Panorama Hispano April 2016


Panorama Hispano April 2016
Panorama News
Buffalo • Rochester • Dunkirk • Erie PA
La Voz de Nuestra Comunidad • The Voice of Our Community
As Cuba Rises, Puerto Rico Falls
President Barack Obama dangles U.S.
dollars before the Castros while Congress
stonewalls Puerto Rico’s pleas for debt
restructuring. The Tampa Bay Rays take
the field in Havana as San Juan fends off
New York hedge funds wielding legal
baseball bats. The Rolling Stones play a
free concert for Cubans; Puerto Rico can’t
get no satisfaction.
Por: Carlos DePonce
(Búfalo/Rochester) Mientras Búfalo y
Rochester gozan de un renacimiento
económico, muchos en Erie y el condado de
Monroe no están viendo sus beneficios en
términos de puestos de trabajo. Una cumbre
de la comunidad se llevó a cabo en Búfalo
para explorar las disparidades en la raza y
el empleo.
As Cuba rises and Puerto Rico falls, it’s
worth considering the diverging trajectories
of these two ex-Spanish colonies that
the Puerto Rican poet Lola Rodríguez de
Tió described more than 100 years ago
as “two wings of the same bird.” Even
as the resumption of diplomatic ties with
the U.S. opens new possibilities for Cuba,
Puerto Rico’s current status as a U.S.
commonwealth has turned into an ugly
dead end.
Los participantes en esta cumbre, que
tuvo lugar dentro de la Iglesia Bautista
Monte Olivo en Búfalo, incluyo líderes
empresariales, líderes laborales, religiosos,
funcionarios elegidos y otros representantes
de la comunidad.
on $70 billion worth of debt. Its economy
has shrunk 9 of the past 10 years. A few
hundred miles to the west, meanwhile,
Puerto Rico is defaulting in slow motion
economic reforms are creating new
livelihoods for self-employed Cubans,
whose material conditions are improving.
Alcalde Warren comparte la visión de lucha
contra la pobreza
How this son of migrant farm workers became
an astronaut
Por: Carlos DePonce
By: Octavio Blanco
(Rochester, NY) Un pequeño autobús lleno
de funcionarios municipales y líderes de
varias fundaciones locales se dirigirá a
Cleveland el jueves para conseguir una
mirada de primera mano en el modelo para
una iniciativa anti-pobreza en Rochester.
Millions of kids dream of going into space.
But Jose Hernandez made that dream a
reality -- and he did so against incredible
As the son of Mexican migrant farm
workers, his education was constantly
interrupted as his family followed the
changing crops. Often, they would spend
December through February in Mexico.
El grupo se emprende un vistazo a las
cooperativas de Evergreen, un grupo de
empresas que contratan a a nivel local
en Cleveland, permite a los empleados a
poseer una participación en el negocio y
fue diseñado en parte para crear riqueza y
puestos de trabajo en los barrios pobres.
funcionarios de Rochester esperan poner en
marcha empresas similares aquí.
La encantadora Alcalde Warren no estuvo
Hernandez and his siblings would home
school themselves with assignments
from their American teachers during
those months. But with all of the constant
See POBREZA on page 3
136 Lakeview Ave.
(corner of Porter - across from the Peace Bridge)
Law Offices
interruptions, Hernandez didn't become
fluent in English until he was 12.
But through perseverance, Hernandez
managed to earn a Master's degree in
electrical and computer engineering from
See ASTRONAUT on page 8
Dr. Thomas Keohane DDS Porter Ave. Coin Laundry
487 Niagara St. Buffalo, NY 14201
"La comunidad empresarial, la comunidad
educativa, el liderazgo político, toda la
gama, es un problema que ha estado aquí
durante décadas y tenemos que empezar
See DESEMPLEO on page 16
See FALLS on page 3
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• LEY DE FAMILIA – Custodia, Mantenimiento, Ofensas
de Familia, Visitación, Adopciones
• MATRIMONIAL – Contratos pre-matrimonio, Contratos
de separación, divorcios y
contratos, Contratos post-matrimonio
Hablamos Tu Idioma
April/Abril 2016
VOL. 26
Vol. 27 - No.
4 11
Cumbre de la Comunidad
explora disparidad racial
en el desempleo
By James Gibney
Consulta en su Hogar si tiene
impedimiento o enfermedad
• DEFENSA CRIMINAL – (Estatal - Federal)
• TESTAMENTOS, PODERES, CASOS DE HERENCIA (testado/no testado/Guardianes y Tutores)
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Buffalo, NY 14202
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Para emergencias fín de semana 716-864-9618
Key Bank Agrees to bring services to
underserved communities
Buffalo News Page 4
Feds push hospitals to improve
care after discharging patients
Buffalo News Page 4
Puerto Rico, la Isla del
Al Panorama Page 5
Neoyorquinos se manifiestan
en contra de Trump
Rochester News Page 7
Erie Canal Harbor Development
Corp. is building a new destination
Canalside Schedule for April and
May 2016
City. OurPage
Canalside is now a year round destination with over one million visitors throughout the year.
April/May 2016 Update
Invertir en Cuba: "Si el Caribe se
Juan Negron Honored
Carne Guisada
abre, Puerto Rico sube"
Senior Of The Month
Receta Page 11
There Conozca
is so much
at11Canalside and the staff is planning for an exciting summer with
Mundo Latino Page 9
su Gente
activities for the entire family. The winter experience at Canalside was filled with an array of
activities that included ice skating, ice bikes, music events and holiday celebrations.
Have You Seen the Grain Elevator Illumination?
Shen Yun -2016 @ Shea’s Theater
April 22 and 23rd
Entretenimiento Page 13
The Grain Elevator Light Display that illuminates Canalside
every night from sundown until 11 p.m. brings life to one of
Buffalo’s oldest grain elevators. Find more info at
Planning: A Focus on Variety and
Heat & Water
This year we invited members of
the local
Roswell Park: Cancer Survivors Use Their
Mujer Fuerte • ¡Que tu
en portada
esperanza nunca se marchite!
de famosa revista deportiva
concert series
Tu Reflejo Page 16
Page 21 The
NY and music
committee provided a diverse list of local and national musical groups to consider this year and
in the future. We thank the committee for their ideas and suggestions.
El Error De Ningunear A
Editorial/ Letters Page 22
Building a Waterfront Designation that Highlights the Diversity of Buffalo
Canalside is Hiring for the Summer Season!
¥ Bartender ¥ Beer Pourer ¥ Barback ¥ Concert Cashier ¥
Concessions Cashier ¥ Concessions Line Cook and Head
Cook (Sous Chef)
info: una
Si usted haMore
lesión o está en necesidad de cualquier tipo de asistencia
legal, entonces
habla suis idioma
y en que puede confiar.
at abogado
– Canalside
a premier
Hablo Español
y estoy
para ayudarle.
para isuna evaluación
is important.
gratuita de su caso.
owners to find out more about opportunities at Canalside on
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
pm –Esq.
6:30 pm at the Pavilion at Canalside- located
– from
next to the Canals.
Vendor Opportunities
We are looking for vendors for food, entertainment, transportation, tours and more! Our existing
vendors are world-class, providing
for Canalside
visitors. For more
Frank Dolce
es un exand
del UAW Local
774 y
information, contact Canalside.
uno de los miembros fundadores del Western New York
complete an application atCouncil
on Occupational Safety and Health (WNYCOSH).Deadline is April 29
in order to be considered.
Marc Panepinto es un miembro del Laborer’s Union Local
210 y un ex organizador para Laborers’ International
Union of North America.
René Juárez, Esq.
Cooney, Esq.
Dolce, Esq.
Panepinto, Esq.
Accidentes de Construcción
Accidentes de Auto
Compensación Laboral
Casos de Muerte
Seguro Social por Incapacidad
Accidentes y Enfermedad Industrial
Resbalones y Caídas
Accidentes de Ferrocarril
716-852-1888 . .
1260 Delaware Avenue . Buffalo, NY 14209
FALLS • from FRONT page
Buoyed by the arrival of new tourists, remittances, and foreign investments, Cuba’s
economy grew by 4 percent last year.
And when the U.S. embargo is lifted, Cuba – which for much of the 19th and 20th
centuries was the Caribbean’s predominant economy -- is likely to take a growing
bite out of Puerto Rico’s fortunes, in tourism, manufacturing and services. And that's
before accounting for Puerto Rico's existing fiscal straits, which will lead to shrinking
government services, higher costs imposed by utilities under siege from creditors and a
string of broken social promises and busted pensions.
True, Cubans don’t have democracy. Then again, at the national level, neither do Puerto
Ricans: Despite being U.S. citizens, they can't vote for president or in Congress, which
these days mostly ignores them. Cubans may face the threat of arbitrary detention and
abuse. But they’re much less likely than Puerto Ricans to be shot dead on the street, or to
be victimized by drug traffickers or other criminals.
In fact, by many other yardsticks, you’re better off being born in Cuba than Puerto Rico.
Don’t take my word for it. Look at the World Factbook put out by those raving socialists
at the Central Intelligence Agency. Lower infant mortality? Check! Same with lower
unemployment, higher literacy, and a lower overall death rate.
Things weren’t supposed to turn out this way for the island that President John F. Kennedy
touted three months after the Bay of Pigs invasion as “a source of hope and inspiration
to those of us deeply concerned with charting new courses of social progress for our
The proximate cause of Puerto Rico’s current distress is its crushing debt, which has
tripled since 2000. And yes, irresponsible and corrupt legislators and executives (and the
voters who elect them) deserve much of the blame.
But the larger problem has been Puerto Rico’s relationship with its federal overlords, who
have oscillated between patronizing micromanagement and malign neglect -- devising
ill-suited development strategies, granting and then revoking economic benefits, imposing
regulations that undermined the island’s competitiveness and creating disincentives for
Consider the Washington-backed effort to turn Puerto Rico into a manufacturing hub.
During the late 1940s, U.S. companies were given federal and local tax breaks to locate
on the island. But U.S. minimum wage laws and trade agreements with other nations
gradually eroded Puerto Rico's competitive advantages. Moreover, instead of investing in
the island, U.S. companies brought their profits back to the mainland.
In 1976, the U.S. tried again, sweetening the pot for companies with Section 936 of
the Federal Tax Reform Act. That created new jobs in chemicals, pharmaceuticals and
electronics, but at huge fiscal cost as mainland corporations gamed tax laws. When the
U.S. phased out the tax breaks, the island's manufacturing employment took a big hit -- a
blow that Puerto Rico's legislators are quick to blame for the island's decline, not least
because it conveniently absolves them for their own bad decisions.
The Republican-controlled U.S. Congress is now debating what to do about Puerto Rico’s
fiscal mess. The island's top officials have all but begged for the ability to restructure the
debt of its municipalities under Chapter 9 of the U.S. bankruptcy code – a power Puerto
Rico had for decades until Congress took it away. Better yet would be the ability also to
restructure its general obligation debt, which it can’t realistically pay.
Congress seems unlikely to allow restructuring. Instead, the Republican majority wants
to impose a fiscal control board that takes over Puerto Rico’s fiscal affairs. Analysts at
Puerto Rico’s Center for a New Economy have argued against this approach's "colonial
and imperialistic overtones," which also contradict the GOP's devolutionary, smallgovernment philosophy. Instead, they advocate passing a "fiscal responsibility law" with
strict enforcement provisions.
As smart as this idea looks on paper, the island’s repeated failures to put its own fiscal
house in order undermine that case. On the other hand, imposing a control board without
granting debt relief risks accelerating Puerto Rico’s downward spiral.
That brings us back to the central question of Puerto Rico’s sovereignty. A control board
for Puerto Rico would be all-too-consistent with its quasi-colonial status: Its legislators
and executives behave irresponsibly in part because the buck doesn't stop with them.
The island depends on the federal government for a quarter of its revenues, on terms
that Washington sets, while it's straightjacketed by federal regulations that hurt its
competitiveness and estrange it from neighboring economies.
through socialist privation and repression. Over the years, Cuba has nonetheless delighted
in tweaking Uncle Sam in the United Nations over Puerto Rico’s "colonial" status, and is
doubtless enjoying some quiet schadenfreude over its neighbor's troubles.
Yet these two islands can lift each other up. In addition to their shared history and
culture, they face some similar demographic and economic challenges, and have some
complementary strengths -- Puerto Rico's pharmaceutical industry and Cuba's nascent
biotechnology sector, for instance. An unlikely partnership, perhaps. But as President
Obama has noted about Cuban policy, we know what hasn't worked. Maybe it's time to try
something different for Puerto Rico too.
POBREZA • from FRONT page
en el autobús, pero se ve cooperativas como una pieza clave de su estrategia de lucha
contra la pobreza, que se esbozó en su discurso del Estado de la Ciudad el mes pasado
como una de las principales prioridades para su segundo año en el oficina.
En una entrevista, Warren detallo cómo quiere que la iniciativa trabaje y cómo los
esfuerzos de la ciudad se enfrentarán con un grupo de trabajo contra la situación de la
pobreza que se dirige a Rochester.
"No llegamos a esta situación durante una noche. No vamos a salir de esta situación
durante una noche," dijo Warren. "Pero mi objetivo es comenzar a obtener los resultados
que necesitamos para demostrar que estamos en el camino correcto y que estamos
cambiando esto para nuestros hijos, para nuestras familias, para nuestros vecindarios".
Ayuntamiento votó el mes pasado para pagar el Democracy Collaborative, una
organización no lucrativa de Cleveland, hasta $10,000 para ayudar a Rochester a
desarrollar su propio plan de co-op.
Cerca de 15 personas que fueron al viaje fueron; incluyendo personal de la ciudad,
miembros del Ayuntamiento y representantes de las empresas, la Fundación Comunidad
Área de Rochester, United Way, la Fundación Farash, Fundación Greater Rochester Salud
y la Fundación de Wegmans.
Independiente del gobierno de la ciudad, ya hay algunas cooperativas en Rochester, y
los candidatos locales del Partido Verde sugirieron como una herramienta de desarrollo
económico en las elecciones de 2013. Esto, sin embargo, parece ser el primer paso
concreto hacia la ciudad de unirse a tal causa.
"Se trata realmente de fortalecer a la comunidad y los residentes a trabajar no sólo en una
empresa en particular, sino también para tener la propiedad en ese negocio", dijo Warren.
Al principio, el esfuerzo estará dirigido a un sector de la ciudad, en vez de enfocarse en
algo demasiado grande de un área, dijo.
"Queremos asegurarnos de que tenemos un modelo que está demostrado, puede ser
replicado y que tenemos el apoyo en torno a esa zona antes de pasar a la siguiente", dijo el
Ese enfoque centrado puede parecer en contradicción con el grupo más radical en
Rochester contra la pobreza, un pedazo de la agenda del gobernador Andrew Cuomo del
2015. El grupo de trabajo se supone coordinar mejor los esfuerzos de docenas de agencias
y organizaciones locales que se opone a la ayuda de los pobres.
Pero Warren sostuvo que los esfuerzos de la ciudad y del grupo de trabajo van mano a
mano. El Estado puede hacer frente a los aspectos de la pobreza mejor que el gobierno de
la ciudad y el condado, ella dijo.
Por ejemplo, una madre trabajadora que se consigue un pequeño aumento podría ser
cortada por completo de un subsidio financiado por el estado para ayudar a pagar por el
cuidado infantil. Warren dijo que espera que el Estado utiliza en Rochester como sitio
piloto para ofrecer servicios en su lugar como éste en una escala móvil.
El estado también puede ayudar a llenar los vacíos que ayudan a perpetuar el ciclo de la
pobreza, dijo Warren. Un programa local de ayuda a las madres y a sus hijos hasta que
ellos cumplan 2 años, pero el sistema no puede encontrar ese niño otra vez hasta que él o
ella entre en un programa de pre-kindergarden a los 4 años, dijo el alcalde.
"Hemos invertido dos años por adelantado, y hemos perdido dos años", dijo.
En cuanto a la iniciativa cooperativa, Warren dijo que las nuevas empresas no deben
competir con los ya existentes, y deben ofrecer servicios a los hospitales locales, colegios
o sin fines de lucro que están siendo externalizados.
Making Puerto Rico a state wouldn't necessarily cure it of bad fiscal behavior (see:
Illinois). And independence would bring huge challenges. But remaining a commonwealth
isn't working either. More than a half-century after JFK called Puerto Rico a "source of
hope and inspiration," its predicament should be a source of shame for every American. Its
U.S. citizens have rates of poverty and unemployment that dwarf those on the mainland,
and diminishing prospects that make a mock of the American Dream. They don't even
enjoy the full benefits of the U.S. Constitution.
La ciudad se verá a reunir otros servicios para fortalecer y estabilizar los vecindarios
alrededor de las nuevas cooperativas, dijo Warren. Por ejemplo, la ciudad podría utilizar
programas de compradores de vivienda por primera vez para animar a las personas que
trabajan en las cooperativas para invertir y permanecer cerca.
Their lot won't fundamentally improve until they seize control of their own destiny and
choose between statehood or independence. And when they finally make that choice,
Congress should honor it, either welcoming Puerto Rico as the 51st state or allowing it to
be independent.
"El Camino de cada persona es diferente", dijo acerca de como salir de la pobreza.
"Tenemos que construir un sistema que reconoce el problema."
Once Cuba gained its independence from U.S. control in 1902, it became theoretically
free to make its own mistakes, notwithstanding the colossus to the north looking over
its shoulder. And Lord knows Cuba made plenty of them, even before its current detour
En definitiva, Warren dijo que ve la pobreza como parte de la agenda de la ciudad en todos
los frentes - empleos, delincuencia, la educación y más.
Interactivo•Actualizado • Videos•Imagenes•Links
Noticias de Buffalo
Key Bank Agrees to bring services to underserved communities
Community groups sign landmark community benefits plan that will bring financial
resources to communities of greatest need in the buffalo-niagara region
Members of the Buffalo Community Reinvestment Coalition signed a groundbreaking
agreement with KeyBank that commits a branch, staff expansions, and capital to low- to
moderate- income communities and communities of color that have been underserved for
On Friday, March 18th, 2016 members of the Buffalo Community Reinvestment
Coalition including Western New York Law Center, PUSH Buffalo, VOICE Buffalo,
and NOAH signed a Community Benefits Plan with KeyBank that commits targeted
investment and necessary banking access tools to the Buffalo-Niagara region. The plan
makes commitments to increase access to vital wealth building tools in communities in
the Buffalo-Niagara region that have gone without vital financial services and resources
for decades. The KeyBank plan includes a necessary addendum that includes specific
commitments by KeyBank to the Buffalo-Niagara region.
From the moment KeyBank announced their plans to acquire First Niagara, members
of the community have worked with the Buffalo Community Reinvestment Coalition to
bring to light systemic issues that exist in low-income communities and communities
of color in the Buffalo-Niagara region. In their comment letter, submitted to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the coalition of organizations raised concerns about banking
access and branching, limited lending to low- income communities and communities of
color, and the lack of language tools available for Buffalo’s growing non-native English
speaking community. These concerns were voiced not only to the Federal Reserve but
were presented to KeyBank through a series of meetings and correspondences.
As a result of the community standing up and voicing their concerns about how banks
have failed to meet their needs for decades, KeyBank worked with community groups
to develop a plan that has the structure and investment necessary to address the root
of the problem in neighborhoods. The work of community members and community
organizations has lead KeyBank to make specific commitments to improve the state of
banking in the Buffalo-Niagara region.
KeyBank has committed the following in the Buffalo-Niagara region:
• Develop a branch on the Eastside of Buffalo with community input on the location and
• Add 2 to 3 additional loan officers in the Buffalo-Niagara MSA who will focus on lowto moderate- income communities
• Implement KeyBank Plus and Key Basic products in all low- to moderate- income
branches in the Buffalo-Niagara MSA
This commitment includes increasing visibility and marketing of the products where
the financial tools have the capability to assist community members in building wealth.
KeyBank Plus and Key Basic products will allow community members to cash checks
without fees and have access to no cost savings, checking accounts, and small dollar
amount personal loans. The products will allow low-income community members to
build banking relationships and develop credit in a way that does not expose them to high
cost check cashing services and predatory lenders. By making these products available
and visible in communities where banking services have been nonexistent for decades,
there will be a greater opportunity for community members to purchase homes and
develop wealth in the future.
• Implement the use of Language Line in all branches and work towards placing bilingual
staff that reflects the community’s needs in branches in the Buffalo-Niagara MSA.
• Invest funds through the KeyBank Foundation through their Neighbors Pillar in support
of community based financial support programs and workforce development programs.
• KeyBank will continue their support for housing counseling agencies and first time
homebuyer programs in Buffalo. These vital services have assisted countless low- to
moderate- income community members in building wealth.
• KeyBank will engage and work with the local Buffalo-Niagara Advisory Council
to achieve their commitments. KeyBank has committed to continued dialogue and
collaboration with community groups, which has lead to the development of the
Community Benefits Plan for the Buffalo-Niagara region and their other markets.
ensure that commits become realities in areas of greatest need in the Buffalo-Niagara
region. Community groups will monitor KeyBank’s progress and actively engage them
on the collective progress toward achieving each commitment outlined in the Community
Benefits Plan.
Within the Community Benefits Plan there is opportunity to change the way banking is
done in Buffalo. It is now time for the Buffalo-Niagara community and KeyBank to make
the commitments outlined in the agreement a reality. The local Advisory Council will focus
on ensuring that all parties in the agreement are accountable in reaching and exceeding the
commitments made in the KeyBank Community Benefits Plan. Through the council, each
community member will have a voice in making sure their community needs are met and
their concerns are answered.
Feds push hospitals to improve care after discharging patients
BY: Marcos Lebron
Federal officials are urging hospitals to improve care for seniors and low-income patients
so they don't wind up back in the hospital soon after they're discharged.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is issued guidance to hospitals last week
on how to improve communication and care for these disadvantaged patients if they want
to avoid penalties when these people have to be readmitted within 30 days of discharge.
Hospitals in poor communities have been pushing CMS to treat them differently than those
that treat patients with higher income and education levels. Many seniors and other low
income patients are less likely to adhere to instructions after they are released, research
shows. Likewise, patients in low income communities are less likely to receive coordinated
discharge plans from hospitals and nursing care facilities.
The Affordable Care Act required hospitals to pay readmission penalties for conditions
including heart attack, pneumonia, blood borne infections and hip and knee replacements.
The penalties started at 1% of Medicare reimbursements in 2013 and rose to 3% in 2015.
Locally, Buffalo General (Kaleida Health System) has had to pay millions in penalties
because of its high numbers of readmission and failure to coordinate discharge care
properly from its facilities.
The issue of whether hospitals that treat seniors and high minority population should
get special treatment when it comes to quality rankings or penalties has been vexing
policymakers for years.
CMS has maintained that some hospitals with large senior, minority and low-income
populations have performed as well on quality rankings as others in more affluent
If health care quality improvement is the target, CMS has "to focus on populations
experiencing the greatest burden," says Cara James, director of CMS' Office of Minority
Heath. "Otherwise we won’t achieve the goals we’re ultimately working towards."
It can be done, says Leah Binder, CEO of Leapfrog Group, which represents employers
working to lower health costs and rates hospitals.
"Hospitals that care for patients inside and outside their doors lower their readmission rates
and improve the health of their patients. As the CMS report shows, this is not easy. Caring
for patients...means knowing and understanding patients and communities with much
greater depth and sensitivity than is traditional today."
Harlem Hospital Center in New York City is a public hospital that received Leapfrog's Top
Hospital designation, because they get excellent scores in quality and safety, and they are
above average on readmissions, Binder says. is simply old-fashioned to think that health
care must be centered in the four walls of a hospital.
Nowadays we think health care must be centered in the lives of patients—not only within
the hospital, but outside the hospital, in communities, physician offices, and homes.
Seniors and minority patients have a higher rate of many chronic conditions, as well as a
greater chance of having to return for a costly hospital visit after their first hospitalization.
For diabetes patients, the highest rate of readmission was 15.9% for American Indian and
Alaska Natives, followed by non-Hispanic blacks at 13.2%, Hispanic Americans at 12.8%,
Asian Americans at 9% and whites at 7.6%.
“The specific structure and process commitments made in KeyBank’s Community
Benefits Plan provide an opportunity to put investments into communities that have not
previously had access to necessary wealth building tools,” said Thomas Keily, Consumer
Data and Research Coordinator at the Western New York Law Center. “By increasing
the number of loan officers and adding a branch on the Eastside there is potential for
community members to develop banking relationships that will give them access to
wealth building tools such mortgage financing, home rehabilitation loans, and small
dollar personal loans; all of which were previously inaccessible in their community.”
A 2014 study found higher readmission rates among black patients with congestive
heart failure, with the highest rates among black patients treated at hospitals with a
predominantly minority population.
"Buffalo residents living on the city’s Eastside have been unbanked or underbanked for
decades. The new branch will be an integral contribution to the future revitalization of the
Eastside of Buffalo,” said Pastor James Giles, President, VOICE- Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
"Buffalo is booming, but our neighborhoods are suffering. Keeping branches in our
neighborhoods and ensuring that they have products that help people build wealth is the
goal. KeyBank has shown that they are willing to work with communities and committed
to put resources behind this plan. The challenge will be in maintaining the transparency
and collaboration that has gotten us this far," said John Washington, Community
Organizer, PUSH Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
The prospective solutions go far beyond hospitals, however. The new CMS guide,
written by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, includes examples involving
telemedicine and partnerships with community groups.
In order for this plan to be effective KeyBank, community members, community
organizations, and other local stakeholders will have to continue to work together to
Patients who were part of a new recommended discharge process at the Boston University
Medical Center had a 30% lower readmission rate in the 30 days after discharge. That
saved the hospital more than $400 per person. These patients were also more likely to
know what their diagnosis was and to follow up with their primary care doctor.
Reed Tuckson, a primary care doctor and former Washington public health commissioner,
applauded the effort.
"This is an American problem," says Tuckson, who heads the American Telemedicine
Association. "Seniors and the culturally disadvantaged do face more challenges, but
everyone of us has a stake in this if we are concerned about other human beings."
Al Panorama: viajes y más
Por: Fernando G M
Viajando por el mundo es fascinante, por que conoces lugares diferentes al que estamos
acostumbrados, desde lugares muy exóticos, hasta muy tranquilos y románticos. El poder
y querer viajar por el mundo es sinónimo de que queremos aprender de otras culturas
alrededor de nuestro planeta, conectándose con otras personas de diferentes países
también nos permite aprender de su vidas cotidianas de la región en las cuales viven. Y al
mismo modo, nos da la oportunidad de conocer mas a fondo su cultura en todo el sentido
de la palabra.
En Este segmento nos enfocaremos en la tierra del encanto; Puerto Rico, conocida
Como la Isla del Encanto y no es por nada, pero esta Isla es realmente hermosa, su gente
encantadora y sus playas internacionalmente reconocidas.
Playas en San juan; las playas son muy diversas, desde surfing hasta las mas calmadas
para poder gozarla con las familias. Un de las mas populares a partir del condado, es la
playa de ocean Park- muy vibrante entre los locales y visitantes, esta playa tiene color
oro y con arena muy suave. No muy lejos esta la playa de Isla Verde en Carolina, ,muy
popular y con gran vista de la ciudad de San Juan donde puedes gozar de muchos deportes
acuáticos y al mismo tiempo gozar de una de las mejores playas de la área de San Juan.
Tercero – no podría faltar una visita a la playa famosa mundialmente reconocida como una
de las mas hermosas en el mundo; la playa flamenco localizada en la isla de culebra. Esta
playa tiene lo que buscas en un paraíso, la playa es una belleza, con aguas azules color
esmeralda y claras, su arena suave y blanca que te invita a relajarte y desconectarte del
mundo. Esta isla tiene otras playas que solo se pueden visitar por medio de una caminata
ya que no tiene acceso por medio automovilístico. Para poder llegar a este sitio necesitar
llegar en ferri o en avión.
Puerto Rico es una de las islas del caribe más grandes de nuestro país de EEUU. Su
ciudad mas grande es San Juan y la isla tiene una población de alrededor de 3.4 millones
de personas. Puerto Rico es muy rico en historia, tiene una gran diversidad natural y es un
destino que atrae a muchos visitantes alrededor del mundo por su clima tropical.
Hay muchas cosas que hacer en esta isla, una si te gustaría gozar un poco de todo la
siguiente recomendación es probable básica pero interesante. Primero, para conocer un
poco de la historia de la isla de Puerto Rico, goza tu primer día en la isla conociendo el
viejo San Juan que te transportara al pasado y gozaras de sus calles empedradas, casas
históricas, las fortalezas, museos, restaurantes y tiendas para emprender tus primeras
El viejo San juan es una zona muy romántica por día o noche así como también una área
donde realmente se goza la cultura de puerto rico. Segundo, La ciudad de San juan tiene
otra zona mas moderna y esta zona se concentra en el área de condado donde puedes gozar
de la playa por el día y buenos restaurantes de todo tipo ya sea típico o internacional, ahí
también se concentran muchos hoteles que tienen acceso directo a la playa mas visitada de
la área por turistas y locales. Dentro de la misma área hay una laguna naturalmente creada
donde se puede gozar de las pequeñas playas y deportes como el kayak entre otros.
Y para terminar – visita el bosque natural de el Yunque, el único Bosque Tropical en
EEUU y que ofrece muchas actividades naturales y te transporta a otro mundo en el
Si visitas la isla mas de 3-4 días – te recomiendo que rentes un vehículo para que puedas
visitar otras partes de la Isla, incluyendo un viaje a las montañas donde encontraras
pequeños pueblos con su propio toque mágico y al mismo tiempo probar el lechón, que es
algo típico de la isla, donde el pernil asado es riquísimo, tipo bbq que lo encontraras en los
restaurantes locales a un lado de la carretera y al mismo tiempo que llegas al área donde
se cosecha el café, este paseo es muy interesante y te encontraras mas de cerca de la gente
cotidiana de la isla.
Puerto Rico tiene mas pueblos y playas que son tan fascinantes e inolvidables, incluyendo
la isla de Vieques donde puedes encontrar playas vírgenes y muy hermosas. Ahora,
si prefieres las playas entonces hay algunas recomendaciones a lo largo de la isla del
encanto; Para las familias con niños y perfecta para nadar y otros deportes es la playa de
luquillo que se encuentra a 30 millas de san juan y no muy lejos se encuentra la playa de
Seven Seas- siete mares en la área de Fajardo.
La Playa de Boqueron, que nos recuerda como un pueblo tropical de Cape Cod, con
muchas palmas, arena suave y muy tranquila. Y si buscas algo de mas intensidad como
el surfing, puedes encontrarlas en las playas localizadas en los pueblos de Isabela y
Aguadilla, con olas que pueden llegar hasta mas de 6 metros de altura o 20 pies de altura,
que casi topa las olas de Hawaii en el norte. La mejor temporada para el surfing es en el
invierno, ya que en el verano bajan y se pueden usar para el snorkel.
Si estas buscando playas con arenas blancas y tranquilas para una completa relajación te
recomiendo las playas localizadas en Cabo Rojo hasta Ponce. El pueblo de Guanica tiene
varias incluyendo las playas, la jungla y al mismo tiempo se puede gozar el snorkel, al
igual que en otras playas famosas en la isla de Vieques.
San Juan tiene otras áreas donde se concentran oficinas del gobierno, teatro, restaurantes,
clubes y hoteles es la área de Miramar y Santurce donde los locales gozan la vida
cotidiana de una gran ciudad, dentro de Santurce se encuentra un área muy popular que se
llama “la placita” donde se conjugan muchos restaurantes típicos y de alta calidad y bares
por varias calles en cual se puede pasar una noche muy amena, después de cenar, puedes
caminar por estas calles y quizás te toque bailar al mismo tiempo cuando pasas algunos
de los bares con música en vivo. Este lugar es muy concurrido por los locales al igual que
turistas que buscan algo diferente y divertido, los fines de semana pueden ser demasiado
ocupados y el trafico de autos es imposible.
Bueno espero que te haya gustado este segmento en Puerto Rico, y hay muchas más
sugerencias o comentarios alrededor de la isla, por favor envianos un correo electrónico a o tus cartas a 266 Elmwood ave, Suite 927, Buffalo, NY 14222.
¿Las vacunas
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están al día?
¡Llame hoy al médico de su hijo!
Prevención O
Fidelis Care está trabajando para mantener a
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Sarampión y varicela son sólo dos de las enfermedades que usted puede prevenir
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NY State of Health: El mercado oficial de planes de salud, visite o llame al 1-855-355-5777.
Noticias de Rochester
Neoyorquinos se manifiestan en contra de Trump
Unas mil personas protestaron para denunciar 'el discurso de odio' del magnate
Por: EFE
Unas mil personas se manifestaron hoy en el centro de esta ciudad para protestar contra
la "retórica de la división" usada por el magnate Donald Trump en su campaña por la
nominación presidencial republicana.
Rodeados de policías, los manifestantes se concentraron junto al Central Park para
denunciar "el discurso del odio" y "los planes extremistas" de Trump, según los
Pancartas con frases como "No al racismo. No al fascismo. No a Trump" fueron mostradas
durante la marcha que concluyó en la Torre Trump, que el magnate tiene en la Quinta
La policía utilizó gases lacrimógenos cuando algunos manifestantes rebasaron una barrera
y al menos uno de ellos fue arrestado, según mostraron imágenes de la cadena CNN.
La protesta en Nueva York coincidió con otra realizada en Phoenix, Arizona, donde
decenas de manifestantes bloquearon una carretera que conducía a un acto de campaña de
El alguacil del condado de Maricopa, Joaquin Enriquez, declaró a CNN que tres
manifestantes fueron arrestados y dos autos fueron removidos de la carretera Shea
Boulevard que lleva a la comunidad de Fountain Hills, donde Trump realizó un mitin.
Rochester’s Spanish Broadcasting Pioneer, Ben Herrera, Passes Away
at 75
Even though it wasn’t his first profession, Ben Herrera became well-known in Rochester’s
Latino and Spanish-speaking community for bringing something to the city that was
virtually non-existent beforehand: their native language to local news programs.
“I came to Rochester at the age of 13 from Chicago, where we had so much programming
in Spanish,” said William Santiago, who worked with Herrera in television. “When I
moved here with my parents, there was only one person doing it, and it was Ben.”
The man who was a pioneer, in what actually was his third career, died last Friday at the
age of 75, according to the Democrat and Chronicle.
Herrera, a native of Medellin, Colombia, started his professional career as the principal
of an elementary school in his homeland. During that time he started to dabble in the
broadcasting world, calling play-by-play for local soccer games on the radio in the 1960s.
It was also about the time he met his wife, Nancy, while she was in the country for her
work as a volunteer in the Peace Corps. They married in 1968 and moved to Rochester the
year after.
His first job was as an overnight janitor at Eastman Kodak Co., a company that’s
established its own legacy in the Rochester area, while also working on his English
and taking college courses during the day. He would remain at that company in various
capacities for 30 years.
It didn’t take long for Herrera to find his way back onto the airwaves, this time on U.S.
television. In 1973 he began hosting “¿Qué Pasa, Rochester?”, a 30-minute television news
program on WXXI.
Today most people have switched to the internet as their primary news source, and
streaming videos alone now receive approximately 50 billion views each month. Yet
Herrera’s 20-year tenure on the TV airwaves began in 1992, one year after he retired from
Kodak, and lasted well into the era of 24-hour news channels and up-to-the-minute online
“Everybody knows who Ben is,” Santiago said. “I don’t think he ever got a lot of awards
or got appreciated for everything. It was almost like it was expected.”
Of course, retirement didn’t seem to suit a man who worked tirelessly his entire life. He
was back to broadcasting within months for what was then known as R News, on a show
called “R Mundo.” (R News would eventually become Time Warner Cable News, channel
9.) He held that post until about 10 years ago.
“He always said that you have to try new things and take risks and learn along the way,”
said Tabita Torres, who worked with him first as an intern from St. John Fisher College
and later in his last years at R News. “As a young person, for someone to say you could
make mistakes — it took the nervousness out of it… He was so nurturing and so calm.”
Herrera is survived by Nancy, his wife of 47 years, along with two sons and two
grandsons. He lived in Henrietta
Peter Vazquez Announces His Candidacy For The 138Th New York
State Assembly Distric
Peter Vazquez, a Henrietta resident, has recently announced his candidacy for the 138th
New York State Assembly District, which includes the city of Rochester, and the towns of
Chili and Henrietta. Vazquez will run as a Republican.
“New York State has been the victim of an aggressive attack by a decisively progressive
movement, led by a Democratic Party establishment, aided by the ever-compromising
Republican Party establishment promising a utopia with no accountability, funded by
taxpayer dollars,” he stated. “I will give representation to those who are sick of the
corruption that’s forcing taxpayers to stay on the road to serfdom.”
An entrepreneur and small businessman, Vazquez founded Simply Served Process Servers
Inc., and is currently the president of The Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York.
Previously, he’d served as a revenue officer for the U.S. Department of Treasury, and has
been a member of various volunteer boards and committees in the community.
Vazquez is also a former US Army sergeant who holds a master’s degree in strategic
leadership from Roberts Wesleyan College.
He resides in Henrietta with his wife, five children, mother, and two mothers in-law.
U of R Plans Tuition Increase in 2016-17 School Year
University of rochesterThe University of Rochester plans to increase its tuition to
$49,260, or by 3.8 percent, in the 2016-17 school year, according to officials at the
As a result, the cost for two semesters, including $14,818 for room and board, will be
$64,078 for undergraduate students at the school.
Yet, event though the school plans to increase its tuition, U of R officials said the school
also plans to increase its financial aid commitment to $122 million, or by by 13.5 percent,
in the upcoming school year.
The Eastman School of Music will also increase its tuition rate, to $49,600, or by 3.8
percent, in the next school year.
“We very carefully evaluate each year to how to strike the best balance between our
costs to students, and having the ability to do the things that make our university even
stronger,” Joel Seligman, the university’s president, said in a statement. “We want to
continue to provide students and families the strongest return on their investment in
education while keeping the highly valued Rochester degree accessible, and affordable.”
City’s Anti-Poverty Initiative to Focus on Three Neighborhoods
Rochester’s Anti-Poverty Initiative has announced it will focus on three neighborhoods as
part of its efforts to eradicate poverty in the region.
The city’s Office of Innovation, Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative, and Connected
Communities group, will focus on building urban villages in the Marketview Heights,
Beechwood, and EMMA neighborhoods, as outlined recently in the IBM Smarter Cities
Challenge report.
“As mayor, I want to bring opportunity to all of our neighborhoods; to ensure that all
of our residents have access to jobs, safe neighborhoods, and quality schools,” Mayor
Lovely Warren stated. “This is just the first step of many that will lift our friends, and
neighbors, out of poverty, and create a better Rochester, one neighborhood at a time,
throughout our city.”
Officials said the plan would expand services in four areas including Cradle to Career
Education; Community Wellness; Mixed Income Housing; and Economic Viability.
“Our partnership with the city of Rochester, and Connected Communities, coupled with
the recommendations of the IBM Smarter Cities Team will truly help to move people out
of poverty and toward self-sufficiency,”
Leonard Brock, director of the RMAPI, stated. “This partnership begins the first step in
implementing the findings from RMAPI’s initial report, released in September. In the
target neighborhoods, we will be able to provide adult mentoring to help people get and
keep jobs, increase access to quality child care and parent education programs, and build
a system of support to help people move out of poverty, and be able to remain selfsufficient.”
According to officials, after one year of studying the initiative’s efforts in the designated
neighborhoods, they will implement the programs in other areas of the city.
Gov. Cuomo Apoints Adam Bello as Monroe County Clerk
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has appointed former Irondequoit Town Supervisor Adam Bello as
the new Monroe County Clerk. Bello, a Democrat, will replace former Republican county
clerk Cheryl Dinolfo, following Dinolfo’s recent election to the office of Monroe County
The position has been open since the end of last year, and Bello will have to run to keep
the seat in November.
“Earlier today, I was incredibly humbled and honored to accept Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s
appointment to serve as Monroe County Clerk,” Bello said in a statement on the town of
Irondequoit’s Facebook page. “Serving as your town supervisor has been a great privilege,
and an opportunity for which I am extraordinarily grateful. The faith and trust you put
in me to lead this wonderful town that I’ve always called home has been a remarkable
experience that I will always cherish, and for which I will be forever thankful.”
Bello had also previously worked as an aide for Assembly Majority Leader Joseph
Morelle, D-Irondequoit.
“I am very pleased that Gov. Cuomo has appointed Adam Bello to serve as Monroe
County clerk,” Morelle said in a statement. “Adam brings to the county clerk’s office a
wealth of talent, experience, and a commitment to public service that will be a tremendous
asset to the hardworking taxpayers of Monroe County. I am confident that Adam will
bring the same dedication, and tenacity to this new role, as he has during his time as
supervisor of Irondequoit. Adam is a dear friend, and partner in government, and I wish
him all the best as he prepares to assume this new position.”
Noticias de Dunkirk
Cuomo calls for investigation of NRG
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has gone to war with the owner of a Western New York power
plant that closed in January after National Grid customers paid more than $110 million in
surcharges to keep the plant open since 2012.
Cuomo this week ordered the state Public Service Commission to investigate NRG
Energy's decision to close Dunkirk Power Plant near Buffalo and whether "consumers of
the state of New York have been defrauded."
NRG mothballed the coal-fired plant last month, abandoning a plan championed by the
governor to convert the plant to burn natural gas.
Cuomo wants the PSC to determine "whether NRG should be allowed to continue to
operate as an electric corporation in the state,'' according to a letter from the governor to
PSC Chair Audrey Zibelman. (See letter below.)
NRG officials say they fulfilled their agreement to keep Dunkirk open while transmission
improvements were made to the regional power grid. That agreement ended in December.
NRG backed away from its plan to convert Dunkirk to natural gas largely because of a
federal lawsuit filed by Entergy Corp., said David Gaier, speaking for NRG. Entergy,
another company that has butted heads with Cuomo, filed a lawsuit last year claiming
that a ratepayer-subsidized conversion of the Dunkirk plant would be illegal and
"The Entergy lawsuit created a tremendous amount of uncertainty and risk for NRG
in moving forward with the Dunkirk project.'' Gaier wrote in an email. "Under these
circumstances, NRG cannot prudently continue to invest tens of millions of dollars while
this lawsuit remains unresolved.''
NRG Energy is the nation's largest owner of merchant power plants, with $16 billion
in annual revenues and 51,000 megawatts of generating capacity. NRG owns five other
power plants in New York besides Dunkirk, including the 1,628-megawatt Oswego
generating station, which seldom runs.
Why National Grid customers paid a subsidy
NRG first notified state officials in March 2012 that they intended to close the Dunkirk
power plant, which can make a maximum of 635 megawatts. But the Public Service
Commission determined that some power from Dunkirk was necessary to keep the power
grid stable.
The commission approved a "reliability service agreement'' under which National Grid
customers paid a surcharge to subsidize the plant to keep two of its four generating units
available. That agreement was later amended to keep just one unit open. The amended
contract was extended once, finally ending in December 2015.
Cuomo said reliability payments totaled more than $110 million since 2012. The
surcharges were paid by customers throughout National Grid's Upstate territory, including
Central New York. Utility officials could not immediately estimate the impact on a typical
residential customer.
Separately, Cuomo announced in December 2013 that he had made a deal with NRG
to convert the Dunkirk plant to burn natural gas. The Public Service Commission later
approved a "repowering agreement'' under which National Grid customers would pay
$20.4 million a year for 10 years to subsidize the conversion. Those payments never began
because NRG decided to mothball the plant instead.
Cuomo's wrath at NRG appears to stem from the company's decision to back away from
the repowering, which was hailed as a "Christmas miracle'' when the governor announced
it three years ago. The conversion would have preserved Dunkirk's ability to retain its
employees and pay $8 million a year in local property taxes, Cuomo said at the time.
Nuclear plant owner sues
Entergy Corp., the owner of FitzPatrick nuclear plant in Oswego County, sued the Public
Service Commission last year in federal court, alleging that the subsidized repowering
plan illegally interfered with the state's wholesale energy market.
Unrelated to the Dunkirk case, Cuomo has dueled with Entergy over the pending shutdown
of FitzPatrick, which is due to close by early 2017. The governor said the decision to close
the plant showed "callous disregard'' for its 600 employees, and he vowed to pursue "every
legal and regulatory avenue'' to keep FitzPatrick open.
At the same time, Cuomo has lambasted Entergy's operation of the downstate Indian Point
nuclear reactors, which he wants to close because they are too close to New York City.
The uncertainty created by Entergy's lawsuit led NRG to mothball the Dunkirk plant rather
than convert it, Gaier said. In the meantime, National Grid has completed a major upgrade
to its Western New York transmission system that made it possible to operate without
Dunkirk, said Stephen Brady, speaking for the utility.
Cuomo maintains that NRG should have pursued the repowering of Dunkirk, which was
originally expected to be done by September 2015.
Cuomo directed the PSC to investigate why NRG did not repower Dunkirk and how much
that decision cost Upstate consumers. He also wants an investigation into whether NRG
should be banned from operating in the state.
"NRG stands behind everything we've done to support the grid and provide ratepayers
in New York with reliable power under agreements at the price approved by the state
in advance,'' Gaier said. "We look forward to working with the governor and the Public
Service Commission to resolve these issues to everyone's satisfaction.''
ASTRONAUT Continued from page 1
the University of California, Santa Barbara and attain his goal of becoming an astronaut.
Not only has he traveled into space as the mission specialist to the International Space
Station, but he now runs his own foundation, Reaching for the Stars.
The group aims to get youth in central California interested in STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math) fields and provides first-generation high school seniors with
Here's Hernandez's American success story:
What was life like growing up?
My childhood was typical of a migrant farm working family, a family that spends nine
months out of the year picking fruits and vegetables from Southern California to Northern
California. While others looked forward to summer vacation, I hated it. Summer vacation
meant working seven days a week in the fields.
I had it easier than the rest of my brothers and sisters. I had three older siblings to help me
with my schoolwork.
My mom would sit us down at the kitchen table and we wouldn't be allowed to leave
until we finished our homework. She motivated all of us by having confidence and high
expectations. It wasn't if we went to college, it was when.
Life was rough, but we didn't know it. It was just what we were used to.
But then as a teenager I was embarrassed because we lived in the barrio. We lived in areas
that were run down because those were the areas where we could afford to live.
My bi-cultural upbringing made me feel out of place -- not American enough, but not
Mexican enough, either.
My parents love, support and high expectations helped me to find my path to success. It
could have been a different story.
I used to hang out with four guys in the neighborhood. Out of those four, one committed
suicide, another overdosed on drugs and the other one, I last saw him just a little while
ago, he was out on the streets.
When did things begin to change for you?
I remember one day, after picking cucumbers, me and my siblings were tired, hot, sweaty,
dusty and stinking.
My dad told us, 'You're living your future now. I'm not going to force you to go to school
or to get good grades.
But if you don't study, this is your future.'
No matter how hard we studied, however, our life moving from place to place wasn't
conducive to a good education.
My second grade teacher, frustrated by the constant interruptions, made a special home
visit to convince my parents that this lifestyle was hurting us kids.
The next year, things changed. We all moved to Stockton, California, year round, visiting
Mexico only during Christmas vacations.
This stability really helped me. I started speaking English better and was able to focus on
When did your interest in space begin?
I began dreaming of going into space after watching the Apollo 17 moon landing when I
was 10.
That was the last mission to the moon. I'm so glad I saw it!
I'd go outside and look at the moon and come back in to see them walking on the surface
of it on TV.
That night I shared my dream with my dad. Instead of bursting my bubble, he gave me
a recipe for success: Decide what you want to do in life. Recognize how far you are
from your goal. Draw a road map from where you are to where you want to go. Get your
education and make an effort.
'Always do more than people expect, m'hijo,' he said.
Is there anything else that contributed to your success?
My wife played a huge part in helping me to persevere. I was rejected from NASA's
astronaut program eleven times. People get rejected twice, on average, before they're
The sixth year that NASA rejected me, I crumpled up the rejection letter and threw it on
the bedroom floor. I was going to quit trying, but she talked me out of it.
'Let NASA be the one to disqualify you, don't disqualify yourself,' she told me.
I was rejected eleven times. It wasn't until the twelfth time that I was selected. I was 41
when I became an astronaut. The average age of new astronauts is 34.
What was going through your mind in the moments before you blasted off into space?
In 2009, I was part of a 14-day mission to finish construction of the International Space
Before launch, astronauts have hours aboard the shuttle for checks and reflection. I was
looking at the American flag on my shoulder remembering that I was picking fruits in
the field as a kid and now I'm about to blast off into space in the most complex piece of
equipment we have representing America.
How have role models influenced you?
As a senior in high school I first heard about Franklin Chang Diaz, the first Hispanic
astronaut. It was then that my childhood dream started to come into focus. Seeing someone
who looked and sounded like me succeed pushed me to reach my goal.
He [Diaz] spoke with an accent, had brown skin and came from humble beginnings like
me. I spoke broken English until I was 12 years old.
Now I want to inspire the next generation through my foundation in central California. We
invite companies like Google (GOOG) to help spark the interests of 5th graders. There's a
science academy for 7th through 12th graders to help expose kids to math and tutor them.
We also give scholarships to first-generation seniors.
I ran for Congress in 2012 but I lost in a close race. Now I'm thinking about making a
comeback, maybe in 2018.
Looking at candidates like Donald Trump, it motivates you, so don't rule me out
politically. Enough is enough.
Mundo Latino
Invertir en Cuba: "Si el Caribe se abre, Puerto Rico sube"
La duda es el germen del cambio, de la creatividad y del movimiento. Dudamos y la
búsqueda de respuestas que la duda genera, por lo general, nos lleva a un lugar mejor o al
menos no saca de la inmovilidad. Aunque si se trata de un nuevo panorama económico,
para muchos inversionistas, dudar puede funcionar como sinónimo de riesgo. De ahí que
la urgencia por disipar al menos las dudas más fundamentales haya prevalecido durante
la jornada de ayer del encuentro Cuba: Inversión, Comercio y Garantías Financieras que
se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico, presentado por Microjuris.
Ante una audiencia de alrededor de 300 personas, compuesta mayormente por
empresarios puertorriqueños, el evento se enfocó durante la mañana en temas específicos
relacionados a contratos, comercio y corporaciones en el cual intervinieron tanto
abogados cubanos como empresarios puertorriqueños. Esto, seguido de una ponencia
en la que se profundizó en torno al tema de la diplomacia, a cargo del colaborador de la
Iniciativa Cuba de American University en Washington D.C., Fulton Armstrong.
La jornada continuó en la tarde con uno de los paneles más esperados por los presentes.
Titulado “Inversión en Cuba”, el foro buscó atender las inquietudes principales de todo
empresario que interese establecer negocios en Cuba a la luz de la naciente apertura. Con
la participación de la licenciada cubana Odalys de la C. Álvarez Lima, representante del
Bufete de Servicios Especializados de Cuba y Árbitro de la Corte Cubana de Arbitraje
Comercial Internacional; la licenciada puertorriqueña Amaya Iraolagoitia del bufete
O’Neill & Borges y presidenta del Comité redactor de la Ley de Incentivos Industriales
y el licenciado Ignacio Álvarez, presidente y principal oficial de operaciones de Popular
Inc., el diálogo fue matizado por los moderadores el licenciado Carlos López López,
presidente de la Federación Interamericana de Abogados y la periodista Omaya Sosa
Pascual, cofundadora de Noticel y del Centro de Periodismo Investigativo.
Como en cada panel, cada invitado presentó una primera exposición de ideas, a lo que
seguiría el diálogo con los moderadores y el público. En este caso, el primer turno
correspondió a la licenciada Álvarez Lima quien comenzó por destacar el ambiente de
entusiasmo que se ha generado a partir del nuevo escenario, toda vez que recordó que si
bien hay mucho por hacer en cuando a estimular la inversión extranjera en Cuba, ya hay
un camino andado en ese sentido desde los años 90. Asimismo, destacó que el hecho de
que en Cuba haya tantas cosas que no han cambiado en seis décadas permite “un marco
de predictibilidad y estabilidad”, además de enfatizar el alto nivel de educación, salud
pública y el clima de seguridad que observa en su país. Luego de ofrecer un recorrido por
el tipo de acuerdos comerciales que podrían surgir aún en medio del embargo, atendió una
de las principales inquietudes de los presentes, las garantías de las inversiones. “Todos
los estados tienen derecho a expropiar por interés público y con una efectiva y justa
compensación. Si se expropia una inversión extranjera, el mercado tiene que indemnizar
al valor del mercado”, afirmó a la vez que recordó que “expropiación y confiscación con
cosas muy distintas”.
La abogada habló además de los mecanismos de solución de conflictos, del rol del bufete
al que pertenece en este tipo de intercambios (“nosotros facilitamos el proceso, mas no es
nuestro trabajo buscar la oportunidad de negocios”) e invitó al público a estudiar la nueva
cartera de oportunidades de negocios que se hizo pública recientemente. “Ahí hay más de
326 proyectos para inversiones en los distintos renglones de la economía cubana”, dijo.
Por su parte, la licenciada Iraolagoitia se dedicó a contrastar los modos en los que Cuba
y Puerto Rico trabajan el tema de la inversión extranjera y enfatizó en la experiencia
puertorriqueña de “más de 60 años de ofrecer incentivos industriales” y en el reciente
análisis que realizó Estudios Técnicos desde el cual se vaticina que la apertura cubana no
debe representar una amenaza mayor para la economía puertorriqueña.
Algo, que el licenciado Ignacio Álvarez, resumió con candidez al opinar que “si el Caribe
se abre, nosotros vamos a subir”.
Álvarez habló brevemente acerca de los esfuerzos que ha gestado el Banco Popular de
Puerto Rico en Cuba, y fue insistente en que para lograr cualquier cosa hay que ir con
ganas de aprender y “con prudencia y paciencia, con curiosidad y humildad, porque
se trata de una jurisdicción que no conocemos. Tenemos la obligación de ir a Cuba a
aprender porque esta nueva realidad obliga a todo el mundo a repensar las estrategias”.
Durante la intervención de los moderadores, se analizó el hecho de lo impredecibles que
pueden ser los procesos políticos, así como lo que se prevé en términos de los cambios
que pueda experimentar el ciudadano común con la banca personal. El tema de las
políticas anti corrupción fue uno de los que mayor debate generó y en el que la licenciada
Álvarez Lima intervino afirmando que “en el 99% de los casos se ha fallado en contra del
Gobierno y a favor del empresario extranjero”.
También se discutieron temas como el estatus de la incipiente industria de bienes raíces
en Cuba, pero sobre todo se buscó aclarar en la medida de lo posible la multiplicidad
de mitos sobre cómo se hacen las cosas legalmente en Cuba. Indudablemente, quedaron
abiertas muchas preguntas y muchas más dudas, pero de esto se trata. De que cada duda,
lleve a una respuesta que nos acerque más.
Disminuyen mexicanos con ingresos menores al umbral de pobreza
•El porcentaje pasa de 14 a 2.7 por ciento en los últimos 20 años, sostiene Sedesol
(MÉXICO) El porcentaje de mexicanos con ingresos menores al umbral de pobreza,
1.9 dólares diarios, pasó de 14 a 2.7 por ciento en los últimos 20 años, sostuvo la
subsecretaria de Planeación, Evaluación y Desarrollo Regional de la Sedesol, Vanessa
Rubio Márquez.
La funcionaria de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Sedesol) destacó que ese porcentaje
equivale a menos de la mitad del promedio en América Latina, que es de 5.6 por ciento,
con lo que se demuestra que la política social de México se mueve en la dirección
Durante un encuentro con integrantes de la Comisión de Desarrollo Social de la Cámara
de Diputados, que preside Javier Guerrero, Rubio Márquez subrayó que el gobierno
federal no descansará hasta que todos los ciudadanos puedan ejercer plenamente sus
derechos sociales, y explicó que el área a su cargo planea la política social del País, evalúa
los programas de la dependencia y fomenta el desarrollo regional del país mediante la
infraestructura social.
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permission of Panorama Hispano. The opinions given in this newspaper are not necessarily the
opinions of Panorama Hispano.
La subsecretaria destacó que hoy se cuenta con un Sistema de Focalización de Desarrollo
(Sifode), que permite identificar las carencias de la población y atenderlas de manera
La Sedesol integra un Padrón Único de Beneficiarios de los programas sociales, cuya
información se actualiza cada tres meses y se puede consultar en la dirección www.
Vanessa Rubio mencionó que, de igual forma, la Subsecretaría de Planeación, Evaluación
y Desarrollo Regional cuenta con el programa de comedores comunitarios, que en 2016
tiene el objetivo de llegar a cinco mil 100 unidades de ese tipo.
La funcionaria indicó que en la nueva etapa de fortalecimiento de los comedores se
buscará su estandarización y generar incentivos para los 66 mil 858 voluntarios que
diariamente preparan 1.1 millones de raciones para 544 mil personas, así como promover
acciones para el abatimiento de carencias desde un punto de vista más amplio que
solamente la alimentación.
En materia de evaluación, la funcionaria hizo énfasis en las sinergias con el Consejo
Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (Coneval) para el caso de
los comedores comunitarios, como la próxima puesta en marcha de un convenio con el
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán (INCMNSZ).
Con esa estrategia se busca reforzar la vigilancia nutrimental, avalar equivalencias y
mejorar la capacitación en la preparación de alimentos en colaboración con las secretarías
de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) y de Marina (Semar), así como de organizaciones de la
sociedad civil.
En lo referente a infraestructura social, mencionó que la subsecretaría acompaña a
los estados y municipios para el mejor aprovechamiento y ejecución del Fondo de
Aportaciones para la Infraestructura Social (FAIS).
Ese mecanismo contará en 2016 con más de 61 mil millones de pesos para proyectos
como la instalación de servicios de agua y saneamiento en domicilios, viviendas firmes y
el mejoramiento o edificación de centros educativos y de atención en salud, entre otros.
Hay siete millones de pobres más en América Latina: Cepal
•El número pasa de 168 millones a 175, como consecuencia de contracción económica
SANTIAGO, CHILE (22/MAR/2016).- El número de pobres en Amérca Latina y el
Caribe aumentó en siete millones en 2015, pasando desde 168 millones a 175 millones de
personas, como consecuencia de la contracción económica que enfrenta la región, según
proyecciones de la Cepal divulgadas este martes.
"Según las proyecciones del organismo, en 2015 la tasa regional de pobreza habría
aumentado a 29.2% de los habitantes de la región (175 millones de personas) y la tasa
de indigencia a 12.4% (75 millones de personas)", informó la Comisión Económica para
América y el Caribe, en Santiago.
"El aumento de la cantidad de personas pobres constatado en 2014 se produjo
básicamente entre los pobres no indigentes, y fue consecuencia de dispares resultados
nacionales, elevándose en algunos países y disminuyendo en un número importante de
ellos, se explicó en el documento.
La contracción de un 0.4% proyectada para la economía regional durante este año,
arrastrada por una caída en el valor de las materias primas y el descenso de la economía
brasileña, habría impactado sobre las cifras de pobreza de América Latina durante 2015.
Para reducir sus niveles de pobreza "América Latina debe generar más empleo de calidad,
con derechos y protección social, cautelar el salario mínimo y proteger el gasto social,
que muestra una merma en su ritmo de crecimiento", exhortó Alicia Bárcena, secretaria
ejecutiva de Cepal.
Hasta 2012, tras una década de crecimiento económico, la región había logrado reducir en
15.7 puntos porcentuales sus niveles de pobreza.
Technology & Science
Estudiantes ingeniería UPR Mayagüez ganan competencias en EE.UU.
Un grupo de estudiantes del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (RUM) de la Universidad
de Puerto Rico (UPR) que representó a la Isla en las competencias regionales del sur de la
Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros Civiles (ASCE), barrió con la mayoría de los premios.
Entre ellos estuvo el prestigioso Overall en la canoa de hormigón y el puente de acero,
lo que le ganó el pase a representar a los estados de Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tenesí
y Misisipi, así como Puerto Rico, en los desafíos nacionales de la organización, que se
llevarán en mayo y junio próximos, informó la Oficina de Prensa del RUM.
Los 26 boricuas se proclamaron ganadores de un total de 17 premios, en los 15 eventos
de la canoa de hormigón y el puente de acero, que se escenificaron en la Universidad de
Alabama en Tuscaloosa.
“Yo llevo participando cuatro años en las competencias de la ASCE y ese año, el Colegio
ganó el campeonato y ahora, tres años después, cuando yo me voy a graduar, volvemos a
traer el campeonato al Colegio. Es una sensación increíble y más porque nos desvivimos
tanto por esto, luchamos tanto por conseguir los fondos necesarios, la planificación
adecuada para que se pudiera dar un viaje exitoso. Sin lugar a dudas, ponemos más
empeño que muchas universidades y yo creo que eso nos lleva al éxito estando por allá”,
dijo Omar David Caraballo, presidente del capítulo estudiantil del RUM de la ASCE.
El grupo colegial del puente de acero estuvo integrado por 13 jóvenes que fueron retados
a construir un puente de acero a escala, en el que se evalúa el peso de la estructura,
cantidad de flexiones que se le pueden aplicar a una carga de 2,500 libras, tiempo de
construcción y el aspecto económico, según explicó Kevin Cueto, capitán del equipo.
Con el puente, los puertorriqueños lograron premios en las categorías de: tiempo de
construcción, peso, exhibición, eficiencia, economía y firmeza.
Mientras, el otro equipo, también de 13 estudiantes, tuvo que desarrollar una canoa
de hormigón estable, que girara y diseñada geométricamente para flotar, entre otras
especificaciones, de acuerdo con Josué G. Ramos Candelaria, capitán de ese grupo. Aquí,
los boricuas obtuvieron galardones en las áreas de carrera femenina y masculina (en
ambas lograron llegar en la primera posición), carreras largas, de obstáculos, producto
final, resumen final, presentación oral y diseño de la presentación, entre otros.
Desarrollan nuevo método para extraer células madre de donantes
Es menos invasivo y reduce los efectos secundarios en los donantes para
trasplantes de médulas óseas, según científicos australianos
SIDNEY - Científicos australianos desarrollaron un nuevo método para extraer células
madre que es menos invasivo y reduce los efectos secundarios en los donantes para
trasplantes de médulas óseas, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales.
En los casos de trasplantes de médulas óseas, las células madre se extraen de aquellos
donantes que gozan de buen estado de salud para ser utilizadas en los tratamientos de
pacientes con cáncer, incluyendo la leucemia.
El descubrimiento, publicado hoy en la revista científica “Nature Communications”,
reduce el tiempo requerido para obtener un número adecuado de células madre y evita
la aplicación de un factor de crecimiento, según la Organización para la Investigación
Industrial y Científica de la Mancomunidad de Australia (CSIRO).
Los actuales métodos de extracción de células madre demoran mucho tiempo y requieren
la aplicación a los donantes de inyecciones de factor de crecimiento para aumentar su
número, lo que a menudo provoca efectos secundarios.
El método desarrollado por científicos de CSIRO y del Instituto Australiano de Medicina
Regenerativa de Monash combina una nueva molécula conocida como BOP con una ya
existente, la AMD3100, para movilizar las células madre desde la médula ósea hasta el
torrente sanguíneo.
Los científicos descubrieron que la combinación de las dos moléculas no solo elimina
la necesidad de aplicar el factor de crecimiento, sino que además las células madre
extraídas son capaces de reponer todo el sistema de la médula ósea y no provocan efectos
Según Susie Nilsson, investigadora de CSIRO, su equipo demostró que la combinación de
las dos moléculas tiene un impacto directo en las células madre, lo que provoca que éstas
se vean en el torrente sanguíneo una hora después de la aplicación de una única dosis.
“Los actuales tratamientos requieren la aplicación de inyecciones de factor de crecimiento
durante varios días antes del procedimiento”, explicó Nilsson, al precisar que de esto
depende la eficacia del AMD3100.
“Pero el factor de crecimiento puede causar efectos secundarios incómodos como el dolor
de huesos y la dilatación del bazo en algunos pacientes y en otros casos, los donantes
no responden bien y el número de sus células madre no aumentan lo suficiente para un
trasplante exitoso”, añadió Nilsson.
El próximo paso de esta investigación, que en los estudios preclínicos han demostrado que
es efectivo, es combinar la molécula BOP con el factor de crecimiento antes de hacerlo
con la AMD3100 en las pruebas clínicas, indicó el CSIRO en un comunicado.
Microsoft's Edge Browser Gains Extensions
After a three-month delay, Microsoft has released the latest build of its Windows 10-based
Edge browser, which includes eagerly awaited extensions. Build 14291 has been released
for testing by developers.
Three extensions are being offered to test, including Microsoft Translator with more than
50 languages, the Reddit enhancement suite, and Mouse Gestures. Each can be manually
installed, and thanks to new extensions support, the extensions can be installed in Google
Chrome as well. Developers’ Chrome extensions can also be ported to Edge.
Although support for extensions was due at the end of last year, it was delayed. Microsoft
didn’t say how long the extensions will be tested by developers before they’re released to
all Windows 10 users. If the test period is successful, extensions will be available at the
Windows Store. Edge, the successor to Microsoft's legacy Internet Explorer, first came out
last summer with the release of the Windows 10 operating system.
More Coming
The preview of the new Edge browser coincided with the rollout of Windows 10 Mobile,
which is currently available only to some Windows 8.1 phones. The mobile operating
system will be released as a manual upgrade in the coming weeks -- Microsoft decided
against an automated push update.
Even though Microsoft has released just three basic extensions, developers will be able to
create their own extensions, according to the company. Microsoft is participating in the
W3C Browser Extension Community Group’s efforts to define standardized extension
APIs based on familiar Web technologies -- the Edge extensions are the first part of that
process. Microsoft said that AdBlock, Adblock Plus, Amazon, LastPass, and Evernote
extensions will also be available later this year.
How To Test
To try out an extension, users need to click on "More" at the top right in Microsoft Edge
and click "Extensions" to open the Extensions pane. Then click "Get extensions." The
extensions are only available for PCs.
Microsoft also released Pinned Tabs in Microsoft Edge, a feature that lets users more
easily keep their most used sites and Web apps always available. To pin a tab, right click
on the tab you want to pin and choose "Pin tab." To unpin a tab, right click on the pinned
tab and choose "Unpin tab." Pinned tabs always appear at the start of a tab row, and don’t
show close buttons, making it difficult to accidentally close them. Pinned tabs that are
in the Microsoft Edge window when the app is closed will show up the next time the
browser is opened.
Another enhancement to Edge lets users copy any link into the clipboard. Right click
on the address bar in Microsoft Edge and choose "Paste and go" from the context menu.
Microsoft Edge then pastes the URL into the address bar and navigates to the site. Users
can also copy words to their clipboards, and choose "Paste and search."
Apple Unveils 4-inch iPhone SE and 9.7-inch iPad Pro
As expected, at its Let us loop you in" media event, Apple unveiled a new 4-inch iPhone,
a 9.7-inch version of the iPad Pro and new band designs for the Apple Watch. The event
was held at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.
Apple also announced the launch of CareKit, a new framework for building apps for
personalized healthcare, and the immediate availability of iOS 9.3, the latest update to its
mobile operating system. In addition, several new features for Apple TV -- including the
ability to organize apps into folders and use dictation to input user names and passwords
-- became available today.
Today's event began with a brief summary of four decades of innovations introduced by
Apple, which celebrates its 40th birthday on April 1. CEO Tim Cook and other executives
provided an overview of the company's ongoing environmental and health research
initiatives and goals. Cook also took a few minutes to address the company's current court
battle with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
'We Will Not Shrink' from Privacy Protection
Noting that there are now more than 1 billion Apple devices worldwide -- "an incredible
milestone for us" -- Cook said his company remains committed to ensuring that its devices
protect users' privacy. It's an issue in the spotlight as Apple heads back to court tomorrow
to fight FBI efforts to break the encryption of an iPhone in the agency's possession. The
FBI wants Apple to write new code to unlock the iPhone that was used by Syed Rizwan
Farook, who along with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people at a holiday gathering
in San Bernardino, Calif. on December 2.
"We need to decide as a nation how much power the government should have over our
data and our information," Cook said from the stage during today's event. "We strongly
believe we have a responsibility to help you protect your data and your privacy. We will
not shrink from this responsibility."
Lisa Jackson -- the former administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
currently vice president for environment, policy and social initiatives at Apple -- followed
Cook's introduction to describe the company's clean energy goals. She said 93 percent of
Apple's facilities around the world now run on renewable energy, with that figure standing
at 100 percent in 23 countries.
Chief operating officer Jeff Williams took the stage after Jackson to talk about Apple's
efforts in health research. Those efforts gained steam last year with the launch of
ResearchKit, an iPhone-based software framework aimed at improving progress in
medical research. Williams said the company plans to build on that with today's launch
of CareKit, aimed at building "apps to empower people to take a more active role in their
care." One of the first apps for CareKit is designed for people with Parkinson's disease.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
Conozca su Gente
Receta del Mes
Honored Senior Of The Month
Juan Negron
Carne Guisada
Mr. Juan Negron is a Korean War Veteran who is an active volunteer at Hispanics United of
ERIE COUNTY, NY— Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz was joined by
Commissioner of Senior Services Randy Hoak, members of the Senior Services department,
and enthusiastic seniors last week at Hispanics United of Buffalo to honor Mr. Juan Negron as
“Senior of the Month” for March 2016. Mr. Negron was awarded several honors for his service
in the Korean War and in 2015 attended a special White House ceremony hosted by President
Obama to honor the Borinqueneers, a U.S. Army Regiment comprised of Puerto Rican soldiers,
with the presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor to the Regiment.
“Mr. Negron is a great example of someone who served their country and now serves their
community giving of himself to help others,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz.
“Erie County’s seniors are active, involved, and continue to contribute to making our
community a better place.”
“Juan is a decorated veteran who is enjoying his retirement by helping others and being a
part of the vibrant community at Hispanics United,” added Commissioner Hoak. “He’s truly
a member of the greatest generation and we are proud to honor him as March’s Senior of the
Mr. Negron, a Puerto Rican native, began his service in Korea in June 1957 and went on to
receive the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor along with numerous other awards during his
outstanding wartime service. He married the love of his life, Juanita, in 1960 and together the
Negron’s welcomed three children, daughters Vivian and Janet and son Edwin. Following Mrs.
Negron’s passing in 2007, Juan immersed himself in life at Hispanics United of Buffalo. He
works with and supports causes such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Vets First
Honor Guard, and Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Town and is a regular volunteer at the Center who
assists in driving members to doctors’ visits and other appointments.
2½ lbs. beef stew meat
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, diced
salt & pepper to taste
Enough water to cover meat
* Boil these ingredients for at least 2 hours until meat is tender. Once this is done add
the rest of the ingredients below.
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
½ cup sofrito sauce
1 packet Sazón seasoning
2 cups peeled, cubed potatoes
½ cup peeled, cubed yautía
½ cup peeled, cubed yuca (remove center core)
1 carrot, diced
½ cup olives with pimentos
1 tbsp. capers
Add more water to cover all ingredients
One the rest of the ingredients are added, bring to a boil and cook another 30 minutes
or so until vegetables are done. If you can't find yautía or yuca don't worry, just use
the potatoes.
Serve with rice and tostones
Conozca su Gente
New York State Regents Elect as Chancellor
Betty Rosa
Quality, Affordable Housing
St. Isaac Jogues
Msgr. Kirby
The members of the State Board of Regents on Monday elected Betty A. Rosa, a
former New York City principal and superintendent, as the new chancellor, signaling
a sharp shift in the state’s education policies after dramatic protests by parents.
Dr. Rosa has criticized the new, more difficult tests that the state introduced under her
predecessor, Merryl H. Tisch, as part of its transition to the Common Core standards.
She has suggested that the tests were designed so that many students would fail,
giving policy makers a chance to point to a crisis in the state’s schools. On Monday,
she said that if she had children in the grades taking the exams, she would have them
sit out the tests, as the parents of more than 200,000 students did last year.
Board members are elected by the Legislature, and set education policy for the state.
Dr. Rosa’s election is an indication of how much both politicians and the public
have turned against the policies promoted by Dr. Tisch, including the evaluation of
teachers on the basis of state test scores. In December, the Regents placed a four-year
moratorium on including the scores as a factor in teacher evaluations. Dr. Rosa has
said she would like to make that change permanent.
Dr. Rosa, who represents the Bronx, was elected by a vote of 15 to 0, with two
Dr. Rosa, 64, was born in New York City but spent much of her early childhood in
Puerto Rico. She worked as a bilingual teacher in the city’s schools before becoming
principal of Intermediate School 218, a middle school in Upper Manhattan. Later she
was the superintendent of District 8 in the Bronx, which includes some of the city’s
poorest neighborhoods.
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Film & Discussion: SUPER SIZE ME
Film: Director Morgan Spurlock’s social experiment in high fast-food intake and the terrifying
side effects. 4:30-7:00 PM in Madonna Hall
The Opioid Epidemic: Learn to use Naloxone and Save a Life
Cheryll Moore, Medical Care Coordinator, Erie County Department of Health
4:00-5:00 PM in Madonna Hall
Health Disparities in Erie County
Gale Burstein, MD, MPH, FAAP, Commissioner of Health, Erie County Department of Health
10:00-11:00 AM in Madonna Hall
Health Information Exchange: What is it and why is it important?
Herb Glose, partner at Barclay Damon and attorney for HealthELink
5:30 – 7:00 PM in DAC 216
Buffalo’s Newest Immigrants: Refugee Health in Buffalo
Jackie Andula, RN, MPH, Medical Care Administrator, Erie County Department of Health
2:00-3:00 PM in Madonna Hall
Panel Discussion: Striving to Achieve a
Healthy 1000 Days for WNY Mothers and Children
Facilitated by Briana Jegier, PhD Assistant Professor, Health Services Administration Department,
D’Youville College
9:00-10:00 AM in College Center, 2nd Floor
Events hosted by the Health Services Administration Department
All events are free and open to the public.
D’Youville College 320 Porter Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14201
Contact Dr. Rafalson 829-8489 •
casa en la selva. Guiados por Bagheera y Baloo el oso, que
se embarca en un viaje de auto-descubrimiento mientras
evadir el hombre cazador de Shere Khan. En el camino,
Mowgli se encuentra con criaturas de la selva que no
tienen exactamente sus mejores intereses en el corazón,
incluyendo Kaa la pitón y el hablar suave de Borneoorangután se asemeja Gigantopithecus Rey Louie, que
trata de forzar a Mowgli a renunciar el secreto para el
escurridizo y letal "flor roja".
Theatre – Teatro
licencia energía levantadas e inspirados. Un espectáculo de
Shen Yun presenta más destacados bailarines de formación
clásica del mundo, una orquesta única integrada en este y
el oeste, y deslumbrante animación telones-crear juntos
una actuación espectacular.
and dance,
Shen Yun weaves a wondrous tapestry of heavenly realms,
ancient legends, and modern heroic tales, taking you on
a journey through 5,000 years of Chinese culture. Its
stunning beauty and tremendous energy leave audiences
uplifted and inspired.
A Shen Yun performance features the world’s foremost
classically trained dancers, a unique orchestra blending
East and West, and dazzling animated backdrops—
together creating one spectacular performance.
COMPADRES – April 22nd.
A disgruntled Mexican cop is forced to work with a
teenage hacker to hunt down the criminals who killed his
wife, and dismantle their operation.
Music- Musica
Un policía mexicano descontento se ve obligado a trabajar
con un hacker adolescente para cazar a los criminales que
mataron a su esposa, y desmantelar su funcionamiento.
Marc Anthony en concierto se presenta en la ciudad de
Nueva York en Agosto. Los boletos ya están a la venta y es
uno de los conciertos mas esperados de esta año.
SHEN YUN -2016 @ SHEA’S THEATER April 22 and
La banda de rock en español MANA se presentará también
en la ciudad de Nueva York en Octubre 24 y esta banda es
una de las mas solicitadas en toda Latinoamérica y España.
y la danza, Shen Yun teje un tapiz maravilloso de regiones
celestes, antiguas leyendas y cuentos heroicos modernas,
que le llevará en un viaje a través de 5.000 años de cultura
china. Su impresionante belleza y enormes audiencias de
Ana Gabriel – la cantante Mexicana canta sus canciones
maravillosas y estará en concierto en Abril 16 en la ciudad
de Atlantic City.
COLONIA – April 15th.
In 1973 Chile, a young stewardess is horrified to learn that
her boyfriend, a leftist photographer, has been captured by
Augusto Pinochet's forces and sent to a religious colony
where dissidents are tortured and killed. She applies to
work at the colony, and she and her lover soon plan a
clandestine escape.
En 1973 Chile, una azafata joven se horroriza al saber que
su novio, un fotógrafo de izquierda, ha sido capturado por
las fuerzas de Augusto Pinochet y enviado a una colonia
religiosa donde los disidentes son torturados y asesinados.
Ella se aplica a trabajar en la colonia, y ella y su amante
pronto planear una fuga clandestina.
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. is building a new destination
Our City. Our Waterfront.
Canalside is now a year round destination with over one million visitors throughout the year.
April/May 2016 Update
There is so much energy at Canalside and the staff is planning for an exciting summer with
activities for the entire family. The winter experience at Canalside was filled with an array of
activities that included ice skating, ice bikes, music events and holiday celebrations.
Have You Seen the Grain Elevator Illumination?
The Grain Elevator Light Display that illuminates Canalside
every night from sundown until 11 p.m. brings life to one of
Buffalo’s oldest grain elevators. Find more info at
Summer Concert Planning: A Focus on Variety and
This year we invited members of the local music community
to join us for a discussion about ideas to enhance the
summer concert series and music programming. The
committee provided a diverse list of local and national musical groups to consider this year and
in the future. We thank the committee for their ideas and suggestions.
Building a Waterfront Designation that Highlights the Diversity of Buffalo
Mowgli is a human boy raised by the Indian wolves
Raksha and Akela ever since he was a baby and brought to
them by Bagheera the black panther. When the fearsome
Bengal tiger Shere Khan threatens his life since man isn't
allowed in the jungle, Mowgli leaves his jungle home.
Guided by Bagheera and Baloo the bear, he sets out on a
journey of self-discovery while evading the man-hunting
Shere Khan. Along the way, Mowgli encounters jungle
creatures who do not exactly have his best interests at heart
including Kaa the python and the smooth-talking Bornean
orangutan-resembling Gigantopithecus King Louie, who
tries to coerce Mowgli into giving up the secret to the
elusive and deadly "red flower".
Mowgli es un niño humano criado por los lobos de la
India Raksha y Akela desde que era un bebé y fue traído
por Bagheera la pantera negro. Cuando el temible tigre
de Bengala Shere Khan amenaza su vida desde que el
hombre no está permitido en la selva, Mowgli sale de su
Canalside is Hiring for the Summer Season!
¥ Bartender ¥ Beer Pourer ¥ Barback ¥ Concert Cashier ¥
Concessions Cashier ¥ Concessions Line Cook and Head
Cook (Sous Chef)
More info:
Doing Business at Canalside – Canalside is a premier
destination where customer experience is important. There is
an array of opportunities available. We invite business
owners to find out more about opportunities at Canalside on
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm at the Pavilion at Canalside- located
next to the Canals.
Vendor Opportunities
We are looking for vendors for food, entertainment, transportation, tours and more! Our existing
vendors are world-class, providing services and entertainment for Canalside visitors. For more
information, contact Canalside. Call 716.574.1537, email, or
complete an application at Deadline is April 29
in order to be considered.
Location: Central Library Position Title: Library Contract Coordinator
Appt. Type: Provisional¹
Salary Scale: Job Group IX – $37,629 - $55,334
¹ Must place in the top 3 on upcoming Civil Service List for this title.
Date of Posting: March 16, 2016
The work involves coordinating and managing the contract procurement process at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (B&ECPL). Work is performed under the
ntral Library
direct supervision of the Chief Financial Officer. The incumbent will participate in the development of policies relating to said practices on behalf of the B&ECPL, as well
brary Contract Coordinator
as the bidding, negotiation, selection, implementation and management of said contracts. Does related work as required.
- $55,334
A) Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Master’s Degree in a business related field or public administration
arch 16, 2016
and one (1) year of experience in contract procurement/management; or
ating and managing the contract procurement process at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library
B) Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in a business related field and two (2) years of
med under the direct supervision of the Chief Financial Officer. The incumbent will participate in
experience in contract procurement/management; or
s relating to said practices on behalf of the B&ECPL, as well as the bidding, negotiation,
C) An equivalent combination of training and experience as set by the limits of (A) and (B).
and management of said contracts. Does related work as required.
• Working knowledge of legal documents including leases and lease abstracts • Working knowledge of RFP/RFB processes;
• AbilityortoNew
use Microsoft
with advanced
of Excel,
onally accredited
York State
college knowledge
or university
a Master’s
in a and purchasing and contract management software • Ability
and maintain
working relationships internally and
blic administration and one (1) year to
in contract
or with customers, vendors and other
of the
• Ability
to identify
problems andwith
• Ability in
to communicate
effectively, both orally and in writing; ability
ionally accredited
or New
or university
a Bachelor’s
work independently
• Abilityprocurement/management;
to multi-task and prioritize work • Strong
wo (2) years oftoexperience
in contract
or analytical and detailed oriented skills; capable of performing the essential functions of the
(B).with or without reasonable accommodation
tion of training and experience as set by the limits of (A) and
• Responsible for contract procurement process from start to finish; • Ensures all Requests for Proposals and Bids (RFP/RFB) adhere to B&ECPL standards, including
ge of legal documents
and lease
standards • Reviews all proposals to ensure that required information and/or submitted forms are complete and
e of RFP/RFBincluded
in the final document; works with applicable team to obtain the necessary documentation for RFP/RFB • Consults with internal stakeholders offering advice
osoft applications,
and to RFP/RFB specifications; monitors completion of contractual
and provides input throughout the process to achieve
• Ensures quality
and adherence
ntract management
tracks deadlines and expiration dates; examines renewal options or need to initiate RFP/RFB process • Prepares contract and/or lease documents and
and maintain effective working relationships internally and with
to appropriate
parties for
of the organization;
problems andHOW
should send a resume and letter of interest by March 28, 2016 to:
icate effectively, both orally and in writing; ability
work independently;
k and prioritize
work;M. Doyle, Assistant Deputy Director • Human Resources • Buffalo & Erie County Public Library • 1 Lafayette Square • Buffalo, NY 14203-1887
& Erie County
Public Library
is an equalofopportunity
nd detailed oriented skills; capableThe
the essential
the position
or is committed to workplace diversity.
ntract procurement process from start to finish;
ts for Proposals and Bids (RFP/RFB) adhere to B&ECPL standards, including Minority/Women
(MWBE) standards;
als to ensure that required information and/or submitted forms are complete and included in the
rks with applicable team to obtain the necessary documentation for RFP/RFB;
nal stakeholders offering advice and provides input throughout the process to achieve milestones;
d adherence to RFP/RFB specifications; monitors completion of contractual obligations; tracks
ration dates; examines renewal options or need to initiate RFP/RFB process;
nd/or lease documents and submits to appropriate parties for signature.
Iluminando el camino a la esperanza y la recuperación
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment & Rehabilitation Services for Adults & Adolescents
Servicios de tratamiento y rehabilitation de salud mental y adiccion para adultos y adolescentes
Consejeros Bilingües (Español/Inglés)
For information, referrals or appointments call:
Para información, citas o referidos llame:
(716) 884-0888
Join The Lake Shore Behavioral Health Team!
We hire professional social workers (LMSW/LCSW), mental health counselors (LMHC),
substance abuse counselors (CASAC), psychiatrists, registered nurses (RN) and
vocational counselors as well as administrative staff and case managers.
Bilingual individuals encouraged to apply.
To view our open positions and apply online visit:
es should send a resume and letter of interest by March 28, 2016 to:
unty Public Library is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to workplace diversity.
Jeannine M. Doyle, Assistant Deputy Director
Human Resources
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
1 Lafayette Square
Buffalo, NY 14203-1887
ming Civil Service List for this title.
April 12 | May 10 | June 14
All classes will be offered from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
UB Downtown Gateway
77 Goodell Street | Buffalo, NY 14203
The workshops are free
and open to the public!
For more information or to sign up for
the workshops, please call 845-4567
• Neveras
• Estufas
• Lavadoras
• Secadoras
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Acceptamos su
de Serivicios
TOLL FREE (888) 416-4443
Video Journalist/Video Production Assistant
The Instructional Resources department at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for
the position of Video Journalist/Video Production Assistant.
Job Description:
Working under the direction of the Creative Media Services team, a new unit of the Instructional Resources
Department, and in collaboration with the College Relations Office, the Video Journalist/Video Production
Assistant will capture and produce video content designed to convey the vibrancy of the campus and the
community. You will create marketing and narrative content for the web, social media, and television.
Required Qualifications:
• Bachelor’s degree in television production, multimedia production, communications, journalism or related field.
• Professional experience in video production, electronic news gathering and electronic field production.
• Demonstrated ability in writing, producing and editing for video.
• Demonstrated knowledge of electronic field production techniques, including videography, audio capture,
lighting, editing and interviewing skills.
• Demonstrated experience with non-linear digital video editing systems such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut
Pro, Avid or equivalent.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Advanced experience with Adobe Premiere preferred.
• Previous video production experience in an academic environment.
• Advanced storytelling and interview skills.
• Advanced understanding of visual composition, sound, exposure and lighting.
Qualified applicants may apply online at
Panorama Hispanic News
1/8 page (5.0625 x 3.875)
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Life-Changing Careers
Start Here!
People Inc. is WNY’s leading health and human service provider. We are seeking
motivated staff members to provide support to individuals with disabilities so
they can live as independently as possible.
Bilingual candidates needed
Group Home Positions ($10.93/hr) and Team Leaders ($12.75/hr)
• Full-time, part-time and per-diem (relief) positions
• Paid new hire orientation
• Paid time off for full-time employees with 25 days annually to start
Apply Online:
Pre-Employment Drug Test Required. EOE.
Puerto Rico, mi pequeño terruño
En una tierra lejana cubierta por un manto blanco,
mi mente se remonta a mis raíces,
donde los matices coloridos calientan mi sangre caribeña.
Mis raíces tropicales sedientas de bomba y plena se sienten ansiosas.
Al aire libre todo el año quiero estar.
Donde el cielo azul se confunde con las olas danzantes del mar.
Donde las palmeras no dejan de bailar,
ni el viento azotar al escuchar a las golondrinas cantar.
¡Oh mi Puerto Rico! ¡Mi terruño amado!
¡Cuánto tiempo ha pasado!
¡Cuánto mi alma te ha extrañado!
¿Qué culpa tienes tú de que los hombres te hayan asaltado,
usurpado y maltratado?
Sé que has sufrido por culpa de la avaricia de extranjeros y de tus propios hijos. Pero
¡ánimos! todavía existen muchos valientes dispuestos, y por ti luchando.
Eres un pedazo de diamante valioso que muchos no saben valorar, pero los que
verdaderamente sabemos lo que eres, tierra mía, te valoramos.
Estoy lejos, pero te llevo muy dentro de mí, con orgullo. Mi terruño, mi islita. Algún
día volveré a ti, pues no hay nación que se compare a tu hermosura, a tu calidez, y a tu
Mi cuna, quien me vio nacer, quien me vio crecer.
Tú no tienes precio. En tus brazos quiero envejecer.
Oh mi Puerto Rico, ¿qué culpa tienes tú de que los hombres te hayan asaltado, usurpado y
¡Oh mi Puerto Rico! ¡Mi terruño amado!
¡Cuánto tiempo ha pasado!
¡Cuánto mi alma te ha extrañado!
Somos muchos los que te hemos abandonado,
pero a tus brazos yo volveré
aunque muchos años hayan pasado...
Damaris Cáceres Mercado
Las flores- Marcelo D. Ferrer
La muerte- Marcelo D. Ferrer
Sacúdese la vida ante el misterio de las flores.
Belleza que alardea perfumes placebos
Y cromática sinfonía que trasforma paisajes. Del monocromo a la diversidad
Y de la vastedad a lo insignificante... tremendo viaje. ¿Cabe un pensamiento en un pétalo? La existencia es un instante
Y cada silencio un diálogo con ángeles. ¿Serán las flores llaves o portales? Sacúdese la vida ante el misterio de las flores
Que perfuman el paisaje.
En la batalla de la vida
Sobre lo inerte
Queda sabido,
Ganará siempre la muerte. Un vendaval se llevó mi ilusión.
Viento helado que transporta a la muerte con su hoz
Dejando cuerpos sin su alma
Que más de la tierra ya son.
Quedan aquí desolados corazones
Que la impotencia quebró
Para que también la muerte un día...
Venga y los parta en dos. Pasa el viento arrancándonos la vida
Desparramando pedazos de ilusión.
Pasó la muerte,
Y aún en mi vigilia,
Lo mismo te llevó. El triunfo de la vida es un espejismo inútil,
Alarga el letargo insano del inexorable final.
Y mientras nos destroza la agonía,
La muerte, a veces lenta,
No parece tener piedad ni complacencia.
Música -Marcelo D. Ferrer
Música de letargos agnósticos.
No existe el entorno.
Hay virtualidades deambulando el éter,
Fantasmas que penetran el sólido. Música
Al garete sobre oleajes impetuosos.
Caricia de toques sonoros
En el impreciso reverso del cosmos. Y lo profundo se adereza
De sabores misteriosos;
Son las musas que pueblan el entorno.
Si cierro los ojos,
Bambolea la música mis despojos. Dejando sobre el pentagrama
La lógica predecible del tiempo.
Serena la música
El caudaloso río de un enojo.
Tu Reflejo
Mujer Fuerte
Una mujer fuerte, es aquella que cuando tiene alguna preocupación o problema, escoge el
rincón de la noche, donde nadie la vea, en la soledad oscura para desbordarse en llanto y
así poder meditar, pensar, y hasta poder llorar si tiene que hacerlo.
Una mujer fuerte, muestra una sonrisa en medio de su torbellino.
Una mujer fuerte es aquella que da palabras de gozo a aquellos que sufren como ella, sin
mostrar rastro de su sufrimiento interno.
Una mujer fuerte es aquella que confía y tiene fe cuando muchos cuestionan su cordura.
Una mujer fuerte es aquella que canta y baila para no dar paso a la tristeza que quiere
Una mujer fuerte es aquella que soporta, tolera y maneja los problemas ajenos más los
Una mujer fuerte es aquella que encuentra consuelo brindando consuelo a los demás sin
ser egoísta.
Una mujer fuerte no es sólo poderosa: es pura valentía, es pura inteligencia, es pura
audacia, es pura compasión, es puro amor.
Una mujer fuerte no es sólo sinónimo de fuerza. Es sinónimo de Grandeza, de Gloria, de
Una mujer fuerte es aquella coronada con fortaleza, vestida con esperanza, y calzada con
Una mujer fuerte es paciente, tolerante y valiente. No confundas sus lágrimas con
flaquezas, con debilidad, ni delicadezas, pues cuando sus lágrimas brotan, la mayoría de
las veces es porque su coraje interior se exterioriza y fluye a través de sus ojos.
Una mujer fuerte es de las que renacen de las cenizas como el Ave Fénix, que vuela alto
con sus enormes alas ardientes.
Una mujer fuerte es la más hermosa que pueda existir. Tú mujer que me lees eres una
de ellas. Sigue adelante. No desmayes, pues tu fe será recompensada de la meneara que
menos esperas y cuando menos lo esperas.
Por Damaris Cáceres Mercado
¡Que tu esperanza nunca se marchite!
Muchas veces nos suceden situaciones en nuestras vidas que nos hacen perder la
esperanza. Los cantazos son tan frecuentes que dejamos de creer y hasta pensamos
disparates, pero eso es lo menos que debemos pensar pues nunca habrá carga sobre
nosotros que no podamos cargar. Mientras más duro el reto más capacitados estamos para
soportarlo pues de lo contrario, no nos sucedieran. Esos son los misterios universales.
¡Que tu esperanza nunca se marchite!
Sigue creyendo aun cuando la gente pierda la esperanza.
Sigue dando amor, aunque otros te odien y siembren odio.
Sigue construyendo, aun cuando otros destruyan.
Sigue hablando de Paz, aun en medio de una guerra.
Sigue iluminando, aunque otros intenten apagar tu luz en medio de la oscuridad.
Sigue sembrando, aunque otros pisen tu cosecha.
Sigue gritando, aun cuando otros callen porque la verdad siempre está en tu ser.
Sigue dibujando sonrisas en rostros llenos de lágrimas aunque tengas que dibujarlas en el
tuyo propio.
Sigue transmitiendo alivio, cuando veas dolor porque eso te ayudará a ser fuerte y así
lograrás hacer fuertes a los demás.
Sigue regalando motivos de alegría donde sólo haya tristezas.
Insta a caminar al que decidió quedarse y ayuda a levantar del suelo a los que se han
rendido. Porque en medio de la desolación, siempre habrá un niño que nos mirará,
esperanzado, esperando algo de nosotros, y aún en medio de una tormenta, por algún lado
saldrá el sol... y en medio del desierto crecerá una planta. Siempre habrá un pájaro que
nos cante, un río que nos sacie la sed y una mariposa que nos brinde su belleza.
¡Que tu esperanza nunca se marchite!
Por Damaris Cáceres Mercado
a resolverlo, utilizando el contexto de la expansión económica", dijo Richard Lipsitz,
presidente de la New Western Federación del Trabajo York, AFL-CIO.
Durante el taller de tres horas, los participantes de la cumbre recibieron un informe
publicado en enero por la Asociación para al bien común.
El informe reveló que entre 2010 y 2014, el desempleo del condado de Erie entre los
blancos era aproximadamente de 6 puntos-4 por ciento. poblaciones afroamericanas
e hispanas tenían tasas de desempleo, al menos, el doble. El número aumentó a por lo
menos 20 por ciento para la comunidad afroamericana de 20 a 24.
El informe también encontró que por cada dólar ganado por un trabajador en Erie County,
otras poblaciones étnicas ganaron no más de 73 centavos de dólar.
En su discurso de apertura, el pastor George Nicholas expresó su confianza en que los
participantes mientras que la nación no ha logrado erradicar las disparidades raciales en el
pasado, se puede hacer y animó a Búfalo a tener un papel destacado.
"En esta salón ahora, poseemos todos los conocimientos, las conexiones, los recursos y es
de esperar la voluntad de resolver este problema", dijo el pastor Nicolás.
Roswell Park Patient Action Team: Cancer Survivors
Use Their Experience to Help Others with Cancer
By Terry Alford
Community Relations Coordinator
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
They call it giving back. Others say it is paying it forward. However you want to say
it, there is a caring group of cancer survivors making a difference in the lives of those
currently battling cancer at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI). This diverse and
dedicated team represents all racial and ethnic minority patients treated at our cancer
They call themselves the Patient Action Team, or PAT. These cancer survivors have
dedicated their survivorship to helping others. PAT members help current cancer patients
from diagnosis to survivorship, sharing their own cancer experiences and seeking to
improve the overall patient care experience.
Sponsored by the Office of Cancer Health Disparities Research (OCHDR) at Roswell
Park, PAT works under the leadership of OCHDR health specialist Nikia Clark, with
Spanish translation services provided by team member Jomary Colon. The mission of the
OCHDR is to understand, reduce, eliminate and prevent cancer disparities in vulnerable
and medically underserved populations and patients through transdisciplinary research and
PAT members serve as lay health advisors, offering their time and talent to the Roswell
Park Volunteer Services Department and the Young Adult Support Group. The PAT team
recently completed a user-friendly tip sheet that offers practical tips, advice, resources,
inspiration and hope to all new patients as they begin their cancer journey. The tip sheet
can be found at in the newsroom under publications.
PAT members know they are making a valuable contribution to solving cancer health
disparities among minority and underserved populations. The group is excited about
continuing their work of encouraging new patients and helping to ensure that all patients at
RPCI receive the best cancer care experience possible.
For more information about the PAT group, contact Nikia Clark at (716) 845-4888, or
email her at
Interactivo•Actualizado • Videos•Imagenes•Links
Ralph M. Mohr
Leonard R. Lenihan
The Elementary Education and Reading Department at Buffalo State,
State University of
New York, seeks candidates for the position of Lecturer.
For a full job description and to apply:
La Elección Primaria se llevará a cabo en el condado de
de Abril, 2016
- 9:00
Aries: Surgen nuevas ideas que pueden ayudarte a conseguir lo
que deseas. Si estás convencido, hazlo.
Tauro: La vida siempre nos da oportunidades, no pierdas la fe. En
el amor, expresa lo que sientes.
Géminis: Estás viviendo una etapa de cambios, saca las mejores
conclusiones. Esa persona te ayudará.
Cáncer: Has pasado una semana complicada, pero las cosas están
mejorando. Confía en tus cualidades.
Leo: Recibirás un reconocimiento especial por tu labor, debes
plantearte nuevas metas. Escucha a tu corazón.
Virgo: Una persona del sexo opuesto se acerca a ti para proponerte
algo importante. Analiza si te conviene.
Libra: No te dejes llevar por el pesimismo, demuestra que estás para
grandes cosas. La suerte te acompaña.
Escorpio: Te sientes presionado para actuar y eso está mal.
Reflexiona sobre lo que realmente deseas.
Sagitario: Necesitas replantear las cosas que no están funcionando.
Debes ser sincero y corregir esos errores.
Capricornio: Si tienes pareja, demuéstrale lo que sientes. Si no la
tienes, mejora tu actitud. Sonríe.
Acuario: Las cosas no caen del cielo, esfuérzate para conseguir lo
que deseas. Esa persona te extraña.
Piscis: Habrá la posibilidad de realizar un trabajo distinto.
Encuentras un motivo para ser optimista.
¡Empiece A Sentirse
Mejor Hoy Mismo!
¿Por qué West Buffalo Chiropractic?
Panorama Hispanic News
• No Tiene Que Esperar, Le Hacemos Su
1/16 page (5.0625 x 2)
Cita Inmediatamente
• Modernas Instalaciones
• Utilizamos Las Más Nuevas Tecnologías
March 20th
• Aceptamos La Mayoría De Seguros y
Procesamos Sus Cobros
• Cómodos Planes De Pago
• El Médico Habla Español
Lesiones De
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Lugares específicos tendrán papeleta e información en la
ubicación de votación llame al 858-8891.
Accidentes De
The Elementary Education and Reading Department at Buffalo State, State University of New
York, seeks candidates for the position of Lecturer.
Required Qualifications:
Master’s in Literacy or related field; experience teaching an elementary literacy curriculum
at the college level. Demonstrated K-12 teaching experience. Experience working in schools
in high needs communities. Experience advising undergraduate education majors. Record of
participation in school/university partnerships. Record of college service with demonstrated
collaboration across departments. Teacher certification at the professional level.
Preferred Qualifications:
Experience supervising teacher candidates in an urban/rural and/or international school.
Participation in accreditation review process for a teacher education program. Experience
preparing teacher candidates for NYS teacher certification assessments including the edTPA.
Experience with educational technology such as distance learning and Blackboard. NYS
professional certification in K-12.
Qualified applicants may apply online at
Panorama Hispanic News
Lesiones De
1/8 page
(5.0625 x 3.875)
March 20th
El Mejor
• Lesiones De Accidente de Auto
• Lesiones De Trabajo
• Lesiones En El Hogar
• Latigazo
• Nervios Irritados
• Dolores De Cabeza
Consulta, Examen, Examinación
y primer tratamiento
Solamente $
Visitas proximas solo $25
Tratamiento Para:
• Hormiguea En Las Manos
• Dolor De Espalda o Cintura
o Brazos
• Dolor Entre Los Hombros
• Dolor de Piernas (Ciática)
• Lesiones de Deportes
• Síndrome De Túnel Carpiano • Dolor de Cuello Y Entiesimiento
• Articulaciones Dolorosas
• Corrección Postural
Francisco Vaquero, D.C.
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
455 Niagara St. • Buffalo, NY 14210
The costs of inequality: Faster lives, quicker deaths
For blacks and Hispanics, frail neighborhoods undercut education, health, and jobs — all
keys to thriving
By Kenneth J. Cooper, Harvard Correspondent
Seventh in a series on what Harvard scholars are doing to identify and understand
inequality, in seeking solutions to one of America’s most vexing problems.
Sixteen years into the new millennium, many white Americans see racial and ethnic
inequalities as belonging to a bygone era of blatant discrimination and legal segregation
that ended with the Civil Rights protections enacted a half century ago or more.
The popular thinking goes that the reasons African-Americans and Hispanics nationally
lag behind in income and wealth, in health and education, have to do with their own
“personal shortcomings,” in the words of Harvard sociologist William Julius Wilson.
Or, as David R. Williams, the Florence Sprague Norman and Laura Smart Norman
Professor of Public Health and professor of African and African-American studies in
Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, characterizes this perspective, “It’s their fault
because they’ve had the doors of opportunity open to them and haven’t walked through
those doors.”
Public opinion has hardened so much that Harvard scholars who’ve researched racial and
ethnic inequalities feel they must take it into account when asked to propose solutions to
those ongoing disparities. The scholars factor in how to reframe the public conversation to
make their suggestions politically acceptable.
Rather than advocate approaches that target racial or ethnic groups, these analysts instead
offer broader solutions directed at disadvantaged neighborhoods or classes of people. The
scholars are inclined to promote practical, place-based initiatives to bring programs and
services to particular areas.
For African-Americans and other minorities, the promise of equality is always around the
next bend ― along with, it generally seems, the next political roadblock.
“Today poor black families have fewer middle-class neighbors than they had in 1970,”
Wilson said. “When you combine this growing income segregation with [residential]
racial segregation, you see that low-income blacks cluster in neighborhoods that feature
disadvantages among several dimensions, including joblessness and [lower] educational
Hispanics are also concentrated in low-income urban neighborhoods. The Initiative for
a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), which Harvard Business School Professor Michael E.
Porter founded in 1994, has calculated that 37 percent of the nation’s inner-city residents
are Hispanics and 31 percent are African-Americans.
Through the school years, both minority groups are on the short end of achievement
gaps when compared with whites and Asians, and have higher dropout rates. Driving the
high Hispanic dropout rate are deficiencies in bilingual education and the expectations of
immigrant parents that teenagers work to help support their struggling families.
The biggest education gap for both groups is how much schooling they complete. In a
knowledge economy that greatly rewards the better-educated, 50 percent of Asians and 29
percent of whites have earned a college degree, compared with 18 percent of blacks and
13 percent of Hispanics, according to the Census Bureau.
Because Williams believes that health disparities represent the cumulative impact of other
inequalities, he calls for solutions that stretch traditional medical care and public health
policy. His first step, though, would be universal access to insurance coverage. He favors a
single-payer government system.
“Education is really one of the keys for Latinos to deal with the whole question of
inequality.” Davíd Carrasco
His next step? “Quality early childhood education for all, especially for those who are
coming from low socioeconomic backgrounds who could not afford it,” Williams said.
That initiative would start before birth with home visits by nurses who would counsel
pregnant women on health and other matters.
From education research on achievement gaps, Ronald Ferguson has arrived at a similar
conclusion. “Racial and socioeconomic and gender skill gaps are clearly apparent in the
national data by the age 2. So you have to start prenatal to deal with these things,” said
Ferguson, adjunct lecturer in public policy at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and faculty
director of Harvard’s Achievement Gap Initiative.
Best practices in their homes
In 2015, Ferguson launched a local collaboration, Boston Basics, that encourages
the city’s parents to adopt five best practices in their homes to “help give children
equal life chances.” They are simple activities such as “talk, sing, and point” to build
communications skills, and “read and discuss stories” to enhance comprehension.
As part of Boston Basics, the Boston Public Health Commission is making home visits
to expectant mothers in distressed families to teach them those practices — much as
Williams envisions.
Ferguson advocates attention to the “social ecology” in settings where children spend time
— home, school, community centers, and health centers, for example. He distinguishes
that approach from a strictly neighborhood-based strategy.
To improve education, Wilson endorses a strategy initiated by the Obama administration,
Promise Neighborhoods. These are designed to build “a complete continuum of cradle-tocareer solutions of both educational programs and family and community supports, with
great schools at the center,” according to the U.S. Department of Education.
“I think that the Promise Neighborhoods is built on the premise of providing people with
the opportunity so that they can improve their life chances,” Wilson said.
Faster life and quicker death
Williams sees racial and ethnic inequalities as a stark matter of faster life and quicker
“Health inequalities are the sum total of all the other social inequalities,” Williams said.
“All the other social inequalities finally end up in the area of health.”
Williams cited studies showing:
African-Americans contract serious diseases sooner, resulting in 96,800 deaths that would
not have happened if they fell sick at the same rate as whites. Williams compared the loss
of life to “a fully loaded jumbo jet, with 265 passengers and crew taking off from Boston
Logan Airport and crashing today, everybody on board dying, and the same thing happens
tomorrow. And the same thing happens every day next week and every day next month
and every day for a year.”
Since 1950, the black-white gap in life expectancy has been halved from eight years
to four, but it would take another 30 years for the life spans to become equal — if the
average longevity of whites remains static.
The longer that Hispanic immigrants live in the United States, the less healthy they
become. Their health status is similar to whites’ when they arrive, but over time
deteriorates to a level almost as low as blacks’. Subsequent generations born in America
are less healthy than their immigrant forebears.
Ten standard measures of health, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, show
the bodies of African-Americans at midlife have aged 10 years faster than whites’. The
Williams urges the broad improvement of schools serving disadvantaged students by
premature aging, Williams said, shows “how physiologically compromised you are
assigning more quality teachers to instruct them — because those students have the
because of the onslaught of chronic, ongoing physical, chemical, psychosocial stressors.”
greatest needs.
What are those stressors? Much attention has been paid to income inequality affecting all
Americans, more so people of color. But for blacks and Hispanics, Wilson and Williams
said, the wealth gap is wider and more significant.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
A 2014 census report showed that Hispanics
earn 70 cents and African-Americans earn 59
cents for every dollar whites earn. For AfricanAmericans, the disparity is the same as it was in
1978, according to Williams.
Another report from the Census Bureau
indicated that in 2013, “For every dollar of
wealth that white households had, Hispanic
households had seven cents, and black
2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR!
households had six pennies,” Williams said.
Taken together, the two sets of proportions
peg the wealth gap as 10 times larger than
income inequality for African-Americans and
Hispanics. Possessing minimal assets causes
insecurity and stress over how to cope with
life’s ups and downs.
“It’s the wealth gap. That’s where the real
problem is,” said Wilson, the Lewis P. and
Linda L. Geyser University Professor.
Isolation in impoverished neighborhoods
One factor in the current gap was the Great
Recession, in which African-Americans and
Hispanics, having been disproportionately
targeted for subprime loans by mortgage
brokers, lost billions in wealth through home
foreclosures. Another factor Wilson cited was
the “growing deterioration of the conditions of
poor blacks” and their isolation in impoverished
Before 1970, blacks lived in mixed-income
neighborhoods more often than any other
racial-ethnic group, Wilson said, but now they
are the least likely to do so.
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Monday, April 4th
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Wednesday, April 13th
South Park H.S.
3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
150 Southside Pkwy.
Saturday, April 16th
Lafayette International H.S.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
370 Lafayette Ave.
Monday, April 18th
3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
820 Northampton St.
East Community H.S.
Computer Science
Advanced Manufacturing of
Solar Panels
Students who arrived from another
country or Puerto Rico in the last four
years who are learning English
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Carlos Correa aparece en portada de famosa revista deportiva
El puertorriqueño Carlos Correa aparece en la portada de la más reciente edición de la
revista Sports Illustrated, publicación que escogió a los Astros de Houston para ganar la
Serie Mundial del 2016.
en Twitter “le deseamos a nuestro exjugador Sebastien Bellin fuerza y una pronta
Sangriento martes en Bélgica
Bellin nació en Sao Paulo, Brasil. Jugó en la NCAA, pero luego se fue a Bélgica donde
continuó su carrera como baloncelista. El excanastero jugó con los equipos belgas en
Ammberes, Oostende, Wevelgem, Gante y Mons-Hainaut. Además, formó parte del equipo
nacional de Bélgica.
Correa, flamante Novato del Año de la Liga Americana, aparece en la portada junto con
sus compañeros José Altuve y Dallas Keuchel.
La portada es una de cuatro que preparó Sports Illustrated para publicar, dependiendo de la
Aunque colgó los tenis, el deportista continúa vinculado con el mundo del baloncesto
como vicepresidente de la empresa Keemotion, encargada transmitir los juegos.
Otros equipos que adornarán la revista son los Cachorros de Chicago, Gigantes de San
Francisco y los Mets de Nueva York. La portada de los Astros estará disponible en los
Nicaragüense reconoce la amenaza de boxeador boricua
estados de Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nuevo México, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas,
Román “Chocolatito” González y McWilliams Arroyo se enfrentarán el 23 de abril
Missouri, Arkansas y Luisiana.
El campeón peso mosca del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo, el nicaragüense Román
Los Astros son favoritos de la publicación para ganar la Serie Mundial
“Chocolatito” González, anticipó que el puertorriqueño McWilliams Arroyo será un
Houston terminó la pasada temporada con marca de 86-76 y logró uno de los boletos del
rival “fuerte” cuando ambos se midan el próximo 23 de abril en el Forum de Inglewood,
comodín de la Liga Americana. En el ‘wildcard’, los Astros eliminaron a los Yankees
de Nueva York, y luego llevaron al máximo de cinco juegos a los eventuales campeones
González (44-0, 38 KO) es considerado el mejor boxeador, libra por libra, del mundo.
Reales de Kansas City en la Serie Divisional.
Arroyo (16-2, 14 KO), por su parte, irá a su segunda oportunidad por un título mundial.
Correa fue parte fundamental del éxito de los Astros, al ocupar el tercer lugar de la
“Esta es una gran oportunidad para Arroyo”, expresó González en comunicado de prensa.
alineación. En la temporada 2015 terminó con promedio de .279, 22 jonrones y 68 carreras “Él (Arroyo) siente que ya debe ser campeón tras su cerrada (derrota) decisión dividida
contra Amnat Ruenroeng, así que sé lo fuerte y bien preparado que va a estar para esta
Houston inicia la temporada 2016 el 4 de abril cuando visiten a los Yankees.
pelea. Es una gran prueba y es muy importante para mí”, abundó el monarca.
Arroyo perdió contra el tailandés Ruenroeng el pasado 10 de septiembre de 2014 por
la corona mosca de la Federación Internacional de Boxeo, en pelea que se celebró en
Bob Arum saca la cara por los latinos
Pide a los puertorriqueños que repudien el “mensaje de odio” del precandidato presidencial Tailandia.
González también comunicó que trasladó esta semana su campamento de entrenamiento a
Donald Trump
A lo largo de su exitosa carrera como promotor boxístico han sido peleadores latinos, y las Costa Rica, donde tendrá mejores boxeadores para guantear.
“Moverme a Costa Rica en este momento hace sentido. Los ‘guanteos’ son mejores, y la
fieles y fogosas audiencias que estos atraen, las que quizá le han brindado mayores frutos
localización me permite enfocarme en la pelea sin distracciones”, sostuvo el “Chocolatito”.
al veterano Bob Arum.
La pelea entre González y Arroyo será la coestelar de la cartelera que es encabezada por
Por ello, el también abogado y hombre de negocios se sintió en la necesidad de instar a
el pleito entre Gennady Golovkin (34-0, 31 KO) y Dominic Wade (18-0, 12 KO). La
los puertorriqueños a oponerse y resistirse a lo que llamó el “mensaje de odio” contra los
mexicanos y otros inmigrantes que el precandidato presidencial por el Partido Republicano cartelera será transmitida por HBO en su programación de “World Championship Boxing”.
de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha convertido en un tema recurrente de su campaña.
EOP Processing Assistant
“Los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos estadounidenses como yo, y aunque no son
impactados directamente por el tema, creo que son personas decentes y razonables que
The Educational Opportunity Program at Buffalo State, State University of New York,
seeks candidates for the position of EOP Processing Assistant.
deben estar horrorizados por el odio que sale de la boca de este hombre, y que están
hombro con hombro con sus hermanos mexicanos y latinos”, dijo Arum vía telefónica a
For a full job description and to apply:
este medio.
Arum explicó que para la cartelera que presentará el 9 de abril en Las Vegas que será
estelarizada por el combate entre Manny Pacquiao y Timothy Bradley, incluyó a “tres de
los principales peleadores hispanos”, refiriéndose a los mexicanos Gilberto Ramírez, un
supermediano invicto; Oscar Valdez invicto y primer clasificado en el peso pluma; y José
Ramírez, con experiencia olímpica.
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Y lo hizo pensando en que sería una buena plataforma para “decir lo que está pasando
en Estados Unidos, del odio que el señor Trump está escupiendo contra los hispanos,
particularmente contra los indocumentados y los 11.5 millones de mexicanos que viven en
Estados Unidos. Pensé que alguien tenía que hablar en contra de esto”.
En su extensa carrera en el boxeo, Arum ha trabajado con figuras latinoamericanas como
Roberto Durán, Julio César Chávez, Oscar de la Hoya, Miguel Cotto, Erik Morales,
Antonio Margarito y actualmente Félix Verdejo, entre otros. De hecho, Arum cataloga a las
audiencias latinas como “los más leales del boxeo. Son enormes fanáticos y son el núcleo
del apoyo que tiene el deporte del boxeo”.
Es por esto que Arum entiende que es el momento de “ponerse de pie y defender lo
que es lo decente y correcto” para corregir la situación migratoria de los mexicanos
Start, Advance or
indocumentados y la convivencia con los demás grupos de inmigrantes.
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“Hay que entender de qué se trata todo este odio”, continuó Arum. “Donald Trump ha
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tocado una fibra sensitiva. Ha apelado a la clase trabajadora blanca de este país, la cual
está atemorizada ante el hecho de que en los próximos 10 o 20 años Estados Unidos ya no
será un país con una mayoría blanca”.
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“Estas personas”, agregó, “están enardecidas por apoyarlo y harán lo que sea para prevenir
A new high demand program
que Estados Unidos se convierta en un país sin una mayoría blanca. Y te digo algo: uno
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puede olerlo, que hoy son los mexicanos pero mañana podrían ser otros incluyendo los
organizations provide
puertorriqueños, cueste lo que cueste”.
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Potente Pacquiao
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En cuanto al filipino, Arum se mostró entusiasmado con los resultados que ha mostrado en
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de su combate contra Floyd Mayweather Jr.
En sus ojos, la operación fue “casi mágica”.
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“Desde el 2008 cuando peleó con De la Hoya ese hombro no ha estado bien, por lo que
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El candidato a legislador, que en mayo competirá con Pacquiao en las elecciones de ese
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Exbaloncelista entre los heridos en Bruselas
El exbaloncelista belga-brasileño Sebastien Bellin se encuentra entre las 200 personas
que resultaron heridas en el ataque terrorista registrado esta madrugada en el aeropuerto
Zaventem y en el metro de Maalbeek en Bruselas.
Según el diario Le Soir, Bellin está en terapia intensiva tras resultar herido en las
explosiones registradas en el aeropuerto.
Desde tempranas horas de la mañana las agencias de noticias publicaron la imagen del
excanastero de 37 años, pero no fue hasta pasado el mediodía que se confirmó que se
trataba del exjugador.
El equipo con el que logró el campeonato del 2007, BC Oostende de Bélgica, publicó
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Congress Needs to Throw Puerto Rico a Lifeline
Members of Congress finally appear to be getting serious about helping Puerto Rico to
reduce its mountain of debt and revive its economy. They need to act soon because the
financial situation is deteriorating rapidly.
The island’s economy has been in recession for a decade. Its government owes about $72
billion to bondholders, and public pensions are short $43 billion. Puerto Rico has already
defaulted on some of its debt and most likely will miss several big bond payments in May
and July.
It has delayed tax refunds to residents, hospitals have had to close wards, and money
has been withdrawn or borrowed from pension and workers’ compensation funds. The
island also is facing a potentially big public health emergency as the Zika virus spreads,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Residents are increasingly moving to the mainland in search of work and a better life.
Lawmakers have raised taxes and cut spending sharply to cope with the crisis. Not
surprisingly, that has depressed the economy further.
What is needed is clear: an orderly restructuring of debts and a financial control board
to help the territory fix its finances and economy. That is what the Obama administration
urged in October, but both steps require legislation. Last year, Speaker Paul Ryan pledged
that the House would produce a bill to address the problems by the end of March, and
the Natural Resources Committee has a measure that could be introduced this week. Rob
Bishop, the Utah Republican who leads the committee, has acknowledged the need for
both restructuring and a board.
The bill should give the island the ability to go to federal court so that a judge can oversee
the restructuring and impose new terms on creditors who refuse to negotiate. Puerto
Rico has been in talks with creditors for months with little progress. Many creditors are
unwilling to compromise in the hope that they can recover more money if the island is
forced into asset sales, higher taxes or more spending cuts.
Congress should also put in place a control board that can give residents and investors
confidence in the territory’s future. Such a board needs representatives from the island
who understand its economy and are accountable to its people. It should also have
financial experts who have experience dealing with similar problems elsewhere.
There is no reason Congress cannot work in a bipartisan way to help Puerto Rico. Passing
legislation now will help improve the lives of 3.5 million Americans at no cost to the
federal government.
Solidaridad cubana y libertad estadounidense
Del mismo modo, los roces sociales que normalmente visualizamos en las ciudades
norteamericanas, en Cuba estos problemas son totalmente aislados. El racismo se ha
intensificado en Estados Unidos y es muy difícil ignorarlo, especialmente en un proceso
electoral dominado por un candidato extremadamente intolerante. Nuestra sociedad está
más dividida en base a la “raza” y etnicidad que en otros periodos.
En Cuba sucede lo contrario. La convivencia social entre afrocubanos y personas cubana
de ascendencia española-europea es una de las más armónicas del continente. Ayer,
cuando el presidente Obama se paseaba por los recintos gubernamentales de Cuba, se
pudo observar a muchos afrocubanos en posiciones de poder. Eso es muy raro en Estados
Así, la nueva relación diplomática de Estados Unidos y Cuba no solo favorece al segundo,
sino también al primero. Obama llevó la esperanza de la democracia a Cuba, a su regreso
nos traerá la justicia social de este país.
Humberto Caspa, Ph.D., es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move.
El Error De Ningunear A Trump
Hay cosas que, cuando no se hacen a tiempo, pierden su efectividad. Este es el caso de la
respuesta del gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto contra los ataques de Donald Trump.
Peña Nieto se tardó 241 días en dar una respuesta oficial. Sí, 241. Dijo que México no
pagaría por el muro de 1,954 millas que quiere construir Trump y que el tono “estridente”
del candidato se asemejaba al de Aldofo Hitler y Benito Mussolini.
El problema es que sus tardías declaraciones fueron en español y a medios mexicanos.
Peña Nieto, finalmente, salió en defensa de los inmigrantes de México en Estados Unidos
que Trump calificó de violadores, criminales y narcotraficantes. Pero ¿qué efecto tuvieron
las declaraciones del gobernante mexicano? Ninguno. Dos semanas después Trump sigue
diciendo sus barbaridades contra México como si nada hubiera ocurrido.
Peña Nieto, en septiembre pasado, se había negado a criticar a Trump creyendo
(equivocadamente) que no tendría posibilidades de llegar a la Casa Blanca. “No quiero
contribuir a hacerle el caldo gordo (a Trump)”, dijo, utilizando una frase muy mexicana.
Es decir, que la política de su gobierno iba a ser ningunear a Trump.
Una de las maneras más comunes de ofender de los mexicanos es el ninguneo. No te
responden, te ignoran, hacen como que no existes. Eso lo aprendemos desde pequeños.
Bueno, esa misma ley del hielo es la que Peña Nieto trató de aplicar a Trump…con
terribles resultados.
En un periodo de sequías, el que trae lluvia definitivamente trae suerte. Así sucedió el día
La respuesta fue típica. Ante los grandes retos de su presidencia –Ayotzinapa, Tlatlaya,
lunes, cuando el presidente Barack Obama arribó a la Habana, Cuba. Los vientos fuertes
que lo acompañaron trajeron la ilusión de la democracia. Esos mismos vientos devolverán la fuga del Chapo, las acusaciones de corrupción por la Casa Blanca, las 52 mil muertes
violentas y ahora los ataques de Trump- Peña Nieto se agacha, se esconde y no responde.
la solidaridad y la justicia social cubana a los Estados Unidos.
El avestruz es la imagen de su presidencia. Pero negar la realidad no puede convertirse en
El viaje histórico del presidente Obama no sólo beneficia a los cubanos sino también a los
la política exterior de México.
estadounidenses. Muchos sabemos que la visita de Obama es uno de los primeros pasos
para debilitar la centralidad política del sistema socialista cubano.
Ante la falta de liderazgo del gobierno de México, muchos mexicanos reaccionaron con
No es necesario una invasión armada para llevar a cabo eso cambios, sino se requiere un
indignación. Fueron nuestros artistas, escritores y periodistas quienes le respondieron a
poquito de tino económico. Como manifesté en otras oportunidades, el régimen cubano
Trump, fuerte y tupido.
se doblará desde adentro, pero es sumamente importante estimular a la población cubana
desde afuera. El presidente Obama tiene en mente esta estrategia.
Aquí tengo dos ejemplos dispares. El excanciller, Jorge Castañeda, sacó una campaña en
Google, por ejemplo, ya presentó un proyecto al gobierno cubano para modernizar las
las redes sociales asegurando que los mexicanos “no somos agachados, ni calladitos nos
plantas de internet e incrementar los usuarios en Cuba. Uno simplemente se puede
vemos más bonitos; es tiempo de hacerle frente a quien es un desgraciado.”
imaginar el tremendo impacto de las redes sociales y los medios de comunicación en la
mente del ciudadano cubano en términos de libertades políticas.
Antes, los estadounidenses que querían viajar y visitar la isla del encanto tenían que
Read the rest of the article on our website at
hacerlo en forma subrepticia por México
o por otro país latinoamericano. Hoy ya
no es necesario depender de la ilegalidad.
Muchos norteamericanos, especialmente
cubanos-americanos, pueden viajar a la
Habana o a cualquier ciudad cubana sin
necesidad de sufrir una reprimenda por
parte del gobierno norteamericano.
Por otra parte, los cubanos también
piensan destruir algunas malas costumbres
de la sociedad norteamericana con la visita
de Obama. Reconozcamos o no, Cuba
es cuna de la revolución latinoamericana
y también bastión de la solidaridad de la
En una conferencia de prensa, muchos
periodistas increparon a Raúl Castro por
la falta de derechos políticos, libertad de
• #1 in Veteran Services
expresión y derechos civiles en Cuba. El
• 50% Veterans Waiver
líder cubano les contestó que los derechos
• 20% Military Family Waiver
humanos también incluyen el derecho a la
salud, a la educación y a la igualdad de los
• Individual Transition Planning
• Supportive Environment
Es verdad, Cuba, a diferencia de Estados
Unidos, está muy adelantado en estos
• Veterans Financial Planning
rubros sociales. Años atrás, unos amigos
médicos cubanos que ofrecían su servicio
en Bolivia a través de un convenio con
el gobierno cubano, me comentaban que
todos los cubanos tienen un seguro médico
extremadamente incluyente. “Allá nadie
Yellow Ribbon based on having 100% Post-9/11 GI Bill
se muere por falta de medicamentos o
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Call or e-mail the D’Youville College Office of Veterans Affairs to Discuss Your Educational Options
por negligencia del sistema de salud”, 800.777.3921 716.829.7836
Because You Serve
We’re Here to Serve You
Lecturer (ESL tutor)
The Writing Program at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates
for the position of Lecturer (ESL tutor).
For a full job description and to apply:
Information Technology Positions
The Information Technology Exchange Center (ITEC) at SUNY Buffalo State invites applicants
Hispanic News
a Programmer/Analyst
(Middleware) and a Lead Programmer/Analyst (Networking) position.
Size:essential duties and
page (5.0625
x 2) qualifications can be found on ITEC’s home page at
and preferred Apply online at The deadline for applications
is March 16, 2016.
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Director, Leadership and Organizational Development
Assistant Professor
The Professional Development Office at Buffalo State, State University of New York,
seeks candidates for the position of Director, Leadership and Organizational Development.
at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates
for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
1/16 page (5.0625 x 2)
For a full job description and to apply:
For a full job description and to apply:
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
The Biology Department at Buffalo State, State University of New York,
seeks candidates for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
Required Qualifications:
Doctoral degree in biological sciences with research experience in cell/
molecular biology.
Preferred Qualifications:
Postdoctoral research and/or teaching experience. Preference will be given
to candidates whose research complements existing departmental strengths.
Qualified applicants may apply online at
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
The Mathematics Department at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks
the position
Newsof Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
For a full1/8
to apply:
x 3.875)
Assistant Professor
The English Department at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates
for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
Required Qualifications:
• PhD in Composition or related field;
byfor diversity
State is an in
employer as
and documented
committed to respect
and individual
scholarly publications;
• Experience as a writing center tutor;
of Recruitment
• Experience teachingAssistant
writing at the
college level;
Graduate working
School atwith
University of New York, seeks candidates
for excellence
research and publication;
the position
of Assistant
• Commitment
of Buffalo State College.
For a full job description and to apply:
Preferred Qualifications:
• Experience managing a writing center;
• Experience training tutorial staff;
• Graduate coursework or professional experience in TESOL.
Qualified applicants may apply online at
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Dr. Thomas Keohane DDS
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
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