Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne Schizophrenia A social perspective. Situation in Poland Report developed with the support of a grant from Janssen a renioung h p izo ay Sch idered sease ns di is co ople's pe Schizophrenia incidence is estimated at around 15 cases per 100 000 people per year Average age at diagnosis Schizophrenia: young people's tragedy. AGE 27 Twice as likely in men Schizophrenia. Exclusion from the job market. 3 % 72% of those working at diagnosis have since lost employment wi liz o9 a ti up t ons 93% th 5 o r m o re p hos it a res. a. reni penditu x zoph Schi le the e Doub The more hospitalizations, the higher the risk of job loss 58% collect disability benefits 907,20 mln pln ZUS job disability expenditures 446,90 mln pln NHF health service expenditures