bunker cs irkutsk
bunker cs irkutsk
GAZPROM INVESTOR DAY GAS BUSINESS FEBRUARY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE AGENDA PRESENTATION SPEAKERS Strategy Upstream Dmitry Lyugai Vsevolod Cherepanov Member of Gazprom Management Committee Head of the Department Member of Gazprom Management Committee Head of the Department Export Finance Alexander Medvedev Andrey Kruglov Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee Head of the Department Oil Business Power Generation Alexei Yankevich Denis Fedorov Member of the Management Board of Gazprom Neft Deputy CEO for Economics and Finance of Gazprom Neft Head of Gazprom Directorate General Director of Gazprom Energoholding Project Finance Oleg Nagovitsyn General Director of Gazprom Investproject INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2 DISCLAIMER This presentation has been prepared by OJSC Gazprom and its consolidated subsidiaries (the Company), and comprises the slides for a presentation to investors concerning the Company. This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any shares or other securities representing shares in the Company, nor shall it or any part of it nor the fact of its presentation or distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investment decision. No reliance may be placed for any purposes whatsoever on the information contained in this presentation, or any other material discussed at any presentation or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. The information in this presentation should not be treated as giving investment advice. Care has been taken to ensure that the facts stated in this presentation are accurate, and that the opinions expressed are fair and reasonable. However, the contents of this presentation have not been verified by the Company. Accordingly, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made or given by or on behalf of the Company or any of its members, directors, officers or employees or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or fairness of the information or opinions contained in or discussed at this presentation. None of the Company or any of their respective members, directors, officers or employees nor any other person accepts any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. The information in this presentation includes forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts, statements regarding the Company’s intentions, beliefs or current expectations concerning, among other things, the Company’s results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, growth, strategies, and the industry in which the Company operates. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, the risks and uncertainties to be set forth in the prospectus, because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. The Company cautions you that forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and that its actual results of operations, financial condition and liquidity and the development of the industry in which the Company operates may differ materially from those made in or suggested by the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation. In addition, even if the Company’s results of operations, financial condition and liquidity and the development of the industry in which the Company operates are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. The information and opinions contained in this presentation are provided as at the date of this presentation and are subject to change without notice. No person is under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. By attending the presentation you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations. INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 3 5 STRATEGY 19 UPSTREAM 26 EXPORT 37 FINANCE INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 4 STRATEGY DMITRY LYUGAI MEMBER OF GAZPROM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 5 GAZPROM AT A GLANCE SHORT OVERVIEW Gazprom is a Russian global energy company History 1906 First commercial gas production from Russian gas field – “Dagestanskye Ogni” (Derbent city) Its major business lines are: Geological exploration 1943 First Russian trunk gas pipeline “Buguruslan-Kuybyshev (Samara)” Production 1948 Natural gas production department set up at the Ministry of oil industry Transportation and Storage 1965 USSR Gas Industry Ministry established Processing and sales of gas, gas condensate and oil 1973 First Russian gas delivered to Europe Sales of gas as a vehicle fuel 1989 USSR Gas Industry Ministry restructured into Gazprom State Gas Concern Generation and marketing of heat and electric power 1993 ON THE BASIS OF GAZPROM STATE GAS CONCERN RUSSIAN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" (RAO "GAZPROM") WAS ESTABLISHED WHICH WAS TRANSFORMED IN 1998 INTO OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" (OAO "GAZPROM") 2005 Gazprom acquired “Gazprom neft” (formerly “Sibneft”) GAZPROM is involved in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects in more than 10 foreign countries, incl. Algeria, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Hungary, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. 2007-2009 Gazprom entered into the energy business (consolidated under “Gazprom Energoholding”) Achievements for 22 years Gazprom revenue structure1 1993 12 tcm GAS PRODUCED 546 mm tons OIL AND GAS CONDENSATE PRODUCED 8.6 tcm NEW GAS RESERVES DISCOVERED 2013 GAS 24% 100% OIL 7% 69% 33 THOUSAND KM OF SOURCE: GAZPROM DATA INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE POWER NEW PIPELINES BUILT 1 According to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 6 GAZPROM IN FIGURES Gas reserves #1 WORLD Oil and gas condensate production #1 RUSSIA 72% 17% Gazprom gas reserves (A+B+C1) – 36 tcm, incl. onshore – 29 tcm, offshore – 7 tcm RUSSIA 9% Gas production #1 WORLD #1 RUSSIA 14% 73% Gazprom Group gas production – 487 bcm Number of active gas production wells – 7,263 Number of producing fields – 131 Electric power and heat generation Gas transport system Length of Gazprom’s trunk pipelines in Russia – 169 thousand km Aggregate active capacity of 26 UGSF1 in Russia – over 70 bcm Access to active capacity of UGSF in Europe – above 4 bcm Natural gas transported via GTS2 in Russia – 659 bcm Gas processing 1 2 Processing volumes – 32 bcm Gas processing capacity – 54 bcm Oil and gas condensate refining – 66 mm tons Underground gas storage facility Gas transportation system SOURCE: GAZPROM ANNUAL REPORT 2013, GAZPROM IN FIGURES 2009-2013 FACTBOOK INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE Gazprom Group oil and gas condensate production — 69 mm tons Number of active oil production wells — 7,246 Total electric power generating capacity — 39 GW Total heat generating capacity — 73 Tcalh Total electric power generated — 163 billion kWh Total heat generated — 113 mm Gcal Marketing Largest gas export company European gas market share — 30% Russian gasoline station oil product sales share — 13% Russian electric power generation share — 15% Personnel Number of employees — 459,500, including: gas production, transportation, underground storage and processing subsidiaries — 228,600 Gazprom neft — 62,800 Gazprom Energoholding — 50,800 overseas companies — 27,400 All figures are dated of 31.12.2013 Calorific value of natural gas = 8,850 kcal/m3 (20 0С ) 7 GAZPROM GROUP’S MISSION AND STRATEGIC GOAL MISSION STRATEGIC GOAL RELIABLE, EFFICIENT AND BALANCED SUPPLY OF NATURAL GAS, OTHER ENERGY RESOURCES AND REFINED PRODUCTS TO CONSUMERS ESTABLISH ITSELF AS A LEADER AMONG GLOBAL ENERGY COMPANIES BY DIVERSIFYING SALES MARKETS, ENSURING RELIABLE SUPPLIES, IMPROVING PERFORMANCE AND UTILIZING R&D POTENTIAL BUSINESS TYPE EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE PROCESSING AND ENERGY PRODUCTION MARKETING AND SALES 8 WORLD GAS DEMAND Share of natural gas in world total primary energy consumption 2030 FORECAST Natural gas consumption by region 2013 20% 17% 23% 9% 3.6 3% 4% 24% 13% 6% 26% tcm 5% 2013 NORTH AMERICA 14% 19% LATIN AMERICA 30% OECD EUROPE OTHER EUROPE AND EURASIA 2030 FORECAST 33% 26% 28% MIDDLE EAST 5% GAS OIL COAL NUCLEAR RENEWABLES AFRICA 24% 25% 4.8 tcm ASIA OCEANIA 5% 12% 13% 16% INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 9 GAZPROM ON THE RUSSIAN DOMESTIC MARKET Structure of Gazprom’s gas sales revenue, 20131 58% 774 740 3 000 2 000 300 0 265 250 2011 360 4 000 3,394 2,964 723 bcm 400 228 2012 2013 GAZPROM GROUP’S SALES IN RUSSIA (BCM) REVENUE (RR BN) DOMESTIC AVERAGE PRICE (RR/MCM) 1 000 RR/mcm bcm; RR bn 600 2,725 FSU COUNTRIES RUSSIA 27% 900 500 EUROPE 15% Gas deliveries to Russian consumers2 300 200 0 Gazprom is responsible for the large-scale Program for Expansion of Gas Infrastructure in Russian Regions. Level of natural gas gasification in Russia grew from 53.3% to 65.3% between 2005 and 2013. Length of Russian gas distribution system, operated by Gazprom Group, is 716 thousand kilometers. 100 2015 Total final consumption OIL 14% 20% COAL 14% 52% GAS 1 2 not including custom duties incl. gas purchases from other companies INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2025 2030 2030 ENERGY STRATEGY OF RUSSIA (PROJECT) OTHER OIL 13% 20% COAL 15% 2014 OTHER 2020 52% GAS SHARE STABILIZATION IN FUEL AND ENERGY BALANCE GAS SOURCE: GAZPROM IN FIGURES 2009-2013 FACTBOOK, GAZPROM DATA 10 EUROPE: GAZPROM’S TRADITIONAL MARKET Forecast — gas production vs. consumption in Europe 700 Gazprom’s pipeline gas deliveries to Europe 300 bcm 600 bcm CONSUMPTION 500 200 ~400 400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ decrease of indigenous gas production in Europe no success in shale gas developments close of nuclear energy development increase of gas consumption in transportation sector new sectors of gas consumption ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ regasification terminals network development European policy – diversification of suppliers and supply routes regulatory frameworks in energy sector become tougher policy in energy savings and energy efficiency subsidizing of renewable energy sources PRODUCTION 300 100 200 100 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 0 Shale gas in Europe — an expected setback Estimated shale gas technically recoverable resources – 16.9 tcm Rest of France Ukraine Romania Europe Poland 4.2 3.9 3.6 1.4 3.7 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Gazprom’s share in the European market 2013 2030 30% 30% MAX MIN Recent progress and current state of development SOURCE: WOOD MACKENZIE, EIA, PLATTS, ERI RAS, IEA, IHS, RYSTAD ENERGY, BP INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE JSC "GAZPROM" OTHER SOURCES OF GAS 11 GAZPROM: UPSTREAM DEVELOPMENT Field productivity plateau, bcm/year1 Urengoyskoye (Achimov deposits) 25 Pestsovoye (Neocomian-Jurassic) 2 Yubileynoye (Apt-Albian, Senomanian deposits) 2 Bovanenkovskoye 115 Kharasaveiskoye 32 Severo-Kamennomysskoye 16 Kamennomysskoye-sea 15 Kirinskoye 6 Kirinskiy licensed section 16 Key Gazprom gas greenfields North of West Siberia and Yamal peninsula Fields Pre-Yamal shelf Pechorskoye Sea shelf Kharasaveiskoye Bovanenkovskoye Pestsovoye Yubileynoye Severo-Kamennomysskoye Kamennomysskoye-sea Urengoiskoye RUSSIA Chayandinskoye Kovyktinskoye Chayandinskoye Eastern Siberia and Far East Fields Kovyktinskoye Gas field 25 35 «Sakhalin-3» Kirinskoye Kirinskiy licensed section Continental shelf Prospective sources of Gazprom’s gas production 800 OTHER NEW FIELDS bcm 600 EAST SIBERIA AND FAR EAST FIELDS 400 YAMAL MEGAPROJECT 200 JSC GAZPROM NEFT OPERATING FIELDS 0 2013 2020 min 2030 min 2020 max 2030 max SOURCE: GAZPROM IN FIGURES 2009-2013 FACTBOOK, GAZPROM DATA 1 whole number rounding INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 12 KEY CURRENT AND PROSPECTIVE RUSSIAN NATURAL GAS EXPORT DESTINATIONS Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok Power of Siberia Altai project - current Russian natural gas export destinations - prospective and ongoing Russian natural gas export projects - operating LNG projects - prospective LNG projects INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 13 GAZPROM IN LNG MARKET 800 World LNG demand and production forecast Mln t/year LNG PLANTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION OPERATING LNG PLANTS OPTIMISTIC CONSUMPTION FORECAST World total in 2014: ■ 19 LNG exporting countries, 30 LNG importing countries, incl. 3 LNG exporting/importing countries ■ 39 operating LNG plants with total capacity of 414 bcm (302 mm t/year), 19 LNG plants under construction with total capacity of 178 bcm (129 mm t/year) ■ 108 operating and 21 under construction regasification terminals PESSIMISTIC CONSUMPTION FORECAST Baltic LNG 600 RUSSIA Sakhalin-2 Vladivostok LNG 400 200 SOURCE: WOOD MACKENZIE INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2030 2025 2020 2015 2010 2005 0 LNG EXPORTERS OPERATING LNG PLANT LNG IMPORTERS PROSPECTIVE LNG PLANT LNG EXPORTERS/IMPORTERS 14 GAS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN EASTERN SIBERIA AND FAR EAST REGIONS Transportation site Date when put into operation (not earlier) Length, km Trunk pipeline “Power of Siberia” 2018 4,000 Fields Pipelines: existing under construction possible designed Power of Siberia trunk pipeline Operating trains of LNG plants Prospective trains of LNG plants CHINA Production sites Chayandinskoye Kovyktinskoye (incl. Chikanskoye field) INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE Date when put into operation (not earlier) Plateau production, bcm/year 2018 2022 25 35 15 RUSSIAN — CHINA GAS DEAL MAIN CHARACTERISTICS CONTRACT VOLUME CONTRACT LIFETIME YEARS BCM per YEAR CHINA GAS CONSUMPTION 10 YEARS AGO 10% OF CHINESE GAS MARKET AFTER RAMPING UP INVESTMENT CONTRACT VALUE $ BLN CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMPARABLE WITH AUSTRALIAN GORGON PROJECT ($54 BLN*), RUSSIAN PROJECT VOLUME 75% HIGHER PERIOD COMPARABLE WITH TRUNK GAS PIPELINE LIFE TIME $ BLN TOTAL AMOUNT OF GAZPROM INVESTMENT PROGRAM FOR LAST 10 YEARS SOURCE: * WOODMACKENZIE, IHS PFC ENERGY INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 16 RUSSIAN — CHINA GAS DEAL BOTTOM OF THE ICEBERG GAS DEAL For Gazprom For CNPC Market diversification Favorable pricing versus LNG Russian pipeline natural gas popularization in the Asia Pacific Region market Pipeline supply sources diversification Natural gas supply sources diversification (from LNG) Sales of Russian pipeline natural gas increase Strengthening the company’s position in the gas supply market Market niche decreasing for new high-cost LNG suppliers Basic for “west” route negotiation Long-term leadership in a strategic market – helium Benchmark for Asia Pacific Region gas prices RELIABILITY OF SUPPLIES DUE TO LACK OF TRANSIT RISK For Russia Trade and economic Russia-China cooperation widening Trade balance equalization New well-paid high-skilled jobs Fuel and energy balance optimization in Eastern Siberia and the Far East regions Contribution to GDP, taxes and duties Reduction of unemployment rate in Eastern Siberia and the Far East regions Geopolitical interests Eastern Siberia and the Far East regions gasification Gas processing and gas chemical industries development. High added value products: helium, ethylene, propylene, polyethylene, polypropylene, ethylene glycol Contribution to Russian natural gas production Large order for manufacturers INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE For China Trade and economic Russia-China cooperation widening New well-paid high-skilled jobs Fuel and energy balance optimization (gas share increasing) Providing secured sources of supply for growing gas demand Border territories gasification Increase of chemical production imports from Russia Large orders to manufacturers. New jobs Ecological issues solution: decreasing emissions of CO2, SO2, NOx and ashes 17 FORECAST OF CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Structure of CAPEX by gas business segment average annual 2015-2030 approx. 24 bln USD* GAZPROM’S DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OVER A TENYEAR PERIOD GAZPROM'S INVESTMENT PROGRAM INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TO 2020 PROCESSING, LNG 12 % TRANSPORT (incl. UGS**) 46 % PRODUCTION 38 % EXPLORATION 4% * May vary depending on USD/RUB & EUR/RUB exchange rate ** UGS is underground gas storage UGSS is unified gas supply system Structure of CAPEX by major project YAMAL MEGAPROJECT 28% EASTERN SIBERIA AND THE FAR EAST* OTHER PROJECTS* 53% 19% INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE * exploration; existing and new production and transport projects, processing and LNG projects 18 UPSTREAM VSEVOLOD CHEREPANOV MEMBER OF GAZPROM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 19 2014 GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION RESULTS Russian gas reserves Independent Producers 24% 4% Unallocated fund Gazprom’s huge hydrocarbon reserves and longest reserve life bboe 140 123 (37 yrs) 120 Gazprom 72% 89 (12 yrs) 100 96 (17 yrs) 80 60 Global gas reserves 40 Gazprom 17 % 20 0 Gazprom Supermajor Combined Major Emerging Markets Combined X - 2013 total proved reserves of hydrocarbons (bboe) (X) - Reserve life in years based on 2013 total proved reserves and 2013 production of hydrocarbons SOURCES: BLOOMBERG, COMPANY’S DATA INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 20 SUMMARY GAS RESERVES INFORMATION Natural Gas, tcm С2(2) АВС1(1) С2(2) АВС1(1) С2(2) 36.1 10.1 1,444.4 679.6 1,937.2 1,594.4 Discovery of 1 new field and 8 new deposits within previously discovered fields Gas reserves replacement ratio – 183 % tcm 230,3 230,1 299,6 279,6 300 USD bn 241,4 250 208,6 50 200 160,8 40 20 299,2 269,6 60 30 Crude Oil, extracted, mm tons АВС1(1) 2014 70 Gas Condensate, extracted, mm tons 28,0 25,3 78 18,5 28,9 27,7 29,1 27,8 92,921 20,8 29,9 27,9 20,8 29,8 28,4 20,8 33,6 33,1 29,2 21,3 29,9 33,1 35,1 30,6 31,7 32,9 22,8 22,5 21,9 35,1 23,4 35,6 33,2 36.1 150 23,3 100 50 10 0 0 2003 2004 2005 GAZPROM GROUP GAS RESERVES (ABC1) 1 2 2006 2007 AUDITED АВС1 RESERVES 2008 2009 2010 PROVED + PROBABLE RESERVES (PRMS) 2011 2012 2013 2014 PRESENT VALUE (INCL. LIQUID HYDROCARBONS, SULFUR AND HELIUM) ABC1 reserves - explored reserves according to Russian standards of classification. Explored gas reserves (categories ABC1) are considered fully recoverable. For oil and gas condensate reserves a special index of extraction is used. This index is calculated taking into account geological and technical factors. C2 reserves belong to the estimated category and serve as a basis for setting up exploration work at a specific field. INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 21 PRODUCTION STRATEGY Gazprom main production regions Yamal NadymPur-Taz Krasnoyarsk gas production center Sakhalin gas production center Yakutsk gas production center Irkutsk gas production center Gazprom production 2003-2015 900 600 183% bcm 552.4 540.2 200 180 YAMAL (BOVANENKOVSKOYE) 160 ZAPOLYARNOYE FIELD 140 549.7 513.2 461.5 300 % 120 444.0 79% 100 YAMBURGSKOYE FIELD 80 URENGOYSKOYE FIELD - CENOMANIAN 60 40 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F 2015F MEDVEZHYE FIELD OTHER FIELDS OF NADYM-PUR-TAZ REGION 20 OTHER REGIONS 0 GAS RESERVE REPLACEMENT RATIO (RIGHT AXIS) 22 YAMAL MEGAPROJECT Bovanenkovskoye field (production forecast) bcm 40 20 KARA SEA Rusanovskoye 0 Leningradskoye Malyginskoye Taslyskoye Severo-Tambeyskoye Syadorskoye Zapadno-Tambeyskoye Kharasaveyskoye Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye 2012 GYDAN BAY Arcticheskoye Teta-Yakinskoye YAMAL PENINSULA Antipayutinskoye Tchugoriakhinskoye Semakovskoye Sredneyamalskoye SeveroNurminskoye Kamenomysskoye Khambateyskoye TAZ BAY Parusovoye Kamennomysskoye Obskoye more Novoportovskoye Operating gas pipelines Projected gas pipelines and gas pipelines under construction Continental fields 2015F С1+С2 Reserves 8.5 tcm of gas 203.3 mn t of condensate Peak annual production 217 bcm of gas 4 mn t of stable condensate Tambeyskoye industrial zone Comprehensive YAMBURG gas processing OB BAYSevero-Urengoyskoye unit TAZOVSKIY Wells, well clusters Shell fields С1+С2 Reserves 3.9 tcm of gas 178.0 mn t of condensate Peak annual production 65 bcm of gas 2.8 mn t of stable condensate Combined CAPEX for Yamal Program development 2015 F 2016 F RR 118.6 bn RR 174.6 bn INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2014 Plan Bovanenkovskoye industrial zone VerhneKruzenshternovskoye TiuteyskoyeZapadnoVostochno- Seykhinskoye Bovanenkovskoye Bovanenkovskoye Nerstinskoye Neytinskoye Baidarata Bay 2013 Yuzhnaya industrial zone С1+С2 Reserves 1.4 tcm of gas 60.0 mn t of condensate Peak annual production 30 bcm of gas 0.8 mn t of condensate 23 EASTERN GAS PROGRAM Kirinskoye field (production forecast) bcm/year 1 0,5 0 2013 NORTH OF THE TYUMEN REGION Udachniy Surgut KRASNOYARSK CENTER KAMCHATS KCENTER Petropavlovs kKamchatsky Yakutsk Mirniy Oha SAKHALIN CENTER YAKUTSK KomsomolskCENTER Uzhno-Sakhalinsk na-Amyre Tinda Tomsk IRKUTSK Skovorodino CS Bogandinskaya Boguchani Khabarovsk CENTER Sovgava Proskokovo Krasnoyarsk Chelabinsk Kansk n Chita Achinsk Omsk Blagoveshensk Taishet Novoisbirsk Kemerovo Balagansk Abakan Barnaul Daqing Sayansk Irkutsk Zabaykalsk Ulan-Ude Biysk Novokyznetsk KAZAKHSTAN Gorno-Altaisk Tyumen ULAN-BATOR Shenyang MONGOLIA Gas production center Operating LNG plants LNG plants under construction in Vladivostok Projected gas processing plants CHINA Pipelines under construction Lanzhou Operating gas pipeline TOKYO NORTH KOREA SOUTH PYONGYANG KOREA BEIJING Xian JAPAN Osaka 2015F Sakhalin gas production center С1+С2 Reserves 799 bcm of gas 116.4 mn t of condensate Peak annual production 21.5 bcm of gas 5.05 mn t of stable condensate Yakutsk gas production center - Chayandinskoye field С1+С2 Reserves 1.4 tcm of gas 22.1 mn t of condensate Peak annual production 25 bcm of gas 0.4 mn t of stable condensate Busan Kitakyusyu Xinyang Shanghai Combined CAPEX for Eastern Program development 2015F 2016 F RR 57.4 bn RR 279.5 bn INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2014 Plan Irkutsk gas production center - Kovyktinskoye field С1+С2 Reserves 2.5 tcm of gas 85.7 mn t of condensate Peak annual production 35.3 bcm of gas 1.9 mn t of stable condensate Krasnoyarsk gas production center - Sobinskoye field С1+С2 Reserves 154.4 bcm of gas 8.3 mn t of condensate Peak annual production n/a n/a 24 GAS CONDENSATE – PREMIUM PRODUCT Gas condensate production capacity mn tonnes Yamburg 4.7 Novy Urengoy 5.5 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Orenburg Astrakhan 0.2 Tomsk 0.3 0.1 3.7 Gas condensate production1 20 18 mn tonnes 16 14 12 10 11 12 13 2010 2011 2012 15 15 15 16 17 2013 2014 2015Plan 2016F 2017F 8 Calculations may diverge due to rounding 1 Management estimates; excluding associate companies’ production INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 25 EXPORT ALEXANDER MEDVEDEV DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF GAZPROM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 26 EUROPEAN NATURAL GAS MARKET DYNAMICS Balance of European Gas Consumption, bcm1 700 600 577.3 564.2 500 400 228.5 231.6 593.1 260.7 587.4 262.6 599.8 585.9 274.0 274.6 565.2 258.2 602.0 290.3 557.3 546.8 538.2 266.7 254.2 255.4 478.4 214.3 300 200 335.8 345.6 332.4 324.8 311.9 325.2 307.3 311.7 290.6 292.6 282.8 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 100 0 2003 INDIGENOUS PRODUCTION 1 GCV IMPORTS (+BALANCE OF STORAGE) 30.0% SOURCES: IEA, EUROSTAT , GAZPROM EXPORT ESTIMATES Demand for Gas Dropped Due to 30.6% 25.4% MILD WEATHER 2012 2013 2014E CONSUMPTION = 8850 KCAL PER MCM, T = 20°C Gazprom’s Share is Stable 264.1 2014E INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE COMPETITION FROM RENEWABLES AND COAL Weather index (HDD + CDD) for Q1-Q3 2014 in Europe is 13% lower vs. average Power generation makes 20% in the European gas mix. In Q1-Q3 2014 it decreased by 14% 27 RELIABLE GAS DELIVERIES TO EUROPE Near 50 years of impeccable operating track record1 180 bcm 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 0 Despite any crisis Gazprom has always fulfilled its export obligations and will do so in the future 1 Total gas sales in foreign markets excluding FSU INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 28 GAZPROM SALES TO EUROPEAN AND CIS MARKET Gazprom Gas Deliveries to Europe1 160 bcm 140.6 150.0 138.6 Gazprom Gas Deliveries to CIS and Baltics 161.5 138.8 146.6 60 $402 80 0 $383 $296 $385 $341 120 0 2011 2012 2013 2014E 120 1Q-3Q 2013 114.2 $205 per mcm $235 2009 2010 2011 $308 2012 $274 $272 2013 2014E Supply of the EU biggest gas producers bcm 118.5 56.1 54.6 40 20 Supply of the biggest gas exporters to Europe1 160 64.4 $298 $302 2010 71.1 44.9 per mcm 2009 bcm 68.0 120 40 80 1Q-3Q 2014 bcm 84.1 1Q-3Q 2013 1Q-3Q 2014 82.1 80 80 55.6 45.1 40 40 27.4 23.8 4.6 5.0 4.7 1 30.5 4.3 0 GAZPROM JSC ALGERIA (INCL. LNG) 30.8 18.5 17.9 LYBIA (INCL. LNG) QATAR NIGERIA 0 NORWAY UNITED KINGDOM NETHERLANDS European countries with Turkey (excluding CIS and Baltics) INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 29 MID-TERM PROVISIONS Short-term forecasts of European gas consumption by leading consulting companies (2008 consumption = 100%) Actual forecasts of the leading consulting companies are significantly below previous estimates because they take into account the sharp drop in demand for gas in 1-3 quarters of 2014 Under current market conditions, 2015-2017 Gazprom export’s estimates for gas deliveries to Europe are 155-160 bcm/year depending on weather 102% 100% 100% 98% 96% 94% 92% 90.8 90% Actual demand 2006-14E 89.7 89.0 CERA (2013-Nov) 88% 88.1 CERA (2014-Jun) 86% PIRA (2013-Oct) 84% PIRA (2014-Oct) 86.0 89.0 87.6 86.5 86.2 84.4 82.8 CEDIGAZ - pessimistic (2013-Jun) 82% 91.6 83.3 CEDIGAZ - base (2013-Jun) IEA (2013-May) 80% 79.8 IEA (2014-May) 78% 2006 2007 2008 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 30 HYBRID PRICING — CORNERSTONE OF THE EUROPEAN MARKET Natural Gas Prices in Europe Move in Common Trend Gazprom is a Major Provider of Supply Flexibility to Europe 600 600 Mcm/Day $/Mcm 550 Seasonal swing in Russian gas daily deliveries doubled from 1998 to 2014 500 500 400 450 400 300 350 200 NBP Day-Ahead 100 TTF Day-Ahead 300 250 BAFA 0 Jan-14 Jan-13 Jan-12 Jan-11 Jan-10 Jan-09 Jan-08 Jan-07 Jan-06 Jan-05 Jan-04 Jan-03 Jan-02 Jan-01 Jan-00 Jan-99 Jan-98 Sep-13 May-14 Jan-13 May-12 Jan-11 Sep-11 Sep-09 May-10 Jan-09 May-08 Jan-07 Sep-07 Sep-05 May-06 Jan-05 May-04 Jan-03 Sep-03 200 Roughly 2/3 of European gas import is still oil-indexed Oil price is still the main determinant of wholesale gas prices in Europe In 2008-2014, correlation between TTF and 6-month moving average of oil price was equal to 0.8 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 31 OBJECTIVE OF DECOUPLING OIL AND GAS PRICES NOT ACHIEVABLE IN A FORESEEABLE FUTURE Oil-indexed Prices Still Dominant in European Gas Imports1 Forward Prices Put Henry Hub-based Cost-Plus Pricing in Europe Under Question2 360 2,7% 2,4% 3,5% $/Mcm 340 30.1% 320 21,5% 42,1% 300 280 2,4% 3,5% 1,8% 9,3% 260 10,8% 69.9% 240 Nov-19 Aug-19 May-19 Feb-19 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-18 May-18 Nov-17 Aug-17 May-17 other LNG hub-indexed Feb-17 Gazprom hub-indexed Nov-16 Qatar hub-indexed Aug-16 Norway 2/3 hub-indexed NBP Forward Curve 200 Feb-16 other LNG oil-indexed Henry Hub-Based Cost-Plus Prices Range May-16 Qatar oil-indexed 220 Aug-15 Libya oil-indexed Nov-15 Algeria oil-indexed May-15 Norway 1/3 oil-indexed Feb-15 Gazprom oil- and quasi-oil-indexed 1 In 2 1-3Q 2014; for purposes of this comparison Europe is regarded without Norway The price includes transportation from Henry Hub to Lake Charles, LA, liquefaction, transport, and regasification in the U.K. or Belgium SOURCE: PIRA INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 32 GAS DEMAND WILL EVENTUALLY RETURN TO EUROPE Bright Spots: New Applications for Gas in Europe In 2035: Natural Gas in Power Generation Rebound + 60 bcm + 50 bcm 207 bcm 139 bcm 234 bcm 2010 2014E 2035F + 30 bcm SOURCES: IHS, GAZPROM EXPORT ESTIMATES Small-scale CHP Bunkering Road transport By 2035, bright spots could add 140 bcm to total demand or 25% above current levels Small-scale CHP offers low-cost energy and tax benefits. Environmental restrictions provide incentive for broader use of LNG in bunkering and road transport. INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE Due to: aging coal and nuclear plants retirement; obligatory CCS for new-built coal power stations (UK); adjustment of the carbon emission allowances market. 33 ENTERING NEW GAS MARKETS Gazprom in Asia-Pacific WESTERN ROUTE PROJECT Gazprom is set to build a diversified gas sales portfolio in Asia comprising both pipeline gas and LNG: EASTERN ROUTE PROJECT November, 2014 Framework Agreement Signed In 2014 we finalized a long term SPA with CNPC for supplying 38 bcma of natural gas to China via Eastern Route pipeline. The deal will allow Gazprom to expand its gas transportation facilities in Eastern Russia and diversify pipeline exports. Further negotiations and firm agreements A broad geography of LNG deliveries to Asia is set to expand with the launch of new LNG projects, making Gazprom one of the most active players in the Asian market. May, 2014 SPA signed September, 2014 Start of construction works Not earlier than 2018 Estimated commissioning date Pipeline gas exports to China are planned to reach 68 bcm/year in 2020+ Gazprom LNG Supply Source Structure 2014 2025 1% 14% 18% 46% Europe 36% 85% AsiaPacific Atlantic LNG from Gazprom projects LNG deliveries by Gazprom Group INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE Pipeline gas deliveries by Gazprom LNG Under Term Contracts Spot Trading Gazprom will supply >30 mmt/year of LNG in 2022+ globally 34 GAZPROM LNG BUSINESS Existing supply sources Vladivostok LNG 10 mmt/year Sakhalin-2 10 mmt/year Gazprom Offtake 1 mmt/year Baltic LNG 10 mmt/year mmt Sakhalin-2 T3 5 mmt/year Total Output 25 mmt/year Global Contracted LNG Volumes vs. Demand 500 Third-party supply sources New Gazprom LNG Projects 35 400 300 200 Sakhalin-2 T3 20 Baltic LNG 15 Vladivostok LNG 10 Yamal LNG 0 Highlights up to 2.9 mmt/year LNG contracted under LT HOA with Yamal LNG project INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE mmt 25 0 2014 Gazprom Offtake 2.9 mmt/year Third party term volumes 5 Colombia FLNG Sakhalin-2 2015 2025 SOURCE: WOOD MACKENZIE Gazprom Offtake 0.5 mmt/year 30 100 2020 Yamal LNG 16.5 mmt/year Gazprom LNG Portfolio Development1 Projected LNG Demand 2015 Colombia FLNG 0.5 mmt/year 1 2020 2025 These volumes do not include spot trade 0.5 mmt/year 2 LNG Carriers LT GAIL SPA LNG contracted under MT SPA with Colombia LNG project Newbuilds Velikiy Novgorod and Pskov were delivered to Gazprom Went “live” (CP lifted) 52 Cargoes were delivered by GM&T to Asia-Pacific and Atlantic markets 35 GAZPROM ACTIVITIES IN THE GLOBAL NGV MARKET Bunkering On-road transport LNG consumption as bunker fuel in Baltic and Northern seas in 2015-2025 Gazprom Group companies G4T assets 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 mt GERMANY Gazprom Germania GmbH (100% owned by Gazprom export): 23 stations CZECH REPUBLIC Gazprom Germania GmbH: 6 stations + 3 in the process of construction Vemex (more than 50% owned by Gazprom Germania GmbH): 5 own stations + supplying 8 third party stations Gazprom Germania GmbH: 1 LNG station +1 in the process of construction Cryogas (100% owned by Gazprombank): EPCcontractor in SSLNG segment SLOVAKIA Vemex: gas supply to 1 third party station VIETNAM JV between Gazprom and Petrovietnam: development of NGV-infrastructure and gas supply to gas-filling stations POLAND 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SOURCE: SSPA SWEDEN AB Pilot project: port of Rostock (more than 13 mln tons of cargo and more than 2 mln passengers per year) Project task: Creating a distribution center in the port of Rostock for LNG supply to marine/land transport and to remote industrial customers Participants: Gazprom Group companies’ gas sales for on-road transport 20 mcm/year 15 Poland 10 Czech Republic/Slovakia 5 Germany 0 2012 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2013 2014 2015 * *Forecast 36 FINANCE ANDREY KRUGLOV DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF GAZPROM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 37 GAZPROM POSITION IN GLOBAL ENERGY STRONG FINANCIAL POSITIONS AMONG OIL & GAS MAJORS Comparative revenues, EBITDA and net income CAGR1 25 20 Top-5 oil and gas majors by EBITDA, 9M2014 LTM 60 % 19.5% 19.2% USD bln 50 19.4% 40 15 30 10 20 6.9% 4.4% 5 4.4% 55,5 53,9 48,0 39,9 10 0 0 REVENUES EBITDA GAZPROM 1 56,1 NET INCOME TOP-10 OIL & GAS MAJORS Median CAGR of top 10 oil & gas majors by market capitalization as of January 20, 2015 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE SOURCE: COMPANIES WEBSITES, BLOOMBERG AS OF JANUARY 20, 2015 38 SUSTAINABLE FREE CASH FLOW GENERATION Gazprom FCF generation1 60 USD bln 51.9 51.2 8,3 7,5 43,6 43,7 2010-2011 2012-2013 50 40 50.8 12,9 34.7 7,7 30 21.7 3,0 20 7.9 10 18,7 8,2 -0,3 2004-2005 -1 37,9 27,0 2006-2007 2008-2009 CASH CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 9m2014 LTM FREE CASH FLOW Gazprom self funding2 150% 142% 140% 130% 134% 123% 120% 125% 110% 100% 140% 113% 110% 109% 100% 99% 97% 90% 105% 92% 80% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 9m2014 LTM 1 Period averages 2 OCF/Cash CAPEX INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 39 BALANCED CAPEX 60 USD bln Gas Upstream Bovanenkovo field Development of fields related to the Eastern Gas Program and export to China Gas brownfields development and support 50 GAS UPSTREAM 50 2015 Priorities 55 46 GAS DOWNSTREAM OIL 40 POWER GENERATION OTHER 37 35 32 CASH CAPEX 30 26 23 18 20 Oil Novoportovskoe, Messoyakha and other greenfields development, brownfields support and refining modernization 12 10 10 7 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 Gas Downstream Bovanenkovo-Ukhta pipeline GTS Extension – Southern Corridor Preliminary works, roll out of the Eastern Gas Program and China export project 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015F Power generation Investments in new capacity CapEx peak in 2010-2013 is associated with investments in greenfields development, construction and development of gas transportation routes from Yamal and North of Western Siberia, Eastern Gas Program, South Stream project. CapEx drop in 2014-2015 follows completion of peak phases of key investment projects realized in 2010-2013 and Rouble depreciation. SOURCE: COMPANY DATA, MANAGEMENT ESTIMATES INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 40 CAPEX EFFICIENCY CAPEX: Gazprom vs Russian oil majors1 80 CAPEX/hydrocarbon production: Gazprom vs Russian oil majors1 16 USD bln 70 47,8 43,7 43,6 37,9 37,1 40 32,4 26,2 30 27,0 11,5 12,2 12,5 10,4 10 8,8 8,2 8 6 18,7 13,2 12,9 12 49,2 50 5,2 4 10 2 0 0 2006-2007 2008-2009 GAZPROM 1 14,4 14 60 20 USD/boe Period averages 2010-2011 2012-2013 9m2014 LTM RUSSIAN OIL MAJORS AGGREGATE 2006-2007 2008-2009 GAZPROM 2010-2011 2012-2013 9M2014LTM RUSSIAN OIL MAJORS AGGREGATE SOURCE: COMPANY DATA SOURCE: COMPANY DATA CAPEX of Gazprom is historically comparable to that of the Russian oil industry, including Transneft The largest portion of Gazprom CAPEX in 2009-2013 was allocated to the development of gas transportation assets In 2009-2013 Gazprom put onstream Yamal, a new gas production province capable of becoming the main source of gas supplies for the next several decades Per-barrel volume of Gazprom CAPEX is close to that of Russian oil majors. INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 41 TOP RUSSIAN BORROWER One of the lowest levels of leverage, 9M2014 Debt maturity profile ** 140 120 21% 26% 38% 33% 33% 31% 36% 39% 13% 14% 100 Debt, USD bln * 80 60 17% 40 ** 20 19% 24% 22% 18% 16% 2011 2012 2013 9M2014 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Net debt / EBITDA LTM * Rosneft net debt is adjusted for prepayments on long-term oil supply agreements 1h2014 data LESS THAN 1 YEAR ** Cost of debt financing 10 A- % 8 6.2% 5.4% 6 4 2.7% 2 2009 2010 2-5 YEARS MORE THAN 5 YEARS Gazprom credit ratings S&P, Fitch 0 2008 1-2 YEARS 2011 2012 WEIGHTED AVERAGE FIXED INTEREST RATE WEIGHTED AVERAGE FLOATING INTEREST RATE WEIGHTED AVERAGE INTEREST RATE 2013 9M2014 Moody's A3 BBB+ Baa1 BBB Baa2 BBB- Baa3 BB+ Ba1 BB Ba2 BB- Ba3 B+ B1 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 S&P MOODY'S FITCH INVESTMENT GRADE SOURCE: BLOOMBERG, 9M2014 COMPANY DATA INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 42 DIVIDEND PAYOUT Dividend per share 12 12M dividend yields of major oil & gas companies1 % RUB / Share 25.0 10 24,1 30 25,5 25.0 25 8,97 8 10% 7.20 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 8% 20 6% 5,99 6 7,7% 5,8% 5,8% 5,8% 15 9,1 4 2,54 2,66 0,69 0 4,8% 4,8% 4,1% 11,5 2 5,3% 1,19 4,9 3,85 4% 3,8% 2,9% 10 2,39 1.50 5 2% 0,36 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0 0% DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO, % (RIGHT SCALE) 1 Dividend yield is defined as approved dividends for the period divided by the share price as of December 31, 2014; Source: Companies data, FactSet INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 43 NATURAL HEDGING AGAINST ROUBLE VOLATILITY Hard currency denominated revenues Hard currency denominated cash OPEX 31% Gas sales, Europe 16% 8% 14% 50% 75% Gas production 3% 25% 1% 50% 75% 12% 100% 16% 5% 5% 2% Electric and heat energy generation and sales ROUBLES - 56% EUR 33% 17% Refining 13% Debt distribution by currency 5% Crude oil and gas condensate production 4% 1% HARD CURRENCY* - 44% 0% 31% 6% 4% 4% Other cash operating expenses 100% Hard currency denominated CAPEX Transportation 6% 1% Staff costs 3% ROUBLES - 35% 25% 1% Goods for resale 3% HARD CURRENCY* - 65% 3% Repairs 7% Electricity and heat energy 0% 8% Materials Gas sales, Russia Other revenues 13% Transit of gas, oil and refined products 11% Gas transportation 1% 8% Taxes other than income 7% Gas sales, FSU (ex. Russia) Crude oil, gas condensate and refined products domestic sales 20% Purchased gas and oil Crude oil, gas condensate and refined products export RUB 14% 4% 2% Distribution Gas storage 1% HARD CURRENCY* - 21% Other 3% ROUBLES - 79% 0% 25% 50% 75% Other 1% 100% Data for revenues, cash OPEX AND CAPEX is adjusted on RUB-denominated amounts linked to hard currency * Hard currency — mainly USD and EUR INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE USD 52% SOURCE: COMPANY DATA, MANAGEMENT ESTIMATES 44 SUBSTANTIAL RESILIENCE TO WORSENED ENVIRONMENT HIGHER STABILITY OF GAS PRICES, RUBLE DEVALUATION AND CONSERVATIVE FINANCIAL POLICY ENSURE STRONG FOOTHOLD IN DIFFICULT TIMES Oil and gas prices in 2008-2010 crisis 160 RUB/USD rates during 2014 & 2008 oil price shocks % 140 $/bbl RUB/USD 70 140 120 60 120 100 50 80 40 60 30 40 40 20 20 20 10 100 80 60 0 0 1q08 OIL 1q09 1q10 GAZPROM GAS EUROPE 1q11 NBP $bln $/bbl 100 80 120 70 100 60 80 50 40 20 20 10 0 0 EBITDA 2010 NET DEBT INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 2011 2012 2013 OIL PRICE (RIGHT SCALE) 1q12 1q13 1q14 1q15 RUB/USD RATE SOURCE: BLOOMBERG $bln $/bbl 120 100 80 40 40 0 1q11 Conservative financial policy improves FCF outlook 60 2009 1q10 OIL PRICE 60 2008 1q09 SOURCE: COMPANY DATA, BLOOMBERG EBITDA and NET DEBT during 2008-2010 crisis 120 0 1q08 60 30 40 20 20 0 2008 2009 2010 CAPEX 2011 FCF 2012 2013 9M14 2015E LTM OIL PRICE (RIGHT SCALE) 45 DIVERSIFICATION OF CAPITAL MARKETS INCREASE OF GAZPROM GDR HOLDERS IN ASIA-PACIFIC AsiaPasific 4% AsiaPacific 10% Other 0% Northern America 48% Europe 48% Potential listing on Hong Kong or other Asian stock exchanges Other 1% Europe 43% Northern America 46% Gazprom obtains credit rating from an Asian rating agency 2008 2014 Gazprom GDRs were listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange Growth of international investor base Targeting 24-hour trading of the Company's securities on international platforms Gazprom’s credit rating may potentially exceed the sovereign credit rating of Russia Gazprom 2015 Investor Day held in Hong Kong and Singapore Special focus on Asian markets during road shows and investor meetings SOURCE: ANALYTIC SURVEY NASDAQ OMX, T1IR DECEMBER 2014 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 46 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Information disclosure Gazprom shareholding structure 2006 (AS OF 31.12) 2014 (AS OF 30.06) Transparency of Gazprom's activities is ensured through 36,80% 38,37% 26,23% 13,20% Over 18 years of audited IFRS reports publication Timely and complete disclosure of information (including on Gazprom's website) as required by applicable laws and regulations Disclosure of all material information in the English language 38,37% 23,54% 10,74% 0,89% 10,97% 0,89% RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION ROSNEFTEGAZ* ROSNEFTEGAZ* ROSGAZIFIKATSIYA* ROSGAZIFIKATSIYA* HOLDERS OF DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS HOLDERS OF DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS OTHER LEGAL ENTITIES AND INDIVIDUALS OTHER LEGAL ENTITIES AND INDIVIDUALS Corporate governance improvement Actions taken in 2014 Actions in progress Gazprom shares included in the First Level quotation list of Russian Stock Exchanges Enhancement of the incentive programme for the members of the Board of Directors Clearly defined information disclosure processes set by robust internal regulations New indicators TSR and ROE (jointly weighing 30%) added to the KPIs for Management Creation of a Corporate Secretary function Equal access of all stakeholders to the disclosed information The Corporate Ethics Committee established according to the Gazprom's Code of Corporate Ethics Extension of the period up to 38 days for providing information materials for Shareholders Meetings * INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE Improvement of Gazprom's website content Continued efforts for implementation of ethical business practices within the framework of the Corporate Ethics Committee's activities Entities controlled by the Russian Government 47 VALUATION COMPARISONS VS PEERS EV/2013 proved reserves* EV/EBITDA 9M2014 LTM 25 8 17 16 14 15 5 13 5 5 7 5 4 4 4 8 10 3 3 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 Gazprom’s reserves — prms, other companies — sec Petrobras’ financial statements data is on 1H2014 *** Rosneft’s data is adjusted on prepayment on long-term oil supply agreements Market data as of 28/01/2015 Novatek Rosneft*** Lukoil Rosneft PetroChina Petrobras** Total BP Shell Chevron 3 2 3 Rosneft*** Rosneft*** PetroChina Petrobras** Total BP Shell Chevron Exxon Gazprom 0 7 Novatek 69 6 Lukoil 61 Rosneft 59 6 PetroChina 55 Novatek 25 Lukoil 100 Rosneft 122 150 10 10 Petrobras** 188 192 13 Total 202 200 13 11 BP 229 250 16 Shell 268 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Chevron 300 Exxon Rosneft*** Novatek Lukoil Rosneft 311 P/E 9M2014 LTM Exxon 350 PetroChina Petrobras** Total BP Shell Chevron Exxon Gazprom EV/2013 production Gazprom 0 0 50 3 3 5 USD / boe 7 5 6 Gazprom USD / boe 20 7 7 19 19 * ** INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE SOURCE: BLOOMBERG, COMPANY DATA 48 VALUE DRIVERS 1 3 INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE Unparalleled Fundamentals 2 Sound Strategy & Strong Market Position 17% of global gas reserves Natural gas is future of the world energy 72% of Russian gas reserves Gazprom is a global energy major 14% of global gas production 30% share in the European gas market 73% of Russian gas production >100% Reserve replacement ratio Diversification of products and export markets is key to our business continuity Improving Corporate Governance 4 Conservative Financial Policy Focus on shareholders value Impressive profitability Solid dividend policy Conservative CAPEX management Increased level of transparency Efficient system of OPEX management Commitment to sustainable development Strong liquidity ratios 49 CONTACTS FOR INVESTORS ANDREY BARANOV Deputy Head of Directorate E-mail: ir@gazprom.ru IVAN KHROMUSHIN Head of Division Phone: (007) (495) 719-3143 E-mail: I.Khromushin@adm.gazprom.ru INVESTOR DAY 2015 HONG KONG, SINGAPORE 50
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