august 9, 2015 - Saint Ambrose Catholic Church


august 9, 2015 - Saint Ambrose Catholic Church
Church Address: 380 S. Federal Highway, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Mailing Address: PO Box 999, Deerfield Beach, FL 33443
Rev. Bryan Dalton
Rev. Michael Lynch
Rev. Dariusz Zarebski, S.D.S.
Deacon Gerard McGuinn
Rev. James Connaughton g
(Pastor Emeritus)
AUGUST 9, 2015
Rectory Office Staff
Kristy Guttuso
Susan Crawford
Mon. - Fri.: 8 am to 6:30 pm
Saturday: 8 am to 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8 am to 1 pm
Phone: (954) 427-2225
Fax: (954) 421-1638
Director of Religious
Donna Gonzalez
Director of Liturgical Music
Bob Colasanti
Saint Ambrose School
School Principal
Lisa Dodge
Phone (954) 427-2226
Weekdays: 7:30 & 11:00 AM
(Sat. 7:30 AM only)
Saturday 4:00 PM (Vigil for Sunday)
Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 6:00 PM
Holy Days 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM
(Vigil Mass for Holy Day same as Saturday)
Anointing of the Sick: Please call
the Rectory.
By Appointment only. Must be a
registered member of the parish.
Baptism Class:
1st Thurs. of each month at 7 pm
Rosary: Before the 7:30 & 11 am
Confessions: Saturday 11-12 nn
& 3-4 pm. Or call the Rectory
Office to make an appointment.
R.C.I.A.: Will begin new classes in
the Fall. Please call the Rectory
Office for information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Appointment 6 months in
advance. Must be a registered
member of the parish.
Religious Education:
Sunday Classes Grades 1-8 after
9:00 am Mass, 10:15-11:30 am
Wednesday Classes
Session I—Grades 2—3 will be
held 4:00 to 5:15 pm
Session II—Grades 7 & 8 /
Confirmation 1 & 2 will be held 7
to 8:15 pm
“The Best Is Yet To Come!”
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August 9, 2015
St Ambrose Catholic Church
Message from the Pastor
to St. Ambrose ! We are so glad you are able to join us today
W elcome
to celebrate the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING: Everyone recognizes the truth of
good proverbs, and so they endure from generation to generation.
The Russians have a surprisingly bold one that fits this Sunday’s Gospel:
“Bread is the beginning of everything.”
Judging from the first reading, Elijah might have felt that it was too
late for bread—too late for life itself. This great prophet was at the end
of his rope and endurance. Then, not one, but two angels visit him. One
offers food and drink. The other gives startling directions. For Elijah, this
food from the angels is bread for his journey. On the strength of the
heaven‑sent gift of food, he walks to the mountain of God.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus offers himself, not just as bread for the
journey, but as bread for life itself. He gives his flesh as life for the world.
“I am the bread of life” (John 6:48). He is the beginning of everything.
Have a wonderful week—Remember—the most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling; and
even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason behind it!
Pastor’s Musings
A young Catholic woman fell in love with a
young man. But this match was apparently
not made in heaven for as the woman told
her mother, “He is a Baptist and opposed
to marrying a Catholic.” “Now wait, “said
her mother. “Why not try some salesmanship? Tell him how wonderful our Church is—tell him
of our great beliefs, the wonderful comfort and
inspiration given by our priests through their words
and their listening to confessions and forgiving our
sins. You know all this. Go out and sell the Church!”
The young woman dried her eyes and agreed to try.
She had a number of dates and for a while was looking happier. But one evening after a date her mother
heard her sobbing uncontrollably. “What’s the matter,
honey?” asked her mother, “Didn’t it work?” “No,
Mother, no!” cried the young woman. “I oversold him.
Now he wants to become a priest.”
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Lawrence
Tuesday: St. Clare
Wednesday: St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Thursday: Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Saturday: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 13— Catholic University of America
October 18—World Mission Sunday
Nov. 22—Campaign for Human Development
Dec.13— Retirement Fund for Religious
A terminally ill patient once wrote: ‘If I had my
life to live over. . .
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over for dinner
even if the carpet was stained and the sofa
I would have cried and laughed less while
watching television and more while watching
There would have been more ‘I love yous’, more
‘I am sorrys’, but mostly, given another shot at
life, I would seize every moment. . . Look at it
and really see it; live it and never give it back.’
Salvador Ryan
St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth
We, the family of St. Ambrose,
Wish you God’s blessings,
And a healthy and Happy Birthday!!
August 9, 2015
St Ambrose Catholic Church
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ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — Every Monday evening at 7:30pm in the Downstairs Parish Hall.
ANNIVERSARY MASS — All Wedding Anniversaries for the month will be celebrated on the Last
Sunday of the month at the 10:30 am Mass. Please call the Rectory Office to provide your name and
anniversary date at least one week prior to the Anniversary Mass. Next date: August 30th.
BAPTISM — By appointment only. Must be a registered member for a minimum of 6 months. Please
call the Rectory office for more information. You must register for the Baptism Class by calling the
Rectory Office at 954-427-2225. Next Baptism Class— Thursday, August 13th at 7 pm.
BINGO — Matinee Bingo will be held Wednesday, August 12th & 26th. The cost is $20 and includes
lunch and all the paper you can play. The doors open at 9:15 am. Lunch is served at 11:15 am.
BRIDGE CLUB— Thursday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. in the parish hall. For more information call
Darra Glavan 954-481-2834 or Shirley Cerritelli 561-395-3487. Resumes in the Fall.
CENTERING PRAYER — Learn the practice of Silent Prayer. Monday evening at 7 pm in the Chapel.
For more information call Luciana (954) 415-5819.
CHOIR PRACTICE — Every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm—Upstairs Parish Hall. On Summer Break.
COFFEE & DONUTS —Served in the Parish Hall after the Sunday morning Masses. Everyone is invited.
BOY SCOUTS—Meet every Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
CUB SCOUTS — Meet the third Thursday at 6:30 pm each month in the portable in the back of the
school. Call Sal Biviano for more information 954-675-5683. email:
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – John A. Hill Council 4955 meets at 7 p.m. the second Monday of the month.
Contact Don Macejko 330-506-7500 or email
MINISTRY FOR THE SICK — Parishioners who are sick and hospitalized, in a rehabilitation facility or
at home wishing to receive the Holy Eucharist may call the Rectory at (954) 427-2225 and a Eucharistic
minister will respond with a scheduled visit.
PROJECT RACHEL—Post Abortion Counseling & Reconciliation. 954-981-2984 or 888-456-4673.
RESPECT LIFE — St. Ambrose is a Respect Life Parish, from conception to natural death.
Respect Life Hot Line (954) 977-7769. Web site—www.
ROSARY MAKERS — Every other Tuesday during the winter season, 10 am to 12 noon, upstairs in the
Parish Center. Meeting: Resumes in the fall.
ST. AMBROSE MEN’S CLUB — Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month.
Next meeting: September 2nd @ 7 pm in the Parish Hall.
Go to the Men’s Club website for all the latest info:
ST. AMBROSE WOMEN’S COUNCIL— General Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month,
Upstairs Parish Hall Center at 7 pm. Board meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in
the Downstairs Parish Hall. Contact: President, Karen Guzik 954-418-6397. Meetings will resume
September 10th—have a safe and fun summer!
Join us for a
(Effective May 30th —October 17th, 2015)
Weekday Mass (Mon—Fri) 7:30 & 11 am
Saturday Morning Mass:
7:30 am
Saturday Vigil Mass:
4:00 pm
Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9, & 10:30 am, 12 nn & 6pm
(Last 5:30 mass will be held May 30th.
Restart October 17th.)
Please Note:
Chapel Hours: Mon.—Fri. 6:30 am to 6 pm—
Sat. & Sun.-Closes after the last scheduled mass.
Saturday, August 15th, 2015
9am – 12 noon
VIRTUS focuses on educating teachers, parents,
and other adults who interact with children
about abuse and providing them with
information to help prevent abuse.
Open to all St. Ambrose Parishioners.
To attend, you must pre-register,
please log on to
To register for this class.
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St Ambrose Catholic Church
August 9, 2015
St. Ambrose Catholic School News
Lisa Dodge, Principal
As we are gearing up to come back to school here are a few dates to keep in mind:
August 13, 2015
New Parent Orientation
in the School Library at 6 pm
August 15
Virtus Training
Church Parish Hall from 9am-12pm
Register at
August 10-14
School Office Hours 8am-2pm
Saint Ambrose Religious Education
Donna Gonzalez, Director of Religious Education
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.
Registration forms are now available in the
Parish Office for 2015-2016 Sessions.
Early registration fee is $100.00 per family.
After September 1, 2015, the fee is $125.00
Classes will start late September, dates TBA.
Any questions please E-mail me at
Continue to attend Mass as a Family. God does not take a vacation.
God bless, Mrs. G.
August 9, 2015
St Ambrose Catholic Church
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Just as you celebrate a special occasion, why not celebrate
your marriage by going on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend.
Our next date is September, 11-13, 2015.
To register, go to,
or call Roberto and Maria Ibarra at Home (954)-972-8129
or E-mail,
or call Frank & Fran Kulzer, 954-804-0661,
Application fee before August 21st is $25.00. Application fee after August 21st is $75.00.
Join Sheriff Scott Israel for an important day
of fun, education and services.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
12 pm to 4 pm
Oveta McKeithen Park
(formerly West Side Park)
445 SW 2nd Street, Deerfield
Contact Deputy Harold Morrison for additional information at:
Students will receive backpacks full of school supplies FREE.
Haircuts for children FREE.
Blood pressure, HIV and other health screening FREE.
– Set Free to Live
Starts September 15th
Paul’s letter to the Galatians speaks directly to the
heart of Christians and addresses the most important
question we can ask: “What must we do to be
saved?” It speaks of the extraordinary gift of salvation that Jesus has won for us, and how we can unite
ourselves to Christ’s redeeming sacrifice.
In our eight-part Bible study Galatians: Set Free to
Live by Jeff Cavins and Gayle Somers, learn what it
means to have this filial relationship with God the
Father, how He honors us as His children, and how
we honor Him as our loving Father.
Join us for Galatians: Set Free to Live at St. Ambrose
Parish Hall from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, beginning
September 15 through November 3. Register in the
parish office by September 1 to get your early bird
discount. For more information, call Bill Whiting at
561-368-6531 or email
A Prayer for Hurricane Season
O God, Master of this world,
hear the humble voices of your children.
The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and
returned calm to the seas. We live in the
shadow of danger over which we have no
control. During this hurricane season, we
turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from all
storms that may harm us or our loved ones.
O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved mother,
we ask you to watch over and protect us until
we walk in the footsteps of Your divine Son
and reach the heavenly Jerusalem where a
storm-less eternity awaits us. Amen.
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August 9, 2015
St Ambrose Catholic Church
“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven”
“...a time to be born of water and spirit…”
“...a time to be healed…”
Frank Abruzzo
Deb Adkins
Nicco Albanese
Anne Alcide
Warren Allen
Sara Almonte
Marion Amato
Deanna Anderson
Allen Andrian
Bernardine Antonelli
Thomas Arcuri
Mary Arndt
Lillian Arserio
Jim Baker
Carmela Barbieri
Agustin Barchuk
Susie Barezky
Nina Bargione
Dian Bartholomew
Victoria Bayliss
Marilyn Becker
Catherine Belmonte
Louis Benedetti
Robert Berardi
Charlotte Berz
Dr. Joseph Bittar
Marian Blackburn
Rachel Bonifacio
Alan Boudreau
Yvon Boudreau
Kim Buonato
Justine Buontempo
Laura Burdge
Kevin Burger
Marilyn Burke
Mary Lou Burton
Angela Bushi
Sharon Butler
Thomas R. Butler, Jr
Brooke Cahill
Emily Calabro
Buddy Campbell
Estelle Campeau
Edward Canalori
Agnes Candy
Dolores Carlson
Evva Carpino
John Catalvo
Bianca Cecchini
Lee Celestino
Ted Cincotta
Kerrin Clapper
Richard Clarke
Tara Cochrane
Michael Colarusso
Peggy Cole
Barbara Colling
Norman Comeau
Jean Compare
Frances Conley
Patrick Conway
Santo Corso
George Costello
Chuck Coxon
Kitty Crawford
Elizabeth Crocco
Stephen Cusano
Carol Damiani
Paula Daniele
Danny D’Andrea
Anne DeCrescenzo
Carole Denettis
Jennifer Deshotels
Fr. Bryan Dalton
Dan Davis
Ellen Davison
Peter Del Giorno
Grace DeMateo
Fr. James DeVita
Pauline DiMario
George Dodson
Kevin Dolan
Xana Dolan
Jerry D’Onofrio
Linda DosSantos
Lisa Dubois
John Duffy
Murray Durst
Chico Enes
Richard Evans
Clara Faherty
Joseph Flynn
Joseph Foca
Clara Fonseca
Evelyn Forbes
Terrence Fox
Don Frey
Georgene Frontino
Mia Fuentes
Denise Gagne
Paul Gagne
Roseanne Gallagher
Averill Galloway
Nicole Gaughan
Theresa Gearity
Anthony Giambone
Dominic Giambone
Rosario Giambone
Carol Giallombardo
Peggy Gibson
Eileen Giroux
Thomas Goss
Carl Grizzafi
Rick Grosso
Michael Guarnieri
William Guilfoile
Adele Hart
Jason Harte
Rich Hartley
June B. Heckmann
Kerlande Henry
Marta Herrerra
Jerry Hall
Marilyn Hill
Chris Hilgers
John Hobbs
Robert Hogan
Jackie Iglewski
Lillian Jagolta
Michael Johnson
Trish Johnson
Lisa Kane
Liselotte Kane
Eileen Karlik
Godfrey Kaye
Frank Kelly
Mary Lynn Kelley
Mary Kelly
Robin Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Ann Keough
Margaret Kerins
Rita Klippel
Robert Koch
Michael Kolibar, Jr.
Malec Kuntz
Gigi Laguesse
Dolores LaMountain
Coleen Landry
Roland Lariviere
Marianne Larkin
Louise Lauder
Alanna Leger
J.C. Lemus
James Lewis
Andy Lipton
Colleen Lipton
Jim Long
Ruth Long
Gloria Longo
Kay Loudon
Frank Luca
Jim Luca
Francis MacDonald
Carmela Manetti
Kaisa Maples
Henry Martin
Phyllis Martin
Nikolas Marulis
Parma Marano
Viola Marano
Eileen Mariani
Dolores Masich
Renee Matthews
Nancy Matus
Pauline Mayack
Sean McCarthy
Valerie McElligott
Gisele McCalla
Sean McCarthy
Jack McCloskey
Patricia McKeon
John McLaughlin
Nancy McDonough
Dan McGonagle
James McIntire
Mary McKenna
Patricia McKeon
Danny McNeeley
Brian McSweeney
Nancy Malone
Barbara Maloney
Karen Meisha
Jack Merjimekian
Adeline Miceli
John Mielach
Robert Mishak
Dolores Monahan
Kazzina Morris
Charles Monteforte
Michelle Morrisroe
Ellen Morse
Bob Moynihan
Robert Muller
Olive Mullins
Maureen Murphy
Ryan Murphy
Thomas Murphy
Fr. Connie Murray
Linda Musumeci
Bill Nagle
Jeffrey Nash
Melvin Neadow
Jason Nilges
Kristin Nordstrom
Daniel O’Brien
Jean O’Byrne
Margaret O’Grady
Janie O’Leary
Lucy Obstarczyk
Estrella Ogden
Taylor Ort
Sonia Otero
Sal Paradise
Baby Patrick
Gertrude Paul
Georgianna Perez
Suzanne Perrault
Mary Perry
Joseph Peteito
Alison Peterson
Buddy Phelan
Jacob Phelps
Del Philips
Paul Piazzolla
J.C. Piccone
Jeanette Pinto
Marie Ponzelli
Bill Potter
Marilyn Preston
Vincent Prezioso
Maureen Priestner
Angelo Russello, Jr
Mary Quarello
Francisco Quesado
Adriana Quinonez
Fred Radie
Rebecca Raisman
John Rauert
Kaylee Reilly
Shelly Rapani
Alex Rodgers
Bob Romweber
Ginette Royer
Angelo Russello, Jr
Jerry Russello
Mary Ann Russo
John Ryan
Mike Sadeka
Tyler Salerno
Rocco Salvatore
Nicole Sansevere
Thomas Savilla
Joanna Scafaria
Nan Schley
Roy Seguine
Beatrice Seligson
Scott Seligson
James Settles
Gretchen Sheehan
Vincent Spahn
Jacqualine Spahn
Anne Staron
Jason Stein
Mirabel Steinemann
Daniel Stigliano
Josephine Stoodley
Louis Tinucci
Joanne Toich
Farah Tommaney
Lynn Torngren
Thomas Treacy
Kate Tremblay
Sara Trevis
Albina Trinchitella
Samantha Troy
Lucas Vaillancourt
Derrick Verona
Mary Lou Vizzini
Phyllis Wager
Rita Wagner
Frank Watkins
Ron Webber
Robert Weeden
Dick Wermich
Mary Lou Whelan
Sr. Kay White
Pamela Wild
Robert Wilday
Megan Wilkins
Donald Williams
Richard Woolbert
Brenda Yamartino
Mike Zeff
“ ...a time to die…”
John L. Balaun
“...and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
To have someone from your family enrolled on our prayer list, please call the Rectory Office. Names will be listed
for one month unless the office is notified that the condition continues and prayers are still requested.
Parishioners who are sick and hospitalized, in a rehabilitation facility or at home wishing to receive the Holy
Eucharist may call the Rectory at (954) 427-2225 and a Eucharistic minister will respond with a scheduled
August 9, 2015
St Ambrose Catholic Church
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News and Announcements
Archdiocese of Miami News
The latest news on the Archdiocese of Miami at
your fingertips!
Facebook: /ArchdioceseofMiami
Twitter @CatholicMiami
Instagram: @CatholicMiami
YouTube: /CatholicMiami
Catholic Hospice Broward Office:
2900 W Cypress Creek Rd, Suite #7
Fort Lauderdale FL 33309
Phone: 954.676.5465
Fax: 954.676.5466
Marriage Preparation
All registered couples who wish to be
married in a Catholic ceremony in Saint
Ambrose Church must first meet with
Father Dalton, Father Lynch or Father Dariusz in
preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. It is
advisable that couples not set a firm date for the
wedding until they have attended this meeting.
At this meeting, the Parish Marriage Ministry will
explain the importance of the sacrament of
marriage and the Archdiocesan Rules and Parish
Guidelines. Individual appointments and confirmed
dates for marriage will not be set until after you
attend this session. For information on the ADOM
Marriage Preparation course schedule please go to:
Thank you to our Food Pantry
Volunteers. Every Thursday morning
from 8 am to 10 am, distributing food
to the needy and homeless of our area.
Thanks to all who respond so generously to our
requests. Although many answer our call, the need
is still great. Please remember the food baskets
and poor boxes as you leave Church. The poor
and needy are always among us. Thank you for
PARKING – HELP! We know parking
becomes more difficult during the
season and even worse during the
Carnival but we need your help. Please
park only in designated parking spaces. Do not
block entrances or exits. Please do not block the
entrances to the basketball court, and leave the
designated handicapped parking spaces for those
who are truly handicapped!
Post Abortion Counseling
& Reconciliation
Respect Life
5115 Coconut Creek Parkway,
Margate, FL 33063
Respect Life Hot Line (954) 977-7769.
Web site—www.
“Thus says the Lord: Cease your cries of mourning.
There is hope for your future.” Jeremiah 31:16-17
St. Ambrose Religious Gift Shop
Located in the Parish Center, open Saturday after
the 4 pm mass, and on Sunday from 8 am to 1
pm. Visit us for all your Catholic gifts.
St. Joseph Retirement Residence
A caring Assisted Living facility, sponsored by
the Archdiocese of Miami, offering beautifully
furnished apartments or suites with a 24 hour
emergency pull cord system. We provide three
delicious meals daily, weekly housekeeping and
linens, plus a full-time Activities Director. We
also offer assistance in bathing, dressing, and
monitoring medications. The Residence has a
beautiful chapel offering scheduled and private
worship for all faiths. All this for a reasonable
monthly rate.
Call for more information: 954-739-1483.
Got Problems?
Life can seem overwhelming.
Get help from a Catholic counselor.
Don’t suffer any longer.
Catholic Charities offers affordable,
confidential counseling with a Catholic
perspective to help you cope with life’s challenges.
• Child/Adolescent Counseling or Teen Issues
• Marriage Counseling, Trust, or Empty Nest
• Grief, Sickness, or Major Life Changes
• Financial Difficulties
• Depression, Trauma, or Abuse
• Caregiving for disabled child or aging parents
Sessions are available on a sliding fee scale
ranging from $10-$50. Call (954) 332-7070 for
a telephone consultation or to make an
appointment with a Licensed Therapist.
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St Ambrose Catholic Church
August 9, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
7:30 Andrea Rodriguez by Tatiana Rodriguez
11:00 Birthday Blessings Christina Simpson by The
Simpson Family
Anniversary of Ordination Fr. Gary Sumpter
by Meipo & Joseph Flatley
Sunday, August 9, 2015
7:30 Daniel Esposito by Wife, Alison
Rose Marie Cole by Peggy
Antonio & Laura Dotro by the Dotro Family
9:00 Asunta, Donato & Patsy by Albert Casagrande
Healing Alexander Ayoub by Matilde
10:30 Pro Populo by the Pastor
Special Intentions Fr. Bryan Dalton by Judy
Gomez & Children
Fr. Brian Cronin by Micky & Chris
Jean Egan by Peter & Karen Reilly
Joe & Joan Murray by Peter & Karen Reilly
Brian Eugene Thomas by Brandon & Adam
Lydia Hernandez by Mark, Rina & Nicolas
Nancy & Bridie Mannion by Celia McClory
Healing Adele Hart by Norma Jean Scully
Bob DesRochers by Drs. Errol & Patricia Reese
12:00 Rick Malone by Joanne, Tyler & Laura Unks
Healing Angela Bushi by Mother
6:00 Marie Orrichio by Lynn & Tony Rugnetta
Friday, August 14, 2015
7:30 Mary Jennerjahn by Mary Lou Jennerjahn
Dominick Sangermano by His Sister & Nieces
11:00 Adela Robert by Aguda Vasquez
Saturday, August 15, 2015
7:30 Nancy Jellen by James Polito, M.D., P.A.
4:00 Special Intentions Fr. Bryan Dalton by
Florence & Paul Mannino
Philippe Bergeron by Gilberte & Thomas
Josephine Gentile by Husband, Al Gentile
Alex DeRamos by the Moran Family
Healing Eileen Karlik by Her Mother
Frank Zingale by the Zingale Family
Ruth Swinnerton by Jackie Russell & Brooke
Christopher Bateman by Shirley
Thomas Scarry by the Scarry Family
Special Intentions Payeur Family by Maria
John Balaun by Barbara & George Fitzpatrick
Monday, August 10, 2015
7:30 Raymond Goclon by Family
Harry & Adeline Kern by Valerie & Elaine
Edward & Florence Wesp by Jane, Valerie &
Special Intentions Dee O'Reilly by Cristina
11:00 Birthday Blessings Carol Fox by Mae Simpson
& Family
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
7:30 Andrea Rodriguez by Tatiana Rodriguez
11:00 Pamela J. Smith by Mother, Mary Smith
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
7:30 Birthday Blessings Allan J. Moore by Family
Helen Whalen by Family
11:00 John T. Vignari by Wife
In Loving Memory of Maurice Regan by Wife & Family
In Loving Memory of Fred J. Murtha by Wife
Deceased Members of the Feraren, deVera & Mauskopf Families by Grace & Arlene
August 9, 2015
St Ambrose Catholic Church
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St. Ambrose Family Members in the Service of Our Country
Lt Col. Scott Fitzgerald
Lt Col. Michael C. Arndt
CPO Thomas Kennedy
Cmdr. Dale Gregory
C.P.O. Michael Zisler
Cmdr. Benjamin Phelps
Mstr SGT Daniel McCracken
Cpl. Eric Waizenegger
PFC James A. Fuson
PFC Robert Moore
Lance Cpl. Marty L. Waite, Jr.
P.O. Brian Jones
Capt. Nicholas Toth
Capt Lowell Wallace
Capt. Andrew Curtis
Lance Cpl. Kirk Patrick Syros
Lt. Cmdr. David Wuestewald
Lance Cpl Shaun Wuestewald
Sgt. Vince Johnson
Cpl Kyle S. Dooley
Lance Cpl. Michael J. Paul
Cpl. David Schuler
Lt. Dillen Andrew Stuhlsatz
P.O. 3Class Gregory H. Ayers
PFC Maulana M. Reid
PFC David Spada
Lt Nathaniel Velico
Capt. Barry Elliott
Sgt. Michael Catron
Joseph Kacko
AM3 Christopher Deimel
Lt. Jr. Grade Brian Gleason
PFC Devin Rizo
PFC Adam Elia-Lucarelli
Cpl. Gabriel Castaneda
A1C E3 Christopher Korleski
Lance Cpl. Michael Joseph Hern
LT. CMDR Charles Johnson
HN Corey Luce
SP4 Brian Herzig
SrA Jeffrey Orban
2nd Lt. Daniel White
Tech Sgt John Werth
Specialist Gerald Squirlock, Jr.
2 CPO James Vanzella
Lt. Zachary West
Sgt. Eddie Alegria
CMDR Dennis Farrell
SPC Michael Smith
HMC David Hartzell
Sgt. James H. MacDonald
Adm. Andrew L. Lewis
Lieut. J.G. Andrew L. Lewis, Jr.
Ens. Thomas Nieporte, III
Seaman Kevin Duffy
1st Lt. John Schettino
Cpl. Frank Spano
1st Lt. Michael Rappe
Lance Cpl. Brett R. Bryant
BM3 Jessica Moran
Lance Cpl Henry Hines
2nd Lt. John Paul Vaders
A1C Nicholas Vaders
Capt Matthew Gibbons
Lt. Patrick Gibbons
Lt. John Paul Gibbons
Ens. Matthew Gibbons
Cpl Stosh K. Fernandez
Col. Amy Ninneman
L Cpl Emilio Luis Otero
Ens. William Parker
Lance Cpl. Edward Parker
Lt. Steven Hollender
MA1(EXW) David J. Garcia
P.O. Joseph Mathews
Major Kevin Gitkos
1st Lt. Mark Schumacher
Cpl. William J. Ward
Please pray for our family members in the service of our country. To have a family member listed please call
the rectory at 954-427-2225.