December 2015 - Trenton Chamber of Commerce
December 2015 - Trenton Chamber of Commerce
T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Promoting commercial, industrial and community growth and facilitating community cooperation through communication, education and long range planning. Table of Contents December 2015 Holiday Hoops Coming up Dec. 18 Page 1 Free Concert GRVCO presents “Christmas Is...” Page 3 Radio Auction List Look at what’s being auctioned off! Page 4 Member Moments See what’s going on with our members Page 6 Downtown Christmas Find out more on Page 2 Coming Up in Dec. Highlights Page 3 Shop Local Remember to support your local businesses Page 5 Monthly Calendar Events we know of are listed Page 7 Chamber Ambassadors Sharon Barnett Scott Blair Chad Boyd Carrie Lamm Clark Dr. Andy Cox Linda Eads Jeanie Griffin Eric Hall Sue Huffstutter Emily Jones Marlisa Klinginsmith Diane Lowrey Jeanette McBee Kurt Mylenbusch Bonita Price Melissa Purkapile Cindy Soptic Jeb Walker Joy Wright by Steve Maxey an economic standpoint so he encourages everyone to aLend the ballgames as well as roll out the red carpet to hundreds and hundreds of visitors; many of them first Fme. A total of 106 high school basketball teams from Missouri and Iowa will converge on Trenton and the North Central Missouri College campus over the holiday break as a part of the 11th annual High School Holiday Hoops. Sponsored by the North Central Missouri College FoundaFon, this year’s event brings the most schools ever to the annual event and conFnues to grow as the largest high school holiday basketball shoot-‐out in the enFre state. It is esFmated that over 1,800 student/athletes will parFcipate in Holiday Hoops 2015 and literally hundreds of others will accompany the teams as family, school personnel and fans. “This event ranks right up there with the Missouri Day FesFval” says Maxey “ as one of the two largest events in the community, only this spans over an 11 day period with many folks returning more than one day to enjoy outstanding high school basketball at its best.” All games will be played on the campus of NCMC, and over 300 community volunteers will provide the necessary manpower to support the event in addiFon to a 17 member commiLee that meets almost monthly to organize the outstanding program. Many teams will spend the night in Trenton while others will be driving in and out allowing for local businesses to benefit from the event with lodging, meals, fuel and shopping. Steve Maxey, director of Holiday Hoops says this program is not only a huge markeFng opportunity for NCMC but benefits the enFre region from Teams from as far as Des Moines, Iowa to the north and Pilot Grove, Warrensburg and Knob Noster, Missouri to the south will make the trip to Trenton….a total of 58 different high schools will be represented. Holiday Hoops Tip off for the event is December 18th with games conFnuing up through January 2, 2016 allowing for breaks for the holidays and no play on Sundays. For event quesFons, contact Maxey at 359-‐7244 or call the College FoundaFon Office at 359-‐3948, extension 1403. 1 T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I Regional Strength. Local Advantage. Get the best of both worlds at FSB – the convenience of a regional bank and the personal service of a hometown bank. Down Home Downtown Christmas 1503 E. 9th St. • Trenton, MO (660) 359-5611 Telephone Banking (877) 632-5858 This year’s Downtown Christmas, focusing on the lighting of the Mayor’s Christmas Tree, will feature some expected activities, as well as introduce some new & exciting Christmas treats! Kicking off the event will be representatives of the Ministerial Alliance sharing their rendition of the Biblical Christmas Story. Music will be provided by the Trenton High School Gold Rush and instrumental offerings by the High School Instrumental Department. Brand new this year, the “Christmas Cafe” will showcase a number of local restaurants, caterers and cooks sharing their holiday wares available for sales and sampling. Making an appearance this year will be the “Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest”. Judging will be done by representatives of Trenton’s very own Chumbley’s. Prizes will be awarded for Most Creative, Ugliest and Pretty Ugly! Returning this year will be the horse-drawn carriage rides, everpopular Kettle Corn and much anticipated arrival of the Honorable Mr. S. Claus. Santa and his elves will be available for individual photo settings. Participants this year include Trenton Area Ministerial Alliance, Mercedes Barron Photography, Wild Onion Grill, Hy-Vee, Lakeview Restaurant, China One Buffet, Chumbley’s, Hodge Presbyterian Church, Amy Manning & David Kurtz, Dan & Sue Cooksey, THS Gold Rush, THS Instrumental Dept., Wright Memorial Hospital, Tim’s Barber Shop and other downtown vendors. For kids interested in entering the drawing to help light the Mayor’s Christmas tree, they can visit the following stores and place their name entry in the bag: Citizen’s Bank & Trust, Howard’s Dept. Store, Trenton Hardware, North Grand River Baptist Association, Main Street Mall, Lucky Dog Embroidery, Grand River Press or Hoarder’s Treasure Shop. For more information, call Dan Maxey at 660-286-2882 or the Chamber at 359-4324. 2 Food Store 1617$E$9th$St.$$$$$$$$$$Trenton,$MO$64683 Store:$(660)$359;2278$/$Pharmacy:$(660)$359;4955 ~$Full$service$meat$department ~$Bakery$fresh$products$daily ~$Photo$reprints$available ~$Dietitian$on$staff ~$Pharmacy$that$can$handle$your$ $$$total$health ~$Floral$bouquets$available ~$Full$service$Wine$&$Spirits$store Your%local%grocer%for%over%70%years FREE* Checking, Free Gift, Free Bulldog Debit Card! $.05 goes back to the Trenton School District for every purchase made with the Bulldog Debit Card. FREE money for your old checks and debit cards (Up to $25 for your old checks and debit card from another institution!) Gift availability subject to change. Trenton 816 Main Street 660-359-2232 Since 1889 Member FDIC *Free with Estatements T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I Free Concert COMING UP IN DECEMBER “Christmas Is...” will be a free concert performance by the Grand River Valley Choir & Orchestra (GRVCO) on Saturday, December 12 at First Baptist Church in Trenton (2421 Oklahoma Avenue). Doors will open at 2:30pm with performance to begin at 3:00pm. Dec 5 Chamber Radio Auction - 8:30am - 12:30pm KTTN 92.3 FM A cookie reception will follow the concert. Also, there will be a free will offering collected to be donated to Rachel Lorenz and children, family of Eric Lorenz, local firefighter and GRVCO choir member. Eric lost his life earlier this year. Ugly Sweater Fun Run 5K - 8:00am East Side Park Wine, Women & Shopping - 11:00am to 4:00pm Black Silo Winery Santa Claus visits - 9:00am to 12:00pm Shopko Dec 6 - 5:00pm THS Vesper Service First Baptist Church Dec 8 - Noon GHRPC Annual Meeting Barton Campus Dec 12 - 3:00pm GRVCO Concert First Baptist Church 2421 Oklahoma Ave. Downtown Christmas - 3:00 to 6:00pm Downtown Trenton Merry Christmas from Debbie, Christy, Tara & Daisy Dec 16 - 9:00a to 4:00p NCMC Foundation Open House NCMC Foundation Office 1301 Main St. Dec 18 - 9:00a to 4:00p Chamber Open House Chamber Office 617 Main St. Clark Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial *New Construction, Remodel & Repair *Water Heaters & Boilers *Sewers & Drain Cleaning *Video Inspection - Backhoe Svc. **Certified** 660-359-2007 3 T R E N T O N Radio Auction December 5 @ 8:30am on KTTN 8:45 - 9:00am • • • • • • • • • Hair Cut & Style or Product - Trendz by Sheila; $15 Blood Pressure Monitor - Hometown Pharmacy; $64 Christmas Tile - Jewett Norris Library; $25 Gel Manicure - You’ve Got Nails; $25 Gift Certificate - Simply Chic Thrift Boutique; $15 Gift Cert. to Grundy Co. Lumber - Robbins & Black; $50 Collector Coke Bottles - Trenton Coca Cola; $36 44pc Home Repair Tool Kit - CAPNCM; $25 Coupon for checks - Farmers Bank of N MO; $25 • • • • • • • Upstairs Rental for one night - Trenton Elks Lodge; $350 $100 Gift Card to Hy-Vee - 4-D Tax Service; $100 12oz bag Pirate Blend Coffee - Great Western Dining; $10 Gift Card - Hardees; $10 Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 Gift Certificate - El Nopal; $20 Holiday Glamour & Body Care Assortment - Mary Kay (Connie Akers); $50 Gift Certificate - Simply Chic Thrift Boutique; $15 Front floor liners Dodge - T&L Auto Supply; $89.95 Hair Care Set - Classic Hair Fair; $60 Gift Cert. to Dino’s Diner - Wright Memorial Hospital; $50 Gift Card for two - Trenton Cinema; $30 30-minute massage - Relaxation Therapy; $22 Forney Sander - Moore’s Farm Supply; $51 Pizza party for 8 - Royal Inn Pizza; $50 Coupon toward Muck boots - GFG Ag Services; $50 9:00 - 9:30am • • • • • • • • • 9:30 - 10:00am • One year single membership - Ketcham Community Center; $220 • Coupon toward WEEKEND rental fee - Red Barn Wedding Venue; $200 • Dinner for two - Mi Mexico; $25 • Vehicle Alignment - Ewing Alignment; $55 • Metal KC Royals Sign - Trenton Police Dept.; $35 • Oil Change Certificate - People’s Co-op; $40 • Portable shop heater - KCP&L; $43 • 48” Coca-Cola Plush Bear - Trenton Coca-Cola; $70 • Gift Certificate - T&L Auto Supply; $50 • Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 • Gift Basket - Farm House Collection; $60 • Coupon toward WEEK DAY rental fee - Red Barn Wedding Venue; $50 • 30 minute massage - Massage by Sandy; $20 • 12oz bag Pirate Blend Coffee - Great Western Dining; $10 10:00 - 10:30am • Sterling Silver Angel wing necklace - Lauhoff Jewelry; $299 • One year family membership - Ketcham Community Center; $360 • Branson Package - KTTN; $103 • $10 Gift Cert. - North Grand River Baptist Assoc.; $10 • Haircut - Tim’s Barber Shop; $12 • Box of 48 Snickers Bars - Value Vending, LLC.; $48 • 2 $10 Gift Certificates - Lakeview Restaurant; $20 • Waterpik Water Flosser - Cox Family Dentistry; $60 • Residential or Commercial service call - ASAP Locksmith; $50 • 5 certificates to Cross Coffee - Great Western Dining; $27.50 • Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 • Gift Cert. to Dino’s Diner - Carrie Lamm Clark; $30 • $10 Gift Card - Hardees; $10 • Trophy Radisher Deer food - MFA Agri-Service; $30 4 , M I S S O U R I 10:30 - 11:00am • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Coupon for tuition, books or fees - NCMC; $250 Gift Basket - Citizens Bank & Trust; $100 GMC hood protector - T&L Auto Supply; $ Mr. Heater Propane Heater - Trenton Hardware; $46 Dinner for two - Mi Mexico; $25 Gift Certificate - Simply Chic Thrift Boutique; $25 40lb Laundry Detergent - Industrial Maintenance Supply; $36 2015-16 Family Activity Pass - Trenton R-9; $60 Gift Certificate - NCMC Bookstore; $50 $80 off set of 4 tires - MTO; $80 6 mo local subscription - Republican Times; $47.40 Gift Basket - Magnolia’s; $50 Easy Keeper 11% horse feed - MFA Agri-Service; $9.30 Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $100 Gas Card - Landes Oil/BP; $100 Gift Basket w/ glasses, hat, mug - Premier EyeCare; $200 Christmas Wreath - Sunnyview Nursing Home; $50 $25 Gift Certificate - Grand River Press; $25 Family portrait session - Bailey Studio; $169 $10 Gift Cert. - North Grand River Baptist Assoc.; $10 Oil Change - Barnes Baker Automotive; $48 1-hr massage - Styles Unlimited; $50 Accupuncture - Green Hills Chiropractic; $35 HDTV Performance Pack - Klinginsmith Home Center; $49.95 50# bag Kennel dog food - MFA Agri-Service; $23 2015-16 Family Activity Pass - Trenton R-9; $60 Essential oil set - Young Living-Marsh; $50 Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 Pestacator 2000 - Global Instruments; $30 Hood protector Ford F150 - T&L Auto Supply; $49.95 11:00 - 11:30am 11:30 - 12:00pm • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Coupon toward tree - Rosemary Hill; $200 $100 Meat Bundle - Hy-Vee Food Store; $100 $25 Gift Cert. - Main Street Mall; $25 Gift Cert. to Lucky Dog - Trenton R-9; $30 Mizzou Tickets - KTTN; $50 Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 Gift Cert. to Lakeview - Trenton Lions Club; $25 Boomz Audio - Klinginsmith Home Center; $40 Accupuncture - Green Hills Chiropractic; $35 Brick for walking trail - WMH Foundation; $100 Buffet for 2 - Pizza Hut; $15 Mosquito repellant Lantern - American Sportsman Rod & Gun; $30 2 Gift Cert. - Lockridge, Constant & Conrad; $50 Dog Treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 20% off coupon - Griffin’s Furniture Pestacator 2000 - Global Instruments; $30 $15 to NCMC Bookstore - Michelle Vandevender; $15 Coffee Gift Basket - Farmers Bank of N MO; $55 • • • • • • • • • • • Gift Cert. - Washington Street; $ Accupuncture - Green Hills Chiropractic; $35 5lb bag Science Diet - Honey Creek Vet; $10 2 Gift Cert. - Lockridge, Constant & Conrad; $50 2 doz cupcakes - Wild Onion Grill; $36 Laundry Service - Washed Away Laundry; $25 Dog treats - Green Hills Animal Nutrition; $23.97 70pc Crescent tool set - Grundy County Lumber; $60 Cleaning bucket kit - Jim’s Building Supply; $25 Gift Certificate - Knapp’s Exhaust & Welding; $50 (3 avail.) Fruit Tower - ChiroSolutions, P.C.; $69.99 12:00 - 12:30pm T R E N T O N Shop Local As you begin or continue your holiday shopping, would you consider keeping more of your money locally here in Trenton? If you think about it, most things we need we can get here in Trenton. Some of the same items we purchase in other towns end up costing the same amount of money once you drive to and from another location and spend the “saved” money in gas or diesel. , M I S S O U R I You’re Invited to our annual Chamber Open House Friday, December 18 9am to 4pm Chamber Office Farmer who donated land for new base honored as ‘Best Young Farmer & Rancher’ 617 Main Street S Refreshments served 4 O Second Edition 2011 Also, consider that our local businesses are the ones who support and help sponsor our local sports teams, schools, activities and other events. Shouldn’t we support them as well? We, as the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce, promote our members as well as our community. We strive to be a positive voice in the community for our local businesses as well as in the state for our community as a whole. Won’t you join us in supporting our community and local businesses? Spencer Construction Concrete Flatwork * Room Additions Roofing * Siding * Windows * Decks Remodeling New Construction 660-358-2390 DAVE’S BODY SHOP Your Complete Collision Center On-Site Frame & Unibody Repair Custom Color Matching Serving the community since 1977 660-359-5966 800-471-5966 FREE Estimates Jeff & Brandon Spencer, Owners cott Rasa knows all too well about traumatic injuries, and is fanatical about safety on his farm and in all his businesses. The Lafayette County, Mo., farmer’s cousin and great-grandfather were both killed in tractor accidents, but it is one a little closer to home that sticks in his mind the most and proves that even careful people have accidents. In 2005 while driving a skidsteer loader, Rasa accidently backed over his father’s foot, causing severe injuries that almost cost his foot. However, LifeFlight Eagle f lew Rasa’s father to a Kansas City trauma center, where through a series of operations, 70 NE Hwy Y Trenton, MO Whether creating beloved consumer brands or timehonored ingredients and foodservice ConAgra Foods products, ConAgra 1401 Harris Ave. Foods takes pride in Trenton, MO its ability to nourish lives. We invite you to 660.359.3913 explore our brands! surgeons were able to repair and save his foot. Rasa recognized the value of having such an important publicsafety organization near his family and his community. In 2010, he partnered with LifeFlight Eagle to build a new base on his farmland just east of Odessa, near Interstate 70 and the intersection of Highways M and O. Rasa built a state-of-the-art climate-controlled hangar facility that now houses one of LifeFlight Eagle’s Bell 407 helicopters and its round-the-clock f light team, which consists of a pilot, f light nurse and f light paramedic. The new Lafayette County base has been operating for 17 months now. three ville an Eagle roundi In i Progre named 500 NW Richards Road Kansas City, MO 64116 Farmers Bank ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED of ,ort64rn Missouri 1801 E 28t6 .tr44t Tr4nton, MO 64683 Phone:'359+2274 0isit us onlin4 1t onlin4f1rm4rs21n8.3om Member&FDIC We Stand Ready... Photo Court To prom with the response school’s Val Ham an admin lift. As p numerou At LifeFlight Eagle, we’re here to provide you and your family life-saving care when you need it most. For only $59 per year, you can help support this non-profit service and protect your household from out-of-pocket expenses associated with LifeFlight Eagle air transport. Call 800-936-9533 or visit to sign up today. Scott Ra LifeFligh 5 T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I MEMBER MOMENTS Here’s what’s going on with some of our members: Ladies, get ready to SHOP!! Grab a friend and head out to Black Silo Winery on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 11am to 4pm for the third annual Wine, Women & Shopping event! KTTN’s Winter Action Auction begins January 23, 2016. Auction will air each Saturday morning for eight weeks. Listen in for some great deals! A huge ‘Thank You’ from CAPNCM & Women’s Health Services to everyone who participated in this year’s Women’s Expo! Bendure CEO Coaching has transferred its ofSices from Oklahoma City to Trenton effective November 9. Call 660-‐654-‐0381 for an appointment. Grif@in’s Furniture has just recently received a new shipment of mattresses. We will also be carrying lift chairs in the near future! Stop by 919 Industrial Drive to check out their selection. Have you received your Slu shot yet? Same day appointments available at Mosaic Life Care of Trenton. New patients please call 660-‐339-‐8500 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Hesamodin Borhani or Linda Siemer, APRN. The NCMC Foundation invites you to join them for their Open House on Wednesday, December 16 in the Development OfSice from 9am to 4pm. Thank you for your continued support of NCMC, the students and the NCMC Foundation. The Green Hills Regional Planning Commission annual meeting will be held December 8, 2015 at noon at the Barton Campus. Lunch will be provided. Guest speaker will be Dan Meehan, President & CEO of the Missouri State Chamber. Wright Memorial Hospital will soon be offering the latest in breast imaging technology. Starting 2016, 3D mammography will be offered at Wright Memorial. AT&T launched wireless High DeSinition Voice in Trenton. With HD Voice, customers get crystal clear conversations while simultaneously surSing the web at 4G LTE speeds. Residents and family of Sunnyview Nursing Home & Apartments enjoyed the annual Harvest Dinner. The Foundation held a tree lighting ceremony in honor/memory of loved ones. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from 4-‐D Tax Service! Santa Claus will be visiting Shopko on Saturday, December 5 from 9am to Noon. 660-‐‑358-‐‑5700 6 Chamber & LB Closed 29 28 30 31 24 27 23 22 21 20 Board Meeting 16 17 15 10 3 THU 14 9 2 WED 13 8 1 TUE Chamber Christmas Party - Elks Lodge -6:30 7 MON THS Vesper Service - 5p at First Baptist Church 6 SUN MERRY CHRISTMAS!! 25 Chamber Open House - 9am 18 11 4 FRI December 2015 26 19 GRVCO Concert 3pm Downtown Christmas - 3pm 12 Ugly Sweater Fun Run 5K Radio Auction 5 SAT T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I 2015 CHAMBER BOARD MEMBERS Dave Bain - Past Chairperson Hy-Vee Food Store Gary Jordan - Chairperson Wright Memorial Hospital Jackie Soptic - 2016 Chairperson ASAP Locksmith Kim Washburn - Treasurer US Bank Dan Wiebers Trenton R-IX Schools Ralph Boots City of Trenton Kathi Brewer Howards Dept. Store Teresa Cross North Central Missouri College Kim Hague ConAgra Foods Jennifer Hottes Black Silo Winery Rick Hull Grundy County Commission Chuck Jones Trenton Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Amy Lewis Farmers Bank of Northern MO Tara Walker Andereck, Evans...Law Firm Donita Youtsey Sunnyview Nursing Home FARM HOME AUTO BONDS COMMERCIAL LIFE 6 60-359 -5 68 7 1818 E 9th Street Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce 617 Main St. Trenton, MO 64683 Trenton, MO 64683 December 2015
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