Sunday Masses - Resurrection Parish


Sunday Masses - Resurrection Parish
Sunday Masses - Misas Dominicales
The Most Holy Trinity—La Santísima Trinidad
Prv 8:22-31 Rom 5:1-5
4:30 pm
May 22
John 16:12-15
Third Sunday of Advent
by Angie
4:30 pm (Vigil 12/12) †Amado S. Fernandez (Elfa Castroverde)
8:00 am
†Jessica Suarez by the Suarez family
7:00 pm
Misa de Johnson
las Rosasby the Silva family
Linda Guadalupe
Bilbrey, forEcheverria,
her healthdía
by de
9:30 am
†Giovanny Chuqui por Blanca Chuqui
8:00 am
†Louis Ponsolle, 27th anniv. (George Ponsolle)
Omar Echeverria, feliz cumpleaños by Emma Rojo
†Bovyn family (Deacon Paul Bovyn)
Salud de Sandra Malo por Blanca Chuqui
9:30 am
Virgen Valle)
de Carmen por Familia Muñiz
En honorValle
de La(familia
Paul Bovyn)
11:15 am
†Ted Figler, by Barb Ramberg
12:30 pm
†Catarino Sosa by Beatriz Saucedo
†Norman Suarez
Oken (Angelica
12:30 pm
por la familia
Rojas (Ema Rojo)
7:00 pm
Alejandro Echeverria, Feliz Cumpleaños
7:00 pm
Dec 14
May 23
7:30 am
7:30 am
Dec 15
7:30 am
7:30 am
7:30 am
6:00 pm
7:30 am
6:00 pm
May 26
Dec 18
7:30 am
7:30 am
May 27
Dec 19
Monday / Lunes
Monday / Lunes
Daughters of Charity
1 Peter 1:3-9members,
Mark 10:17-27
4:30 pm Vigil
8:00 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
12:30 pm
7:00 pm
11:15 am
12:30 pm
7:00 pm
4:30 PM
8:00 AM
11:15 AM
Vigil Mass
Catechism Family Mass
9:30 AM
12:30 PM
7:00 PM
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Coronilla de la divina
Every Friday in the Chapel
Todos los viernes en la capilla
3:00 PM
The hour of mercy
La hora de la misericordia
(Sister Price)
Thanksgiving to St. Jude for prayers answered by
Irene Kaminski (sister of Deacon Paul)
/ Martes
/ Martes
(Sandy Freuhe)
1 Peter 1:10-16 Mark 10:28-31
†Kim Oken by the Oken family
Wednesday / Miércoles—San Juan Diego
Gilbert /(Alice
Sopala) St. Bede, St. Gregory VII
1 Peter 1:18-21 Mark 10:32-45
Linda Bilbrey,for her health, by Deacon Paul Bovyn
/ Jueves
†Catarino Sosa
by Beatriz Saucedo
Thursday / Jueves—
St. Philip Neri
Mark 10:46-52
Friday / Viernes—Third
7:00 PM
Can you spend one hour with me?
1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12
Linda Bilbrey,for her health, by Deacon Paul Bovyn
†Florence Lukawski (Jean Bailey)
Memorial Mass with this week’s Holy Hour (Nov 11)
Friday / Viernes
1 Peter 4:7-13 Mark 11:11-26
Saturday / Sábado
for her health, by Deacon Paul Bovyn
2:00 am
of Mary
Saturday Readings: Jude 17:20b-25 Mark 11:27-33
4:30 pm Vigil
Paul Bovyn)
The Most
Holy Saieg
and Blood
of Christ
May 28
El Cuerpo y La Sangre de Cristo
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Cuarto Domingo
Ramos, Sr.,del
V. Ramos,
Jr. by Lucy
†Louis Ponsolle
Se necesitan intenciones para esta Misa
by the Silva family
†John McGarry
by the Suarez family
†Jess Almonte (Liban family)
†Rosa Zamora by Yanira Hernandez
Malo, por
salud, por Blanca
del Purgatorio
la familia
Se necesitan
†Aurora Yerena Flores by the Bruno family
Dolores Wilber, for her health, by Father Paul
†Jessica Suarez por la familia Suarez
Juan Echeverría, feliz cumpleaños por Emma Rojo
Alice Taylor, por bienestar, por María Montes de Oca
Adoration of the
Every 1st and 3rd Fridays
beginning after the 7:30 AM
Adoración Eucarística
Cada primer y tercer viernes de 8:00am a
7:00pm, que incluye la Misa a las 6:00pm
seguido del rezo del Rosario con la bendición
A Word about the word
(John 16:12-15)
Today we celebrate as a Church “Trinity
Sunday” , how God is a Trinity of three Persons, and yet
one God. This Solemnity in the Church underscores
how God in his very nature is relational. God is, on a very
fundamental level “personal”. There is a relationship
between the persons of the Holy Trinity as well as a
relationship with us, “persons” made in the holy image of
God. This is a feast of the Church whose full purpose
and meaning can be missed. There are many who come
to Church regularly and correctly think of God as almighty
and all powerful, transcendent, all knowing and such, but
miss, for whatever reason that God is also eminent,
present in his creation and present to us, if we choose to
be in the relationship with him that he desires and offers
to us.
Today in John’s Gospel we hear Jesus declare;
“Everything the Father has is mine; for this reason I told
you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to
you.” What was said by our Lord is peculiar. He is
speaking on the level of the substantive. The stuff that
makes up and constitutes something, in this case, the
very stuff that God is made of is also his. This substance
that is God, and is Jesus, he bequeaths to his chosen
disciples. With both our language and our minds limited .
Continued on page 6
Una palabra acera la palabra
Juan 16:12-15
Hoy celebremos como iglesia “Domingo
de la Trinidad” como Dios es tres personas en una
Trinidad y aun así, un solo Dios. Esta solemnidad en la
iglesia ensena como Dios en su naturaleza es relacional.
Dios está en un concepto “personal”. Hay una relación
entre las personas de la santa trinidad, al igual que la
relación con nosotros “personas” hechos a imagen santa
de Dios. Esta es una fiesta de la iglesia que su propósito
y significado se puede perder. Hay muchos que vienen a
la iglesia regularmente y correctamente piensan en Dios
como todopoderoso, transcendente, que todo lo sabe y
pierden por alguna razón que Dios es también eminente,
presente en su creación y presente con nosotros, si
escogemos estar en relación con el que él quiere y desea
con nosotros.
Hoy en el evangelio de Juan oímos a Jesús
declarar; todo lo que Dios tiene es mío; por esta razón
les dije que El toma de lo que es mío y se lo da a
ustedes” lo que nuestro Señor dijo es peculiar. El está
hablando en un sustantivo. Las cosas que hacen y
constituyen algo, en este caso, la misma cosa de lo cual
Dios está hecho es también suya. Esta substancia que es
Dios y es Jesús, en las dispone para sus discípulos
escogidos. Con el lenguaje y con nuestras mentes
Continua en la pagina 6
First Communion Mass, May 1
Arly Avendano and
Christopher Brito were
selected to serve as lectors
for the Mass.
24 of our first year Confirmation
students, pictured below, made
their First Holy Communion at
the Mass on May 1st.
Michelle Aguirre
Selena Arce
Arly Avendano
Isabela Barracks
Christopher Brito
Arturo Castellanos
Nathan Diaz
Emily Espinoza
Kevin Figueroa
Brandon Frausto
Justin Frausto
Kelvin Frausto
Marlen Garcia
Alejandra Hernandez
Emmanuel Hernandez
Carlos Jimenez
Alissa Lopez
Violeta Perez
Jecenia Pineda
Rey Ramirez, Jr.
Gabriela Ramos
Bryan Valadez
Isabela Villa
Vanessa Villegas
Spring Building and
Planting = Beautification
This looks like a big planter, but it is really a cistern in
disguise. As you know, we had a big problem with
flooding in the front of the office building and school.
No more! The excess water flows into the cistern!
UCSN (UNO) is having the area landscaped, so the
entire front will have a fresh, new look.
This structure was designed and built by Father Paul
and a few helpers, so the cost was minimal.
First Communion Mass, May 15
Jakeline Santos, Valeria Reynoso,
and Luis and David Martin read the
Prayer of the Faithful. Emily and Luis
Diaz, Armando Torres and Jenny
Arango brought up the gifts to Fr.
Paul. In the school hall, before the
Mass, the 38 students prepared
themselves for their big day.
Yailene Aguirre
Christopher Alvarado
Jasmyne Alvarado
Jenny Arango
Omar Arango, Jr.
Betsy Arias
Jennifer Arias
Adrian Arroyo
Ailany Arroyo
Emily Arroyo
Ramon Colon
Estaban Correa
Evan Correa
Christopher Cruz
Emily Diaz
Luis Diaz, Jr.
Jayden Fernandez
Angelo Flores
Stefany Garcia
Mario Herrera
Yassmin Marquez
David Martin
Mothers Day Breakfast
Our parish youth group served lots of
moms a complimentary breakfast on
May 8. Each one also received a gift
bag containing a gladiola bulb to
plant and a special prayer.
Many thanks to
Carmen and
Armando Gonzalez
for donating all the
Gael Martinez
Joshua Martinez
Angel Montreal
Valeria Monreal
Dari Paucar
Nathaniel Preciado
Valeria Reynoso
Brandon Rios
Adrian Rojas
Ethan Rojas
Alberto Santos, Jr.
Christopher Santos
Devin Santos
Jakeline Santos
Armando Torres
May Crowning
Catechism students Angelo
Flores and Betsy Arias after
crowning our Mary statue on
May 7. Other First Communion
students brought the roses.
A Word on the Gospel
Una palabra en el evangelio
Viene de la pagina 3
continued from page 3
by human finiteness, one really has to think it through to
realize that what Jesus is saying is extraordinary! Jesus
makes a gift to us of the very stuff that comprises God;
what a phenomenal gift, and what a personal one.
Sadly, in this world of broken marriages and
fractured families, of text replacing talk and touch, the
experience of being in right relationship with another
person on an intimate, truly loving level is foreign to many.
A few years back when we had the string of suicides at
the parish. A common factor in the experiences of each
and every one who took his own life was a falling out of
relationship with the very friends and family with whom
they should have had the closest relationship. A spouse
would report that she did not know how desperate her
husband had become. Family members would report that
the last time I talked with their sister, she gave no
indication how deeply she was hurting. In many of the
cases I held my tongue, but thought to myself, a person
does not always use, and should not have to use, words
to ask for help. You also just told me that the person was
holed up in their room for a month. What does that say?
A person can say I am OK, but a person who does not
come out of their room except to use the bathroom is not
OK. And so they didn’t ask for help, but they needed it!
Ironically, in this age of mass communication of
all types, so many people are feeling so isolated and on
their own. We seem to be becoming afraid to reach out
authentically and honestly with the people we live with
and work with and about as far from mirroring the Holy
Trinity and the Holy, loving connectedness found in the
Holy Trinity. I am afraid this will continue until we take to
heart that we need one another in an authentic way on a
spiritual level, and also take to heart what Jesus promised
repeatedly in the course of his active ministry. To his
disciples Jesus promised Peace. Jesus was not talking
about ending war, but about a balanced state of mind; call
it an end of war in your head if you wish! As Jesus said in
the Resurrection account at the end of John’s Gospel :
“Do not be afraid! … My Peace I give to you, my Peace I
leave with you!”
Let us take to heart this simple yet profound
message. Let us be men and women of unwavering faith,
knowing that in growing in relationship with God, we also
grow in right relationship one with another, and that with
healthy strong spiritual bonds, with genuinely good
relationships, we will never be alone again.
Father Paul
limitadas a la forma humana, uno verdaderamente tiene
que pensarlo bien para darse cuenta que lo que Jesús
esta diciendo es extraordinario! Jesús nos hace un regalo
de la misma substancia que es Dios; que regalo tan
fenómeno y tan personal.
Penosamente, en este mundo de matrimonios
rotos y familias destrozadas, y textos reemplazando el
toque y la conversación, la experiencia de estar en una
relación correcta con otra persona en una forma intima y
amorosa es extraño para muchos. Unos años atrás
cuando tuvimos una serie de suicidios en la parroquia, un
factor que estuvo presente en cada uno de estos
suicidios fue una caída en la relación que habían tenido
con sus amistades y familias. Un conyugue reportaba que
no sabía como de desesperado su esposo estaba.
Miembros de familia decían que la última vez que
hablaron con su hermana, no daba indicación lo herida
que estaba. En muchos de los casos me aguante la
lengua pero pensé para mí mismo, una persona no
debería tener que usar palabras para pedir ayuda,
también me dijo que una persona fue sujetada en su
cuarto por un mes. Que dice esto? Una persona puede
decir, estoy bien, pero una persona que no sale de su
cuarto, excepto para ir al baño, no está bien, aunque no
pidieron ayuda. La necesitaban!
Irónicamente, en esta época de comunicación
masiva de todas las formas, muchas personas se están
sintiendo alejados y en su soledad. Nos estamos
volviendo con miedo a buscar autentica y honestamente
ayuda con las mismas personas que vivimos y
trabajamos y muy lejos de asimilar la santa trinidad y la
conexión santa y amorosa que se encuentra en ella. Me
temo que esto continuara hasta que tomemos de corazón
que nos necesitamos unos a otros en una forma autentica
y espiritual y también tomar en serio lo que Jesús
prometió repetidamente en el curso de ministerio. A estos
discípulos El le prometió paz, El no estaba prometiendo
que acabaría la guerra, sino un balance mental, llámale el
fin de la guerra si quieres! Como Jesús dijo en la historia
de la resurrección en el evangelio de Juan; “no tengan
miedo”… mi paz les dejo, mi paz les doy a ustedes”
tomemos de corazón el simple pero profundo mensaje.
Vamos a ser hombres y mujeres con una fe
inquebrantable, sabiendo que creciendo en una relación
con Dios, también crecemos en la relación unos con otros
y con un apegue saludable y espiritual, y con relaciones
genuinas, nunca estaremos solos.
Padre Paul
Baptisms - Bautismos
Parish Staff - Empleados
Second Sunday 2:00 pm
Fr. Paul Kalchik
Resident Priest
Fr. Daniel Brandt, Police Chaplain
Cuarto Domingo 2:00 pm
Preparation class
2nd Tuesday 7:00 pm
2o Miércoles 7:00 pm
Administrative Assistant Mrs. Maria Bruno
Pastoral Assistant
Ms. Barbara Ramberg
Clase de preparación
Ms. Laura Lugo-Oken, evenings
Ms. Jasmine Rodriguez, Saturdays
Baptism of children over the
age 6 is conducted through
our Religious Education
Office Hours / Horario De Oficina:
Monday - Friday :
Saturday :
Saturdays - Sábados 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
(or call the parish center for an appointment)
(o llame a la oficina parroquial para una cita)
Closed on Sundays / Cerrada en Domingos
Rectory - Rectoría
3043 N. Francisco Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
Phone : (773) 478-9705
Fax: (773) 478-1387
2840 W. Nelson St.
Chicago, IL 60618
Phone : (773) 478-1441
Devotions - Devociones
Holy Hour - Hora Santa
Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm / Cada Miércoles a la 7:00 pm
Exposition and benediction
8:00 am - 5:45 pm
Mass 6:00 pm
Permanent Diaconate - Diaconado Permanente
Paul Bovyn (retired)
(773) 478-9705
Uriol and Leocadia Rodriguez
(773) 419-8740
Juan and Madelyne Gonzalez
(773) 899-1325
Francisco and Linda Rivera
(773) 396-6817
Efraín and Mercedes López
(773) 329-0549
Los niños mayores de 6 años
deben recibir clases de
catecismo en nuestro programa.
Confessions - Confesiones
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Office - Oficina
1º & 3º VIERNES
Exposición y bendición
8:00 am - 5:45 pm
Misa 6:00 pm
Celebrations - Celebraciones
Quinceañeras - Cotillions
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm (First come first served)
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm (En el orden solicitado)
Call office at least six months prior to the celebration.
Llame a la oficina con seis meses de antelación.
Parish Financial Council - Consejo de Finanzas
Joseph Lomanto—Chairperson
Parish Groups - Grupos Parroquiales
Liturgical Ministries - Ministerios Litúrgicos
Music Ministry
Matthew Richert
Barb Ramberg
Lectors &
Eucharistic ministers
Hector Campos y
Wally & Alice Sopala (773) 604 8174
(312) 909-4461
Deacon Efrain
Lectores y ministros Jesús Sinchi
extraordinarios de la
(773) 968-2704
Sacraments - Sacramentos
Weddings - Bodas
Saturdays - Sábados 12:00 pm or 2:00 pm
Call the office six months prior to the wedding date.
Reserve la fecha con seis meses de anticipación.
Northside Latin Progress, Gretchen Moore
support group for men
Legión de María
Gregoria Ortiz
Deacon Paul Bovyn
Ministry of Care
St. Paul Nursing Home
Francisco y Linda
Ministros de los enfermos Rivera
Parish Pro-Life
Barbara Ramberg
Renovación Carismática
Youth Ministry
(773) 463 8456
(312) 343-0804
(773) 404 9826
(773) 235 6490
(773) 396 6817
(312) 909 4461
May 15, 2016
Weekly Collection Goal—Meta para
la colecta semanal
Regular Collection
First Communion Mass
Surplus or (Shortage)
Holy Hour, for the Building Fund
El mes
De maria
The month
of mary
Envelopes for the Poor
Clothes for Charity Check
Grupo de Oración—Celebración Pentecostés
Pray the rosary
Rezar el rosario
Resurrection Catholic Church
3043 N. Francisco Ave.
Chicago IL 60618
Bulletin number : 000625
Weekend : Sunday 5-22-16