were smiles all around. Congratulations! Next to play were the Riots! Wow what a game. They were leading all the way, and it came down to the last few minutes but victory for the Rosary Riots! Thank you to everyone who came out in their black and white and proudly supported Rosary Netball. What a great atmosphere and an awesome way to finish the year. Bring on 2016! Indonesian Visitors at Rosary Last Thursday our Year 4 students were hosts to a group of students from Bunda Hati Kudus Senior High School in Bogor, Indonesia. The Indonesian students were in Canberra visiting Daramalan College as part of a 10 day trip to Australia. Our students took them on a tour of Rosary, showed some of their work, played games and shared morning tea. It was fun! Ibu Chilver 4 For your convenience, excursion notes, canteen menus and other information are available on our website. 5 Clothing Pool open every Friday 3.00 pm—3.30 pm French for Kids @ Rosary Primary School We are starting in Term 4! French @ Wednesday 3.10-4.20 p.m. Start Date: 14 October 2015 End Date: 14 December 2015 Venue: Egypt Room, Rosary Primary School Term Fee: $160 per child for 10 lessons (siblings discount 10%) For information about enrolment, contact Sarah @0431252768 or email and visit our website Veritas Awards Congratulations to the following students who received awards last week; The North Canberra Gungahlin Cricket Club will again be running an in to cricket programme for boys and girls Aged 5 to 7. Please register at registration/register-for-the-2013-juniors-season-here-2 First time registration $110 per player, $85 for continuing players and discounts for siblings. Players receive a milo cricket kit, including bag, bat, ball, drink bottle and shirt. For more information contact Sue on 0417 791 653. FOR YOUR DIARY 6 Date Event Friday 25 September Walkathon Friday 25 September Last Day Term 3 Monday 12 October First Day Term 4 Friday 16 October Boorowa Netball/Touch Carnival Time Location Boorowa Showground Thursday 22 October Year 4 Mass 10.00 ACU Chapel Friday 23 October BEST Assembly 2R, 3B and 5W 12.00 School Hall
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veritas - Rosary Primary School
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