Polmonite: quale percorso diagnostico terapeutico
Polmonite: quale percorso diagnostico terapeutico
La polmonite nell’anziano: effetti sulla disabilità e sulla cognitività Piera Ranieri Dirigente Medico U.O. Medicina Responsabile Ambulatorio di Fisiopatologia Respiratoria Istituto Clinico S’Anna, Brescia Gruppo di Ricerca Geriatrica, Brescia CURB-65 (Confusion, BUN, FR, BP-65y) Confusione Azotemia Freq. respiratoria Pressione arteriosa Età (demenza o delirium) (>45 mg/dl) (> 30/min) (PAS<90 o PAD<60mmHg) (65+) score 1 1 1 1 1 Totale _____ Gruppo Mortalità Gruppo 1 Gruppo 2 Gruppo 3 bassa (1,5%): intermedia (9,2%): alta (22,0%): Score Trattamento 0-1 2 3+ Domiciliare Hosp (LOS breve) Hosp (se 4-5: ICU) Indice di severità di polmonite- PSI Caratteristiche dei pazienti anziani ospedalizzati per polmonite (Rozzini et al. 2003) Characteristics, in H and 3-mos mortality rate of 356 Elderly Pts Hospitalized for Pneumonia CAP (N=235) M+SD / N(%) HCAP (N=76) M+SD / N(%) P* HAP (N=45) M+SD /N (%) P†, P‡ Age (years) Gender (males) CPR (mg/dl) Serum Albumin (g/dl) COPD Heart failure (NYHA III-IV) Renal Failure Stroke Cancer Delirium Dementia Charlson Index Drugs (n) Disabled (2 wks before adm) APACHE II-APS CURB-65 (Class 3) Length of stay (days) 81.6+8.2 115 (48.9) 9.4+10.4 3.4+0.6 117 (49.8) 82 (34.9) 56 (24.0) 30 (12.8) 27 (11.5) 46 (19.6) 85 (38.6) 2.9+1.9 6.5+3.2 42 (17.9) 7.3.9+6.2 118 (50.2) 6.7+3.4 81.2+8.9 35 (46.1) 10.3+10.2 3.1+0.6 38 (50.0) 35 (46.1) 26 (35.6) 15 (19.7) 12 (15.8) 17 (22.4) 37 (51.4) 3.2+1.8 7.1+3.5 25 (32.9) 9.8+6.9 42 (55.3) 6.5+3.8 0.785 0.380 0.506 0.009 0.540 0.055 0.038 0.097 0.217 0.353 0.039 0.191 0.244 0.006 0.003 0.263 0.811 78.7+8.5 20 (44.4) 11.7+10.1 2.9+0.6 26 (57.8) 15 (33.3) 12 (27.9) 11 (24.4) 8 (17.8) 18 (40.0) 24 (58.5) 4.1+2.9 8.0+3.6 15 (33.3) 10.9+5.9 28 (62.2) 8.2+5.3 0.033 0.349 0.181 0.000 0.206 0.493 0.356 0.041 0.179 0.004 0.014 0.000 0.009 0.019 0.003 0.094 0.013 0.118 0.507 0.478 0.101 0.261 0.118 0.259 0.349 0.482 0.032 0.100 0.040 0.205 0.557 0.874 0.289 0.050 In hospital mortality Total 3 months mortality 23 (9.8) 65 (27.7) 14 (18.4) 29 (38.2) 0.038 0.011 10 (22.2) 20 (44.4) 0.022 0.389 0.021 0.312 (unpublished data) Polmonite e stato funzionale Rozzini et al. Chest 2011 La dipendenza funzionale premorbosa come indicatore di una condizione “stabile” di fragilità Rozzini, et al. JAGS, 2007 La perdita funzionale come esito di polmonite Hospital diagnoses, Medicare charges, and nursing home admissions in the year when older persons become severely disabled L. Ferrucci, J. M. Guralnik, M. Pahor, M. C. Corti and R. J. Havlik OBJECTIVE: To characterize hospital diagnoses, procedures and charges, and nursing home admissions in the year when older persons become severely disabled, comparing those in whom severe disability develops rapidly with those in whom disability develops gradually. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Characteristics associated with development of severe disability after the fourth annual follow-up, in which the disability is classified as catastrophic disability if the individual did not report any ADL disability in the 2 interviews prior to severe disability onset or as progressive disability if the individual had previous disability in 1 or 2 ADLs. RESULTS: In the year during which severe disability developed, hospitalizations were documented for 72.1% of those developing catastrophic disability and for 48.6% of those developing progressive disability. The 6 most frequent principal discharge diagnoses included stroke, hip fracture, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia in both severe disability subsets. These diagnoses occurred in 49% of those with catastrophic disability and 25% of those with progressive disability. CONCLUSIONS: In the year when they become severely disabled, a large proportion of older persons are hospitalized for a small group of diseases. Hospital-based interventions aimed at reducing the severity and functional consequences of these diseases could have a large impact on reduction of severe disability. JAMA 1997;277:728–734. La perdita funzionale come ulteriore “marker” di vulnerabilità Rozzini, et al. JAGS, 2005 Functional status does not predict mortality in older adults admitted with infection, but change in functional status does. When an acute disease such as infection produces a functional impairment, this condition becomes an index of outcome and sholud be detected to predict poor clinical course Rozzini and Trabucchi JAGS, 2012 JAGS, 2008 Ranieri et al. JAGS 2008 Decadimento cognitivo come fattore di rischio di polmonite Characteristics and 3-months mortality rate of 3300 in patients affected by Low Respiratory Tract Infections (LRI) and dementia. Age (years) Gender (males)(%)* MMSE score GDS score Barthel Index (15 days bef) Barthel Index (on adm) IADL (functions lost) Diseases (n) Charlson Index Drugs (n) APACHE II score APACHE II-APS subscore Serum Albumin (g/dl) Hemoglobin (g/dl) Serum Cholesterol (mg/dl) CPR (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Length of stay (days) 3 mos mortality (%)* Total (N=3300) NoLRI-NoD (N=2566) YLRI-NoD (N=265) NoLRI-YD (N=345) YLRI-YD (N=124) M+SD (%) M+SD (%) M+SD (%) M+SD (%) M+SD (%) 79.2+8.0 (38.3) 21.8+8.5 4.6+3.5 78.7+27.9 60.1+38.1 3.3+2.9 5.1+2.0 5.3+1.8 5.7+2.9 10.6+5.9 4.4+5.2 3.7+0.7 12.5+2.3 187.3+53.3 4.4+7.4 1.1+0.7 6.5+3.7 78.4+7.7 (24.5) 24.9+4.4 4.6+3.5 86.5+19.8 71.8+32.2 2.6+2.6 5.1+1.9 5.0+1.7 5.4+2.6 9.1+4.9 3.1+3.9 3.8+0.6 12.6+2.3 192.2+51.9 2.9+5.7 1.1+0.6 6.5+3.6 80.0+8.2 (24.5) 23.4+4.9 4.2+3.1 76.2+26.6 48.6+37.1 3.4+2.9 5.3+2.0 5.5+1.9 6.2+3.3 13.7+4.9 6.1+5.1 3.4+0.6 12.2+2.2 162.8+49.6 9.1+10.4 1.3+0.8 7.8+4.1 83.2+7.7 (24.5) 4.5+4.7 --45.7+34.5 22.0+29.2 6.3+2.4 5.2+2.2 5.8+2.1 5.8+3.1 13.0+6.8 6.5+6.4 3.3+0.7 12.0+2.5 175.4+53.5 7.3+9.6 1.2+1.0 5.8+4.0 83.4+8.4 (19.3) 3.7+4.4 --30.2+28.7 5.5+14.2 7.0+1.6 5.4+2.3 6.5+2.2 6.9+3.0 18.3+6.6 10.9+6.9 3.1+0.6 11.9+2.5 160.9+52.5 11.1+9.1 1.4+1.1 5.4+3.9 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.155 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.142 0.001 0.194 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 (13.9) (9.0) (14.7) (35.4) (54.0) 0.001 p JAMDA, 2008 n=2566 n=265 n=345 n=124 JAMDA, 2008 Delirium e polmonite Rozzini et al.2011 Rozzini et al. Chest 2011 Disabilità cognitiva pre-morbosa Disabilità funzionale pre-morbosa Delirium POLMONITE IN OSPEDALE Delirium Ulteriore peggioramento della disabilità funzionale Ulteriore peggioramento delle prestazioni cognitive PROGNOSI NEGATIVA a breve e lungo termine Hospitalized CAP are associated with many deaths outside the time frame normally considered in this otherwise acute disease. They may support the hypothesis that pneumonia is an epiphenomenon of a preexisting condition, i.e. of reduced vitality (as indicated by higher prevalence of disability two weeks before admission); on the contrary we assist to the possibility of an independent pathological event induced by pneumonia itself. In the first case it would be rather difficult to reduce mortality hazard in old patients after pneumonia due to the frailty of the subjects, while in the second case interventions became object of specific studies. Ours data indicate that clinicians must take in consideration the poor outcomes of old pneumonia patients predisposing the most appropriate care. On the same time we are well aware that the available instruments to reduce mortality are very poor and that studies should be urgently performed to give a more precise direction to our therapeutic efforts. Improved understanding of the poor long-term prognosis associated with CAP is needed to modify the dismal outcome of this common disease in elderly patients. Rozzini & Trabucchi (2011) Vi ringrazio per l’attenzione