GW12..Z GW12..X - GULIWER Electronics


GW12..Z GW12..X - GULIWER Electronics
GW 121 - GOLEM
Water saving
High hygiene
Contactless control
Simplier adjusted by magnet
Antivandal design
reacts only on usage of urinal (evaluets changes of
temperature inside of urinal)
does not react to standing or passing people
flush time is adjustable in the parameter of 2 - 20 seconds
thanks to permanen magnet
Operating data
GW 12..Z
Power supply
Power input
GW 123 - LIVO
Flushing time
Working pressure
Input of water
Ooutlet water drain
GW 12..X
AC 20 V
4,2 VA
DC 6V (battery)
pulse operation durability cca 2 years
2 ÷ 20 sekund
0,1 ÷ 1 MPa
inside screw G1/2"
armature with seal f50 mm (novodur)
Recommended accessories:
GW 091Z - source AC 20 V for supplying max. 3 pieces of urinals together
GW 092Z - source AC 20 V for supplying max. 5 pieces of urinals together
- lithium 6 V Battery
Guliwer electronics, s.r.o., Dukelských hrdinù 1011, 563 01 Lanškroun, Czech Republic
Tel./fax: +420 465 461 531
Mobil: +420 603 162 962; +420 603 843 695;
http: //
Scheme of wiring and instalation:
assembly holes /
wall plug D14
power supply 20VAC / CYKY 2x0,75
water inlet G1/2
1 - water input
2 - corner valve with filtration netting
3 - connecting hose
4 - electromagnetic valve
5 - outflow with seal
6 - electronics with sensor
7 - el. supply for electronics
8 - ceramic urinal
9 - self-priming trap
10 - waste tube
Recommendation for installation:
- instalation of waterinstalation and electroinstalation must agree with prewritten norms and they
can be done only by skilled persons
- before joining the piping, it is recommended to was input of water from dirt and deposits (it wil
prevent possible damage of electromagnetic valve)
- corner valve with filtration install onto input of water and connect up the hose with electromagnetic
valve (see pict. 1)
- connectors from power source connect to the electromagnetic valve and on terminal unit will
be connected to the supply voltage
- attachment of urinal, input and outpput of water ( the pipe must have ø 50 mm) and input of electric
supply do according to picture 2
Examples of ordering:
GW 121Z
- automatic urinal with power source AC 20 V, electromagnetic valve input and output G 1/2"
GW 121Z-M - automatic urinal with power source AC 20 V, demountable electromagnetic valve input and output G 1/2"
GW 121X
- automatic urinal with power source from 6 V battery
Guliwer electronics, s.r.o., Dukelských hrdinù 1011, 563 01 Lanškroun, Czech Republic
Tel./fax: +420 465 461 531
Mobil: +420 603 162 962; +420 603 843 695;
http: //