Panorama Hispano Oct Issue 2015


Panorama Hispano Oct Issue 2015
October/Octubre 2015
Vol. 26 - No. 10
500 years of Hispanic American history
By: Carlos DePonce
The story of Hispanic Americans stretches
from coast to coast and across 500 years
of history. The Spanish first arrived in
Florida long before the pilgrims and settled
in California. Long before California,
Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and
Kansas were part of the United States, it
was Mexico.
But the history of the United States, as
most of us learned it, still begins with
Jamestown, Plymouth Rock and the
“We tend to think of the United States as
an English thing,” says Ray Suarez, who
wrote the companion book to “Latino
Americans,” a six-part, three-night
documentary series on PBS. “But this is a
case of three empires, Spain, France and
Britain, that went charging into this new
territory, elbows out, bumping into one
another and jostling for dominance.”
In fact, Suarez reminds us, “The first
American settlement in 1565 in St.
Augustine, Fla., predates Jamestown, and
Spanish was the first language spoken in
what became the United States. So, Latinos
are the newest immigrants to the United
States and also the oldest inhabitants.”
Listos los sindicatos para
sentarse a la mesa
Aceptan el llamado de empresarios para
trabajar en un plan socioeconómico para
Puerto Rico
Por Joanisabel González
Probablemente, 9 años en contracción
económica y la amenaza real de un disloque
en las operaciones del gobierno por falta
de efectivo han propiciado, lo que antes ha
sido impensable: que patronos y obreros se
sienten a la mesa para trazar, en conjunto, un
plan de desarrollo para Puerto Rico.
La Federación de Trabajadores de Puerto
Rico (FTPR) indicó este viernes que acoge
la exhortación que hizo esta semana la
Coalición del Sector Privado para diseñar un
plan de desarrollo socioeconómico de largo
plazo para Puerto Rico.
“Respondemos a esa convocatoria y nos
ponemos a la disposición para sentarnos a
dialogar, de forma seria y responsable, sobre
estos temas tan cruciales para nuestro país
y nuestra sociedad”, indicó la federación en
una misiva carta que envió este viernes al
presidente de la Asociación de Industriales
Suarez, chief national correspondent for
PBS’ “NewsHour,” admits that covering
the entire history of Latino Americans
in just six hours or 256 pages is “a lot
to tackle. It’s a big bite of history, and
See SINDICATOS on page 7
See HISPANIC on page 3
Dunkirk a Rudderless City
It was about a week after Willie Rosas
made history by winning the Democratic,
Independent and working Families
primaries to be on the ballot as possibly the
first elected Hispanic American mayor of
Dunkirk, NY. Things started getting weird.
Months before a possible change in the
city’s administration, he got a call from
Mayor Dolce and a reporter saying that The
City’s Economic development director had
City Hospital Could face closure
This could not come at a worse time in light
of problems at Brooks Memorial Hospital
in which top administrators have resigned
because of the worsening losses at the
Hospital which stand to lose $14Million by
the end of the year and result in massive
layoffs and a reduction of services of
The U.S. Cities Where Hispanics Are Doing The
Best Economically
almost 50 percent leaving city resident to
seek services out of the area.
Dunkirk Continues to lose jobs
Buffalo, Rochester and New York don’t fare
By Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox
Since 1980, the percentage of Americans
who claim Hispanic heritage has grown
from 6% to 17%. By 2040, Latinos will
constitute roughly 24% of the population.
Many Democrats no doubt see President
Obama’s executive actions on immigration
as a step not only to address legitimate
human needs, but their own political
future. But perhaps a more important
question is how these new Americans will
fare economically.
We decided to look into which of
America’s 52 largest metropolitan
areas present Hispanics with the
best opportunities. We weighed
See DUNKIRK on page 3
these metropolitan statistical areas
by three factors — homeownership,
See CITIES on page 3
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New Superintendent meets with Hispanic
Buffalo News Page 4
Hispanics play a growing role
in America's future
Dunkirk News Page 8
POETRY- Poesia
Victor Sotomayor
Entretenimiento Page 13
MCRC Recibe Fondos Para
Proveer Servicios De Inmigracion
Buffalo News Page 4
El Papa se reúne con Fidel tras
advertir sobre ideología
Mundo Latino Page 9
Roswell Park’s Patient Navigators Help
Show Patients the Way
Salud News Page 17
Hispanic Heritage Month
Buffalo News Page 4
Alexsandra López
Rising Star
Conozca su Gente Page 11
The City of Rochester Hispanic
Heritage Events
Rochester News Page 7
Buffalo Bills Honor
Dr. César A. Cabrera
Conozca su Gente Page 11
Gobierno y acreedores podrían
comenzar negociaciones en octubre
Business News Page 18
Oro para gimnasta
PR en Copa Mundial
Deportes Page 21
Decides Cómo Crecer
Tu Reflejo Page 7
sopa de tortilla
Receta Page 11
Speech To Harvard Latino
Editorial/ Letters Page 22
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)*41"/*$t from FRONT page
there’s a lot to stuff into each hour. But I think the series handles that in a way that’s both
interesting and coherent, and I hope the book supports that.”
The series and book are structured chronologically, beginning with the earliest history of
the Americas. But each episode or chapter also singles out characters (sometimes depicted
in dramatizations) through whom the story comes alive.
We meet Apolinaria Lorenzana, who as a child is snatched from Mexico and grows old as
an important figure in the Spanish Missions. Juan Seguin, both Texan and Mexican, fights
at the Alamo on the American side, next to Davy Crockett. Moving along, in World War
II, Macario Garcia becomes the first Mexican National to earn the Congressional Medal of
Honor. Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta march for the rights of migrant workers in the
Hispanics service to the United States Military can be traced back to the Civil war.
Records of Hispanics in the armed forces were not kept until the 1970s, according to
the Pew Center for Latino Studies. While some records show that thousands of Hispanic
American men — Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans for instance — fought in the Civil
War as well as the two World Wars, researchers have determined that many more served
and died than official documents show. As a result of the omission, the full story of
Hispanic sacrifice may never be fully told. And that is a shame, since Latinos have been
part of the building of America — including dying while protecting it — for hundreds
of years. If the records don’t show that Hispanics served and died, that we toiled in the
trenches and contributed with blood, how does our nation measure Hispanic contributions,
let one acknowledge them?
In the new American conversation, cultural celebrations like these matter, and they matter
greatly. They help us better explain our Hispanic story to each other and ourselves; they
matter for the individual and national psyche, because they allow the 50 million-plus
Hispanics, and the larger American family, to better appreciate the Hispanic story within
the greater American narrative.
Why is this important to know? By 2050, almost one in three people in the United States
will be Latino, a total of more than 130 million, Suarez writes, citing a Pew Hispanic
Center projection. Pew also expects the Hispanic population to triple between 2005 and
As immigration remains a divisive issue, the vision of the United States as a melting pot is
different today, Suarez says.
“Our ideas of what becoming American means have changed. The old idea was that we
gave up everything we were. In the middle of the 20th century, it wasn’t uncommon for
grandparents to talk to parents in the old language to exclude the children, because they
didn’t want the children ever to speak that language.”
Now, the children or grandchildren of immigrants may want to be 100 percent American,
or they may want to celebrate their roots and their family history, he says. “It’s up to them.
For young Latino Americans, Spanish and English can exist side by side, as two living
Suarez’s family came from Puerto Rico in the 1930s, escaping terrible poverty during the
Depression, and more followed in the 1950s, when migration was encouraged by both the
governments of Puerto Rico and the United States. He was born in New York, the first in
the family born on the mainland, and grew up in Brooklyn, “confident that I was Puerto
Rican and proud of it.”
Now, his own three kids speak Spanish “from very well to hardly at all,” Suarez says. “It’s
been interesting watching them construct their own identity. Their mom isn’t Puerto Rican,
so they are figuring out who they are and where they fit.”
Watching (and reading) “Latino Americans” will tell them a lot about where they came
from. And for non-Latinos, “I hope we shed some light, and if we poke a few holes in
American history, do it in a way that will open minds.”
%6/,*3,tGSPNFRONT page
If this could not get worse, Chautauqua County officials announced that the latest
unemployment rate hovers around 6.2 percent – much higher than the state average county leaders remain optimistic that new projects and restored industries will help turn
the tide, but we need leadership in bringing new jobs to the area and local educational
institutions need to train our labor force in obtaining the skills necessary for the changing
job market.
Dunkirk Harbor Dredging outsourced and delayed
At the last Dunkirk council meeting mayor Dolce asked the City council to for
authorization to allow the county to take over management of the dredging of Dunkirk
harbor shifting hundreds of thousand dollars to an outside company from Michigan
because the city has been unable to properly manage the project because of a lack
of leadership from Mayor Dolce and it appears that the dredging which is need for
commerce and tourism may not be completed until late in 2016.
City water problems continue. $ 800,000 loss
The proposed Northern Chautauqua Regional Water District must move forward said
county official. Several municipalities have provided ongoing input and support of this
effort and should be applauded for their efforts. Yet the Chamber is concerned that the
recent loss of some $ 800.000 thousand in grant funding for a portion of the project is an
indication that it is losing steam. The City of Dunkirk which loss the town of Portland
as a customer is under extreme pressure to work with the county in reducing cost and
improving the water system for city residents, yet mayor Dolce has refused to work
with the county resulting in lost funding. The business community is looking to all the
municipalities that are part of the plan to stay engaged in the process and move this
project forward. The community cannot afford to lose the momentum this project has had,
therefore the Chamber looks to the elected leaders and key decision makers and ask for
your support of this critically important water district.
$*5*&4tGSPNFRONT page
entrepreneurship, as measured by the self-employment rate, and median household income
— that we believe are indicators of middle-class success. Data for those is from 2013. In
addition, we factored in the change in the Hispanic population from 2000 to 2013 in these
metro areas, to judge how the community is “voting with its feet.” Each factor was given
equal weight. Our findings parallel our recent study of the economic fortunes of African-
Americans, but with some important differences.
Surviving Hard Times
The recession was particularly tough on Hispanics, who suffered a 44% drop in household
wealth from 2007 to 2010, compared to a 31% decline for African-Americans and 11%
for whites. Lower home values are to blame for much of this – many young Hispanic
families bought homes just before the recession hit, explains the Urban Institute, but
because they generally had higher debt-to-asset ratios than other ethnic groups, the steep
drop in housing prices resulted in a sharper decline in their wealth. Hispanics’ home equity
dropped 49% over those years.
The recession and the weak recovery have contributed to a change in the demographics
of the U.S. Hispanic population – immigration has slowed while the U.S.-born Latino
workforce has continued to expand at a brisk clip. In 2013, for the first time in almost
two decades, the U.S.-born accounted for the majority of Hispanic workers in the country
(50.3%), up from 43.9% in 2007, according to the Pew Foundation.
During the recovery, U.S.-born Hispanics have made strong job gains, adding 2.3 million
to the ranks of the employed from the fourth quarter of 2009 through the fourth quarter
of 2013, compared with a loss of 37,000 jobs in the recession. But that has only slightly
outpaced growth in the Hispanic working-age population.
Hispanic unemployment has come down to 6.5%, but wages have been stagnant – Pew
reports a slight gain in earnings of full-time Hispanic workers through the end of 2013, but
that came as a result of the retreat of lower-paid illegal immigrants from the workforce.
The Unexpected Place Where Latinos Have Done Best
The prime U.S. cities for Latinos have long been New York, Miami, Chicago and Los
Angeles. The Los Angeles metropolitan area alone has more than 5 million Latinos,
including an estimated 1 million undocumented immigrants. Yet it no longer is necessarily
the best place for them, ranking only a middling 32nd in our survey.
L.A.’s once thriving industrial economy has been in a secular decline, and in the
process thousands have lost employment. At the same time, construction work has
been slow, another traditional source of employment. High housing costs have also put
homeownership out of reach. A 2013 Fannie Mae study found that Latinos place greater
emphasis on homeownership than the rest of the population.
Given the diminished possibilities of buying a home or finding a decent job in the Los
Angeles metropolitan area, Latinos have been flocking to the suburban periphery that
encompasses much of adjacent Riverside and San Bernardino counties, also known as the
Inland Empire, which ranks second in our survey. From 2000 through 2013, the Latino
population in the area soared 74%, compared to a 15% population gain for Los Angeles.
Not surprisingly, given its substantially lower home costs, roughly half those of Los
Angeles, the Inland region has a relatively high Latino homeownership rate of 55.3%,
compared to 37.7% in Los Angeles. Rates of self-employment are also higher than in L.A.
(23.5% to 21.3%) and so too are median household incomes ($47,200 vs. $45,200). The
metro area was devastated in the housing bust, but it’s coming back faster than the coastal
economy. Although total employment is some 30,000 jobs below its 2007 level, California
Lutheran University economist Dan Hamilton notes that Riverside-San Bernardino’s 2.2%
job growth over the past year compares well with the 2.0% increase in Orange County and
1.3% in L.A.
Latinos also fared middling in California’s other high-cost metro areas. San Jose ranks
22nd and San Francisco-Oakland ranks 25th.
The same factors that make Riverside-San Bernardino a good place for Hispanics — lower
housing costs and decent job growth — characterize most of the metropolitan areas that
lead our list. That is particularly true of our No. 1 metro area, Jacksonville, Fla., which is
just 40 miles north of St. Augustine, founded by the Spanish in 1565, making it the longest
continuously settled city in what is now the United States.
The metro area’s Hispanic homeownership rate of 55% is notably higher than the 43%
average in the 52 largest U.S. metropolitan areas. The median household income of
$50,170 is also well above the major metro average of $41,740. Like many Florida cities,
Jacksonville was hard-hit by the recession, but over the past year, the region has added
close to 22,000 jobs. Jacksonville’s Hispanic population has grown 148% since 2000.
Other Florida metro areas where Hispanics are prospering are Tampa-St. Petersburg (12th),
Orlando (13th), and Miami (16th).
Not surprisingly, Latinos are also doing very well in a number of Texas cities. Like
Florida, the state has relatively low housing prices, as well as a generally more buoyant
economy, with strong growth in blue-collar fields such as construction, manufacturing and
energy. The Lone Star State’s four big metro areas all place in the top 10, with Houston
ranking fourth, followed by Dallas-Fort Worth (seventh), San Antonio (eighth) and Austin
(ninth). They all are above average in terms of homeownership rates, self-employment and
median household income.
Like African-Americans, Latinos have done relatively well in No. 3 Baltimore, where
their numbers have increased since 2000 by 175%, with a median household income of
$59,940, second highest in the nation behind the adjacent Washington, D.C., area (No. 5),
where the median household income for Hispanics is $65,736.
Shifting Patterns
In recent years, immigration overall has shifted to the Southeast away from many of the
traditional “gateway” cities. Today the largest growth in foreign-born Americans is in the
Southeast and Texas; since 2010 the old Confederacy attracted over 1.5 million foreignborn residents, more than the Northeast and Midwest together.
None of the traditional gateway cities rank in the top 10 on our list. After Miami, the
highest ranking of them is Chicago, at 18th, thanks to relatively lower home prices and a
high Latino homeownership rate (51.4%).
In contrast, New York, home to the country’s second largest Latino community after
Los Angeles, ranks a poor 42nd. This reflects one of the lowest rates of Hispanic
homeownership in the country, 26.5%, and modest population growth of roughly 29%
since 2000, compared to an average of 96% for the 52 largest U.S. metro areas. New York
Latino households earn a median of $42,980. That’s slightly above the 52 major metro
median of $41,740, but given the sky-high housing costs in the Gotham area, it doesn’t go
very far. In the Bronx, where the population is 55% Hispanic, roughly 30% of households
are below the poverty line, the highest rate of any large urban county.
As was the case with African-Americans, the metro areas at the bottom of our list are all
faded industrial centers. Milwaukee ranks last, preceded by Providence, R.I. ; Hartford,
Conn.; and Buffalo and Rochester, N.Y.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
Noticias de Buffalo
New Superintendent meets with Hispanic Community.
By: Marcos Lebron
Kriner Cash is the Buffalo Public Schools superintendent.
On September 18th the new superintendent took time to meet with the Hispanic leadership
to discuss the problems facing Buffalo’s growing Hispanic student population. Early
numbers indicated that Hispanics make up the largest percentages of students who are ELL
(English language learners) and Special education. Likewise, Hispanic students represent
some of the largest percentages of students dropping out of the Buffalo’s public schools.
Those attending the meeting were Dr. David Mauricio, Dr. David Caban, Casimiro
Rodriquez, Tamara Alsace, Ralph Hernandez a representative from Lucy Candelario’s
office at the Belle Center and the publisher emeritus of Panorama Hispano News, Edwin
Martinez, all shared concerns and offered the superintendent assistance.
Dr. Cash asked those in attendance to join the various committee’s he has developed to
address changes and everyone in attendance accepted his offer. In closing, Dr. Cash said, “
Well let roll up our selves and lets get working.”
The former Memphis superintendent who was appointed just weeks ago promised to
work closely with parents, students and the Hispanic community to address the crisis of
dropout s, ELL and special education students Hispanic in the school district.
Dr. Cash indicated” my goal is to make every student in the school district ready to
compete in the global environment we live in today.” “ Every student should be college
ready when they graduate and if a student is not interested in college, then we should have
them prepared in the leading vocational training programs for our emerging markets.”
The new superintendent then addressed the group saying. “We’re in a Renaissance
period in Buffalo. This is a pivotal time to be in Buffalo. But we’re also at a crossroad.”
“Just as the city has many construction projects going on, at least for a while the Buffalo
Public Schools will be under construction,” Cash said. “And as always, whenever you’re
in a construction zone, put on a hard hat.”
Cash said the challenges in Buffalo are not new, they’re happening all over the country.
“If we lift Buffalo, we’re going to lift New York and we’re going to be proof for the whole
He said he hopes improvement in Buffalo schools will mean “new, talented families will
want to come here ... And Buffalo will be a true city of choice once again.” He also said
“There will be no one left behind, and thrown away and dumped over there.”
Cash said he will evaluate staff and said he will make sure every school is assigned a good
Cash steps into the job at a critical juncture for the district, which has some of the
lowest-performing schools in the state. His appointment also comes with unprecedented
state receivership powers that will allow him to make sweeping changes that circumvent
both the School Board and union contracts while trying to improve the nearly half of the
district’s schools that have been placed in receivership. Sampson said Cash’s appointment
is contingent on him getting the appropriate certification from the State Education
Cash enters the job with seemingly broad support from various facets of the community,
with both union and parent leaders saying they look forward to working with him.
Cash led the Memphis school district for five years, where he oversaw the merger of the
city district with the rest of Shelby County.
Prior to that, he served as chief of accountability in the Miami-Dade school system for four
years. He also has worked as a superintendent in Martha’s Vineyard and as an associate
dean at the Howard University School of Education.
He is state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia’s recommendation for the job, and
appears to share her reform agenda. His time in Miami-Dade coincided with her tenure as
superintendent in Hillsborough County, Fla.
The Buffalo board gave Cash a four-year contract with a 12-month buyout clause. He
becomes the district’s seventh permanent or interim superintendent in the past four years.
Multicultural Community Resource Center (El Centro Multicultural
Para Recursos Comunitarios) Recibe Fondos De La Federacion
Hispana Para Proveer Servicios De Inmigracion
Multicultural Community Resource Center (MCRC) en Erie, PA recibió fondos de La
Federación Hispana de New York en enero de este año para ayudar a los inmigrantes
que quisieran aplicar para ciudadanía estadounidense. Los fondos fueron brindados por
WalMart y pueden beneficiar a muchos hispanos viviendo en esta región.
La Federación Hispana, localizado al 55 Exchange Place, Suite 501, New York, NY
10005, es una organización de servicio que trabaja con más de 100 agencias latinas nolucrativas, los cuales ofrecen servicios de salud y otros servicios sociales que promueven
el bienestar social, político y económico de hispano-americanos. La Federación se
dedica a que el gobierno y otros que están en posición de hacer decisiones escuchen y
reconozcan las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. Los fondos donados se usarán para
evaluar casos individuales, preparar formularios, tener clases cívicas para los que están
proceso de ciudadanía americana y para registrar a latinos indocumentados para DACA, el
nuevo programa para personas que llegaron a los EEUU antes de la edad de 16 años y han
estudiado en el secundario.
MCRC, localizado al 554 East 10th Street, Erie, PA 16503, se fundó en abril de 1975 bajo
el nombre Hispanic American Council (Concilio Hispano-Americano). Originalmente fue
administrado usando voluntarios y solamente dos empleados. La agencia proveyó servicios
principalmente a las personas que hablaron español. Más luego en 1997, la agencia recibió
un contrato para proveer servicios a refugiados y empezó brindar servicios a otros grupos
de inmigrantes.
En septiembre de 2009, se cambió el nombre de la organización al Multicultural
Community Resource Center (Centro Multicultural para Recursos Comunitarios o
“MCRC”). Hoy la agencia tiene más de 50 empleados y brinda muchos servicios como
clases (Ingles Como Segundo Idioma y clases cívicas), servicios de empleo, intérpretes
para más de 10 idiomas diferentes, servicios de inmigración, servicios para ancianos,
programa para estudiantes con ausencias ilegales, cuido de niños, prevención de abuso de
drogas y alcohol, Clínica de Salud, Clases de Diversidad, consultas y más.
La Reforma de las leyes de inmigración es un asunto que nos preocupa y nos interesa
mucho dentro de la comunidad latina. MCRC tiene dos representantes acreditados que
pueden preparar aplicaciones de inmigración. Cobran honorarios nominales por mantener
los archivos. El programa de DACA (Acción deferida para los que llegaron de niños) es
parte del Acta de Soñadores y puede ayudar a las personas entre las edades de 15 a 32 que
llegaron a los Estados Unidos de niños y están indocumentados, para que puedan recibir
un número de seguro social y trabajar legalmente. Una vez registrado, es muy importante
que los individuos apliquen para renovar la autorización a tiempo. Si usted quiere más
información sobre este programa, póngase en contacto con Deborah Pazmiño al teléfono
(814) 455-0212 Ext 314 para conseguir una consulta gratuita.
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrations
September 15 - October 15 – All events free!
2015 Theme: “Honoring our Heritage. Building our Future.”
@ Niagara Branch Library “Latino Americans Documentary” Dr. T. Alsace & Gary Ross
Friday, October 2, 7pm,
Salsa for a Cure @ Pucho’s “Benefit for Roswell Park Cancer Institute”
Thursday, October 15, 5pm
@ Herman Badillo Bilingual Academy PS#76 “Commemoration of Pioneers to Bilingual
Education Buffalo Public Schools”
Saturday, October 17, 11am
@ Botanical Gardens “Family Fun Day, Arts, Crafts and Music”
Compania Flamenco Jose Porcel
At Mainstage Theatre
Mon Oct 19th, 2015 7:30 pm
$31.50,$23.50, $13.50 students (any school)
Subscribe & Save 25%! Five dance performances for only $132
Includes: LehrerDance; Compania Flamenco Jose Porcel; Fiesta Mexico-Americana;
Moscow Festival Ballet; and Koresh Dance
Available at the Box Office or order online:
Returning to the Center with a new program! José Porcel and his company of dancers and
live orchestra present a spectacle of classic flamenco as it was danced and performed by
the great masters from the golden age of the dance.
"Reasons for audience members to envy the dancers of Compañia Flamenco José Porcel:
The dances are evocative and exciting, blending traditional flamenco with some decidedly
more contemporary music, moves and looks. The dancers are lithe and accomplished. And
all the dancers have shoes to die for." - Las Vegas Review-Journal
Raíces Theatre Company - Presents In The Heights
Musicalfare Theatre In Association With Raíces Theatre Company Proudly Presents The
Premiere Regional Production Of: In The Heights
September 9th – October 11th
MusicalFare Theatre is on the web at
Music and Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Book by Quiara Alegría Hudes
Conceived by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Directed by Randall Kramer
Choreographed by Michael Walline, Music Direction by Theresa Quinn
Dramaturgy by Victoria Pérez
Winner of four 2008 Tony Awards including Best Musical, Best Score, Best Choreography
and Best Orchestrations, IN THE HEIGHTS tells the universal story of a vibrant
community in New York’s Washington Heights neighborhood – a place where romances
bloom, dreams are challenged, and a winning lottery ticket threatens to change everything.
It features a tuneful and spirited musical score enlivened by the dance rhythms of salsa
and Latin pop.
The production stars Marta Aracelis, Cecelia Barron, Taylor Carlson, Arin Lee Dandes,
Arianne Davidow, Elena Victoria Feliz, Alejandro Gabriel Gómez, Rolando Martín
Gómez, Adam Hayes, Dudney Joseph, Jr., Ricky Marchese, Bob Mazierski, Smirna
Mercedes-Pérez, Victoria Pérez, and Jon Yepez. Set Design is by Chris Schenk, Lighting
& Sound Design is by Chris Cavanagh, Costume Design is by Kari Drozd and Hair, Wig
and Makeup Design is by Susan Drozd.
The performance schedule is September 9th – October 11th, Wednesdays at 7:00pm,
Thursdays at 7:00pm, Fridays at 8:00pm, Saturdays at 4:00pm and 8:00pm and Sundays
at 2:00pm. There will be a special “half-price preview” on Tuesday, September 8th at
7:00pm. Meet-the-cast talkbacks take place after all Wednesday performances EXCEPT
opening night, September 9th.
Ticket prices are $41 for all performances. Student and Group rates are available.
Ticket reservations may be made by calling: 716-839-8540 or online at
All seating is assigned. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and checks are accepted.
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Noticias de Rochester
Tu Reflejo
The City of Rochester Hispanic Heritage Events
¡La Decisión Es Tuya!
The City of Rochester Hispanic Heritage Committee and Mayor Lovely A. Warren are
proud to announce a month-long program of events to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
This year's theme is "United by Our Roots" - "Unidos por Nuestras Raíces".
Cuando vivimos momentos de crisis en nuestras vidas, nos preguntamos: ¿por qué a
mí? Esa pregunta es muy típica, pues pensamos que sólo a nosotros nos suceden ciertas
situaciones en particular. Muchas veces no vemos soluciones a los problemas que se nos
atraviesan en nuestro camino. Los vemos como los peores, que a nadie más le suceden.
¿Y si te dijera que todos pasamos por lo mismo, o pasamos por situaciones parecidas?
Pasamos por procesos. Yo les llamo aprendizajes. Está claro que cada uno de nosotros
somos individuos únicos y diferentes. ¿Cómo es posible que vivamos las mismas
situaciones o parecidas? Pues bien; lo único que cambia es nuestra manera de pensar,
nuestra manera de ver las cosas. Una persona pesimista visualiza una situación difícil de
la peor manera. No encuentra salida; pero ¿cómo vería una persona optimista la misma
situación? La situación sigue siendo la misma. Lo que cambia son esos dos puntos de vista
totalmente diferentes. ¿Con cuál de esas dos personas te identificas?
Medita en lo siguiente:
Había un viudo que vivía con sus dos hijas muy curiosas e inteligentes. Las niñas siempre
hacían muchas preguntas. Su padre sabía responder algunas de sus curiosidades, pero otras
no. Como quería brindarle la mejor educación, lo cual en su país no era fácil ofrecer al
sexo femenino, el anciano decidió enviarlas un tiempo donde un conocido sabio espiritual
quien vivía lejos, en lo alto de una colina.
El sabio respondía cada pregunta que las niñas le hacían sin dudar. Impacientes con el
sabio, las niñas decidieron inventar una pregunta que el maestro no podría responder.
Entonces una de las niñas apareció con una mariposa entre sus manos que usaría para
engañar al sabio.
“¿Qué vas a hacer?” Preguntó una de las hermanas.
“Voy a esconder la mariposa en mis manos. Le preguntaré al maestro si la mariposa está
viva o muerta. Si dice que está muerta, la soltaré y la dejaré volar e irse, pero si dice
que está viva, la aplastaré y morirá. De esa manera, cualquier respuesta que me de, será
De ese modo, muy impacientes fueron a ver al sabio.
“Maestro, tengo aquí entre mis manos una mariposa. Dígame, ¿está muerta o viva?”
Preguntó una de las niñas maliciosamente esperando que su plan funcionara.
A lo que el sabio le contestó con una sonrisa en sus labios y muy calmadamente: “Todo
depende de ti; ella está en tus manos.”
Ésta historia es muy conocida y nos trae una gran enseñanza. No importa la situación
que estemos atravesando. Está en nuestras manos cómo la atravesemos. Con una actitud
negativa, pesimista, las cosas no se tornarán mejor, al contrario, atraerá más negativismo a
la situación, complicando más las cosas. Asumiendo una postura optimista, la situación se
tornará ante nuestros ojos no tan difícil, dándonos la capacidad de resolverla o atravesarla
más fácilmente. Debemos recordar que una de las Leyes Universales es que todo pasa.
Nada es permanente. Cada situación difícil, pasará, hay que enfrentarla con valentía y
fuerza, mientras que cada situación alegre, también pasará, hay que disfrutarla al máximo.
Todo depende de nosotros. Nuestra propia vida está en nuestras manos. Tú decides cómo
vivirla, encerrada en sufrimiento o volando disfrutándola al máximo.
Youth Cultural Dance Night: Oct. 2, 6 to 8 p.m. -- Thomas P. Ryan R-Center, 530 Webster
Ave. -- Youth and families will have the opportunity to see and learn different cultural
dances from different Latin American countries. There will be performance instructors,
music and Spanish cuisine. Registration required. Contact Wilfredo Irizarry at 428-7149 or for more information.
Thursday Throwdown 2 Live Pro AM Boxing: Oct. 8, 6 p.m. Radisson Hotel, 120 East
Main St. -- Tickets are $35, $50, $75, $100. For additional information call (585) 3300273 or visit
5th Annual Latino Student College Fair: Oct. 9, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monroe Community
College, Damon City Campus, 228 E. Main St. -- Rochester City School District Junior
and Senior High School students will have great resources available to them by colleges.
The Academic and Community Excellence Award will be presented, informational panels,
and lunch will be provided. Registration required. Please contact Albert Algarin at (585)
775-8792 or for more information.
Rise up Latina! - “Empowering Latinas to rise to their full potential”: Oct. 15, 5:30 – 8:30
p.m., Stardust Ballroom, 41 Backus St. -- Two guest speakers will share their experience
of rising up through adversity. Visit booths with information on domestic violence,
health, education, FREE make up & beauty tips, gift bags and much more! Spanish
appetizers will be served. All are welcome! Contact Sylvia Gonzalez at (585)330-7638 or for more information.
R-Center Theatre Night: Oct. 16, 6 to 8:30 p.m., David Gantt R-Center, 700 North
St. -- Enjoy a night of Latin theatre and storytelling. Refreshments and pastries
provided. Registration required. Please contact Wilfredo Irizarry at 428-7149 or for more information.
Latino Gala Night: Oct. 17, 5:30 – 11:00 p.m., Rochester Riverside Convention Center,
123 East Main St. -- Our prestigious Latino Gala includes an elegant sit-down dinner, live
music by La Krema, and DJ for dancing into the night! Tickets are only $40 per person!
Please contact Janet Gómez at 428-6829 or
for more information.
The Hispanic Heritage Committee is dedicated to encourage and celebrate events in the
city of Rochester that will promote cultural enrichment and awareness. We take pride in
recognizing and spotlighting the positive and historic contributions made by local and
national talent, current and past Latinos of the city of Rochester to our country and to the
Tú Decides Cómo Crecer
Cuenta una historia antigua que un Rey fue a su jardín y descubrió que sus árboles,
arbustos y flores estaban muriendo. El roble le dijo que se moría porque no podía ser tan
alto como el pino. Volviéndose el Rey hacia el pino, lo encontró caído porque según el
pino le confesó, no podía dar uvas como la vid. Por su parte, la vid se moría porque según
ella no podía florecer como la rosa. La rosa lloraba porque no podía ser tan sólida como el
Entonces, el Rey muy entristecido se encontró con otra de sus plantas; la orquídea. Para
sorpresa del Rey, la orquídea estaba más florecida y bella que nunca. El Rey le pregunto:
¿cómo es que puedes estar tan hermosa en medio de este jardín tan mustio y sombrío?”
“Oh mi Rey, cuando me plantaste, lo hiciste porque querías ver bellas orquídeas. Es lo
que estoy haciendo. Brindándote las más bellas orquídeas. Plantaste el roble para ver
sus bellos follajes e imponencia. A la rosa la plantaste para apreciar su delicadeza y
4*/%*$"504tGSPNpage 3
hermosura. Al pino lo plantaste para recibir su aroma y frescura. A la vid la plantaste
para disfrutar de su fruto, pero ninguno de ellos se da cuenta por estar sólo mirando los
de Puerto Rico (AIPR) y de la Coalición del Sector Privado, Carlos Rivera Vélez.
atributos de los demás. No ven sus propios atributos y capacidades.
En la actualidad, la gente no ve sus propios méritos y quiere imitar a otros. La juventud es
Si bien el organismo sindical trazó la raya en lo que atañe a los derechos de los
una especie de metal al que atrae el magneto de la moda.
trabajadores, la FTPR está dispuesta a sentarse en la mesa de diálogo, pues “resulta más
Los adultos no son la excepción. Debemos darnos cuenta de que cada uno de nosotros
importante en esta coyuntura histórica resaltar los puntos en los que coincidimos”.
somos seres totalmente individuales. Podemos dar el fruto de nosotros mismos. No
hay que imitar ni tratar de ser como otra persona. Cada uno de nosotros está aquí para
Ayer, la Coalición del Sector Privado instó a los sindicatos a encontrar terreno común y
contribuir con nuestra propia fragancia. Simplemente tenemos que mirarnos a nosotros
a que ambos sectores trabajen en conjunto para crear un plan de desarrollo para Puerto
mismos y ver la hermosura de nuestro ser. Nuestra gran capacidad oculta. Desechar ese
Rico, cuyo alto nivel de deuda pública y paupérrimo desempeño económico ha acelerado
deseo de imitar a alguien más. Podemos disfrutar lo que somos y lo que damos, porque
la transformación poblacional de la Isla. Esto, por niveles de migración que superan el
tenemos mucho que dar. El único esfuerzo es regar nuestra vida con nuestro propio amor.
éxodo de puertorriqueños a mediados del siglo XX, una reducción significativa en las tasas
La otra posibilidad es marchitarnos en la misma monotonía de ser alguien más, siendo
de natalidad y a su vez, por un achicamiento de la clase media como secuela de la pérdida
nosotros una estrellita que no es capaz de brillar por si sola. ¡Tú decides cómo crecer!
de puestos de trabajo y la reducción de la compensación de los trabajadores y jubilados en
relación al coste de vida.
Al emplazar al sector sindical, la Coalición del Sector Privado dijo no estar conforme
con el plan de ajuste fiscal que el mismo grupo ayudó a elaborar. Fuentes de El Nuevo
Día aseguran que fue esta organización la que propuso modificar los derechos de los
trabajadores, cosa que aceptó la administración de Alejandro García Padilla, al incorporar
tales estrategias en el plan de ajuste fiscal que sirve de base para renegociar la deuda
La propuesta para modificar los derechos de los trabajadores contenida en el plan de ajuste
fiscal ya han sido repudiados por el sector sindical.
“El Plan tampoco satisface nuestras expectativas como sector sindical. De hecho, el
plan fiscal carece del elemento fundamental que necesita el país: un proyecto económico
debidamente definido”, reza la misiva de la FTPR.
“Este es el momento para unir voluntades entre los sectores productivos del país para
resolver los problemas económicos y estructurales que tiene Puerto Rico, dejando atrás
las medidas que solo buscan salvar al Estado y/o salvaguardar los intereses particulares
y exclusivos de la clase política del país acosta del bien de los que nutren el sector
productivo de la población”, agregó el gremio sindical.
Buscando en mi buzón de correo electrónico encontré un mensaje muy particular que tocó
muy profundamente mi corazón. Estuvo guardado por años hasta ahora que he decidido
compartirlo con ustedes.
Un día caluroso en el sur de Florida, un niñito decidió ir a nadar en un lago detrás de
su casa. Salió corriendo de la parte de atrás de su casa y se lanzó al lago felizmente. Su
madre lo observaba desde una ventana, pero repentinamente sucedió lo inesperado. Frente
a sus ojos pudo ver cuando un cocodrilo se le acercaba amenazante a su hijo, quien nadaba
ignorante del peligro que le acechaba.
Enseguida la desesperada mujer salió corriendo hacia su hijo mientras le gritaba
advirtiéndole el peligro que corría. El niño se alarmó por los gritos de su madre y nadó
lo más rápido que pudo hacia ella, pero fue demasiado tarde. Cuando el niño ya se
estaba subiendo al muelle con la ayuda de su madre, el cocodrilo agarró sus piernitas. Su
madre lo jalaba hacia ella con todas las fuerzas de su corazón, pero el cocodrilo era más
fuerte. Por otro lado, su madre era más apasionada y su amor hacia su hijo la hacía casi
Read the rest of the article on our website at
Noticias de Dunkirk
Hispanics play a growing role in America's future
By Monica C. Lozano
In a country with 53 million Latinos, or 17% of the population and growing, only 34 of
the 435 seats in Congress and four of the 100 seats in the Senate are occupied by Latinos.
On corporate boards of directors, 4% of all seats are held by Latinos and less than 3% of
C-suite level positions in Fortune 500 companies are represented by Hispanic individuals.
In my home state of California, in Silicon Valley, the mecca of innovation and prosperity,
the major technology companies report only 3.8% of their workforce is Hispanic.
As an executive in the media industry and as a director on the boards of large corporations
and foundations, I have too often found myself as the sole Latina in the room. We have to
work harder and create greater access for diverse voices and perspectives in those rooms,
and across those institutions.
For our democracy and economy to thrive we need far greater representation in all aspects
and at all levels of civic life. Thanks to the efforts of many organizations and inspiring
leaders we are making progress, but now is the time to ensure our seat at the table. Only
then will our voices be heard and only then will we become full participants in American
America finds itself on the threshold of a unique demographic opportunity. The explosive
growth of the Latino population means Latinos are projected to make up 26% of the U.S.
population by 2050. As today's Hispanic population tends to be younger than comparable
groups, Latinos literally represent America's future.
With an aging white population reaching retirement, Latino youth are many of our
future doctors, lawyers and schoolteachers. America's future economic well-being and
competitiveness is increasingly contingent on the success of the Latino population.
Latinos want what all Americans want: quality education, economic opportunity,
affordable homes, strong and safe communities, good government and access to health
care. Unfortunately, we have lagged behind other groups in most of these areas. If we are
serious about bridging these gaps and translating population gains into growing influence
on America's institutions, we must work together across communities, with experts and
thought leaders, to become part of the fabric of American society.
We've seen evidence of this success in such unexpected places as Northwest Arkansas,
where growth in the Latino immigrant population led business and civic leaders to explore
how they could harness the talent of this diverse community and strengthen their local
To develop an innovative solution that took into account the unique needs of immigrants,
Arkansas leaders turned to the Cisneros Center in San Antonio, which works to accelerate
the integration of New Americans into local communities. Together, in partnership with
the Center's American Dream Initiative, civic leaders developed financial education, smallbusiness planning support and microloan services to the region in support of immigrant
families and entrepreneurs.
In Nashville, under the leadership of Mayor Karl Dean, the newly created Office of
New Americans has led efforts to build a service delivery system that helps new arrivals
integrate into Nashville civic life. According to city data, from 1994 to 2014, the foreignborn population in Nashville increased from 2% to almost 12% and drove more than
half the city's population growth in the last 10 years. In the year since it was announced
in 2014, Dean's Office of New Americans has made his city a model of economic
advancement and community engagement for Hispanic immigrants.
One of the strongest ways Latinos will affect American society is through college
attainment, particularly in the fields of science, technology, math and engineering, or
STEM. In El Paso, Texas, Diana Natalicio, president of the University of Texas-El
Paso has worked to increase opportunities for Latinos in STEM related disciplines,
making UTEP the largest producer of Mexican-American STEM graduates in the nation.
Natalicio's vision for UTEP STEM students is not only focused on graduation, but also in
securing careers in these highly competitive fields.
Hispanics represent an increasingly vital segment of the American economy. We also
comprise one of the nation's most promising consumer bases. If we are to make a
meaningful impact, then we must reach higher and broader to work with everyone and
anyone who has a stake in the future of this nation.
Latino success and advancement no longer solely affects Latinos. With the growing size
and scope of the Latino population, Latino success will ensure the future competitiveness
and success of the United States as a whole.
exchange of hostages negotiated between the presidents of Colombia and Venezuela.
Black Bread, set in the war ravaged Catalan countryside of the early 1940s, will be shown
on October 1 (Jamestown), October 15 (Olean), and October 21 (Jamestown). Elevenyear-old Andreu stumbles upon a crushed wagon and witnesses the dying moments of
the man and boy inside. When police suspect Andreu’s father of foul play, he goes into
hiding and Andreu is sent to live with relatives. There, the frightened boy creates a fantasy
life, but is forced to confront a world of adult deception, hatred, and the war’s monstrous
Bad Hair, offered on October 29 (Jamestown), November 4 (Dunkirk), and November 12
(Olean), focuses on a nine-year-old boy whose obsession with straightening his hair elicits
homophobic panic in his hard-working mother. The boy has big brown eyes and a head of
luxurious dark curls but aches to straighten those curls to acquire a new look befitting his
emerging fantasy image of himself as a long-haired singer.
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Lesiones De
Jamestown Community College’s modern languages program will
present a Spanish Film Club this fall
The Spanish Film Club series is made possible with the support of the Katharine Jackson
Carnahan Endowment for the Humanities, Pragda, SPAIN arts & culture, and the Secretary
of State for Culture of Spain.
Films will be shown at JCC’s sites in Jamestown, Olean, and Dunkirk. The screenings,
which are free and open to the public, begin at 7 p.m. in Carnahan Theatre (Jamestown),
Cutco Theatre (Olean), and room 119 of the North County Training Center (Dunkirk).
Additional information on the film selections can be obtained by calling JCC,
Clandestine Childhood will be shown on September 15 (Jamestown), September 17
(Olean), and October 7 (Dunkirk). After years of exile, 12-year-old Juan and his family
return to Argentina under fake identities. Juan’s parents and his uncle are members of
the Montoneros Organization, which is fighting against the military junta that rules the
country. Because of their political activities they are tracked relentlessly, and the threat of
capture, and even death, is constant.
La Yuma, which tells the story of a young woman who dreams of transcending her bleak
life in the slums of Managua by becoming a boxer, will be shown on September 16
(Dunkirk), September 23 (Jamestown), and September 30 (Olean). Looking beyond the
meager possibilities that seem available to her and ignoring the advice of her gang member
friends, she finds solace and hope in her training and falls in love with a middle class
journalism student.
Crisanto, a poor cocaine farmer who lives with his family in the Guaviare jungle, a region
ruled by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, is the focus of Operation E
on September 30 (Dunkirk), October 28 (Olean), and November 18 (Jamestown). A group
of guerrilla fighters leave Crisanto’s family with a dying baby that they must care for.
Doctors are able to heal the baby, but, believing he’s been abandoned and abused, take it
away. Two years later, the guerrillas demand the child’s return as he is at the center of an
Accidentes De
Lesiones De
Consulta, Examen, Examinación
y primer tratamiento
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Mundo Latino
El Papa se reúne con Fidel tras advertir sobre ideología
LA HABANA, CUBA (21/SEP/2015).- En el segundo día de su gira por Cuba, el Papa
Francisco se reunió con Fidel Castro por un tiempo de entre 30 y 40 minutos en la
residencia del líder histórico de la revolución cubana, luego de haber ofrecido una misa en
la que lanzó un llamado para que la gente sirva a sus prójimos y no a las ideologías.
En su encuentro, intercambiaron libros y platicaron sobre temas importantes que enfrenta
la Humanidad, como el medio ambiente y el sistema económico global, de acuerdo con el
vocero del Vaticano, el padre Federico Lombardi.
Francisco acudió a la residencia Castro, luego de que en la primera misa masiva lanzara
un llamado a que la gente se comprometa con su prójimo y piensen en servir más a las
personas que a las ideas.
En una homilía centrada en la virtud de servir a los demás y no a uno mismo, el Papa
aseguró que “nunca el servicio es ideológico, ya que no se sirve de ideas, sino que se sirve
a las ideas”.
En la Plaza de la Revolución de La Habana, frente a miles de cubanos y la icónica imagen
del Che Guevara, el sumo Pontífice también aprovechó para enviar un mensaje a favor del
proceso de paz en Colombia y pidió a las partes evitar que fracase una vez más.
“Por favor, no tenemos derecho a permitirnos otro fracaso más en este camino de paz y
reconciliación”, dijo antes de finalizar la misa. Cuba es sede de las negociaciones entre la
guerrilla de las FARC y el Gobierno colombiano.
El Papa describió a los cubanos como un pueblo que gusta de la fiesta y la amistad, que
tiene heridas como otros pueblos, pero que su vocación es de grandeza, por lo que los
llamó a cuidar a sus hermanos.
El presidente cubano Raúl Castro participó en la misa junto con su colega argentina
Cristina Fernández.
Acuden católicos y no creyentes
José Rafael Velázquez, un trabajador cuentapropista de 54 años, llegó a la misa del Papa
junto con su esposa, aunque dijo que no es creyente.
“Vengo más bien por curiosidad, porque esto es un hecho histórico y porque quiero ver al
Papa”, dijo. “Además, esperamos mucho de esta visita, porque el Papa ha sido una persona
clave en el acercamiento con Estados Unidos y desde el anuncio que se hizo se están
viendo los cambios y esta visita nos da más esperanza de seguir mejorando”.
Por su parte, Yenisley González, de 29 años, señaló: “Como cristianos, la visita de
Francisco es muy importante para la fe, para el perdón, para la reconciliación, para
subsanar las heridas que puedan existir entre los cubanos de aquí y de allá”.
Los cubanos han elogiado el apoyo del Papa para avanzar en la normalización de
relaciones con Estados Unidos. Incluso el mismo Francisco llamó a los líderes de ambos
países a avanzar más en ese camino y consideró que las negociaciones son ejemplo para
el mundo de esta visita, porque el Papa ha sido una persona clave en el acercamiento con
Estados Unidos y desde el anuncio que se hizo se están viendo los cambios y esta visita
nos da más esperanza de seguir mejorando”.
Panorama HisPano
Panorama Hispano News‫‏‬
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Marcos Lebron
Health and Marketing Director
Nadia Martinez
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266 Elmwood Ave.
Suite 927
Buffalo, NY 14222
Carlos DePonce
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(716) 228-7498
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Panorama Hispano invita sus comentarios, favor de incluir su dirección y teléfono diurno para
ón. Todas las cartas al Editor están sujetas a edición y corrección.
Los articulos y anuncios publicados aquí no pueden ser riempresos sin autorización escrita de
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por el mismo.
The articles and advertising contained in this publication may not be reprinted without written
permission of Panorama Hispano. The opinions given in this newspaper are not necessarily the
opinions of Panorama Hispano.
Latinoamérica, atrapada en problema de empleos precarios: BID
América Latina y el Caribe corren el riesgo de quedar atrapados en un "círculo vicioso"
en el que la alta rotación laboral genera baja productividad laboral y, por consecuencia, en
informalidad, alertó el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), a la vez que reconoció
las acciones del gobierno mexicano en materia laboral.
Al presentar la publicación " Empleos para crecer", en el marco del V Diálogo Regional
de Políticas Laborales y de Seguridad Social, la representante del BID para Latinoamérica
y el Caribe, Mercedes Aráoz Fernández, comentó que pese a los avances económicos y
sociales de la última década, la región se encuentra "atrapada" en un problema de empleos
precarios, pues destacó que el 55% de los empleos están en el sector informal, el 24%
Obama lanza campaña para naturalizar a 8.8 millones de inmigrantes
de los trabajadores lleva menos de un año en su trabajo, por debajo del promedio de la
WASHINGTON, ESTADOS UNIDOS (17/SEP/2015).- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) que es del 15%.
Barack Obama, lanzó una campaña nacional para registrar a más de 8.8 millones de
Destacó que si bien en esta región las cifras de desempleo son bajas, "esconden" una
inmigrantes que se convirtieron en residentes permanente legales y son elegibles para
realidad de elevada rotación y transición en el empleo, por lo que muchos trabajadores
convertirse en ciudadanos estadounidenses.
están "preocupados o muy preocupados" por perder su empleo.
"La verdadera fuerza de una nación no reside en su poderío, sino en el carácter y la
Ante este panorama, Aráoz advirtió que de no impulsarse "cambios significativos", la
convicción de su gente: Nuestras esperanzas, nuestros sueños, nuestra determinación para tasa del crecimiento del PIB esperadas para los próximos años serán "insuficientes" para
hacer raíces y construir una mejor vida", señaló Obama en un videomensaje.
mantener los avances logrados en materia de reducción de la pobreza y equidad.
La campaña, que se produce a más de un año de las elecciones presidenciales de
En el caso de México reconoció los avances del gobierno mexicano en materia laboral
noviembre de 2016, sumó a personalidades como el mexicano Fernando "El Toro"
y económica que han permitido la creación de empleos "formales, dignos y decentes";
Valenzuela, la actriz Diane Guerrero y el chef español José Andrés para promover la
destacó además que las recomendaciones de la publicación hacia nuestro país están
importancia de la ciudadanía entre los inmigrantes.
orientadas a la productividad, la cual ha aumentado 1.44 puntos en los últimos tres años.
Del total de 13.3 millones de residentes legales permanentes, unos 8.8 millones cumplen
"México es un país con avances en muchas de las políticas públicas que propone nuestro
los requisitos para obtener la ciudadanía, lo que les permite plenos derechos como
libro; de hecho me atrevería a decir que este país ha sido uno de los referentes detrás de
estadounidense, incluido el derecho al voto.
varias de las recomendaciones que planteamos en esta investigación", expresó Mercedes
Aráoz Fernández.
Los mexicanos representan el mayor porcentaje de residentes legales permanentes en
En tanto que la subsecretaria de Empleo y Productividad Laboral de la Secretaria del
Estados Unidos, con 3.3 millones, un 25 por ciento del total, de los cuales 2.9 millones son Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS), Patricia Martínez Cranss, resaltó la necesidad de
elegibles a naturalizarse.
priorizar la generación de empleos y la recuperación económica, pues explicó que el
En segundo lugar aparecen los chinos con 640 mil residentes permanentes legales, de los crecimiento económico evitará que la falta de empleo contribuya a "ahondar las brechas de
cuales 280 mil pueden volverse ciudadanos en ese momento, de acuerdo con cifras del
Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) correspondientes a 2012.
Instó a impulsar el empleo entre los jóvenes pues mencionó que "no hay nada más nocivo"
La nueva campaña presidencial "Stand Stronger", que coincide con las celebraciones
para la estabilidad social que "desperdiciar" el talento de las nuevas generaciones al estar
de este jueves del Día Nacional de la Ciudadanía, es multilingüe a fin de promover la
excluidos del mercado laboral.
ciudadanía entre los residentes legales permanentes de todas las nacionalidades.
Subrayó que las autoridades laborales deben eliminar las barreras económicas y legales
Como parte de la campaña, la Casa Blanca estableció alianza con organizaciones
que limitan la participación laboral de los jóvenes y recordó que durante una reunión con
dedicadas a la protección de inmigrantes y refugiados a fin de que ofrezcan ayuda
los ministros de trabajo de los países pertenecientes al G20 se acordó como meta reducir
personalizada para millones de personas elegibles a través de talleres y clases del idioma
a 15%, a más tardar en 2018, la proporción de jóvenes en riesgo de ser excluidos del
mercado laboral.
Se prevé que las organizaciones participantes realicen unos 70 eventos para resaltar la
importancia cívica del proceso de naturalización.Por su parte, el gobierno federal celebrará
Latin America’s middle class grows, but in some regions more than others
más de 200 ceremonias de ciudadanía en todo el país para naturalizar a 36 mil nuevos
As a whole, Latin America enjoyed solid economic growth in the first decade of this
century, with a fall in poverty, a decrease in income inequality and a rise of its middle
En paralelo, decenas de organizaciones comunitarias y sindicales lanzaron está semana
class. But in many respects, it was a tale of two Americas, with South America and Mexico
una campaña similar que incluye no solo la naturalización de millones de hispanos
seeing more of these gains than Central America and the Caribbean.
elegibles, sino el registro electoral de millones de ciudadanos que no participan en las
From 2001 to 2011, South America was one of three areas in the world (along with China
and Eastern Europe) that significantly expanded its middle-income population, according
"Hay mucho en juego en este momento y sabemos que vamos a demostrar el poder del
to a new Pew Research Center report. Driven by an abundant supply of commodities for
voto, el poder de nuestra voz unida", afirmó la presidenta de la organización iAmérica
export (oil, copper, iron, soybeans, beef, etc.) and a surge in commodity prices worldwide,
y vicepresidenta del Sindicato Internacional de Trabajadores de Servicios (SEIU), la
many South American economies prospered from global trade and from the steady demand
mexicana Rocío Sáenz.
of resources in an increasingly industrialized China.
Más de 11.2 millones de latinos votaron en las elecciones presidenciales de 2012, una
South America’s middle-income population grew 11 percentage points, from 16% of the
cifra récord. Sin embargo un total de 12.1 millones no participaron en el proceso político.
region’s total population in 2001 to 27% in 2011, and the share of people who were poor
Entre los hispanos que se registraron para votar, el 82 por ciento acudió a las urnas.
dropped 10 points in the same time frame, from 17% to 7%.
"Nos tenemos que movilizar para registrar a los latinos, porque una vez que están
registrados, existe una alta proporción que saldrá a votar", señaló Blanca Guillén Woods,
Read the rest of the article on our website at
de la organización Latino Decisions.
Technology & Science
Puerto Rico acoge quinta edición del 'Hackathon'
Agencias espaciales coadyuvan en lucha de cambio climático
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO.-Más de 500 estudiantes, en su mayoría universitarios,
participarán los próximos 19 y 20 de septiembre en la quinta edición del "Hackathon", el
evento de "hackers" más concurrido de Latinoamérica, en el que desarrollarán aplicaciones
móviles durante 24 horas consecutivas, en Puerto Rico.
Los "hackathons" son eventos que se extienden desde 12 a 24 horas y donde se reúnen
desarrolladores de software y/o hardware para trabajar en ideas y proyectos que buscan
resolver problemas con fines empresariales, sociales, para beneficio de la comunidad.
David Bartolomei, director de HackPR, organizadora del evento, detalló hoy en un
comunicado de prensa que el acto de este año se llevará a cabo en la Universidad de
Puerto Rico, campus Mayagüez, al oeste de la isla, bajo el patrocinio del Fideicomiso para
Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación, por tercer año consecutivo.
Bartolomei resaltó que el "Hackathon" es "una plataforma ideal para crear soluciones
innovadoras y prácticas mediante la creatividad y colaboración entre los participantes",
entre ellos, el invitado especial Sebastián Vidal, director del recién creado programa de
"Startup Puerto Rico del Fideicomiso".
Representantes de agencias espaciales de todo el mundo emitieron la "Declaratoria de
México" en esta capital, la cual busca alcanzar los compromisos a fin de unificar esfuerzos
para combatir el cambio climático a través de la ciencia y tecnología espacial de sus
respectivas naciones.
La Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) expone que con esta declaratoria,
los titulares de las agencias espaciales presentes acordaron cooperar internacionalmente en
la materia.
Asimismo, destacaron la importancia vital de los satélites a su cargo para comprender
el cambio climático y ayudar a mitigar sus efectos para afrontar los retos climáticos que
amenazan a la humanidad.
La SCT refiere que en la clausura de los trabajos de la "Cumbre de Jefes de Agencias
Espaciales", realizada en el país por primera vez en su historia, el encuentro concluyó
con dicha Declaración, que se presentará como postura de la comunidad espacial en la
Conferencia de las Partes sobre Cambio Climático (COP21) en noviembre y diciembre
próximos en París, Francia.
Con esta declaratoria, refiere que se buscará divulgar también el hecho científico de que de
las 50 variables climáticas esenciales (ECV) para combatir el cambio climático, definidos
por el Sistema de Observación del Clima Global (SMOC), 26 sólo pueden ser medidas y
controladas desde el espacio.
"Los satélites son herramientas únicas que nos permiten obtener los datos necesarios
para desarrollar modelos climáticos, que garantizan monitoreos globales, precisos
y multiparamétricos, a fin de medir el nivel del mar y el calentamiento global de la
atmósfera, dos de las más graves consecuencias del cambio climático", refiere.
De acuerdo al documento, el espacio ha probado ser un valioso aliado en la predicción
y gestión de desastres naturales, que son otras de las mayores consecuencias del cambio
climático, muestra de ello mecanismos como la "Carta Internacional del Espacio y
Desastres Naturales", acuerdo al que se han sumado 15 agencias espaciales.
Explica además que con dicho mecanismo se da acceso prioritario a información de
satélites del mundo a países azotados por desastres naturales, protocolo que ha sido
activado más de 400 veces desde el año 2000, y confiaron que en el futuro, los sistemas
satelitales también podrán ofrecer su apoyo en alertas para tsunamis y terremotos.
El director general de la Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), Javier Mendieta Jiménez,
dijo que la Declaratoria de México es resultado de los esfuerzos de las agencias espaciales
del mundo y, que al reunirse en el país reconocen su vocación generosa y solidaria.
"Se confirma una vez más que la cooperación internacional y la combinación de los
recursos en un frente común son nuestros mejores aliados en la búsqueda de frenar los
efectos del cambio climático, que ha causado el aumento en frecuencia e intensidad de los
fenómenos meteorológicos y desastres en los últimos años", sostuvo.
Además, expuso, así se amplían posibilidades para México en materia de gestión de
desastres, en cumplimiento de la instrucción del Ejecutivo para redoblar esfuerzos en
contar con información en tiempo real a fin de aumentar la seguridad de los mexicanos en
situaciones de inminente peligro.
Ahora mediante acceso humanitario a sistemas satelitales de todo el mundo, y de lo que se
podrá informar oportunamente tras la celebración de la COP21, sostuvo.
En la Declaratoria de México estuvieron presentes los representantes de las agencias
espaciales de Estados Unidos (NASA), Europa (ESA), Reino Unido (UKSA), Japón
(JAXA), India (ISRO), Alemania (DLR), Corea (KARI), entre otras, de las 24 naciones
reunidas en el país por la convocatoria de la Academia Internacional de Astronáutica
Enfatizó que el evento de dos días, donde se premiarán los mejores proyectos en áreas
de la salud y bienestar, educación, social y hardware, tendrá como propósito "que los
estudiantes utilicen herramientas tecnológicas para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras a
los problemas cotidianos".
Por su parte, el director de operaciones del Fideicomiso para Ciencia, Tecnología e
Investigación, Iván Ríos Mena, afirmó que la organización HackPR "cumple un rol
esencial en un ecosistema emergente de tecnología y emprendimiento (iniciativa) en
Puerto Rico".
Sostuvo que para que Puerto Rico sea una sede global de innovación, la HackPR "sirve
como foro para la creatividad mediante la programación" y así mismo "fortalece una
comunidad para que los estudiantes interactúen y compartan ideas libremente, que es la
esencia de un ecosistema exitoso".
HackPR es una organización sin fines de lucro integrada por estudiantes que promueve el
desarrollo de destrezas técnicas mediante métodos de enseñanza no convencionales como
son los "hackathons" para fomentar el desarrollo profesional en los estudiantes.
Rare malware outbreak hits some Apple apps
SAN FRANCISCO — Apple has pulled dozens of tainted apps from its App Store after
the discovery of a rare malware outbreak.
The malicious software has been found in at least 39 iOS apps, many of them aimed at the
Chinese market, though the apps have customers in the USA.
The initial discovery was made by Palo Alto Networks, a Santa Clara, Calif.-based
computer security company.
The malicious code is called Xcode Ghost and came hidden in a fake version of Xcode,
popular Apple software used to create applications.
Apple began taking down the compromised apps over the weekend. The company did not
respond to requests for comment.
The counterfeit code was uploaded to servers in China, where developers unwittingly used
it to create apps.
It was primarily designed to steal users' passwords. Some users were sent phishing
messages that tried to trick them into disclosing more information.
Many of the affected apps have huge audiences in China, including the messaging app
WeChat, a ride-hailing service called Didi Kuaidi and apps for buying train tickets in
China and trading on the stock market.
Peligros de transgénicos para la salud son mitos, afirman
BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA (13/SEP/2015).- Los peligros de los productos transgénicos para
la salud humana son más mitos que realidades y en Colombia existe una legislación que
regula el uso de este tipo de mercancías a la industria alimentaria, aseguró la experta Pilar
Serrano Galvis.
Para Serrano Galvis, nutricionista-dietista de la Universidad Javeriana, experta en nutrición
para la industria alimentaria y directora de Innovación y Desarrollo de la empresa Huevos
Santa Reyes, explicó cuatro mitos sobre los transgénicos.
"No hay nada diabólico detrás de los transgénicos. Esto es una tecnología, un proceso
biológico llevado a estándares de la biotecnología", señaló Serrano Galvis.
Explicó que con las nuevas tecnologías, como la Biotecnología y la Ingeniería Genética,
se pueden hacer procesos de selección de semillas y mejorarlas en los laboratorios. Aquí
no hay nada diabólico. No hay nada extraterrestre, no hay nada mal intencionado de los
transgénicos", sostuvo la experta.
Los transgénicos son "simplemente la evolución de la biología molecular y de las técnicas
de modificación del DNA", reiteró la experta.
Otro de los mitos que circulan entre algunos consumidores, es que estos alimentos
producen enfermedades en los seres humanos, lo que científicamente está desvirtuado,
El sexo raramente provoca infartos, según estudio
WASHINGTON,.- El sexo raramente provoca infartos y la mayoría de las personas que
sufren un ataque al corazón puede retomar su actividad sexual, según un estudio divulgado "Las grandes empresas de diseño de semillas, tienen que liberar y publicar sus resultados
de sensibilidad alergias, intolerancias y en las bibliotecas médicas mundiales deben ser
hoy por la publicación estadounidense Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Muchas de las personas que han sufrido un infarto se preguntan si es seguro practicar sexo artículos de libre distribución", apuntó.
de nuevo, una incertidumbre para la que esta investigación da respuesta: la actividad física Insistió que en la industria alimentaria "no hay secretos y la propiedad industrial no
que implica la actividad sexual es comparable con subir dos escaleras de varios escalones esconde información que pueda afectar la salud de los humanos".
"La transgénesis se da entre semillas de la misma especie, pero cada una representa una
o dar un paseo a buen ritmo.
ventaja frente a la otra. Si yo tengo un maíz adaptado a una altura a la que normalmente no
"Según nuestros datos, parece muy improbable que la actividad sexual sea relevante
se da el maíz, puedo hacer modificaciones a través de la ingeniería genética", explicó.
a la hora de desencadenar un ataque cardíaco", consideró en un comunicado Dietrich
Serrano Galvis agregó que con las nuevas tecnologías se pueden identificar cuál es el gene
Rothenbacher, el investigador principal de este estudio y profesor del Instituto de
o fracción de DNA, que le da esa característica a esa semilla.
Epidemiología y Biometría Médica de la Universidad de Ulm, en Alemania.
Esa es la semilla que se transfiere a una semilla que puede tener un rendimiento por
"Menos de la mitad de los hombres y menos de un tercio de las mujeres reciben
hectárea mayor, que la otra que es resistente a las bajas temperaturas, por ejemplo.
información de sus doctores sobre actividad sexual después de un ataque al corazón. Es
Otro de los mitos es creer que se puede colocar en las tiendas de mercado huevos
importante asegurar a los pacientes que no tienen que preocuparse y que pueden retomar
orgánicos, y para el caso del mercado colombiano es imposible lograrlo.
su actividad sexual con normalidad", añadió.
"Un huevo orgánico debe costar el doble que un huevo estándar. Los huevos orgánicos en
Para elaborar este estudio, Rothenbacher y su equipo estudiaron las respuestas de 536
personas, de entre 30 y 70 años, que habían sufrido un infarto en un cuestionario en el que Colombia no existen porque tendrían que cumplir con el criterio de las semillas nativas",
se les preguntaba por su actividad sexual en los doce meses previos al ataque.
Los científicos también evaluaron la relación entre el último encuentro sexual del paciente Para tener semillas nativas, el productor debe garantizar un triple de área para producir el
maíz, que es un alimento básico en la industria avícola".
y el momento del infarto: solo el 0.7 por ciento tuvieron sexo una hora antes del ataque y
el 78 por ciento mantuvo su última relación sexual más de un día antes del suceso.
Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in the USA on Tuesday for a state visit that will
include discussions about cyber security. There's no reason to believe China was especially
targeted by the hackers, said John Gunn with VASCO Data Security International in
"It was opportunistic," Gunn said. "They figured out that there was a remote server that
had the Xcode program on it that wasn't being monitored by Apple, and it happened to be
in China."
There is little danger to U.S. iPhone users unless they use Chinese social media apps, he
Apple users historically haven't had to worry much about security because of Apple's
closed software system, which vets every app sold in its App Store.
In September, malware appeared in some Apple apps, but it was a problem only
on phones whose operating system security features had been turned off, known as
Read the rest of the article on our website at
Conozca su Gente
Rising Star
Alexsandra López
Buffalo Bills Honor Dr. César A. Cabrera Through The NFL
Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award
Ms. López was recently bestowed the honor of “Rising Star” by the Hispanic Coalition
of NY, where she was selected from nominees statewide. She was also selected as a
“Rising Star” of the year, voting is being conducted online to receive this honor. Ms.
López began building her professionalism, altruism and activism in the Hispanic
Community at a young age, where she was involved with Hispanics Organized for
Progress in Education (HOPE) in Dunkirk, NY, with her mother being one of the
Education is a very important issue for Ms. López. She lives by the motto, “be the
change you wish to see in the world”. To this end, Ms. López has been very active in
causes that involve education. During her undergraduate studies at SUNY Fredonia,
she was integral in advocating for implementation of the Office of Multicultural
Affairs, sole student member of the Latino Studies minor implementation committee,
a Resident Assistant and President of Latinos Unidos. She was on the dean’s list for
the majority of her undergraduate studies, a Rosa Parks Scholarship recipient for
her one woman play entitled, “They Sometimes Call me Gringa”, an Alma Matter
Society Inductee, for exemplary service to campus and community and a distinguished
alumna featured in SUNY Fredonia recruitment publications. Ms. López completed
her graduate studies at Buffalo State College in Speech Language Pathology with
a Bilingual Extension. Here, she was a grad assistant in the Office of Admissions
and Office of Bilingual Exceptional Education as well as a Fellow of the Research
She is a current member as well as a previous executive board member, previous
Membership Chair, past Treasurer, and past Vice President of the Hispanic Women’s
League (HWL). She has spear headed many efforts within the organization such as
the HWL’s participation in the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of Western New
York, membership drives, and a collaboration with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
for a performance and “meet and greet” with Rita Moreno. Continuing her efforts
to empower others to further their education, Ms. López was on the committee that
created and implemented the Nabta Fund at SUNY Fredonia. This is an endowment
fund that provides African American students scholarships to attend SUNY Fredonia.
Following this example, Ms. López has also begun the process of beginning the
endowment fund entitled “Nuestro Futuro” (Our Future), to provide Latino students
scholarships to attend SUNY Fredonia.
She is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) as well
as ASHA’s Division for Communication Disorders & Sciences in Culturally &
Linguistically Diverse Populations and ASHA’s Hispanic Caucus. She was chosen
from speech language pathologists across the country and bestowed the honor of
ASHA “Diversity Champion” at the national convention for her dedication to the
Hispanic Community. She is a member of Manchester’s Whose Who, NYSABE (New
York State Association for Bilingual Education), a previous SUNY Fredonia Alumni
Association Executive Board of Directors member and secretary, and a recipient of the
Hispanics United of Buffalo, “Nuestro Orgullo-Star” award for exemplary service to
the Hispanic Community of Buffalo.She is trained through the Literacy Volunteers of
America and obtained her ESL Certification and tutored adults whose first language
is not English and who are not literate. She was also selected as a judge for the Puerto
Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of Western New York. The Black Student Union
and Latinos Unidos of SUNY Fredonia also extended an invitation to her to return to
campus to present at the “People of Color Concerns Conference”. She performed in
Raíces Theater Company’s recent production of “Yo soy Latina”.
Ms. López has influenced many children and families throughout her academic career
that has spanned over 13 years. As a bilingual speech language pathologist she worked
directly with Latino children in Buffalo with their language abilities to help them
gain better access to the curriculum. Currently, Ms. López is employed with the New
York State Department of Education, housed at Erie 1 BOCES in West Seneca, NY
as the Bilingual Special Education Specialist/Coordinator with the Western Regional
Special Education Technical Assistance Center (RSE-TASC). She provides supports
to districts in the Western New York region who serve students who are English
Language Learners and have, or our suspected of having, a disability through coaching
and professional development. In her personal life, she has a 1 year old niece, Megan,
and 8 year old nephew, Christian. In addition she also has a 12 year old god daughter,
Alexa, whom she met at the age of 18 months as a client.
The Buffalo Bills have selected Dr. César Cabrera as the recipient of the NFL Hispanic
Heritage Leadership Award.
The NFL and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF)have partnered for the fifth
annual NFL Hispanic Heritage Leadership Awards during the 2015 celebration of
Hispanic Heritage Month. The awards recognize the contributions of Hispanic leaders
in each NFL market.
The Bills will honor Dr. Cabrera on Sunday, September 20 at their Hispanic Heritage
game when they face the New England Patriots.
Dr. Cabrera was born in the Dominican Republic and moved with his mother and two
sisters to the United States when he was eight years old. Dr. Cabrera has held many
roles in the political realm including his most recent appointment by Governor Andrew
Cuomo as the New York State Department of Labor’s Commissioner’s Regional
Representative. He has served as a director on numerous boards including Los Tainos
Senior Citizens Center and the Hispanics United of Buffalo, and is one of the founders
of La Prensa Hispana, a Hispanic monthly newspaper. The Buffalo News voted him
one of Ten Emerging Twenty-Something Western New Yorkers in 1995 and he was
named to the “40 Under Forty” honor roll by Buffalo Business First in 2002.
Each award recipient will select an organization of their choice that serves the local
Hispanic community to receive a $2,000 donation.
Dr. Cabrera has chosen the United Way of Buffalo & Erie County to receive this
The NFL will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month during week 3 of the season. A
national spotlight will be shined on the NFL’s celebration during Thursday Night
Football, Sunday Night Football and Monday Night Football.
Receta del Mes
Sopa de tortilla
Ingredientes (4 porciones)
12 tortillas de maíz
2 litros de caldo de pollo
4 jitomates
¼ de taza de queso panela
½ cebolla finamente picada
1 diente de ajo picado
4 chiles pasilla sin semilla
1 aguacate
1 rama de perejil
1 rama de epazote
¼ de crema
Sal y pimienta al gusto
1.Corta las tortillas en tiras largas y delgadas, posteriormente pon a calentar en un
sartén el aceite y fríe las tortillas, saca y coloca en un papel de cocina para retirar el
exceso de grasa
2.Escalfa los jitomates y retira la piel. En una cacerola fríe los jitomates, la cebolla
picada y el ajo, baja el fuego, añade la mitad del caldo de pollo y cocina por
aproximadamente 5 minutos.
3.Retira del fuego y licúa la mezcla, vuelve a echar a la cacerola con el resto del
caldo de pollo, añade el perejil, el chile pasilla, epazote y salpimienta. Déjalo
cocinarse por 20 minutos.
4.Pon las tiras de tortillas en un tazón y agrega el caldillo de jitomate caliente,
aguacate, queso cortado en cuadritos y una cucharada de crema fresca.
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Movies - Peliculas
October -2nd.
Peter PAN – Viaje a Nunca Jamás
Peter Pan se basa el clásico de JM Barrie, pero ofrece un
nuevo giro a los personajes.
Peter es un joven huérfano en la II Guerra Mundial, que
nunca creció. Cuando lo secuestran los piratas de Barba
negra lo llevan a Never land, que se encuentra lleno
de barcos pirata, pero cuando Peter descubre que está
destinado a salvar esa tierra, se propone liderar una rebelión
contra la tiranía del gobierno de Barba negra.
Peter is a Young orphan in World War II, who never grew
up. When Blackbeard Pirates hijack and take him to
Neverland, which is full of pirate ships, but when Peter
discovers he is destined to save the land, it intends to lead a
rebellion against government tyranny Blackbeard.
restaurante en Paris ha perder las dos estrellas de su premio
Michelín. Caído en desgracia, se encuentra en una espiral
dónde todo lo que toca parece hundirse bajo sus pies.
Decidido a no rendirse, coge a todo su equipo de cocina y
se traslada al próspero Londres. Para superarse a sí mismo
deberá poner todo su esfuerzo y fuerza de voluntad tratando
de conseguir una tercera estrella para su nuevo proyecto.
Pero eso ya no le basta, solo la intención de volver a
encontrar el camino de la fama y el éxito, no es suficiente,
ahora pretende hacerlo creando el restaurante más grande
del mundo en la capital inglesa.
Comedy- Comedia
Adam Jones is a Chef who destroyed his career with drugs
and diva behavior. He cleans up and returns to London,
determined to redeem him self by spearheading a top
restaurant that can gain three Michelin stars.
Music- Música
Gabriel Iglesias is coming to buffalo in November 22.
Shea’s Performing Arts.
Today, Iglesias is one of America's most successful standup comedians and he performs in sold-out concerts across
the United States and Internationally. His stand-up comedy
is a mixture of storytelling, parodies, characters and sound
effects that bring his personal experiences to life. His
unique and animated comedy style has made him popular
among fans of all ages.
Uno de los comediantes mas famosos y se ha presentado
en muchos escenarios con boletos completamente
vendidos. El es un comediante muy querido con una
comedia liviana y vacilante que la familia entera puede
POETRY- Poesia
Victor Sotomayor
October 16Crimson Peak – La Cumbre escarlata.
Guillermo del Toro vuelve a un género que domina a la
perfección para sumergirnos en una película sobrenatural
y directa, que pretende cautivarnos con estética moderna
y transportarnos con las referencias a clásicos del séptimo
Después de casarse con la encantadora y seductora Sir
Thomas Sharpe, joven Edith (Mia Wasikowska) ella se
encuentra arrastrada en su mansión gótica a distancia en
las colinas inglesas. También viven allí es Lady Lucille,
hermana y protectora de los oscuros secretos de su familia
de fascinación de Thomas. Capaz de comunicarse con los
muertos, Edith trata de descifrar el misterio detrás de las
visiones fantasmales que rondan su nuevo hogar. A medida
que se acerca más a la verdad, Edith puede aprender que los
verdaderos monstruos son de carne y hueso.
Ricky Martin- One World Tour – Toronto October 15th
He brings his latest music and performs all over the USA
and Canada. This Puerto Rican sensation continues to
delight people all over the world, with great music, dance
and voice!
Ricky trae al concierto lo mas Nuevo de su interpretación
musical y esta de tour en todo los estados unidos y Canadá.
Este Puerto Riqueno sigue conquistando los corazones de
todo el mundo, con gran música, baile y su voz!
After marrying the charming and seductive Sir Thomas
Sharpe, young Edith (Mia Wasikowska) finds herself swept
away to his remote gothic mansion in the English hills. Also
living there is Lady Lucille, Thomas' alluring sister and
protector of her family's dark secrets. Able to communicate
with the dead, Edith tries to decipher the mystery behind
the ghostly visions that haunt her new home. As she comes
closer to the truth, Edith may learn that true monsters are
made of flesh and blood.
Victor Manuelle – Que suenen los tambores
November 6th. At the Rochester Auditiorium Theatre.
Victor Manuelle emerged as a leading voice among the
generation of New York salsa performers who rose to
prominence in the mid-'90s, along with Marc Anthony and
India, who were his only rivals in terms of success and
October 23
La adicción ha llevado al Chef de un importante
El popular cantante de salsa Victor Manuelle es uno de los
mas populares en su genero, junto con artistas de la misma
talla de Marc Anthony y la India.
Cleaning Ladies of the World
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Cleaning Ladies of the world
Unite and take over!
With their sweepers and Windex,
Getting down and dirty,
Behind a door
Or inside the next cubicle
Looking through the trash
They’ll always find the truth...
Behind the curtain,
Under the staircase
Cleaning ladies lurk
And gather dirty secrets that
CEO’s were not careful enough to hide
The truth shall be exposed
Don’t mess with them cleaning ladies!
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Madres de familia...
Profesoras del mundo...
Trabajadoras sociales...
Costureras del mundo...
Empleadas domésticas...
Niagara Family Dental
La Clinica Dental de Los Hispanos
821 Niagara St., Buffalo
Librarian I - Orchard Park Library
Librarian I, Part time - Orchard Park Library
Page, part-time - Central Library
Senior Page, part-time - Central Library
Building Guard, part-time - Central Library or Buffalo Branches
Cleaner, part-time - Central Library or Buffalo Branches
Iluminando el camino a la esperanza y la recuperación
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment & Rehabilitation Services for Adults & Adolescents
Servicios de tratamiento y rehabilitation de salud mental y adiccion para adultos y adolescentes
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Para información, citas o referidos llame:
El Dr. Bauer es el dentista
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Aceptamos Medicaid
y otros seguros médicos
Abiertos Lunes a Viernes 10am - 5pm
Para Cita
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Join The Lake Shore Behavioral Health Team!
We hire professional social workers (LMSW/LCSW), mental health counselors (LMHC),
substance abuse counselors (CASAC), psychiatrists, registered nurses (RN) and
vocational counselors as well as administrative staff and case managers.
Se habla
Bilingual individuals encouraged to apply.
To view our open positions and apply online visit:
HUD Subsidized Apartments
Towne Apartments
440 Clinton St., Buffalo, NY 14204
Apartamentos disponibles de inmediato
El Alquiler incluye gas, calefacción, estufa y refrigerador.
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lavandería y un shopping plaza.
HUD subvencionado y cupones de vivienda aceptada
Se habla español.
Para más información por favor comuniques al:
Apartments available immediately
Lease includes gas, heating, stove and refridgerator
Near 3 bus routes, laundromat and shopping plaza
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52 candidates
years offorage
or of
Admission Advisor.
older, or disabled persons regardless of age.
For abased
full job description
A Rents are
on 30%andoftoAdjusted
A Cranberry Court has two (2) Accessible Units
For additional information or to receive an application by mail
contact Penny, Site Manager
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
3100 Cranberry Rd., Olean, NY 14760
(716) 373-6049
Relay News
Discrimination. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Size: Unlawful
1/16 page (5.0625 x 2) FULL COLOR
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA
Complaint Form, found online at:
Issue: Program Discrimination
October, or at any USDA office, or call (866)
D/L: 632-9992 to September
request the form. You20th
may also write a letter containing all of the information
in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.
Price: requested
Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
One-bedroom units, two-story non-elevator, for persons 62 years of age
or older, or disabled regardless of age. Off-street parking. Laundry on
premises. Appliances, carpeting and garbage pickup. Accessible units.
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Call for an appointment and be Welch Village Apartments
c/o Belmont Management Co., Inc.
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For rent information:
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The Admissions Office at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for
Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the position of Registrar.
position of Admissions Advisor.
Required Qualifications:
Qualified applicants may apply online at
• Bachelor's degree
• Progressively responsible experience in admissions, advising, counseling, and or related
areas of higher education
• Experience with Microsoft Office suite of products
Preferred Qualifications:
The ideal candidate should be a dynamic individual with strong interpersonal, public speaking,
writing and organizational skills, including the ability to manage time effectively; handle multiple
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
tasks simultaneously; and work evenings and weekends. Preferred qualifications include:
• Experience with event planning
• Experience with Banner Software and Microsoft Office Suite of products
Qualified applicants may apply online at
Panorama Hispanic News
1/16 page (5.0625 x 2) FULL COLOR
September 20th
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Panorama Hispanic News Registrar
1/8 page (5.0625
x 3.875)
Staff Assistant
Required Qualifications:
Master’s degree. October
The Center for Excellence in Urban and Rural Education at Buffalo State, State University of New York,
• Progressive experience in higher education with recent senior management experience in a Registrar's Office.
seeks candidates for September
the position of Staff20th
Assistant for the Community Academic Center.
• Excellent written, verbal,
and interpersonal communication skills including the ability to develop and
a full job description and to apply:
• Extensive understanding of an integrated student information system (Banner preferred).
• Technological sophistication is essential. Have expertise in student information systems and databases,
including: Banner, DegreeWorks, and Microsoft Office.
• Effective leader and manager with the ability to enlist cooperation of individuals at all levels within the College.
• Proficient knowledge of fiscal responsibility in budgeting.
• Possess skills related to attention to detail, confidentiality of student records, records management, and
academic calendar development.
is an
employer and committed
for diversity and
a affirmative
record of
and effectiveness
related to
academic policy, confidentiality of records, degree audit maintenance.
• Advanced organizational and analytical reasoning skills and the capability to work on multiple tasks and
under pressure to meet various deadlines.
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
applicants may apply online at
1/16 page (5.0625 x 2) FULL COLOR
September 20th
Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Staff Assistant
Panorama Hispanic News
1/8 in
x 3.875)
The Center for Excellence
Urban (5.0625
and Rural Education
at Buffalo State, State University of New York,
seeks candidates for the position of Staff Assistant for the Community Academic Center.
Required Qualifications:
20th Human Services, or related discipline
• Bachelor's degree inSeptember
Education, Social Studies,
an educational or community-based setting
• Demonstrated leadership experience coordinating programs for participants with diverse socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds
• Demonstrated experience in educational program coordination
• Excellent organizational skills with the ability to manage competing deadlines/priorities
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Demonstrated computer skills including Microsoft Word and Outlook
Preferred Qualifications:
• Demonstrated experience working collaboratively in a team environment
• Knowledge of and experience in kindergarten through 12 and/or higher education
• Graduate degree in Education, Social Studies, Human Services, or related discipline
• Knowledge of and experience working with refugee communities and support services
• Specific knowledge and experience of service-learning, university, and community partnership
• Fluency in second language
Qualified applicants may apply online at
4+).8(7.2.3&9.43(4251*9*9-*" 74,7&2.8(7.2.3&9.434251&.39472+4:3)431.3*&9-995<<<&8(7:8)&,4;(4251&.39%@1.3,%
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Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.
Panorama Hispanic News
1/8 page (5.0625 x 3.875)
No Se Habla Español
By: Victor Sotomayor
English spoken here We don’t need no wetbacks No stinkin’ Latinos We don’t need you!
Go back to wherever it is You came from... Fucking wetbacks, Taking away our jobs!
Go back and Don’t come back!
Regresaría si no fuera porque Mataron a mi padre y a mi madre A machetazos
Regresaría Si no hubiesen quemado mi aldea Esos pinches narcos Dejaron su huella De
violencia y corrupción En nuestra comunidad campesina
Regresaría... Con mucho orgullo y dignidad Extraño a mi tierra, A mi cultura A mi raza A
los míos
Claro que regresaría... Regresaría, Mil veces regresaría!
Do my children know more Spanish than I do? You know why I hired you, América, my
job requires me to travel quite often so I needed you to attend to my children while I was
Well, little did I know that you were teaching them Spanish... And without my consent?
How dare you!
Now they are more likely to be the target of bullying... Thanks a lot!
No Español, América! Pick up your check on your way out the door... Your services are
no longer needed 'round here.
Si supiera usted como sufren Jason y Michael, mis dos ángeles divinos, cuando le ven
partir a sus importantes
viajes de negocios...
Si supiera como le quieren aunque se lo digan en Español, puesto que así yo les enseñé...
Ay, si Como no! Más importante son su Manicure y su pedicure que sus propios
hijos! Más importantes su Rolls Royce, sus joyas y su pinche dinero...
Nada menos me merezco que una patada en el trasero... Ni a sus perros los trata así...
Dios bendiga a mis babies, Miss Carter, rogaré a la virgen para que me proteja a mis
Part III
English in the classroom! I will not allow you to speak Spanish in my classroom.
Sorry that you didn't understand the assignment that I gave you to do, or the subject
we're covering today, or the lyrics to the National Anthem, or our American History and
the U.S. Presidents...
Sorry that you cannot read nor write.
That's not my problem. You're just one student and you can't expect the whole class to
wait on you to catch up... You're just going to have to work harder than everyone else,
prove to your peers that you're perfectly capable... No Spanish in my classroom! Next
time I hear you speak Spanish
either in class or during recess off to the principal's office you go, comprende?
Yes, Miss Sánchez, sorry... Perdone si no le entendí la primera,
o la segunda, o la tercera vez
No puedo escribir ni leer el Inglés pero tampoco debo hablar Español...
Sé que usted no tiene tiempo para mi... Yo lo sé...
Algún día podré comunicarme en su idioma, Miss Sánchez, algún día le contaré mi
historia... como cuando crucé la frontera en el desierto durante una oscura noche sin luna,
entre coyotes y serpientes, arañas y escorpiones,
perros rabiosos y ratas de desagüe, entre la mierda y la sangre, nadando entre los cuerpos
de aquellos que no llegaron a cruzar como yo...
Algún día, Miss Sánchez, one day I’ll tell my story...
Cleaning Ladies of the World
Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over! Cleaning Ladies of the world Unite
and take over! With their sweepers and Windex, getting down and dirty, Standing behind
a door or inside the next cubicle looking through the trash They’ll always find the truth...
Behind the curtain, under the staircase
Cleaning ladies lurk and gather dirty secrets that CEO’s were not careful enough to hide
the truth shall be exposed don’t mess with them cleaning ladies!
Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over! Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and
take over! Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over!
Madres de familia... Profesoras del mundo... Trabajadoras sociales... Costureras del
mundo... Empleadas domésticas... UNITE AND TAKE OVER
Espuma Sangrante
Para los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa (11 de octubre de 2014, Acapulco, Guerrero,
Este mar que lame el arena Olas hambrientas Testigos sonoros Luna de agua con ojos
quietos Inmóviles palmeras mudas frente a mí Caminan los rayos del amanecer en las
calles Marchan ante el contenido rugido del mar Aves migratorias en el horizonte Con
ellas vuelo Arena salmón lamida por la espuma sangrante Mientras cuarenta y tres niños
perdidos Gritan en tus líquidas rojas entrañas Aullidos sordos, aullidos sordos En este mar
estático que ruge Ruge mar, ruge, ruge sus nombres Para la eternidad
The sea licks the sand Hungry waves Resounding witnesses Moon of water with quiet
eyes Mute, immobile palm trees before me Dawn sunrays walk through the streets They
march before the restrained roar of the sea Migratory birds on the horizon I fly with
them Salmon sand licked by bleeding foam While forty-three lost children Howl in your
liquid red entrails Silent screams, silent screams In this static sea that roars Roar, sea; roar,
sea. Roar their names For eternity
What did you say? Calling me a wetback, my mind is soaked with pain liberation I aim!
I’m a wetback walking through locked doors; they still are here I am digging a hole in
your land
I’m a wetback must re-state neither moons or suns request permits to shine in Amsterdam
or France, get in freely, about them nobody says anything, Look how stars are
entering shinning up on London skies? Does the Queen accept them?
Many are wet, that’s reality They’re wet in shame! They’re soaked in lust! They wet their
beds day and night All are pigs inside! Diving themselves in mud! Very few care their
thoughts are legal, regardless of how harmful it is for niños, Why the fuck should I be
I’m a wetback I‘m more than aware I’m thriving to evolve perhaps the sun could dry my
wet soul I was hungry, that’s why I came, I’ve perforated those walls the ones that wish to
tear me down
I’m just planting seeds where sprouts shall grow; I am a golfer digging holes but you keep
calling me a wetback
The wind is blowing maybe, maybe? I don’t doubt that God remains vigilant even for wet
backs, like me
The wetback is alive ripping off trees once planted, in those holes along the boundaries,
that almost stopped him
The wetback is alive shall never dry completely soaked feelings shift one’s way of
thinking, tears are needed on the fields, sensing pain from another side could soften hearts
We all are wetbacks we don’t choose when or where we are born people are born on
rivers, in streams of sorrows wetback will stay till tomorrow
I’m a wetback swimming in rivers and oceans with hope, I am a wetback I know
La Pocha de la Libertad
Te pareces a la statue de liberty asi bien pretty con tus flores verdes banderas picadas y
estrellas caidas
Holding patriotic at the tip of your tongue head held high emotions a mess because you
love everyone you set your eyes on
Night sky in the wind of your hair boots grounded deep swift sign language between
strangers you know better than me
Cross my heart & hope to live somewhere between the land of dreams & the tierra of
Ay, querida luna que atraviesas fronteras tu reflejas mi corazon de alas y promesas en un
lugar que no existe
Pocholandia dreams linguistic streams run from here to there to nowhere to now here to
the summer of our discontent
Dedicated to Jose Montoya el maestro who reminds me our stories still need to be told.
“Get down on the ground! Nobody moves! Nobody gets hurt! This is a raid and you are
all under arrest!! Your crime? Taking shitty jobs that Americans do not want”, said the
man with the badge and gun moments after bursting through the door with the rest of the
posse behind. With tasers, batons and guns drawn; symbols of American tax dollars at
work in their finest hour, the collection of human beings begins. The Bouncers of Global
Capitalism look upon their pray with utter contempt. One by one they are pressed against
the wall. No different than the victims of New York’s Stop and Frisk policy. Many lay on
the floor with the bouncer’s knee on their neck. Much the same as Iraqis being prepped
for an inferno stay at Abu Ghraib. Some stand there with their hands up in the air with a
petrified look of horror that one finds in the stock footage of Jews being rounded up in the
streets of Europe during World War 2. A bi-product of the Clintonian liberal dream that is
One by one, the shackles of hypocrisy are tightened upon the hands of labor that make
the land of the free and the home of the brave breath in this toxic environment polluted
by corporate greed. And one by one they are picked up an made to march as a human
sacrifices to the of altar for the capitalist God - a for profit corporate run prison.
The tears, despair and feelings of hopelessness weakened them to a state of exhaustion but
they finally made it to the golden chariots of Homeland Security buses that will take them
on the on that fabled highway. The prayers and cries begin to flow once inside. Suddenly,
silence reigns supreme. God’s salvation? No. Before them stands the supervisor of the raid
looking at them with chrome sunglasses so that they can see their reflections of tears, pain
and heartbreak. So, begins the journey on the Highway of Tears.
“Quien va a recojer a mis hijos? Mis hijos!!”, they cry out. Upon the Highway of Tears
play out the memories of their children, birthdays, the first day of school, running home
to hug mom, dad, the family portraits to send to the grandparents back in their ancestral
homeland. No asphalt, trees, concrete but memories permeate the Highway of Tears as
they are driven off. But the tears always stay. And as is always the case of The Highway of
Tears, the children were never forgotten.
Manos A La Obra
Muchas manos poco trabajo los de arriba mas arriba y nosotros abajo la ley del
obrero trabajar para comer comer para trabajar salir a buscar jale cuando el sol sale la
fortaleza de nuestros abuelos presente cada momento vivir vida digna luchar por el
pueblo la circumstancia hace al hombre y este sistema a nosotros hay que seguir con
honra hasta lograr mas que sobrevivencia la luz es de los que la reflejan juntos hermanos
crecemos valientes y con esperanza por un mejor mañana
Hello Manzanaar!
Hello Manzanaar! Nobody’s there but a city of ghosts and sadness Hello
Manzanaar! Nobody’s there but a brown sign along the highway Now People walk
in, people walk out on their own, of their free will For the ghosts, nothing has changed
Specters of buildings haunt the desert bearing stone witness shadow mountains Hello
Manzanaar! Nobody’s there To remember those checks of regret and “redress” Because it’s
happening again They learned from the past Round up the “enemy” in secret one by one
and call it “Patriot Act” Hello Manzanaar! Nobody’s there to be outraged at the repetition
In the Strange New World of Cancer, Roswell Park’s Patient
Navigators Help Show Patients the Way
The whole world changes when you find out you have cancer. Along with the medical
worries of a serious illness come many other problems and questions — questions
you and your family may never have had to ask before: How will I get to my medical
appointments? How will I pay for my medical care? Can I afford to miss work? Who will
take care of my children when I’m not feeling well?
Patients at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) can rely on patient navigators for the
answers to those questions and many others.
“Just as the title implies, our team assists you in ‘navigating’ through any uncertainty
you may feel after receiving a cancer diagnosis,” says Jennifer McCabe, a patient care
navigator in RPCI’s Patient and Family Experience Department. “We can provide you
with the resources you need to make informed decisions. Our medical staff will focus on
your physical health, and our navigators will help with any other needs related to your
cancer diagnosis.”
A patient navigator is a trained professional who guides patients through the treatment
process, helping them overcome any problems that may keep them from starting or
continuing treatment. Navigators provide direct assistance at RPCI, and also connect
patients and families to community agencies that can solve other challenges they are
facing as a result of their cancer diagnosis.
To help meet the increased needs of the patients, the Patient and Family Experience
Department recently welcomed two new navigators: Diann Farley and Yvonne Martinez,
according to McCabe. Farley and Martinez will work closely with two programs
organized by RPCI’s Office of Cancer Health Disparities Research — the Buffalo/Niagara
Witness Project and Esperanza y Vida — to reach out to minority women who have the
highest risk for breast cancer. “They will assist women who come to RPCI for medical
care after taking part in our community breast cancer screening program,” says McCabe.
“I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007,” Farley notes. “After surgery and radiation
treatment, and through the grace of God, I have been cancer-free for close to eight years
now.” Before coming to RPCI, she worked for the New York State Department of Health
for 16 years. She also served for 10 years as a Licensed Practical Nurse, and then as a
community relations manager for the Geneva B. Scruggs Community Health Care Center
in Buffalo.
What’s the most important advice she would offer another woman about breast cancer?
“I would tell her not to be afraid of getting annual screenings,” says Farley. “As both a
breast cancer survivor and a patient navigator, my primary goal is to make an emotional
connection with a woman who is newly diagnosed with breast cancer, just to assure her
that she is not alone and that I know what she is experiencing, because I’ve gone through
it, too.”
“As a navigator, my goal is to get the patient through the process,” adds Martinez, who is
an eight-year breast cancer survivor. “I think the hardest part of my job is seeing someone
struggling with the challenges cancer causes. Not just for that patient, but for their family
as well.”
Prior to working at Roswell Park, Martinez worked for Marriott Hotels in Puerto Rico as
an interpreter and vacation coordinator. “My advice to women is to get routine screenings
to make sure they are healthy. If there are any problems, you want to make sure you find
out early, when you have a better chance that the treatment will be effective.”
“If you need our services, we are here to help you and to provide the support you need,”
says McCabe. “But it’s up to you to ask the right questions. That helps us understand how
you’re feeling.”
To learn more about the RPCI Patient Navigation Program, call 716-845-1542 or
1-877-ASK-RPCI (1-877-275-7724), or visit
RPCI offers community breast cancer screenings every Thursday from 4-6 p.m. For
details, contact Jomary Colon at 716-845-4623 or
Antiinflamatorio trataría síntomas de demencia y Alzheimer
Científicos descubrieron que el medicamento "revierte la disfunción relacionada con la
proteína tau (que se asocia a esas dos enfermedades) en un modelo animal de demencia
LONDRES - El salsalato, un medicamento antiinflamatorio indicado para el tratamiento
del dolor leve o moderado, en especial la artritis reumatoide, podría servir para tratar los
síntomas de la demencia o el alzheimer, según publica hoy "Nature Medicine".
Un equipo del centro estadounidense Gladstones Institutes, encabezado por Li Gan,
descubrió que el medicamento "revierte la disfunción relacionada con la proteína tau (que
se asocia a esas dos enfermedades) en un modelo animal de demencia frontotemporal".
En su experimento con ratones, los científicos hallaron que el salsalato "previno la
acumulación de tau en el cerebro y protegió contra unas discapacidades cognitivas
parecidas a las que se aprecian en el caso del mal de Alzheimer y la demencia
Según explican en la revista, el salsalato inhibe la acetilación de la proteína tau, un
proceso que la convierte en más tóxica y que induce los procesos neurodegenerativos y
los déficits cognitivos.
La administración del fármaco rebajó los niveles de tau en el cerebro de los ratones,
"rescatando los daños a la memoria y protegiendo contra la atrofia del hipocampo".
"Por primera vez, hemos identificado un enfoque farmacológico que revierte todos los
aspectos de la toxicidad de tau", asegura Gan.
"Los efectos protectores del salsalato se produjeron a pesar de que se administró cuando
la enfermedad ya había aparecido, lo cual indica que podría ser una opción eficaz de
tratamiento", dijo.
Aunque la comunidad científica investiga desde hace tiempo el papel de la proteína tau
en la demencia, todavía se sabe poco del proceso por el que se acumula en el cerebro,
causando la toxicidad que lleva a la enfermedad.
"Tratar la acetilación de tau podría ser una nueva estrategia terapéutica contra las
patologías tau de los humanos, como el mal de Alzheimer y la demencia frontotemporal",
señala Eric Verdin, otro de los autores del estudio.
Go Ahead and Have Fun: Sex Doesn't Cause Heart Attacks, Study Finds
Patients with heart disease can worry about one less thing: German researchers find sex
ARIES: Ten más confianza en las cosas que hagas y evita
despilfarrar el dinero. Cuídate de gente envidiosa.
TAURO: No te sientes a gusto con el momento que vives, deseas
cambiar. Déjate llevar por tus emociones.
GÉMINIS: Evita hacer comentarios inapropiados, podrías tener
problemas. La familia necesita de tu presencia.
CÁNCER: Tu pareja se está dando cuenta de unos detalles que
no le gustan.Aprovecha el tiempo positivamente.
LEO: Si persisten esas molestias, deberías hacerte un chequeo
médico. Utiliza bien ese dinero. Cambia y mejora.
VIRGO: Pueden presentarse algunos conflictos familiares.
Necesitas aclarar lo que está pasando con tu pareja.
LIBRA: Tendrás la oportunidad de iniciar un negocio que puede
ser rentable. Deja de lado el pesimismo.
ESCORPIO: Recibirás ayuda de amigos y superarás ese
problema. Buen momento para disfrutar con los que amas.
SAGITARIO: Piensa bien lo que vas a hacer en el trabajo, evita
problemas. Sonríe más, pues te va bien.
CAPRICORNIO: El estrés podría afectar tu salud seriamente,
trata de relajarte. Este puede ser un gran día para el amor.
ACUARIO: Tu pareja se siente triste, trata de comprenderla.
Hay que ser agradecido para siempre recibir ayuda.
PISCIS: Un hecho del pasado no te permite vivir en paz, pero
intenta superarlo. Tó-mate un tiempo para ti.
doesn't seem to trigger heart attacks, strokes or other unpleasant events.
The American Heart Association advises that sex after a heart attack is OK.
But patients don't always get that message, says Dr. Dietrich Rothenbacher, who led a
small study at Ulm University in Germany.
"Based on our data, it seems very unlikely that sexual activity is a relevant trigger of heart
attack," Rothenbacher said in a statement.
"It is important to reassure patients that they need not be worried and should resume their
usual sexual activity."
They questioned 536 heart disease patients aged between 30 and 70 years about
their sexual activity before and after heart attacks, strokes and other types of sudden
cardiovascular death.
About 15 percent of the patients said they'd had no sexual activity in the 12 months before
their heart attack, 25 percent said they'd had sex about once a week and 55 percent said
they had sex more than once a week, the team reported in the Journal of the American
College of Cardiology.
Over the next 10 years, there were 100 heart attacks, strokes or other adverse events in the
The researchers looked to see what type of sexual activity had been going on before these
events. Less than 1 percent of the patients said they'd had sex within an hour before.
There is one thing to watch out for, the researchers aid. Erectile dysfunction drugs work on
blood flow and they can interact with some heart medications. Nitrate drugs for chest pain,
for instance, can mix with the ingredients in Viagra, Cialis or similar drugs and cause a
serious, sudden drop in blood pressure.
Gobierno y acreedores podrían comenzar negociaciones en octubre
La presidenta del BGF, Melba Acosta, confirmó la información
Las negociaciones formales entre el gobierno de Puerto Rico y sus acreedores podrían
comenzar a mediados del próximo mes de octubre, adelantó este lunes la presidenta del
Banco Gubernamental de Fomento (BGF), Melba Acosta.
“Yo espero que comiencen a mediados de octubre. Es el ‘timing’ que tenemos en mente”,
dijo la funcionaria al salir de La Fortaleza, donde participó de una reunión con ejecutivos
y asesores de las empresas foráneas sujetas al impuesto del 4%, cuya vigencia se ha
propuesto extender por cinco años más.
“Hemos sostenido reuniones. En ocasiones son reuniones en que se reúnen nuestros
consultores con los consultores de ellos. En otras estaremos los principales, como pasa en
la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE). Se darán unas dinámicas muy similares a lo que
ocurrió en la AEE”, indicó Acosta a periodistas destacados en La Fortaleza.
Acosta reiteró que el gobierno puertorriqueño está abriendo un depósito de datos para
que los bonistas interesados entren por vía electrónica y obtengan la información de que
deseen sobre los distintos emisores de deuda de Puerto Rico. “Eso se montó y se está
abriendo ahora para que ellos tengan más información”, dijo.
Por otra parte, indicó que las negociaciones con los acreedores se desarrollarán de forma
separada por cada emisor y por cada tipo de deuda.
“Lo que se negocie va tomar en cuenta a cada crédito, todas las realidades de cada crédito.
Aquí no se está empaquetando todo y metiéndolo en un solo pote, sino que para cada
crédito, las realidades que tiene se toman en cuenta en esa negociación”, precisó.
Aseguró, además, que la negociación en la AEE sigue avanzando y comentó que esta
semana podría haber nueva información. Mientras, confirmó que los acreedores sugirieron
un alza en las tarifas de la electricidad, pero señaló que eso solo es parte del proceso de
Sobre el grupo que parece mantener aún más distancia para un acuerdo, dijo que “las
aseguradoras no firmaron el acuerdo, pero se comprometieron a no tomar acciones (contra
la AEE). Las aseguradoras siguen en conversaciones.Tienen una situación muy distinta al
resto de los bonistas”.
“Si el gobierno no paga, ellos tienen que pagar. Es distinto. Así que la solución para ellas
no es la misma que la que se buscó en el acuerdo firmado con el otro grupo. Están en
conversaciones”, insistió Acosta.
Además, señaló que anoche conversó con la oficial de reorganización de la AEE,
Lisa Donahue, y que esta la explicó que las negociaciones con los bancos, otro de los
grupos que aún no ha firmado el acuerdo, “están bien positivas y que esta semana habrá
Sobre la petición de que se aumente la tarifa de electricidad recalcó que “hay un proceso
con la Comisión de Energía. Ellos las proponen, pero eso no quiere decir que eso va a
pasar. La Comisión es un ente independiente y aquí nadie quiere aumentos, no estamos
hablando de aumentos. Todavía las negociaciones se están dando. Ellos hicieron la
petición y tienen el derecho de hacerlo, pero seguimos negociando, esto no ha terminado”,
Según Acosta, en la reunión de hoy, lunes, con los ejecutivos de empresas foráneas se
discutió el Plan Fiscal y la propuesta de extender por cinco años adicionales el impuesto
de 4% que se les cobra y que representa al presente el mayor ingreso individual que tiene
el Fondo General.
“Discutimos que tenemos cinco años para adoptar ideas distintas y sobre la necesidad de
traer más producción, que es lo que queremos todos. Fue una reunión bien productiva.
Tenemos que desarrollar otras ideas. Los próximos cinco años serían el status quo, en lo
que nos movemos a un sistema distinto”, abundó.
Desempleo entre adultos jóvenes limita su movilidad
XIX. Esa movilidad se ha considerado una ventaja clave del mercado de trabajo flexible
estadounidense en comparación con lugares como Europa.
Los datos más recientes del Censo muestran que sólo 3.1 por ciento de los
estadounidenses de 25 a 29 años se trasladaron en el último año entre estados, apenas la
mitad de la proporción de 2002. Si bien las mudanzas entre condados del mismo estado
–con menores probabilidades de producirse por empleos- han crecido en cierta medida,
también se mantienen por debajo de los niveles previos a la recesión, según el análisis de
Economistas de Goldman Sachs que estudiaron el fenómeno de los “hijos que viven en la
casa de los padres” en un informe del mes de agosto, encontraron razones para explicar la
Los “millennials”, es decir las 82 millones de personas nacidas entre 1981 y alrededor
de 2000, se han visto afectados por un subempleo crónico desde la recesión –piénsese
en el graduado universitario que trabaja en una cafetería- y la deuda estudiantil creciente
demuestra ser una carga duradera.
“Las tasas de subempleo juvenil por sobre la media representan por sí solas un tercio del
aumento en la proporción de jóvenes que viven con sus padres y los efectos rezagados de
la recesión probablemente representen un poco más”, escribieron David Mericle y Karen
Reichgott de Goldman.
La tendencia tiene un lado positivo, dijeron. Probablemente, todos los hijos adultos
abandonarán algún día la casa de sus padres, y la formación de un hogar resultará un
enorme empuje para una recuperación inmobiliaria mediocre. Ya hay pruebas de que esto
está ocurriendo en cierta medida.
Los economistas de Goldman están en ese bando. “Por consiguiente, continuamos viendo
un fuerte aspecto positivo para la inversión residencial”, escribieron.
Existing-home sales drop for first time in four months as prices climb
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Sales of previously owned homes fell in August to
mark the first decline in four months, with some buyers potentially put off by higher
Existing-home sales dropped 4.8% to an annual rate of 5.31 million last month from a
slightly revised 5.58 million in July, the National Association of Realtors said Monday.
The number reflects how many homes would be sold in a year if they were purchased at
the same rate as in August.
Sales had hit a post-recession high in July, helped by low mortgage rates and a steady
influx of new jobs that’s given more people the financial means to buy a home. Over the
past 12 months sales have risen 6.2% and experts believe demand will remain strong well
into 2016 even though interest rates are expected to rise.
“Despite this monthly hiccup, the outlook for sales activity remains bright,” said Gregory
Daco, head of U.S. macroeconomics, in a note to clients.
Even though real estate agents are the busiest they’ve been in years, sales are unlikely
to return to pre-recession highs any time soon because of a relatively thin supply of
properties for sale. Some 2.29 million homes were on the market in August, representing
5.2 months of supply at current sales trends.
The number of homes for sale are down 1.7% from a year earlier.
With inventories low, the median price of existing homes stood at a relatively pricy
$228,700 in August. While prices tapered off in August, they have risen 4.7% from the
same month of 2014 and that might be squeezing some buyers out of the market.
“We continue to experience a tight inventory situation,” said Lawrence Yun, chief
economist at the NAR.
First-time buyers accounted for 32% of sales in August, a sharp increase from the prior
month that offers a hopeful sign. In normal times, first-time buyers account for about 40%
of all existing-home sales.
Investors represented 12% of sales, down from a post-recession high of 25%.
Sales of distressed properties were just 7% of the total, a sign that a record burst of
foreclosures after the Great Recession has largely run its course.
Una última cicatriz de la recesión más profunda desde los años 1930 es el fenómeno de los
adultos jóvenes que enfrentan sus propias dificultades financieras, obligados a apiñarse en
las casas de sus padres. Y los nuevos datos
demuestran que, en lugar de mejorar, la
tendencia se agrava.
En 2015, 15,1 por ciento de los jóvenes
de 25 a 34 años vivían con sus padres, un
cuarto aumento anual consecutivo, según
un análisis de datos de la Oficina del
Censo de Population Reference Bureau
en Washington. Se trata de la proporción
más alta desde al menos 1960, según el
demógrafo Mark Mather, vicepresidente
asociado de PRB.
“En este momento, los jóvenes tardan
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más en encontrar empleos con salarios
decentes”, dijo Mather. “Los adultos
jóvenes deben pasar más tiempo
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Algunas de las postergaciones pueden
reflejar normas sociales cambiantes,
conforme los jóvenes aplazan tanto el
matrimonio como los hijos, dijo.
Este mercado de trabajo difícil para los
jóvenes desde la recesión que concluyó en
junio de 2009 también está contribuyendo
a una tasa menor de movilidad.Los
adultos menores de 30 normalmente
constituyen la parte más móvil de una
fuerza de trabajo estadounidense que está
en movimiento constante desde el siglo
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Transmitirán pelea de “Rocky” Martínez y “Siri” Salido
El combate entre el puertorriqueño Román “Rocky” Martínez y el mexicano Orlando
“Siri” Salido, y la última pelea en la carrera de Floyd Mayweather frente a Andre Berto
podrán ser vistas de nuevo mañana, sábado 19 de septiembre, desde las 9:00 p.m. a través
de Showtime.
Martínez (29-2-3, 17 KO’s) y Salido (42-13-3, 29 KO’s) se midieron el pasado sábado en
el MGM Grand Garden Arena, de Las Vegas, en revancha por el cetro junior ligero de la
Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), que es propiedad del boricua. Durante la pelea,
ambos púgiles visitaron la lona y el combate terminó empate.
En la primera ocasión que se midieron, Martínez se impuso por decisión unánime en una
batalla el pasado 11 de abril en Puerto Rico.
También se transmitirá la pelea estelar del programa entre Mayweather (49-0, 26 KO’s) y
Berto (30-4, 23 KO’s) por los títulos de peso welter de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo
(AMB) y el Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (CMB).Esta reyerta, que Mayweather ganó por
decisión, fue la última de su carrera. Mayweather fue monarca mundial en las 130, 135,
140, 147 y 154 libras en sus 19 años de acción profesional.
Oro para gimnasta puertorriqueña en Copa Mundial
La gimnasta puertorriqueña Paula Mejías ganó hoy, sábado, una medalla de oro en el
evento de salto de caballo de la Copa Mundial Challenge de Osijek 2015, que se celebra
en Croacia.
La atleta competirá mañana, domingo, en la final de piso, informó la Federación
Puertorriqueña de Gimnasia.
Mejías, quien está radicada en Estados Unidos, conquistó lo más alto del pódium con
puntuación total de 14.125. La gimnasta había clasificado el jueves a la final con la cuarta
mejor puntuación, 14.025.
La medalla de plata fue para la húngara Boglarka Devai (14.088) y la de bronce para
la chilena Franchesca Santi (13.988). De la región de América también estuvo en
competencia la cubana Marcia Vidiaux llegando en quinto lugar con cifra de 13.525.
Esta competencia le ha servido de preparación a Mejías de cara a su participación en el
Mundial de Gimnasia Artística, que se celebrará en octubre en Escocia, Reino Unido.
Allí también estarán representando a Puerto Rico las gimnastas Paola Moreira y Andrea
Un “adiós” definitivo de Floyd Mayweather
Con una monótona victoria por amplia decisión sobre el ex campeón haitiano Andre
Berto el pasado sábado, Floyd Mayweather Jr. comenzó oficialmente su retiro del boxeo
Su adiós ha sido visto con escepticismo por muchos expertos y fanáticos, ya que son
comunes los casos de boxeadores que se retiran y que retornan ya sea por problemas
económicos, porque les hace falta estar en las candilejas recibiendo al aplauso público o
simplemente por aburrimiento.
Una de las principales razones por las que muchos aseguran que el Money May volverá
al ring es el hecho que tiene una oferta de sobre $200 millones por una revancha con el
filipino Manny Pacquiao, a quien venció cómodamente el pasado dos de mayo.
Tanto interés hay en el retorno de Mayweathter que el Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (CMB)
y la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo (AMB) le han permitido mantener sus títulos de
campeón a pesar de que Floyd anunció oficialmente su retiro y de que al hacerlo ambos
entes violan sus propias reglasa.
“Todos vuelven”, es un lema que se escucha a menudo en el boxeo cuando se habla del
Incluso inmortales como Ray Robinson, Ray Leonard, Willie Pep, y en Puerto Rico, Tito
Trinidad, colgaron los guantes solo para retornar al ensogado varias veces.
Sin embargo, hay un puñado de boxeadores destacados que cuando le dijeron adiós al
ensogado, lo hicieron de manera definitiva.
Adjunto, seis casos de campeones cuyos retiros fueron definitivos:
Rocky Marciano
49-0, 43 nocauts
Uno de los campeones peso completo más
queridos en la historia de Estados Unidos.
En parte debido a problemas con su
espalda y a que tenía múltiples otros
intereses comerciales, Marciano se dejó
el deporte relativamente joven como
campeón invicto, el primero en hacerlo en
la era moderna.
Falleció en 1969, a los 45 años de edad, en
un accidente aéreo.
Mayweather se retiró en parte porque
igualó el récord del apodado Brockton
juego, aunque el ‘coach’ (Belkacem) y demás personas pensaran diferente. Pero así es el
fútbol. Algunos les gustaras, otros no; tengo eso bien claro y me voy tranquilo por que se
que hice buen trabajo pensar en seguir echando hacia adelante con el favor de Dios” dijo
Ramos al portal Fútbol Boricua.
Ramos, por su parte, ya salió del desempleo y regresará a ver acción de inmediato en las
canchas locales.
Los Criollos de Caguas FC anunciaron su contratación para el recién iniciado torneo de la
Liga Nacional 2015, organizado por la Federación Puertorriqueña de Fútbol (FPF).
También participan Guayama FC, Tornados de Humacao, Yabuco FC, Leones de Maunabo
y Bayamón FC.
Los Criollos abrieron con victoria 2-1 sobre Guayama, y Yabuco goleó 3-0 a Humacao.
En femenino, a su vez, ven acción Leopards & Jaguars de Aguada, Guayama, Don Bosco,
Challengers de San Juan, Atléticas de Añasco, Bayamón FC, Caribbean Star de Caguas y
Gurabo FC. 800.777.3921 716.829.7600
Dejan libre a Pito Ramos en
A un gol y una asistencia en cuatro juegos
quedó resumida la participación del
delantero boricua Héctor ‘Pito’ Ramos
en la liga Primera División de Arabia
Saudí, tras ser dejado libre por el club Al
Qadisiyah, que en su lugar ha fichado al
brasileño Diego Maurício ‘Drogbinha’.
La salida de Ramos, al parecer, se produjo
en medio de diferencia de criterios entre
el director técnico de Al Qadisiyah, el
tunecino Djamel Belkacem. y el presidente
del club Moaddy Al-Hajri. El atacante
maunabeño firmó contrato en junio y se
reportó al equipo a finales de julio.
“Ayer y hoy, que pude dialogar con el
presidente (Al-Hajri), pues él me dejó a
entender que no le gustaba mi estilo de
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Jorge Ramos- Speech To Harvard Latino Students
Hola, soy el papá de Paola.
I’m Paola´s dad and I’m very proud to say that. Many people think that the American
dream is gone. I can’t blame them. It’s been very tough in this country for many people
for a long time. But maybe they don’t have a daughter, like me, who is graduating today
from Harvard.
I’m an immigrant and, to me, my daughter Paola and each one of you are the best example
that the American dream is alive and is strong.
As a journalist I’ve travelled all around the world and I’ve seen the worst of humankind.
But regardless of where I go, I can always come home to the United States.
This country gave me the opportunities, the freedom and the protection that my country of
origin couldn’t give me…and much more.
I can’t think of nothing more powerful, compassionate and beautiful than to choose a
country where you want to spend the rest of your life, and for that country to turn around
and accept you with open arms and allow you to become a citizen. That is exactly what
this country has been doing for more than 200 years. I just hope that the immigrants who
came after me are treated with the same generosity that I’ve received.
Right now, I am seeing the future because you are the future.
Let me tell you a story. More than 30 years ago, Cesar Chavez, the iconic leader of the
Latino community, gave a speech in California. Back then, in 1984, he was very upset
with the discrimination that farm workers and Hispanics, in general, were facing. And
right there, in an incredibly difficult moment, he spoke with a lot of optimism. He said the
following, “We are filled with hope and encouragement. We have looked into the future
and the future is ours. History is on our side… The farm workers and their children, and
the Hispanics and their children- are the future… These trends are part of the forces of
history that cannot be stopped.”
Maybe you don’t know it yet, but Cesar Chavez was talking about you. Yes, you. He was
talking about the moment in which we were going to be leading this nation and you are
the new leaders he was referring to.
Check the numbers. Right now there are about 55 million Latinos in this country and in
35 years we will be more than 100 million. One in three people in this country will be
Hispanic. We are in the midst of a demographic revolution that is changing everything:
the music that we listen to, the food that we eat and politics.
No one can make it to the White House without the Latino vote. That’s why every four
years the candidates try to enamorarnos; they want us to fall in love and vote for them.
And that is fine. But they are going to have to give us something in return for our vote. It’s
not enough to say a few words in Spanish, to put a hat on or to dance salsa.
For the first time in history we have two Latino candidates fighting for the White House in
2016. That’s the new normal.
But this is what I want to tell you. I get the feeling that in this room, right now, we might
find the first Hispanic president or the first presidenta Latina.
Do you want to know something? I wouldn’t be surprised.
You are expected to do extraordinary things. Please, don’t have a normal life. You have a
lot going for you.
How many of you are the first in your family to graduate from college?
If you are a Latino you know that going to college is a family affair. Maybe your parents
couldn’t go to a university; maybe there was not enough money or a scholarship for your
siblings to attend. But you made it. So, in a way, this graduation is a victory for the whole
family. We can proudly say: Nos graduamos de Harvard. It’s not I did it. It’s we did it.
Now, I don’t want to take anything away from you. Let’s go back a few years. I bet that
you cried when you got your letter of acceptance from Harvard. I bet that you read it a
hundred times to make sure that it was you who got accepted, that it was not a terrible and
cruel mistake. I bet that you checked that the spelling of your last name was correct. The
last names Rodríguez, Sánchez, López, Gutierrez, Ramos never sounded so good.
Well, it was a big deal and it still is. Harvard is, no question, one of the most important
universities in the world. Your last name is now linked to one of the most recognized
brand names in history. After your first name -María, Rosa, Paola, Juan, Jose, Arturo,
Jorge- many people will immediately say: Harvard.
And that’s where the challenge is. You cannot be a Latino, graduate from Harvard and
have a normal life. No -I’m sorry to say- but you can’t. There are so many problems in our
community and so many things that have to be fixed in our country, that we need you for
We need you. We really do. And you know it.
As a matter of fact, I know that you know.
In the last few months I’ve talked to many of you -and to many Hispanic students
graduating in all the country- and not a single one has told me: I want to be rich and make
a lot of money. Not one.
I’m sure that all of you want a better economic life than your parents. That’s
understandable. But I’m “filled with hope and encouragement” -as Cesar Chavez once
said- to notice that most of you want to give something back to your community, to your
family, to this nation.
This attitude -your attitude- is amazing and it will save this country.
I constantly say that the Dreamers, undocumented students, are my heroes. And they are.
Facing incredible obstacles, and even deportation, they changed the immigration practices
of this country. We have to follow their example.
Young Latinos are changing America for the best. You are the best insurance policy that
we have. Thanks to you, we will be fine.
Now, I’m sure that you are worried and asking yourself: what am I going to do next?
Don’t worry. Just follow your passion and you’ll be O.K. But, please, don’t spend the rest
of your life doing things that you hate. That’s not the fastest way to happiness.
Yes, after these words, you might feel a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. That’s fine
too. But today and tomorrow let’s celebrate. También somos buenos para las fiestas.
And I know what I want to celebrate. I want to celebrate that I still believe in this country
and that I believe in you.
Now, go out there and change the world.
Guess what? Sí se pudo.
By Jorge Ramos Avalos.
Guatemala offers Mexico lesson in how to confront corruption
Guatemala has offered Mexico an important lesson in how to confront corruption at the
highest echelons of government. Unfortunately, President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration still
prefers to hide from its problems.
For months, allegations of customs fraud leveled against President Otto Pérez Molina persisted in
Guatemala, and this summer thousands of demonstrators protested peacefully on streets and in public
squares. Ultimately, the president was forced to step down this month, following a lengthy probe
conducted by a U.N.-backed team of international investigators. Pérez Molina was arrested shortly
after announcing his resignation.
Meanwhile, in Mexico two scandals continue to cast a pall over the Peña Nieto administration:
the unsolved disappearance of 43 college students in Ayotzinapa nearly a year ago, and the glaring
conflict of interest in first lady Angelica Rivera’s acquiring a $7 million home — dubbed Mexico’s
“White House” — from a government contractor.
So why has justice been served in Guatemala but not in Mexico? The answer is easy: In Guatemala,
an international team did the investigating, while the Mexican government chooses to investigate
I recently spoke with Ivan Velásquez, a Colombian attorney and the head of the International
Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala — the group that toppled Pérez Molina. I asked
Velásquez whether he would go to Mexico and conduct investigations there — of the government’s
shoddy handling of the Ayotzinapa case and Peña Nieto’s troubling connection to a government
“Obviously, that would depend on conventions between the country and the secretary general of the
United Nations,” he told me.
He went on to describe the benefits of such a commission. “The point … is that this commission has
a great advantage, thanks to its absolute independence,” said Velásquez, who is famous in Colombia
for conducting investigations that eventually led to the indictments of lawmakers connected to
paramilitary activities. “The commission has no ties with any agent of power, within or outside the
country; this guarantees that it can conduct more independent and deeper investigations.”
On the issue of “Mexico’s White House,” Virgilio Andrade, a federal comptroller and a subordinate
of Peña Nieto’s, was tasked with conducting an investigation after the president and Rivera denied
any wrongdoing. Unsurprisingly, Andrade’s investigation found nothing wrong with this highly
suspicious and irregular transaction. Of course, if the Peña Nieto administration has nothing to hide,
officials shouldn’t have a problem with allowing an international group to conduct an independent
investigation into the sale of the property — in order to put a suspicious public at ease, at the very
Mexicans are equally suspicious of the official investigation into the disappearance of the students
in Ayotzinapa. The Peña Nieto administration has concluded that the students were killed by a drug
cartel and that their bodies were burned in a landfill in the state of Guerrero, but experts from the
Inter-American Commission for Human Rights rejected this claim in a recent report. The group also
challenged many other distorted conclusions reached by government. Additionally, Human Rights
Watch has even suggested that when the students were attacked, Mexican federal authorities and the
army knew what was happening in real time.
In the end, the Mexican government’s version of events remains deeply flawed, and that — in light of
the authorities’ lack of credibility — the government shouldn’t be allowed to investigate itself.
To uncover the truth, Mexico needs independent investigators to look into this case, as well as
the “White House” scandal. Officials need to set aside their absurd nationalistic notions and legal
excuses and allow international, independent experts to get to the bottom of these cases. That’s the
only way to regain the trust of the Mexican people.
In my discussion with Velásquez, I asked him how he measured success. “Through the dismantling
of criminal structures that exist in Guatemala,” he said, “which, unfortunately, also exist in many
Latin American countries.”
So who dares invite Velásquez to Mexico?
By Jorge Ramos Avalos.
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