The Rosary News - Our Lady`s Rosary Makers
The Rosary News - Our Lady`s Rosary Makers
The Rosary News Dear Rosary & Scapular Makers, Missionaries, Valued Supporters & Friends As we are well into embarking on year 57 of this ministry, the most common concerns that face our ministry most likely resemble the ones that our founders faced in 1957. Seeking out people to make rosaries! You who make the rosaries that we send to our ministry partners are all called by God to be Christ to your brothers and sisters who receive the fruits of your work. I haven’t met a single rosary or scapular maker yet that has felt anything but a sense of closeness and calling from God. When making a rosary it is one of those, “yes, I am doing what God wants me to do” moments that few can experience in their day to day lives with all of the distractions of this world. Therefore, more than ever, we hope that you will continue to be a light to others who you know to pick up a pair of pliers and join you in one of the most rewarding “careers” you can participate in. With Mother’s Day quickly approaching as I write and our minds and hearts turned to our earthly mothers .. how appropriate to make an appeal for us to invite and/or pray for more volunteers to fully experience the fulfillment that this ministry provides as a great Mother’s day present to Mary. On behalf of the board, we thank you for all your past efforts and prayers that have sustained the ministry and welcome you to continue your steadfastness of prayer and works that will allow it to thrive in the future! Sincerely, Tom Kneeshaw email: phone 616-363-9094 May 2014 Founders: Stanislaus Despres Lowell Vickery, 1957 Our Lady’s Errand Boy Lowell Vickery Officers President Tom Kneeshaw Vice President Bob Townshend Secretary Deborah L. Dine Treasurer Michael Despres Chaplain Deacon Peter Conigliaro General Board Erma Armock Gayle M. Gardner Linda Mankin Frank Murphy Carol Taylor Christine Vanderwoude Paul Vickery "The faithful children of the rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven" From The Mission Fields FINANCIAL REPORT-2013 BEGINNING BALANCE: $3,859.50 DONATIONS $8,708.00 PAID OUT IN SUPPLIES: $9,379.84 BALANCE : $3,187.46 Fr. Caesar from Uganda, I extend my sincere thanks for the rosaries send to me, by the help of Mr. Scott. This is to inform you that I received them well, and now back in Uganda. Thanks and praying for your continuous support to the lovers of Jesus and Mother Mary, Yours Fr. Caesar, Uganda +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Tom, Greetings of Easter Season, I am writing to acknowledge the receipt of Rosaries, scapulars, and some pictures. I got them on Friday 12, 2013 from the Post Office. I am very grateful indeed. I was not in the country since during the Holy week up to April 11, 2013; for I had to Tanzania for Easter but now I am back to Nairobi, I will get in touch with you. I continue to wish you the blessing of Easter. With regards, Yours in Christ, Fr. Ireneus Ntuula, AJ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Tom This I write just to inform you that our dear Sr. Anne Grace A.C. took her flight to heaven just this Tuesday and her funeral was on 1-5-2013 in the city of Madras, India. May her soul Rest in Peace. She was ailing for a few days. Being a diabetic patient herself, her death came all of a sudden. A couple of times she was hospitalized and when everything was stabilized she was brought home. In fact I had visited her just a week ago and she had spoken to me. I am so grateful to her because she is the one who recommended me to you for rosaries. During the homily of her funeral Mass the parish priest spoke about her rosary apostolate. Lets pray for and to her now, who will intercede for us from heaven. 2 Thank you and praying for you, and your Apostolate, With Kind Regards, M. Sudha, A.C. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Tom, Greetings from Papua New Guinea. May “Late Lowell Vickery” rest in peace. I thank and praise God for using him in a special way since 1957. What God has started with him will continue to give greater glory to God and to serve its purpose here on earth. On behalf of the people of Papua New Guinea especially those who have used the rosaries sent to us, I take this time to convey our deepest sorrow and condolence message to his beloved family, friends and his team in the organization. May his spirit of total commitment and dedication be your strength and courage to continue on with the mission. Special prayers and thoughts for his soul and for you all. May Mary, our Mother embrace him into heaven with a smile. Amen! Tom, could you and your team please continue to send us the lovely rosaries. United in Mercy, love and Peace, Sr. Maryanne Kolkia rsm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Respected, Greetings to you from Fr. Joji Reddy, How r u and how is life? We are happy to receive a beautiful rosaries. Indeed, we could do only pray for your mission wellbeing. Our people really thanked for the rosaries and now on we want to start Marian group in our parish. Pray for the each family by taking our Lady’s Statue to home. We promise our prayers to you all for making a blessed rosaries. We expect still more because we have distributed to neighboring parishes too. They are happy to receive them. Thank you so much. Fr. Joji Reddy Infant Jesus Church Maddikera Kurnool (dt) A.P. India From The Mission Fields Bro. Tom Kneeshaw Our Lady's Rosary Makers of Grand Rapids, Michigan 4670 Plateau View Dr. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 USA Dear Bro. Tom, The Lord give you Peace and Blessings! We wish you all in your community of Our Lady's Rosary Makers all that is good and well being together with your family. We thank you also for all the rosaries you sent us in the past when I was still assigned in Bataan. I am writing this letter to humbly inform you that as of now I do my mission here in Nancapian, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. As short information Archbishop Socrates Villegas invited our community in Bataan to found a new monastery here in his archdiocese to serve as Powerhouse of Prayer last year. In fact we celebrated our first year anniversary of foundation last January 21, 2013. Since I am here now in a new mission place, may I humbly request for Rosaries we could share with the People of God that may come to us. It is a privilege for us to promote devotion to Mary by praying the Holy Rosary. We believe this will help a lot in our mission to sanctify the people through the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary. We hope and pray our will heed our humble appeal. May God bless and reward you all and bless your endeavors with Holy success and fruits. With love and trust in Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St. Francis & St. Clare, Sr. Ma. Aurora Quizon, OSC, Servant Lead ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Mr. Despres: I enclose a check paid to Our Lady’s Rosary Makers in memory of Lowell Vickery. Please send a confirmation to his son, David Vickery. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A picture of some residents in Kampala, Uganda receiving some of the rosaries Our Lady’s Rosary Makers has made and sent to them through Fr. Caesar. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To help you to continue, my friend, Lowell—the mission he so loved. Thank you. Mary Jeseocok Picture of Fr. Caesar, from Uganda and Fr. Geoffrey from Kenya, visiting Tom Kneeshaw at his home with his wife and one of his children the weekend of June 15 2013. Father said mass and visited with some members of Our Lady’s Rosary Makers board members and others on his trip to Michigan. Rosemary Frey 3 From the Mission fields Dear Rosary Makers: Greetings and all good things to you! It has been with great joy and thankfulness that I was privileged a few weeks ago, to again pick up a parcel at the post office with your precious rosaries and other religious articles. Our Parish, being squeezed between Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola in the North Western corner of Zambian gets frequently visitors from both these neighboring countries. One thing they are always eagerly looking for are the rosaries, not just for themselves, but they would like to carry as many as possible for their family and friends at home. Of course we have to ration the number, otherwise nothing would be left over to respond to the demands of our own 22 Outstations. Your apostolate, therefore, is a wonderful one and, just through our Parish, you facilitate the rosary being said in at least 6 different languages: English, Lunda, French, Swahili, Portuguese and Luvale. Thank you so much and may God give you abundant blessings and the strength never to become tired. God bless! Yours sincerely Fr. Werner Iten Mwinilunga/Zambia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Thomas Kneeshaw, Best wishes and regards to you. Hope all is fine. Just a quick note to thank you for the rosaries and other religious articles you sent me. Our parish is located in an area dominated by Muslims. We can guard our young ones from being converted to Islam by making them put on rosary and pray it daily for the protection of blessed Virgin Mary. Please may you send us more of the rosaries and religious articles as many as you can and we give them to our Christians as an identity mark of our religion especially for the children right from after receiving First Holy Communion. I promise you my daily prayers. Yours in Christ Fr. William Abukua Parish Priest Lima Catholic Parish +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In memory of Lowell Vickery from Paul & Helen Walsh– Paul was his mail carrier in East Grand Rapids. We enjoyed his “visits” at our home. May He Rest in peace! Helen Walsh +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear tom, Thank you ever so much for your prompt action . I already started distributing the Rosary for the pilgrims .It seems their journey on foot for 7days . I was surprised to hear that . They put on that period of fast and penance a kind of color dress which indicates their austerity of life in view of this special pilgrimage . My special prayer is always you all who have undertaken this Apostolate which very, very important to make people pray . Now I have even more reason to recommend to them to pray the Rosary . Once again my thanks and prayers . May our good Lord and God bless you all today and always. Yours Sincerely, M. Sudha.A.C. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello, Mr. KneeshawI am writing on behalf of the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, MD. The Shrine recently acquired several hundred rosaries from your affiliate in Lansing, MI to distribute to service men and women on October 6. On that date the Shrine will 4 From the Mission fields Be celebrating its annual Sea Services Pilgrimage, invoking the intercession of St. Elizabeth Ann, patroness of the Sea Services, for all those who serve in the Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine. The Shrine would like to include in its next newsletter an article about the work of your beautiful apostolate. Would you have time to speak with me on the phone some time this week so that I may learn about your organization? If you let me know what time would be most convenient for you I will call you then. I congratulate all the members of your group for doing such a noble work, not counting the cost. Our Mother with her son Jesus will surely bless each one of you and your families. Thank you for the rather big crucifix enclosed. I handed it over to a sister to be given to a family in their mission station. Thanks for the lovely pictures and small rosaries with St. Anthony's pictures. God has taken into account everything. You and your families are in my prayers. In my own family we are 8 children - 3 girls are religious and all others are married. There is no love among the children of the 3 married sister's children and 2 married brother's children. God bless you. Once in a while remember them in your prayers. I have already written that I am 82. I will Suzan Sammons make arrangements with one of the sisters to inform you when I am no more so that you re++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ member me in your prayers. The feast of our Lady of the Rosary is on the 7th of October and My dear friends of the Lady of the Rosary I will remember all of you in a special way in my prayers. Please remember me to Jesus once in When the month of July ended I was wonder- a while. ing whether you have forgotten me. My how With my love, thanks and the assurance of my by the third week of August, much awaited box prayers. of rosary and other holy articles arrived. Thank you very much. I have already started distrib- Yours gratefully in our Mother uting them. Rosary is a strong instrument in our hands to draw down blessings from heav- M. Annunciate en through the intercession of our mother. I am happy to tell you that I see the rosary roux ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Fr Tom, I have received some 60 Holy the neck of many people, men, women and Rosaries from the Rosary Makers of St Monchildren. ica this afternoon together with some Christian I wonder whether you know that the people of leave-less and an audio cassette of the Triumph of the Cross; a music for Easter. I am so Karmataka state specially Christians suffered delighted that I got them this October, the much during the rule of BJP. They had their Month of the Holy Rosary. I shall distribute assembly elections in May. All were praying. In our convent, daily , a few of us were praying them to people who do not have them this the rosary. St. Bernard's prayer to our mother, evening during the Rosary prayers. In the mean time accept these few words of prayer to archangel Michael and the mercy rosary. BJP was thoroughly defeated and con- my deep appreciation to you and the work that you and your team are doing. may the Good gress came to power. They got more than Lord continue to bless your effort. enough of seats to rule the state without joining any other party. In July, we had byeelections for 5 seats and congress got 4 seats Fr Christopher Beyuo, Sacred Heart Parish and an independent got one seat. There also Tamale, northern Region Ghana, West Africa 5 our mother helped us. From the Mission fields Dear Tom, X-mas is fast approaching and so here I am to remind you to send some more rosaries to give our poor Catholic people as gift at Christmas time . Only if you have and if so, think of us also , Tom . Needless to say that you are supported by our prayers . Even without the prayer of any body, our M. Mary will uphold you all on her own accord , seeing such good work being done by you all. Don't you think so ? This month being the month dedicated to Rosary , our Parish Priest seems to so earnest in spreading the devotion to Mother Mary and Rosary and your supply becomes very handy for these needy people . thanks Tom and may our Good Lord and God along with our Mother Mary bless you and all those people who are engaged in this important job. Once again with thanks and prayers , M . Sudha .A.C. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Tom & Our Lady’s Rosary makers, I would like to express my deep gratitude and thanks for the lovely, beautiful rosaries you so kindly send us. I am very happy and grateful for this marvelous and precious gift and I praise and thank God for this singular favour! I find no words to express my gratitude adequately for our kindness and concern. May the good God bless and reward you a million fold! Be sure, our prayers will follow you always for the success of your praiseworthy work! I get the rosaries in time for the Feast of Our Blessed Mother’s birthday and she will bless you and reward you from heaven. She will be looking at you from heaven and will shower on you all her motherly blessing! Indeed you are making a great sacrifice to prepare the rosaries and to parcel it to us to honor our Blessed Mother. Please convey our thanks to these ladies and gentlemen who work zealously to prepare the rosaries, I wish you every success in your marvelous works! May our dear Lord and His Blessed Mother bless you all with good health and long life and every blessings you need to go forward with your work for the glory of God! Before I halt once again my grateful thanks for your generosity and love. May God bless you and your dear family and may Our Blessed Mother protect you and keep you under her mantle! Love and prayers to all of you! Yours ever gratefully in Jesus and Mary, Sr. M. Beatrice, Bridgettine Convent Kerala State India ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Tom , Gratitude is the language of the heart . I do not know how to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who are involved in getting ready these strong and beautiful rosaries to be used by any one at any part of the world , our God given land . When I went through your ROSARY NEWS I am urged to pray even more for each of you who is engaged in this great mission . My Mission is in a rural area where we have scattered Catholic families far and near . They are recent converts and I distributed your lovely Rosaries after Sunday Mass, in the Parish itself and they were on great demand .I got a hundred and fifty of them and it was tampered . This didn't disturb me rather I was consoled thinking that there are people who appreciate these Rosaries and want to pray and that 's why they have taken them if they took at all . It came in just two weeks ago when I was busy here . When X-Mas passed by, I had given up hope and there it comes during 2nd wk of January .Our people are very , very poor . Always wait on us to help them out . Tom , I tell you God will see that this Mission of yours be carried out in a wonderful way . We will pray for that . O. K ? By the way , my name is spelt wrongly on the Packet . All the same it reached me . Thank God ! My name SR.MARY SUDHA.A.C. AND NOT Sr. Serdha.A.C.Thanks once again and 6 a big God Bless. From the Mission fields distribute it to our hostel inmates and students. Here the non-Catholics too have devotion to Our Lady and they asked for rosaries. They recite rosary together with catholic students. I am sure Our Lady will be highly pleased with your wonderful works and do great things on your behalf. You will have to +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ make lot of sacrifices and go through many inconveniences to fulfill this work. All the reDear Rosary Makers, cipients join me to thank you for this great Greetings and all good things to you! gift and they appreciate your love and conI acknowledge with great gratitude receipt of your parcel with the precious rosaries sent on cern you have for us. May God bless you each and every one of August 9th this year. It’s a timely arrival with you with good health and long life to continthe rosary month of October right around the ue your wonderful work. May Our Blessed corner. It will help us to motivate and Mother keep you and protect you under her encourage the people to a more diligent and mantle. Much love and God bless. regular attitude towards praying the Rosary. Yours ever gratefully, Needless to say that there are never enough Sr. M. Beatrice rosaries to satisfy the demands of all our Kerala, India faithful near and far, so we hope and pray to remain one of your clients addresses also in +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ future. Continuously praying for you and your team that the good Lord and His Mother Mary may We wish to recognize bless you abundantly for your precious work, I our new rosary makers: send my heartfelt thanks and regards. Yours sincerely, Fr. Werner Iten Dr. Sheryl Ureta Zambia/Africa Ronnie Sunberg +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Michelle Fisher Dear President Tom and the Rosary Maker Barbara Rohen friends, My most sincere and grateful thanks for the Tarra Yott lovely rosaries, the beautiful statue of Our Cynthia Hulst Lady and the medal of Our Lady with cords. I Janice Brechting find no words to express my gratitude adequately for all your kindness and concern Welcome!!!! you have for us. May God bless and reward you and the recipients will always remember you with grateful hearts and pray for all your intentions and needs. Dear Br. Tom and the Rosary Maker Friends, Our Lady will bless and reward you for the wonderful and praiseworthy work you are doing to spread the devotion to our Blessed Mother. The parcel arrived in time and I could With a grateful heart . M.SUDHA.A.C. PS. Dear Tom, Kindly let me know whether you received this mail or not so that I don't have to send you again by post . O.K ?. Thanks 7 From the Mission fields Dear Tom and friends. Greetings from Sr. Saleena Thottam, Kerala-India With heart-filled joy and gratitude I write thse few lines to tell you that how much it meant to us the beautiful rosaries. Thank you so much. For me it is the first time I am writing for the rosaries seeing the faith of the Fisher folks. Even they hang the rosaries in their fishing instruments. I was taken up so much with their faith. Whenever I go for the visit they ask nothing but rosaries. I was helpless to provide them rosaries. In such moments I got your address and with much faith I wrote you. Thank God for the surprise. Even the high school boys who were little ashamed to wear the rosary outside they too fell in love with this Rosary, especially the Cross. They all demanded, for it. One day I conducted competitions and I gave to the winners. Since I couldn't provide for all. Since we work in the area where only Catholics are present. I just waited for that event to distribute the Rosary I thought of sending the letter and photos together that is why I was bit late. Forgive me please. I will send the letter by post. Since it Be late I thought of writing you by mail. Special thanks for the beautiful special cross. And the rosaries are attractive and beautiful. I highly appreciate your patient work to make the rosaries and bearing the expenses to make and dispatch it. Our prayers are with you. Kindly accept our thanks and gratitude. Please convey this to all who worked for it. We offer one mass for you and also all to whom I gave the Rosary I asked to pray at least one rosary for you.. I believe they will do it. Thanking you once again for the beautiful and surprising gift, I remain. Faithfully yours Sr. Saleena Thottam DC ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We wish to share the joyous news that one of our board members, Gayle Lewis, was married to Mr. Donald Gardner on April 26, 2014! We wish to extend our best wishes to the newlyweds blessing them with many years together! Congratulations Gayle & Don! Please remember if a loved one has passed away and you would like to remember them in a special way, consider a donation in their memory to Our Lady’s Rosary Makers. We will include your loved one in our next newsletter, remembering them as we pray our rosaries. All donations are tax deductible. You may send your remembrance donation to: Mr. Michael Despres Treasurer Our Lady’s Rosary Makers 4983 Brownstone Dr. N.E. Rockford, MI 49341 8 From the Mission fields Dear Tom, This afternoon I received your rosary packet . This time it was intact and I already gave away some of them this evening when I went for substation visit cum Holy Eucharist by our Parish Priest who gifted them also a big statue of our Mother Mary while I gave these Rosaries to them . They are to take this statue of our Mother Mary from house to house daily praying the Rosary . So, thanks a lot , Tom . Mine and their special prayers for you all . lovingly yours in Christ , M. Sudha, A.C. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Tom, Thank you so much for your fast reply, also thank you for adding us to the wonderful ministry. I am sure it will be a great service to the people whom we serve. Because they have very strong faith in Christ and the church activities. And people will keep it very holy and will use it with much respect and devotion. I am sending this by mail because the Post office is very far from here. Where I am residing is a village. We have no public transportation we do not own any private vehicle too. So we have to walk 5 km to reach to the post office. So we do not go often out. So incase of little delay forgive me. Other wise is it ok for you to send the recipients letter by mail? Kindly reply me. Here I have added the photos of blessing the Rosary by Parish Priest and distributing to the people by sisters. Praying for you and your intention Sr.Saleena Thotta DC 9 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Of Grand Rapids, Michigan Postage 4670 Plateau View Dr NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 Month of May Rosary Prayer O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may learn to imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This simple and profound prayer, the Rosary, teaches us to make Christ the principle and end, not only of Marian devotions, but of our entire life. - Pope Paul VI The Rosary . . .Is a form of union with God and has a most uplifting effect on the soul. - Pope John XXIII Place your confidence in the Holy Rosary. Use this most powerful form of prayer with the utmost possible zeal, and let it become more and more esteemed.—Pope Pius XII The Rosary is also a powerful incentive and encouragement to the practice of Christian virtues, and these it develops and cultivates in our souls. Above all, it preserves and nourishes our Catholic faith. - Pius XI 10
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