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News For and About The People of West Philadelphia October 1 -7, 2010 • Vol. 22• No. 31 • (215) 474-7411 • FAX (215) 474-WEST • P.O. Box 19437 • Phila., PA. 19143 • E-Mail: WestsidePA@AOL.COM “We Are Not A Halfway House!” They're Really Fed Up!! Nathaniel Lee Westside Correspondent Outraged community organizers from across the city gathered at 67th and Woodland Avenue to rally against the escalating violence which culminated in the shooting of Daishaun Brown, 2, and Joseph Brown, 8. Shouting “enough is enough,” rally participants challenged residents of the area to stand up and retake control of their communities. Despite sparse attendance from residents, the activists and reformers were undeterred. “Let’s not wait for the whole community to fill the streets because, in reality, that’s not going to happen,” said Donald Cave who spoke at the rally on behalf of Senator Anthony H. Williams, “I know you don’t see the whole community out here but it doesn’t necessarily take the whole community to make some change,” said Cave. Rep. Ronald G. Waters challenged the perpetrators to turn themselves in and reflected on the days of old when child killers and those who harmed innocent men, women and children were despised even by criminals. “They need to feel the pressure from this community,” said Waters of the gunman who remain at large. “How dare you shoot a two year old and an eight year old boy in our community,” Waters shouted as he challenged residents to come out of their homes and show support by joining the rally. Anetta Johns, mother of the two boys shot while playing in front of their homes, pleaded with anyone who has witnessed the incident to come forward, stating that her children no longer felt safe in the neighborhood. The protest billed the “Fed up Rally” was organized by the non-profit group ‘Creating a Village” and despite the small turn out from local residents, ralliers were able to bring together representatives from numerous groups such as the National Action Network, Concerned Men of Cobbs Creek, No House Untouched, and a host of others. By Tyree Johnson Editor/Publisher At a community meeting last week, some neighbors said they were alarmed at what the old Adelphia Boarding Home at 57th and Walnut Streets was being used for. It’s a halfway house filled with some unsavory men — even criminals, some believed. Our seniors were afraid even to walk by that building, others warned. And, they’re just bad people who’ll do our children and elders harm, were other comments. Not so, says Ms. Sakina Dean. “We are not a halfway house.” Instead, Ms. Dean describes the old three-story building as a “transitional housing management initiative” run by the faith-based “Everything Must Change Through, Divine Light, Inc.” (The commas are that of the organization.) Ms. Dean is the execu- tive director and a cofounder of the program aimed at helping men with various chemical addictions. “We take pride in our work and our clients and who we represent,” she said, adding that the program is trying to create “a safe, sober and clean environment” in this West Philly neighborhood. Ms. Sakina Dean Although she said she has met with gram opened with a ribbon various residents and police, cutting back on August 17th there is still a perception in that was attended by various the community that a “half- neighbors, a representative way” filled with dangerous from Councilwoman Jannie men have come to a commu- Blackwell’s office and the nity already plagued by drugs police department. and violence. In fact, Blackwell’s office Ms. Dean plans to meet presented a citation hailing the with those neighbors on Mon- program, according to Ms. day, October 4th at 7 PM at Dean, a 12-year therapist. the Sayre Recreation Center, The program currently 59th and Spruce Streets. has 24 male clients - 18-years The program is leasing and older — with room for up the Adelphia building that to 50 in the 19-bedroom buildwas once provided housing ing, she reported. The buildfor homeless and needy indi- ing is already zoned for use viduals. as a group home. The new drug-free proNone of the men are court Brady: Bill Gives Elections Back To Voters Last week, Brady’s House Administration Committee approved the Fair Elections Now Act -a historic step forward in putting elections back in the hands of voters. The bill, which would allow candidates to ignore corporations and special interests and run competitive campaigns by relying on small donations from their voters, will now go to the House floor for a vote. The Congressman said, “The bill is designed to ensure that elections are put back in the hands of everyday working Americans, instead of us relying on corporate lobbyists to fund our political campaigns. If we are to have a government that is fair, effective and accountable, we need to have a system in which individual voters are as important as Brady greets Fair Elections supporter Mamie Young corporate lobbyists.” the American people.” “With this committee The Fair Elections Now vote, voters won and special Act would allow candidates interests lost,” says David to raise donations of $100 or Donnelly, campaign manager less from their home state, of the Campaign for Fair Elec- which would be matched on tions. “Chairman Robert a four-to-one basis. The sysBrady and his colleagues on tem is funded by the sale of the Committee must be com- broadcast spectrum, with no mended for their strong lead- cost to taxpayers. ership on Fair Elections, and Learn more about the bill for voting to place govern- at ment back into the hands of assigned, explained Ms. Dean. All are voluntary admitted through various detox programs or medical facilities and spend 6 to 18 months at the facility. These are people who want and need help to overcome their addition, said Ms. Dean. Once there, the men must rise at 5:30 AM, help to clean up the neighborhood, perform other duties as outpatients, attend a Narcotic Anonymous meetings and be back at the facility before the 9 PM curfew. The program receives no city, state or federal funds, according to Ms. Dean. Instead, the clients pay for the services. “Addiction is a family disease,” explains Ms. Dean. “It affects more than one person.” She added the men who come to her program want help to get back to leading a more productive life. Read & View Westside Stories at our Website: 2 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY October 1 - 7, 2010 NEIGHBORHOOD PHARMACY NOW ACCEPTING TRANSFERS FROM RITE AID • CVS • WALGREENS TH CORNER OF 57 & MARKET 5649 Market St • 215-307-3609 • Fax: 215-307-3613 FREE DELIVERY ACCEPTING ALL INSURANCES Including Workman’s Compensation & Auto Injury Keystone Mercy * Health Partners * Americhoice FRIENDLY SERVICE & 10 MINUTE WAIT TIME Ask About The Free Medicine Program BRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES & WE WILL TRANSFER THEM FOR YOU FREE GIFT WITH PRESCRIPTION TRANSFER October 1 - 7, 2010 Girl Scouting In West Philly Girl Scouting: Fun, Friends, & Fantastic Ops On September 17, 2010, Girl Scout of Eastern Pennsylvania, Buttons and Bows Service Unit open its 20102011 season with a “Registration Kick-Off” in Cobbs Creek at 63rd and Cedar Avenue. Girl Scouting is for every girl, everywhere-where today’s girls can become tomorrow’s leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts is open to girls ages 5-17; women and men over 17 can join as adult members. Most girls join a local troop or group for fun and friendship, but they also find West Philadelphia troops are listed below. Wharton Wesley Church 54th & Catherine Street Sat. 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Peake’s Little Angels 5221 Baltimore Ave. Sat. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. White Rock Baptist Church 53rd & Chestnut Street Sat. 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Fifty Ninth Street Baptist Church 5901 Spruce Street Sat. 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Karen Harris(Service Unit Manger) with area Girl Scouts. YMCA out about building character Gravely at (215) 476-5057 or 5120 Chestnut Street and self-esteem and serving Zandra West at 215-564-2030 Fri. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 their communities. ext 1042. Registration fee is p.m.(Biweekly) If you are interested in $12.00. Additional activity Mt. Zion Baptist registering in for a Girl Scout fees and troop dues will be Outreach Center troop in West Philadelphia, announced at individual troop 5015 Woodland Ave. please contact Ms. Marie meetings. Fri. 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Jimmy’s Angels (59th & Catherine Sts.) (215) -747-6696 Basic Weave Cap $60 EasterSPECIALS Specials FALL New Customers Only • CUTS • CURLS • PERMS Basic Waves....... $20 Basic B/C............$25 Basic Jerri Curls.$40 & up Braids........................$35 & up HOURS: Mon - Sat. 8 AM to 5:30 click on Jimmy’s Angels! OPERATOR NEEDED Sayre Rec. Center 5835 Spruce Street Fri. 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. A.I.C.P. 4414 Walnut Street Fri. 5:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Calvary Lutheran Church 54th and Springfield Ave. Fri. 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.(Biweekly) Bryant School 60th and Cedar Ave. Wed. 3:30 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Parent Infant Center 4205 Spruce Street Fri. 6:15 p.m.-7:45 p.m.(2nd and 4th) Bethany Missionary Baptist Church 5749 Warrington Ave. Mon. 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Christie Rec. Center 56th & Christian Street Wed. 6:00 p.m. FATIMA'S 5212 Chestnut St. (215) 747-2091 Mon. to Thurs. Special 701 S. 59th St. SPECIALIZING IN PRESS-N-CURL 3 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY ATM African Hair Braiding Shop SPECIALIZING IN ALL TYPES OF BRAIDS FALL SPECIALS CORN ROLLS........….....$40 & UP KINKY TWIST..................$140 & UP Specials Honored With This Ad MICRO BRAIDS.......…$130 & UP FREE PARKING WE SELL AFRICAN ATTIRE & MORE WE PROVIDE YAKI HAIR We Accept Credit Cards 4818 Spruce St. • 215- 476-8898 C A K M M H Health l h andGospel l Fair Extravaganza The c o ticket ncert is a ed eve nt.* A ope, Health and Healing H f o y Da Saturday, October 2, 2010 Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ 6401 Ogontz Avenue, Philadelphia, PA H F begins at 2:30 P.M. GPS TBUOPDIBSHF BNNPHSBN r. O DZ)FBMUI1MB ,FZTUPOF.FS NFNCFST POF "$GPS,FZTU r)FNPHMPCJO T 1MBONFNCFS .FSDZ)FBMUI r$IPMFTUFSPM PE4VHBS r(MVDPTF#MP EFY#.* r#PEZ.BTT*O SF r#MPPE1SFTTV rcy Members Keystone Me MUST CALL 7262 to register. 215-937- G E begins at S P P begins at 4:00 P.M. A 6:30 P.M. r8PSLTIPQTBOENPUJWBUJPOBMTQFBLFST r1BNQFSJOH1BSUZNBTTBHFTBOETQB treatments) Breast cancer survivors, call 215-635-1025 or visit: *There is no cost for breast cancer survivors and Keystone Mercy members who participate in the Health Fair. Lonnie Hu nter & Str ucture Th and e Brocking ton Ensem ble V oices of Pr aise CeCe McGh ee Call for more in formation 215-635-1025 or visit: www.G 4 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY October 1 - 7, 2010 Cheyney to Host 1st Ed Bradley Scholarship Gala tion. Officials at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania are planning their first Ed Bradley Scholarship Gala event, which is scheduled for Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 6PM on the University’s main campus. The red carpet event is being sponsored by the Cheyney University Founda- “We thank our Honorary Chairman, Dr. Bill Cosby for his generosity of influence and spirit that will help us generate needed scholarship dollars for the 'Call Me MISTER Program' -- our urban K-12 teacher education program focusing on producing more male teachers of color I'm Getting My Start At Woodbine Academy It is widely known that the better start your child has, the more successful he or she will be in life. It is also widely known that you can't buy a better start for your child than preschool at Woodbine Academy. You don't have to look "Across City Avenue" to find a good preschool for your child. At Woodbine Academy, we have the expertise, the experience ane the commitment to give your child the kind of preschool experience you are looking for, at a cost you can afford. For an appointment or for more information, call 215-878-1140. 5337 WYNNEFIELD AVE. • PHILA., PA 19131 • (215) 878-1140 and more female teachers in the STEM areas,” says University President, Dr. Michelle Howard-Vital. This special tribute to University alumnus, the late Ed Bradley, will benefit the University’s 'Call Me MISTER' (Mentors Instructing Students Towards Effective Role Models) program. Ed Bradley graduated from Cheyney University in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science in Education. Throughout his career and lifetime, Bradley proudly proclaimed the benefit of receiving an education from Cheyney University as he rose to the status of American icon. Dr. William H. Cosby, Jr., who is the Honorary Chairperson of the 'Call Me MISTER program' at Cheyney University, refers to the University as “Ed Bradley’s school.” In recognition of his late friend and distinguished alumnus, who is best known for his role with CBS’s “60 Minutes” and for his style of investigative journalism, Dr. Cosby will be performing in concert. Originally, the Call Me MISTER program was cre- Faith Connection Christian Academy 517 South 57th Street 267-592-0974 FCCA High School Diploma Program Complete four years in 16 months or less. For those who qualify, participate in Cap & Gown Graduation/Prom Who is eligible: Ages 16 through Adult Small Class Sizes • Christian Curriculum • Affordable Tuition Classes Held from 3 to 6 Twilight Only FCCA Is Now Accepting Pre-K til Kindergarten Ed Bradley ated at Clemson University and provides opportunity and access for a diverse student population. In 2006, State Representative James Roebuck (D), Chairman of the House Education Committee, championed and secured $1 million in seed funding in order to bring the Call Me MISTER program to Pennsylvania. . Cheyney University is one of four HBCUs to join the program. Unlike Clemson University, Cheyney University does not receive dedicated annual state funding for the continuation of this program. University officials are optimistic that the benefit gala will bring awareness to the importance of this program; as well as serve as vehicle to annually honor the life and legacy of Ed Bradley. For more info on sponsorship opportunities or to purchase tickets, please contact 1-877-698-9988. Poetry Writing Workshop Have you wanted to write a poem but not know how to begin? What tools can a poet use to turn ordinary words into artful speech? Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library is hosting a Poetry Writing Workshop on, Wednesday, October 13, 2010 @ 6:00 p.m. This workshop, will provide tips and suggestions on how to develop and improve your poetry writing. Positive feedback will help you revise your new poem into a more mature literary work. A stimulating discussion and writing prompt will get you started. The workshop will conclude with resources for continuing reading and writing poetry. Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library is located at 125 South 52nd Street. For more information call 215-685-7433. Stress Free Travel Stimuli Trips (Stimuli cause $45.00 or less)!!! All Prices are Per Person October 9, 2010.........Aqueduct...........Flea Market Shopping Cost $40.00............Group of Ten..One Goes Free November 26, 2010......Black Friday Shopping in Rehoboth, Delaware Costs $40.00........Tax Free Shopping, Group of Ten..One Goes Free December 4,2010......Mohegan Sun Casino in the Poconos Costs $39.99................Buffet and Casino Play (30.00 Casino Return) December 11, 2010...New York Shopping Trip...Costs $45.00 ....3 Trips in one...Century 21..Canal Street...34th & Broadway January 15, 2011........Helen’s 21st Birthday Again!!! Costs $30.00........Bus to AC Casino, Soul Food Dinner, Casino Rebate, DJ Music, Dancing Payments to: STRESS FREE TRAVEL, INC. 5119 Pine St., Suite #1 • (215) 476-0983 Discover Your Music Talent!! Al's Music Service Don't Be A Wallflower At the Party Jump In The Line and DANCE can help you reach your goal 879-3186 CALL TODAY (215) KEYBOARD INSTRUCTION SPECIALIZING IN GOSPEL MUSIC Hours : Mon.,Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9am-9pm; Wed 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-3pm Voice, Bass, Drums, Violin, Music Theory & Guitar Instruction WHY AL's MUSIC: • Teachers who play & sing Gospel • Rrecitals FREE for family and Friends • Banquets, Weddings & Funeral Services • Classes at your church • Reasonable Rates Men & Women Meets Wednesday 6:30 - 8 PM 6150 Cedar Avenue (Christian Compassion CDC Community Center) Ask about our Computer Classes We Also Accept: $5/ Class Learn Line Dancing With Barbara Call Barbara @ 215-474-7411 DEBIT CARD See Our Video Ad at October 1 - 7, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY I am prepared. I have to be. I would never leave the house without knowing where I was going. And I would never do something as important as voting without first going to Prepare now. Get all the information you need to make sure your voice is heard. Visit or call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772). 5 6 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY October 1 - 7, 2010 The Readers Write About That "Red" Picture Dear Readers: In our September 17th issue, we published a graphic picture of a Rasul Gresham, 33, lying in a pool of his own blood after being shot in his head four times on the 5900 Block of Pine Street. Since then, a number of readers have written to express an opinion on the printing of that picture (a copy appears on our website: On this page are a few more letters about that picture. -- Tyree Johnson, Editor/Publisher of the Westside Weekly ...A Lession to be learned Dear Mr. Johnson: As a long time reader I was not offended one bit as to this graphic photo. In regards to what lead to the premature death of this young man, I think as a journalist you had to run with it. The young people of this community should see this, his life should be a cautionary tale. This is where you will end up if you delve in negativity. Young people should also ask this question -- is the fake bling and the lure of fast money worth your life! To make a long strory short, to counter balance this article, you give positive stories of young people such as the young woman who was Validictorian at Notre Dame this past June as well as the 13 year old who is currently attending Morehouse College not to mention the numerous young people who received scholarships to go on to more education beyond high school. Keep up the Good Work! — Y.C. ...Everybody wants to be silent, I understand why you posted that picture of the West Philly murder victim Rasul R. Gresham and I fully support you, Yes, the photo was graphic but it needed to be done because there’s too much violence on our streets and people in the community are quick to point out that the West Side Weekly was wrong for posting the picture but yet the same community won’t give police the information ...because of your cold heart Yes, I was very upset to see the photo of Rasul laying in a pool of blood. When I heard the he was shot and killed, I looked in my album to see if I had any pictures of him. I found a picture of him at one of my cookouts. That was the way I ...What happened to the privacy act? Good Morning, Westside Weekly. I have a little complaint. My concern is of the young that was shot the other day. Why would you guys put his picture on the front page This is my opinion. of your paper. The family is My prayers go out to this going through (a tough) time family. I hope your prayers as is. I think this makes it do also. -- L.B. even worse for them. What You all have a bless day. happened to the privacy act? Hallelujah Storms Beauty Salon 248 S. 56th Street Appt Welcome 215-748-9910 Fall RELAXER SPECIAL $50 & Up Conditioner & Trim WAVE NOVEAU CURL $65 & UP • 2-STRAND TWIST • SISTER LOCKS • PRESS & CURL • BLOW DRY & CURL • ROD SET • & ALL TYPES OF HAIR WEAVES Individual Eyelash Extension Christian Atmosphere FLEA MARKET ATTENTION VENDORS!! Tables available for St. Francis DeSales Flea Market Saturday • October 16, 2010 47th & Springfield Ave. Call 215-222-2255 or 215-222-5819 Rain or Shine wanted to reflex back on. But because of your cold heart you decided to show him in newspaper dead with his head wide opened. I think you have caused more harm than good. Did you think at all that his mother and siblings would see that? What kind of person would do that? Do you really think that would make any difference For Ads Call 215474-7411 Having Your Child's Birthday Party at Home? Call Mlanjeni Magical Theater (Corner of 56th & Locust Sts.) Scalp Treatment needed to solve this crime despite it happening in broad daylight. I can’t understand us black people. Sometimes we can write letters to the Westside Weekly complaining about showing such a graphic picture but nobody has the guts to stand up and say what they saw to solve this man's murder.. And here’s another example: a young man who accused the police of brutal- ity outside of the Chinese store. Did you see how many witnesses came forward and how somebody with a cell phone camera’s had video of that situation? But when somebody gets killed in the neighborhood everybody wants to be silent, It’s amazing how people scream at the top of their lungs about possible police misconduct, but when somebody is shot in broad daylight on a West Philly street nobody says anything or knows anything !!!!! — CM to these murders? More than likely they are really bragging about the photo. It is sad how our young people seem not to have any God conscious anymore. I don’t have an answer but I will never believe this was the best way to wake up the people. A very upset former reader, --A.A. All City Self Storage Need storage? When you move in you get. Free Truck and Driver or Free Month Rent Magic Show, Puppets, FacePainting, Fun & Balloon Animals for everyone! For details: (215) 382-0863 PACKAGES START AT $40 Come One, Come All To Our Annual Bazaar & Health Fair Tabernacle Lutheran Church 59th & Spruce Sts. Saturday • October 2nd 9 AM - 4 PM 50/50 Raffle • Food for Sale Non-Invasive Health Screenings! Vendors Fashion Handbags • Natural Body & Skincare (Aromatherapy) ª Henna Tatoos • Hand-Crafted Jewelry & Pens • Hats • Socks • Belts Come and bring the family out for a day of fun and fellowship! 215-471-1002 5500 Sansom Street Open 7 Days - Great Rates Gloria Wedding Consulting I am honored to do as little or as much as you desire, from simple advice to complete coordination of your shower, rehearsal, wedding reception and honeymoon. I will take charge of all the details, from rehearsal and ceremony to honeymoon and bridal party gifts, so you can relax and enjoy your special day. I will always work within your budget. Contact Gloria 215-472-2066 Email me at October 1 - 7, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY I highly recommend that “Waiting For Superman,” is a must see documentary and. It’s a movie every parent must see because to them, it may be the most important film that you have seen in years. A Paramiount Picture Release, MPPA Rating: Running Time: 102 minutes. Waiting For Superman By Don Smallwood Entertainment Correspondent I found “Waiting for “Superman,” a documentary on the country's educational system to be emotionally engaging, heart-wrenching and very moving! And there’s no question that this film is an important educational movie which is thoughtfully well crafted, and sincerely gives audiences a real in-death perspective about the situations that our children, parents and teachers are facing in our schools. ‘Waiting for “Superman,” is a documentary that goes right to the heart in focusing on the fates of some irresistibly real kids and the loving, frustrated parents and grandparents who care for them. And it’s about the personal stories or children at risk, regardless of the politics that will be argued for as long as we’re here on Earth. You knowm it’s very sad for me to say this, but former President George W. Bush’s “No child left behind” was a major disappointment. It didn’t help improve our young people’s educational learning progress and it let our youth down as well as our school system! Despite increased spending and politicians’ promises, our buckling public-education system, once the best in the world, routinely forsakes the education of millions of children. Filmmaker Davis Scene from Waiting For Superman Guggenheim’s documentary reminds us that education “statistics” have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN.” He follows these handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages academic growth. Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive inspection of public education, surveying “drop-out factories” and “academic sinkholes,” methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems. However, embracing the belief that good teachers make good schools, Guggenheim offers hope by exploring innovative approaches taken by education reformers and charter schools that have -- in reshaping the culture -- refused to leave their students behind! TUTORING The School House - Sponsored By: WOW CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Classes for All Ages & Grades MATH • READING • ENGLISH • PHONICS One-on-One Instructions • Weekly Evaluations & Testing • Affordable • Classes Forming Now!! 215-710-0046 Our English, Reading and Math Classes are College Preparatory. • Make sure your child passes their college entrance exam. G.E.D. Preparatory Classes • Affordable & Flexible Distinctive Diva Hair Salon 5629 Spruce St. Weave Caps $50 In $65 215-474-5622 Sew Relaxers $35 Press 'n' Curl $35 Wash 'n' Curl $25 Ponytail $30 Fingerwaves $16 Cornrows $35 & up Cut 'n' Curl $40 Special Price or Bring this Ad with U. Now until September 1st • Open Monday - Saturday, 9 AM - 6 PM On October 10, 2010, The “Your Date With Destiny” life-changing event will help attendees understand how they can define their destiny, maximize their potential and live the life of their dreams! The event features Tasha Smith and Rev. Dr. LaVerne Adams who will be discussing a proven system for fulfilling your dreams and 10 reasons why life may not be working for you. Rev Adams is pastor of Cathedral of Praise on Haverford Ave. This destiny altering event will be held at the Mansion on Main Street in Voorhees, NJ at 5PM and includes a reception, destiny dialog, drama and dinner. Transportation is available. What are the keys to iden- ing 12 secret keys that inspire readers to overcome feelings of confusion and frustration, while navigating their own unique destiny roadmap to ensure success. For more info call Ms. Erby at 215/954-2257 WE CARE ABOUT YOUR HAIR Queen’s Unique Rev. Adams' Date With Destiny Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late Natural Hair, Colors & Treatments 50% OFF Make an appointment to Get UR tifying goals and achieving success during challenging times? How can one design life and drive toward it with passion and conviction? Dr. LaVerne Adams will also release her new book “Driven by Destiny,” reveal- 7 Hair Design 301 Cobbs Creek Pkwy 474-1537 (215) FALL SAVINGS Queen's Specials Relaxer, Blow Curl, Cond., Ends Trim……..$55 Press -n- Curl, Ponytails, Cond.………..…...$40 Shampoo -n- Braids, Cond.…Ext Hair Extra… …$55 SENIOR CITIZEN Wednesday & Thursday (55 yrs. & Older) Relaxer, Blow Curl Partial Quick Weave Cap w/ Ponytail Option Spiral Twist w/ Spike Flip No Maintenance Up Do (Hair Included) Friday & Saturday Specials Whole Weave………………………………………….$95 Weave Cap…………………………………………….$65 Take this ad to your local Y branch to redeem your ONE WEEK FREE MEMBERSHIP now through October 4, 2010! Promo Code: PA100 JOIN US. EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE. Visit your local Y today! Abington YMCA 1073 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 (215) 884-9622 Main Line YMCA 100 St. George’s Road Ardmore, PA 19003 (610) 649-0700 Ambler Area YMCA 1325 McKean Road Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 628-9950 Northeast Family YMCA 11088 Knights Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 632-0100 Christian Street YMCA 1724 Christian Street Philadelphia, PA 19146 (215) 735-5800 Rocky Run YMCA 1299 W. Baltimore Pike Media, PA 19063 (610) 627-9622 Columbia North YMCA 1400 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 (215) 235-6440 Roxborough Area YMCA 7201 Ridge Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 482-3900 Ft. Washington Wellness Center 410 Commerce Drive Ft. Washington, PA 19034 (215) 641-1245 West Philadelphia YMCA 5120 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19139 (215) 476-2700 Hatboro Area YMCA 440 South York Road Hatboro, PA 19040 (215) 674-4545 YMCA of Philadelphia & Vicinity • 888-266-YMCA Membership includes 11 YMCA locations. 8 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY A Delightful Fall Fruit Salad By Yahimba Uhuru Fall is here, and it brings with it an assortment of apples as well as great tasting pears. This fall fruit salad consist of: apples, currants, grapes, pears, bananas, dates, and a nice dollop of soy vanilla yogurt with a sprinkle of flax seeds. Here is the medicinal properties of all the mentioned fruit. Not only will you be eating a great fruit salad but you will be feeding the soul. • Apples act like a vacuum cleaner for the colon because it contain about 3.6 grams of fiber. Apples have anti-can- cer properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and they help to detoxify the body. Apples are said to help prevent lung disorders. Make sure you use organic apples because conventional apples are said to be on the list of produce with heavy pesticide residues. An apple a day does keep the doctor away! • Currants: these little things help to slow the aging process as well as to treat diarrhea and sore throat. They inhibit cancer growth and are antibacterial. Eat currants to treat inflammation in the body! • Grapes: this super fruit helps rid the body of toxins and increase energy! They are very good for the skin and help to prevent blood clots. They are loaded with vitamins and other important nutrients and help to prevent osteoporoses! • Pears: I love a ripe pear, it is like eating candy! This fruit helps to treat colitis, gallbladder disorders and gout. Pears can help to lower high blood pressure and because of the fiber content, they make a good laxative. It is said that the fiber in pears may cut down on the number of cancerous colon polyps. • Bananas: My sources state that bananas provide vital nutrients to people suffering from alcoholism, hypertension, hemorrhoids, heart Glenn A. Brown, DMD Dental Director ABOUT YOUR SMILE P.C. t ccep We A rances Insu Most New ts Patien e m o Welc October 1 - 7, 2010 t ccep We A rom Your F ist rrals Refe eral Dent n e G 6776 MARKET STREET, UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 (610) 734-0115 Celebrating 25 Years of Service to the Community disorders, high cholesterol, ulcers, and diarrhea. I love a nice ripe cold banana, it cuts my craving for sweets. They are great in smoothies, and if too overripe, wrap them in plastic and freeze it later for a smoothie. • Dates: Dates are Nature’s natural laxatives and are linked to lower rates of certain cancers especially pancreatic cancer. I always add a couple of dried ones to my smoothies to it. They are fat-free, but should be avoided if you are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors for depression. • Soy Yogurt: this nondairy treat is high in protein and contain probiotics which is good for colon health. This yogurt helps to reduce cholesterol and help to fight cancer. Cafe Indigo Gourmet Herbs & Spices No Preservatives or Salt 3.5 oz Containers @ $5.00 ea. Poultry Seasoning • Jamaican Jerk • Italian Seasoning • Apple Spice • Etc. Contact: Chef Sheila 267-970-7358 • Flax seeds: effective laxative and might protect against strokes. Flax seeds are said to slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis. Make this delicious and medicinal fruit salad and share with a friend. Please purchase all the items organic to achieve the most from this recipe. Enjoy and make your body happy! Peace, Yahimba P.S. I want to thank 5 wonderful brothers who came to my aid, when I needed help! Thank you Brother Komi Sankofa, Thank you Brother Zumi, Thank you Brother Hank Wheeler, Thank you Brother Terry Biggs, and Thank you Brother Tyree Johnson!!! I salute you great African brothers who remember that we all need each other and for being there when I needed help! I salute you all! P.S.S. I want to say Happy Earthday to my beautiful daughter Halima, and my 3 handsome son-in-laws Tiron Hudson, Dhafir “No Fear” Smith, and Lawrence Davis. I wish you all good health, wisdom, and all that your heart desires! Thank you all for being in my life! Family Dentistry ** Offering Invisalign ** AND Implants Contemplate a practice which offers a full range of dental services in a comfortable, modern office. Dr. Singh has a depth of experience to effectively treat all of your dental needs including specific dental discomforts. • Extractions • Dentures • Cleanings • Whitening • Implants • Gum Treatment • Crowns • Cosmetic Bonding • TMJ Treatment • Nitrous Oxide (Gas) Available J.P. Singh DDS, PC 408 N. 63rd St. 215-472-5500 HOURS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY -- ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCES AND CREDIT CARDS Janice Huirt Gastroenterology Patient Mercy Starts With Me “ Mercy Philadelphia changed my life.” Imagine not being able to eat or swallow anything without pain – that was my life. I couldn’t understand why it hurt so much when I swallowed. My doctor recommended that I see a specialist and sent me to Mercy Philadelphia Hospital’s Gastroenterology Center. After a series of tests, it was discovered that scar tissue from a childhood injury had formed in my esophagus and was causing dysphagia – basically, difficulty swallowing. At Mercy Philadelphia, I had a non-surgical procedure called EGD (esophageal dilatation) where the doctor used an endoscope – a video camera – and specialized catheter to stretch the narrowed part of my esophagus. Almost immediately after the procedure, I was able to swallow without pain and I haven’t had any problems since. Last Thanksgiving was the first time in years that I could actually enjoy dinner with my family. I am ecstatic! My life has changed for the better, all because I chose to go to Mercy Philadelphia Hospital. 215.748.9000 Mercy Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Center The Center specializes in the comprehensive outpatient and inpatient gastroenterology services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the Upper GI Tract, Lower GI Tract and Liver offering: • Cutting-edge, minimally invasive technology providing more efficient procedures with higher quality imaging results • Management of Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Disorders • The Liver Clinic at Mercy Philadelphia Hospital offers diagnosis, treatment and educational support programs for patients with acute and chronic liver disease. October 1 - 7, 2010 Things Can Only Get Better For The U-City Football Team By Napoleon F. Kingcade Westside Sports Reporter John Casey takes the handoff from the quarterback. He smashes through a bunch of defenders leaving them in a cloud of dust. Too fast and too tough to be stopped. For jersey No.8, this is a normal routine for him. His University City High teammates have seen him do this many times during team practices. The 5-8,180 pound running back is always fast on his feet and hard to stop. Whenever Casey runs into trouble and gets stopped, his brother always applauses the defense for stopping him. His brother is Lorrell McCook who just happens to be the head coach of the University City High football team. Together as brothers, Lorrell McCook and John Casey are determined to turn this football team around. When you look at their faces, it easy to see how bad they want to win their first game of the season. For these two brothers, it 9 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY runningback,” said Coach McCook. “He’s a great guy on and off his the field. He’s really an outstanding athlete and student. I use him as a role model for the rest of the guys on the team. He’s one of our captains. He’s the first tA Wha u Do re Yo G ing ation nform o od I one on the field and the last one to leave the field.” Coach McCook said his brother doesn’t take an advantage of him being his brother and he doesn’t cut Continued on Page 10 hS r Hig e t f A l? choo ight F n + Pla Br ning = uture College and Career Fair Saturday, October 16, 2010 WHERE: U-City Coach McCook gives instructions to a player. hasn’t been easy for them to watch their team to start off the season at 0-3. It hasn’t been easy for them to watch the team give up 132 points and to score only 13 points in the team’s first three games. Despite the team’s bad start, Coach McCook still preaches positive words to his players, giving them the motivation to play better football on the field. Meanwhile his brother, John, still continues to run the football. Even though he hasn’t scored a touchdown this season. The junior running back continues to think positive and work harder in practice. “He always tells me to play hard and never give up,” said Casey about his brother. “As long I’m doing my best, that’s always going to be good enough for him. That’s what I try to do at every practice and every game.” Coach McCook likes what he sees in his younger brother. “He’s showing a lot of promise of being a great Monumental Baptist Church 4948 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19139 TIME: 9:00a - 12:00p College/Career Fair Committee Audrey Walden Rev. Kenneth DuPree es, rsiti nive u : s h e m t wi fro olleg Visit ives hnical c t a t sen tec epre ity and x R es n u m ativ com sent e r p ies A re unit HEA port p x P o ce ervi ivil s x C Carol Young Higher Educat ion Min Doroth istry y J. Ga use, Le ader Monum ental B aptist C hurch 4948 L ocust S treet Philade lp hia, PA Rev. J. 19139 Wende ll Maps 215-74 on, Jr., 7-1414 Pastor nument The Destination for Quality Community Healthcare October 2, 2010 • 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Cedar Avenue & South 54th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143 C FREE Clinical Screenings and Assessments Meet your favorite media personality L M LIVE WDAS Broadcast with Patty Jackson Kids’ Corner with Fun Activities E K Entertainment, Food and Giveaways 01-02547 For more information, visit 10 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY October 1 - 7, 2010 He took over a U-City team that lacked organized football experience. Of the 15 seniors on the team, only six played organized football. Despite team’s lack of organized football experience, Coach McCook is relying on his younger brother along with senior runningback Martin Monroe, senior wide receiver Martez Lyles and freshrunning Brothers Coach McCook and playerJohn Casey man backs Arthur U-City Football: Coach & Brother Continued from page 9 spirit and we don’t lose our hope or faith. We are going to turn this football program around. We are going to do great things.” McCook took over the head coaching job last August after Lou Williams stepped down. C o a c h McCook was the team’s offensive coordinator for two seasons under Coach Williams. ...any slack off of him either. “He doesn’t use being my little brother as a crutch for him to get over,” said the UCity coach. “As a matter of fact, I hold him to a higher standard than anybody else. I hold him accountable for anything he does wrong. And I also expect him to keep the other guys in line as well.” When Coach McCook looks at his players, he sees a team that’s wants to win games. “They have a great spirit,” said Coach McCook. “We are a young team. We might lose games, but we don’t lose our Financing Available HOME DESIGN SHOP Winner of the Philadelphia Daily News Peoples Choice Award for Best Windows (215) 942-7938 • (215) 67 7-7098 E P A Certified Contractor • AWNINGS • RAILINGS • WINDOW GUARDS • RADIATOR COVERS Windows Vinyl Replacement $99 Doors All New Security Door Styles Starting at $359 Vinyl Siding Maintenance-Free Starting at $399 Vertical Blinds le! a S Golds, Silvers, Large Selection Call now! We Also Carry Slipcovers • Double-Insulated Glass • Double Locks • Bays & Bows • Sliders • Installation Available • Steel Entry • Security Storm • Free Dead Bolt Lock • Aluminum Storm • Wood • Garage • Installation Available • Warmer in Winter • Cooler in Summer • Never Needs Painting • Variety of colors • Increase in Home Value Visit us online at: Free Valance & Installation Benson and Robert Hall to lead the team’s offense. At quarterback, junior star Marcus Lyles who stands 5 foot 5 inches and weighs 130 pounds, will continue throw passes to his brother Martez Lyles. The U-City defensive unit includes: Senior linebacker Lain Ross and senior linebacker Jason Waters. Despite the defense giving up 132 points in 3 games, Coach McCook said the defense is learning and getting better each game. Against Mt. Poconos, U-City gave up 44 points, against Simon Gratz, U-City 62 points. But against Roxborough, last week, UCity only gave up 26 points. With upcoming games against the Martin Luther King Cougars,the West Philly Speedboys and Boys Latin High, Coach McCook hopes his team can play better. Today ( October 1st ), the U-City team plays the Martin Luther King Cougars on the road. And next week, Saturday, October 9, starting at 2PM, U-City will play the West Philly Speedboys in the Annual Homecoming Game at West Field, 48th& Spruce Sts.). “Hopefully, we can get that first win against Martin Luther King and then another one against West Philly,” said the coach’s brother. “We have to keep thinking positive. If we can continue to practice hard and get the job done then we should come out with two big wins.” HelpWanted Registered Republicans to work the polls on Election Day.Tuesday, November 2nd. Pays $95 for the day. 267.519.0779 PAID FOR BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF PENNSYLVANIA October 1 - 7, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY Big Foot Kenny, He Was Our Heart & Soul He Will Never Be Forgotten By Napoleon F. Kingcade Westside Correspondent and Owner of Magazine Showcase Music Video Show His name was Big Foot Kenny. He was a big and stocky built man who cohosted the Magazine Showcase music video show that aired on Comcast and Time Warner Cable television from 1999 to 2005. Big Foot Kenny was part of my Magazine Showcase television team. He did a lot of interviews and shared a lot of laughs with many hip-hop and R&B stars that appeared on our show. Big Foot Kenny was an energetic and loud talking individual who always spoke his mind and always kept it real with our fans. He spoke like a philosopher. He spoke with a wisdom tongue. Today, Big Foot Kenny is no longer with us. He died last Saturday, September 26, at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. Kidney and Heart failure. I cried for my friend. It was a total shock to me to eral casting members of “The Wrong Shade of Black” stage play. He was once again energetic and professional. When we finished the filming, Big Foot Kenny and I caught the subway home. I caught the 11 trolley to Darby and he caught the 36 Kenneth Carter had a big heart trolley to his know he was gone. We had home in Southwest Philly. I talked to him on the just spent an enjoyable night at the Wells Fargo Center phone the next day and again (formerly the Wachovia Cen- four days later. The last time ter) where they held The I talked to him he told me he Verizon Sweet Sounds of was coming to my place on Philadelphia Gospel Concert. Saturday to pick me up. We On that Friday night of had plans to go to Walgreen September 17, we had press to develop the pictures that credentials to cover the con- he took at the gospel concert. cert for our video show. Big However, when I didn’t hear Foot tagged along with my from him, I figured he would call me on Sunday. But incousin and I . When the concert was stead I had gotten a phone over, I caught up with Kenny call from my friend Jerry who and my cousin. I was able to told me that Kenny had passed video tape an interview that away. Today, I write this article Big Foot Kenny did with sev- to give thanks to a young man who was my friend, a person who gave his heart and love to people. During his six years on the Magazine Showcase Music Video Show, he did a lot of interviews. His biggest 11 interviews were with superstar singer Jill Scott and hiphop rapper Memphis Bleak. When he interviewed Jill Scott, he kissed her and hugged her. He was a likeable guy who loved people. He was “Mr. Excitement” on the television screen. He was explosive. Continued on Page 12 Basic Wash & Curl $25 Relaxer w/Basic Curl $45 Full Glue In $65 Full Sew In $95 (Thursday & Friday By Appointment ONLY) Restrictions apply. Ask for details before service Grand The Playpen Academy Opening 1417 Point Breeze Ave. 19145 10 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY Remembering New Church Becomes Ark of Refuge Are you searing for a church home where you can Kenneth Carter serve Christ in the fullness of who you are, right now? Well, come experience the radical inclusivity of God with the birth of a new church, The Ark of Refuge Tabernacle of Philadelphia. It's first service will be held on Sunday, October 3rd at the North American Motor Inns, 4444 City Avenue, Bala Room. Sunday school is at 9:45 AM and services start at 11. The church is founded by Elder Pamela K. Williams, pastor and daughter of long-time neighbor Novella Williams. Continued From Page 11 His death has touched our staff at Magazine Showcase. Today his family is mourning his loss. His mother, Gloria Carter and grandmother, Annie Louise Carter, say they will miss him dearly. Up until his death, he took care of them. He made sure they were being cared for. As the owner of Magazine Showcase, I will miss Big Foot Kenny. I miss his smile, his energy and his voice. He was the voice of the community. Those who knew him will tell you that. In the coming weeks, I plan to air the last interview that Big Foot Kenny did on Magazine Showcase. The show will air on Channel 7 at a date to be announced. Big Foot Kenny’s funeral will take place on Saturday, October 9, at Francis Funeral Home, 5201 Whitby Avenue. The Carter Family would like to invite those who knew “Kenny.” Please Come and pay your last respects. Viewing starts at 10 AM Service will start at 11 AM. Is There Really A God? Michael K. Heath, Sr., will tackle during an 8-week program beginning Saturday, October 2nd at Forty-Sixth Street Baptist Church, 46th That's not just a headline and Woodland Ave. For more info and time, but a question that the Reverends Martin T. Wright and call 215-386-8150. Catherine L. Grady The last time I saw Ms. Catherine L. Grady was back on July 16 in front of her Spruce Street home. She was there with family and friends to celebrate the 27th birthday of her granddaughter, Hadiyah McIver, who was murdered five years earlier in a mistaken identity ambush. The gathering released balloons that ascended into the heavens - and wept. However, this was a special celebration. A few days earlier, Ms. Grady found out that police had finally arrested McIver’s murderer, giving the family some closure. “...We always had the faith that her killer would be caught,” Ms. Grady told the Westside Weekly. About two months later, on September 25, Ms. Grady died. A viewing will be held on Saturday, October 2nd from 9-10 AM at the Wood Funeral Home, 56th and Girard Avenue from 9-10 AM followed by services. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital is committed to offering quality, compassionate healthcare services to the residents of West and Southwest Philadelphia. Our October Calendar of Events provides programs to keep you healthy all year long. October 4, 11 and 18 October 26 Diabetes Education Classes 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Breast Cancer Screening 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital Community Outreach Center 5322 Cedar Avenue Mercy Philadelphia Hospital Classes are taught by a certified diabetes educator in a supportive setting. Program is designed for newly diagnosed diabetes patients and for those who need a refresher on diabetes management. This is a 6 week program that ends October 18. Call Cynthia at 215.748.9600 for more information. October 5, 12, 19 and 26 This Breast Health Program is for women age 40 and above who do not have health insurance or health insurance that does not cover screening mammography. The program consists of a clinical breast examination, breast health education including SBE (Self Brest Examination) instructions, screening mammography and follow-up. No Charge – By Appointment Only Call Community Outreach at 215.748.9700 for more information. Blood Pressure Screening 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital Iris Henderson Conference Room Sponsored by the Wellness Community Call the Wellness Community at 215.879.7733 for more information. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital Community Outreach Center 5322 Cedar Avenue Walk-in service, no appointment necessary. Call Community Outreach at 215.748.9700 for more information. October 7 Stroke Support Group 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital, Room 133 This program is designed for those who have had a stroke or “mini” stroke (TIA) and their caregivers. Call Lynn at 215.748.9592 for more information. Fit and Quit – Smoking Cessation Support Group 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital Community Outreach Center 5322 Cedar Avenue For those who have quit but need more support or for those trying to decide to quit. Call Cynthia at 215.748.9600 for more information. 501 South 54th Street | Philadelphia, PA 19143 215.748.9000 Your POP-POP trusted us! Notary Public Low-cost MINIMUM Insurance NEW! Low-cost Full Coverage Call for FREE Quote Instant Auto Tags! Licenses, Registration, and Permits! Restore Suspended License & Tags! Notary Public ABATS AUTO TAGS 5117 Chestnut St. 215-476-4943 (866) 839-2451 Toll Free SERVING WEST PHILLY FOR 55 YEARS! OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Comply with the law for less October 28 Cancer Support Group 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 02-01379 1010 October 1 - 7, 2010 Bodies In Motion Dance Company is LOOKING for high energy dancers for up coming events!!!! AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD On Sunday, October 3d 2010 - 5:00PM at Bodies In Motion Performing Arts & Dance School 5544-46 Chester Avenue 215-727-9360 or 1-856-236-0763 Also: Come Register for dance classes ONLY $8.00 Per Class Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Salsa, Pointe, Modern Acrobatics, Adult Classes Classes Have Started. HURRY!!!!!!! October 1 - 7, 2010 Neighborhood Crime Report The following incidents were reported by police in the 18th District (55th and Pine Streets) and the 19th District (61st Street and Haverford Avenue): 18th DISTRICT INCIDENTS RAPE 9/22 - Woman, 32, assaulted in 6000 Blk. Walton Ave. AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 9/20 - Male, 17, beaten on 200 Blk. S. Alden St. 9/20 - Male, 37, shot or shot at on 5500 Blk. Baltimore Ave. 9/20 - Male, 39, shot or shot at on 800 Blk. S. 55th St. 9/21 - Woman, 43, beaten on 100 Blk. S. 57th St. 9/23 - Woman, 50, beaten on 5500 Blk. Webster St. 9/25 - Woman, 14, beaten on 5800 Blk. Walnut St. 9/25 - Woman, 39, beaten on 5800 Blk. Walnut St. ROBBERIES 9/20 - Woman, 26, purse snatched on 5700 Blk. Ludlow St. 9/20 - Woman, 67, purse snatched on 5700 Blk. Walnut St. 9/20 - Male, 25, body oils taken on 100 Blk. S. 55th St. 9/20 - Woman, 25, purse snatched on 5200 Blk. Pine St. 9/21 - Male, 25, robbed at gunpoint with cell phone taken on 5200 Blk. Locust St. 9/24 - Male, 27, money & I-Phone taken on 5200 Blk. Baltimore Ave. 9/26 - Woman, 18, cell phone taken on 6100 Blk. Pine St. BURGLARIES 9/20 - 5600 Blk. Addison; XBox360 Elite taken. 9/21 - 5700 Blk. Baltimore: copper pipes taken. 9/21 - 5600 Blk. Walnut St.; new uninstalled cabinets taken. 9/23 - 600 Blk. S. Conestoga; jewelry, dining room & kitchen sets, safe with forms & ID. 9/24 - 5700 Blk. Spruce St.; money & Acer Laptop VEHICLE THEFTS 9/17 - Chevy taken from 100 Blk. S. 56th St. ARREST MADE. 9/24 - Cattante Red Road Bike from 200 Blk. S. 37th St. 18th DISTRICT NARCOTIC ARRESTS 9/20 - Symir Ward, no age given; of the Unit Blk. 63rd St.; arrested on 5800 Blk. Walnut St. 9/22 - Terrence Williams, 31, of Unit Blk. S. 51st St. arrested inside police station. 9/22 - John Webb, 49, of 700 Blk. S. Alden St.; on 5300 Blk. Delancey St. 9/22 - Octavious Hudson, 22, of 5100 Blk. Irving St.; on same block. 9/23 - Russel Singleton, 24, of 2600 Blk. Earp St.; on 200 Blk. S. 55th St. 19th DISTRICT NARCOTIC ARRESTS 9/17 - Michael Wilson, 21, of 4500 Blk. Sherwood Rd.; arrested on 5900 Blk. Market St. 9/17 - Marcus Inge, 40, of 6000 Blk. Locust St.; on 5900 Blk. Market St. 9/17 - Anthony Pollard, 21, of 5100 Blk Reno St.; on 400 Blk. N. Hobart St. 9/17 - Christopher Brown, 18, of 900 Blk. Flanders Rd.; on 800 Blk. N. 66th St. 13 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY 9/17 - Joshua Brown, 19, of 6400 Blk. Morris Park Rd.; on 800 Blk. N. 66th St. 9/17 - Daryl Giles, 20, of 900 Blk. N. 67th St.; on same block. 9/17 - Sherman Whitehead, 50, of 1100 Blk. Upsal St.; on 6700 Blk. Haverford Ave. 9/18 - Christian Robertson, 19, of 1500 Blk. N. Redfield St.; on 1400 Blk. N. Redfield St. 9/18 - Robert Folino, 46, of 6400 Blk. Lebanon Ave.; on 6600 Blk. Lebanon Ave. 9/19 - Rashad Miller-Abbot, 25, of 800 Blk. N. 63rd St.; on 6300 Blk. Market St. 9/20 - Anthony Dumas, 45, of 5800 Blk. Washington Ave.; on 5900 Blk. Arch St. 9/20 - Khalif Belle, 18, of 1100 Blk. S. Divinity St.; on 100 Blk. N. Salford St. 9/21 - Male, 16, arrested on 5800 Blk. Lancaster Ave. Terrell Byard Sentenced/Robbery Terrell Byard, 23, was sentenced to 52 and a half to 105 years in prison on September 24, by the Honorable Judge Shreves-Johns. Byard pleaded guilty to Robbery and Attempted Murder charges for an attack on the Whalen Deli in Southwest Philadelphia. The owner of the deli was stabbed numerous times trying to protect his daughter during the robbery. ADA Lorraine Donnelly successfully prosecuted this case. A Correction In last week's Westside Weekly, the mother of murder victim, Jonathan Pitts, mistakenly said Nafis Pinkney was sentenced to life in prison for murdering her son and his girlfriend, Nakeisha Finks. Pinkney has not been con- HIV/AIDS? y Complete Confidentiality For your Medications, Please come to: Sun Ray Drug Store 60th & Ludlow 215-474-4550 56th & Market 215-474-1700 52nd & Walnut 215-474-4615 50th & Baltimore 215-748-1000 We Accept All ProCare Patients s. Hermion Beauty Boutique An Upscale Beauty Salon For merly Big Bumpers 1249 North 52nd Street victed for the murders, but is awaiting his trial set for December 5, 2011, according to a spokesperson in the District Attorney's Office. If convicted, the DA is reportedly seeking the death penalty. STOP Creditor or Harassment WIPE OUT YOUR DEBT 610-734-0750 FREE consult with this ad! We are a debt relief agency. We file bankruptcy cases in PA. PERMA* SEAL (215)947-3939 Call Today! What Are 25 Years In Business You Waiting WE'LL BEAT ANY PRICE For? 215-878-1011 or 215-397-4038 All commercial hair integration requires consultation. Other Services: 9/21 - Arthur McKeuwn, 57, of West Chester Pk.; on 5200 Blk. Arch St. 9/21 - Kenric Volkens, 25, of 2200 Blk. Hemberger St.; on 5200 Blk. Arch St. 9.21 - George McHayle, 49, of 6100 Blk. Master St.; on same block. $ 334 357 334 $ • CERAMIC PHUSION • LOC MAINTENANCE • CHEMICAL RELAXERS • CREATIVE COLORING • EDGY CUTS • RECIPES • MAKE-UP • EAR PIERCING • EYEBROW WAXING • LASHES & MANY MORE. 15% OFF Sew & Weave - $100 94 359 We are a Design Essentials Concept Salon Hours: Tues 8-6; Wed 8-6, Thur-Fri 8-7; Sat. 8-4 WE ACCEPT: $ $ Senior Citizen Day/TUESDAY FALL SPECIAL 15 Special Expires 10/30/10 EASY PAYMENTS, FINANCING, NO MONEY DOWN SALE SALE 14 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY ROOMS/APT Rooms for Rent $125/wk. Cable Ready. Also, Efficiency $700/mo. 215-2844672 or 215-384-4944. All utilities included for both. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Lucky Heart Cosmetics; Rawleigh Home & Health Prods. Sales & Reps. Needed. 215-747-5248 after 3 PM. SELL AVON New Reps Wanted. Earn $$ for spending in new year. Call 1-888-830-AVON. (Ind. S/s Reps & Recruiters) Stylists & Barbers with following for shop at busy location. Call 215-360-4727. Richard B. Owens Company Real Estate • Appraiser • Consultant 5300 W. Girard Avenue 215-878-3714 PROPERTIES FOR RENT HOUSES/RENT Apartments ROOMS/RENT Furnished middle room near 52nd & Jefferson St.; $75/wk. 215-878-2744. West Phila. Area. Quiet furnished rooms close to bus station. $95-$120/wk. 215820-1230. 1) 5223 Arch St. 1st Fl • 2 Bdrms 2 Baths • $525 + Utils Single occupancy Only. Daily Rental Available. 267339-9839. West Phila. Furnished Rooms. Large & small. Full use of house including LR, DR, Porch & Backyard, Sunroom. Washer & Dryer available. Veterans Welcome. 215-805-5995. HELP WANTED 2) 5500 Locust St. 1st Fl • 2 Bdrm. Completely moder. Must see to appreciate • $750/mo includes Heat • Pay gas/elect 3) 6249 Walton Ave.; 2nd Fl • 2 Bd/Bath $650 + Utils Licensed stylist wanted for great location in West Phila. Call 215-307-3257. FOR KIDS/CLOWNS Ms. Mary Ann The Clown. Magic, Face Painting, Children’s Parties. 19 years experience. Call after 5 PM 215-747-5248. Church Space/Rent Modern Center City Philadelphia Location Audio Visual Ready • Available Sundays & Tuesdays Sundays - 1 PM - 3:30 PM & 5 M - 9 PM Tuesdays 6PM - 9PM 1-800- 594-0691 Ext. 1 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 5200 Kershaw St. 3 Bdrms • $775/mo + Utils. 57XX Hunter St. 3 Bdrm • $600/mo + Utils. 1200 N. Frazier St. 3 Bdrms. Excellent condition, conv to trans. $750/mo + Utils INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 100 N. 60th Street 5300 Stiles Street Priced Right To Sell Possible Lease to Own HOUSES: DOREL ST. DUPLEXES: 923 S. 59th ST. • 2, 1BR UNITS. PRICE REDUCED NOW $99,000 130 S. 59th ST • 2, 1BR UNITS. PRICE REDUCED NOW $99,000 TRIPLEX: 6017 CHRISTIAN ST. • 2, 1BR & 1 EFFICIENCY $122,000 NOW HOUSES: 1926 ROWAN ST. • LARGE 3 STORY, 6 BR IN LOGAN $65,000 Saving people money so they can live better. We are hiring Drivers for our Transportation Office! HOUSES FOR SALE: - 3 BR, SW PHILLY FULLY RENOVATED $104,900 5XX UNRUH ST. • FULLY RENOVATED RANCHER, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, HARDWOOD FLOORS, NEW APPLIANCES, FAMILY RM. (COULD BE USED AS 3rd BR) MOVE-IN CONDITION. $159,900 19XX CAMBRIDGE ST • FULLY RENOVATED 3 BR, 2.5 BA. ALL NEW APPLIANCES IN KITCHEN, W/ ROOF DECK. $264,900 Pottsville, PA A driving job with Walmart Transportation gives you the chance to continue your driving career with competitive pay and enjoy health benefits for you and your family. Walmart sets the standard for distribution and transportation and is an ideal place to work. Professional Truck Drivers can learn about opportunities, view the minimum job qualifications and apply online at URBAN REALTY CORP. 98 E. SEYMOUR ST. • 2 BR, 1 BATH IN GERMANTOWN $50,0006737 7267 RISING SUN AVE. PHILA., PA 19111 215-695-0100 EXT. 23 OR 215-868-3431 - DIRECT CASH FOR YOUR HOME HOME!! NO FEES! • NO HASSLES! 2 1 5- October 1 - 7, 2010 432-8000 Transportation Walmart will not tolerate discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, veteran status, or other legally protected status. Cash for Antiques ONE MO' ROUND Gold & Silver Coins • Gold & Silver Jewelry (Broken or Intact) • Old Furniture • China • Glassware • Dining Room and Bedroom Sets • Oriental Rugs • Old China Closets • Paintings • Old Dolls • Lionel Trains • One Piece or Estate Free Estimates Antiques • Collectibles Knick Knacks & More Call Walt (215) 275-2048 9 South 60th Street 10-6 PM • Mon.-Sat. We'll Buy Your Household Items 215-747-0200 • 215-796-7744 The Deed Doctor Full Title Searches We Solve Deed & Title Problems Liens - Judgments - Mortgage Bankruptcies - Real Estate Taxes Water and Sewage • House History’s Real Estate Investigations Owners Located • Notary Public Ulysses K. Watson Call Today 215-471-9500 E-mail: You ve got problems we ve got solutions You ve got questions we ll give you answers Got a House You Need to Sell? I Have CA$H With Your N A M E On It! Any Condition • Any Situation 215-543-3379 CALL NOW!! October 1 - 7, 2010 Ask The Plumber Provided By Derrick Jackson Is their a safe way to prevent pipes from freezing? What to do if a Faucet or Pipe Freezes: * If you find yourself trying to use your faucet and no water comes out, leave the faucet in the “on” position. * To thaw a frozen pipe, soak towels in boiling hot water, then wrap the towels around the cold section of the pipe. Start out applying the towel as close to the faucet as possible so as the ice melts, the water can drip out. Please use caution while attempting this step. * Also, try thawing your frozen faucet with a hair dryer, only if there is no standing water in the area. Where is the shutoff valve? Even if you just need to make a few repairs, knowing how and where to turn off your water is important for every member of the household. For most houses, the valve is usually located at the front of the house, near the water meter. Look for a pipe coming out of the 15 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY ground and going into the house. There is usually a blue or red handle valve on this pipe that turns the water off to your house. What to do if a Pipe Breaks: Locate the main shut-off valve to your house, and turn off the water. Call a plumber immediately. Travel Tips: * Whether you are away overnight or for an extended period of time, lowering the heat inside your home too much may save on the bill, but it could present serious problems if frigid temperatures arrive. * Do not set the thermostat in your house lower than 55 F degrees. * Ask a friend or neighbor to check on your house daily to ensure it is warm enough inside to prevent freezing pipes. * From long periods away from home, shut off the water to the house and hot water heater where it enters the Free Towing Attention! If you don't receive your Westside by 3 PM Friday -weather permitting -- Call 215-474-7411 Walker -Walker WANTED USED/SALVAGE CARS & TRUCKS heater. If you have any questions or concerns about your plumbing system and would like free advice, email your question to $$Top Dollar Paid$$ Painting & Window Replacements Reasonable Rates 2 1 5- 267-235-3470 487-4851 FREE Removal of Scrap Metal & Appliances from Homes, Offices, Basements, Curbs.... Drywall/Painting 215-954-1952 7+ Years in Westside Weekly J.H. Home Improvements All Types of Home Improvements PLUMBING & HOME REMODELING & Insured 610-202-9212 Licensed We Do Free Estimates!! & Police Offerer Customer Refs City #27995 • No Down Payment • Free Estimates • 1 Room Painted starting at $50.00 • Some Plastering Repairs $25.00 Contractor Photos at: My Company is in West Philly Call Bill 215-500-0355 H.J.S.R. Inc . *QUALITY* *AFFORDABLE* PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE • Hot Water Heaters Installed/Serviced • Major/Minor Leaks Repaired • Emergency 24/7 Service • Kitchens/Bathrooms $150.00 OFF • Drains/Sewers Unclogged • Home Heating Service • Senior Discounts! •...And Much More!! William The Welder Welder/ Fabricator/Metal Sculptor 267-616-2024 Window Guards, Door Guards Custom Built To Your Needs General Welding Repairs LICENSED & INSURED PA050346 267-596-5865 BARGAIN ELECTRIC Call for Summer Time Specials on Ceiling Fans Insured and AC Lines Residential **SPRING DEAL** Gas or Electric Water Heater Installed (includes unit, up to 50 gallons) Handyman All Home Repairs Painting • Carpentry • Flooring • Plumbing • Cementing • Basements Will repair or build it William Acey LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED NO JOB TOO SMALL FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES Your Full-Service Home Improvement Specialist! For Your FREE Estimate or Information Please Contact: 267-357-5209 –or– L&M Typewriter & Business Machines For Sales or Service We Sell Ink Cartages & Toners HP • Okidata • IBM • Canon • Brother Call Mr. Walker 267-235-3470 • Trouble Shooting • 100/200 Amp Upgrades • Indoor/Outdoor Lighting • 220 Lines/AC Lines • Door Bells/Ceiling Fans • Fuse Box Repair/Dryer Lines 25% OFF* ALL WORK GUARANTEED WITH THIS AD SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 215-869-9085 Serving West Phily, Southwest Philly & Overbrook WE ACCEPT CHECKS Lic. #00793 16 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY October 1 - 7, 2010 Franco Concrete Cement Work of all Kinds Best Handyman Service • • • • • Sparkle Ceilings Painting Drywall Ceramic Tile Cement Work • Floors • Ceiling Fans • Repair Work 6 Years In Westside Weekly Without Complaints Call Franco GWB CONTRACTORS Formerly B&J Plumbing & Heating Specializing in Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • 7D Sewer & Drain Cleaning ays Residential • Commercial • City-Wide Services • City Violations Corrected Custom Kitchens/Baths Home Renovations: Ceramic Tile Floors, Walls & Ceiling Paintings, Dry Wall, Brick & Cement work rs ou 266-7078 (267) LICENSED & INSURED PA#037480 PH#424641 CELL 484-429-4050 15 yrs. Exp. Lic. & Ins. 057840 215-927-3656 24 H Sidewalks • Curbs • Patios • Steps, etc. Brick & Stone Pointing • Stone Work Specialists • Stucco Work & Recement Basement Walls Old Walls Back to New Licensed & Insured • Senior Discount Affordable Prices • 25 Years Experience DO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDING • REFINISHING • STAINING INSTALLATION PLUS REPAIRS Quality Work • Fully Insured Low Rates • Free Estimates 267-752-5928 • 215-681-6044 HJSR is now available for CLEANOUTS RUBBISH REMOVALS DEMOLITION WORK NO JOB TOO BIG or too small Will Move or Haul Away Just About Anything 267-357-5209 or email: Day or Night Nutter’s Moving & Hauling Comp. 5314 Market St. • 215-989-7176 We Move • Haul • Cleanout Basements Houses - Offices -Buildings We Tear Down • Build Up • Clean Alleys • Mow Lawns • Trash Removal • Snow Removal • Scrap Metal • Repair Everything • Repair Main Power Service • Call Today, Don’t Wait Tru Moving & Hauling Service Low Rates • 24-Hour Service • Cleanout Basements • House Moving • 267-312-1922 NEW ROOF AS LOW AS $ 490 WITH COUPON UP TO 400 SQ. FT. HOT COATS AS LOW AS $5 7 CONTRACTORS Family Owned & Operated For Over 44 Years WITH COUPON Ask About Our 15 Year Guarantee • Financing Available • Siding • Doors • Windows • Free Estimates • Hot Asphalt • Rubber Roofing • Fully Insured • Hot Coating • Shingles City #038916 Sammy’s Concrete Senior Citizens (267) 632-1104 Discount Prices To Fit Your Budget Owner Operated 20 Years Tile Work/Stone Facing •Glass Block Re-Cement Basement Walls •Brick •Concrete Demolition & Hauling • Stucco Footings & Foundations • Pointing Retaining Walls • Garages Basemen Walls & Floors • Car Ports Owner Operated with Over 20 Years Experience Call Anytime SIDING SPECIALIST • VINYL • COMMERCIAL • ALUMINUM • RESIDENTIAL • ROOFING • DOORS / WINDOWS 215-332-6600 #3702007317 PHILA. GAS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING STARTING $ AT 1695 Heater Includes • G.M.P 45 Forced Air Unit • Thermostat FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERING Living Room • Dining Room & Kitchen Furniture th 2301 N. 25 Street Philadelphia, PA 19132 (215) 223-3322 Clean Out Specialist Rubbish Removals • Basements • Garages • Attics • Backyards • Houses Oil Tanks Removal Light Demo Fallen Tree Removal Comerical & Residental No Job TOO LARGE or too small * Free Estimates AC Checkup $80 AIR CONDITIONER SALE LEN COTTON’S All Types of Hardwood Floors Old Floors Made Like New ROOFING & SIDING SALE ALL TYPES OF ROOFING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ST CY F A G E NC E ER VI EM SER Air Conditioner Includes: • 24K Condenser • 24K A Coil • Thermostat HEATER SALE STARTING AT $ 1,199 #3702007317 INSTALLED IN ONLY ONE DAY 215-456-1300 Ron's Hauling & Cleanouts 215-432-7592 Est. 1976 CLEANOUTS Moving * Painting * Wall Papering Attics * Basements * Yards * Lite Hauling Also LONG DISTANCE HAULING to DE, MD, VA, NC, SC, FL AND NY HONEST & RELIABLE 267-816-5268 ELECTRIC WESTSIDE Residential Insured FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO SMALL RADIO DISPATCHED LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED Your Neighborhood Electrician Serving West Philly, Southwest Philly & Overbrook • Trouble Shooting • 100/200 Amp Service • Indoor/Outdoor Lighting • Ceiling/Exhaust Fans • Thermostat Wiring • Doorbells/Intercoms • Dryer/Washer Lines • A/C Lines • All Appliance Lines • 220 Lines 25% OFF WITH THIS AD 215-432-8365 Lic. #167993 October 1 - 7, 2010 17 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY H.J.S.R. ROOFING & CONTRACTORS TV Louie's Moving/Hauling 5301-03 Market St. • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Cement Work • Pointing • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Hardwood Floors • Carpet • Painting TVs • Stereos • Computers • Air Conditioners • Furniture • & Much More CLEANOUTS Property Management Services 215-989-7176 TV Louie Sells Everything Mon-Sat 10AM- 7PM Your Full-Service Home Improvement Specialist! •General Carpentry •Electrical •Plumbing •Kitchens/Bathrooms/Basements •Windows/Doors Installation •Interior/Exterior Painting •Property Clean-Outs •Cement Work •24/7 Emergency Service •Handyman Jobs Welcome •Senior Discounts! •...And Much More! PA016535 City#34259 25% Off Any Service $ 100 OFF (Pl LICENSED & INSURED GENERAL CONTRACTOR hi SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT PA050346 For Your Free Estimate Call/Email 267-357-5209 _ 215-338-2608 HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY BEST Celebrating Our 27th Year ROOFING & PLUMBING Over 40 Years Experience • Fully Insured Residential • Commercial • Industrial All Types of Roofing ~ Siding ~ Windows OWNER - ANTHONY TRAMA SPECIALIST IN HARD TO FIND LEAKS • RUBBER ROOFS • SPOUTING • SHINGLE ROOFING • 4 PLY FIBERGLASS • HOT ASPHALT ROOFS • ASK ABOUT OUR WORK GUARANTEE The Complete Home Contractor Serving All Philadelphia - Senior Discount W E F I X : Toilets • Sinks • Tubs • Bathroom Repairs • New Sewer Lines • Hot Water Heaters • House Heaters • All Types of Plumbing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES • ANY REPAIR WORK RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL EMERGENCY REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES INSURED & BONDED CALL ANYTIME 24-7 FREE ESTIMATES 215-634-1616 NEW ROOFS CALL Lic. #G60347, 000423, 002752 as low as $495 Lic. #000096 474-5600 OR (215)755-7578 (215) 6604 Haverford Ave., Philadelphia Overbrook - West Phila. - South Phila., - Center City A PLUS Do You Need A Roofer You Can TRUST?? Someone Who Will Make Sure Your Leak STOPS?? Deal Direct With Owner • Senior Citizen Discounts Don’t Delay, Call Roofing & Contracting, Inc. EE TES 215-988-9004 R A F RENFROW ROOFING, INC. FREE ESTIMATES (215) 472-0624 M TI S E $50 Off Licensed & Insured Residential & Commercial • Rubber Roofs • Asphalt Roofs • Skylights • Gutters & Downspouts • Shingle Roofs • Repairs & Coatings Your Purchase With This Ad RUBBER ROOFS Present Coupon At Time of Purchase Not To Be Combined w/ Special As Low As $450.00* #26194 15-Yr. Guar. • Up to 500 sq. ft. Gerald Wayne Renfrow FAST SERVICE Most Rubber and Other Roof Types, Need Re-Coating, Once Every 3-5 Years Call Us Now, Your Alum./"Silver Coat" Headquarters SENIOR CITIZEN S DISCOUNTS Lic. #E78791 FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESS FOR 60 YEARS Plumbing & Drain Service Today! No Hot Water? Slow Drains? Annoying Leaks? DAY OR NIGHT * QUALIFIED HOMEOWNERS Precision Plus • Master Plumber on Every Service Call • Your Satisfaction GUARANTEED, or it's FREE! SCD Heaters Repaired & Installed CALL TODAY 215-748-PLUS 7 5 8 7 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY 18 October 1 - 7, 2010 Partyin’ at Park Avenue With Lady “B” By Jim Brown Tryin’ to get your party on in West Philly? Tired of that new school and young adult atmosphere? Want to have fun listening to the music back-in-theday? Get to Lady “B”s Old Skool Basement Party every 4th Friday at the new Park Avenue Banquet Hall near Fairmount Park. Philadelphia has a great night-life scene that stretches across the city in many areas such as Manyunk and Main Street in Roxborough, the clubs on Delaware Avenue and in Center City. Well, West Philadelphia now has a night club that can be just as exciting and starstudded that provides a great Giving a happy birthday shout-out, a friend of Lady "B" (center) uses the mike while WDAS radio personality Mimi Brown looks on. atmosphere for the over 40 crowd. Last week radio personality Lady “B” of 107.9 FM and host of her newly created 4th Friday Party was given a birthday party to celebrate another year of life. True to the female code, she wouldn’t tell her age. There were several hundred people in attendance for her party including Mimmie Brown and the legendary DJ Gary “O”. Lady “B” talked about how she wanted to create a party for the old school crowd that can enjoy a night out without the fear of violence. “Basically, me and my friends we’re talking about going to a club where we didn’t have to run into their nieces and nephews. I chose the Park Avenue because of its location and because of its black ownership. But it’s a place where you can come and have a nice time and be in a safe environment.” The newly renovated Park Avenue Banquet Hall at 4942 Parkside Avenue, the former Cornucopia, is a multi-purpose banquet facility owned by David Smith who has transformed it into a place where folks can create their own fun. You don’t have to look no further than West Philly to have a real good time and see old friends and reminisce about the times of our youth a the club. West Philly’s Flava Flav Back in the day, when the DJ’s would have their battles spinning records to see who could rock the crowd, there was always a guy who would be singled out for the newest style dance and his spontaneous movements that we all would just stop and stare and talk about after the party was over. In the earlier 80’s that guy was Crazy “D” aka Barren Clark who could rock the party and when he came to the party, all eyes would follow him and a circle would form around him to checkout his freestyle way of dancing. We caught up with the Flava Flav of West Philly doing his legendary style of dance on the floor and talked to him about Lady “B”’s party . “It’s crowded, decent and full of people, ” said Crazy “D”. I’m just having a ball. I’m still the same. I’m 50 years old now and back in the day, I used to kick it. If it was a party, I was there.” SUNRAYDRUGS DRUGS SUNRAY PROGRESS PLAZA 1501 NORTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19122 215-235-4000 Joe Gereaghty, SunRay Pharmacist 5th Since 2005 Graduate of University of the Sciences in Philadelphia We are joining the late Rev. Leon Sullivan's dream for the first African American owned mall in America. Built: 1968 October 1 - 7, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY 19 SUN RAY DRUGS NOW TAKING TRANSFERS FROM CVS & WALGREENS We also accept Medicare D Plans • Aetna • Future Scrips • & Many Others FREE DELIVERIES Visit our Stores • You will be pleased with our service 50th & BALTIMORE 52ND & WALNUT 142 S. 52nd St. • Phila., PA 19139 215-748-1000 PLAY HERE; GET PAID HERE DAILY & SCRATCH OFF TICKETS 215-474-4615 Fax: 215-476-9821 PLAY HERE; GET PAID HERE DAILY & SCRATCH OFF TICKETS 60th & LUDLOW 215-474-4550 Fax: 215-474-4551 56th & MARKET 215-474-1700 BRING IN CURRENT Rx VIALS FOR AN EASY TRANSFER Health Partners • Keystone Mercy • Americhoice All Insurances Accepted • Workman’s Compensation! Welcome All Bravo Health Clients 20 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY October 1 - 7, 2010 Got Damage? WE GET YOU PAID! IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE TYPES OF DAMAGES: • Roof Leaks • Plumbing Leaks • Water Damage • Smoke Damage • Toilet Leak • Fire Call Today for FREE Home Inspection 17 Year s in Busines s No Recovery – No Fee 1-800-933-4459 • 215-233-3211 • T.S.O. ADJUSTMENT SERVICE Public Adjusters
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