community news - Reseda Council


community news - Reseda Council
Neighborhood Council Newsletter COMMUNITY NEWS July, 2012 Reseda was once the heart of a diverse and vibrant music scene, with The Reseda Neighborhood Council will be acts such as U2, Tom Petty, James holding elections during the Reseda Centennial Brown, No Doubt, Zoogz Rift, Los Celebration on September 29. This gives you Lobos, Lucinda Williams, and Jane’s at least 2 good reasons to come to the Addiction performing at such Celebration at Reseda Park. locations as The Country Club and In every election, great candidates are a BeBop Records. The Reseda necessity. This is a call for anyone that would Centennial Music and Art Festival like to work towards making Reseda a better seeks to recreate the heyday of the ALOHA RELAY FOR LIFE OF
place to live and work. Step forward and Reseda music and art scene as well as celebrate the diversity of its community with a volunteer to serve on the RNC Board of RESEDA 2012 COMMITTEE
wide variety of cultural performances and deemed successful by all accounts. Thank you Directors. artistry. to the sponsors of the event: Revitalize Reseda, The Board consists of 4 representatives for residential, 4 for business and 7 at large to Follow the Reseda Centennial on its website, Councilman Dennis P. Zine, Reseda include anyone that spends time in Reseda but, and on Facebook, Neighborhood Council, American Legion #308, Larry Bowman, Kokozian Law Firm, Kolbe doesn’t live or work here. Honda, Majestic Asset Management, This is a volunteer position and YOUR help is RESEDA ALOHA RELAY FOR LIFE McDonald’s Reseda, Northridge Care Center, needed to continue the fine work that the RNC The Reseda community was alive with pride, Traders Loan and Jewelry, and Valley Board has been doing in various areas. These hope, remembrance and celebration at Presbyterian Hospital. Many participants include, but are not limited to Improving the Cleveland High School the weekend of June 9‐ brought tents and camped out under the stars. infrastructure, hearing and recommending to Measurable results were tripled from last the City on Planning and Zoning issues, Youth year’s event and there’s already excitement for and Senior affairs, economic development and Relay for Life 2013! Thanks you to all of you much more. Being a member of your who joined in on this fantastic event! Neighborhood Council, a function of the L.A. Our top 5 teams were: City Charter for over 10 years, better equips Revitalize Reseda Team Captain: Nancy you to navigate the bureaucracy of city Sweeney $10,365 government and to help your friends, family TLC Thunder Team Captains‐ Glesteree and neighbors to do the same. Blades/Rhonda Bunnin $3,763 We are looking for candidates to apply Team 1 Nation Team Captain – Angel between July 31 and August 30. All interested Gonzalez $2,830 c a n d i d a t e s p l e a s e e m a i l Team Banzai Team Captain – Kevin Also, look for more Taylor $2,274 COUNCILMAN ZINE PRESENTS AWARDS
information at Reseda NC Team Captain‐ Nani Shaked $1,798 If you are interested, you’re encouraged visit either of the two General Meetings in July, on 10 for Relay For Life to raise money and It's not too late to make a donation! Please do the 2nd and 16th, to talk to current Board awareness for a cure and prevention education so now at Members and learn what the job entails. for the Amercian Cancer Society. With over 400 participants, 35 teams and great weather, Inside the event exceeded $30,000 in donations. RESEDA’S 100th ANNIVERSARY Councilman Dennis P. Zine and Reseda Senior Emergency, Disaster Lead Officers Barber and Parra helped open & Community Safety CELEBRATION 3 the ceremony on Saturday, and the event Reseda, one of the original valley suburbs, will continued for the next 24 hours. There was a Youth Corner 2 be celebrating its 100th year throughout 2012, moving Luminaria Ceremony in the evening 3 planning and participating in events and honoring loved ones who have been diagnosed Community Announcements revelries culminating in a gala outdoor music with cancer. Several hundred luminaria bags Senior Corner 3 and art festival in September. Reseda, the hub were placed around the track to help guide 4 of the valley, was an original Red Car stop on those walking throughout the night. Themed Business Announcements the Pacific Electric line, and is host to the Los laps, entertainment, food, and team sales at Recognizing Reseda Businesses 6 Angeles River, ground‐zero of the Northridge the event helped create a vibrant event Calendar 6 Earthquake, and the home of the Karate Kid. CALL FOR CANDIDATES 2
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COMMUNITY MILITARY TRIBUTE The Military tribute leather carving created by leathercraft student Anne Newkold from Newkold’s Leather Emporium is a carving to honor all Veterans and active duty Military. A small way of showing appreciation and saying Thank You for all they have sacrificed. Many members of Anne’s family have been in 4 of the 5 branches of our Armed Forces and when creating this piece she said, ”All those who put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms should be honored everyday not just holidays. “ This creation is the first of two that will be on display at Standing Bear’s Trading Post. The 2nd is a 3‐D embossed carving entitled “All Gave Some, Some Gave All” . If you or someone in your family is a Veteran Land of the Free is on Display at Standing Bear’s Trading Post
or Active Duty Military, It would be an honor for Anne and Standing Bear’s if you would Standing Bear’s Trading Post offers a 10% dis‐ For more information about Standing Bear’s allow us to take your picture with this tribute. count on all purchases from veterans and ac‐ Trading Post, Please Visit : Land of the Free is currently on display at tive duty Military on purchases of their leather‐ Standing Bears Trading Post in Reseda, CA. craft supplies, Just mention your service. from 10 :00 AM For more information about Anne Newkold To 6:00 PM, Monday ‐ Saturday and when and Newkold’s Leather Emporium Please Visit: finished the “Some Gave All” will be displayed
as well. NewkoldsLeatherEmporium YOUTH CORNER RESEDA SCHOOL WINS TECHNOLOGY AWARD Los Angeles Unified School District Board Member Tamar Galatzan announced the nine winners of her Technology Pilot Contest, each of whom will receive up to $35,000 of technol‐
ogy equipment. “As we go out and talk to teachers, principals and students, what we hear over and over again is a need for technology,” said Tamar. “That’s why we decided, as other projects came in under budget, to dedicate those funds to getting technology out to creative teachers with innovative projects that can be piloted right here in the Valley." Applications were judged on the core idea, whether the technology was integrated into the curriculum, whether there is a technology team on the ground at the school that can support the endeavor, and whether those who implemented the pilot would be willing to re‐
cord their experiences, host other teachers, and share best practices. clear, creative vision on how to weave technol‐
ogy into the academic curriculum. Teacher Richard Feldman from Miller Career and Transition Center in Reseda, where dis‐
abled students will receive desktop computers and iPads to learn skills that will prepare them for the workplace. Miller Career and Transition Center: Special education students ages 15‐22 with moderate to severe disabilities will use desktop com‐
puters and iPads to prepare for transition to employment. Computers will be used to teach a new class called Foundations of Computer The contest was open to any LAUSD or affili‐ Literacy and Graphic Arts, which will teach ated charter school in Board District 3, which them basic computer skills and graphic design has about 135 schools and includes most of the to prepare them for the workplace. San Fernando Valley. Winners will be honored at a gathering with Tamar, and their projects will be tracked and monitored so they may serve as innovation hubs, and their successes can be shared with other schools. Outside judges with an expertise in technology, Forty five schools submitted 75 applications. education and innovation selected the win‐
ners, which included three elementary schools, The goal of the competition was to spread three middle schools and three high schools. scarce funds to teachers and schools with a 3
Page 3 SENIOR CORNER the Senior Lunch. (Donation of $2.00 asked for) 7/20 Big Miracle Drew Barrymore, John On Fridays the ONEGeneration shows FREE 7/6 Man on a Ledge Sam Worthington, Krasinski (2012) (107 min) 7/27 Memoirs of a Geisha Ziyi Zhang, Ken movies for Seniors at the Center located at Elizabeth Banks (2012) (102 min) 7/13 The Illusionist Edward Norton, Paul Watanabe (2005) (140 min) 18255 Victory Blvd. at 1:30 PM. This follows Giamatti (2006) (110 min) SENIOR FRIDAY MOVIES COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS RESEDA POOL OPENING For the past year, the Reseda Recreation Cen‐
ter has been renovating our public pool. The renovation involves the replacement of the existing pool and the pump house, the irriga‐
tion system. The renovation has added a deco‐
rative pool deck, perimeter fencing landscape, functional art and an irrigation system. pages to spend some leisure time during the summer. The city wanted to make the pool bigger and better in order to attract more peo‐
ple. They aim to create a place of honor and celebration worthy of the neighborhood. The pool will have numerous aquatic programs such as, swimming lessons, competitive swim‐
ming and lifeguard training. After years of plan‐
ning and renovating the new gorgeous pool will finally open this summer. Five to seven years ago the city of LA proposed a proposition with both city funds and private funds. The decision was made to renovate the pool in hopes of making it more welcoming FORMER RESEDA RESIDENT MAR‐
and useful to the public. The pool is now 9,000 RIES STATE SENATOR sq. ft. and the pump house is 500 sq. ft. On April 27th Angela Monzon (formerly of The city has made the pool more eye‐catching Reseda) and State Senator Alex Padilla were by adding numerous functional art pieces, also married at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the known as shade structures. The shade struc‐ Angels. Senator Padilla represents California tures are long towering metal polls with artful District 20. design like tropical trees imbedded in. The sun reflects the shape imbedded in the metal de‐ sign and projects the design over the people to SAVE EVERYDAY: SHOPRESEDA cause shade. These gorgeous art pieces attract What’s better than supporting local businesses the eyes of many on‐going people, inviting on the 25th of every month – shopping locally them to enter the pool area. The renovated every day! The success of Spend $25 every 25th pool sends off a fun welcoming vibe to many has recently lead to a new ShopRESEDA Dis‐
people. It’s now a fun place for people of all EMERGENCY DISASTER & SAFETY RESEDA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH The Reseda Neighborhood Watch meets on the second Thursday of each month. The July Meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on July 12 in the Community Room at the West Valley Police Station, 19020 Vanowen St. This month’s meeting will be a “Summer Potluck”. Hot dogs will be BBQ’d and you are requested to bring your favorite side dish. Note that in August there will be no Reseda Neighborhood Watch meeting due to National Night Out. count Card program. Pick up your free card today and start saving at participating Reseda businesses every day of the month! ShopRE‐
SEDA was launched back in November of 2011 during the nationwide Shop Small Saturday. ShopRESEDA is part of the Reseda Neighbor‐
hood Council & ShopLA initiative. Like us on facebook for latest program updates at HOW TO HELP MAKE SHOPRESEDA BETTER Spread the word! Tell your neighbors, friends, & family about supporting local Reseda busi‐
nesses! Take your colleagues out to lunch in Reseda! Have a school fundraiser at a Reseda business! Make it a point to gas up or grocery shop in RESEDA! Explore a new restaurant or store in RESEDA! Reseda has thousands of businesses looking forward to serving you! RNC BOARD MEMBERS: Cary Iaccino Chair DJ Frank Vice‐Chair Hank Truxillo Secretary Lee Smith Treasurer Phil Merlin first Tuesday of August. This year that will be Juan Guzman August 7. Vahan Chaparyan This year the National Night Out Celebration in the West Valley returns to the original format Brandon Balderas that encourages all to join with their neighbors Armineh Chelebian and have block parties, turn on porch lights in Michael Cohen support. Get to know your neighbors and have a pot luck or BBQ with your neighbors attend‐ Noelle Guzman ing. Talk about Neighborhood Watch and how Kimberly Maxwell it can decrease the crime rate in your Timothy Mulholland neighborhood. CPAB Adna (Nani) Shaked Parliamentarian Sergeant Arms Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Kevin Taylor Board Member The Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) meets on the second Wednesday of the To contact Board Members, visit the RNC web‐
National Night Out is traditionally held on the month. The July Meeting will be held at 7:00 site at: or email us at: NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 4
Page 4 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME NEW BUSINESS SHOP LOCAL: SPEND $25 ON Each month, we welcome new businesses to our Reseda business community. They help to provide more jobs and increase our local eco‐
nomic activity. Be sure to say hello and welcome the following businesses to our community: Dragon Massage Spa, 19315 Saticoy St. #K JAM (Joining All Movement), 18242 Sherman Way. 818‐343‐1615 Sam’s Auto Club, 7100 Reseda Blvd., 818‐975‐
6215 The Good Store, 7620 Tampa Ave., 818‐758‐
1893 Mike’s Transmission , 17720 Saticoy St. 818‐345‐7000 Valley Economic Development Center (VEDC), 18645 Sherman Way, #114, 818‐705‐9977 THE 25TH IN RESEDA JULY BUSINESS MIXER The Reseda Neighborhood Council Economic Development Committee brings you an oppor‐
tunity on July 17th to meet fellow businesses, enjoy refreshments and door prizes at the Re‐
seda Business Mixer. The event will be held that Tuesday evening from 6:30 pm‐8:00 pm at Aura’s Xquisit Food, Xotic Juices & Coffee, 18401 Sherman Way. For more information or to advertise your business through a door prize, contact or 818‐426‐1213 MANDATORY COMMERCIAL RECYCLING On July 1, 2012, it became mandatory for busi‐
nesses and multi family dwellings to recycle. Any Multi‐Family dwelling of 5 units or more, or business that disposes of 4 cubic yards or more of solid waste per week. You can comply by: How do you plan to spend your $25 this 25th? Every month, on the 25th, a large number of RESEDA businesses offer special incentives that day to encourage local shopping. Economic studies have shown that up to 45 cents of every $1 spent at a local business comes back into that local community. Shifting just even a small amount of your income spent at a RE‐
SEDA business has a multiplier effect in the community ‐ it helps keep business doors open, increases local employment, & improves our community. It may surprise you that the variety of restau‐
rants, clothing stores, beauty salons/ barber shops, furniture stores, boutiques, business services, & more that can be found right here in Reseda‐ check out our business directory & participating businesses on or Or Watch for Spe‐
cial Editions of this newsletter that list the more than 150 locations and their discounts. Like us on Facebook at WHERE CAN I LEARN MORE ABOUT SUPPORTING RESEDA BUSINESSES? For the full list of participating businesses in the Spend $25 every 25th and the ShopRESEDA D i s c o u n t C a r d , p r o g r a m s v i s i t or Visit often, as busi‐
nesses are joining these programs every month! Watch for Special Editions of this newsletter that are available at local busi‐
nesses at at RNC Meetings and Outreach Booths that are at most local events. i n g b u s i n e s s e s p l e a s e g o t o w w w . s h o p r e s e d a c i t y . o r g VEDC OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES TO BUSINESS Last month the Valley Economic Development Center opened in Reseda. VEDC offers many services to businesses in the West valley for the purpose of allowing small businesses to succeed by supplying them with resources and assistance. In addition to classes in various aspects of business, they offer assistance in securing small business loans, grants . Have an idea that you think would make a successful business? On July 10, an Entrepre‐
neurial Training Program will be held for the purpose of helping those that wish to start a new business get started. It will be held on Tuesdays from 5:30 Pm to 8:00 PM from July 10 to August 28, 2012. Class location will be at 18645 Sherman Way # 114. Note that parking is in the rear. On July 17, from 5:30 to 6:30 a workshop on business loans will be held at VEDC, and then to make an evening you should head to Aura’s for the RNC’s Business Mixer. Other subjects that you can learn about at the VEDC are: business loans, finance & account‐
ing, how to write a business plan, sales & mar‐
keting, e‐commerce and specialized training. Speak to Keith or Angelica at 818‐705‐9977 VOTE LOCAL! Last month, Mission Small Business conducted a poll for local businesses to receive a grant of $250,000 if local residents would vote for them. “Vote for your favorite small businesses in your community. Each business needs at least 250 votes to be considered for a $250,000 grant. Eligible small business applicants will then be judged by a panel of business experts”. 1. Separating your recyclables from the trash IS YOUR BUSINESS TAKING AD‐
and taking them to a recycling center or sub‐ VANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY? scribing to a service for the collection of recy‐
This is a FREE advertising program to your busi‐ Although final results won’t be available until clables by a permitted hauler. ness. By offering special pricing or discounts, June 30, after this publication has been put to 2. Subscribing to a permitted hauler that col‐ you can be included in this FREE program. bed, at the this time 2 local businesses had lects all your waste in one bin and separates received more than 250 votes from their sup‐
If you would like to continue to grow this pro‐
the recyclables at a different site. gram please contact Noelle Guzman at porters, Standing Bears Trading Post, 7624 For more information contact the Bureau of or Garth Carlson Tampa Ave. and European Vision Auto Works., Sanitation at 1‐800‐773‐2489 or www. lacity‐ at or phone 818‐ 7444 Reseda Blvd, #L. 419‐2513. To see an updated list of participat‐ 5
Page 5 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS for non‐traditional health care services such as: said James B. McDaniel, Senior Assistant Gen‐
Herbalists, Masseuses, and Spiritual Healers eral Manager of the LADWP Water System. "Our customers have done a great job of inte‐
and utility bills. Ready to change your life? The Annenberg grating water conservation into their daily lives School of Nursing (ASN) can help! ASN is cur‐ and now we just need to continue that trend. rently accepting applications for the class be‐
To qualify you must have an ongoing medical For those customers who haven't cut back, ginning August 2012. The 12‐month full‐time condition (ex. diabetes, high cholesterol) and/ now is the time to adjust your sprinklers, check vocational nursing program will host Open or be experiencing substance abuse issues for leaks and really take steps to reduce your House events now through July. accompanied by a mental health issue (ex. use. For those who have reduced their use, A program of the world‐renowned Los Angeles severe anxiety, chronic depression). For more keep it up, and look for even more ways to Jewish Home, ASN is designed to prepare stu‐ information, contact Jose Mendoza 818‐342‐ save." dents for the NCLEX‐PN® licensure exam. Cur‐ 5897 ext. 2167 or Gloria Sistos ext. 2125. YOUR RESEDA NEIGHBORHOOD riculum includes classroom and skills lab in‐ Funded by Los Angeles County Department of struction as well as clinical training at local Mental Health with Mental Health Services Act COUNCIL funds.
hospitals and other sites. The Reseda Neighborhood Council is a volun‐
teer entity that is elected by the stakeholders The event will include an overview of the pro‐
of Reseda to represent the community view gram by director Marie Fagan and financial PLASMA DONORS information with Barbara Noblet, financial aid In 2012 Advanced BioServices Plasma Center point to the City of Los Angeles. As such it is an director. Tours of the ASN facility, including located in Reseda has become known as KED‐ advisory group that ways the pro’s and cons of skills lab, computer center, and library, will be PLASMA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kedrion various issues that affect the community and given. The event is open to potential students Biorpharma, an Italian biopharmaceutical com‐ pass the opinion of the community on to the as well as high school counselors and health‐ pany. Plasma centers are licensed and audited appropriate government agency or depart‐
ment. care professionals. by the FDA , State Health Departments, and foreign agencies. They also are audited as YOU can participate by attending the twice Refreshments will be served. members of PPTA (the Plasma Protein Thera‐ monthly RNC meetings and voices your opinion The Annenberg School of Nursing is located on peutics Association). on there issues. Watch for the posting of agen‐
the Grancell Village campus of the Los Angeles das at strategic locations throughout the com‐
Jewish Home, 7150 Tampa Avenue, Reseda. This summer is PPTA’s 20th Anniversary with munity and attend meeting where you wish to Space is limited and reservations are required. hundreds of centers certified to collect “Source voice your opinion. To RSVP or for more information, please con‐ Plasma” in the USA for Human Albumin, Immu‐
In addition, read the RNC Newsletter that pub‐
tact Cindy Thomas at 818‐757‐4431 or noglobulins and Coagulation Factors. Plasma is lishes over 8000 newsletters each month and collected by automated plasmapheresis de‐ vices that are safe, quick and easy to use with are available in over 200 locations or subscribe to the weekly E‐Newsletter to be aware of disposable needles and supplies. meetings and events in and around Reseda , TREATMENT CENTER’S NEW New Donors qualify with a positive ID, and The e‐newsletter is published weekly. Send good health including initial physical exam, y o u r e m a i l a d d r e s s t o g c a r l ‐
ISM PROGRAM medical history, normal vital signs and blood to subscribe. By: Jose Mendoza tests. Paid plasma donors must donate a sec‐
The Integrated Service Management program is designed to provide mental health, physical ond acceptable product prior to release of health, and substance abuse services to the their first unit and once every six months to Latino/Hispanic community at no cost. All remain Qualified. (see KEDPLASMA services are culturally competent and fully and accessible in both English and Spanish. Source Plasma donors may volunteer blood as soon as a week after any plasma donation or The goal of this program is to reduce stigma in twice a week for plasma only and once every the Latino/Hispanic community associated with accessing mental health services and to in‐ six months to remain Qualified. If inactive six crease access to vital mental and medical care months or longer they become an Applicant for the uninsured or underinsured members of donor and must give acceptably two times again to Qualify. our community. ANNENBERG SCHOOL OF NURSING HOLDS OPEN HOUSE The program offers free classes and workshops on health related topics such as: anxiety, de‐ WATER CONSERVATION pression, and domestic violence. Once en‐ This year's near record‐low snow season in the rolled, access to a licensed therapist would be Eastern Sierra underscores the unpredictable provided. Payment assistance is also available nature of snow and rainfall from year to year," CRAWFISH BROIL AT RELAY
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CONTACTS, MEETING LOCATIONS, EVENT CALENDAR Reseda NC email Reseda NC Mail Address RNC@RESEDACOUNCIL.ORG 7324 Reseda Blvd. #118 Reseda, CA. 91335 Reseda NC Phone 818‐832‐7540 * Office & Meeting Location 18341 Sherman Way #102 ** American Legion Hall Meeting Location 7338 Canby Ave Centennial Committee Economic Development Committee Emergency Disaster and Community Safety Committee RECOGNIZING RESEDA BUSINESSES The following businesses are celebrating anniversaries in our community during July: Register your business with our Outreach Committee and have your yearly anniversary included here. Con‐
tact and be add you to the Reseda NC listing. 1974 Miller Carpet Care 7616 Lindley Ave. 1992 Pizza Man 18109 Saticoy St. 1993 In‐Trend 7113 Lindley Ave. Graffiti Committee 2000 Touch of Beauty 7603 White Oak Ave. Liaison Committee 2002 Jessica Cleaners 7609 White Oak Ave. 2003 Saul's Brake & Front End Supply Finance Committee Outreach/Public Relations Committee Planning and Zoning Committee 7000 Reseda Blvd. Senior Advocacy Committee 2004 Encino Auto Body 7100 Reseda Blvd. 2006 Tacos Michoacan 7607 White Oak Ave. Transportation Committee Youth Advocacy Committee July Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1. 2. * 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9:00 AM Ride Reseda General Meeting 7:00 PM Reseda NC 8. 9. * 9:00 AM Ride Reseda 7:00 PM Centennial 7:00 PM Emer‐
7:00 PM CPAB Committee * gency and Disas‐
ter 7:30 PM Graf‐
7:00 PM Reseda NW 16. ** 19.* 10.** Independence day 1:30 PM Free Movie July 4th Fireworks
11. 12. 18.* 7:00 PM Sierra Club Meeting 7:00 PM Economic 7:00 PM 1038 NW Development 23. * 24. 25. 7:00 PM Centennial Committee Spend $25 on the 25th in Reseda 29. 30. 31. 9:00 AM Ride Reseda 9:00 AM Ride Reseda 22. 9:00 AM Ride Reseda 6:00 PM Finance, 7:00 PM General 1:30 PM Free Movie 14. 17. 15. 13. 20. 1:30 PM Free Movie 26. 27. 1:30 PM Free Movie 21. 28. Do you have an events coming up in Reseda? Contact Garth Carlson at GCARLSON@RESEDACOUNCIL.ORG about inclusion in our newsletter. For events address and full details use the Reseda NC online calendar at