May 2016 Newsletter


May 2016 Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 1
May 2016
BY: JOHN D THOMPSON, Desalination Company of Trinidad &
Tobago Ltd.
Dear Members,
The Caribbean is seeing harsh drought conditions this year as an “El Nino” effect and
possibly because of climate change. Desalination technology continues to become
increasingly used worldwide as a solution to the challenge of providing new sources of
potable water. With “Developing and Affording New Water Sources” as its theme, we are
now excitedly looking forward to the 31 May to 3 June, 2016 Biennial CaribDA Conference at
the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Centre, Trinidad. More details are included in this
edition of the CaribDA Newsletter.
CaribDA Recognizes Bill
Anderson…………..…………………… 2
Humanitarian Committee
Meeting ……………………………….... 2
CaribDA YLP………………………….. 3
2016 Biennial Conf. & Expo……… 3
Special Thanks to the Sponsors
and Exhibitors………………………... 4
IDA Updates……..………………….... 5
CaribDA: SWRO Desalination
Analysis 2015………………………….. 6-7
John D. Thompson
CaribDA President
BY: MARIO TREVINO, Avista Technologies, Inc.
With great enthusiasm, we start a new year with our most important event, our Biennial
2016 CaribDA Conference and Exposition held in Trinidad where you will learn about our
most recent sponsors and technical papers.
It is my pleasure to inform you that we have the biggest line-up for the 2016 - 2018 Board of
Directors nominations in CaribDA history. I highly recommend you review our nominees
and prepare to vote.
There is no doubt that our new journey in upcoming years will be interesting for the
academic community. I am certain they will find interest in exploring the “Caribbean
Desalination Association YLP Group” that has just been launched!
In regards to our upcoming events to be held in Mexico; We have the AMTA Monterrey City
2-day workshop and AQUATEC Mexico City Business Expo. It brings me immense
satisfaction that CaribDA led the way last year by presenting for the first time in Mexico the
Technology Transfer workshop in CANCUN Mexico's Caribbean Region, with a high volume
Allow me to close, by offering my sincere gratitude to our many members for their support,
opportunities and the new challenges offered to our heart industry: Desalination.
Generic vs. Specialty Cleaners..... 7-8
Avista® Technologies
Introduces Advisor™CI……………. 8
Membership Report..…………..….. 9
Membership Spotlight:
TSG Water Resources…...…………. 10
New Members…………………...……. 10
Upcoming Events………..……...….. 11
Board Members…...…..……….……. 11
Share your experiences with others!
Take this opportunity to place your
company or plant in the news!
Member contributions are welcomed.
Please contact us by email at:
Please contact us if you are interested
in joining the editorial staff.
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 2
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “What’s up with the Denny sign in the background?” Well,
if you know Bill, it makes a lot of sense. Bill and I met in 1992 installing the Ionics SRWO
plant in Santa Barbara where it rained almost every day for the six months we were
installing and commissioning the plant (so much so that all the surrounding reservoirs
were 95%+ full at the ribbon cutting ceremony). I was lucky enough to have Bill join our
team when we purchased Aqua Design a few years ago and then later heading our
operations in the Caribbean. When I left for ERI, Bill was the first person I thought of to
help us turn a struggling company around and set it on a good footing, so I convinced him
to join us and head our customer service operations there. I don’t know of a single other
person who knows the technology as well and/or cares more about his clients and the
people working with him, or works harder in this or any other industry. During all the
time I have known Bill, no matter where we might be working, if there was a Denny’s
nearby, that’s where you would find Bill come mealtime. While we were installing and
commissioning the RO Plant at Aqualectra, I believe he set a record at the Denny’s in
Curacao for most meals eaten in a six month period. So that’s what’s up with the Denny
sign, because if you know Bill you know that’d be his choice for lunch.
Bill thinks he might be able to return to being active in CaribDA again in a year or so and as most of you know that would be great
news because he has worked hard for the organization.
Please visit us online at
Professionals LLC
All CaribDA members interested in being part of the CaribDA
Humanitarian committee are encouraged to join and
participate on this conference call.
The purpose of the meeting is to establish goals, priorities and
identify potential efforts the committee might work toward.
The Humanitarian Committee is responsible for creating and
conducting programs and events focused on areas of concern
to the CaribDA Membership and to promote humanitarian
interest in the region specific to desalination, water reuse and
other related endeavors of interest to the Association.
A GoToMeeting conference call has been scheduled for
Friday, 13th May 2016 at 3:30 EST.
CaribDA Humanitarian Committee - Conference Call
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States:
+1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code:
Please contact Shawn Meyer-Steele at if you
have any questions or are interested in
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 3
BY: MONICA BOODHAN, The University of Trinidad and Tobago
KARLENE SINGH, Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.
The Launch and Kick-Off Meeting is scheduled during the
CaribDA 2016 Biennial Conf. & Expo
YLP Poster Session in the Exhibit Hall, Regency Ballroom
Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Wednesday, 1st June 2016 – 12:00-1:30 pm
Other members may be invited to join at the official launch.
CaribDA’s Young Leaders Program (YLP) is off to a great start and we are looking forward to getting things
officially kicked-off at the CaribDA 2016 Biennial Conference & Exposition in Trinidad. To keep young
professionals, students and other interested parties ‘in the know’, the Group’s Facebook page “Caribbean
Desalination Association YLP Group” has been launched! This tool will be used to promote the YLP’s activities
and events, share notable desalination industry news and invite new members to join. It is not limited to
CaribDA’s YLP Members only so please join in by “Liking” the page and sharing with friends and associates.
We also invite readers, especially tertiary level students in Engineering or other technical fields throughout the
Caribbean, Latin America and elsewhere, to get involved by becoming members of the Caribbean Desalination
Click image to view
Find out more by emailing either YLP Committee Chairs:
Karlene Singh –
Monica Boodhan –
CaribDA Membership Coordinator Connie Allen –
Click Here or images on right to visit the CaribDA YLP online:
BY: JOHN D THOMPSON, Desalination Company of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd.
CaribDA’s Biennial Conference with the theme of “Developing and Affording New Water Sources” is
now only two months away. Thank you to those sponsors who have already signed up. There are
now limited opportunities remaining for further sponsors plus exhibition booths. We have an
interesting line-up of presentations and student posters for the event plus an exhibition hall and
many networking opportunities including cocktail sessions at the Hyatt and offsite dinner events.
Following the abstracts that have already been received and accepted, the deadline for submissions
for presentations and posters for the biennial conference is fast approaching – we look forward to
receiving your submissions. The conference includes an offer of a special rate for a relaxing weekend
following the conference in Tobago at the Coco Reef hotel which is a beautiful Caribbean styled beach
resort conveniently close to Tobago’s airport.
Click Here to visit us online for more
information and registration.
1/2-day Operator Training Pre-Conf. Workshop
31st May 2016
(details coming soon)
Attendee Registration is now open!
CaribDA 2016 Conference & Exposition
“Developing and Affording New Water Sources”
31st May – 3rd June 2016
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Online Attendee
Registration Form
Click image for full details and
registration information
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 4
SUEZ Treatment Solutions, SAU
Sea Level Systems, LLC
McCann Disciplines
Curacao Calcium
American Water Chemicals, Inc.
Desalination Company of Trinidad &
Tobago Ltd.
International Desalination Association
Avista Technologies, Inc.
Blue Energy Alliance
LG Water Solutions
Caribbean Desalination Association
(CaribDA) YLP
Dow Water & Process Solutions
Pall Corporation
CASL Group - Caribbean Analytical
Services Ltd.
Florida Aquastore & Utility
Construction, Inc.
Republic Bank Ltd.
Fluidra USA LLC
Seven Seas Water Corporation
Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.
GE Water & Process Technologies
Toray Membrane USA, Inc.
Curacao Calcium
Georg Schunemann GmbH
Water Tech Sales and Consulting, Inc.
Danfoss High Pressure Pumps RO
H2O Innovation
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 5
IDA International Conference on Water Reuse and Recycling: Turning Vision into Reality
Announcing IDA’s first conference focused on Water Reuse to be held 25-27 September 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la
Méditeranée in Nice, France.
This international conference on Water Reuse and Recycling covers leading edge strategies and technology for advanced municipal
and industrial water reuse programs.
IDA 2017 World Congress
The International Desalination Association (IDA) announced today it has selected São Paulo, Brazil as the site for its 2017 World
Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse. The event will take place in the second half of 2017; specific dates and details about the
venue are currently being finalized.
The International Water Summit in Abu Dhabi
IWA 18-22 October 2015, Dead Sea, Jordan
Leaders from IDA traveled to Jordan in October to join over 1000 water professionals at the International Water Association (IWA)
World Congress. IDA was a strategic partner of the event.
Representing IDA were Emilio Gabbrielli, IDA President; Patricia Burke, IDA Secretary General; Shannon McCarthy, IDA 1st Vice
President; and Leon Awerbuch, IDA Director and Dean of the IDA Desalination Academy, who met with Ger Bergkamp, IWA
Executive Director; Keith Robertson, Innovation & Learning Director at IWA; and João Grilo, IWA Conference Programme Manager.
IDA leaders also presented several sessions at the Congress including:
 Water Security: Desalination and Water Reuse
 Introduction of the IDA and the status and trends of Desalination and Water Reuse industry
 Water Security and the Role of Non- Conventional Water Resources in National Water Sustainability Programs
 Different Procurement Models for Desalination Projects (DBO vs BOT, etc.),
 Lessons Learned from Desalination and Advance Water Reuse Projects in Emerging Economies
 Issues and Considerations for Selecting Pretreatment of Desalination Plant in Aqaba
 The use of FRP-Fiberglass Pipe System in Water Applications and Brine Discharge
 Water-Energy Nexus, New Solutions for Solar Desalination
IDA Desalination Academy and MASDAR has formed a collaboration to conduct training courses focused on the development of
seawater desalination technologies that can be powered by renewable energy sources and planning desalination systems with minimal
environmental impact. During the Abu Dhabi International Water Summit (IWS), the IDA Desalination Academy/ MASDAR held a
two-day course at the Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi Yas Island on 20 and 21 January 2016, entitled “Renewable Energy and Environment
in Desalination”.
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 6
BY: MARIO TREVINO, Avista Technologies, Inc.
LAUREN THOMAS, Seven Seas Water Corporation
The Desalination Market in 2015 in the Caribbean Region, as the rest of the world, has decelerated with the lowest new contract
capacity since 2014. There is no region protected from the financial crisis and global economic impact of the last couple of years.
Because seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) has been the dominant technology utilized in contracts awarded in the past 10 years,
this report will only cover SWRO, without minimizing the importance of the other desalination technologies.
Against all odds, the achievements in 2015 in our region are inspiring. Within a year, our research resulted in the realization that
there are more desalination plants in the Caribbean than the 156 reported in 2014, and we have a record today of 240 desalination
operating plants, including SWRO plants from Cancun and Riviera Maya: the Mexican Caribbean Region. Today the overall
Caribbean has a total potential desalination capacity of 713,437 m3/d (188.52 MGD)
2015 Technology Capacity:
We received information of more existing desalination sites around the Caribbean by collecting information at our 2015 seminars,
as well from Companies and Organizations within the Desalination Industry. The information continues to be filtered, verified and
completed, but we feel we are nearer to an accurate database of operating facilities. Our mission is to be to be consistent in
evaluating ways to deliver reliable and valuable reporting of the different desalination technologies applied in the region, such as
Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO), Brackish Water RO (BWRO), Multiple Effect Distillation (MED), Multi Stage Flash
Distillation (MEF) and Electro Dialysis (ED).
SWRO Caribbean Capacity
SWRO Caribbean Islands Capacity
661.000 | 661,000
174.64 | 174,64
SWRO Cancun Mexico Capacity
52.437 | 52,437
13.88 | 13,88
Total Capacity of Distilled Water
713.437 | 713,437
188.52 | 188,52
Total SWRO Capacity
We will have additional reporting and input in the near future with the participation of our Latin American CaribDA Members from
the border of the Caribbean coast of Mexico, Central America, Columbia and Venezuela. The Chart above includes the Caribbean
Islands and the Cancun, Riviera Maya at the Mexican Caribbean region. Solely on SWRO Desalination Plants.
SWRO Permeate Consumer
Municipal and Government
Industry, Textile and Produces
Tourist Resorts Facilities
Power Stations Facilities
Military Categories
Irrigation Categories
Total SWRO Permeate
SWRO Current Capacity of Finance Agreements Contracts:
Below is an overview of the major players in the Caribbean and Mexico currently providing financial agreements for the supply of
treated water.
In the Caribbean Islands:
Aquatech - EPC
Consolidated Water – EPC / IWP
GE Water & Process Technologies – EPC / IWP / BOO
Seven Seas Water – BOO / DBOOT
Veolia – EPC / DBO
Xylem- EPC
In Mexico’s Caribbean Region
Severn Trent - EPC
Altus Capital Partners - EPC
(Continued on page 7)
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 7
BY: MARIO TREVINO, Avista Technologies, Inc.
LAUREN THOMAS, Seven Seas Water Corp.
(Continued from page 6)
Growth Potential in 2016
The predicted growth in construction or planning is estimated at 6,785 m3/d (1.79
MGD) as compared to the 36,332m3/d (8.12MGD) in 2015. This growth rated only
for the Caribbean Island, Mexican SWRO’s plants are not included.
Under Construction:
Cayman Islands/Lower Valley:
3,000 m3/d
St. Marteen:
3,785 m3/d
( 1.0 MGD)
2016 Caribbean Regional Opportunities
On SWRO Desalination the Municipal and Industrial Utilities, such as power
generation and refining, are the most important customers today. There will be a
primary need for operators to gain education and training to obtain the most out of
SWRO Systems. Also, this slowdown could help for old or new technologies to
look up, recover, advance and arise in the near future as innovative or
improved alternatives beside the membrane technologies.
The Caribbean Desalination Association mission is to develop and promote
the appropriate use of desalination technology and water reuse in the
Caribbean Region. In keeping with its mission, CaribDA see’s the importance
to recognize the involvement of each of one of the Individuals, Companies,
Members and Affiliate Organizations that have been actively participating in
supporting our Association, by creating platforms of learning, collaboration,
and networking engagements to obtain and distribute reliable quality
Saint Maarten / Point Blanche 1MGD Expansion
Progress / Seven Seas Water
Cayman Island / Lower Valley Train / Consolidated Water
Cleaning of membrane systems is an inevitable task faced by
water treatment plant operators. The nature by which
membrane systems operate leads to fouling and scaling of the
membrane systems. When system performance deteriorates
below acceptable levels, operators and municipalities are left
with a decision, do I use generic cleaning chemicals or do I use
a specialty membrane cleaner?
As with most items, this decision usually comes down to raw
material cost. But what are you losing out by not utilizing
specialty cleaners? We will try to explore the benefits and
drawbacks of each type of cleaner so that next time you are
faced with the decision, you can make an informed decision
that is best for your plant.
Cleaning of membrane systems is a normal part of plant
operation. Cleaning frequency can range from as often as
weekly in some extreme cases to longer than every 5 years.
Each membrane manufacturer has a published guideline for
the cleaning of their membranes. The solutions typically
consist of raw commercially available chemicals deemed
compatible with their membranes.
For each scaling and fouling scenario, the membrane
manufacturer gives a specific type and concentration of
chemical to use. But how do you know what type of scaling and
fouling your plant has? This is one of the drawbacks to using
generic cleaners.
You must make an educated guess based on historical cleaning
data and raw water data to determine what type of cleaner to
use. Specialty cleaners are typically provided by specialty
chemical companies who focus on membrane treatment, such
as your current antiscalant supplier.
A good specialty chemical company should have the ability to
perform membrane autopsies and cleaning studies, to identify
the scalant/foulant and the appropriate cleaning protocol. By
identifying the scalant/foulant, the cleanings will typically be
more productive and reduce the time required to complete the
Membranes represent about 10% of the initial cost and up to
25% of the operational cost of a membrane system. Premature
(Continued on page 8)
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 8
(Continued from page 7)
replacement of the membranes is very expensive, so effective
and safe cleanings are paramount. With generic cleaners, you
must handle the individual chemicals in a safe manner and
mix them in a precise ratio.
Exposing the membrane system to a cleaning solution with a
pH too high or too low, may cause irreversible membrane
damage. Specialty cleaners are buffered to achieve and
maintain a target pH to avoid possible membrane damage.
Specialty cleaners were designed to be membrane compatible
and contain multiple components, including dispersants to
help lift and remove matter from the membrane surface.
Membrane cleaners are a necessary part of the healthcare of a
membrane system. Whether you prefer generic or specialty
cleaners, you will inevitably use them. The next time your
system is ready for a cleaning, talk to your preferred specialty
chemical vendor. You may be surprised at how reasonable the
cost is. When you consider the greater effectiveness, and the
safety, of both pH buffering and handling, the specialty
cleaners may serve a greater value.
Please contact for more information.
BY: MARIO TREVINO, Avista Technologies, Inc.
Advisor™Ci offers a revolutionary way of calculating chemical dosing and exceeds
industry standards related to scale prediction. This software calculates
temperature correction factors and saturation potential of a feedwater based on the
free concentration of ions, or complex ion formation, overcoming a critical
weakness in contemporary indices that consider the total analytical value, which
typically includes ions that are bonded.
With confidence, water treatment system designers, OEM’s, and end users can
forecast precise chemical dosing and use rates for all of their membrane system
chemical needs that achieve maximum recovery from even the most stressed
Learn More
Avista Technologies, Inc. Global Headquarters
Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd
140 Bosstick Boulevard
13 Nasmyth Square, Houstoun Industrial Estate
San Marcos, California 92069
Livingston, EH54 5GG
United States
United Kingdom
Click image to view online
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 9
BY: DAVID MAINGOT, LG Water Solutions
Hello CairbDA members, hope you all have had a great start to 2016 and are preparing for our upcoming
conference just a few months away. Since our last newsletter in December, we have added 14 new
members and our total membership now stands at 170, welcome to all our new members! We are
approaching our goal of 250 members and we need you help to recruit, the association is only as
strong as its membership base. We would especially like to see a greater participation for the
Municipal Water Authorities, especially those in markets where desalination is the primary source of
potable water, so if you know anyone in these Municipal organizations, please invite them to join.
There is also a fair amount of RO used in various industrial applications throughout our region and
we would also like to encourage these businesses to join us as members and at the conference this
year so please reach out to them. One last item, if you have not already renewed you membership, I
encourage you to please do so ASAP as we will be removing anyone who has not renewed by March
10th from the membership roll. I look forward to seeing everyone at the conference in Trinidad.
Since Our Last Newsletter We Have Welcomed 14 New Members!
Mandy Cavanaugh
Coleman Filter Company, LLC
Carme Marine
Fluidra USA LLC
Dan Cohee
Blue Energy Alliance Company
Carlos Prado
J. D'Alba
Sun Fresh Water, LLC
Toni Prats
Fluidra USA LLC
Jeana Farrow
Coleman Filter Company, LLC
Deryck Raymond
ROCON Services (Bermuda) Ltd.
Laura Gallindo
Mark Said
Pacific Aqua Technologies, Inc.
Eric Kadaj
Energy Recovery, Inc.
George St. Pierre
Sun Fresh Water, LLC
Chris Larsen
Blue Energy Alliance Company
Brian Whittemore
Southeast Industrial Sales
We Need Your Input for the CaribDA News
 Share your experiences with others; member contributions are welcomed.
 Take this opportunity to place your company or plant in the news
 If you would like to take a more active role and become a newsletter committee member,
please contact us at
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 10
TSG is a provider of quality services for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment
facilities in the Caribbean and Mexico. TSG’s primary client base is the resort industry, but TSG does some work for governments as
Many resorts in the Caribbean and Mexico are located in
areas where there is no available municipal service for
“liquid utilities” such as water and wastewater treatment.
When this is the case, TSG, through its various field offices
in multiple countries, provide much needed services for
these clients.
From its Home Office in Gainesville, Florida, TSG provides
design-build and EPC solutions for both new developments
and existing properties for desalination and wastewater
treatment systems. Having been a manufacturer of quality
membrane desalination and membrane-based wastewater
treatment equipment since 1998, TSG is well known for the
supply of the highest quality equipment in their markets.
The Home Office in Gainesville, Florida also provides
engineering and technology support to the TSG network of
field offices and clients, as well as procurement of
consumables and parts. Together, these services from the Home
Office, when paired with the services of TSG’s field office
staff who operate and maintain its clients’ plants 24/7, provide completely reliable water and wastewater utility services and protection of the client’s investment for these critical parts of
their on-site infrastructure.
TSG operates treatment facilities currently in 6 countries with facility sizes ranging from 10,000 gallons per day (GPD) to over 1
million GPD for both potable water as well as wastewater. Since 1998, TSG has installed nearly 100 desalination and wastewater
treatment systems ranging in size from 5,000 GPD to more than 1.5 million GPD in over 8 countries and operates a significant
portion of those.
On the wastewater side, TSG specializes in membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology to provide solutions that create high-quality
effluent water suitable for irrigation, with clean, odor-free and quiet operations suitable for the resort environment. As to
membrane desalination, TSG provides not only “standard” solutions but also decidedly “custom” solutions to meet the differing
needs of our clients, inclusive of integration of the newest alternative energy technologies.
From concept to completion, with clients and partners, TSG brings our core values of Passion, Integrity, Service, Teamwork,
Flexibility and Innovation to every project, service and endeavor, for TSG believes this to be the best path to success for ourselves
and our stakeholders.
Volume 6, Issue 1
Page 11
31 May 2016
1/2-day Operator Training
Pre-Conf. Workshop
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Port of Spain, Trinidad
31 May - 3 June 2016
2016 Biennial Conference & Expo.
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Port of Spain, Trinidad
3 June 2016
CaribDA Board Meeting
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Port of Spain, Trinidad
BY: MARIO TREVINO, Avista Technologies, Inc.
DESAL 2016 ALADyR (Asociacion Latinoamericana de Desalacion y Reuso de Agua)
Santiago Chile, Oct. 5 - 7, 2016
Info at: Cristel Guajardo Sponsorship
+56 2 2652 1575
Mexico City, Mexico, Oct. 26 - 28, 2016
info at:
AMTA/ALADyR Technology Transfer
Monterrey City, Mexico, Nov. 1 -3, 2016
Contact: Judy Widmeier (772) 463 0820
Click Here for more information.
More publications can also be found on the CaribDA Website under the Resources tab.
Click images for full publications.
FuturENVIRO E-Edition
March 2016
CWWA Newsletter - January 2016
Page 12
Please email your ad in a camera ready form, an eps file, or high
resolution jpg format only to
Check Us Out On The Web!
1 issue
2 issues
3 issues
4 issues
Business Card
(1/8 page)
3.75” x 2.25”
¼ Page
3.75” x 5”
½ Page
3.75” x 10.5” or 8” x 5”
Job Board Posting
Complimentary For Members And Available At A Fee
For Non-Members
Board of Directors
Desalination Company of
Trinidad and Tobago Limited
Gerard Pereira
(Vice President)
Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.
Paul Choules
Water Cycle, LLC
David Maingot
LG Water Solutions
Manuel Pereira
(Past President)
Jerry Matteo
Water Tech Sales and Consulting, Inc. 787-601-6694
Shawn Meyer-Steele 2014-2016
Lauren Thomas
Seven Seas Water Corporation
Mario Trevino
Avista Techlogies, Inc.

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