Untitled - Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County


Untitled - Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
Poverty runs deeper in Silicon Valley than we think … nearly one in four households can’t
make ends meet.
Private and public organizations are strongly committed to caring for the needy and they
have a proven track record of making a difference. Whether we consider it providing for
the common good or simply good business practice to have a thriving community, we can
and must commit to cutting poverty. And ultimately, we must work together to end it.
Catholic Charities’ Step Up Silicon Valley: the Campaign to Cut Poverty in Santa Clara
County is a local initiative that includes community-based organizations, the public
sector, faith communities and businesses, and is part of the national Campaign to Reduce
Poverty in America. They have all joined forces to develop strategies to cut poverty.
Pledge to join us. Advocate. Give. Volunteer. Your actions will bring us a step closer to
creating a just and compassionate community.
To learn more about the Campaign to Cut Poverty, contact Terrie Iacino at (408) 325-5132
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County,
been unmatched since the Great Depression.
But, thanks to your compassion and your increased generosity to our neighbors in need, Catholic Charities
Despite the governor’s cancellation of state funds to the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program, our staff and
volunteers found a way to continue serving the most vulnerable in our valley – those seniors in care facilities
in need of a voice to ensure that they receive the proper treatment and care. Our volunteers and staff are true
advocates for the unheard.
We led the launch of Catholic Charities’ Campaign to Cut Poverty with Step-Up Silicon Valley, a coalition
of more than 90 service organizations, corporations and government agencies, whose goal is to cut poverty
in half by 2020 in Santa Clara County. When one-quarter of the households, including nearly half of our
seniors, struggles each day to make ends meet … poverty should be considered a crisis. We have taken the
Gregory R. Kepferle
This past year was a very busy one in many other ways for Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County as we
expanded housing services, behavioral health, services to youth, and refugee foster care. Our budget grew
to $22.8 million dollars … and we ended the year in the black.
As the demands from the community grow, so do our efforts to meet the needs of the underserved and
at-risk individuals and families in Santa Clara County.
It all means that our work is not done and that we will continue striving to change lives for good.
Paul F. Gentzkow
Thank you to our donors, funders and partners for all your support. You are our champions.
Economic Development
Youth & Family
Older Adults
Behavioral Health
Total Government Grants
Individual Donors
Foundations & Corporate Donors
Total Revenue
Catholic Charities of Santa
Clara County serves and
advocates for families and
individuals in need, especially
those living in poverty. Rooted
in gospel values, we work
to create a more just and
compassionate community
in which people of all cultures
and beliefs can participate.
O th e r
Individual Donors
Subtotal Program Expense
Administrative Expense
Development Expense
Total Expense
Change in Net Assets
( Includes additions to restricted net assets )
De ve l o p me n t
S e rvi ce s
Foundations &
Corporate Donors
Community & Advocacy
A d m i n i s trati o n
4% 2%
C o m m u n i ty &
A d vo cacy
B e h avi o ral
H e al th
O l d e r A d u l ts
Yo u t h &
Learn more about the mission of Catholic Charities
and see detailed descriptions of our services at www.CatholicCharitiesSCC.org
Gregory R. Kepferle
Margaret Williams
Most Reverend
Patrick J. McGrath
Magi Young
Deborah Baker
Marilou Cristina
Ellen Dumesnil
Jane Hills
Theresa Iacino
Kitty Mason
Paul F. Gentzkow
Thomas J. Crotty
Deborah Robinson
Mary Sue Albanese
Maribel R. Andonian
Frank G. Bisceglia
Norman Carroll
Jim Cashman
Kevin DeNuccio
Andrew Haaser
Rasha Hasaneen
Alex Hull
Joseph P. Melehan
Timothy O’Donnell
Darlene Tenes
Raymond J. Triplett
Patrick Waite
Michael Yutrzenka
Gregory R. Kepferle
Rev. Brendan McGuire
Robert Serventi
Behavioral Health Services
· Counseling
· Supportive Housing
· Treatment Services
Mary Quilici Aumack
Lucile Bianco
Jerry Floyd
Mary Ellen Fox
Gene Gerwe
Marcos Herrera
Hugh Isola
Philip A. Mahoney
Lon Normandin
Cathy Parker
Ronald Pelzel
Robert Peters
Steven Pirotta
Michael Schall
John M. Sobrato
Diane Speno
Joseph Thomas
Gene Toomey
Kenneth Wang
Children, Youth &
Family Development
· After School Programs
· Early Literacy
· Family Support
· Intervention Services
· Kinship Resource Center
· Youth Centers
· Youth Empowered
for Success
Economic Development
· Employment
· Financial Education
· Housing Programs
· Immigration Legal
· Refugee Resettlement
· Training
Older Adults
· Caregiver Services
· Long Term Care Support
· Senior Community
Community Development
& Advocacy
· Campaign to Cut Poverty
· Community & Parish
· Handicapables Program
· Parish Social Ministry
· Social Policy and Advocacy
· Volunteer Management
Maribeth Benham
Donald and Anna Waite
John and Kate† Wakerly
Daniel and Charmaine
Ron† and Monica Witherspoon
Ed Wolak and Hozumi Miyauchi
Donald and Barbara DeGroot
$50,000 +
The following individuals and families have made
significant cumulative gifts to Catholic Charities
of Santa Clara County as of June 30, 2009.
$500,000 +
Richard and Elizabeth Moley
$100,000 +
Anonymous (3)
Marijane† and
William J. Adams, Jr
Mary and Douglass Aumack
Thomas R. Bettencourt
Endowment Fund
Michael and Mary Ellen Fox
Paul and Barbara Gentzkow
Charles and Nancy Geschke
Herb† and Eva Gundersen
D.J. Heinlen†
John and Carolyn Lewis
Roger and Wendy Mairose
James and Eileen Murphy
Timothy O’Donnell
Jay Paul
Karen and Christopher Payne
Family Foundation
Robert and Carol Peters
John M. and Abby Sobrato
Andrea and Joe Thomas
Ray and Susan Triplett
† Deceased
Manuel and Mari Alba
Mark Block and
Gretchen Werner-Block
Louis† and Florence† Boitano
B.J. and Bebe Cassin
Kevin and Deborah Cuccias
J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli
Jerry and Linda Floyd
Chuck and Ellen Haas
Rosemary B. Hewlett
Richard and Diane Horn
Bob and Edie Kirkwood
Ronald and Joan Mackin
Lon and Peggy Normandin
Andrew and Helen Pavicich
Ronald and Sheryl Pelzel
Eugene and Dianne Ravizza
Elizabeth W. Riley†
Richard and Genevieve Rolla
Michael and Ann Schall
Milton† and Mildred† Searl
John A. and Susan Sobrato
Brendan and Mary Staveley
Michael and Leslie Wood
July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009
Matthew 25 Circle: $25,000 +
Michael and Mary Ellen Fox
John and Mary Keyes
Roger and Wendy Mairose
Richard and Elizabeth Moley
James and Eileen Murphy
Timothy O’Donnell
John M. and Abby Sobrato
Daniel and Charmaine
Circle of Compassion:
$10,000 - $24,999
Maribeth Benham
Joan Brown
J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli
Paul and Barbara Gentzkow
Chuck and Ellen Haas
Thomas and Kris Hansen
Bob and Edie Kirkwood
John and Carolyn Lewis
Karen and Christopher Payne
Family Foundation
Michael and Ann Schall
Fred and Mary Schell
John and Kathy Schniedwind
Andrea and Joe Thomas
Ray and Susan Triplett
John and Lilli Valencia
Donald and Anna Waite
Ron† and Monica Witherspoon
Michael and Leslie Wood
Craig Zimmerman
Circle of Mercy:
$5,000 - $9,999
Manuel and Mari Alba
Richard and Geraldine Boucher
Jack and Linda Callon
William H. Cilker
Family Foundation
Kevin and Deborah Cuccias
Terrence Dahl and Donna Beres
Murray and Marie Demo
Ken and Kristin Dickens
Oliver and Susan Flach
Jeffrey Garcia and
Carmella Decesare
Herb† and Eva Gundersen
Kirk and Kathryn Hanson
More than 1,400 individuals and families received more than
$1.7 million in tax refunds through our free tax services.
Rich and Ginny Haughey
Richard and Joy Hawkins
Mathew and Stephanie Hein
Tim and Tee M. Hitchcock
Linda Izquierdo
Gregory Kepferle and
Jean Blomquist
Eugene Lee and Martina Niou
Ronald and Joan Mackin
Michael and Ann McInnis
Aileen O’Donovan
Mary Catherine Parker
Les and Nini Pelio
Ronald and Sheryl Pelzel
Robert and Carol Peters
Frank and Annette Rahn
David and Mary Roberson
Paul and Maureen Rogan
Rich and Kristi Saso
Nick and Marilyn† Tikvica
Patrick and Virginia Waite
Paul and May Wang
Michael and Lisa
Seifert Yutrzenka
Circle of Sharing:
$2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Stephen and Mary Almassy
Stephen and Elisa Baroni
Paul and Donna Beaupre
Darrell and Patricia Berg
Melissa Brassfield
Joanne M. Briggs
Erik Bulis
William T. Burke
Jeffrey and Maureen Burnham
John and Susan Busco
Ted Buszkiewicz
William and Susan Carter
Shinwu Chiang and
Hai Hsia Chen
Sharon Cioffi
Wilbur and Betty Clarke
Alan and Nancy Covington
Bernard Dahl and John Dahl
Richard and Joan Della Maggiore
John and Melinda DiNapoli
Most Reverend Pierre DuMaine
Walter and Gloria Eppler
Philip and Angela Ernstrom
L. Richard Fisher
John and Georgiana Flaherty
Jerry and Linda Floyd
Ronald and Jennifer Galonsky
Kathleen Gannon
Gene and Barbara Gerwe
Anthony and Ann Giannuzzi
Robert and Wendy Gittings
John and Barbara Glynn
Drew and Diane Haaser
Ron and Ann Hallagan
Susan Hardman
Francis and Mary Harvey
Thomas Hayes
James and Pamela Hennessy
Marcos and Denise Herrera
Rosemary B. Hewlett
Richard and Diane Horn
John Hornberger and Mary Anne
Peter Kammer
Irvin R. Kobsa
Alfred and Maureen Lane
Thelma Lee
Edward and Valerie Lozowicki
Joseph and Celia Maglione
Katherine Mason
Joe McCarthy
Casey and Kathleen McGlynn
Don and Irene McMullen
Joseph and Celeste Melehan
John and Tashia Morgridge,
TOSA Foundation
Helen Moritz and
David Caldwell
Lon and Peggy Normandin
William and Renee O’Brien
D. B. and Joanne O’Donnell
Robert and Madeline Oei
Timothy and Julia O’Keefe
Edward and Lorna Panelli
Our trio of Day Break Adult Day
Care Centers located in Sunnyvale,
downtown San Jose and in the
Evergreen area provided more than
31,000 hours of care and services to
seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, dementia and stroke
symptoms. Day Break’s services
allow caregivers a chance to take
care of themselves, catch up on their
daily errands, and provide them
the physical and emotional respite
needed to continue being able to
care for their loved ones at home.
† Deceased
More than 400 students received
guidance at our El Toro Youth
Center in Morgan Hill. El Toro staff
provide educational, recreational and
social services to youth and parents
including information and training
on wellness, safety, prevention of
child abuse and positive discipline.
Through physical and scholastic
activities, the youth continue to
show marked improvement in
their school performance, social
interactions, computer literacy,
and healthy recreational activities.
† Deceased
John Peichoto
David and Roxanne Peterschmidt
Alex and Roxanne Petruncola
Edmund Porter
Richard and Genevieve Rolla
John and Diann Ryan
Anthony and Anabel Saenz
Richard Santi and Maureen
Norman W. Saucedo
Reverend Thomas J. Shea
John A. and Susan Sobrato
Nicholas and Diane Speno
Brendan and Mary Staveley
Liz Sullinger
Felix and Marie Theeuwes
Eugene and Jane Toomey
David and Claire Tristram
Steven and Beatrice Undorte
Steve and Michelle Varnau
Greg and Liz Vaughan
Michael and Jolon Wagner
Alice Wallace
Kenneth and Jessica Wang
Phyllis Ward
Stan and Karen Watt
Circle of Justice: $1,500 - $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Ali and Umaima Alkoraishi
Virginia Andrakin
Rudy and Jane† Bahr
Paul and Deborah Baker
John† and Julie Barton
Joseph Bellah
Adriana Benevento
John and Joan Bertolotti
Frank and Susan Bisceglia
Ann Blach
Cathy Bonnici
Steven and Anita Brashear
Arnold and Mary Ellen Bruni
Ralph and Valerie Butler
Lauretta Cappiello
Jim and Anne Cashman
Dolores Chasuk
Stayton Chock
Gloria Citti
Paul and Libby Conrado
Vincent and Colleen Cortese
Thomas and Mary Crotty
Robert Cunningham
Frank and Shirley Dalle-Molle
John Davis
Herbert and Carol DeConte
A. Kirch and Sharon DeMartini
Rick and Julie DiNapoli
Diane R. Dorsa
William and Katherine Duffy
Joseph Faria†
Michael and Anne Federwisch
John and Mary Feibusch
David and Elizabeth Ferrari
Dorothy Filice
Frank and Michelle Friedrich
Anthony and Deborah Galdes
Robert and Janet Galvin
John and Jackie Gerstner
Ernest and Marcia Giachetti
Mark and Jean Grace
Gaylord and Marcia Green
John and Enis Hall
Douglas and Barbara Harper
Diane and Joe Harrington
Rasha Hasaneen
John and Andrea Hennessy
Michael and Bonnie Hope
Mary Anne Hutson
Robert and Christine Jahncke
Margaret Jewett
Michael Kalt
Mary Kilkenny
Mary J. Kovacich
Joseph and Yutsuan Ku
David Lerner
Harry and Margo Logan
Rick and Amy Magnuson
Robert and Christine Masleid
Reverend Joseph Maynard
Reverend Brendan McGuire
Roy and Cathleen Mollard
Fred and Dorothy Mollerus
Donald and Ann Morey
Malachy and Jane Moynihan
Margaret and Kapil Nanda
John and Meg Noonan
David O’Mara
Yu-Hsien Pai
Willis D. Perkins Fund
Robert and Carol Petersen
Raymond and Megan Petty
Mark and Darcy Pierce
Mark Protsik
Eugene and Dianne Ravizza
Frank and Joan Ritchey
John and Arlene Rocchio
Ray and Nancy Rosendin
Walter and Maryanne Rossi
William and Mary Roth
Richard Roush
Paul and Mary Sanchirico
Stephen and Patricia Schott
Francis Schumacher and
Nina Friend
Paul and Dolores Simone
William and Marcelline Smith
George and Lorraine Sousa
Alexander Stepanov
Dennis and Kathy Sweeney
John and Leah Sze
John and Linda Tarby
Lina Taskovich
Alexander and Patricia Tennant
Joseph and Lucille Tersigni
Patrick Tillman
Derek and Sabra-Anne Truesdale
William and Ana Tsai
Geraldine Van Dyke
Craig van Keulen
Gary and Pat Vick
Andrea Villaseñor-Perry and
Francis Perry
Eleanor M. Voldrich
Stephen and Judith Volm
Thomas and Linda Walsh
Don and Sue Watters
John Wehner and Asuncion
John and Eleanor Whalen
Margaret Williams
Richard and Mariette Williams
Joseph and Sandra Young
Magi Young and James Silva
Peter and Gail Yribar
David and Germaine Zenk
Circle of Love: $1,000 - $1,499
Anonymous (6)
Reverend Thomas F. Ahern†
Mary Sue Albanese
Thomas J. Albanese
Richard and Paulette Altmaier
Maribel and Robert Andonian
Gil and Candy Argentina
John and Caryl Armstrong
John and Marlene Arnold
Thomas and Barbara Arnoldussen
Mary and Douglass Aumack
Mary Ellen Ausman
Deborah Baker
Jason Baker and
Mairead O’Keefe
Mary Ballantyne
Dorothy Banker
Daniel and Michele Barsanti
Tom Barton and Christina
Papoulias Barton
John and Suzanne Bauer
William and Jill Baumel
Earl and Revva Benovitz
R. Victor and Pauline Besler
Ted Biagini
Lucile and Ernest Bianco
Virginia Biondi
Michael and Margaret Blach
Mary Black
Leo and Donna Boger
Thomas and Norma Bommarito
Franceen and Gerard Borrillo
Mark and Jenny Brandemuehl
John and M. Christine Brown
Raymond and Marie
Alves Buck
Brian and Nancy Burke
Walter and Victoria Campbell
Maria Canova
Rory Carracher
Ryan Carroll
Amy Mei-Chi Chang
Helen Charette
Jimmy Chen and Annie Yuan
Douglas and Kim Chrissan
Bernice and
Lawrence† Comfort
Thomas and Margi Connelly
Victoria Contreras-Wolfe
Bill and Pam Costello
Marilou Cristina
William Crites
Jerome and Carol Crowley
Jeff and Lisa Cuppett
Michael and Maureen Curulla
Jean and Mary Ruth† Dargis
Paul and Marly Darius
Ray and Jane Davilla
William De Mers
Richard and Maureen DeBolt
Richard DeLateur
Catholic Charities served 74,287 hot meals to needy seniors
at our Eastside Neighborhood, John XXIII Multi-Service and
Gilroy centers.
† Deceased
Happy and proud are the words Anita, a
mother of two pre-school aged children,
used when Catholic Charities launched
a new Family Resource Center,
providing free resources for low income
families with children from newborns
School campus in San Jose. The center
offers 20 free, high-quality preschool
programs and activities to help children
prepare for school and stay healthy,
while offering their parents workshops
to learn effective parenting skills. “This
center offers many services that other
communities don’t have available,” says
Anita. “We can give our children the
gift to become a doctor, musician, a
lawyer or what ever they may choose
to become.”
Henry comes to our Gilroy Senior
Nutrition Center for the “great food
and great friends” each weekday.
“The center is full of life for us
seniors,” he says. Most of the men
and women who come for lunch live
alone now. With families grown up
and moved away, spouses passed
away or sick and being cared for at a
nursing home – our senior centers
provide a vital link in maintaining the
health and well-being of hundreds of
seniors each weekday. Our centers in
Gilroy, Downtown San Jose and on
the Eastside of San Jose serve more
than 73,000 hot meals annually to
our guests.
When his parents were no longer able
to provide a stable home for Pedro
and his three siblings, Pedro’s
grandparents stepped forward in order
to keep the children together. But in
taking on a second generation of
children, Jose and Emma needed help.
They found a hand up from Catholic
Charities Kinship Resource Center
(KRC). The KRC team provided greatly
needed beds, linens, clothing, and
childcare to assist the family in staying
together, as well as providing
workshops and a case manager to give
support to the grandparents. The KRC
annually offers comprehensive services
to nearly 200 relative caregivers taking
on the mantle of being the primary
caregiver for children when neither
parent is present in the home.
After years of being chronically
homeless, Shari was able to get off
the streets and move into a home at
our San Antonio Place apartments
with assistance from Catholic
Charities’ housing programs. With
the security of having a home, Shari
asked our staff to help her update
her resume and found a job as a
short-order cook. Catholic Charities’
Supportive Housing programs
work year-round to provide case
management for its participants.
Services include counseling; helping
clients access services they need;
and organizing community-building
activities for residents of Charities
Housing apartment buildings.
Asmir was part of Catholic Charities
classes provided in partnership with
Foothill-De Anza community colleges.
He was one of 29 students who
participated in the 70-hour course
designed to prep the participants
for entry into the workforce. Class
segments included the following
topics: Blueprint for Workplace Success;
Blueprint for Customer Service; and 30
Ways to Shine as a New Employee.
In addition to job skills instruction,
Asmir received computer training
graduated with a refurbished computer
as well. Catholic Charities’ case
managers and job developers continue
to assist the new participants obtain
their employment goals.
Catholic Charities launched Step
Up Silicon Valley, the Campaign to
Cut Poverty, and has built a network
of more than 90 organizations and
government agencies in support of
the cause. The goal of the campaign
is to cut by half the poverty rate in
Santa Clara County by 2020. Step
Up is working on ways to create
a sustainable living standard for
areas: Healthcare, Education, Food,
Income and Housing. Visit www.
StepUpSV.org for more information.
Catholic Charities’ Tax EZ program
once again was the leading provider
of free tax preparation services in
Santa Clara County for the 2009 tax
season. More than $1.7 million
was returned to the program’s
into our local economy. In addition
volunteers provided individuals
and families Individual Tax
Nearly 300 people also received
Financial Education classes to
improve their understanding of
banking procedures, budgeting
and ways to save.
† Deceased
Michael and Catherine Denzel
Chuck and Phyllis DePalmo
Gilles Devictor and
Claire Simeon
Robert and Dorothy† Dodge
Hilary W. Donahue
Frank and Marilyn Dorsa
Elizabeth Doyle
Jean Drahmann
Jerome and Veronica Duluk
Tom† and Jo Dunkin
Ruth Dunn†
John and Mary Dyer
Cletus Earley
Mary Agnes Early
Jonathan and Therese Engquist
Robert and Eileen Feichtmeir
Kent and Barbara Fielden
Anthony Fisher
Norma Fox†
Terence and Michele Fox
Ebe Frasse
James and Kristin Fulton
Jerome and Diantha Galli
Robert and Carolyn Gaul
Robert and Thailene Gavin
Reverend Thierry Geris
George Giacomini
Adrianna and Tom Glascott
Robert and Stacy Gleixner
Michael and Anne Goris
Philip and Karrie Grasser
Steve Hallgrimson
John and Patricia Hammett
Toni Neary Harper
Yvonne Hebert
Mary Hinderliter
James and Susan Hoey
Michelle Hogan
George and Marjorie Honore
Peter and Suzanne Hooper
John and Valerie Hopkins
Pauli and Ching-Ming Hsueh
Robert and Nancy Huettl
Terrie Iacino
Hugh and Marilou Isola
Matthew and Julie Kelsey
Reverend Raymond G. Kenny
Franklin and Jean Knofler
William and Ann Kozlovsky
Joseph and Emily La Scola
Ronald and Marilyn Labetich
L. Michael and
Margaret Larrenaga
Martin and Linda Lee
Tzongyu and Jeanet Lee
Salvador and Laura Liccardo
Donald and Maureen Lightbody
Marcus Liu and Jade Lin
Anil Lobo
Richard and Karen Loftus
Mary Beth Long and David
Timothy and Claranne Long
Gerard Luk-Pat and Peggy Su
Alice Lynch
Denis and Mary Fran Lynch
Orla MacLean
Patrick and Sally Magee
Maritza Maldonado and
Stanley Rose
Pete and Pattie Manoukian
Patrick and Ursula Mantey
George and Judy Marcus
David and Terry Markle
Bernie and Marian Marren
Gary and Barbara Martin
Daniel and Michelle McCauley
Most Reverend Patrick J. McGrath
Robert and Dorothy McGuckin
Gilbert and Vera McInnes
John and Julie McKellar
Patrick and Pam McMahon
Thomas and Margaret Meagher
Brian and Catherine Messenger
Laurence Mitchell
Robert and Theresa Montour
Chris T. and
Nancy Frusetta Moore
Sara Morales
Brad Mountz
Pete and Kathleen Muller
Mike and Sylvia Murillo
John and Debra Murphy
William and Brenda Murphy
Stephen Nachtsheim
David and Jane Najour
John and Kathleen Nalty
James and Julia Nelson
Anthony and Olga Nespole
Simon Nguyen
Frank and Donna Nicoletti
Mimi Niemiller
Nancy Nirschl
Richard and Sue Noack
Richard and Mary Ann Noce
Charles and Rosario Nunnally
Ronald and Susan Ober
Ken and Linda Okenquist
Olander Family Foundation
Paul and Cassie Olson
Esther Orsi
Wayne and Christina Ortiz
Anthony Palomo
Francis Pastizzo
Roger and Silvia Patrick
Andrew and Helen Pavicich
Carlo and Ev Pedron
Steve Pirotta
David Preklas
Donald and Joanne Prolo
Jeff and Cathy Purnell
Adolph and Rosemary Quilici
Joe and Dottie Reagan
Patricia Regan
Wayne and Annabelle Resch
David Ricci
Reverend Francisco Rios, IVE
Deborah Robinson
Tom Robinson
Louis and Joanne Rosendin
Michael Rugani
Marguerita Sasser
Mark and Sandra Schmidt
Ken J. Schmitt
Thomas and Patricia Schneck
Stephen and Nancy Schwalen
Vincent and Zeny Seid
Paul and Sylvia Seidel
Joseph and Rosa Shu
Wayne and Diana Shull
Nearly 100 individuals with severe mental illness completed
our Focus for Work program’s employment prep and job readiness
classes – and with job search support were successful in
obtaining employment.
Anil and Marilyn Singh
Hunt and Carol Small
Rubén and Lorena Solorio
John and Mary Ann Sorci
Charles and Irene Splaine
James and Joan Stoelker
Paul and Helen Stone
Geraldine Sullivan
John P. Sullivan
Robert J. Taccini
Paul and Mary Teilh
Michael and Jeanette Thatcher
John and Nancy Thielmann
John and Elizabeth Toole
Evelyn Troedson
Jack and Lisa Troedson
Francesca Turbok
Steve and Rosemary Van Lare
Michael and Louise Veuve
David and Maria Villanueva
Robert Violante
Raymond Von Savoye
Rodney and Korrin Wade
Claire Wagner and
Gregory Ashley
Nick Wagner
Debbie Wang
Roberta Ward
John Wimer
Jack and Rae Ruey-Yun Yang
Cindy and David Zbin
$500 - $999
Anonymous (5)
Donald Allari
Arnold and Suzanne Ambiel
Ronald and Elaine Andrews
Tony and Audrey Armstrong
Anthony and Sue Atwell
Miguel Avila and Lucia Soares
David Baldwin and
Susan Speciale
Dean Banerjee
Kenneth and Leona Baricevic
Lynn Barringer
Jude Barry and Jeannette Carmody
Harry Bauerle
Daniel and Victoria Bencze
Phil Benevento
Richard and Marilyn Bennett
Debbie Benovitz
Robert and Nancy Bernal
Robert and Dorothy Berry
Anne Biagini
John Bianco
Pat Billiet
Carol Blomquist
Charles and Barbara Bocks
Christine Bologna
Louis and Jacqueline Borel
Robert and Carol Braham
Jim and Lynn Briody
† Deceased
Joseph and Jennifer Burch
James and Roberta Butera
Roy and Judith Capaldo
Jim and Dorothy Carlson
Michael Carp
Eileen Castagna
Rosemary Catton
Corinne Celio
R. Thomas and
JoAnn Chamberlain
Martha Chan
David and Christina Chao
Bettie L. Clevenger
Dianne Connelly
Joseph and Marion Danko
Gerald Delaney
Joseph Denzel
Roland and Marcia Deptuch
John and Sylvia Dicello
Mark and Mari Donnelly
John and Juliette Donovan
R. Keith and Katherine Dorsa
G. Eric and Dianne Doughty
John Duffy
Ronald and Suzanne Entler
Thomas and Elizabeth Ferrari
Jim Finnegan
John and Helen Finneran
Bruna R. Finnie
Matthew and Kathleen Foley
Emma Forlanda
Robert Franceschini, Jr.
Robert and Jean Franklin
Ann Freitas
Linda Marie Gagliani
Porfirio Garay
Martin M. Garcia
Mary Genovese
Marcelle Ghabbour
Frank and Jeanne Gieselman
Nazario Gonzales
Bill and Cristine Goodman
Gerald and Allene Graham
Vincent and Katie Guida
Daniel and Judy Hanley
Richard and Kathleen Harrison
Walter and Patricia Hartinger
John† and Barbara Hartmann
Gale and Robert Henshel
James Hilt and
Janet Robertson
Pepe and Sue Hinojosa
David and Arlene Holloway
Ken Hooper and Lisa Payne
Francis and Rosemary Hopkins
Jenny Hsia
Gene and Mary Huffman
Dan Hydar
Jim and Barbara Janik
Pamela John
Roger Johnson
Carol A. Jossi
Donald and Patricia Kassner
Mary Kavanagh
Chauncey B. Kendall
James Kinsella
Bryan and Jo-Anne Knysh
Ernest and Blessie La Scola
Dennis and Celeste Lahr
James and Claire Lakner
Henry and Katherine Lambert
George Lancos
Michael and Carol Lavelle
Kuo-Wei and Daisy Lee
Reverend William C. Leininger
James and Julie L’Heureux
Bernard and Elizabeth Lilly
Victor and Marijoe LoBue
Leo Luan
Donald Lucas
James Lundy
James and Marion Lyon
Mary MacKerrow
Hoan Mai and Julie Dinh
Ann Mallat
Maureen Matthews
John and Katherine Mattingly
Dennis and Margaret McCarthy
William and Darlene McGinnis
Stephen McInerney
Tom and Elsa McLaughlin
Juan Mercier
Arthur Middleton
Pat and Joyce Milligan
Gregg M. Mitchell
Joseph and Lisa Mitchell
Hugh and Nancy Moore
Reverend Robert B. Moran
Michael and Melinda Morishima
Paul Morris
Timothy and Tami Mulcahy
Eileen Mullin, M.D.
Mark and Carol Muser
Marvin Neu Jr.
Dung Nguyen
Nguyet D. Nguyen
Domenic and Lydia Norcia
Joseph and Mary Ann Obot
James and Sharon O’Brien
Raymond and Mary Ann O’Brien
Mary O’Byrne and
Scott Donahey
Despite severe cuts to its budget by the State of California,
the long term care ombudsman team continued to visit and help
resolve complaints about the care for more than 10,200 frail
elderly people in skilled nursing and residential care facilities.
Patrick and Carolyn O’Connor
Celeste Oda
Teresa O’Neill
Jack and Rosalinda Oneto
Jerome Ososkie
John and Nancy Ottoboni
Eddie and Helen Owen
Diane Palmeri
Donald and Susan Pandori
Knox and Pamela Parker
Laurence and Sarah Patzman
David and Victoria Pearce
Diana Pires
John and Valerie Poggi
Linda Poncetta
Mabel Potts
John and Judith Poutre
Gary and Sherry Price
Keith and Jane Pritchard
Judy A. Pursley
John and Regina Raniseski
Rick and Anne Reagan
Maureen Redmond
Larry and Katia Reeves
Thomas and Suzanne Regul
Joseph and Pam Reinke
Socorro Romo
Ken and Wendy Ronsse
Patricia Ross
Joan Rotar
James Rowe
Robert and Gerry Roy
James Russell
Amelia Ruzzo
Michael and Maryclaire
Edgardo and Ann Segovia
Ronnie Sendejas
Clifford and Cynthia Shaw
William and Martha Sheridan
Michael and Marieann Shovlin
Paul and Kathleen Sidenblad
Darrell and Velma Smith
Jure and Michelle Sola
Joachim J. Speciale
Maynard and Shirley Stevenson
Dennis and Sally Swanson
Daniel Swinehart and
Michele Rae
Marschelle and Dian Syverson
Luis and Mary Tapia
William and Janice Terry
Galeane Theriot
Nan and Robert Timpe
Thomas and Elisabeth Tinor
Peter and Kathleen Tobias
Jule M. Torre
Scott and Paulyne Townsend
Tiviane Vu Trinh
Roy-Joy and Annie Tsai
Robert Turkowski
Dee Vance-Micallef
Sylvia Villasenor
John Wakerly
Brian and Danielle Wheatley
Lawrence and
Rosemary Whitcomb
Samuel and Mary Winklebleck
Tobias and Catherine Wolff
Bruce Woolpert
George and Elizabeth Young
Anonymous (5)
Patrick and Janet Adamiak
Fiyinfolo Adewale
Pat and Catherine Allen
Frank and Clara Amarillas
Ian and Prema Angelo
Michael Annunziata
Daniel and Cindy Anstett
Joel Atkin
JoAnn Avalos
Ronald and Joan Avanzino
Donald and Nancy Ayers
Roberta Baker
Tam Bao
James and Peggy Bariteau
Cecely Barneson
Stephanie Batties
Patricia Beasley
Grant and Ruth Becker
Seventeen seniors from the South
Bay’s Catholic high schools were
honored for their volunteer efforts at
the 5th Annual Catholic Charities of
Santa Clara County High School
Community Service Recognition
Awards held April 2 at the John
XXIII Multi-Service Center in
downtown San Jose. The awards
recognized seniors from each
Catholic high school in the Diocese
of San Jose for their outstanding
commitment to community service.
than 5,700 hours of service.
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara
County is blessed to receive the
services and time of hundreds of
volunteers each year. Our volunteers
are critical to the success of many of
our programs – our senior nutrition
center at John XXIII needs 1,000
hours of volunteer service each
month in order to operate; our
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
program continues to operate thanks
to its dedicated corps of volunteers:
and volunteers help share the gift
of reading to students in our after
school literacy programs. Every
program at Catholic Charities
volunteers. To volunteer, contact
us at (408) 325-5151.
John and Marian Bennett
Barbara Borthwick
Dipankar and Margarita Bose
William Boteler
Sara Botsford
Jean and Carla Boufarhat
William A. Brady
Lawrence and Sally Brandt
Marianne K. Bray
Duane and Louise Bretzke
John Brey
Lisa Brooks-Herrera
Cathy and Michael Bullock
Agostino and Arlene Burzio
Rosemary Busch
Joseph and Susan Byrne
Crystal Calhoun
Michael and Janet Canning
John and Eleanor Cassidy
Joseph and Theresa Castro
John Chan
George and Alice Chiala
Robert Clark
George and Kristen Clause
Anthony and Heidi Collins
Ted Cribari and Patricia Colter
Dermot J. Conlon
Richard and Karen Cover
Richard and Anne Crowley
Michael J. Culcasi
John and Vickie Cupples
Wendy Damberger
Steven and Joyce Damozonio
Martha Daus
Thomas and Gloria Davis
Jay and Dolores Day
Mary de la Vega
Robert and Marian De Mattei
Odete De Sousa
John and Robbyn Denzel
Diane Devine
Matthew DiMaria
Marguerite Dinno
Edward and Marsha Donati
Michael and Wendy Donohoe
Ralph and Ruth Dreike
Ajay D’Souza
Don Van Patten and
Judith Duffy
Carlos Echevarria
Kevin and M. Anne Eck
Patricia G. Eldred
Lori Escobar
Christopher Espinosa
Marcelo and Norma Espiritu
Claude L. Fennema, Jr.
Elizabeth Ferreras
Kenneth Fichtner
Joe and Bette Fiorentino
Stanley and Mary Fitzgerald
Jose Flahaux and
Ann Marie Barbason
James and Jane Flanigan
Allison Flores
Philip and Caroline
Gary and Victoria Flynn
Mark and Nancy Franich
James and Nancy Freeman
Judith Friedrichs
John Ganino
Fred Gawlick
Albert and Barbara Gelpi
William and Linda Giannini
Richard and Teresa Giorgetti
Kevin and Tina Graham
Donald and Ann Gralnek
Michael and Kathleen Haas
John and Carol Haggerty
James and Judith Harvey
Keith and Lisa Hawes
David and Evelyn Heagerty
John and Mary Healy
Ray and Vera Hellwig
John and Mary Ann Herlihy
Paul and Rebecca Hickman
Donald and Frances Hills
Clorinda P. Hite
Donald Hodges
Laura Hofmeister
Martin and Elizabeth Hofstetter
C. Richard and
Ruth Ann Holleran
Jeffrey and Debra Hotter
Donald and Ann Houck
Rebecca Hudspeth
Roberta Hughan
Edward Hunter
William and Danielle James
Chris Jasper and Cathy Yen-Jasper
Jennifer Jasper
Antoinetta Jette
Victoria M. Jette
Robert P. Jimenez
Sandra Jimenez
Sara Johnson
Paul and Theresa Johnston
Linda Jonasson
Gary and Fayeann Jumawan
Thomas J. Kanaley
Carol Keefe
Maureen Kennedy
John and Sharon Kennett
James and Shari Klingensmith
Patricia Korman
M. Willard and Cecile Kresse
Melanio and Imelda Lara
Marilyn Larson
Quoc Le
Jim and Susan Lewis
Kathleen McMahon Liss
Roger Lobbes
Paul and Sally Lopez
Patricia Lucas
Michael and Rita Lunnon
Son V. Luong
Frederick and Beverly Luyet
Carl and Joan Mack
Peggy A. Malley
Reverend Anthony Mancuso
Roberto and Anne Maragoni
M.J. and Joyce March
Carole Marsh
Tita E. Marte
Patricia Mayer
Margaret McAllister
Kevin and Marjorie McCarthy
William and Mary McEnery
Patrick and Nancy McGaraghan
Emmett and Marianne McGrath
Elinor B. McLaughlin
Reverend Walter McMahon
Robert and Beverly Meister
Joe and Josephine Melo
Craig and Jacquelyn Merriman
David and Joanne Micheletti
Reverend Msgr. Joseph Milani
Robert Miller
Edward and Loyola Mitchell
Christopher and Shelley Moeller
Leonard and Mary Monteleone
Juan and Susana Montermoso
James and Katheen Moritz
Catholic Charities’ Shared Housing program doubled the
number of clients served with one-time rental assistance
compared to the previous year.
Roy and Susan Moses
Jagadish Mukku
Dennis and Judith Murray
Mike Muscha
Charlene Nagayama
Maria Nakaji
Harold and Barbara Nelson
Richard and Mary Nelson
Paul and Eden Nesse
William and Dorothy Nickels
Gerald and Marylin Nistler
Donald and Lynn Nymoen
James and Janice Oberhofer
Matthew and Margarette O’Brien
William and Judith O’Brien
William and Donna O’Connell
Gerald and Ellen Oicles
Ethelbert Onyewuenyi
James Ortbal and
Jenifer Tremaine
Richard Ozimek
Wayne Padley
Anthony and Kathleen Palma
Luis Pando
Patricia Papa
Bill Parkin
Peter and Teresa Patron
Jack and Gayanne Peckham
Reverend Jon Pedigo
Gary Pester
John Petrilla
John and Sybille Pfluke
Son Pham and Dixie Nguyen
Vivian D. Phillips
Joseph and Jane Phipps
Michael Pierantozzi
James and Susan Pierce
C. Stephen and Andrea Plant
Edward and Donna Plehn
Michael and Felicia Pollock
Julia Pon
Mark Potsdam
Duke and Cathleen Powers
Robert and Carolyn Preader
Jack and Doris Previte
George J. Prodan
James and Marion Prokay
Tom and Sandy Provasi
William Quitalig
Richard and Janet Rathmann
Calvin and Ann Marie Rebello
Robin and Riya Reynolds
Warren and Maria Ristow
Munhyeon and Jeonghi Ro
Mark and Julie Robson
William and Marilyn Rodman
Brian Rodrigues
Joseph and Patricia Ross
Maria Ruidas
Patrick and Elaine Ryall
Kathleen M. Ryan
Francis and Jeannine Sacco
Jon Saint
Raymond and Vivian Schmidt
Barbara A. Schumacher
Mariece Schwieterman
Daniel B. Sell
Rodney and Linda Sellers
Phillip and Maud Sheridan
John and Patricia Shinn
Kenneth and Carole Sinclair
Nancy Smith
Steven and Nenita Smith
Maxine Smrekar
Dorothy Snyder
John and Madge Soares
Diane Soberanes
Joseph and Melody Sokol
Clay and Bonnie Sperry
Lauren St.Clair-Waugh
William† and Jean Staats
Robert and Frances Stainton
† Deceased
Melvin and Patricia Stein
Frank and Niki Stephenson
Paul and Laura Sterbentz
Mark Stevens and Mary Murphy
Reverend Msgr.
Terrence J. Sullivan
Louise Sumpter
John and Elvira Szczesny
Maria Teodorczyk
Thomas and Shirley Tognoli
Emil and Elsie Trojak
Phong Chan Tu
Marco and Emma Ulloa
Juvenal and Lucinda Valencia
David and Patty Van
Robert Van Cleef
Perry and Linda Vartanian
David R. Vieira, Jr.
Catherine Villa
Saul and Maria Villanueva
Coby Vink
Mark and Raymonde Voll
Clementine Voss
H. P. and Paula Vossen
Thuy Vu
Kenneth and Barbara Wadors
Danny and Rose Wallis
Gary and Cathy Walz
Albert and Karen Wege
Rob and Fredi Whiteside
Thomas and Lisa Wicki
Linda Wight
Charles and Kathy Williams
Savio and Amy Wong
Irene Wu
Li-Wan and Ming-Dar Wu
Tak and Gloria Young
Beatrice Yu
Mantle Man-Hon Yu and
Jamma Yuk-Ming Seto
Bella Vista Foundation
The Catholic Foundation
of Santa Clara County
Elsie and Josephine Colombo
Charitable Trust
The Health Trust
Heritage Bank of Commerce
John S. and James L. Knight
Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
More than 100 children received professional care and
therapy for mental health issues including bipolar
and depression.
Lucile Packard Foundation
for Children’s Health
The Nelson Fund
New Life Covenant Church
Silicon Valley Community
Sobrato Family Foundation
Sovereign Military Order
of Malta
Valle Monte League, Inc.
The Valley Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Adobe Foundation Fund
Citi Foundation
The David and Lucile
Packard Foundation
Hispanic Foundation of
Silicon Valley
The Housing Trust of
Santa Clara County, Inc.
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church
Wells Fargo Foundation
The Yahoo! Employee
$5,000 - $9,999
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance
Services of Silicon Valley, Inc.
Presentation High School
Lantern League
Triplett Financial Services
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,000 - $1,499
The Altos Foundation, Inc.
Andreini & Company
ARM, Inc.
Delucchi, Hawn and
Company, LLP
Diocese of San Jose
Environmental Systems Inc.
Gawlick Retirement Services
Green Vehicles
Johanson & Yau
Marsh Risk & Insurance Services
Pepper Tree Estates
Ranger Construction, Inc.
Saint Joseph’s Family Center
Solekai Systems Corporation
The TOD Company
TouchPoint Foundation
Y & H Soda Foundation
Zuzu’s Petals
Advanced Professionals
Berger/Lewis Accountancy
Charities Housing
The Jesuit Community
at Santa Clara University
NewEra Software
Our Lady of Los Gatos, No. 197
Robson Homes, LLC
Southwind Management, LLC
Sweeney, Mason, Wilson and
$1,500 - $2,499
BrandVia Alliance, Inc
David’s Restaurant
Girl Scouts of Northern California
Heaven’s Helping Hand Foundation
Lexus Champions for Charity
Saint Andrew Presbyterian
Saint Andrew’s Opportunity
$500 - $999
Almaden Valley Women’s Club
Global Information
Distribution, Inc.
Intel Corporation
Johnson Lumber Co.
Moreno & Associates, Inc.
Rotary Club of Morgan Hill
Saint Francis High School
San Jose City Council
District 3
San Jose Water Company
Gilroy Garlic Festival
Association, Inc.
Monterey Mushrooms, Inc.
Petrinovich Pugh &
Company, LLP
Saint Clare’s Institute No. 119
San Jose Council #2 Young
Men’s Institute
Matching Gifts Companies
Abbott Laboratories
Adobe Systems
Agilent Technologies
Allstate Insurance
Applied Materials
Bank of America
Cadence Design Systems
Cisco Systems
Northrop Grumman
The Boeing Company
GE General Electric
Johnson & Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Lockheed Martin
Macy’s West
Morgan Stanley
National Semiconductor
Nearly 4,500 parents participated in
Catholic Charities’ Parenting &
Family Literacy programs including
The Incredible Years, Successful
Parents Program, Literacy Fiestas,
21st Century Family Literacy
Programs, On-Site Raising A
Reader. A growing trend has been
the expansion of our Peer Educator
model designed to empower parents
to take on leadership roles in
coordinating and facilitating
programs. All of our Peer
Educators were former clients.
Sun Microsystems
The Prudential
Washington Mutual
Wells Fargo
Domus Council
With a vision of combining decent
affordable housing with supportive
services to help residents maintain
their housing and gain control over
their lives, the Domus Council was
launched two years ago. The Domus
Council is a group of business and
individual donors investing $10,000$100,000 annually, to support the
creation of new affordable housing.
The contributions help leverage
federal dollars for rental assistance
and supportive services for
homeless individuals and families.
Government grants often require
matching money and due to our
track record the current match is
as high as 10-to-1.
Members of the Domus Council have
committed to investing $10,000 to $100,000
annually to create more affordable housing
and provide supportive services for individuals
and families living in poverty.
Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli
Michael and Mary Ellen Fox
Michael and Ann Schall
John and Kathy Schniedwind
John M. and Abby Sobrato
Craig Zimmerman
2009 Golf Tournament
Title Sponsor
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Dinner Sponsors
J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli
John and Melinda DiNapoli
Lindsey, Shelby, Nini and
Les Pelio
Lunch Sponsor
Paul and Barbara Gentzkow
Robert Half International
Cypress Sponsors
Berliner Cohen
Lexus of Stevens Creek
The Portola Group
Solekai Systems
The TOD Company
Alice Wallace
Augusta Sponsors
“In Memory of Maureen Albanese”
Andreini and Co.
Darrell Berg/Gene Toomey
Paul Beaupre/Good
Samaritan Hospital
CBIZ Accounting, Tax
& Advisory
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance
Delucchi, Hawn & Co.
Environmental Systems, Inc.
Jerry and Linda Floyd
Gawlick Retirement Services
Steve Hallgrimson/Ron Olander
The Hayes Family
Johanson & Yau, Accountancy Corp
Ron & Joan Mackin
Marsh Inc.
Joe and Celeste Melehan
Misty Foundation
Ernie Moreno
Chris Moore/John Murphy
Normandin Chrysler-Jeep
Dave O’Mara/Ryan Carroll
The Pelzel Family
Peppertree Estates
Dave and Roxanne Peterschmidt
Ranger Construction
Strongbow Investments
Joe Thomas/Merrill Lynch
Toolwire (2)
Triplett Financial and
Insurance Services
van Keulen/Burch/
Greg Vaughan
Patrick Waite
Special Sponsors
Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Triplett Financial and
Insurance Services
Fred & Mary Schell
The McCarthy Ranch
Ron Witherspoon, Inc.
Green Vehicles
Firehouse Grill and Brewery
Advanced Professionals
Berger/Lewis Accountancy Corp.
Charities Housing
Development Corp.
Dan Caputo Co.
Terrie Iacino
Robson Homes LLC
Rosendin Electric
Rugani Properties
Ann & Mike Schall
Speno Family Partnerships
Sweeny, Mason,
Wilson, Bosomworth
Special Auction Donors
Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Brassfield Estates
Chicago Steak and Fish
Jim Childers
Marilyn and Frank Dorsa
Susan and Oliver Flach, Sheryl
and Ron Pelzel, Mary and Doug
Aumack, Jane and Dave Najour
Gardino Fresco
Los Gatos Travel
San Jose Sharks
Lilli and John Valencia
Gifts from Estates
Thomas F. Ahern Living Trust
Mary W. Ballantyne Estate
Doris H. Cuillier Trust
Ray Flesher Estate
Ellen S. Judge Living Trust
Yvonne Dolores Maggio Estate
William O’Connor Trust
Marilyn Ott Trust
Sheila Richards Trust
Claire Still Trust
Pearlann A. Story Estate
Marjorie F. Tully Trust
Endowment Funds
Endowment funds ensure the future stability
of Catholic Charities by providing support for
Catholic Charities programs in perpetuity.
William J. and Marjorie
Adams, Jr. Endowment Fund
Nancy E. Biagini Memorial
Endowment Fund
D.J. and Phyllis Heinlen
Endowment Fund
In excess of half-a-million hours of literacy instruction were
provided to more than 3,000 children in some of the lowest
performing schools during the school year and improved their
reading levels.
Diane Pelosi Saign
Endowment Fund
Raymond and Susan Triplett
Family Endowment Fund
Endowment for Newly-Arrived
Immigrants and Refugees
Catholic Charities General
Adolph and Rosemary Quilici
Debbie Robinson
Tom Robinson
Andrea and Joe Thomas
Ray and Susan Triplett
Richard and Darleen Worth
Circle of Hope
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph
Catholic Community at Stanford
Chinese Catholic Community
Christ the King Church
Church of the Ascension
Church of the Resurrection
Church of the Transfiguration
Five Wounds Portuguese
National Church
Holy Cross Parish
Holy Family Parish
Holy Korean Martyrs Parish
Holy Spirit Parish
Most Holy Trinity Parish
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish
Queen of Apostles Parish
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Saint Anthony Parish
The Circle of Hope recognizes donors who have
included Catholic Charities in their estate plans.
Anonymous (33)
Maribel and Robert Andonian
Mary and Douglass Aumack
Dorothy Banker
R. Victor and Pauline Besler
Rosemary Busch
Tracey Chew
Jerry and Linda Floyd
Marjorie Ganz
Paul and Barbara Gentzkow
James Kelly
Irvin R. Kobsa
Larry and Jo Ann Lynch
Ronald and Joan Mackin
Rev. Msgr. Michael Mitchell
Helen Moritz and David Caldwell
James and Eileen Murphy
Lon and Peggy Normandin
Willis Perkins
Diocese of San Jose Parishes
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara
County has received Charity
Navigator’s coveted 4-Star rating for
Navigator rates Catholic Charities as
being exceptional for “exceeding
industry standards and outperforms
most charities in its cause.” The
4-Star rating shows donors how
support today, and to what extent
the charities are growing their
programs and services over time.
Saint Athanasius Parish
Saint Brother Albert
Chmielowski Polish Mission
Saint Catherine Parish
Saint Christopher Parish
Saint Clare Parish
Saint Cyprian Parish
Saint Elizabeth Parish
Saint Frances Cabrini Parish
Saint Francis of Assisi Parish
Saint John the Baptist Parish
Saint John Vianney Parish
Saint Joseph of Cupertino Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Julie Billiart Parish
Saint Justin Parish
Saint Lawrence the
Martyr Parish
Saint Leo the Great Parish
Saint Lucy Parish
Saint Maria Goretti Parish
Saint Martin of Tours Parish
Saint Martin Parish
Saint Mary of the Assumption
Croation Mission
Saint Mary of the Immaculate
Conception Parish
Saint Mary Parish
Saint Nicholas Parish
Saint Patrick Parish
Saint Simon Parish
Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish
Saint Thomas of
Canterbury Parish
Saint Victor Parish
Saint William Parish
Santa Teresa Parish
Local Public Partnerships
Those who made gifts in memory
of a loved one
City of Campbell
City of Cupertino
City of Gilroy
City of Los Altos
City of Milpitas
City of Morgan Hill
City of Mountain View
City of Palo Alto
City of San Jose
City of Santa Clara
City of Saratoga
City of Sunnyvale
Town of Los Gatos
Catholic Charities is grateful
for gifts of any size. Your dollars
individuals and families in
our community who struggle
to achieve wellness and
We also wish to acknowledge
the generosity of:
All of our anonymous donors
Those who made gifts in-kind
Those who made gifts in honor
of a loved one.
We make every effort to
ensure the accuracy of our
donor lists. However, if your
name has been omitted,
misspelled or incorrectly listed
– please accept our sincere
apology. We ask that you
bring the error to our attention
so that we may correct our
Please contact Marnie Regen
at 408.325.5248 or mregen@
Appreciated Stock. Making gifts of securities that you have held for
more than one year allow you to avoid capital gains tax and receive a tax
deduction. You can use the stock’s fair market value (which is the value of
the high and low price the day it is received by Catholic Charities) as your
charitable deduction, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income.
Bocce Tournament. Nearly 230 guests of Catholic Charities came together
to Roll Against Poverty at our inaugural event. This sold out event raised
needed funds to support Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County and its
critical work to cut poverty in our community. For more information about
this year’s event, please contact Karen McQuade at (408) 325-5250.
Caritas Society. Caritas, a Latin word meaning “charity,” is an appropriate
way to acknowledge individuals who support Catholic Charities each year
with generous gifts between $1,000 and $50,000 that strengthen families
contact Sara Johnson at (408) 325-5259.
Family Legacy Endowments. A Family Legacy Endowment to Catholic
Charities can be established and named for the family with a pledge of
$50,000, which can be completed with annual gifts or a planned gift. Once
the endowment fund reaches $50,000, the income it earns is allocated to
Catholic Charities programs according to your wishes. Please contact Magi
Young at (408) 325-5225.
Golf Tournament. Join us at our 26th Annual Golf Tournament on June
14, 2010 for a round of golf, lunch, cocktails, dinner, plus live and silent
auctions. All proceeds will support at-risk youth, the elderly, the homeless,
the mentally ill, and families struggling to make ends meet. For more
information, please contact Karen McQuade at (408) 325-5250.
Legacy Gifts. Naming Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County as a
a living legacy of generosity to those in need. The Circle of Hope honors
Corporate and Foundation Support.:LWKRXWWKH½QDQFLDOVXSSRUWRI
private foundations and corporations, many of our critical programs would
not remain fully staffed. We are seeking grant opportunities of all types;
event sponsorships; and we appreciate group volunteer projects.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts. Memorial gifts perpetuate the values that
directed someone’s life. Honorary gifts recognize someone during his or her
lifetime, or commemorate a special event or anniversary. Catholic Charities
will send appropriate letters of acknowledgement for both types of gifts.
Donation Station. Many of us here in Silicon Valley are blessed to have
an abundance of material things. By sharing what you no longer need, you
can bring hope to those who have so little. You can donate new and gentlyused items and gift cards by contacting us at (408) 325-5278.
Pledges. Please consider making a monthly or annual pledge to support the
on-going needs of our clients.
Domus Council. The council is a group of individuals and businesses
investing $10,000 - $100,000 annually to provide new affordable housing
with supportive services for individuals and families living in poverty.
Domus Council gifts can be leveraged 10:1. For more information, please
contact Magi Young at (408) 325-5225.
Employer Matching Gifts. Catholic Charities is an independent 501(c)3
Vehicle Donations. Vehicle donations support our Refugee Resettlement
Program, which helps survivors of war and trauma to renew their lives.
Catholic Charities will take care of the DMV paperwork and arrange to pick
up the vehicle (Santa Clara County only).
If you would like more information about any of these giving options, go
to www.CatholicCharitiesSCC.org or you may also call Cindy Zbin at (408)
325-5125. Please send checks to Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County,
Attn: Office of Development, 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134.
2625 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA 95134-2130
Environmental Benefits
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County saved the following resources by using Sierra
Opaque supplied by ChaseVP for the production and printing of this project. This paper is
made with 50% recycled fiber and 30% post-consumer waste.
solid waste
fully grown
million BTU
Calculations based on research by Environmental Defense Fund
and other members of the Paper Task Force.