PDF Bulletin - St. Michael`s Parish


PDF Bulletin - St. Michael`s Parish
Mount St. Michael
Traditional Roman Catholic Parish
St. Michael’s Academy (K - 12)
8500 N. St. Michael’s Rd., Spokane, WA 99217-9333
Parish & School Office - (509) 467-0986 ext. 100
Fax - (509) 467-2425
Rectory - (509) 467-2325
Homepage - http://www.stmichaels.org
Online Parish Calendar link – http://goo.gl/CmgWA or Hear from us by Twitter @MSMParish
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
October 16, 2016
BAPTISM: Please fill out the form available in the vestibule and turn it in to the Pastor
or to the parish office. Reminder: Novus Ordo & non-practicing Catholics cannot serve as
godparents, since they lack the intention of seeing to the traditional Catholic upbringing of
children. Please check the Baptismal Form to see the other requirements of the Church
regarding godparents. Baptisms should take place within a month after birth. A grave
reason is needed to delay it beyond then.
PENANCE (Confessions):
7:20-7:50 a.m., 9:50-10:20 a.m., 4:30-4:50 p.m.
7:00-8:30 p.m.
7:30-7:50 a.m., after 8:00 a.m. Mass,
7:00-8:00 p.m.
Half-hour before morning Mass, 5:30-5:50 p.m.
MATRIMONY: For practicing traditional Catholics only. Contact the pastor at least 6
months before the wedding date for marriage instructions. The best man and maid of
honor of the marriage should be Catholics, since they are the official witnesses to the
Sacrament of Matrimony.
HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Please arrange with Fr. Bernard. If anyone is
in danger of death, please call any of the priests immediately!
CONFIRMATION: Usually in late May/early June, but may be administered at other
times when Bp. Pivarunas visits, in more urgent cases.
DEVOTIONS -Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., with
Rosary and Benediction.
ROSARY - Publicly recited daily at 7:30 a.m., with the special
intention for World Peace.
BLESSING OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES - Every Sunday at the Communion Rail after
each Mass.
BLESSING OF EXPECTANT MOTHERS- Last Sunday of the month in front of the
Fatima Shrine, after the blessing of religious articles.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY CATECHISM - For students who do not attend St. Michael’s
Academy. 9:30 -10:20 a.m. on Sunday. Information on locations, times and teachers is
posted on the bulletin board.
SCRIPTURE STUDY – 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. For adults and older high school
students. We are studying the Books of Paralipomenon. Bring your own Bible!
CANDLES - You may have an eight-day candle lit at one of the beautiful side shrines.
Minimum donation is $6. Please put in the Sunday collection.
STIPENDS - Stipends are not payment for spiritual benefits received, but are an offering
of support for the priest who performs a Sacramental rite or ceremony. The customary
stipends are as follows: Weddings - $100, Baptisms - $25, Mass for your intentions - $20
The backlog for Masses is sometimes 3 months, so please be patient! If the backlog
becomes too great, some of them will be sent to other traditional Catholic priests to offer.
Please understand that sometimes this happens.
BABYSITTING: During the 8 & 10:30 a.m. Masses on Sundays - Room 204
Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI
cell: 868-5881
467-0986, x 114
Rev. Fr. Bernard Welp, CMRI
Assistant Pastor
cell: 868-5867
Rev. Fr. Robert Letourneau
Assistant Pastor
cell: 496-2692
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Anne Marie Netzel
Accountant & Cemetery Administrator
Mr. Tim Drahman
467-0986, x 0
462-4327 or
467-0986, x 101
Facilities Manager & Volunteer Coordinator
Mr. John Netzel
Mrs. Melissa Morgan
Adult Catechism Instructor
Sr. Maria Kazimiera, CMRI
467-0986, x 115
467-0986, x 176
Principal - Pre-K - 6th
Rev. Mother Mary Agnes, CMRI
Principal - 7th - 12th
Sr. Marie Vianney, CMRI
School Registrar
Mrs. Anne Marie Netzel
School Uniform Shop
Mrs. Joanna Gilchrist
467-0986, x 118
467-0986, x 110
467-0986, x 0
Catholic Action Committee
Mrs. Ana Maggio
Confraternity of Christian Mothers - meets on 1st Sat. of month
Mrs. Lorrie Ochoa
Confraternity of M.I.Q.- meets on 2nd Saturday of month
Mr. Tom Drahman
Handmaids of the Queen Sodality
Sr. Michael Marie, CMRI
467-0986, x 119
Messengers of the Immaculate Heart (gr. 5-8)
Sr. Therese Marie, CMRI
467-0986, x 142
Children of Mary (gr. 2-4)
Sr. Mary Veronica, CMRI
467-0986, x 154
Holy Name Society (Ushers)
Mr. Stephen Tarnoczy
Knights of the Altar (Altar Servers)
Mr. Paul Scherling
Parish Choir (Wednesdays 7— 8:30 p.m.)
Mr. Tim Duff
Boys Scouts
Mr. John Bullivant, Scout Master
Priests, Brothers, Sisters
Mary Immaculate Queen Center
Mail Order Line
www. cmri.org
(509) 467-1077
Mass Schedule
Sun., October 16
8:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
22nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (St. Hedwig, Widow; St. Gerard Majella, Confessor)
Pro Populo – High Mass
Mr. D. Pulliam & Mr. K. Bawden
for John & Anne Marie Netzel & family (T. & M.A. Drahman)
S. Welp & M. Isakson
Chanted Vespers
for Mr. & Mrs. Blackwood & family (J. Berube)
Mr. L. Blakwood & A. Migala
Candlelight Rosary Procession (begins in front of the Mount), Closing Remarks
for Fatima Conference, Benediction of Blessed Sacrament, Farewell to Our Lady of Fatima
Mon., October 17
6:40 a.m.
11:05 a.m.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
for spiritual & physical health for David Tarnowski (M. Tarnowski)
in honor of St. Philomena & St. Joseph (Dinaro family)
D. Sherling & A. Eminger
J. Welp & L. Macias
Tue., October 18
ST. LUKE, Evangelist
6:40 a.m.
R.I.P. Mrs. Arcadia Nicklay & for her family (A. Urann)
11:05 a.m. (Rectory) for Jerry & Dolores Blackwood (Isaksons)
7:30 p.m.
Holy Hour
Wed., October 19
6:40 a.m.
11:05 a.m. (Rectory)
Mr. C. South
Mr. R. Magerl
P. Drahman, M. Isakson, G. Sitzenstock
St. Peter of Alcantara, Confessor
R.I.P. Erin Vila & for her children (F. Vila)
for the needs & salvation of my children & grandchild (K. & A.M. King)
Mr. P. Sarquilla
Mr. R. Magerl
Thu., October 20
St. John Cantius, Confessor
6:40 a.m.
for Steve & Pam Waco’s intentions
11:05 a.m. (Rectory) in honor of St. Philomena for the intentions of Sheila Strain (Sr. M. Laboure)
Mr. C. South
Mr. R. Magerl
Fri., October 21
6:40 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Feria (St. Hilarion, Abbot, St. Ursula & Comp., Virgins & Martyrs)
R.I.P. Tony House I (C. House)
Distribution of Holy Communion
P.J. Scherling
Kieran Strain & L. House
Sat., October 22
8:00 a.m.
B.V.M. Saturday (St. Mary Salome)
for Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Blackwood (T. & M.A. Drahman)
Sun., October 23
8:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
23rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop & Confessor) – MISSION SUNDAY
R.I.P. Catherine Radecki (M. Tarnowski)
T. Netzel & D. Cyr
Pro Populo – High Mass
B. Pulliam & R. Ochoa
private intention
A. Migala
Mr. K. Strain
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary.
“The family that prays together stays together. A world at prayer is a world at peace.”
(Mottoes of Fr. Patrick Peyton’s Rosary Crusade)
“The first step of Satan’s plan for the spiritual destruction of the family is the neglect of family prayer, especially of the Rosary.”
(Fr. Casimir)
MISSION SUNDAY – The penultimate Sunday of October (this year on October 23) was designated by Pope Pius XI as Mission Sunday. The
second collection next Sunday will be for the Rosary and Scapular Guild. Remember the saying, "One day through the Rosary and the Scapular
the world will be saved." It will also be a good day to enroll loved ones in the St. Francis of Assisi Missionary Guild (for deceased loved ones, enroll
them instead in the Purgatorian League). For only $12 a year or ($40 for perpetual enrollment), you will obtain for them the benefit of having them
included in a monthly Mass, and at the same time you will be financially supporting the missionary work of traditional Catholic clergy.
HIGH SCHOOL CAREER FAIR—we are looking for volunteers to give some time and shout out about your career of choice. The career fair will
take place in the parish hall on Thursday, November 10th, 9:30 to noon. If you are willing to help or know someone who can please contact Rita
Dinaro 869.3043 or Sr Marie Vianney at ext. 110.
ROSARY CONFERENCE CALL – Daily at 7:00 p.m., Pacific Time. Call 1-712-775-7031 (it’s toll free), punch in access code 393-323#. You’ll then
be on! Best time to call in is 15 minutes beforehand. Any questions? Call Tom Gilbrough at (509) 487-0838 or email him at Tomg48@comcast.net
or go to the website www.rosarycc.org. This daily “on the air” Rosary is for the conversion of America to the Catholic Faith.
Out of respect for the Blessed Sacrament, and in keeping with Christian modesty, please observe the following standards of dr ess:
Women and girls—A suitable hat or veil should be used, that covers at least the crown of the head (I Cor. 11:5, 6, 10). No slacks, no sleeveless,
revealing, or low-cut clothing (the Marylike Crusade’s standard is that a dress be not cut more than two fingers’ width below pit of throat). Dresses &
skirts should cover knees when you are standing or sitting, and not have long slits in them. Strapless or spaghetti-strap clothing is always sinfully
immodest and should never be worn. Please avoid “straight skirts” as well, since they are usually form-fitting and tight.
Men and boys—Suit coat and tie, dress slacks, or other formal attire. Jeans, shorts, “flip-flops,” and other casual attire are inappropriate for church! Be
sure to also avoid clothing with logos and/or large lettering, as these can be quite distracting. We welcome all our guests and visitors, and encourage
you to read the blue pamphlet “Welcome to the Traditional Latin Mass” (available in the vestibule). It explains why we must completely avoid the
modern Mass and liturgies introduced since Vatican II.
Mary’s Side
Holy Family Side
Choir Loft Left
Choir Loft Right
KayLynn Muglia
Renee Ochoa
Rita Dinaro
Vanessa Bogensberger
Bethany Bogensberger
JoAnn Edwards
Tracy Lewis
Quincy Alderson
Graham Family
Welp Family
Welp Family
Lori Boyer
22nd Sunday after Pentecost— October 16, 2016
PRIEST TRAVELS – Next weekend, Fr.
Bernard Welp will be on Mass circuit to
Montana & Canada. Fr. Letourneau will be
taking Fr. Gerard McKee’s place in Southern
KNIGHTS OF THE ALTAR annual enrollment,
will take place on Sunday, October 23rd. This
will take place after the morning Masses. This
is open to all NEW members interested, from
grades 2-12, AND any adult men who would
liked to be accepted into Knights' program! For
more information, please see the table
downstairs, which will be setup on October
23rd, or call/text Mr. Paul Scherling @ (509)
Turn in to the Parish or to the Accounting
Office (or put in the Sunday collection) the
names of departed loved ones you would like
to have specially remembered at Mass on All
Souls’ Day. Use the special envelopes
provided or simply write out their names on a
piece of paper. A donation is recommended,
but not required. Remember, the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass is the greatest way to bring relief
and deliverance for the Poor Souls.
Annual Guild Appreciation Brunch will be on
Saturday, October 29 from 10am - Noon at the
Golden Corral Restaurant located at 7117
North Division Street. This brunch is free of
charge and is hosted by Fr. Casimir. This
function is a thank you for all the men and
women who have worked so tirelessly this
past year for the Parish. It is also an excellent
opportunity for new volunteers to step forward
and assist us in the coming year. Attendance
is by reservation only. Please RSVP to the
Parish Secretary, Mrs. Anne Marie Netzel
parish@stmichaels.org. The deadline for
reservations is Wednesday, October 26. So,
whether you are “old hand” at helping out or
want to volunteer for the first time, we
sincerely hope you will plan to attend. God
bless you!
IMPORTANCE OF VOTING – The ballots will
be mailed next week. In Washington, the
ballot will be long and fairly complicated. If you
www.WeBelieveWeVote.com. This website
gives recommendations very much in
accordance with what we believe as Catholics.
If you don’t have a computer, or just want to
have questions answered about voting, you
may call Mrs. Mary Ann Drahman (487-4115),
Mrs. Mary Tarnowski (464-2332) or Mrs. Anne
Marie King (489-1584). Also, flyers are
available in the vestibule that compare the
platforms of the Republican and Democratic
Parties. It is starkly evident how much the
latter opposes our Catholic values!
PRO-LIFE RALLY THIS FRIDAY – Here is the Announcement by the “40 Days for Life”
organization: “The 40 Days for Life national team is embarking on the largest nationwide tour and
rally effort in its history. 50 States in 40 Days: 40 Days for Life Coast-to-Coast UNITED Bus Tour
Includes Rally in Spokane. At 12 Noon on Friday October 21 in front of Planned Parenthood,
Spokane will be the site of one of the 1-hour statewide rallies! Led by leaders of the 40 Days for
Life National team along with leaders from several partner organizations, such as March for Life,
Students for Life, Heartbeat International, Silent No More Awareness, and Susan B. Anthony List,
this promises to be an event the pro-life community in our region won't want to miss.”
The Fall 2016 40 Days for Life campaign has already begun on September 28 and will run
through November 6. Vigil hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 days a week on the public right of way in
front of Planned Parenthood at 123 E Indiana in Spokane across from Salvation Army. This
campaign of fasting, praying, and community outreach has been tremendously effective. Here are
some of the statistics:
11,796 babies saved from abortion; 133 abortion industry workers quit; 75 abortion
facilities closed down. Whether you sign up for an hour each week of the campaign, an hour each
day, or start off with just an hour to give it a try, you'll be a part of this life-saving effort – and a part
of history.God bless you for standing up for life! John and Lynn Weingarten,Spokane Directors 40
Days for Life & Sidewalk Advocates for Life 509 499-3261 www.40daysforlife.com/spokane
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – “In another place Blessed Alan says, ‘All priests say a Hail Mary
with the faithful before preaching, to ask for God's grace.’ They do this because of a revelation
that Saint Dominic had from our Lady. ‘My son,’ she said one day, ‘do not be surprised that your
sermons fail to bear the results you had hoped for. You are trying to cultivate a piece of ground
which has not had any rain. Now when God planned to renew the face of the earth, He started by
sending down rain from heaven – and this was the Angelic Salutation [the Hail Mary]. In this way
God reformed the world. So when you give a sermon, urge people to say my Rosary, and in this
way your words will bear much fruit for souls’.” St. Louis Marie de Montfort, Secret of the Rosary
Online Parish Calendar link – http://goo.gl/CmgWA or Hear from us by Twitter @MSMParish
October 29
October 30
October 31
November 1
Annual Guild Appreciation Breakfast, 10 am – Noon (at Golden
Corral Restaurant)
Feast of Christ the King
All Hallows’ Eve
ALL SAINTS DAY – Holyday of Obligation. Assisting at Holy Mass
and abstaining from servile work bind under pain of sin. Masses at 6
a.m., 10:30 a.m. (High Mass with incense), 5 p.m.
Closing Hymn after Mass
O Queen of the Holy Rosary (D -45)
1) O Queen of the Holy Rosary,
Oh, bless us as we pray,
And offer thee our roses
In garlands day by day,
While from our Father’s garden
With loving hearts and bold,
We gather to thine honor
Buds white and red and gold.
2) O Queen of the Holy Rosary,
Each myst’ry blends with thine
The sacred life of Jesus
In ev’ry step divine.
Thy soul was his fair garden,
Thy virgin breast His throne,
Thy thoughts His faithful mirror
Reflecting Him alone.
3) O Queen of the Holy Rosary,
We share thy joy and pain,
And long to see the glory
Of Christ’s triumphant reign.
Oh, teach us holy Mary,
To live each mystery,
And gain by patient suff’ring
the glory won by thee.
PARISH SICK – These parishioners are
greatly ailing and are in special need of your
prayers: Patricia Callon, Mario Chodorowski,
Irene Cram, Nichole Drahman, Gabrielle
Green, Laurence Green, Paul Larkin,
Doranne McMahon, Liz Messing, Ted
Phelps, Virginia Scherling, Anna Turney,
Mike Wagner, Larry Walker, Dan Welp, Jane
Welp, David Womochil. Please also pray for
Sr. Giovanna Marie, CMRI, who is at home
with her parents in Canada, dealing with her
health issues. Please also pray for these
former parishioners who are very ill: George
Sullivan, Kateri Vila Langseth,Vince Mellaci.
Will be open the 1st Sunday of the month
between to the two morning Masses.
“In every gift show a cheerful countenance, and
sanctify thy tithes with joy. Give to the Most High
according to what he hath given to thee, and with a
good eye do according to the ability of thy hands: for
the Lord maketh recompense, and will give thee seven
times as much.” (Ecclesiasticus 35:11-13)
following wording is suggested, but do clarify it with
an attorney or financial planner: “I give, devise and
bequeath to the Congregation of Mary Immaculate
Queen, Inc., the sum of _______ dollars (or
____________ percent of the rest, residue, and
remainder of my estate), to be used by said
Washington corporation for religious, charitable, or
educational purposes.”
Sunday Collection for October 9, 2016
Weekly Tithe
Weekly Budgeted Needs
2016 Total Tithe Collected
2016 Budgeted Needs
St. Anthony’s Poor Box
Rosary & Scapular Guild
Russian Parish
Building Restoration Fund
$ 139.39
$ 25.00
$ -0$ 5.00
Thank you for your support!
15384 North Church Road Rathdrum, Idaho 83858
Fr. Benedict Hughes, Pastor (208) 687-0290
Holy Angels Guild (Church cleaning)
Mrs. Lori Boyer
Our Lady of Fatima Guild (Apostolic Works)
Mr. Dave Fuire
Our Lady of Lourdes Guild (Grotto)
Mrs. Eileen Urann
Our Lady of the Rosary Guild (Rosary/Scapular making)
Mrs. Shelly Johnson
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Guild (Visit the dying)
Mrs. Mary Tarrell
Sacred Heart Guild (Home Enthronements & Devotions)
Mrs. Andrea Green
St. Anne’s Guild (Vestment Repair)
Mrs. Ann Parent
Our Lady Mystical Rose(Altar Flowers)
Call Parish Office
St. Therese Guild (Altar Linens)
Mrs. Ines Wagner
St. Wenceslaus Guild (Host baking)
Mrs. Amy Gilchrist
467-0986 x 111
Sunday, October 16: Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
7:00 am MIQ
– RIP Joan Gannari & Marie Gallant (Barbara Burgess)
9:00 am MIQ
– Pro Populo
Monday, October 17:
7:00 am SJS
– Intention of Leo Berchtold and Doll family
Tuesday, October 18:
7:00 am SJS
– Distribution of Holy Communion
11:00 am MIQ
– Intention of Leo Berchtold and Doll family
Wednesday, October 19:
7:00 am SJS
– RIP Elizabeth Loomis (Kathleen Lynch)
Thursday, October 20:
7:00 am SJS
– Distribution of Holy Communion
11:00 am MIQ
– For the salvation of Tamra Rogers (Shirley Saitta)
Friday, October 21:
7:00 am SJS
– RIP Patrick Schindler and Holy Souls (Jim & Lynn Schindler)
Holy Souls Guild (Cemetery)
Mr. Tim Drahman
Saturday, October 22:
Mater Dolorosa Guild (Wakes)
8:00 am MIQ
– In honor of the Holy Family & intentions of the Wayne
Mrs. Tina Gunning
Pivarunas family
Our Lady of Good Counsel (Phone Committee)
Mrs. Delia Vila
Sunday, October 23: Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost (Mission Sunday)
St. Francis Guild (Grounds)
7:00 am MIQ
– RIP Catherine Radecki (Gregorian #1)
Bro. Sebastian
9:00 am MIQ
– Pro Populo
St. Gerard Guild (Dinners for Families of Newborns)
Mrs. Ronette Lodgard
St. Isidore Community Garden
Mr. Ed Knoll
St. Joseph Guild (MSM Maintenance)
Mr. John Netzel
St. Philomena Guild (Parish Socials)
Various sizes, shapes & colors
Excellent for jewelry & gifts
Mrs. Rachael Lentes
Mint Quality
St. Zita Guild (Sunday meals for Rectory)
Call John Moyna
Mrs. Kayte Isakson
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