Welcome to the First Annual Michigan Herpetological Symposium
Welcome to the First Annual Michigan Herpetological Symposium
Welcome to the First Annual Michigan Herpetological Symposium Brought to you by the Michigan Chapter of Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (MIPARC) Possible thanks to the generous support of these organizations: First Annual Michigan Herpetological Symposium AGENDA Friday, February 20th, 2009 9-9:30am Registration/Breakfast 9:30-10am Intro to MIPARC/MWPARC/PARC 10-Noon Topic An overview of the Current status and Trends in Amphibians and Reptiles in Michigan Zoo's Involvement in Herp Conservation The Eastern Foxsnake: conservation and management implications of habitat use at two study sites in Michigan Status of the Six-lined Racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata) in Michigan First State Record of the Northern Two-lined Salamander in Michigan Michigan Turtles: An Update Noon(ish)-1pm 1-1:15pm Edi Sonntag, MSU Speaker David Mifsud, HRM Becky Johnson, Detroit Zoological Institute Kile Kucher and Alicia Selden, Central Michigan University Teresa Yoder, U of M- Flint Nicole Soderberg, U of M - Flint Jim Harding, MSU Lunch Served Group Breakout Session Instructions 1:15-2:00pm Outbreak Sessions 2:00-2:30pm Break and Exhibit Tour 2:30-4:00pm Wrap-up Edi Sonntag Rachel Mifsud (HRM), Bill Flanagan (GVSU), YuMan Lee (MNFI) David Mifsud/Edi Sonntag •There is a donation jar on the registration table if you would be interested in assisting us with supporting MIPARC. •Please fill out the database information sheet. We will only share this information with others in the organization if you agree (last question). The purpose of this sheet is to create a database of experts in Michigan that can be accessed by managers and others to help coordinate efforts and utilize resources wisely. •You will be receiving an email from us next week to ask for your feedback through a Survey Monkey survey, please take a few minutes to help us improve the next meeting •The breakout groups in the afternoon will cover three broad topics (Research, Education, and Management) •The goal of the breakout groups is to identify and prioritize the needs for improving herp conservation in Michigan, please contribute your unique perspective and experience. •During the afternoon break, you will have a chance to visit the Snakes and Lizards ALIVE exhibit here at the center, please take advantage of this opportunity, but please also come back The exhibit is $8 per person. What is PARC? •Federal Agencies •State Agencies •Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) •Researchers/Academics •Industry •Hobbyists/enthusiasts/anyone! •YOU! Mission “To conserve amphibians, reptiles, and their habitats as integral parts of our ecosystem and culture through proactive and coordinated public/private partnerships.” Organizational Plan State Working Groups Federal Coordinator •Ernie Garcia (Ernest_garcia@fws.gov) •US Fish & Wildlife Service •“PARC Federal Agencies Coordinator” •Federal Agencies Steering Committee (FASC) State Coordinator •Pryia Mitchell (pnanjappa@fishwildlife.org) •Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies •“Amphibian & Reptile Coordinator, State Liaison to PARC” •New! Amphibian & Reptile Subcommittee The PARC Model for Conservation Product 1: Issues, scientific principles, stakeholders, etc. Stakeholders, etc. Materials Collaborate across disciplines and affiliations to research and develop materials for print, web, etc. Following up: Product 3: Product 2: Product revision, certification enforcement, continuing education, etc. Rewards, Incentives... Certification, accreditation, branding, signage, MOUs, etc. Trainings/ Conferences: Collaborate across disciplines and affiliations to develop live trainings based on materials or conferences on key issues Identify: Romance: A SUBSET of the Partners Represented by 2 co-chairs on National Steering Committee: •Greg Lipps (greglipps@aol.com) •Karen Kinkead (karen.kinkead@dnr.iowa.gov) Michigan PARC •First State Chapter! Goals: •Focus on State level needs and issues with an eye on the Regional and National Situation •Involve stakeholders in their own backyard – encourage ownership and responsibility •Identify and connect needs and resources •Build a network of herpetologist and managers– encourage communication and collaboration Habitat Management Guidelines •Practical • “Maximizing Compatibility” vs. “Ideal” • User-friendly • Peer-reviewed and Based on sound science MW Guidelines due out this Summer! Inventory & Monitoring Handbook •Peer-recommended Techniques •Forest Servicefunded •“Rapid” vs. “Comprehensive” •Species X Techniques Table In Review (see PARC Website: http://www.parcplace.org/inventory_monitoring) National Taskforce Teams Important Herp Areas – Identify Priority Areas/Habitat •Criteria and Implementation Plan •Regional (or State) Implementation Road Task Force •Partnering with transportation entities RRTH (Relocation, Reintroduction, Translocation, Headstarting) •Guidelines Regional Taskforce Teams Herps and Fire •Developing a well researched, comprehensive white paper discussing issues of burn management and herps Raccoons and Herps •Investigating the impacts of raccoons on herps and management options Herps in Education •Guidelines for Educators on how to use herps as education resources Herps of the Midwest Website (up and running!) •Interactive website with information on regional species Michigan Taskforce Teams We hope to identify these needs today – suggestions welcome and this afternoon we want to hear them! Questions? Thanks to: All the Sponsors Pryia Mitchell (PARC), Sue Sonntag (Caterer), YuMan Lee, Bill Flanagan, Rachel Mifsud, All our great Speaker, and everyone who helped make this meeting happen First Annual Michigan Herpetological Symposium AGENDA Friday, February 20th, 2009 9-9:30am Registration/Breakfast 9:30-10am Intro to MIPARC/MWPARC/PARC 10-Noon Topic An overview of the Current status and Trends in Amphibians and Reptiles in Michigan Zoo's Involvement in Herp Conservation The Eastern Foxsnake: conservation and management implications of habitat use at two study sites in Michigan Status of the Six-lined Racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata) in Michigan First State Record of the Northern Two-lined Salamander in Michigan Michigan Turtles: An Update Noon(ish)-1pm 1-1:15pm Edi Sonntag, MSU Speaker David Mifsud, HRM Becky Johnson, Detroit Zoological Institute Kile Kucher and Alicia Selden, Central Michigan University Teresa Yoder, U of M- Flint Nicole Soderberg, U of M - Flint Jim Harding, MSU Lunch Served Group Breakout Session Instructions 1:15-2:00pm Outbreak Sessions 2:00-2:30pm Break and Exhibit Tour 2:30-4:00pm Wrap-up Edi Sonntag Rachel Mifsud (HRM), Bill Flanagan (GVSU), YuMan Lee (MNFI) David Mifsud/Edi Sonntag