Neighborhood Council Newsletter October, 2015 "Those who say it can't be done, should not interfere with those who are doing." COMMUNITY SPACE OPENS In addition the afternoon was finished off with music provided by Sal Guitarez. Watch for future Community Events being held in this new facility. SHERMAN WAY CONCEPT PLAN By Anna Avila Combined Color Guards from Reseda and Cleveland High Schools at Reseda NC Community Space A Grand time was had by all at the Grand Opening of the Reseda Neighborhood Council Community Space. The new community Space in the heart of Reseda is now open and ready for use by the Ribbon Cutting at Reseda NC Community Space Grand Opening The Reseda heat did not keep crowds away from the Sherman Way Concept Plan Public Workshop held this past Saturday on September 19th. Along with participating in the Grand Opening Event of the Reseda Neighborhood Council Community Space, community members were invited to give their opinions and describe their vision for the stretch of Sherman Way between Lindley and Wilbur. Los Angeles City Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, through his Reseda Rising Initiative, partnered with Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative to hold the first of three public workshops to elicit feedback from those stakeholders who will utilize the boulevard and its businesses. The design team, Studio 111, created voting boards that allowed community members to express their preferences on a wide variety of topics. This information will be analyzed and refined before the next Public Workshop. For additional information regarding this project please email Anna Apostolos at LANI, or visit President Fran Piazza with Bridget Smith, Dave Garner and Becky Armenta at Congress of Neighborhoods CONGRESS OF NEIGHBORHOODS By Fran Piazza A GREAT day for "Building for the Future of Los Angeles, The Neighborhood Council Community, and our Community in Reseda. Several representatives from the Reseda Neighborhood Council attended the 2015 LA Congress of Neighborhoods to get valuable information on the different ways they can serve you, the stakeholders of Reseda. A lot of GREAT information was given at the many workshops during the daylong conference. Several Councilmen spoke throughout the day, and Mayor Garcetti delivered a strong message that we are building the future of Los Angeles. Your Reseda Neighborhood Council representatives at Some of the Boards that were used to sample the this event were CR. Cochrane, David Garner, Bridget Smith, Lana Estrada and Fran Piopinions of the Community for the future of the Sherman Way Corridor at Reseda NC Community azza. Space Grand Opening stakeholders of Reseda. The turnout was great with community members enjoying the festive atmosphere while watching the joint Army & Navy Jr ROTC Color Guard from Cleveland and Reseda High schools and while enjoying some great food. The community was able to weigh in with their ideas on what they would like to see happen with the Great Streets initiative. The joint effort by Councilman Blumenfield, Reseda Rising, Studio 111, LANI (Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative) and the Reseda Neighborhood Council made this portion of the event a huge success. Inside Business Announcements 2 Calendar 4 Emergency, Disaster & Community Safety 3 Senior Corner 3 Page 2 COMMUNITY NEWS A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK By Ralph MatkinPost 308 Historian Fifteen years after its founding, Reseda welcomed a new member into its family in 1927, American Legion Post 308.Post 308 began when 35 military veterans of World War I met on September 30th for the purpose of forming an American Legion Post. Fifteen days later they were granted a temporary charter by the National Headquarters, and received permanent status the following March. Building construction began on Memorial Day 1928, and was completed November 30th. Things like that were achieved quickly in those days! During its 88-year relationship with the Reseda family, Post 308 proudly echoes the mission of the American Legion: assisting war veterans, those on active military duty, and providing care and support to their families in need. The Post has always been strongly committed to providing a community gathering place for the diverse residents ofReseda and surrounding townships, as well.Post 308's facility provides ample amenities and parking for large meetings, educational programs, cultural events, and youth services. It was even featured in the final episodes of the nationally broadcast "Mad Men" series and Super Bowl commercials.Since 1962, American Legion Post 308 has been located at 7338 Canby Ave., directly behind Pep Boys Automotive Center and the Reseda Post Office. Events will be happening Your kids will be out Trick or treating in costumes, and we urge you to encourage them to follow the safety first rules. To keep the trick or treating down to a minimum, there will be Halloween Parties, festivals and other events such as: October 24, Valley Vineyard will hold its annual Harvest Festival at 6642 Reseda Blvd. October 29, Dr. Zdenek’s Halloween Meet & Greet. October 31, Reseda Park will hold its Halloween Festival at the Park, Reseda & Victory, between 12:00 Noon and 4:00 PM FRIDAY SENIOR MOVIES On Fridays ONEgeneration Senior Center shows FREE movies for seniors at the center located at 18255 Victory Blvd. at 1:30 PM. This follows the senior lunch. $2.00 suggested donation at each event. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO? The Reseda Neighborhood Council publishes a weekly email each week that is chock full of places to go and things to do. In addition to the beginning which contains events and meeting that are happening in and around Reseda, the last part has a day by day list of events meetings and social happenings that can keep you busy any day of the week. Want to receive this missive? Send your email to COYOTE WATCH It was reported on that a coyote was seen on the morning of September 24 at Keswick and Garden Grove. This is a common happening now with the drought and more and more of the wildlife reach out to find food and water. Be mindful of your small pets and do not HALLOWEEN FUN leave food for them out where the coyotes and October is here and Halloween is just around the other animals can forage for it. corner. A new store has opened in the Albertson’s Shopping Center that deals in Halloween Goodies (19315C Saticoyy St.) 10/2 “Labor Day” 2013 (PG-13) (111 min)Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Allison Janney 10/9 “Get On Up” 2014 (PG-13) (139 min) Chadwick Boseman, Nelsan Ellis, Viola Davis 10/16 “The Book of Life” (2014) (PG) (95 min) Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana, Channing TatumZoe Saldana, Danny Trejo and Cheech Marin 10/23 “Pride” (2014) (R) (120 min)Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West 10/30 “The Maze Runner” (2014) (PG-13) (113 min)Patricia Clarkson, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter BUSINESS SINESS SECTION WELCOME NEW BUSINESSES Each month, we welcome new businesses to our Reseda business community. They help to provide more jobs and increase our local economic activity. Farmer’s Insurance, 7537 Reseda Blvd. GNC, 19377 Victory Blvd. Jeb’s United Collision Center, 7236B Reseda Blvd. or is returned to our community according to studies of “the multiplier effect”. To see where to go to get these discounts, go to and click on the Reseda Business Directory or Shop Reseda Special Edition. The Reseda Business Directory is an updated directory that not only includes name, address and phone number listed by goods and services provided, to allow you to check them out. If you don’t Have a SHOPRESEDA Card, join us at any Reseda NC General Meeting or Outreach table. Want it now? The directory lists business Reseda. Since its inception on SHOP SMALL SAT- that dispense them. URDAY in 2011 many businesses in our Reseda SHOPRESEDA DISCOUNT CARDS Community have promised to give away part of their profits to encourage Reseda Stakeholders to This FREE card entitles you to a discount, special shop in Reseda. price or freebie from nearly 200 businesses in If you spend $1 in Reseda about $.45 remains in NEW OWNERS Fab Hot Dogs, 18417 Victory Blvd. Page 3 COMMUNITY NEWS vRESEDA NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL AT WORK RESEDA BOARD VACANCY FILLED LOOKING FOR SOMETHING IN RESEDA?? On Monday, the Reseda Neighborhood Council elected Peter Jeensalute to the vacant Board Position. Peter is a teacher at Crespi High Scool in Encino, and grew up attending St. Catherine of Sienna School in Reseda. He also was a Boy Scout who attained the rank of Eagle Scout.. Welcome to the Board, Peter. RESEDA NC PRESIDENT RESIGNS On September 21, 2015, RNC President Kevin Taylor resigned his position. For the great work that he has done as President of the Reseda Neighborhood Council and hi day job as director of the Tarzana Community & Cultural Center, the One of the Utility boxes being decorated by Mayor’s Office has tabbed him to take the posi- Resrda Renaissance and Chloe Cumbow. tion of West Valley Representative. AS Vice President, Fran Piazza will become the new President and a new Vice President will be chosen by the Board Members. Kevin’s resignation leaves a new vacancy on the Board, which will be filled once sufficient notice has been given to the community. The vacant position is for an at large seat, meaning that a resident, Business or property owner or employee, or a person who has a substantial participation or role in Reseda may apply. UTILITY BOX DECORATION You may have noticed the sprucing up of the utility boxes along Sherman Way, as the artists move from box to box decorating them with various motifs. As you pass down the boulevard, pay attention to the artistic talents of our local artist that include Chloe Cumbow and Spike Dolemite Ward. We have also noticed that a few of our local vandals have placed graffiti on the recently decorated boxes. As usual they care not for the time and We receive calls and emails asking who should be contacted for problems in the community. The first entries in the Reseda Business Directory list some of the contact information for the right organization to help with your problem. Of course, for an emergency, medical, fire or criminal the number is 911. If it’s not an emergency, call 311. This number can also get you to any City Department to handle a problem that may arise. However, if you wish to find a local place to have a bite to eat, order in, get fuel for your vehicle, buy clothing, pharmaceuticals find a doctor, dentist or optometrist, or most any goods or services, the Reseda Business Directory has a couple of thousand listings for our community. Check it out at www, You can help, by letting us know if you see a new business opening, one that exists and isn’t listed, even has incorrect information or has closed. Phone 818-419-2513, email COMING EVENT Save the date, November 7, the Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held for the Los Angeles RiverUtility box decorated by Chloe Cumbow Aliso Creek Park. At the junctury of the two waterways, the park that has been in the planning stages for qquite a long time will be held. Access expense that they cause for others as they seek to will be from Wilbur Ave. at Kittridge. claim their territory. If you know some of these vandals, remember that there is a $1000 reward offered by the Los Angeles City for information leading to the arrest and conviction of these vandals. EMERGENCY, DISASTER & COMMUNITY SAFETY RESEDA BUSINESS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH profitable business. If you are a business owner/manager and/or a rental property owner/manager, you might be interested in joining the Reseda Business Community in a new Reseda Business Watch. Contact Larry Bowman at 818-344-4300 or A meeting of interested businesses will soon be set up, so contact Larry ASAP. Neighborhood Watch groups have been successful in reducing crime in their area for many years now. The core of the idea is to work together and keep your eyes and ears open for indications that a crime is being committed or may be. The business community has similar but different needs than residential neighborhood watch group COMMUNITY POLICE ADVISORY face. They face shop lifting, robbery, burglary, gangs, vandalism and the homeless element. BOARD (CPAB) Working together to report these and other problems to the proper authority can lead to a more The West Valley Community Police Advisory Board meets on the second Wednesday of the month at the West Valley Police Station Community Room, 19020 Vanowen St. You are invited to join them on October 14, 6:30 PM social time 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM meeting RESEDA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETS MONTHLY Neighborhood Watch is a network of community members to watch for possible criminal actions and report them to the Police Department and notify neighbors of a possible problem. Meetings are the 2nd Thursday (October 8) of the month at CONTACTS, MEETING LOCATIONS, EVENT CALENDAR Page 4 Reseda NC email Reseda NC Mail Address RECOGNIZING RESEDA BUSINESSES RNC@RESEDACOUNCIL.ORG 7449 Reseda Blvd. #118 Reseda, CA. 91335 818-832-7540 Register your business with our Outreach Committee Reseda NC Phone and have your yearly anniversary included here. Reseda NC Community Space * 18118 Sherman Way Contact to be included. American Legion ** 7338 Canby Ave. Businesses celebrating in June are: 19020 Vanowen St. 1927 American Legion Post #308 West Valley Police Station *** Economic Development Committee * Emergency Disaster Safety Committee ** Finance Committee * Health & Wellness Committee * Mobility & Environment Committee * Newsletter Committee * 1982 1991 1994 1994 1996 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Outreach/Public Relations Committee * 2007 Planning & Land Use Mgmt Committee * 2008 Youth & Senior Advocacy Committee * 2009 2009 7338 Canby Ave. Las Fuentes Restaurant 18415 Vanowen St. Walgreen's 18430 Sherman Way El Rancherito 17734D Saticoy St. Melody's Restaurant 6747 Reseda Blvd. Carnitas Michoacanas 18507 Victory Blvd. Admiral Carpet Cleaning 7030 Darby Ave. 6 Day Weight Loss 17755 Sherman Way DC Donuts 18501 #1 Victory Blvd. California Nurseries 18924 Roscoe Blvd. G & G Motorsports 7021 Darby Ave. Gloria's Beauty Salon & Barbering 6800E Reseda Blvd. Mid Valley Flowers 7601 White Oak Ave. European Vision Auto Works 7444L Reseda Blvd. Rosy's Hair & Faces Salom & Barber 18515 #108 Victory Blvd. Alla Rapoport D.D.S. 7601 #4 Canby Ave. Shiny Foot Massage 6900A Reseda Blvd. OCTOBER Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1. 2. 6:30 PM 2. 1:30 PM 3. PLUM Committee 4. 5..*7:00 PM Re- 6. 7. seda NC General Meeting 11. 12.*6:30 PM 13. **5:00 PM Mobility & Environ- Emergency and Disasment ter 14. ***7:00 PM CPAB Free Senior 8.*** 7:00 PM 9. 1:30 PM Reseda Neighbor- Free Senior Movie 15. *7:00 PM 16. 1:30 PM Economic Development Committee Free Senior Movie 22. 23. 1:30 PM 10. 17. 7:00 PM *Finance 18. 25. 19.*7:00 PM 20. *6:30 PM Reseda NC General Meeting Health & Wellness 26. 27. 21. *6:00 PM PLUM Com- Do you have an events coming up in Reseda? Contact Garth Carlson at 818-419-2513 or GCARLSON@RESEDACOUNCIL.ORG about inclusion in our newsletter. 24. Free Senior Movie 28. 29. 30.1:30 PM 31. Free Senior Movie Halloween
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