December 27, 2015


December 27, 2015
Th e C o
Mission Statement of SS. Peter & Paul, St. Mary ’ s Burnside, St. Patrick Chapel, Sacred Heart, Brown City
Serving the Northern Lapeer Catholic Community
We, the Disciples of Christ, will faithfully radiate the love of Jesus that is in each of us and teach His “Good News” to
all. We welcome everyone into His Home, the Roman Catholic Church, by living His gospel of love, hospitality, and
service. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will joyfully and wholeheartedly minister to all that we meet along
the way, as we journey to the Kingdom of God.
Adopted 2009.
December 27, 2015
Page 2
SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Mission , St. Mary of Burnside, & Sacred Heart Mission
SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Churc h
The Holy Family
St. Patrick Chapel, Clifford, Mi.
Every parent knows the trials of raising children. There
is the wonder of watching someone grow and learn and
discover new things. There is satisfaction as a child takes
to heart the morals and values that a parent seeks to
share. There is sadness, and even grief, when some
difficult problem or illness besets a son or daughter. There
may even be anger or despair if, as a child grows, he or
she rejects what a parent holds dear. Needless to say,
family life is complicated, never perfect, sometimes full of
joy, sometimes crowded with pain.
Today's Gospel gives a hint that the life of the Holy
Family was not always the perfect example we might
imagine. Trials and struggles were a part of their life too.
As the Gospel story relates today, Jesus basically skipped
out on Mary and Joseph, not an unusual practice for an
adolescent. But also not the kind of thing we would
typically associate with a well-behaved teenager. In other
words, the Holy Family is exhibiting the traits and behaviors that are part of the dynamic of ordinary family life.
And that is good! It serves as a reminder to all of us
that their example is that of a family not so different from
our own. On this feast the church lifts up the Holy Family
for us to imitate. The prayer for the day asks God to help
us be like them "in practicing the virtues of family life and
in the bonds of charity." No matter the structure of our
family household, we are called to put into practice the
eternal love of God, first revealed in the mystery of the
family of the Trinity, and then lived out concretely in human life in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It
is the bond of charity that holds any family together, a love
that penetrates deep into our souls and abides in our
hearts no matter the joys or sorrows that life brings.
6645 Washington Street P.O Box 208
North Branch, MI 48461
Pastor: Rev. Richard L. Treml
Assoc. Pastor: Rev. Mark Prill ……..810-688-1192
Parish Office: ......................... ………….….810-688-3797
Parish Office Fax ...................................... 810-688-2969
Secretary: Barb Sinka, Linda Hayes, Lisa Juip
Bulletin Editor: Bernie Schlaud deadline: Tues. noon
Office Hours:
Mon. ~ Tues. ~Thurs.~ Fri. 9:00am-4:00 pm
Wed. 9:00am-7pm (during Winter unless noted)
Office Closed 12:00 pm. to 1:00 pm. daily (for lunch)
Friday ~ 9:00am-noon
Keenan Hall ..... …………..…………...810-688-8343
Mass Schedule
SS. Peter & Paul
Daily 8:30 am. Monday-Friday
Saturday 4:30 pm.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Holy Day 7:00 p.m.
Reconciliation: North Branch Saturday - 3:30pm
or by appointment
St. Patrick’s Chapel
Sunday 7:30 am
Sacred Heart of Brown City
Sunday 8:30am
St. Mary’s of Burnside
Sunday 9:30am
St. Mary’s of Burnside
5622 Summers Road P.O. Box 268
North Branch, MI 48461
Worship Cathy Hampton……………….….. 810-688-2133
Music Director Jody Bovenschen ……..…..810-346-3984
Sacred Heart, Brown City
7090 Cade Road,
Brown City, Michigan 48416
Parish Office ……………………………………..810-688-3797
Secretary…………………………………………….......Lisa Juip
Lisa in office Wednesdays, 9am-4pm & Fridays 9am-noon
Announcement deadline: Monday @11am
Email or call the cluster parish office………...810-688-3797
Music Director Diane Knox…………….….......810-627-8401
Cluster Phone Directory
Keenan Hall………………………………..810-688-8343
Council President Kerry Seers …..……989-761-7065
Altar Society Yvonne Blumerich……….810-656-2591
K of C Edward Arn…………………...…1-989-220-5496
Holy Trinity Columbian Squires:
Drake Natke………………………….…….810-688-8159
Knights Daughters—Stacy Stapels……810-793-1849
St. Vincent de PaulFaith Formation— SSPP & St. Mary’s
Lisa Verellen/688-3121 /Loretta Thurlow…..667-5144
Sacred Heart: Mike Vinande…………. 810-346-3237
MP3: Val Bader……..………………………........810-516-3619
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry:
Becky Vislosky………………………..…….810-705-0365
K4J - Nancy McDonald………………………...…810-688-3865
Music Director Christine Swoish…………….....810-247-3994
St. Patrick’s Nancy Bussure (music)…………...…989-635-7813
Bereavement Ministry…………………………….810-688-2476
Telephone Prayer Ministry………………….…..810-346-2097
Project Rachel………………………………...….888-722-4355
Domestic Violence…………………………..…..800-799-7233
SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Mission , St. Mary’s of Burnside, & Sacred Heart Mission Page 3
Church Gift Shop Workers
Adult Choir Practice
St. Patrick—Tuesdays @ 4:00pm
SS. Peter & Paul—Sundays @ 9:30am
St. Mary’s—Every Sunday after 9:30am Mass
Sundays —6:45 am Rosary at St. Patrick’s before Mass
Dec. 27: D. Sherman/C. Leonard
Jan. 3: R. Kreiner/a. Armstrong
Wednesdays—2nd Wed. of each month:
Prayer Shawl Ministry in Library 9:15am
Thursdays—RCIA @ 7pm in the McKay Library
Fridays—Eucharistic Adoration @ St. Pat’s 6:30-8:30pm
Thursday, December 31, 2015 New Year Vigil
Parish Office closes at noon
4:30pm Mass @ SSPP
Friday, Jan. 1, 2016 New Year’s Day (Holy Day)
10:00am Mass @ Sacred Heart
Parish Office Closed
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
6:30-8pm Faith Formation
Sunday, January 10, 2016
6:00-8pm MP3 Faith Formation
Monday, January 11, 2016
7pm Parish Council in Keenan Hall
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
6-8pm Bereavement Ministry in Library
Thursday, January 14, 2016
6:00pm Christ Life Begins in Keenan Hall
Epiphany Breakfast at Sacred Heart
A sign-up sheet is located in the back of church for our
Epiphany Breakfast that will be held on January 3rd at
the hall. Breakfast will be served immediately following
8:30am Mass.
Sat. Jan. 2
Altar Servers
Sun. Jan. 3
St. Patrick
Sun. Jan. 3
Sacred Heart
Children’s Mass
Sun. Jan. 3
St. Mary’s
Sun. Jan. 3
Emma Ide
St. Patrick’s Cleaning
Jan. 3-10 Joyce LaNava
Prayer for the New Year
Dear Lord, at the beginning of this New Year, I
remember that you are a God of beginnings and
endings. You created the world, with all its eternal
patterns. Winter begins in frost, and ends in Spring's
thaw. Spring begins in new, green life, ending in
Summer's heat. Summer begins in sunshine, and ends
in Autumn's breezes. And Autumn's color leads to the
white of Winter again. As another year ends and
begins in our lives, help us to
remember that you have made a
world of cycles. When fortune turns
to trials, or hardship turns to joy,
help me take delight in the life I've
received from you. Remind me that
I will one day pass from this world
and enter a new life like those
who've gone before me.
Coleen Bayer
Doug Schlaud
Jason Schlaud
Nancy McDonald
Caroline Kneebone
Michael Tkalcac
Andrew Geiger
Josh Juip
Mariah Daws
Cathy Hampton
Renee Bader
Dan Quinn
Michelle Bader
Daneah Pasternak
Tammy Pasternak
John Pasternak
Teresa Gormley
Matt Stapels
Sharon Linck
Betty Weingartz
For all churches
Please call
the parish office, 688-3797
Annette Armstrong Mark Schlaud
Page 4
Tracy Weingartz
Julie Timmer
Annette Vincil
Joseph Nazione
Arnold Thewalt
Faith Richart
Fred Dreyer
Helen Dreyer
Judith C. Burke
Gregory Trybus
Scott Bollon, Jr.
Jeremy Neal
Jean Trombley
James McNees
Eugene Schlaud
T.J. Templin
Mike Prater
Cathy Kinch
Phil Bluthardt
Marge Nordin
Shelba Repic
Robin Krist
Marion Kohler
Jan Burnett
Sr. Kate
SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Mission , St. Mary of Burnside, & Sacred Heart Mission
Roy Reynolds
Brenda Check
Barbara Park
Diane Ruhlman
Judi Edwards
Loralee Hall
Paul Sliwinski
Clem Siliwinski
MaryJo Siliwinski
Doug Andersen
Jeannie Andersen
Ivan Andersen
Tom Stacherski
Don Bruman
John Gartee
Mary Osendosky
Betty Miles
Sarah Windmueller
Janet Mutch
Charlotte Dylus
Norm Baker
Mike Farnsworth
Craig Knox
Dale Swoish
Paul Chmielewski
Gail Bissett
Stephen Grabowski
Timothy Grabowski
Kalvin Schlaud
Blake Schlaud
Chad Lange
Alison Nellenbach
Kim Shelberg
Mary Smith
Roy Tucker
Charmine Burnsworth
Francis Andrzejewski
Susan Andrzejewski & Fam
Dennis Trudell
Angelica Thibodeau
Dennis Thibodeau
Marge Tipton
Mae Schlaud
Rodney Hurley
Barry Rawson
Baby Drew Tanner
Barb Szczepanski
Wayne Rachow
Marge Dhooghe
Noreen Miller
Vicki Carlson
Jane Kohler
Ed Czelusniak, Jr.
Andrew Rodak
Zoie Martin
Stevie Hoffman
Tracy McClelland
Joe Biondo
Mary Crate
Cathy Boursaw
Aubrey Maxim
Kay Sweeney
Amber Reffey
Megan Brown
Tripp Hayes
Eric Hayes
~Mass Intentions~
Saturday, December 26, 2015
4:30pm @ SS. Peter & Paul
Spencer Wilson by family
Living and deceased of our parishes
Sunday, December 27, 2015
7:30am St. Patrick
Lloyd Lake by Dave & Barb Sinka
Fran (healing) by Kreiner family
8:30am Sacred Heart
James Reily by Bob & Pat Linck
9:30am St. Mary’s
Clare Kreiner (3rd ann.) by family
Tony Kaufman by Maureen Ford
10:30am SS. Peter & Paul
Geraldine Pribik by Tom & Julie Starcherski
Monday, December 28, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Thursday, December 31, 2015 Holy Day Vigil
4:30pm @ SS. Peter & Paul
Leona Ruhlman by Pat & Joanne Ruhlman
Friday, January 1, 2016 Holy Day
10:00am @ Sacred Heart
Anna Vinande by Pupi Family
Saturday, January 2, 2016
4:30pm @ SS. Peter & Paul
Megan Brown (healing) by Karen Klimek
Doris Gormley by Jack & Sharon Linck
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Pray for Iraq
Archbishop Vigneron asks all Catholics to pray
for peace in Iraq, especially for the family of our
former seminarian Deacon Hans. The request for
prayer comes in response to the increasing
violence and threats toward Christians and all
people in the Middle East as well as in our
7:30am St. Patrick
Mary Nellenbach by Kreiner Family
8:30am Sacred Heart
Raymond Geiger by Geiger Fam.
Robert Gusta by Gusta Family
9:30am St. Mary’s
Cobb & Inez Harmon by Doug & Bernie Schlaud
Jane & Leon Hardt by Dave & Glenda Martus
10:30am SS. Peter & Paul
Frank Emmie by Kevin & Miranda Schlaud
Readings for the Week of Dec. 27, 2016
Next Sunday:
1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Ps
84:2-3, 5 6, 9-10/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 or Col
3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:41-52
1 Jn 1:5--2:2/Ps 124:2-5, 7-8/Mt 2:13-18
1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96:1-3, 5-6/Lk 2:22-35
1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-10/Lk 2:36-40
1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96:1-2, 11-13/Jn 1:1-18
Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Gal 4:4-7/Lk
1 Jn 2:22-28/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 1:19-28
Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph 3:2-3a,
5-6/Mt 2:1-12
Mass for Shut-ins
Sunday and Christmas TV Mass:
Direct TV Network: channel: 305 6:30am
Dish Network channel: 250
WMYD channel 20
Or go to for more
local or cable TV channels or for online Mass.
(For those who can get to church, the TV or online liturgy
does not fulfill the Sunday or Christmas Mass obligation.)
SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Mission , St. Mary’s of Burnside, & Sacred Heart Mission Page 5
Our Return to God
SS. Peter & Paul:
December 20, 2015……..….....…..….........………...$.00
Number of envelopes—
Average Contribution—
All Saints………………………………………….…..…$.00
North Branch
Knights of Columbus #9568 News
Check out our new web site at
Officers Meeting 1st Tues.
Officers Meeting
Meeting 3rd
1st Tues.
of the month Tues.
of the
month Hall
7:00 pm
in Keenan
7:00 pm in Keenan Hall
St. Patrick Chapel
December 20, 2015….....…….…….………..…….….$.00
Number of Envelopes—
Average Contribution—
St. Mary’s:
December 20, 2015……..….….................................$.00
Number of Envelopes—
Average Contribution—$
Utilities …………………………………….....……......$.00
Sacred Heart
December 20, 2015………..……………...……….....$.00
Number of envelopes—
Average Contribution—$
Building Fund…………………………....................…$.00
Thank you for your generosity.
Because of early bulletin transmission for
Christmas week, totals were not available for
this bulletin.
They will be posted next week.
Vocations Chalice Schedule
The Confirmation students will be accepting the chalice
for the next few weeks.
Jan. 6:
Jan. 13:
Jan. 20:
Jan. 27:
Feb. 3 :
Feb. 17:
Feb. 24:
Lucas Andrews
Sarah Hubbard
Jarrett Kreiner
Kiley Russell
Schmitschvocation resource
Peyton St. Andrews
Pray for these students as they prepare
for their Confirmation
North Branch Knights of Columbus #9568
Wild Game Dinner
Saturday, March 12, 2016
North Branch American Legion
R & R with Jesus
Next R & R will be on
Sunday, January, 17, 2016
7:00pm at SS. Peter & Paul
Speaker will be: Fr. Steve Pullis,
Anyone who has been extra lucky this year with
your deer harvest and would like to donate some
venison or would like to harvest a doe with permit
and donate the meat, Jim Dhooghe will donate the
Any questions call Bob Bovenschen, 586-255-1380.
Secretary to Archbishop Vigneron
If you ever have any questions or concerns about our
past or future R & R With Jesus, see one of our R & R
Team members:
Music and Programing: Chris Swoish, Katrina
Liturgical Environment: Denise Schlaud, Donna
Hospitality: Vicky Meiburg, Marie Czelusniak
Check us on Facebook or call the parish office.
Prayer for Vocations
Loving God, Your word finds a home in our hearts. In
the name of Jesus, we ask you to send Your Spirit to us.
You inspire men and women among us, young and old,
to respond to Your call to service and leadership in the
Church. Give courage and guidance to those you call to
the priesthood, deaconate, religious life, and lay ministry. We thank you, Lord, for those who have answered
this call and pray that many more will choose to respond
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
Page 6
SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Mission , St. Mary of Burnside, & Sacred Heart Mission
Christmas Flower Donations for SS. Peter & Paul
In Memory of:
Charles Oliver by Norma Oliver & Pam Thurlow
Leo Ruhlman by Wife & family
Wm. A. & Darlene Starbird by the Starbird Family
Spencer Wilson & Ed & Edith McGinnis by Frances Wilson
Anabel & Norman Robinet by Dale Wilkins & Family
Deceased Family members by Vern & Lorraine Schaub
Don Garwolds & Francis & Megan Schlaud by Chris Schlaud family
Melvin & Margaret Schneider by Ken Schneider family
Richard, Randy, & Dickie Jolicoeur by the Jolicoeur family
Stanley Rogers by Vicky & family
Francis, Henry & Leona Schlaud, John & Elizabeth Nolan by Rita Schlaud family
Skyy Andrzejewski by the Andrzejewski family
Dick LaVell by Delphine & family
Fr. Charles Zeeb by S.S. Peter & Paul family
Fred Naracon by Wife & Children
Frank & Martina Blaszczyk & Francis Schlaud by Doug Schlaud family
Joseph & Marion Cichoracki by Marion & Richard Haack
Stephan C. Bayer by wife Coleen & family
Omar Ramirez by the Mann family
Ray & Margaret Snoblen by the Paul Snoblen family
The John Jancar family by Mark & Marianne Schlaud
Frank & Rose Marie Jocham by Dan & Teresa Gormley & family
Doris Gormley by Dave & Diane Ruhlman family
Leona Ruhlman by Dave & Diane Ruhlman family
Ivan & DeVona Bradley by loved family members
Susan Gormley & Bernard Schlaud by Dan & Teresa Gormley family
Deceased members of Gormley & Repic families by Dan & Teresa Gormley
Joseph Barbara, Henry Orcino & Jerry Radzwion by wife, Evelyn Barbara-Orcino-Radzwion
Ben Hommes by Joan & David Hommes
Lawrence & Viola Young by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Young
Agnes Avildsen by Mariann Fleckenstein
Irene & Ted Rusztowicz, Victoria Musial & Helen Grosz by Meiburg & McNees Families
Grandma & Grandpa Brinker & Thibodeau by Dave Thibodeau & Family
All our deceased loved ones by Ellen Schlaud
Thank you to all who donated to make our church so beautiful
for the Christmas Season
May you receive many blessings during this time and always.
SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Mission , St. Mary’s of Burnside, & Sacred Heart Mission Page 7
Christ Life 2016, Discovering Christ
Please keep in your prayers, those who
may not be home for Christmas.
May God Bless and Protect Them
Beginning Soon!
Christ Life is a 7 week course beginning with dinner,
followed by enlightening teachings and an opportunity
to explore answers to some of the most important
questions worth asking about God and finding our
ultimate purpose in life.
An invitation is extended to Catholics, and denominational Christians.
Christ Life series will begin on Thursday, January 14,
2016 from 6-9pm with What is the Meaning of
Dominic Mersino
Andrew Smith
Joel Gyomory
Ryan Andrews
Alexander Repic
David A. Sinka II
Daniel Johnston
Kate Blanchette
Benjamin Causey
Anyone who interested in attending may register just
by calling the parish office. NO CHARGE
Wayne Gilbert Jr.
Michael Chickonoski
Remely Andrzejewski
Orion Andrzejewski
Matt VanCleve
Hannah Sohn
Andrew Gyomory
Jake Weingartz
Jeffrey Berlin
Jacob Kreiner
Jessica Armstrong
Crystal Dhooghe
Eli Parsch
Johnny Thurlow
Tony Easlick
Adam Wheeler
Blase Ruhlman
“Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect our men and women in uniform as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us in our time of
need. Also bless our country and guide our President and leaders.
Begin the New Year Discovering Christ
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our
Lord and Savior. Amen
Bulletin Board
Cluster Pictorial & Directory
Mother of Perpetual Help
Every Monday Morning
after 8:30am Mass.
First Friday Adorations
St. Patrick’s, Clifford
Every Friday; 6:30-8:00 pm
Don’t worry if you did not sign up for the December
photography, more dates will be available after March
Widowed Friends
A “Peer” support group
All Widowed Men & Women
For information, see
Bereavement Ministry
Our cluster Bereavement Ministry, ‘Helping Hands
for Hurting Hearts’, is available for you in your
time of need. Please call the parish office, 810-688
-3797 and someone from this ministry will call you.
God Bless
Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart
We will meet every 3rd Sunday of
the month. after 10:30am Mass in the
McKay Library.
Sacred Heart of Brown City will be hosting
Eucharistic Adoration every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of
every month 7:30-8:30pm.
Come spend some time with Jesus.