2015 Election: Paving the Way to a 6th Crisis?
2015 Election: Paving the Way to a 6th Crisis?
London School of Economics London / March 10-‐12, 2015 2015 Election: Paving th the Way to a 6 Crisis? Miguel E. Basáñez m.basanez@tufts.edu The Fletcher School, Tufts University Warning before starting All of us here today belong to the top 1% of the Mexican social pyramid, with access to or influence on political, social or economic decisions that affect the 99% Hence, our opinions and ideas carry a heavy weight Content 1 – Why a 6th crisis? 2 – Eisenhower’s warning 3 – Why the election? 4 – Neo-Maximato? 5 – Scenarios Why a 6th Crisis?/1 There is currently a risky coincidence of internal and external causes to trigger one Externally, the Eisenhower warning; internally, a sort of Neo-Maximato Why a 6th Crisis?/2 I did my Ph.D. thesis here at LSE on the first four recent crisis of Mexico: 1968-1976-1982-1987 GDO Tiananmen Sq / LEA devaluation / JLP banks’ nationalization / MMH stock market crash* * They all were triggered around the presidential succession period Why a 6th Crisis?/3 What Mexico lived over 5 decades, the US and Europe packed since the 2008 crisis My LSE research helped me to anticipate the 5th Mexican Tequila Crisis of 1994 Mayo 1992 Why a 6th Crisis?/4 Mexican media kept asking me around presidential successions since 2000 to write about a 6th crisis. My answer had been: “I don’t see it.” But now, I do Content 1 – Why a 6th crisis? 2 – Eisenhower’s warning 3 – Why the election? 4 – Neo-Maximato? 5 – Scenarios Eisenhower warning/1 Eisenhower’s warned on his farewell speech* about the growing power of the Military-industrial complex: We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications * Eisenhower’s Farewell Speech, Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower warning/2 The US presidents and the top 300 richest families of the US cannot find strong enough checks and balances to keep the Complex under control Much less a G-12 country & that’s where Mexico currently is Eisenhower warning/3 The Complex was quite comfortable with the last Mexican presidents. As the US had not entered into a fullfledged new war, at least a drug war helped pay the bills. Eisenhower warning/4 That situation changed with the arrival of the new federal government in 2012 and a covert struggle began. Eisenhower warning /5 The first sign, two weeks before inauguration, was stopping the nomination of the Defense Secretary. (Ginger Thompson report, NYT, Feb 4, 2013) Eisenhower warning /6 The second sign, one week after inauguration, was a summon to SG, SD, SM, PGR, Cisen by the US Ambassador (Dana Priest report, Washington Post, Apr 27, 2013) Eisenhower warning/7 Imagine the German Ambassador here summoning the Foreign Secretary, the Secretary of Defense, and the MI5 director up to his office* * That’s what Ambassador Wayne did in Mexico in December 2012 Eisenhower warning / 8 The Complex pressed really hard before the May 2013 Obama visit to Mexico to set the agenda around 3 items: security, security & security Eisenhower warning /9 As Obama and Peña Nieto have developed a good communication and rapport, they decided to talk of everything, except security. How come may have said TC? Eisenhower warning/10 The Complex had to try something more effective: Why not pressing Mexico in the international media? Causes would pop up The Economist Intelligence Unit Rodrigo Aguilera, “What If Peña Nieto Resigns? Scenarios for Government Change in Mexico” 12/01/2014 Bello The Mexican morass A president who doesn’t get that he doesn’t get it Jan 24th 2015 | From the print edition IN A new year message Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto, promised to work to “liberate” his country from crime, corruption and impunity. His cabinet has duly set these as its priorities. The message is the right one. But unfortunately for Mr Peña, Mexicans are increasingly cynical about the messenger. Eisenhower warning /11 Let me be clear. I am not defending Ayotzinapa, the White House or the Queretaro train cases. That’s not the point. Eisenhower warning /12 Similar if not worse cases have happened in the past two administrations without triggering such a reaction. What is different now? Content 1 – Why a 6th crisis? 2 – Eisenhower’s warning 3 – Why the election? 4 – Neo-Maximato? 5 – Scenarios Why the election? /1 1 An election shows and exacerbates corruption… as always But the problem is that Ayotzinapa, the White House and the Queretaro train issue created a perfect storm Why the election? /2 2 Mexico is replicating the broken American political system: discredited parties & politicians Trust and confidence sank in the second half of 2014 Why the election? /3 Trust in institutions* Army: 48% - 30% Church: 37% - 34% Schools: 37% - 31% Government: 16% - 13% Political parties: 16% - 7% * Change from June to November, 2014, GEA – ISA, Jan 2015. Why the election? /4 3 Mexico is also following the wealth concentration path of the US, except that in the US while it may be unethical, it is at least legal Let me share a 4 minute clip on the growing inequality in the US http://mashable.com/2013/03/02/wealth-inequality/ Why the election? /5 4 It is not a problem of outcomes for the administration: PRI will get the largest share of votes* The problem is about who the new PRI congress members respond to: the president or someone else? * PRI 31%, PAN 26%, PRD 16%, Morena 9%, Green 8%, other 5 parties 18%, Consulta Mitofsky, March 2015 Why the election? /6 5 The election shakes the Executive power with multiple changes in the Cabinet. Again, that’s not the problem: rather, who do the new Cabinet members respond to: the president or someone else? Content 1 – Why a 6th crisis? 2 – Eisenhower’s warning 3 – Why the election? 4 – Neo-Maximato? 5 – Scenarios Neo-Maximato? /1 The absence of a PRI president for 12 years leaked the central leadership to the governors and the Congress’ leaders The governors are powerful for six years, but the Congress leaders have held power since 2000 Neo-Maximato? /2 Out of the 19 PRI governors* just a handful are members of the president’s circle The two strongest states are outstanding examples: Mexico and Nuevo Leon * PRI 19, PAN 6, PRD 4, PMC 1, PVE 1, Independent 1 Neo-Maximato? /3 Out of the 264 PRI members of Congress*, a majority got their positions with no link to the president’s circle The garbage collectors union’s harem and his mother as candidate are examples *Senate: PAN 38, PRI 52, PRD 22, PT 5, PVEM 9, MC 1, PNA 1, Total 122 Chamber: PAN 114, PRI 212, PRD 104, PT 15, PVEM 29, MC 16, PNA 10, Total 500 Neo-Maximato? /4 Will the 2015 election reinforce or change the trend? Will the Neo-Maximato die or live? Are the current scandals linked to it? Content 1 – Why a 6th crisis? 2 – Eisenhower’s warning 3 – Why the election? 4 – Neo-Maximato? 5 – Scenarios: optimistic, pessimistic, intermediate Scenarios: Optimist - Oil price bounces back - Mexico’s economy recovers - Structural reforms succeed - Election strengthens EPN - US politics settle down - Probability: 30% Scenarios: Pessimist - Scenario 1 does not happen - Protests increase* - EPN is forced to resign - Organized crime prevails - A 6th crisis happens - Probability: 10% * Fueled by anti-corruption and Ayotzinapa movements Scenarios: intermediate - A combination of both scenarios 1 and 2 - Probability: 60% Scenarios: most probable It is highly dependent on the outcome of both the US internal political conflicts and the 2015 election shaking Sadly, the political systems of both countries are broken. It’s like the sinking Titanic. Conclusion 1 By removing the Mexican president from office, a 6th crisis is possible, but it could create consequences even worse than the ones that occurred after the 2008 world crisis. Conclusion 2 Friends help friends, but more to the point, it’s in the best interest of the US and the international community to help Mexico succeeding Conclusion 3 Within Mexico, a strongly organized civil society is badly needed to prevail over corruption and impunity. A soft social tsunami’ with an epicenter in 1968 seems to be already running its course. It is important to make good use of it Could Mexicans in the US help? London School of Economics London / March 10-‐12, 2015 2015 Election: Paving th the Way to a 6 Crisis? Miguel E. Basáñez m.basanez@tufts.edu The Fletcher School, Tufts University