winter 2015 - St Patrick`s College
winter 2015 - St Patrick`s College
Patrician The WINTER 2015 The Patrician is the community magazine of St Patrick’s College and its forerunners, Sacred Heart College, St Thomas More's School and Marian College. Published twice annually, the magazine features news from the College and the broader community of Old Collegians. Contents 1 LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL COLLEGE NEWS 2 New Staff 2 3 Academic Awards Scholarship and Award Recipients 4 Athletic Carnivals 4 Wilding Shield and Breach Cup 5 Swimming Carnivals 5 NSATIS and SATIS Swimming 6 Cross Country 6 All Schools Cross Country 6 SATIS AFL Grand Final 7 St Patrick’s Day 7College Production - Getting To Know...The King and I 8 Arts and Middle School Renovations 9 Staff Recognitions 9 Staff Farewells - Mrs Sandra Faulkner 10 Staff Farewells - Mr Phil Hollingsworth 10 Staff Farewells Front Cover Photo: Edmund Rice Centre - Senior School St Patrick’s College 282 Westbury Road Prospect, TAS 7250 Tel: 03 6341 9988 Croagh Patrick (Year 9 Campus) OLD COLLEGIANS 11 Wedding, Engagement and Birth Notices 12 Old Collegian Updates 13 Old Collegian Updates 14 1995 1st XI Cricketers - Reunited 15 Reunions - 1989 17 Reunions - 2004 18 1995 and 2005 Reunion Information FROM THE ARCHIVES 16-17Then and Now 251 Peel Street West Prospect, TAS 7250 Tel: 03 6341 9999 Website: Email: S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e From t he Principal Heraclitus was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived about 100 years before Plato.... He wrote a book about 500BC that has survived only through the fragments found by archaeologists. One of Heraclitus’ memorable sayings is, “The only thing that is constant is change”. The meaning of this saying is fairly obvious at one level but very profound also. I have been at St Patrick’s now for thirteen years and when preparing this article for The Patrician, happened to look back at pictures across the years and saw visible signs of change, the fresh faced younger me giving way to an older and perhaps wiser version of myself. Changed definitely, not just in physical appearance but through a myriad of experiences that have shaped me profoundly in this role and as a person. I was very conscious of change when reviewing farewell articles for two long serving members of the St Patrick’s College community, Mr Phil Hollingsworth (Business Manager) and Mrs Sandra Faulkner (Personal Assistant to the Principal/Enrolment Registrar) who both made outstanding contributions to the development of St Patrick’s College over the past twenty five years. We miss their presence in our school community, rejoice in their achievements and wish them well in this changing time of their lives. One of the consistent comments from Old Collegian parents at the enrolment interview is how much the College has changed over the last few years with significant transformation to the landscape and grounds and addition of several new buildings. These changes have continued into 2015 with the Middle School refurbishment and Arts development scheduled for completion in February 2016. The College Master Plan is being renewed and further work is envisaged for traffic management and safety, staff preparation and social spaces and additional learning spaces for Year 8 students. Education also is constantly evolving and we are experiencing a period of rapid growth of knowledge and information. Commentators suggest that knowledge doubles every five years, mainly because of the rapid development in technology and communication, making ideas so easy to share and enabling unforeseen opportunities for national and international collaboration. Schools have attempted to respond to the technological revolution understanding that students are well advanced and native to the new landscape; we are constantly catching up with the ability of our youth to intuitively navigate and use technology. This is the first year when students in our Middle School have brought personally owned iPads to school, enhancing their educational opportunity at school and home and providing new ways of learning and demonstrating their understanding and creativity. As a College, we need to be educationally relevant, not only to meet the immediate needs of our students but also in preparing students for the future. Hence, openness to change, analysis of technology for learning, awareness of appropriate use of technology and education of young people in the ethical and responsible use of technology is a part of every educator’s daily life at St Patrick’s College. Some of the changes confronting our students and indeed all humanity are disturbing and require our attention, deep reflection, research, change of behaviour and collective action. Pope Francis has recently written to all humanity about the plight of the environment in his Encyclical, Laudato Si. The Encyclical discusses the major issues of environmental and climate change calling all people to conversion, both individuals and communities. Change for the good of the environment and ultimately the world can only be achieved through a change of heart, justice for the poor of the world and an understanding that all things are intimately related. At the core of Laudato Si is the question, “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” Last evening, I listened to an interview between David Attenborough and Barack Obama on the ABC. The same concerns raised by Pope Francis were discussed in an open forum, especially focussing on the responsibility of political leaders to take considered and concerted action for the common good of the world. Sustainability is a strong ‘across the curriculum’ theme in the Australian Curriculum and is a key focus of our Mission under the banner of Stewardship. I hope our students will be future leaders in their communities with a deep sense of the moral urgency of action for the environment. On re-reading my thoughts I also appreciate that, whilst change is a constant reality in our lives, there are also enduring realities. For each of us there are our enduring faith, values and beliefs that we hold onto as adults in the face of any change or challenge. The same is true of our education at St Patrick’s College, where the Gospel of Jesus is the core of our lives and our reason for being a Catholic school in the first place. Despite all of the changing curriculum and the new world challenges we are able to hold fast to our mission values of compassion, relationships, endeavour and excellence, individuality, social justice, stewardship, Catholic identity and leadership. I hope that our students will be formed by these core values and grow to be adults who are happy and make a positive contribution to society. In conclusion, I recently became very conscious at the Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools State AFL Football Final that some things don’t change. Our young men sang the war cry and school song with incredible passion and spirit that would have warmed the heart of Old Collegians over the years. They are typical of most students who take great pride in being a member of our St Patrick’s College community and ultimately a proud and connected Old Collegian. Yours sincerely, Simon Cobiac Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 1 College News NEW STAFF ACADEMIC AWARDS 2014 We welcome the following new staff to St Patrick’s College in Terms 1 and 2. Two current staff members have taken on new roles within the College: Middle School Teaching (Years 7 & 8) Miss Sarah Jago - English, History, Japanese Mr Ryan Wiese - English/SOSE Mr Matthew Chatwin - MDT/ Physical Education and Croagh Patrick MDT Croagh Patrick (Year 9) Gaynor Spriggs - E-Learning Coach (new position) Senior School (Years 10-12) Mr Carey James - Senior Computing and iPad Professional Learning Non-Teaching Staff Miss Elysa Oliver-Bennett - Youth Ministry Assistant Gap Student Mrs Tina Boon - Communications and Community Relations Ms Karen Cole - Business Manager Mr Joseph Cullen - Grounds Trainee Miss Casey Gee-Mackrill - Trainee Receptionist and Administration Officer Mrs Meegan Hughes - Senior College Chaplain (new position) Miss Kyla Milner - Psychologist Mr Stephen Nelson - Laboratory Technician and Aquaculture Assistant Mrs Lynn Seaton - Reading Support Tutor On Friday February 6 2015, we celebrated the academic success of Year 12 students from 2014 at our special College assembly. Several 2014 students from Years 7 to 11 were also acknowledged for their outstanding academic success. Congratulations to the Dux of our College, Benjamin Stylianou. Ben’s ATAR score of 98.8 was also recognised as ranking in the top 100 students for best results in Tasmania. During his speech, Ben encouraged all students to make the most of each day, to set their personal goals and to be fully committed to hard work and sacrifice to achieve their dreams. Congratulations must also go to the 23 students who achieved an ATAR above 90.0. Ben’s score was closely followed by Benjamin Goss who received 98.35 and Mitchell Blyth who gained 98.25 ATAR points. From the 2014 College graduates a total of 124 students at St Patrick’s College received an ATAR score and a further 50 students performed extremely well in one or more Tasmanian Qualification Level 3 (pre-tertiary subject). During the assembly we also acknowledged Lewis Petterwood, the 2014 Vocational Education Student of the Year, who was presented with a medal from the Governor of Tasmania at Government House. Teacher Aides It was noteworthy to see that all the high achieving students had taken up many co-curricular and leadership opportunities throughout their time at St Patrick’s and had grown into fully rounded young men and women ready and eager to take the next step into study and work. We wish them well in their futures. Mrs Jenny Matheson ACADEMIC MEDAL RECIPIENTS: Mr Cameron Bailey Benjamin Stylianou (DUX) Benjamin Goss Mitchell Blyth April Santamaria Samantha Chapman Jessica Fraser Chloe Hickman Evangeline Chalk Callan Robinson Oliver Kulinski Claire Luttrell Amelia Crothers Music Tutor Miss Kristyll Hansen - Strings Mrs Angela Crothers 2 Anna Ishkova Chelsea Rogers Darien Izbicki Brodie Adams Hannah Lee Sophie Roles Jackson Shaw Alice Nunn Jessica Payne Timothy Murfet Amylia Denman-Francis S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e College News SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARD RECIPIENTS 2014/2015 Francine Allen and Gary Wainwright Awards The 2014 Francine Allen and Gary Wainwright Shields were presented to Benjamin Stylianou and Emily Lyall-Green at the Valete Eucharist and Dinner. Recipients are nominated through a Year 12 student vote. Awardees are those who are all-rounders and who contribute to others and the school community with humility and commitment. Congratulations to Benjamin and Emily for embodying these remarkable characteristics. Michael Zeeman Award The Michael Zeeman Award recognises a student of exceptional commitment to all aspects of College life. It commemorates Old Collegiate Michael Zeeman who loved life, valued fairness and appreciated that effort and taking part were more important than being first. He was an all-rounder, had a great sense of humour and enjoyed the company of others. Pierre de Coubertin Award Every year each school throughout Australia is invited to nominate a senior student who satisfies the strict standards associated with the Pierre de Coubertin award. The award recognises a Year 12 student at the College who demonstrates academic excellence and sporting prowess whilst exemplifying the Olympic values of initiative, teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play. The award recognises the recipient’s sporting achievements and demonstration of those endeavours that are consistent with the aims of the Olympic Movement. Students at St Patrick’s are asked to complete an application form addressing all questions related to sporting achievements and service to their sport. The College then considers all applicants before a final nominee is chosen. Congratulations to Ryan Jordan, recipient of the 2014 Pierre de Coubertin Award. Martin-Lyall Scholarship The Martin-Lyall Scholarship is donated by Mrs Rosemary West in memory of her parents Athol Winton Martin and Maida Kathleen Lyall. The scholarship for two Year 10 and Year 11 students was first awarded in 2003 and we thank Mrs West for the generosity and contribution to the lives of many students and their families. The successful recipient of the award in 2015 is Year 11 student, Selin Kaya. Thomas Bourke Scholarship Each year the College awards two scholarships to Year 7 students. These scholarships are made available via the Estate of the late Thomas Bourke, who was an original supporter for the foundation of St Patrick’s College. The winners this year are Olivia Jeffrey and Amy Pereira. The Martin-Lyall Scholarship holders, Bethany Muir, Brielle Quigley, Luc Norton-Smith and Selin Kaya Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 3 College News Athletic Carnivals 2015 SENIOR SCHOOL CARNIVAL CROAGH PATRICK CARNIVAL MIDDLE SCHOOL CARNIVAL NOVELTIES WINNER NOVELTIES WINNER NOVELTIES WINNER Tenison Tenison Rice PENNANTS PENNANTS PENNANTS U/16 Girls - Rice U/16 Boys - Nagle U/17 Girls - Rice U/17 Boys - Nagle OPEN Girls - Tenison OPEN Boys - MacKillop U/15 Girls - Tenison U/15 Boys - Rice U/13 Girls - Rice U/13 Boys - Nagle U/14 Girls - MacKillop U/14 Boys - Nagle OVERALL SHIELD OVERALL SHIELD OVERALL SHIELD MacKillop - 5560 Rice - 5514.5 Tenison - 5343.5 Nagle - 5331 Rice - 3570 MacKillop - 3280.5 Tenison - 3279 Nagle - 3102.5 Nagle - 5861.5 Rice - 5607 MacKillop - 5401 Tenison - 5364 Wilding Shield and Breach Cup From 19 to 22 January, the College hosted cricketers from the fellow Edmund Rice Colleges, St Patrick’s Ballarat, St Kevin’s Melbourne and St Virgil’s Hobart. All of the four schools played either two or three games in what was a very special exchange on and off the field. As current holders of the Wilding Shield (v. St Kevin’s) and the Breach Cup (v. SPC Ballarat) the team were keen to retain them playing on home soil. The 50 over game against St Kevin’s was a thriller. Tight bowling restricted them to only 119, however in our chase we were in trouble at 7-81. With only one ball remaining we lost our final wicket – this resulted in the first Wilding Shield tie! The Breach Cup is played over two days (100 overs per side) and having regained the cup in 2014 (after several years of losses) we were keen to play well against newly formed friends. Bowling first in humid conditions our swing bowlers were on target from the very first over – making the batsmen play and often catching the edge. Seven catches were taken behind the wicket as they collapsed to be all out for 32 in the 23rd over! Our opening partnership of 122 set the scene for a big total. The 2nd day was cricket at its best. To their credit our Ballarat cricketing brothers fought to regain lost pride and prevent being bowled outright again. With about four overs remaining in the final hour we managed to take the last wicket. Cricket Captains Tom Button, of St Patrick's College Ballarat, Shaughan Killalea, of St Patrick's College Launceston, Joseph Randall, of St Virgil's College Hobart and Josh Boehm, of St Kevin's College Melbourne, pose with the cricket World Cup trophy. Mr Luke McCormack 4 S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e College News Swimming Carnivals 2015 SENIOR SCHOOL CARNIVAL CROAGH PATRICK CARNIVAL MIDDLE SCHOOL CARNIVAL NOVELTIES WINNER NOVELTIES WINNER NOVELTIES WINNER Nagle MacKillop Tenison PENNANTS PENNANTS PENNANTS U/16 Girls - Rice U/16 Boys - Nagle U/17 Girls - Rice U/17 Boys - Nagle OPEN Girls -Tenison OPEN Boys - Nagle U/15 Girls - Tenison U/15 Boys - Tenison U/13 Girls - MacKillop U/13 Boys - Tenison U/14 Girls - MacKillop U/14 Boys - Rice OVERALL SHIELD OVERALL SHIELD OVERALL SHIELD Rice - 1716 Nagle - 1659 Tenison - 1619 MacKillop - 1369 Tenison - 382 Nagle - 344.5 Rice - 337 MacKillop- 336.5 Nagle - 1220 Tenison - 1213.5 MacKillop - 1184 Rice - 1167.5 NSATIS SWIMMING A successful NSATIS swimming carnival was held on Tuesday 10 March at Launceston Aquatic Centre. St Patrick’s College dominated events from the start and managed to make a clean sweep winning all Shields on offer: Junior Boys and Girls, Senior Boys and Girls, Aggregate Boys and Girls and the most coveted shield, Overall Aggregate. St Patrick’s took home the Boys U/13, U/14 and U/15 and the Girls U/13, U/14, U/15 and Open Age Group Pennants. Records broken on the day included Ariarne Titmus in the U/15 50m and 100m Freestyle and Morgen Hawkins in the Open 50m Breaststroke. Senior and Aggregate, Co-educational Junior and Aggregate and Boys Junior. St Patrick’s College also won four of the eight pennants U/13 Boys, U/14 Girls, U/15 Girls, U/16 Girls. The Open Girls 50m Breastroke record was broken by Morgen Hawkins in 34.95sec and Ariarne Titmus broke the U/15 Girls 50m freestyle record in 28.35sec. SATIS SWIMMING On Wednesday March 25 the St Patrick's College Swim Team travelled to Hobart to compete at SATIS. The swimmers again dominated, winning six of the nine shields on offer. Shields won were Girls Junior, Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 5 College News Cross Country 2015 SENIOR SCHOOL CARNIVAL CROAGH PATRICK CARNIVAL MIDDLE SCHOOL CARNIVAL PENNANTS PENNANTS PENNANTS U/16 Girls - Rice U/16 Boys - Nagle OPEN Girls - Rice OPEN Boys- Nagle U/15 Girls - MacKillop U/15 Boys - Nagle U/13 Girls - Tenison U/13 Boys - Nagle U/14 Girls - MacKillop U/14 Boys - Nagle OVERALL SHIELD OVERALL SHIELD OVERALL SHIELD Nagle - 1019 Tenison - 790 Rice - 743 MacKillop - 553 MacKillop - 485 Nagle - 361 Rice - 314 Tenison - 249 ALL SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY Tenison - 1017 Nagle - 997 MacKillop - 866 Rice - 737 SATIS AFL GRAND FINAL SPC 12.12.84 - HUT 7.11.53 The College Cross Country Team completed a clean sweep of the NSATIS titles for 2015 winning Boys, Girls and Aggregate shields. St Patrick’s College won eight of 12 age divisions with four out of six in boys and girls. Continuing on with our success, the boys have now won six titles in a row and the girls have won three in a row. It is also St Patrick's sixth aggregate title in a row. St Patrick’s College has set a SATIS record by winning a 5th consecutive First XVIII Football premiership. Getasew Ferguson, winner of the U/17 Men 6 Arabella Phillips, 3rd in U/15 Women The first half was a tightly fought contest, with only seven points in St Patrick’s favour separating the two sides. St Patrick’s had more of the ball in the first half, however strong defensive set ups by Hutchins behind each stoppage allowed them to rebound the ball on numerous occasions. The second half saw the fitness level of St Patrick’s exceed their bigger bodied opponents and run out the game 31 point victors. S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e College News St Patrick’s Day St Patrick’s Day 2015 was celebrated with Mass in the morning led by Archbishop Julian Porteous, Archbishop of Hobart and Chair of our Governing Council, with the assistance of the priests of the Launceston and district parishes. In the afternoon students and staff braved slightly inclement weather to vie for the St Patrick’s Day Cup and remarkably the honours of victory were shared between Nagle and Tenison. Principal Cobiac, in his thirteen years at St Patrick’s, cannot remember a shared outcome in any major House competition. He was delighted with the spirit of community and the outstanding participation of students throughout St Patrick’s Day. A day when we name and celebrate our identity as St Patrick’s College and focus on our Mission as a community of faith, learning, respect and service in the Catholic tradition. College Production Getting To Know...The King And I This exciting and beautiful production ran from April 22 to 24, impressing and enthralling the many audiences during the matinee and evening performances. The performance was a culmination of many months of intense preparation by students, parents and the Visual and Performing Arts Faculty. It was an immense achievement worthy of much celebration, showcasing the immense talents of our students. Congratulations to our actors, dancers, stagehands, technicians, directors, artists, choreographers, singers and costume designers, who worked together to produce this energetic and entertaining spectacle. Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 7 College News Arts and Middle School Renovations The Arts and Middle School areas are currently in the middle of a major renovation project incorporating the Marian and O’Halloran Wings. The original Marian Wing was built for the start of the 1984 school year and was part of many other alterations. These improvements coincided with the commencement of the new co-educational College and consisted of ‘12 classrooms, a Middle School Library, Grade 8 Science Laboratory and specialist classrooms for cooking, sewing, art, Speech and Drama and Technical Drawing’. The renovations also included a ‘toilet and office facilities for the Middle School’, which consisted ‘of Grade 8 and 9 students’. (Page 5, 1984 St Patrick’s College Yearbook). 8 The 2015 design is based on a cluster concept, in which small communities are created for learning. These communities will provide a supportive environment conducive to the transition from primary to high school. The buildings have been been designed to make optimal use of natural light, joining the outside with the inside and providing a link to the art spaces that are currently isolated. The design also promises annual savings in energy bills and maintenance costs. Work commenced early in Term 2 and has been divided into two stages. Tenison Tutor groups and art and textile rooms were relocated in this first stage as their rooms were in the initial demolition area. The renovations are exptected to be finished in early 2016. Marian Wing entrance as it appeared in the 1984 College magazine. 2015 Renovations. The entrance to the Marian Wing mid-renovations 2015. 2015 Renovations. The renovated entrance to the Marian Wing 2016 (conceptual drawing). Completed Arts and Middle School 2016 (conceptual drawing). S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e College News Staff Recognitions In August 2014, members of the St Patrick’s College community were acknowledged for their contribution to Catholic Education. The members received their Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission (TCEC) Recognition Awards awards from Archbishop Porteous for the following: Mr Phil Hollingsworth Exemplary Contribution to Tasmanian Catholic Education Mrs Betty Quigley Outstanding Service as an Employee within the Catholic Education Mrs Anthea Griffin Outstanding Contribution as a Friend in Catholic Schools In addition to these awards, Mr David Mohr, Mrs Sandra Faulkner and Mr Roger Morgan were recognised for 25 years of service to Catholic Education. Mr Phil Hollingsworth, Mr David Mohr, Mrs Anthea Griffin, Mrs Betty Quigley, Mr Roger Morgan Staff Farewells - Mrs Sandra Faulkner Mrs Sandra Faulkner was appointed to the position of ‘Secretary to the Principal’ for the beginning of the 1989 school year. Sandra served St Patrick’s College in this role for just over twenty five years until the end of Term 1, 2015. She was an outstanding Personal Assistant in every respect and earned the admiration of all staff during her tenure in this multifaceted and demanding role. Sandra in 2008 Prior to her appointment to St Patrick’s College, Sandra worked in the business world as a Clerical Assistant for Australia Post, a News Secretary and Publicity Officer for TNT 9 and Secretary to the General Manager of Birchall’s. These roles prepared Sandra for the fast paced, broad variety of work in a secondary school environment where she was the Enrolment Registrar, Secretary to the Board of Management and Personal Assistant to four Principals, Br Bill Wilding (1989-1993), Br John O’Halloran (June 1993-1998), Br Clem Barrett (1999-2002) and Mr Simon Cobiac (2003-2014). After this Sandra continued in the role of Enrolment Registrar until her retirement in April, 2015. Sandra aspired to and achieved excellence in all of her duties. She exhibited an unquestionable loyalty to successive Principals and acted as a confidante in many delicate and sensitive matters, her compassion, love of St Patrick’s College and respect for people always coming to the fore. Sandra was highly skilled in all technical components of her role and demonstrated strong leadership of Office Staff especially in the business information and computer technology area. The College relied on her knowledge of data systems and the accuracy of her input of data for many years. She was always up to date with advancements and best practice and was always keen to suggest and make changes in order to improve school processes. Sandra was driven by her own high standards of excellence and high ethical practice. She was absolutely reliable, trustworthy and committed to professional service. As Enrolment Registrar, Sandra was a warm, welcoming presence to students and families and her organisation and implementation of enrolment processes was outstanding. Sandra was a great colleague to her peers. She was a friend to those in personal and family need and a true team player, always looking to help others and focussed on achieving the best team outcome. She was as comfortable with the everyday menial tasks as she was participating in Board meetings or preparing for the opening of many facilities over her 25 years at St Patrick’s. Sandra had a wonderful sense of humour at social functions and even at meetings keeping Principals and staff entertained with her intelligent, witty remarks and repartee. On behalf of St Patrick’s College we wish Sandra a happy and healthy retirement with her husband Glenn. Above all, Sandra is a devoted wife and mother with family the core of her life. She will now be able to spend time with her family, Melissa, Jarrod (son in law) and Eli (Grandson) in Victoria and her son Scott and his wife Elle at home in Tasmania. Principal Simon Cobiac Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 9 College News Staff Farewells - Mr Phil Hollingsworth Those who have worked closely with Phil for an extended period describe him as approachable, fair and compassionate, knowledgeable, willing to share knowledge, loyal, down to earth, helpful, generous, caring and supportive. These traits combined with a great sense of humour have seen Phil develop strong friendships and professional relationships with a wide and diverse array of colleagues. Phil is equally at home in the Board Room discussing multi-million dollar project financing with the College Board as he is on the oval discussing the state of the cricket pitch and outfield with our grounds staff. Phil in 2014 with the Administration staff August 1988 could well be described as a pivotal moment in the history of St Patrick’s College, as it was the point at which Phil Hollingsworth was appointed as the College Business Manager. December 2014, some 26 years later, sees Phil’s remarkable career come to a conclusion. As a St Patrick’s ‘Old Boy’ (the College was not co-ed during his time as a student), Phil was making his way in the business world in banking, finance and accounting when the opportunity arose to return to the College in the role of Business Manager. Phil quickly found his feet in the role and began the task of modernising business practices and being an integral factor in transforming the College into a prudently managed contemporary enterprise that underpins the provision of quality Catholic education. Phil’s five children all attended the College and as a result he became heavily involved in a range of co-curricular activities, particularly swimming, such has been his commitment to and understanding of all spheres of College life. Phil’s leadership, dedication and hard work have been a crucial factor in the success of the College over many years and much of the credit for the regard in which the effectiveness and efficiency of our business operations are held is attributable to him. In addition to his enormous contribution to St Patrick’s, Phil has also given of himself generously in the service of Catholic Education in Tasmania through his involvement in the Grants Allocation and Capital Projects Committees. Phil’s passion for the College is probably best summed up by the comment he has made on occasion, “cut me open and my blood will be green and gold”. Adequately describing Phil’s contribution and legacy in this brief summary is effectively impossible but perhaps listing just some of the building projects he has overseen may provide some tangible insight; Swimming Pool, Guilford Theatre and Performing Arts Centre, Nano Nagle Gymnasium, Mary MacKillop Library, Senior Science Centre, Croagh Patrick, Aquaculture – Trade Training Centre and Edmund Rice Centre. These outstanding facilities will stand as a testament to Phil’s time as our Business Manager for many years to come and to the benefit of current and future generations of St Patrick’s College students and staff. On behalf of all at St Patrick’s, both present and past, we wish Phil a long, healthy and happy retirement with his wife Jan, children Emma, Daniel, Beth, Abbie and Anna, 11 grandchildren (at last count) and, of course, his trusty golf clubs and beloved Collingwood. Principal Simon Cobiac Farewells Also Go To: Debbie Dodd said farewell to St Patrick’s College after 15 dedicated years of service. Debbie has now moved on to St Giles and we wish her all the best. Alison Lowe, whose teaching time at St Patrick’s began in 2012, taught Big Ideas, Japanese, Craft and Rite Journey at Croagh Patrick. Alison has taken up a teaching postion at St Mary’s College, Hobart. Glen McPherson was a member of the Croagh Patrick team from the initial concept. His love of teaching science and technology is now being put to good use in Queensland. Caitlin Siejka left at the end of 2014 after eight years at the College six years as a student and two as a teacher. Caitlin left us to move to Queensland to further her teaching career. Phil in his office in 1990 10 S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e Wedding Notices College News/Old Collegians Above - Christopher Roberts (2004, and son of Mrs Barbara Roberts, St Patrick's College Drama Assistant) married Natalie Green on October 4, 2014 in Ladeley, Queensland. Christopher’s sister Lisa (2003), assisted as a member of the wedding party. Left - Nicole (nee Radin - 2001 and current staff member) and Ben Laskey (2004) were married on November 29, 2014 at the Church of Apostles in Launceston. Left - Kris Philpott (2002, and son of Mrs Kathy Goodyer, Personal Assistant to the Deputy Principal) married Bianca Barron on September 13, 2014 at Helens Hill Estate Winery in the Yarra Valley, Victoria. Kris’ brother Jesse (2006) was his best man and his sister Ashlee (2005) gave readings at the wedding. They honeymooned in Singapore and Koh Samui. Engagement Notices Felicity Berry, Ex Croagh Patrick teacher and daughter of our current Deputy Principal - Pastoral Care and Head of Middle School, Ms Penny Ludicke, has recently become engaged to Adam Longo. The proposal occurred in a specially decorated room during the interval of the Sydney production of Les Misérables. Adam also persuaded cast members to autograph her commemorative book. Birth Notices Jason Spradbury (2005, and son of teacher Mr Wayne Spradbury) with baby Amara Spradbury (born 7.11.14). Amy Baker (nee Spradbury, 2008, and daughter of teacher Mr Wayne Spradbury) with baby Edgar Baker (born 1.7.14). Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 11 Old Collegians Officer Cadets Amelia Crothers and Callan Robinson (2014) after graduating from the Year One Familiarisation Training (YOFT) period at Australian Defence Force Acadamey. YOFT encompasses weapon training, physical training, first aid, drill and academic enrolments. The training culminates with the return of second and third year cadets to the ADFA, and the conduct of the Chief of the Defence Force (CDF) Parade, which is where this photo was taken in February earlier this year. Photo courtesy of Roger Lovell Lewis Petterwood (2014) has been presented a TQA award for ‘Outstanding Achievement in Vocational Education’ by Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, AM, Governor of Tasmania. Lewis not only excelled in vocational education (Certificate IV in Hospitality) he was also awarded a University of Tasmania scholarship to attend the prestigious School of Language Asahi Nihongo. Lewis hopes to complete his Bachelor of Arts majoring in Japanese and to work in either International Hotel Management or International Language Interpretation. Anthony Cox (2003) is a freelance film and television video editor working in Sydney, Melbourne, London and Los Angeles. He has worked on the short film The Wilding, which won an ‘Ellie’ for Best Editing in a Short Film at the 2012 Australian Screen Editors awards. He has also collaborated on Thunderbirds Are Go!. Anthony’s latest project, Downriver, is set to be released at the Melbourne International Film Festival in August. Visit his website for a complete list of his projects. Amelia Crothers and Callan Robinson Luke in 1994 Since moving to Sydney, Luke Heath (1995) has created the Luke Heath Fitness app to complement his professional fitness business. For clients who use the app, Luke motivates, mentors and inspires. The Luke Heath Fitness app can be found on his website, Luke has also been featured in the August 2015 edition of Runner's World magazine. Cameron Prien (2009) went on to study journalism after leaving St Patrick’s College. He then had a switch of majors and took up studying Agricultural Science at Charles Sturt University from 2011 to 2014. Cameron is now working at Elders Bendigo in his chosen profession. Anthony with SPC mentors Ms Leigh Hart and Dr Julienne Colman Cameron in 2009 12 S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e Fernando do Campo, (2004) is an artist and curator who opened his first solo exhibition outside Australia earlier this year in New York City. The exhibition was titled Figure Behind A Lake and included thirty newly produced paintings designed in his studio in Manhattan at Parsons The New School for Design. Old Collegians The exhibition was held at Australia’s New York City Consulate, and was attended by 200 guests. Some of those who attended included, Dr Peter Rathjen, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Tasmania, Anne Gaines, Dean of Parsons The New School for Design and Mr Geoffrey Pack, President of the American Friends of the National Gallery of Australia. Fernando has been awarded a long list of achievements during his career. He was the recipient of the Young Tasmanian of the Year for Arts in 2013, received individual grants from the Regional Arts Fund, Arts Tasmania and the Australia Council for the Arts and is the inaugural General Sir John Monash Cultural Scholar. He is a graduate of both the Tasmanian College of the Arts and the School of Art (ANU, Canberra) and is currently completing his Masters of Fine Art at New York School of Design. Fernando in 2004 Since completing Year 12 at St Patrick’s College, Marcus Colla (2007) has gone on to graduate with Honours in History at the University of Tasmania (DipLang 2013, BA Hons 2013). He is now also the first University of Tasmania student to win the prestigious Gates Scholarship to study for his PhD in Modern German History at Cambridge University. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any Marcus in 2006 subject available at the University of Cambridge. The aim of the Gates Cambridge programme is to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others. Evie Quigley (2005) is currently living and working in Melbourne as a Brands Coordinator for Buzz. Buzz is global creative agency that designs and develops products for a range of companies, including some of the world’s leading airlines. After leaving St Patrick's College, Evie studied Business at UTas, moved to Melbourne and then began working her way up the career ladder. Sarah Coull (2006) established a new website called Girl Unearthed, developed to assist young women explore their career path options and encourage them to think creatively. It allows them the chance to read about the journeys various young women have made to reach certain career goals. Sarah’s career now involves working at an audio book publisher as a Rights Assistant. She is also a freelance writer and editor, and has written for a number of publications including Girlfriend, Beat magazine, and is a regular reviewer for Books+Publishing. Sarah’s website can be found at Evie in 2004 Sarah House (2004) is the General Civil Solicitor and Practice Coordinator of the Launceston Community Legal Centre. She advises on a variety of legal issues and coordinates their legal education program. In January 2015 Sarah was awarded the inaugural Tasmanian Young Lawyer of the Year Award. Sarah in 2001 Sarah in 2003 Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 13 Old Collegians 1995 1st XI Cricketers – Reunited With the 2015 Ashes series upon us, it was during the Ashes series in Australia in 1995 (where Australia retained the urn 3-1) that the young men at St Patrick’s were making their own cricket history for the College. 20 years on and the team are planning to reunite and test their once classy skills against the prospective 1st X1 cricketers from this era. and literally travel the world (although most have not walked all the way around it like Sammy Clear did). Many of the team became legends and multiple premiership players in the local NTCA and still play today. Whilst some have not played for a very long time. Every year in the 1st X1 at St Patrick’s is special – so to bring back a team after two decades will be a very special day. Mr Luke McCormack The opportunity to gather together again for a game is much anticipated. The 20 year gap has seen players spread far and wide Cricket 1st XI Back Row: Mr L McCormack (Coach), Paul Richardson, Stephen Keefe, Sam Clear, James Dilger, John Kedey Front Row: Tim Richardson, Nathan Matthews, Josh Fletcher, Jerome Illingworth (Captain), Nick Bonner (Vice-Captain), Ben Milford, Gerard Scott It Was During The 1995 Season That The Following Highlights Occurred: • We once again played St Patrick’s Ballarat, but for the first time it was for the H.T. Breach Cup. We won, on home soil. • Another first, as we entered the Christian Brothers Cricket Week at Nudgee College in Brisbane. We have since returned in 1998, 2010 and 2014. • This trip included an incredible game where we scored 5-322 from our 50 overs, only to lose! Nick Bonner (132) and Gerard Scott (113 off 48 balls) both scored centuries on the tiny oval, in the wet, on a synthetic pitch. Another highlight was playing the hosts Nudgee College on their magnificent home ground. They really outclassed us … but read on below! • Back at home, we recorded an amazing outright win (bowling them out twice) over Marist to make the State Final, our 3rd in succession. This was the first outright win 14 for a decade, and resulted in a rule change in the competition! • The team qualified for the Gillette Cup – played between the eight best schoolboy teams from each state and territory. We defeated Alanvale College in the semi and Guilford Young College at home in the final. Unfortunately the State Final, also against Guilford, was due to be played three days after this final – but the rain kept on falling in Hobart and the title was shared. Their team include future West Indian Test cricketer Brendan Nash. The ‘bronze medal’ match saw us lose to a Marcus North (Australian Test cricketer) inspired Kent St. High School from Perth. The Gillette Cup, played with your mates/representing the state and your College, was an experience that we will never forget. OLD COLLEGIANS CRICKET 1995 1st X1 v. Current 1st X1 • The Gillette Cup was only to last two more years, and the 1995 version was held here in Launceston. This was the first occasion that our baggy caps featured the College crest rather than simply the letters SPC. Sunday 11th October St. Patrick’s College Main Oval • We made the play off for 3rd v 4th, mainly due to a brilliant win over Nudgee College – the Queensland representative that defeated us so easily only 10 months earlier. BBQ at stumps 12noon start 40 overs per side Contact S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e Old Collegians Reunions On Saturday 25th October 2014 the Year 10s of '89 celebrated their 25 year reunion at The Northern Club, Launceston. The group enjoyed catching up at the College prior to the event for a tour, hosted by Archivist Mrs Liz Woodworth. It was a great turn out to both events. Thank you to the committee members for helping with the organisation. Matthew Mahoney, Mary Jane Deane, Simon Gladman, Natasha Down Danielle Morton, Kimberley Vautin (photobombed by Jarrod Blair!) ‘89 - Reminiscing by Anita Faulkner On the 25th October 2014, the School Leavers of 1989 celebrated their 25 year reunion. The reminiscing started months prior to this thanks to the powers of social media. In the months leading up to the reunion, many followers of our dedicated Facebook page were treated to regular photos of our (mostly) wonderful school days. This sparked many humorous Facebook conversations and proved that while the decades had passed, a lot of our school memories felt like yesterday. School camps back in those days certainly seemed to have more life and death experiences than they do now! On the day of our reunion, a number of us gathered at the College for a tour. A couple of us brought our own children along so they could see where their mums and dads went to school, and what a surreal experience this proved to be. The memories while walking the school corridors felt like yesterday, but clearly with our own children in tow the years had marched on! While many of the classrooms hadn’t changed a bit, clearly the HSC area of the school was unrecognisable. The Edmund Rice building, library, gymnasium, sports grounds and courts are first class and clearly impressed all of us. For those of us not 100% decided on where we were enrolling our primary school children for high school, the tour certainly tilted the scales! A highlight of our tour was standing in the old gym and watching two of our class mates reenact Progressive Dance practice - 25 years on, with Lenny Towns finally having the nerve to ask Karen Thompson to dance! That evening approximately 70 1989 Year 10 classmates gathered at The Northern Club for casual drinks and finger food, with the back drop of 1980’s music to take us back in time. The loud chatter and laughter throughout the night was a joy to experience. Chris Connolly, Steve Klimeck Anita Faulkner, Daniel Rose To be able to reconnect with those with who we experienced so much and, talk with those we might not have known so well in the school days, was such a special and heart warming experience. Isn’t that what school reunions are all about after all? They do also prove that woman do age more gracefully than men! Thanks must go to Liz Woodworth Karen Thompson and Lenny Towns in the for giving up her Barrett Gym time on a Saturday afternoon to be our school tour guide, and to the College office staff for organising distribution of invites and administrating RSVP’s and payment. The College’s ongoing support of these events, enable them to be organised with relative ease for which reunion organisers are extremely grateful for. We were certainly made to feel that the Old Collegians will always be an important part of the community and that is certainly one of the many reasons that makes so many of us feel proud, privileged and grateful to have been a student of St Patrick’s College. Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 15 From t he Archives Then and Now Prior to the 1989-91 25 year College tour, the reunion group had inspiration to take a photograph in the same setting as one taken in 1990 and used on the cover of the College magazine that year. 25 years has brought a lot of change to the College. Many new buildings, old classrooms gone, ovals moved and a new campus constructed for our Year 9 students. Taking their idea a little further, I thought it might be interesting to have a photographic look at St Patrick's College as it was circa 1990 in comparison to circa 2015, and see just a small selection of the differences those past students observed on their tour. 16 Mrs Liz Woodworth Reminiscing from the cover of the 1990 College magazine. And 25 years on. Entrance to College and Chapel 1990. 2015. Construction work on the change rooms for the new swimming pool 1990. 2015. S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e From t he Archives/Old Collegians Upper quadrangle area 1990. 2015...looking toward the Mary MacKillop Library and Barrett Gym, with the J.V. Howe IT Centre on the left and the Brady Wing on the right. 1990 view looking towards the front of the College, over what is now the Lower Sail Cloth area. 2015… almost the same angle, this image taken from the back corner of the Brady Wing on the right and looking towards the Staffroom offices, with the D’Arcy Wing to the left. Reunions ‘04 Reunion The Class of 2004 caught up at the Alchemy Bar and Restaurant on 21 November 2014. It was a low key affair, but it gave the ex-classmates and their partners a chance to mix and mingle and catch up with old friends. Thanks goes to Lindsey Hills, Danielle Taylor and Liz Woodworth for helping with the planning of the reunion. Toby Colgrave, Ryan West, Luke van Tienen, Sam Clasessens Peta Gould, Matthew Staverly Michael Burgess, James Ryan Danielle Masters (nee Taylor), Lindsey Hills (nee Radin) Pat r i c i a n - W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 17 1995 Reunion Year 10 (1993), 11 (1994) or 12 (1995) Leavers VENUE: The Boathouse - 55a Lindsay Street, Invermay DATE: 10th October 2015 TIME: 7:30pm DRESS: Smart Casual COST: $60.00 per person Includes arrival drinks and canapés. Cash Bar TOUR: Tour of College at 3pm, Saturday 10th October Class of 1965 4th Form Where are you now? We have an old classmate who would like make contact with you. Please send me your details and we can put you in touch. Tina Boon - email: or phone 03 6341 9988 For booking and payment please contact Tina Boon at St Patrick’s College on: or phone 03 6341 9988 2005 REUNION Year 10 (2003), 11 (2004) or 12 (2005) Leavers VENUE: The Boathouse - 55a Lindsay Street, Invermay DATE: 19th December 2015 TIME: 7:00pm DRESS: Smart Casual COST: $20.00 per person For more information please contatct Tamika-Lee Kulla on: or for booking and payment please contact Tina Boon at St Patrick’s College on: or phone 03 6341 9988 COLLEGE REUNIONS The College can help with your event. We can provide tours, memorabilia, and names. If you would like to organise and publicise your event, please get in touch with us at: Dear Old Collegian I hope you have enjoyed reading The Patrician. Don’t forget The Patrician is also available online at the St Patrick’s College website. It can be found under the ‘Collegians’ tab or via Please let us know how you would like to receive future copies of The Patrician by filling in the following section and returning it to us. You can also update your details online through the College e-form at: St Patrick’s College Communications and Community Relations Office PO Box 401 PROSPECT TAS 7250 NAME:................................................................................................................ MAIDEN NAME IF APPLICABLE: .......................................................... ADDRESS: ........................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................. YEAR LEFT COLLEGE: ................................................................................ GRADE LEFT COLLEGE: ............................................................................ EMAIL ADDRESS........................................................................................... Please email me a copy of The Patrician Please send me a hard copy of The Patrician I will download my own copy from the College website No thanks, I don’t want to receive The Patrician Please feel free to contact me with photos or any information you would like to share with fellow Old Collegians. My contact email address is: 18 S t Pat r i c k ’s C o l l e g e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h f a i t h & k n o w l e d g e
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