SSDSmart Solar Desalination
SSDSmart Solar Desalination
SSD Smart Solar Desalination - WOR New PV-Smart RO (Reverse Osmosis Desalination) system Modularity of the SSD system DU RO CT Modularity in quantity of potable water produced The system has been dimensioned for 48 m3/h of potable water: the scale up is modular with the formula n x 48 m3/h. Modularity in quality of water produced The smart RO desalination process is the core of the system, in case of higher quality of water (DEMI or UltraPure Water) the system can be easily integrated as a module in input of the other processes. In case of lower quality of water (desalinated for agriculture and not potable) the SSD configuration shall be without the potabilization “module”. Modularity in quality of water to be treated The desalination process has been dimensioned with a quality of salt water with 35,000 ppm of salt concentration. In case of brackish water, the salt content is much less than 35,000 and the technical requirements of the RO process are less critical: SSD system shall be simply less complex in the desalination process and it will be cheaper. In case of salt concentration higher than 35,000 ppm, it is necessary to make a detailed study for the RO membranes, respecting the modularity in output of the system. An higher salt concentration means more energy required per m3 of desalted water: SSD will be more competitive in cost efficiency of fresh water generation, especially for remote areas. EW DN P BRAN LD SSD Smart Solar Desalination Patent Reg. No.: PD2014A000251 World-New PV Smart RO (Reverse Osmosis Desalination) system BISoN Bifacial Tracker KEY FEATURES SSD (Solar Smart Desalination) system, as a world-brand new product for solar water purification based on Reverse Osmosis (RO) SSD has been specially designed and optimized for off-grid configuration, using photovoltaic (PV) Bifacial High-efficiency Modules with sun tracker, combined with Genset and small UPS for back–up purpose only, in order to guarantee the delivery of purified water 24/7. The optimization of the RO Desalination process and the PV Power Generation design adapted to different power requirements of Desalination Process, combined to an optimized storage of water, releases a patent pending, innovative and cost-effective water purification system, maximizing the use of solar energy to produce directly purified water and minimizing the storage of electricity in the batteries and the fuel consumption at the Genset. Converter DC AC Smart RO GEN SET (Back-up) HPS (Batteries) POTABLE WATER (48m3/h) MODULAR SYSTEM (n x 48m3/h) SSD strenghts: BISoN Bifacial Tracker Needs less energy by fossil fuel or stored in batteries required for water production Release more desalined water to be stored, with increasing of immediate availability Reduces Genset mantainence at minimum level (sensibly less working hours) Requires less battery packs Converter DC AC Smart RO GEN SET (Back-up) HPS (Batteries) POTABLE WATER (48m3/h) Copyright © 2014, MegaEngineering S.r.l. and/ or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced for any purpose wi thout our prior written permission. MegaEngineering Srl Via Postumia 9B 35010 Carmignano di Brenta (PD) - ITALY Tel +39 049 8257949 Fax +39 049 9431990 SSD is optimized in order to work with BBT (BISoN Bifacial Tracker) technology Bifacial High-efficiency Photovoltaic Modules produced by MegaCell engineered with BISoN technology and installed on single-axis tracker with specific design, is the best option especially for desert-areas with dust and sand deposition on the PV module surfaces. SSD, can reduce definitively the working hours of the Genset and Batteries, optimizing the lifetime of the back–up Generation System. REV 2_15 High Efficiency Bifacial PV Modules (SSD-BBT system) 20,4% front efficiency, 25,5% total efficiency with 30% rear PV modules side contribution and lower LCOE Modular system n x 48 m3/h of fresh water Short Payback time for SSD / SSD-BBT system In case of stand-alone configuration (off-grid system), the payback period is no more than 3-4 years Made In Italy Engineered and produced in Italy Energy delivered to site (fossil fuel) sharply reduced Energy delivered to the desalination plant site reduced of more than 87%, from 2,98 kWhe/m3 to 0,37 kWhe/m3 Lower mantainance 4x more durability of GENSET with SSD International Patent Pending system designed by dedicated and experienced R&D engineering team International Patent registration filed at the Padova (Italy) Chamber of Commerce - Reg. No.: PD2014A000251 No reproduction of any kind is allowed. Data and information are subject to modifications without notice. © MegaEngineering Srl REV 2_15 SSD New PV-Smart RO (Reverse Osmosis Desalination) system New PV-Smart RO (Reverse Osmosis Desalination) system Performance comparison between a Standard RO and SSD (incl. Electrical Generator back-up) Sea Water specification (TDS) Smart RO desalination plant (SSD) configuration PV Plant Smart configuration UPS Tot. Dissolved Solids ppm RO - Nominal Power kw Water Hourly production m /h Water daily production m3/day Yearly Production m3/yr 35.000 206 416 48 48 1.152 1.152 324.864 311.040 kWp -- 340 -- -- Bifacial “BISoN” Racking system -- -- Single-axis tracker Energy per kWp (kWh/year)/ kWp -- 1.643 Energy Storage (Batteries OPZV) kWh -- 400 GENSET Nominal Power kW 300 75 Energy used from fossil (DIESEL) Water 35.000 PV Power Installed (Back-up Diesel Electrical Generator) GENSET Daily consumption Energy Consumption Bill (including DIESEL) kWhe/day 3.247 857 106 kWhe/m3 2,98 0,37 USD/year 0,45 0,45 434.917 51.637 Volume of Fresh Water 0 12 24 Volume of Fresh Water 0 TIME (h) 12 24 TIME (h) Water cost comparison between a Standard RO system and SSD system off-grid Standard RO 425 Liters DIESEL/day USD/kWhe Smart RO (SSD) system Smart RO (SSD) Pv Solar Cell type GENSET Energy consumption for Potable 3 Standard RO system POWER (kW) Standard RO Smart Solar Desalination POWER (kW) SSD Smart Solar Desalination Smart RO (SSD) Delivered Energy (based on DIESEL price at 1,80 USD/liter) USD/m3 1,339 0,166 Labour on Desalination Plant 3 USD/m 0,100 0,105 Chemicals for Desalination PLant USD/m3 0,071 0,072 Wearing and Spare parts for Desalination Plant USD/m3 0,061 0,062 Actualized Maintenance cost on Power Generation USD/m 0,055 0,048 Insurance on Generation Plant (only for PV at 2,56 USD/kWp) USD/m -- 0,002 Depreciation costs (based on the lifetime of 20 years) 3 USD/m 0,057 0,239 USD/m3 1,684 0,694 TOTAL UNIT COST OF WATER 3 3 PV-Smart RO (SSD - Smart Solar Desalination) process BISoN Bifacial Tracker Converter DC GENSET (Back-up) AC Water Storage HPS (Batteries) BUFFER uv PRE FILTERING FEEDING PUMP POTABLE WATER (1152 m3/day) EDR SMART RO POTABILIZATION & DISTRIBUTION High volume of water stored Business model flexible and customer oriented The winning point is the possibility to store water processed instead of energy into batteries. In the smart RO, the sun directly goes in the desalination process without storage in batteries. The big tank of desalted water has the double scope to optimize the renewable energy generation process and to guarantee the water availability. The role of the back-up system is not to store energy, but optimize all the energy not used by the Smart Reverse Osmosis (RO). Turnkey solutions (up to 5000 m3/day SSD system) MegaCell Engineering offers the turnkey solution to end customers for SSD system (basic version and plus version), including: • Design of the best system according the customer requirements and local resources (water and sun) • The Smart Energy generation process tools including the SCADA system for the entire plant management • The Smart Desalination plant and final treatment plant according to the customer needs (Potabilization, DEMI, Ultrapure) • Salt (or brackish) water feeding plant to the SSD • Processed water distribution system to the final users • Supervision during installation and commissioning • Training package for O&M for on-site technicians • Remote monitoring of the system for O&M optimization • O&M contract including remote monitoring Tailored solutions • MegaCell Engineering offers also packages tailored on customer requirements, like: 1. Design of the best system according the customer requirements and local resources (water and sun) 2. The detailed design of the Smart Desalination plant, giving the technical specification of the tools for the water process
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