GW 021A - GULIWER Electronics


GW 021A - GULIWER Electronics
GW 021A
water saving
high hygiene
contactless water control
non-sensitive to ambient light
non-reactive to people accidentally
moving near the flusher
possibility of installation opposite to
each other
parameters adjusted by remote control
reacts to presence of person standing in front of the sensor in distance to 0,5 m
longer than 7,5 s with automatic rinsing after the leave
non-reactive to people accidentally moving near the flusher
adjustable rinsing time from 1 to 15 s
adjustable closure sensitivity
sensors are possible to install opposite to each other without interactions and non
wanted flushing
possibility of parametr adjustement by remote control (it's not a part of delivery - it's
necessary to order separately)
Technical data
Stainless steel cover
Necessary installation pocket
Supply voltage
Power input
Recommended working pressure
Water flow
Water inlet
Water outlet
174 x 174 x 10 cm
150 x 150 x 80 cm
AC 20 V (DC 24 V)
1,2 W (state of rest)
10,7 W (during closure)
0,5 m
0,1 - 1 MPa
12 l/min.
external thread G 3/4“
external thread G 3/4"
Guliwer electronics, s.r.o., Dukelských hrdinù 1011, 563 01 Lanškroun, Czech Republic
Tel./fax: +420 465 461 535 (sale) +420 465 461 536 (techn. information)
Mobil: +420 603 162 962; +420 603 843 695; e-mail:; http: //
Wiring and assembly diagram
1- supply water pipeline
2- stainless steel cover
3- mounting plastic box
4- sensor sensing zone
5- urinal
6- cable from the power supply
7- electromagnetic valve
8- waste piping
Recommendations for installation
- water and electro installation (in the case of connection with main supply) must agree with specified
technical standards and can be made only by professionally competent persons
- device is installed into the installation pocket cca 200 mm above the urinal on its center line
- devices are possible to install opposite to each other if the distance will be more than 2 m
- on the water supply it's recomended, especially at an old water distribution, the installation of water
- before connection to the water distribution, it's recommended to flush water supply from dirts and
deposits (in order to prevent possible damage of electromagnetic valve)
- the mode of installation is evident from the enclosed diagram
- the sensor sensitivity and the flushing time will be adjusted by the remote control (see GW 081)
Recommended accessories
GW 091Y - external power supply 230/24 V DC, for simultaneous feed of
max. 3 urinal electronic flushers
GW 092Y - external power supply 230/24 V DC, for simultaneous feed of
max. 5 urinal electronic flushers
GW 091Z - external power supply 230/20 V AC, for simultaneous feed of
max. 3 urinal electronic flushers
GW 092Z - external power supply 230/20 V AC, for simultaneous feed of
max. 5 urinal electronic flushers
GW 081 - remote control for the adjustment of sensor sensitivity and of
automatic shut-off water time
Guliwer electronics, s.r.o., Dukelských hrdinù 1011, 563 01 Lanškroun, Czech Republic
Tel./fax: +420 465 461 535 (sale) +420 465 461 536 (techn. information)
Mobil: +420 603 162 962; +420 603 843 695; e-mail:; http: //