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to View our Newsletter for Winter 2015
S A I N T P A Our T R I C K ’ S R E S I D E N C E JOURNEY T O G E T H E R Winter 2015 Gold Key Gala Reaches New Heights of $230,000 Dates to Remember... December 5, 2015 Annual Christmas Cookie Walk and Boutique 10 a.m. – Noon Christmas Masses Christmas Eve – 7 p.m. Christmas Day – 10:30 a.m. March 13, 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Mass May 23, 2016 St. Patrick’s Annual Benefit Golf Outing – Stonebridge Country Club The Guild of St. Patrick’s impact was evident as they presented St. Patrick’s Residence with a $100,000 matching gift. (story on page 4) generosity friendship T H E D I F F E R E N mission C E I S L O V E SM 2 Our JOURNEY TOGETHER/Winter 2015 FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR Our Blessings Dear Friends of St. Patrick’s, I am pleased to write to you and share some thoughts about our progress and status at St. Patrick’s Residence. If you’ve been around the house lately, you’ve undoubtedly noticed new faces in the patient care leadership team. As always, thank you for your unwavering support of St. Patrick’s Residence. We are so very grateful. Our JOURNEY TOGETHER is published three times a year by St. Patrick’s Residence, served by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm. It is the policy of St. Patrick’s to provide service to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, handicap or age in compliance with 45 C.F.R. Parts 80, 84 and 91 respectively. The same requirements are applied to all, and there is no distinction in the eligibility for, or in the manner of providing services. Not for profit postage permit No. 1862, paid at Naperville, IL. All articles and photos within this newsletter are the property of St. Patrick’s Residence. Reprint with permission only. St. Patrick’s Residence is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Enjoy the beauty of autumn! Please refer all questions to: Sister Anthony and I are proud to welcome our new team of leaders who come to us with solid backgrounds and experience. They have already shown a high level of expertise and grace under the pressure of rapid change. Additionally, we have hired a number of new staff members in the clinical ranks who are blending in nicely with our devoted long term staff. I’m touched by the close bonds I see between our residents and staff. We’re very pleased with all the talent and care that our entire staff brings in service to our residents. We enjoyed a visit mid-October from Sister Julie, Vice President of Mission for the Carmelite System, who met with over 170 employees here at St. Pat’s. Sister Julie shared stories of Mother Angeline’s early days here in America when she worked to formulate the Carmelite Mission and establish homes to care for the elderly and frail. Mother Angeline’s courage and perseverance are an inspiration to us all. Marilyn Daley Administrator New Patient Care Leadership Team Director of Nursing (DON) Lynn Luckett BSN, RN, Master’s Candidate Assistant Director of Nursing Jackie Johnson BSN, RN (ADON) and 3 East Unit Mgr. Clinical Liaison Rhonda Schiestel MSN, APN, FNP Clinical Educator Sandra Nerocker MSN.Ed., CRRN 2 East Unit Manager Christine Humbard ADN, RN 2 West Unit Manager Gail Wasz BSN, RN 3 West Unit Manager Christina Kleikamp BSN, RN Dietitian Janelle Macabulos RD 1 West/2 West Shannon McCain-Scofield BA Social Services Director 2 East Social Services Michelle Catala MSW St. Patrick’s Residence 1400 Brookdale Road Naperville, IL 60563-2126 630-416-6565 A LOVING TRIBUTE Our JOURNEY TOGETHER/Winter 2015 Little Horses in Sneakers Bring Smiles to St. Patrick’s T he last thing you would expect to see in the hallways of St. Patrick’s are three miniature horses, but the visit of Lunar, Mystery and CinderBella, from Barrington-based Mane in Heaven was highly anticipated by residents, staff and three devoted daughters who made the visit possible, in loving memory of their mother, Dorothy Taylor. Dorothy was a resident at St. Patrick’s for two years and loved animals. When Dorothy passed away in April, her daughters, Nancy, Carol and Susan, asked that memorials be made to St. Patrick’s and be given to the Life Enrichment department for an activity all residents could enjoy. Mane in Heaven is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to provide therapeutic benefits to disabled and able-bodied children and adults through animal-assisted activity and therapy visits with miniature horses, leading to improved outcomes of physical, mental and emotional well-being. The organization does not charge for its visits, but relies solely on donations, sponsorships and fundraising. It is served entirely by volunteers who train, transport and visit with these adorable little horses. So on a beautiful morning, on the five-month anniversary of their mother’s passing, the little equines arrived in their custom van. They were guided by their volunteer handlers to all five units, where our residents, staff and visiting families were happy to see them and enjoyed petting them. To help them with traction on our slippery tile floors, they wore pink or blue sneakers, which added to their sweet dispositions. “It was heartwarming on so many levels,” said Dorothy’s daughter, Nancy. “I felt Mom’s Thank you to the Family of Dorothy Taylor for making this visit a reality. comforting spirit and know that she was with her St. Patrick’s family once again…safe, happy and enjoying the unconditional love of our four-legged creatures.” It was inspiring to see how these little animals had a calming impact on residents just with a touch of their silky little noses. Another benefit of working with animals is they make therapy sessions more productive. Residents respond to animals in a way they sometimes don’t with people. A resident reaching to touch an animal uses muscles in their shoulders and limbs, which helps strengthen these areas and improves posture. The little horses with pink and blue sneakers brought more to St. Patrick’s than smiles and a gentle touch…they gave three devoted, thoughtful daughters cherished memories of a loving mother who loved animals. 3 4 Our JOURNEY TOGETHER/Winter 2015 2015 GOLD KEY GALA Gold Key Gala Hits New Heights—$230,000! T he Gala, held on Thursday, September 24th, was an overwhelming success, reaching $230,000 in net proceeds! All of the proceeds will be used to help the Sisters begin the renovation of the shower rooms to a calming, therapeutic, spa-like environment on each of the five units. The proceeds included a surprise match made by The Guild of St. Patrick’s for $100,000. The members of the Guild have worked very hard over the years to raise money to benefit the residents of St. Patrick’s. Knowing that the shower room renovation would require funds in addition to the Gala proceeds, the Guild unanimously voted to allocate this generous matching gift to provide a solid foundation to the project. Special thanks to our 2015 Gold Key Gala Committee: Ray Jones, Mel and Elaine Brucher, Regina Millington and Nancy Quigley for all of their guidance and hard work in making the Gala a success. Our thanks to Mike Lake for capturing the evening in photos and to First Community Financial Bank-Naperville for sponsoring the “Pot O’Gold” Prize. Our sincere appreciation to all of the Gold Key Gala Sponsors, contributors and guests. Gold Key Gala Greg Dellinger kept the bidders entertained and energized for the live auction. 2015 GOLD KEY SPONSORS Brad and Pat Barenbrugge Gary and Gloria Baumgartner Patrick and Polly Benton Andy and Judy Beumel Dorothy Brown The Eileen Ceh Family Thomas and Maryann Ciccarelli Dennis and Bonnie Coates Jane DiGiovine Jerry and Carol Doll Esser Hayes Insurance Group Thomas and Lauren Evans Dolores Falbo Mark and Donna Falcone First Community Financial Bank— Naperville Dennis and Margaret Flynn Tom and Pat Frank Friedrich-Jones Funeral Home Wayne and Teri Fron In Loving Memory of Irma Gamauf Will and Kathie Gillett The Guild of St. Patrick’s The Hartnett Family John and Kathryn Houtsma Ray and Marilyn Jones Paul and Mary Ann Junkroski Bishop Francis Kane John and Simone Kapovich William and Heidi Kapovich Jeff and Stephanie Kastelic Paul and Judy Keel The Family of Rose King Pat and MaryAnn Larmon Paul and Coleen Lehman Frank and Shirley Lesters Burt and Mary Ann Lewis The Lyngaas Family, In Memory of Roy and Betty Lyngaas Daniel and Beth Maguire Marmion Abbey MB Financial Wealth Management Mary Ellen McArdle, In Memory of James McArdle Terry McGuire and Kathleen McGowan Chuck and Regina Millington Motorola Solutions Brien Nagle, Nagle Obarski PC Naperville Bank and Trust Joan Nieman John and Angela Oldershaw Order of Carmelites – Society of Mount Carmel Dr. and Mrs. James Paul From the Family of Kay Philpott Loretta Quam Jeanne Rechenmacher, Coldwell Banker Renn & High, CHTD Pat Riggs Jeanette Ryan Dr. Michael Shannon Frank and Kay Slocumb Saints Peter and Paul Church St. Procopius Abbey St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church The Family of Dorothy Venn Our JOURNEY TOGETHER/Winter 2015 2015 GOLD KEY GALA Thank you to the friends and businesses who helped make the Gala a success. Risa and Jenn Adams Adventure Stage Chicago Al’s Steakhouse & Banquets Apollo Theater Arlene Beaman Nadia Behna Angela Bergeron BK Jewelry Brand and Mary Ann Bobosky Mary A. Bortman John Boytim and Kristina Van Liew Beverlee Brisbin Mel and Elaine Brucher Brucher Machining Judi Buckman Ed and Mary Ellen Burke James Burke Robert Campbell, Fine Portraiture Jacquelyn Carducci Carmelite Sisters— Carmel Manor Carmelite Sisters— Kahl Home Carmelite Sisters—Mother Angeline McCrory Manor Carmelite Sisters— Germantown, NY Carmelite SistersSt. Patrick’s Residence Theodore and Angie Castro Harry and Loretta Cescato Mayor Steve Chirico Richard and Janet Coffey Colbert Custom Framing & Art Aurea Collins Michael Connelly, State Senator, 21st District Cooper’s Hawk Winery and Restaurants Lonnie and Patty Copenhaver Court Theatre, University of Chicago Kathy Cox Cress Creek Country Club Barbara Crockett Zofia Cygan, M.D. Daniel and Marilyn Daley Dean’s Fine Clothing Sr. Marcian Deisenroth, RSM Ronald and Bernadette Dominick Michael Douglas and Mary Martin Bob and Maureen Doyle John Durso, Nixon Peabody LLP Elegante Salons & Day Spas James and Catherine Elting Charles and Susan Farber Kevin Feeney Valerie Feld Fiamme Rose Marie Filliben John and Diane Fiore First Folio Theatre, Oakbrook Nora Fleming LLC Michael and Peggy Fortuna Arlene Friedheim Steven Froelich Margaret Fullmer Hector and Pat Fuster Donna Garafolo Ruth Garnett Barbara Gleason Dr. and Mrs. John Grady Edward and Linette Graham Sean Graham, Michael Graham Salon Pamela Hart Kay Hartung Hollis Hess Jim and Judy Holmberg Drew Hoying Thomas and Eileen Hughes Hugo’s Frog Bar & Fish House Illinois Tool Works Foundation John and Audrey Kapovich Deacon & Mrs. Lawrence Kearney Carol Keyes Loreto Kissane Patricia Knoll, Shure Incorporated James and Mary Koller Carol Ann Kuchta Kenneth and Mary Kuester David Kuhn Mark Kuntz Joe and Nanette Kurzydym Mike Lake Lynn Leader Randy and Karen Leffelman John Lenahan Judith Lickteig Lifeline Theatre, Chicago Marie Liscano Maria Martha Lopez Donald Lorek Nell Luebbert Maggiano’s Little Italy Lou Malnati’s Mr. and Mrs. George Marino Marquette Companies Dorothy McGrath Rev. Don McLaughlin James and Sharon Miletich Dennis Militello Catherine Montalbano Mount View Hotel & Spa (continued on page 6) 5 6 Our JOURNEY TOGETHER/Winter 2015 2015 GOLD KEY GALA...& MISSION MADE VISIBLE (GOLD KEY GALA continued) Naperville Firehouse Station #5 Naperville Police Department Ernest and JoAnne Nassos NICL Laboratories North Central College Joan Nowak Joe and Bernice O’Toole Orange Theory Fitness Dr. and Mrs. Fred Pacer Painted Gifts by Gerri Lawrence and Ellen Paryz Phillips Flowers Gifts Naperville Pinot’s Palette Dolores Potterton George Pradel The Prince Charitable Trusts Nancy Quigley, Quigley’s Irish Pub John and Pat Rachwal Bill and Mary Lou Rafferty Rialto Square Theatre Gerald and Marge Rogers Roseland Draperies & Interiors Neil and Kathleen Ryan Donna Sable Frank and Thea Sakelaris Grace Santangelo Ron and Marlys Santo Dave Savini, CBS 2 Studios John and Barb Shaw Gail and Dale Simek Mike and Mary Ann Skarr Sister Pat Skowronski Patrick and Ann Sommerfeld Elaine Sorich Tina Stiefel David and Victoria Sundin Suzette’s Creperie, Wheaton John and Joyce Symowicz Deacon John & Sue Szarek Theatre of Western Springs Robert and Patricia Traub Angelija Vasich Dan and Martha Weinfurter Grant Wehrli, State Representative, 41st Dist. Donna Welch Wilson’s Sporting Goods John and Teresa Wirkus Mission Made Visible S t. Patrick’s Residence is blessed with families, friends and staff who are dedicated to us and who are devoted to our residents. On October 30th, we honored four members of our staff who exemplify the Mission of Mother Angeline Teresa and the Carmelite Sisters of St. Patrick’s. They have gone beyond their duties to love and serve our residents in a way that comes from the heart. For the eleventh year, the Mission Made Visible award has been made possible through the generosity of one of our benefactors. We wish to thank him for his continued support and for sharing in This year’s Mission Made Visible recipients are (L-R): Jennifer Vedova (Nursing), our belief of the importance of affirming Shannon McCain-Scofield (Social Services Director), Anjela Cabanlong (Food Services), our employees and helping to continue and Madelene Bernar (Director of Development). Mother Angeline’s legacy. The award recipients are chosen from nominations submitted by our employees and are evaluated by the Mission Committee, focusing on one of the ten Carmelite Core Values. This year’s Core Value is Shared Commitment. Shared Commitment is defined as someone who promotes a “binding together” through a common spirit, a shared sense of belonging, attachment, accountability, ideas, insights and feelings. Each recipient and their guest were invited to a special dinner with the Sisters and department heads where they received a plaque and a monetary gift. The Carmelite Sisters would like to thank the award recipients for displaying love, concern and respect to all of our residents and for believing in the Mission of Mother Angeline Teresa and St. Patrick’s Residence. You are a blessing to us. WELCOME SISTER CATHERINE & PROUD TO SERVE Our JOURNEY TOGETHER/Winter 2015 A Grace from God W e would like to introduce you to Sr. Catherine Hinkle. Sr. Catherine is joining us from the Kahl Home, our facility in Davenport, Iowa. Sr. Catherine was born in Jackson, Michigan and is the youngest of nine children. She attended Catholic schools through 9th grade. “My second year in high school, I went to a public school, and I loved it!” said Sr. Catherine. “I could just be myself. Everyone was so different.” At the age of sixteen, Sr. Catherine decided to journey to Italy and entered a convent of a newly formed religious community located outside of Rome. Her duties varied and included cooking and cleaning in a retreat home, serving as a sacristan at a cathedral, teaching pre-school, leading adult faith groups and serving as a catechist. She learned a great deal and Sr. Catherine is our Unit Secretary on 3 West. Please stop by and introduce grew spiritually over the seventeen and a half years that yourself when you are here for a visit. she resided in Italy. Since returning from Italy in 1996, Sr. Catherine has accomplished many things including working at a variety of jobs and earning a GED and an Associate’s Degree in General Education. After thirteen years, Sr. Catherine reflected, “I always had a longing to serve God. At this time in my life, I was looking for who I was and wondered where God wanted me.” She knew she wanted to serve God and care for the elderly. Along the way, she crossed paths with Msgr. Joseph Linster in St. Charles, where she went for confession every two weeks. On a number of occasions, Monsignor inquired about whether Sr. Catherine had considered returning to vocation. At the time, she was working at a neighboring facility in Naperville as a psych-social aid. This position helped her to build a clear her vision of her love of working with the elderly. At lunch times, she would come to pray in the St. Patrick’s Residence chapel. Sr. Catherine was praying that by “receiving a grace from God to understand His will to return to Religious Life, I set about searching. This finally led me back to…here.” We are so pleased to have Sr. Catherine with us at St. Patrick’s. We know she will bring much love, kindness and understanding to our residents. A Salute To Our Veterans S t. Patrick resident Charles (Chuck) Vargo served in the United States Army from 1959 to 1961. Stationed at Libby Army Airfield, located on Fort Huachuca, in Sierra Vista, Arizona, Chuck served with the Infrared Branch, Optics Division of the Combat Surveillance Department. As an electrical engineer, Chuck helped with the development, testing and evaluation of infrared sensor devices. “Chuck is so proud of his military service,” says his wife, Loretta, who keeps all of Chuck’s military commendations neatly together and is just as proud of them as Chuck is. St. Patrick’s Residence is very proud of our veterans. We salute them for their courage and commitment to duty. We thank not only all who fought for our freedom on foreign soil, but also those who served our country here at home. Christmas is just around the corner. If you wish to show your appreciation to all of our staff this holiday season, we ask that you make a donation to St. Patrick’s for the Staff Christmas Party, which includes an extra bonus from you. Donations can be mailed to St. Patrick’s or placed in the Holiday Box in the lobby. Please indicate on the memo line of your check: Staff Christmas Party. By doing this, your contribution will benefit the staff in all departments and on all shifts, as each of them participate in the care of your loved one. 7 St. Patrick’s Residence Nursing and Rehabilitation 1400 Brookdale Road Naperville, Illinois 60563-2126 Nonprofit Org US Postage PAID Permit No. 1862 Naperville, IL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED MARK YOUR CALENDAR The Guild of St. Patrick’s Residence to Host Annual Christmas Cookie Walk & Boutique O n Saturday, December 5th, the Guild of St. Patrick’s Residence will host its Annual Christmas Cookie Walk & Boutique from 10:00 a.m. - Noon. Cookies will be sold by the pound, or you may purchase them pre-packaged or stroll among the tables containing a vast assortment and choose your favorites. Back by popular demand will be the ever-favorite English toffee and White Chocolate Carmelite Delight made by the Carmelite Sisters. We are looking for cookie bakers to share your favorite holiday cookies with us. We would appreciate 5-6 dozen holiday-themed cookies delivered to the St. Patrick’s Volunteer Office in disposable containers/trays on Friday, December 4th between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. It’s a wonderful family or group project. To stay in touch with what is going on at St. Patrick’s, please check out our website: If you have any questions regarding the Cookie Walk, please contact Jill Whitledge at (630) 416-6565 ext. 528, or email
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