June - First Presbyterian Church


June - First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
321 N. 5th Street
Burlington, Iowa 52601
VBS will be June 26, 27, & 28.
Our theme for VBS this year is Outback Rock – helping kids venture
into solid faith. At Outback Rock, kids will imagine that they’re exploring the awesome Australian outback filled with kangaroos, wilderness
and fun! Children won’t just hear about God’s love, they will see it,
touch it, taste it and put it into action. Sign up now! Registration sheet
is on page 4 and also can be found in Fellowship Hall.
June 2015
Volume XI Issue 6
Glimpses of God’s Grace
Dear church family,
Our Presbytery of East Iowa newsletter recently ran an article with the title, Church as a Shared
Meal. You may be thinking that is becoming an accurate description of First Presbyterian Church!
And indeed it may be, as we look forward to the summer months of a wedding shower brunch (June
7), and before-worship breakfasts with our Egyptian Coptic brothers and sisters and each other beginning June 14, as well as the recent Mother’s Day Brunch and Lenten lunches.
There are many reasons we are sharing meals around the tables in Fellowship Hall: There are those
who regularly eat alone and appreciate conversation and companionship; there are those who are
struggling to make ends meet financially, and this provides a way for our church family to anonymously support them and provide a meal; one of the Rev’d Randy Webster’s gifts is the gift of hospitality and creating delicious meals; we will be supporting our local farmers by using their eggs and
Another reason is that it offers an opportunity for you to invite your neighbors, your family and
friends to join you and us in feasting, fellowship and worship. Who doesn’t appreciate a ‘home’cooked meal that they don’t have to prepare or clean up afterwards? The shared meals are not all
about us and our ‘need’ to eat. While that is important, ‘humans cannot live on bread alone’, it is not
the driving force behind it. Rather, the driving force is our command and call to love God and love our
neighbors, and a practical (and tasty) way to demonstrate it.
What happens when we take time to sit at a table together for a meal? Conversations happen. Relationships happen. Intergenerational bonding happens. Strangers become acquaintances, if not friends.
Community and communion emerge. We slow down to acknowledge (i.e., look at, talk to, gain insight
about) the presence of others. All things that are lacking in our society for many people today.
There is a great scriptural basis for this: Jesus. Time and again we see Jesus at the table, whether it
be with sinners, tax collectors, disciples or religious leaders. He had so much fun at table fellowship
that He was accused of being a drunk and glutton. When He talked about heaven, He talked about a
heavenly banquet feast, not a heavenly worship service, though that will be included I am thinking.
Jesus modeled the importance of breaking bread together. Not only that, but He promised that where
two or more are gathered in His name, He is in their midst!
So I hope you will make it a point to be part of our shared meals this summer (chances are good you
will be arriving in time to get a decent parking spot!) and consider inviting someone to join you. As
the author of Church as a Shared Meal ends her article: ‘…even for those who are content with their
current ways of being a part of the church, … (this shared meal experience will) invite everyone to a
deeper enjoyment of and engagement with the often-strange experience that is church.’
In His service,
Trustee Report
Statement of Income & Expense
April 30, 2015
Balance Forward
Non Pledge
Investment Income
Misc Income
Total Income
Educational Ministries
Total Expenses
of Budget
Estimated Income
Mission Budget
Per Capita
for 2015 is $34.27
Where Kids Venture Into Solid Faith
June 26 5-8 p.m. (light supper)
June 27 9 a.m.-noon (pancake breakfast)
June 28 10-11:00 am
Ages: 3 (diaper free) through 5th grade
Registration deadline: June 1st
Child’s name: __________________________________________________________
Grade completed in school: _____________ Date of Birth: ______________________
School child attends: ____________________________________________________
Home Address: ________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _________ Zip______________________
Parent/Guardian’s name: _________________________________________________
Phone Numbers: (Home) _____________________(Cell) ________________________
Home email address ________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name: ________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Telephone Number: ____________________________________________
Health Problems: Yes _____ No_____ Allergies ___________________________________________
Church Home______________________________
_____ I give permission for my child’s picture to be used by the church in printed or digital form, including
use on the church’s website. Guardian's Signature:
First Presbyterian Church
321 N 5th Street
Downtown Burlington
Register online at: www.1stpresb.org 4
Reflections from Rev’d Randy Webster
The church recently observed Ascension Day, forty days after Easter when scripture tells us Jesus was taken up into heaven. For many it’s no more than an obscure day on the Christian calendar, one which few if any would attend a worship
service for Ascension because it always falls on a Thursday. But I would submit
that the day is actually one the most important of all for us as Christians because
we get our best “mission statement” as followers of the risen Christ in the texts for
the day.
The story of Christ’s ascension is told in at least three different places— at the
end of Luke, at the beginning of Acts, and in the closing verses of Matthew. Read
again the text from the twenty-eighth chapter of Matthew:
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When
they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Jesus commands us to make disciples, to baptize them and to teach them. The catechism of the Episcopal Church would tell us that our reason for existing is to bring others into relationship with God.
In our case it’s not to “make more Presbyterians” or “new members of First Presbyterian Church.”
We are commissioned to bring those who have not had a relationship with God into one. It’s a tall order, and it can scare the bejeeppers out of us.
Hospitality is a hallmark of Christian discipleship, a quality of the Christian community and a concrete expression of commitment to grow in Christ-likeness by seeing ourselves as part of the Christian
community. When we practice true hospitality we become part of God’s invitation to new life, showing people that God in Christ values them and loves them. The image of hospitality streams through
scripture. In Deuteronomy God reminds the people of Israel to welcome the stranger, the sojourner,
the wanderer because “you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:19).” The truth is
that we were all strangers to the faith at some point, residing outside the community where we now
find the resources of meaning, grace, hope, friendship, and service. We belong to the body of Christ
because of someone’s hospitality. Jesus himself said “I was a stranger and you welcomed me
(Matthew 25:35).” Taking Jesus seriously has to change our own behavior, both as individuals and as
Part of our human nature is to draw boundaries and distinctions that keep people at distance from Jesus. The twelve disciples had a thousand reasons to thwart the approach of people, reminding Jesus
that some of the people were too young, too old, too sinful, too Roman, too blind, or too Gentile to
receive his attention. But Jesus time and again broke through their human barriers and taught
“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me (Matthew 18:5).” Hospitality has us
seeing people as Jesus sees them and seeing Jesus in the people God brings before us.
The season of the church year after Pentecost invites us to see how the teaching of Jesus can make
change in our lives. I invite you, as we enter this next season of the church’s life, to engage radical
hospitality as your focus. The word radical means “from the source,” in this case from Jesus, as opposed to “strange” or “foreign.” How does our hospitality stream from Jesus? I would invite you to a
day of spiritual reflection and visioning on Saturday, July 18 as we look at “entertaining angels unaware.”
Have a blessed summer!
Newsworthy Notes
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Carol Brotherson for all her hard work on behalf of our church
family and beyond. Carol has served on Session as elder and moderator of the Worship Committee
during the past 3 years. She continues to direct the Hallelujah Handbells. She is taking a wellearned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Kel Stensland for all his hard work on behalf of
our church family and beyond. Kel has served as a Trustee these past 3 years and the
past two has been President. Kel is taking a well-earned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Rex and Nancy Beetner for all their hard
work on behalf of our church family and beyond. They have served on the
Board of Deacons these past 3 years. The past two years Rex has moderated
and served home communion, and Nancy has headed up the meals ministry and the notes/
cards ministry, in addition to their other deacon duties. Rex also takes pictures of our
church family and various programs/work projects, and manages our Facebook and web
pages. The Beetners are taking a well-earned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Cathy Brink, for all her hard work on behalf of our church
family and beyond. Cathy has served on the Board of Deacons for the past three years. She
has overseen Sunday morning Fellowship Hour, in addition to her other deacon duties. Cathy
is taking a well-earned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Bonnie White for all her hard work on behalf of our church family and beyond. Bonnie has served on Session and as
Moderator of the Fellowship Committee the past three years. She has been coordinator of the
Paint-a-Thon and has participated in work clean-up and missions projects. Bonnie is taking a
well-earned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Dick Fischer, for all his hard work on behalf of our church
family and beyond. Dick has served Session as an Elder the past three years. He has been a
member of Personnel Committee and most recently its moderator. Dick also visits the homebound on a monthly basis. Dick is taking a well-earned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Leona Byars for all her hard work on behalf of
FPC. The past 3 years Leona has served on the Endowment Committee, the last year as its moderator. She also has served home communion with Deacon Pat Saldeen. Leona is taking a wellearned break.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Kevin Eibes for all his hard work on behalf of FPC. Kevin has
served on the Board of Deacons this past year. He was the pastoral care backup, when Pastor
Deb was away, in addition to his other deacon duties. Kevin has also been a teacher for Godly
Play the last few years. Kevin is moving away this summer to be near his grandchildren.
Please give a rousing ‘hooray!’ to Sandy Russell for all her hard work on behalf of our church
family. Sandy has served on the Board of Deacons for three years, overseeing the hospital visitation ministry, in addition to her other deacon duties. Sandy is also a regular usher. Sandy is taking
a well-earned break.
Please give a huge ‘thank you!’ to Ted Francis for all his hard work on behalf of our
church family and beyond. Ted has served the Session as its Clerk for 5 years. Ted
has kept our records through Session minutes and congregational meeting minutes, he has helped
us be ‘decent and orderly’ in our meetings and he has been the ‘go-to’ guy for a multitude of polity questions over the years. Ted is taking a well-earned break.
Worship Schedule through June
June 7: Communion; officers installed; summer choir to sing; Servant Leadership based on Exodus 18:13-24;
John 13:1-17.
June 14: Servant Leadership 2 based on 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
June 21: Youth Sunday; Celebrating Men’s Gifts based on 1 Samuel 17:32-49; Psalm 133.
June 28: Vacation Bible School Finale
Loving our neighbor through table fellowship schedule
June 7: Wedding shower & brunch for Barry DeKlerk and Kelly Novak following worship.
June 14: Breakfast at 8 a.m. in Fellowship Hall; time with our Egyptian Coptic brothers and sisters learning
about their faith traditions at 9 a.m. in Chapel.
June 21: Breakfast at 8:30 a.m.; time with Rob Bell DVD in Chapel at 9:15 a.m.; Snake Alley Art Fair following worship.
June 28: Breakfast at 8:30 a.m., time with Rob Bell DVD in Chapel at 9:15 a.m.
You are cordially invited!
Who: FPC Family & Explorer Mariners
What: Wedding shower for newest members
Barry deKlerk & Kelly Novak
When: Sunday, June 7 after worship
Where: Fellowship Hall
Why: Family, food, fun, fellowship!
They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target, if you wish to buy a
gift. We will be collecting money for an anonymous cash gift. Contact Sue
Carter for details or to help. The church office is collecting the money.
In lieu of games, we will be hearing from longtime married couples on their
secrets for a successful marriage.
Mission Money At Work
Mission Money at Work is a new page where Mission Committee members will update our
church family on the work we are doing and how the money is being distributed.
We are prayerfully and financially supporting two college students as they spend their summers doing missions work.
Justin Randall will be part of a team of MidAmerica Nazarene University students who will be ministering to the Sun Valley Indian School in Arizona, beginning in May.
Justin and his colleagues will have the opportunity to teach in the classrooms,
coach sports camps and direct evening activities for the students. As Justin
notes, ‘This work and witness opportunity will give us the chance to not only
teach and coach our Navajo friends, but also interact with them in a fun environment.’ Upon his return Justin will be sharing about his experiences during a summer worship
Devin Combs, a former member of our praise band, will be doing a 10-week
internship in Asia with Pioneer Bible Translators. Devin will be spending two
weeks training in Dallas and then travel to South Asia to work with orphans
who have AIDS, become familiar with a mission hospital and learn how to
plant churches in different cultures. Devin is using this experience to explore
the possibility of doing long-term missionary work upon his graduation in December from Western Illinois University. ‘I believe God has called me to serve
and proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ long-term to unreached people through the gifts
and passions that He has given me.’ Upon his return Devin will be sharing about his experiences, as well as singing for us, during a summer worship service.
5th Sunday Dirty Hands Project
On Sunday afternoon, May 31, the Dirty Hands Group
will be working at the Homeless Shelter in the afternoon.
Dick Hoisington will be in charge of the project. Work to
be done consists of digging a shallow trench, placing perforated drain pipe in it, filling with rock and bordering along the sidewalk with suitable blocks
to assure that water that drains down the slope is directed away from the house, where it has
been accumulating. We should be able to finish the project in the afternoon.
In addition, there are bushes and shrubs to be trimmed. Bring shovels and loppers. A lunch
will be provided before going to the Shelter.
Also, the Clean Hands Group will be providing a meal to the occupants of the shelter.
Sign-up sheets are in the Fellowship Hall.
Staff Reports
April, 2015
Pastor Deb Kinney
9 worship services
8 Bible study groups
20 Drop-ins/appointments/calls
1 home/hospital/prison visit
22 cards sent
Church Meetings
Staff (4)
Mission (2)
Mariners Planning (2)
Church Activities/Events I Attended
Earth Day Clean-up
Because We Care Lunch & Clean-up
Installation Service Morning Sun
1 Spiritual direction session
Connections work
Separate meetings with staff (15)
Dir. Of Educational Ministries
April, 2015
Young Disciples (4)
Children’s Message Prep (4)
KidZone Prep (4)
Taught Godly Play (1)
Connections articles
Worked on KidZone activities
Worked on Pancake Breakfast
Worked on volunteers for the Donkey Walk
Worked on Curriculum
Worked on VBS material
Church Meetings & Events
Meetings with Pastor (4)
Working in KidZone (4)
Bible Study (2)
Earth Day cleanup
Roadside Cleanup
Youth Ministries Committee Meeting
Phone-calls and e-mails: 30+
Minister of Faith & Worship
Sunday Worship services (4)
Tenebrae service
Maundy Thursday service
Good Friday service
Easter Vigil service
Easter sunrise service
Staff meetings (3)
Mission Committee meeting and meeting with Jill
Allgood Cawiezell
Tammy Hulett
April, 2015
Rev’d Randy Webster
Worship Committee meeting
Explorer Mariners planning meetings (2)
Worship planning and consultation with the Pastor
Prepare church for Easter Sunday
Prepare chapel for Triduum services (Tenebrae,
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil)
Hymn Festival planning
Summer retreat planning
Private practice
Connections submissions
Church Happenings
To the Women of First Presbyterian Church,
PW News
June 3, 2015
At 9:45 a.m.
Co-Hostesses: Nancy Lazenby @ church
Penny Rucker
Study Leader: Eva Ann Elmer
Toilet tissue for the N.E.S.T.
On Thursday, June 18, Yum Yums
will meet at 6:00 p.m. at Peaches in
the Comfort Suites. All are welcome.
Please call Bonnie White at 752-1244
for more information and to make reservations.
From the Homeless Shelter:
Thank you so much for your very generous contribution to support the Homeless Shelter. Your thoughts
and kindness are appreciated. Char
Thank you for your generous support of our May
Birthday Offering. We had the dedication at the home
of Penny Rucker on May 6.
This year we support the nurturing of God’s lambs by
helping to build a community center in Barranquilla,
Colombia to serve food, tutor and train women and
children who have been abused and to provide a safe
residential community in Memphis, Tennessee to address the needs of young women after breaking away
from prostitution and addiction.
We will still accept your birthday offering. You may
bring to the office, place in the offering on Sunday or
send to Penny Rucker, our treasurer, at 2722 Bittersweet.
Thank you for supporting these caring, comforting
Bless You, from your PW Team
Save the Date
Saturday, July 18
A day of spiritual reflection and visioning
With Rev’d Randy Webster
Dear Members of FPC,
We want to thank all of you for the prayers you sent
us during Jason’s cancer treatments. We are happy to
tell you he is now ‘cancer free. We are now entering
the recovery stage of this journey and excited to move
forward. He will continue to have follow-ups for the
next 5 years. Thank you again for the prayers, they are
a powerful healer.
Rachel & Jason Linder and family
(Rachel is Janet Calvin’s granddaughter)
A look at “entertaining angels unaware”
More information to follow
Brotherson, Vickie Carhoff, Dick Fischer, Jim French,
Steve Hemphill, Marilyn Nuss, Julie Schulthies, Bonnie
White, ruling elders. Ted Francis, Clerk.
Beetner, (moderator), Cathy Brink, Adele Coulter,
(secretary) Kevin Eibes, Ruth Francis, Barb Garcia, (vice
moderator) Sandy Russell, Pat Saldeen, Jay & Jolene Schafer & Sandy Smith.
GOD’S STEWARDS TEAM: Connie Bowen (Secretary),
Terri Huddleston, Larry Lazenby, Francis McAllister,
(Treasurer), Kel Stensland (President).
June 2………………..Terrie Abramsohn
…………………………..Denver French
June 4…………………....Allison Nalley
June 8……………………....Kevin Eibes
June 11……………...…Maxwell French
June 12 ……………….Wilma Hemphill
June 13…… ………….....Sandy Russell
June 14 ……………..…….Larry Lazenby
June 17……………………..Cheryl Lotz
June 19 …………………..Bonnie White
June 20 …………….….Gary Hadenfeldt
June 23 ………………….Maddux Blom
……………………....Lauren Huddleston
June 25 ………………...Matthew Briggs
Minutes of the Stated Meeting of Session
March 16, 2015
1st Presbyterian Church, Burlington, Iowa
A Stated Meeting of the Session of First Presbyterian Church, Burlington, Iowa was held in the church parlor on March 16, 2015.
Moderator Rev. Debra Kinney opened the meeting with prayer at 7:00 p.m.
A quorum was present.
Present: Moderator Debra Kinney, Clerk Ted Francis and Elders Charles Bell, Carol Brotherson, Vickie Carhoff, Dick Fischer, Jim
French, Steve Hemphill, Julie Schulthies, Bonnie White
Guests: Kelly Novak, Barry de Klerk, Rev. Randy Webster
The session examined Kelly Novak and Barry de Klerk for membership. Kelly and Barry shared their backgrounds with the elders.
The committee moderators shared what they are excited about in their ministries right now. Following the time of examination a
motion to accept Kelly Novak and Barry de Klerk into church membership was seconded and approved by voice vote.
A motion was made to approve the consent agenda including the minutes from the session meeting on January 19, 2015, the staff
reports from Rev. Debra Kinney, Rev Randy Webster and Tammy Hulett, the session committee reports, the trustee report, and
the financial report. The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on January 25, 2015 as amended including the following two changes: In the final paragraph change “11:05 p.m.” to “11:05 a.m.” and the next sentence change “At potluck” to “A potluck.” The motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
Report of the Clerk
A motion to re-affirm the following motions electronically approved was seconded and approved by voice vote:
A facilities use request by Deacon Sandy Russell to allow Ritzanna Seaton to use a portion of Fellowship Hall during office
hours on Thursday March 5th and March 12th to do pro bono income tax preparation for AARP.
A facilities use request by Marilyn Leight and the Social Committee of P.E.O. Chapter NI to use Fellowship Hall and the kitchen on the following dates: Tuesday, May 26—potluck supper starting at 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday, October 27—a soup supper and
game night starting at 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday, December 8—a potluck starting at 6:30 p.m.
Remove the following inactive members from the membership rolls (placed on inactive roll in 2012): Elizabeth Abrahmson,
Emily Abramsohn Brinkley, Lorie Bray, Gary and Julie Buckles, Tyler Buckles, Rob and Wendy Conlee, Gretchen Fields, Jamie Heuvelman, Heidi Murphy-Stangl, Jon Peterson, Emily Peterson, Udom Phommivong, Esther Reckhemmer, Geneice Repertinger, Jessica Ryan, Meghan Ryan, Anna Salino-Hugg, Laura Snipes-Garcia, Craig Snipes, Cara Cochran VanOrder, Randy
and Debbie Wehrle, Jeff White. (Action due to a change in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Book of Order that eliminates inactive membership status).
Worshipful Work
Fellowship: Approximately 70 people attended the All-Church Birthday Party on March 15th.
Worship: A motion was seconded and approved by voice vote to move forward with a proposal to plan fundraising for ongoing
maintenance on the church’s Aeolian Skinner pipe organ. A motion was seconded and approved by voice vote for the session to contribute $50 to the Organ Fund in memory of Trustee Kel Stensland’s mother, Mary Stensland.
Scholarship: Nine applications have been received so far for church scholarships.
Gifts and Memorials: The landscaping project and repair of the steps on the east side of the church need to be completed.
Mission: Food baskets for Easter will be delivered to families in need on March 28th. Food donations will be solicited from the congregation. The congregation will participate in the community clean-up on Earth Day, April 18th as a Dirty Hands project. A meal
will also be prepared for local firemen. On May 16th the church will package food for Kids Against Hunger. A Dirty Hands project at
the Homeless Shelter including outside clean-up and serving at meal will be held on May 31st.
What’s Happening Now!
Prior to the meeting the elders were asked to read Questions and Answers about Servant Leadership by Kent M. Keith. Rev. Debra
Kinney led a discussion with the elders focusing on the characteristics of a servant leader.
Samer Salama from The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt will share about the history of his church at a meeting open to
the congregation later this spring.
Due to a conflict with a Civic Music performance a motion was made to cancel the session meeting on Monday, April 20, 2015. The
motion was seconded and approved by voice vote.
A motion to adjourn was seconded and approved by voice vote.
The meeting closed with prayer by Jim French.
Respectfully submitted,
Ted Francis, Clerk of Session
Rev. Debra Kinney, Moderator
Minutes of the Special-Called Congregational Meeting
May 3, 2015
1st Presbyterian Church, Burlington, Iowa
A Special-Called Congregational Meeting of First Presbyterian Church, Burlington, Iowa was held in the Sanctuary on Sunday, May
3, 2015. Moderator Rev. Debra Kinney opened the meeting at 10:51 a.m. with prayer.
The Clerk reported that a quorum was present.
Reading of the Call
Clerk of Session Ted Francis read the call for the Special-Called Congregational Meeting:
A Special-Called Congregational Meeting will be held after the worship service on Sunday, May 3rd in the Sanctuary. The
purpose of the meeting will be to receive nominations from the Nominating Committee and elect members for the Endowment Committee (1), Board of Deacons (5), Session (3), and the Board of Trustees (1). There will be no other business conducted at this meeting.
Election of Officers
Marilyn Nuss, Moderator of the Nominating Committee, explained the process followed by the committee.
The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of nominees:
Elders - 3 year term: Camille Reynen, Ed Whitmore, JoAnn Williams
Deacons - 3 year term: Bill Carter, Sue Carter, Craig Gilchrist, Carey King; 2-year term to complete unfinished term of
Kevin Eibes: Pat Whitmore
Trustees - 3 year term: Chuck Rucker
Endowment Committee - 3 year term: Don Krekel
Rev. Debra Kinney asked if there were additional nominees from the floor. No nominees were offered from the floor. A motion to close nominations was seconded and approved by voice vote of the congregation.
The nominees were elected by voice vote of the congregation.
A motion to adjourn was seconded and approved by voice vote of the congregation.
Rev. Debra Kinney closed the meeting with prayer at 10:54 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ted Francis, Clerk of Session
Rev. Debra Kinney, Moderator
Save the Date!
Explorer Mariners invite you to attend
Sail-a-way Party
S a t u r d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 2
as The Love (your Neighbor) Boat departs on a year-long voyage of discovery.
Sailors of all ages are invited to attend the cruise.
First Presbyterian Church
321 N 5th Street
Burlington, IA 52601