Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Truth shall spring


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Truth shall spring
Mass & Confession
Mass: 8:00 am
4:00 —4:45 pm
Sunday Vigil Mass
Mass 8:00am
Confessions 9:15 am
until last penitent has
Mass 9:30am
Mass (Spanish ) 11:00am
Mass (Er itrean Ge ’ez)
1640 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone (510) 843-2244 Fax (510) 843-2730
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 12, 2015
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven.
— Psalm 85:12
Rev. Kenneth Nobrega
Rev. Ghebriel Woldai
Chaplain to Ge’ez Community
In Residence
Rev. Raphael Okitafumba
Deacon José Manuel Pérez
Permanent Deacon
Elizabeth Oishi Comly
Transition Coordinator
Eddie Ma
Director Religious Education
Deacon José Manuel Pérez
Platicas: Tercer Martes, 7:00 pm
Remy Bravo Seay (English)
Erika Guerrero (Español)
Mass: 7:30 am
Adoration of the Blessed
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
6:00-6:45 pm
Eucharistic Ministers
Yanny Chavarria (English)
Ruben Araujo ((Español)
Freddy Morales
Today we hear three stories about people being chosen by God: Amos the prophet, the Twelve, and all those
who are baptized into Christ—which means us! So often when we think about people such as prophets and
apostles who were chosen by God to fulfill a special task, we think about old bearded men who seem so far off
and remote. Yet these were people like us, who chose to respond to God’s call within the context of their everyday lives. Perhaps today’s scriptures are inviting us to remember the call that was issued by God at the moment of our baptism. Listen to the words of Saint Paul in today’s second reading to discover just what that call
entails. Our world is still in desperate need of prophets and apostles. Peace and justice seem so elusive in our
time. Perhaps today’s word of God will inspire us to respond to God’s call to bring the gospel of salvation to
those we meet in our everyday lives. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
St. Joseph Cemetery
San Pablo phone (510) 223-1265
St. Mary Cemetery
Oakland phone (510) 654-0936
Plate Collection: July 5, 2015: $2256.00
Second Collection for Building Maintenance &
Improvements: $483.10
The readings for mass will be found on page
1135 of the hard Blue Book.
First Reading — Amos said, “The Lord took me
from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people” (Amos 7:12-15).
Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant
us your salvation (Psalm 85).
Second Reading — The God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3-14 [3-10]).
Gospel — Jesus summoned the Twelve and began
to send them out two by two (Mark 6:7-13).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for
Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the
Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
In Amos’ time the vocation of prophet had
achieved a very formal status in Israel. The prophets
had arisen, originally, to act as God’s voice when
Israel was no longer led by the spiritual/civil figures
known as “judges,” but by monarchs. Over time, the
monarchy had appropriated the offices of priest and
prophet, established them into companies, and reserved the right to appoint courtly prophets. Then,
as now, when those in power also got to choose
who would act as their official conscience, things
sometimes went awry. At such times, God raised up
prophets from unlikely places, and this is how Amos
received his vocation as prophet. In last week’s Gospel we heard how Jesus was raised up as God’s
anointed from a place many viewed as unlikely. As
we continue to discern our own vocation as baptized
disciples, we can be assured that we are, in Paul’s
words, “chosen, destined in accord with the purpose
of the One who accomplishes all things according to
the intention of his will” (Ephesians 1:11).
Many marriage customs stand in tension with
modern American attitudes and values, notably
“giving away the bride,” which is no longer in the
Catholic liturgy, and reminds us of a time when marriage was a contract between men (the groom and
the bride’s father). A Mexican custom, now approved
for use in the United States, has a very different
An ancient Roman custom called for smashing
pieces of gold and silver so that bride and groom
could each keep half. This is the origin of today’s
Mexican practice of the groom giving thirteen gold
coins to the bride, symbolically placing all his worldly
goods into her care, and a sign of his unconditional
trust. The coins are often given in beautiful gift boxes and are retained as an heirloom. Why thirteen?
The standard explanation is that they represent Jesus and the apostles. The priest blesses the coins
and pours them into the bride’s cupped hands. Then
she entrusts them to the groom, who later pours
them back into her hands. This enduring ritual is in
such harmony with our tradition’s view of marriage
that it is now increasingly performed by English‑speaking Hispanic Catholics at weddings in the
United States.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Here’s a simple test to find out whether your
mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.
God loves each one of us as if there were only
one of us. —St. Augustine
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Sunday: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: St. Henry
Tuesday: St. Kateri Tekakwitha
Wednesday: St. Bonaventure
Thursday: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Friday: Eid al Fitr (Islamic observance)
begins at sunset
Saturday: St. Camillus de Lellis;
Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass Intentions
5:00pm Joyce Gressel +
8:00am Norma & Carmira
Ortiz +
9:30am SJWC Parishioners
11:00am Marlon & Duglas
Sandoval +
Mon 13 7:30am Jovita Torio +
Tue 14 7:30am Special Person +
Wed 15 7:30am Joyce Gressel +
Requested by
Frank & Mildred
Eladio Ortiz
Adela Diaz
Frank & Mildred
Decimoquinto Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
12 de julio de 2015
La fidelidad brotó en la
Tierra y la justicia vino
del cielo.
— Salmo 85 (84):12
Primera lectura — Amós es enviado por Dios a profetizar al pueblo de Israel (Amós 7:12-15).
Salmo — Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia
(Salmo 85 [84]).
Segunda lectura — El Dios y Padre de Cristo Jesús
nuestro Señor nos ha elegido (Efesios 1:3-14 [3-10]).
Evangelio — Jesús envía a los doce apóstoles de
dos en dos (Marcos 6:7-13).
En la época de Amós la vocación de profeta
había adquirido una posición muy formal en Israel.
Originalmente los profetas habían surgido como los
portavoces de Dios cuando Israel ya no se veía guiado por las figuras religioso-civiles a quienes conocemos como los “Jueces”, sino por los Reyes. Al correr
del tiempo la monarquía de Israel se había apropiado los oficios de sacerdote y de profeta, estableciéndolos como órdenes, y reservándose el derecho
de nombrar profetas oficiales para la corte real. Entonces, como ahora, cuando los que estaban en el
poder escogían a los que iban a servirles de
“conciencia oficial”, a veces las cosas se torcían. Y
entonces Dios escogía profetas de donde menos se
les esperaba. Así fue como Amós recibió su llamado
a profetizar. En el Evangelio del domingo pasado vimos cómo Jesús surgió como el Ungido del Señor
aunque venía de un lugar que muchos consideraban
poco probable. Y nosotros, cuando continuamos discerniendo nuestro propio llamado bautismal a ser
discípulos, podemos estar seguros de que estamos,
en las palabras de san Pablo: “destinados [para eso],
por decisión del que lo hace todo según su voluntad” (Efesios 1:11). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Dios ama a cada uno de nosotros como si solo
hubiera uno de nosotros.
—San Augustín
05 de julio 2015: $2256.00
Segunda Colecta para la Construcción de
Mantenimiento y Mejoras: $483.10
Tenemos misales en venta por $2.50 cada
uno. Muchas gracias.
Los evangelios relatan que Jesús envió a los
Doce apóstoles y también a otros setenta y dos
discípulos (Marcos 6:7; Lucas 10:1) “de dos en dos”
a “todos los pueblos y lugares”. De esta manera le
preparaban el camino. El libro del Eclesiastés (4:912) subraya lo sabio que es andar de dos en dos a
fin de ayudarse y protegerse mutuamente. El autor
lamenta: “¡Pobre del que está solo, cuando se cae,
no tiene quien lo levante!”.
Los cristianos nunca podemos ser cristianos a
solas. A Jesús le gustan los grupos. No tenemos el
lujo de ser individualistas o autosuficientes. Nuestra
misión requiere que vayamos por el mundo de dos
en dos, porque donde están dos o tres reunidos en
el nombre de Jesús, allí estará él (Mateo 18:20). En
el Génesis (7:2) Noé se lleva los animales de dos en
dos, así las especies se volverán numerosas comenzando de dos en dos. Jesús envía sus discípulos de
dos en dos para que nos amemos y ayudemos los
unos a los otros y de esta manera los que vienen
después de nosotros, sean tan numerosos como las
estrellas del firmamento (Génesis 15:5).
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Domingo: Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo
Lunes: San Enrique
Martes: Santa Kateri Tekakwitha
Miércoles: San Buenaventura
Jueves: Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Viernes: Eid al Fit’r (la fiesta musulmana al final de
Ramadán) se celebra
Sábado: San Camilo de Lelis;
Santa María Virgen
He aquí una prueba para verificar si tu misión
en la tierra ha concluido. Si estás vivo, aún no ha
concluido. —Anónimo
Vatican City, 30 June 2015 (VIS) – The Holy Father's universal prayer intention for
July is: “That political responsibility may be lived at all levels as a high form of charity”.
His intention for evangelisation is: “That, amid social inequalities, Latin American Christians may bear witness to love for the poor and contribute to a more fraternal society”.
Pope Francis Twitter Feed:
July 4, 2015
“That which gives us true freedom and true
happiness is the compassionate love of
“El amor compasivo de Cristo es lo que
nos da la libertad y la felicidad
Oración a Nuestra Senora del Carmen –
Día Festivo—Jueves 16 de julio
Jesucristo, Salvador de mundo, hijo de la Virgen
Santa Maria, Purisima y Beautisma Senora que
pariste sin dolores, ruega por mi a vuestro hijo
que me libre de las adversidades y peligros de la
vida, pues eres mas hermosa que todas las mujeres y que las flores y canas de los angeles,
ayudame, coroname, fuente de misericordia, tempio de Dios, sagrario del Espiritu santo, y alcanzame las gracias de vuestro hijo generoso, para
que me perdone mis pecados y traiga a mi alma la
veradera penitencia. Interceded por mi, Virgen
Mardre de Dios, para que los Patriarcas, profetas,
querubines, serafines, y todos las espiritus celestiales junto con los angeles derramen en mi alma
las maravillas de vuestro preciosisimo hijo, a
quien encomiendo mi alma para que desde esta
vida vaya a gozar de las delicias de la gloria eterna. Amen. Jesus, Maria y Jose, Joaquin y Ana , a
quienes encomiendo mi alma. Esta imagen es una
gran Protectora, pero hay que ser fiel a su sagrado
Prayer to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Feast Day—Thursday, July 16th
O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel,
fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed
Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin,
assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the
Sea, help me and show me herein that you are
my Mother.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the
bottom of my heart, to succor me in this my
necessity. There are none that can withstand
your power. O show me herein that you are my
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us
that have recourse to thee. (3 times)
Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your
hands. (3 times)
1640 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 Phone: (510) 843-2244 Fax: (510) 843-2730

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