Win the Ultimate Muscle Car or $20K!
Win the Ultimate Muscle Car or $20K!
September26, 2010 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time S THIS WEEK ... Win the Ultimate Muscle Car or $20K! Sunday September 26 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Crisis Pregnancy Collection Breaking Open the Word 9:00 am and 11:15 am Playways 9:00 am Baptism WAV 6:00 pm Monday September 27 Elem Rel Ed 4pm Adoration 6:00 pm Women’s Relationship Support Group 6:30 pm Edge/Jr. High 7pm Peace & Justice Council 7p Tuesday September 28 Centering Prayer 7:00 pm RCIA 7:30 pm Spirituality Council Talk- 7:30 pm Wednesday September 29 JustFaith 7:00 pm Thursday September 30 Centering Prayer 4:00 pm Friday October 1 Men’s Faith Mtg. 6 am Bible Study 8:00 am Drawing held Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Saturday October 2 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Only 600 tickets available! Get your tickets before they sell out! Contact Teresa Johnson ( with any questions. Sunday October 3 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd Collection - School Support Breaking Open the Word 9:00 am and 11:15 am Playways 9:00 am St.Vincent de Paul 10:15am WAV 6:00 pm Choose a 2010 Dodge Challenger Coupe or $20,000 Cash! Tickets $100 each – or buy 2 tickets and get 1 free! Tickets sold after Masses starting this weekend. This weekend only: Receive a free carnival ride ticket booklet for each ticket purchased ($30 value)! Car provided by: Normandin Chrysler Jeep Dodge Winner need not be present to win. Sponsored by: Coldwell Banker Los Gatos Please help to stock the shelves at the St. Mary’s Country Store! The 2010 Country Store is approaching and they would love to have your help by providing homemade jams, olive oils, pies, cakes, and cookies that fair-goers look forward to each year! We also would appreciate any homemade items or vintage/ estate porcelain, ceramic, crystal or glass items. For more information call Sue Jamieson at 408-3589666 or Flyers will be available at the entrances of the church. LOOKING AHEAD... Blessing of the Animals October 4 8 am Country Fair October 8, 9, 10 Go to the Country Fair website for updated information: WWW.STMARYSLG.ORG/FAIR For more detailed information about what is happening now and in the future at St. Mary’s go to our online calendar on our website or on the computer in the parish office. 219 Bean Avenue • Los Gatos, California 95030 • 408.354.3726 • fx 408.354.9302 • St. Mary’s parish is a community of believers in Jesus Christ that gathers together to celebrate the mysteries of God’s love. We support and strengthen one another in our commitmentto the Catholic faith. We serve those in need and share with all the Good News of God’s unconditional love. SEND 8th GRADE to Washington D.C. COMMUNITY CARDS Are HERE! What are Community Cards and Why should I buy? Highlights include: Discounts at your favorite Los Gatos Businesses! Good for a whole year! Unlimited use! 100% of each card goes toward the St. Mary’s 8th grade trip to Washington DC. • The $20 card pays for itself in just a few uses. • Ideal for Jr. High kids who frequent downtown. (pizza, burgers, yogurt, apparel, etc.) • • • • Your contributions to St. Mary’s parish and school can now be completed and viewed through Online Giving! You can just click on the Online Giving icon on our website ( to begin donating to St. Mary’s Church and School automatically. Online can be used effectively on its own or in cooperation with regular offering envelopes. There is also an instructional video available for your convenience. Check out the new* and returning businesses on our card: Andale Bella Rosa *Bianco Classic Car Wash Coldstone Creamery Dolce Spazio *Enoteca La Storia Le Boulanger Los Gatos Roasting Co. Main Street Burgers Mr. Pickles NC Boardshop *Nothing Bundt Cakes *Parlour 308 Powell’s Sweet Shop Round Table Pizza Speedee Oil Change Sportissmo Sprockets Sue’s/Rouge Willow Street Yummy Yogurt Yes! I want to HELP the 8th grade class go to Washington D.C. together! LAST WEEK Goal $19,091.51 Actual $16148.72 Family Name __________________________________________________________ #_________Cards x $20.00 each Total _______________ Checks made payable to the Class of 2011 Mail form & checks to: Kay Enriquez 13631 Riverdale Dr Saratoga CA 95070 Questions? Email Thank You! YEAR TO DATE Goal $229,098.12 Actual $212,215.54 Liturgy BLESSING OF ANIMALS ON THE FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS – OCTOBER 4 AT 8:00 A.M. On the Feast of St. Francis, our St. Mary’s community will celebrate the gift of pets and the importance animals play in our world with our annual “Blessing of the Animals”. The service will be held on Monday, October 4, 2010 at 8:00 a.m., following our 7:30 a.m. Mass. BRING YOUR PETS OF EVERY KIND! The service will be held on the school playground. NOTE: Small animals should be put in carriers or caged to protect them from the larger animals. LITURGY CORNER: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT MASS Q.The Catholic liturgical calendar includes relatively few holy days of obligation.What do they require and why are they “obligations”? A To observe a holy day of obligation, a Catholic is expected to attend Mass either on the holy day or during its vigil on the evening before. Observing holy days of obligation is an essential part of Catholicism. We call them obligations because the Precepts of the Catholic Church tell us that celebrating those feast days are a part of the minimum level of commitment to the Catholic faith (cf. CCC no. 2042). By setting aside specific days to attend Mass and meditate on the mysteries of the Catholic faith, the Church seeks to draw its members closer to God. In the Diocese of San Jose, in addition to Sundays, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in conformity with canon 1246 and USCCB Decree of Promulgation (dated 12/13/1991) are as follows: • January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Bishop McGrath has dispensed the obligation, although the faithful are still encouraged to participate in Mass on this day); • August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; • November 1, the solemnity of All Saints; • December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception; • December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. PARISH LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS DURING OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2010 Monday, October 4 Sat.-Sun, October 23-24 Monday, November 1 Tuesday, November 2 Sunday, November 6-7 Tuesday, November 23 November 25 Sunday, November 28 Friday, December 3 Tuesday, December 7 Wednesday, December 8 Tuesday, December 14 Friday, December 24 Saturday, December 25 Sunday, December 26 Feast of St. Francis and Blessing of Animals (schoolyard at 8 a.m.) Liturgical Ministries Fair after all Masses (Tentative) Solemnity of All Saints (HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION) Masses at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. (with school) and 7:30 p.m. All Souls Day (Mass at 7:30 a.m.) Consolation Masses St. Mary’s School Thanksgiving Prayer Service at 9 a.m. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day (Mass at 9 a.m.)(NO MASS at 7:30 a.m.) First Sunday of Advent St. Mary’s School Advent Reconciliation Service (9:00 a.m.) Vigil of the Immaculate Conception – our Parish’s Patroness Rosary Procession and Vigil Mass begin at 6 p.m. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION) Masses at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. (with school) and 7:30 p.m. Parish Advent Reconciliation at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Celebration Masses at 4:00 p.m. (gym), 4:00 p.m., 6:00p.m., & 10 p.m. Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus – CHRISTMAS DAY Masses at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary Masses at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 5 p.m. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Celebrating our M asses takes a village. C ome take a mor e ac tive part in our St M ary’s community by becoming a par t of the Litur gy. We are looking for parishioners who are interested in ser ving as E ucharistic Ministers, Lectors or ev en as par t of the Ar ts & En vironment Committee. There is an immediate need for more Eucharistic M inisters at the 5pm weekend masses. C ontact Fr Justin at jle@stmar (408-354-3726 Ext 138) if you are interested. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jb 1:6-22; Lk 9:46-50 Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Lk 9:51-56 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:712a; Jn 1:47-51 Jb 19:21-27; Lk 10:1-12 Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Lk 10:13-16 Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Mt 18:15, 10 Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10 Mass Intentions Let us pray for our parishioners who are sick that Jesus be their source of strength and comfort. To place a name on this list (for three weeks), contact Pastoral Care, 354-4061 Ext. 121. You also are invited to write names in St. Mary’s Book of Petitions and Prayers in front of Mary’s statue in church. Mon. Sept. 27 7:30 am Emma Huber † Tues. Sept. 28 7:30 am Teresa Bunnell, Sp. Int. Wed. Sept. 29 7:30 am Thur. Sept. 30 7:30am Fri. Oct. 1 7:30 am Angela Fiorentino † Sat. Oct. 2 7:30 am 5:00 pm Pierina Ottoboni† Sun. Oct. 3 7:30 am Gene Fisher † 9:00 am 11:15am Paul Luu † Clair Dougherty † 5:00 pm K. C. Ryan † St. Mary’s Parishioners WAV/High School YM CATCH THE BARREL! The Saint Mary’s WAV is back in motion! Join us at high tide for the first bomb of the season: a BBQ dinner and social following the 5 pm Sunday Mass this weekend. Get the updated schedules for WAV events, sign up for outings/activities, give input for future events and learn about fun service opportunities. RSVP for dinner with Danielle at NO-ONE is ever a “Barney” at WAV! Last Call: Sign ups for the fabulous Six Flags Marine World Trip must be turned in no later than September 26th. We have limited spaces available and they are reserved on a first come basis. Info for the event can be found at . It is easy to find by searching “Nor Cal Jam”. Tickets are purchased through your youth minister; St Mary’s youth program is providing transportation to and from the event. Need to sign up for WAV or Confirmation? Have questions about the program? Don’t know if it is for you? Let us answer your questions, contact the Pastoral Ministries office at Saint Marys at 408 354-4061 or Danielle at Adult Enrichment COURTYARD UPDATE CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW CATECHUMENS AND CANDIDATES IN THE RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) PROCESS We are grateful for the devoted ministry of our volunteer RCIA team members: WHO WERE INTRODUCED TO THE COMMUNITY LAST SUNDAY IN THE RITE OF WELCOME: Angela Anderson and her sponsor, Alicia Barela Olga Anderson and her sponsor, Klaudia Warren Christopher Sommerstad and his sponsor, Tony Cirone Douglas Verbosky and his sponsor, Richard Salciccia Janet Dickerson and her sponsor, Gary Hoard The RCIA, which prepared adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church, is a yearround process. Other Candidates will be introduced to the community at another Rite of Welcome in the near future. Al Van Dalen Tony Zadel Frank Finelli Josie Cirone Adrienne Caselli As you have may have noticed, the courtyard restoration has been underway. The hardscaping for the project is targeted for completion by the end of September. Tuesday, September 28 7:30-9 PM, Hofmann Center “HOW THE BIBLE HELPS US DEAL WITH FEAR” A Reflective Scripture Study with Josie Cirone, St. Mary’s Spirituality Council Member and Former Teacher Find peace of mind in the sacred Word of God. All are Welcome, to this free event, including friends and family members. Refreshments will be served Sponsored by the St. Mary’s Spirituality Council Do you know St. Mary’s Young Adult Group is on Facebook? For more information you can go to our parish website or email portion, we had For the landscaping portion many wonderful volunteers come out to help us split and replant the agapantha, plant new plants and trees, add topsoil, make rock gardens to help with water runoff. We have yet to add mulch and add more rock to areas. We welcome your help. Please contact Don Thornton at Pastoral Care and Social Justice Ministry CATHOLIC CHARITIES USA CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE SICK GATHER TO CELEBRATE THEIR MINISTRY One of the most significant developments of the early twentieth century was the 1910 founding of the National Conference of Catholic Charities (NCCC), known today as Catholic Charities USA. The mission of NCCC was to apply the new social sciences and the professional discipline of social work to local charitable efforts. Catholic Charities reached out to all people, including non-Catholics, in an attempt to end poverty. New social justice teachings from Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council strengthened that commitment. The NCCC changed its name to Catholic Charities USA in 1986. Over time the Catholic Charities USA network has been recognized for its role as the largest private provider of human services in the United States. The vision of Catholic Charities says: “Believing in the presence of God in our midst, we proclaim the sanctity of human life and the dignity of the person by sharing in the mission of Jesus given to the Church. To this end, Catholic Charities works with individuals, families, and communities to help them meet their needs, address their issues, eliminate oppression, and to build a just and compassionate society.” On the evening of Wednesday, September 15, thirty-three parishioners gathered to celebrate their calling as Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick (EMS) at the home of Helen and Andy Byrnes. The ministers were joined by their spouses, pastor Fr. Rick, and parish staff Carol Thornton and Terri Trotter. Our EMS serve at nine local resident care centers and hospitals each week, and touch the lives of over 100 people. Please keep both our EMS and the parishioners they minister to in your prayers. If you would like to learn about this ministry please contact Carol Thornton – we welcome new members. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SERIES 2010 THIS TUESDAY AT ST. JOSEPH CUPERTINO You are invited to view the video Energy Crossroads and participate in the post-viewing discussion moderated by Luci Poulicakos, the solar energy columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. Energy Crossroads presents “an accurate and comprehensive picture of the two biggest crises of our era – resource depletion and sustainability.” This program will help us to understand the threat to our lifestyles and our future and identify what we can do about it. The event will be held at St. Joseph Parish in Cupertino on Tuesday, September 28; doors open at 7:00 pm, film starts at 7:30 pm. Family Faith Formation All of our Faith Formation sessions will begin on Sunday, Sept. 26 and Monday, Sept. 27. All are welcome! If you still have not registered your child for classes, please call the Pastoral Ministries Office at 354-4061. THANKS TO ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS WHO MAKE THESE PROGRAMS A SUCCESS. We can still use 2 catechists for our Monday elementary program and some small group leaders for our EDGE Junior high Ministry. Please contact Terri at ttrotter@ if you are interested. Our first information meeting for parents whose children are preparing to receive Reconciliation this year, will be held on Thursday, October 14 at 7:30 p.m. in Hofmann Center. Please call Terri with any questions. All Junior High Students are welcome to join us on Monday nights from 7-8:30 p.m. in Howley Hall for our EDGE Youth Group. We have a great group of students in our program and we share our faith in large and small groups, play games, eat food, watch movies, and learn how we can improve and enliven our own spiritual journey. Come and join us!! Any adults, who would like to volunteer to help on these nights or join our core team, please contact Terri! PASTORAL ADMINISTRATION Parish Office: 408.354.3726 Fr. Rick Rodoni Fr. Justin Le Rose Anna Higashi Terri Trotter Carol Thornton i i to work k to provide We are continuing information for events, news, etc. via the website and email while at the same time reducing the use and expense of paper and postage. Please make sure that we have your current information and email address. Update your information in the parish office. Email Carolee at MARK YOUR CALENDAR! NUNS (SISTERS) RUMMAGE SALE! Danielle Sigrist Corliss Greene Colleen Pacheco Carolee Gannon Teri Shepherd Tucci Pastoral Ministries: 408.354.4061 Fax: 408.354.9302 Pastor Parochial Vicar/ Director of Liturgy Director of Adult Education, RCIA & Young Adults Director of Faith Formation Director of Pastoral Care & Social Justice Ministry Youth Ministry Coordinator Music Coordinator Pastoral Ministries Administrative Assisitant Parish Secretary Business Manager x139 x138 x135 x123 x121 x129 x122 x125 x110 x137 If it is an emergency and you need to reach a priest call 408.482.8021 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION School Office: 408.354.3944 Sr. Nicki Thomas, snjm Charlene Lemann Karen Larson Sheryl Becker Anna Paulsen Fax: 408.395.9151 Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Office Manager Secretary x119 x149 x162 x132 x118 Oct. 2 – St. Lucy’s – Campbell - 9am-1pm. More info at SisterNunRummageSale.htm MASS TIMES Daily: Mon - Sat 7:30 am Saturday (Vigil): 5 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9 & 11:15 am and 5 pm Reconciliation: 3:30 pm on Saturdays COUNTRY FAIR NEWS: We still have committee positions to fill, so whatever your time availability please come join the fun and we’ll make something work for you. Contact SCHEDULING: Have you signed up for a shift at the fair? Do you have a 6th, 7th or 8th graders needing service hours? Please remember EACH parish family should work at least one shift during the fair. The proceeds from the fair are part of what we use to run the parish on an annual basis and your participation is a very important part of this. There are currently hundreds of shifts that need to be filled and men are especially needed for inflatables for the kids’ safety. Please contact Carol Sandman at 395-1598 or or assistance. Thank you for your early participation! CAR RAFFLE: You could win a 2010 Dodge Challenger Coupe or $20,000! Tickets will be sold after masses starting this weekend - stop by to check out the retro styled Challenger muscle car which will be on display. Buy 2 tickets and get the 3rd free! This weekend only, receive a free book of ride tickets with each car raffle ticket purchased. BINGO: The Bingo donation box has arrived and is right outside the school office. We are in need of anything in your house that is ‘new’ and you’ve just never found a use for ... tickets to sporting events that you know you can’t use, giftcards to local merchants, extra or duplicate gifts. We need things that women enjoy, men enjoy, and children desire. We are happy to come to you to pick up your donation or arrange a pickup at school. Please call Linda Formico 828-1861, Jennifer Filice 205-9798, or Stephanie Macauley 505-6949. Thank you! TALENT SHOW: Do you have talent?? St. Mary’s Country Fair is scouting for the best local amateur performers to compete in the annual “St. Mary’s Country Fair Talent Show”. There is fame and fortune at this ever popular family event, as well as cash prizes for everyone who places. So apply NOW. To find out about auditions and to receive an application email or VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Has your family signed up for booth assignments? Your Junior Hi and High School kids can get community service hours volunteering at the fair. There are currently hundreds of shifts that need to be filled and men are especially needed for inflatables for the kids’ safety. Please contact Carol Sandman at 395.1598 or for assistance. Thank you for your early participation. You can now sign-up online at